2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Graduation Keepsake Edition
Apollo High School – Pages 2-7
Owensboro Catholic High School – Pages 18-20
Daviess County High School – Pages 8-16
Owensboro High School – Pages 21-28
Emerson Academy – Page 17
Owensboro Innovation Academy – Pages 29-30
Heritage Park High School – Page 17
Trinity High School – Page 31
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Apollo High School Class of 2020
Sterling Acton
James Anderson
Jacimae Anton
Ema Arevalo
Ryan Ash
Stephen Austin
Steven Todd Bakos
Haley Bartlett
Jenna Bartley
Mason Bartley
Katherine Basham
Matteo Bazzucchi
Kaitlyn Beers
Caleb Bell
Austin Benningfield
Matthew Benningfield
Marcus Bivens
Melanie Bivens
Gavin Blair
Caroline Boarman
Fabian Boarman
Kayla Boehmann
Kate Booker
Shelby Boone
Ansley Bowlds
Helena Boyd
Henry Briner
Brooke Brown
Madyson Brown
Travis Brown
Blake Bryant
Jacob G. Bullington
Jacob T. Bullington
Hayden Bullis
Abigail Burden
Gabriela Bustamante
Jaydon Caldwell
Dylan Campbell
Anna Canary
Luis Castillo
Zachary Cates
Whitley Chambers
Michael Chapman
Sade Chilton
Bailey Clark
Paige Cockrum
Kayla Conrad
Breanna Cox
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S3
Apollo High School Class of 2020
Daylin Crabtree
Hannah Crowe
Macy Dame
Hayden Dant
Wesley Daugherty
Larry Davidson
Evan Deaton
Tyler Delacey
Kelsey Dillon
Addison Doucette
Samuel Duke
Mary Katherine Edge
Trey Edge
Jalen Edwards
Madeline Eldridge
Colbe Ellis
Gloria Esposito
Natalie Ewing
Jenna Feldman
Magdalena Felipe Felipe
Evan Ferguson
Lacey Fitzgerald
Brooklyn Fogle
Jude Ford
Preston Franey
Melissa Fulkerson
Ryan Gatton
Constance Gilbert
Jacob Gillim
Justin Gillim
Brianna Winn
Abby Rose Goodall Apollo High School
Daughter of Sara Evans Goodall & Tim Goodall KWC Bound! Paw Paw Darrell & Mimi Cindy Evans Is So Proud Of All Your Hard Work! Love You!
Michael Tyler Chapman
Daylin Crabtree Apollo High School Grandson of Ronnie & Charlotte Crabtree
Apollo High School
We Are Very Proud Of You! Love Mom, Dad, Kyle & Madison
We Are SO PROUD Of You & We Love You! From: Nana & Grandpop
Son of: Tim & Donna Chapman
High School : Apollo High School Daughter of : Bobby Winn and Kristi Winn Message : Brianna there are no words to describe how proud we are of you . You are Beautiful on the outside and on the inside . Your heart guides you in everything you do . Everyone that knows you can see how special you are by your smile and the way you treat them . You face Life with an optimistic attitude and you don't let adversity stand in your way of accomplishing your goals or enjoying living. Always remember your family and friends love you! Can't wait to see where this crazy thing called Life takes you! Love Mom, Dad , Jack and the rest of our crazy family
Madison Lowe Apollo High School Granddaughter of: Rosa Lee Appleby Congratulations Maddie! Mamaw Loves You! From Mamaw
Yasmin Bukhari
I am graduating from Owensboro Innovation Academy & Apollo High School. I currently take classes at OCTC and am involved in Student Government Association. I plan on getting a nursing degree, and then becoming a Physician's Assistant or Medical Doctor. Pamela Hines, Grandmother
Sebastian Lattus Apollo High School Son of Ben & Becky Lattus We Are All Proud Of Your Achievements So Far. Excited To See What Comes Next. Love You! Mom, Dad, Bon, & Pa
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Apollo High School Class of 2020
Valerie Gillim
Logan Glenn
Abby Goodall
Sara Gootee
Gatlin Green
Joseph Greenwalt
Jerry Gregg
Landon Griffin
Anthony Griffith
Kevin Hagan
Katharyn Hall
Jacob Hamilton
Jamison Hardman
Jalen Harris
Chelsea Hays
Journey Hays
Laura Head
Griffin Heavrin
David Alex Hendrix
Madison Hillard
Johnathon Hodges
Noah Horlander
Lily Howard
Paw Hsar
Wah Htoo
Madison Hughes
Grayson Hulsey Riley
Ashlynn Hunter
Brandon Husk
Matthew Huston
Andrew Hutchins
Madalyn Hyland
Cameron Jackson
Hannah Jackson
Linda James
Sydney Jewell
Geoffery Johnson
Chance Jones
Madison Juilan
Brian Kendall
Nang Hla Ki
Angel King
Zania King
Jaelin Kirk
Haley Kost
Joshua Kuegel
John Kunce
Kalie Lanham
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S5
Apollo High School Class of 2020
Sebastian Lattus
Trevor Lawrence
Raymond Lin
Aubrey Little
Mingjie Liu
Verker Lopez
Madison Lowe
Gregory Luttrell
Mattie Lyons
Matthew Marks
Joshua Martin
Christopher May
Daniel Mays
Ashlin McCarthy
Benjamin McCarty
Aimee McManaway
Emily Means
Elliot Melton
Skylar Menzies
William B. Meserve
Ashley Millay
Brady Miller
Jay Moe
Bryan Mollet
Whitney Mooneyhan
Trey Moorman
Misti Morris
Daylin Crabtree Apollo High School Grandson of Rick & Kay Creager
Logan Anthony O’Bryan Apollo High School Son of: Josh & Heather O’Bryan Congratulations Logan. We are so very proud of you. Now go forth and make the world a better place as we know you can. Grandparents, Larry A. & Mary Paulette Boswell
Logan We’re very proud of you and your accomplishments! We love you very much! Love, Dad, Mom & Connor
Big D, Congratulations Buddy! We Are So PROUD Of You! We Love You! From: Nana Kay & Granddad
Abby Murphy
Nicholas Murphy
Garrett Snyder Son of Brian and Stephanie Snyder. Garrett will be graduating from Apollo High School along with earning his associates of science degree from OCTC through the duel credit program. Garrett will be attending the University of Alabama Huntsville majoring in Cyber Security. We love you Garrett!
