LOCAL BAND ON THE RISE PAGE 3 merrittherald.com
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Protesters against biosolids and the driver of a Timbro Contracting truck hauling greenhouse equipment were locked in a stalemate at the Shulus fire hall on Highway 8 Wednesday. Timbro is the parent company of BioCentral, which operates a biosolids composting facility on Sunshine Valley Road West. Protesters say the facility is a source of nuisance odour and noise, and they are concerned about possible contamination of water sources if other cities’ composted biosolids are used on the land. On Monday, BioCentral voluntarily and indefinitely suspended importing biosolids to the Nicola Valley until First Nations and government officials can reach an agreement on the use of biosolids locally. After hours of negotiation between RCMP, local First Nations leaders, representatives of the Friends of the Nicola Valley anti-biosolids group and the company’s management, the truck (and its driver) turned around at about 2 p.m.
Photo by Ian Webster/Herald
Water, garbage collection rates increasing By Michael Potestio THE HERALD
To ensure the well doesn’t run dry, the City of Merritt is increasing fees for water and garbage services. At its regular meeting Tuesday, city council unanimously adopted amendment bylaws to increase garbage collection rates by 10 per cent along with a 10 per cent increase to water user rates, and an additional $20 per parcel to the water parcel tax. On average, Merritt residents can expect to pay an additional $100 per month starting at the
end of April. Garbage collection fees are going up to offset the recently increased charge for solid waste disposal by the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, and water user rates are rising to ensure the water utility budget remains balanced for the long-term and helps fund future water main replacements. The water utility budget was balanced for 2015 primarily through reserve funds, which is unsustainable as the city will eventually deplete the reserves for the water fund, a report to council states. “We’re using a substantial
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amount of our reserves in order to accommodate the capital projects that we’re undertaking,” financial services manager Ken Ostraat said. The additional revenue from the parcel tax combined with the changes to the water user rates is expected to generate about an additional $180,000 annually to be spent primarily on infrastructure, such as water main replacements. “Right now, the water fund essentially covers off its operating costs and everything else like that, but it’s not really generating sufficient surplus to put into a reserve for future capital projects,”
Ostraat said. These increases apply to residents and businesses alike. The last time the water parcel tax was increased was 2008 and the last time the city increased its water user rate was 2011. Merritt’s water master plan recommends increasing water user rates every year by the rate of inflation. In order to make up for past years, the city is increasing the rate by 10 per cent in 2015. The rate can be expected to rise only by the rate of inflation in future years, which Ostraat said should account for about a two per cent increase next year.
At council’s March 10 regular meeting, Coun. Linda Brown said she wasn’t comfortable putting the increased costs on citizens without first looking at decreasing budget costs. Ostraat replied by saying staff have been trying to keep costs under control, noting efforts to reduce RCMP costs in particular. The 2015 budget is based on an anticipated two per cent property tax increase. Ostraat said the average house in Merritt is worth about $203,000 meaning there will be about a $16 increase in municipal taxes this year.
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