beyond the ordinary
ANKE beyond the ordinary
The art of A nke inv ites you to step through the look ing glass in to a world reigned by wonder. Anke’s collec tion o f mixe d me d ia work s is sensory-evok ing a nd whim sic a l. S he p lace s familiar subjec ts in beyond-the-ordina ry situations, e n g ag ing the im a gination in us a ll.
IMAGINE... Have you ever imagined your own child, dog or horse in one of Anke’s fantastical compositions? Renaissance Fine Arts and Merritt Gallery present a rare opportunity for you to collaborate with Anke to create your own nostalgia.
Choose a composition that speaks to you. Find a palette that inspires. Contact the gallery to set up a photoshoot with the artist & embark on your custom commission. Limited number of commissions. Reserve early.
Photoshoot Dates | April 7-9, 2016 M e r r i t t G a l l e r y | C h evy C h a s e, M D Re n a i ss a n ce F i n e A r t s | B a l t i m o re, M D M e r r i t t G a l l e r y | H ave r fo rd , PA
IMAGINE... your child
Anke 路 Butterflies 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 48 x 60 inches
Anke 路 Wings In Flight 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 60 x 60 inches
Anke 路 Royal Chair 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 72 x 48 inches
IMAGINE... your dog
Anke 路 Blue Dog Ride 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 48 x 48 inches
Anke 路 Dog House 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 48 x 48 inches
Anke 路 Birdhouse 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 40 x 40 inches
IMAGINE... your horse
Anke 路 Afternoon Ride 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 48 x 60 inches
Anke 路 Blue Arrow 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 60 x 60 inches
Anke 路 Girl & The Bunny 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 36 x 36 inches
IMAGINE... your world
Anke 路 Blue Afternoon 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 48 x 72 inches
Anke 路 Antelope 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 36 x 36 inches
Anke 路 My Subdivision 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 48 x 60 inches
Anke 路 Birdwatch - Sienna Green 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 60 x 36 inches
Anke 路 Swingset 路 Mixed Media on Panel 路 48 x 72 inches
Contact the galler y to embark on your original commission with
A n ke
Chevy Chase, MD | 301.564.4447 Haverford, PA | 610.645.9945
Baltimore, MD | 410.484.8900