2022 Football Preview

Page 8

65th Annual Good Luck to All Teams! VOTED BEST • New Car Dealer • Detailer • Best Car Wash 2723 5th Ave. S. Fort Dodge • 515-576-7505 • www.fdford.com VOTED BEST Oil Change 14 Years in A Row! MansonNorthwestWebsterCommunitySchools WeCare.WeInspire.WeEmpower. mnwcougars.com hwe re.WeI mnwcoug

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FORT DODGE 3031 5th Ave South Fort Dodge, IA 50501 515-573-5150 WEBSTER CITY 505 Second Street Webster City, IA 50595 515-832-2520 CLARION 714 Central Ave East Clarion, IA 50525 515-532-2210 HUMBOLDT 605 13th St North Humboldt, IA 50548 515-604-6420 EAGLE GROVE 323 South Commercial Ave Eagle Grove, IA 50533 515-448-4567 JEWELL 548 Main Street Jewell, IA 50130 515-827-6120 STANHOPE 600 Park Street Stanhope, IA 50246 515-826-3222 Good Luck to All the Area Teams This Season! www.fsbwc.com

2 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net ServiceMaster by Rice • 3516 Maple Dr., Fort Dodge • 515-576-1619 Providing Services For: • Residential CleaningCommercialandCarpet • RestorationFire/Water/Smoke • Odor Control • 24 Hour Emergency Services • Upholstery Cleaning • CleanTrauma/VandalismUp • Mold Remediation • Large Structural Drying Good Luck in the 2022 Season! RETURNING AREA 1ST/2ND TEAM ALL-STATE PLAYERS Fort Dodge 2nd teamJAVION JONDLE Webster City 2nd teamCJ HISLER SE Valley 2nd teamJUSTIN LOSEKE

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 3 TEAM PREVIEWS Fort Dodge................................................4 St. Edmond .............................................12 Algona ....................................................42 Bishop Garrigan WestWebsterSoutheastSouthPocahontasNorthNewell-FondaMansonHumboldtGreeneEmmetsburgEastEagleClarion-Goldfield/Dows......................................44..........................40Grove............................................38SacCounty......................................50...........................................53County.......................................36................................................28NorthwestWebster...................22..........................................48Union............................................49Area.....................................30CentralCalhoun............................32Valley.....................................20City...........................................24Bend-Mallard.................................46 DISTRICT PREVIEWS Class 4A-1 ..............................................16 Eight Player-2..........................................17 PHOTOS Fort Dodge..................4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 26 St. Edmond .............12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 27 Algona ....................................................42 Bishop Garrigan WestWebsterSoutheastSouthPocahontasNorthNewell-FondaMansonHumboldtGreeneEmmetsburgEagleEastClarion-Goldfield/Dows......................................44..........................40SacCounty......................................50Grove............................................38...........................................53County.......................................36................................................28NorthwestWebster...................22..........................................48Union............................................49Area.....................................30CentralCalhoun............................32Valley.....................................20City...........................................24Bend-Mallard.................................46 COMPOSITE SCHEDULES Area districts ...........................................35 INDEX ON THE COVER: returning local all-district players Javion Jondle and Connor Carver of Fort Dodge, as well as Johnny Dickerson and Caleb Schaeffer of St. Edmond. (photos by Britt Kudla) RETURNING 1ST/2ND TEAM ALL-STATERS Humboldt WILL ORNESS Humboldt 2nd teamTAYETON LOHAUS1st team Greene Co. 1st teamRICHARD DAUGHERTYAlgona 2nd teamALEX MANSKE

Juniors (21): Drew Moritz, 175, DB; Damarion Calahan, 170, WR/DB; Corbin Cooper, 180, DB; Ty Adams, 170, WR; Constancio Gomez, 195, RB; Ryan Daniel, 200, DB; Jace Johnson, 190, FB/LB; Matthew Bolton, 138, WR; Brandon Beckley, 190, LB; Parker Schillerstrom, 155, K; Cal Hartman, 208, OL/LB; Drayton Miller, 225, OL; Zeke Pineda, 210, DL; Grant Behrens, 225; OL; Karsen Smith, 180, LB; Jeramey Cartee, 350, DL; Masen Godinez, 220, DL; Grant Williams, 185, WR; Isaiah Caldwell, 210, DL; Malaki Pettigrew, 165, WR; Justin Krog, 171, WR.


4 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net FORT DODGE 2022 DODGER FOOTBALL ROSTER

Sophomores (18): Royce Pederson, 185, LB; Collin Tornabane, 163, WR; Jase Nekvinda, 170, QB/DB; Mason Billingsley, 165, WR/DB; Jordan Lessmeier, 150, DB; Jesus Gutierrez, 210, RB/LB; Hunter Richardson, 160, LB; Mason Liska, 170, LB; Kaden Froisland, 150, DB; Quantaze Jordan, 175, RB; Kolton Tiernan, 160, RB/LB; Nate Taylor, 225, OL/DL; Jackson McQuillen, 200, OL; Gavin Pederson, 225; OL; Jonathan Brown, 170, WR; Brayden Reimers, 165, WR; Aiden Behrends, 160, DB; Tyreese Hill, 145, DB.

ERIC PRATT epratt@messengernews.net See DODGERS, Page 5 Nik Moser 3rd season

Seniors (20): Nate Opande, 165, WR/DB; Orion Larson-Trott, 185, RB/LB; Javion Jondle, 200, WR/DB; Connor Carver, 194, QB; Tucker Pederson, 200, RB/LB; Creighton Peed, 185, WR; Carmelo Hughes, 175, DB; Max Potratz, 165, DB; Ti’Juan Isom, 150, WR; Noah Stanley, 190, LB; Kadin Nekvinda, 235, DL; Conner Ely, 260, OL; Kaleb Lynch, 220, OL/DL; Collin Munter, 264, OL/DL; Keaton Nichols, 285, OL/DL; Alex Hebert, 225, DL; Davion Lockman, 275, DL; Max Morud, 241, OL; Kyron Wilson, 188, WR; Karson Ludwig, 190, WR.

Freshman (1): Dreshaun Ross, 200, LB.

Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE RETURNING LETTERWINNERS AND SENIORS are, front row (left to right): Kaleb Lynch, Nate Opande, Ty Adams, Kaden Froisland, Ti’Juan Isom, Orion Larson-Trott and Damarion Calahan. Middle: Kyron Wilson, Conner Ely, Carmelo Hughes, Noah Stanley, Max Morud, Max Potratz, Davion Lockman and Tucker Pederson. Back: Carson Ludwig, Connor Carver, Isaiah Caldwell, Kadin Nekvinda, Collin Munter, Keaton Nichols, Creighton Peed, Alex Hebert, Javion Jondle, Cal Hartman and Grant Williams.

OFFENSE www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 5 Fort Dodge Employee Owned GO DODGERS! Have A Great Season!115 South 29th Street, Fort Dodge 515-573-4105 Pharmacy Fort Dodge DODGERS , Continued from Page 4 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE WIDE RECEIVERS are, front row (left to right): Jay Brown, Damarion Calahan, Malaki Pettigrew, Matthew Bolton, Ti’Juan Isom and Nate Opande. Back: Kyron Wilson, Ty Adams, Javion Jondle, Justin Krog, Creighton Peed, Carson Ludwig, Grant Williams and Brayden Reimers. FORT DODGE See DODGERS, Page 6

3557 5th Ave So. Fort Dodge 515-955-2207 • jimscarpetonefortdodge.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! JIM’S DeanTim Let your hometown experts at Carpet One help you 6 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE RUNNING BACKS are, front row (left to right): Jesus Gutierrez, Constancio Gomez and Quantaze Jordan. Back: Kolton Tiernan, Orion Larson-Trott, Jace Johnson, Tucker Pederson and Royce Pederson. FORT DODGE DODGERS , Continued from Page 5 See DODGERS, Page 7

DEFENSE SCHEDULE AND COACHES www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 7 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE DEFENSIVE LINEMEN are, front row (left to right): Masen Godinez, Zeke Pineda, Constancio Gomez, Quantaze Jordan, Nate Taylor, Davion Lockman. Back: Isaiah Caldwell, Kaleb Lynch, Connor Ely, Collin Munter, Jeremy Cartee, Keaton Nichols, Kadin Nekvinda, Alex Hebert. FORT DODGE DODGERS , Continued from Page 6 See DODGERS, Page 8 “It’s all about adding up those steps and inches and turning them into bigger things (in the long run).” NIK MOSER Fort Dodge head coach

8 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE DEFENSIVE BACKS are, front row (left to right): Kaden Froisland, Drew Moritz, Carmelo Hughes, Ti’Juan Isom, Max Potratz and Jordan Lessmeier. Back: Corbin Cooper, Mason Billingsley, Ryan Daniel, Damarion Calahan, Javion Jondle, Aiden Behrends and Tyreese Hill. FORT DODGE DODGERS , Continued from Page 7 DODGER SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ....................at Mason City Sept. 2 ..................................Ames Sept. 9 .................at Waterloo East Sept. 16 ....................Marshalltown Sept. 23 ....................Webster City Sept. 30 ........................at Spencer Oct. 7 ...........................Storm Lake Oct. 14 ........at Denison-Schleswig Oct. 21 ..............................Le Mars CONTACT sports@messengernews.netUS:Phone:(515)573-2141(Ext.435,436or438)

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 9 GO DODGERS! Aug. 26 ..........................at Mason City .....................................................................................................................................7:00 PM Sept. 2 ...........................vs. Ames Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA........................................................................................7:00 PM Sept. 9 ............................ at Waterloo East .................................................................................................................................7:00 PM Sept. 16 .........................vs. Marshalltown Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA...........................................................................7:00 PM Sept. 23 .........................vs. Webster City Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ............................................................................7:00 PM Sept. 30 .........................at Spencer ...........................................................................................................................................7:00 PM Oct. 7 .............................vs. Storm Lake Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ..............................................................................7:00 PM Oct. 14 ...........................at Denison-Schleswig .........................................................................................................................7:00 PM Oct. 21 ...........................vs. Le Mars Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ...................................................................................7:00 PM Fortwww.CalvertandJohnsonins.com148North9thStreetDodge,IA50501Phone(515)-576-5145 Pingel Tyre & Auto Centre 515.955.582819031stAveNFt.DodgeIA50501BrakeService,ExhaustWork, Tune Ups & More!pingeltyre.comWeCanFindAnyVehicleThatYou’reLookingFor515-573-5931orwww.marksautomart.netLocallyOwnedSince1984•21005thAve.S.•FortDodge515-576-5429 2019 “A Complete Solution” ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE INC. Email - bemrich@bemrich.com • www.bemrich.com • INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL 515-955-3257 110 S 21st St Established in 1984 Fort Dodge Finish The Race REFINISH * REPAIR * INSTALLATION TILE * VINYL PLANKS * 515-570-0432REMODELING MIDWEST HARDWOOD FLOORING

2022 CHEERLEADERSVARSITYDODGERS • Kaylee Fraser • April Naeve • Riley Rossow • Molly Meyer • Kira Hansen • Sydney Johnson • Heidi Clay • Daniela Castillo • Alayna Grove • Kayla Olson • Kylie Ganzeveld • Briley Frank • Maleah Scherff • Gabby Schumacher • Madisen Billingsley • Taeva Preston • Aryssa Lumsden • Lexi Hendrickson • Eva Gibson • Taytum Davidson • Madison Gentile • Skyler Rowell • JaeCiera Brown • Skylar Derrig HOURS: MON. 9AM-7PM TUES-THURS. 9AM-6PM • FRI. 9AM-5:30PM SAT. 9AM-5PM • SUN. NOON-4PM EAST ON HIGHWAY BUSINESS 20 ACROSS FROM MENARDS • FORT DODGE • 515-576-7241 www.mikosandmatt.com UsFindOn Since1953 Thank you for voting us Best11ShopBodyforYears! m 2020 • Weekly Food Specials • Breakfast • Coffee Bar • Premium Gas • so much more AMPRIDE® 3243 5th Ave. S. Fort 515-573-7512Dodge Good Luck in the 2022 Season VARSITY • Windows • Siding • Fascia FREE ESTIMATES “Family Owned & Operated For 4 Generations” Fort Dodge Public Library 424 Central Avenue, Fort Dodge, IA 515-573-8167 • fortdodgelibrary.org Open Mon. & Tues. 9:00am- 8:00pm Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9:00am- 5:30 Sat. 9:00-1:00 M-F 5:30 am - 6:00 pm 515-573-5461 • 1315 S. 24th St. • Fort Dodge, IA • Quality, affordable child care for children 5 wks - 12 yrs • United Way agency • Four Star QRS rated • Experienced Early Childhood Teachers • Exceptional School age Program transportationwith JOIN OUR TEAM! 2021 total: $19,318.36 • 15 years accumulative total: $349,294.97 “IT’S ALWAYS THE SEASON FOR PEACE, LOVE, HOPE, & A CURE!” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! ANGEL RIDE TO SAVE THE TA TA’S DODGERS!GO 10 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net

