Again at the fair this year is the Open Quilt Show! Judging will be done prior to the fair and ribbons will be awarded. All entries will be on display during the fair July 17th – July 21st.
Do you enjoy seeing the latest fashion? If so, you will enjoy attending the Fashion Revue and Clothing Selection Program on Wednesday, July 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the East Auditorium during the Webster County Fair. 4-Hers, both girls and boys, will model clothes they purchased to wear or those which they have sewn.
On Friday, July 19th in the East Auditorium there will be a variety of cats being shown in 4-H. The 4-H Cat and Pet Show will be at 6:00 p.m. with the judge looking for many things. Some of these include the personality of the animal and condition of the animal.
There will be an Open Crafts Show for children 3rd grade and younger who are not in 4-H at this year’s Webster County Fair. They can bring a craft they made as the event will provide an opportunity for younger children to participate in the fair, talk to a judge and receive a ribbon. Youth will have the opportunity to talk with the judges starting at 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. Thursday, July 18th in the 4-H auditorium. (Exhibits need to be made prior to judging day.) The items will be on display until 7:00 p.m. on Friday, July 19th. The craft entries can be an original idea or made from a kit. The articles are to be made, decorated, or finished by exhibitor. There will be no entry fee or pre-entry required. For more information, pick up a copy of the guidelines at the Webster County Extension Office.
Richie Lee & The Fabulous 50’s
Friday, July 19 7:00 PM
Free Admission
Scott Amusement Carnival
Wednesday, July 17th thru Sunday, July 21st
LIVE Evan Pratt Sat., July 20 4-6 pm
Free Admission
Wed., July 17th • Sun, July 21st
Des Moines River Valley Antique Tractor & Engine Club will be serving up kettle corn, pie and homemade ice cream at the Fairgrounds July 18th-21st during their 36th annual Antique Tractor & Engine Show. Homemade ice cream, kettle corn and pie will be served daily.Pulled Pork Dinner will be served on Friday, July 19th beginning at 3 p.m. until gone. These items will be served near their display on the Webster County Fairgrounds.
During the fair, International tractors and equipment will be exhibited and highlighted. They will have a miniature steam train operating daily, working sawmill, buzz saw, stationary engines, corn shelling and grinding plus early agriculture equipment on display. All tractors, engines and parts dealers are welcome.
Wednesday, July 17th • 7:00 PM
11am - 1pm
Thursday, July 18th 7:00 PM
SATURDAY, JULY 20TH Sweet Corn • 5pm - 7pm Meal includes Pork or Beef Burger, Chips and Drink • Free Will Donation
Dayton Tigers will be selling Homemade Ice Cream
Saturday, July 20th • 5:30 p.m.
A swine pee wee show will be held for youth 5 years old through third grade at the Webster County Fair on Thursday, July 18th starting at 5:00 p.m. in the livestock arena. Swine used for this class must be borrowed from a 4-Her or FFA member exhibiting at the 2024 fair. All entries will be paraded before the judge and each participant will receive a ribbon. No entry forms are required, but liability forms must be signed. Registrations may be made the day of the show.
July 17th-21st 2024
All area gardeners will have an opportunity to exhibit their produce during the Webster County Fair on Friday, July 19. Entries will be taken from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. with the judging to begin at 11:00 in the East Auditorium. There will be No Entry Fee.
There will be classes for freshly harvested vegetables and small fruits. Information may be obtained from the Webster County Extension office, Wells Fargo Building, Downtown, on entry guidelines and preparing your vegetables and fruits for exhibit.
All entries will receive ribbons with cash awards to all Blue ribbons exhibits furnished by the Fort Dodge Area Garden Club, and “Best of Show”, to receive a $10 cash prize in the adult classes, $5 in the youth classes. Again for 2024, will be classes for all kids under 18 years of age. There will be no entry fee for these entries. Exhibits will be on display until 4:00 p.m.
