Wirral News - West Wallasey Edition

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IRRAL NEWS W HESWALL, HOYLAKE, WEST KIRBY & NESTON EDITION Wednesday, November 26, 2008 www.wirralnews.co.uk


Wirral’s first ever Festival of Film gets underway See page 3


Artist’s tribute to Ken Dodd to hang at Floral

See page 5


Test sessions at flagship sport centre’s pool See page 23


Council’s radical plan to save £3.7m will hit local facilities By CARRIE CATTERALL

HOYLAKE, Pensby and Irby libraries could close under massive cuts planned by Wirral Council. West Kirby Concourse and Heswall Library would be retained under the plans but would be developed as “multi-purpose complexes”, housing library, community and council services.

The radical proposals are part of the council’s strategic asset review to tackle rising energy costs and a £10m repair bill for ageing buildings. Other proposals could include: ● Ivy Farm, Pensby Community Centre, Kylemore Community Centre and Alexander Hall transferred from council control to community management ● Heswall Hall which currently operates without a joint management committee, is being considered for alternative management arrangements. ● Transferring Hoylake Community Centre and Westbourne Hall to community management. The proposals, which will be considered by councillors tomorrow (Thursday) cover all areas of the borough and could also see Pacific Road closed as an arts centre.

● West Kirby Concourse could be redeveloped - but other libraries in West Wirral are facing the axe Code ph020708d-1 Historic Birkenhead Central Library would also be closed and library services moved to Europa Pools. West Kirby councillor and Wirral Conservative leader

● Turn to Page 3



Visitors welcome to meet Peter Pan, Wendy and the pirates, 1pm 10th/11th Dec

Find out how the proposals will affect other parts of Wirral and read updates and more reaction - at www.wirralnews.co.uk


Saturday 13 December 10am-4pm

Boys and Girls 3 to 11 years Headmistress: Mrs M. Hannaford B Ed (Hons) 28 Quarry Road East, Heswall. Tel: 342 7851/3090 www.merseyworld.com/heswall/

● Council leader Steve Foulkes Code NA

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