Jalen Donta’ Harris Apollo High School
Son of: Eric and Misty Harris
Jalen’s accomplishments are Mr. Apogee, Apollo Senior 16, Dance Blue PR chair-2 yrs., Beta Club President-2 yrs., Student Council President-2 yrs., Spirit Club-3 yrs., Yearbook3 yrs., NHS-2 yrs., Freshman Mentor- 3 yrs. He will be attending Western Ky University in the fall. So PROUD of you. From: Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Marissa, Nana and Archie
Daylin Crabtree Apollo High School
Son of: Daven and Julie Crabtree
Daylin, we are so proud of you. May you always live life like a 3-1 count. We love you! Mom, Dad, Cayden, & Kam
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Apollo High School Class of 2020
Landon Muse
Soe Naing
Madleynn Napier
Riley Norris
Benjamin O’Bryan
Logan O’Bryan
Jett Oliver
Alan Demetrio Ortiz
William Evan Overall
Eli Pannell
Antonia Pascual
Nidhi Patel
Katelyn Paul
Eh Paw
Angel Payne
Nicholas Payne
Paige Payne
Cole Peach
Jared Perez
Michael Posey
Mitchell Posey
Lilly Quin
Beau Rafferty
Tasha Ralph
Jerry Ramirez Mendez
Joshua Redfern
Leann Remole
Marco Reyes Juarez
Lea Rhinerson
Megan Rice
Blake Rigdon
Lukas Riley
Annete Rivera Torres
Sabrina Roberts
Jacob Robin
Jaci Rone
Sarah Roop
Jai Rowan
Kennedy Rowan
Alicen Royal
Cameron Russell
Maci Russell
Connor Satterly
Lynzy Schwartz
Samuel Scott
Johnathon Shepherd
Kevin Shockley
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S7
Apollo High School Class of 2020
Ethan Shutt
Eric Smith
Ian Smith
Shelby Smith
Sydney Smith
Garrett Snyder
Marissa Stanley
Nathaniel Stewart
Jordan Stiles
Jaiden Strong
Jaylin Thomasson
Ava Thompson
Hannah Thompson
Justin Thompson
Christopher Tindall
Emily Vanover
Hsa Kee Wah
Hsa Law Wah
Lacey Wahl
Andrew Walker
Jaren Walker
Samual Ward
Luke Wathen
Noah Watkins Morris
Christopher Watkins
Madison Weidemann
Thomas Weigand
Katie Wells
Emily Westerfield
Drake Wethington
Morgan Wethington
Jonathan White
Lauren Whitehouse
Hannah Willner
Hallie Wilson
Malik Wilson
Brianna Winn
Samuel Winstead
Emma Workman
Lauren Worthington
Haley Wright
Yo Ya
Bradley Yates
Casey Yocum
Kaleigh Young
Starlyn Gallardo
Kayla Logsdon
Trey Shelton
Shelbeigh Bratcher Edwin Garcia
Benjamin Martin
Kayla Staples
Malachi Broesch
Cameron Horsley
Dalton McCarty
Karris Thomson
Yasmin Bukhari
Zane Hudson
Amelia Miller
Colton Wethington
John Cooper
Jaden Jeffries
Scott Murray
Paul Williams
Isaac Crabtree
Zoe Jones
Krishna Patel
Benjamin Wolter
Dawson Ferguson
Jacob Lindsay
Stephen Roach
Sarilyn Wright
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Colton Abel
Andrew Adkins
Cole Alexander
Matthew Ali
Jackson Allen
Dalton Alsip
Emma Anderson
Kamryn Arnold
Bryant Austill
Hannah Axley
Edward Baggarley
Briana Bailey
Jonathan Bailey
Lane Ballard
Elysia Bartley
Chance Basham
Michael Basham
Torrence Baylis
Carter Bean
Paige Beavers
Ryan Beckwith
Joseph Benallo
Hannah Benningfield
Lily Biggs
Williams Billings
Andrew Birkhead
Thomas Bittel
Brooklyn Boarman
Jaden Boarman
Madalyn Boarman
Jacob Boling
Landen Boone
Abigail Boorse
Dakota Boswell
Nolan Boswell
Samantha Bowen
Tristan Boyd
Abby Broughton
Drew Brown
Ryan Brown
Courtney Bryant
Abagail Bunch
Molly Burk
Kealey Buskill
Griffin Calhoun
Kristen Calloway
Destini Campbell
Meredith Campbell
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S9
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Maxcesar Cano Velazquez
Madison Capps
Zachary Cary
Chase Chatmon
Molly Church
Haley Cirrincone
Kathryn Clark
Maggie Clark
McKenzie Clark
Isaiah Clouse
Elizabeth Collier
Ashley Conder
Bailey Cook
Jessica Cook
Nicholas Cook
Logan Corn
Chelsie Corum
Eestan Costello
Matthew Coyle
Jacob Crabtree
Ashley Crawford
Jackson Creech
Ethan Crowe
Jadon Crowe
Brayden Davis
Lillian Davis
