An international disaster recovery organization’s Merritt chapter is seeking volunteers to help flood impacted residents.
Interior Health has reopened N’Kwala (Nicola) Lake. Spaxomin (Douglas) and Chapperon lakes remain closed due to toxic algae.
Three members of the Merritt Girl Guides are hosting a school supply and snack drive in support of the Nicola Valley Food Bank. /PAGE 20
Kamloops - 259 Tranquille Rd. 250-554-1501 Merritt - 2013 Quilchena Ave. 250-378-9686 Salmon Arm - 420 TCH 250-833-1414 Westwood Mixer & Smoke Port Coquitlam - Unit 101 2748 Loughheed Hwy 604-944-2838 19+MUST BE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 • • FREE MERRITT HERALD EST. 1905
The northern lights lit up the Nicola Valley night sky recently, a rare phenomenon that delighted and
surprised many Merritt locals. EDITORIAL /PAGE 6
3313 Boyd Road
MLS#173302 $469,000 Amp e oppo tun y awa ts! nvesto o handyman spec a Th famy home oca ed n a g ea ne ghbourhood s eady for you deas Of er ng 4 bed oom and 3 bath ooms a you
208-2514 Spring Bank Ave
room and to age shed – a a e w ed or powe The heated nsu a ed hop s 24x26 w h 220V b g garage doo RV hook up p umbed w/wa e and sewe fin shed w h d ywa and floo ng
ngs beau fu gas fi ep ace w th upda ed ea u e wa and over s zed w ndows o ake n the s unn ng v ew
1652 1611 Phillips Street MLS#171495 $499,000 Beaut fu 2020 3 bed oom 3 bathroom home ocated n a g eat ne ghbo hood The ma n floo nc udes a aund y room and a powder room Upsta rs cons sts of the maste bedroom w th an ensu te and open c oset wo add t ona bedrooms and a wash oom
Ponderosa Way $729,900 36-1749 Menzies Street MLS171597 $439,000 PREFERRED COMMUNITY o homes! Warm ch ones n h n ce y deco a ed 3 bed, 2 5 ba h ownhouse ove y wh e k tchen ea u ng a generous amount o ab ne s w th b eakfast counte Ex a a ea fo office or p ay oom ups a s Fenced yard w h bbq pa o o en oy on p easan even ng Phase 4 Un bu t n 2006 Roo 2020 2021 hot wa er ank eve wa k ng d s ance o schoo corne sto e & pub c t ans 1401 Douglas Street MLS#171678 $499,000 AFFORDABLE EQUITY BU LDER fo a fi s t me home buye or ret ee! We l ma nta ned s de by side dup ex each w th 2 bedr m 16 x 24 detached ga age lawned leve fenced 20 ac e prope ty wi h underg ound sp inklers Separate Hydro & Gas mete s per s de
We come o th s beaut u y des gned and custom zed home w h unob t uc ed panoram c v ews o he va ley Th s un que floor p an s no your s anda d home En oy he a ge uxu ous 1643 Canford Ave MLS#173233 $550,000 P de o owne sh p appa en n eve y de a ! Th cha m ng 3 bed 2 ba h bunga ow s spac ous b gh and upda ed New k chen, app an e , u nace en a a floo ng h/w on demand The ya d e e comp e e y en ed and ea u es a h cken coop approved by he C y g eenhouse huge ga den s e ack
6441 Jagpal Way
STUNN NG PANORAM C N COLA LAK V EWS om ve y oo n h s beau u 4 bd m home Y u k c n ea u e so d map c b ne s w h g an t co t r op & hea ed floo s Ga den pa o doo ead om n ng oom o pe
o men on a 2 bedroom n- aw su te w/exce en enan s Th home s o a ed on a qu e t e st ee & on y a ew m nutes wa k ng d s ance to down own, e ementa y & h gh schoo P ope y of e s 2 car ga age roo 2015 RV Park ng & wo kshop n he back Book a v ew ng today
A2 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 #113-1700 Garcia Street Box 2257 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Your local RE/MAX Legacy Experts - Your Unfair Advantage 250.378.6941 Ray Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-3377 Valerie Kynoch PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-280-0994 Sarah Dickie REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-0835 Jordyn Chenier REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-2353 Brenda Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-8377 Janis Post PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-3672 Karen Bonneteau PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-5178 Breanna Ouellet REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-5820 100 Golden Quill Trail MLS#172053 $1,375,000 MAGN FICENT LAKEFRONT et ea or es dence a h 3745 q f Luxuy 4 bd m home Beaut u custom k chen boas s g an te oun e ops ga cook top JennA r dge Ro ng h & b g open sk e we come you o an exc us ve commun y o qua i y homes at S ump Lake enowned fo w nd surfing wa er sk ng & amaz ng fish ng s o ked w th Kokanee and Ra nbow out En oy w n e pond hockey ce fish ng and cross count y sk ing! 3725 Davidson Road MLS#172227 $1,230,000 Wel -ma nta ned 55-acre p oper y oca ed 25 m nu e we o Me r t The n ce y-kep anche /modu a home ea ures 3 beds 1 5 ba h w th an open-concep v ng pace The open bench and measu es app ox 10 ac es and s fenced and cross- enced for pas u e and/o hay and Featu es a d ng a ena hay ba n 2- ta s ab e seve a un- n she ters tack-and- eed her age cabin and a oo hed 381 Winney Ave MLS#172354 $849,900 Th s beau fu sma acreage s set up and ready o go Home has 3 bed ooms 2 5 ba hs and s s uated on 2 7 ac es o fla and wh ch s fu y fen ed o he ho ses Th s t e p ece of parad se fea ures an ng ound poo w h a newer ner, poo hou e arge fire p t and a sed ga den bed P oper y has a dr ed we w/ r ga on sp go and mup e ou bu dings o add ona s o age 1660 Chestnut Ave MLS#172288 $629,000 Ve y n ce move n ready 3 bed oom p us den 2 ba hroom ran her oca ed n a qu et cu -de-sac n a n e ubd v s on w h newer homes The home features an open des gn w th k chen/d n ng/ v ng room, sepa a e den/office 3 good s ze bed oom a u ma n bathroom aundr y oom o f he 2-ca a tached ga age P va e enced backya d w th overed deck and s o age shed RV pa k ng and mo e 1601 Greig Street MLS#172102 $299,900 1300 sq t 3-4 bedroom home Bui d equ y as you finish and add your ouch o th s par t a y es ored f om 2021 flood damage “As s where s ” home wi h br ght k tchen w th qua ty M l Creek cab nets, shop, Lots o space or a ga den n eve fenced back yard RV parking 1788 Nicola Avenue MLS#172598 $775,000 Don’ miss out on th s 3 bdr m am y home ocated on y minutes from downtown Mer r tt The floor p an has been we execu ed w/an open concept des gn on he main floo 3 bedrooms and laundr y up Home has moder n k tchen 204-1703 Menzies Street MLS#172707 $146,500 N ce t e 1 bedroom 1 bath oom apar men un n N co a Apar men s Good e tar e nve ment Home has a g ass pa o doo o a ces he undeck Bu d ng has sha ed aundr y on each floor Apa tment i c ose o bus t anspor a on and corne store Tenant s cu rent y pay ng $776 00 mon h y St a a ee $197 20 month y 3399 Pineridge Drive MLS#172777 $898,000 SUMMER W TH A POOL Fan a t c 4 bdrm 3 ba h home n des ab e esden a ne ghbo hood on he bench! New app ances n updated k hen w th open oncep ma n v ng a ea Fea ur ng cent a a r ond on ng a newe roo unde ground p nk e s new w ed poo hed and over zed s ng e ga age 17 x 33 w h secu e s orage o a you oy En oy g ea mounta n ews rom h s beaut u am y e ea to ca home!!
$562,000 Th s 3 bd m 4 ba h home fea ures com o tab e v ng n a beau fu b end of contempo a y and modern fin shes nc ud ng qua tz coun e tops cus om hake cab ne r y upg aded s a n ess app ances door n doo f dge, and a ga ove En oy the 9 e
Parker Drive
New y sted ca hedra en y 4 bdrm fam y home w th 2 5 ba h on 2 ac e o n de ab e Bench Loca on W h on y s eps rom he e emen a y schoo , enn s cou s, d sc go f and outdoo arena h home o fe s he u mo onven ence o you am y and ch d en The home fea ures a a ge pr vate backyard w th ma u e ee eda hedge and cha n nk fen e Ca today o book you appo n men o v ew maste bed oom w th wa k-in c oset + 4-p ece ensu e that ea u es custom e wo k The owe floor comes comp ete w th 3 add t ona bed ooms a fu 4 pc bathroom and rec ea on/ hea e oom Grea p ace o he k ds!
t need s some T C to make you own! Bonus s he arge at ached doub e ca ga age w h oom for s o age
de k wh h an a o be ac e sed om he gh fi ed ng m w h 19 ce ngs En oy a con t on ng f r he wa m day and an au hen wood fi ep a e o h oo e n gh nd you sa ua y n he spa ou ups a r ma ed m w h ake v ws 21-1098 Houston St MLS#173594 $245,000 Ve y n ce 3 bed oom 2 ba hroom upda ed & move- n ready manu au ed home n a qu et pa k The home eatu es an open k chen & v ng a ea g ea fo ente ta n ng you f ends & am y The k hen o fer cent e ea ng s and a app ance oncre e counter ops updated cab nets and e backsp ash The v ng room has a n ce ga fi ep ace o keep you warm n he co d wea he & a bu t- n en er a nmen un 5069 Lauder Rd MLS#173621 $899,900 Br ng he en e am y o stay a h s t e p ece o pa ad se House s tua ed on 2 a es and on y s eps away rom Gran s Land ng dock o G mp e Lake Home ha a n ce open on ep ayou w th he k t hen open o he v ng & d n ng oom La ge mas e su e w/ ack+ wash oom Ba ement s a u y fin shed day gh basement w h p ent u gh go geous wood beams t p ed, a ge Bunk e oom w/bu n Mu phy bed am y/game oom & a med a oom or mo e n ght 463 Morgan Ave MLS#173613 $681,000 Lower N co a! G eat ranche w h eve y h ng on one floo B ght spac ous k tchen w th M C eek cab ne s 3 bedrms p us a den/office 2021 a/c & u nace, 2023 HWT Grow you am y here o downs ze fo a s mp er fes y e Savo your mo n ng co fee on sunny back deck La ge 2 ca garage 8529 Old Kamloops Road MLS# 173562 $1,890,000 LUXURY LAKE L V NG w/ ove 3 ac es o ca you own ea u ng a p va e boa aunch cus om dock hyd au boa Leve akef ont a ea o en er a n fam y & ends nc ed b e des gn g ves pe ta u a ake v ews om eve y floo the 4 bd m & ever y deck 2 gas firep aces Sta nk ate e w fi & new a ond on ng A wonde u add on to h s p oper y he de ached 3 ca ga age w h a 668 sq one bd m ar age house su e above We andscaped a reage w th ma u e ee wa kways and ove y conve sa on a ea 2137 Priest Ave MLS#173693 $499,000 nves o s Mo tgage He pe ! Upda ed home w h ega u e The home ea u es a 3 bed oom 1 ba h oom u e upsta and a 2 bed oom 1 bathroom su e downsta s Add t ona eatu es nc ude new u nace 2 new Hot water tanks new floo ng, ab ne , pa n n b mn su te updated w ndows arge ot n ce backya d de k o f ma n su e o s o park ng or your RV oys gues veh es and enan s
MLS#173324 $879,000
1664 Greig Street
A e you ook ng to move nto
MLS#173751 $829,900
that move- n eady we h s s the
o you The home has a o a o 6 bed ooms & 4 5 ba h No
8855 Old Kamloops Road
Lake Unobs
& beam ons uc on geo he ma heat ta ked ro k wa s p us a ve od and z nc oo Execu ve v ng a ea w h a beau fu en e a n ng k chen and v ew deck T ans on rom your nc ed b e nfin y poo nto a re esh ng ou door showe be o e en e ng he p mar y u te omp e e w th fi ep a e open o ad o n ng s ng o o fice space 9997
MLS#173904 $889,000 11 a e o un n u 20 m n e o M o og L ke N 3 be 2 ba om w h pa ue d oo a o y fi he T e e a c e d o h p a a k p o a d a o e c ga ge o o y a - un e ea on nd e c w a n m n e h s a e u
