See Page 15 For More Information Photo by Laurence Parent
For S
207 DOE COURT Toronto Creek Estates 2170 Square Feet Open floor Plan 3bed/3bath with office
3 bedroom 2 bath homes with office starting in the 220's
100 Easter Eg gg g Valle ey & Hwy 170 (3/4 miles we est of Junction J with Hwy 118)
( !& " $ ( ! # ( %% %% % " #' 1.
VDM 1366+ ac, INVESTMENT PROPERTY PROPERTY Y,, offff HWY Y 170 @ 38 Hill, 1.5+ mi LONGDRA LONGDRAW W BLUFF LINE provides the most spectacular view of BIG BEND available, contains Terlingua Sinkhole, some utilities, solid road access, small dam/tank, lots to A44 02 8=2><4 ?@>3C28=6 ;40A4 >E=4@ K=0=28=6 ?>AA81;4 ?@8243 @40A>=01;G 20;; 5>@ <>@4 8=5>
$+ * 02 ?0@24;A EG 5@>=B064 6>>3 ;>20B8>=A <8 &> >5 B74 H/I E EG B> <8 &> ?>E4@ ?7>=4 0224AA81;4 =824 D84EA K=0=28=6 0D08;01;4 STUDY STUDY Y BUTTE/TERLINGUA BUTTE/TERLING
PROPERTY, LDSTOV COMMERCIAL PROPER TY Y, extra nice Doublewide, 1 EG 5@>=B064 views, + 4 ac usable E G 5@>=B064 E ?>E4@ ?7>=4 2><<C=8BG E0B4@ 039024=B 1CA8=4AA 4F24?B8>=0; ;>20B8>= 8= *BC3G CBB4 20;; 5>@ 34B08;A 1G 0??>8=B<4=B >=;G
ONLY RECREATION!!! ONL LY 3.5 HOURS FROM ODESSA/MIDLAND!!! CAMPING - RECREA TION!!! 5 AC. near pavement, access 1500 miles of ?@8D0B4 102: @>03A 5>@ +- ,- 3C4; A?>@B <>C=B08= 18:4 . 4=9>G @4A>@B 0<4=8B84A ?>>; 2054 20<?6@>C=3 <>B4; 08@ AB@8? ($,* <09>@ ?C1;82 ?0@:A @8D4@ 0224AA ><<C=8BG *4@D824A 0=3 0<4=8B84A <8=CB4A 0E0G (@824A 1468= 0B >=;G $*' ;0@64@ ?@>?4@B84A 0D08;018;8BG 0;; 5>@ 8=5>@<0B8>= >@ 0??>8=B<4=B B>B0; ?@824 ?>AA81;4 K=0=28=6 $*' ;0@64@ ?@>?4@B84A 0D08;018;8BG 0;; 5>@ 8=5>@<0B8>= >@ 0??>8=B<4=B
acres, with HH+ -! .I + -! .I of Chisos, Xmas, Aqua Fria, Hen Egg, Solitario, etc., lots of Ocotillo, 8 miles north of LLORL NEW 299 acres, LetÂ&#x2019;ss talk! +4@;8=6C0 D80 *> > )3 0=3 *0;B6@0AA )3 &' 544A <CAB A44 ?@>?4@BG UNDER UNDER MARKET LetÂ&#x2019;
02@4A <>C=B08= D0;;4G
02@4A <>C=B08= D0;;4G, not far offff pavement, Terlingua Ranch NC area, power in some areas, old well?? w/lg metal @4A4@D>8@ 20= 14 38D8343 ?@8243 022>@38=6;G >E=4@ K=0=28=6 >E=4@ E0=BA B> A4;; >E=4@ K=0=28=6 >E=4@ E0=BA B> A4;;
PROPERTIES: Too Large Acreage Parcels! Solid Investment Opportunities For These Uncertain INVESTMENT PROPER TIES: Just Land!! Small T 2>=><82 +8<4A 2>=><82 +8<4A >><4A8B4A )42@40B8>=0; ,A4 *C@D8D0; <4A8B4A )42@40B8>=0; ,A4 *C@D8D0; 88340E0GA (@>B42B />C@ 340E0GA (@>B42B />C@ CALL NOW!!! TO DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS SOME WITH FINANCING AVAILABLE! SF,, K/LR/2 BR/Ba, 02 ?@>?4@BG (>E4@ (7>=4 3A; E0B4@ 70C;43 5@>< +4@;8=6C0 )0=27 ADOBE STRUCTURE, 900 SF $>364 <8 E 0<4=8B84A =443A @4?08@ 0=3 B;2 1@CA7 3@G 2@44:A ;>BA >5 2@8BB4@A 6@40B D84EA ?@8243 B> A4;; $)'*"'
8. 9.
GATE MOUNTAINS VALLEY, GREAT TASBBL 20 or 40 acres, GA TE 4 - CHRISTMAS MOUNT AINS V VALLEY ALLLEY Y, good solid access, GREA T VIEWS, some utilities available, great homesite area, great neighbors in place.
