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Issue 174 March 2019


‘A new day is breaking; a new dawn is rising’ Synod 2020 INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

Knit-a-Bit in Penwortham

Hope for the Future in the Holy Land

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Inspiring excellence personal and academic

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contents Welcome This month we reflect on the ‘Service of Proclamation and Sending’ for Synod 2020 which took place in the Metropolitan Cathedral at the beginning of February. It was a momentous occasion for the archdiocese with 1500 people gathered for the proclamation and the commissioning of the 500 Synod Members. Following the year of prayer and reflection which took place leading to the Adoremus Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress the process of discernment and listening now takes place. We must all play our part, not least in prayer. The last Synod in the archdiocese was held in 1955, but this month our Archdiocesan Archivist, Neil Sayer, looks back to the very first one held in 1853 with 150 members, all priests, who were instructed in Latin and English to bring ‘a Cassock, Surplice, Red Stole, and Biretta’. Times have changed. We also look back on this year’s meeting of the Holy Land Coordination. Delegates stayed in Haifa with a focus on Christians living within the State of Israel. In their final communique they spoke of ‘Standing in solidarity with Israel’s Christians’; of ‘Human dignity under occupation’ and of ‘Hope for the future’. Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Contents 4

Main Feature ‘A new day is breaking; a new dawn is rising’ Synod 2020


News From around the Archdiocese

From the Archbishop’s Desk Making decisions about our future is always difficult because the future is always unknown. We can make predictions from past trends and also make plans expressing our hopes, but how many of them actually turn out as expected? Establishing a solid foundation is always a good first step. When I was leaving university nearly fifty years ago an important aspect of any job or career path I considered was whether it had a good pension plan to look after me in my old age. Such secure financial provisions are very much a thing of the past, reduced pensions are very common, and some pension schemes have folded altogether. For believers, security for the future lies in the hope that we have in Jesus, and that hope is not based on our efforts but on the resurrection of Jesus. That is taking the long view, I admit, and it doesn’t absolve us from making our best efforts to provide a better future for each other, but it helps if we can see God at work in the good things we work for. As we work towards Synod 2020, enter Lent and approach Brexit the task is the same; and that is to be open to the work of the God’s Spirit in our lives. If we exclude God from our deliberations and think that the future lies entirely in our own hands, then we are making a big mistake.

14 Sunday Reflections Liturgy and Life 16 What’s On Whats happening in the Archdiocese 19 Profile Joanne Wallace Pastoral Associate aiming to hit the right notes 21 Animate Lent is a time for reflection 23 Nugent News Charity starts at home 25 Cathedral Record New Chorister Leaders at the Cathedral

Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP Archbishop of Liverpool

26 Pic Extras Mums the word News from the KSC Editor Peter Heneghan

Copy deadline April 2019 Monday 8 March 2019

Editorial Catholic Pictorial Magazine Liverpool Archdiocesan Centre for Evangelisation, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool L17 1AA Tel: 0151 522 1007 Email:

Publisher CPMM Suite 4 Pacific Chambers, 11-13 Victoria Street, Liverpool L2 5QQ

Advertising Sales team 0151 709 7567 Pictures: Cover and Main Feature: Molly Nield @mollneildmedia Profile: Peter Heneghan

CPMM Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced copied or transmitted in any form or by any means or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publishers written permission. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published, Catholic Pictorial Ltd. can accept no responsibility for the veracity of the claims made by advertisers.

28 Pic Life And the greatest of these is love 30 Justice and Peace Remembering Father Tom Cullinan

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‘A new day is breaking; a new dawn is rising.’ ‘A new day is breaking; a new dawn is rising’ with these words and this powerful image Archbishop Malcolm proclaimed the opening of Synod 2020 at a Service of Proclamation and Sending in the Metropolitan Cathedral on Sunday 3 February. by Father Philip Inch, Synod Moderator ver 1500 people gathered on a windy Sunday afternoon to witness a historic moment in the history of the Archdiocese. It is over 60 years since the last Diocesan Synod in the Archdiocese of Liverpool. In the official Decree Convoking the Synod, which the Archbishop signed on the Feast of the Epiphany 2019, he said: ‘I call on Synod 2020 to discern how we might respond in a practical way, both now and in the future, to the call of the Gospel to be missionary disciples’.


The liturgy in the Cathedral was both dramatic and poignant. The 500 Synod members made their profession of faith, they were sent out by the Archbishop to listen to the voice of God speaking in the people, religious, deacons and priests of the Archdiocese. Confident that this listening would not be just to the dramatic, loud, clamorous voices,


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but to the still small, gentle voices. This was dramatically presented by pupils from St Bede’s High School in Ormskirk as we heard about Elijah hearing the voice of God in the gentle breeze. The Gospel proclaimed was the presentation of Jesus in the Temple witnessed by the old priest, Simeon and the prophetess, Anna. The Archbishop spoke about the song of the old. As Simeon held in his arms the child Jesus he was able to sing a new song, he was able to behold a new day. And this new day was to be the salvation for all people. From Simeon Jesus heard the first human hymn that was composed out of love for him. Simeon could go in peace because he had seen the saviour of the world. This is the new day, this is the new dawn that our Synod is calling us to witness. In his homily Archbishop Malcolm said, ‘Maybe we can ask Simeon, the prophet to help us remove the evening and the

‘This is the new day, this is the new dawn that our Synod is calling us to witness.’

night from our eyes and see brightly as we enter upon the road together towards Synod 2020. As we hear Simeon’s song our vision is changed. When we listen to each other our vision will be changed too. We believe that because we are baptised the Spirit of God lives in us, that is the spirit of Jesus whom Simeon cradled in his arms; that is why this change will happen within each of us. It is with confidence then that we can look to the future as we walk together on the road ahead of us.’ The Archbishop then solemnly proclaimed Synod 2020 reminding us that Pope Francis sees Synodality as the Way for the Church in the 3rd millennium. Telling us that it is our duty to discern carefully what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church in the Archdiocese and to agree on common actions and directions for the future. Archbishop Malcom called on us to be creative and bold in the task of rethinking the structures, style and methods of evangelisation in our various Archdiocesan communities. With the music (led by the pupils of St Julie’s High School, Liverpool) of the specially composed Synod hymn, ringing in our ears we left the Cathedral fired for the task ahead. In the words of Archbishop Malcolm, ‘The journey ahead towards Synod 2020 may seem long and arduous, and there will be many diversions and setbacks, but with the hope of Simeon and Anna in our hearts, we will come to a new vision for our archdiocese and it will be transformed into the church that we are called to be.’ Gathering of the Synod Members: The 500 Synod Members gathered together for one of three days in the middle of February. These days

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feature communion and together, as we listen and discern the way forward, we will catch the whisper of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit speaks to the Churches. Father Eamonn told us that in the understanding of Pope Francis the path of discipleship must be lived synodally. Starting with our personal relationship with Jesus we are all called, as the pilgrim people of God, to be bold and courageous. He finished by saying that Synod 2020 is a Kairos moment for our Archdiocese and he called on all the Members of Synod to make ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ the guide book, the road map, for our Synod journey. Professor Stephen Bullivant, from St Mary’s College, London, spoke to the Members about the situation in the Church in England and Wales today. It was particularly challenging to hear about the 52% of people who describe themselves as non-religious in our countries and how even amongst those who were baptised as Catholics over half of them no longer identify as part of the Church. One of the most striking and shocking results of his study is that for every one person who is joining the Catholic Church 10 are leaving it. Professor Bullivant is about the write a sequel to his book about the changes that have taken place to describe the hopeful shoots of new life that are just beginning to show forth. So he left us with a realistic picture, but there is hope. It is into this situation that the Members of Synod, in fact all the people of the Archdiocese, are called to be missionary disciples.

Archbishop Malcolm at the Blessing of the Synod Candles

Canon Chris Fallon helped us to see this situation from the lens of the Liverpool Archdiocese. It is, as he described it, a picture of ebbs and flows. • Successive waves of immigration have made us the church we are today.

The gatherings took place in St Joseph’s Parish Centre, Chorley on Saturday 9 February, in LACE on Wednesday 13 February and at Christ the King Parish Centre on Saturday 16 February.

