Branding Studio “I am irresistible, I say, as I put on my designer fragrance. I am a merchant banker, I say, as I climb out of my BMW. I am a juvenile lout, I say, as I pour an extra strong lager, I am handsome, I say, as I put on my Levi jeans” — John Kay Design is a powerful force in contemporary culture and society. It surrounds us wherever we go. It has an impact on us, whether we are aware of it or not. It is becoming increasingly difficult to state where design ends and phenomena like art, architecture, and popular media begin. It is not easy to provide a definition for all the things the word “design” is supposed to denote. One thing is certain: design is not just about creating “cool” looking things; it is much more than that. Among other things, it is an ideology that affects how we view the world. It is a form of communication - by creating or using certain designs we send messages about ourselves to others. Myopia is not an option.
ART 4210
Branding Studio
Spring 2011 Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-11:20 a.m. ELC 112 Instructor: Professor Jay Merryweather e-mail: office: (435) 586-7837 cell: (760) 900-9574 office hours: MW 8-9am, TR 7:30-8:30am, T 4-5pm Students in Art 4210 will develop solutions to challenging and complex problems in branding development. Projects are chosen to realistically reflect the range of assignments a designer would encounter in a studio environment, agency or corporate design situation.
Course Outcomes n Communicate concepts to a specific audience. n Know the issues, techniques, and decision options in
analyzing, planning and managing brands, n Sketch ideas in a rough form, and develop final
concepts into complete branding solutions. n Apply the acquired knowledge to make informed
and more successful decisions in real-world branding problems.
Projects DEADLINES ARE SERIOUS! - All work is to be completed by the due date and presented and delivered as specified in the project outlines. You will lose 2 presentation points on your project assessment for each day the work is late. Assignments will be assessed based on the following criteria: Sketchbook Technical Proficiency Presentation Formal Qualities Communication of Concept Creativity and Experimentation
Sketchbook Each assignment will have preliminary work that will need to be completed in your sketchbook. You will be responsible for completing this work prior to the final delivery of the assignment. You must scan your sketchbook pages and deliver them to the appropriate place on the server when you deliver your final assignment. SAVE EVERYTHING YOU DO IN THIS CLASS! I will look at both your sketchbook and final delivered work during exam week.
Technical Proficiency Use the appropriate programs in the appropriate ways to complete your assignments. This includes the appropriate organization and packaging of your files and source material.
Presentation Deliver, on time, a complete design solution for the instructor critique, the class critique, and the final delivered project. You will: photograph; design; present a complete solution of your final design; print and mount it (as specified in the mounting directions); deliver it to the instructor at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Each final project will also be delivered to and presented from the Graphics Server using the appropriate file organization and naming conventions. Late delivery or incomplete solutions will result in lost points in this category. I will give a demonstration of the required organization and naming conventions at the beginning of the term which must be followed. Failure to adhere to these practices will result in a lowered presentation score. NOTE: You cannot make-up points lost for late delivery or incomplete projects.
Formal Qualities You will be graded on your ability to bring your project and concepts successfully to life through visual language. Every design is based on fundamental formal elements learned in your core classes; including: appropriate use of color; line; weight; composition; etc. These qualities include a high level of ability and craftsmanship. Craftsmanship is an important consideration in all projects. How well you execute and present your solution will be considered. This includes consideration for the final printed and presented project. Your projects should be polished!
Communication of Concept The SUU Graphic Design program respects the foundations of formal, aesthetic and analytical knowledge, while exploring the ever-changing meaning of visual communication. It is your responsibility to be aware of these concepts and where and how your projects communicate within the canon of Design.
Creativity and Experimentation You are expected to explore and stretch the limits of the solutions to each problem. Mediocrity is not rewarded. Carefully work through your ideas and solicit the opinions of your instructor and peers. Remember, you are the one ultimately responsible for boring, overused or predictable solutions.
Attendance BEING IN CLASS IS REQUIRED! Punctuality: 3 tardies = 1 absence. Absences: 2 missed classes = grade goes down one letter; each successive absence brings your grade down one additional letter grade. This is a class you cannot miss! Many of the processes are successive. If you miss one part it is very easy to get lost. You must have a written doctor’s note for un-excused absences.
Critiques and Participation The purpose of a critique is to provide feedback to each student. Both positive and negative criticism are useful tools in helping us further understand critical concepts and the visual language. Critiques prove useful in helping see alternative ways to improve a design solution. You are expected to participate and offer CONSTRUCTIVE help in the critiques. Each critique is worth 3 points of your class participation grade. You will lose points for texting or working on your computer during critique. 7
Understanding Demonstrations and in class projects will be used in order to introduce concepts, tools and techniques. Your attentiveness and comprehension is very important. Mastering the programs and concepts involves practice and concentration. Comprehension will be measured through QUIZZES AND PROJECTS.