An Open Class Flower Show will be held on Friday, July 19 in the East Auditorium during the Webster County Fair, sponsored by the Fort Dodge Federated Garden Club.
Entries are open to anyone except professional arrangers and florists. Entries will be taken form 8:00 – 10: a.m. with judging to begin at 10:30 a.m. No entry fee.
There will be division for floral arrangements; roses; annuals, perennials and biennials; wild flowers; cactus and succulents; foliage plants; herbs; shrubs and trees; bulbs; tubers and container-grown plants. All exhibits should be displayed in clear glass containers suitable to the size of the specimen.
A Junior Division for all categories will include those under 18 years of age.
All exhibits will receive ribbons. Exhibits will be displayed till 3:45 p.m. Show guidelines and exhibit preparation information may be obtained at the Webster County Extension office, Wells Fargo Building, Downtown, Fort Dodge.
Club Members: Cassie Clute, Jedi Clute, Jacob Gonzalez, Aubree Hanse, Haleigh Kiplinger, Aianna Kirby, AvaMarie Kirby, Paige Lewis, Amelia Lincoln, Lorelei Miller, Paizley Miller, Josi Novencido, Miura Novencido, Gabe Parrish, Jameson Peterman, Tyran Peterman, Odin SmallCarter, Ben Touney, Jen Touney, Sam Touney, Sylvia Wacholtz, Zoey Wacholtz
Club Leaders: Deb Shelton, Alma Boro, Ignatius Kirby
Club Members: Aleah Anderson, Chris Andrews, Paisley Bintz, Charlotte Blair, Wyatt Blair, Ava Brockman, Brylie Butrick, Blessing Cunigan, Heaven Cunigan, Serenity Cunigan, Moses Cunigan, Goldie Davis, Boe Davis, Harley Eckert, Korbyn Elifrits, Corbin Eslick, Lauren Eslick, Nolan Eslick, Jaxson Halsrud, Avrie Hanson, Ally Hayes, Caleb Hayes, Emma Hayes, Karah Hayes, Kelsey Hayes, Paige Holmes, Grace Kauffman, Joe Kauffman, Alex Lambert, Isabella Locke, Rylie Lundberg, Cole Lundgren, Drew Lundgren, Luke Muench, Grant Ott, Brock Peterson, Brookelynne Peterson, Carver Peterson, Colby Peterson, Grant Peterson, Noah Peterson, Hailey Rees, Aubree Richardson, Canton Richardson, Chloe Richardson, Kenzie Richardson, Vivian Speck, Joley Swanson, Drew Temple, Cale VanSickle, Molly VanSickle, Logan Weier, Jacob Wicklein, Ryan Wicklein, Hanna Wicklein, Emma Wilson
Locally Owned Since 1950
Club Leaders: Mindy Ott, Alison Swanson, Katie Kauffman, Mary Eslick, Kerry Rees, Beth Peterson
Do you know someone not old enough to join 4-H yet? Good news! On Thursday, July 18th from 10:00 a.m., there will be a "Not Old Enough For 4-H Party". 4-H County Council high school youth will lead fun activities starting in the west auditorium. The recommended age is kindergarten through 3rd grade and those who accompany them are encouraged to stay. There is no fee for this event so bring your little sister, your little brother, their friends, or the next door neighbor and join us for fun, fun, fun!