2249 Coldwater Ave MLS#174043 $465,000 Love y ranche w th a u 2 ca garage w th n wa k ng d s ance o downtown Th s home of ers 2 bedrooms a u gues bath and a 4-p ece ensu e o f he mas e w h a wa k- n oset Cent a AC o d oak cupboa ds and n e b g w ndow The 6000 q t o s fla and comp e e y andscaped fen ed n the back w h ane access and ha a n ce work shop 1626 Greig Street MLS#174021 $475,000 Cute as a but on Th 2 bed oom 1 bath home has been n ce y renova ed f om he n de out The un que floo p an o fe s an open concep des gn but a so has some added cha m ea u ng a sunken v ng room w/gas fi ep ace Tas e u y fin hed th s home w h new am nte floo ng k tchen s a n ess tee app ances new 4 p ece bath oom 1753 Fair way Place MLS#172581 $ 629,900 ATTN GOLFERS The home fea ures 3 bedrooms, he ma ter w th wa kn c ose & ensu e w h et ed soake ub ma n ba h oom of e s ub/ shower omb na on the k chen s open o a n ce nook a ea as we as you am y room open to you d n ng & v ng oom La ge p va e deck to en oy company w h & a 2 ca a tached 2572 Kinvig Street MLS#173952 $849,900 Are you ook ng fo a am y home w h ura ving and a hop on y m nu es rom town? Look no u ther h s prope ty has a !!! Don t m ss the oppo tun ty o ive n h s upda ed 5 bedroom 2 bath am y home on 1 95 acres La ge de ached 24x48 shop w/ u l e e t ca upg ade p opane hea and a hot on demand sy tem n wo kshop a ea & he 2 arge bays a e w red o hea and wa e 18-1901 Maxwell Ave MLS#173642 $469,000 Become par o a grea commun y End un t of e ng comfo ab e v ng n a 2 bed m 2 ba h home Open k t hen d n ng fam y oom des gn w th a gene ous amount o w ndow b ng ng n he day gh Sepa a e ront v ng room o v s w th gues s and am y Doub e ga age a/c ga fireplace 2021 u nace Fenced comp ex w h we kep andscapng o beau fu awns & sh ub beds 306-1701 Menzies MLS#174192 $299,000 A n nve or /F t me home e ! N and ean - 2 bed oom 2 ba h oom o ne apa men oca ed on the 3 d – op floo of h Summ apa men bu d ng he home eatu e a n ce a ge k hen w th o s of cab n t and cen e s and and at b a a ance nc uded open o d n ng and v ng oom 2 be oom mae bed oom nc es an ensu te and wa k- hrough ose The e n ce pa o us o he d n ng a ea o n oy the v ews The mon h y s ata $225 00 NEW 2896 Scott Place MLS#174157 $615,000 A ve y c as y home on a mos 10 000 q t co ne ot oca ed on Sco P ace on he ou h eas ben h o own Th s 4 bed 3bath home mma u a e and ea u es many upda es nc ud ng pa n floo ng k chen and bath ooms as we as a fu y fin hed basement he k chen b gh and open w h an s and and en h doo open ng to a ove y ove ed pa o N e 2 ca pa k ng under ca por he a d w eas y ac ommoda e RV pa k ng o a shop 2476 Ir vine Ave MLS#174188 $725,000 Spa ous fam y home n g ea am y ne ghborhood! Th 3 bed oom 3 ba h home s u nkey ready The arge k tchen o fe p en y o oun er and cab net space, en oy your mea s n the nook of he k hen o t down o mo e fo ma d nner n he d n ng oom Af e wa ds i ba k and e ax n the on of the gas fi ep a e o maybe en oy a mov e n he heate oom downs a s! The wa k ou basement has su e po ena o po s b y mo e oom for bedrooms needed 2241 Burgess Ave MLS#173527 $1,395,000 Th s me cu ou 3 bed oom 2 bath on 6 a e w th s unn ng backya d oas s s eady o you to ca t home! No de a s we e m ssed rom the us om r m wo k h gh end gh fixtures and fauce s o he Pa e Oak hardwood floo ha run hroughout he ma n o o a sw m n the hea ed inground poo , re ax n he hot tub or en oy an even ng fire a he bu n natu a gas fi ep wh e d nne s ook ng on he che s BBQ 11337 Mamit Lake Road MLS# 172736 $1,095,000 Ove 7 a es o man cured prope ty that backs on o c own w th end ess ra s to Gu chon C eek and beyond The 3 bed 3 bath home ha a new oof fu nace wood stove and p essu e ank Downs a s ha a sepa a e ent y – easy to br ng n he wood a wo kshop cold oom and huge ecreat on heat e oom NEW 309-2295 Blair Street MLS#174235 $ 240,000 Supe cu e g ound eve apa men Th s ve y we kept and c ean home has pa k ng gh n f on , a n ce ou doo pa o sea ng area and no sta rs The wa a/c un keeps he who e p a e coo Updates nc ude floo ng gh ng door hardwa e pa nt ce ng fan n mas e and key e en r y system The 2 bed oom a e eas fac ng and ver y qu et w h no road beh nd NEW NEW NEW POOL NEW POOL
S ump
u ted ake v ews f om h on
ar y o gan c
u ng pos
Crabtree Place
-k an e e y ng o e g e w he ou e n u ng n h g oo s o n De e w a o e ay a e Wo d/O o e a u a e h h b e e u u y a d a d up a e w ew nk he R o 2011 an ew w a k an hwa he umb n s a up a e w h Pe & C pp ep c w s u um ed a d n pe e 2023 an h e s a go d p o u e s e Th e a o o u d
- h s a u u p o e a be u op o u y h a e a e y an pe c ho e
Samaritan’s Purse seeking volunteers to aid ood impacted residents in ongoing recovery
Samaritan’s Purse is seeking volunteers to assist flood impacted residents, primarily seniors and those with disabilities, with small repair jobs. Marius
The local chapter of an international disaster recovery organization is looking to connect volunteers with flood impacted residents experiencing barriers in their recovery. Samaritan’s Purse, located in the Adelphi Hotel on Quilchena Avenue, is reaching out to the community for some volunteer strength.
The local office is run by Recovery Specialists Sherry Peterson and Bobbi Labelle, two Merritt locals passionate about helping residents recover from the flooding event of November 2021. The organization has been in town since, and doesn’t plan on leaving anytime soon.
Along with their daily workload of cases, Samaritan’s Purse is organizing a new effort to connect volunteers with seniors and those living with disabilities who are flood-impacted and experiencing physical challenges in their recovery.
“Sherry and I have been going door-todoor, canvassing the area, and trying to see
how our residents are doing in their recovery process,” said Labelle. “We’ve come across many seniors and disabled people who need the help – they can’t do anything because they don’t have any funds, or can’t move stuff because of their physical restrictions. That’s who we’re looking for help for.”
The volunteer opportunity requires a roughly three hour time commitment for each project, which are by invitation and never mandatory. Volunteer jobs include drywall installation, debris removal, lawn mowing, weed whacking, fence repairs, and more. Samaritan’s Purse will connect volunteers with those in need, provide refreshments, and, for safety, will provide waivers.
Individuals, community groups, businesses, and sports teams are all invited to get involved in the new effort. Peterson noted that the community has the opportunity to be a part of the championing and overcoming of barriers for their flood impacted friends and neighbours, and she is hopeful the work will result in a more resilient and confident post-flood community.
“We’ve been asked to walk alongside the
flood impacted residents, since the time of the flood, and our job is to help them recover by engaging an asset focused directive,” said Peterson. “In other words, whatever their strengths are, help them rediscover or discover them, because a lot of people are stressed because of the flood.”
Along with providing what Peterson described as ‘psychological first aid,’ Samaritan’s Purse provides a listening ear for flood impacted residents. The two recovery specialists work to connect clients with resources, including a vast network of contacts belonging to the international organization.
Labelle noted that mental wellness is an often overlooked step in the recovery process, with trauma and grief going hand in hand in many cases. Grief can often go undetected while manifesting itself in the form of sleepness nights, agitation, aggression, and other symptoms.
For more information on Samaritan’s Purse, including current volunteer opportunities, call Peterson at 250-5744885 or Labelle at 250-574-4574.
Known for a distinct sound that is a lot fuller than it looks, the Ottawabased folk punk band Bastards and the Buzzards will be performing in Merritt on August 18, at the Grand Pub and Grill downtown.
The Merritt Library will host an author talk featuring local writer Nicola I. Campbell on August 29 at the library. The local author recently published her latest book, a memoir.
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A3 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS EverOpenyday 11am - 9pm Wings and Things | Alter native Crusts | Panzerottis | Bread Basket | Sweet Treats | Chicken Bur ger Own| Create Your Own (236)575-2236 - Local number 2302 Nicola Ave, Merritt, BC Website: PEOPLE S Merritt Herald 2021 People s Choice AWARD Best Pizza 1 Large Pizza 3 toppings/3 drinks $1749 2 Medium Pizzas 2 toppings/4 Combo/4 drinks ......... $2499 .ca FREE DELIVERY with your first order INSIDE THE HERALD Online
Search ‘
for ‘CAMPBELL’ Opinion -------------------- 6-7 Sports -----------------------19 Classi eds ---------21-23
A4 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 4 VISIT MERRITT.CA/ARENA OPENS AUGUST 14 Ice RINK ce N I CO L A VA L L E Y M E M O R I A L A R E N A C I T Y O F M E R R I T T I N F O R M A T I O N Yoga AUGUST 10 M E E T M AYO R G O E T Z BOOK AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME! C O N T A C T C I T Y H A L L 2 5 0 ·378 · 42 24 MICHAEL .GOETZ@MERRITT.CA N E X T R E G U L A R C O U N C I L M E E T I N G | P U B L I C W E L C O M E ! TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 , 2023 | CIT Y HALL | 6:0 0PM T H U R S DAY S A L L S U M M E R Music usic Park in the 4MERRITT CA/MUSIC R O T A R Y P A R K Jack son Hollow N E X T U P : AUGUST 17 | 6-8PM NOTE: AUGUST 10 IS RULE 857 g 4MERRITT.CA/YOGA StreetMarkets 4MERRIT T.CA /MARKETS S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 SAT U R DAY | AU G U S T 19 + AT U T WEDNESDAY | AUGUST 16 QUILCHENA AVENUE | 9:30AM - 1:00PM SPIR IT SQUA R E | 6: 0 0 PM -9: 0 0 PM ALL SUMMER APPLY NOW! Rebate FIRE SMART $10 0 0 4MERRITT CA/FIRESMARTREBATE YIN + VINYASA SATURDAY AUG 12 9 : 0 0 A M – 1 2 : 0 0 P M P R E- R E G I S T R AT I O N R E Q U I R E D 3 HOUR SESSION: $60 4MERRITT.CA/FIRSTAID FIRSTAID F R I D A Y A U G U S T 2 5 - O DROP-IN HOCKEY STARTS AUGUST 14 | 8:30 - 10PM PUBLIC SKATE STARTS SEPT 1 W I T H C P R-A A N D A ED S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3 | 1 0 A M | C O U N C I L C H A M B E R S Tax SALE P R O P E R T Y When real property taxes are delinquent (unpaid for 3 years), the City is required by law to submit those properties to auction Owners are notified and must pay delinquent taxes by due date or their properties will be sold. If all taxes are paid, this event will be cancelled. 4MERRIT T.CA / TA XSALE AUGUST 13 - 18 | 9AM-5:3 0 PM Lifeguard uard N AT I O N A L 4MERRITT CA/LIFEGUARD We provide the training, check us out today! C A R E E R O P P O R T U N I T Y g CERTIFICATION FALL YOGA REGISTRATION STARTS AUGUST 1, 2023 Fun n FAMILY u N I G H T A U G U S T 1 8 5 : 0 0 - 7 : 0 0 P M NICO L A VALLE Y AQUATIC C E N T R E 4MERRITT.CA/FAMILYFUN F R I D A Y Watering R E S T R I C T I O N S L E V E L 4 4 M E R R I T T C A / WAT E R I N G LAWN WATERING: 1 DAY/ WEEK E VE N: FRIDAY | O D D: TU ES DAY M A N UA L S P R I N K L ER : 6 A M–8 A M AU TO M AT I C I R R I G AT I O N : 12 A M–2 A M * H A N DWATER I NG G A R DENS (NOT L AWNS) PER M IT TED A N Y TI M E HOSE MUS T H AV E AU TO -SH U T O FF VA LV E N O W I N E F F E C T MERRITT.CA
Investigation into alleged hit-and-run involving late Councillor continues
More than one month after she was killed, police are still looking for information in the apparent hitand-run death of late Merritt City Councillor Claire Newman.
Corporal Madonna Saunderson with the RCMP’s communications department confirmed to the Herald by email that as of August 3, the investigation remains active and ongoing, with no new information available.
According to a press release posted by the Valemount RCMP on July 5, Mounties responded to an automated cell phone crash notification on Highway 16 near Lucerne Lake, just west of the Alberta border before midnight on July 5, 2023.