Anjali Devi
Carlos Diaz Cruz
Tyler Dowdy McBride
Lexie Duke
Madison Dunaway
Jenna Early
Ethan Easterday
Patrick Edge
Shaelyn Edge
Andrew Ellis
Masen Emberton
Delaney Evans
Alex Filbeck
Coy Filbert
Nicholas Fischer
Stella Fisher
Avery Ford
Dana Ford
Austin Forler
Hannah Foster
Daniel Frazier
Brian Froehlich
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Marie-Louise Fuchs
Jacey Fulkerson
Kaitlyn Fuqua
Lauren Fuqua
Tyler Garner
Mollie Gerteisen
Hunter Gibson
Jack Gibson
Kaylee Gilmore
Brennen Gilstrap
Yash Gollen
Cassidy Griffith
Cassidy Hagan
Cherrokee Hahn
Reese Haight
Regan Haight
Andrew Hall
Jalen Hall
Addison Hamilton
Wesley A. Hamilton
Wesley R. Hamilton
Zachary Hamilton
Marquez Hanley
Daniel Hansen
Simon Hanson
Ashli Harlen
Briar Harper
Hannah Harrington
Dalton Harris
Seth Hartz
Lauren Havener
Jolee Hayden
Joseph Head
Shelby Helton
Timothy Henderson
Sean Henson
Meghan Hill
Christopher Hillard
Chloe Hinchcliffe
Evan Hodskins
Beau Hohiemer
Natalie Holland
William Holland
Danielle Holmes
Dylan Holmes
Makenzie Hoskins
Dawone Howard
Destiny Howard
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S11
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Ellie Howard
Harrison Howard
Michael Howard
Sydney Howard
Robert Howell III
Brady Huckleberry
Bryce Hudson
Avery Huff
Myles Huffines
Hannah Hurt
Logan Huskisson
Ellie Isom
Sophie Jagoe
Justin Jean
Ashton Johnson
Briley Johnson
Bryson Johnson
Lukas Johnson
Seth Johnson
Susan Johnson
C.J. Jones
Courtney Jones
Noah Kazlauskus
Christopher Keel
Madison Kelley
Matthew Kemp
Haley King
Benjamin Kipling
Kamrin Kirby
Brooklyn Lampkin
Weston Lane
Kiersten Lanham
Jalen Lawrence
Emily Lawson
Laka Ling
Samuel Ling
Daniel Little
Nathaniel Logsdon
Kelci Long
Daniel Love
Alexander Ludwig
Logan Luong
Gloria Lwin
Hannah Maddox
Samuel Manqueros
Steven Marcum
Jared Marksberry
Jordan Marsh
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Alejandra Martinez
Abigail Marvin
Shealyn Mason
Landen Massey
Delaney Mattingly
Madison Mattingly
Christopher McClure
Kaibryn McDaniel
Katie McDaniel
Corinthian McIntyre
Arkley Meador
Caleb Medley
Lee Meeker
Frederik Mendoza Ulken
Sarah Merritt
Kaytlyn Meyer
Emily Mezur
Seth Midkiff
Ryan Miles
Kimberly Millay
Mason Miller
Ana Miramontes
Gracie Mitchell
Tyler Mitchell
Isaiah Montgomery
Brittany Moore
Camille Moore
Miguel Moreira
Lesley Munguia
Jacob Nash
Hunter Nelson
Kenlee Newcom
Lance Newman
Sophia Newton
Serenity Niesen
Amber Norman
Mary Nunley
Alexis Oliver
Grant Oller
Jeffrey Orth
Hannah Overstreet
Brianna Owen
Noah Owen
Eliana Owens
Peyton Paige
Taylor Palmer
Mariathina Panayi
Ishan Patel
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S13
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Addison Patton
Alexander Payne
Ashley Payne
Ashton Payne
Azriel Payne
Brandon Payne
Cydney Payne
Holly Payne
Madison Payne
Michael Payne
Ashlyn Payton
Eden Pearl
Blake Peavler
Yohaly Perez Gomez
Isaac Perkins
Alayna Petri
Allie Phelps
Kinsley Phelps
Kaitlyn Pierce
Ryan Powell
Jay Powers
Ethan Poynter
Jada Prater
Camille Quinn
Kynsley Redmon
Dalton Reed
Taylor Revlett
Thomas Reynolds
Kaylee Rhinerson
Cole Richards
Jackson Richeson
Shane Riley
Jayson Roach
Jackson Robbins
Madison Roberts
Christian Robertson
Juan Roblero Morales
Sierra Roby
Garrett Rodgers
Eder Romero
Jonathan Royal
Lucas Ruckdeschel
ADDISON PATTON Daviess County High School The daughter of Matt and Wendy Patton
Addison, even though this isn’t how it was supposed to happen, YOU DID IT!! Dad and I are proud of you and love you very much. This trying time will only make you stronger. Rely on God and things will work out for your future. Love Mom and Dad.
Cassidy Michelle Hagan
Cassidy, We love you and are so proud of you! Congratulations!