Rushing Yards Bryer Prochniak, North Union, 1,284; CJ Hisler, Webster City, 1,032; Jaxon Cherry, Webster City, 936; Max Fehr, West BendMallard, 785; Wyatt Kreft, Newell-Fonda, 753. Rushing Touchdowns

Passing Yards

(Area players only)

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 11

season with the Jaguars. FORT DODGE LEADERS Dodger Career Rushing 1. Sam Cook (2013-15) ..........................664-4,882 2. Jontel Clayton (2008-10) .....................562-3,522 4. Dayson Clayton (2017-20)..................535-3,481 3. Zach Mason (2002-04) .......................631-3,221 5. Mike Thedford (1983-84) ..................394-2,245 Dodger Single-Season Rushing 1. Sam Cook (2015) ................................197-1,838 2. Jontel Clayton (2009) ..........................236-1,608 (tie) Sam Cook (2013) .............................242-1,608 4. Sam Cook (2014) ................................225-1,436 5. Zach Mason (2003) .............................249-1,329 Dodger Career Rushing Touchdowns 1. Sam Cook (2013-15) .......................................52 2. Jontel Clayton (2008-10) ..................................34 3. Dayson Clayton (2017-20)...............................33 (tie) Randy Reiners (1992-94) ..............................33 5. Zach Mason (2002-04) ....................................29 Dodger Career Passing 1. Drake Miller (2016-18) ...............................7,100 2. Randy Reiners (1992-94) ............................4,385 3. Andrew Stover (2012-13) ...........................3,265 4. Johnny Bice (2014-15) ................................2,913 5. Zach Edwards (2003-05) .............................2,736 Dodger Career Passing Touchdowns 1. Drake Miller (2016-18) ....................................74 2. Randy Reiners (1992-94) .................................39 3. Johnny Bice (2014-15) .....................................30 4. Andrew Stover (2012-13) ................................27 5. Zach Edwards (2003-05) ..................................23 Dodger Single Season Passing 1. Drake Miller (2018) .....................................2,972 2. Drake Miller (2017) .....................................2,340 3. Randy Reiners (1994)..................................2,235 4. Sam Edwards (2011) ...................................2,141 5. Connor Carver (2021) ...............................2,103 Dodger Receiving Touchdowns 1. Tysen Kershaw (2017-19) ................................24 2. Trey Mosley (2015-17) ....................................21 3. Alonzo Clayton (1991-92)................................17 4. Sam Kolacia (2014-15).....................................15 5. Javion Jondle (2020-21) ..................................13 Dodger Career Receiving 1. Tysen Kershaw (2017-19) ...................149-2,145 2. Trey Mosley (2015-17) .......................150-1,993 3. Alonzo Clayton (1991-92) ....................69-1,452 4. Sam Kolacia (2014-15)..........................82-1,407 5. Mark Wills (1993-94) ............................51-1,326 6. Javion Jondle (2020-21) .......................85-1,287 Dodger Single Season Receiving 1. Tysen Kershaw (2018) ..........................71-1,206 2. Trey Mosley (2017) ...................................61-923 3. Mark Wills (1994) ......................................39-919 4. Javion Jondle (2021).................................54-880 5. Sam Kolacia (2015) ...................................48-871 ST. EDMOND LEADERS Gael Career Rushing 1. Tate O’Tool (2013-15) ........................810-5,437 2. Sean Alstott (1990-93) ........................549-2,531 3. Neil Flattery (2009-11) ........................413-2,524 4. Vinnie Harvey (2010-13) .....................441-2,450 5. Alex Mericle (2010-12) .......................414-2,419 Gael Single-Season Rushing 1. Tate O’Tool (2014) ..............................380-2,590 2. Alex Mericle (2012) .............................289-1,772 3. Neil Flattery (2011) .............................260-1,615 4. Vinnie Harvey (2013) ..........................290-1,594 5. Tate O’Tool (2013) ..............................168-1,538 Gael Single-Season Rushing Touchdowns 1. Tate O’Tool (2014) ...........................................47 2. Vinnie Harvey (2013) .......................................35 3. Alex Mericle (2012) ..........................................28 4. (tie) Ben Bruening (1996) ................................23 4. (tie) Neil Flattery (2011) ...................................23 Gael Career Passing 1. Drew Schaeffer (2018-20) .........................2,559 2. Tad Lindner (1977-79) ...............................2,460 3. Tom Miklo (1970-72) .................................2,041 4. John Engler (2006-08)................................2,040 5. Matt Janssen (1992-94)..............................1,624 Gael Single-Season Passing 1. Drew Schaeffer (2020) ...............................1,816 2. Tad Lindner (1978) ....................................1,318 3. John Engler (2008) .....................................1,247 4. Tom Miklo (1972) ......................................1,171 5. Tad Lindner (1979) ....................................1,103 Gael Career Passing Touchdowns 1. Tad Lindner (1977-79) .....................................30 2. Drew Schaeffer (2018-20) ...............................26 3. Tom Miklo (1971-72) .......................................21 4. David Flattery (2010-12) ..................................19 5. John Engler (2006-08)......................................18 Gael Single-Season Passing Touchdowns 1. Drew Schaeffer (2020) .....................................18 2. Josh Bradley (2005)..........................................16 3. (tie) Tad Lindner (1979) ...................................15 3. (tie) Tad Lindner (1978) ...................................15 5. Tom Miklo (1972) ............................................11 Gael Career Receptions 1. Dave Conell (1977-80).....................................73 2. Landon Peed (2011-14) ...................................61 3. Parker Oswald (2019-20) .................................60 4. Craig Schlienz (1992-95) .................................52 5. Dave Lang (1980-82) .......................................50 PREP FOOTBALL

Messenger photo by Britt Kudla ELI JOHNSON stretches to catch a touchdown pass for Southeast Valley during the Class 2A state semifinals at the UNI-Dome in Cedar Falls last November. Johnson is returning for his senior

Connor Carver, Fort Dodge, 2,103; Mason Dicks, Newell-Fonda, 1,487; Preston Gardner, Clarion-Goldfield/Dows, 1,091; Gavin Batta, South Central Calhoun, 930; Carter Morphew, North Union, 924.


Jaxon Cherry, Webster City, 19; Max Fehr, West Bend-Mallard, 19; Bryer Prochniak, North Union, 15; Wyatt Kreft, Newell-Fonda, 14; Cal Birkey, Bishop Garrigan, 11. Receptions Will Orness, Humboldt, 73; Javion Jondle, Fort Dodge, 54; Eli Johnson, Southeast Valley, 32; Jaydin Anderson, Manson Northwest Webster, 27; Bryer Prochniak, North Union, 27; Johnny Dickerson, St. Edmond 26. Receiving Yards Will Orness, Humboldt, 1,372; Javion Jondle, Fort Dodge, 880; Eli Johnson, Southeast Valley, 735; Johnny Dickerson, St. Edmond, 437; Jaydin Anderson, Manson Northwest Webster, 416. Receiving Touchdowns Will Orness, Humboldt, 15; Javion Jondle, Fort Dodge, 7; Sam Fehr, West Bend-Mallard, 6; Johnny Dickerson, St. Edmond, 5; Carlos Gomez, Algona, 4. Tackles Justin Loseke, Southeast Valley, 82.5; Korey Anderson, Eagle Grove, 65; Jaxon Cherry, Webster City, 61; Caden Roethler, Bishop Garrigan, 58.5; Sam Fehr, West Bend-Mallard, 58. Sacks Justin Loseke, Southeast Valley, 8; Keegan Hisler, Webster City, 6; Tayeton Lohaus, Humboldt, 5; Erick Perez, Clarion-Goldfield/ Dows, 3; Drake Canavan, Eagle Grove, 3. Interceptions Cayden Schultz, Eagle Grove, 6; Will Orness, Humboldt, 4; Bryer Prochniak, North Union, 4; Lucas Fehr, West Bend-Mallard, 4; Alex Manske, Algona, 3. Made PATs Trever Beach, Humboldt, 52; Justin Hanks, South Central Calhoun, 25; Brallon Gomez, Clarion-Goldfield/Dows, 23; Carter Morphew, North Union, 23.

Passing Touchdowns Mason Dicks, Newell-Fonda, 19; Connor Carver, Fort Dodge, 16; Carter Morphew, North Union, 16; Preston Gardner, Clarion-Goldfield/ Dows, 14; Caleb Schaeffer, St. Edmond, 13.


12 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net

Messenger photo by Britt Kudla



Juniors (2): JT Laufersweiler, QB/DB, 175; Leo Ehn, TE/LB, 175. Sophomores (8): Klay Baker, RB/LB, 170; Quintin Jaeschke, G/DE, 185; Kade Schlegel, OL/DL, 175; Sam Myer, RB/LB, 165; Jonathan Xiao, SL/LB, 180; Dominic McClain, TE/LB, 170; Logan McElroy, G/DL, 160; Adam Walker, G/DE, 225.

Freshmen (10): Grant Galles, WR/DB, 135; Jakob Koopman, SL/LB, 155; Jack McElroy, WR/DB, 140; Ethan Swisher, QB/DB, 145; Jackson Calvert, WR/DB, 125; Kinnick Henning, RB/LB, 145; Jacob Moore, OL/LB, 135; Koleman Hanson, G/DL, 175; Drake Vandi, RB/DB, 150; Max Webster, C/DL, 255.

DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net See GAELS, Page 13 Matt Dillon 5th season ST. EDMOND

Seniors (5): Johnny Dickerson, WR/DB, 180; Caleb Schaeffer, WR/DB, 170; Alex Tiernan, K, 145; John Nemmers, C/DL, 200; Tyler McDowell, G/DE, 225.

RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR ST. EDMOND are, front row (left to right): JT Laufersweiler, Sam Myer and John Nemmers. Back: Caleb Schaeffer, Adam Walker, Johnny Dickerson, Tyler McDowell, Klay Baker and Alex Tiernan.

OFFENSE www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 13 GO GAELS! Have A Great Season!Fort Dodge Employee Owned Pharmacy Fort Dodge 115 South 29th Street Fort 515-573-4105Dodge GAELS , Continued from Page 12 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla OFFENSIVE LINEMEN FOR ST. EDMOND are, front row (left to right): Logan McElroy, Koleman Hanson and John Nemmers. Back: Tyler McDowell, Quintin Jaeschke, Jacob Moore, Kade Schlegel, Adam Walker and Max Webster. See GAELS, Page 14 ST. EDMOND

14 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla LINEBACKERS FOR ST. EDMOND are, front row (left to right): Kinnick Henning and Sam Myer. Back: Drake Vandi, Dominic McClain, Klay Baker and Jakob Koopman. GAELS , Continued from Page 13 GAEL SCHEDULE Aug. 26........................................Ar-We-Va Sept. 2 ......................at West Bend-Mallard Sept. 9 .......................................North Iowa Sept. 16 .........................at Harris-Lake Park Sept. 23 .....................at Remsen St. Mary’s Sept. 30 ............................Bishop Garrigan Oct. 7 .......................at Northwood-Kensett Oct. 14 ..............................................GTRA See GAELS, Page 15 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla DEFENSIVE BACKS for St. Edmond are, front row (left to right): Grant Galles, Jack McElroy and Jackson Calvert. Back: JT Laufersweiler, Caleb Schaeffer, Johnny Dickerson and Ethan Swisher. ST. EDMOND DEFENSE

GAELS , Continued from Page 14

DEFENSIVE LINEMEN for St. Edmond are, front row (left to right): Max Webster, Tyler McDowell, John Nemmers and Quintin Jaeschke. Back: Jacob Moore, Kade Schlegel, Leo Ehn, Adam Walker and Logan McElroy. EDMOND

Messenger photo by Britt Kudla


www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 15


KICKERS for St. Eedmond (right photo) are, left to right: Caleb Schaeffer, JT Laufersweiler, Alex Tiernan and Koleman Hanson. Messenger photo by Britt Kudla QUARTERBACKS for St. Edmond (left photo) are, left to right: Caleb Schaeffer, JT Laufersweiler and Ethan Swisher.

Messenger photo by Britt Kudla

16 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE OFFENSIVE LINEMEN are, front row (left to right): Grant Behrens, Cal Hartman, Max Morud and Gavin Pederson. Back: Kaden Lynch, Conner Ely, Collin Munter, Keaton Nichols and Jace Johnson. LYNX REMAIN TEAM TO BEAT CLASS 4A, DISTRICT 1 ERIC PRATT epratt@messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE SPECIAL TEAMS players are Parker Schillerstrom (kicker) and Javion Jondle (punter). See 4A-1, Page 26

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 17 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla WIDE RECEIVERS FOR ST. EDMOND are, front row (left to right): Grant Galles and Jackson Calvert. Back Row: Dominic McClain, Caleb Schaeffer, Leo Ehn, Johnny Dickerson, Jakob Koopman and Jack McElroy. RIVALS ARE BACK FOR MORE DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net See 8-PLAYER 2, Page 27 8-PLAYER, DISTRICT 2

8-26 ....................Ar-We-Va .......................................................Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, AI ........................................................................7:00 PM 9-2 .......................West Band Mallard ........................................West Bend, IA ....................................................................................................7:00 PM 9-9 .....................North Iowa Dodger Stadium .....................Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ........................................................................7:00 PM 9-16 .....................Harris Lake Park ............................................Harris Lake Park ................................................................................................7:00 PM 9-23 .....................St Mary’s ......................................................Remsen, IA .........................................................................................................7:00 PM 9-30 .....................Bishop Garrigan.............................................Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ........................................................................7:00 PM 10-7 ...................Northwood - Kensett CSD.............................Northwood, IA ...................................................................................................7:00 PM 10-14 ..................GTRA ............................................................Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ........................................................................7:00 PM GO GAELS! “A Complete Solution” ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE INC. Email - bemrich@bemrich.com • www.bemrich.com • INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL 515-955-3257 110 S 21st St Established in 1984 Fort Dodge Finish The Race 2100 5th Ave S. Fort Dodge 515-573-5931 • www.marksautomart.net We Can Find Any Vehicle That You’re Looking For 515-576-5429 2019 • Weekly Food Specials • Breakfast • Coffee Bar • Premium Gas • so much more AMPRIDE® 3243 5th Ave. S. Fort 515-573-7512Dodge Good Luck in the 2022 Season REFINISH * REPAIR * INSTALLATION TILE * VINYL PLANKS * 515-570-0432REMODELING MIDWEST HARDWOOD FLOORING Fortwww.CalvertandJohnsonins.com148North9thStreetDodge,IA50501Phone(515)-576-5145 18 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 19 2022 ST EDMOND CHEERLEADERSGAELS Front row left to right: Madi Davis, Brianna Saathoff, Anna Lursen, Michaela Leiting, Kaili Henning, Ella Passow, Breanna Bethke 2nd row: Sophia Carlson, Cambree Lunn, Ellie Knox, Klara Baker, Addie Schulte, Abby Lawler Back row: Gracie Rial, Ella Mundie, Anna Kolacia, Cecilia Galvan, Madysen Halverson, Lauren Gibb, Sophia Dutcher, Andee Barwin Missing: Maya Neverman and Mara Shannon Thank you for voting us Best11ShopBodyforYears! m 2020 HOURS: MON. 9AM-7PM TUES-THURS. 9AM-6PM • FRI. 9AM-5:30PM SAT. 9AM-5PM • SUN. NOON-4PM EAST ON HIGHWAY BUSINESS 20 ACROSS FROM MENARDS • FORT DODGE • 515-576-7241 www.mikosandmatt.com UsFindOn Since1953 Good Luck This Season! FLOORING • CABINETS • COUNTERTOPS & MORE Fort Dodge Public Library 424 Central Avenue, Fort Dodge, IA 515-573-8167 • fortdodgelibrary.org Open Mon. & Tues. 9:00am- 8:00pm Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9:00am- 5:30 Sat. 9:00-1:00 Providing Operations and Maintenance at the Fort Dodge Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities USW UTILITY GROUP 1406 Central Avenue | Fort Dodge, IA 50501 M-F 5:30 am - 6:00 pm 515-573-5461 • 1315 S. 24th St. • Fort Dodge, IA • Quality, affordable child care for children 5 wks - 12 yrs • United Way agency • Four Star QRS rated • Experienced Early Childhood Teachers • Exceptional School age Program transportationwith JOIN OUR TEAM! 2021 total: $19,318.36 • 15 years accumulative total: $349,294.97 “IT’S ALWAYS THE SEASON FOR PEACE, LOVE, HOPE, & A CURE!” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! ANGEL RIDE TO SAVE THE TAGAELS!GOTA’S

20 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla JAGUARS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR SOUTHEAST VALLEY are, front row (left to right): Caden Konecne, Brady Hanson, Drew Corell and Carl Berglund. Back: Colby Wilke, Michael Eslick, Eli Johnson, Ethan Ackerson and Justin Loseke. DEFENDING CHAMPS LOOK TO FUTURE DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net JAGUARS AT A GLANCE See JAGUARS, Page 45 SOUTHEAST VALLEY Returning letterwinners (7): Justin Loseke, sr.; Colby Wilke, sr.; Ethan Ackerson, sr.; Eli Johnson, sr.; Carl Berglund, jr.; Drew Corell, sr.; Brady Hanson, soph. 2021 record: 12-1 overall, 4-1 in district (Class 2A state champions). Coach: Mike Swieter has compiled a record of 56-26 in eight seasons leading the Jaguars and is 133-79 overall. He is assisted by Kyle Johnson, Mitch Murphy, Mark Graves, Gary Balk and Aaron Swieter. JAGUAR SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ......................................at Interstate 35 Sept. 2 ...........................................Emmetsburg Sept. 9 .......................at Hampton-Dumont/CAL Sept. 16 ...........................................at OABCIG Sept. 23 .......................................Estherville-LC Sept. 30 .......................Clarion-Goldfield/Dows Oct. 7 ..................................at Pocahontas Area Oct. 14 .............................................Spirit Lake SOUTHEAST VALLEY www.messengernews.net

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 21 BOXHOLM • DAYTON • FARNHAMVILLE GOWRIE • HARCOURT • LEHIGH MANSON • securitysavingsbank.com800.871.8171STRATFORD CooperativeWebster-CalhounTelephoneAssociation Telephone515-352-3151•Internet•DigitalTelevisionwww.wccta.net TCB SANITATIONOVER40YEARSEXPERIENCE Tim & Staci Blair “Where personal service matters!” 3763 Kansas Ave, Harcourt, IA 50544 515-571-9435 • 515-354-5570 Tcb3763@hotmail.com 515-354-5231 211 S. Ash St, Harcourt, www.engquistlumber.comIA Your Custom Window & Door Specialists Contact us today for a free in-home consultation and estimate. Stop in to see our Full Line of Building Products. Farm & Town Insurance farm_town@wccta.netFarm·Auto·Home · 515-352-3898Business For All Your Insurance Needs 1116 Market Street, Gowrie, IA Marsha Farnham “Professional Photography at Small Town Prices.” – Erica Blair 28 West Skillet, Dayton, IA 50530 515-571-1336 SoutheastValleyJaguars! McCrar y-Rost C linic 1800 Main, Gowrie (515) www.facebook.com/SMCHLakeCitwww.stewartmemoria352-3891l.orgy ELEVATOR,BRUNTLETTINC.Gowrie,Iowa515-352-3118 “Your Full Service Purina Dealer” Purina Proud to be an American! Commercial & Residential Overhead Type Doors Entry & Garage Door Service Commercial Hollow Metal Entrance Doors 2704 230th St., Duncombe, IA 515-573-888350532 pandrentrydoors@wccta.net ENTRY DOORS INC. Owners Jim & Kerry Rees

22 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla COUGARS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR MANSON NORTHWEST WEBSTER are, front row (left to right): Cooper Harman, Kamden Birkey, Matthew Siefken, Tatuem Hanson, Jaydin Anderson and Owen Dillon. Back: Austin Jaeschke, Leon Cook, Mason Pierce, JR Stubbs, JT Jorgensen, Caydin Anderson and Ethan Morrow. NOFFSINGER WILL GUIDE COUGARS DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net COUGARS AT A GLANCE See COUGARS, Page 31 MANSON NORTHWEST WEBSTER Returning players (7): Jaydin Anderson, sr.; JT Jorgensen, sr.; Kaden Hudek, sr.; Tateum Hanson, jr.; Owen Dillon, sr.; Austin Jaeschke, sr.; Caydin Anderson, jr. Top prospects: Kamden Birkey, soph.; Cooper Harman, soph.; Brody Poppen, sr.; JR Stubbs, sr.; Mason Pierce, sr. 2021 record: 3-6 overall. Coach: Zach Noffsinger enters his first season as head coach at Manson Northwest Webster. COUGAR SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ................................at Pocahontas Area Sept. 2 ...........................................Sioux Central Sept. 9 ...................................................Okoboji Sept. 16 ......................at South Central Calhoun Sept. 23 .................................Belmond-Klemme Sept. 30 .......................................at Eagle Grove Oct. 7 .........................................South Hamilton Oct. 14 ...........................at Woodward-Granger Oct. 21 .........................................................TBA MANSON NORTHWEST WEBSTER

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 23 These fine businesses proudly MNWsupportFootball! Manson Northwest Webster Football Green Fees Weekdays 9-hole/18-hole ......................$12/$18 Weekends/Holidays 9-hole/18-hole .....$16/$22 Cart Rental 9 Hole ..........................................................$15.00 18 Holes.......................................................$25.00TaxIncluded golfmanson@gmail.comwww.golfmanson.com712-469-3996Clubhousenowavailableforrentduringtheholidays Green Ag Inc. 2250 York Ave Somers, Iowa 50586 Cody Ricklefs 515-368-3257 Brenan Green 515-571-1853 930 Main Street, Manson Ia, 50563 712-469-3621 llthoma@ncn.net 1950712-469-2303TaborAve.•MansonIA50563PetersonTransportationInc.McCrar y-Rost C linic 1800 Main, Gowrie (515) www.www.stewartmemoria352-3891l.orgfacebook.com/SMCHLakeCity400 Main St. Rockwell City, Iowa 50579 (712) 297–8614 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1958 1109 10th Avenue, Manson 712-469-3383 • www.rostmotor.com Rost Motor Inc. Sales & Service CooperativeWebster-CalhounTelephoneAssociation Telephone515-352-3151•Internet•DigitalTelevisionwww.wccta.net BOXHOLM • DAYTON • FARNHAMVILLE GOWRIE • HARCOURT • LEHIGH MANSON • securitysavingsbank.com800.871.8171STRATFORD

FIRST MONTH FREE! Call or visit us online 515-539-4USAtoday! www.AmericanSanitationLLC.com 24 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Photo by Patrick Coons LYNX RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR WEBSTER CITY are, front row (left to right): Dylan Burnette-Bingham, Connor Hanson, Austin Mason, Skyler Scott, Brady Jessen, Ty McKinney and CJ Hisler. Back: Max Kumm, Brendyn Carlsen, Jaxon Cherry, Brandon Lahr, Josh Stansfield and Keegan Hisler. TALENTED LYNX LOCKED IN AGAIN DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net See LYNX, Page 37 WEBSTER CITY

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 25 See VacationGamesLocalRestaurantLocalUnfoldsWhatNewsCommunityEventsJobOpportunitiesSpecialsNewBusinessOpeningsEntertainmentSportsRecaps&PuzzlesCoupons&Money-SavingOffersInspiration|Health,Fitness&LifestyleTipsandsomuchmore! 515.573.2141 | www.messengernews.net essenger THE Voted BarbecueBestRub! www.BBQueStore.com THE BEST BBQ PRODUCTS YOU CAN BUY! BBQ Sauces, Rubs, Hot Sauces, Salsa & More! WEBSTER CITY LYNX Gerber Auto Care we care for your car Complete Fast Lube Service 910 Seneca St. • Webster City www.gerberautocare.com832-5061 •Licensed •Bonded •Insured 515-832-3773 Tree Removal & Tree Trimming Stump Removal Line 24SnowClearanceRemovalHourEmergency Service OPEN MON-SAT: 11AM - 10PM SUN: 9:30AM-3PM (BRUNCH UNTIL 2PM ON SUN.) gridirongrillandsportslounge.com 1121 E. 2nd St. Webster City, IA 832-2255 Home of the 2017 Iowa’s Best Tenderloin Stop in and try one today!Season!GoodLuckThis Best Sports Bar & Grill Best Burger Best Tenderloin Best Buffet Quality Hickory Smoked Products available at your local grocery store EMPLOYEE OWNED Tasler, Inc. 1804 Tasler Drive, Webster City, IA 50595 515-832-5200 • www.tasler.com www.fsbwc.com Webster City • Fort Dodge Humboldt • Clarion Eagle StanhopeGrove•Jewell Download MobileFSBWCtheAPP

CLASS 4A Jake Erickson, Fort Dodge, 1st team Javion Jondle, Fort Dodge, 2nd team CJ Hisler, Webster City, 2nd team Jaxon Cherry, Webster City, 3rd team Connor Carver, Fort Dodge, 3rd team Jace Ulrich, Fort Dodge, 3rd team CLASS 3A Will Orness, Humboldt, 1st team Ben Kuehnast, Humboldt, 1st team Caden Matson, Humboldt, 1st team Trevon Smith, Algona, 2nd team Tyler Manske, Algona, 2nd team Tayeton Lohaus, Humboldt, 2nd team Alex Manske, Algona, 2nd team Jaxon Woodyard, Algona, 3rd team CLASS 2A Kolson Kruse, SE Valley, 1st team Pierce Woodruff, SE Valley, 1st team Aaron Graves, SE Valley, 1st team Nate Black, Greene County, 1st team Richard Daugherty, Greene County, 1st team Tre Fisher, SE Valley, 2nd team Michael Rumley, Greene County, 2nd team Justin Loseke, SE Valley, 2nd team Bradyn Smith, Greene County, 2nd Jacksonteam Morton, Greene County, 2nd Latheteam Muench, SE Valley, 3rd team Bryce Stalder, Greene County, 3rd Keatonteam Bindel, Pocahontas Area, 3rd Coltonteam Brant, SE Valley, 3rd team CLASS 1A Blake McAlister, South Central Calhoun, 1st team Tyler Schmitt, East Sac County, 3rd Kevinteam King, South Central Calhoun, 3rd team CLASS A Bryer Prochniak, No. Union, 3rd team Aidan Fries, No. Union, 3rd team EIGHT-PLAYER Trey Jungers, Newell-Fonda, 2nd team Izak Baron, Newell-Fonda, 2nd team Mason Dicks, Newell-Fonda, 3rd team

26 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla FORT DODGE LINEBACKERS are, front row (left to right): Jesus Gutierrez, Orion LarsonTrott, Tucker Pederson, Cal Hartman, Jesse Egli and Karsen Smith. Back: Kolton Tiernan, Jace Johnson, Noah Stanley, Dreshaun Ross, Royce Pederson, Hunter Richardson, Brandon Beckley and Mason Liska. CLASS 4A, DISTRICT 1 2021 .................................. Southeast Valley 30, West Lyon 13 (2A) 2016 ..................................................Pella 28, Webster City 18 (3A) 2016 .....................Gladbrook-Reinbeck 20, Bishop Garrigan 19 (A) 2014 ............................. Newell-Fonda 39, Fremont Mills 35 (8-Man) 2013 ....................................Iowa City Regina 35, St. Edmond 0 (1A) 2009 ................... Southern Cal 28, Mason City Newman 27 (OT) (A) 2008 ................................. Southern Cal 22, North Tama 21 (OT) (A) 2006 ................................................. Humboldt 27, Clear Lake 9 (3A) 2005 ............................Iowa City Regina 19, Bishop Garrigan 8 (1A) 200 ............................. North Mahaska 21, West Bend-Mallard 6 (A) 2004 ............................ West Bend-Mallard 40, North Mahaska 7 (A) 2003 ............................................. Emmetsburg 24, Clarinda 14 (2A) 2003 .............................. Sentral Fenton 28, Adair-Casey 20 (8-Man) 2002 ...................................... Emmetsburg 35, Williamsburg 32 (2A) 2002 .................................... Sentral Fenton 44, Farragut 34 (8-Man) 2000 ................................................... Emmetsburg 21, Solon 3 (2A) 2000 ........................ Southern Cal 26, Aplington-Parkersburg 8 (1A) 1999 .............................West Marshall 24, Bishop Garrigan 15 (1A) 1999 ....................................... West Bend-Mallard 32, Madrid 29 (A) 1998 .................................... West Bend-Mallard 30, Madrid 24 (1A) 1998 ............................. Emmetsburg 43, Highland-Lone Tree 6 (2A) 1996 ............................Guthrie Center 42, West Bend-Mallard 8 (A) 1994 ...................... West Bend-Mallard 16, Winfield-MU 15 (OT) (A) 1994 .......................................Hudson 42, Pocahontas Area 22 (1A) 1993 ..........................Aplington-P’burg 26, Pocahontas Area 7 (1A) 1991 ...........................West Branch 42, West Bend-Mallard 13 (1A) 1990 .......................................Southern Cal 17, Parkersburg 10 (1A) 1990 ................................... Emmetsburg 22, Mount Vernon 21 (2A) 1989 ........................... Laurens-Marathon 41, North Mahaska 26 (A) 1989 ..................................... Emmetsburg 27, Mount Vernon 0 (2A) 1988 .................................................Solon 20, Emmetsburg 16 (2A) 1987 ....................................Wapsie Valley 28, Emmetsburg 21 (2A) 1986 ................................ Paton-Churdan 20, Sanborn 14 (4 OT) (A) 1986 ....................................Wapsie Valley 28, Emmetsburg 21 (2A) 1985 ................... Bishop Garrigan 30, Cedar Rapids LaSalle 14 (2A) 1984 .......................................... Pocahontas 15, Center Point 6 (1A) 1984 ....................................Grundy Center 21, Emmetsburg 7 (2A) 1983 .............................................Sutherland 13, Graettinger 12 (A) 1983 ..........................Cedar Rapids LaSalle 26, Emmetsburg 7 (2A) 1982 .....................................Pekin Packwood 15, West Bend 6 (1A) 1979 ............................................ Emmetbsurg 10, Urbandale 9 (3A) 1978 ..............................Cedar Rapids Regis 42, Emmetsburg 7 (3A) 1977 ........................................... Emmetsburg 40, Audubon 13 (3A) 1976 ...........................................Conrad-BCL 14, Graettinger 8 (1A) 1976 ............................Waterloo Columbus 13, Emmetsburg 7 (3A) 1975 ..........................................Urbandale 38, Emmetsburg 11 (3A)


www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 27 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla RUNNING BACKS FOR ST. EDMOND are, front row (left to right): Kinnick Henning and Sam Myer. Back: Caleb Schaeffer, Drake Vandi, Klay Baker and Jakob Koopman. 8-PLAYER 2 , Continued from Page 17 EIGHT-PLAYER DISTRICT 2 GTRA Top returning players: Max Hough, sr.; Drew Schnell, sr.; Kasey Hough, soph.; Eric Heinrichs, sr.; Jordan Saul, sr.; Andrew Kral, sr.; Kory Hough, sr.; Bryce Rosacker, sr.; Clayton Schroeder, sr. 2021 record: 8-1 overall, 5-1 in the district. Coach: Todd Hough returns for another season as head coach of the Titans. TITAN SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ....................................Kingsley-Pierson Sept. 2 .......................................Glidden-Ralston Sept. 9 .................................Northwood-Kensett Sept. 16 .........................................at North Iowa Sept. 23 ................................West Bend-Mallard Sept. 30 ................................at Harris-Lake Park Oct. 7 ........................................Bishop Garrigan Oct. 14 .........................................at St. Edmond HARRIS-LAKE PARK Top returning players: Tyce Gunderson, sr.; Lucas Ahrenstorff, jr.; Caleb Hemphill, jr.; Devin Meyer, jr.; Nick Sage, sr.; Ethan Nelson, sr. 2021 record: 6-3 overall, 5-1 in the district. Playoff qualifier. Coach: Lane Gunderson is the head coach of the Wolves. WOLVE SCHEDULE Aug. 26 .................................Remsen St. Mary’s Sept. 2 .............................at Northwood-Kensett Sept. 9 ..................................at Kingsley-Pierson Sept. 16 ............................................St. Edmond Sept. 23 .................................at Bishop Garrigan Sept. 30 .....................................................GTRA Oct. 7 ................................at West Bend-Mallard Oct. 14 .............................................North Iowa NORTH IOWA Top returning players: Brogyn Greensky, jr.; Jacob Berkeland, sr.; Noah Hofmann, sr.; Hayden Meinders, sr.; Charlie Schaefer, jr.; Carson Frerichs, jr. 2021 record: 3-5 overall, 2-4 in the district. Coach: Brad Kemnitz and Dan Frerichs are cocoaches for the Bison this fall. BISON SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ..............................Gladbrook-Reinbeck Sept. 2 ......................................Bishop Garrigan Sept. 9 ..........................................at St. Edmond Sept. 16 .....................................................GTRA Sept. 23 ...........................at Northwood-Kensett Sept. 30 ................................West Bend-Mallard Oct. 7 .................................................at Riceville Oct. 14 ..................................at Harris-Lark Park NORTHWOOD-KENSETT Top returning players: Dante Sims, sr.; Nolan Senne, sr.; Lamonte Sims, sr. 2021 record: 6-3 overall, 4-2 in the district. Playoff qualifier. First-round loss to Kee of Lansing, 50-45. Coach: Trevor Hunt is the new head coach of the Vikings’ program. VIKING SCHEDULE Aug. 26 .................................................Riceville Sept. 2 ......................................Harris-Lake Park Sept. 9 ...................................................at GTRA Sept. 16 ............................at West Bend-Mallard Sept. 23 ............................................North Iowa Sept. 30 ............................................at Rockford Oct. 7 ................................................St. Edmond Oct. 14 ..................................at Bishop Garrigan 8-PLAYER, DISTRICT 2

Ph. 515-332-2222 HRS. M-F 8-5; Sat. 8-noon; After hours appts. available. 511 10th Ave. N., www.northlandhumboldt.comHumboldt 2022 RAM 1500 Laramie 28 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Photo by Phil Monson, Humboldt Independent WILDCATS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR HUMBOLDT are, front row (left to right): Owen Hubbell and Michael Illg, Lance Coon, Trever Beach and Jayden Drewis. Middle: Christian Lee, Corey Dettmann, Josh Thurm and Hunter Dery. Back: Carson Bothne, Kaleb McCullough, Josh Beldin, Tayeton Lohaus and Will Orness. WILDCATS BUILDING ON SUCCESS See WILDCATS, Page 45 DerrickElman HUMBOLDT BY DANA BECKER

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 29 humboldthospital.org | 515-332-4200 | HUMBOLDTGOWILDCATS! MONDAY: Burger night, $3.00 off all burgers TUESDAY: All you can eat fried chicken buffet starting at 5pm WEDNESDAY: Pizza night, buy one large specialty pizza at regular price and get one free medium one topping pizza. THURSDAY: Wing night, $3 off each order of wings (traditional or boneless) FRIDAY & SATURDAY: Prime rib and fried chicken 716 Sumner Ave, Humboldt | sevensixteenmain.com 11AM-10PM Mon - Thurs | 11AM-11PM Fri & Sat | 515-332-1441 NEWITEMS!MENU CommTheLocal Phone, Video, & High Speed Internet All on a Fiber Optic Network! www.comm1net.net (800) 833-8876 www.midlandpower.coop Proudly serving you from Jefferson, Humboldt, Iowa Falls, and Boone. An equal opportunity provider and employer. Your Local Full Service Coop Ottosen (515) 379-1065 Algona (515) 295-7243 Contact your local Co-op today! “Homewww.ottosenelevator.comGrownandPeopleOwned” FarmersElevatorCooperative www.fsbwc.com Webster City • Fort Dodge Humboldt • Clarion Eagle StanhopeGrove•Jewell Download MobileFSBWCtheAPP BILL JORGENSEN 621 Second Avenue South www.masonlindhart.com515-332-1321Humboldt FUNERAL HOME HUMBOLDT • IOWA HumboldtWildcats Bulk Propane, Diesel, Gasoline, Oil. 515-332-2782 or 800-392-3816 Your Local Energy Cooperative COOPERATIVE Dr. Ryan D. Gidel Dr. Cody G. Olson 1101 13th Street North, Suite 1 Humboldt, IA 50548 Phone: 515-332-3230 Fax: 515-332-3227

30 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla INDIANS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR POCAHONTAS AREA are, front row (left to right): Joseph Sanders, Jacob Gerdes, Ryan Sommerlot and Ryan Panbecker. Back: Ethan Behrens, Blake Roberts, Brett Johnson, Lucas Kopriva, Jacob Lenz and Alex Welander. Not pictured: Dylan Trewyn. INDIANS TARGET CONSISTENCY DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net INDIANS AT A GLANCE See INDIANS, Page 31 MikeEhn POCAHONTAS AREA Returning players (5): Lucas Kopriva, jr.; Alex Welander, sr.; Jacob Gerdes, sr.; Ryan Sommerlot, jr.; Brett Johnson, sr. 2021 record: 4-4 overall. Lone district victory over Clarion-Goldfield/Dows. Coach: Mike Ehn returns for his ninth season at Pocahontas Area and 21st overall with the program. INDIAN SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ..........................................Manson NW Sept. 2 ........................at South Central Calhoun Sept. 9 .......................................at Sioux Central Sept. 16 .............................................Spirit Lake Sept. 23 ....................at Clarion-Goldfield/Dows Sept. 30 ............................................at OABCIG Oct. 7 ........................................Southeast Valley Oct. 14 .........................................Estherville-LC www.messengernews.net POCAHONTAS AREA

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 31 These fine businesses proudly support Indian Football • POCAHONTAS AREA • JEFFREY S. KUCHEL Attorney at Law bus: 712.335.3111 cell: 712.540.5642 fax: 712.335.4347 jkuchel@ncn.net 203 N. Main | Pocahontas, Iowa 50574 Fisher Hydraulics 603 Hwy. 10 W., Laurens, IA 50554 Phone: 712-845-2634 Fax: WWW.FISHERHYDRAULICS.COM712-845-2571 acompany Newell • Fonda • Pomeroy • Rockwell City www.fcb4u.com 272 N. 3rd St. Laurens, IA 712-841-461050554 Please visit us www.lmpc-ia.comat Laurens Municipal Power & Communications INDIANS , Continued from Page 30COUGARS , Continued from Page 22 NoffsingerZach Messenger photo by Britt Kudla JAYDIN ANDERSON OF MANSON NW tries to make a tackle last season vs. South Central Calhoun’s Blake McAlister. Anderson is back for his senior season with the Cougars. PREP FOOTBALL MESSENGER TWITTER @ChrisJohnson_17@ByEricPrattACCOUNTS:@DanaBecker

TITANS!GO “Putting Customers First Since 1968” 1201 West Main St Lake City, IA 51499 800-262-6629 • www.mackemotors.com 32 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Photo by Tyler Anderson/Calhoun County Phoenix TITANS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN are, front row (left to right): Gavin Batta, Zach Trott, Naylan Gulbranson, Joshua Billmeier, Brock Nattress and Cole Higgins. Back: Jordan Moreno, Justin Hanks, Bryan Steig, Hunter Winkler, Dominik Kistler, Waylen Gemberling, Chance Roeder and Kaden Dorman. Not pictured: Connor Scharn. LARGE GROUP BACK FOR TITANS DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net See TITANS, Page 52BryanCase SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 33 South Central Calhoun Newell • Fonda • Pomeroy • Rockwell City www.fcb4u.com www.www.stewartmemoria1800McCrary-RostClinicMain,Gowrie(515)352-3891l.orgfacebook.com/SMCHLakeCity We make convenience a priority. Lake City, 712-464-3181IA Lohrville, 712-465-2715IA Rockwell City, 712-297-7547IA Lytton, 712-466-2245IA www.unitedbk.com CooperativeWebster-CalhounTelephoneAssociation Telephone515-352-3151•Internet•DigitalTelevisionwww.wccta.net We can trim and remove trees. We can treat ash trees. We also grind stumps. Lake City 1321 W Main St Lake City, IA 51449 712-464-7281 Rockwell City 507 E Lake St Rockwell City, IA 50579 712-297-7337 Gowrie 1800 Main St Gowrie, IA 50543 515-352-3976 Lake View 1160 3rd St Lake View, IA 51450 712-665-8554 Sac City 501 W Main St Sac City, IA 50583 712-662-8165 www.thecommunitypharmacy.com -Lake City 24 Hour Fitness LLC119 E Main St, Lake City, IA 51449 | (712) 464-3301 Physical Therapy Offered October 2022 Dr. Jeffrey Redenius DC/ATC Dr. Michelle Schwartz DC Dr. Matthew Reis DPT www.lakecitychiro.com Rockwelllanduscooperative.comCity (712) 297-7511 Lake City (712) 464-3141 Lytton (712) 466-2213 Yetter (712) 464-3688 101 Main St. • PO Box 139 Lytton, IA 50561 515-289-5100 • essentiaproteins.com

G owrie Lake City L ake View Rockwell City 515-352-3891 712-464-7907 712-665-8555 712-297-8989 www.facebook.com/SMCHLakeCity Stewart Memoria l Community Hospital McCrary Rost Clinic RADIAL PULSE THERAPY IS CHANGING THE GAME! Orthopedics | Sports Injuries & Performance | Concussion Management | Sideline Services HERE TO PUT YOU BACK ON THE FIELD! Meet Our Sports Medicine Staff Jill Birks PT, MSPT, ATC, CMYK 505 E. Lake Street, Rockwell City, IA 50579 Phone:(712) 297-5016 Jaclyn Warehime PT, DPT 505 E. Lake Street, Rockwell City, IA 50579 Phone:(712) 297-5016 Derrick Henkenius PT, DPT 1301 W. Main Street, Lake City, IA 51449 Phone:(712) 464-4244 Luke Larson PT, DPT 1301 W. Main Street, Lake City, IA 51449 Phone: (712) 464-4244 Branden Roberts PT, DPT 1301 W. Main Street, Lake City, IA 51449 Phone:(712) 464-4244 Radial Pulse Therapy is cutting edge treatment for muscle and tendon injuries with great outcomes for: • Foot, heel and ankle pain including plantar fasciitis and shin splints • Tendonitis including Jumper’s knee, Tennis elbow, Shoulder pain, Achilles pain • Nagging muscle pain from older injuries 34 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net

Friday, Aug. 26 Fort Dodge at Mason City Webster City at Humboldt Carroll at Denison-Schleswig Sergeant Bluff-Luton at LeMars Storm Lake at Estherville-LC Spirit Lake at Spencer Friday, Sept. 2 Ames at Fort Dodge Boone at Webster City Council Bluffs Lincoln at DenisonLeMarsSchleswigat Sioux City Heelan OABCIG at Storm Lake Spencer at Mason City Friday, Sept. 9 Fort Dodge at Waterloo East Webster City at Waverly-Shell Rock Denison-Schleswig at Creston LeMars at Sioux City East Storm Lake at MOC-Floyd Valley Sioux City Heelan at Spencer Friday, Sept. 16 Marshalltown at Fort Dodge Mason City at Webster City Council Bluffs Jefferson at DenisonMOC-FloydSchleswig Valley at LeMars Storm Lake at Carroll Spencer at Sioux Center Friday, Sept. 23 Webster City at Fort Dodge Denison-Schleswig at Spencer LeMars at Storm Lake Friday, Sept. 30 Fort Dodge at Spencer Webster City at Denison-SchleswigLeMarsatStorm Lake Friday, Oct. 7 Storm Lake at Fort Dodge Webster City at Spencer LeMars at Denison-Schleswig Friday, Oct. 14 Fort Dodge at Denison-Schleswig Storm Lake at Webster City Spencer at LeMars Friday, Oct. 21 LeMars at Fort Denison-SchleswigDodgeat Webster City Spencer at Storm Lake Friday, Aug. 26 Webster City at Humboldt Algona at Emmetsburg ADM at Gilbert Nevada at Bondurant-FarrarBoone at Ballard North Polk at Dallas Center-Grimes Friday, Sept. 2 Humboldt at Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Clear Lake at Algona Gilbert at Carroll West Marshall at Nevada ADM at Ballard Pella at North Polk Friday, Sept. 9 Humboldt at Estherville-LC Algona at Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Gilbert at Bondurant-Farrar Nevada at Roland-Story Ballard at Boone North Polk at ADM Friday, Sept. 16 Boone at Boyden-Hull/RockHumboldtValley at Algona Creston at Hampton-Dumont/CALGilbert at Nevada Ballard at Atlantic North Polk at Grinnell Friday, Sept. 23 Humboldt at Ballard Algona at North Polk Nevada at Gilbert Friday, Sept. 30 North Polk at Humboldt Gilbert at Algona Ballard at Nevada Friday, Oct. 7 Gilbert at Humboldt Nevada at Algona Ballard at North Polk Friday, Oct. 14 Humboldt at Nevada Algona at Ballard North Polk at Gilbert Friday, Oct. 21 Humboldt at Algona Nevada at North Polk Gilbert at Ballard Friday, Aug. 26 Southeast Valley at Interstate 35 Eagle Grove at Clarion-Goldfield/ MansonDows NW at Pocahontas Area Storm Lake at Estherville-LC Ridge View at OABCIG Spirit Lake at Spencer Friday, Sept. 2 Emmetsburg at Southeast Valley Clarion-Goldfield/Dows at BelmondPocahontasKlemme Area at South Central Estherville-LCCalhoun at West Lyon OABCIG at Storm Lake Forest City at Spirit Lake Friday, Sept. 9 Southeast Valley at HamptonForestDumont/CALCity at Clarion-Goldfield/ PocahontasDows Area at Sioux Central Humboldt at Estherville-LC OABCIG at East Sac County Hull Western Christian at Spirit Lake Friday, Sept. 16 Southeast Valley at PocahontasLCClarion-Goldfield/DowsOABCIGatEstherville-AreaatSpiritLake Friday, Sept. 23 Estherville-LC at Southeast Valley Pocahontas Area at Clarion-Goldfield/ OABCIGDows at Spirit Lake Friday, Sept. 30 Clarion-Goldfield/Dows at Southeast PocahontasValley Area at OABCIG Estherville-LC at Spirit Lake Friday, Oct. 7 Southeast Valley at Pocahontas Area Spirit Lake at Clarion-Goldfield/Dows OABCIG at Estherville-LC Friday, Oct. 14 Spirit Lake at Southeast Valley Clarion-Goldfield/Dows at OABCIG Estherville-LC at Pocahontas Area

Friday, Sept. 2 St. Edmond at West Bend-Mallard Bishop Garrigan at North Iowa Harris-Lake Park at NorthwoodGTRAKensettat Glidden-Ralston Friday, Sept. 9 North Iowa at St. Edmond West Bend-Mallard at Bishop Garrigan Harris-Lake Park at Northwood-KensettKingsley-PiersonatGTRA Friday, Sept. 16 St. Edmond at Harris-Lake Park Bishop Garrigan at GTRAMallardNorthwood-KensettNewell-FondaatWestBend-atNorthIowa Friday, Sept. 23 St. Edmond at Remsen St. Mary’s Harris-Lake Park at Bishop Garrigan West Bend-Mallard at GTRA North Iowa at Northwood-Kensett Friday, Sept. 30 Bishop Garrigan at St. Edmond West Bend-Mallard at North Iowa GTRA at Harris-Lake Park Northwood-Kensett at Rockford Friday, Oct. 7 St. Edmond at Northwood-Kensett Bishop Garrigan at GTRA Harris-Lake Park at West Bend-Mallard North Iowa at Riceville Friday, Oct. 14 GTRA at St. Northwood-KensettEdmondat Bishop Garrigan West Bend-Mallard at River Valley North Iowa at Harris-Lake Park

Friday, Aug. 26 East Sac County at South Central MansonCalhoun NW at Pocahontas Area Eagle Grove at SouthMadridBelmond-KlemmeClarion-Goldfield/DatAGWSRatWoodward-GrangerHamiltonatRoland-Story Friday, Sept. 2 Pocahontas Area at South Central SiouxCalhounCentral at Manson NW MVAOCOU at Eagle Grove Clarion-Goldfield/D at BelmondWoodward-GrangerKlemme at ACGC South Hardin at South Hamilton Friday, Sept. 9 South Central Calhoun at Emmetsburg Okoboji at Manson NW Eagle Grove at West Central Valley Belmond-Klemme at Mason City Woodward-GrangerNewman at I-35 West Marshall at South Hamilton Friday, Sept. 16 Manson NW at South Central Calhoun Eagle Grove at Woodward-Granger South Hamilton at Belmond-Klemme Friday, Sept. 23 South Central Calhoun at Eagle Grove Belmond-Klemme at Manson NW Woodward-Granger at South Hamilton Friday, Sept. 30 South Central Calhoun at South MansonHamiltonNW at Eagle Grove Belmond-Klemme at WoodwardGranger Friday, Oct. 7 Woodward-Granger at South Central SouthCalhounHamilton at Manson NW Eagle Grove at Belmond-Klemme Friday, Oct. 14 South Central Calhoun at BelmondMansonKlemme NW at Woodward-Granger South Hamilton at Eagle Grove Friday, Aug. 26 Ar-We-Va at St. Edmond Rockford at Bishop Garrigan Newell-Fonda at West Bend-Mallard Remsen St. Mary’s at Harris-Lake Park Riceville at Kingsley-PiersonGladbrook-ReinbeckNorthwood-KensettatNorthIowaatGTRA

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 35


36 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net We Crops,yourProtectFarm,FamilyandYOURFuture!Serving Greene County since 1939 325 Broadway St., Audubon, IA 50025 (712) 563-9584 220 6th Ave., Coon Rapids, IA 50058 (712) 999-2263 107 N. Chestnut St., Jefferson, IA 50129 (515) 386-2728 P.O. Box 368., Scranton, IA 51462 (712) 652-3344 Photo by Dan Meythaler/Meythaler Photography RAMS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR GREENE COUNTY are, front row (left to right): Josh Janssen, Michael Rumley, Patrick Daugherty, Jesse Miller and Richard Daugherty. Middle: Trey Schilling, Gabe Ebersole, Gavin Scheuermann, Jack Hansen, Nathan Behne and Noah Cornell. Back: Camden Strennen, Cody Allen, Logan Butler, Kamden Kinne and Jackson Turner. KEY PIECES ARE BACK FOR RAMS DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net See RAMS, Page 37DuncanCaden GREENE COUNTY

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 37 These fine businesses proudly support Rams football OLSON IRON WORKS LLC 6kw Laser, Cnc Plasma, Autocad & Parts Design. Artwork & Signage. Custom Work. 480 N Ave. Churdan, IA 50050 (515) 370VeteranOlsonironworks@hotmail.com0651Owned&Operated McCrar y-Rost C linic 1800 Main, G owrie (515) www.www.stewartmemoria352-3891l.orgfacebook.com/SMCHLakeCity BankStateCommunity Independent, Full Service Bank Paton, IA • 515-968-4131 Hours: 8:30-3 M-F; 8-11 Sat. csbpaton.com HowardBob LYNX , Continued from Page 24 LYNX AT A GLANCE WEBSTER CITY Returning letterwinners (12): Connor Hanson, sr.; CJ Hisler, sr.; Skyler Scott, sr.; Ty McKinney, sr.; Austin Mason, sr.; Max Kumm, sr.; Jaxon Cherry, jr.; Keegan Hisler, jr.; Brandon Lahr, jr.; Josh Stansfield, jr.; Dylan Burnette-Bingham, sr.; Brady Jessen, sr. Top prospects: Josh Griep, jr.; Sam Youngdale, jr.; Brandon Griffin, jr.; Trevyn Lyons, jr.; Jesse Crutcher, jr.; Luke Estlund, soph.; Cael Nixon, soph.; Jayden Weinzetl, soph.; Cole Nohrenberg, fr.; Beau Nohrenberg, fr. 2021 record: 8-3 overall, 5-0 in district. Coach: Bob Howard, a graduate of Central College, begins his 45th season as head coach, with the last 16 at Webster City. LYNX SCHEDULE Aug. 26 .........................................................................at Humboldt Sept. 2 ....................................................................................Boone Sept. 9 ............................................................at Waverly-Shell Rock Sept. 16 ...........................................................................Mason City Sept. 23 .......................................................................at Fort Dodge Sept. 30 .............................................................................at LeMars Oct. 7 ....................................................................................Spencer Oct. 14 ............................................................................Storm Lake Oct. 21 .................................................................Denison-Schleswig GREENE COUNTY Returning letterwinners (16): Jesse Miller, sr.; Richard Daugherty, sr.; Patrick Daugherty, sr.; Josh Janssen, sr.; Gabe Ebersole, jr.; Cody Allen, jr.; Jack Hansen, jr.; Trey Schilling, jr.; Gavin Scheuermann, jr.; Noah Cornell, jr.; Logan Butler, jr.; Jackson Turner, jr.; Michael Rumley, jr.; Nathan Behne, jr.; Camden Strennen, so.; Kamden Kinne, so. Top prospects: Nick Stream, so.; Bryce Habben, so.; Patrick Graham, so.; Kendall Freeman, so. 2021 record: 8-2 overall, 5-0 in district. Coach: Caden Duncan, a former Prairie Valley standout, enters his fourth season. The Rams are 24-7 overall under Duncan. RAM SCHEDULE Aug. 27 ...........ACGC (in Ogden) Sept. 2 .............................at Perry Sept. 9 ...........at Carroll Kuemper Sept. 16 .................DM Christian Sept. 23 ..........................Clarinda Sept. 30 .....................at Red Oak Oct. 7 ..................at Shenandoah Oct. 14 ..............................Clarke RAMS AT A GLANCE RAMS , Continued from Page 36 PREP FOOTBALL

38 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Aaron M. Parrott, D.C. Good Luck Eagles! 318 West Broadway, Eagle Grove, IA 50533 Phone: (515) 448-3387 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla EAGLES RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR EAGLE GROVE are, front row (left to right): Jesus Baez, Jack Mendoza, Levi Langfitt, Kaden Pritchard, Korey Anderson, Jake Jeske and Connor Christopher. Back: Dustin Dawson, Zach Pamperin, Cayden Schultz, Johnny Pamperin, Tate Richardson, Orlando Hernandez and Drake Canavan. VETS DRIVING ASCENDING EAGLES DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net See EAGLES, Page 51 EAGLE GROVE

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 39 Lawson Auto Body, Detail Shop & Used QualityYour515-448-3944Carswww.lawsonauto.comCollisionSpecialistsPre-OwnedVehiclesEagleGrove CommTheLocal Phone, Video, & High Speed Internet All on a Fiber Optic Network! www.comm1net.net BROADWAYVision Source 300 West Broadway, Eagle Grove, IA • 515-448-3813 MON. 8am-5pm TUES. 8am-7pm WED 8am-5pm THUR 8am-5pm FRI 8-12 EagleEagles Grove Colleen colleen@eaglemonumentcompany.com515-851-0061Bartlett MONUMENTS • MARKERS • PRE-PLANNING GRANITE • BRONZE • CUSTOM & MORE Eagle 515.448.5111Grove 515.825.3151 515.532.6635Clarion www.FirstIowa.bank 215 North Commerical Ave. Eagle Grove, IA 50533 (515) 603-6412 www.fsbwc.com Webster City • Fort Dodge Humboldt • Clarion Eagle StanhopeGrove•Jewell Download MobileFSBWCtheAPP These Fine EaglesProudlyBusinessesSupportFootball! 4 Floors 74th 20221948 EAGLE GROVE | 515-448-3413 | www.christfurnitureandmattress.com Mon-Fri. 9-5:00 Sat. 9-4:00 SALE Great Prices! Make The Short Drive TODAY! OVER 80ON DISPLAYFORDELIVERYIMMEDIATE

40 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Messenger photo by Britt Kudla COWBOYS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR CLARION-GOLDFIELD/DOWS are, front row (left to right): Diego Gonzalez, Cale Kirstein, Colin Kirstein, Ethan Traub, Wyatt DeCoster and Nash Lienemann. Back: Cole Rothman, Brallon Gomez, Mack Seaba, Reid Huntley, Owen Tew, Mason Allen, Caden Hankins, Preston Gardner and Nevan Foss. COWBOYS POISED FOR A CLIMB DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net COWBOYS AT A GLANCE See COWBOYS, Page 52 CalebVogel ReturningCLARION-GOLDFIELD/DOWSplayers(7): Ethan Traub, sr.; Preston Gardner, sr.; Nevan Foss, sr.; Cale Kirstein, sr.; Mack Seaba, sr.; Diego Gonzalez, jr.; Mason Allen, jr. 2021 record: 4-5 overall. Coach: Caleb Vogel, a former C-G/D assistant and native of Marion, returns for his second season. COWBOY SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ......................................Eagle Grove Sept. 2 ..........................at Belmond-Klemme Sept. 9 .........................................Forest City Sept. 16 ...............................at Estherville-LC Sept. 23 .............................Pocahontas Area Sept. 30 ..........................at Southeast Valley Oct. 7 ............................................Spirit Lake Oct. 14 ........................................at OABCIG CLARION-GOLDFIELD/DOWS

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 41 COWBOYS CLARION - GOLDFIELD - DOWS www.fsbwc.com Webster City • Fort Dodge Humboldt • Clarion Eagle StanhopeGrove•Jewell Download MobileFSBWCtheAPP CommTheLocal Phone, Video, & High Speed Internet All on a Fiber Optic Network! www.comm1net.netBulk Propane, Diesel, Gasoline, Oil. 515-332-2782 or 800-392-3816 Your Local Energy Cooperative COOPERATIVEP.O. Box 103, 2119 Oakridge Superintendent:Goldfield,Rd.IA515-825-3611GroundsPaulNesheim Oakridge Recreation Association GREEN FEES: 9 Holes $15.00 + Tax 18 Holes $25.00 + Tax CART RENTAL: 9 Holes $15.00 + Tax 18 Holes $25.00 + Tax (You must be 16 years old to rent a cart) www.ewingfh.com - Britt - Kanawha - Belmond - Dows - Clarion Clarion & Belmond * iowaspecialtyhospital.com 844-474-4321 * Follow us on Facebook & Instagram Scan this QR code to see all the career opportunities available at Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics Broker Brian HaugenMN, SD, lA, WI, IL Broker Chad Stavnes - MN Broker Auctioneer Beau Jensen- MN, lA- 24-108 Broker Amy Willett- MO Broker Glen Salow- lA Broker Auctioneer Greg Jensen - MN, lA- 24-21 LandProz Real Estate, LLC 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007 Eagle 515.448.5111Grove 515.825.3151 515.532.6635Clarion www.FirstIowa.bank HANSON & SONS Tire & Auto Service CLARION 1501 Central Ave. East 515-532-2444 KANAWHA 122 E. First Street 641-762-3285 HAMPTON 1291 Olive StreetAve. 641-456-3573 Reliable Service On the Road & On the Farm • Oil Changes • Tire Rotation • Battery Checks • Inspect Belts & Hoses • Transmission Service • Check Brakes • Alignments • Engine Tune Ups • Engine/TransmissionReplacement • Suspension/All Types • Check/Replace Shocks &EMERGENCYStruts24-HOURSERVICE515-532-2444

42 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net www.algona.k12.ia.us

Photo by Greg Grabianowski BULLDOGS are, front row (left to right): Jack Limbaugh, Colby Jennings, Reid Louwagie, Chase Roof and Jeremiah Murphy.



Second: Porter Reffer, Cohen Reffer, Matt Hoover, Alex Manske, Ethan Riggert and Caleb Penner.

Third: Jensen Eischen, Levi Clegg, John Cox, Lamorn Ulfers, Caden Weber, Tristin Larsen and Landon Welp. Back: Daniel Davilla, Cayden Anderson, Aydan Seely, Caleb Omdahl, Austin Steenhoek and Carlos Gomez.



extensive football coverage around, but we

your repsective games. We are

stories and typed in schedules, standings

the Messenger sports staff and advertising department. Sports Editor Eric

our mission! —The Messenger

data. Local

Preview Edition was

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 43 BISHOPALGONAGARRIGAN CooperativeFarmersElevator Your Local Full Service Coop “Home Grown and People Owned” Ottosen & Algona (515) 379-1065 • (515) 295-7243 • www.ottosenelevator.com (515) 295-2451 1515 South Phillips St, Algona, IA www.krhc.com50511Titonka-Burt Communications 515-928-2110 Titonka, IA • TBCtel.com Connecting Our Customers Since 1920 • 100% Fiber Optic Network • Next-gen Dynamic TV • Premium High-Speed Internet • All-Digital Phone Services Murphy Realty & Management, Inc. Badger Development, Badger; Parkview Homes Co, Otho; Duncombe Apartments, Duncombe Prairie View Apartments, Callender; Hilltop Apartments, Lehigh; Stratford Apartments, Stratford Bill Murphy 515-295-2927 208 E State Street • PO Box 476 • Algona, IA www.murphymanagementservice.com50511 This institution is an equal opportunity provider Spacious 1&2 Bedroom Apartments For Rent Rental Assistance may be Available • Stove & Refrig Furnished All Utilities may be Included in Rent Commercial • DevelopmentResidential 101 E Main, P.O. Box 248 Wesley, IA 50483 BOB BECKER CONSTRUCTION Keeping Athletes in the 515-575-9123Game! JacobsonAndy BULLDOGS , Continued from Page 42 ALGONA Returning letterwinners (22): Caden Weber, sr.; Tristin Larsen, sr.; Carlos Gomez, sr.; Austin Steenhoek, sr.; John Cox, sr.; Levi Clegg, sr.; Lemorn Ulfers, sr.; Jensen Eischen, sr.; Caleb Omdahl, sr.; Cayden Anderson, sr.; Ayden Staley, sr.; Landon Welp, jr.; Jeremiah Murphy, jr.; Matt Hoover, jr.; Reid Louwagie, jr.; Colby Jennings, jr.; Ethan Riggert, jr.; Chase Roof, jr.; Caleb Penner, jr.; Cohen Reffer, jr.; Alex Manske, soph.; Jack Limbaugh, soph. Top prospects: Jayden Erpelding, jr.; Hunter Kollasch, jr. 2021 record: 5-5 overall, 2-3 in district. Coach: Andy Jacobson, a graduate of Aplington-Parkersburg and Buena Vista University, enters his ninth season. BULLDOG SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ..............................at Emmetsburg Sept. 2 ........................................Clear Lake Sept. 9 .............at Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Sept. 16 ..............Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley Sept. 23 .................................at North Polk Sept. 30 ............................................Gilbert Oct. 7 ..............................................Nevada Oct. 14 .........................................at Ballard Oct. 21 ........................................Humboldt COACHES: PLEASE CONTACT THE MESSENGER Please remember to report your high school football results in to The Messenger each week after your respective games are completed this fall. Our office number is (515) 573-2141 (ext. 435, 436, 438) Our email is sports@messengernews.net ATBULLDOGSAGLANCE THE CREDITS




65th annual



The Football a of Pratt and Sports Chris Johnson designed, assembled and edited the Pratt, and Dana Becker gathered information, wrote and collected other pictures were taken by Britt Kudla Nick Manwarren designed the Kudla took the like to take this time to thank each and every coach for their cooperation during the summer months. This project would not be possible without their effort and constant communication. of luck to all Messengerland programs in the upcoming season. remember to call, results to staff immediately following dedicated to providing the most need help in completing Sports Staff


fax or e-mail

cover photos.Wewould



combined effort

44 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Photo by Greg Grabianowski GOLDEN BEARS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR BISHOP GARRIGAN are, front row (left to right): Sam Plathe, Cal Birkey, Benjy Trainer, Jack Grandgenett and Caden Roethler. Back: Caleb Bormann, Drew Casey, Nate Bronk, Aiden Hovey, Matt Kollasch and Garrett Heying. BEARS PRIMED FOR A SECOND WIND DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net GOLDEN BEARS AT A GLANCE See GOLDEN BEARS, Page 51 WadleMarty BISHOP GARRIGAN Returning letterwinners (11): Garrett Heying, sr.; Cal Birkey, sr.; Nate Bronk, sr.; Drew Casey, sr.; Aiden Hovey, sr.; Caden Roethler, jr.; Jack Grandgenett, sr.; Matt Kollasch, sr.; Caleb Bormann, sr.; Benjy Trainer, jr.; Sam Plathe, jr. Top prospects: Logan Nemmers, jr.; Justin Bauer, jr.; Drew Lappe, jr.; Brody Ludwig, jr.; Trayton Cink, soph.; Gavin Menke, jr.; Owen Murphy, soph.; Keaton Helleseth, soph. 2021 record: 3-6 overall, 2-4 in district. Coach: Marty Wadle enters his 31st season with Bishop Garrigan, where he has amassed 213 career wins. GOLDEN BEAR SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ....................................................Rockford Sept. 2 ..............................................at North Iowa Sept. 9 .....................................West Bend-Mallard Sept. 16 ........................................at Newell-Fonda Sept. 23 ........................................Harris-Lake Park Sept. 30 ...........................................at St. Edmond Oct. 7 ........................................................at GTRA Oct. 14 ...................................Northwood-Kensett BISHOP GARRIGAN

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 45 WILDCATS , Continued from Page 28 WILDCATS AT A GLANCE HUMBOLDT Returning starters (10): Will Orness; Tayeton Lohaus; Corey Dettmann; Trever Beach; Lance Coon; Christian Lee; Kaleb McCullough; Josh Beldin; Hunter Dery; Owen Hubbell. Top prospects: Josh Thurm; Kyle Caquelin; Gaige Allen; Grant Dieleman; Mason Van Pelt; Michael Illg. 2021 record: 11-1 overall. Coach: Derrick Elman has compiled a record of 22-17 since joining Humboldt in 2018. WILDCAT SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ...........................................Webster City Sept. 2 .....................at Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Sept. 9 .......................................at Estherville-LC Sept. 16 ....................................................Boone Sept. 23 ...............................................at Ballard Sept. 30 .............................................North Polk Oct. 7 .......................................................Gilbert Oct. 14 ...............................................at Nevada Oct. 21 ................................................at Algona Oct. 28 .........................................................TBD Photo by Rick Thompson WILL ORNESS makes a leaping catch for Humboldt last season. Orness returns for his senior year in 2022. SwieterMike JAGUARS , Continued from Page 20 Messenger photo by Britt Kudla SOUTHEAST VALLEY CELEBRATES its state semifinal victory at the UNI-Dome in Cedar Falls last season. The Jaguars went on to win the first championship in school history. PREP FOOTBALL

46 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Photo by Greg Grabianowski WOLVERINES RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR WEST BEND-MALLARD are, front row (left to right): Lucas Fehr, Kaden Van Wyhe, Ethan Zaugg, Ben Massner, Garrett Fehr and Mitch Stevens. Back: Landon Montag, Sam Fehr, Tyler Banwart, Max Fehr, Jaxon Zaugg, Noah Gerber and Logan Grimm. FIREPOWER BACK IN WOLVERINE CAMP DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net WOLVERINES AT A GLANCE WEST BEND-MALLARD Returning letterwinners (13): Tyler Banwart, sr.; Landon Montag, sr.; Lucas Fehr, sr.; Garrett Fehr, sr.; Logan Grimm, jr.; Mitch Stevens, sr.; Kaden Van Wyhe, sr.; Max Fehr, sr.; Ben Massner, sr.; Ethan Zaugg, sr.; Jaxon Zaugg, jr.; Sam Fehr, sr.; Noah Gerber, sr. Top prospects: Cortlyn Schupbach, jr.; Colton Hoover, sr.; Aidan Yoch, jr.; Carter Fehr, jr. 2021 record: 4-5 overall, 2-4 in district. Coach: Tyson Wirtz, a graduate of West Bend-Mallard, returns for his third season with the Wolverines. WOLVERINE SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ....................................Newell-Fonda Sept. 2 .........................................St. Edmond Sept. 9 ..............................at Bishop Garrigan Sept. 16 ..........................Northwood-Kensett Sept. 23 .............................................at GTRA Sept. 30 ....................................at North Iowa Oct. 7 ....................................Harris-Lake Park Oct. 14 ....................................at River Valley TysonWirtz See WOLVERINES, Page 52 WEST BEND-MALLARD

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 47 SUPPORTED BY THESE FINE BUSINESSES McCrary-RostClinic 1800 Main, G owrie (515) www.www.stewartmemoria352-3891l.orgfacebook.com/SMCHLakeCity Newell • Fonda • Pomeroy • Rockwell City www.fcb4u.com MALLARDWESTBEND These fine businesses proudly support Wolverines Football Trips by Dawn is a full service travel agency located in West Bend, Iowa specializing in romantic honeymoons, tropical getaways, and family adventures, dedicated to coordinating your most memorable vacations. West(515)dawn@tripsbydawn.com320-0793Bend,Iowa Your Local Full Service Coop Ottosen (515) 379-1065 Algona (515) 295-7243 Contact your local Co-op today! “Homewww.ottosenelevator.comGrownandPeopleOwned” FarmersElevatorCooperative 40521 330th Ave., West Bend, IA • 515-341-2680 • dalton@precisionagsystem.com ® 319 S. BROADWAY AVE. WEST BEND, IA 515-887-781150597

Photo by Jamie Knapp, Lake Times (left to Braden Wells, Mason Dicks, Wyatt Kreft, Caden Meyer, Zach Mercer and Ryan Greenfield. Trenton Struss, Nathan Carreto, Caden Vanden Bosch, Austin Harth, Ty Tauber and Eli Roberts. Max Carlson and Guyson Lyman.





48 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net



www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 49 www.statelinecoop.com 800-852-4718800-298-4196888-802-3897888-920-3555BurtArmstrongBancroft/SouthBurt North Burt 712-866-2671800-414-3335507-464-3333800-292-0240AgBlueEarthHalfa North877-886-2461800-721-2251FentonLakotaBurtGrain800-373-8509MapleHill800-776-8571 Lone 800-574-2178800-469-0581800-646-2135800-298-4246Rock Submitted photo WARRIORS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR NORTH UNION are, front row (left to right): Carter Morphew, Bryer Prochniak, Preston Guerdet, Talan Priester, Aric Arndorfer and Kaden Laabs. Back: Logan Odegaard, Brennan Bollinger, Talon Grimm, Kolton Walter, Colin Rasch and Landon Hagedorn. WARRIORS LOOKING FOR MORE DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net ErnsterMatt See WARRIORS, Page 52 NORTH UNION

50 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net Photo by Dale Wegner, The Sac Sun RAIDERS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR EAST SAC COUNTY are, front row (left to right): Jack Gullett, Bradyn Burns, Chandler Lahr, Brody Boeckman, Jacob Murley, Charlie Veit. Back: William Smith, Karter Ludwig, Luke Wright, Tate Lahr, Weston Drost, Chandler Quirk. Not pictured: Luke Wernimont. RAIDERS EAGER TO TURN A CORNER DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net RAIDERS AT A GLANCE See RAIDERS, Page 52 EAST SAC COUNTY Returning letterwinners (13): Weston Drost, sr.; Jacob Murley, sr.; Chandler Quirk, sr.; Brody Boeckman, jr.; Bradyn Burns, jr.; Chandler Lahr, jr.; Tate Lahr, jr.; Karter Ludwig, jr.; Luke Wernimont, jr.; William Smith, jr.; Charlie Veit, jr.; Luke Wright, jr.; Jack Gullett, soph. Top prospects: Sam Julin, soph.; Logan Schroeder, jr.; Ryan Zimmerman, jr.; Kaydon Erpelding, jr.; Brett Thayer, jr. 2021 record: 0-8 overall. Coach: Eric McCullough has won 59 games since taking over the East Sac County program and 70 in his career. RAIDER SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ........................at South Central Calhoun Sept. 2 ............................................at Ridge View Sept. 9 ....................................................OABCIG Sept. 16 .............................................Underwood Sept. 23 ...............................................at Treynor Sept. 30 .................................at Carroll Kuemper Oct. 7 .................................................MVAOCOU Oct. 14 ..........................................West Monona McColloughEric EAST SAC COUNTY

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 51 PO Box 129 • 402 Morningside Drive • Sac City, Iowa 50583-0129 712-662-7500 • 800-253-4012 • Fax: 712-662-3247 Serving Your Crop Insurance Needs Since 1958. 508 W MAIN ST, SAC CITY, IA 50583 | CATTLEMENSSACCITY@GMAIL.COM712-662-8005 McCrar y-Rost C linic 1800 Main, G owrie (515) www.www.stewartmemoria352-3891l.orgfacebook.com/SMCHLakeCity (712)662-7125Phone: New and used Cars, SUVs and Truck Sales and Service. 101 Main St. • PO Box 139 Lytton, IA 50561 515-289-5100 • essentiaproteins.com GOLDEN BEARS , Continued from Page 44EAGLES , Continued from Page 38 WillardLogan EAGLES AT A GLANCE EAGLE GROVE Returning letterwinners (16): Levi Langfitt, soph.; Jake Jeske, jr.; Tate Richardson, sr.; Cayden Schultz, sr.; Drake Canavan, jr.; Jack Mendoza, sr.; Trenton Sorenson, sr.; Korey Anderson, sr.; Jesus Baez, soph.; Zach Pamperin, sr.; Johnny Pamperin, sr.; Kaden Pritchard, sr.; Connor Christopher, jr.; Orlando MelendezHernandez, sr.; Dustin Dawson, sr.; Dominick MelendezHernandez, jr. 2021 record: 3-6 overall, 2-4 in district. Coach: Logan Willard begins his third season leading Eagle Grove, his alma mater. EAGLE SCHEDULE Aug. 26................................................ at Clarion-Goldfield/Dows Sept. 2 ........................................................................MVAOCOU Sept. 9 ........................................................at West Central Valley Sept. 16 .....................................................at Woodward-Granger Sept. 23 .....................................................South Central Calhoun Sept. 30 .....................................................................Manson NW Oct. 7 ............................................................at Belmond-Klemme Oct. 14 .................................................................South Hamilton PREP FOOTBALL

52 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net WARRIORS , Continued from Page 49 COWBOYS , Continued from Page 40 WOLVERINES , Continued from Page 46 MUSTANGS , Continued from Page 48 NEWELL-FONDA Returning letterwinners (14): Mason Dicks, sr.; Wyatt Kreft, sr.; Ryan Greenfield, sr.; Zach Mercer, sr.; Braden Wells, sr.; Nathan Carreto, sr.; Caden Meyer, sr.; Austin Harth, jr.; Caden Vanden Bosch, sr.; Trenton Struss, jr.; Ty Tauber, jr.; Eli Roberts, jr.; Max Carlson, soph.; Guyson Lyman, soph. Top prospects: Kade Smith, sr.; Kaleb Kitt, sr.; Will Johnson, sr.; Damion Meinerts, jr.; Kalib Fevold, jr.; Trevor Johnson, jr.; Jayde Naughton, soph.; Jake Roberts, soph. 2021 record: 9-2 overall, 5-1 in district. Coach: Brian Wilken has compiled a record of 178-54 while leading Newell-Fonda for the past 22 years. He is assisted by Nathan Baron, Brad Bohe, Bo Darrow, Justin Melohn, Justin Lyman, Kaleb French, Tim Gauley and Aden Mahler. MUSTANG SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ........................................................at West Bend-Mallard Sept. 2 .............................................................Siouxland Christian Sept. 9 ......................................................................at River Valley Sept. 16 ................................................................Bishop Garrigan Sept. 23 ...........................................................at Kingsley-Pierson Sept. 30 ............................................................Remsen St. Mary’s Oct. 7 ....................................................................Glidden-Ralston Oct. 14 .......................................................................at Ar-We-Va MUSTANGS AT A GLANCE NORTH UNION Returning letterwinners (13): Logan Odegaard, sr.; Bryer Prochniak, sr.; Carter Morphew, sr.; Talan Priester, jr.; Kaden Laabs, jr.; Preston Guerdet, jr.; Landon Hagedorn, jr.; Kaleb Lufkin, sr.; Aric Arndorfer, sr.; Talon Grimm, soph.; Brennan Bollinger, soph.; Kolton Walter, jr.; Colin Rasch, jr. Top prospects: Grady Madden, soph.; Nick Hanson, soph. 2021 record: 4-5 overall, 2-4 in district. Coach: Matt Ernster begins his seventh season as head coach of the Warriors, where he has recorded a record of 15-39. WARRIOR SCHEDULE Aug. 26............................................................................... Okoboji Sept. 2 .....................................................................at North Butler Sept. 9 .........................................................................Saint Ansgar Sept. 16 ...........................................................................Lake Mills Sept. 23 ................................................................at West Hancock Sept. 30 ...........................................................................West Fork Oct. 7 .........................................................................at Alta-Aurelia Oct. 14 .......................................................at Mason City Newman RAIDERS , Continued from Page 50 WARRIORS AT A GLANCE TITANS , Continued from Page 32 SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN Returning letterwinners (17): Waylen Gemberling, sr.; Dominik Kistler, sr.; Bryan Steig, sr.; Connor Scharn, sr.; Chance Roeder, sr.; Justin Hanks, sr.; Jordan Moreno, sr.; Hunter Winker, sr.; Riley Timmerman, sr.; Gavin Batta, jr.; Zach Trott, jr.; Brock Nattress, jr.; Naylan Gulbranson, jr.; Joshua Billmeier, jr.; Bryce Bergquist, jr.; Kaden Dorman, soph.; Cole Higgins, soph. Top prospects: Keegan Soard, jr.; Khyean Hawkins, sr.; Tyler Lightner, sr.; Joey Lemmon, jr.; Dawson Beidler, jr.; Brendan Stone, jr.; Preston Schumacher, jr.; Gabe King, jr.; Collin Kinnebeck, soph.; Tyler Evans, soph.; Duncan Blair, soph. 2021 record: 8-2 overall, 5-0 in district. Coach: Bryan Case is 176-51 in his coaching career. TITAN SCHEDULE Aug. 26 ...................................................................East Sac County Sept. 2 ...................................................................Pocahontas Area Sept. 9 ......................................................................at Emmetsburg Sept. 16 ........................................................................Manson NW Sept. 23 .....................................................................at Eagle Grove Sept. 30 ................................................................at South Hamilton Oct. 7 .................................................................Woodward-Granger Oct. 14 .............................................................at Belmond-Klemme TITANS AT A GLANCE PREP FOOTBALL

www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 53 Pharmacy Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Employee Owned GO TRITONS Have A Great Season!115 South 29th Street Fort 515-573-4105Dodge E-HAWKS CONTINUE TO BUILD DANA BECKER dbecker@messengernews.net E-HAWKS AT A GLANCE EMMETSBURG Returning players (7): Ryan Brennan, sr.; Cade Shirk, sr.; Malachi Douglass, sr.; Quinten Ort, sr.; Jace Nelson-Brown, jr.; Gage Jorgenson, jr.; Ben Saxton, sr. 2021 season: 3-6 overall. Coach: Ben Thomsen is in his second season leading the E-Hawks. The Emmetsburg High School graduate is also a Wartburg College grad, where he was an all-conference fullback for the Knights in 2005. E-HAWK SCHEDULE Aug. 26 .................................................................................Algona Sept. 2 ...............................................................at Southeast Valley Sept. 9 .........................................................South Central Calhoun Sept. 16 ......................................................................at West Sioux Sept. 23 ..........................................................at Sibley-Ocheyedan Sept. 30 ......................................................................Sioux Central Oct. 7 ..............................................................................Ridge View Oct. 14 ............................................................at Western Christian ThomsenBen EMMETSBURG Submitted photo E-HAWKS RETURNING LETTERWINNERS FOR EMMETSBURG are Ben Saxton, Quentin Ort, Mitchell Lowman, Cade Shirk, Ryan Brennan, Malachi Douglass, Clayton Rubel, Jace Nelson-Brown and Gage Jorgenson.

Aug. 27 vs. Independence Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA .........@12pm Sept. 3 at Garden City (Kan.) ......................................................@11am Sept. 10 at Hutchinson (Kan.) ..........................................................@1 pm Sept. 17 vs. College of Ellsworth Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ...@12pm Sept. 25 vs. College of DuPage Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA .@12pm Oct. 8 at Coffeyville (Kan.) ...........................................................@7pm Oct. 15 at Butler (Kan.)...................................................................@ 7pm Oct. 22 vs. Dodge City Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA .............@11am Oct. 29 vs. Iowa Western Dodger Stadium Fort Dodge, IA ......@ 2:30pm Nov. 5 at Highland (Kan.) ..............................................................@ 1pm 2022 IOWA CENTRAL TRITON FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Fortwww.CalvertandJohnsonins.com148North9thStreetDodge,IA50501Phone(515)-576-5145 515-576-5429 2019 2021 total: $19,318.36 • 15 years accumulative total: $349,294.97 “IT’S ALWAYS THE SEASON FOR PEACE, LOVE, HOPE, & A CURE!” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! ANGEL RIDE TO SAVE THE TA TRITONS!GOTA’S 2100 5th Ave S. Fort Dodge 515-573-5931 • www.marksautomart.net We Can Find Any Vehicle That You’re Looking For Thank you for voting us Best11ShopBodyforYears! m 2020 Good luck and wishing youall the best this season! FR O M ALL O F US AT A SC ENDANT WEALTH MANA G EMENT G R OU P CALL US TODAY: 515.573.1188 Finish The Race 54 Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa www.messengernews.net

2022 IOWA CENTRAL TRITON DANCE TEAM 101 Main St. • PO Box 139 Lytton, IA 50561 515-289-5100 • essentiaproteins.com Colleen colleen@eaglemonumentcompany.com515-851-0061Bartlett MONUMENTS • MARKERS • PRE-PLANNING GRANITE • BRONZE • CUSTOM & MOREREFINISH * REPAIR * INSTALLATION TILE * VINYL PLANKS * 515-570-0432REMODELING MIDWEST HARDWOOD FLOORING Front row L-R: Natasha Regenitter, Kali Peters, Olyvia Olson, Bionca Wendt, Kristen Fisher, Allie Jordison, Avery Wilson, Brielle Wernimont, Mia Mortensen, Callie Jones, Rianna Vivens, Olivia Wood, Lydia Witzke Back row L-R: Lex Martin, Lexi Curtis, Addison Johnson, Avery Sondall, Kaysha Olsen, Mikayla Monahan, Kira Radunz, Mackenzie Monahan, Macy Boswell, Sierra Mitchell, Taylor Kruger, Kayla Welter, Courtney Colshan, Kara Perry Not pictured: Claire Southward, Aubree Tasler Fort Dodge Public Library 424 Central Avenue, Fort Dodge, IA 515-573-8167 • fortdodgelibrary.org Open Mon. & Tues. 9:00am- 8:00pm Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9:00am- 5:30 Sat. 9:00-1:00 • Windows • Siding • Fascia FREE ESTIMATES “Family Owned & Operated For 4 Generations” McCrar y-Rost C linic 1800 Main, Gowrie (515) www.facebook.com/SMCHLakeCitwww.stewartmemoria352-3891l.orgy M-F 5:30 am - 6:00 pm 515-573-5461 • 1315 S. 24th St. • Fort Dodge, IA • Quality, affordable child care for children 5 wks - 12 yrs • United Way agency • Four Star QRS rated • Experienced Early Childhood Teachers • Exceptional School age Program transportationwith JOIN OUR TEAM! www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 55

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