Editor susan watkins new left review 62 mar apr 2010 new left review (2010)

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In the next issue: Arab world in revolt Tony Wood ‘Good Riddance to New Labour’


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ric Hazan, s of Paris’

Zhang Yongle, ‘The Future of the Past’

Sternhell, Defence of Zionism’

Malcolm Bull, ‘Green Cabinet, White Cube’

Gabriel Piterberg, ‘Reply to Sternhell’

Rob Lucas, ‘Dreaming in Code’ Peter Lawrence, ‘Development by Numbers’

olo Flores d’Arcais, ocracy on he Cross’

Immanuel Wallerstein, ‘Structural Crises’

cy Fraser, inism Coopted?’

Perry Anderson, ‘Two Revolutions’

Editorials: 50, Afghanistan, onjuncture, eet Crisis, NPT, Hegemony

Tariq Ali, ‘President of Cant’ Buy Issue


NLR62,62, March-April NLR March-April 2010

Left Review eard Street n W1F 0EG



NLR 62 was mailed to subscribers on 14th April

CONTENTS Tony Wood: Good Riddance to New Labour As the British general election approaches, a balance-sheet of New Labour’s thirteen years in office. The record of Blair and Brown— imperial wars abroad, subservience to the City at home—as so many reasons to cheer their downfall.

Eric Hazan: Faces of Paris The changing face of Paris, seen through the eyes of its leading radical publisher. Geographies of growth and resistance, from medieval walled city to alienated banlieue, via German occupation and végétalisation.

Yongle Zhang: The Future of the Past Assessment of Wang Hui’s landmark Rise of Modern Chinese Thought. Can the seeds of an alternative, non-Western modernity be located in

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