Mulcahy CSSp. He suggested that the Liverpool Synod has grown from the inspiration of Pope Francis and particularly from his Apostolic Exhortation, ‘Evangelli Gaudium’, The Joy of the Gospel. Picking up from the Archbishop he shared his understanding of Pope Francis and Synods.

Each day began with an inspiring and stirring input from Father Eamonn

He reminded us that each of us by our baptism are called into a compassionate

were to inspire them and equip them for the tasks ahead.

• Fewer and older priests are serving fewer active Catholics in slightly fewer churches but almost as many people still want baptisms, first communions, marriages and funerals. • An expansion of new ministries (the restored diaconate and lay involvement in pastoral roles) has begun and needs to be developed.

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Canon Chris Fallon addresses the meeting of Synod members in Chorley

It is truly ebbs and flows. Is the situation of the 1930’s (which is similar in some ways to our situation today) the norm or is the norm the years of expansion seen in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.

their tasks, full of hopeful admiration of the step the Archdiocese is taking under the leadership of Archbishop Malcom and more confident that in Synod 2020 the voice of God will be heard guiding us to become the Church God is calling us to be.

Prayer was integral to each of the Synod Members gatherings. We were inspired, we were made aware of the situation we are facing now and in the immediate future. But I think each Synod Member left the gatherings with a good heart, ready to undertake

The next steps: • All the Members are invited to Discernment and listening preparation. • In late April and early May there will be a gathering in each pastoral Area of the Synod Members from that part of the Diocese.

‘It is with confidence then that we can look to the future as walk together on the road ahead of us’ 6

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• Members will undertake listening gatherings in parishes, schools and where ever possible so that we can hear as many voices as possible • 10 focus groups are meeting so that we hear every voice. • The Synod Survey is ‘live’ on Please log on and let your voice be heard.

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News diary If you’ve got any news from your parish that you’d like featured e-mail us with the details at:

Question Time in Ainsdale by Eleanor Lalley There are not many parish evenings that involve open Q and A, a panel to reflect on and answer questions and a shiny black Labrador retriever puppy, but just such an event happened at Sacred Heart Church in Ainsdale, Southport, at the end of January.

The idea for a Parish Question Time came from parishioner Alice Reston as a way for the ‘HeartStone’ community, the paired parish of Sacred Heart and St John Stone, to practice listening and learning from each other on the road to Synod 2020. Question Time brought together a guest panel from the parish and diocese (made up of Professor John Sullivan, Mrs Veronica

Murphy, Father Chris Thomas and Mrs Eleanor Lalley) to attempt to answer the intelligent and challenging questions from the audience. Maddie was the Labrador puppy and perhaps theologianin-training. Some questions had been submitted in advance and some came straight from the floor. What sort of questions do ‘HeartStone’ parishioners ask? The questions did not shy away from any topic but were especially focused on intercessory prayer, the Synod, the Creeds, families, young people and young adults, smaller church populations and what lay ministry looks like and might look like in practice. There was an intense dialogue about married men in the priesthood and the theology of Original Sin versus Original Blessing. The Parish Priest, Father Tony Slingo, bravely volunteered to moderate (and survived) these lively discussions and helped solicit comments, allowing as many topics as possible during Question Time. Mostly the Parish Question Time was an excellent example of adult learning and listening within the parish. In 2015 and 2017 the parish undertook listening exercises to hear the honest views of parishioners and to discern the way forward. Carrying on from these listening exercises, a Parish Open Forum is now established twice a year to help people listen to each other. This first Question Time was an addition which helped everyone practice the listening skills they will use in the Synod2020 meetings and discussions in the coming months.

Annual Civic Mass held at Cathedral Archbishop Malcolm McMahon will celebrate the Annual Civic Mass at 11.00 am on Sunday 3 March in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. The Mass is one of the major services of the year, paying tribute to the thousands of men and women who contribute to public service across Merseyside and celebrating the diversity of faith within our community. Guests in attendance will include the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside, the High Sheriff of Merseyside, the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Mayors from across the region, members of the judiciary, Consular Corps, MPs and councillors along with many others representing the city and region. Catholic schools and societies will also be represented and all are welcome at the Mass.


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news diary


end of World War One, we knitted poppies to decorate both churches and donated spares to one of the local primary schools for their display. Next came the Blue Light Baby appeal. We sent 145 knitted hats and 13 blankets to them for inclusion in ambulance packs for babies to wear when being rushed to hospital after birth complications – all the North West ambulances now are kitted out. When the Christmas Fair came along, we had a stall filled with baby shawls both knitted and crocheted, knitted stars, knitted plum puddings, garlands and Christmas present tags. Twelve teddies were included in the Christmas shoe box appeal. Presently, we are working on hats for seafarers as well as hats and scarves for the homeless. We also have trauma teddies underway for the Police to take out to children involved in accidents and ‘refugee teddies’ for refugee children. We have recently been made aware of the Innocent Smoothie ’big knit’ and are now busily knitting and crocheting hats for the Innocent Smoothie bottles – Innocent will donate 25p to Age UK for every hat used by the company. Look out for them – you might just get one of ours on your bottle! All in all we are a very busy group and regardless of our name we do knit a Parish Priest Father Roy Cooper visits the group lot!! Every Monday morning a group of up to 25 ladies from St Teresa’s and St Mary Magdalen’s Churches in Penwortham head to the Romero Room attached to St Teresa’s church for two hours. There we knit, crochet, chat and have a drink and a biscuit provided by the SVP writes Gemma Swarbrick. ‘Knit-a-Bit’ was set up 15 months ago through the collaboration of one of the parishioners and the chair of the SVP. During that time a lot of projects have been undertaken: personal ones knitting for family and friends but also many other charitable projects. We have given 210 ‘Fish and Chip’ jumpers and hats to International Aid along with 76 blankets to send abroad to help keep babies at risk warm. We had an Easter stall filled with knitted rabbits, chicks, ducks and all manner of goodies which raised £284.50 towards the Romero Room. To commemorate the centenary of the

Papal Blessing for Joseph Joseph Tipping from Penwortham received a Blessing from Pope Francis on his 80th birthday. The blessing was presented at Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Divine Providence at Cardinal Heenan House, Roby Mill, Upholland. Joseph worked with the Sons of Divine Providence for 25 years, during which time he visited Kenya twice. He continues to support the missionary work by selling flower bulbs from November to March each year to feed clothe and educate children in Africa where approximately 500 children need support. The proceeds from the sale of each pot will feed a child for 2 to 3 days. Joseph also gives talks in local schools and is a supporter of the 7.30 pm First Friday Mass which is celebrated at the Farm House, Roby Mill. He can be contacted be email at:

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news diary

Mandela family visit Bellerive Bellerive FCJ Catholic College was honoured to host the family of the late Nelson Mandela during their visit to Liverpool. Dr Makaziwe Mandela, the eldest daughter of the late president of South Africa, and his granddaughter Tukwini Mandela joined students in a special assembly held in the College’s new Sports Hall. Also in attendance were Bishop Tom Williams, Bellerive governors and representatives from Mandela 8. Tukwini Mandela spoke to the students about the lessons she learned from her grandfather, especially the importance of reading, showing kindness and aspiring for great things. She told the students that they will face challenges but that these are part of the journey towards achieving greatness in their lives. Bellerive’s choir led the singing and the Mandela family were presented with a beautiful handmade banner, created by the students as a memento of their visit. On behalf of the FCJ sisters, the family were also given gifts from the Phillippines where the FCJ sisters are involved in many social enterprises. Mrs Niamh Howlett, Bellerive’s Head teacher, told the students that in times to come they would be able to tell their children and grandchildren that they were part of this momentous visit to Liverpool. Year 10 pupils were also present when the memorial to Nelson Mandela was blessed in Princes Park. Mrs Howlett said: “The oil drums planted in the ceremony and commissioned by Mandela 8 to represent the oil drums used as an allotment by Nelson Mandela during his imprisonment have been gifted to Bellerive. “We will treasure them as a reminder of this special visit”.