Congratulations Cole,
Daviess County High School Daughter of Michelle and Brady Roberts and James Hagan
Love, Memaw & Pappaw
DCHS Son of: Toby & Holly Alexander
We’re so proud of you, and excited for what your future holds! Love, Mom, Dad and Kaylee
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Emily Rumage
Kevin Russell
Lydia Rust
William Ruzicka
Christopher Salamah
Parker Sanders
Jacob Scharf
Emily Schlachter
Theresa Schwartz
Haleigh Scott
Madison Selby
Kaleb Sexton
Will Sheldon
Emelyn Shelton
Tyler Shouse
Madeline Simmons
Macey Small
Cara Smith
Ethan Smith
Mason Smith
Eastin Snowden
Sophie Sorrells
Colton Staples
Jonathan Stefanopolis
S h e l by Ta y l o r DCHS
Parents: Gary Eldridge & Kandy Taylor
These 13 years of school have taken forever for you but they have flown by for us. We couldn’t be more proud of you Shelby. I can’t wait to see what you will conquer next babydoll. Love, Mom, Dad and Korbin
Jared Tyler Marksberry Daviess County HigH sCHool son of: Jared a. Marksberry grandson of: alton & Janice Marksberry
Congratulations on your graduation!
We are very proud of you! Hope you soar high and find your dreams.
Daviess County High School
Son of: Chad & Vera Hanson We are very proud of you and all you have accomplished. GOOD LUCK! Love you always Grandpa and Grandma, Lonnie & Anna Brooks
Kristen Calloway
Zachary Cary
Daviess County High School Son Of: Chris Cary & Laura Curl CONGRATULATIONS to an Outstanding Young Man!!! Good Luck! From Nana & Poppy
Simon Hanson
Daviess County High School
Parents: Brandon and Natali Hall Grandparents: Robert Payne and Gail Niehaus
You continue to make us proud! We are so happy for you as you begin your new journey! Always stay “The Great One”! Pappaw and Gigi
Daughter of Krista & George Keown and Jeremy & Amber Calloway To our sweet daughter, Congratulations on your graduation. We are so proud of everything that you have accomplished over these last twelve years at school. You have become such a lovely young woman. You light up the room with your smile and laughter. We wish you the best on your next journey while attending University of Kentucky in the Fall 2020. We love you! Mom, George, Lexi, Tori and Hadley
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S15
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Brenton Stemple
David Stevens
Kelsey Stevens
Elizabeth Steward
Carter Stofer
Sarah Stone
Kaya Suzer
Lauren Tadlock
Jacob Taucher
Shelby Taylor
Dani Terry
Tylen Terry
Mason Thompson
Ryan Thomson
Jansyn Todd
Armen Tolson
Cole Troutman
Andrew Turner
Josiah Turner
Brett Vance
Kayla Vanover
Morgan Vanover
Christian Vincent
Kaylee Vitato
Congratulations Logan! Jack Gibson Daviess County High School Son of Amy Ranburger and Kevin Gibson We love you and we are very proud of you!
Sophie Sorrells
DCHS Daughter of Angela and Brent Sorrells Sophie, Words cannot describe how very proud we are of you. Not only are you an amazing daughter, but you’re intelligent, talented, and kind. Your determination and dedication over the years has allowed you to accomplish so many wonderful things and I know going forward at the University of Kentucky you will achieve greatness and become an amazing young woman. We love you with all our heart. Mom and Dad
Phone 683-6427 Lic. #MO1723
1911 Old Henderson Road One Block South of 9th & Crabtree
Hunter B. Nelson Daviess County High School
Caleb Medley DCHS
Son of: Chad Medley & Danielle Medley
Congratulations, We are so proud of you! Love ya! Gammy, Pappaw & Nana, Bop
Son of John and Jennifer Nelson
We are so proud of you and excited for your next journey at the University of Alabama. CONGRATULATIONS!! Love you, Mom and Dad
Nicole Johnson
Daviess County High School Daughter of: Kim & Steve Johnson
Congratulations Nicole!
We Love You & Are So Proud Of You!
