2013 Webster County Visitors Guide

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Welcome to Fort Dodge and Webster County Who’s here? • Population Fort Dodge — 25,136 Webster County — 40,235 Iowa — 2,926,324

What’s it like? • Climate Average winter temperature — 19.6 degrees Average summer temperature — 71.5 degrees Average annual rainfall — 33.9 inches Average annual snowfall — 39.5 inches

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


3 A bit about Webster County 4 A bit about Fort Dodge 5 Area celebrations 6 Dayton 7 Gowrie 8 Lehigh 9 Genealogy and history abound 10 Sculpture on ‘Parade’ 11 A jewel restored 12 Karl King/Oleson Park Bandshell 14 Places your may need to know 15 Aquatic park 16 The Crossroads Mall 17 Blanden Memorial Art Museum 18 Oak Hill Historic District 19 Area Historical Museums 20 Fort Museum 21 Oleson Park Zoo 22 Mineral City Speedway 23 OHV Park 24 Rogers Sports Complex 26 Where to stay 27 Houses of worship 2

32 Where to eat 34 Market on Central 35 Couch Freak Boogie 36 Dragon Boat Races 37 Frontier Days 38 Cruise to the Woods 39 Webster County Fair 40 Parks 49 Water recreation/golf 50 Webster County natural areas 51 Camping and cabins 52 Trails, recreation and leisure 53 Calendar

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

A bit about Webster County t’s impossible to appreciate the present in rural Webster County without taking a few glances at the past. More than 100 years ago, as a group of soldiers crossed a creek, they came upon a badger — an animal they had never seen before. The feisty badger scared the soldiers’ dogs, but didn’t deter families from settling in the area in the mid-1800s. And badgers couldn’t keep families from living in the town, which was later named after the determined animal, as was the creek, a township and a lake. Badger has three city parks, which include a baseball diamond, tennis court and basketball. There is a multiple-use county park, John F. Kennedy Memorial Park, four miles southwest of Badger, offering fishing, boating, camping, picnic and playground areas. The Lakeside Municipal Golf Course is adjacent to the park. The Des Moines River is four miles west of Badger and eight miles north of Badger is the Three Rivers Bike-Snowmobile Trail. One of Barnum’s claims to fame also involves an animal, but a much different creature indeed. The entire population of the community was once given tickets to the Barnum and Bailey Circus. In 1993, to celebrate the issuance of commemorative circus postage stamps, everyone in town was given a chance to attend the circus in Des Moines. Accompanying the tickets, much to the townspeople’s delight and surprise, was the largest visitor ever to set foot in Barnum — an elephant named King Tusk. Of course, King Tusk isn’t necessarily the most famous visitor in Barnum. After knocking over the nearby Knierim bank in Calhoun County in 1934, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow camped across the railroad tracks. A railroad town in the truest sense of the word, Barnum was laid out by the Iowa Falls and Sioux City Railroad in 1875. It was named after a U.S. senator from Connecticut who, at that time, owned vast tracts of land in the area. Callender, another railroad town, can also claim a famous large animal in its midst. One of the town’s most famous residents was Brooklyn Supreme, the “largest horse in the world.” Ralph Fogelman, who lived near Callender, housed the horse and was his handler. The horse weighed 3,200 pounds, wore a 40-inch collar and stood 19 1/2 hands


high. “Brookie,” as he was known, was exhibited all over the country from 1935 to 1948. When he died, he was buried in his stall on the Fogelman farm. Yet another railroad town, Clare, packs a whole lot of heritage into a small package. Most of the early residents, being from County Clare, Ireland, decided to give a nod to their homeland. And, many of the people of Clare today are their descendants. The earliest residents lived in log and sod homes. During the mid19th century, the Preemption Act gave settlers a chance to buy land at $1.25 an acre. This was a real boost to Clare’s population. Although the town’s population has shrunk, it remains big in everything that matters.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


A bit about Fort Dodge

ort Dodge is a community with a colorful past, an optimistic present and an unstoppable


future. One of Iowa’s most valuable mineral resources is found in a small area of central Webster County, in and around Fort Dodge. The resource is gypsum, and the local deposits are one of the most pure gypsum deposits on Earth. Today, gypsum is primarily used to produce wallboard. Gypsum mining began in Webster County in the 1860s, and the first plaster mill in the area, Fort Dodge Plaster Mill, was built in 1872. In all, there were 13 gypsum mills, and today four plants still exist: Certainteed, Georgia-Pacific, National Gypsum Co. and USG. Iowa ranks second only to Oklahoma in annual gypsum production in the nation, and 75 percent of the gypsum mined in Iowa comes from Webster County. Signs along Fifth Avenue South and Kenyon Road today proclaim the Corridor of Commerce, an outgrowth of the Envision 2030 strategy plan. The project includes the widening and beautification of the corridor area. Signs mark the Dragoon Trail, a 4

scenic drive along the Des Moines River that follows the path of the 1st United States Dragoons. Dragoons were the country’s first mounted military unit. In 1835, the Dragoons were ordered to conduct the first official exploration of the Des Moines River Valley. They left their post near modern day Montrose on the Mississippi River with 165 Dragoons, five four-mule teams and wagons, tents, provisions, pack horses and beef cattle. The men moved northwesterly, until reaching the mouth of the Boone River, north of present-day Stratford. On Aug. 4, the Dragoons camped on the banks for Deer Creek, six miles north of Fort Dodge, and the next day cross the “Lizard River,” naming it for the numerous creatures seen scampering along its banks. The Dragoons, who returned to the starting point on Aug. 19, had ridden 1,100 miles in a little more than two months. They selected and recommended sites for two future military posts which would eventually become the cities of Fort Dodge and Des Moines. In 1850, U.S. Army soldiers, charged with building a garrison in the area, pitched their tents on a site near

the mouth of Lizard Creek where they found plentiful timber, good water and plenty of stone for building. They also found a land full of wild game. By one early account, there were elk, deer, bear, panthers and wildcats. “Buffalo wallows and trails were to be seen in every direction,” according to Major William Williams, considered to be the founder of Fort Dodge. Building began in late August and by Nov. 12, buildings were habitable at the new post, Fort Clarke. In the fall of 1851, the post was renamed Fort Dodge in honor of Wisconsin Territory Gov. Henry Dodge because another Fort Clarke already existed and having two was causing mixups in the delivery of supplies and mail. The fort was abandoned by the military in 1853, and Williams purchased the property from the state of Iowa. He began to lay out the original plat of Fort Dodge in 1854. A marker, situated in the 300 block of First Avenue North, shows the original location of the military fort that later became the community of Fort Dodge.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Area celebrations

rontier Days at the Fort Museum in Fort Dodge kicks off the summer schedule of events. The festivities will be May 31 through June 2. Among the highlights is a Saturday morning parade down Central Avenue and plenty of live music all weekend at the Fort.

Otho is also famous for its annual Fourth of July Festival which will begin with a pancake breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m. at the fire station; other events include a parade at 1:30 p.m., water fights in the park and fireworks at dusk.

Lehigh River Days will be June 1416 and will include its own Main Street parade, games, a flea market and a street dance.

Harcourt Appreciation Day, a day jam-packed with family activities, including a car show, will be held Aug. 3-4.

Gowrie will hold its annual Independence Day Celebration July 2-4. The Firecracker 40 bike ride will be June 29. Festivities will include a pork loin dinner July 2 in the city park, a carnival July 2-4, a street dance on July 3, and a car show and waterfights July 4. The Independence Day Parade is a 10 a.m.

And, as always, the Dayton Rodeo provides a wrap up to summer with four days of bronc-busting, boot-wearing fun. The annual Dayton National Championship Rodeo will be held Aug. 30 through Sept. 2.


July 4.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Dayton — home of the rodeo opers and bronc riders from throughout the United States converge on the small town of Dayton each Labor Day weekend — Friday through Monday — for what is considered to be one of the top rodeo events in the state — the Dayton National Championship Rodeo. Thousands of rodeo enthusiasts crowd the hillside and natural amphitheater of the rodeo grounds each year to watch both professional and amateur bronc riders compete for tens of thousands of dollars in prize money. PRCA-sanctioned events at the annual rodeo include saddle bronc, bareback riding, calf roping, bull riding, tie down roping, steer wrestling, team roping and women’s barrel racing. Novice events include bareback riding, saddle bronc and bull riding. The rodeo is also known for its wildly famous Budweiser Wild Horse Race. This event is one of the most exciting spectacles at the Dayton Rodeo as unridden mustangs are released into the arena and teams comprised of three cowboys are sent out to tame the wild beasts. In fact, participants of the Wild Horse Race say that they key to winning the event is to nibble on the wild mustang’s ear while saddling it up in order to keep it from bucking. As each team tries their own method to saddling up the mustang, the crowd goes wild in this exciting event that is a favorite of most spectators. The rodeo also features a number of entertainers including the ever-popular rodeo clowns who keep the cowboys safe from the broncing bulls. The annual rodeo event is more than 70 years in the making as three young Dayton cowboys began entertaining picnickers with rope tricks in the town park years ago. Their fancy footwork and toss of the rope quickly drew the eye of county rodeo hounds and birthed the concept of the Dayton Rodeo. In its early days, the rodeo became so popular that the event actually outgrew two locations — the pasture of cowboy Allen Porter and the local golf course. The event’s current location is on Highway 175. Sessions will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights and at 1:30 p.m. Monday. However, there’s more to Dayton



than just the rodeo. The community in the southern part of Webster County is believed to have been settled since 1848. The town was laid out in 1856 by Benjamin Allison, who also built the first house in town and started the first saw mill. Some of the early settlers made their homes in caves in the hillsides until their log cabins were built.

The city’s official website relates the tale of The Dayton Riot, in which troublemakers from Boone caused a commotion, wrecking Burnquist’s Hall. Dayton citizens attempted to help their town marshal, who was shot and later died of his wound. The “whole gane of rioters” were sent to Fort Dodge for trial.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Gowrie — a bustling town owrie is the second-largest town in Webster County behind Fort Dodge and is well-known for its Fourth of July celebration — with reporters from CNN and the New York Times at past festivities. The 14th annual Firecracker 40, a 40-mile bicycle ride, will be held on June 29. The ride travels west to Farnhamville, north on County Road P21 to County Road D46, then east past Slifer to Callender. From there, it runs north on P33 to Moorland and back south through Callender again to Gowrie. More than 300 people participated in 2012. This bustling town is approximately 24 miles southwest of Fort Dodge and features numerous attractions for young and old. Gowrie Municipal Golf, which first opened on Labor Day in 1956, features nine holes of golf for the links enthusiast. A new eatery, Rooster’s Restaurant and Lounge, is located in the golf course clubhouse. The city’s pool and its bathhouses will have a new look when the swimming season begins this summer, thanks to a $1.1 million renovation project. If water is not your thing, there’s always the Gowrie Skate Center.


Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Lehigh — A lovely river town

uddled deep in the Des Moines River Valley, the town of Lehigh boasts of scenic woodlands and ample outdoor recreational opportunities. The community is wedged between Dolliver Memorial State Park and Brushy Creek Recreation Area. The Des Moines River cuts the community in two and provides some spectacular scenery. Descending into the valley from the hill atop the west bank of the river is a downtown where Main Street is still a bustling place. Also on the west bank is the Lehigh Historical Society Museum where the hard-working, blue-collar past of the community is kept highlighted. Built on seams of coal and large deposits of clay and shale, Lehigh was originally called Slabtown. Settlers were drawn to the beauty of the area in the 1850s, but by the fall of 1860 the population had dropped to 16 people after a couple years of poor wheat crops. “Those who remained did so because they were unable to leave,” wrote Basil Williams in the 1976 edi-



tion of “Webster’s Prairies: the Township History of the County.” But the town hung on, making its way with timber, coal and clay, In 1880, it was renamed Lehigh. The east bank of the Des Moines is the side of the river where logrolling compe-

titions are held in June during the town’s summer festival — Lehigh River Days. River Days highlights typically also include a parade, car show, flea market, street dance and community church service. This year, River Days will be held June 14-16.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Genealogy and history abound library opened in Fort Dodge years before the first shot of the Civil War was fired and some form of library has existed ever since. However, the initial library, which was opened in 1855 by the Fort Dodge Literary Society, was a private operation available only to those who paid a $2 membership fee. The current library is open to the public at no cost and offers 32,000 square feet of books. History buffs can take advantage of the presence of resources from the Webster County Historical Society and the Webster County Genealogical Society. Society members are readily available to patrons who seek to learn more about their family “story” or the region’s rich heritage.


he Fort Dodge Public Library is nestled on Fort Dodge’s City Square. The $5.4 million library opened in January 2000 and is a state-of-the-art facility.


rural cemetery movement that started on the East Coast influenced Oakland Cemetery’s winding roads and hills. The 40-acre cemetery, located off North 15th Street, was designed in 1859. The graves of many influential people from the community’s past are in this graveyard, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. This year, the annual fund-raising cemetery walk will be held June 8 at the cemetery with costumed actors portraying characters from the community’s past. An indoor performance will be held June 9 at Iowa Central Community College.


marker shows the original location of the military fort that later became the community of Fort Dodge. The marker, which was installed in 2010, is situated in the 300 block of First Avenue North. The map on the marker, which was constructed through grants from the Fort Dodge Community Foundation, Ann Smeltzer Charitable Trust and State Historical Society of Iowa, shows the original plat of the community, as drawn by Major William Williams in 1854.


Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Sculpture on ‘Parade’

silvery sculpture that embodies the essence of community spirit, depicts individuals walking with hands linked. The William King sculpture “Parade,” at the intersection of Fifth Avenue South and South Eighth Street, is typical of its creator’s lyrical works. The elongated and larger-than-life forms of King’s sculptures often poke fun at the



realities of human action and interaction. King is an internationally renowned sculptor known for his simplified figurative cutouts in metal. His sculptures area in collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Sheldon Museum of Art at the

University of Nebraska, Smithsonian American Art Museum and the Whitney Museum of American Art.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

A jewel restored he Webster County Courthouse, 701 Central Ave., was rededicated in 2001, following a morethan-$4 million renovation. The 99th anniversary celebration of the courthouse on Sept. 14, 2001, marked the end of two decades and millions of dollars spent to renovate and upgrade the building. Courthouse repairs began in 1980 when the jail was removed from the courthouse and relocated to the Law Enforcement Center. Cleaning and repairing the limestone exterior of the building began in 1985; the copper clock tower was also restored at that time. Once the exterior was refurbished, attention was focused on the interior. The four phases of interior renovation required another 10 years to complete.


Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Leader of the band lives on

arl King’s distinguished career as a musician and a composer made him a legend in his own lifetime. But his bond and continued service to the Fort Dodge area also made him one of the most prolific musicians the state of Iowa has ever seen. King started as a baritone player with the Robinson’s Famous Circus. He quickly became a master at writing music that matched the rhythm of the circus acts and quickly rose to a leadership position in some of the most famous circus bands in the country as he composed and led the bands for the Buffalo Bill and the Barnum and Bailey circuses. One of his most famous compositions, Barnum and Bailey’s Favorite, was written during his time as a euphonium player in the Barnum and Bailey Circus Band in 1913. King was also one of the first composers to write special music for school band programs. He composed marches intended especially for schools as well as waltzes, overtures and other musical selections. Coming off the road with the circus, King settled in Fort Dodge where he formed the Karl King Band that gave concerts in the afternoons and evenings and accompanied the vaudeville acts. When King finally put his pen down after more than 50 years of composing, he had created nearly 300 musical works. His legacy lives on throughout the Fort Dodge area as the Karl L. King Municipal Band continues to play Sunday night concerts throughout the spring and summer seasons entertaining large crowds while still honoring Fort Dodge’s legendary bandleader. In 2006, Comedia Musica, performed the world premiere of “Cardiff,” a musical based on the nationally known 19th century hoax that originated in Fort Dodge. All of the musical selections performed during “Cardiff” were Karl King compositions. A life-size bronze statute of King was installed in 2006 in the



middle of Karl King Memorial Park surrounding the Fort Dodge Public Library.

Karl l. King MuseuM When: Open Year around Where: Fort Dodge Public library, On the City square Cost: admission is free

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Oleson Park Bandshell he Oleson Park Bandshell, which was named to the National Register of Historic Places in May 2003, was recently restored and is again a concert venue. The bandshell is in Oleson Park at the south end of 17th Street. It was built in 1935-36 by the Federal Works Progress Administration. The 1930s structure was restored to its former glory while adding a handful of 21st century improvements. The bandshell project has four major goals: restoring the structure, upgrading its essential systems, marketing it as a place for more events and educating the public about Karl L. King, the noted bandleader who once called Fort Dodge home. The bandshell was designed by internationally known architect Henry Kamphoefner and is a rare example of a totally, cast-in-place, reinforced concrete structure. The municipal band that’s named after King has performed regularly at the band-


Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

shell since it was built. Over the years, the bandshell has played host to a number of high-profile musicians and musical events. Its 1938 dedication concert drew more than 12,000 and past fund-raising concerts

have drawn more than 4,000 music fans. On June 22, the bandshell will be the site of Shellabration 2013, featuring Styx. On Sept. 21, Oktoberfest will be held at the bandshell, as it has since its inception in 2009. The Fab Four will headline.


Places you may need to know Fort Dodge regional airport 1639 Nelson Ave., 573-3881

Trinity regional Medical Center 802 Kenyon Road, 573-3101

law enforcement Center 702 First Ave. S. Emergency: 911 Non-emergency: 573-2323 Fort Dodge area growth alliance 1406 Central Ave., 955-5500


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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Want to go for a dip?

osedale Rapids/Fort Dodge Aquatic Center/Schmoker Family Park, near 10th Avenue North and 32nd Street, opens on May 25. The center consists of a large lap pool with diving boards and a slide, a shallow pool filled with water toys for young children, three large slides and a channel of water called a lazy river.


Construction of the nearly $9 million aquatic center began in the fall of 2009. Bad weather delayed its opening until July 2010. In 2011, more than 49,000 people passed through the gates of the municipally owned entity. Open swimming is from 12:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Daily admission is $6, and an all-day pass is available for $9.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


FREE Get ready to do ADMISSION BLANDEN some shopping art museum Open 11am - 5pm Tuesday - Saturday onsumers looking for a shopping fix don’t have to travel outside Webster County to find exactly what they’re looking for. The Crossroads Mall, 217 S. 25th St., features four wings of shopping opportunities. The mall includes anchor stores Younkers, JCPenney and Sears as well as a number of specialty stores geared toward both the young and old. The large shopping facility includes specialty shops with wedding and formal attire, as well as products and services that will allow shoppers to pamper themselves. A number of men’s, women’s and children’s apparel stores are also readily available at the Crossroads Mall. Of course a full day of shopping is bound to make any customer hungry, which is why the Crossroads Mall food court features everything from a smoothie treat to a full meal of foods from throughout the world including pizza, gyros and Chinese fare. The mall also hosts regular events including craft shows, boat and car shows. Naturally, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are regular visitors to the Crossroads Mall during their holiday seasons. Crossroads Mall is also available online for those shoppers looking to plan out a full day of fun at www.shopatcrossroads.com


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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Blanden is home to the arts orks by Chagall, Whistler and Rembrandt are among the permanent collection at the Blanden Memorial Art Museum. In 1930 Charles G. Blanden, a businessman and poet, decided to donate $40,000 to build an art gallery in honor of his late wife, Elizabeth. Although the Blandens had moved to Chicago in 1890 and later to San Diego, they met in Fort Dodge. Blanden was a banker at First National Bank when he married schoolteacher Elizabeth Mills. After she died suddenly in 1929, he wanted to memorialize her in a significant way. Although he considering building the museum in San Diego, he and some Fort Dodge friends, the O.M. Olesons, decided the gift would be more appreciated in a smaller city. When the museum was dedicated on June 5, 1932, it became the first permanent art facility in the state. Following Blanden’s death in 1933, his sister-in-law donated 26 works of art from his collection to the museum. Those pieces were the first in the Blanden’s extensive permanent collection. In 1988, an addition was made to the building for extra classroom and secondfloor gallery space, as well as making it handicapped-accessible. Visitors can purchase affordable art at


the museum’s One-of-A-Kind Gift Shop. The Blanden is one of 750 museums in the United States which are accredited by the American Association of Museums, out of about 8,500.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Between 15,000 and 16,000 people visit the Blanden each year. The museum, at 920 Third Ave. S., is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Admission is free.