20 to 320 acre tracts somewhat remote with access, Terlingua Ranch CS and Solitario area, good views, camping, hunting, possible KK=0=28=6 =0=28=6 ?@8243 1G B@02B 5@>< 02@4 02@4
INVESTMENT,, DISCOUNTS FOR CASH!!!, recreational, 5-10-20 acre parcel, OWNER FINANCE, EASY TERMS!!! GOOD INVESTMENT 20<?8=6 >CB102: 8A>;0B8>= >@ 40AG 0224AA ?@>?4@BG 0;; 5>@ <>@4 8=5>@<0B8>=
'*+'.& + )$!& , B@02BA E8B7 H+ -! .I -! .I 2>< E0B4@ ?7= *$ 4;42 =40@ 1G ?@8243 022>@38=6;G LWILLON 40 02 40 02 ' *+'.& + )$!& , B@02BA E8B7 H+ call for more info.
HUNT,, 40 ac, 1 mi offff Terlingua Ranch Rd, 4 mi to fun Lodge Amenities, good NEW LISTING LWHAU955: HOMESITE / CAMP / HUNT )3 0224AA E0B4@ ?>B4=B80; (>E4@ =40@ 4=2;>A43 D0;;4G ;>20B8>= 6@40B D84EA >5 East East Corazone, Rattlesnake Rdg, part of Chisos Mtns, Xmas Mtns, MUST SEE! Price to sell!!
LISTING $%''% ) 02 +4@;8=6C0 B>E= >AA8; #=>1 * ?@824 14;>E <0@:4B =46>B801;4 NEW LISTING
LISTING $ &$', 02 039>8=A *B0B4 (0@: =824 78;;B>?A @>03 0@>C=3 >CB4@ 4364 6>>3 7C=B8=6 D84EA NEW LISTING 0224AA ?@824 6?A >= 6>>6;4 J I &>@B7 J I .4AB
LISTING $ % & 02 A4?0@0B4 B@02BA 6>>3 0224AA 78;;A834 E D84EA =824 0@40 <8 >55 NEW LISTING ?0D4<4=B <8 8= +4@;8=6C0 )0=27 )3 0<4=8B84A <CAB A44 B> 0??@4280B4 02
& + %( 02 . & + %( 02 . 2 steel Bldgs for livg/kit/shower and bunkhouse, elevated porch, some catchment, extras, TR Rd from SH 118 2.5 mi, solid access off TR Rd. 2 mi so. toward mountains, good soil, exceptional views. Priced to sell!! LMULVIN
4 OURS TO M H O U R S 3.5 H ESSA! IDL A N D! TO O D OFFFERED EREED BYY TERLINGUA LAND SALES 2000+ ACRES in 5-10-20-40 ACRE RE P PARCELS ARCELS LOCA ATED TED IN ALL AREAS!! TERLINGUA RANCH Subdivision TERLINGUA Subdivision OFFERS: OFFERS: 1500 miles es of PRIVVA ATE BACKROADS accessing 170,000+ acres, 265 sq miles, over 8000 parcels. AMENITIES are: Cafe, Motel, Campground, Shower House, POOL, Water Sales to owners, CAMPSITES, CAMPSITES, HOMESITES, RECREATION RECREA ATIO A TION and hiking ATV/UV, with additional access to 9000 ac in Christmas Mountains, Hunting on your own property, A TV/UV, duel duel sport, sport, mtn. mtn. bike, bike, 4WHD on PRIVATE PRIVATE ROADS, ROADS, PHOTOGRAPHY BENEFIT: STUDYY BUTTE/TERL BUTTE/TERLINGUA and PHO TOGRAPHYY of Great Views, wildlife, plants, etc, EXTRA BENEFI T: access to 2 major Park areas and Rio Grande River, STUD INGUA Offers Community Activities, Amenities, and Services, ALL MINUTES MINUTES AWAY. AW AWAY.
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
NEW MEXICO & WEST TEXAS RANCHES Campo Bonito, LLC • Ranch Sales P.O. Box 1077 • Fort Davis, TX 79734
Need Ranch Leases & Pasture for 2014
DAVID P. DEAN, BROKER RANCH: 432.426.3779 • MOBILE: 432.634.0441
DDreaming ream minng ooff a hho home ome inn th tthe he co ccountry? ounntr y? y We’rre tthhe answ weer.
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KELLY WILLIAMS, Broker Phone 432-426-3188 Fax 432-426-3397 EMAIL: WEB SITE:
In the DMR on Cedar Court two story 4br 2.5b home on 7+ acres.
front and back decks. Two car attached garage, wood stove,
and heat, appliances included. $249,500.