Mom, Dad, Jacob, MaMere & Nano
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Daviess County High School Class of 2020
Skylar Walker
Brooke Ward
Ryan Ward
Houston Watson
Annabelle Watts
Audrey Wedding
Brandon Wedding
Harrison Welborn
Jared Wells
Marcus Wells
Secora West
Austin White
Mason White
Nicholas Whitsell
Gena Whittaker
Nicholas Wiggins
Lauren Wilkerson
Madeline Wilkerson
Jaylee Williams
Brooklyn Wilson
Emily Wilson
Kera Wilson
Shelby Wiltfang
Emma Winstead
Lyndon Woodard
Trinity Woodward
Trent Woolard
Rachel Wright
Andrew Young
Calli Young
NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Ethan Carmon Kimberly Peyton Amber Shadwick Nathan Ward Charles Westerfield Lilia Young
Madelyn Zembrycki
Brianna Zoglmann
Cynthia Zuniga
Ryan Woodward
The Messenger-Inquirer extends its heartfelt thanks to the following educators, school staff and administration for their collaboration on this publication: Cristy Dame, Apollo High School TomiJo Leistner and Ken Roberts, Daviess County High School Kevin Thompson and Logan Walker, Emerson Academy Faith Butler, Heritage Park High School Scott Lowe and Kurt Osborne, Owensboro Catholic High School Christie Fogle and Christy Smith, Owensboro High School Beth Benjamin and Jon Richard, Owensboro Innovation Academy Heather Howard and Anna McDaniel, Trinity High School Our thanks also to these school district representatives for their invaluable assistance: Lora Wimsatt, Daviess County Public Schools Tina Kasey and Keith Osborne, Owensboro Catholic Schools Jared Reveltt, Owensboro Public Schools
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S17
Emerson Academy Class of 2020
Miguel Aguilar
William Castro
Nicholas Combs
Kobe Dean
Raphael Fuller
Savannah Helm
Asia Hillman
NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Joshua Bradley John Duke Emma Glenn Kaylee Hearth Tristan Kelly
Justice Martin
Hailey McGehee
Victoria Reed
Jazaray Weaver
Jacob Willis
Justin Nichols
Heritage Park High School Class of 2020
Leonna Abshier
Byron Anderson
James Basham
James Bearley
Adam Bishop
Jonathan Eversole
Sophia Fulkerson
Seth Gamblin
Tyler Goodman
Megan Hale
Lexys Higgs
Samuel Hillard
DeAndrea Hinton
Lane Johnson
Jacob Keelin
Damien Kennedy
Rebecca King
Madison Lucas
Antonio Mahone
Scott Mathis
Hunter Mayton
Devin McGillan
Keegan Morris
Jacob Nafrady
Shawn Nelson
Gabriel Peercy
Dylan Poole
Stone Rivers
Andrew Rocklin
Jewell Shemwell
Dylan Shultz
NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Cindy Alvarez Brandon Ballard Ethan Bartos Mason Bittel Beau Bivens Les Bowlds Dylan Campbell Jacob Chance
Dylan Chilton Austin Clayton Aaron Clements Savannah Easler Keshawn Farmer Corey Fulkerson Arianna Gonzalez
Ashley Griggs Ty Hardison Kayla Harris Rudy Hatfield Bioncee Haynes Shayna Howard Christian Jones Conar Lane
Soe Lar Michael Lawson Rayne Lyons Isabella Marin Taylor Marksberry Myles McPherson Kris Myatt
Brayden Russ Koda Simmons Shelby Therkildsen Cameran Veach Maricela Velasquez-Sales Brandon Wahler Keelee Wheatley Alexis Wilson
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Owensboro Catholic High School Class of 2020
Brady Aud
Clara Bach
Jack Bach
Jacob Bailey
Alyssa Beyke
Jayden Bickett
Cole Blandford
Italia Blasser
Brooke Boarman
Nick Boarman
Grace Brocato
Cassidy Carrico
John Cason
Brooke Cecil
Cecilia Clemens
Austin Clements
Caroline Clements
Maddie Clements
Elisa Clouse
Rudy Clouse
Carson Connor
Emily Dant
Bradley Davis
Keaton Davis
Jarred Deno
Dalton Devine
Braden Dill
Kaitlyn Durbin
Noah Edelen
Hagan Edge
Andrew Edwards
Emma Eyre
Ashlyn Farina
Georgia Farina
Hunter Garvin
Javier Gaynor
Evan Goetz
Warren Goetz
Natalie Goodwin
Andrew Gray
Gray Greenwell
Jack Hamilton
Drew Hartz
Spencer Harvey
Claire Hauke
Grace Hauke
Katie Hayden
James Haynes
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S19
Owensboro Catholic High School Class of 2020
Max Hein
Danielle Henning
Isabella Henning
Emily Hester
Jack Higgins
Lauren Hoover
Jonathan Isbill
Kendall Johnson
Mary Katherine Johnson
Nate Johnson
Randchelle Johnson
Logan Jones
Michael Keller
Elise Kerr
Lily Krampe
Katherine Logan
Aaron Logsdon
Matthew Lynn
Ben Marshall
Madeline Mattingly
Jameson Mayfield
Hannah McKay
Anna Lee Meyer
Riley Miller
Lily Carol Moore
Kara Morris
Kaylee Morris
Will Murphy
Jude Neal
Spencer Osborne
Andrew Riney
Warren Goetz
Owensboro Catholic High School
Son of: Phil and Jennifer Riney
We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Sarah, Hayden, & Katie
Hagan Edge OCHS Son of: Michael and Tina Edge So proud of you! Gonna miss watching you play Football at OCHS. Love, MeMaw
Owensboro Catholic
Daughter of Tim & Melody Cecil
Will be attending University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Andrew!!!
Brooke Cecil
Owensboro Catholic Son of Jimmy & Cindy Goetz You are a strong, confident young man with a heart of gold. We are so proud of you!
Hannah McKay Catholic High School Daughter of: Tammy & Brad McKay
We Are All So Proud Of You & All That You Have Accomplished, While Being A Lady Ace. Good Luck As You Go On To Be A Murray Racer! From: Mom, Dad, Brothers & Grandparents.
Congratulations, Brooke! We are always so proud of you! From: Mom, Dad, Garrett, Gavin, Abby Son Of: Eddie & Kim Phillips We Are Very Proud Of You & The Great Young Man You Have Become. Congratulations!! We Love You!! From: All Your Family
Justin Phillips
Owensboro Catholic High School
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Owensboro Catholic High School Class of 2020
Emma Kate Payne
Justin Phillips
Caroline Reid
Andrew Riney
Maddi Roberts
Alex Scheithe
Carsyn Settles
Evan Shelton
Jackson Staples
Allison Story
Cassidy Towery
Jaden Wall
Addison Waller
Kennedy Warren
Kate Weafer
Jared Wink
Celia Wright
Isabelle Wright
Lydia Wright
Matthew Zambrano
To All High School Seniors, You are INCREDIBLE!
