Merrittonians left scrambling for solutions after laundromat closes.
Two Merrittonians have committed to the Cents for upcoming season.
Merrittonians left scrambling for solutions after laundromat closes.
Two Merrittonians have committed to the Cents for upcoming season.
Leaders from three B.C. communities hit with devastating floods in 2021 gathered in Abbotsford Monday to slam the federal government for denying them funding to protect and adapt to future floods.
Anna-Lea’s Road to Recovery GoFundMe charity for stroke victim.
but was given no details around why their applications had been denied.
“We feel completely abandoned by our federal government,” said Siemens.
Merritt Mayor Michael Goetz said the communities “have completely been ghosted.”
The mayors of Abbotsford, Merritt and Princeton each took to the dais calling on Ottawa to reconsider what they described as 500-page applications under the federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund.
On May 6, Anna-Lea Holstein suffered from a stroke shortly after moving into her first house with her boyfriend Nathan Kinley.
Her mother-in-law Jane Hauser quickly set up a GoFundMe page with the goal of reaching $20,000 to help support Holstein and Kinley.
“How much more information do you need? … it’s been two and a half years and we still have temporary dikes up,” said Princeton Mayor Spencer Coyne.
“Rent and bills are still going to be due, and living out of a back pack at the hospital is so expensive and for them to have to worry about money right now breaks my heart,” reads Hauser’s GoFundMe.
now. I also know times are tough right now for everyone, which made me hesitant to even reach out but even if you could share this story I would be so grateful,” the post continues.
Hauser credits Kinley for his “fast action she is still here with us today.”
“They did not return any calls, they did not return any emails. They returned nothing,” he said. “You take my taxes I expect something back for it.”
The Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities was not immediately available to respond to the mayors’ claims.
“Nathan has been by Anna’s side every minute. Be that chasing the ambulance to Kamloops then through a snow storm to be with her so she’s not afraid or to charming the nurses so they let him sleep in a chair beside her bed. He’s been beside her every step of the way.”
In November 2021, a powerful atmospheric river later found to be made 60 per cent more likely from climate change dropped more than 400 millimetres of rain in some parts of B.C.
“Any amount of financial help will be forever appreciated to help Nathan and Anna have a little bit less to worry about right
Abbotsford Mayor Ross Siemens said the city was encouraged by senior levels of government to apply to the federal program, and that he was “optimistic” their applications would be accepted. He said he spent three months trying to contact Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Sean Fraser
At the time of publishing, $3,025 had raised. Those interested in donating can visit Anna-Lea’s Road to Recovery on or contact Jane Hauser directly.
The resulting landslides and floods knocked out bridges, highways and rail lines, causing billions of dollars in damage to the province’s
With summer right around the corner, chances are that Merrittonians are planning ahead of wildfire season to protect their homes and community.
Steven Rempel, lieutenant and FireSmart coordinator with the City of Merritt, sat down with the Herald to talk about wildfire preparedness and the FireSmart program.
“In the last few years, the wildfires are ranking up. There’s more and more fires, they’re more aggressive and essentially it’s here to stay. So we need to kind of learn to work with wildfires and we need to be preparing our properties and being prepared for it,” he said.
According to the FireSmart BC website, the program is founded on seven disciplines –legislation and planning, education, vegetation management, development considerations, emergency planning, training and inter-agency cooperation –that address wildfire preparedness from different angles.
“Together, these disciplines help educate and prepare residents, their homes, neighbourhoods, critical infrastructure and vital natural resources from wildfire,” reads the FireSmartBC website.
Some of the everyday actions that people can take to reduce wildfire risks include making sure the house gutters are cleaned, raking leaves and constantly trying to adopt the
FireSmart culture.
“From day to day, being an advocate for it (FireSmart) in every way. So seeing something or just being able to, you know, spread the message every day,” Rempel added.
“I always, you know, advise people to make sure they have all that stuff in order ahead of time. So, yes, be prepared. You know we understand that we’re at a high risk, but I think just naturally we all just kind of believe that won’t happen to us.”
Rempel highlighted the role that community involvement plays in the success of the FireSmart program.