In the DMR on TonyÂ&#x2019;s Pass 3br 2.5 ba Adobe home on 5+ acres. Large attached workshop, two car carport, storage shed,,well. Formal $!! &)! % )!! '$ ,$ " $! & !% %' $!! % ! '% $!! '"%& $% ! & %% !&% ! '% acreage. $235,000.
12+ acres! PRIME COMMERCIAL location on Main Street downtown Ft. Davis with stone house. All public utilities plus water well. Ideal for subdivision &/or development. Broker owned. $510,000
On Sproul Rd. Beautiful custom built 3br 2.75ba home on 20 acres. Central air and heat, t
2br 1ba farm house in disrepair with well & electric on 60+/- prime acres two miles north of downtown Ft. Davis with Hwy 17 frontage. Call for more details.
Corner lot on San Juan 3br 1.75 ba on almost 2 acres. &$ $ & )!! %&!( !" -!!$ " & $!! 2 car carport/workshop, additional metal garage/storage, RV hookup, city water/ sewer & well. $158,000.
In Marfa on West Paris St. 4br 1.75ba home on two lots. Central air and heat, fenced yard, two car detached garage and storage shed . Ctiy water and sewer. $198,000
In the DMR on Bandolero Trail 1br ž ba home on 5+ acres. Heavily wooded, season creek, front deck, easy access, well, storage shed, septic. Electric wall heating, window a/c, some appliances. Reduced to $72,500.
In Limpia Crossing on Clearview Dr. ,( $ &$ & ) & ' , % ! & & !' '% !$ )!$ % !" !$ %&!$ ) % "& &$ %+ %% ( )% ! ' & ! % $( &!$+ $125,000.
On Dolores Mt. Trail 2br 1ba custom built adobe home on 2.6+ acres. ! %' ( % ! ) & %" & ' $ ( )% $ -!!$ & $!' !'& '%&! &% !!$% $ & " &$+ ! , !$ ! '% $!! )! $ $"!$& && %&!$ % % " yard, drip irrigation system. $230,000.
On Cavalry Rd. centrally located $ ! ! ! !( $ $ &$ $ & & $!!, !( $ $! & ""$!* %#' $ !!& $ )!$ % !" &)! $ $"!$& hookup, well, and city water and sewer. $129,000.
On Sgt. Gonzales remodeled adobe home with master suite & ! ! '% $!! & & !' $!! !$ ! , & $!! %" & %+%& & !! $ & !' & $ &!"% & ' %& !'% $"!$& %&!$ % ) + $ Call for more details.
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
KELLY WILLIAMS, Broker Phone 432-426-3188 Fax 432-426-3397 EMAIL: WEB SITE:
C REDU In Limpia Crossing on Hillcrest Dr. Custom built 3br 3
stove, metal roof, detached garage./workshop, guest cottage, 2 storage sheds $278,500
In Limpia Crossing on Deer Ridge Dr. ( %+ " - on 7.5 acres. Property has central air and heat, separate $ $ (%%# ) )*%, ) - ) ( " $ $) - "! $ closets in all 3 bedrooms, metal storage shed, well. $130,000.
In Mountain View Subdvision %$ '+% ( %+ " - on over 1/4 acre. Central air and heat, two sided wood burning /( &" %(# " $ $ ( " ( +* " *. (%%# %, ( (%$* porch, some appliances. reduced to $81,000
In Apache Pines on Oak Ridge Dr. 1br 1ba cabin on almost ( ) %% +($ $ $ * , (% ! /( &" %& $ ! * $ " , $ (%%# %# % $ ! ( #%+$* $ *%& , -) " %( )*(%$%#. %+( %%!+&) - "" )*%( ) - * - ) ( (. ( $164,900.
CE REDU In DMR on Tejas Run. 3br 2ba doublewide and 2br 1ba single wide on 8+ acres. doublewide has central air and heat, wood +($ $ /( &" $ % )+ , ) %$ - * )%# $ $ $ # $ / $* , -) "" $ )*%( )
On Granado St. In Southeast Addition 3br 2ba home %$ ( ) & $ 0%%( &" $ - * $*( " ( * -%% +($ $ /( &" % / % # )* ( (%%# )* $" )) &&" $ ) %, ( ! ! $ ! $ ) . ( )*%( ) ) , -) $178,000.
In the DMR on Colleen Canyon 3br 2ba doublewide on 5+ acres. Central air and heat, large back deck with nice views and, easy access. Needs some work. $62,000.
In the DMR on Tomahawk Trail 1br 1.75 ba partial % %# %$ $ ( ) & $ 0%%( &" $ " ( living room, enclosed porch, two woodstoves, wall propane heat, carport,shed, well. $162,500
In the DMR on Cochise Canyon Trail 2br 1.75 ba home on , ". -%% ( ) -% ( ** ( $ *-% ( (&%(* -%(!) %& *-% $ ( %( ( $ %( $ # ") RV hookup, well. $168,000.
On Paisano Dr. one town lot 100 x 200 fenced on three sides. City water and sewer are available. $21,500.