In Class Projects An in class project should be completed during class time. These projects are generally delivered orally without an accompanying project sheet so attendance is vital.
Quizzes A quiz is evidence of both comprehension and participation, thus quiz scores will be reflected in the participation score. Because the class is designed as a Studio course, the quizzes will be both oral and/or demonstrated. Quiz scores are applied to your participation grade.
Final Grading While your final grade and project deadlines work as a motivating force behind your studio practice, they can stifle creativity and innovation. For this reason the design portion of any Project can be re-designed and re-presented up until the last day of class for reevaluation. Your final grade will be based upon all of the following criteria and weighted equally into percentages: Participation and Quizzes: 15% In Class Projects: 15% Projects: 70%
Supplies Bring an external Flash or Hardrive every class! BACK UP EVERYTHING YOU DO! Losing work is not an acceptable excuse. Sketchbook (Provided, see Ro to pay for your sketchbook) Regular access to Computer and Color Printing Materials for building and mounting final work as needed: X-acto, Spray Mount, Photo Paper (I will give a demonstration of the proper way to mount and present work for each project.)
Lab Rules Clean up after yourself. Workdays/times are reserved for projects assigned in this class only; email and internet browsing (facebook) are not wise uses of your class time. If I find you are distracted with online activities you will be marked absent for the day. Food is not generally allowed in the lab during class; breaks will be given and students may eat elsewhere in the building or outside. You may have a water container with a closed lid. Do not put food/wrappers in garbage cans that only get emptied periodically. Turn cell phones OFF/SILENT. Respect the time and space of your instructor and peers. You may make calls during class breaks. If you need to take a call, even during work time, please step outside of the main classroom. MP3 players and other audio/visual devices may only be used during independent work time. Please do not 9
“plug in� during lectures, critiques, or any other time instructions are being given to the class.
Texts Brandsimple: how the best brands keep it simple and succeed, By Allen P. Adamson, Martin Sorrell
Integrity Policy Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood both the current issue of the Student Handbook (published by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the Intellectual Property Policy, for information about procedures and about what constitutes acceptable oncampus behavior.
ADA Statement Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring academic adjustments, accommodations or auxiliary aids will need to contact the Southern Utah University Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), in Room 206F of the Sharwan Smith Center or phone (435) 865-8022. SSD determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of services.
Disclaimer Information contained in this syllabus, other than grading, late assignments, makeup work and attendance policies, may be subject to change as deemed appropriate by the instructor.
CONNECTIVITY Class Blog You will be required to deliver work to the class blog throughout the course of the semester. Here is the URL of the blog you will be required to sign up for and contribute to: Address: Username: Password: BLOG Delivery: Use the mounting and delivery template and specifications and export your image and description as a .jpg and crop it to 1000px x 586px. Upload the .jpg image to the blog as specified in the project outline.
Course Server You will be required to deliver every project, in class assignment, and some quizzes to the Art Server. Here is the access information: Address: afp://artmacx/art4210 Username: art4210 Password: design See file structures and naming conventions for proper delivery of files.
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MOUNTING & Delivery
During this course you will be responsible for the careful execution of printing and mounting final comps of your process and work. The parameters here should be followed exactly and without deviation unless otherwise noted in the project description. STEP 1 Using the provided template in the class resources folder print an 8x10 photo of your project displaying it in various angles establishing both content and context. Mount the photo to the template and include a relevant project description and the appropriate descriptions. Note: Mount your photo before cropping. STEP 2 Double check your work here, the final crop size should be 12 3/4” wide by 7 1/2” tall.
12 3/4”
Photo 9 3/4”
7 1/2”
BLOG Delivery: Export your image and description as a .jpg and crop it to 1000px x 586px. Upload the .jpg image to the blog as specified in the project outline.
During this course you will be responsible for the careful organization and naming of your files. These conventions are not an option; your scores will be lowered if they are not followed exactly.