Sarah Kathryn “Katie” Hayden
519 Locust St. | Owensboro (270) 684-9891
Catholic High
Katie, we are so proud of your accomplishments and the person you have become. You have an exciting future. The University of Louisville is getting someone special. We love you! Dad, Mom, Owen, and Ashlie
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Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S21
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Madeline Abney
Kara Allgood
Julian Aragon
Isabelle Arnold
Michael Ashley
Dylan Atherton Nugent
Caitlyn Aull
Calup Austin
Kharris Barbour
John Barker
Emily Barrows
Ashton Baxter
Christian Beadnell
Cierra Beard
Nicholas Belcher
Morgan Bellar
Taylin Bellotti
Cassandra Bishop
Christopher Boling
Orianna Boone
Jenna Borrelli
Emily Boyd
Baxter Brown
Kymarria Brown
Caleb Bullington
Nicholas Bullis
Jaden Burks
Moriah Byrne
Jalen Calhoun
Angel Canady
Logan Carbon
London Carbon
Jakobe Carlisle
Karrice Carother Douglas
Chloe Carter
Paige Castlen
Tamia Chambers
Andrew Chancellor
Destiny Clark
Emilio Clark
Anna Clements
Madison Collins
Cole Conley
Kobe Coomes
Garrett Cooper
Kaitlyn Cooper
Josey Cornelius
Leighangel Cotton
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Montana Cox
Nicholas Cox
Scott Cox
Ryan Crabtree
Scotty Cravens
Alykah Cundiff
Treyvon Darden
Hollie Davis
Tristan Davis
Levi Deason
Brandon Decker
Tatiana Diaz
Reis Dickinson
Mercedes Dillman
Ciin Dim
Amanda Dodson
Kaleb Donnell
Harmony Doyle Frierson
Layne Draeger
Aaliyah Duncan
Hadley Duvall
Marcus Dykes
Mariano Eastwood
Brandon Ebelhar
Julius Eberhart
Arianna Faulkner
Siera Filback
Chloe Fortwendel
Acacia Fountain
Daniel Frantz
Aspen Fregoe
Braxton French
Savannah Fulkerson
Michael Ross Galloway
Morgan Garrity
Xena Goatee
Eveyanna Lashae Lindle Owensboro High School Daughter of Kelsey and Maurice Clay Andres Gomez Tapia
Melissa Gonzales
Cole Bullis Owensboro High School Son of Kathy Bullis
Congratulations & Best Of Luck At Berea College! From The Hemingway Family
She has been an active member of both Theatre and Brava. Evey has been accepted at WKU and intends to keep going until she is a Doctor. Congratulations Evey! the whirlwind you are can do anything! From Ms. Rip
Alexis LaFoy Owensboro High School
Daughter of Matthew & Beth LaFoy
Congratulations on this momentous achievement. We are so very proud of the strong, beautiful woman you have become. We know you will continue to blaze a path toward the future, but remember “The Force will be with you always!� Dad & Mom
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S23
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Nia Gonzo
Jaiden Greathouse
Amarius Green
Dillon Greene
Trace Grenier
Angel Griffith
Kobe Groves
Rozany Guzman Rivera
Keiara Hagan
Tucker Hagan
Dylan Haire
Mamie Hale
Derek Hall
KeAuna Hall
CJ Hansen
Tarica Harris
MacKenzie Hayden
Tyren Hayden
Weston Hayden
Michael Hayes
Katelynn Haynes
Kaylee Hearth
Mary Hemingway
Aja Herbert
Mariana Hernandez
Sarah Heuser
Michaela Hicks
Dessie Higdon
Lillian Houchin
Taysheona Howard
Ashton Baxter Owensboro High School Daughter of Kimberly Baxter and Morgan Baxter Molly Hudson
Steven Hudson
Jordan LaTrel Neal Owensboro High School Parents Jeannie Evans and Josh Neal Grandparents Darrell and Becky Evans and Ida Zore
She wrote and performed a History rap at a Hamilton performance. An active member of Chorus and JROTC. Ashton will begin Army Basic training at the end of May. Congratulations Ashton! You have everything it takes! From Ms. Rip
MOLLY HUDSON Owensboro High School Daughter of Brandy Hudson
So Proud Of You, As You Will Be Attending University Of Louisville! You Are A Precious Great-Granddaughter! From Mudder & (Pa)
Zane Michael Rose Owensboro High School Son of Mike and April Rose Zane we could not be more proud of you! You have such a big heart and bright future! We love you to infinity and beyond. Mom and Dad
Aryn Speaks
Owensboro High School Daughter of: Teri & Terrance Speaks Con-GRAD-ulations Aryn! You Did It! We Are So Proud Of You! We are sad that your high school chapter ended the way it did, but we are excited to see the big things that your future holds. We Love You! From Your Family
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Isaac Humphrey
Steven Hundley
Jazmyn Hutchinson
Andrew Iracane
Kennedy Jackson
Paxton Jenkins
Breanna Johnson
Daniel Jones Hearne
Nathan Jones
Samantha Jones
Courtney Keesler
Alexander Keller
Cameron Kessinger
Hunter King
Madison Kirkman
Kensley Kirtley
D.J. Kruta
Robin Kuznetzow
Sydney Ladd
Alexis LaFoy
Katherine LaMarr
John Lashbrooke
McKenzi Lesmeister
Nodin Lin
Eveyanna Lindle
Destiny Lindsey
Jordan Lindsey
Jessica Livers
Amethyst Long
Josue Luna
Connor Mann
Olivia Marcum
Tyler Marksberry
Blake Martin
Corrion Mason
Katherine Mattingly
Congratulations Cam! We are so proud of your hard work and dedication both academically and athletically. Your passion shines through in all that you do. You are a true leader with a great future ahead. The sky is the limit! We love you!