When officers arrived at the crash scene, they
found a running Nissan Frontier, unlocked and with a dog inside. No other vehicles were found in the area at that moment, although the body of a 46-year-old woman, presumed to be Newman, was found in a ditch nearby.
The RCMP also said in the press release that evidence located at the scene suggests that Newman was outside of her vehicle when she was struck. A grey headlight assembly belonging to a 2016 to 2018 Jeep Cherokee was found nearby the running vehicle.
A social media graphic circulated by friends and family of Newman calls on anyone with information to step forward and call police.
“Please help us find justice for Claire,” asks the post.
Valemount RCMP are asking anyone with information on this incident call them at 250-566-4466.
With sincere gratitude to our family and friends that reached out to us, with visits, calls, messages, food, flowers, pictures, cards, donations, helping hands and hugs.
Your thoughtfulness and love is very much appreciated.
Special thanks and acknowledgments to the follow: Our family, the Ward’s, Taylor’s, Shuter’s, McGowan’s, Colter’s, Prevost’s, Bangsund’s and Haynes. Brenda Walsh, Angie Bains and family, Brian Taylor, Debbie and Bill Morton, Tina and Ward Taylor, Dana and Kristy Bewza, brothers; Angus, Cliff and Morris, Janice Sowpal, Shirley & Harold Turner, Mrs Shu, The Morel Family, Angela Texmo - Dignity Memorials, Frank Etchart and the Nadina crew and families. Serena Garcia, Scott Webber, Nicola Valley Hospital and ER staff, Dr. Evancio, Dr. Ross, Paramedics, YRB, Dana Egan, Vic and Barb Cavalier. There were so many and I am sorry if I have missed anyone.
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A5 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Quilchena Cannabis Co. Formoreinformation stop by Unit B-1937 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC or call 250-378-5 420 Quilchena Canna Company 19+MUST BE Looking for work? We canHelp! Helping British ColumbiansFind& Keep Jobs Our Programs andServicesare Free! P: 250-378-5151 E: @workbcmerritt Job Search Resources Job Coaching CareerPlanning Resumes&CoverLetters Interview Preparation 1on1 Employment Workshops Internet /Copy/ Fax Computer workstations Skills Training ShortTerm Certification WageSubsidyProgram Self-Employment Program CareerAssessments DisabilitySupports Assistive Technology WorkClothing& Gear *eligibility conditions apply
Photo/City of Merritt
Many thanks and lots of love from Janet and family You
AUER: sift through advice and apply what works best
the latest blog post is perfection. It’s this: “Nothing specific – any advice must be good though, as a lot of people want to offer it, ha! Sift through it and apply what works best in your life.” I love that. Sifting through and applying what works for your life is only possible if you know yourself. How well do you know yourself?
One of my clients is featuring their team in a series of blog posts, with each team member answering the same questions. One of the questions is “What is the best advice you’ve ever received?” and the answer for
On any given day, I worry about many things. How the economy (and AI) will affect my business, what my kids’ future will look like in a rapidly changing world, how the media industry will be affected by the Online Canada News Act with
Meta and Google blocking Canadian news from showing on their platforms, and the list goes on. None of those are things I can control. What I can control is how I react and how I search for solutions proactively. What I can control is how I interact with other people and how I let those interactions affect my life. What I can control is what I notice around me and whether I choose to participate or not. Choosing to get to know yourself, how things make you feel, and how you can stay true to yourself is one of the best things you can do.
There will always be people
who don’t like what you say or do, but does that really matter? I don’t think it does. At least not for those of us who are not politicians or are seeking elected office. If that’s you, you have a whole different set of problems. So I pick the people who matter to me and whose opinion matters to me, and don’t care about the rest. Is this the right advice for you too? I guess that depends on what works best in your life. And as far as the advice I live by is concerned, it’s something that Abraham Lincoln once said: “Whatever you are, be a good one.” - but I like to abbreviate it to just “Whatever.”
members, teachers, and students SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK for a chance to be featured each week! Submit your art to Submissions are printed on a first come, first served basis. Isabella Dunlop, 8, painted with her grandmother. 2090 GRANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE 250-378-4241 MERRITT HERALD Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. This Merritt Herald is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact or call (250) 378-4241. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information. Publisher Theresa Arnold 250-378-4241 Editor Marius Auer 250-378-4241
Reporter Laísa Condé 250-378-4241 KERSTIN AUER LIFE NORTH OF 50 Sales Representative/Office Administrator Roger White 250-378-4241 A6 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023
PIERCE: watching the arts grow and thrive in Merritt
daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend, wife, mother, aunt, grandmother, and a big community supporter. I have always felt this is enough.
My mom was a very creative person and encouraged us to create, explore, and use our imaginations.This was during a time when we played and explored till dark settled and that’s when my love for organizing, creating games, and putting on plays and talent shows was born.
downtown. I was happy to be involved in all the recreation programs and loved being an active part of organizing the various activities.
FromtheHerald archives: August, 1954
My name is Mischelle Pierce and I have lived in the Nicola Valley for 57 years with a four year absence while I pursued other adventures. I am a proud
The Nicola Valley at that time was quite isolated without the Coquihalla Highways and we were an active community with summer playgrounds, sailing schools, a small ski hill, a theatre, a drive-in movie, and a vibrant
I joined the Nicola Valley Arts Council 35 years ago when my three boys were young and I needed to have a creative outlet. The boys grew and their love of sports soon took up all our time, there was not much energy left for personal creativity although raising a family requires us to be very creative and resourceful.
I became involved with the Arts Council again about 10 years ago while it was in the Old Courthouse, and was happy to once again explore creative opportunities and loved being
around the energy of other creatives. It has been fun to see the growth of the Arts in Merritt and the many people who have chosen to make Merritt their home have helped that growth. Having so many of our young people come back to the valley to raise their families and contribute to the community has been exciting and rewarding to see.
As president of the NVCAC
I am proud to work with a keen, artistic, and passionate group of people who happily give back to our community to make it a vibrant place to live. The Arts are a vital part in connecting and building communities, and I encourage everyone to explore their creativity and get involved.
ALBAS: common sense and a single-use plastics ban
food-takeout containers.
At the time, I did hear some concerns. However, there was also some support.
In my former role as the Conservative Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change, one of the topics I wrote about a few times was the Liberal’s proposed ban on single-use plastics.
This ban targeted only certain plastics, including grocery store bags, straws, coffee stir sticks, six-pack can rings, plastic cutlery, and specific
The topic of grocery bags arose from several citizens who took the time to contact me. They pointed out that they kept their plastic grocery store bags and would reuse them as garbage bags. They also questioned that this move would only force them to purchase plastic garbage bags (that still can be bought) and felt that this policy did not make sense because of these factors.
Recently, the Calgary-based Co-Op grocery store chain working in partnership with LEAF Environmental Products, developed compostable plastic bags made from a biodegradable polymer and a byproduct from fermented corn starch.
These new bags require a specialty composting system that the City
of Calgary has since installed in its municipal landfill. In summary, this is a win/win scenario where technology helps solve an environmental pollution problem.
There is only one problem. The Liberal Government in Ottawa has, so far, refused to exempt these new biodegradable bags from the singleuse plastics ban.
To add insult to injury, as a consumer, you can still purchase recycled garbage bags sold in bulk from local retailers. However, you cannot buy a compostable plastic bag from the same retailers at checkout.
The federal ban on single-use plastic bags will go into effect on December 20th, 2023.
From my perspective, this is yet another example of the one size fits all “Ottawa knows best” approach that lacks common sense and can potentially stifle Canadian environ-
mental innovation.
If this partnership in Calgary invested in the technology to break down these compostable bags while ensuring these bags are safely broken down, why wouldn’t the Trudeau Liberal Government allow this commonsense pro-environment innovation to be exempted from the ban?
At times, it appears that this Liberal Government will stubbornly continue to support environmental policies that favour sticks instead of carrots, such as the carbon tax and clean fuel standard. They argue that these policies are the best way to incentivize investment in innovation. However, when a municipality uses their scarce taxpayer dollars to install such an investment, the Trudeau Government blocks it. It’s a lose-loselose proposition for consumers, the Co-Op, and the City of Calgary.
A black bear that went looking for his breakfast at the sheep camp of Joe “Tom Cat” McDougall recently got his fill of lead. Mrs. McDougall, who was washing the breakfast dishes at 6 a.m. at their Rey Lake sheep camp with her son, noticed the horses were restless and looking saw a black bear.
The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor.
Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address.
Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.
OPINION Speak up You can comment on any story you read @
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A7 Two week SPECIAL EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Starting August 10 - 23, 2023 HOURS: Monday to Friday: 10:30 am to 6 pm 250-378-6292 2052 Quilchena Ave. BUTTER CHICKEN • SAMOSAS • FRESH FISH & CHIPS HOT SOUPS, FRESH SALADS, COLD SANDWICHES AVAILABLE! Bacon & Tomato Sandwich with fries & gravy Only..... 1450 3pc Chicken Strips with fries and gravy Only..... 1450 Cheeseburger with fries and Gravy Only..... 1450
Interior Health lifts toxic algae advisory at N’Kwala (Nicola)
Interior Health has removed the toxic algae bloom advisory for N’Kwala (Nicola) Lake after a more than three week closure.
The lake was originally closed on July 13 after multiple tests showed evidence of a cyanobacterial toxic algae bloom.
“Recent water samples taken by BC Parks at Monck Park have tested negative for the presence of cyanobacterial toxin,” said IHA in a release. “Lake users should use caution if they see signs of an algae bloom. It is best to avoid contact with an algae bloom and if contact is made, rinse your body with clean water.”
First Nations Health Authority continues to monitor the northeast side of N’Kwala Lake as well as Spaxomin (Douglas) and Chapperon lakes, which were closed on July 28 due to the same toxic blooms.
To learn how to identify an algae bloom or report one to Interior Health, visit the provincial Algae Watch page. Current beach closures are posted on on Interior Health’s website at
N’Kwala (Nicola) Lake was closed from July 13 to August 4 due to a toxic algae bloom. Photo/Herald File
A8 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS CAN NABI S STO R E E VE RYDAY F ROM 9 AM TO 1 0 PM OPE N U N IT YCAN NABI S .CA We Deliver #10 4 - 2101 Quilchena Ave 2 50 -378 - 0 450 19+ M u s t b e PROMOS AND PACKA NEVER DONE BEFORE WE OFFER ✤ Botox ✤ Filler ✤ Laser Hair Removal ✤ 3D IPL ✤ Non-Surgical Face-lift ✤ Anti-Aging ✤ Acne Control ✤ Mole, Age Spot Removal ✤ RF Microneedling ✤ Beard Growth BY APPOINTMENT ONLY NO WALK-INS 1751 Granite Ave 250-936-9200 Ask about our “Credit Medical Financing Plans” Follow us on Facebook @desertdivasanddons Instagram @desertdivasanddons Unblemished 5 star rating on Facebook, Google, Yelp & Yabbly 28 years experience as a Medical Aesthetics Educator. Registered Medical Corneotherapist & remedial skin expert SAME DAY MEDICAL FINANCING AT LOW INTEREST RATES AGES E Anniversar y Celebration 3rd Buy one laser hair removal package GET ONE FREE. Buy 6 IPL GET 2 FREE valued at an additional $500 & MANY MORE. Check out our website for more specials.
Submitted by Lizette Nel, retired Head at the Love To Dance Academy in Merr itt.
Tha n k you for investing in your child’s well being by giving them a chance to dance, a gift of a lifetime
Tha n k you for dr iving your dancer to and from dance classes each week and to all the competitions, so far from home
Tha n k you for making sure your dancer has EVERYTHING he/she needs
Tha n k you for attending your dancer ’s perfor mances Your smiling faces and loud applause do not go unnoticed.
Tha n k you for being patient and understanding
Tha n k you for raising polite, respectful, and hardwor king young kids It makes our job as teachers a lot easier
Tha n k you for suppor ting your child’s passion. You’re giving them something that lights them up inside, which is pr iceless
Tha n k you for the continued suppor t through the covid times, persever ing through Zoom and video tuition.
