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Dear Alum & Friends of MESP, I hope you enjoy this newsletter profiling alums who are currently serving as representatives of the Fulbright Scholarship Program and the Mennonite Central Committee MESP is also especially honored to welcome David Owen, PhD candidate in Islamic Studies at Harvard. David is teaching the Islamic Thought and Practice course this semester, while on a Hebrew language fellowship at Hebrew University. Students are benefiting from his long journey in the Middle East; both as a scholar and adventurer, and his expertise on Andalusia is helping to prepare them for their upcoming regional travel that includes Islamic Spain. Thank you David for your willingness to be part of MESP this semester! This is also the first semester that MESP has used its new apartments in Beit Tsafafa, across from the Center at Tantur. Students love the neighborhood and the nearby hangouts of Schnitzel King and Harosmarine Café. These apartments give them a closer look at the local culture, and their proximity to Tantur make safety and convenience prime advantages. 3
Students return from local home stays today, and before long we will be traveling to Spain, Morocco and Turkey. As always, thank you for your continued support and prayers!
The MESP Update is a personal communication from Dr. David Holt to his friends, colleagues, and MESP alumni. It is intended to inform and give insight on what he is doing as director of the Middle East Studies Program and to share profiles and stories on past and current MESP students. Comments or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily represent the views of MESP or the CCCU. The MESP Update is published bimonthly, during the regular semester. APPLICATIONS FOR FALL ‘13 SEMESTER ARE DUE BY
Blessings ,
David P. Holt
TWO MESP ALUMNI MAKE THE 2012-2013 FULBRIGHT ROSTER! Two MESP alums from the Fall 2010 student cohort were recently awarded Fulbright scholarships and are currently serving in Turkey with the English Teaching Assistantship program (ETA). Ruby O’Connor (Seattle Pacific University) works in the city of Afyonkarahisa, and Emily Pope (Calvin College) was assigned to Ataturk University in Erzurum, the largest city in Eastern Anatolia.
L-R: Ruby O’Connor and Emily Pope with three of their friends
In late November, Ruby O’Connor stopped by and addressed the MESP students during their visit to Istanbul. She eagerly described her daily duties and experiences in Afyonkarahisar, and gave the students general tips about the Fulbright application process and encouraged MESPers to apply. “While my semester on MESP was a definite asset, I also believe that my volunteering experiences in Seattle enhanced my chances for getting a Fulbright." Ruby hasn't yet decided about her life after the Fulbright, but engaging her students and learning the culture and language of Turkey remind her how grateful she is just to live in the present. Meanwhile, she occasionally enjoys the company of ETA colleagues on weekend travel journeys both within and beyond the borders of Turkey.
At the age of 17, Emily Pope travelled to Morocco to teach English for one month and returned the following two summers: “The Muslim culture and hospitality fascinated me!” Later, traveling with MESP, she was privileged to visit Turkey, Syria, Jordan, and Israel. “Damascus and Istanbul were my favorite cities and I became interested in Fulbright as an opportunity to live abroad and learn more about the region." Emily is currently teaching spoken English to first year engineering students and to professors in the Medical School. She describes Erzurum “as a fascinating place” with a large Iranian-Azeri population. Some of her students come from Azerbaijan and Afghanistan. “Though Erzurum is the coldest city in Turkey, the people are incredibly warm, friendly, and hospitable.” Emily plans to renew her Fulbright ETA contract for another year before pursuing a doctoral program in Geography with an emphasis in Turkey. MESP is always honored to play some small part in facilitating the vocational direction of alums like Ruby and Emily, and naturally, we are proud of