Off of Hwy 17 N. adjacent to Ft. Davis Inn 6.5 acres with 360 degree views. Electricity, no restrictions. $39,500.
On Musquiz Dr. 3br 1ba home on almost 1/2 an acre. Fenced yard, corner lot, central air and heat, some appliances included. Just reduced to $104,000.
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State Farm Lloyds, Dallas, TX
Big Bend Real Estate Guide • February 2014
Bethany Brookover
Tom Muratori
Licensed & Certified Home Inspector
205 N. Harrison St. Alpine, TX 79830
(432) 837-7419
16 AHIT Certified • TX Lic. #20244 Fully Insured
Big Bend Real Estate Guide • February 2014
403 W. Dallas & 300 S. Kelly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
509 E. Texas St. .9<+,6/ :<+3<3/ =>C6/ & +.9,/ 297/ 98 >A9 69>= E B E /+-2 38 + ;?3/> 8/312,9<299. -69=/ >9 >2/ /.1/ 90 >9A8 > 2+= + 7/>+6 <990 83-/ 0<98> :9<-2 ./-5 F</:6+-/ ,/+?>30?6 A99. G99<= +8. + =5C63> ,<3-5 G99</. =3>>381 <997 ,/>A//8 >2/ 63@381 <997 +8. >2/ 53>-2/8 3>-2/8 3= ?:.+>/. A3>2 + -?=>97 -98-</>/ -9?8>/<>9: +8. </,?36> 9<3138+6 -+,38/><C +>2<997 +6=9 2+= -?=>97 -98-</>/ -9?8>/< 8/A (9>9 >936/> +8. =:+-39?= >36/. =29A/< ,<+8.
8/A -98-</>/ G99</. 79./<8 +..3>398 7+5/= + ,/+?>30?6 =>?.39 9< ,/.<997 '/:+<+>/ 6+?8.<C <997 -97/= A3>2 A+=2/< +8. .<C/< (2/ :<9:/<>C 3= 0/8-/. $270,000
408 North Austin - & +.9,/ 297/ A3>2 -/8><+6 +3< +8. 2/+> A3>2 9@/< =;?+</ 0//> 90 63@381 =:+-/ (23= =:/-3+6 297/ 3> ,/6981/. >9 7C 1<+8.:+</8>= 3= -/8><+66C 69-+>/. 986C >A9 ,69-5= 0<97 >2/ -9?<>29?=/ =;?+</ '97/ 90 >2/ 83-/ 0/+>?</= +</ 2+<.A99. G99<= 2312 -/36381= 6+<1/ <997= 9:/8 63@381 <997 >9 .38381 <997 6+?8.<C <997 A3>2 :6/8>30?6 -9?8>/< =:+-/ -9@/</. >2<// -+< -+<:9<> +8. +8 ?:=>+3<= ./-5 >2+> +009<.= 83-/ @3/A= 90 >2/ -9?<>29?=/ .97/ +8. >2/ 7?-2 :29>91<+:2/. A+>/< >9A/< (2/ =>+8.381 =/+7 7/>+6 <990 3= 986C >A9 C/+<= 96. +8. >2/</ +</ 09?< ./>+-2/. 9?>,?36.381= :6?= +8 /B><+ 69> >2+> -9?6. ,/ ?=/. 09< +..3>398+6 ,?36.381= 9< =96. $365,000.
808 W. Waco & +.9,/ 297/ 98 + 0/8-/. 69> -69=/ >9 238+>3 (23= +>><+->3@/ 297/ 2+= 6+<1/ <997= +8. + -97,38+>398 ,+>2 +8. 6+?8.<C > +6=9 2+= + .38381 <997 83-/ 7/>+6 <990 ,/+.,9+<. -/36381= + =7+66 <997 >2+> -9?6. ,/ ?=/. 09< +8 90F-/ 9< =>9<+1/ +8. +8 96. 0<+7/ 9?>,?36.381 (23= +::<9B37+>/6C =; 0> 297/ =3>= 98 >A9 69>= A3>2 E <9+. 0<98>+1/ +8. E 0> ./:>2 $169,000
401 E. Texas - !9>= 90 -?<, +::/+6 & +.9,/ 297/ 98 + -9<8/< 69> -69=/ >9 .9A8>9A8 38 83-/ ;?3/> 8/312,9<299. (23= -+=3>+ =>C6/ 297/ 2+= + 63@381 <997 6+?8.<C <997 900 >2/ 53>-2/8 +8. +89>2/< 83-/ =3D/. <997 >2+> -9?6. =/<@/ += +8 90F-/ ,/.<997 9< ./8 (2/ 6+<1/ ,+-5 C+<. 2+= + 7/>+6 :<3@+-C 0/8-/ +8. >2/</ 3= +8 9?>=3./ =>9<+1/ ,?36.381 $169,000