Tha n k you for your continuous suppor t of Love To Dance Academy
“I’ve never wor ked alone I’ve had the consistent suppor t and assistance of Her man Nel and Vanessa van Rensburg as well as many individuals, organizations and businesses in Merr itt. The past ten years would not have been what it was without the enthusiastic family of suppor ters and volunteers that we were for tunate to have I would like to thank organizations that have suppor ted Love To Dance Academy dur ing the past ten years: The Merr itt Dance Societ y (its var ious board members), The Cit y of Merr itt, TNRD, NVCAC, BCAC and other businesses such as Home Hardware, Merr itt Golf and Countr y Club, Miss Vicki’s Flor ist, and many more, as well as many individuals “Your contr ibutions and sponsorships made a huge difference in many lives Without all your suppor t LTDA would not have been able to sur vive and grow the way it did up to now, and most of all, dancers in Merr itt would not have had the oppor tunities to lear n to dance, perfor m on stage and excel in many competitions and exams LTDA dance students also lear ned precious life skills which will ser ve them well in adulthood. Thank you so much to all the suppor ters!”
The Merr itt Countr y Chr istmas Week committee, for including the annual LTDA concer ts in the Merr itt Countr y Chr istmas Week festivities, at first an evening show which quickly developed into a matinée and evening show due to the popular it y growth which LTDA exper ienced.
Whether you have danced for fun or to excel in competitions and exams, you all have a place in my hear t. I would like to name a few LTDA dancers who excelled dur ing the past few years:
The LTDA competitive and exam dancers are extremely strong - physically, mentally and emotionally These dancers all have such a positive attitude and are so committed and dedicated. They are an inspiration to their dance teachers They wor k hard and consistently They are deter mined and they persist to achieve their individual best. I am ver y proud of our dancers!! Well done!
Miranda Cavaliere and Dani Kuzio, Student Teacher Assistants at LTDA and also winners of par t paid scholarships to dance in the Amer ican Academy of Ballet Summer Intensive in New Yor k, US, Miranda in 2019 and Dani in 2020. They did ver y well in their dance exams and excelled in Ballet and Spanish dance
Kate van Rensburg, Student Teacher Assistant at LTDA and winner of var ious awards in Provincial Dance Competitions in BC as well as a KFPA scholarship in 2022. She was also the overall winner of the Adjudicator ’s Choice Medal in the Penticton Festival in 2023. Kate received an invitation to dance in the prestigious Ballet Victor ia Summer Intensive in Victor ia in 2023 and she was offered a par tial scholarship to dance in the Ballet Victor ia Conser vator y Kate does many different dance st yles and passed all her dance exams with distinction and excels in Ballet, Spanish, Tap, Contemporar y and Jazz dancing and choreography
Aver y Warren, Student Teacher Assistant at LTDA, winner of var ious awards in Provincial Dance Competitions and Winner of a Special award in the 2021 Top Ten Dancer categor y in the Shine Dance Competition. She did excellent choreography and passed all her dance exams with distinction. She did a var iet y of dance st yles Aver y is currently studying dance at Simon Fraser Universit y
Megan Voigt and Abigail Bateson, Student Teacher Assistants at LTDA and winners of var ious awards in Provincial Dance Competitions in BC They were both awarded par t paid scholarships to dance in the Amer ican Academy of Ballet Summer Intensive in New Yor k, US in 2019. They successfully passed all their dance exams with flying colours Megan does many different dance st yles and excels in Ballet, Spanish, Tap, Contemporar y and Jazz dancing and choreography
Kinley Stewar t and Zoë Andersen, Student Teacher Assistants at LTDA and winners of var ious awards in Provincial Dance Competitions
Both dancers par ticipated in the new dance st yles presented at LTDA and have always done ver y well in their dance exams They excelled in Ballet, Tap, Contemporar y and Jazz dance and Kinley in Spanish and choreography as well.
Your dance classes will always be remembered by your students, especially your Spanish Dance classes and perfor mances Your passion for this disciplined dance st yle with its intr iguing rhythms, stamping feet, castanets, shawls, fans and swir ling skir ts made a huge and positive impact on dance students and audiences
So much has happened in the last 10 years, since our humble beginnings, when we took over Linda’s Dance Studio in December 2012, and star ted with 12 ballet students in the small Olde Cour thouse Dance Studio
It has been such a pr ivilege to have had the oppor tunit y to not only teach dance in Merr itt at the Love To Dance Academy for ten years, but to have had the oppor tunit y to develop a dance program for the Merr itt Dance Societ y! Currently thir t y five classes are presented ever y week in seven different dance st yles in the Love To Dance Academy studio These classes are for students of all ages and abilities whether they dance for recreational, perfor mance or competitive reasons/
“The time has now come for me to step back and give younger teachers a chance to spread the love and joy of dance in Merr itt and I wish them lots of success”
Lizette Nel (RAD, CDTA, AAB, Silver Swans)
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A9
“After 10 years of teaching ballet in Merritt, I can have nothing more than a grateful heart towards our supporters, volunteers, dancers and dance
Soundtrack of a small town: Bobby Garcia entertains his home
Born and raised in Merritt, Bobby Garcia has been belting his voice out around the Nicola Valley since he was a kid.
“I just grew up listening to country music and listening to my dad play country music on his guitar,” he said. “I used to sing all the time with my dad at parties.”
The music talent was passed through generations in his family. The many singers and musicians in the Garcia family inspired him to follow the same track. His dad, George Garcia, was the biggest influence on his life.
“He taught me how to play guitar and taught me the songs that I sing now,” he said.
As a Nlaka’pamux First Nations member, Garcia said being in a minority in the country music industry didn’t stop him from achieving his goals.
“I think I’ve had a lot of opportunities along the way to showcase my talent. And I’m proud to be Indigenous and just keep doing what I’m doing,” he said. “Hopefully, you know, I can
be a mentor for some other Indigenous people that want to follow this journey.”
Garcia added that performing in Merritt is always special to him.
“It feels really good to perform in my hometown in front of family and friends and you know, just have everyone come out enlisted and have a good time and stuff like that.”
His next performance in town will be on Sept. 3, where Garcia will perform twice, one performance at the Merritt Street Market at 10 a.m., and another one at Merritt Civic Centre, at 7 p.m.
With songs about small town life and his previous experiences, Garcia hopes his music continues to inspire those who listen to it.
“Maybe they can put themselves right into my song and you know, take them back to a past experience or something or they can grow and listen to it,” Garcia said.
Bobby Garcia was born and raised in Merritt, sharing his music with the community for as long as he can remember.
A10 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Your hearing helps you stay connec ted to those who matter most, enjoy all the sights and sounds around you, and maintain a good qualit y of life Get your hearing check ed by a licensed hearing care professional at your local Connec t Hearing clinic Don’t miss out on the sounds that you love. Check your hearing. Book your FREE* hearing test today! 1. 888. 850.9979 • connec VAC, WCB, WSIB ADP & ODSP accepted Par t of the WorkSafeBC provider network ®CAA and CAA logo trademarks owned by, and use s authorized by, the Canadian Automobi e Assoc ation. CAA RewardsTM used by the Canadian Automobi e Association. Hearing evaluations/tests are free for all customers over the age of 50. Some conditions and exclusions may apply See clinic or details.†Based on na iona physician referrals over the tenure of the corporation s Canadian business operations compared o the d sclosed referral count of eading competitors ‡Save up to $2,000 on a pair of Select technology level Sonova hearing aids; 15% off Advan ed level; and 10% off S andard eve with a valid CAA membership This offer s a tiered reba e determined by which evel of Sonova Hearing Technology purchased Offer exp res September 30 2023 Some conditions apply See clinic for details S ave up to $2,000 on a pair of Selec t level hearing aids with your BC AA membership!** Two convenient loc ations now open in Kamloops! S ahali #10B - 1315 Summit Dr 250. 374. 5767 For tune 8B - 750 For tune Dr 250. 554. 3706 NEW! Ask us about Hearing Aid Rental Shop One StopLove KAMLOOPS: 743 VICTORIA ST 250-377-8808 CHILLIWACK: 44310 YALE RD • 604-392-9969 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK XL-7XL sizes in stock NEW LINGERIE ARRIVALS & MAGAZINES
Photo/Bobby Garcia
2023-2024 Back 2 Scho o l REGISTRATION
Get ready to roll the night away at the Super Roller Disco
Dust off those roller blades, everyone!
The Super Roller Disco is making a comeback on August 19, from 8 to 11 p.m., at Central Park.
Featuring a whirlwind of bright colours, flashing lights, shiny fabrics, and of course, a disco ball and disco music, this event promises to bring you back in time.
Whether you’re an experienced roller skater or a newcomer, this disco themed event is the perfect opportunity for all those who are looking for a night of fun.
Are you ready to roll?
The Super Roller Disco
When: August 19 – from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Where: Central Park – 2975 Voght St., Merritt, B.C.
Cost: $15 – skate rentals for $5;
For “NEW” Elementary school students, please register your child at the neighbour hood school in your catchment area from Monday to Friday, August 28 to September 1, 2023 Schools will be open from 9:00 - 11 :30 a m and 1 :00 - 2:30 p.m. Please call ahead to make an appointment.
Collettville Elementary School: 250-378-2230
Diamond Vale Elementary: 250-378-2514
Merritt Bench Elementary: 250-378 -2528
Merritt Central Elementary: 250-378-9931
Nicola-Canford Elementary: 250-378-2172
To register, a child must be 5 years old, on or before December 31, 2023 and a birth certificate, immunization record, Care Card and proof of residence should be presented. Kindergarten starting dates will be arranged through the school.
All students in this program attend Collettville Elementary School {Grades K-7), and Merritt Secondary School {Grades 8- 12 )
Phone: 250-378-5131
New students register at the school from August 21 to Sept 1, 2023 Counsellors will be available, and students are to call ahead to schedule an appointment
Phone: 250-378-4245
If you have not completed secondary school the KENGARD LEARNING CENTRE can help
The Community Learning Centre offers courses for Grade 10 to 12 students to complete their Dogwood Diploma Along with academic coursework, students will have the opportunity to participate in an Outdoor land based lear ning program, have access to additional social emotional supports and transition planning into the adult world. New students can register by calling 250-378-2157.
Distance Education: South Central Interior Distance Education S C I D E S 250-378-4245 or 1-800-663-3536
SCIDES is the distance education school operated by the district which offers BC Ministry approved educational programs for students of all ages, anywhere in the province of B C {Kindergarten through Grade 12 and adult lear ners, tuition free) Registration is ongoing. For an appointment call 250-378-4245 or 1-800-663-3536
The Super Roller Disco will take place at the Central Park multi-use sports box on August 19 from 8 to 11 p.m.
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A11
Nicola Valley Rodeo Parade to return after four year absence
Merritt & District Hospice society
Merritt Hospice is inviting you to a Death Café
A time to reflect and share on our experiences surrounding death and dying in a safe and confidential environment with thoughtful and respectful conversation.
August 17, 2023
6:0 0 pm to 7:0 0 p.m.
This event is free to attend. Cake and tea will be ser ved.
Merr itt & Distr ict Hospice Societ y 3451 Voght Street -Ring the doorbell on our sign next to the ambulance station. Office hours: Thursday 9am to 12 noon
Call Hospice at 250-280-1701 for more information. Visit us on Facebook at Merritt Hospice.
The Nicola Valley Rodeo Parade will make its triumphant return to the downtown core this September long weekend, kicking off the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo and reviving the event after four years.
The parade will mosey through the downtown core on Friday September 1, thanks to the efforts of Jacqueline Whitecross and a group of volunteers which is seeking more members. Whitecross serves on the board of the Nicola Valley Rodeo Association, telling the Herald she wanted to bring back the event for the sake of the community.
“We’ve got a great community, and I think of what children need, as well as adults, they love a parade,” said Whitecross. “To me it’s so important, I just really believe in giving back to the community, I’ve done that all my life.”
The rodeo parade will follow the same route as the annual Country Christmas parade, with floats lining up on Canford, turning left onto Cleasby, right onto Coldwater, left again on Chapman and following the bend, then up Coutlee and back down parallel Quilchena. The entry fee is $25, with proceeds going to the local 4H Club, less expenses.
The parade will follow a western
theme, featuring local families in agriculture leading the parade. Whitecross said she hopes to have First Nations dancers or drummers join the parade.
While Whitecross said she has plenty of event organization and fundraising experience through her work with the Rodeo Association and Rotary Club of Merritt, she needs more volunteers to make the rodeo parade come to fruition. Both volunteer and spectator participation will be needed to bring back the community event.
“It’s so important to get people out for it [the parade], it’s been going on for so many years,” stressed Whitecross.
Whitecross is seeking volunteers to sign floats up and follow up on applications, most of which she noted can be done by phone. She is also seeking parade day lineup coordinators to ensure the day of goes smoothly, and is grateful for all help.
Whitecross noted that the parade is sure to bring joy to all community members, old and young, with both assisted living facilities and some youth groups in town entering floats. She is hopeful the parade will help to show younger generations the importance of both agriculture and community.
For more information on the Nicola Valley Rodeo Parade, including volunteer opportunities, call Whitecross at 250-936-8585.