File Structure You will actively update a folder of your work on the Graphics Server. To get to the server: Finder> Go> Connect to Server> then type: afp://artmacx/art4210> Username: art4210 and Password: design
Folder Naming Conventions Your Folder: last_first Project Folder: Design_Branding_Project1 In-Class Project Folder: Design_Branding_ICP1 In the Project folder and the In-Class Project folders you will have 5 folders to organize your work: 1. Project Folder: (two spaces)project deliver final legacy file, links folder, and final comps here 2. Resources Folder: (two spaces)resources compile and organize all your resources here 3. Comps Folder: pdf_jpg_comps put all comp iterations in this folder in .jpg or .pdf format 4. Photos Folder: photos put all finalized project photos here 5. Sketchbook folder: sketchbook scan and place all preliminary sketchbook work here
Project Naming Conventions Project Name: project1_(unique name) or ICP1_(unique name) Project Name with iteration: project1-2_(unique name)
Project 1 Thirst Time: 25 hrs Cost: $25+ Start: Day 1 Week 1 End Date: Day 2 Week 4 Possible Points: 60 Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try! —Dr. Seuss
Design Brief You will create a new brand of beverage using the Miir bottle as your base form. ( You will need to establish a name and logotype for your brand. You will also develop a mark and the accompanying packaging for your design.
Project Goal The goal of this project is to introduce the idea of brand development. The BRAND is the idea and branding is the transmission of the idea. Branding is about signals—the signals people use to determine what you stand for as a brand. These signals are external and obvious things like logos, names, colors, signage, typefaces, images and promotions, packaging and distribution channels. Why the MIIR Bottle? Nearly a billion people struggle to survive everyday because they don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. $1 of every MiiR bottle purchased provides one person with clean water for one year. Who knew you could do so much good with a dollar?
STEP 1 Deliver by: o o o o
Process Sketch: 15+ Exploratory Thumbnails: 5+ Explanatory Sketches: 3+ Persuasive Sketches: 3+
Mood Board:1
Mounted Sketches and mood board: 5 5 Delivered to the blog (cropped image should be 1000x586px)
Sketchbook: Using the process sketch method work through a minimum of 15 different ideas for the design of you beverage brand. Sketch a minimum of 5 exploratory thumbnail ideas for the design of the brand and it’s accompanying packaging. Sketch a minimum of 3 explanatory sketches ideas to clearly articulate the function, shape and structure of your design concept. Produce a minimum of 3 persuasive sketches to articulate the final design of your project. Lastly, create a rich and full mood board to support the look, feel, and timber of your brand idea. Scan your sketches and mood board and arrange them nicely and present them as outlined in the project mounting specifications. Also, post your mounted sketches to the class blog for critique and approval.
STEP 2 Deliver by: o o
Design bottle and wrap Order bottle and wrap
Design and produce the product packaging
Mount final product shots and product description.
Deliver final product shots and product description to the course blog.
Using the Miir template, design the sticker/wrap for your bottle and select the appropriate colors and lid type. Have your wrap design approved by the instructor and then order your bottle. Be sure to use the pantone color system to get exact color in you design.
STEP 3 Deliver by:
Based on your preliminary sketches design the packaging that will hold and display your product for sale. Get your design approved by the instructor and then produce it in three dimensions.
STEP 4 Deliver by:
Take final relevant product shots exploring various angles to stimulate interest in the final deliverables of the project. Use the mounting procedures to present your design to the class and deliver the final design to the instructor. It should be polished and cohesive. Finally, post your mounted design to the class blog. Instructor portfolio building challenge: Who drinks your product? Show us by designing an ad or promotional poster that helps to strengthen and establish your brand. Note: The instructor’s challenge is not a part of your grade nor is it part of the projected time for the project. Do not move onto this challenge without instructor approval of your project.
Project 2 The Human Brand Time: 25 hrs Cost: $25+ Start: Day 1 Week 1 End Date: Day 2 Week 4 Possible Points: 60 Design advocates the future. —Bill Stumpf
Design Brief You will brand the human species through the careful design of a time capsule. You will need to communicate our existence to our intergalactic neighbors. It will be critical to your design to look at our species here and now as if through the lens of an alien civilization. The projected discovery of the capsule is 10,000 years into the future.
Project Goal In this assignment you will identify the human brand. Disseminate your findings through as series of choices as to what the visual representation of that brand will be and how it should be delivered. Topics may include music, art , photography, architecture, science, philosophy and consciousness, as well as gadgets, inventions etc. Designers will address the following problems: a. Who do you really want to talk to? (p74 BS) b. Establish the is and isn’t for your brand. (p80 BS) c. Establish the brand driver. (p109 BS) d. Establish what is necessary, nice, and truly different about your approach to the human brand. (p129 BS) e. establish a journey map for your brand. (p139 BS) f. Establish brand signals. (p159 & 181 BS)
STEP 1 Deliver by: o o o o
Process Sketch: 15+ Exploratory Thumbnails: 5+ Explanatory Sketches: 3+ Persuasive Sketches: 3+
Mood Board:1
Mounted Sketches and mood board: 5 5 Delivered to the blog (cropped image should be 1000x586px)
Sketchbook: Using the process sketch method work through a minimum of 15 different ideas for the design of the human brand. Sketch a minimum of 5 exploratory thumbnail ideas for the design of the brand and your capsule. Sketch a minimum of 3 explanitory sketches ideas to clearly articulate the idea, shape and structure of your design concept. Produce a minimum of 3 persuasive sketches to articulate the final design of your project. Lastly create a rich and full mood board to articulate the look and feel of the human brand. Scan your sketches and mood board and arrange them nicely and present them as outhlined in the project mounting specifications. Also, post your mounted sketches to the class blog for critique and approval.