207 North Kelly - !9@/6C @38>+1/ & H +.9,/ 297/ 2+= ,/+?>30?6 2+<.99.
1202 OÂ&#x2019;Reilly in Presidio &/-/8>6C </79./6/. & +.9,/ 297/ A3>238 A+65381 .3=>+8-/ 90 =29:= +8. </=>+?<+8>= )/<C 83-/ ':+83=2 ./=318 >2<9?129?> >2/ 297/ A23-2 2+= +8 9:/8 .38381 53>-2/8 +8. 63@381 +</+ (2/ .38381 <997 2+= </8-2 .99<= 9:/8381 98 >9 + -9@/</. :+>39 +8. >2/ @/<C 83-/ ,+-5 C+<. 2+= + =:<3856/< =C=>/7 :<3@+-C 0/8-/ +8. >A9 ./>+-2/. =>9<+1/ ,?36.381= (23= 297/ 3= 9@/< =; 0> 2+= + 7/>+6 <990 +8. + -9@/</. >A9 -+< -+<:9<> 66 >2/ +::63+8-/= A366 =>+C A3>2 >2/ 297/ += A/66 += =97/ 90 >2/ +679=> 8/A 0?<83>?</ &/+66C +8 /B-/66/8> ,?C $558,000
308 South Summer - This historic Fort Russell concrete building was, at the time, the 898 -9773==398/. 90F-/<=E -6?, > 3= -?<</8>6C .3@3./. 38>9 =:+-39?= <997= 98/ 90 A23-2 2+= + A99. ,?<8381 /+<>2/8 =>9@/ (2/</ 3= + ,+>2<997 +8. 3> 2+. + =7+66 53>-2/8 (2/ ,+-5 -9@/</. :9<-2 9:/8= 98 >9 + 6+<1/ /B:+8=/ 90 7/>+6 0/8-/. 6+8. +8. >2/</ A+= 98-/ + A+>/< A/66 >2+> 4?=> 8//.= >9 ,/ </A9<5/. (2/</ 3= + =6+, 38 0<98> 90 >2/ ,?36.381 >2+> <?8= >2/ 6/81>2 90 >2/ :<9:/<>C A23-2 3= + 63>>6/ 9@/< 90 +8 +-</ 90 6+8. > 2+= >2/ -98-</>/ </7+38= 90 >2/ 6+?8.<C 09< > &?==/66 += A/66
503 W. Waco 2+<7381 +.9,/ =><+A ,+6/ -+=3>+ 3= +::<9B37+>/6C =; 0> >E= + & A3>2 + >9>+66C 9:/8 -98-/:> 09< >2/ 53>-2/8 +8. 63@381 <997 +</+ '97/ 83-/ 0/+>?</= 38-6?./ + 7/>+6 <990 =+6>3669 >36/ G99<= +8. +8>3;?/ A99. 38>/<39< .99<= +8. + >A9 -+< -+<:9<> (2/ ,+>2<997 2+= + <+.3+8> 2/+>/. >36/ G99< +8. ,/.<997= +8. 63@381 +</+ +66 2+@/ -/36381 0+8= (2/ 1/8>6C ?=/. 53>-2/8 +::63+8-/= +</ 38-6?./. $149,000.
Under Contract
G99<= @/<C 2312 -/36381= >A9 -+< -+<:9<> +8. + ./>+-2/. & =><?->?</ >2+> 38-6?./= + A9<5=29: (2/ A9<5=29: -9?6. ,/ >?<8/. 38>9 + 53>-2/8 >9 7+5/ + -97:6/>/ +:+<>7/8> ,/238. >2/ 7+38 29?=/ %<9:/<>C 3= 0/8-/. +8. 69-+>/. 98 + -9<8/< 69> >2<// ,69-5= 0<97 >2/ -9?<>29?=/ #/A "/>+6 &990
Under Contract
902 Tenorio St. - & =>?--9 297/ ,?36> 38 +8. =3>?+>/. 98 >2<// -9<8/< 69>= (2/</ 3= +8 90F-/ >2+> -9?6. ,/ -98@/<>/. >9 + >23<. ,/.<997 +8. + >A9 -+< F83=2/. 1+<+1/ >2+> 9:/8= 98 >9 >2/ 6+?8.<C <997 > -9?6. +6=9 ,/ -98@/<>/. >9 +89>2/< ,/.<997 =>?.39 9< A9<5 =:+-/ (2/ 63@381 <997 2+= + -+>2/.<+6 -/36381 +8. G9A= 38 >9 >2/ 53>-2/8 $8/ 90 >2/ ,/.<997= 2+= + =7+66 <997 >2+> -9?6. =/<@/ += + -236.E= <997 =3>>381 <997 9< 9>2/< 90F-/ (2/ .38381 +</+ +6=9 9:/8= 38 >9 >2/ 53>-2/8 63@381 <997 +</+ +8. 3= @/<C 6312> +8. 9:/8 A3>2 A98./<0?6 @3/A= 90 >2/ 79?8>+38= > 9:/8= 98 >9 + :9<-2 A3>2 + =3./A+65 >2+> 6/+.= >9 + 6+<1/ ./-5 +1+38 A3>2 A98./<0?6 @3/A= $249,000.