The Nicola Valley Rodeo Parade will take place on Friday, September 1, to kick off the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo weekend. Photo/CityofMerritt
A12 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023
NEWS PASSING SAVINGS ONTO OUR CUSTOMER WE’RE MORE THAN JUS T ME AT Cheese – Milk – Yogurt – Pies – Eggs – Spices – Baked Potatoes Local Honey – Jarred Salsa & Pickled Items – Perogies – Party Trays 2051 VOGH T S T RE E T, ME RRI T T BC •250 - 378 - 5817 WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT - WE CAN CUT ANY SIZE YOU WANT! T- BO N E S T E A K $20.90/LB S T RI PL O I N S T E A K $18.11/LB B U F FA L O C H I C K E N W I N G S $7.82/LB M A R I N AT E D M AU I R I B S $8.50/L B P R IC E S IN EF F EC T AUGUS T 10 -16, 2 023• W HIL E QUA N T I T IE S L A S T P E O P L E ’ S Merritt Herald 2022 People’s Choice AWARD BE S T B U T C H ER S H OP
www.merritthospice.or g
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A13 m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a • 3 7 8 - 6 1 6 6 • m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a #3416 $418,900 1376 PARCEL STREE T Fresh y renovated 4 bedr m 2 bath home located close to shopping and nearby amen ties Has ecent upgrades such as new furnace H/W tank fresh pa nt floor ng & roof Amp e room or RV park ng w th a arge fenced back yard w th attached garage #3446 $569,900 2601 IRVINE AVENUE Great 3 eve sp t home on the Bench w th sing e garage, RV parking and n ce y landscaped yard Home has 3 bedr ms up country k tchen w th pantry central A/C newer roof and upgraded w ndows 4th bedr m/office down #3448 $2,299,900 6488 MONCK PARK RD Magn ficent water f ont home on N co a Lake Th s beaut fu rancher w th wa kout bsmt offers 5 bed ms 4 baths a ge gou met k tchen w h h gh end app ances vaul ed ce ings fu y fin Bsmt w th un que Tequ a room arge games rm we bar 3 car ga age p us some nego iab e ems #3444 $819,000 3383 WILDROSE WAY New custom bu lt home with 3 bedr ms up 3 down 3 baths open concept v ng d ning & k tchen area overlooks the c ty w th spectacular views The basement s eady & p umbed for a suite GST app es #3442 $949,900 2515 ABERDEEN ROAD Pr vate and peacefu 3 bed m 2 bath home on 3 65 acres w th severa outbu ld ngs Shop s app ox 1000 sq ft Has fenced garden a ea ch cken coop and detached bu d ng w th carport & wo kshop area 2 we s #3401 $625,000 2625 QUILCHENA AVENUE 9 bedrm luxu y execut ve home g eat o a arge fam y Has a ge grand en rance w th sp a sta rcase open v ng/d n ng ooms 4 bed ms & 3 baths up large fam y room Also has 2 bedrm g ound eve su te #3404 $499,000 1840 GRANITE AVENUE Charm ng 3 bedroom 2 bath home ocated in pr me ocat on Th s we ma nta ned p operty boasts beaut fu andscap ng & curb appea Has bonus space o enc osed sunroom Has enchant ng pat o area or summer BBQ’s #3449 $449,900 2945 TELEMON PL ACE N ce y enovated 3 bed m 2 bath modu ar home w th a u bsm in qu et area Open floor p an w th new floo ng, pa nt k tchen counter, taps, door, new Pex p umb ng fence n back yard & more G eat p ace fo young fam ly o et ee #3443 $199,900 2437 CL APPERTON AVE Th s modest modular on ts own ot wi h R2 zon ng has up to 3 bedrms w th space o ga den ng and ane access Cou d be n ce front/back dup ex f you choose to bui d wha R2 zon ng a ows Centra oca on Doug Beech (O wner) 250-378-7392 Don Gossoo Managing Broker Bailee Allen 250-315-9648 Brad Yakimchuk Per sonal Real E st ate C orporation 250-315-3043 Jared Thomas 778-694-6804 #102, 2840 Voght Street, Box 236 Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8 Moving Real E state BC LTD. CEN T U RY 21 ® 250-378-6166 |1-877-841-2100 #3403 $769,900 1531 COWAN WAY Like new 2 storey home n good area with open concept on main floo spacious k tchen w th Quartz coun ers & S/S app iances gas F/P n v ng oom 4 bedr ms up 3 baths and master bed m w th 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Has EV out et for e ectr c ca RV park ng #3264 $1 ,800,000 2845 NEIL SON STREE T 15 9 acre s te ocated n Merr tt’s c ty l m ts and border ng the Coldwater R ver Amaz ng opportun ty Has c ty water & sewe connect ons Incred b e potentia fo the future w th a zon ng change Cal for more deta s #3397 $525,000 1769 SPRING STREE T Br ght & cheery basement entry home n good a ea & w th n walking d stance to amen t es 3 bedr ms up & 1 down Home s n top cond t on & ready to move nto La ge l v ng room br ght gal ey k tchen covered sundeck & RV park ng #3477 $679,000 2651 COUTLEE AVENUE Large fam y home c ose o schoo & amen t es 3 bedrms above w th spac ous v ng area arge k tchen and am y room Has 2 bed m n aw su te on g ound eve New roof and ho wa e bo der Fenced back yard #3431 $829,000 2770 PEREGRINE WAY Fantast c v ews f om th s two storey h gh end home featur ng open concept sty e v ng 3 arge bedrms 3 baths zeroscape andscape unfin shed basement and 2 car garage Has beaut u k tchen w th Quar z counter tops s and and F ench doors opening to pat o #3439 $665,000 1524 COWAN WAY Qua ty bu t 1304 sq t anche s very des ab e a ea o o he qua y homes G eat home for e ree o young p o ess ona s Newe home n mmacu a e cond t on & move- n ready w h open k tchen k tchen v ng & d n ng K tchen has a ge s and & W/ pan ry Mas e bed m has 3 pce ensu te Fenced back ya d RV park ng #3435 $410,000 SL .23, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL In very des rable area th s 9042 sq ft strata lot has fantast c v ews of N co a Lake and mountains Serv ces are to prope ty ne GST s app icab e Ca for more deta ls #3453 $2,646,000 LOT 7, MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Reasonably priced 3 78 Acres zoned M1 L ght Industr al Pr ced affordably at $700 000 per acre Potent al to do bare and ease or bu d to suit ease Ca for more deta s #3299 $275,000 SL .5, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Great place to bu d your dream home n th s st ata ot deve opment on N co a Lake Fantast c v ews and access to wa er A l se v ces are to the property ne GST s app cab e Ca for more deta s #3298 $285,000 SL 4, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Fan ast c v ews from th s strata ot on N co a Lake per fect fo you d eam home or recreat on retreat Grea v ews and access to water A serv ces are o the prope ty ne GST s app cab e #3441 $719,900 1537 COWAN WAY 2 storey mmacu ate home w th open concept sty e k tchen w th Quartz counters 4 bed ooms up w th ve y nice master bedroom & 3 pce ensu te w th walk- n c oset Back yard s fenced & yard is n ce y andscaped #3408 $999,999 2201 BURGESS AVENUE Beaut fu 4 bedrm fami y home on 0 64 acre n des rab e area Home features open concept floo p an master bedrm has 5 pce ensu te Open k tchen has arge is and & S/S app iances Bonus room ove garage Has detached shop & RV park ng #3429 $300,000 1413 CANFORD AVENUE Don t be foo ed by the exter or th s charming character home has 2 bedrms, 1 bath and s tastefu y updated ns de C ose to schoo s dog park track & r ver tra ls Zoned R2 a ows for a ca riage house or shop n back #3450 $375,000 Great ha f duplex starter home of 1728 sq ft with 2 bedrooms up and 2 down and a 4 pce bathroom on each floor Fenced yard wired storage shop arge carport Located n n ce ne ghbour hood & close to elementary schoo 2641 JACKSON AVENUE #3413 $249,000 2 bedroom 2 bath home w th oads of potent a on corner ot and centra ocation zoned R2 Needs updated but has good sol d home w th basement Easy wa k to shopping arena post office As s where is 2075 CHAPMAN STREE T #3348 $450,000 LOT 1 , MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Attent on House Bui ders – a Deve opment p operty w th R3 zon ng (Sma l Parce Res dent a ) of approx 5 acres n s ze and p iced to se l at close to assessment va ue #3424 $259,900 2707 PEREGRINE WAY This 9903 sq f ot n Grandv ew He ghts subd v s on o fers fantas c v ews or on Moun a n and N cola Va ey C ose to f eeway access & ocal amen t es Ve y des able Bench area w h south ac ng sunny s ope Approved subd Deve opmen house p ans & wo k ng d aw ngs avai #3409 $195,000 #315, 1703 MENZIES ST Why rent when you can own? Great 2 bed oom apartment great for first t me buye s or as an nvestment property Has balcony & sto eage Strata fees $262 94 per month #3419 $949,900 6377 MONCK PARK RD Spectacu a N co a Lake v ew home on 1 05 acres w h open concept w h a wa kout basement and detached garage Home has 2 bed ms up 2 down 3 baths gourme k chen v ng oom w th F/P A/C p aw ng cove ed deck ra sed garden beds ru rees & RV park ng #3427 $949,900 2760 PEREGRINE WAY Spec acu a 4 bed m Bench home w th panoram c v ews Th s custom bu t home had open des gn p an k chen w th S/S app ances & Quartz counters master bedrm w th 5 pce ensu te fu y fin basement w th fam y rm & bedrm #3434 $399,900 #8, 1717 GRANITE AVE Adu t v ng n this char m ng 2 bedr m 2 bath townhouse nest ed in the sen o -or ented Woodlane V lage comp ex Has upgraded floor ng on the ma n and downsta rs is an unfinished bsmt Strata fees are $400 per month REDUCED SOLD SOLD #3451 $529,400 IN CACHE CREEK La ge fam y home w h 5 bedrms 3 ba hs and an n- aw su te w h po ent a fo 6th bedrm Love y andscaped f ont yard w th amp e pa k ng fo RV’ Ma n v ng w th open concept Home has cen ra A/C Back ya d has moun a n v ews #3445 $299,900 #204, 2799 CL APPERTON AVE Love y 2 bedr m 2 bath apartment in The V be on the 2nd floor Lots of natural ghts & h gh end fin shes Centra ocat on h gh ce l ngs n-su te laundry & wrap around balcony Renta a lowed Strata fees are $220 pe month REDUCED REDUCED
Central Interior Show ‘n’ Shine wows crowds with impressive rides
Making its second appearance in the community, the second annual Central Interior Show and Shine took place this weekend, with hundreds coming out to take in the car and truck show in the heart of downtown Merritt.
The event shut down two blocks of
Garcia Street and Coutlee Avenue for a day of showing and shining with cars, bikes, trucks, and industrial vehicles on display for all to see. The event also included artisan vendors and a number of food trucks.
Cash prizes were distributed throughout the day for a number of categories, including for burnouts and most popular vehicle.
A mix of vehicle types were allowed for the second Central Interior Show and Shine, including motorcycles and commercial vehicles. Marius Auer/Herald
Hundreds of participants, spectators, vendors, and organizations took part in the second annual Central Interior Show and Shine, including 10-year-old Daymian Mosley, who took in the sights eagerly. Marius Auer/Herald
A plethora of vendors and food trucks gathered downtown to serve particpants of this year’s Show and Shine. Marius Auer/Herald
A pair of mustangs adorn a row of cars along Garcia Street, one of the stretches of downtown street that was closed for the car show. Marius Auer/Herald
Second annual car show hits downtown
Organizers say that another event will take place next year, with 2024 marking a potential third annual Show and Shine.