Club Members: Paislee Albright, Brynleigh Alexander, Ellie Alstott, Cora Anderson, Ella Anderson, Charlie Bedford, Holden Blunk, Lily Eastwood, Kyra Ely, Sabrina Fleener, Katelyn Gehlhausen, Kesha Gines, Alex Guddall, Claudia Hamilton, Josie Harvey, Sasha Hess, Laila Hickey, Kaleb Johnson, Maxwell Johnson, Cam Johnson, Gracie Kallansrud, Braden Kammerer, Jenson Litwiller, Faith Mason, Kaci McGonegle, Kara McGonegle, Kylie McGonegle, Skye McMahon, Abby Newman, Brenden Newman, Evan Newman, Casey Nielson, Nora Kate O’Connor, Gabrielle Owens, Libby Pokorny, Mae Pokorny, Madalyn Reekers, Aviela Savov, Aziel Savov, Claire Schelle, Lauren Schelle, Lizzy Tiernan, Joe Vit, Robbie Vit, Grace Winkel, Alexander Wirtz, Gabrielle Wirtz
Club Leaders: Linda Cline, Kelsey Urlis, Thera Shey McMahon, Chris Tiernan
The Webster County 4-H Council will sponsor an activity on Friday, July 19th beginning at 2:00 p.m. This event called “Barn Yard Olympics” will be for any youth. Teams race against each other as they do old fashioned activities. In past years, teams had to carry hay bales, deposit plastic eggs into a bucket and carry a greased watermelon.
Saturday, July 20th 6:00 PM
4 ages Classes
4 & Under, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 year olds Trophies available in each class
Club Members: Jiselle Donahe, Wyatt Goodpaster, Tristen Holst, Logan Jaeschke, Tyler Jaeschke Eli Johnson, Ella Johnson, Lilly Johnson Club Leader: Amy Jaeschke
Good Luck to all 4-H’ers
SATURDAY, JULY 20TH 1:00 PM 2:00 pm
FRIDAY, JULY 19th • 7:00 PM Gates Open at 4:00 PM • FIREWORKS AT 10:00 PM
There will be a Fireworks show at the Webster County Fair again this year on Friday, July 14th at approximately 10 pm after the Tough Truck Races. You won’t want to miss it!
The Webster County Fair will have an Open Foods Class for children 3rd grade and younger. Youth can bring something they have baked, as this event will provide an opportunity for younger children to participate in the fair, talk to a judge and receive a ribbon.
The Pre 4-H Foods Class will be held Thursday, July 18th in the 4-H Auditorium. Youth will have the opportunity to talk with the judges starting at 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. (Exhibits need to made prior to judging day.) The exhibits will remain on display until 7:00 p.m. on Friday, July 14. The public is welcome to watch. There will not be an entry fee and no premium will be awarded for this class.
Participants may enter breads, cakes, and cookies. Items will be sold at a bake sale following the event. Stop by the Extension Office to pick up the guidelines for this event.
Office (515) 955-7714
Fax (515) 955-7719
Cell (515) 351-8490
email: kathystacyjondle@yahoo.com
$25 and up
(weather permitting)
Wednesday thru Sunday
Club Members: Brady Anderson, Olivia Clausen, Annalise Cobb, Miles Cobb, Julia Eastman, Kyle Eastman, Lucas Eastman, Addy Ford, SaraGrace Haney, Zane Haney, Mason Hanna, Max Hanna, Leia Hruska, Mara Hruska, Aleah Judson, Max Judson, James Kavanaugh, Ronan Kavanaugh, Lyra Lane, Norah Lane, Emma Maschino, Jax Spangler, Trigg Spangler, Nash Terry
Club Leader: Megan Eastman
Club Members: Drew Ahlers, Lane Ahlers, Turner, Brinlynn Alliger, Brylee Alliger, Aiden Anderson, Jameson Bernau, Lauren Bintz, Deegan Brandel, Jacey Carlson, Riley Carlson, Taylor Carlson, Ellie Carstens, Amelia Christensen, Bea Christensen, Caddie Christensen, Daniel Christensen, Hadley Cox, Kensley Cox, Dixie Dahlhauser, Aleigha Elmore, Baileigh Elmore, Brody Elmore, Grant Farnham, Caden Haug, Colton Haug, Cooper Hefley, Shayden Hefley, Hanna Hicks, Kaylee Hicks, Benson Konecne, Ella Kuhn, Evan Kuhn, Harper Lockner, Peyton Lockner, Jillian Matton, Julia Matton, Adalynn Milham, Caden Milham, Caelynn Milham, Lillian Newell, Mason Newell, Brock Norine, Kiley Norine, Alexis Peterson, Blaine Peterson, Davanee Riedesel, Emily Schroeder, Cooper Spece, Kenley Spece, Haley Stewart, Ryan Stewart, Aurora Stuelke, Andrew Wanat, Benjamin Wanat, Tyler Wanat, Kinley Wirt, Jillian Woodruff
Club Leaders: Marsha Farnham, Trish Wanat, Kathy Carlson
Marsha Farnham
Patrick Monaghan
Larry Dunbar will be providing his magic show at the Webster County Fair on “Kids Day” Thursday July 18th 11:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Friday, July 19th: 1:45 & 3:45 Sat, July 20th: 11:30, 1:45 & 3:45 Sun, July 21st: 1:45
has been part of Larry’s life from a young age -- he started doing magic at the age of seven and became a performing magician when he was 18. Magic is a powerful entertainment medium that creates lasting memories for those in those in the audience, as well as strong feelings of awe and wonder. What better way to wow your guests than with a magic show!