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Dr Maki Mandela and Tukwini Mandela and Lloyd Mussara with members of Mandela 8, Sonia Bassey MBE, Stephen Nze, Paul Duhaney and Dawn Collins and Niamh Howlett Headteacher

Above: Tukwini Mandela addresses the assembly Below: Assembly in Bellerive Sports hall

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Pupils and students from Bellerive FCJ and visitors from Upton Hall School FCJ meet Dr Maki Mandela and Tukwini Mandela

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news diary Standing in solidarity with Israel’s Christians

Sunday Mass in the Church of the Visitation, Zababdeh. Picture: Mazur/

This year’s Holy Land Coordination, which met in January, was based in Haifa and offered a different view of Christian experience in the Holy Land with the focus being on Christians (both indigenous and immigrant) living within the State of Israel. In their; final communique the delegates spoke of ‘Standing in solidarity with Israel’s Christians’; of ‘Human dignity under occupation’ and of ‘Hope for the future’. The Bishops recognised both the contribution of Israeli Christians to their society and the difficulties which they face: ‘Israel’s Christians wish to live as full citizens, with their rights recognised in a plural and democratic society. We have seen the vital contribution that they make especially through schools, hospitals, involvement in public life and attempting to build bridges between different faiths. ‘Yet it is clear that at the same time they face profound difficulties across all aspects of their lives. We have heard that, along with other Palestinian Arab citizens and migrants living in Israel, many Christians find themselves systematically discriminated against and marginalised.’ They went on to call on governments to help meet funding gaps following US government cuts: ‘Our delegation also travelled to Palestine, where despite the faith and resilience of those we met, the misery of occupation has been deepened by severe cuts to humanitarian funding by the US government. ‘Healthcare, education and other basic services for refugees are being


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increasingly threatened, exacerbating the ongoing violations of their fundamental human dignity. This cannot be ignored or tolerated. ‘We call upon our own governments to help meet the funding gaps now faced by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and redouble their efforts towards a diplomatic solution, with

two democratic sovereign states of Israel and Palestine existing in peace.’ The Bishops concluded by expressing solidarity with the Christians in the Holy Land, ‘We admire our sisters and brothers in the Holy Land for not losing hope and we commit ourselves through prayer, pilgrimage and practical solidarity, to helping keep that hope alive’.

Family Groups in the Archdiocese Family Groups are drawn from the parish community. Like a natural family, Family Groups are made up of people of all ages and circumstances: young, mature, married, single, separated, widowed and divorced, who simply commit to meeting up once a month, to get to know each other better. Although Family Groups grow out of a parish community and are linked by a common faith, many group members bring along partners and friends who may not be so involved in Church. These people are integral to the success of a group. Family Groups have few rules beyond a commitment to know, support and love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. They need enthusiastic leaders and the support of the parish priest to thrive, but activities are kept at minimum cost. Family Groups offer a great deal to parishes. Have you ever heard someone say, ‘I

wish I knew more people in our church’? Perhaps it’s something you’ve said or thought yourself? A Family Group is just tailor-made for you. With simple monthly functions and lots of friendly faces, you’ll never have to say that again. If your parish is interested in setting up a Family Group contact Sue Faulkner: Tel: 0151 522 1047 Email:

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news diary Remembering the first Diocesan Synod Neil Sayer, Archdiocesan archivist Suffice to say, the forthcoming Synod 2020 will be significantly different from the first. After all, in 1853, only priests were invited to the Synod – and the decisions were published only in Latin! That inaugural Synod followed Bishop George Brown’s appointment as the first Bishop of Liverpool in 1850 when, after centuries of persecution and secretive religious observance, Catholics in England and Wales were able to celebrate the restoration of a hierarchy of priests and bishops to lead them in worship. Bishop Brown decided that he needed to take control of his new diocese and assert his authority over the priests in his territory. He therefore summoned both regular and secular clergy to attend a Synod at the Pro-Cathedral of St Nicholas, on Copperas Hill, close to Lime Street Station. Over 120 priests were serving within the diocesan boundaries in 1853, and it must be presumed that they all presented themselves at the appointed time on 20 December. Instructions, issued in Latin and English, emphasised the spectacle and solemnity of the occasion by directing them to bring ‘a Cassock, Surplice, Red Stole, and Biretta’ and ordering that ‘the

religious should appear in the habits of their respective orders’. It doesn’t appear that a great deal of discussion took place at this first Synod. Its purpose seemed largely to provide an official occasion for the Bishop to inform his clergy of the decrees laid down by a recent Provincial Synod and to issue specific instructions on a few matters important to the administration of the diocese. In addressing his clergy, mostly in English and with many rhetorical flourishes, Bishop Brown highlighted his awareness of the size and importance of his new diocese: ‘Its wants press heavily upon us, and our anxiety shall cease not, as long as there is one soul to whom the bread of life is not held out.’ Accordingly, he directed that there should be three annual collections, for the maintenance of poor schools, for clergy education, and for the Diocesan Mission Fund. He also instituted the system of parish visitation that has continued ever since, and directed that each parish should draw up an inventory of property and a list of Masses of obligation. There have been 23 further Synods since that first one, though the last was held as long ago as 1955. The records of each may be consulted at the Archdiocesan Archives. A Latin dictionary isn’t required for all of them.

Bishop George Brown

Liverpool volunteers bid to revive charity shop A group of volunteers are uniting in the hope of restoring the fortunes of the Cafod charity shop on St John’s Road, Waterloo. The shop, which was set up by keen members of the community more than a quarter of a century ago, has raised over £750,000

for the international development charity but was forced to close last December owing to a shortage of key volunteers. Over the years, the shop has made an enormous difference to communities around the world by donating its profits to Cafod, while offering support to local people with the sale of affordable household items as well as helping them reuse valuable materials. Cafod has agreed to support the shop in its efforts to re-open for business before the target date of 31 March. Shop manager Wendy Francis-Rowe said: ‘The Cafod support shop is a part of the life of the area and has changed hundreds of thousands of lives in some of the poorest communities overseas. We were so sorry it had to close and hope it’s temporary so we’re back on solid ground soon. Together, we’re confident that we can soon be back up and running and making a difference. Local people have the power to help.’ Cafod’s local representative in Liverpool, Ged Edwards, added: ‘The shop provides such fantastic support locally and you couldn’t find a friendlier group of people. People around the area donate to the shop because they trust it goes to the right place. If you’d like to help revive the shop by volunteering or giving other support, we’d love to hear from you.’ The Cafod shop is looking for a manager/co-ordinator, two different day managers, and several shop assistants. To find out more, please contact or 0151 228 4028.

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school news Liverpool school flies flag for diversity ‘Where are we from?’ That was the question posed to pupils at the Academy of St Francis of Assisi (ASFA) in Liverpool – and the answer now takes pride of place on a map in the school corridor. The giant world map shows 62 flags, documenting the diverse backgrounds of pupils at the Kensington school. Individually painted by pupils, the flags represent places of birth from Bulgaria to Botswana to Bangladesh. Other European countries featured are Finland, Germany, Italy and Greece, while the African countries of Congo, Ghana and Cameroon are also pinpointed on the map, along with Japan, China and Indonesia in Asia. The project was started by Year 8 pupils who, with the help of staff, studied school data, conducted their own surveys and interviewed other children to discover the population of the entire school. The inclusive academy is currently working towards the Gold Quality Mark in maths and staff thought it would be a good idea to put statistics, percentages and data into a real-life situation. The project also brings together themes such

Pupils Roj, Wed and Ornela with their respective flags

as cultural awareness, racial acceptance and inclusivity. The world map serves to underline the unique, diverse and vibrant community found at a school where over 40 languages are spoken, and which counts respect, peace and reconciliation among its core values. Head teacher Tracey Greenough said:

‘This has been a fantastic project, bringing together different areas of the curriculum and resulting in many talking points for both students and staff. ‘Our community spirit is strong, we learn from and value each other. This project has highlighted this further and has been a great way to start the new term and reflect on our unique school community.’