Auer/Herald THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A15 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Donations can be to made to The Angel’sAnimal Rescue Society by cheque, etransfer or PayPal. We are aRegistered Charity -847488269RR0001. Adopt a Pet “Breaking the Chain of Abuse” View your fe ature be st friend @ www.angelsan imalrescue .ca This featurebrought to you by... To make an app ointmen t to meet yo ur new best friend Phone/ text: (25 0) 378-522 3 (250 )5 74-1316 email: aa rs res cue@gmail.c om KAMLOOPS: 471 Okanagan Way250-372-2233 MERRITT:1690 Voght Street 250-378-4432 PURITY FEED Co.Ltd We’ve got all you need at Purity Feed Horse, Poultry, Livestock &Pet Supplies VOLUNTEER NOW TO HELP PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY! AP P LY TO DAY volunteerBCY @ redcross ca 604 - 709 - 6687 The Canadian Re d Cross is currently se eking Client Services, D elivery and Te chnician volunte ers for the Health Equipment Loan Pro gram (HELP) No exp erience re quire d. Flexible sche dules. FULL/PART TIME PHARMACY ASSISTANT
are looking for a person with a positive attitude who is willing to lear n and participate in all activities required Activities include preparing medications, re-stocking supplies, cleaning, administrative tasks, and other duties as deter mined by manager We provide on-the-job training in a friendly and supportive working environment We offer competitive wage rates, an employee discount, and a health and wellness benefit program We want to start training our new teammate a soon as possible. This position is available immediately PLEASE SUBMIT RESUME in person to Blaine at 2037 Quilchena Ave (preferred) or by email to blacksrx merritt@gmail com (please follow-up with a phone call to (250) 378-2155 to ensure it was received). is LOOKING TO HIRE
The interior of an Acadian, a model of car produced by General Motors of Canada from 1962 to 1971. The car was on show at this year’s Central Interior Show and Shine. Marius Auer/Herald Dozens of vehicles were on display
this weekend,
with an even higher number of spectators gathering to take in the sights. Marius Auer/Herald
City of Merritt increases water restrictions to Level 4
The City of Merritt has announced new watering restrictions, as a provincial drought continues on. Under the new Level 4 watering restrictions, which came into effect Thursday (August 3), residents are limited to watering once per week in most cases.
Under city bylaws, Level 4 watering restrictions limit lawn watering to once per week. Vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, and flowers can be watered twice per week as needed using a manual or automated watering system, or any time if hand watering or by drip irrigation system. All hoses must have an automatic shut off valve.
“Water restrictions are put in place to manage water usage and preserve fish habitat, particularly in the Coldwater River,” said the city in a release. “The Coldwater River is a ‘losing reach’ or ‘sinking river’ where incoming water drains into the city’s aquifers, effectively reducing water levels in the Coldwater River and causing stress to fish habitats.”
Any form of washing is prohibited under the restrictions unless ordered by a regulatory authority, or if washing vehicle windows for safety reasons. Merritt’s two commercial car washes remain open at this time. Bulk water usage is limited and restricted to those with previous usage rights. Pools and hot tubs can no longer be topped up at this time under the new rules.
Although the city is still allowing the watering of lawns one day a week, they noted that residents are encouraged to consider letting lawns to go dormant. Many grasses can stay dormant for up to four weeks without causing longterm damage.
“The City of Merritt is also practicing Level 4 watering restrictions on city-owned property,” noted the release. “This includes limiting watering to one-day per week and hand watering gardens as necessary. Contractors that require water for construction are required to bring in their own bulk water, rather than using city water.
Merritt Fire
Rescue is also
Continued Page 17
Coldwater School
Nursery to Grade 7 Registration for 2023 – 2024
Outdoor Nature Walks, traditional games, music and local stories.
Hands on projects and field trips may include:
drying fish
making tule mats
making hemp
tanning hides
hand drums
gathering tea
picking berries
Spius Creek salmon hatching program
winter fun
identifying plants
For more information please contact us at Tel: 250-378-9261 or Email:
The City of Merritt said it has entered Level 4 watering restrictions effective Thursday (August 3). Photo/Herald File
A16 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023
Full-time Nursery/Head Start (must be turning 4 years old by December 31, 2023) Full-time Kindergarten (must be 5 years old by December 31, 2022) Bus Services from Merritt provided Ncʼɬetkwu” School Cultural and Language Program
Benefits of our Classes strong focus on local culture small class size loving and caring environment individual education plans
dedicated teachers and staff New Nursery/Kindergarten Play Area Planters, big rocks, sand, Sheeshtkin, and more!
@FaceBook Coldwater School 709-170th St
BC VK 1B8 Registration forms can be picked up from the school or we can email/fax them directly to you DAILY BREAKFAST PROGRAM As always the Coldwater School will be following all provincial COVID -19 gu idelines to ensure the ongoing health and well-being of our children
From Page 16
limiting their water usage to essential needs only.”
Even numbered addresses are now permitted to water on Friday only, with odd numbers taking their turn on Tuesday. Those living in strata complexes and mobile home parks are asked to water according to their unit number. Manual sprinkling is permitted between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m., and automated irrigation between 12 a.m. and 2 a.m.
At a July 21 meeting, city council passed amendments to the city’s Outdoor Water Conversation Policy, which were made after consultation with the policy review committee. The changes include:
- Modification of the requirement to strictly adhere to the Province of B.C.’s Drought
Information Portal, thereby enabling the city to respond to the unique needs of the community.
- Changes to the watering days and times. Namely in Level 3, even numbered addresses are now Thursday & Sunday. And in Level 4, residents are now limited to watering with a manual sprinkler one time a day: 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.
- Strata complexes were included with mobile homes, which should water in accordance with their unit number.
- A new graphic chart was created to help enhance clarity of the watering restrictions.
For more information on the city’s watering restrictions, visit their website at watering.
A s construction of the Trans Mountain E xpansion Project progresses , we want y o u t o b e i n f o r m e d a b o u t p o t e n t i a l a c t i v i t y i n y o u r n e i g h b o u r h o o d s o y o u c a n p l a n a c c o r d i n g l y O n o u r w e b s i t e , y o u c a n v i e w a n i n t e r a c t i v e m a p o f construction areas , sign up for notifications , track what ’ s happening along the route and much more
A s always , s afet y is our numb e r one priorit y, eve r y m etre of the way.
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A17
Photo/City of Merritt Facebook page
L e p r é s e n t m e s s a g e c o n t i e n t d e s r e n s e g n e m e n t s im p o r t a n t s S v o u s a v e z b e s o i n d ’u n e t r a d u c t o n , v e u i l e z c o mm u n i q u e r a v e c i n f o @ t r a n s m o u n t a n c o m
a i n c o
1 8 6 6 5 1 4 6 7 0 0 I t r a n s m o u n t a i n c o m
n f o @ t r a n s m o u n t
m I
is under way in your area.
It’s time for people to make their choice. Indicate your top picks for the Mer ritt Herald People’s Choice Awards on this entr y sheet, or using our online ballot for m at https://www.mer
VOTE ONLINE! peoples-choice-2023/
O n l y o r i g i n a l n e w s p a p e r b a l l o t s a n d o n l i n e e n t r i e s w i l l b e a c c e p t e d N o m e
N a m e :
A d d r e s s :
C i t y : E m a i l :
B u s i n e s s C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e
B u t c h e r S h o p
C a n n a b i s D i s p e n s a r y
Ta t t o o S t u d i o
S e n i o r s H o m e
L a n d s c a p i n g C o m p a ny
P l u m b i n g C o m p a ny
A u t o Pa r t s S t o r e
A u t o R e p a i r S h o p
C l o t h i n g S t o r e
C o l d B e e r W i n e / L i q u o r S t o r e
C o nv e n i e n c e S t o r e
D ay c a r e
D o g / C a t G r o o m e r
F i t n e s s Fa c i l i t y
G a s S t a t i o n
G r o c e r y S t o r e
S p a
S a l o n
H o t e l / M o t e l
I n s u r a n c e O f fi c e
L o g g i n g C o m p a ny
U n i q u e B u s i n e s s
B u i l d i n g S u p p l y C o m p a ny
T i r e S h o p
A c c o u n t a n t / B o o k ke e p e r
B a n k S t o r a g e Fa c i l i t y
C a t e r i n g
Te l e p h o n e :
S e l e c t w h o y o u r t o p c h o i c e s a r e i n a t l e a s t 2 5 % o f t h e t o t a l c a t e g o r i e s C o n t e s t c l o s e s
We d n e s d ay, S e p t 6 a t n o o n One entr y per household per week
R e s t a u r a n t
P u b
M a s s a g e O f fi c e
P h a r m a c y R e a l E s t a t e C o m p a ny O p t i c a l B u s i n e s s
B u i l d i n g C o n t r a c t o r C o m p a ny
E l e c t r i c a l C o m p a ny
We l d i n g C o m p a ny
C o f f e e S h o p / C a f e
A g r i c u l t u r a l / Fa r m / R a n c h B u s i n e s s H o m e B a s e d B u s i n e s s P E O P L E A N D P L AC E S ( I n c l u d e N a m e & B u s i n e s s N a m e ) L o c a l A r t i s t D e n t i s t D o c t o r C o a c h H a i r D r e s s e r N a i l Te c h n i c i a n C o o k
M e c h a n i c M a n a g e r Pe r s o n a l Tr a i n e r P h o t o g r a p h e r R e a l t o r R e c e p t i o n i s t S e r v e r L o c a l B a n d / M u s i c i a n Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l )
Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( H i g h S c h o o l )
Ve t e r i n a r i a n ( n a m e o f v e t )
Vo l u n t e e r
C l u b / S p o r t s O r g a n i z a t i o n
N o n P r o fi t O r g a n i z a t i o n
B e s t L o c a l E v e n t
B r e a k f a s t
B u r g e r C h i n e s e Fo o d S t e a k P i z z a S o u p
W i n g s
D e s s e r t S u s h i S a n dw i c h
B u s i n e s s O f T h e Ye a r
B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( U n d e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )
B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( O v e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )
N ew B u s i n e s s - 2 y e a r ’s o r l e s s i n b u s i n e s s
B u s i n e s s O w n e r
A18 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023
e o
0 2 3
p l e ’ s C h o i c e Aw a r d s 2
P hy s i c a l b a l l o t s c a n b e d r o p p e d o f f a t t h e M e r r i t t H e r a l d o f f i c e , 2 0 9 0 G r a n i t e Av e n u e , M e r r i t t , B C
c h a n i c a l r e p r o d u c t i o n s a l l o we d E m p l o y e e s o f M e r r i t t H e r a l d a n d t h e i r i m m e d i a t e f a m i l i e s a r e n o t e l i g i b l e A l l b a l l o t s m u s t b e r e c e i v e d o r e n t e r e d o n l i n e by n o l a t e r t h a n We d n e s d ay, S e p t e m b e r 6 a t n o o n P S T S o m e r e s t r i c t i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a p p l y PEOPLE’S CHOICE 2018 AWARDS MERRITT HERALD PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS 2019 2023 Vote for your favourite business. LIMITED TIME TO VOTE!
Merritt’s Roger Sloan wins Korn Ferry Tour Utah Championships
Merritt’s own professional golfer saw some major success south of the border this weekend, winning the developmental Korn Ferry Tour’s Utah Championship on Sunday (August 6).
Roger Sloan beat out American Christopher Petefish by one stroke in the four round tournament, shooting 24 under and birdying his final two holes for the win.
Sloan, 36, has been playing on the Korn Ferry Tour after losing his full tour card during the 2021/22 Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA)
season. Sloan also qualified for this year’s U.S. Open, although he was ultimately cut from the competition.
With the Utah Championship win, Sloan is now 27th on the Korn Ferry Tour’s points list, and one step closer to regaining his tour card. The top 30 golfers at Korn Ferry’s seasons’ end graduate to the PGA.
There are five events remaining on the Korn Ferry Tour’s season.
Sloan was born in Calgary, but raised in Merritt, attending Bench Elementary and Merritt Secondary schools. After attending the University of Texas, Sloan moved to Houston, Texas, where he currently resides.
City staff installing ice surface at Nicola Valley Memorial Arena
Marius Auer
Skates will soon glide in Merritt once again as city staff work to install the ice at the Nicola Valley Memorial Arena (NVMA). With the lines and sponsors painted, and the first few layers already laid, City of Merritt Manager of Operations for Recreation and Facilities, Dave Zakall, told the Herald that the surface should be complete within a matter of weeks.
The ice surface at the NVMA is approximately 1.5″ thick, made up of multiple layers that fuse together to create a bond stronger and more durable than traditional flooding-style installation. The ice is painted white with environmentally friendly paint, followed
by the lines being painted on the newly white surface before more layers of water are added to create a protective layer of ice.
As a part of the ice installation process, city maintenance staff utilize both standard sizes hoses and flooding machines to prepare the sheet for the season ahead. The ice is utilized primarily by the Merritt Centennials, who will host their British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL) rivals at the NVMA 26 times this season. It is also used by the Nicola Valley Skating Club and Merritt Minor Hockey Association, as well as a number of recreational hockey leagues.
Besides their planned hockey school, camps, and preseason games, the Centennials will first hit the ice for the BCHL’s 2023/24 regular season on September 22 at 7:05 p.m.
Police reminding paddleboarders to carry life saving equipment
Kelowna’s Regional RCMP is reminding lake goers to paddle by the rules this summer – a reminder stemming from Lake Okanagan, but extending to all water users in B.C.
The RCMP said in a release last week its officers are seeing many paddlers not wearing or without a lifejacket even while far from shore, or very close to the active boating lanes in the middle of the lake.
