Merritt Fire Department and Thompson Nicola Regional District forge a five-year agreement on fire protection.
Merritt Fire Department to enter a five-year agreement with Thompson Nicola Regional District.
The 2024 Fire Protection Agreement will extend the Merritt Fire Rescue Department’s mandate.
“We’ve now solidified that contractual agreement so that we know what we’re doing moving forward,” said fire chief David Tomkinson. “It provides fire protections for specific areas in areas M and N of the regional district, which includes Lower Nicola, Coldwater Road area, out towards the Nicola Lake.”
The agreement will not affect residents living within the City of Merritt. “But people
in the regional district within those response areas that are defined, can rest assured that they do have fire protection,” said Tomkinson.
The municipality will be granted $1,547,833 by the Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) in return for offering the specified services under the Fire Protection Agreement. The funding model ensures that the expenses operating the Merritt Fire Rescue Department are evenly divided, benefiting both the residents of Merritt and those in the Thompson Nicola Regional District.
Despite extended coverage, the Merritt Fire Rescue Department’s priority will still be the City of Merritt. During a city council meeting on April 23, Coun. Charney asked what would happen if fire and rescue were in TNRD land and received a simultaneous call
in town.
“The other end of that you’ll see in Schedule A, we’ve limited the scope of our service to strictly being fire suppression,” said Tomkinson in response. “We’re only offering a fire suppression service out in the Regional District and to an exterior level, which means that we’re only obligated to action a fire from the exterior of a building or an object, we don’t have to go into an IDLH or immediately hazardous to life and health type of atmosphere if It’s not safe to do so.”
“We still respond to all structure fires, motor vehicle fires, and what we call incipient stage wildland fire, so if a report of a wildland fire comes in, we will do some initial attack within those areas, even though that’s in the jurisdiction of the BC Wildfire Service.”
Winnipeg musical duo Burnstick is set to perform in Merritt on Saturday, May 11.
Merritt RCMP requesting public assistance in locating missing Merrittonian.
Dale Revell was last seen near the Merritt 7-11 convenience store on Wednesday, April 24, at approximately 6:30 p.m.
Revell is described as 61-year-old caucasian male, standing at six feet tall (183 centimetres), weighing 166 pounds (75 kilograms).
He has blue eyes, and grey hair and beard.
Revell was last seen wearing a camouflage jacket from Cabalas, black jeans, red and black Adidas running shoes.
Those with information on Revell’s whereabouts are being urged to contact their local police department or remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Logan Lake RCMP is seeking public assistance to recover some valuable horse tack that was stolen last week.
According to a Logan Lake RCMP release published yesterday (April 23), a variety of saddles, bridals and other horse tack was stolen from a property in Logan
Lake on April 18.
“One of the saddles was a Vic Bennet Western saddle, three others were stolen as well,” the release reads.
Mounties added that a Firman generator was also stolen at the same time.
Those who might have any information on the case should contact Logan Lake RCMP at 250-5233-6222.
In this week’s report, I’d like to remind you that the deadline for most Canadians to file their 2023 income tax return was Tuesday, April 30, 2024. It’s also the last day to pay any income tax due without incurring additional penalties.
It’s important to note that income tax brackets are influenced by inflation. Below are the current federal income tax rates for the current year, which are relevant to the tax bracket.
They are:
- 15 per cent on the portion of tax-
able income that is $55,867 or less, plus
- 20.5 per cent on the portion of taxable income over $55,867 up to $111,733, plus
- 26 per cent on the portion of taxable income over $111,733 up to $173,205, plus
- 29 per cent on the portion of taxable income over $173,205 up to $246,752, plus
- 33 per cent on the portion of taxable income over $246,752.
Each province also has its own rates.
Some people believe that current income tax rates are the highest they’ve ever been. To provide historical context, here’s some information from the year 2000.
In 2000, there were only three federal income tax brackets:
Your first $30,004 was taxed at a rate of 17 per cent;
The amount between $30,004 and $60,009 was taxed at 25 per cent, and All income over $60,009 was taxed at 29 per cent.
In 2013, substantial changes were made. A fourth income tax bracket was introduced. Income up to $43,561 was then taxed at a lower rate of 15 per cent. The second tax bracket was adjusted to tax income between $43,562 and $87,123 at 22 per cent. The third bracket taxed income between $87,123 and $135,054 at 26 per cent, and income over $135,054 was taxed at 29 per cent.
The 2013 tax changes resulted in lower-income workers earning up to $43,561 paying 2 per cent less in federal income tax.
More changes followed in the 2016 tax year, which included the addition of a fifth income tax bracket. For the lowest income earners (up to $45,202), the rate stayed at 15 per cent. The next bracket, from $45,202 to $90,563, saw a reduction to 20.5 per cent from 22 per cent. The rates for income between $90,563 and $140,388 remained the same at 26 per cent, and income between $140,388 and $200,000 was taxed at the previous year’s rate of 29 per cent. However, the
new fifth tax bracket taxed income over $200,000 at 33 per cent.
The 2016 income tax changes resulted in no tax breaks for lower-income citizens, while those in the middle-income bracket did receive some. Higher-income earners were either taxed at the same rate as before or faced higher taxes.
As you can see, there have been numerous changes to income tax rates and, notably, income tax brackets over the past two decades. Your tax bracket may be lower or higher than in previous years, depending on your income level.
Some people have expressed concerns that Canada’s income tax system is overly complex and needs to be simplified for more efficiency.
This week, I’m interested in knowing your satisfaction level with our current federal income tax rates, tax brackets, and filing system. Are you generally content with the status quo? Why or why not?
I can be reached at Dan.Albas@parl. gc.ca or call toll-free 1-800-665-8711.
Greetings, Merritt community!
Allow me to introduce myself – I’m Grishma, the newest addition to the Merritt Herald family. Hailing from the vibrant city of Kathmandu, Nepal, I’ve embarked on an exciting journey that led me to the picturesque landscapes and warm-hearted people of Canada just a couple of years ago. Now, I’m thrilled to immerse myself in the dynamic tapestry of Merritt and to play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between businesses and our beloved community.
In my capacity at the Merritt Herald, I’ll be wearing multiple hats – from sales and accounts to
circulation and beyond. But more than just job titles, I see myself as a connector, a facilitator of meaningful connections between local enterprises and the wonderful people who call Merritt home. My mission? It’s simple yet profound – to foster authentic relationships, to understand the pulse of this beautiful community, and to amplify the voices of businesses and organizations within it. Whether you’re a long-standing establishment or a budding entrepreneur, I’m here to lend a listening ear, to understand your goals, and to help broadcast your messages to the hearts and minds of Merritt. Building these connections isn’t just a job for me – it’s a passion. I’m eager to delve into the fabric
of Merritt, to learn its stories, and to contribute in meaningful ways. Your success is my success, and I’m committed to going above and beyond to ensure that together, we thrive.
So, dear Merritt, whether you’re a local business looking to expand your reach or a community member with a story to tell, I invite you to reach out. Let’s embark on this journey together, let’s build bridges that strengthen our community, and let’s make Merritt an even more vibrant and connected place to call home.
You can find me at 250-378-4241 or drop me a line at admin@merrittherald.com. I can’t wait to connect with you!
From the Herald archives: May, 1964
Hospital Ball this weekend
A limited supply of tickets is still available for the annual hospital ball, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Nicola Valley General Hospital and to be held this Friday evening, May 8, from 9:30 till 2:30 a.m. The theme this year is “Country Fair Cabaret” and it will be held in the armory.
The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor. Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.
The Kamloops Fire Centre will implement a Category 3 fire ban starting on May 3.
The ban will go into effect at noon on May 3, meaning that all fires must be extinguished by then. The prohibition will remain in effect until noon on Oct. 11 or until the fire centre decides to end it.
The Kamloops Fire Centre includes the Merritt Fire Zone, Penticton Fire Zone, Vernon Fire Zone, Kamloops Fire Zone and Lillooet Fire Zone.
A Category 3 fire is defined as an open fire larger than two metres by three, burning three or more piles larger than two by three metres, or
We aresad to an no unce that Dr.Jae Ch o, whoj oi nedo ur practi ce in Ju ly 20 23,w il lb el eavi ng Me rr it ttop ur suen ew op po rt un it y. Fo r those of yo uw ho neve rg ot to meet Dr.Cho,h ewas awonde rful add it io ntoo ur cl in ic andwea re sadtosee hi mg o, howeve r; He ha sb eenoffe reda n am az in go ppor tu nity to ow na ni mp la nt p ra ct icei nthe lowe rm ai nl and. We areext remel yexcited fo rD r. Ch oa nd wi sh hi ma ll th eb es to nh is next chapte ri nd enti st ry.T he p ra ct icew il lconti nuetoo pe rate with ou rl on g-te rm dent is t, Dr El izab ethD en ison,w ho ha sb eenw ithusfor 17 year s.
We area lsover yexcited to an no unce that Dr.J us ti nH aw il lb ej oi ni ng ou r practi ce in Mayofthi syea r. Dr.H ai sa fr iend andcol leag ue of Dr.Cho’s.A s ad ed icated dent is t, Dr.H au phol ds co re va lues of integr it y, co mpas si on, andhon es tcom mu ni cati on with pati ents.Bor na nd ra ised in Va ncouve r, th esep ri ncip lesfor m th efou ndat io nofh is practi ce.
Grad uati ng from UBCw ithBache lo rs in Sciencea nd Dental degrees, he br in gs awea lthofk nowl ed ge and ex pe rt isetopat ient ca re.
Dr iven by apas si on fo rd enti st ry,D r. Ha is ad etai l- or iented indi vi dual w ho co nt in uo us ly st rivesfor better qual it yi ncare. Hi sg oa li stoensure pati ents feel re la xeda nd at ea se du ri ng treatm ents,fos te ri ng an atmosp he re of tr us ta nd co mfor t.
Beyo nd dent is tr y, Dr.H ai nd ul gesi nvar io us hobb ies, in cl ud in g p hotograp hy,s tayi ng acti ve,exp lo ri ng di ve rsecui si nes, and travel.E mb ra ci ng al ifel on gl ea rn in gm indset,h econ stantl yseeks op po rt un it iestoa cq ui re news ki ll s, en ri ch in gb othh is pe rson al and p rofess io na ll ife.
burning an area of grass larger than 0.2 hectares.
Those found violating the ban could be issued a ticket for $1,150, an administrative penalty of up to $10,000, or if convicted in court be fined up to $100,000 or spend one year in jail. If an illegal burn causes or contributes to a wildfire, the individual who started it may be ordered to pay for all firefighting and associated costs.
The current ban does not include Category 1 campfires or Category 2 open fires. For more information on the types of open burning can be found at the British Columbia’s government website.
Both Dr.D en ison andD r. Ha wi ll be ta ki ng ca re of al lofo ur pati ents andthe ir dental need sfor th is tran siti on ti me.Wea pp reci ateyou r unde rs ta nd in ga nd wa nt to reas su re al lofo ur pati ents that we look for wa rd to co nt in ui ng to st rive to provid ethe best qual it yofcareat Ca scad eF am il yD enta l.
A four per cent decrease in the number of visitors this year when compared to the first quarter in 2023Kenneth Wong REPORTER@MERRITTHERALD.COM
Baillie House reveals visitor numbers for first quarter of 2024 and looks forward to second quarter.
The Baillie House saw 2,505 visitors from January to March, a 8.6 per cent decrease from Q1 2023.
According to the quarter report, this decrease was “due to the weather, gas prices and cost of food,” correlating the data with a lack of snowfall for tourists wanting to go skiing or snowmobiling.
January saw 660 visitors, February saw 762 visitors, and March saw 1,342 visitors, totalling to 2,505 total visitors in Q1, an 8.6 per cent decrease from Q1 2023.
Of the visitors, 77 per cent were B.C. residents, nine per cent were Alberta residents, seven per cent from the rest of Canada, and the remaining seven per cent were divided between Asia, Australia, the U.S. and Europe.
Of those 2,505 visitors, only 12 per cent stayed for one night and another 12 per cent stayed for two or more nights. The remaining 76 per cent left on the same day.
Fifty one per cent of Baillie House visitors were there for shopping and 21 per cent for maps or directions. Eight per cent were there for attractions.
“For the first quarter of 2024, the trends in each of these categories was relatively stable. More visitors stopped at our site from B.C. and the rest of Canada when compared to the numbers in the first quarter of 2023,” read the report. “There was a 5 per cent increase in the number of visitors asking for local maps and about local attractions.”
The report then goes on to state “the number of Canadian travelers from other provinces increased to 17 per cent in 2024.” This year’s first quarter saw more European visitors and less American visitors when contrasted with Q1 2023.
The cost to operate the Baillie House during the first financial quarter; includ-
ing wages, heat, light, repairs, internet, phones and more; totaled to $20,161.73.
“This does not include the $14,000 that the Heritage Society will be receiving from the City for this quarter,” reads the report. “The additional funds will see us through the ‘expensive’ period from May to September when we are open every day and have more staff on duty every day.”
Looking forward to Q2, the Nicola Valley Heritage Society will be hiring two summer students who will complete the new Visitor Information Counsellor training course as soon as they begin working.
The Baillie House is currently raising funds to replace or repair wood rot in the window frames on the house itself.
Additionally, the Baillie House will be adding two large picnic tables, however, will be limiting flowers this year due to water shortage.
“The Heritage Society staff and volunteers are looking forward to facing the challenge of continuing to host the Merritt Visitor Centre,” read the quarter report’s closing statement.
“We hope to see more visitors stopping at our downtown business to shop and eat, visit our art centre, library, museum, and explore Merritt and the beautiful Nicola Valley.”
Skeetchestn Indian Bank.
The Thompson-Nicola Regional District says low-flying helicopters will be seen passing over parts of the region beginning later this week.
Between April 26 and June 15, Talon Helicopters will be performing low-level flyovers as part of an annual inspection of FortisBC natural gas lines in the area.
Areas where portions of the pipeline will be inspected include Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Kamloops Logan Lake, Pritchard, Merritt, Savona and
The TNRD said a portion of Teck Highland Valley Copper will also be inspected.
“Talon Helicopters says that flights will happen during the day, and flight schedules may vary depending on weather,” the TNRD said in a social media post.
Residents with questions about the inspection work are asked to contact the TNRD at 1-888-224-2710 or Talon Helicopters at 604-214-3584.
More information about the inspection work can be found online.
of course, a disco ball and disco music, this event promises to bring you back in time.
Tumbleweed Playschool Society, a non-profit pre school, is hosting their first annual softball tournament fundraiser.
The fundraiser will take place at Central Park on the weekend of May 4 and 5.
The funds collected at the event will cover the costs to keep the preschool open and running for the current and future children and families of Merritt.
Dust off those roller blades, everyone!
The Super Roller Disco is coming to Merritt on Saturday, May 18, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the Nicola Valley Memorial Arena.
Featuring a whirlwind of bright colours, flashing lights, shiny fabrics, and
There are 150 pairs of roller skates available for rent, but attendees are welcome to bring their own.
Whether you’re an experienced roller skater or a newcomer, this disco themed event is the perfect opportunity for all those who are looking for a night of fun.
it into a hard surface.”
A new trail that is set to connect Merritt to Coutlee is expected to have its grand opening soon.
Lloyd Charney, president of the Thompson Nicola Regional Trail Society, said that the society started working on this particular project about five years ago.
“The goal of it was to use the KVR (Kettle Valley Rail) railbed, either going towards Brookmere or towards Spences Bridge,” he said. “So the idea was to, you know, refurbish it, fix it up, develop it, and go from Merritt to Spences Bridge and be a great tourist thing.”
According to Charney, the project was then interrupted by a flood that happened in Merritt in November 2021, which took out the bridges and most of the trail of the railroad.
“Our membership dropped off after that. Right now we have just our executive (board) and we said, well let’s try to just do a little bit from Merritt to the Lower Nicola reserve,” he added.
Right now, Charney said that the trail society counts on community members to put their project to work.
“We’re so small and have no money budget, we’ve asked the community if they would help and it’s been just absolutely awesome,” Charney added.
Different businesses in the community, such as Home Hardware, Jackson’s Welding and Yellowhead Road & Bridge are lending a hand on the project with personnel and equipment to make the trail ready for use.
Trail users will also notice a few information kiosks spread around the 1.8-kilometre trail, which it is set to pass by Sing’s corner up to Coutlee.
“It is basically sandwiched between the river and the highway, so it’s flat, completely flat because of the railbed,” Charney said. “So someday we can develop
For Charney, having the trail connecting Merritt to Coutlee is a great opportunity to get community members out of town and think a bit about the local history.
“The importance is for people to actually get out of the town and walk along an area that has been walked on thousands of years ago and just look at the hills and the mountains, river beside them,” he added. “Just have an imagination and say ‘you know what, people a long time ago walked around and they’re looking at the same hills and the same river, nothing has changed.”
He hopes that once the trail is open, a membership will be created in order to maintain or even develop it.
“As soon as we get set up is to form a bit of a real forum or membership, you might say, or people that would like to develop this trail by picking up paper and weed,” Charney said. “Just helping out and cleaning up.”
“The goal of the trail would be for the Lower Nicola Indian Band to probably hook up with that trail, so it would go right through the reserve. If it made it through the reserve, we would be able to go to Lower Nicola and serve that community. So it’d be a fantastic thing.”
Kenneth Wong
Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly appoints Nicole Johnny as new executive director.
Johnny began working with the Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly (CNA) in 2017.
Since 2017, Johnny has held increasingly senior roles within the CNA and has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and commitment to the CNA’s mission.
Additionally, Johnny has extensive administrative experience in office management, human resources, accounting,
and dedication to community development, which according to a CNA press release, “makes her the ideal candidate for the executive director role at the CNA.”
“I am deeply honoured to be entrusted with the position of executive director at the CNA. Having been part of this incredible organization for eight years, I am humbled by the opportunity to continue serving the communities we represent,” said Johnny. “Looking ahead, I eagerly anticipate this opportunity, working hand in hand to make meaningful contributions
The Thompson-Nicola Regional District is seeking $30,000 in funding to review and update evacuation plans for 11 unincorporated communities in the district.
On Thursday, April 18, the TNRD board approved a motion that will see an application submitted to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) — Public Notification and Evacuation Route Planning program.
“These evacuation plans need to ensure safe and efficient evacuation routes are available for people, livestock, animals and personal property from the threat or imminent danger to an area of safety,” stated a report prepared for the board.
The TNRD successfully applied for $27,625 last year from the CEPF program. The funding was used to update five of the 16 evacuation plans currently in the
If approved, the TNRD would use the funding to review and updating the remaining 11 plans for the following areas:
Adams Lake-N- East Barriere LakesJohnson Lake- Sinmax Creek Valley
Avola-Blue River
Chase Creek Valley
Lac Le Jeune-Mile High-Mamit LakeHighland Valley
Loon Lake-20 Mile-Venables
Louis Creek-Exlou-Darfield-Little Fort
McLure-Vinsulla-Black Pines- Heffley
Nicola Valley
Tranquille Valley-Red Lake-Criss Creek
Copper Creek
Upper Nicola Valley-Stump LakeDouglas Plateau-Pennask Lake
Westwold-Monte Lake-Monte CreekPritchard
“The CEPF contributes up to 100 per cent of the cost of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $30,000,” the report states.
to the well-being and prosperity of our members.”
Johnny has also worked closely with the previous general manager and executive director, where she gained invaluable insights and experience that prepared her for her current role.
“Nicole’s appointment as Executive Director marks a significant milestone for CNA, and we the Board are confident that her visionary leadership will guide us toward continued success and growth. With her passion for community service and her proven track record of accomplishment, Nicole is poised to lead CNA into an exciting new chapter of prosperity and positive change,” said CNA chair of the board and Cook’s Ferry Chief, Christine Walkem.
American singer and songwriter Bryan Bielanski coming to Merritt for a one-night performance.
All the way from Charlotte, North Carolina, Bielanski is set to perform a free concert at The Grand Pub & Grill on Saturday, May 11, at 7 p.m.
Bielaski said that music has been a part of his life ever since he was a baby.
“Some of my earliest memories in life are me in my crib watching my mom, dad and sister rocking out to rock records. All kinds of stuff, like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd,” he added. “I remember dancing along in my crib to my parents and my sister listening to all kinds of great music.”
As he became a teenager, Bielanski started playing guitar and writing his own songs and after a while he got in a band.
“(Music) was a part time thing for years with my band and then I made the decision that it was going to be a full time thing and decided I was going to travel and do music,” Bielanski said. “It’s a decision I’m very glad I made because it’s
been quite the adventure, travelling around and playing music.”
Inspired by the golden age of rock and roll and big names in the music industry like Buddy Holly, The Beatles and Nirvana, Bielanski managed to create his own style of music.
“Even though it’s just me and an acoustic guitar, I think it’s about as high energy of a show that one guy with an acoustic guitar can do,” he added. “I really like to get into it when I’m playing and I have a really great time on stage and I think by having a good time, it helps the audience to have a good time.”
“My albums are called Bryan’s Super Fun Time One, Two and Three and I try to keep the lyrics pretty positive and lighthearted,” Bielanski said. “When I do my concerts I like to focus on the more happier aspects of life and just try to let that shine through with my concerts.”
Being on the road so often, Bielanski said that the support he gets while on the road was definitely something that caught him by surprise.
“I just meet so many great people … people would give me food and all kinds of generosity like that, you know, from strangers and of
course, fans,” he added. “It’s very encouraging to know that so many people are still so generous and willing to help a travelling musician like myself.”
Bielanski hopes that those who attend his concert have a great time.
“I think they should expect to hear some catchy songs, some energetic and enthusiastic performance,” he said. “They should be prepared to leave the show with smiles on their faces. If they did not already come in smiling, then they’ll leave smiling.”
On Tuesday, May 7, the Lower Nicola Indian Band will be hosting a walk in honour of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit National Awareness Day.
The walk will take place from Shulus Hall to Shulus Arbor and will be in honour of the murdered and missing Indigenous women, girls, and two spirit. MMIWG2S+ has been an ongoing issue that the Indigenous community have been facing in Canada.
“We reached out to community members in the Nicola Valley, especially the ones that have lost somebody,” said Carole Basil, organizer of the LNIB Red Dress Walk. “I know our band has gone through that in the past few years and it seems to come up in Merritt a little more often now.”
Basil added that the walk is very important not only to those who know a missing or murdered Indigenous woman or girl, but for the community as a whole.
“I know it’s very traumatizing to the family and the community and we just want to let the people that are impacted know that we care and we remember,” she added,
She reflects that people can continue to
We also want to acknowledgetheir family member s whoare stillgrievingatthistimeand send special prayer stoeachand ever yone of you.
From Page 15
honour the memories of those who went missing or murdered on other occasions as well.
“Especially on the anniversary of their disappearance or, you know, the anniversary of their murder,”
Those who wish to participate are set to meet up at Shulus Hall at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 7. Participants are encouraged to wear red in honour of the movement.
“It’s a 20-minute walk from Shulus Hall to the Arbor,” she added. “We sing a few songs, if anybody wants to say anything we don’t get really in depth because we don’t want to really trigger anybody.”
Basil hopes the event will bring the Lower Nicola Indian Band community together and neighbouring communities as well.
“There’s so many people that are impacted with even just one person going missing, like the family, the community, their friends,” Basil said. “This walk is for anybody. Anybody can come and join us.”
WEAR RED on RedDress Daytohonour thethousands of missing andmurderedindigenous women, girls, andtwo-spirit people in Canada.
ANDDISPLAYA REDDRESS at your residenceorplace of work in memoriam of thelives lostand to support thoseforever changed by violenceinour communities.
Merritt Moms & Families providing beading kits for Red Dress Day.
The red dress symbolizes solidarity for murdered and missing Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirited peoples (MMIWG2S.)
A part of the Conayt Friendship Society, Merritt Moms & Families (MM&F) got the idea to make the red dress kits from a participant during a biannual program planning meeting.
According to family development coordinator Rhonda Munro, approximately 16 kits are in circulation this year and over 100 in the last five years.
MM&F consulted elders to demonstrate traditional beading. “(The) traditional significance is that it brings out the regalia or the outfits that they’re wearing,” said Munro. “We still have some willow beads that was used before we actually got these ones, contemporaries, so they did use different kinds of seeds back in the day, same as our porcupine quills, that was part of the beads that they used.”