St Mary’s College unveils centenary plans Sacred Heart pupils learn about dementia Pupils from Sacred Heart Catholic College in Crosby visited a local Active Minds day centre recently to reinforce their lessons about care for the elderly, writes Catherine Laybourne. The purpose of the visit was to build links with the elderly in the community and bolster the efforts the Year 13 pupils had already made through their community service initiatives and Health and Social course. The day centre helps people living with early-onset dementia and provides care for those who live alone. The Sacred Heart group received a tour of the centre and heard a talk from director Michelle King, who explained the needs of the elderly. The pupils reflected afterwards on the homely environment and the programme of events on offer at the centre, which has a cinema and activity room. Danielle McConiville, one of the Year 13 group, said: ‘I really enjoyed the visit and feel I learned a lot about the challenges people with dementia face and the excellent work the staff do.’ Students from Years 11 and 12 will also be visiting the centre as part of the community service initiatives they regularly participate in. 14

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A Crosby school has unveiled details of an ambitious programme of events to mark its centenary. St Mary’s College, founded in 1919, will stage special musical, sporting and reunion gatherings to celebrate the milestone. For the centrepiece of the programme, St Mary’s will welcome back one of its most famous old boys, Cardinal Vincent Nichols the Archbishop of Westminster. Cardinal Nichols will be the VIP guest at a service of thanksgiving and celebration dinner at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Saturday 15 June. The school will also stage two centenary concerts, with ‘St Mary’s at the Movies’ scheduled for Saturday 23 March at Liverpool’s Philharmonic Hall and a ‘Proms in the Park’ music and fireworks extravaganza taking place at the college’s Blundell

Park playing field on Saturday 13 July. The school has also planned a cricket match against a team representing the MCC on Wednesday 3 July, with a sporting reunion event for former pupils to follow in December. There will also be back-to-school tours for expupils – and back-in-time activities for current pupils. St Mary’s principal, Mike Kennedy, said: ‘Our aim has been to come up with a varied programme of activities that does justice to our proud history. We hope that it includes something for everyone, and extend a cordial invitation to all former pupils, members of staff and their families to come along and celebrate this important milestone with us.’ For more information, visit or call 0151 924 3926.

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sunday reflections On a liturgical note The lengthening of the days ushers in one of the ‘purple times’ of the year – the Season of Lent, where the purple of the vestments is a sign of the expectation and the preparation needed for our great feast, the Triduum which celebrates the suffering, death and resurrection of the Lord. On the Epiphany (6 January), the Church offered a proclamation in the liturgy which – while apparently superfluous now that we can look up all the dates of the Christian feasts at the click of a button or swipe of a screen – centres the whole of our Christian life and ‘the rhythm of times and seasons’ on the Easter celebration: Dear brothers and sisters, the glory of the Lord has shone upon us, and shall ever be manifest among us, until the day of His return. Through the rhythms of times and seasons let us celebrate the mysteries of salvation. Let us recall the year’s culmination, the Easter Triduum of the Lord: His Last Supper, His Crucifixion and Death, His Burial, and His Rising, celebrated between the evening of the 18th day of April and the evening of the 20th day of April, Easter Sunday being on the 21st day of April. Each Easter—as on each Sunday—the

Sunday thoughts Some months ago I was celebrating a weekday Mass and noticed a group of four people sitting in the congregation; a couple and their teenage children. I didn’t know them so at the end of Mass I greeted them at the back of church, automatically assuming them to be the family of the person named in the intention for whom we had just offered Mass. ‘Oh no, Father’, they said, ‘It’s Grandma’s anniversary today so we just came along to Mass to pray for her’. This family had made the Mass their own. No money had changed hands. It was their own initiative. The irony was that there was no trace in the congregation of anyone connected with the person for whom the Mass was being ‘officially’ offered. The priest was being ‘paid’ to offer Mass for them in their absence. I’ve always felt uneasy about Mass intentions. The unease comes to the surface when someone asks, ‘How

Canon Philip Gillespie

Holy Church makes present the great and saving deed by which Christ has forever conquered sin and death. From Easter are reckoned all the days we keep holy. The period of Lent is a time of seeking, an intense 40-day period of searching for that purity of heart and, therefore, purity of living which will enable us to both experience more deeply and express more lovingly the centrality of Christ in our lives. The advice given through the Gospel writer Matthew on Ash Wednesday is this: don’t do any of this seeking and searching in too public a fashion as if to attract attention; it is to be done ‘in secret’, because goodness is its own reward. In January we made new year resolutions, which may or may not remain intact. The arrival of the ‘lengthening of days’, the springtime of faith, invites us to renew that resolve by giving something up or, perhaps more positively, taking upon ourselves some act of prayerful growth and charitable care of others so that ‘the rhythm of times and seasons’ is marked not merely by the changing of months or the passing of calendar days but by a seeking and searching and deepening of the one gift which St Paul says lasts forever: love.

Mgr John Devine OBE

much is a Mass?’ The set answer is that it’s an offering, not a payment. I painstakingly try to explain the difference (without much inner conviction). But the further question always follows: ‘So how much then?’ The impression remains that Masses can be bought. Did Martin Luther have a point? When money enters the equation it can reinforce a transactional approach to our relationship with God. And even if we don’t pay with money, there’s an impression that we can only win God’s favour, either for ourselves or for someone who has died, by earning it. Yet, as the saying goes, the best things in life are free. And best of all is God’s love. • In our parish we’ve introduced an additional option to traditional Mass intentions and Mass cards. Cards are available which state, ‘I will pray for you next time I go to Mass.’

Weekly Reflections are on the Archdiocesan website at

The gift of life I recently celebrated my 59th birthday which means, of course, that I have entered my 60th year. This has made me wonder where the intervening years have gone; years which seem to have passed so quickly. One of the quotations which has meant a lot to me down these years comes from the work of the late American poet Mary Oliver. It is this: ‘Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’ Having entered my 60th year, I spent a little time wondering what this might mean. I came to the conclusion that the challenge it gives me is to recognise that life is a gift, and that every moment is precious and should be lived to the full in whatever way that can be. I realised that each day I had to focus on what really matters and decide what to with my one wild and precious life. I realised that I had to be more open to God and less concerned about what others thought of me. I sensed the challenge, scary though it is, to be free enough to be a voice – as much as I can – for the poor and the broken and the needy. And I recognised the invitation to let go of much that I carry, and to learn to laugh and live in the moment. Another quotation to reflect on is from the Indian Sufi mystic, Sai Baba, who said: ‘Life is a song, sing it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a dream, realise it. Life is a sacrifice, offer it. Life is love, enjoy it.’ It is another challenge to really experience life to the full, to discover who we are and what life is about. I think that the Gospel is primarily God’s way of enabling me to understand what it means to be alive. Salvation isn’t just about what happens to us in the future. It’s not just about saving our souls. We’re not just put on this earth to somehow endure it for the future, gracefilled life that happens after we die. We’re not just put here so that we can earn our way into heaven. This is our one wild and precious life so what are we going to do with it today? Father Chris Thomas

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what’s on Friday 1 March to Sunday 3 March ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.’ Scripture Weekend at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Friday 1 March Women’s World Day of Prayer. Saturday 2 March Liverpool Hope University Cathedrals Group Choir Festival 7.00 pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Featuring Choirs from the University of Winchester, University of Chichester, Canterbury Christ Church University and Liverpool Hope University. Tickets from TicketQuarter. Sunday 3 March Day of Prayer for the Unemployed. Annual Civic Mass 11.00 am in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Celebrant: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP. Tuesday 5 March Redemptorist Youth Ministry 18-40 young adult group Talk about the Church's belief in purgatory. 7.30 pm in the Fisher More Hall, Bishop Eton, Woolton Road, L16 8NQ. Spiritual discussion and activities followed by social time. Wednesday 6 March Ash Wednesday Liverpool Pax Christi walk of repentance for possession of trident nuclear weapons

Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King Ash Wednesday, 6 March 2019 Masses at 8.00 am (Blessed Sacrament Chapel); 12.15 pm (Crypt); 5.15 pm (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) 7.30 pm Service of the Word and distribution of Ashes (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) Holy Saturday Walk of Witness – 20 April 2019 – 2.00 pm Archbishop Malcolm McMahon will be joining Merseyside’s other church leaders on Holy Saturday for a Walk of Witness through Liverpool City Centre. The Walk begins on the Piazza at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King concluding at Liverpool Parish Church with prayers and refreshments. All are welcome to meet on the Metropolitan Cathedral Piazza at 2.00 pm. 12.00 noon at St Luke’s church, Berry Street, Liverpool City Centre. Prayer, procession and liturgy with ashes. Details: Jan Harper Tel: 07746 919915 Email: ‘Songs we Remember.’ Singing and enjoyment for anyone who likes to sing but particularly geared towards those living with dementia and their carers. 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm at St Thomas of Canterbury Parish Hall, Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details: Irenaeus Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Thursday 7 March ‘If anyone has ears to hear…’ Reflections on the Book of Revelation. Scripture Morning. 10.30 am at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Classical Guitar Concert by John O’Connell 1.00-2.00 pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Admission free.