“While conducting these checks, officers have been surprised by how many people
are not only unaware of the requirements, but lack of simple safety practices,” said Cst. Mike Della-Paolera, media relations officer with the Kelowna Regional RCMP. “A ticket for not having a lifejacket or PFD can cost the guilty party $287.50. For your own safety, please wear a lifejacket when out enjoying our beautiful lake.”
Paddle boarders travelling on the water in Canada are required to be wearing an approved lifejacket or Personal Floatation Device (PFD), or at least have either on board, as per the Small Vessels Regulations under the Canada Shipping Act. Life jackets and PFDs must be Canadian Coast Guard approved and clearly show their
respective label.
Police recommended that paddle boarders wear their tether at all times to avoid being separated from their boards. If the paddler is wearing their life jacket or PFD, they are only required to carry a sound signalling device such as a whistle. Those not wearing their life jacket or PFD must have it on the board, along with a 15 metre buoyant heaving line in a throw bag and a sound signalling device. Anyone paddling after sunset, before sunrise, or in periods of restricted visibility must also carry a watertight flashlight.
For more information on paddleboarding safety, visit the Parks Canada website.
SPORTS Have a sports story tip? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing
Roger Sloan made a significant step towards regaining his PGA Tour Card by winning the Korn Ferry Tour’s Utah Championship this weekend.
Photo/Herald File
A City Works employee sprays down a layer of water on the existing ice surface to build a solid foundation. Marius Auer/Herald
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A19
Photo/KTW files
Do you have a community story idea? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing
Local Girl Guides’ service project bene ts food bank, schools
essentials per school was a good way to do it,” she said.
Three members of the Merritt Girl Guides are doing a school supply and school snack donation drive to Merritt’s local food bank.
Emma Doncaster, Fionna CelellaWerrun and Lilly Willis had the idea after wanting to work on their discovery badge during the summer.
Susan Doncaster, guider of the Merritt Girl Guides, said the three girls wanted to give back to the community to achieve their goal.
“They thought that giving back
Doncaster said there are ideal food products that they are looking for, such as vegan, peanut-free, dairy free, but they will accept any food donations.
“Granola bars are always a good hit, fruit snacks, fruit cups are always a good one as well,” she said.
Regarding the school supplies, the girls are looking for general items, such as duo-tangs, paper, pen, and erasers.
“We know money is tight in this town, and if we can help the families who are struggling a little bit, that’s what we’re aiming for,” she said.
The locations receiving donations
are Miss Vicki’s Petals and Plants Flower Shop, at 1974 Quilchena Ave., and Cool Creek Agencies (ESSO Commercial) on 2588 Lauder Ave. The Merritt Girl Guides is also hoping to add the Merritt Library as another donation drop-off spot later on.
Merrittonians will also be able to bring their donations to different events that are happening in town this month. Anyone attending the city’s Music in the Park on Aug. 17 between 6 to 8 p.m. is welcome to drop off their supplies.
The girls will also be accepting donations at Kia Henriksen’s Dance Party at the Rotary Park on Aug. 26,
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“The girls are really excited to be able to make a difference in their community,” Doncaster said.
The group will be making the donation of all the supplies they’ve received to the community on Sept. 1.
1750 Hill Street ■ Phone: 250-315-3000
Crossroads Community Church
2990 Voght St • 250-378-2911
Ser vice Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m
Merritt Baptist Church
2499 Coutlee Avenue (at Omre)
Sunday ser vice 10 am, Phone (250)378-2464
Merritt Lutheran Fellowship in St. Michael's Anglican Hall • 250-378-9899
Ser vice Time: 3rd Sunday each month 1:00 p m
Sacred Hear t Catholic Church
Corner of Jackson & Blair • 250-378-2919
Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.
St. Michael’s Anglican Church
1990 Chapman St • 250-378-3772
Ser vice Times: 2nd and 4th Sundays only - 10:00 a.m.
Trinity United Church
Corner of Quilchena & Chapman • 250-378-5735
Ser vice Time ever y Sunday - 10 am
Somang Mission Community Church (SMC)
1755 Coldwater Ave. ( The Cadet Hall)
Sunday Ser vice Time: 4:00 pm • 250-280-1268
Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church
1950 Max well St • 250-378-9502
Ser vice Time: Sunday 10:00 am
A20 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023
Emma Doncaster, Fionna Celella-Werrun and Lilly Willis are running a school supply and school snack donation drive for the local food bank. Pictured is Celella-Werrun. Photo/Susan Doncaster
■ A p p r o v e d m i n i - s t o r a g e ■ O n - s i t e r e n t a ■ S e c u r e d ■ S a l e o f N e w & U s e d s t o r a g e c o n t a i n e r s CONTAIN-IT STORAGE
Don’t let the heat get to you ne 250-378-5104 we r call the cool li ’ e your source for lennox air conDitioners Beat the H ! 250-378-5104 2151 coutlee ave., coppervalley@uniserve .com
Deadline for placing a classified ad is 5 p.m. on Monday. To place an ad please call 250-378-4241 or email:
Exilda (Guertin) Paquette
August 13, 1927- October 14, 2016
Of all the special gifts in life
However great or small
To have you as our Mother
Was the greatest gift of all May the winds of love blow softly
And whisper in your ear
´We love and miss you Mom, And wish that you were here »
The Paquette Family
Some needs of mourning: accept the reality of death – let yourself feel the pain of loss –remember the person who died – develop a new identity – expect all kinds of feelings
www merritthospice org
Merritt Funeral Chapel
Coldwater Indian Band Job Posting
The Coldwater Indian Band is seeking an individual to fill the Education Coordinator position. The Education Coordinator is responsible for the planning , administration and coordination of Coldwater Indian Band Education Programs and Ser vices and repor ts to the Band Administrator This position will be wor king from the Mer ritt Office
Responsibilities and Duties
Planning – Annual and Long-ter m Education Plan for Coldwater Indian Band, member ship and as directed.
Human Resource – Super vises and valuates the perfor mance of anyone with direct repor ting relations to the Depar tment when applicable
F inancial – Develops Education Program budgets in consultation with the Band Administrator and administer s the budgets as approved by Chief and Council and all other associated duties.
Policy – Administer s the approved Post-Secondar y Education Policy
Liaison and Representation – Par ticipates as Ex-Officio when required on the Band School SAC; Represents the band in negotiating the Local Education Agreement; Attends School District 58 meetings where applicable; Liaises with Post-Secondar y Institutions/Schools in suppor t of the Coldwater Indian Band Education Policy and programs; Liaises with SD #58 re: L.E.A., F.N.A.C, and staff where applicable; Advocates for Coldwater students within School District 58 & students attending different PostSecondar y Educational Institutions; Liaise with Indian Ser vices Canada in suppor t of the Coldwater Indian Band Education Depar tment programs
P: 250-280-1701
Email: merr tthospice@shaw ca
2113 Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC 250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379
Post-Secondar y Program Administration – Administer s the Post-Secondar y program as per Job Description.
General Education Administration – Administer s all per tinent Education Program funding through Xyntax; Develop and maintain individual student confidential files; Maintains records of all Education programs, ser vices and funding associated with this depar tment; Keeps the Band Administrator infor med of sensitive and impor tant issues and events in relation to the operation of the Education Programs; etc.
Position Qualifications:
R est i n Peace
June 2, 2 0 23 - July 24, 2 0 23
It is with b roken hear t s we ann oun c e the pa s s in g of our sweet ba by b oy, N oah M i c hael James, on M on day, J ul y 24, 2 02 3.
N oah is l ov in gl y remem b ere d by his parent s, Dar ren an d Lin ds ey; t win s is ter, Saw yer; s is ter s, Cay l ey an d M adis on; an d gran d parent s, B rad an d Evel y n Smy th
Post-Secondar y Diploma (prefer minimum Business or Public Administration diploma)
• OR an equivalent combination of post secondar y education and directly related wor k experience.
• Proposal writing an asset
Lifestyle consistent with the impor tance of the responsibilities of the position
• Strong analytical and decision-making skills, tact, discretion and sound judgement
• Demonstrated commitment to fiscal management
• Superior communication skills, written and oral
• Wor king knowledge of Xyntax an asset
• Knowledge of Nlaka’pamux and Coldwater Community an asset
• Ability to organize and manage wor kload
Good negotiation skills (Local Education Agreements)
• Able to wor k independently and in a team environment
Satisfactor y Criminal Records check
• Valid Driver’s License and Reliable vehicle
Send your resume with references and cover letter : Attn: COLDWATER INDIAN BAND H.R. COMMITTEE c/o Band Administrator ( .) or fax 250-378-5351 PO BOX 4600, MERRITT, BC V1K 1B8
Candidates who send in resumes can be trained for the position (capacity building). Deadline for resumes: August 25, 2023
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A21
Thurs.&Fri.: 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Ave., Mer Wednesday: 1:00 p m - 6:00 p m
ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC
each life like no other On Call 24 Hours ADay
Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
J o b Po s t i n g N o: 3 5 3 8712 Sch o o l D i s t r i ct N o 5 8 (N i co l a - S i m i l ka m e e n) s e r ves t h e t wo co m m u n i t i es of M e r r i t t a n d P r i n ceto n, s i x F i r s t N at i o n s B a n d s, t h e M ét i s co m m u n i t y, a n d t h e Co n a y t F r i e n d s h i p So ci et y I n o u r d i s t r i ct, we re co g n i ze t h at we l e a r n, te a ch a n d wo r k o n t h e a n ces t ra l t ra d i t i o n a l a n d u n ce d e d te r r i to r i es of t h e N l e?e Ke p m x a n d Sy i l x p e o p l e, a n d we a ck n ow l e d g e o u r M ét i s co m m u n i t i es a n d t h e i r co nt r i b ut i o n s to t h e A b o r i g i n a l wa y s of b e i n g, k n ow i n g a n d d o i n g T h e m o u nta i n s, l a kes a n d va l l ey s w i t h i n t h e d i s t r i ct m a ke i t a n at u ra l s et t i n g fo r fa b u l o u s, ye a r- ro u n d o utd o o r a ct i v i t i es We of fe r a wa r m s m a l l -tow n at m o s p h e re w h e re re l at i o n s h i p s a re f u n d a m e nta l to o u r s u cces s M e r r i t t, w h e re t h e of fi ce i s l o cate d, i s i n t h e N i co l a Va l l ey a n d i s t h e h u b of a h i g hwa y s y s te m t h at l i n k s Ka m l o o p s Ke l ow n a a n d t h e Lowe r M a i n l a n d Ra n ch i n g, fo res t r y, h e a l t h, l o ca l g ove r n m e nt, a n d to u r i s m a re t h e m a j o r i n d u s t r i es i n t h e va l l ey O u r St rate g i c Pl a n h a s a “ Su cces s fo r A L L Le a r n e r s” fo cu s, s u p p o r te d by a d e d i cate d s ta f f e n g a g e d s ta ke h o l d e r s a n d p a r t n e r s w h o s h a re a g e n u i n e co m m i t m e nt to t h e d i s t r i ct T h e d i s t r i ct of fe r s r i ch p ro g ra m m i n g to j u s t ove r 2 075 s t u d e nt s, 4 8 % of w h o m a re I n d i g e n o u s We a re p ro u d of o u r o n g o i n g wo r k towa rd s Tr ut h a n d Re co n ci l i at i o n S ch o o l D i s t r i c t N o. 5 8 (N i co l a -S i m i l ka m e e n) i s a cce p t i n g a p p l i ca t i o n s f o r U N CE R T I F I E D Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l T h e d i s t r i c t i s se e k i n g h i g h l y s k i l l e d a n d d y n a m i c i n d i v i d u a l s t o j o i n ou r l i s t o f Ca s u a l, U n ce r t i fi e d Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l . P re f e re n ce w i l l b e g i ve n t o i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h a d e m o n s t ra t e d wo r k h i s t o r y o r vo l u n t e e r ex p e r i e n ce wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d you t h Re q u i re d q u a l i fi ca t i o n s a n d t ra i n i n g i n cl u d e: • B a ch e l o r’s d e g re e o r ot h e r p o s t- s e co n d a r y e d u cat i o n • Re ce nt s u cces s f u l te a ch i n g ex p e r i e n ce a n d/o r t ra i n i n g p refe r re d • E f fe ct i ve i nte r p e r s o n a l a n d co m m u n i cat i o n s k i l l s • D e m o n s t rate d i nte res t i n wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d yo ut h
Sch o o l D i s t r i ct 5 8 i s wo r k i n g to e n s u re a n i n c l u s i ve, d i ve r s e, a n d re p res e ntat i ve wo r k fo rce Su cces s f u l ca n d i d ates w i l l re co g n i ze t h at co n s i s te nt w i t h t h e U N D e c l a rat i o n o n t h e Ri g ht s of I n d i g e n o u s Pe o p l es (U N D R I P), t h e B C H u m a n Ri g ht s Co d e a n d t h e Ca n a d i a n Ch a r te r of Ri g ht s a n d F re e d o m s, e m p l oy m e nt p ra ct i ces a n d p ro ce d u res at a l l l eve l s m u s t refl e ct a n d d e m o n s t rate a n u n d e r s ta n d i n g of a n d res p o n s e to a d i ve r s e p o p u l at i o n I nte res te d a p p l i ca nt s s h o u l d g o to o u r d i s t r i ct we b s i te at w w w s d 5 8 b c ca, w h i ch p rov i d es g u i d a n ce o n h ow to a p p l y fo r te a ch i n g j o b s i n o u r d i s t r i ct A p p l i cat i o n s m u s t i n c l u d e a Cove r l et te r res u m e co p i es of p o s t- s e co n d a r y t ra n s c r i pt s a n d n a m es of t wo s u p e r v i s o r refe re n ces ( i n c l u d i n g t h e m o s t re ce nt s u p e r v i s o r) O n l y s h o r t- l i s te d a p p l i ca nt s w i l l b e co nta cte d PL E A S E N OT E: D u e to t h e vo l u m e of a p p l i cat i o n s re ce i ve d, t h e d i s t r i ct i s u n a b l e to p rov i d e co m m e nta r y o r fe e d b a ck re g a rd i n g a n a p p l i ca nt’s q u a l i fi cat i o n s/a p p l i cat i o n, n o r a re we a b l e to p rov i d e ca re e r a d v i ce/co n s u l tat i o n A p p l i cat i o n s w i l l b e rev i ewe d, a n d h i r i n g w i l l o ccu r o n a n o n g o i n g b a s i s
Success for ALL Learners, Today and Tomorrow
en Until Filled
We are currently inviting applications for the position(s) of:
Bus Driver 3255978
Noon Hour Super visor - 3322609 Open Until F illed Merritt Bench Elementar y; Merritt Central; Diamond Vale
Qualified candidates are invited to apply online at https://www makeafuture ca/bcschools-and-districts/nicola-similkameen-school-district-no-58/.