Oak Hill Historic District

ake a stroll through the Oak Hill Historic District, just south of downtown Fort Dodge and you’ll likely feel you’ve just wandered through a portal and back in time. The large, stately homes located there were built between the Civil War and World War I by prominent Fort Dodge businessmen, industrialists and bankers who helped develop the young town. The development of Oak Hill was in three major phases (pre-1880, 18801885, and 1890-1910) and reflected major stages of growth in the town. Just by their presence, the houses speak volumes of those prosperous times of gracious living, when day-to-day life was simpler and entertaining was elegant — usually thanks to servants. Among those homes in the RinglandSmeltzer House. Built in 1903, it epitomizes the industry and success of its owner and the community. Ringland’s patent for improving plaster contributed to the growth of the gypsum industry. He was a founder of one of the nation’s leading corporations, U.S. Gypsum Co. The home was last occupied by his granddaughter, Ann Smeltzer, who died in 1999. She set up a charitable trust, and the house, which is available to rent for public gatherings, is in the process of a 12-year renovation and restoration. Although modern street and traffic patterns have brought about minor changes in the area, its generous lawns, noble trees and solid residences remain a timeless



part of Fort Dodge. The Oak Hill neighborhood is between Second Avenue South and Fourth Avenue South. Eighth Street is its western boundary; 13th Street is the eastern boundary. The entire neighborhood was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in

1977. In addition, all of the structures in that area are also listed on the register. The Blanden Memorial Art Museum — the first permanent art facility in Iowa — is the only building in the district that is not a private residence.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Area historical museums ocated in the old Otho school at 515 School St., The Webster County Museum contains a number of artifacts and collections from throughout Webster County including railroad, military and mining items. Also on display at the museum are arts, crafts, photography, farm and dairy items, quilts, fashion, music and medical and hospital items. The museum was founded in 2001 as a place where artifacts representing Fort Dodge life for the past 150 years could be preserved and displayed. The Webster County Museum, which is funded solely by donations and memberships, also features a gift and thrift shop which includes a number of donated items that are available for purchase. The museum is also run by volunteers who not only arrange the display items but also give tours as well. The Webster County museum is open Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Appointments can also be made for tours of the museum by calling 972-4804.


Gowrie, named after a city in Scotland, grew along the old Des Moines and Fort Dodge Railroad. Its railroad past and the rest of its heritage is preserved in an old red-and-white train depot that serves as the city’s museum. It is located on the north edge of town, adjacent to the sports complex. The Lehigh Historical Museum has photographs from the old high school as well as displays of arrowheads and samples of the bricks once made at a brickworks factory in the community.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


The Fort Museum and Frontier Village he Fort Museum and Frontier Village recalls the community’s beginnings as an army post built in 1850 along the river valley and includes its rich historical background as the community continued to grow. A replica 1862 fort/blockhouse contains collections from Fort Dodge’s past. Within the stockade is the sutler store, the blockhouse, the adjutant’s office and the Company E barracks. Inside the walls of the buildings are exhibits of period furniture, pioneer, Native American and military collections as well as exhibits relating to the town’s gypsum history. Visitors can learn about one of the country’s greatest hoaxes, the Cardiff Giant. Just a short stroll from the fort stockade lies Front Street, a set of original and replica buildings including an 1855 log home, a small-town jail, oneroom school house, print shop, blacksmith shop, general store, chapel, livery stable, cabinet shop, drugstore and tinsmith shop. The Trading Post serves as the Fort’s


gift shop and features books, T-shirts, crafts and souvenirs. The museum is open daily from late April to Oct. 12. Doors open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Children under the age of 4 are admitted free, cost for adults is $7 and students ages 5 to 17 are admitted for $3. The Fort Museum is also the site of the community’s annual Frontier Days celebration held the first weekend in June. Located adjacent to the Fort Museum is the Opera House, a 5,500-square-foot facility available for business meetings, conferences, banquets, company parties and wedding receptions. The Fort Museum is one quarter mile east of the intersection of U.S. Highway 169 and Kenyon Road.

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Going nose to nose T

ake a safari into the wild side at the Oleson Park Zoo in Fort Dodge. The free, outdoor park offers firsthand animal experiences like getting nose to nose with a rhea or feeding a deer while it roams the open areas of the zoo. The not-for-profit park showcases both the typical and not-so-ordinary animals such as a coatimundi or a capybara. A variety of animals call the spacious zoo home with many being housed in outdoor enclosures that are similar in nature to their natural habitats. The petting zoo has animals that are common to Iowa farm life as well as wildlife from various areas throughout North America and exotic birds and animals from around the world. The zoo opens Memorial Day weekend when the hours will be 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. that Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Regular hours begin the Tuesday after Memorial Day; they are 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays and 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. It’s closed during rain or unusually hot weather. The scheduled close date for the season is Labor Day weekend.

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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Mineral City Speedway ineral City Speedway features racing every Sunday night May through August. The season includes hornets, econo stocks, hobby stocks, stock cars and modifieds running for the season points championships. The season championship will be held Aug. 25 and the Bruce Sommerfeld Memorial Fall Challenge will be Sept. 20-21. The pits open at 4 p.m. with hot laps at 6 p.m. and races to follow. The track is a mile north of U.S. Highway 169 and U.S. Highway 20 intersection south of Fort Dodge at 2298 South River Road.



Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

A place to ride T he Gypsum City Off-Highway Vehicle Park serves as a destination for all terrain vehicle, dirt bike and snowmobile riders as well as other outdoor enthusiasts from across Iowa and the Midwest. The park, currently 220 acres but expanding to 800 acres, is in the center of thousands of acres of properties currently and formerly used for gypsum mining and production of gypsum-related products. The Gypsum City OHV Park is part of a network comprised of eight OHV parks throughout the state. Upon its expansion, it will be the largest riding area in Iowa. Phase I opened to the public in 2006. It currently features approximately 15 miles of trails running through native prairie vegetation and trees, a 1 1/2-mile long motocross course, a safety training area, a youth riding area, two picnic shelters, a vault toilet, loading ramp and parking area for 350 vehicles with trailers. A modern campground facility is in the works. There is no fee to ride in the park, but all vehicles must be registered.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Let’s play ball! oftball and baseball bats have been cracking at Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex for more than three decades. Located north of Fort Dodge on Webster County Road P56, the sports complex features more than 15 fields that are used for adult and youth league softball, baseball and even soccer games. The multimillion dollar complex plays host to the state high school softball tournament each year, as it has for more than 40 years. This year’s tourney will be July 22-26. In 2005, Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex also hosted the NJCAA Division II softball championships. In 2006, it was the site of the Iowa Conference Division III college tourney. Crowds also cheer on local athletes at the park as they host several contests each year —including three tournaments sponsored by the Fort Dodge Girls Softball Association, several playoffs of the Fort Dodge Adult Softball Association and three tournaments sponsored by the Fort Dodge Baseball Association. The complex is also the home to Fort Dodge softball and Fort Dodge St. Edmond softball and baseball throughout the summer season. Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex has undergone a $6 million upgrade in recent years that added and improved the playing fields as well as adding new buildings, concessions stands and hub areas to the development. Mini-fields opened for youth baseball last spring. There are four replica fields: Dodger Stadium, Fenway Park, Wrigley Field and Yankee Stadium.



Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Webster W e b s t e r County County

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Where to stay

americinn — 100 Kenyon Road, 576-2100

Budget Host inn — 116 Kenyon Road, 955-8501

Budget Travelers inn — 300 First Ave. S., 576-2191

Comfort inn — 2928 Fifth Ave. S., 573-3731

Country inn by Carlson — 3529 Fifth Ave. S., 955-2259

Countryside inn — 324 Kenyon Road, 955-8575

Days inn — 3040 Fifth Ave. S., 576-8000

economy inn — 3003 Fifth Ave. S., 573-8173

Hilltop Motel — 1149 Third Ave. N.W., 573-2351

Quality inn — 2001 U.S. Highway 169, 955-3621 26

Best Western starlite Village inn and suites — 1518 Third Ave. N.W., 573-7177

super 8 — 3755 Fifth Ave. S., 576-8788

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Houses of worship African Methodist

Coppin Chapel African Methodist Episcopal

329 First Ave. S. ∫ 576-0073

Assembly of God

First Assembly of God 200 Ave. O West ∫ 573-4171


Emmanuel Baptist Church 513 S. 19th St. ∫ 955-5482 First Baptist Church 28 N. 10th St. ∫ 573-3517 Harvest Baptist Church 614 Second Ave. S. ∫ 955-3074 Second Baptist Church 1827 Fourth Ave. S. ∫ 955-5530


Corpus Christi Worship Site 402 N. Eighth St. ∫ 573-3616 Sacred Heart Worship Site 211 S. 13th St. ∫ 573-3616 Christ the King Worship Site Dayton ∫ 573-3616 St. Matthew’s Worship Site Clare ∫ 573-3616 Our Lady of Good Counsel Worship Site Moorland ∫ 573-3616


The Salvation Army 126 N. Seventh St. ∫ 576-1281

Church of Christ West Side Church of Christ 1132 A St. ∫ 955-3737


St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1007 First Ave. S. ∫ 576-2019


Lutheran (ELCA)

Badger Lutheran Church Badger ∫ 545-3350 Christ Lutheran Church 2220 10th Ave. N. ∫ 576-4925 Emanuel Lutheran Church Dayton ∫ 547-2405 Faith Lutheran Church Harcourt ∫ 354-5225 Fulton Lutheran Church of Roelyn Moorland ∫ 549-3560 Grace Lutheran Church 211 S. Ninth St. ∫ 576-4106 Lutheran Immanuel Church Burnside ∫ 359-2152 Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Callender ∫ 548-3423 South Enes Lutheran Church Vincent ∫ 356-4792 St. Olaf Lutheran Church 239 N. 11th St. ∫ 576-2103 Trinity Lutheran Church Dayton ∫ 547-2431 Washington Lutheran Church Duncombe ∫ 543-8107 Zion Lutheran Church Gowrie ∫ 352-3645


(Missouri Synod)

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 1436 21st Ave. N. ∫ 573-3174 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 1023 S. 27th St. ∫ 573-8618 St. John’s Lutheran Church Vincent ∫ 356-4406 St. Paul Lutheran Church 400 S. 13th St. ∫ 955-7285


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1426 N. 32nd St. ∫ 573-8734


Church of the Nazarene 1250 N. 24th St. ∫ 576-5925

Evangelical Covenant Church Harcourt ∫ 354-5214 First Covenant Church 201 Ave. H. ∫ 955-3528 Evangelical Covenant Church Lanyon ∫ 879-2414 Pathfinders Church 519 Central Ave. n 955-5864

Evangelical Free

First Evangelical Free Church 3058 10th Ave. N. ∫ 573-5763

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2100 N. 15th St. ∫ 576-4675

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Nondenominational Church of Damascus Road

(Prison ministry, outside attendance welcome by appointment only)

239 N. 11th St. ∫ 955-3579 Community of Christ 23886 Boies St. ∫ 972-4964 New Covenant Christian Church 3318 Fifth Ave. S. ∫ 955-6222 Otho-Kalo Community Church Otho ∫ 972-4388


Pentecostals of Fort Dodge 2001 Highway 169 (Quality Inn) n (319) 521-1231 Calvary Memorial Church of God in Christ 1315 10th Ave. S.W. ∫ 573-2280 Lighthouse Ministries Inc. 1333 Fourth Ave. N.. ∫ 573-5569


First Presbyterian Church 1111 Fifth Ave. N. ∫ 576-2091

Seventh-day Adventist

Seventh Day Adventist Church of Fort Dodge 737 15th Ave. N. ∫ 573-732

Southern Baptist Rolling Hills Community Church 2891 N. 15th St. ∫ 576-5697

United Church of Christ

First Congregational United Church 1611 Williams Drive ∫ 573-3817 United Church of Christ Moorland ∫ 549-3420

United Methodist Epworth United Methodist Church 2025 11th Ave. S. ∫ 573-4415 First United Methodist Church 1002 First Ave. N ∫ 576-7586 Riverside United Methodist Church 610 Ave. C ∫ 955-3211 Trinity United Methodist Church 838 N. 25th St. ∫ 573-3519 United Methodist Church Dayton ∫ 547-2225 United Methodist Church Gowrie ∫ 352-3715 United Methodist Church Otho ∫ 359-2243 United Methodist Church Lehigh ∫ 359-2243 United Methodist Church Harcourt ∫ 354-5239 United Methodist Church Vincent ∫ 356-4301


h c r u h C y r o t c D ire Bapt i s t

TheseChurchesInviteYou ToJoinThem ForW orship UnitedChurchOfChrist FirstCovenantChurch

Naz ar ene

Pr e s byt e r i an

L ut he r an


Me t ho d i s t

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013




Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Where to eat CaSual Dining 4th Street Depot 300 S. 4th Street — 955-2277 Amigo’s 280 N. First St. — 576-0142 Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill 2810 Fifth Ave. S. — 576-7881 Brownie’s Cafe 1712 Central Ave. — 955-6224 Buford’s Steakhouse and BBQ 1518 Third Ave. N.W. — 573-2836 Chef’s Kitchen 2510 Fifth Ave. S. — 576-1179 Corie’s Cones 11 S. 16th St. (summer only) Dayton Community Grocery 22 N. Main St., Dayton — 547-2217 Dodger Deli 22 N. 12th St. — 955-8281 George’s Diner 1103 S. 22nd St. — 955-8280 Harty’s Caddy Shack Cafe 1101 Central Ave. — 302-8004 Hy-Vee Kitchen 115 S. 29th St. — 573-4105 Ja-Mar Drive In 329 S. 25th St. — 576-4511 Lefti’s Neighborhood Bar and Grill 2001 Second Ave. N. — 576-5338 Maid Rite 2223 Fifth Ave. S. — 573-0197 Marv’s Market Street Grill and Bar 1132 Market St., Gowrie — 352-9960 Mrs. T’s Mercantile 100 Arthur St., Vincent — 356-2230 Otho Convenience and Food Otho — 972-4641 32

Otho Pub 200 Sun St., Otho — 972-4481 Perkins Restaurant and Bakery 511 S. 32nd St. — 302-8031 Rides Bar and Grill 723 S. 31st. — 576-2811

Tropical Smoothie Cafe 2813 1/2 Fifth Ave. S. — 573-1199 The Vault 423 Main St., Duncombe — 543-4222 Village Inn 2002 N. 15th St. — 955-2002

Riverside Tavern 450 East Main St., Lehigh — 359-9998

Yogurt Plus/Pizza Zeppole Crossroads Mall — 576-1919

Sports Page Bar and Grill 2707 N. 15th St. — 955-1890

Willie Mo’s Bar and Grill 710 Central Ave. — 576-3377

Starlite Village Junction of Highways 7 and 169 — 573-7177

Zakeer’s 425 Second Ave. S. — 573-7661

Suzie’s Coney Island Haven 850 S. 18th St. — 955-3329

Coffee ShopS

Sneakers Eatery and Pub 1317 Central Ave. — 576-3336 TC Mae’s 1010 First Ave. S. — 573-1101

Bloomers on Central 900 Central Ave. — 955-2221 Central Perk and Dessert 14 S. 14th St. — 573-7375

Tom Thumb Deli/ Dairy Queen 201 N. 15th St. — 955-6125

Maxine’s Coffee 125 N. 27th St. —576-6745

Tom Thumb Drive Inn 1412 A St. — 955-4051

Starbuck’s (Target) 2910 First Ave. S. — 573-7950 Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Where to eat faSt fooD

Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza Gowrie — 352-3168 Community Pizza and Tap 2026 Fifth Ave. S. — 955-8202

Burger King 2814 Fifth Ave. S. — 955-8845 Culver’s 3048 Fifth Ave. S.— 576-3500

Domino’s Pizza 1430 Fifth Ave. S. — 576-1111

Dariette 17 S. 12th St., Suite B — 576-0541

Godfather’s Pizza 2305 First Ave. S. — 576-7551

Hardee’s 6 S. 15th St. — 576-3471

Little Caesar’s Pizza 3041 First Ave. S. — 955-3330

KFC/Taco Bell 3057 First Ave. S. — 576-7133

Marco’s Pizza 1511 Second Ave. N. — 955-6656

Long John Silver’s 407 S. 25th St. — 576-3711 McDonald’s 2509 Fifth Ave. S. — 955-2724 McDonald’s 107 Ave. O West — 576-6237 Subway 109 Ave. O — 576-7827 Subway 2323 Fifth Ave. S. — 576-7969 Subway (Wal-Mart) 3036 First Ave. S. — 576-4149 Taco John’s 2949 Fifth Ave. S. — 573-8226 Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers 2313 Fifth Ave. S. — 576-8274

fine Dining Mineral City Mill & Grill 2621 Fifth Ave. S. — 955-8514 Olde Boston’s Restaurant and Pub 809 Central Ave. — 955-5333 Tea Thyme 2021 Sixth Ave. S. — 576-2202

Papa Murphy’s Pizza 2813 Fifth Ave. S. — 576-0100 The Cellar 368 Country Club Drive — 576-2290 Willow Ridge 1788 Madison Ave. — 576-5711

pizza Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza 2007 N. 15th St. — 573-3977 Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza 2206 Second Ave. N. — 576-4610 Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza 1133 S. 22nd St. — 955-9748 Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza 1308 Third Ave. N.W. — 955-7738 Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza 235 Ave. O — 576-1234 Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza 1320 A St. — 955-3355 Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Pizza Hut 2940 Fifth Ave. S. — 576-7255 Zeppole Pizza and Pasta Crossroads Mall — 576-1919

international Chen Garden 217 S. 25th St. (Crossroads Mall) — 955-3886 Fazoli’s 2908 Fifth Ave. S. — 5763098 Hunan King Crossroads Mall — 576-0449 Lomita’s Mexican Restaurant 140 S. 25th St. — 955-1926 Taco Tico Mexican Restaurant 319 S. 29th St. — 576-6282 Tres Amigos 3521 Fifth Ave. S. — 9556555 33

Market on Central arket on Central, which began in 2011, draws visitors to historic downtown Fort Dodge where they can view entertainment, purchase locally made products and taste the bounty of Iowa grown foods. The event is held the second and fourth Saturday of each month from June through September, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Market on Central will be held on June 8 and 22, July 13 and 27, Aug. 10 and 24 and Sept. 14 and 28.



Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Couch Freak Boogie F

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or one week a year, the members of the Des Moines Skydivers set up shop 100 miles north of their home base to host a campground full of skydivers who jump. eat, drink and celebrate throughout the Labor Day weekend. The event is called the Couch Freak Boogie and can draw more than 600 jumpers to the Fort Dodge Regional Airport. The Des Moines Skydivers, also known as the Couch Freaks, were organized as a nonprofit club in 1974. After holding events in Dallas Center, Knoxville and Winterset, the club selected Fort Dodge as its home away from home for the boogie. The annual event draws jumpers from all over the United States and some foreign countries. In-air weddings have been performed, polyester costume contests are held every year, and the public can participate in tandem jumps with a tandem master, for a fee. Jumpers must be at least 18 years old. For less adventurous souls, there is a spectator area set up with bleachers, concession vendors and merchandise tents on the airport grounds.There is no admission fee for the event, and parking is free. Donations are accepted to help cover event costs.

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


CJ BioAmerica Badger Lake Dragon Boat Bash

ragon boats will speed across the water at Kennedy Park during the 16th annual Badger Lake Dragon Boat Bash Aug. 2-3. Racing in brightly color long boats includes paddlers, a sternsman, a flag catcher and a drummer. The festival, sponsored by CJ



BioAmerica includes a multitude of family-oriented activities. A concert featuring Arch Allies will be held Friday night. Dragon boat racing will be held during the day Saturday. Fort Dodge was the site of the United States Dragon Boat Federation’s national championship races in July 2004 and

in 2007, hosted the American Dragon Boat Association’s International Festival, which included Hong Kongstyle racing.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Celebrating frontier heritage F rontier Days is Fort Dodge’s largest annual celebration. This year’s festivities will be May 31 through June 2, mainly at the Fort Museum, just west of Friendship

Haven. However, for many people the highlight of the festival is the parade down Central Avenue on Saturday morning. But Frontier Days also features musicians and other live entertainment, a variety of food and craft vendors and much more. Admission is a $5 button that is good for admission to all events during the three days. Gates at the Fort open at 4 p.m. Friday. Entertainment includes Gimmik, karaoke, Bob Awe and the Country Awe Stars, Richies Lee and the Fabulous 50’s and Pop Rock. After a brief absence, the popular pork chop feed is back this year.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Cruise to the Woods n estimated 1,400 cars participated in the 2012 Cruise to the Woods, billed as Iowa’s largest car show/cruise. This year’s event, which will be Oct. 46, is expected to be as big and as successful. Although the three-day event concludes at the Webster County Fairgrounds, the WC Cruisers’ event actually begins in all corners of the state, as well as Minnesota and Missouri, with participants traveling on 10 different routes. They meet in Stratford, line up and convoy to Fort Dodge. Spectators can check out the cars at the fairgrounds for a $2 fee. Cruise to the Woods moved to the Webster County Fairgrounds five years ago when it outgrew its previous venue. For the 30th annual cruise, events will kick off in Humboldt County with Friday night Nostalgia Drags on the Humboldt Drag Strip. Street cars only can compete. Saturday will feature car-related games and a Richie Lee and the Fabulous 50s performing at a dance.



Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Webster County Fair

he Webster County Fair, July 10 through 14, is only one of the varied activities that finds a home at the Webster County Fairgrounds. Events will include 4-H exhibits, mini tractor pull, the king and queen contest, motocross, a free watermelon feed and a rodeo, as well the Des Moines River Valley Antique Tractors. A $15 grandstand button provides admission to all the grandstand events.


Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Park It!

Fort Dodge has more than 500 acres of open spaces

hether you’re looking for a place to hike, to break open that picnic basket, or just to watch nature slowly unfold her beauty, you don’t have to go far to find what you’re looking for. Fort Dodge offers more than 500 acres of parks and open spaces within the city itself. The four largest city parks have cabins for rent; each comes equipped with electricity and a fireplace. The cabins do go quickly during the summer months, so people would be wise to call well in advance of when they hope to rent one.


OLESON PARK Oleson Park, located at 12th Avenue South and 17th Street, is the largest of the city parks. It is also perhaps the most diverse, providing for a wide range of recreational opportunities for people in all age brackets and with various interests. The newest attraction at Oleson Park is a wet one. Called a splash pad, this feature has nozzles and other devices that spray water on bathers. Some of that water squirts down on them from above, while more water shoots up from the ground like geysers. The splash pad is designed to provide hours of water fun for small children. Just steps away from the splash pad is a new arrangement of playground equipment, designed to meet the latest safety standards while promoting physical fitness for youngsters. Families and friends enjoy a picnic before heading to the bandshell to listen to music. And hikers and mountain bikers traipse over the hilly trails. The Oleson Park Zoo, built in the 1950s but recently renovated, is home to many critters, including deer, silver and gold pheasants, porcupine, Hungarian partridge, a red fox and a marble fox. Swans swim in a pond located in the center of the zoo. Children can pet lambs, llamas, and other safe animals at The Petting Zoo. The Petting Zoo is staffed by volunteers several afternoons each week. The Kiwanis Club established a handicappedaccessible walkway around the zoo area in 1987 with park benches located close 40

enough together that those who have difficulty walking can rest when they need to. Picnickers shouldn’t have much trouble finding a picnic table and grill to roast their hot dogs. The cabin at Oleson Park seats 60 people. Oleson also has four open shelters with picnic tables. If people feel like they need to get up and move after the potato salad bowl is emptied and the last s’more is devoured, they can play a game of volleyball or take a hike on one of the park’s many trails. The trails go deep into the woods and allow a person to really experience nature without leaving the city. Another highlight is the Oleson Park Bandshell The bandshell has been restored it to its former glory: a Federal Works Progress Administration project, the bandshell was originally dedicated in 1938 in front of a crowd of 12,000 people. LOOMIS PARK A popular park for pitching horseshoes

as well as hiking and picnics, Loomis Park is located along the Des Moines River on Hawkeye Avenue and Loomis Park Drive. Loomis has a large horseshoe court and a well-marked trail for hikers. Playground equipment is primarily for younger children and includes swings and a small slide set. The scenic river view makes Loomis Park another spot which is ideal for a picnic. The two cabins, like the one at Oleson, go quickly during the summer months. The larger cabin has a fireplace and seats 75, while the smaller cabin seats 30. Also, Loomis has two open shelters and grills, as well as many other picnic tables with grills. HYDRO-ELECTRIC PARK Just across the river from Loomis Park is Hydro-Electric Park, located at Fourth Avenue Northwest and First Street. This park is a favorite for fishermen, but also has lots of room for other activities. A public boat ramp is located at the

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

north end of the park. But many fishermen and women just like to hike down the barrier wall and drop their poles from there. Hydro-Electric Park has a tennis court, a basketball court, and plenty of play equipment, as well as picnic tables and grills. A cabin with capacity for 40 is available to rent. Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

SNELL-CRAWFORD PARK Snell-Crawford Park is a sprawling park with a creek running through it, located on Williams Drive and 12th Avenue North. Its most unique feature is a disc golf course. But if disc golf isn’t your thing, Snell-Crawford also has three sand volleyball courts, an exercise station and play equipment. And if you work up an appetite, there are plenty of picnic tables and grills. Also, a cabin with a fireplace and seating for 40 is available for rent. The layout of the park is ideal for playing games and running off energy. There are two handsome footbridges across the creek, but generations of children have preferred to wade through it when the water’s not too high. They might also try their luck at catching a crawdad or two. The Soldier Creek Nature Trail runs parallel to the park. Bikers, hikers and dog

walkers peacefully co-exist on this trail ... but it’s pretty hard not to be peaceful when surrounded by that natural beauty. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Fort Dodge also has many smaller neighborhood parks ideal for a quick picnic lunch or play session with the kids. Most of them have playground equipment, picnic tables and grills. These include East Lawn Acres, Eighth Avenue South and 30th Street; HawleyLions Park, Second Street and Eighth Avenue North, which also has basketball courts; Kennedy Brown, 26th Avenue North and 14th Street; Knollcrest Park, 10th Avenue North and 30th Street; Leif Erickson Park, Avenue F and E Street; Linwood Hanson, Avenue Q; Mini Park, 10th Avenue Southwest and 10th Street, which has basketball courts; Phinney Park, Second Avenue Northwest and AMVETS Drive; R.D. Mitchell Park, Second Avenue North and 25th Street; and Reynolds Park, Third Avenue North and 17th Street. Also, Armstrong Park on Exposition Drive and North Seventh Street has a pond used for ice skating in the winter and fishing during the other seasons. 41

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

John F. Kennedy Memorial Park

ohn F. Kennedy Memorial Park, 1415 Nelson Ave., is the largest and most popular area managed by the Webster County Conservation Road. Construction of Kennedy Park began in 1962, and the park was officially dedicated in 1965. It is a multi-use facility that features six open shelter houses with grills scattered throughout the park that are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Shady picnic sites are available, and there are miles of hiking trails. The campground features more than 100 sites with modern restrooms and shower facilities. The park hosts a number of free programs and activities throughout the year, including cross country skiing and snowshoeing, ice fishing, a maple syrup festival, nest box building workshops and archery shoots. The park is also the site of the annual Badger Lake Dragon Boat Bash. Overlooking a cove on the west side of Badger Lake at Kennedy Park are rows of flowering trees, signalling Veterans Memorial Park. The park is the brainchild of Dr. Terry Moehnke, who enlisted the aid of his fellow Fort Dodge Noon Sertoma Club members to first raise money then develop the park. Each tree is dedicated to a specific veteran and will be distinguished by granite markers. The names of local veterans wounded, killed or missing in action will be engraved on a piece of granite near the amphitheater.


Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


On Moorland Pond

estled along U.S. Highway 20 near Moorland is a wildlife venture that has reintroduced water fowl into the north central Iowa outdoors. A borrow pit located directly along the major highway thoroughfare is home to endangered trumpeter swans as well as a number of other waterfowl. The swans are said by Webster County Conservationists to be the claim to fame to this area as they draw onlookers all summer long in hopes of catching a glimpse of young cygnets born each summer season. The swans’ nesting site, along with the trumpeter swans, is easily visible from the highway. Though native to Iowa, the swans were driven from the state by hunting and the draining of wetlands. The pond where the trumpeters live is a recreated wetland, formed during the construction of U.S. Highway 20 during the late 1980s and turned over to the Webster County Conservation Board. The swans, which weigh more than 30 pounds, have an 8-foot wingspan. If pond visitors want to feed the swans, they should only toss whole corn. Bread, in particular, should be avoided as it carries the possibility of lethal mold. The pond is also unique to the area in that it does not freeze in the winter months and therefore hosts a number of other area swans and wildlife from throughout Iowa as well. An annual roundup is held each spring to remove non-resident birds from the pond and allow the resident birds to nest. Moorland Pond is also a popular fishing spot as many anglers have hoisted trophy-size fish out of the waters. In recent years,



the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has provided thousands of trout to stock the pond. Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Picturesque Dolliver Park

istory and the picturesque landscape of Webster County intermingle at Dolliver Memorial State Park. Located just 10 miles south of Fort Dodge along the scenic Des Moines River Valley, Dolliver Park is a mix of bluffs, canyons and flatlands spread out over more than 450 acres of land. The park is known for its abundance of hiking trails, including those that wind through the Copperas Beds — unique sandstone formations that tower 100 feet above Prairie Creek. Other trails lead through Bone Yard Hollow which is a unique historical area to Webster County. Bone Yard Hollow is said to have been given its name by early settlers who found large amounts of buffalo bones in the canyon. It is believed the first inhabitants in the area drove herds of buffalo from the prairie over the cliff to their deaths so that they might use the animals for their meat, hides, horns and bones. Dolliver Park also features a number of additional trails that take visi-


tors through an uphill climb of the wooded hillsides and Indian Mounds of Webster County. Two lodges are also available to visitors of Dolliver Memorial State Park. Both built during the 1930s, the lodges are available for rental and can accommodate groups of 100 people. For those wanting to spend the night in the great outdoors, Dolliver Park offers group cabins and camping facilities. Dolliver has two basic family cabins. The group camping area also includes a dining hall and 10 separate sleeping cabins. Both the family cabin and group camping area are located only a short distance from the modern restrooms and shower building. The Dolliver campground is also available to outdoor enthusiasts. The campground overlooks the picturesque Des Moines River. There are 33 campsites with electrical hookups, a modern restroom, showers and a dump station. All of Dolliver Park’s camping facilities can be booked online through the

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

park reservation system at www.reserveiaparks.com. Boating and fishing opportunities also abound at Dolliver Memorial State Park. Located on the Des Moines River, which is popular for both boating and fishing, a modern boat ramp is available for canoes and fishing boats. 45

Wild, relaxing Brushy Creek rushy Creek State Recreation Area at more than 6,500 acres, is Iowa’s largest public outdoor recreation area. Visitors to Brushy Creek can relax in the great outdoors, as well as having opportunities for outdoor recreation activities all year round, including camping, hunting, biking, hiking, horseback riding, boating, fishing and swimming. Brushy Creek Lake covers 690 acres and provides outstanding fishing, nowake boating and swimming because of its excellent water quality and extensive system of fish habitat structures, jetties, and bank protection. It has the largest earthen dam ever built by the Department of Natural Resources and the deepest manmade permanent pool lake in Iowa at 1,055 feet above sea level. Brushy Creek is a popular destination for both day and overnight activities.


BOATING AND FISHING There is contagious enthusiasm among fishermen with Brushy Creek’s fish population. A fishing pier is located on the west side of the lake, north of the beach area. Four boat ramps offer convenient lake access. Boats are restricted to a no-wake speed. High water quality, extensive fish habitat, eight fishing jetties and a handicapped accessible pier provide great angling opportunities. A lake-stocking program, which began in the fall of 1998, has proven a phenomenal growth rate success. The stocking regime and water quality will provide good fishing in the lake for years to come. Primary species stocked here include walleye, large-mouth bass, small-mouth bass, muskie, red ear sunfish, crappie, channel catfish and bluegill. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has announced a Free Fishing Weekend for all ages the weekend of June 6-8. PICNICKING AND SHELTERS Picnic areas are located around the park with tables and fire grills. Two open shelters provide great places for gatherings — one is located at the equestrian day-use area and the other at Fish Pier Point. They are available for rent by contacting the park manager. SWIMMING BEACH A large sandy beach, located on the west side of the lake, provides swimming and volleyball opportunities. 46

Swimming is allowed in the designated beach area only. TRAILS Brushy Creek’s 35 miles of multiuse trail system offers a variety of opportunities for hiking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and mountain biking. A map of these trails is on display at the information kiosk located in the northern equine campground. Trail users are asked to call ahead, 543-8298, for trail conditions. Wet weather can require trails to be closed to minimize environmental damage. Trail users are also asked to stay on designated trails, respect the rights of other trail users, and report any trail problems to the DNR staff. EQUESTRIAN DAY-USE STAGING AREAS There are two day-use staging areas — one near the campground and the other in the southern portion of the park. Equestrian day-users are encouraged to use these facilities for parking and trailering. Seasonal restroom facilities are available near the campground with year-round restrooms and a picnic shelter at the southern day use area. Day users may use these areas at no charge for the day.

EQUESTRIAN CAMPING The campground at Brushy Creek is considered one of the most modern equestrian campgrounds in the Midwest. The shaded campground, located just inside the west park entrance, features a modern shower and restroom, 125 campsites (50 electrical hookups) and a playground. Each site has a picnic table, fire ring, grill and a hitch rail. Drinking water hydrants, a horse washing area and a large riding arena are nearby. The campground in the southern portion has hitching rails with 105 campsites, including 70 electrical hookups. A newly completed modern equestrian campground along County Road D46 includes 70 campsites — 10 with full hookup capacity and 60 with electricity. Non-equestrian campers are welcome to use all of the campgrounds. PRIMITIVE CAMPING Campers have the opportunity for camping in a beautiful site located along scenic Brushy Creek in the southeast corner of the park. This area is also available for picnicking. GENERAL CAMPING INFORMATION Camping in Iowa state parks and recreation areas is on a first-come, firstserved basis. No reservations are accepted. Camping permits are available at the

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Neighboring Towns

information kiosk located at the entrance to the campground. Campers are asked to follow these rules: ∫ Animals must be stabled inside a horse trailer or tied to a hitch rail to reduce damage to campsites. ∫ Hitching to trailers is only allowed for short periods of time for grooming and saddling. ∫ Portable stalls, pens or electric fences are not allowed. ∫ Animals must be kept to a walk or trot when in the campground area. ∫ All pets must be leashed or caged. HUNTING An active wildlife management program provides habitat and food for a variety of game and non-game wildlife.

lehigh is located five miles southwest on County Road D46. Duncombe is located five miles north on County Road P73. stratford is located nine miles southeast on County Road R21. Fort Dodge is located approximately 15 miles northwest on U. S. Highway 20. Webster City is located approximately 13 miles northeast on U.S. Highway 20. Dolliver state Park is located 10 miles west on County Road D46. Brushy Creek state recreation area 3175 290th st. • lehigh, ia 50557 515-543-8298 For a complete detailed trails map, visit www.exploreiowaparks.com Mature forest, native prairie, young to middle-aged second-growth timber, grasslands, pastures, old crop fields and existing crop fields provide good wildlife potential. White-tailed deer and wild turkey are popular with hunters at Brushy Creek, along with pheasants, quail, rabbits and squirrels. A number of designated parking areas are located throughout Brushy Creek to provide convenient access for the hunter.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

SHOOTING RANGE Two ranges are available — one is south of the park office approximately one-half mile north of County Road D46. The other is a trap range located in the northern section of the park. It can be reached by taking 250th St. from County Road P73, then turn right on Taylor Avenue. 47

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Recreation on the water ishing, swimming and boating opportunities abound in Webster County. John F. Kennedy Memorial Park, 1415 Nelson Ave., boasts 45-acre Badger Lake — which has opportunities for all three activities. The same is true at Brushy Creek, 15 miles southeast of Fort Dodge, which has four boat ramps and a fishing pier. Brushy Creek Lake has extensive fish habitat, eight fishing jetties and a handicapped-accessible pier. Primary species stocked include walleye, large-mouth bass, small-mouth bass, muskie, red ear sunfish, crappie, channel catfish and bluegill. Dolliver Memorial State Park, 10 miles south of Fort Dodge, is located on the Des Moines River and is a popular spot for boating and fishing. There is a modern boat ramp available for canoes and fishing boats. Lizard Creek, which runs through the northwest part of Fort Dodge, is a popular destination for canoe paddlers who


appreciate the beautiful scenery along its route. In his book, ‘‘Paddling Iowa,’ author

Nate Hoogeveen states that Lizard Creek is one of his favorite places to paddle in the state.

Let’s play golf! Willow Ridge, two miles northwest of Fort Dodge at 1788 Madison Ave., is open to the public, as is the restaurant and lounge. The nine-hole course features a clubhouse, rebuilt in 1990, atop a hill on the south side. This is a cart course with a distance of 3,161 yards. Dayton Golf & Country Club, Highway 175 S., Dayton, has fully watered fairways, greens and tees with water hazards on three holes. The ninehole, par-36 course has a USGA rating of 69.9 and a distance of 2,973 yards. Deer Creek Golf Club is the new kid on the block. The nine-hole, par 36 public course is a decade old. Six miles north of Fort Dodge on U.S. Highway 169, the course is named for a creek that runs through it. Distance for the course is 3,106 yards with a USGA rating of 34.7. A 15acre driving range, chipping green with sand trap and putting green are available. Fort Dodge Country Club, along U.S. Highway 169 on the west edge of Fort Dodge, is one of the finest courses in northwest Iowa. The 18-hole private course has no water or out-ofbounds on the front nine hole, but both Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

on the back nine. It is a championship course that hosts many tournaments every year. Yardage is 5,260 for women, 6,214 for men’s white tees and 6,465 for men’s blue. The USGA rating is 70.0 for women’s and men’s white; 70.5 for men’s blue. Gowrie Municipal Golf is a ninehole course on the southeast edge of Gowrie. It is a par-35 course with a distance of 3,064 yards. It is an easy course to walk, but carts are also available. The clubhouse has a restaurant that is open to the public. Lakeside Municipal Golf Course is the only public 18-hole course in Fort Dodge. It has a long front nine, which is wide open. The back nine is short but troublesome with many trees and sharp dogleg holes that create problems for stray shots. There is a driving range. It is a par-72 course with 6,212 yards and a USGA rating of 69.5. Lakeside is located in Kennedy Park, north of Fort Dodge.


Webster County Natural Areas ebster County Conservation maintains areas totaling more than 900 areas that are managed as wildlife habitat areas with little if any development on site. These relatively small areas provide much needed shelter, food sources and nesting cover for a variety of wildlife indigenous to Webster County. These areas act as oasis in the surrounding sea of row crops and treeless landscape prevalent in most of the Midwest. The Becker Wildlife Area is on the Des Moines River, just south of the county road D-14 bridge, north of Fort Dodge. Native grass and tree plantings were established in the area for the benefit of the wildlife found there, and visitors can use the parking area to gain easy access to the river for fishing and canoeing. Bob Hay Memorial Conservation Area, a 225-acre tract of land, includes steep wooded ravines, small tributaries, Lizard Creek, bottomland, woodland prairie and cropland. Migrating birds and waterfowl use the ponds as a resting place and nesting area. To get to the area, travel § mile off U.S. Highway 169 on Ave. O West and park in one of the two public parking lots. Approximately five miles southeast of Dayton, the Carlson Recreation Area is 120 acres of natural diversity. From the timbered bluffs to the upland prairie, and to the typically level bottomland, the Carlson Area affords visitors a chance to explore the scenic Des Moines River Valley. The valley contains the largest remaining tract of woodland in north central Iowa. The area is readily accessible via a graveled county road a mile and a half south of the highway 175 Des Moines River bridge, between Dayton and Stratford. About eight miles north of Fort Dodge on U.S. Highway 169 lies the Deer Creek Wildlife Area. This 17-acre tract of natural flood plain timber is on the west bank of the Des Moines River and provides an excellent stopover facility for the canoe enthusiast. Fishing on the Des Moines River can provide catches of channel catfish, small mouth bass and walleye. Hunting is also permitted in season. The Diggings was acquired by the Conservation Board to help preserve the site of numerous coal excavation areas. Located on the eastern bank of the Des Moines River in the town of Fort Dodge, these 7 acres share a rich wildflower display in the spring with trees dominated by black oak, read oak, white oak, hickory, black maple, ash, and basswood.



One mile east of Coalville and just north of U.S. Highway 20 is the 38-acre Holiday Creek Area. The area is marked by heavily timbered ravines that provide prime habitat for a host of animal life. Hunting is permitted on the site. Lindquist Wildlife Sanctuary, a sixacre site, was once a bustling hobo camp when railroading activity was at its peak. It is a diverse natural community, with a wide variety of plant and animal species. Small patches of native tall grass prairie species can also be seen. Six miles southwest of Fort Dodge on county road P-51, Liska-Stanek Prairie lies in the central part of the Cary Lobe of the Wisconsin glacial region and harbors some of the richest soils in the world. The spectrum of colors displayed is unmatched and can be seen throughout the entire growing season. Lost Acres Wildlife Area, a primitive area located along the banks of the Des Moines River in the southern part of Webster County, is 28 acres of heavily timbered wildlife habitat. Public access is by canoe or boat from the river. It provides an excellent stop over area for canoe enthusiasts, snowmobilers and fisherman. There are no facilities on the site. The Lundgren Church Nature Park is used as a rest stop/natural area with emphasis on the development of a mini wildlife sanctuary. Numerous shrubs and conifer trees have been planted and transplanted in the area, providing excellent wildlife habitat. It is 7 miles west of Lehigh on old highway 50. Meier Memorial Marsh, with a gentle rolling stream, offers fishing for small mouth bass and catfish. With the presence of a re-established wetland, this area provides habitat for pheasants, waterfowl and deer. On the western border of Webster

County in the Lizard Creek river bottom, its 35 acres is a beautiful sight for hiking, bird watching and hunting. Miller Marsh is a 40-acre tract of land. Two wetlands have been restored as well as the planting of a pristine native prairie mix. A windbreak will be established on the north and west boundaries of the property. This area is open to the public for all types of recreational uses that are compatible with wildlife habitat such as nature study, bird watching and hunting. Moorland Pond is a popular fishing spot that sports trophy size fish species. The claim to fame for this area is the trumpeter swan restoration project involving a permanent pair of endangered trumpeter swans living at the area with the hopes of raising cygnets each summer. Located east of Moorland, the pond is easily accessible. At one time Webster County, and all of north-central Iowa, was covered by literally thousands of marshes, fens, and other wetland environments. Rossow Prairie is a relict from this age and its 40 acres of upland prairie and slough is a haven for a variety of wildlife. Located 3 miles south and ™ mile east of the town of Vincent, the area is an outstanding outdoor classroom facility. Muskrats, mink, ducks, geese, shore birds, songbirds, turtles, fish, salamanders and many invertebrates are well suited to life in the wetland. Skillet Creek Indian Mounds is the site of a prehistoric Native American ceremonial ground. Five conical burial mounds and one linear ceremonial mound lie forever on the heavily timbered limestone bluff overlooking the Des Moines and Skillet Creek valleys. Found in the bottomland of this area is the old mining town of Hard Scrabble. Once a thriving town in the late 1890’s there are few remains left to indicate such a life existed. The area is located 5 miles east of Dayton, just north of the highway 175 bridge and the Carlson Recreation Area. There is a parking area and self-guided interpretive trail. Whispering Wings Marsh is a natural pothole that has been re-established. Currently, there are about 1.5 acres of open water. The remainder of the area consists of about 15 acres of high quality restored prairie and windbreak along the north end. The primary focus is on upland bird and waterfowl production. The area is open to public hunting with the exception of the 200 yard “no shooting zone” around the neighboring house. There is a parking lot in the southeast corner of the property. The marsh is located 1 1/4 miles east of Fort Dodge on old Highway 20.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Anyone for cabin fever? The Fort Dodge Parks and Recreation Department has four cabins available for rental Snell-Crawford Park Williams Drive and 12th Avenue North Cabin with fireplace has a 40-45 person capacity. Park includes: three sand volleyball courts, backstop, play equipment, exercise station, Frisbee golf course, walking trail, picnic tables and grills and public restroom. Hydro-Electric Park Fourth Avenue Northwest & First Street Cabin with fireplace has a 40-45 person capacity. Park includes: basketball court, backstop, play equipment, tennis court, boat ramp, picnic tables and grills, restroom open with cabin rental Loomis Park Hawkeye Avenue and Loomis Park Drive The boathouse with fireplace, has a 75-80 person capacity. Park has play equipment, two open shelters, picnic tables and grills, water fountain and public restroom. Oleson Park 12th Avenue South and 17th Street Cabin has 60-person capacity. Handicapped accessible park, splash pad, bathhouse, The spring riders, swing set, animal zoo, band shell, four open shelters, volleyball court, benches, picnic tables and grills, public restroom, water fountains, open space for activities and mountain bike trail through woods.

Reservations can be made at the Fort Dodge Parks and Recreation office in the Municipal Building, but cannot be taken over the phone. Reservations fees are $75 for the cabins in Loomis and Oleson parks. For the cabins in Hydro-Electric and Snell-Crawford parks, the fee is $50. A $100 key deposit is required upon signing the agreement for the requested date. The deposit is refundable if the cabin is in good condition after the event. Contact Parks and Recreation at 576-7237 for more information

Ready to camp? W ebster County offers several places for visitors to enjoy camping.

John F. Kennedy Memorial Park Located north of Fort Dodge on County Road P-56, the park offers more than 100 camping sites ranging from primitive to complete RV hookups. A 12by-18 foot log cabin is also available for rent. Campers can enjoy hiking the park and fishing on Badger Lake as well as the nearby golf course. Pets are allowed if leashed and supervised. Kennedy Park can be reached at (515) 576-4258 or on the Web at www.webstercountyia.org/KennedyPark.htm Brushy Creek State Recreation Area Located southeast of Fort Dodge, Brushy Creek offers 125 sites where you can camp with your horse in the

equestrian campground and almost 50 sites in the non-equestrian campground. Brushy Creek features fishing, swimming and boating on the lake, trails through the park for hiking and horseback riding as well as a public 100 yard shooting range. Brushy Creek can be reached at (515) 543-8298 or on the web at www.iowadnr.gov/parks/state_park_list/bru shy_creek.html

Dolliver State Park Located southeast of Fort Dodge, Dolliver State Park offers 33 camping sites overlooking the Des Moines River. The park offers plentiful hiking and scenery. Dolliver State Park can be reached at (515) 359-2539 or on the web at www.iowadnr.gov/parks/state_park_list/ dolliver.html Camping reservations can also be made online through the DNR online reservation system.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

My County Parks The State’s County Conservation hosts a website at www.mycountyparks.com with links to all of Iowa’s County Conservation agencies with information on camping and other activities. 51

On the trail Fort Dodge is the home of a growing and increasingly interconnected trail system. Its principal components are: Fort Dodge Nature Trail - 3 miles Begins at Williams Drive at SnellCrawford Park and leads northeast to the city limits, ending at Webster County Road D14. Soldier Creek Nature Trail - 2.8 miles Begins at Williams Drive across the street from Snell-Crawford Park and extends southwest. The trail passes under the Bridge of Fallen Heroes on North Third Street and connects to Central Avenue before turning northwest to the Hawkeye Avenue Bridge and Loomis Park. Phinney Park Trail - 1 mile Begins at the entrance to Phinney Park and extends south along the Des Moines River to Avenue C. 32nd Street Trail - 2 miles Begins at Fifth Avenue North and 32nd

Street and extends north to 25th Avenue North. The trail goes through the roundabout intersection of 10th Avenue North and 32nd Street and passes close by Rosedale Rapids/Fort Dodge Aquatic Center/Schmoker Family Park.

15th Street Trail - 1 mile Begins at 15th Street and 20th Avenue North and extends north to Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. Future plans for extending it farther north to John F. Kennedy Memorial Park.

Recreation and leisure Swimming Rosedale Rapids Aquatic Center 1111 N. 32nd St. Phone: 955-4284 Open swim is 12:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., daily. Daily admission, $6, all-day pass, $9. Gowrie Municipal Swimming Pool North Beek Street (Laurel Park) Phone: 352-3911 Open daily Afternoon swim $3.50 12:30 p.m. — 5 p.m. Night swim $2 6 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. Stratford Swimming Pool 1113 Moore Street Phone: 838-2339 Open daily $3.50 1 p.m. — 8 p.m.


Oleson Park Splash Pad

for kids ages 12 and under Open Skating 1:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m. Open Skating 7 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. Sunday Open Skating 1:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.

An area for water play that has no standing water. Water is recycled and treated to at least swimming pool standards. At Oleson Park.


Tennis Dodger Tennis and Basketball Courts 10th Avenue North and North 19th Street

Skateboard park Dean Hearn Skateboard Park North Seventh Street and Seventh Avenue North

Family Bowling Center 3599 Fifth Ave. S. 576-7664 Monday through Thursday, noon to close; Friday and Saturday, noon to 11 p.m.; and Sunday, noon to 9 p.m. Ridgewood Lanes 326 S. 25th St. 576-7214 Monday, Thursday and Friday, 5 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, 6 p.m. to midnight

Skating rinks Wheels of Gowrie Youth Center 1202 Beek St Phone: 352-9930 Friday Open Skating 7 p.m. — 10 p.m. Saturday Fun Skate 9:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. -

Movies Fort 8 1417 Central Ave. 576-6989

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013


Calendar of events May 2013

19 — Dayton Wranglers Youth Rodeo, 10 a.m., Dayton Rodeo Grounds. 19 — Season Opener at Mineral City Speedway. Pits open at 4 p.m., hot laps at 6 p.m, and races to follow. 24 — Moonlight Paddling, 9 to 11 p.m., Brushy Creek State Recreational Area, south boat ramp. Canoes with lights available on first come, first served basis. Organized by Webster County Conservation. 25 — Fort Dodge Area Farmers Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., northwest corner of the Crossroads Mall. 26 — Iowa ATV Series, Mineral City Speedway. 27 — Memorial Day Ceremonies, North Lawn Cemetery. Karl L. King Municipal Band will play at 10 a.m., program at approximately 10:30 a.m. 29 — Fort Dodge Area Farmers Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., northwest corner of the Crossroads Mall. 31 through June 2 — Frontier Days. Gates at the Fort Museum open at 4 p.m. Friday. The buckskinner camp opens at 4 p.m., Gimmik will perform under the Big Top from 7 to 11 p.m. and the Opera House will feature karaoke beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is a $5 entry wristband that is good for all three days.

June 2013

Fort Dodge Area Farmers Markets are held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and every Wednesday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., northwest corner of the Crossroads Mall. Karl L. King Municipal Band Concerts are held every Sunday in June, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Oleson Park Bandshell. Admission is free. Mineral City Speedway features racing every Sunday in June. Pits open at 4 p.m., hot laps at 6 p.m. and races to follow. 1 — The Frontier Days Parade will be at 10 a.m. on Central Avenue; gates will open at the Fort Museum at 10 a.m., the Hawkeye Pedal Pull will be at 1 p.m., and the pork chop feed will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Richie Lee and the Fabulous 50s will play from 1 to 4 p.m. under the Big Top where Pop Rocks 54

will be featured from 7 to 11 p.m. Bobby Awe and the Country Awe Stars will perform in the Opera House from 8 to 11 p.m. Admission to all events is a $5 entry wristband.

1 — Figure 8 Races, 6 p.m., Webster County Fairgrounds. 2 — Frontier Days continues. Gates open at the Fort Museum at 10 a.m., and there will be special country music from 1 to 4 p.m. under the Big Top. Admission to all events is a $5 entry wristband. 6-8 — Free Fishing Weekend Statewide. 8 — Kids Fishing Derby, 10 a.m. to noon, Brushy Creek State Recreation Area. 8 — Market on Central, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Central Avenue, featuring entertainment, locally made products and Iowa-grown foods. 8-9 — Hillbilly Sale and Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Webster County Fairgrounds. 8-9 — Annual Oakland Cemetery Walk, community members portray historical figures who are buried in the 1859 cemetery. The walk on Saturday will be from 1 to 3 p.m., with tours beginning approximately every 10 minutes. There will be a single performance at 3 p.m. Sunday in the BioScience and Health Sciences Building at Iowa Central Community College. 8-9 — FDBA Pre-State Baseball Tournament, Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. 8 — Movie on the Monster, showing of “Madagascar 3” at 8:45 p.m. (or when dark) at Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. Free admission.

14-16 – Lehigh River Days, includes a parade, street dance, games and a flea market. 15-16 — Fort Dodge Kennel Club AKC Dog Shows and Obedience Trials, Webster County Fairgrounds. 18 — Victorian Party, 6 pm., Ringland-Smeltzer House grounds. Games, magician, hot dogs. Tickets are free, but event is limited to 200 people and are available beginning June 10 at the Fort Dodge Public Library. 22 — Market on Central, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Central Avenue, featuring entertainment, locally made products and Iowa-grown foods. 22 — Shellabration 2013, featuring Styx, The Down to Earth Band, Kory and the Fireflies. Oleson Park Bandshell. Tickets are $30 in advance; $35 after June 4. Tickets can be purchased online at www.ticketweb.com or by phone at (866) 468-3401. Kids 12 and younger are admitted free with an adult, and all tickets are general admission with festival-style seating. 22-23 — Men’s Slow Pitch Invite, Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. 22 — Movie on the Monster, showing of “Hotel Transylvania” at 8:45 p.m. (or when dark) at Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. Free admission. 29 — Figure 8 races, 6 p.m., Webster County Fairgrounds.

July 2013

Fort Dodge Area Farmers Markets are held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and every Wednesday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., northwest corner of the Crossroads Mall. Karl L. King Municipal Band Concerts are held every Sunday in July, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Oleson Park Bandshell. Admission is free. Mineral City Speedway features racing every Sunday in July. Pits open at 4 p.m., hot laps at 6 p.m. and races to follow. 4 — Gowrie Independence Day parade, 10 a.m. 6-7 — Hillbilly Sale and Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Webster County Fairgrounds. 8-15 — Regional High School Softball, Harlan and Hazel Rogers

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Calendar of events Sports Complex. 10-14 — Webster County Fair, Webster County Fairgrounds. 13-20 — Districts and Sub-state High School Baseball, Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. 13 — Market on Central, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Central Avenue, featuring entertainment, locally made products and Iowa-grown foods. 13-14 — Fort Dodge City Golf Tournament 13 — Movie on the Monster, showing of “Paranorman” at 8:45 p.m. (or when dark) at Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. Free admission. 14 — Figure 8 races, 6 p.m., Webster County Fairgrounds. 22-26 — Iowa Girls High School State Athletic Union State Softball Championships at Harland and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. 27 — Market on Central, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Central Avenue, featuring entertainment, locally made products and Iowa-grown foods.

August 2013

Fort Dodge Area Farmers Markets are held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and every Wednesday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., northwest corner of the Crossroads Mall. Mineral City Speedway features racing every Sunday in August. Pits open at 4 p.m., hot laps at 6 p.m. and races to follow. Season championship is Aug. 25. 2-3 — The CJ BioAmerica Badger Lake Dragon Boat Bash, John F. Kennedy Memorial Park. Concert with Arch Allies is Friday night; dragon boat racing is Saturday. 3-4 — Hillbilly Sale and Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Webster County Fairgrounds. 3-4 — Harcourt Appreciation Days, jam-packed with family activities, including a car show. 9-10 — Fort Dodge Canine Companion Club UKC agility, obedience and rally trials. 10 — Clint Pingel Memorial Figure 8 races, 6 p.m., Webster County Fairgrounds. 10 — Movie on the Monster, showing of “The Avengers” at 8:45 p.m. (or when dark) at Harlan and Hazel Rogers Sports Complex. Free admission. 31- Sept. 2 — Skydivers Boogie, Fort Dodge Regional Airport.

September 2013

27 — Gowrie Fire Department Truck and Tractor Pull, 6 p.m., Webster County Fairgrounds. Tickets available at the gate, $15. 27— Blues Under the Trees, gates open at noon; music starts at 1 p.m., Mineral City Speedway, south of Fort Dodge. Tickets are $25 in advance after June 15; $30 at the gate; presale prices is $20 until June 15. Food vendors, no coolers allowed, bring lawn chairs and blankets. Performers are: 1 p.m., Joe and Vicki Price; 3 p.m., Sena Ehrhardt; 5 p.m., The Chris O’Leary Band; 7 p.m., Hadden Sayers; and 9 p.m., Rick Estrin and the Nightcats.

Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

Fort Dodge Area Farmers Markets are held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and every Wednesday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., northwest corner of the Crossroads Mall. 1-2 — Skydivers Boogie, Fort Dodge Regional Airport. 6-9 — Dayton National Championship Rodeo, sessions will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and at 1:30 p.m. Monday. A carnival and flea market are also held in conjunction with the rodeo, and a large parade begins at 10 a.m. on Labor Day. 14-15 — Hillbilly Sale and Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Webster County Fairgrounds. 20-21 — Annual Bruce Sommerfeld Memorial, Mineral City Speedway.

21 – Fifth Annual Shellabration Oktoberfest, Oleson Park Bandshell. Gates open at 10:45 a.m., Iowa vs. Western Michigan live broadcast at 11:05 a.m., Malek’s Fishermen will perform from noon to 2 p.m. and from 4 to 5:30 p.m., Barefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen will perform from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 5:30 to 7 p.m., and the Fab Four will headline at 7:30 p.m. 22 — Fall Park Festival, John F. Kennedy Memorial Park. 28 — Fifth Annual Applefest Run/Walk, REC Coliseum, 9 a.m. 5,000 meter run/walk; 9:30 a.m.. omelet breakfast; 9:40 a.m. Kids Fun Run; and 10 a.m. 10,000 meter run.

October 2013

Fort Dodge Area Farmers Markets are held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and every Wednesday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., through Oct. 26, northwest corner of the Crossroads Mall. 6 — WC Cruisers Cruise to the Woods, Webster County Fairgrounds. Midwest’s largest car show/cruise. 12-13 — Hillbilly Sale and Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Webster County Fairgrounds. 15 — Campground at John F. Kennedy Memorial Park closes for the season. 20 — Bridal Spectacular, Iowa Central Community College Career Education Building.

November 2013

9-10 — Hillbilly Sale and Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Webster County Fairgrounds.

December 2013

4-5 — Farm News Ag Show, all day, Iowa Central Community College, east campus. 14-15 — Hillbilly Sale and Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Webster County Fairgrounds.

March 2014

7-9 — Home and Garden Show, Iowa Central Community College, east campus. 55

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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Aller Allergy gy – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

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D Dermatology ermatology – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

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Family F amily Medicine – K Kenyon enyon R Road oad

57 574-6800 4-6800 | 800 Kenyon Kenyon R Road, oad, Main En Entrance trance

Family Family Medicine – Sec Second ond A Avenue venue N North orth 574-6110 57 74 4-6110 | 1428 2nd Ave. Ave. N.

F Foot oot and Ankle – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

574-6880 574 4-6880 | 804 804 K Kenyon enyon R Road, oad, En Entrance trance B

Gastroenterology Gastroenterology – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

574-6820 57 74 4-6820 | 800 Kenyon Kenyon Road, Road, Main En Entrance trance

Nephrology N ephrology – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

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OB/GYN OB /GYN – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

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Orthopedics Orthopedics – Fort Fort D Dodge odge

574-8333 57 74-8 4 333 | 804 804 K Kenyon enyon R Road, oad, En Entrance trance B

P Palliative alliative Medicine – K Kenyon enyon R Road oad

57 574-6845 4-6845 | 800 K Kenyon enyon Road, Road, Main En Entrance trance

Pediatrics Pediatrics – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

57 574-6855 4-6855 | 804 804 K Kenyon enyon Road, Road, En Entrance trance B

Pulmonology Pulmonology – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

57 574-6845 4-6845 | 800 K Kenyon enyon Road, Road, Main En Entrance trance

Surgery Surgery – F Fort ort D Dodge odge

57 574-6865 4-6865 | 804 804 K Kenyon enyon Road, Road, En Entrance trance B

V Veterans eterans Administr Administration ation Clinic – F Fort ort D Dodge odge 576 576-2235 -2235 | 2419 2nd A Avenue venue N North orth

Women’s Women’s Cen Center ter – F Fort ort D Dodge odge 574-6015 574 4-6015 | 625 625 L Street Street


Urgent U rgent Car Care e–F Fort ort D Dodge odge

57 574-8484 4-8484 | 80 804 4K Kenyon enyon R Road, oad, En Entrance trance C

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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Webster County Visitors Guide • May 2013

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