“(Traditional beading) takes a lot of positive energy,” said Munro. “You have to have some good energy, good thoughts, and it’s really comforting, really relaxing that I find from the participants, they seem to be calm.”
Jessica Cressey had not beaded since she
From Page 17
was 11 years old but entered a red dress beading contest during a mother’s support group with MM&F.
“My partner reminded me that when you bead you have to be in a good way,” said Cressey. “So many thoughts and memories came through my mind while beading this little red dress, thinking of all the women in my life that I have lost and how lucky I truly am to be alive.”
“What this little red dress means to me is community,” said Cressey. “We need community and human connection because without it we have nothing. There is no way I could have gotten clean and sober without community.”
“The stigma I find often associated with the MMIWG2S is that they were drug addicts or alcoholics, or that they chose that life,” said Cressey. “For most of us I found somewhere along the line we likely experienced some form of abuse, whether it was generational, mental, physical, sexual… Everyone wants to feel wanted, needed and accepted. I know I did and it ranged in a form of a lot of high risk behavior. Riding in cars with boys, going to parties, drinking and using drugs, the list goes on. There were many times where I felt I was at risk (of) being sex trafficked and potentially at high risk of
See RAISE Page 19
losing my life.”
Munro hopes that the beaded red dresses can raise awareness to the ongoing crisis. “Anytime somebody comes in, they go ‘oh, look at this red dress and look at that’ and then we explained that we’re there to support the community, the families and that we recognize that this is something that is a serious that we need to come together and say we’re here for eachother,” said Munro.
It is a day dedicated to raise awareness of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls and to end the violence.
Local Merritt Indigenous woman Lalie Honeywell went missing in May of 2020 and questions about her disappearance are yet to be answered.
Despite extensive search operations, she has yet to be found.
Honeywell was last seen in Merritt on May 11, 2020, at approximately 6 p.m., right outside of the Double D Inn motel on Nicola Avenue.
She is described as a 44-year-old woman, being five feet and three inches tall, with short brown hair and brown eyes.
At the day of her disappearance, Honeywell was described to be wearing jeans, a purple shirt and a part of DC brand shoes.
She was reported as missing on the following day, May 12, triggering a search effort by the Merritt RCMP.
The initial searches of her where -
abouts were mainly focused on areas around the motel, but the investigation took a turn when personal items – which were believed to belong to Honeywell – were found near the Nicola River bridge on May 14, 2020.
This discovery at the time led to a more intensive search operation, with the Nicola Valley Search and Rescue combing the riverbanks while air support from the RCMP Air Services surveyed the area from above.
Despite these efforts, no significant clues regarding Honeywell’s whereabouts were uncovered.
Back in 2020, Cpl. Derrick Francis of the Merritt RCMP detachment provided insight into the investigation.
“We have no reason, no information leading us to believe that Lalie didn’t go to the river, it seems like she did.”
At the time, this strong assumption
We acknowledge all missing and murdered women, girls, trans and two spirited people across turtle island. Our thoughts and prayers extend to their families and communities impacted by missing their loved ones. Any women, girls, trans, or two spirited people experiencing any abuse please reach out and call our number below.
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guided the focus of the search efforts, with authorities focusing on the river’s vinicity.
“No clues at all, no clothing, nothing of interest,” Cpl. Francis told the Herald back in July of 2020 after a helicopter flew over the area. The search activities included riverbank searches and helicopters flyovers along the strech of the river from the Double Inn motel to the Nooaitch reserve. However, these efforts have once again yielded no tangible leads in the investigation.
At the time, Cpl. Francis emphasized to the Herald the ongoing communication with Honeywell’s family and the collection of familial DNA to aid in identification, if necessary.
“We update the family fairly regularly, we have an open communication with the family so they can call and ask us questions,” he told the Herald at the time. As the case remains with unanswered questions, the Merritt RCMP urges anyone with information regarding Honeywell’s disappearance to come forward. If the public has any information and they have not provided that information to police, they are asked to call the Merritt RCMP at 250-378-4262 or Nicola Valley Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
We standtogether to honour andremember...
Mining is one of BC’s largest and oldest industries and BC Mining Month provides an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the contribution of the modern industry to British Columbians.
of autonomous haulage systems”
University of British Columbia thesis examines Teck Resources implementing autonomous mining at Highland Valley Copper as pilot program.
Clara de Holanda Araujo’s paper “Automation and Skill Evolution: Examining the Impact on Workforce Skillsets in the Mining Industry” uses Highland Valley Copper (HVC) and Teck Resources as a case study on the growing field of autonomous mining.
According to Araujo, “the mining industry has entered Industry 4.0, which has redefined technology’s role in the processing of minerals and metals…That is, entry-level jobs with manual, repetitive and physical characteristics, such as truck drivers, are at high risk of being replaced by automation with the adoption
For Araujo’s research, she interviewed various employees from Teck Resources, United Steelworker personnel involved with Highland Valley Copper, and Mining Industry Human Resources. “Maintaining the privacy of the participants was essential and at the start of the interviews the interviewer asked each of the interviewees how they would like to be addressed on the research,” said Araujo in her paper. “The interviewer suggested using a job title and the company or institution they were representing.”
Teck Resources is a Vancouver based resource firm with operations across North and South America. As a part of Teck’s RACE21 initiative, Teck is testing automation processes at HVC that could be implemented globally.
Currently autonomous haulage systems and Shovel-Sense technology are being tested at HVC. According to Teck Resources, Shovel-Sense technology
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“uses sensors on the shovel buckets to analyze the chemical composition of the rock in the bucket and can classify the material as waste or ore in real-time.”
According to the World Economic Forum, nearly 20 per cent of mining and metal workers globally are at risk of being entirely replaced by machines by 2030. Seventy per cent of the mining workforce, those in occupations such as hauling, drilling, and blasting, are at high vulnerability according to the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR).
Despite risks, Teck Resources has committed to not reducing its workforce due to automation, specifically for the HVC mine. Despite the commitment, “there is still a common fear amongst its employees and communities of interest that fewer opportunities will exist for them due to higher qualifications need,” read Araujo’s thesis.
“One of the key risks is that your entry-level occupations tend to be where mining companies hire the bulk of their workforce, and those entry-level roles are stepping stones for a number of other occupations in the industry,” said a MiHR employee. “When they build a new mine in a community, part of that social license to operate is that the mining company will provide local jobs, will provide entry-level positions for the Community, and that’s part of the social license to operate.”
Despite fears of job loss, some employees see automation as an opportunity to develop and renew their skills. “There’s a bunch of training that we do; like, you can’t just hop into an autonomous zone. There’s a whole pile of different training that’s required, but it’s all mostly internal training at this point,” said a Teck Resources employee.
As automation continues the concept of a “just transition” has become increasingly prominent in different industries, not just mining.
Araujo cites a paper by Raphael J. Heffron, “although the concept is broad and controversial in its ability to be accurately defined the general idea behind a ‘just transition’ is any of the following “climate justice concerns sharing the benefits and burdens of climate change from a human rights perspective; energy justice refers to the application of human rights across the energy life cycle; and environmental justice aims to treat all citizens equally and to involve them in the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies.”
According to Araujo’s research, there is a shared perspective within Teck Resources that the firm plays a significant role in providing employment for local communities. “Teck has goals to increase the number of local and Indigenous employees, as well as local and Indigenous suppliers, and I think we have that responsibility, especially at Teck since many of our mines have been around for decades,” said a Teck employee.
Araujo concludes that automation will have benefits such as improved productivity, decreased operating costs, improved enviromental footprint, and employee safety. However, there is also significant risk with automation such as social license to operate and obsolescence of many entry level mining jobs.
“We talked about post-mining. Are the communities really benefiting in the long term from the mine? It is about people, right? And I don’t think that we’ve looked at it through that lens, nor have we been as intentional as we need to be moving forward,” said a Teck Resources employee.
Nicola Mining Inc. took on its name to honour the Merritt /Lower Nicola Region, the location of our operationsand the home of ouremployees.Asa company,webelieve and have invested in leaving apositivelegacyinevery community with which we work.
We arecommitted to the responsibledevelopment and operations of ourminingactivities in the LowerNicola region. Weare proudtos ay thatour reclamationfocus hasdecreased ugitivedust and arecommit tedtocontinuing to work closely with our par tners and communities.
Toronto while working on his master’s degree.
Sherwin Kelly was born in Les Cruces, New Mexico in 1895. He pursed a metallurgical engineeringdegree at the University of Kansas in 1917.
Shortly after obtaining his degree he signed up to fight as a pilot during the First World War. He ended up being a night bomber pilot out of Paris, France.
After the end of the war, Kelly stayed in Paris to continue studying metallurgy at the Sorbonne, where he learned how to use electromagnetic fields to find metals such as gold. He would end up teaching back at his alma matter at the University of Kansas, as well as the University of
In addition to this he worked with the US Army Intelligence Bureau, the early version of the CIA, one such assignment he was sent on in the late 1950’s was to Cuba shortly before the rise of Fidel Castro and had to flee the country shortly after he took power.
Kelly came to Merritt in 1958 on a request from a mining company to make geophysical surveys of Iron and Swakum Mountain.
Kelly had spent a number of years as a consultant in electrical prospecting and had done work in places such as Alaska, Argentina, Newfoundland, and Bolivia.
After his work on prospecting Iron and Swakum mountains was completed, Kelly decided to stay in the Nicola Valley and began working on a number
TheCityofMerritt recognizes MINING as akey economic driver, accountingfor about 50% of ourresource industries,inaddition to forestry and agriculture. With ahistory of Coal and Coppermining, the area continues to produceseveral minerals, includingGold, Oreand Copper, andcontinues to contributetothe economic prosperityof theentire community.
yprovidesraw materials, minerals andmetalscriticaltoour economy. They providethe foundations formodernliving, innovation andengineering achievements.
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of his own claims.
He also began working for Craigmont, as well as becoming President of two geophysical consulting firms and compiled a number of different reports derived from his mineral explorations in the Nicola Valley.
In addition to this, Sherwin also began to work within the community. He served as the President of the Merritt District Chamber of Commerce for six years spanning the 1960s and 1970s, as well as served as a director for the Provincial Chamber of Commerce.
He served as a member of the local Arts Council, and even won “Merritt’s Man Of The Year” in February of 1969.
Sherwin is also credited in organizing the Coquihalla Caravan trips, which was a series of caravans over what would now be the Coquihalla pass to show the provincial government that there was a great deal of interest from the people of the Interior to build a pass through the Coquihalla.
This would ultimately come to be when the Coquihalla Highway would be completed in 1986.
In 1991, Kelly was awarded with the Order of British Columbia, the first Merrittonian to receive the highest honour that the Provincial government can bestow.
His award reads that “Following Mr. Kelly’s move to Merritt, at the tender age of 65, he contributed more to his community and to his province than most do in a lifetime.”
Kelly liked to say that he never retired, and was still working as a mining consultant in his 90s.
Sherwin Kelly would pass away in 1994 at the age of 99.
The Nicola Valley Museum and Archives is located at 1675 Tutill Court. We’re open from Tuesday until Saturday from 10am until 5pm, if you have any questions about the history of Merritt or the Nicola Valley please stop on by, give us a phone call (250-378-4145), or send us an email! (nvma@telus.net)
Thank you for choosing us to supplyyour organization withwhat youneedtoget your wor kdone. We appreciate the business.
Foroffice supplies,customforms,tags andcardscome see us at Mer ritt Printing . We also have promotional products.
to HVCand CopperMountainMinefor contracting, we area proudsupplierfor your companies. We’veworkedhardfor thepast 32 yearswithHVC andare very proudtosay that we’vebeen workingwithCopperMountainMinefor thepast6 years.
Neil McDiarmid, a lawyer with his soul in British Columbia’s mining ventures, was a man with a dream. In 1951, he reorganized a company he owned and changed the name to Craigmont Mines Ltd. This was during a period of extensive mineral claim staking in the Highland Valley about thirty kilometers north of Merritt. McDiarmid knew the demand for copper was growing and improvements in mining technology suggested the mining of large, low-grade deposits could be viable.