Club Members: Lilly Allen, Bailey Alliger, Annalee Bernau, Mikaylee Bernau, Henry Compart, Kolton Condon, Laramie Cox, Kinsley Elifrits, Rowan Lawler, Sawyer Lawler, Caleb Lundgren, Declan Lundgren, Beau Mason, Arlan Milham, Sadie Miller, Wyatt Miller, Violet Newell, Annika Rasmussen, Brayden Richardson, Teddy Shelton, Paelyn Spangler, Stetson Spangler, Garrett Swanson, Tommy Vit, Max Wicklein, Ellanore Wilson, Angel Zeisneiss
Club Leaders: Sara Scharf, Megan Alliger, Stacy Miller, Brooke McKibban
Club Members: Abby Allen, Bellah Aquino, Bianca Aquino, Calli Bird, Cade Buenting, Owen Compart, Kase Condon, Matthew Condon, Cheyenne Dahlhauser, Hailey Dawson, Kinnick Egli, Kyla Egli, Millie Egli, Owen Eldridge, Cameron Flowers, Oryan Hanson, Emma Johnson, Natalie Jones, Rachel Jones, Addie Loseke, Madison Makuch, Ava Messerly, Ava Nelson, Matt O’Hern, Mickey O’Hern, Landin Taylor, Bentley Weimer, Audree Weiss, Keaton Wittrock, Logan Wittrock, Maddie Wittrock, Stella Wood
Club Leaders: Becky Aquino, Heather Wittrock
Club Members: Raelynne Brady, Jared Geis, Charlie Meyer, Jacob Nieland, Keaton Seltz Club Leader: Guy Miller
ALGONA 515-295-3561
BUFFALO CENTER 641-562-2228
ESTHERVILLE 712-362-7747
HARCOURT 515-354-5331
LAURENS 712-845-2643
MANSON 712-469-3392
TITONKA 515-928-2251
WEST BEND 515-887-4511
WEBSTER CITY 515-839-5530
Club Members: Ben Anderson, Grace Anderson, Westen Baker, Colton Barrett, Emma Barrett, Mia Bunda, Zoelle Clark, Bradyn Dencklau, Robert Dubois, Suzy Gonzalez, Elijah Gustoff, Earl Herndon, Kannon Higgins, Zebby Lang, Rowen Lawler, Sawyer Lawler, Wyatt Maguire, Anna Nicholson, Kaden Stewart, Mason Stewart, Tommy Vit Club Leader: Brooke McKibban
Club Members: Layla Ellis, Owen Gruver Club Leader: Jolene Hays 524 Central Ave. Fort Dodge 515-955-2330
8:00am Flag Raising (South Side of the Auditorium Outside)
8:30-8:30pm Auditorium Open
8:30am ................. 4-H dog show (East side of the of Auditorium)
4:00pm-7:00pm ... Freewill Donation Hamburgers, chips, water Webster County Beef Producers(Between Rabbit and Sheep Barn)
5:00pm Scott’s Amusement Carnival
5:00pm-8:00pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
7:00pm ................. Webster County Speedway Figure 8 (GRANDSTAND)
7:00pm King and Queen plus Little Miss and Little Mister contest and style show –(East Auditorium )
7:00pm Iron Cowgirl
8:00pm The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the East Side of the Auditorium)
9:00pm ................. Free Outdoor Movie
(Kid's Day)
8:30am-8:30pm Auditorium open
9:00am Clover Kids Sheep Show followed Webster County Future Showman Sheep (Indoor Arena)
9:30am 4-H/FFA Sheep Show (Indoor Arena)
9:30am Pre 4H Open Foods and Open Craft –West Side auditorium youth 3rd grade and younger
10:00am Not Old enough for 4 H Party start in Auditorium
10:30-1:30pm ...... Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
11:00am Ken the Fire Ninja (Free Stage)
11:30am Magic show (Next to Kids Zone)
11:30am Clover Kids Goat Show followed by Webster County Future Showman Goat (Indoor Arena)
11:45am Nature Nick's Animal adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
12:00pm ............... 4-H/FFA Goat Show (Indoor Arena)