Saturday 9 March ‘A Journey of Transformation through St Teresa’s Interior Castle’ Led by Father Matt Blake ODC and Gillian Coxhead. 10.30 am - 4.00 pm at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Blundell Avenue, Freshfield, Formby, L37 1PH. Bookings: Tel: 01704 875850 or 07712 178670. Email: Website: Liverpool Bach Collective Johann Sebastian Bach ‘St John Passion.’ 7.00 pm at the Church of Our Lady and St Nicholas (Liverpool Parish Church), Old Churchyard, Liverpool L2 8TZ. Singers and Players directed by Philip Duffy. Admission will be by ticket only (for which there is no charge). Tickets are available at (Search for ‘St John Passion’ or by date on the home page.) Any unallocated tickets will be available at the door. Sunday 10 March First Sunday of Lent Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion 3.00 pm at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.

website at


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march ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’ Youth Alive Mass. 6.30 pm at St Teresa’s, 23 College Road, Upholland, WN8 0PY. Monday 11 March Interdenominational Youth Gathering Are you a young adult 18-35 who would like to meet with youth from denominations across Merseyside in an informal setting to reflect on and discuss life as a Christian today? 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BT. Refreshments included. Bookings contact: Elisabeth/Veronica Email: Tel: 0151 709 0125 by Sunday 10 March. Tuesday 12 March Time Out on Tuesdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. An opportunity for quiet time, away from the daily rush of life. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email: Wednesday 13 March UCM bi-monthly Mass 7.30 pm at St Mary’s, Church Road, Woolton, Liverpool, L25 5JF. Thursday 14 March ‘If anyone has ears to hear…’ Reflections on the Book of Revelation. Scripture Morning. 10.30 am at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website:

time. 7.30 pm in the Fisher More Hall, Bishop Eton, Woolton Road, L16 8NQ. Wednesday 20 March ‘Songs we Remember.’ Singing and enjoyment for anyone who likes to sing but particularly geared towards those living with dementia and their carers. 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm at St Thomas of Canterbury Parish Hall, Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details: Irenaeus Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Thursday 21 March Newman Circle Talk: ‘The Changing Ethics of Family Law.’ Speaker: Judith Daley, Family Court Judge. 7.30 pm at St Helen's Parish Centre, Alexandra Road, Crosby, L23 7TQ. Details: John Potts Tel: 07889 841096 Sunday 24 March Third Sunday of Lent Monday 25 March Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord Tuesday 26 March ‘Life and Soul.’ An evening of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with praise, worship, music, spiritual reflection and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 7.00-8.00 pm at St Benedict’s Priory, Rhodes Street, Warrington, WA2 7QE. Details:

Wednesday 27 March Taizé 18–35 A time of prayer, Scripture reading, singing, silence and discussion for young people 18 -35. 7.30 pm at St Margaret Mary’s Parish House, Pilch Lane, Liverpool, L14 0JG. Details: Father Ian: (the 15 bus stops outside the church/house.) Saturday 30 March Quiet Day 10.30 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. Time to be quiet, reflect and pray. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). No booking required. For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email: Sunday 31 March Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)

Looking ahead: April 2019

Sunday 17 March Second Sunday of Lent Tuesday 19 March Solemnity of St Joseph Metropolitan Cathedral Chapter Mass 12.15 pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Metropolitan Cathedral. Redemptorist Youth Ministry 18-40 young adult group A talk on Confession, with short reconciliation service, followed by social

Friday 5 April to Sunday 7 April ‘Bread Blessed and Broken.’ Silent Lenten Retreat led by Sister Moira Meeghan at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Saturday 6 April Journey to Holy Week and Easter, organised by Pax Christi 10.00-4.00 pm at the Cenacle Retreat House, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool, L15 6TW. Discussion and reflection following a showing of the award-winning film: 'Of Gods and Men.' Suggested Offering £10 (subsidies available). Please bring food for a shared lunch. Bookings: Jan Harper Tel: 0774 6919915 Email:

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news diary Archbishop Malcolm installed as new Prior

For the second time in its history, the Northern Section of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem recently celebrated the installation of its new Prior. Rome approved the request for the appointment of Archbishop Malcolm to succeed Canon Kevin Kenny who had been the Prior since the foundation of the Section over forty years ago. Canon Kenny, a priest from the diocese of Salford, has recently retired from his duties

and Archbishop Malcolm was invited to take on this important spiritual role for Knights and Dames living in the Dioceses of Liverpool, Lancaster, Salford and Shrewsbury. He will be assisted by Father Mark Madden who takes on the new role of Section Chaplain. During the Rite of Installation, Canon Kenny mentioned that it was Archbishop Derek Worlock who installed him as the Northern Prior and it felt right that he installs the current Archbishop of Liverpool

as his successor. Archbishop Malcolm is the fourth Archbishop of Liverpool to be a member of the Order and he was invested in the Metropolitan Cathedral in 2008. There are over 600 Knights and Dames of the Order of Holy Sepulchre in England and Wales which is split into eight geographical sections. The Northern Section has over 100 members, active in supporting the Catholic community in the Holy Land.

‘Psalmfest’ in Liverpool More than 300 choral singers and musicians from eleven universities across England will come together to perform at a special festival in Liverpool. The 2019 Cathedrals Group Choir Festival, which this year is being hosted by Liverpool Hope University, takes place at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King at 7.00 pm on Saturday 2 March. Choirs from the University of Winchester, University of Chichester, Canterbury Christ Church University and Liverpool Hope among others will take part in the festival, which is this year called ‘PsalmFest’. With 2019 marking 175 years since the establishment of Liverpool Hope’s founding colleges, the festival is one of several celebratory events being held throughout the year. Liverpool Hope’s David Walters will direct the choirs, and Wirral Symphony Orchestra will accompany the singers.


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The concert will include performances of Charles Hubert Hasting Parry’s ‘I was glad’, John Rutter’s ‘Psalmfest’, and Edward Elgar’s ‘Sursum Cordia’ (Elevation). ‘Seasons of Love’ from the popular musical

‘Rent’ will also be performed, along with the late Dr Noel Rawsthorne’s anthem ‘They that go down to the sea’. Tickets are available now and can be purchased through TicketQuarter.

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Joanne Wallace Pastoral associate aiming to hit the right notes By Simon Hart ‘Tiring!’ laughs Joanne Wallace when asked how she is finding her role as an Archdiocesan pastoral associate. In truth, though, it a role she is relishing. ‘I’ve had a really warm welcome from everyone,’ says Joanne, a mother of three and former English teacher, who, since January, has been working in the parishes of St Marie’s and St Bernadette’s, and St Teresa’s in the Upholland pastoral area. ‘I’ve been met with a lot of positivity – a lot of people have said how much we need this. It’s been lovely to go out with Eucharistic ministers, visiting the sick and the housebound and developing that parish connection,’ she adds. ‘I was talking to Father John Hindley, who is my line manager, and we both agreed the pastoral associate is a unique role. You’re sharing some of that responsibility the priest has to care for the community and nurture the community.’ In her case, ‘community’ means two separate parishes – and a quest to create links between them. ‘I’ve set up a meeting with all the children’s liturgy catechists,’ she says by way of example,

‘and they’re all willing to try new things and find new resources.’ The principle challenge to date, she observes, is ‘getting across to people what an associate is because as an Archdiocese we’re still finding our way with it. One way is to communicate through newsletters, which I am doing, but until people are used to what this new role is, you understand some are going to be a little sceptical as to what it entails. Communication is the key thing.’ For Joanne, it feels a wholly natural step to be working for the Archdiocese given her long history of involvement in parish life. Growing up in St Margaret Mary’s, Knotty Ash, she was already ‘helping to lead a music ministry at the age of 15’. She believes her experience as an English teacher – spells at St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School in Prescot, The Grange academy in Runcorn, and Chesterfield High School in Crosby – will also help, and while she stepped away from teaching after the birth of her third child, Fraser, her passion for music endures. ‘I write my own music – I do worship

music and liturgical music,’ explains Joanne. Her music had already brought her into contact with one of her designated parishes, St Marie’s, through two concerts she played there last year and in December, pupils from St Marie’s primary school performed an original Nativity musical she has composed. She continues: ‘I think music is one way to tap in with young people and to capture their interest and realise that when they’re singing it is an expression of faith and brings them together as a community. That is always my angle – can you use music to engage people and keep the youngsters?’ Her daughters Ava and Eliza, incidentally, are just two of the recruits for the music group she has set up at her home parish, St Wilfrid’s in Garston. ‘I’m a great promoter of music ministry and that is an area we need to look at developing in terms of how we support music groups in the Archdiocese,’ she reflects. ‘Music groups all run on good will and volunteers but you need to ask what are we doing to support that?’ Just one on a long list of questions to tackle in her new role.

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youth ministry

Lent is a time for reflection Animate Youth Ministries member Ciara offers a reflection for each of the four Sundays of Lent in the month of March. Sunday 10 March – Luke 4:1-13 Temptation is something which has plagued humanity since the Garden of Eden; something which every person on the planet has experienced at some point. Whether that’s sneaking into the kitchen to steal biscuits as a young child or ‘treating yourself’ to a pint during dry January. The consequences of these decisions aren’t always devastating but, as we begin our Lenten journey this Sunday, we need to realise that

temptation often leads to disobedience to God. Let us use this time leading up to Easter to truly mirror Jesus’s suffering in the desert by choosing to go without the things whose absence could challenge us. Bask in the feeling of temptation, knowing that when Easter comes, the celebration will be that much sweeter! Sunday 17 March – Luke 9:28-36 This week’s Gospel reading should inspire each of us to seek something

higher in our times of prayer; something more meaningful and powerful than merely speaking words thoughtlessly. The divine encounter Jesus experiences in this passage of scripture is not just limited to Him. Each of us can feel the same closeness, the same true encounter with God by simply seeking it out during times of prayer. Let us pray deeply this week in the knowledge that the Lord will make His will known through us. Sunday 24 March – Luke 13:1-9 We hear this Sunday of the merciful patience which our God grants to us. However, it’s not all good news, for the sense of urgency in which the parable is told sends a very clear message: God's patience will run out! We must repent, change our behaviour and bear plenty of fruit in order to please God. Lent is a time in which we reflect especially on our wrongdoings and apologise for them; this week, in particular, presents the perfect opportunity to seek out the sacrament of reconciliation. Meditate on the choices you’ve made recently, the people you may have hurt, the cruel words you may have spoken and leap at the chance of forgiveness. Once these things are off your chest, you can begin the part of repentance in which you start implementing positive changes in your life. Sunday 31 March – Luke 15: 11-32 The story of the prodigal son is one of the most well-known parables that the Bible has to offer; probably down to the fact that it’s so easy to relate to each character in the story. We’ve all felt betrayed like the father, felt unrecognised or taken for granted like the eldest son and, finally, felt ashamed after making reckless decisions like the youngest son. But in among the negative emotions of this parable, there is an overriding positive message – the message of God’s unconditional love for us as His children. His love and forgiveness don’t come with any terms and conditions, they don’t require bargaining, nor do they run out or turn into resentment. Let us remind ourselves of the example we are set by this story, regardless of the familiarity of the words or the amount of times we may have heard it. The message is relevant each time: love others as the Father loves you.

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Liverpool school promotes a ‘can do attitude’ to maths! St John Bosco Arts College has held its annual Numeracy Week to promote all things maths and the importance of learning in general. Numeracy Week is a yearly initiative by the all-girls Catholic school. Pupils across all year groups get involved in weekly activities and challenges to promote the importance of understanding basic numeracy skills and mathematical problems. Activities this year have included ‘Puzzle of the Day’ to encourage thought and problem solving and a ‘Numeracy Word of the Week’ which staff are encouraged to use within their lessons. The word is also displayed around the school and on @SJBNumeracy social media channels. Each term a new mathematician is chosen for the pupils to research and focus on. This term saw physicist Brian Cox take centre stage. Pupils then created a piece of work detailing Brian's life, their contribution to maths and the wider world – one pupil even produced a Brian Cox Papier Mâché head! The week also saw the Numeracy High Fliers programme take place. Primary school pupils from St Brigid’s, St

Professor Brian Cox

Matthew’s, St Teresa of Lisieux, Monksdown and St Albert’s took part in an afternoon of using maths in different contexts. The school’s ‘Numeracy Bugs’ have also been back in full force with pupils going out of their way to solve problems and tell Numeracy coordinator, Paul Coffey, when they have been using Numeracy in their lessons. And in years 7, 8 and 9, pupils have

been following a series of lessons from Nationwide Building Society about how to budget and understand the value of money. Paul says: “It is so important for children to understand the value of money, especially at this time of year. Maths powers our economy and is one of the most in-demand skills for employment – that’s why it’s so important for pupils to grasp and understand key numeracy skills. “We've made great strides in our mission to have Numeracy at the forefront of everyone's minds, seen as integral to all subjects, with fewer people than ever (staff included) inclined to announce that they can't do maths.” St John Bosco believes numeracy skills are an essential lifelong skill which is important to understand for the world of work and everyday life. The school’s excellent maths practice and dedication to promoting numeracy skills has seen it awarded the ‘Gold Liverpool Counts Quality Mark’ in recognition of how it is challenging negative attitudes towards numeracy and mathematics.

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Letter from Wonersh By Peter Murphy

Charity starts at ‘home’ – A decade in the making With an estimated 11,200 charity shops currently in the UK, their presence on the high street have never been more prevalent. The home of Nugent’s charity shop remains firmly established in the heart of South Liverpool, on the bustling Allerton Road high street. The shop, often regarded as a community in its own right, celebrates its 10th anniversary later this year and plays a vital part in raising funds to enhance the work Nugent does in local communities. Manager Jeannette Burnett tells us more: ‘Our charity shop is often compared, by its customers, to that well-known German supermarket chain that has also grown in popularity in the last ten years; such is the variety and the ultra-competitive price of the 500 products the shop sells on average each week. ‘Over the years, the shop has received a number of interesting donations, ranging from a selection of collectable World War One military postcards to a “mourning broach”, dating back to 1776, that contained the original hair of the person being remembered, this item raised over £400. ‘We have an army of 22 volunteers who help run the shop; half of whom have been loyally volunteering at the shop since it opened and regard the shop’s community as a “family.” They support me on a daily basis and are a vital piece of the jigsaw, I thoroughly enjoy supporting, motivating, training and developing them.’ The shop is one of the most popular charity shops in the area, with a lot of regular customers and the team have sold over 40,000 items in the last year and raised over £90,000 for our community services. So if you are having a clear-out, looking to free up some space, have some unwanted gifts, we would be happy to take them. You can drop goods of at the shop on Allerton Road, or we can collect from you. Our drivers collect on Thursdays, please call Jeanette at the shop to arrange a collection. Tel: 0151 737 2951.

As this edition of the Pic arrives in your parishes, I will be returning to the seminary – via Wembley Arena – after spending half-term back in the Archdiocese. Starting the new half-term at the Flame 2019 conference alongside 10,000 other young Catholics will be a source of great encouragement for me. As in previous years, I am sure that I will find myself reflecting back on the Holy Spirit’s presence in this joyful gathering – especially as I sit at my desk trying to finish assignments. This fourth edition of Flame, organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation (CYMFed), will look at the theme of ‘Significance’. Although we might not particularly use the term ‘significance’ at the seminary, this word is very helpful in catching much of the essence of what we are discerning and praying about here. Having an awareness of our significance is integral for all people who are seeking to grow in the Christian life. If we do not know that we are significant – to God, to the Church, to our family and friends, and to the whole community – we will not be able to realise the many gifts and talents we have been given and we will not feel able to use those gifts in responding to the call that the Lord makes on each of our hearts. Over the last few weeks I have been reflecting in a much more deliberate way on these things. As I come closer to the end of this penultimate year of formation, and, in turn, come closer to ordination (please God), it has been good for me spend time reflecting on these questions: How significant is my relationship with God in my life? How significant is the Church to me? What particular skills and talents have I been given to make use of? What are my frailties, and how is the Lord wanting to use these things too as a way of building up His Kingdom? Do I believe Jesus Christ is calling me to the priesthood? Am I willing to do God’s will? Having reflected on these questions, and having written a self-reflection, I submitted my application to be a Candidate for Holy Orders just before the half-term holidays began. Towards the end of this month, I will be interviewed as part of the seminary’s assessment process. Please continue to pray for me, and for my brother seminarians, at this important time. Please also pray for those men who are discerning a call to the priesthood, that they will be courageous in offering themselves to the Lord in this particular way.

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cathedral Leading the people of God in praise and worship by Dr Christopher McElroy Director of Music, Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Cathedral Record

During the last month here at the Cathedral we have presented medals to our new chorister leaders. All teams need leaders and cathedral choirs are no exception.

Canon Anthony O’Brien – Cathedral Dean The daffodil stalks are already emerging in the ground and by the beginning of March we should have a bright display of yellow blooms for St David’s Day to herald the coming of spring.

The Gospel on the Sunday that the medals were presented was the story of the calling of Jesus’ first disciples. These disciples, who eventually numbered twelve, followed Jesus throughout his earthly ministry. In time, they became leaders, inviting others to share in Jesus’ mission. Jesus trained the disciples as leaders not by sending them to a special school, or on a special course, but by asking them to model his own behaviour. On Holy Thursday each year, at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, our Cathedral community have their feet symbolically washed by the Archbishop. We do this to recall Jesus’s actions when he washed the feet of his disciples. Jesus did this to illustrate that leadership is primarily about service. As Matthew’s Gospel tells us, Jesus didn't come to be served, but to serve others. Our new chorister leaders have been called to lead their fellow choristers in singing the praise and worship of God. As Jesus illustrated, this call to leadership is one of service: to their fellow chorister, the choir, to this Cathedral, and to Jesus himself. Jesus led his disciples by modelling the behaviour and ideals he wanted them to show others. So it is then, that our new chorister leaders are called to lead others to God through the gift of music. As St Augustine once said: ‘To sing, is to pray twice.’ Music that raises minds to heaven and allows us to sing the praise of God. The boy and girl sections of the cathedral choir each have four teams. The boy’s teams are named after people who played an important role in

the building of the Metropolitan Cathedral, and the girl’s teams are named after four influential female liturgical musicians: Boys: Downey (Archbishop Richard Downey who commissioned the Lutyens crypt) Gibberd (Sir Frederick Gibberd, architect of the cathedral) Heenan (Cardinal John Carmel Heenan, former Archbishop of Liverpool who commissioned the competition to design a Cathedral) Lutyens (Sir Edwin Lutyens, designer of the Cathedral Crypt.) Girls: Hildegard (Doctor of the Church, Mystic, composer and theologian) Miriam (Song leader in the Old Testament) Cecilia (Patron saint of music) Mary (Mother of the Lord Jesus, and singer of the Magnificat) Please pray for our new chorister leaders, that they might worthily echo Mary’s words: ‘my soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour’ and that they might carry out diligently their role of leading the people of God in praise and worship.

There is a lot of activity within the Cathedral for the early part of the month. On Saturday 2 March Hope University are hosting the Annual University Choirs Festival with more than 12 universities taking part. This will conclude with an evening concert in the Cathedral at 7.30 pm. The next morning Archbishop Malcolm will welcome civic, judicial and church representatives to the Solemn Mass at 11.00 am for the Annual Civic Mass. It is normally a colourful gathering with the mayors from across the boroughs in the archdiocese dressed in their ceremonial robes. We begin the season of Lent with the reception of Ashes on 6 March. We have Masses at 8.00 am, 12.15 pm and 5.15 pm. Later in the evening we have a service of the word with the distribution of ashes at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Chapel. There is also a special Service of the Word at 3.00 pm on the First Sunday of Lent for the enrolment and welcome of all those who have been preparing to be received into the church at Easter. The Chapter of Canons meet at the Cathedral on 19 March for Mass and Chapter meeting. By coincidence we meet on the Feast of St Joseph and for a number of us older Canons who trained at Upholland College it has added importance as St Joseph is not only a patron of the Archdiocese but was also the patron of our former seminary.

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Mums the Word As I sit down to write this column, it is 2 February, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord – also known as Candlemas Day – and I have come across a name not encountered before, St Anne Line. Like most UCM members, she was once a housewife. She is better known as one of the Forty Martyrs, along with St Margaret Clitherow and St Margaret Ward.

A century of service News from the Liverpool Province of the Knights of St Columba

Malawi pupils feeling benefits of KSC funding

Born in Essex, in Elizabeth I’s reign, Anne was a convert to Catholicism. She was disinherited by her Puritan father when she married Roger Line, also a convert, in 1583. She hid many priests in houses all around the London area and was instrumental in helping Fr John Gerard in his flight from the Tower of London – he placed a rope over the battlements and escaped in a waiting boat. Tradition has it that it was Anne who smuggled the rope in to him. On Candlemas Day in 1601, Anne was arrested while Mass was being celebrated in her house. A large crowd of Catholics were present, which caught the attention of her neighbours, who sent for the constables. She was imprisoned, tried for harbouring a priest, and hanged on 27 February. On the scaffold, she said: ‘I am sentenced to die for harbouring a Catholic priest, and so far am I from repenting for having so done, that I wish with all my soul that where I have entertained one, I could have entertained thousands.’ Such bravery, such faith. Let us remember those in our own time who are persecuted for the faith. On a lighter note, the UCM will be represented by members of our committee at the Civic Mass celebrated at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Sunday 3 March at 11am. The next Bi-monthly Mass will be at St Mary’s, Woolton on Wednesday 13 March at 7.30 pm, and I hope to see you there. God bless, Madelaine McDonald, media officer


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The Knights of St Columba undertake a major fundraising initiative every year for a specific worthy cause and in 2014/15 the beneficiary was Mary’s Meals – a charity founded in Scotland in 2002 with the simple objective of providing every child in their place of education with a daily meal. It started its work in Malawi by feeding just 200 children; today more than one million children across 17 countries receive a life-changing meal every day. The KSC nationally raised £120,000 in that 2014/15 campaign and Mary’s Meals used this sum to sponsor a school in Malawi on our behalf. Chisalankhanga Primary School has over 600 pupils and the KSC’s funding will cover the cost of providing their daily meals until 2030. A group of students is pictured outside the Mary’s Meals Centre at the school. To learn more, visit • It is with great sadness that we report the death of Brother Bob Nesbitt of KSC Council 9, just two

weeks short of his 96th birthday. Bob was the oldest member of the Council and until two years ago, was still serving Mass daily. His funeral Mass was at St Dominic’s, Huyton on 11 February and we extend our deepest sympathy to his family. May he rest in peace. • The first Council 9 recruitment drive of 2019 took place at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St Patrick’s churches over the weekend of 19-20 January when pulpit appeals were made for new members. We thank Father Silviu Climent, the parish priest, for allowing us to make the appeals and the parishioners and staff who made us very welcome. For further information, contact Brother Aiden Carney on 0151 427 7126. • All brothers are invited to support our new members at the full knighthood ceremony taking place at 11.00 am Mass at St Joseph’s Church, Upton, on Sunday 31 March. Websites: and Email:

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PIC Life And the greatest of these is love By Moira Billinge eg was in my year at school. A quiet, lovely child, she had the most beautiful hair imaginable. It was so long that she could sit on it (a feat that I greatly admired because mine was very short). Her hair was golden blond, luxuriously thick, glossy and straight. It really was her ‘crowning glory’.


We were shocked to be told one day, during assembly, that Meg’s mother had died and that Meg would not be in school for a few days. When she did return, she seemed to settle down quite quickly, but that may have been just our own perception because children like the security afforded by normality and routine. After a few weeks, a rumour began to circulate that Meg had head lice, and we gave her a wide berth as the lice became the subject of conversations both inside and, no doubt, outside school.