This prompted a number of prospectors, including McDiarmid, to examine old showings of copper belts, including those on the Promontory Hills near Merritt. In April 1955, Craigmont conducted special airborne surveys of some of its mineral claims but the results were inconclusive.
Craigmont drilled two holes but found little. Hole three hit ore. “The man supervising the drilling was boiling over with glee when he called the next morning,” according to Ron Renshaw of Mining World magazine. “He shouted over the phone: ‘Ron, I took it down to 93 metres. Gee! At that depth the core was loaded.’”
Although it turned out that the ore grade was still not sufficient to warrant a mine, excitement was high. McDiarmid, a perpetual optimist, would not quit. “We mortgaged everything we had to keep going, said his wife Lucille. “Neil would not stop and I did not want to either. He was an optimist. Thank God!”
In September, 1957, with all the McDiarmid’s
hopes and all their money riding on it, hole seven was drilled to a depth of 235 metres. The hole averaged 1.91 per cent copper and 37 per cent of iron for 197 metres.
Hole seven was the clincher. Before the end of that year, Craigmont acquired a total of 155 claims, which covered 7,000 acres on the slopes of Promontory Hills.
By September of 1961, Craigmont officials were ready to throw the switch that would start the process of turning raw ore into copper concentrate for shipment to smelters in Japan and the United States.
Exploration and development to the production stage had required over one million man hours with a payroll of $2.5 million. Contractors required more than 80,000 man hours with a payroll of $2 million. The total cost of exploration and development was approximately $18 million before the mine began earning any income.
But the opening of Craigmont mine also resulted in the biggest boom in Merritt’s 50 year history. What was once a quiet ranching and logging village of 1,500 people had become a bustling community and more than doubled its population.
Craigmont was the mine that led British Columbia’s re-emergence as a major copper producing region.
Partly because of Craigmont’s success, a number of other large copper mines were developed which turned British Columbia into a significant source of copper for world markets.
During Craigmont’s lifetime, it added more than 426 million kilograms of copper to the global marketplace.
The mine grossed over $450 million in sales.
Production costs included almost $112 million paid in wages to employees. Craigmont had net earnings over its two decade lifetime of $115 million and it paid shareholders $104 million in dividends. The federal and provincial governments received $74 million in direct taxes and royalties.
Approximately 5,000 people were employed by Craigmont over the years. These people contributed much to improve mining technology at Craigmont and, as a result, to improve mining technology worldwide.
Craigmont started with open pit mining but mine officials soon realized if they wanted to mine to greater depths they would have to become an underground operation. In 1965 it was decided to adopt a sub-level caving method of mining and was one of the first mines in Canada to do so. It introduced trackless, diesel powered equipment. When service and production equipment couldn’t be found, the mine designed and manufactured its own.
Craigmont had become a successful mine, an achievement that is unusual in the world of business. It continued to be a successful mine through periods of poor copper markets, labor unrest, government policy changes and unprecedented inflation.
But in 1974 economic factors began taking their toll. Profits in mining were being seriously cut and copper prices were plummeting in the marketplace. After more than 20 years of operation, 1982 marked the final year of copper production at the Craigmont mine. Except for a few salaried personnel involved with disposing the equipment and the half million of stockpiled magnetite, Craigmont was closed.
Teck ’s Highland Valley Copper Operations (HVC) is proposing the Highland Valley Copper Mine Life Ex tension Project (HVC MLE – formerly referred to as HVC 2040) to ex tend the life of the operation, through an ex tension of the existing site infrastructure.
HVC MLE allows for the continuation of social and economic benefits, while also helping to meet the growing demand for copper driven by the transition to a low-carbon future.
HVC MLE is undergoing an environmental assessment under the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act. Learn more: HVCMLE .Teck.com Share your feedback:
BCHL era Merritt Centennials coach and players reflect on the 2023-2024 season.
With the Merritt Centennials transitioning into the KIJHL, former coach Brian Passmore and players Aidan Lindblad and Andrew Ballantyne reflect on their time with the Cents.
“It’s really emotional, it’s hard to describe,” said Passmore regarding his feelings about the transition. “I’m happy that the people of Merritt and the hockey fans of Merritt are great people and the community get to have a hockey team still, that’s important.”
“We really united, came together before that, when that got announced one week before playoffs, that was really tough,” continued Passmore. “We kind of bonded together and said we’re gonna go out together, fighting to the end, and it was tough to keep everyone on the tracks the last three weeks.”
Under Passmore’s leadership, he described the Cents’ playstyle as ‘aggressive’ and ‘gritty.’
“We had the one line with Michael Felsing and Jaxon Murray and Luke Pfoh that were really offensive, a lot of production from that line,” said Passmore. “Then I would describe the rest of us as just gritty, hardworking, feisty, aggressive style.”
“We played that open game where we’d like to score goals, but we also gave up a lot of goals too so it was a constant preaching of playing more defense, but definitely I liked the style the guys played with and they worked extremely hard every day at practice,” said Passmore.
Lindblad recalls his favourite memories with the Merritt Centennials. “There was one time last season where we beat West Kelowna, in overtime, in Merritt, and that was a pretty special game,” said Lindblad.
“And then obviously, playoffs this year, it was super cool seeing how many people were out supporting us and everyone kind of knew it was our last dance in the league for playoffs,” said Lindblad.
“Everyone was really behind us, in that whole kind of stretch, that whole three weeks stretch of us preparing for playoffs and finding other teams folding and then the actual playoff run itself, it was bittersweet time for sure but that was a pretty special time.”
Ballantyne recalls his favourite memory in February beating Trail and Salmon Arm.
“I think one of my favourite memories was our two week span in February where we swept Trail and swept Salmon Arm the next weekend,” recalled Ballantyne. “That was a big moment for our team and we all came together a lot then, it was fun, a couple good games, everyone’s hanging out during that time too. Everyone was getting closer, so that’s probably one of my favorite members.”
During the interviews with the Herald, Lindblad and Passmore revealed fun facts about the Cents that fans might not have been aware of.