Tucker Hagan
Owensboro High School Son of : Kevin and Krista Thompson
Scott Carman Buddy Blair
Cameron Thompson
Congratulations! Best Wishes on the Road Ahead
Owensboro High School Son of: Sarah and Danny Hagan
So very proud of your accomplishments. Go continue to make the world a better place. From: Mamarsh
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S25
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Kira Maxwell
Neveah McCampbell
Natalie McCoy
Alyssa McDonald
Grayson McFarland
Hailey McGehee
Jeremy McMeans
Brianna McRath
Parker Medley
Pu Meh
Juan Andres Miguel
Tayshaun Millan
Austin Millay
Olivia Miller
Jessica Moore
Madison Moorman
Jonathan Morton
Alexis Moss
Hannah Mulligan
Bethany Myers
Jordan Neal
Halie Newton
Taylor Norton
Noah Ochoa Kennedy
Brody Ogle
William Ogle
Jaysen Oliver
Damon Osborne
Imonte Owsley
Armanda Pappas
Olivia Chri stine Miller Chase Patton
Ja Seng Pauhkum
OWENSBORO HIGH SCHOOL Daughter of: Stephanie and Fred Miller Granddaughter of: JoAnn Risner
You have always made me so happy and proud of you. I know you can do anything you set your mind to, and I know you will have a great college experience at Transylvania.
Love you so much, JoJo
Tucker Hagan Addison Kilgore Owensboro Innovation Academy Son of: Daniel and Mitzi Howe
Addison, We are so proud of you! Keep dreaming big and working hard to reach your goals! You will do great things! We love you! Mom & Daniel
Owensboro High School Son of Sarah and Danny Hagan Congratulations, Tucker! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Thank you for the years of entertainment and for always giving us so much to celebrate. Most importantly, thank you for being you and for setting a positive example for those around you. Keep swinging! We love you! Mom, Dad, and Josie
Ann Lawton Watson OHS
Daughter of: Ann Watson & Drew Watson
We are proud of you! We love you so much!! From: Mom & Dad
KALLIE VANOVER Owensboro High School
Daughter of: Valerie Vanover, Ricky Vanover We Are So Proud Of You! Good Luck At Midway University. Love You! From: Corky & Becky Teasley
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Mu Paw
Shee Paw
Coburn Payne
Jose Payne
Alexia Peay
Brandon Penrod
Adam Perez
Mason Perry
Tamia Petrie
Samantha Phillips
Alexis Poole
Madyson Poole
Taryn Powell
James Proctor
Megan Proctor
Layton Pulliam
Alejandra Ramirez
Aaliah Reed
Cory Reid
Nathan Reynolds
Clayton Rhoads
McKenzie Riley
Erica Rios Rios
Terry Roach
Gracie Roberts
Michael Roberts
Juana Roblero Adams
Erica Rojas
Zane Rose
Caleb Rush
Hunter Thomson
Owensboro High School Mason Russell Fish
Yovani Sales
Son Of: Nathan & Stacy Thomson Celebrating With You Today HUNTER & Wishing You A Wonderful Future. Best Wishes! Love You! From Grandma Thomson
Mary Grace Hemingway Owensboro High School Daughter of David & Sara Hemingway There is the Right Way, the Wrong Way, and the Hemingway Go Take On The World!
From Mom, Dad, Will and CeCe
Nia Gonza Owensboro High School
Parents: Alex Gonzo and Jeanine Burrus Nia you are a Blessing and we are so proud of you and your accomplishments. You have everything you need to reach your goals. Keep God first Always, Love you on Purpose Always. From, your family
Samantha Jones Owensboro High School Daughter of Melanie and Rocky Pinkston Congratulations to our beautiful, intelligent, hardworking daughter. We are overflowing with pride. We love you. Mom, Rocky, Austin, Xander and Lorelei
Olivia Christine Miller Owensboro High School Daughter of: Fred and Stephanie Miller
Congratulations on you graduation! We are so proud of all you have accomplished at OHS, and can’t wait to see what your future holds. Good luck at Transy in the fall. We will always be your biggest fans! Dream big sweet girl, we love you! Momma and Daddy
Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S27
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Angelica Santiago
Andrew Saltsman
Shelby Scalf
Alyssa Schartung
Emma Schertzinger
Maxwell Shoemaker
Angel Shouse
Jaxyn Sieh
Kobe Skortz
Cara Smith
Julia Smith
Latisha Smith
Randi Smith
Alexander Snyder
Brett Snyder
Haleigh Solinger
Jordon Sorrells
Noah Southwick
Jasmine Spangler
Aryn Speaks
Kayslee Stevens
Octavia Stevens
Jasmine Sturgeon
Crystal Swafford
Lucy Swenson
Olivia Swenson
Heaven Tague
Ashanti Talbott
Caleb Taylor
James Taylor
Jehvion Thames
Mason Thomas
Hunter Thomson
Cameron Thompson
Samuel Thomson
Brandon Trogden
Ktiara Hagan
Owensboro High School Daughter of: Robbin and Erica Hagan
Chloe June Fortwendel
Owensboro High School Daughter of Scotty and Carin Kelly and David Lindsey Chloe will attend Campbellsville University in the fall and major in Criminal Justice. Congratulations, Chloe! We are so proud of you!
Love, Mom and Dad
Emily E. Dant
Owensboro Catholic High School Granddaughter of Richard and Anita Dixon The future is yours- You can conquer it- Be honest and true- Climb until your dreams come true. Love Forever and a Day Nana and G-Paw
You Truly Are Living Proof, That Beauty & Brains Go Together So Very Well! CONGRATULATIONS!!! May You Continue To Follow Your Dreams! From Mom and Dad
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Owensboro High School Class of 2020
Makayla Troutman
Ah Tway
Audretta Tyler
Kallie Vanover
Alondra Villalpando Vivero
Niesha Walls
Diamond Warren
Paul Warren
Kamren Watkins
Ann Watson
Keshay Watson
Brysan Wilkerson
Alai Ja Williams
Emily Williams
Nolia Williams
Samuel Wilson
Anatastia Winstead
Demour Winstead
Mykael Winstead
Chloe Wood
Kegan Worth
Radley Worth
Savannah Yarber
Cody Young
Cleo Brown Jade Lee
Ta’ Rica HarrisWatkins
Ediberto Lopez Jeronimo Antonio Martin Alonzo Trevor Musick
We are so proud of you and all the hard work you have put into high school. It will be exciting to see where the path leads from here. God has a great plan for you! Go Demon Deacons, and .........#FILD!
Shyane Schindler Trey Shaffer Arron Washam
We love you, 5C’s
. D Tham n o i hv
Son of: Chris & Char Rhoads
Owensboro High School
e Castlen g i a P
Owensboro High School Granddaughter of Janice Watkins
Bree Johnson Owensboro High School & Owensboro Community College
Owensboro High School Daughter of: Chris and Stacy Castlen
Daughter of Josh & Kristi Johnson
Owensboro High School
Son of: Dondra Thames Jehvion plans to attend Murray State University for Business. CONGRATULATIONS! Love, Your Family
You have accomplished so much and we cannot wait to see what your future holds for you at WKU.
Aim for the stars.
Love, Pappaw and Granny
WE’RE SO PROUD OF YOU! Grams Danette, Grandma Nancy, & Great-Great “Granny” Lucille
on your graduation from OHS & OCTC with an associate degree & all A’s while working as an essential worker, 4 yrs. OHS cheers squad & member of the NSHSS (National Honor Society)
Sunday, May 24, 2020 TRaINING aNd TESTING
2020 Graduation S29
Owensboro Innovation Academy Class of 2020
Yasmin Bakhari
Hayden Billingsley
Leah Bowlds
Tristan Boyd
Makayla Bratcher
Adam Bray
John Brink
Jason Chappell
Clay Clark
Eestan Costello
Noah Cox
Dawson Ferguson
Wesley Goddard
Nahia Gonzalez
Andrew Harley
Hannah Harrington
Ellie Hayden
Jesse Hibbs
Olivia Hicks
Lydia Hobdy
Justin Holder
Cam Horsely
Harrison Howard
Zane Hudson
Avery Huff
Jaden Jefferies
Addison Kilgore
Bradley Lesmiester
Nicole Lin
Sam Ling
Kayla Logsdon
Lucas Lyons
Shane Marcum
Gage McClure
Amelia Miller
Aidan Mittelberg
Miguel Moreira
Cody Morrison
Avery Nalley
Krishna Patel
Ryan Powell
Emmy Schlachter
Samuel Ling Owensboro Innovation Academy Son of Stefan and Dia Booth Ling
Jason Chappell, Jr. 2020
Owensboro Innovation Academy/ Owensboro High School Son of Jason and Shannon Chappell
We are beyond proud of you for everything you have accomplished. Never stop reaching for the stars. From Mom and Dad
Zane Hudson
Owensboro Innovation Academy Son of John & Tricia Hudson
Congrats! We are so proud of you. Phil. 4:13
We are so incredibly proud of you and your accomplishments. And mostly we are proud of the young man you have matured into. Your talent, integrity, and solid principles humble us on a daily basis. We love you. Mom & Dad
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
Owensboro Innovation Academy Class of 2020
Madison Smith
Kayla Staples
Jalia Williams
Dutch Strobel
Brianna Winfield
Devin Walker
Marcus Wells
Premier Medical Group
Sarilyn Wright
Norrin Yates
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Sunday, May 24, 2020 Training and Testing
2020 Graduation S31
Trinity High School Class of 2020
Zachary Aull
Avery Barnett
Lexie Barnett
Amanda Bickett
Josie Booker
Madi Edge
Will Edge
Kevin Foster
Landon Hall
Olivia Hamilton
Meredith Harley
Bri Howard
Ethan Howard
Isaac Howard
Caleb Jones
Morgan Kinsey
Cade Mills
Colby Mills
Corbin Mills
Emma Mills
Hunter O’Bryan
Logan Rhodes
Brenden Wathen
Kevin Foster Whitesville Trinity High School Son of: John and Julie Foster President National Honor Society Optimist Noon Award DAR Award 6 year Varsity Baseball 2 year Varsity Basketball
Mom & Dad
ith Us!” W ll e W y ta S “
Owensboro Family Pharmacy & Wellness Congratulations Class of 2020
We Wish You a Happy Graduation & a Bright Future 720 W. Byers Ave. • Owensboro • 270-683-2400 Buy Online at OFPWellness.com
2020 Graduation
MESSENGER-INQUIRER, Sunday, May 24, 2020
We know how it feels to have a world of opportunities on the horizon. Congratulations 2020 graduates. Your future begins now.