12:00pm The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the East Side of the Auditorium)
12:00pm Rabbit hopping (East Auditorium)
12:45 pm Mom CALLING Contest (Free Stage)
1:00pm Ken the Fire Ninja (Strolling)
Rabbit Show (East auditorium)
Kids Scavenger Hunt (Start in Auditorium)
2:00pm-5:00pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
2:30pm Nature Nick Animal adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
3:00pm Cupcake eating contest (Free Stage)
3:45pm Magic Show (Next to Kids Zone)
4:00pm ................. Scott’s Amusement Carnival
4:30pm ................. Ken the Fire Ninja (Free Stage)
4:30pm Bucket Bottle calves informal Pre Show and Interviews (Indoor Arena)
4:45pm Hog Calling Contest (Indoor Arena)
5:00pm Webster County Fair Showman Swine
5:15pm ................. 4-H/FFA swine show (Start with Peewee Show) Livestock Arena
5:30pm-8:00pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
5:30pm Nature Nick Animal adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
6:00pm Ken the Fire Ninja (Strolling)
6:30pm ................. Bill Riley Talent Show (East Side of Auditorium)
7:00pm IRR youth Rodeo (Outdoor Arena)
7:00pm Demo Derby (GRANDSTAND)
7:00pm The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the east side of the auditorium)
7:30pm ................. Nature Nick's Animal adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
8:30am-8:30pm Auditorium Open
8:30am-3:45pm Open Horticulture and Flower Show (East Side of Auditorium)
9:00am Clover Kids Beef Show followed by Webster County Future Showman Beef (Indoor Arena)
9:30am ................. 4-H/FFA Beef Show Livestock Indoor Arena
10:30-1:30pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
11:00am Ken the Fire Ninja (Free stage)
11:00am. .............. 4-H Poultry Show
11:45am Nature Nick's Animal Adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
12:00pm ............... The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the East Side of the Auditorium)
1:00pm Ken the Fire Ninja (Strolling)
1:45pm ................. Magic Show (Next to Kids Zone)
2:00pm BarnYard Olympics (Indoor Arena)
2:30pm Nature Nick’s Animal Adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
2:00pm-5:00pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
3:00pm Pulled Pork Dinner (Antique Tractor Club)
3:15pm The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the east side of the auditorium)
3:45 Magic Show (Next to Kids Zone)
4:00pm Scott’s Amusement Carnival
4:30pm Ken the Fire Ninja (Free Stage )
5:00pm Nature Nick's Animal adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
5:00pm Tractor Club Show
5:30-8:00pm ........ Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
5:30pm 4-H/FFA Horse Game Classes Show(Outdoor Arena)
6:00pm ................. Ken the Fire Ninja(strolling)
6:00pm 4-H/FFA Cat and Pet Project Show(East Side Auditorium)
7:00pm ................. Nature Nick's Animal Adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
7:00pm Rickie Lee and the Fabulous 50’s (Antique tractor Club)
7:00pm 4-Wheeler races/Tuff Truck (GRANDSTAND)
7:30pm The Steamers Thrilled Show (Behind the East Side of the Auditorium)
10:00pm Fireworks (GRANDSTAND)