STEP 2 Deliver by: o o
Design the time capsule container. Organize and design the content of the capsule
Using your approved sketches design the time capsule. Organize and carefully design the content of the container and how it will be shared.
STEP 3 Deliver by: o
Share the time capsule.
Mount final product shots and product description.
Deliver final product shots and product description to the course blog.
Share your design with others. Give others a chance to respond to your design without you providing context to the design. Record how they respond and share it on the course blog.
STEP 4 Deliver by:
Take final relevant product shots exploring various angles to stimulate interest in the final deliverables of the project. Use the mounting procedures to present your design to the class and deliver the final design to the instructor. It should be polished and cohesive. Finally, post your mounted design to the class blog. Instructor portfolio building challenge: Share your design with the future. Produce a second capsule and record your process as you select a location and leave it for future generations to discover. Note: The instructor’s challenge is not a part of your grade nor is it part of the projected time for the project. Do not move onto this challenge without instructor approval of your project.
Project 3 Kit of Parts Time: 25 hrs Cost: $25+ Start: Day 1 Week 1 End Date: Day 2 Week 4 Possible points: 60 “Begin at once to live, and count each day as a separate life.” —Seneca
Design Brief In this assignment you will re-animate an existing brand; you will produce and deliver on a daily basis evidence of your creative findings; and establish on a daily basis a rich, meaningful and relevant solution to a brand of your choosing.
Project Goal The goal of this project is to exercise your creativity as a designer and apply your findings to a relevant subject and brand. As a visual artist it is critical that you be able to both expand your reach and focus it. Note: Use the blog delivery method to deliver your daily solutions to this project.
6 sketchbook brainstorms delivered to the course blog over 6 days.
Daily delivery of: o Process Sketch: 5 o Exploratory Thumbnails: 5 o Explanatory Sketches: 2 o Persuasive Sketches: 1
Week 1 Dates:
You will spend an hour each day this week analyzing and determining the brand you wish to work with and develop. Take into consideration relevance, social currency, and marketability. Establish the brand you wish, and address it through the ideals that define it. Look at the following ideals: vision, meaning, authenticity, differentiation, durability, coherence, flexibility, commitment and value. Using the process sketch method work through a minimum of 5 different brand ideas daily. Sketch a minimum of 5 exploratory thumbnail ideas for the design of the brand. Sketch a minimum of 2 explanatory sketches ideas to clearly articulate what you feel is your best idea. Finally produce 1 persuasive sketch to articulate the final design of your strongest brand idea.
6 mood boards
Week 2 Dates:
6 collaborative and observational designs
Week 3 Dates:
Mount final product shots and product description.
Week 4 Dates:
Deliver final product shots and product description to the course blog.
Now that you have determined your brand, create and deliver a different mood board for your brand every day this week. Enter insights and observations, quotes, sketches, photos, color samples, etc. Being firmly committed to the brand’s potential look and feel this week will cause your eyes and ears to pay extra special attention as you walk down streets, sit in restaurants and browse shops.
Get out of your way to observe people this week. Reinvent the project based on your observations. Collaborate with others to produce unexpected results. Create a brand signal every day this way. Record and deliver your findings daily to the blog.
This week you will design and produce the kit of parts for your brand. In the industry you would also call this the “brand manual.” Each day you will respond to and deliver an essential part of the kit. Each part should work cohesively and be evident of a complete brand solution. Instructor portfolio building challenge: You’ve done the sketching now make the marks. Take your daily best sketches and finish the design of the marks in adobe illustrator. Note: The instructor’s challenge is not a part of your grade nor is it part of the projected time for the project. Do not move onto this challenge without instructor approval of your project.
The Project ASSESSMENT Each project is worth a total of 60 points unless otherwise specified in the project description. Projects are assessed from the following categories. See the course syllabus for details concerning these categories. Before the assessment takes place you should carefully ensure that each portion of the project has been completed fully.
Final Critique
Sketchbook 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Technical Proficiency 1 2 3 4 5 6
Presentation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Formal Qualities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Communication of Concept 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Creativity and Experimentation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Notes: