Van Diest Medical Center has opened a new clinic conveniently located in the hospital.
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The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 3
Take A Look Inside 4 LYNX FOOTBALL Will it be a big year for the Lynx football team? Previews of the offense and defense, a breakdown of the schedule, team photo and more inside. (Also pages 5, 12, 13, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26)
6 LYNX VOLLEYBALL With a pair of senior leaders, the Lynx spikers think they’re primed for another run at a North Central Conference championship. (Also pages 7, 39, 40)
Welcome Again ...
8 LYNX CROSS COUNTRY The WCHS girls’ cross country team returns plenty of experience, while the boys must replace a slew of graduated runners. (Also pages 9, 10, 11, 34)
14 NEH TROJANS/TROJETS Northeast Hamilton football and volleyball, highlighted by a football preview, schedule page and profile on senior linebacker Gabe Rapp. (Also pages 15, 28, 29, 30, 31, 38)
16 SO. HAMILTON HAWKS Full coverage of the Hawk football, volleyball and cross country programs, including a dive into the football schedule. (Also pages 17, 18, 19, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38)
—Troy Banning, DFJ Sports Editor
THURSDAY SPECIAL $ Any Large Specialty Pizza
As tradition dictates, it’s once again time to begin a new athletic year in Hamilton County with the Daily FreemanJournal’s “The Fan,” a comprehensive look at the football, volleyball and cross country programs that many of you will follow with vigor over the upcoming months. Webster City senior Trey Tesdahl was chosen for the cover (above), where he demonstrates his duties as the spinback in head coach Bob Howard’s long-standing single wing offensive scheme. Thank you to all of the athletes and coaches that helped to once again complete this endeavor. It’s never easy, but it’s always worthwhile.
Page 4, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
T I F O D U O R P D N A . . . Y T S A N D AN AN
Lynx out to exploit their ornery side in 2013 DEFENSIVE OUTLOOK WCHS takes plenty of experience, talent into season By Troy BAnnIng
DFJ Sports Editor
his generation of Webster City football players doesn’t remember Bob Howard’s SigourneyKeota teams, but the past and present have a few things in common and that fact puts a smile on the face of the veteran coach. Howard’s Savage Cobra teams of the 1990s and early 2000s were great, there’s no doubt, and he’s got the three Class 2A state championship rings to prove it. But Sigourney-Keota had more than talent. Those teams were scary. Not scary quick or scary good, but just plain old scary. Just a look could send an opponent’s
“These are great kids and they’ve got a little bit of ornery in them. I would much rather take it out of them and try to control it than try to put it in them.” —Bob Howard, WCHS head coach
confidence into the dumpster. And when the nostrils flared, well, that was that; game over, oftentimes before the opening kickoff had even taken place. And that’s not hyperbole. “I got awfully spoiled (at SigourneyKeota),” Howard said. “There’s a mindset
in southeast Iowa, you kind of have to be mean and nasty to exist. And we had mean and nasty.” Fast forward to today as Webster City gets set to begin the 2013 season, the seventh under Howard, and the coach says he sees that ornery attitude in this crop of Lynx players. It’s something that can’t really be taught; you either have it or you don’t. “This group has that and that’s what you need to play football,” Howard said. “These are great kids and they’ve got a little bit of ornery in them. I would much rather take it out of them and try to control it than try to put it in them.” Even before full pads were handed out early in the preseason, Howard saw more than one kid put on his backside. Was that right? Probably not, but it gave him a quick glimpse at the feisty attitudes of his bunch. “I go back to the word ‘swagger,’” Howard said. “This group has some swag-
Lynx 2012 Leaders (Returning Players Only) TACKLES Name Yr. S-A-Tot Nelson Ball Sr. 83-17-911⁄2 Rylee Lawson Jr. 36-11-411⁄2 Gus Gasca Sr. 34-7-371⁄2 Tyler Lockwood Sr. 32-6-35 Dylan Fielder Sr. 17-9-211⁄2 Trey Tesdahl Sr. 18-8-22 Brandon Patten Sr. 20-4-22 Connor Larson Sr. 21-2-22 Alex Oswald Sr. 9-5-111⁄2
TFL 0 2 2 0 2 0 1 0 0
ger.” And that take-no-prisoners attitude begins with senior middle linebacker Nelson Ball, a three-year starter who has added 20 pounds to his frame from a
DEFENSE, See Page 5
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 5
“When there’s something this big that we want we do get a bit nasty.”
From Page 4 season ago when he amassed 87 solo tackles, 44 more than anyone else on the Lynx squad. He’s the quarterback of the defense and his no-nonsense attitude has rubbed off on plenty of his teammates. “I like hitting a lot. It’s just something I like to do,” Ball said. “If I do badly on a test, I can take it out on the football field. (To be a middle linebacker) you’ve just got to bull rush whoever has the ball and hit him as hard as you can.” Ball will again anchor a WCHS defense that returns a bevy of starters, including his partner in crime in the middle, junior Rylee Lawson — another weight room addict who bulked up by 20 pounds from a season ago. Lawson missed the last half of the 2012 campaign because of injury and the drop-off was apparent, but when healthy he gives the Lynx a formidable wall. “Those two guys work really well together,” Howard said. “Rylee is a really instinctive linebacker ... hopefully he’s going to be free like he was last year. And Nelson is just a football player. Nelson
—Alex Oswald, WCHS senior strong safety
r e t s b e W , n o s w a L No. 43 Rylee ker c a b e n i L e l d d i M r City Junio loves to play; he would have loved to play back in 1930, he would have loved to play without a facemask. He’s pretty tough mentally and he’s dang tough physically.” Lawson collected 36 solo tackles as a sophomore — tied for second on the team — despite missing half the fall. And that missed time doesn’t sit well with the
bulked-up junior. “It definitely hurt a lot missing those games and just watching the team ... it was kind of a downward spiral with all of the injuries and knowing I was a part of that put a damper on the season. Whatever I did in those first four games really didn’t mean anything,” Lawson said.
Throw in hard-hitting senior strong safety Alex Oswald — the team’s defensive star in last year’s playoff loss to Grinnell — and it’s easy to see why the Lynx are optimistic their defensive unit can be so stingy this fall. “I really can’t wait for it because defense is my favorite,” Oswald, who will double as a wingback on offense, said. “When there’s something this big that we want we do get a bit nasty. Being with these guys for four years it grows on you, but you also have to have that in you. To get it to come out you have to have that drive to be
DEFENSE, See Page 25
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Page 6, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 Webster City volleyball team include (front row, left to right) gianna gourley, Taylor Schnathorst, Chelsey Wagoner, Carly Jacobson, Kenzie garvey, Catie Boyd, (back) Mikaleh McCoy, Molly gilbert, Ashley Price, Kaylee Schnathorst, Morgan gourley, Hannah Myers and Alex Dinsdale.
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The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 7
WCHS returning senior starters Ashley Price (18), Kaylee Schnathorst (20) and Morgan Gourley
Webster City Lynx Volleyball
The Schedule Date Tuesday, Sept. 3 Saturday, Sept. 7 Thursday, Sept. 12 Saturday, Sept. 14 Tuesday, Sept. 17 Saturday, Sept. 21 Tuesday, Sept. 24 Thursday, Sept. 26 Tuesday, Oct. 1 Thursday, Oct. 3 Thursday, Oct. 10 Tuesday, Oct. 15 Saturday, Oct. 19 Tuesday, Oct. 22
opponent North Polk/Ballard Algona Invite Fort Dodge St. Edmond Webster City Lynx Invite Humboldt Forest City Invite Clarion-Goldfield Iowa Falls-Alden Eagle Grove Algona Hampton-Dumont Algona Bishop Garrigan Johnston Invite Clear Lake
H/A Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home
Time 5:30 9 a.m. 6:00 9 a.m. 6:00 9 a.m. 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 5:30 9 a.m. 6:00
Key Matches in 2013 TUESDAY, SEPT. 17 AGAINST HUMBOLDT: Barring an upset loss against Fort Dodge St. Edmond in its North Central Conference opener, this will be the first put up or shut up test for Webster City in its quest for a conference championship. The Wildcats bested the Lynx last year, 3-1, and although Humboldt lost many of its weapons from last season, this isn’t a match WCHS can take lightly. THURSDAY, SEPT. 26 AT IOWA FALLS-ALDEN: The Cadets steamrolled the NCC a season ago, going 9-0 to unseat WCHS at the top of the food chain. IF-A returns a pair of heavy hitters in Kylie Gerstein (234 kills in 2012) and Kelsey Redmond (161 kills), and the Cadets are always tough on their home floor. THURSDAY, OCT. 3 AT ALGONA: The Bulldogs haven’t won the league title since 2010 ... for them a lifetime. They’re the favorites this year with their top four hitters and starting setter all returning. WCHS won at Algona two years ago en route to the NCC championship, but can the Lynx do it again?
She Said It ... “We’ll be good ... everybody needs to watch out still.” —Kaylee Schnathorst, WCHS senior
Webster City • Main Office
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Page 8, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 Webster City boys’ cross country team include (front row, left to right) Zach Dodge, Jose Cruz, David McMurray, Trey nelson, Jacob Powers, Demar Lemus, (middle) volunteer coach Marvin Carr, volunteer coach Joel Abbott, volunteer coach Joe Lambert, manager Libby Hansen, manager Abbie Thomason, manager Kayla Miller, assistant coach Kristi Manson, head coach Tony Bussan, (back) John Brandt, Jake Hayes, Daniel Halko, Adam McMurray, Connor Foster, Brandon Jessen, Antrez Conley, Jason McVicker, Seth Crouthamel and ryan Heinrichs. not pictured are team members Brandon Arkland, Colin Heinrichs, Jacob Perin, Cole Zahn, Mejia Esler and Fernando Martinez.
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The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 9
The Cold, Hard Truth
ebster City head cross country coach Tony Bussan has been around an awfully long time and he’s had some great teams over the years. Can the 2013 version of the Lynx shape up into a North Central Conference contender? Can they make a push to get back to the state meet, something they were unable to accomplish a season ago? Bussan is never short on words, but even he couldn’t come up with the answers. Truthfully speaking, this will be one of the great unknowns for Bussan over the past decade or more. WCHS lost the majority of its varsity scorers from a season ago and only a select few on this year’s roster have sniffed the varsity before. Is that to say the Lynx couldn’t be a surprise? Hardly. No, WCHS won’t be the pick to hoist the conference hardware in October, but that has never stopped Bussan from getting his kids to believe. The Lynx weren’t supposed to threaten Algona a season ago and yet they fell just three points short. If ... and early in the season that may be a big IF ... WCHS can get off to a decent start — the Lynx don’t need to win meets, only compete hard — then maybe, just maybe, the group will gain confidence in time for the stretch run. There may not be many burners in the bunch, but Bussan always seems to find a way to get the best out of his runners. Something tells me this season won’t be any different.
KEY EARLY MEET: The Ballard Invite on Monday, Sept. 16. This is annually one of the biggest, if not the biggest, regular season cross country meet in the state. WCHS always competes with the big boys and the Lynx can’t afford to get swallowed up on the tricky course that features just enough hills to make runners uncomfortable. Perform well and it will give the Lynx a big boost. —Troy Banning, DFJ Sports Editor
Webster City Lynx Boys XC
The Schedule Date Tuesday, Sept. 3 Tuesday, Sept. 10 Monday, Sept. 16 Saturday, Sept. 21 Tuesday, Oct. 1 Saturday, Oct. 5 Thursday, Oct. 10 Tuesday, Oct. 15 Thursday, Oct. 24 Saturday, Nov. 2
Meet Lynx Invite Waverly-SR Invite Ballard Huxley Invite Carroll Kuemper Invite Algona Invite South Hardin Invite Fort Dodge Invite NCC (Eagle Grove) State Qual. Meet (TBA) State Meet (Ft. Dodge)
H/A Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away
Time 5:00 5:00 5:00 9 a.m. 5:00 9 a.m. 5:00 4:30 4:00 12:00
Returning varsity contributors are (front, left to right) Antrez Conley, Demar Lemus, (back) Seth Crouthamel and Ryan Heinrichs
He Said It ... “We have a number of kids coming back who really care about the program and who have worked hard. They just haven’t had to carry the weight of the program on their shoulders.” —Tony Bussan, WCHS head coach
Webster City • Main Office
(515) 832-6373
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Page 10, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 Webster City girls’ cross country team include (front row, left to right) Allie Flaws, Kenady Highland, Larae Ebrecht, Sarah Paukert, grace Bryan, Ashley Flaws, (middle) assistant coach Kristi Manson, manager Kayla Miller, manager Libby Hansen, manager Abbie Thomason, (back) volunteer coach Joel Abbott, volunteer coach Joe Lambert, Courtney Biere, Morgan Auderer, gina Moline, Cassidy Bultena, volunteer coach Marvin Carr and head coach Tony Bussan. Team members not pictured include Lynne Chalfant, Victoria Johnson, Taylor McIntire, Morgan Shannon and Carrie gerdes.
Communication at the speed of light! 1001 Tennyson, Stratford, IA 50249 800-469-2288 or 515-838-2390
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 11
Returning varsity contributors (left to right) Gina Moline, Kenady Highland, Allie Flaws, Sarah Paukert, Cassidy Bultena and Courtney Biere
Webster City Lynx Girls XC
The Cold, Hard Truth
The Schedule M Date Tuesday, Sept. 3 Tuesday, Sept. 10 Monday, Sept. 16 Saturday, Sept. 21 Tuesday, Oct. 1 Saturday, Oct. 5 Thursday, Oct. 10 Tuesday, Oct. 15 Thursday, Oct. 24 Saturday, Nov. 2
Meet Lynx Invite Waverly-SR Invite Ballard Huxley Invite Carroll Kuemper Invite Algona Invite South Hardin Invite Fort Dodge Invite NCC (Eagle Grove) State Qual. Meet (TBA) State Meet (Ft. Dodge)
H/A Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away
Time 5:00 5:00 5:00 9 a.m. 5:00 9 a.m. 5:00 4:30 4:00 12:00
organ Moline, a recent WCHS graduate and the No. 1 runner for the Lynx girls’ cross country team last fall, told me a season ago that it was only a matter of time before the then-freshmen caught and passed her. It didn’t happen. If the Lynx want to be a North Central Conference contender this season, it must happen. The sophomore-dominant group that should be a fixture in the lineup will have to turn in lower times to give league favorite Algona a run for its money. Finishing in the top 20 in meets was a successful first step in 2012, but it needs to be top 10 results this season. —Troy Banning, DFJ Sports Editor
He Said It ... “We’ve got good, consistent, hard-working kids and that’s a lot to be proud of.” —Tony Bussan, WCHS head coach
Webster City • Main Office
(515) 832-6373
Kamrar • Highview • Stonega • Stratford
Page 12, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
Is Trey Tesdahl a spinback or a quarterback? Well, he’s both
Small in stature, but big on heart and confidence, the senior says he’s ready to help revolutionize the Lynx offense
Story and photos by Troy Banning, DFJ Sports Editor
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 13
Weapons won’t be an issue for Lynx this fall OFFENSIVE OUTLOOK WCHS running backs (front, left to right) Alex Oswald, Trey WCHS returns bulk of yards Tesdahl, (back) Dylan Fielder, Gavin Dinsdale and Connor Larson rushing, passing and receiving By Troy BAnnIng
DFJ Sports Editor
he sports physical on file for Trey Tesdahl lists the Webster City senior at 5-foot-9, 165 pounds.
Yeah, right. And I’m the queen of England. “I’m guessing they gave me someone else’s physical. I’m serious, they had to,” Tesdahl said. “He’s says he’s 5-9, 165, and I told him we need everybody to go to that doctor,” WCHS head football coach Bob Howard joked. “If he’s 5-9, then (senior Ben) Mossman is 6-8.” Tesdahl is more like 5-6, 159, not exactly a walking Adonis in cleats and shoulder pads. And yet the diminutive spinback holds most of the cards when it comes to the success of the Lynx offense in 2013. He knows it, too. “I love having that control and I love winning,” Tesdahl, who spent his sophomore and most of his junior seasons at wingback before moving behind center late in the 2012 season when starter Alex Oswald went down with an injury, said. “I feel like I can help the team win being in this spot.”
OFFENSE, See Page 24
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Page 14, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 northeast Hamilton football team include (front row, left to right) managers nate rapp and Harli Schutt, (second row) gunther range, Logan Seiser, Tyler Smith, gabe rapp, Tristin Knudsen, (third row) Hunter Dilley, Kyle Pruismann, Kyler rapp, nick Whalen, Zach Hassebrock, Bryce Van Langen, assistant coach Shannon Muhlenbruch, (back row) assistant coach Josh Vanderloop, head coach John Seiser, Andy Pate, Austin Smith, Kory Massman, nick Jeffers and assistant coach Brian Van Langen.
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The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 15
By Troy Banning
gabe rapp is a 5-foot-11, 185-pound senior linebacker at northeast Hamilton
All he wants to do is tackle Why 198 tackles? The single-season school record is 197, held by his older brother, Caleb rapp.
For gabe rapp, the game of football is simple: It’s hit or be hit. And more times than not, he’s the one doing the hitting. The nEH senior linebacker has one goal in mind entering the 2013 season and that’s to reach a combined 198 gabe solo and assisted rapp will tackles. need to average 22 solo and assisted tackles over the course of the 9game regular season to reach 198.
rapp made 29 solo tackles and finished with 83 total stops a season ago. His tackle total last year ranked 2nd on the team.
In 2011, as a sophomore, rapp registered 124 total tackles for the Trojans, 45 of them solo.
“You’ve got to have the mindset to go in there to hit somebody. You’ve got to be tough.” —Gabe Rapp
Page 16, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 South Hamilton football team include (front row, left to right) Ben Hahsner, Josh Lutter, Logan Koopman, Matt Hislop, Devin Howard, Trevor Ullestad, ross Enderson, Zach Zoske, (second row) Andy Cook, Carter young, garret Evans, Cody Arneson, Luke Larson, Devin Kooker, Max reiter, nate McSparin, Ben greenfield, (third row) Trevor Swenson, Hunter griffin, Landon Quam, Marley Hernandez, Brady Clabaugh, Sam Waid, Austin Wisdom, Colton Schwerin, (fourth row) Collin Hill, Charlie reiter, Jake Hand, Brian Carroll, Brian greenfield, David McMenamin, Colten griffin, Luke Peters, noah Lutter, (fifth row) Titan Johnson, Dugan Swenson, Chase Jewell, Blake Barquist, Colton Coy, Treyton Twedt, gabe Story, Clay Weiland, (sixth row) rylan Harris, nate Spicer, nathan Sogard, Dakota McMenamin and Zach Lutter.
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The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 17
Class 1A District 3: A Recap of 2012 WINS
Brady Frey (A-P) 2,224 yds
Carson Parker (D-NH) 1,402 yds
Spencer Halloran (WF) 2,725 yds
Spencer Halloran (WF) 1,476 yds
Spencer Halloran (WF) 1,249 yds
Brady Frey (A-P) 2,224 yds
Devin Howard (SH) 612 yds
Matt Hislop (SH) 1,077 yds
Carson Parker (D-NH) 1,556 yds
Cameron Wright (HUD) 552 yds
Cameron Wright (HUD) 623 yds
Matt Hislop (SH) 1,337 yds
Lane Hovenga (A-P) 529 yds
Bryon Fritch (D-NH) 154 yds
Cameron Wright (HUD) 1,175 yds
Miguel Pacheco (EG) 469 yds
Jake Wilde (EG) 118 yds
Devin Howard (SH) 612 yds
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Page 18, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 South Hamilton volleyball team include (front row, left to right) Avery Klemp, Savana Stangeland, Molly Minich, Hannah Pulis, Tiffany Jacobson, Kenzie Busch, rachael Drake, (back) Kayla Carlson, Carly Swenson, Josie Hyland, Ady Wintermote, Alyssa Hegland, Abby Elsner, Alissa Moss and Diana garcia.
Complete Insurance Service
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CHAMPION SEED Brett Hodnefield Regional Manager Ellsworth, IA Office 888-417-2004 Cell 515-708-3011
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 19
Returning letter winners include (sitting, left to right) Molly Minich, Hannah Pulis, (kneeling) Carly Swenson, Kenzie Busch, (standing) Savana Stangeland, Tiffany Jacobson, Rachael Drake and Alyssa Hegland
So. Hamilton Hawks Volleyball
The Schedule Familiar Name In Front
licen Wintermote was a stud for the South Hamilton volleyball program during her years, which ended in 2011 with a second straight all-Heart of Iowa Conference first-team honor. And now it’s little sister Ady’s turn. Just a freshman, it would be easy to put lofty expectations on the lanky outside hitter. Hawks’ head coach Cindy Holmes admits she’s good, but comparing her to her older sister, at this stage, just isn’t fair. “She’s swinging nice, but I think the key is her team and I don’t have (those expectations),” Holmes said. “I think she looks at it as a positive from the conversations I’ve had with her, so I’m encouraged by that.”
Date Tuesday, Aug. 27 Saturday, Aug. 31 Tuesday, Sept. 3 Thursday, Sept. 5 Saturday, Sept. 7 Tuesday, Sept. 10 Thursday, Sept. 12 Tuesday, Sept. 17 Tuesday, Sept. 24 Tuesday, Oct. 1 Tuesday, Oct. 8 Saturday, Oct. 12 Tuesday, Oct. 15 Thursday, Oct. 17
opponent EGrove/PValley Ames Invite Ogden Nevada SC Calhoun Invite Gilbert Saydel PCM Roland-Story Colfax-Mingo North Polk Hampton-Dumont Inv. Greene County CMB
H/A Away Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home
Time 6:00 9 a.m. 6:30 6:30 8 a.m. 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 7:30 6:30 9 a.m. 7:00 6:30
note: Class 2A regional volleyball will begin on Tuesday, oct. 22. Pairings will be released during the season.
Page 20, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
What individuals are critical keys to a successful 2013 season? We picked 7.
to up ’s in SB it ly l, nd lar ah ll a ticu sd fa ar Te this s, p ey is ad Tr is h e re . e th n ns e tio fe ak op of e o m ad Th m t pre hi e s th
Th las e n C fo t ye o. 2 on ra a r no r is ush nor th er big er in Lar 1,0 ge C so 00 r an las n, -y ar d fa s 3A TB d se ster Dis as . H tr on e’ ict sr 3 . ea dy
By Troy Banning
Touchdown! Webster City Lynx Football
Bob Howard, HC
He’s one of the state’s best coaches. Period.
To yla u Fie gh, n Fie p l d the er. hys lder , ba on ical ll. bo ... FB t th sid hat’s es of
B , L oul l l Ba d s e on an e. H
rt ls ns ne e hea defe r. x th
yn sta ’s He the L e a b of to s ha
Ben Mossman, Wr
offensive Line
He gives WCHS that home run threat downfield.
If the line doesn’t do its job, WCHS goes nowhere.
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 21
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““Good G o o d LLuck u c k to to All A l l Area A r e a Teams Te a m s tthis h i s Season!” Season!”
Page 24, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
OFFENSE From Page 13 What Tesdahl lacks in size, he more than makes up for in craftiness. He won’t lead the team in the 40-yard dash, but in the open field, with defenders zeroing in, there isn’t anybody better. “Trey isn’t the fastest kid on the team, but any change of direction thing he wins because of his quickness,” Howard said. “The term ‘gamer’ is Trey Tesdahl. The bigger the game, the more he’s going to like it and the more he’s going to relish it. I don’t worry about him shrinking from the spotlights.” Tesdahl’s background with the spread option — he ran it in Pop Warner — will add a new dimension to the Lynx offense, something they tinkered with briefly at the end of last season. Wait, what? Does that mean WCHS is going to deviate from Howard’s longstanding tradition of pounding opponents off tackle with the single wing? “I don’t think anybody will believe Howard will run anything but single wing, so it will be a surprise to just about every-
WR Ben r o i n e s WCHS right) ( n a m s s Mo
body,” Tesdahl said. “And with the team we have now we think this gives us the best chance.” “I love single wing, but I like winning more,” Howard said. Fear not, traditionalists. WCHS isn’t about to leave the single wing on the side of the road for good, but with the stable of thoroughbreds at Howard’s disposal, he says now is the time to expand the arsenal and give the opposition more to prepare for. “Overall it’s going to work out where we’re still about 50 percent single wing,” Howard, the holder of three state championship rings, said. “But we’re going to do the other stuff because we have the kid (Tesdahl) to do it. With running some of the option stuff, we don’t have to block everybody and we’ve got an all new line. Now, I think (the line) is going to be very good, and the better the line gets then we may go back more towards single wing.” The Lynx return 2,111 of the 2,427 yards rushing and all 848 yards passing they accumulated during last year’s 4-6 campaign. In other words, the skill-position players have plenty of experience. Tesdahl gained 517 yards and scored two touchdowns on the ground, and passed for 313 yards and three more scores in 3½ games directing the unit. He may be a read option guy at heart, and he’ll have plenty of opportunities to showcase that, but he also enjoys the moniker of spinback. “Trey enjoys being called a spinback,” Howard said. “The kids are excited to do something different, but they also want to run single wing because no one else does. It’s an identity.” The workhorse will continue to be bruising senior all-district tailback Connor Larson, who has added roughly 20 pounds of chiseled muscle to his frame since last year’s run that netted him 1,093 yards and 14 touchdowns on the ground. He finished second in Class 3A District 3 in rushing in 2012, trailing only Humboldt junior Brady Ross (1,381 yards). “I think there will be more balance, but Connor Larson is a bear,” Howard said. “He’ll get the most carries.” Oswald — the owner of 1,006 rushing and passing yards last fall — will move over to wingback, and senior Dylan Fielder and sophomore Gavin Dinsdale will share the fullback duties. “Ozzie (Oswald) is a good running back too. He runs hard, he’s got good balance and he’s got some wheels,” Howard said.
Lynx 2012 Leaders (Returning Players Only) RUSHING Name Yr. Att-Yds YPC TD Connor Larson Sr. 168-1,093 6.5 14 Trey Tesdahl Sr. 114-517 4.5 2 Alex Oswald Sr. 84-471 5.6 5 Nelson Ball Sr. 4-15 3.8 0 Name Alex Oswald Trey Tesdahl Name Ben Mossman Trey Tesdahl Tyler Lockwood
PASSING Yr. Comp-Att Yds TD Sr. 32-77 535 6 Sr. 22-46 313 3 RECEIVING Yr. Rec-Yds Sr. 25-421 Sr. 6-128 Sr. 3-41
YPC TD 16.8 3 21.3 1 13.7 0
“And we’ve got the two fullbacks ... if you’ve got them and you aren’t going to use them, then you’re stupid.” Mossman, who led the district in receiving a season ago (25 catches, 421 yards and three touchdowns) will be Tesdahl’s primary option in the passing game. It’s like a broken record, but Mossman is also quite a bit bigger as he gets set for his senior season. “We’ve got a 6-3, 200-pound receiver in Ben and he’s a freak,” Tesdahl said. “He catches anything that’s thrown to him.” The Lynx offense has always been predicated around the running game and that isn’t going to change. But Howard says Tesdahl’s ability to get the ball downfield is improving every day. “Trey’s got swagger and that’s what we need,” Howard said. “It’s confidence and wanting the responsibility to make the plays, and the thing that Trey will do is pull the ball down and run, and he’s hard to corral in the open field. That’s where he’s at his best.” Tesdahl agreed. “If the first option isn’t there, I’m definitely confident I can get outside the pocket and find the second guy or put it down and run. If that first read isn’t there and you get outside the pocket, you turn into a running back pretty much.” Taking over for 2012 all-state tight end Boone Myers will be senior Cooper Jaycox. The projected starters on the line include Lance Pagel at center, Tanner Tempel and Victor Jergens at the guard spots, and Clay Fortune and Cameron Gordon at the tackles.
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 25
Webster City Linebackers (front, left to right) Nelson Ball, Rylee Lawson, (back) Brandon Patten and Doug Stoakes
DEFENSE From Page 5 successful and hopefully it will come out on the field.” Ben Mossman, Joey Root and Tyler Lockwood will join Oswald in the secondary. Up front, WCHS must replace the departed Boone Myers, who now spends his days taking instructions from Kirk Ferentz at the University of Iowa. But Howard is confident he has the personnel to mitigate the loss. Dylan Fielder and Marshall Weber rotated at nose guard a year ago and they’ll be back for their senior seasons. Senior Gus Gasca returns at defensive tackle, classmate Brandon Patten will be a two-year starter at outside linebacker, and on the edges will be the quick and powerful defensive end bookends in sophomore Gavin Dinsdale and senior Cooper
Jaycox. “I think Dinsdale and Jaycox are going to be the best pair of defensive ends we’ve had since I’ve been here,” Howard, who is 287-82 in his Hall of Fame career, said. “Hopefully they’re going to be impact-type players ... we’re trying to just cut them loose and let them go.” Howard — who is tied for 13th on the state’s all-time wins list — needs just five victories to pull even with the late Ed Thomas of Aplington-Parkersburg, who was a longtime friend. WCHS was well on its way to five victories a season ago — the Lynx began the year 4-1 — but then the bottom fell out with five consecutive losses to end the campaign. “It bothers me a lot because I’ve never had five losses in a row ever,” Howard said. “It certainly wasn’t a great way to end, but we haven’t talked about that because I think the seniors have flushed that season pretty well. Our senior class is a really strong class and they’re a strong group of leaders.
Their enthusiasm and their fire ... they’re fun. It’s fun being with them and there’s some spit and vinegar there.” That fire only intensifies when Howard reminds his players that very few Class 3A District 3 watchers outside of the Webster City town limits expect the Lynx to push favorites Clear Lake, Waverly-Shell Rock and Humboldt for bragging rights. But fly-
ing under the radar is just fine with the coach. “We definitely are (flying under the radar) and that’s awesome,” Howard said. “This group will do very well with a chip on their shoulder and I function much better with a chip on my shoulder. That part we do talk about ... anytime any prediction comes out that has us third or fourth (in the district), that goes right on the weight room wall.” It’s probably no coincidence last year’s backpedal began with a 24-7 loss to Clear Lake — the program that Howard is yet to defeat since he made the move to WCHS. He admits that he’s probably put too big of an emphasis on that game in past years — it was hard not to in 2011 when the two programs stepped onto the field ranked Nos. 1 and 2 in the state — and that will change this year. “You can’t say it’s just a game because it isn’t just a game to me,” Howard said. “But I just don’t want the whole season to be around that Clear Lake game. If we beat them and then go flat ... I’m not willing to trade the season just to beat them. “I want the district championship because we haven’t had one of those since I’ve been here. We sure want to beat Clear Lake, but it can’t be the be all, end all for the season.” Instead it’s back to the old cliché — one game at a time. WCHS will worry about Week 1 opponent Ballard first and then go from there. And when that Week 6 trip to Clear Lake comes into focus, followed by home games against Waverly-Shell Rock and Humboldt, you better believe the Lynx will be ready. “Clear Lake, Waverly and Humboldt are all going to be good,” Howard said. “We can have a very good football team, too. Are we going to win them all? I don’t know, but if everyone is healthy and on the field, they’re going to have to play well to beat us as long as we don’t beat ourselves.”
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Page 26, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
Webster City Lynx Football
The Schedule
A week-by-week outlook at what the Lynx will face in 2013, including comments from head coach Bob Howard and DFJ sports editor Troy Banning
Week 1 (Aug. 30) Ballard Bombers (Home)
Week 2 (Sept. 6) Gilbert Tigers (Away)
Week 3 (Sept. 13) Ch. City Comets (Home)
Week 4 (Sept. 20) IF-Alden Cadets (Home)
Week 5 (Sept. 27) Algona Bulldogs (Away)
2012 Record: 2-7 2012 Meeting: Ballard won 27-0 Bob Howard Says: They’re always a good football program. They graduated a lot, but we certainly think that’s going to be a good football game. Troy Banning Says: Webster City lost this game last year because it had inexperienced players at a majority of the positions. The shoe will be on the other foot this year and something tells me the Lynx will be ready to start the season on a high note.
2012 Record: 4-5 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: WCHS won 55-13 Bob Howard Says: There’s quite a bit of hype about them ... they’re supposed to be pretty good. (Jared) Gescheidler is a good athlete, but I don’t know much about their other kids. Troy Banning Says: The Tigers return Gescheidler and Christopher Culek; they combined to rush for more than 1,000 yards a season ago. Still, WCHS has drilled Gilbert in each of the last two seasons.
2012 Record: 0-9 2012 Meeting: WCHS won 28-21 Bob Howard Says: They were 0-9 (last year), but they had us beat until the last two minutes. They play a tough non-district schedule, so who knows. Troy Banning: Whew! That was the reaction from every Lynx fan after last year’s close call against the Comets. There’s no way they want it to be that close this year ... and it shouldn’t be. WCHS should start Class 3A District 3 with a convincing victory.
2012 Record: 4-5 2012 Meeting: WCHS won 27-7 Bob Howard Says: Iowa Falls is Iowa Falls. They’re a big rival and it’s going to be homecoming, so that will be a big deal. Troy Banning Says: WCHS played its best game of the season against the Cadets a year ago. IF-A has some definite holes it must fill, most notably at quarterback with the graduation of speedster Brandon Norman, so give the edge on paper to the Lynx.
2012 Record: 3-6 2012 Meeting: WCHS won 28-14 Bob Howard Says: Algona will be better. They’ve struggled the last two or three years, but they’ve got some good athletes. They play hard and we’ve got to go up there. Troy Banning Says: Algona always has a physical team regardless of its record. This is a game WCHS should win and the Lynx need to come off the field healthy because from here the schedule gets dicey.
Week 6 (Oct. 4) Clear Lake Lions (Away)
Week 7 (Oct. 11) W-SR Go-Hawks (Home)
Week 8 (Oct. 18) Humboldt ’Cats (Home)
Week 9 (Oct. 25) S.L. Tornadoes (Away)
2012 Record: 8-3 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: Clear Lake won 24-7 Bob Howard Says: You can’t get around Clear Lake and there’s no use not talking about them. That’s a big game and they’re going to be good. We’ll be excited when we go up there, but that one game isn’t the whole season. Troy Banning Says: Is there a darker football field in the state than Lions Field? I digress ... Clear Lake will be good, but what else is new? The Lions can be beat though.
2012 Record: 5-5 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: Waverly-Shell Rock won 24-8 Bob Howard Says: We know they’re going to be good when they come over here. Troy Banning Says: Junior quarterback Jake Velkey makes the Go-Hawks’ offense chug along. If WCHS can put the clamps on him it will go a long way towards pulling out a victory in this battle of teams that will most likely be vying for playoff positions.
2012 Record: 7-4 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: Humboldt won 28-24 Bob Howard Says: They’re the defending (district) champions. They’re a lot like us ... it’s going to be how well their new linemen play. Troy Banning Says: Wildcats’ junior running back Brady Ross is an absolute beast once he gets a head of steam. Hit him behind the line enough times and the Lynx will be fine. But if he gets past the line of scrimmage ... look out.
2012 Record: 4-5 2012 Meeting: Storm Lake won 44-29 Bob Howard Says: We really don’t know what they’ve got coming back and we’ve got to go over there. Troy Banning Says: If there was rock bottom, this game was it for WCHS a season ago. The Lynx couldn’t do anything right, and although it meant nothing as a non-district game, it was their fourth straight loss. Don’t expect WCHS to be so lethargic this time around.
Notes •Weeks 1, 2 and 9 are non-district games.
•The top four finishers in Class 3A District 3 will qualify for the state playoffs, which will begin on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
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Fuller Hall Recreation
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 27
Center 625 Bank Street (515)832-9193
2013 through Sept. 29, 2013 FALL Aug. 20,Mon - Fri: 6am - 9pm HOURS: Sat: 7am - 9pm, Sun: 1pm - 9pm
Indoor Swimming Pool Hours Fall Hours: (August 20, 2013 through September 29, 2013) Monday – Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Adult Lap Swim 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Adult Lap Swim 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Adult Lap Swim Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Open Swim/Family Night Open Swim Open Swim Adult Lap Swim Open Swim Open Swim
Fuller Hall Recreation Center Pricing Information* Fuller Hall is a public building which is open to all who wish to use the facility. Patrons may wis h to pay a daily usage fee, punch pass, or annual membership.
Page 28, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
Trojans want to learn from, not forget, last season NEH again faces daunting district with state powers Newell-Fonda, West Bend-Mallard By Troy BAnnIng
DFJ Sports Editor
orgetting is not an option. Nobody associated with the Northeast Hamilton football program is over the moon with what happened a season ago when the Trojans dropped out of the playoff picture by the midpoint of the season. One of the state’s most storied 8-man programs was suddenly just an afterthought. Was it just a one season blip on the radar, or is it a sign of things to come? That’s a question that not even longtime head coach John Seiser can answer as he gears up for the 2013 season. “I think there is no doubt we should be a better team than we were last year if we can stay away from injuries,” he said. “But the problem is our schedule is pretty darned tough. I think we can pick up a few more wins than last year, but I don’t think there’s any guarantee to that.” NEH bookended the 2012 campaign with lopsided victories over Ankeny Christian and CAL. The problems were clumped in the middle when the Trojans dropped seven straight games and gave up an average of 51.3 points per game. They started the district at 0-6 — a stretch in which they allowed 41 points or more in every contest. The District 2 landscape — a treacherous division that includes state heavyweights Newell-Fonda and West Bend-Mallard — had as much to do with the struggles as
Returning starters for NEH include (front, left to right) Nick Jeffers, Tyler Smith, Gabe Rapp, (back) Austin Smith, Logan Seiser, Bryce Van Langen and Andy Pate anything. “Five years ago, even three years ago, we could have played in any district,” Seiser said. “But top to bottom, this is a very good district. The top four or five teams are tough.” The Trojans enter this season knowing there is the potential for growth. They return the statistical leaders in nearly every
category on both sides of the ball, and an offseason getting stronger and faster will only help them navigate around the landmines. But — and this is a big but — the shift upwards will only happen if NEH can stay healthy. With only 18 players on the roster, any loss of personnel would be crucial. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out
that if we lose a guy or two we’re going to be in trouble,” Seiser said. “We can’t lose any guys because it will drastically change what we can do.” Seiser projects many of his starters will play on both sides of the ball. Quarterback Logan Seiser returns for his
TROJANS, See Page 38
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The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 29
Northeast Hamilton Trojans Football
The Schedule Week 1 (Aug. 30) Ank. Chr. Eagles (Home)
Week 2 (Sept. 6) C-N Royals (Home)
2012 Record: 1-9 2012 Meeting: Northeast Hamilton won 44-8 John Seiser Says: They’ve struggled in football the last couple of years, that’s all I really know about them. I really don’t know who they have returning either. Troy Banning Says: A season of redemption must start convincingly in Week 1. The Trojans could, and probably should, put the hammer down on the Eagles. A struggle would be worrisome. A loss would be catastrophic.
Week 3 (Sept. 13)
A week-by-week outlook at what the Trojans will face in 2013, including comments from head coach John Seiser and DFJ sports editor Troy Banning
WB-M Wolverines (Away)
Week 4 (Sept. 20) N-F Mustangs (Home)
Week 5 (Sept. 27) CWL Panthers (Away)
2012 Record: 7-4 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: Colo-NESCO won 46-22 John Seiser Says: Colo lost a lot of their better players from last year, but they had some success and I’m sure they’re building off that. It should be a good game if we play well. Troy Banning Says: This was a litmus test game for the Trojans a year ago and it very well could be again. Play well, keep it close, and maybe even win and it sets them up heading into District 2.
2012 Record: 6-5 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: West Bend-Mallard won 52-12 John Seiser Says: This is going to be a tough game because I really think they’re going to make a run at the district championship. They return just about everybody, so that will be a tough one on the road. Troy Banning Says: Yeah, WB-M is going to be good. Signal caller Jesse Zinnel passed for 1,318 yards and rushed for 546 in 2012. Tough doesn’t even begin to describe this game.
2012 Record: 111 (Playoff Qtrs.) 2012 Meeting: Newell-Fonda won 56-0 John Seiser Says: Some people are picking them to win it all this year and my guess is they’ll be a preseason top five team for sure. They’re a very loaded and talented team. Troy Banning Says: N-F had eventual 2012 state champion MMC beat in the quarterfinals before a late rally and don’t think the Mustangs have forgotten. They lost more than 3,000 yards of offense to graduation.
2012 Record: 3-7 2012 Meeting: CWL won 46-32 John Seiser Says: This is another game where if we play well it should be a real good game. This is their last year of football, too. Troy Banning Says: Seiser won’t publicly admit it, but losing last year to CWL — an old North Star Conference rival — probably felt like a knife to the gut. A healthy Trojan team should win this one this year though.
Week 6 (Oct. 4) N. Iowa Bison (Home)
Week 7 (Oct. 11) L-M Chargers (Away)
Week 8 (Oct. 18) G-T/R-A Knights (Away)
Week 9 (Oct. 25) CAL Cadets (Home)
2012 Record: 7-3 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: North Iowa won 41-12 John Seiser Says: They’re kind of a big question mark. They had a very good senior class that graduated, but they usually have more numbers to choose from, so we’ll see. Troy Banning Says: Will the Trojans be favored in this game? My gut says no. But if Seiser can bring his team into this game healthy and at 3-2, a win here could mean big, big things come the end of the month.
2012 Record: 8-3 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: Laurens-Marathon won 54-16 John Seiser Says: This is a team where I’m not real sure. They lost most of their backfield, but it will still be a tough road game. I think it’s a team we can play with if we’re still healthy. Troy Banning Says: The Chargers were the surprise of the district last year and if they make a run in 2013 they will again be a surprise. L-M lost its entire starting backfield.
2012 Record: 3-6 2012 Meeting: GT/R-A won 64-14 John Seiser Says: I think they’re going to be pretty darned good. I definitely think that’s going to be a playoff-caliber team. Troy Banning Says: G-T/RA ended last season with backto-back lopsided wins, including the one over NEH. The Knights will have plenty of bodies as well, so this one could be tough, particularly near the end of the regular season.
2012 Record: 0-9 2012 Meeting: Northeast Hamilton won 70-6 John Seiser Says: They’ve got some numbers ... I hear they have as many as 20 kids out, and they also have a new coach. Troy Banning Says: Um ... well ... how do I say this nicely? Northeast Hamilton should win by a minimum of five touchdowns. But will it be the Trojans last game of the season? Time will tell.
Notes •Week 1 was originally scheduled to be an away game, but was moved.
•Weeks 1 and 2 are nondistrict games for Northeast Hamilton.
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Page 30, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 northeast Hamilton volleyball team include (front row, left to right) Lillian Chamness, Kaylee Massman, Jaidyn Timm, Taylor olson, Brooke Evans, (middle) Ashley Dilley, Tiffany Moore, Taylor olson, Maegan nicholson, Makayla Tapper, (back) manager Torri Werner, Andi Anderson, Devyn Vankooten, Leah Meyer, Kylee olson and head coach Kacey Pruismann.
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 31
Returning Northeast Hamilton volleyball starters Andi Anderson and Kaylee Massman
NE Hamilton Trojets Volleyball The ISC North ... Yowza!
The Schedule A
ll’s fair in love and sports ... except maybe if you’re housed in the Iowa Star Conference North Division and you don’t play volleyball for Tripoli or Janesville.
Date Saturday, Aug. 31 Tuesday, Sept. 3 Tuesday, Sept. 10 Thursday, Sept. 12 Saturday, Sept. 14 Tuesday, Sept. 17 Thursday, Sept. 19 Tuesday, Sept. 24 Thursday, Sept. 26 Saturday, Sept. 28 Tuesday, Oct. 1 Thursday, Oct. 3 Tuesday, Oct. 8 Thursday, Oct. 17
opponent Clarion-Goldfield Invite Madrid SE Webster-Grand North Tama WC Lynx Invite Meskwaki Settlement Wat. Christian/CWL Clarksville CAL Dunkerton Invite Dunkerton Tripoli Janesville CWL
H/A Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Away Away
Time 9 a.m. 6:00 5:30 6:00 9 a.m. 6:00 5:30 6:00 6:00 9 a.m. 6:00 6:00 6:00 5:30
Northeast Hamilton falls into that category. All Tripoli has accomplished is winning five consecutive Class 1A state championships and seven of the past nine. Janesville hasn’t been a slouch either, reaching the 1A state semifinals in 2011 and 2012. In 2010, the Wildcats finished second to — yep, you guessed it — Tripoli. “It’s not fair, that’s how I feel about it,” NEH head coach Kacey Pruismann said only half-jokingly. “It wouldn’t be so bad if they were split up (in the league divisions), but we get both of them and that’s not exactly a cup of tea. But it’s also a little bit exciting because we know our record doesn’t always reflect who we’re playing and that’s OK, and we learn a lot from them. If we keep challenging ourselves to get closer and closer to their level then we’re going to become one of those good teams eventually.”
She Said It ... “It’s going to be a lot of learning with six freshmen, but this is the most numbers I’ve had coaching here, so I’ll take that.” —Kacey Pruismann, NEH head coach
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Page 32, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the 2013 South Hamilton cross country team include (front row, left to right) rachel Stevens, Amelia Seuferer, Kayla Lucas, Sidney Alsager, Allyson Ervin, Kali Lucas, Sarah rueger, (middle) MaKayla Monthei, rachael Huegerich, raquel Holt, Meghan Fisher, Jenny Christensen, Katie Austin, Annie Johnson, (back) Thomas Coster, Hunter Johnson, Jacob ratzke, Drake Thompson, Jacob Heeren, Jordan Toillion, Luke Jacoby, gabe rueger and Dustin nicholson. Team member Kassy Hegland is not pictured.
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The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 33
Girls: Goals On The Rise
wins Kayla and Kali Lucas, Meghan Fisher and Allyson Ervin have all been there, done that. All four have run in two state cross country meets, and teammates Rachael Huegerich, Sidney Alsager and Sarah Rueger have run in one. So to say the Hawks hope to qualify for the big stage in Fort Dodge once again wouldn’t be accurate. They expect to qualify. Only this time, they want to walk away smiling. South Hamilton finished 10th in Class 1A in 2011 and followed it up with a 14thplace result in 2A a season ago. Last season’s effort was particularly disappointing, so says second-year head coach Darrell Paulsen. “We didn’t perform well at state last year,” Paulsen said. “We had a decent season up until we ran at state last year, so I’ve got big expectations this year and I’m hoping the kids do, too.” South Hamilton, which will be back down in 1A this year, has talent and depth as it gets set to embark on the new season. The familiar faces in the varsity lineup are expected to be pushed by talented runners looking to break into the rotation. “I think it’s going to be a dog fight,” Paulsen said. “We’ve got eight to 10 girls that are competing for those (seven) spots and they’re all looking good.” Kayla Lucas has been the stalwart at the top of the Hawks’ lineup. The bulldog junior placed a team-best 36th at state a season ago after capping her freshman campaign with a 58th-place result in 2011. But senior Meghan Fisher is hungry to challenge for that top spot, the same thing her older sister, Alyson, did during her final prep season two years ago. Meghan Fisher placed 79th at state a year ago. “Meghan Fisher has been right up there (with Kayla Lucas in practice),” Paulsen said. “She’s looking strong.” —Troy Banning, DFJ Sports Editor
South Hamilton Hawks XC
The Schedule Date Thursday, Aug. 29 Tuesday, Sept. 10 Thursday, Sept. 12 Monday, Sept. 16 Monday, Sept. 23 Thursday, Sept. 26 Tuesday, Oct. 8 Thursday, Oct. 10 Monday, Oct. 14 Thursday, Oct. 24 Saturday, Nov. 2
opponent Gilbert Invite (Ames) Belmond-Klemme Inv. Greene County Inv. Ballard Huxley Invite Humboldt Invite Roland-Story Invite Eagle Grove Invite Hawk Invite HOIC Meet (Ames) State Qual. Meet (TBA) State Meet (Ft. Dodge)
H/A Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Away
Time 5:00 5:00 5:00 4:30 5:00 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:00 12:00
Returning runners off the Hawks’ 2012 state qualifying girls’ team include (sitting, left to right) Kali Lucas, Kayla Lucas, (kneeling) Rachael Huegerich, (standing) Sidney Alsager, Meghan Fisher and Allyson Ervin
Boys: Heeren’s Team
acob Heeren is all in when it comes to cross country. All you need to do is ask about his summer training regimen for proof that he wants — no, expects — this fall season to be even better than his breakout campaign from a year ago. “He looks really strong and he ran a lot of miles this summer,” South Hamilton head coach Darrell Paulsen said of Heeren. “I think he’s really focused and he’s got a lot of goals set.” Heeren moved up 20 spots — from 30th to 10th — at last fall’s Heart of Iowa Conference meet to earn all-conference honors. He missed a berth in the state meet by nine spots when he placed 19th at the state qualifier. State is just one of his lofty goals. “He’s going for the school record this year and he knows he’ll be running against good competition all season,” Paulsen said. Jordan Toillion also returns to the fold for the Hawks, and Jacob Ratzke will be a varsity regular after spending all of last season running junior varsity due to transfer rules. He would’ve competed as the Hawks’ No. 2 all season had he been eligible to run varsity. —Troy Banning, DFJ Sports Editor
Page 34, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
Lynx runners enter fall as chasers in NCC Talented sophomore class expected to jump to front for girls, but will it be enough? By Troy BAnnIng
DFJ Sports Editor
t’s no secret that the sophomore girls on the Webster City cross country team are a motivated bunch. Cross country, basketball, track, softball — the sport doesn’t matter. They simply want to win. That group — mainly Allie Flaws, Courtney Biere and Cassidy Bultena — was able to follow the lead of Morgan Moline a season ago as the Lynx posted a runner-up showing at the North Central Conference meet. But with Moline now doing her running at Simpson College, it’s up to the second-year competitors to clear the path this fall. “We do have scoring varsity experience back and a core group, and they’ve put in a pretty good summer,” WCHS head coach Tony Bussan said. “I’m proud of them for the work they’ve put in; they’ve done what I asked.” But will that work translate into improvement? Flaws, Biere, Bultena and Gina Moline all ran in a pack at last fall’s NCC meet, placing between 18th and 22nd. The same four and Morgan Shannon — another returner — were all within 13 slots of one another at the Class 3A State Qualifying Meet in Spencer, and yet they weren’t near the front. Pushing forward is what must be done this fall. “We’ve got good, consistent, hard-working kids and that’s a lot to be proud of,” Bussan said. “They have to perform at a higher level if they want to reach the goals they’ve set.” Shannon, last season’s NCC junior varsity champion, is providing the leadership. Kenady Highland, Ashley Flaws and Sarah Paukert — who placed second, third and fourth, respectively, in the 2012 NCC JV race — are also expected to push for spots on the varsity. Highland and Paukert have both been varsity members at some point in their prep
ABoVE: gina Moline starts up a small incline for the Webster City girls’ cross country team at last season’s Ballard Invite in Huxley. rIgHT: ryan Heinrichs chugs along at the 2012 Ballard Invite in Huxley. DFJ photos by Troy Banning
careers. WCHS finished 26 points behind team champion Algona at last season’s league meet and that was with Morgan Moline finishing fifth. With defending runner-up Tangy Wiseman back for her senior season, the Bulldogs appear to be the odds on favorite again. “Algona has established itself as year in and year out a program that’s going to be at the top,” Bussan said. “Clear Lake (third in 2012) has over the last two or three years done a nice job of rebuilding a program and they are on the move. The girls’ race is always hugely impacted by freshman runners, too, and at this point I don’t know who those impact girls are.” Eagle Grove senior Tiffany Christensen will be back to defend her conference crown. She went on to place third in the state 1A field. Expect Humboldt senior Sam Larson — fifth in 3A at state — to
push Christensen and Wiseman. BOYS OUTLOOK
yan Heinrichs was able to blend into the background a season ago without much pressure hoisted upon his shoulders. If he put together a sound race and broke into the Lynx boys’ team’s top five, great, but if he didn’t they had enough depth to over-
come it. But a lot can change in a year. Heinrichs steps into the leadership role for WCHS this fall as the lone varsity runner off last season’s conference and State Qualifying Meet squad. He placed 30th at the NCC meet, but left disappointed when the Lynx two-year run atop the standings ended at the hands of Algona by three points. Later in the fall he crossed in 46th at the state qualifier. “I’m really pleased with the leadership of some of our upperclassmen like Ryan Heinrichs and Brandon Arkland,” Bussan said. “We have a number of kids coming back who really care about the program and who have worked hard. They just haven’t had to carry the weight of the program on their shoulders. “We’re extremely unproven at the varsity level and at this point, both in practice this fall and from what experience they have, they’re very similar in ability.” There is talent to choose from. Cole Zahn topped the league JV field last season, while Seth Crouthamel (fourth), Adam McMurray (fifth), Demar Lemus (sixth), Antrez Conley (seventh) and Jacob Perin (10th) all placed in the top 10. Zahn will miss a portion of the season however because of a leg injury sustained a week before the start of preseason practice. “Cole put in a huge summer and he looked really good, so we’re hoping to get him back healthy,” Bussan said. “We have a whole bunch of boys that have run in the high 17s (minutes) to high 18s and that’s not bad, but the question is: how much better can we get? How much more can we squeeze out of them? “If we’re better at the end of the season — individually and collectively — than we were at the beginning, then we’ll be pretty happy.” Algona will again be expected to hoist the league championship trophy, but several teams — Clear Lake, Fort Dodge St. Edmond and Humboldt — could make a push. And if WCHS finds the right formula by early October, it could be a contender for a top-tier finish as well. “I give the nod to Algona because of their depth, numbers and the tradition they’ve built,” Bussan said.
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 35
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Page 36, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
This is their year (finally), Hawks say By Troy BAnnIng
DFJ Sports Editor
here’s no more room for déjà vu inside the South Hamilton huddle.
“It’s nice to get in pads and get to hit each other. We’ve been doing the boring stuff all summer, so now we get to do the fun stuff.” —Matt Hislop, South Hamilton QB
Like a recurring nightmare, each of the past three seasons have come down to a Week 9 all-in gamble for the playoffs, and each time the Hawks have had to shake hands and leave the table. Week 9 in 2010: A 20-0 loss to Eagle Grove. Week 9 in 2011: A 27-20 loss to Eagle Grove. Week 9 in 2012: A 20-12 loss to Nashua-Plainfield. Is this the year South Hamilton shakes free of the “almost in the playoffs” label? “This is definitely the year, there’s no doubt in my mind,” Devin Howard, the Hawks’ veteran tailback said. “I have all the confidence in every one of the guys ... I know we’re giving it 100 percent and doing everything we can.” Head coach T.J. Schaefer brings back a veteran core — he has nine returning starters on offense and six on defense — that went 5-4 in his first year at the helm a season ago. A 7-6 loss to Hudson and that seasonending setback against NashuaPlainfield denied the Hawks of a 10th game. Those disappointments only fuel the Hawks as they get set to embark on the new campaign. “I hope that we can beat all the teams that we beat last year and the teams that we were close to,” Schaefer said. “It’s all about our work ethic. If we can try to out-work (teams) then we’ll have a good shot at it.” But just finding a way into the top four in Class 1A District 3 and advancing to the playoffs isn’t the only goal. “Not just the playoffs, but deep into the playoffs is the goal,” Matt Hislop, the Hawks’ senior quarterback, said. “But our motivation right
South Hamilton football captains (front, left to right) Devin Howard, Matt Hislop, (back) Josh Lutter and Sam Waid
now is to get better every day. We can’t worry about what’s going to happen in Week 9, we can only worry about getting better today.” After having to fight for the right to work under center in each of the past two seasons, Hislop will drive the car this fall as he looks to produce out of Schaefer’s combination offense that features the I-formation and pistol.
When the offense was good a year ago it produced points in bunches. But there were also times — particularly against district juggernauts Dike-New Hartford and AplingtonParkersburg — when sniffing the end zone proved difficult. With a complete year in the system under their belts, Hislop thinks the
HAWKS, See Page 38
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 37
South Hamilton Hawks Football
The Schedule Week 1 (Aug. 30) R-S Norseman (Home)
A week-by-week outlook at what the Hawks will face in 2013, including comments from head coach T.J. Schaefer and DFJ sports editor Troy Banning
Week 2 (Sept. 6) W.A. Knights (Away)
Week 3 (Sept. 13) D-NH Wolverines (Home)
Week 4 (Sept. 20) Hudson Pirates (Away)
Week 5 (Sept. 27) W. Fork ’Hawks (Home)
2012 Record: 4-6 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: South Hamilton won 52-12 T.J. Schaefer Says: We’ve got to prepare and adjust to their athleticism ... they’ve got very good athletes. We have to stay responsible. Troy Banning Says: South Hamilton has owned Woodward Academy ever since the Knights’ program was established. That shouldn’t change this fall.
2012 Record: 12-1 (Playoff Semis) 2012 Meeting: Dike-New Hartford won 34-0 T.J. Schaefer Says: We’ve got to win it on the line. They’ve got four returning offensive starters on the line, so we’ve got to win the battle up front there. That’s going to be the key to that game. Troy Banning Says: Can South Hamilton be a heavyweight in Class 1A District 3? We’ll find out in this game because the Wolverines return key players from last year.
2012 Record: 5-5 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: Hudson won 7-6 T.J. Schaefer Says: They’ve got a new coach, so we don’t know what they’ll be running. Troy Banning Says: This is one of those pick ’em games that went against South Hamilton a season ago. It could very well be a toss-up again, one the Hawks need to end their playoffs drought. Hudson seems to always be in the hunt for an upper-tier finish in the district.
2012 Record: 2-7 2012 Meeting: South Hamilton won 48-23 T.J. Schaefer Says: We’ve got to be able to run the ball in that game and we’ve got to contain their quarterback Spencer Halloran. Troy Banning Says: The best way to contain Halloran is to keep him off the field. South Hamilton did that a year ago with 294 yards rushing. Expect the Hawks to go the ground-andpound route again; if they’re successful, expect a similar outcome.
Week 6 (Oct. 4) A-P Falcons (Home)
Week 7 (Oct. 11) Ogden Bulldogs (Away)
Week 8 (Oct. 18) E.G. Eagles (Home)
Week 9 (Oct. 25) N-P Huskies (Away)
2012 Record: 9-3 (Playoff Qtrs.) 2012 Meeting: A-P won 41-0 T.J. Schaefer Says: Stopping Brady Frey is the key. He has their school record for rushing yards in a season and we’ve got to be able to stop him. Troy Banning Says: Frey rushed for 2,224 yards and 36 touchdowns a season ago, so stopping him may be darned near impossible. But South Hamilton has this one at home and a successful season up to this point could give the Hawks the momentum they need.
2012 Record: 6-5 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: South Hamilton won 34-20 T.J. Schaefer Says: That’s a game where we’ve still got to keep our focus. We need to get that so we’ve got a head of steam going into the last two district games. Troy Banning Says: A nondistrict game at this point in the season could be a cause for a letdown, right? The Hawks didn’t buy into that theory last season when they handled the Bulldogs. They’ll be ready again.
2012 Record: 0-9 2012 Meeting: South Hamilton won 42-20 T.J. Schaefer Says: We can’t look past them. These guys know in the past that Eagle Grove has twice cost us the playoffs and we can’t let those old demons resurrect. Troy Banning Says: Eagle Grove gave up points in droves last season and the Eagles won’t be expected to make a huge leap in 2013. South Hamilton cannot lose this game ... and it won’t.
2012 Record: 5-6 (Playoff Qualifier) 2012 Meeting: Nashua-Plainfield won 20-12 T.J. Schaefer Says: We want revenge that game. That (loss) cost us the playoffs last year. We’ve got to be able to get after their team speed. We’ve got to be faster than them. Troy Banning Says: South Hamilton has entered Week 9 needing a win to reach the playoffs in each of the past three seasons. Three times the Hawks came up empty. It can’t happen again, can it?
2012 Record: 1-8 2012 Meeting: South Hamilton won 6-3 T.J. Schaefer Says: That’s our rivalry game. We let them hang in the game too long (last year). We need to get after them right away. Troy Banning Says: These two schools, separated by less than 15 miles, will always be rivals. And rivalry games are usually close right down to the wire, as witnessed during last year’s nail-biter. Would be a stunner if this one wasn’t close again.
Notes •Weeks 1, 2 and 7 are non-district games for South Hamilton.
•The top four finishers in Class 1A District 3 will qualify for the state playoffs, which will begin on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
Page 38, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
NE Hamilton Trojans TROJANS From Page 28 senior season after completing 17 of 45 passes for 237 yards and five touchdowns last fall. He’ll also be back at defensive end where he piled up 66 tackles, including five for a loss, last season. Running backs Tyler Smith and Gabe Rapp will take up spots at linebacker. Smith surpassed 1,000 yards on the ground — 1,031 to be exact — and reached the end zone 13 times in 2012, and Rapp chugged his way to 426 yards and made 83 stops. “Logan might be the best passing quarterback I’ve had in a while,” John Seiser said. “Tyler and Gabe, I think they give us a real solid backfield. They’re always a threat running the ball and they’re both faster and stronger than they were last year.” Rapp has been a force in the middle of the Trojans’ defense for several years, and he has his sights set on the school’s singleseason tackles record as he gets set for his final season on the prep gridiron. “No one is going to outwork Gabe. He’s lived in our weight room this last year and he’s ready to go,” John Seiser said. “He’s had a lot of tackles the last couple of years and he’s got goals set for himself this year.” Austin Smith, a junior, actually led the team in tackles (95), and he was also the top pass catcher (10 receptions, 212 yards) a year ago. He’ll be at a tight end spot alongside Nick Jeffers and at the other defensive end position. The projected starters on the offensive front include Tristin Knudsen, Bryce Van Langen and Andy Pate. And their health may be just as key as any of the skill position players. “We’re very limited in our depth on the line and that almost scares me more than our backfield situation,” John Seiser said. “We need those guys to stay healthy.” With so much experience returning, the Trojans should be a better version than a season ago. But it’s not like the district is going to come back to the pack; NewellFonda will be one of the frontrunners for the state championship, West Bend-Mallard will be a buzz-saw and Graettinger-
Trojans 2012 Leaders (Returning Players Only) RUSHING Name Yr. Att-Yds YPC TD Tyler Smith Sr. 199-1,031 5.2 13 Gabe Rapp Sr. 96-426 4.4 2 Andy Pate Jr. 35-188 5.4 4 Logan Seiser Sr. 9-74 8.2 1 Kyler Rapp Jr. 18-44 2.4 0 Name Logan Seiser Tyler Smith Name Austin Smith Logan Seiser Tyler Smith Gabe Rapp Name Austin Smith Gabe Rapp Logan Seiser Tyler Smith Andy Pate Tristin Knudsen
Tristin Knudsen
PASSING Yr. Comp-Att Yds TD Sr. 17-45 237 4 Sr. 8-28 190 3 RECEIVING Yr. Rec-Yds Jr. 10-212 Sr. 5-133 Sr. 5-39 Sr. 2-25 TACKLES Yr. S-A-Tot Jr. 29-66-62 Sr. 29-54-56 Sr. 29-37-471⁄2 Sr. 21-30-36 Jr. 10-9-141⁄2 Sr. 3-9-71⁄2
Bryce Van Langen
YPC TD 21.2 2 26.6 2 7.8 0 12.5 0 TFL 1 1 5 0 2 0
Andy Pate
Terril/Ruthven-Ayrshire won’t be a pushover either. “A great season for us will be winning the games we’re supposed to win and being competitive in every game because we didn’t do that last year,” John Seiser said. “There are probably three or four games on (the schedule) that we probably should win, and then there are a couple that are toss-up games and a couple where we’re going to have to pull an upset.”
So. Hamilton Hawks HAWKS From Page 36 Hawks can ramp it up this season. “It’s night and day (from last year) especially because we’re running a lot more advanced stuff now,” Hislop, who threw for 1,077 yards and 11 touchdowns as a junior, said. “We had to spend a lot of time last year running the basic stuff, but now we can get into the more fun stuff and spread it out. “It’s a lot more fun. It’s nice to be able to air it out.” Hislop will have plenty of support from his backfield — Howard and junior fullback Sam Waid. Howard led the team in yards rushing with 612 despite missing time because of a concussion last year, and Waid picked up 253 yards — just six fewer than Hislop. Howard — a multiple-time state track medal winner in the sprints — provides the speed, while Waid handles the power. “I just want to do what my team asks of me and whatever I need to do to benefit my teammates,” Howard said. “If it comes down to passing the ball, I’ll just carry out my fakes and help to protect Matt. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to help my team win.” Senior Josh Lutter will anchor the offensive line. He along with Hislop, Howard and Waid will serve as the team’s captains. Waid is the cornerstone of the Hawks’ defense. The linebacker was in on a whopping 114 tackles — 69 of them were solo stops — last season. “We want to try to free (Waid) up so he can flow to the football,” Schaefer said. Navigating a clear path through the district won’t be an easy trip, however. Defending district champion Dike-New Hartford was a state semifinalist in 2012 and returns all-district quarterback Carson Parker, who piled up 1,402 yards and 15 touchdowns through the air. AplingtonParkersburg had probably what it considered a down year with three losses a season ago; the Falcons possess one of the state’s premier running backs in Brady Frey, who chewed up 2,224 yards of real estate and found the end zone 36 times last fall. “We understand that we have one of the
Hawks 2012 Leaders (Returning Players Only) RUSHING Name Yr. Att-Yds YPC TD Devin Howard Sr. 99-612 6.2 9 Matt Hislop Sr. 115-260 2.3 1 Sam Waid Jr. 56-253 4.5 2 Andy Cook Jr. 20-96 4.8 1 Garret Evans sr. 15-54 3.6 0 Name Matt Hislop Name Trevor Ullestad Devin Howard Sam Waid Zach Zoske Name Sam Waid Hunter Griffin Trevor Ullestad Andy Cook Trevor Swenson Devin Howard Josh Lutter
Trevor Ullestad
PASSING Yr. Comp-Att Yds TD Sr. 69-136 1,077 11 RECEIVING Yr. Rec-Yds Sr. 10-130 Sr. 7-97 Jr. 5-86 Sr. 2-39 TACKLES Yr. S-A-Tot Jr. 45-69-791⁄2 Jr. 17-45-391⁄2 Sr. 13-12-19 Jr. 11-15-181⁄2 Jr. 8-13-141⁄2 Sr. 10-7-131⁄2 Sr. 7-7-101⁄2
Hunter griffin
YPC TD 13.0 1 13.9 0 17.2 1 19.5 0 TFL 2 1 0 2 1 0 0
Andy Cook
best districts in the state in our class and we use that as motivation,” Howard said. “There are no easy opponents ... those close games that we had last year are going to change this year.” Dike-New Hartford and AplingtonParkersburg handled the Hawks by a combined margin of 75-0 last season. South Hamilton will host both, starting with the Wolverines in Week 3. “Dike, that’s the team we really want to get after,” Schaefer said.
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 39
R E D N E T N O C ? R E D N E T E R P R O R E D N E CONT Senior spikers take one final crack at NCC glory Schnathorst and Gourley haven’t really worn Lynx uniforms for 20 years ... it just seems that way By Troy BAnnIng
DFJ Sports Editor
he’s a fresh-man! Clap, clap, clapclap-clap! She’s a fresh-man! Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap! She’s a freshman! Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap! That chant rained down inside a packed Jefferson Gymnasium on an October night in 2010 as the Webster City volleyball team went to war with North Central Conference heavyweight Algona. The cause for the chant was the youthful Kaylee Schnathorst — a steely-eyed, nononsense hitter — who made a name for herself that night. The Lynx lost, but the legend was born. And here we are, now three years later, and Schnathorst can still bring the crowd to
“We’ve got a good nucleus of girls coming back and anytime you can bring back a big group you have high expectations for the season.” —Jess Howard, WCHS head coach
its feet at a moment’s notice. She’s still not considered big in volleyball circles — she stands just 5-foot-7 — but the senior’s right arm is a rocket. Can it carry WCHS to a second conference volleyball championship in the past three seasons?
“We’ll be good,” Schnathorst said with conviction. “Everybody needs to watch out still.” Schnathorst and fellow senior Morgan Gourley — she also helped push Algona to the brink in 2010 as a rookie — will be the cornerstones for a Lynx team attempting to improve upon last season’s 21-13 record, which included a 6-3 mark in the NCC — good enough for a tie for third. Ten years ago — heck, even five years ago — a third-place finish in the always rugged NCC would have been cause for celebration around these parts. But that was then, and now, well, the expectations are much greater. “It’s a good thing, but at the same time it’s nerve wracking,” WCHS head coach Jess Howard said of the expectations. “This is what I’ve been trying to build ... you expect to do well every year and it’s a
SPIKERS, See Page 40
• • • • • • • • • • •
DID YOU KNOW? —Webster City shouldn’t feel too bad about its 2012 postseason exit. The Lynx were swept by Charles City ... the Comets went on to win the Class 4A state title. —The Lynx began the 2012 season 1-3 in the North Central Conference before winning their final five matches, including a five-set thriller over Algona. —WCHS senior Kaylee Schnathorst ranked eighth in Class 4A in kills last season with 359. She was seventh in kills per set at 3.78.
Page 40, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
SPIKERS From Page 39
h Mye a n n a H r unio
disappointment when you don’t come out on top. “We’ve got a good nucleus of girls coming back and anytime you can bring back a big group of girls you have high expectations for the season.” Schnathorst and Gourley won’t be the only weapons at the Lynx disposal. Juniors Molly Gilbert, Hannah Myers and Mikaleh McCoy all made big impacts in the front row a season ago, and senior Ashley Price returns to direct the offense from the setter position. Freshmen Gianna Gourley (setter) and Taylor Schnathorst (defensive specialist/hitter) are also expected to
season as the team’s libero before shifting back to a hitter role. She finished with 113 kills. “We need (the two seniors) to do exactly what they’ve done in the past,” Howard said. “We rely on them to use their leadership to guide the younger girls, and then we rely on them both offensively and defensively. Kaylee can’t play offensively without Morgan’s defense and Morgan can’t play offensively without Kaylee’s defense. So they rely on each other.” Gilbert and Myers will both play on the inside, while McCoy will work on the outside. Gilbert plastered 128 kills, Myers put down 99 and McCoy had 21 a year ago. They’re also big keys defensively with their blocking abilities. “You can tell that those three have
“I’m going to try to mix it up because I think I have a target on my back. But we have other hitters too; it’s not like I’m the only one.” —Kaylee Schnathorst, WCHS senior outside hitter
make impacts. Do the names sound familiar? They’re the younger sisters of the two senior leaders. Yes, Gourley and Schnathorst freshmen will take the court. “Right now they’re a little more tentative than Kaylee and Morgan were as freshmen, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by them. I’m hoping anyway,” Howard said. Kaylee Schnathorst — a multipletime first-team all-conference outside hitter — bashed 359 kills a season ago, 66 more than any other player in the conference. But she also saw plenty of double- and sometimes triple-teams, which is why she spent the offseason working more on placement. “I’ve worked a lot on hitting where I want instead of hitting hard and through everybody,” she said. “I’m going to try to mix it up because I think I have a target on my back. But we have other hitters too; it’s not like I’m the only one.” Morgan Gourley spent part of last
matured as the year has gone by, both strength and conditioning wise,” Howard said. “Last year if they made a mistake they got down on themselves, but they don’t seem to have that this year. They’re handing situations a lot better.” Price ranked fifth in the NCC in assists with 417 a season ago, and she did it while splitting time as the offensive architect. Howard will still use two setters, but she says Price has shown the growth necessary to elevate the Lynx. “Ashley has put in a lot of time to volleyball and it’s paying off for her,” Howard said. “She’s doing a great job of distributing the ball and she looks like a veteran setter.” The Lynx hopeful ascension in the NCC standings won’t come easy though. Algona hasn’t won the league championship since 2010 after owning the trophy for a number of years, and the Bulldogs return a high-caliber roster. Iowa Falls-Alden ran through the conference unbeaten
Lynx 2012 Leaders (Returning Players Only) ATTACKS Player Att-Kills K. Schnathorst 891-359 Molly Gilbert 372-128 Morgan Gourley 391-113 Hannah Myers 288-99 Mikaleh McCoy 92-21
KPS 3.78 1.35 1.19 1.04 0.22
Kill Eff .178 .126 .074 .059 .054
SERVES Player Att-GoodSe Eff. Ashley Price 399-383 .960 K. Schnathorst 317-294 .927 Morgan Gourley 292-278 .952 Molly Gilbert 155-147 .948
Ace 45 35 21 10
BLOCKS Player So-Ast Total BPS Mikaleh McCoy 28-19 371⁄2 .50 Molly Gilbert 29-14 36 .45 Hannah Myers 27-8 31 .37 K. Schnathorst 26-6 29 .34 Morgan Gourley 5-2 6 .07 DIGS Player Morgan Gourley K. Schnathorst Molly Gilbert Ashley Price Hannah Myers Mikaleh McCoy
Digs 353 348 120 101 35 26
DPS 3.72 3.66 1.26 1.06 0.37 0.28
ASSISTS Player Ashley Price Morgan Gourley Molly Gilbert
Ast 417 24 12
APS 4.39 0.25 0.13
last season and Humboldt was second. “Some teams lost a lot of girls, but if you have a strong program you just rebuild,” Howard said. “Algona is going to be tough, Humboldt is always going to be tough and Iowa Falls is always going to be tough. But our goal is to make a push for that conference championship again.” NOTE: WCHS volleyball players are asking all spectators to wear lime green or camouflage clothing to the first home match on Tuesday, Sept. 3 in honor of Brice Bergquist, a 2011 WCHS graduate who recently passed away.
The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013, Page 41
For In-Game Scores, Stats, & Commentary Follow DFJ Sports Editor @TroyBanning On Twitter
Troy Banning DFJ Sports Editor
Scan to follow Troy on Twitter @TroyBanning
Page 42, The Daily Freeman-Journal, Webster City, IA, August 30, 2013
-Daily Freeman-Journal photo by Troy Banning
Members of the Webster City varsity football cheerleading squad include (front row, left to right) Madeline ogg, Hannah Harfst, (back) Maia Jaycox, Josie Asklund, Lucy Buie, Harleigh McKee and olivia Tasler. Squad member Caylyn McCormick is not pictured.
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L to R: Chad Swanson, Josh Geerdes, Dave Clark, Jerry Hubbard, Randy Denning, George Bartlett, Jerry Pedersen, Frank Hubbard, Sarah Clausen
515-832-6638 Hamilton County’s Only Full Service GM Dealer!
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FREE Local Pickup & Delivery with any Service Join the Motor Inn Oil Change Club and your 6th Oil Change is FREE with your Club Card
Sales Hours: Mon & Fri 8am-6pm Sat 8am-3pm
Service Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 8am-Noon