Local First Responders Day
8:30am-8:30pm ... Auditorium open
9:00am ................. Open Baking Class- east side Auditorium
9:15am 4-H/FFA Working Exhibits West Side Auditorium
10:00am 4-H/FFA Horse Show – Arena
10:30am Theme Cake Class By Hummingbird Confections
10:00am-1:00pm ... Stingray Encounters
11:00am-1:00pm Watermelon Feed
THURSDAY, JULY 18 (*Cont'd) SATURDAY, JULY 20 (*Cont'd)
11:30am ............... Magic Show (Next to the Kids Zone)
11:45am Nature Nick's Animal Adventure (Across from the Kids Zone)
12:00pm Scott’s Amusement Carnival
12:00pm ............... The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the east side of the Auditorium)
12:00pm Buffalo Wild Wings Challenge (Free Stage)
1:00pm ................. Kids Pedal Tractor Pull (North Side of Auditorium)
1:00pm Antique tractor pull – Des Moines River Valley Antique tractor pull (Tractor Club) tractor club exhibit area * limited to #8500 stock – Free Admission
1:00pm DJ Bingo (East Side of Auditorium)
1:00pm ................. Ken the Fire Ninja (Strolling)
2:00pm Cookie Eating Contest (Free Stage)
1:30pm-4:30pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone) 1:45pm ................. Magic Show (Next to Kids Zone)
2:00-5:00pm Semi-truck pull Show (South of Carnival)
2:30pm Nature Nick Animal adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
3:15pm ................. The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the east side of the Auditorium)
11:00am Ken the Fire Ninja (Free Stage)
11:00-2:00pm Local First Responders (West of Auditorium)
3:45pm Magic Show (Next to Kids Zone)
4:30pm ................. Ken the Fire Ninja (Free Stage )
5:00pm-8:00pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
5:00pm Sweet Corn Feed- Free Will DonationDayton tigers 4-h club will be selling Ice Cream (Farm Bureau Building)
5:00pm Evan Pratt Concert (Free Stage)
5:30pm All Iowa Trivia Contest - East Auditorium by Denny Lautner and Shirley Gustafson - Prizes
6:00pm Open truck pull (GRANDSTAND)
6:00pm Ken the Fire Ninja(strolling)
6:30pm ................. Nature Nick Animal adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
7:00pm Share the fun (East Side of Auditorium)
7:30pm The Steamers Thrill (Behind the east side of the Auditorium)
(Last Day of the Fair)
10:00am-2:00pm Vendor Show (East Side of Auditorium and Outdoor)
10:00am-4:30 ...... Auditorium open
10:45am Registration for Bacon Buddies (Indoor Arena)
11:00am-2:00pm Stingray Encounters (Across from Kids Zone)
11:00am Pre Show Activity (Indoor Arena)
10:30am Nature Nick's Animal Adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
11:30am Bacon Buddies (Indoor Arena)
12:00pm Scott’s Amusement Carnival
12:00pm The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the east side of the Auditorium)
12:00pm ............... Hot Dog eating contest (Free Stage)
1:00pm Nature Nick's Animal Adventure (Across from Kids Zone)
1:45pm Magic Show (Next to Kids Zone)
2:30pm-4:30pm Stingray Encounters
2:30pm ................. Nature Nick Animal adventure
3:00pm 4-H/FFA Market Ribbon Animal Auction only
3:45pm The Steamers Thrill Show (Behind the east side of the Auditorium)
6:30pm Parade of Champions in East Side Auditorium