507 N Russell - Totally remodeled 3BR/2BA home with beadboard ceilings and beautiful A99. G99<= 38 >2/ 9<3138+6 =><?->?</ > 2+= + 1</+> +..3>398 A3>2 =>+38/. -98-</>/ G99<= +8. + 4+-?DD3 >?, /8-69=/. 38 -98-</>/ 38 >2/ =/-98. ,+>2 (2/ .38381 <997 +8. >2/ >2<// ,/.<997= 9:/8 98 >9 98/ 90 >2/ >A9 :+>39= $>2/< 83-/ 0/+>?</= +</ + -2//<0?6 .38381 room, metal roof, carport, storage building, ceiling fans, CA/CH, a roomy front porch +8. 0/8-/. ,+-5 C+<. B-/66/8> 8/312,9<299. *9?E66 69@/ 3> A2/8 C9? =// 3>
807 E. Sul Ross - (23= /6/1+8> & 297/ 90 +::<9B37+>/6C =; 0> 2+= ,//8 19<1/9?=6C </79./6/. +-2 .9A8=>+3<= ,/.<997 2+= 3>= 9A8 ,+>2 (2/ 5381 =3D/ ,/. 38 >2/ 7+=>/< ,/.<997 3= .A+<0/. ,C >2/ =3D/ 90 >2/ <997 (2/ 6+<1/ ./8 2+= + /+>36+>9< F</:6+-/ ,?36> 38 ,995-+=/= +8. 9:/8= >9 >2/ 0<98> 2+66 7+=>/< ,/.<997 53>-2/8 +8. >2/ 1+<./8 ,/.<997 > 2+= + 63@381 <997 +8. 09<7+6 .38381 <997 A23-2 9:/8= >9 >2/ 6312> +8. ,<312> ,</+50+=> 8995 +8. 53>-2/8 66 of the appliances in the kitchen are stainless steel, including a wine cooler, and includes a large :+8><C 6=9 6+?8.<C <997 +8. +8 +>>+-2/. >A9 -+< 1+<+1/ (2/ ?:=>+3<= 0/+>?</= + ><+8;?36 ,+6-98C 9@/<6995381 >2/ :<3@+>/ ,+-5 C+<. $>2/< 0/+>?</= 38-6?./ + 7/>+6 <990 ./>+-2/. 98/
,/.<997 +:+<>7/8> -3<-?6+< 0<98> .<3@/ +8. =>9<+1/ ,?36.381 "$( ) ( ' !! &
Vol. 10, Issue 3, February 2014
Publisher: Riley Stephens Production Manager: Ceci Marquez General Manager: Sandy Marquez PO Box 1824, Alpine, TX 79831 Phone 432-614-4074 email:
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Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
Fort Davis Properties for Sale
HOME ON 5 +- ACRES OVERLOOKING FORT DAVIS WITH 360-DEGREE VIEWS Beautiful single story home with four bedrooms and six bathrooms, each bedroom has a dressing room and bathroom, dining room with built-ins and recessed lighting, living room featuring masonry fireplace, tray ceiling with lighting and majestic views. The game room is the perfect gathering place for family and friends. Call today $450,000
FORT DAVIS LAND REMARKABLE VIEWS! Just outside Fort Davis, Texas. Offered as approximately 60 acres for $657,270 or approximately 75 acres with highway frontage for $750,000.
James B. Sammons III Tel: 915.833.9373 Cell: 915.491.7382 • Fax: 915.975-8024
Big Bend Real Estate Guide • February 2014
Joy Parsons
Selling Real Estate Since 1972 432-837-3411 106 W. Ave E, Alpine, TX 79830 email: CELL: 432-294-2193 FAX: 432-837-1143
Ann Hawkins
E D! ELITE MANAGEMENT We manage approximately 50 HOMES, furnished apartments, And storage buildings.
2705 W. Hwy. 90 - Country Living on 2.81 Acres! Energy -@ *0,39 11 1,*970* ),+7442 )(9/ $2(79 42, :8942 Built, Cathedral Ceilings. Beautiful Kitchen w/all trimmings, breakfast Bar, 2- Central Heat pump & Air, Italian tile A 4478 (5574= 86 -9 <(9,7 <,11 4;,780?,+ *(75479 # & 94 ++09043(1 *7,8 available!
2701 West Hwy 90 - Commercial Bldg. (Formerly 5(*/, %7(+03. "489 4. ()03 ):019 03 # $ %49(1 $6 9 #,9(01 $/4< #442 < !-@ *, $ $0+, 5(792,39 1,(8, $" $ 03 09> 02098 '43+,7-:1 4*(9043
2707 Hwy. 90 WEST: ! # !-@ *, - 1.5 ACRES +/- ; All-Electric, central Heat & Air, approximately 2,542 sq. ft., 8-Rooms, and 2-baths. Across from Ramada Inn & Several businesses! Has 99(*/,+ $947,7442 1,88 -47 4- (3 Acre.