“I always say it’s not up to the fire department, it’s not up to the government, it’s not up to a single resident. It’s up to all of us,” he added. “It is supercritical that everyone is looking at this and we’re all working towards that same goal, because if we have one without the other than the program, you know, it suffers.”
A community that is synonymous with FireSmart success is actually not far from Merritt.
“Logan Lake is a huge example of a community who really bought into the program. They’re actually a recognized FireSmart community,” Rempel added. “In the face of their (recent) fire, they are still standing with no structures lost, nobody injured, and that’s largely due to the program.”
On August 13, 2021, Logan Lake was under an evacuation
order as the town was threatened by the Tremont Creek wildfire. But thanks to collective and individual efforts made by everyone to FireSmart their community, the town was saved from the wildfire.
In 2013, Logan Lake became the first FireSmart community in Canada to be recognized.
According to the B.C. Wildfire Dashboard, a total of 198 wildfires have been reported between April 1 and June 4, with over 315,000 hectares burned throughout the province.
“I feel like the majority of people believe that type of stuff can’t happen to us. But the truth of the matter is, we are at higher risk than the majority of the province, right? We’re the B.C. Interior. We’re Canada’s only desert. So we’re susceptible to wildfire,” Rempel stated.
Another misconception that people usually have, according to Rempel, is related to the sprinkler systems.
“We like sprinklers. We definitely advocate for them, but the issue that we see quite frequently is people are buying sprinklers that put them up on their home and they feel that that’s it, their home is now protected,” Rempel said. “And they’re missing the rest of the FireSmart component. So if I had to choose, in my own personal home, whether it was FireSmart, or I had sprinklers, I would take FireSmart all day.”
He also reminds that the
sprinklers that will help protect people’s homes is one that is designed to work with minimal water and minimal pressure.
“As long as it is a sprinkler that is meant to defend the home against the wildfires, typically it’s going to be designed for low pressures and use not a lot of water,” Rempel added. “They’re an excellent tool, but they’re not the end all be all with the rest of the FireSmart program.”
“It’s really important that they come down every year; they’re cleaned, maintained, tested, and made sure that they’re working before you put them on.”
Merrittonians who wish to learn more about the FireSmart program are also invited to the Wildfire Community Preparedness Day happening on June 22 at Central Park, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“Unfortunately due to the fires last year, we had crews kind of all over the province and we just weren’t able to organize the day. I know we had one the year prior and it was a pretty big hit,” Rempel said.
“It’ll be back again (this year).”
Live entertainment, food vendors, face painting, balloons, and different vendors that are geared towards FireSmart will also be present at the event.
“This will just be a staple event where families can come out and have a great day and hopefully walk away with a bit of information and awareness with the FireSmart program.”
transportation system.
Dikes began to fail.
In Abbotsford’s Sumas Prairie, the Sumas and Nooksack rivers burst through dikes and filled up an old lakebed drained almost 100 years earlier. The floods triggered the evacuation of 3,000 people and killed 670,000 livestock.
In Merritt, the entire population of 7,000 people was evacuated in the middle of the night as the Coldwater River flooded much of the city at levels 2.5 times higher than anything engineers had ever predicted.
And in Princeton, dike failures flooded much of the town, forcing residents to escape their homes in boats.
Mayor Siemens said his community had asked for $1.6 billion in federal funds to protect the community.
Goetz said the province has distributed about $30 million to reconstruct a bridge and relocate 31 Merritt residents into temporary housing. But it’s still waiting on another $64 million from Ottawa.
The Town of Princeton, meanwhile, is still looking for about $20 million from the federal government to upgrade its dikes, said Coyne.
The mayors said they were doing what they can to protect their communities and would be looking to the province to help them access the federal money they need.
Without reenforced dikes, Goetz said many in Merritt remain traumatized by the 2021 floods, including his wife.
“We have people that have posttraumatic stress, that when it rains for three days and they hear a siren, they start panicking,” he said.
“I have people that are desperately in need of protection.”
The mayors’ call to action comes days after a judge certified a classaction lawsuit filed by residents of Abbotsford against the city. The lawsuit alleges flooding was magnified by improper operations of a pump station. The claims have not been tested in court.
And on Monday, a group of researchers from the University of B.C., the Sumas First Nation, and regional environmental and legal groups published a study presenting an alternative plan to deal with future floodwaters.
Past options presented by the City of Abbotsford looked to further harden flood defences at a cost of up to $2.4 billion.
The cost to buy out residents, retreat from the region and allow a historic lake to recover, on the other hand, was calculated at just under $1 billion.
Abbotsford’s mayor said that calculation failed to consider Sumas Prairie’s role as some of the most productive agricultural land in Canada.
The housing crisis in Canada for many citizens is very real. However, depending on where you live and your situation, the crisis may present very different challenges.
For tenants who have lost an affordable rental, it can be very hard to find a similar place at a price close to what they used to pay. Some people can’t stay in their current house because they’ve split up with a partner, spouse, or roommate, but they can’t find a cheaper place to move to. Some people, especially seniors on a fixed income, can’t afford their current
home due to rising interest costs and living expenses. However, they can’t find anything more affordable.
This is a situation many homeowners face today. Some might not be in this situation yet, but they could be dealing with a future mortgage renewal.
The higher monthly payment could make things difficult. Sometimes, adult children can’t find good or cheap housing nearby, so they still live at home. For everyone in these situations, it can be a very tough and stressful time.
Due to the current housing crisis, both the Federal Liberal and NDP Provincial governments have haphazardly introduced various housing policies and allocated substantial tax dollars to show they are “taking action” on this issue. I use the word “haphazardly” because these programs and funding often lack proper discussion and clear goals.
Is it working? Sadly, no. A recent report from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) said, “Supply isn’t
expected to meet demand, which will lead to higher rents and fewer available homes in the future.” This report also said, “However, tough money lending situations may make it harder for homebuilders to begin new rental projects in 2024.” Clearly, high interest rates are causing issues for builders and developers too.
As a former Conservative Finance Minister Joe Oliver recently stated, and I quote directly: “A stable money supply is critical for economic stability.
To cope with out-of- control government spending, the Bank of Canada expanded the money supply dramatically, pushing it to $3.6 trillion, 83 per cent more than when the Liberals took office.
As a result, in 2022 inflation hit a 40-year peak of 6.8 per cent. Consumer prices are now 27 per cent higher than in 2015. Rising prices disproportionately affect low- and middle-income Canadians, who are also vulnerable to hikes in interest rates, including mortgage rates up 50 per cent from 2015. In aggregate,
total mortgage payments could rise by as much as $4 billion this year.”
I noticed a local news story this week. It said that in the City of Kelowna, the worth of building permits fell by nearly 30 per cent in the first quarter. This is compared to the same time last year. Home construction in Kelowna dropped nearly 24 per cent this quarter. This decrease matches the report from the CMHC that I mentioned earlier.
The purpose of my report this week is not to point out the failure of the current Provincial and Federal government approach but rather to ask an important question: Are you or is someone in your family currently or expecting to be facing a housing challenge in 2024? If so, I would appreciate hearing more about your situation.
I can be reached at Dan. or call toll free 1-800-665-8711.
Monda y, June 24 7:00 PM
Crossroads Community Church 2990 Voght Street,Merritt,BC 250-378-2911
Tickets: $15/ $50FamilyRate
From the Herald archives: June, 1997
A Shackan man armed with a rifle, and stolen vehicle kept Merritt RCMP on full alert for hours early Thursday morning. Around 1 a.m. that day, a call about a domestic, dangerously violent, situation was phoned into the detachment from the Lower Nicola Indian Reserve.
The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor. Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.
Construction completed two months ahead of schedule
Lower Nicola Indian Band (LNIB) celebrates the opening ceremony for the new Rocky Pines Bridge.
After three months of construction, the Rocky Pines Bridge has finished construction, giving LNIB members increased access in and out of the community as well as access to traditional gathering grounds.
The opening ceremony was attended by the LNIB Chief and council, community members, the LNIB Fire Department, representatives of Ruskin Construction, and Indigenous Services Canada.
“I’m very proud and honoured that we were able to work with Indigenous Services Canada Ruskin Construction, they did a great job. They expedited the project, was way ahead of schedule, I really appreciated that LNIB members were also a part of the construction of the bridge,” said Chief Jackson.
“That bridge now puts a lot of our residents’ mind at ease, that if Guichon
Creek were to flood again or if evacuation orders are enacted in the future, that there’s not just one vein out of the Rocky Pines area, we have two ways of getting our people into a safer environment if there’s an environment catastrophe that’s hovering over them,” said Chief Jackson.
“This is a big one,” Jackson said in a speech at the opening ceremony.
“We’ve also done some work up at the Pipseul area for access,” said Chief Jackson. “Some of the work that we want to do with our other reserves, up at (Hamilton Creek), we know that there’s work that needs to be done up there and that’s our focus; our focus is to make sure we’re balancing our service delivery to everyone.”
The LNIB hopes to increase access to reserves to create economic development opportunities. “Up at Hamilton Creek, access for our members to continue with their agriculture, their ranching, raising their cattle, and their horses” said Chief Jackson. “Knowing that they can actually put a tractor and a baler on a bridge to get them from point A to point B.”
perspectiveonthe real estate market.Being born andraisedhere, Ipossess an intimate knowledge of neighborhoods, histor y, andthe vibrantcommunity
My passionfor real estate is fueled by agenuine love forMerritt.With firsthand experience of thetown’s grow
you’re afirsttime buyer, agrowing family,or downsizing,let me be your guide in navigating theMerritt real estate market.Together, we canturnyour real estate dreams into areality in thetownI proudlycallhome.
Merritt RCMP are seeking the public’s help to identify a suspect involved in an armed robbery earlier today, June 4.
A press release issued by RCMP states that on June 4, shortly before 2 a.m., a suspect entered the 7-Eleven convenience store at the corner of Nicola Avenue and Voght Street. He brandished a knife and made off with cash from the register.
Police would like to identify the suspect in a photo shared by investigators. He is described as being approximately five-foot-seven tall, skinny, and weighing 160 pounds.
The suspect was wearing a distinct blue hoodie with an Indigenous headdress logo on it, blue jeans and a paintball mask.
If you know anything about this crime or the suspect, call the Merritt RCMP at 250-378-4262.
Pineridge Cemetery upgrade construction will continue until the end of July.
The City is installing two new columbarium units, bench seating and memorial plaques for the scattering garden.
Currently, the city is working on creating the foundation for the two new columbariums. Each columbarium will have the capacity to hold 40 urn niches.
Additionally, the City has invested in plaques for the scattering gardens. According to director of public works
and engineering services Rick Green, the plaques are approximately two inches square and will fit into a book of plaques with descriptions of who was scattered.
This expansion is part of a larger cemetery plan.
“(Over the next 25 or so years) the growth in Merritt would require about 570 total cremation interments,” said Green. “In about five years, we’d be tendering the next phase which was the original design that was tendered two years ago, that we would go to that one, that would give us 160 more which would buy us another 10 or so years.”
School District 58 hosts Battle of the Books at Merritt Secondary School.
In total, 10 teams from Bench Elementary, Merritt Central Elementary, Nicola Canford, Diamond vale, Collettville, and Vermillion Forks schools competed in the game show style reading event.
The Battle of the Books works as a reading
motivation program and its goal is to recognize students who enjoy reading and to broaden reading interests for everyone.
Several guests from the community helped host rounds, including Mayor Mike Goetz, School Board Trustee Justin Jepson, and Merritt RCMP officers Tracy Dunsmore and Blake Chursinoff.
After a fierce competition, Collettville team
“The Superior Master Minds” took the trophy this year.
Nicola Valley Food Bank receives a significant donation from the Merritt Volleyball Association.
The Merritt Volleyball Association has raised $4,000 during the Volleyball tournaments the association organizes and hosts, and has chosen to support the local food bank.
“Each year we choose a charity to play ‘in support of’ and this year the need at the food bank was
obvious to our committee,” Angela Russell, Merritt Volleyball Association representative, said. “We are happy to be able to support the work they are doing and grateful to all that donated and made this possible.”
This year, the Merritt Volleyball Association hosted 84 teams over the mixed and ladies tournament.
“We are grateful for all the local work our food bank is doing and are happy to be able to sponsor them with funds raised at this year’s tournament.”
Council to discuss transit with BC Transit government relations manager.
At the May 28 regular council meeting, council discussed BC Transit annual operating agreement.
According to the annual operating agreement document, this year’s total operating cost amounted to $679,690 whilst only generating $99,188 in total revenue. The City of Merritt covered $291,243 of the operating expenses.
“I just wonder how we can keep operating at such deficit,” said Councillor Dana Egan during the regular meeting.
“At some point, (BC) Transit is just going to have to raise their fees, it’s that simple,” said Mayor Michael Goetz. “We may
have to start talking to them to make that happen but people who don’t have vehicles rely on that heavily; so yeah, we’re taking a bit of a shot, but it’s so we can have people move within the community and do our part to make sure our people can move around.”
“The pool, the arena, it’s a hole into which we pour money, they don’t break even,” explained Mayor Goetz. “But it’s because we need to have that to have people come to this community.”
“We are a council, it’s their business to make this work along with us, so I would say that possibly, we should at some point ask that question, ‘how do you plan on making this work but keeping it affordable,” said Goetz.
During the meeting, director of finance Kevin Natkinniemei noted
the need for a fare review. “That request was formally submitted by myself so we are on that list for the back half of the year,” said Natkinniemei.
Natkinneimei also noted there was supposed to be a presentation by BC Transit on May 28, however it was deferred to the next meeting.
“It does have strategic impact and will impact how transit runs in the community and so if council can just wait until the next meeting, Elise Wren, the government relations manager will be present to answer your questions,” said Natkinneimei. “They’ve made some decisions that will have an impact on how transit is run here.”
Wren is scheduled to present to council two weeks from May 28, appearing at the regular council meeting
Sixty-five Indigenous students graduate from Merritt Secondary School in 2024.
The Conayt Friendship Society congratulates the 65 MSS graduates.
“We wish all the graduates congratulations on their success” said Conayt board director and Cook’s Ferry Elder Laxpetco Jean York. “Some of you will be joining the workforce and others will register into a college this fall.”
“May you learn, keep and adapt the values of our forefathers, may you never forget who you are, may you be able to look into your hearts for the old ways and yet, may you learn to change to the new ways without losing your traditions and values,” York continued, calling upon the horse spirit to bring new journeys.
York attributes the higher Indigenous graduation rate to the implementation of support workers as well as an increased respect for Indigenous heritage within the school system.
“I think they have the workers that are now in the school helping them with whatever they need, because we sure didn’t have that years ago, and we fought for those things,” said York. “In the recent days, they’ve been going to powwows, learning to understand more of our culture than ever.”
“Those kinds of things help to be proud, and now people are really aware
of our culture and want to learn and more understanding that we’re not stupid, that we do have brains, because in residential schools we were always told we wouldn’t amount to anything, that’s what we were told,” continued York.
As of 2023, School District 58 had 76 per cent of its Indigenous students graduate, a 13 per cent above the national average sitting at 63 per cent. In 2019, SD 58 saw its Indigenous graduation rate peak at 89 per cent.
Despite the decline since 2019, the Indigenous graduation rate has been steadily increasing over the last decade.
“Sixty-five Indigenous grads, I think the leadership in this valley is just going to change dramatically in the next 10 to 20 years, it’s going to be interesting to see the paradigm shift I think,” said Conayt executive director Hyrum Peterson. “Education is the key to connectivity, to all things and all people.”
“When you become educated, you really find out where your roots come from and where you come from, and then there’s also that pride, realizing that when you know that education helps you with all of that,” said York.
“When I was doing my practicum to become a teacher, there was non-native people there helping you to be successful, I think that’s the understanding, that you do it yourself but you do it with the help of other people, you know, lifting you up,” said York.
TheGovernmentof B.C. has suppor ts available forfarmers during drought.