All applicants must provide a cover letter and resume outlining relevant background and work experience and three (3) professional references for each position they want to be considered .
Only those applicants selected for an inter view will be contacted.
A22 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023
Ongoing Relief
Ongoing Relief
Education Assistant 3259613
Clerk Typist 3256003
Custodian 3259601
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted YouWant It We’ve Got It Find Wha tever You’re Looking for in the Classifieds. Check Out Our Website: me rr it th er ald. co m @KamThisWeek Follow us @Merr ittHerald PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 A23 L o c a l B u s i n e s s D i r e c t o r y ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE GET YOUR BUSINESS NOTICED! IF YOU’RE READING THIS, THEN YOU KNOW IT WORKS! Call Ken or Theresa to reserve your spot at 250-378-4241 This is a full colour business card size space on a 1, 3, 6 month or more contract ADVERTISING s w OO AN CLEANING SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES EXCAVATING • Small Job Specialist • Dump Trailer Service • Fencing & Post Pounder • Fully Insured Call Gary Sedore for FREE ESTIMATES: 250-378-4312 Gary ’s Mini Excavating Service email: Cell: 250-315-3174 LICENSED CANNABIS Quilchena Cannabis Co. Call 250-378-5 420 Unit B-1937 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC Quilchena Canna Company 19+MUST BE FINANCIAL Sherrie Burechailo Associate Advisor, Sun Life 236-766-3636 advisor sunlife ca/ 206 4 Coutlee Ave. Ph: 250-378-4943 email: nicplumb@telus net FULLY QUALIFIED TRADESMAN IN: Plumbing, Heating, Bonded Gas F itters. Ser vice work, furnace ser vice and custom sheet metal. N i c o l a P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g Cer tified Plumbers & Gas Fitters wanted - apply today! P L U M B I N G & H E AT I N G Office Bu ldings | Specialty Res dent al | H gh Touch Touch-Ups Post Construction | Hoard ng Services and Industrial www • 250-525-0262 See you at the Fall Fair SPOTLESS RESULTS J A N I T O R I A L S E RV I C E S 797 Coldwater Rd., Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Contractor license # LEL0212539 Sam Charette 250-378-7465 Cer tified Master Electrician ELECTRICIAN TREE SERVICE CALL JIM at 250-378-4212 Solutions for your tree problems! ➤Schedule your FREE Estimate JIM POTTER MERRITT TREE SERVICE • Fully insured, certified faller • WSBC covered • Dangerous tree assessment
A24 THURSDAY, August 10, 2023 The Inn has been fully restored to the beautiful proper y that it is oday There are 12 rooms, 2 suites restaurant with a well equipped commercial kitchen, cof ee bar, lounge area & outdoor patio area. 3649 MERRITT-SPENCES BRID. $997,50 0 email: www.royallepag e .ca SERVING MERRITT & AREA FOR 40 YEARS! 3499 Voght Street, Merritt BC, V1K 1C6 250-378-6181 email: Helping you is what we do.™ Visit: www.royallepag e .ca/merritt for a complete list of current listing. Owner/Broker CL AUDETTE EDENOSTE Ph: 250-280-0689 claudetteedenoste@ royallepage ca Managing Broker JOHN ISAAC Ph: 250-378-1586 JENNIFER KIGHTLEY Ph: 250-315-3256 jenniferkightley@ royallepage ca TONY LUC K Ph: 604-217-5825 tjluck@royallepage ca DENISE DESILETS Ph: 250-315-8395 denisedesilets@ royallepage ca KEVIN DUNN Ph: 250-525-0073 1kevindunn@ protonmail com 2125 QUILCHENA AVE. $850,0 0 0 MLS#172662 2049 QUILCHENA AVE $255,0 0 0 MLS #173423 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 1840 NICOLA AVE COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 312-1703 MENZIES ST $214,90 0 A great 3rd-floor 2-bedroom unit or a firsttime buyer investment, or someone looking o downsize Perfect for retirees This building has an elevator for easy access, a covered balcony, and storage space for your outdoor gear fi MLS#172467 1434 DOUGLAS STREET $299,0 0 0 A delightful star ter home for the firsttime buyer or a great proper t y to downsize With 3 bedrooms & 1 bath. h fi MLS#171766 241 BIRCH CRESENT Logan Lake - $459,90 0 Well-located family home is in a quiet culde-sac and has excellent curb appeal. The home has 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. MLS#172023 281 POPLAR DRIVE Logan Lake - $479,90 0 This 3 bed, 3-bath home is situated on a beautiful fenced lot with plent y of room for enter taining i d MLS#173021 433 DALADON DRIVE Logan Lake - $739,0 0 0 A bright, beautiful and well mainta ned home located in the ver y desirable “Ironstone Ridge” subdivision. This home has 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down, and 3 full bathrooms d h MLS# 172604 4472 IRON MOUNTAIN RD $525,0 0 0 If you are looking for a little piece of paradise not too far from town, look no fur ther! This 2-bedroom 2-bathroom mobile home sits on 1.49 acres f di MLS#173130 RURAL 1438 BOSTON BAR TRAIL $599,0 0 0 Th s beaut fu t ny home s s on 10 private acres oca ed n Co dwater Estates Ranch The home a ows you to kick back & re ax mak ng every day fee ike a vacat on 1 bedroom & 1 ba h RURAL i MLS#172874 2160 ELLIS ROAD $896,0 0 0 This 2-bedroom 1 bathroom home s nest ed on flat 8.72 acres located in Sunshine Valley only 15 mins from Merritt. d MLS#172688 RURAL 5972 BEECH ROAD $980,0 0 0 This 14.15-acre proper ty consists of a 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful countr y home that sits west facing with stunning views f b d MLS#172350 RURAL 5120 STEFFENS ROAD $1,225,0 0 0 12 acres and boasts breath aking mounta n views and lots of privacy The home is a spacious one-leve rancher with 3 bedrooms and t wo baths RURAL MLS#173156 2173 TOMKINSON ROAD $1,576,0 0 0 Breathtaking ‘one-of-a-kind find’ private acreage oca ed in the beautiful Sunshine Valley The home is open concept & has 3 bedrooms & 2 baths MLS#172509 RURAL 6881 OLD NICOLA TRAIL $2,388,888 This beautiful, custom-built luxur y home sits on .95 acres and is situated on the east side of Nicola Lake in the exclusive Old Nicola Trails development. 7 bedrooms, & 5 baths h MLS#172203 RURAL 2893 ABERDEEN ROAD $3,10 0,0 0 0 75 Acres Zoned CR1 This proper ty is all fla useable land and ready for development into 2-to-5-acre parcels which are in grea demand n the area i l fl MLS#167169 RURAL 2149 NICOLA AVENUE $299,0 0 0 This 3-bedroom home with 1 bathroom sits on its own freehold proper t y i h MLS#172383 32-1749 MENZIES STREET $439,0 0 0 This townhouse unit is located in Sun Valley Cour t There are 3 bedrooms and 21/2 bathrooms and a 2-car garage S MLS# 173563 1688 COLDWATER AVENUE $335,0 0 0 Don miss out on this immaculate, beautifully decorated 3-bedroom 1 bath rancher close o schools and shopping This home has had numerous upgrades while maintaining the heritage interior i MLS#170783 1776 ORME STREET $499,0 0 0 This 5-bed & 3 bath home w/ vaulted ceilings on the main floor would make a great family home / l d MLS#173592 2556 CORKLE STREET $556,50 0 Beautifully fully updated 3-bedroom 2-bathroom modular home sitting on a 0.33-acre private lot in Lower Nicola. b d MLS#173228 2669 QUILCHENA AVENUE $699,950 Fantastic Oppor tunity o own a 6-bedroom, 4 full-bath home with a 2 bedroom and 1 bathroom suite with open concept kitchen/ living room. Own private entrance 6 b d MLS#173022 1648 FIR AVENUE $699,90 0 Ranch-style home with a fully finished basement. There are 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on the main floor and has a selfcontained LEGAL 2 BEDROOM SUITE on the lower level. fi i h d MLS#172562 1550 WILLIAMS CRES $1,280,0 0 0 Beautiful 2,819 SQFT custom-built rancher home located on 1.22 acres This home has been astefully finished from the inside to the outside With 3 bedrooms & 3 baths h h MLS#172972 RURAL 17-1098 HOUSTON ST $180,0 0 0 Lovely 3 bedroom plus office that is move in ready with a well-designed yard space h i MLS#173789 1555 CHESTNUT AVE $585,90 0 2018 open concept rancher boasting 10 ft ceilings, open concept plan with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths b i MLS#173815 REDUCED 205-1701 MENZIES ST. $299,0 0 0 This home has 2 good size bedrooms master o fers a walk through closet and direct access to 4pc ensuite “Jack and Jill” bathroom. 9’ ceilings throughout. There is a covered balcony/sundeck for BBQ’s f MLS#173760 5080 STEFFENS ROAD $899,0 0 0 10.77 private acres located only 15 m nutes nor th of Merritt. 2 bedrooms & 3 baths and a one room guest cabin you have a private space for family & friends MLS# 173917 1925 NICOLA AVENUE $665,0 0 0 Fantastic investment oppor tunity presently configured as a triplex with 3 long erm tenants The original conversion potentially allows for the home o be estored o a 2-level amily dwelling with an at ached in-law suite or rental dwelling Lots of wonderful original eatures fi d MLS#173354 1898 LANGLEY ROAD $595,0 0 0 This 1798 sq. t rancher has ons of w ndows to enjoy the view to the private yard with nground pool and enter taining space outdoors 2 bedroom & 2 bath d MLS#174240 NEW NEW NEWPRICE 5265 HIGHWAY 8 $750,0 0 0 Rare RL1 Zoned 44.48 acres under 30 m nutes from Merritt! Live n the 1995 1320 sq. foot manufactured home with 2 and possibly 3 bedrooms f MLS174199 RURAL SOLD 2226 GRANITE AVENUE $369,90 0 Charming home close o all amenities! This 1050 sq. t ancher has had new vinyl windows and the roof redid, a new furnace siding complete plumbing upda e including the water line o the city main since approx. 2017 h MLS# 172789 SOLD NEW o beaut ful MLS #173674 NEWPRICE PRICECHANGE Royal LePage Proper ty Management For all rental inquiries, please contact Kevin Dunn or Cr ystal Chandler. Rental Applications are available at our office AND on our website www merrittrealestateser vices com in the “Proper ty Management” tab Phone: 250-378-1996 or Email: