Rules Expactation Tidak Boleh bilang tidak tahu Synergy each other Transparant Mix bahasa+english On time Late Confirmation about 2-3hours Aware dengan responsible Proactive Meeting hours only 2 hours No gadget allowed
Puput : More share Good Synergy with PBoX and Adhoc Sultan : Confident with english Creativity Team work Nia : Success dapat banyak EP Exchange to The Netherlands Akira : Togetherness Aggressive Rico : Proactive learner Lebih Care
PUNISHMENT • Membayar sebanyak Rp. 20.000 • Senyum selama meeting • Bawa makanan untuk minggu depannya • iGCDP Selfie • iGCDP Things • JONGKOK/Duduk Jepang
Team Purpose
Brings team atmosphere from proactive and creative person into action.
Create better co-operation and alignment of people towards a common goal.
Team Values Commitment
Team Work
To define why your team will wake up everyday
Act as young leader that not only talking but also do more
Why ?
To be a good case practice
Be able to integrate your role as an LC to society
There is always a way to overcome fear.
Present and Future
If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today? - Steve Jobs
PBoX 5 Preproposal
IR Booklet iGCDP Focus
iGCDP Evaluation
Re-raise and Selling for AdHoc