As waterscarcit ybecomes more common, we’reworking with B.C. farmers to provide tools to prepare, andfinancial assistancetohelp withrecover y.
Merritt Secondary School places in top 20 per cent at mountain biking provincial championships.
On May 24, approximately 450 racers from 102 schools across B.C. went to Squamish to participate in the championship, with four of the competitors from Merrit.
According to MSS woodwork teacher and team sponsor Sam McKibbon, this is the first year that MSS has officially had a mountain biking team in over a decade.
“Being that this is the first year that the mountain bike club has run in quite a number of years, it’d be going back to Darren Coates who used to run a mountain biking program here at MSS, that would be more than a decade ago,” said McKibbon. “I was really proud of their performance and how they represented MSS.”
McKibbon started the mountain bike club during the pandemic however this is the first year McKibbon’s club has run as an official MSS team.
McKibbon attributes the team’s suc-
cess to the students having experience in mountain biking prior to the competition.
“We’re just really focusing on a lot of these kids already have good mountain biking skills, and refining that with both fitness, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the downhill, enduro or XC discipline, fitness is a huge part of that,” said McKibbon. “And then refining the things that they already knew how to do naturally with some good coaching techniques.”
In preparation for the championship, the MSS mountain bike team would ride the trails around town every Tuesday for two hours
MSS student Abigail Thoms placed 27th in the senior girls division. Thoms attributes her success in the enduro race to attending practices and staying calm during the competition, describing the competition as “a little nerve racking.”
“It was pretty muddy but I really like trying new trails and stuff and it’s definitely a different terrain in Squamish so it was nice to see what other places, other trails are like,” said Thoms.
For Thoms, her key takeaway from the competition was learning to get out of her comfort zone.
For McKibbon, his key takeaway from the competition is understanding how the sport is organized at the provincial level. “I would really love to bring a high school enduro series to Merritt,” said McKibbon. “I’m now talking to the race
sponsors about bringing a race to Merritt, to showcase Merritt riders, Merritt trails, and to get exposure for us as a town because we are really growing in a significant way.”
Merritt Secondary School’s ultimate frisbee team places tenth in the province.
On March 23 and 24, MSS went to McArthur Island Park in Kamloops to compete in the 2024 B.C. School Sports Ultimate Championships.
The tournament hosted 32 teams from around B.C. with Merritt finishing tenth in the AA division.
“I was really impressed with how the players conducted themselves,” said coach Taylor Larter. “There was quite a few close games where it could have gone, we could have won but the other team won, so there’s some really good ultimate frisbee being played there.”
Larter was also impressed with the team’s performance despite his absence
on the Friday game due to a family commitment. “My co-coach ran it and he just said that the team’s behaviour, attitudes, flexibility, because there’s now only one coach, just really did MSS proud,” said Larter.
Under Larter’s leadership, MSS emphasized short, quick passes to move the disk faster; flow and awareness of key openings; as well as emphasis on field communication.
“We crushed the other teams,” said Larter. “But we weren’t arrogant or cocky about it, we were supportive, we were helping the other players learn the game if they didn’t know the rules.”
Larter explains the concept of “spirit” in ultimate frisbee. “It’s not just like how much energy and enthusiasm you have when you play,” said Larter. “It’s looking at how fair are you, are you having open
conversations and discussions, are you positive, are you helping others better understand the game?”
Larter says spirit is important as there are referees in ultimate frisbee thus players must police themselves.
Next year, Larter hopes that the MSS team will get to provincials again however it is dependent on how many students sign up. “If we have a huge influx of students, maybe we’ll have a junior team or senior team which would be kind of cool,” said Larter. “The goal is always provincials but we will see when next season comes.”
Whilst school season is winding down, club season is starting up, says Larter. “I know there’s a number of students from (MSS) that are coming out to club tryouts,” said Larter. “They might be going on to play on a team that’s going to compete nationally this summer.”
May18, 2024
AllanMcCauleypassedawaypeacefully in Kamloops,BConMay 18, 2024 at age67years. He is sadlymissedbyMom,Christine, daughter Me (Austin)ofMerritt, BC, sonBrendanand grandchildren: Khloeand Savannah,brothers; Francisand Anthony andsisterCheryle. Allanwas predeceased by wife Susan, father,August, andbrother AugustJr. ACelebrationofLifewas held May26, 2024 at 1:00 pm at Cactus Annies Shouldfriends desire,donations maybemadetom454mccauley@outlook. com
On-linecondolences Servicearrangementsentrusted to Merritt FuneralChapel 250-378-2141
AUGUST 7, 1940 -MAY 17,2024
Donna Mae Chorney passed away peacefully on May17th, 2024atthe DrumhellerHealth Center Donnawas born to John and Laura Mckay in Dodsland Saskatchewan, the youngest of 5children.
Donna lovedsinging anddancing and she took every opportunity she could to have people play and sing, she especially loved going to the Old Time Fiddler’scampout where she would danceand enjoy the music all Mayweekend long.
Donna also lovedbakingand cooking, herspecialitieswere buns and fudge. Everyonewho ever visited her home waswelcomed with ahuge smile, andbefore you even had achance to sit downshe wasofferingyou an entire meal.Everyone waswelcomein herhome,and so waseveryone theybrought with them.
Donnafought ahardbattle of cancer in 2004 and stayed in remission for 20 years. Donna waspredeceasedbyher husbandDanny,her sister’s Dorothyand Pearl, and her brother Lorne, 2grandsons Skylar and Daylan, and her son in law, Ralph
Donna leavestomourn her sisterinlaw Myrna Jones, (Ernie), her daughterDebbie Werbowsky, herson Kevin,(Sue), six grandchildrenand 4great grandchildren, numerousnieces and nephews, and manyfriends.
Thefamily would liketothank Dr.AaronVisser for keepingher comfortable in her final days, and the Doctors andNursesinthe Drumheller Health care for theirwonderful care
will be June 15th (Jerry’s Bir thday), 12 pm, Smit Pioneer Park,Aberdeen Road in LowerNic This is acasual, potluck affair,sowewill welcomeyou with your bestrecipe. Please bring acomfychair, along with agood story, as he loved to hear them as much as tellthem. Tea, coffeeand waterwill beavailable–non alcohol event.
At Donna’srequestthere will be noservice, aprivate family interment will be heldinSparwood at alater day.
Anycopiesofphotos or memorabilia with the backstory attached would be appreciatedfor ascrapbook of Jerry’s life thefamily is assembling. Thefamilyhas been so grateful forall thesuppor twehavereceived sincethe passing of Jerry –our husband,father,grandfather,brother,uncle and friend
Forfur therinformation contact Marcia at
Repor ting to the Health Manager,the Administrator will be responsible primarily forthe overall Super vision of the Headstar t/Daycareprogram.This includes and understanding to staff supervision andscheduling, ensuring all licensing,and repor ting requirementsare being met,and ensuring aqualityland-based program is being offered to childrenand families
TheXwísten AgricultureTraining Program(ATP) Coordinatorshall be responsible for the effectiveand timely deliver yofthe Xwísten AgricultureTraining Program. The ATPCoordinatorshall coordinate thepar ticipantrecruitmentand training program, and the recruitment/engagementofteacher/instructors,arrange workshops and classroom sessions,arrange occasionalexcursions to agricultural farmsites, coordinate and encourage par ticipantlearningand keeping track of expenses and progress of each par ticipant.Thisposition is apar t-time term contract ending August 30, 2024, based on up to 24 hours of work per week.Some additional work maybeavailable thatcould extend thistermlonger,subjecttothe availability of renewed funding.Afull job description available upon request
TheBiologist is responsible to work on all programs within thedepar tmentwhich represents awide varietyofinitiatives andprojectsthatinclude planning and the operational managementofnatural resourcessuch as water, fish, and wildlife withthe goal of ensuring long-term sustainabilitythroughout Xwísten’sterritory. Biologist position will developnew projects/researchinitiatives through grant writing and the developmentofcollaborations/par tnerships with federal and provincial agencies, First Nations,and academia.
Bridge RiverIndian Bandisseeking afull-timeFinance OfficerClerk. Repor ting to the Bridge RiverIndian Band Administrator. TheFinance Office Clerkwill be responsible forassistingofficeadministration andaccounting dutiesincluding invoicing.
Bridge RiverHead Star t/ DaycareProgram is seekingindividuals to committo providing high qualitycaretochildrenaged0-6 years withinterestinworking in aunique programand ensuringthatthere is use of best practice providedduring theprogram deliver y.
Only those shor tlistedwillbecontacted.
ForwardResumesto: Gary Forsyth, Administrator
Bridge RiverIndianBand,PO Box190 Lillooet BC V0K1V0
Fax: (250) 256-7999
Application Deadline June 14, 2024
(Full Time – 35 hr s/wk)
DESCRPTION: Repor ting to the Social Development Coordinator, the Community Connections Navigator will be responsible for helping community member s navigate challenges while suppor ting the wellbeing of individuals and families in a holistic manner
The Community Connections Youth Navigator must use a collaborative approach with each community member to suppor t each per son in achieving their goals.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities:
• Provide infor mation and linkage to appropriate community ser vices; Guide and motivate during impor tant periods of development in their wellness jour ney;
• Outreach and engagement in the with the community;
• Advocate for par ticipants’ needs;
• Suppor t par ticipants to build capacity in areas such as communication, self-advocacy and relationships;
• Participate with team in providing deliverable activities or infor mation.
• Participate in team meetings; Maintain accurate records;
• Other related duties as assigned.
Requirements of Community Connections Youth Navigator Position:
• Experience wor king with First Nations Community;
• Access to reliable vehicle and cur rent Driver’s license;
• Criminal Record Check and Driver’s Abstract;
• Able and willing to wor k some evenings and weekends. Wage-TBD
Deadline for submissions: June 17, 2024
Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Please forward Resume and Cover Letter to: Cynthia Jager, Social Development Coordinator PO Box 4600, Mer ritt, BC, V1K 1B8
By virtue of the Warehouseman's Lien Act, we will sell the stored goods of the following to recover costs of unpaid storage.
Sheralyn JohnstonUnit# 58 Amount owing $547.50 These personal and household effects will be sold by either public or private auction on or after June 25, 2024
R. Hack Mini Storage, 2865 Pooley Ave., Merritt 250-315-8079.
TheRegionalDistrictBoard of Directorswillbereceiving the2023 StatementofFinancial Informationand 2023 DirectorsRemunerationand Expense reportsfor the Thompson Regional Hospital District andthe Thompson-Nicola Regional District’s at theMeetingsnoted below.
When: Thursday,June20, 2024
Time:HospitalDistrictBoard Meeting@ 10:00AM RegularBoard Meeting @1:30PM
Where:TwinRiversRoom, TNRD CivicBuilding 4th Floor,465 Victoria Street,Kamloops
Attend meetinginpersonorvia Zoom:
Draftdocuments will be availablefor inspection at theTNRDoffices in advanceofthese meetings
Finaldocuments will be availablefor inspection on theTNRDwebsite ( Boardapproval, effectiveJune21, 2024
Top-quality 12. Expansive 13. Seizure
1. Nestlings 2. Induces vomiting
3. A place to eat
4. Partner in the air
5. O ered one’s take
6. Nobel-winning French biologist
7. Farm animals
9. Prevent from growing 10. Sensationalist periodical
15. People with congenital absence of pigment 16. Gains 17. Mocked online 18. Clint’s son 21. Body part 22. Humor 23. Code number 24. Your physique 25. Family of regulator genes
12. So -bodied beetle 14. Very fast airplane 15. Imaginative creation 17. Recipe measurement (abbr.) 19. Evoked a response 20. French river
26. LA football player (abbr.) 27. “ e Blonde Bombshell” 34. Charity
Bluish greens
Examined closely
A type of equation
Stretched uncomfortably 39. Indian religious god
23. Shiny yellow minerals 24. Make illegal 25. U.S. military branch 26. River in France
Slowly leak through 42. Witnesses 43. Midway between south and southeast