R E D U C E D!
N E W!
2407 Covey Lane - 2.854 ACRES on edge of Alpine! All-Electric 3-BR 2-Bath Mfg. Home! Approx. 1,216 sq. ft. living area, Central heat/air, All Appliances and vaulted ceilings! Metal Roof, large 800 sq. ft. RV Carport, WATER WELL and septic tank! Great VIEWS! $175,500!
307 N. 16th - FOUR (4) Bedroom 2-bath Frame Home! Refrigerator, kitchen stove, and washer & dryer. Gas Central heat, central Evaporative a/c, new metal roof, approx. 1,295 sq. ft., Motorcycle shelter, RV trailer, BBQ Patio w/ electricity, carport, Storage bldgs., large lot! $140,000! Reduced to $130,000.
901 W. Ft. Davis Â&#x2013; Alpine Â&#x2013; ! ! ! ! Exceptionally Unique Â&#x2013; has central Patio w/Spiral Stairway to STARS Â&#x2013; wood platforms on two levels for STAR Gazing! All appliances, Central H&A, 1-Car garage! Too many extraÂ&#x2019;s to mention! $155,000!
900 W. Marfa - Like-New All-Electric Energy " ! ! ceiling through-out, All appliances, dishwasher, front-loading W/D, approx. 1120 sq. ft., fenced, 10x20 concrete patio, sprinkler system, 2-Car RV Carport, corner lot! $139,500!!!! $134,900!
S O L D!
702 W. Murphy - Remodeled 3-BR 1-bath ! 42, 5510(3*,8 *,7(20* 901, A 4478 2,9(1 744- (5574= 86 -9 10;03. (7,( (3+ Corner lot! Great Starter Home or Investment property! Only $69,500!
1203 N. 4th - Lovely large Frame Stucco Home in Excellent Condition! Estate Home! 3-Bedrooms, 2-baths, All appliances, custom kitchen cabinets, Electric baseboard /,(9 03 ,(*/ 7442 "0,7 ),(2 < /(7+<44+ A 4478 ),3,(9/ carpet, approx. 2,060 sq. ft. living area, fenced w/large shop bldg. Selling price: $149,000
TWO (2) ACRES +/- Commercial Frontage on Hwy. 90 West-- next to Twin Peaks stg.! $132,500!
SIERRA LA RANAÂ&#x2013;Many tracts in higher elevations Â&#x2013; gated community Â&#x2013; 10 ACRES + UP Â&#x2013; starting at $6,000/acre.
3. 4. 5. 6.
CREEK RIDGE developmentÂ&#x2013;Approx. 100 ACRE Tracts in Mtns.- $2,000-$2,500/acre! Hwy. 90 West Â&#x2013;COMMERCIAL Â&#x2013;1.5 ACRES Â&#x2013;approx. 321Â&#x2019; Frontage! UTILITIES AVAILABLE! Price REDUCED to $98,000!!! DOUBLE DIAMOND HOME SITE: Lot 1054 - 3.28 ACRES- 6 mi. S - $32,000! COMMERCIAL BILLBOARD LOCATION: 55.56x52 @ US HWY 90- across from Triangle Market-TXDOT Sign permit -$29,500!
Creek Ridge Ranch: 1,760 ACRES -$1,500/acre! Few miles from Alpine toward FT. Davis in MTNS! 640 Acres - @ $2,000/acre - Borders Hwy. 118 - Just minutes from Alpine towards Ft. Davis!
#1 23
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
27 The top sights to see... The right roads to travel... The best places to eat, drink, sleep, shop, learn, and even settle down. Visit the website today! 28
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
GUNSIGHT MOUNTAIN RANCH Block NC, Section 31* 647 Acres of beautiful Mountains with views as far as the eye can see. Elevation approximately 4400 ft. Will be subject to Terlingua Ranch Fees of $165 Per Year. REDUCED!!! $160,000
408 PINION DRIVE Ranch Style 4/3 home with privacy, wildlife & 8.24 Acres. CA/CH Attached garage & outbuildings. Incredible landscaping. Comes completely furnished. Immaculate!! $325,000
OCTILLO MESA RANCH 87+-Ranch Home in beautiful Octillo Mesa. 3bd/4bath with 2 car garage & out buildings. Recent survey, well, electric & incredible mountain ranges. Very Nice!! Price to sell at $155,000.
906 RIO VISTA, LAJITAS, Townhouse overlooking the Rio Grande. Sole ownership & not in a rental pool. Ready to move into. Comes completely furnished. 2 bd/2baths & laundry room & covered back porch. Very nice! .176 Ac. $198,000
ONION CREEK, Block G-4, Section 52, 44 Ac bordering Sombrero Peak Ranch. Geologically diverse with petrified wood, arrowheads & other concretions. Has great views into Big Bend Nat Park. One of a kind property!! $16,000, buyer pays closing.
JACK EDEN MESA TRACT #1177. Blk 335, Sec 3, 24 Ac. 360*views from Black Peak to Big Bend & into the Rosillias Mtns. $5,000 buyer pays closing.
HAT RANCH 640 Acres with off grid bungalow (solar/water catchment), partially fenced, surveyed, seasonal creek, mountains. Incredible views into Big Bend Nat. Park Elevation approximately 3300 Ft. Located in the Solatario area, but not part of any association. $218,000.
“TOP OF THE WORLD” (ALMOST) Block G-12, Section 23, 660 Acres, located at the end of the road. Cover for RV. You can see 360 degrees. Hiking, hunting & photographing dream. Owner will finance. $249 Per Acre.
WHITEMILL CREEK 326 ACRES Block NC Section 34-N/2. Surveyed, RV w/cover. Good roads & beautiful mountains. Seasonal spring. Owner will offer good terms. $154,000.
NORTH CORAZONES, 320 Acres Block TER, Sec 7. Tr. 904 & 903. Easy access. Beautiful property with varied terrain. Goes up on the NE side of Corazones Peak. Exceptional Property! $96,000
HIGH COUNTRY ESTATES, Custom home with 3/2/2 & about 4000 SF. It comes with 2 wells & 10+ Acres. Highway frontage. Very nice! Call for details
LAJITAS. San Carlos Condo. 1bd/1bth, completely furnished. CA, Fireplace. It has a lot of updates. 100% ownership. Beautiful views, private setting on a corner lot. $65,000. Owner anxious.
Price Redu
East Rim Ranch now selling tracts as small as 71 Acres. The 10,010 acre ranch is being offered in multiple acreage sizes ranging from 71 acres and up. Acreages vary in price depending on size and location. Smaller tracts are approx. 35 minutes south of Alpine, approx 1 hour from Big Bend National Park. Great views of Elephant Mountain and Kokernot Mesa!
TRACT 3156 is a hilltop 40 acre end of the road tract approx. 1 mile West off of Hwy. 118. Steep road going into the tract, 4WD drive highly recommended. Seller is including another 5 acre tract with the sale. Great views of Packsaddle Mountain. Priced at $14,500 with possible owner finance.
320 +/- ACRES WITH RIO GRANDE RIVER FRONTAGE! Power, paved Hwy. 170 frontage, in Between Lajitas and Redford. Price just reduced!! Call for more info! $160,000
160 acres just off of Hwy 118 on Gate road 1.5. Varied terrain with some small hills, small rock formations, gravel building sites, soft dunes with arroyos and wet weather Ben Holes creek running thru the corner. Just across the Hwy. from Willow Mountain. Power nearby on the Hwy. Price reduced to $60,000!!
6500 +/- ACRE RANCH FOR SALE. Lots of terrain with over over 500â&#x20AC;&#x2122; elevation changes. Two wet weather creeks cross thru it providing good cover for wildlife, small mountains with deep canyons. Small house that could be fixed up for a nice hunting camp. Metal cattle pens, small barn. Two partially equipped wells. In good area for Mule Deer, also saw Aoudad sign. Must see to appreciate!!
OFF GRID ROCK HOME ON 87 ACRES! On Mariposa Mine Road, very unique home, great views, easy access! $175,000 Possible owner finance!
NEW LISTING IN JEFF DAVIS COUNTY 166 acres a few miles to the west of Fort Davis on Hwy 166. More details and photos coming soon! $3,200/acre
Under Con
60 ACRES IN PRIME MULE DEER COUNTRY. Tract 6121 and 6128 combine for 60 +/- acres with lots of terrain. Good deer sign! $20,940! Owner financing available!
Tract 2573 End of the road 40 acre tract in the Solitario region of Terlingua Ranch. Outstanding views. Just a few miles from the State park boundary. Varied terrain with some small cliffs and arroyos. Several good building sites. $13,500 with possible owner finance.
82 ACRES IN THE CEDAR SPRINGS AREA OF TERLINGUA RANCH. Bordered on one side by 9 Point Mesa! Good hunting area, lots of terrain, private and remote! $29,348
80 acres with all metal 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; carport with 2000 gallons of water catchment. End of the road tract, gated for privacy. Approx. 1.5 miles off of Hwy. 118, accessed by Gate road 1 or 1.5. $42,320 with long term owner financing available.
Under Con
MILLION DOLLAR VIEWS!! Beautiful Adobe home with separate Adobe Cottage 45 +/- surveyed acres with well and power. Must see to appreciate!! Motivated seller! $150,000 with possible owner finance!
" ! " ! # "
Big Bend Real Estate Guide â&#x20AC;˘ February 2014
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To view pictures of all of these properties and our Mexico Properties go to
" ! " ! # "
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