Shukran Dr. Diaa

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Dear MESP Alums, I announce with bittersweet flavor that Dr. Diaa Nashed, beloved Assistant Director of MESP for nearly a decade (20 semesters of students), is now moving on to other career challenges. As with so much other changes happening in the Middle East, the revolution that caused MESP to leave Egypt has also ended his ability to function as the Assist. Director. He concludes his time with MESP at the end of June. Diaa never liked me to go on about his many skills and contributions to MESP and its students over the years, so I will keep this brief. As Director, it was obvious to me that the MESP experience at its best was a direct extension of his Christian life and commitment to excellence, to stewardship, and most importantly, to you the students and to other Egyptian staff at MESP who looked to him for guidance. Without false modesty, I can honestly say that we could not have done it without him. I am sure you all agree. I would like this brief note to accomplish several things, among them allow you the alums to communicate with Diaa directly (email or Skype) and to express your appreciation for and memories of him. While he, Carol, Maryam, Sandy, and Anthony are well, they no doubt face many new challenges in a country of immense if not turbulent transition. Although he is currently employed, the economic situation in Egypt is as fluid as it is unstable. Our prayers are with the whole family, indeed the whole of Egypt, at this crucial time. As I write this, many of you are likely thinking of other members of our faithful MESP family--Kareema, Ashraf, Romani, and Fadya, not to mention the Arabic teachers Nahed Awny, Madiha Mohieldin, and Nahed Rashad. Since like Diaa, all of them lost their MESP positions with the program leaving Egypt, you may wish to send your greetings to them by way of Diaa. Please join me in prayerfully celebrating Diaa's enormous contribution to MESP and his living witness to the faith of the Church in the Middle East. Blessings David Holt MESP Director

We have just created a facebook page for MESP alums who wish to express their appreciation to Diaa. You may also write to him directly at

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