Mrs Smith, one of our teachers, was a strict disciplinarian and pretty terrifying. Her voice was so loud that I am sure she could have been heard in the next city. No-one would misbehave either in her classroom or when she was on playground duty. Despite this, she was respected because she was meticulously fair. One morning, Meg didn’t turn up at school. Conversely, Mrs Smith turned up in every classroom, and we could easily track her progress as she worked her way around the building, just by her voice. She was incandescent with rage and anguish. She told us that Meg had come to her the previous day in utter distress and told her about her head lice and how she was being bullied as a result. She had poured out to Mrs Smith that she had been unable to look after her hair properly since her mother died and had no idea how to get rid of the infestation. Meg pleaded with her for help.

Greeting Cards from Carmel If you haven’t already visited Maryton Carmel in Allerton do put it on your ‘to do’ list. There are beautiful greeting cards for all occasions, prayer cards and medals on sale in the shop, excellent quality and inexpensive. Contact the Sisters at Maryton Grange, Allerton Road, L18 3NU. Telephone the card office on 0151 724 7102 or Email the Sisters at


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Years ago, unfortunately, the only treatment for lice was a dreadfully smelly (and not very effective) greasy liquid that had to soak into the hair and remain in it for a couple of days. Mrs Smith made it very clear to everyone what she thought of the way Meg had been treated. During her justified tirade, she winced as she reported that Meg would have to have all her hair cut off, and warned us that if anyone dared to make a single nasty comment or be cruel to her in any way, they would have to answer to her. The look on Mrs Smith’s furious face was evidence enough that she wasn’t making empty threats, but, besides her anger, she was obviously deeply upset for Meg. We all learned a very stark and important lesson that day, about the miserable consequences that thoughtlessness, a lack of charity, gossip and bullying can bring; something which is hard enough for a strong person to cope with, but especially so for such a vulnerable child. We also learned about compassion, kindness, fairness, trust and love, which Mrs Smith demonstrated so perfectly in her passionate defence of Meg. Despite her youth, Meg had recognised those beautiful qualities in her teacher. She was able to see past a very stern exterior, and find solace in the one person whom she knew wouldn’t let her down and who would care for her and fight her corner, as her own mother would have done.

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Catholic PICretreats and away days 2019 LANCASTER The beautiful city of Lancaster is our first away day of 2019 - which we will visit on Wednesday 10 April. Leaving St George’s Hall, opposite the Empire Theatre, Lime Street at 10.00am. Cost of return coach is £16. Stroll the meandering towpaths of the canal or along St George’s Quay, marvelling at the Georgian architecture which lines the banks of the River Lune. Explore the secret paths of Williamson Park and discover its hidden follies and stunning Edwardian designed butterfly house. Discover the open spaces and strong design of the two university campuses and find out how these seats of learning have influenced the city over the years. Visit Lancaster Cathedral, also known as The Cathedral Church of St Peter on Balmoral Road. It was a Roman Catholic parish church until 1924, when it was elevated to the status of a Cathedral. There are lots of lovely shops and eating places to visit on our day. If you would like to join us on our Lancaster visit please telephone 0151 733 5492 for your booking form.

Lancaster Canal

Williamson Park

Worth a visit - Lancaster Take a visit to Lancaster and enjoy the city’s medieval history, and breathtaking views over Morecambe Bay, writes Lucy Oliver. On a city centre hilltop location, believed to have been the site of several Roman forts, Lancaster Castle continued to be used as a prison until 2011. Today, the formidable stronghold is used by film and TV crews and operates as a museum, documenting the history of crime and punishment through the ages from religious persecutions to the infamous ‘Lancashire witch trials’. Marvel at the impressive John O’ Gaunt Gatehouse, and don’t miss the Well Tower, renowned for housing the accused Lancashire ‘witches’ before their trial in 1612. The wells and stone-

flagged dungeons testify to the horrors endured. Across the city, Williamson Park is a welcome retreat with woodland walks, some of them uphill, and all with views across Morecambe Bay and even the Lake District fells. These beautiful parklands are also home to the iconic Ashton Memorial, built by the industrialist James Williamson in memory of his second wife

Jessy. At 150 feet tall, the folly’s copper dome dominates the skyline. Visitors will also enjoy the Butterfly House, with its meerkats and marmosets, before coffee and cake at the Café Pavilion.

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justice & peace

Obituary of Father Tom Cullinan By the time Ince Benet was finished he was the only resident which, though unintended, had many benefits to those of us gathered around him for prayer, conversation and stimulus.

By Steve Atherton, Justice and Peace Fieldworker For 40 years, Father Tom lived a life of prayer and meditation at Ince Benet, the house designed by his brother and built by Tom and friends from recycled materials in the old walled garden of Ince Blundell Hall, just north of Crosby. Although his vision of a monastic community on the edge of the city was never fully realised, Ince Benet was always a place where Eucharist opened a gateway into eternity and where prayer seemed the most obvious response to hours of discussion of social issues. Tom’s simple way of life (never a life-style) was based on a sophisticated understanding of humanity’s place as a part of God’s creation where the human person is integrated into the rest of creation and lives the Christian life in community with the rest of the planet. He could see a bird’s nest as technology; he could see an aeroplane as nature. His awareness of the dangers of consumerism was spiritual, economic and ecological. Anyone who ever received a card or letter from him will know that he took recycling to new heights. Tom’s conversion to radical Christianity began at an early age. As he pondered (an important word in his vocabulary) whether Jesus’ death would have been salvific had he been run over by a chariot, he began a lifelong meditation on the significance of His life, which gets passed over in the Creed and the Eucharistic prayer by the comma between ‘born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate’. Tom explained that the Passion and Resurrection were the culmination of the life of Christ rather than an additional, incidental or separate part. Tom was educated at Ampleforth. His lifelong journey of conversion included a visit to Rio de Janeiro during his national service where he was moved by the sight of the Christ statue’s arms stretched over rich and poor alike. A few years later, as a young Benedictine monk studying mathematics at Oxford, he escaped academia by spending time in the offices of the Oxford Committee for Famine relief, which later became known as Oxfam.

Tom’s life was full of prayer, scripture, reflection, study and service to the community. He introduced us to a world that is utterly simple yet breathtakingly complex, where everything that is experienced as self-sufficiency is the gratuitous gift of God, where brokenness is replaced by wholeness, where future promise becomes present reality and where death leads to resurrection. This potent mix of a rigorous Benedictine prayer routine and a socially aware consciousness fuelled his need to contribute to society. Uncomfortably aware that he lived in the rich world, he became, in the language of Catholic Social Teaching, an advocate for the option for the poor. Tom identified our most pressing and challenging agendas as the accumulation of wealth into the hands of a few (typically international capital and agribusiness); consumerism as a form of idolatry; and humanity’s presumption that it is separate from the processes of ecology. His social conscience and his developing theology of the life of Christ led Tom to see the Church as the faithful presence of Christ in the world and in the here and now of our lives. As his theological understanding led him deeper into reflection on the way we live our lives, he became an increasingly significant national figure and a popular speaker across the country for the Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR), Catholic Housing Aid Society (CHAS), the National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN) and Cafod, communicating his prophetic understanding that in the face of wealth we must resist giving allegiance to a God-who-provides-the-goods and a politics that ignores the poor. His trajectory away from privilege led him to the outskirts of Liverpool where, with three brother Benedictines, he set up a house of prayer. As with many trajectories, as the journey went on the gap grew wider and his version of simplicity became increasingly difficult for others to survive.

Tom’s break with Ampleforth continued to cause him great pain but his community was now in Liverpool where he was eventually incardinated into the Archdiocese, keeping the designation of ‘monk-priest’. His last public engagement was at the Eucharistic Congress fringe programme when he spoke about Eucharist at an event titled ‘On the Altar of the World’. He treasured his relationship with the parish of St Helen’s in Crosby where, for 40 years, he celebrated Mass on Sunday evening. It was there that his funeral was held on 1 February. Tom spent his life calling people back to God. Now he has been called back and we can say, ‘Thanks be to God.’ Thomas Anthony Cullinan, born 7 February 1935, died 18 January 2019. • Fr Tom’s talks from the Upholland Northern Institute (UNI) are available to download at (Catalogue numbers 414, 432-5, 731)

‘Tom’s life was full of prayer, scripture, reflection, study and service to the community’

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