“Some things that the fans and other people might not know is that we had a lot of guitar players on our team this year, I’ve been playing for probably six years now,” said
Lindblad “So we had a lot of guys this year that want to learn how to play guitar so we went over to one of the billets’ houses, one or two nights a week and we’d have jam sessions and teach the guys how to play guitar and stuff, so that was pretty cool.”
Passmore revealed a fact even many of the Centennial players weren’t aware of. “We had the old cowbell in the dressing room that we rang before going out to the rink everyday and that represented (Ty) Pozzobon,” said Passmore. “He was a bull rider and he ended his life with mental health, and we had a game that supported that, but none of the players knew what ringing that bell meant when we went on to the ice, and it was to let the bull riders know that we had their backs.”
Volleyball fever was back in Merritt over the weekend.
Merritt Volleyball Association hosted its annual Ladies’ Volleyfest tournament.
There were recreational games at Merritt Secondary School, at the former Coquihalla Middle School and at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology.
For more photos of the tournament please access the Merritt Herald website.
Congratulations to all the amazing LTD dancers who shined bright at the Shine Dance Festival! Your dedication, passion, and talent lit up the stage and inspired us all. And a huge thank you to parents and guardians for everything you do to support your dancers and our studio! Your commitment, love, and encouragement are the driving forces behind these amazing performances. 14 routines - 1 silver, 13 golds, 1 overall high score award, and 3 shine bright awards!
Whether you are on the hunt to find your next hidden gem or just hoping to get involved in a good cause, make sure you don’t miss the Cops For Kids yard sale.
On Saturday, May 4, from 8 a.m. to noon, Merrittonians are invited to participate in the Cops for Kids detachment yard sale happening at the Merritt RCMP detachment parking lot.
For Derrick Francis, retired RCMP corporal with the Merritt RCMP detachment, his biggest motivation in participating in the cause is seeing the families he is able to help.
“The first year I went, I wasn’t sure exactly what I was getting into, but as soon as I met the sponsored families I just fell in love with the cause,” he said. “I’ll keep doing it as long as I can.”
Cops for Kids is a charitable foundation that raises money to support children who have suffered a medical, physical or traumatic crisis in the communities served by the Southeast District RCMP.
“We hold events across the southern Interior for fundraising. We’re having this garage sale here in Merritt and we’re also having an RCMP regimental ball on June 1 and some of the funds raised from that are going to Cops For Kids,” Francis added.
Anyone who wishes to donate for the yard sale happening in Merritt is welcomed to do so.
“We’re looking for donations. They can call the
Merritt (RCMP) detachment if they have something to drop off for, we can pick it up for them,” Francis said. “All the funds are going directly to Cops for Kids, we don’t have any overhead or anything, we donate it all.”
“They can bring items down, they can come down and spend their money on May 4 and buy items. They can also donate at that time or donate online as well.”
Francis is also participating for the seventh time in the annual Cops For Kids ride in September this year.
“The most important part for me is we get to meet some of the sponsored families, which is really what it’s all about, is getting kids healthy,” he added. “As a police officer, my main reason was to get into the business to help. So for me, the ride is very important to me. It’s a spiritual and emotional uplift and it’s nice to see a charity where so much of the funds go directly to the cause.”
He hopes Merrittonians stop by at the garage sale in town and help the good cause.
“I realize people are strapped but if they just understand that, no matter how small a donation they can give or help us with something for our garage sale, it adds up and it goes to the people that need it the most.”
Crossroads Community Church
2990 Voght St. • 250-378-2911
Service Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m.
Merritt Baptist Church
2499 Coutlee Avenue (at Orme) Sunday service 10 am, Phone (250)378-2464
Merritt Lutheran Fellowship in St. Michael's Anglican Hall • 250-378-9899
Service Time: 3rd Sunday each month 1:00 p.m.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Corner of Jackson & Blair • 250-378-2919
Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.
St. Michael’s Anglican Church
1990 Chapman St. • 250-378-3772
Service Times: 2nd and 4th Sundays only - 10:00 a.m.
Trinity United Church Corner of Quilchena & Chapman • 250-378-5735
Service Time every Sunday - 10 am
Somang Mission Community Church (SMC) 1755 Coldwater Ave. (The Cadet Hall) Sunday Service Time: 4:00 pm • 250-280-1268
Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church 1950 Maxwell St. • 250-378-9502 Service Times: Sunday 10 am
Two bedroom rancher with detached 20 by 20 garage with 100 amp service and lane access. Updated paint and flooring, bonus 7ft. Low basement. Located across from park in quiet area. Currently tenanted.
Full-time Permanent(35 hrs/week)
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As a Medical Assistant you will be responsible for providing administrative support to ensure the efficient operation of the medical office. You will support doctors and patients through a variety of tasks related to patient care management, organization, and communication
• Organize and schedule appointments.
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• Experience as a Medical Assistant would be an asset.
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• Wages: starting
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Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must ll each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can gure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.
Lions do it
In favor of
Rest here please (abbr.)
Leisure activity
Fertility god
Financial obligations
When you anticipate getting somewhere
Hebrew unit of measure
Swedish rock group
College army
Favor over another
Called it a career
Egg-shaped wind instrument
Israeli statesman
Midway between south and southeast
17. Spanish river
Sporting events
Type of tree
Ceased to be
Synthetic resin
Relates to photochemical reactions
Father 32. Former Cowboys coach
14. Benedictine monk 19. Self-immolation by re ritual
23. Family of regulator genes
24. Surrendering 25. Political action committee
26. S. American plant 27. Long-term memory 28. Bark
29. Breathes in 34. Take hold of
Got through
ey darken skin
In a harmful way
Form of weaving
City of Angels hoopster
Caucasian language
Syngman __, Korean president
City in Finland 38. Run batted in
35. Everyone has one 36. Valentine’s Day color
37. Drivers’ licenses and passports 39. Outer walls of castles
40. Enters with force 41. One thousandth of an inch
42. Deceased Chinese politician 44. Sugary secretion of plants
56. Sun up in New York 57. Paddled 59. Fishes 60. A rmative
Nimble 62. Doctor of Education 63. Soviet Socialist Republic
A small island
45. Expressed pleasure
Shelter 47. Utilizes
48 Forest resident
Fashion accessory 52. A sharply directional antenna
53. __ Kristo erson, actor
54. A bad place to end up 58. MLBer Gordon