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Mikos & Matt Furniture Earl May Nursery & Garden Center Ross’ Appliance Center
April 2014 FORT DODGE
REVIEW A Messenger publication in cooperation with the Great Fort Dodge Growth Alliance
The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance Pages 18-21
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n Mikos & Matt Furniture
keeps getting better
n Earl May Nursery & Garden Center 10
is on the move
n Ross’ Appliance Center
offers complete service
Succeeds by evolving ................................. 5
d e p a r t m e n t s economic indicators
in every issue Alliance Newsletter ................................................... Alliance News ........................................................... Iowa Central Insights ................................................ CVB ......................................................................... Investing in Our Community ...................................
ON THE COVER John Mikos, co-owner of Mikos & Matt Furniture, relaxes in one of the many La-Z-Boy chairs available at the store. — Messenger photo by Hans Madsen
Offers new options ............................... 10
18 22 23 23 25
Is downtown fixture .............................. 12
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Fort Dodge Business Review is published monthly by The Messenger in cooperation with The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance.
All rights reserved. Copyright 2014. Reproduction in part or in whole without the expressed written permission of Fort Dodge Business Review is strictly prohibited. unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by return postage. Fort Dodge Business Review is not responsible for unsolicited photographs, artwork or manuscripts. The opinions expressed in editorial material are not necessarily the opinions of Fort Dodge Business Review.
John Mikos, co-owner of Mikos & Matt Furniture, looks over the current inventory with his son, Chris Mikos, who handles office and internet support.
mikos & matt Furniture keeps getting better Succeeds by evolving with the marketplace by TERRENCE DWYER Corporate megastores are an increasingly dominant force in the furniture marketplace. Those commercial giants are one type of response to a changing world. Smaller, independent stores, however, can compete effectively if they are led by entrepreneurs who are savvy in their response to a dynamic business environment. Fort Dodge’s Mikos & Matt Furniture, 3336 Fifth Ave. S., is a powerful example of how such a store can remain a success story in the 21st century.
photos by HANS MADSEN “We evolve or we perish. Well, we’ve evolved,” said John Mikos, who co-owns the store with his wife, Corinne Mikos. “The only certainty in retail is change.” Successfully positioning the enterprise to thrive has been at the heart of the Mikos & Matt story for more than six decades. The store opened its doors Aug. 28, 1953. America was far different place that long-ago summer. Dwight Eisenhower was still in his first year as president of the United States. World War II was a vivid memory
to just about everybody. Another war in Korea was ending. The downtown districts of most cities — including Fort Dodge — were the shopping hub. Times, however, were about to change. The focus was shifting away from downtown. Suburbs were growing. A vast highway network was about to move from the drawing board to reality. Hugh Matt, of Carroll, who had been in the furniture game since the 1920s, saw the potential of locating a furniture store on the outskirts of
Mikos & Matt Furniture and Sales Associate Brittany Douglass, left, and Office Manager Nancy Ferrel relax in the store’s large showroom. a community. The large amount of floor space such a venture requires made that appealing financially. He founded the Fort Dodge store in a location that was then far from the town’s commercial center. Matt involved his son, Bob Matt, and son-in-law, Walter Mikos, in this new venture. Before long, it was owned by Mikos and his wife, Mary Ann Matt Mikos. Their son, John Mikos, has been at the store’s helm since 1998, when Walter Mikos died following an automobile accident. The venture began with 12,000 square feet of showroom and 6,000 square feet of warehouse. Today it has grown to encompass an 18,000-square-foot showroom and 6,000-square-foot warehouse. The store’s market area extends well beyond Webster County. John Mikos said it regularly draws customers from a 60-mile radius of Fort Dodge. Just as his grandfather and father kept the store at the forefront of its industry locally by responding creatively to marketing conditions, Mikos said adjusting appropriately to the realities of the business
environment has remained one of the keys to success. “The biggest change is we’ve joined a buying group called Furniture First,” Mikos said. “It’s the premier buying group in the furniture industry. It really helps us on pricing because it is 300 stores going together.” He said being part of this group makes it possible for an independent store to marry the pricing advantages megastores have with strengths local ownership can provide. “We have a great blend of buying power, economies of scale, but also better service,” Mikos said. “All our decisions are made locally. You get the best of both worlds. You get the small-town service, but the big buying power.” He said staying on top of consumer trends is absolutely crucial. In that regard, understanding how the Internet is modifying the way people shop is critical. “Because of the Internet, customers are exposed to more products,” Mikos said. “It spawns
the urge for different products. Staying on top of that is challenging. There are a lot of products out there. You have to figure out which ones are worth bringing in.” In addition to producing a demand for a greater array of products, the Internet also makes it possible for customers to arrive at a store quite knowledgeable about what it sells and what options they want to consider. “People are making less store visits,” Mikos said, reflecting on how this pre-shopping on the Internet changes behavior. “If they go to your website and they don’t like your website, they don’t come into your store.” One thing that has stayed the same over the years, however, is the importance of customer service. Mikos said his store excels in that category. “That’s one of our competitive edges,” he said. “We go beyond everybody in service. We try to be the best in service and response for our customers. We can really respond to this local market. ... Our product mix fits the area.”
Family business The fact that the store’s owner is intimately involved in day-to-day operation also sets Mikos & Matt apart from giant corporate outlets. “There aren’t any layers here,” Mikos said. “I’m 50 feet from the front door. When it’s your store and your family and your money in it, there’s just a high level of motivation to take care of people. You take care of people personally. There’s huge motivation for me to bring in good products that are built well. You are going to get better service when the owner is there.” Throughout its history, Mikos & Matt Furniture has been a family project. Mikos said he and his wife, Corinne Peterson Mikos, are heavily involved in making the store succeed. The family spirit of the enterprise may well last well into the future. “Two of my sons are actually expressing interest,” John Mikos said. Christopher Mikos, 24, who graduated from St. Edmond High School in 2008 and has a degree in
mathematics from Iowa State University, is helping enhance the store’s information technology capabilities. His younger brother, Justin Mikos, 22, a 2011 graduate of St. Edmond is a junior at the Univesity of Northern Iowa studying marketing. John and Corinne Mikos’ daughter, Melissa Mikos will graduate from St. Edmond this spring and attend the University of Iowa this fall. Meet John Mikos John Mikos has been part of the family business most of his life. “I started after high school,” he said. “I worked here in 1977 and 1978. Then I went to college until 1983 and I’ve been here ever since.” Mikos, a 1976 graduate of St. Edmond High School, studied marketing at the University of Northern Iowa and earned his bachelor’s degree there. He said being part of Mikos & Matt Furniture has been a good fit for him. The interaction with customers is an especially enjoyable part of his role, he said.
“I enjoy dealing with all the customers, all the different personalities and all the walks of life,” Mikos said. “You just get everything in here — blue collar, white collar. I enjoy that. It’s a nice mix. I enjoy people.” Mikos is enthused about the evolution of Fifth Avenue South. “We couldn’t be more pleased with the Corridor of Commerce,” he said. “This is a great spot to be. It brings more people out this way. ... It’s working extremely well and we’re behind it 100 percent.” Mikos said his hometown’s best days are right now. “I’ve lived here all my life,” he said. “It’s the best Fort Dodge has ever been.” And for anyone in need of furniture, Mikos urges them to pay a visit to his store. “Make sure you just come in and check us out,” he said. “Just because we’re local doesn’t mean we are expensive. We’ve been here a long time and that’s because we’re competitive. This is a pretty lean operation.”
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John Mikos enjoys a few minutes of rest on one of the many matress and box spring sets the store has available in its large Sleep Center.
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East on Highway Business 20, Across from Menards, Fort Dodge 515-576-7241 • www.mikosandmatt.com John Mikos (Owner) Corinne Mikos 8 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS REVIEW • April 2014
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earl may nursery & Garden center is on the move Offers expanded nursery and landcaping options by TERRENCE DWYER
Tom Lockhart, manager of the Fort Dodge Earl May Nursery & Garden Center, shows off a selection of green plants ready to planted for spring. 10 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS REVIEW • April 2014
photos by HANS MADSEN In 21st-century America, it’s not uncommon for businesses to emerge with great fanfare only to disappear a short time later. Consequently, when an enterprise thrives more than nine decades there is good reason to pay attention to the reasons it has succeeded. Earl E. May founded Earl May Seed & Nursery Co. in April 1919. Today, his granddaughter — Betty Jane Shaw — is president of the business he launched in Shenandoah 95 years ago. Her husband — William Shaw — is chief executive officer. As the second decade of the 21st century unfolds, the company owns and operates retail nursery and garden centers in four states — Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. Shenandoah remains the corporate headquarters. Fort Dodge has been part of the Earl May story for most of the company’s history. According to information on the corporate website, the expansion beyond Shenandoah began in 1930 when a second retail outlet was opened in Lincoln, Neb. More stores followed in the next two years, including one in Fort Dodge. The Fort Dodge Earl May Nursery & Garden Center has been at its present location — 168 S. 25th St. — near Crossroads Mall since the late 1950s. Tom Lockhart has been the store’s manager since December 2013. The store offers the full spectrum of garden solutions, landscaping services and sells a unique assortment of pets and their supplies. And all that is just part of the story. “We’re kind of a one-stop-shop for anybody who enjoys the outdoors and a lot of things indoors like pets and house plants,” Lockhart said. “Anything to do with your yard, your garden — trees shrubs, flowering plants. Our goal is to help people enjoy the outside.” The product selection at Earl May Nursery & Garden Center is vast and eclectic. “I think people would be surprised at the variety in the store,” Lockhart said.” A lot of folks don’t know we carry house plants. They don’t know we carry memorial stones. ... There’s a lot of items we have to enrich
backyards and patio areas. I don’t think people think of that. They think of this as a garden center, but they don’t think that we’ve got full-grown maple trees, patio sets.” And there’s more. “A lot of people don’t know that we give away free popcorn and coffee every day,” he said. The company built its reputation in part on the diversity of what it sells, but Lockhart said it’s the high quality of its offerings and the expertise of the staff that truly set it apart from the competition. “The difference is the quality of the plant that we have,” he said, providing an example from the garden center. “You look at one of our roses, it’s 3 years old before we sell it. It’s typically 1 year old most other places. What’s going to have the better chance of survival, it’s already been through three winters?” Making sure that the trees, shrubs and other plants sold locally are appropriate for north central Iowa is an important part of the Earl May service. “You have to be careful because we’re a Zone 4 tolerance now,” Lockhart said. “It used to be Zone 5 until a couple of years ago. ... There are some places you go and they are not cognizant of that. They are buying out of the corporate office in Atlanta, or wherever, and they are not familiar with Iowa winters and Iowa weather. ... Everything we sell is designed to work in Fort Dodge, Iowa, to full advantage and typically we are cheaper, too.” Many of the live landscaping and garden selections sold by Earl May are grown right here in Iowa. “We have our own growing facility in Shenandoah,” Lockhart said. “We have a greenhouse in Sioux City that grows exclusively for Earl May. ... We do buy from some independent Iowa growers as well.” Providing customers with expert guidance is a key part of what makes Earl May special. “You can buy a pansy for instance at probably 10 places,” Lockhart said. “Here we have someone who will tell you what’s best for a shady area, what kind of tree is going to work well in a wet
area, dry area, windy area — what you need for a wind break.” He said it isn’t unusual for someone to ask for advice who made a purchase elsewhere. “We get people who come in who have bought a plant or a chemical at another retailer and they come in here to get an answer because they can’t get it there because the people haven’t got the experience or training on it,” Lockhart said. He stressed that folks with inquiries are always welcome. “We’ve got friendly people who give them free advice,” Lockhart said. “It may not ring my register, but if I’m making friends, in the long run I’m making customers. I think that makes us a vital part of the community.” Making certain that team members have the appropriate knowledge gets priority attention at Earl May according to Lockhart. “We have a certified program that is pretty intense training and has written tests that you have to pass to become certified as an Earl May specialist,” he said, noting that many of the staff members at the Fort Dodge store have achieved certification. Getting better Many of the things that have kept Earl May at the forefront of its industry remain in place at the local store this year, but Lockhart said there are some important enhancements. “We’ve reworked our pricing structure,” he said. “We’ll be very competitive. We’re bringing in a lot of new things that nobody else in the area is going to have. ... The nursery will be 25 percent bigger than last year. We are bringing in more product.” There will also be an increased emphasis on landscaping services for both residential and commercial clients. “It’s something we are developing,” Lockhart said. “We do a lot of landscaping in other Earl May stores around the state and around the country. It’s never been a big part of Fort Dodge business. I think it has never been focused on. ... We do a lot of planting. Probably half of what we sell, we plant
ourselves. ... We’re going to do a lot more involved landscaping — terracing, flagstone patios, retaining walls.” The booming Fort Dodge economy is providing new opportunities for commercial landscaping. “There is certainly a landscape customer here,” Lockhart said. “I see a lot of opportunity there with all the new construction. People obviously want to put their best foot forward on the storefront.” He said a landscaping specialist has been added to the Fort Dodge Earl May team. Meet the manager Lockhart is an Ames native and a graduate of Iowa State University. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps. “I’ve been in retail most of my life,” he said, noting that he worked at the Earl May outlet in Ames before transferring to Fort Dodge. Lockhart has a longtime passion for gardening and landscaping. “I grew up working in the backyard in Ames,” he said. “We put in all our own landscaping. It kind of got in my blood and we shopped at Earl May when I was a kid. It’s home.” About the local center The Earl May outlet in Fort Dodge includes a 5,000-square-foot store, and a nursery pad that is about 8,000 square feet. The size of staff complement varies throughout the year, Lockhart said. In the winter it can be as little as five and as many as 20 in the summer. The nearest Earl May store is more than an hour’s drive from Fort Dodge so the local center serves a large area of north central Iowa. Lockhart has a welcoming message for past and potential customers. “It’s a great way to spend an afternoon,” he said. “Come in and just wander around. You can get an education here. ... We have people who know plants, understand Iowa and Fort Dodge.” During the summer, the Fort Dodge store is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and has somewhat shorter hours on Sundays.
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ross’ appliance center offers complete service Has been a fixture downtown since 1986 by TERRENCE DWYER Downtown Fort Dodge is the home of a type of enterprise that is becoming increasingly rare in 21st -century America — an independent appliance dealer. Locally, however, Ross’ Appliance Center, 524 Central Ave., has defied the trend to corporate megastores. Ross Nemitz, who co-owns the store with his wife, Deb Nemitz, said their business offers enormous product selection coupled with thoroughgoing service. That combination has allowed it to prosper in a highly competitive marketplace. “We can deliver. We can install. We can haul the old one away,” Ross Nemitz said. “We can help you understand how to operate it
photos by HANS MADSEN and if need be, we can send a service technician out to take care of it.” He said independent dealers can thrive if they sell the appliances people want and the do all those other things well. That his store has prospered for more than a quarter century is powerful evidence he is right. Ross’ Appliance Center occupies a building that Nemitz said was built in the 1960s to house the local Montgomery Ward store. He said the combination of a 7,000-square-foot showroom on the main floor and an equivalent storage space in the basement makes it possible to have a large number of appliances on display
Ross Nemitz, co-owner of Ross’ Appliance Center, shows off one of the newest model refrigerators available at the store. The store is at 524 Central Ave. in downtown Fort Dodge. 14 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS REVIEW • April 2014
and many more in storage ready for prompt availability. Nemitz said having appliances on hand for immediate delivery to customers is important because appliance shopping often occurs when a client’s existing unit has failed. “For the most part, it’s a replacement business,” he said. “You usually need that appliance replaced ASAP.” Nemitz said the large inventory at his store makes it possible to respond quickly to what the customer often regards as an emergency. And if the unit the customer wants isn’t on the floor or in storage, Nemitz said he can usually get it fast. “We get a truck in every Monday,” he said. “We get inventory on a regular basis. It doesn’t take us that long to respond.” Appliances are the main focus at Ross’ Appliance Center. “We basically are just involved in major appliances,” Nemitz said. “All aspects of major appliances. From a quality standpoint, we don’t have to take a back seat to anybody. ... We can explain the appliance, so you know what you are buying. We stock and display an awful lot. We present it. We sell it. Deliver it. Install it. Service it.” Ross’ Appliance Center markets the Whirlpool family of appliances. Nemitz said the quality of Whirlpool’s products makes them very popular. He said the company’s commitment to selling American-made appliances in the U.S. market is also a plus. He said 83 percent of the appliances Whirlpool sells in this country were
Ross and Deb Nemitz, co-owners of Ross’ Appliance Center, looks over a state-of-the art washing machine. made here. While major appliances are the dominant part of the products the store sells, it also features vacuums as an added product category. “The vacuums became part of us eight or nine years ago,” Nemitz said, noting that Oreck has been the focus. This year Maytag vacuums were added. “Very quiet. Very powerful. Very high-end.,” he said. “I thought that would make a nice supplement to our Oreck vacuums. We signed up to be a Maytag vacuum dealer.” Nemitz said in the appliance sales world it is extremely important to have repeat business. “The key is if you are going to stay in business, you can’t sell people just one,” he said. “You need to sell them again and again and again. ... It just tickles me when I see a 20-something couple come in and they are buying a washer and dryer or something and they say ‘Our
folks said that we need to come here.’ And you ask who the folks are and it’s like passing the baton. This morning I sold a dishwasher to some people who have to be in their mid-80s. They’ve done business with us all the time we’ve been here and they were customers at the last place I worked. That’s just neat.” Nemitz said the approach that generates repeat business is no secret. “Treat a customer like you would like to be treated as a customer,” he said. Meet Ross Nemitz Nemitz grew up in Denison. He graduated from Denison High School in 1974. Then it was on to Fort Dodge’s Iowa Central Community College. During his high school years, he worked for an appliance dealer in Denison. He remained in that world after
relocating to Fort Dodge. “I’ve been doing this in some form or another since I was 14,” Nemitz said. Having a deep understanding of appliance marketing is critical to the success of his store, Nemitz said. “The challenge is trying to make sure your store is stocked with what is being demanded,” he said. “Sometimes, anticipating what’s going to be demanded. Having affordable, moderately priced appliances and blend that with the high-tech or high-end so you can be more things to more people.” Nemitz said appliances are evolving rapidly. “Product changes are constant — models in and out, new features,” he said. “Big, big changes in the last 10 years. The focus became energy saving and innovation to make life easier — time-saving, energy-saving, convenience.”
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Greater Fort dodge Growth alliance news by KELLY HALSTED Economic development director We are pleased to announce the INTERNSHIP+ Program to the Growth Alliance membership. We know this program will add value to the individual’s and company’s summer experience. The PLUS is that we will provide learning opportunities during a series of lunch and learns that address topics such as: soft skills, leadership, team work, community involvement, etc. Growth alliance’s goals We have several goals for this new program. First and foremost, we want the interns to have a positive experience during their time in Fort Dodge with the ultimate goal to return for full employment. Through the program, we hope to add value to our companies offering the internship and create awareness of the industries in the Region. Finally, if the intern has a positive experience, we hope they go back to school and tell all their friends, family and classmates. What a great way to increase the image of Fort Dodge. Why internships? Why should companies offer internships? Primarily companies want to find future employees, 35.3 percent of employers’ full-time, entry-level college hires came from their internship programs. There is something to be said about the perspective of a young fresh mind that can bring new ideas to the table. A successful internship program can take advantage of the low-cost labor and increase productivity. On the altruistic side of things, it supports the students learning experience and gives back to the community. Companies just need to make sure that they are
welled equipped for the intern. Now let’s get started. We will offer five lunch and learns, which will take place at various locations in Fort Dodge. The lunch and learns will take place every other week for approximately an hour to one and a half hours. Topics proposed during the sessions are: Leadership, Volunteerism, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communications, Team Building, Customer Service Skills, Personality Assessment, etc. May 27 - Official start date with a half-day agenda May 28 –Spring into Fort Dodge, Fort Dodge Ford June 11 – Lunch and Learn June 25 – Lunch and Learn July 9 – Lunch and Learn July 23 – Lunch and Learn
Aug. 6 – Lunch and Learn Date to be determined: Farewell Mixer at Fort Frenzy Date to be determined: Interns go to Market (Market on Central) Qualifications: n The employer must be a Growth Alliance Member n The intern must be in a post-secondary learning institution n The employer and the intern must be committed to the program Cost: $100 per intern Applications due by: May 5 Go to our web site: greaterfortdodge.com or fortdodgecareers.com to find or list an Internship opportunity, find resumes of students seeking an opportunity, access the application or call Kelly Halsted at 955-8909 or kelly@greaterfortdodge.com.
The source of this information is National Association of Colleges and Employers 2013 Student Survey.
iowa central insights by JIM KERSTEN Vice president External affairs and government relations Iowa Central Community College
The 2014 legislative session has been a fairly quiet and bipartisan environment. Not until late March did some partisan issues develop due to some revelations about state payouts to state employees that had not previously been disclosed. Due to the implementation and funding of the historic property tax reform legislation that was approved last year, state spending increases have been limited to a few key areas, including education. The K-12 system, Community Colleges and Regent schools all will end up with a 4 percent increase in state funding, which is very much appreciated. According to one community college leader, the push to early adjournment, the fear of future state budget deficits, and an election year all aligned to bring about the collective 4 percent increase in state funding aid for those educational institutions. In addition, the Legislature has cleared a lot of noncontroversial bills off the deck as they prepare for the final push toward adjournment.
There now remain 11 budget bills (some not yet public) and probably another 30 to 40 bills that will need to be disposed of prior to the end of session. Other education and economic development issues that still need to be addressed include: 1) The governor’s apprenticeship proposal and incumbent worker training program is still being discussed and it is hoped that a compromise can be reached that meets the collective needs of our students and work force. 2) Tax Increment Financing reform will be debated, but it is not sure if there is enough support to get this approved. TIF is a very important financing tool local governments can use to help fund economic development projects in their community. 3) Enterprise Zone renewal legislation is still pending and is needed because current law will expire on June 30. Iowa Central has also been working to help expand support for
local business and industry during the legislative session. Homeland security is seeking additional funding to continue providing first responder and school safety. Iowa Central and area schools are partnering to create a Regional Career Academy in Eagle Grove which will allow students to explore career pathways which are not available to them and will at the same time build the necessary skilled workforce that our region needs. As always, Iowa Central would like your feedback on how we can better serve our community and region and hope you will keep us in mind as your children, grandchildren and friends consider their higher education and workforce training options. We have numerous programs in place to help meet their education, training and workforce training needs. Come out and visit us anytime.
attract new visitors is through actively promoting themselves. There are several free promotional opportunities available to many of these businesses. Attractions, events and tourism-related businesses should consider the marketing opportunities available
through the Iowa Tourism and the Produce Iowa offices. The key to these opportunities is to submit the most up-to-date and accurate information on the sites and to keep the information fresh and updated. The Iowa Tourism Office has a
Editor’s note: This column reports the state of legislative action as of the first week of April.
cvB by KERRIE KUIPER Marketing director Convention and Visitors Bureau One frustration for Fort Dodge attractions or events is having not having an adequate advertising or marketing budget. I often hear, “a small attraction (or event) like us does not have the funds to advertise.” In reality, the only way for these attractions and events to
website which allows attractions, hotels, bed and breakfasts, campgrounds/RV parks, golf courses, events, restaurants and wineries/breweries to submit for travelers’ information reference. For venue listings, attractions and other businesses serving tourists need to register with the site and submit all their site’s information electronically. Listings must be updated every 18 months or they drop off the site. Events also are able to take advantage of the promotional opportunities on this website. Event organizers do not need to register for the site, but must resubmit their events every year. Events from this listing are also released to the state?’s various media outlets. To submit information to the Travel Iowa website go to www.traveliowa.com. The Produce Iowa office works to promote and facilitate media productions throughout the state. Its website is designed to help production companies find the necessary media professionals, location sites and support services within the state. On this site, potential locations can submit information and photos to attract productions. Restaurants, hotels, caterers, transportation rental companies, hair and makeup stylists and construction companies, to name just a few, can submit information for services they could provide production companies. For a complete listing of crew services and to submit information go to www.produceiowa.com/. I would be happy to assist organizations submitting information to either of these websites. Please email me at fdconvention@frontiernet.net or call at 573-4282 to set up an appointment to get your qualifying business posted on these sites. Here are a few upcoming events happening in our community. Please visit us at www.fortdodgecvb.com for a complete list of upcoming events. n Brown Bag Briefings by Friends of the Library presents
“Iowa’s Rivers, Water Trails, and Dams: How Iowans are Reinventing their Waterways” at noon April 24 in the Fort Dodge Public Library Meeting Room. Presentation by Nate Hoogeveen, Department of Natural Resources.
“In reality, the only way for ... attractions and events to attact new visitors is through actively promoting themselves.”
n Fort Dodge Choral Society presents “Creation of the World” at St. Olaf Church at 3 p.m. April 28. n ICCC Regional Softball will be May 1-5 at Rogers Sports Complex. n Hillbilly Sales and Flea Markets will be May 10-11 at the Webster County Fairgrounds. n FDBA Early Bird Baseball Tournaments will be May 10-11 at Rogers Sports Complex. n The Noon Lions annual Steak Fry will be from 5 to 9 p.m. May 15 at the Lion’s Den 731 Exposition Drive (old Izzak Walton). n NOHVAC Workshop will be held May 16-17 at site to be determined and Gypsum City OHV Park. n FDBA Early Bird Baseball Tournaments will be May 17-18 at Rogers Sports Complex. n Fort Dodge Girls Fastpitch Softball Invitational will be May 30-June 2 at Rogers Sports Complex.
n Battle of the Borders Youth Baseball Tournament will be April 26-27 at Rogers Sports Complex. 20 teams from Iowa take on 20 teams from Minnesota. n 2014 River Valley Rockhounds Inc. annual Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show will be April 26-27 at the Iowa Central Community College East Campus, 2031 Quail Avenue . n Webster County Museum W E S T C E N T R A L I O W A 806 Quint Ave., Carroll and Thrift/Gift (712)775-2306 Shop, 515 School (866)595-7566 St., Otho, opens for the season April 26. Hours will be FREE ESTIMATES Thursday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Offering a wide n Fort Museum and Frontier range of solutions for Village opens for homeowners with the season April 26. basement & Hours will be 9-5 Saturday, and 11-5 foundation problems. on Sunday. n Marine Corps League Steak Fry Foundation Fundraiser will be Repair held from 4:30 to 8 Basement p.m. April 27 at Waterproofing VFW Post 1856. n Fort Dodge Crawl Space Area Symphony Recovery Co-owners Scott Schon & presents “Rising Brian Badding have a Dehumidification Stars — The Young combined 20 years of experience working with Artists Concert” at Egress Windows basements and the Fort Dodge foundations. Middle School auditorium at 3 For more information give us a call or visit us online at p.m. April 27. www.wcibasementrepair.com
investing in our community by KENZIE BRENNAN Communications coordinator Fort Dodge Community Foundation and United Way
Directory, The Fort Dodge Community which includes manage in the Our Funds section. Foundation and United Way is information on more than 75 The United Way of Greater Fort excited to announce the launch of nonprofit human service Dodge site also contains our two new websites. Our goal organizations in Fort Dodge and information on the Community Campaign, including the with these new sites is to provide visitors with an easier impact it has on our way to learn about what the community, how to donate What is the Fort Dodge Community Fort Dodge Community and more. Foundation and United Way? Foundation and United Way In addition to our new The Fort Dodge Community Foundation and websites, we are also does, why we do what we do, what services we offer and United Way is an independent 501(c)(3) public launching a monthly charity that enables people with philanthropic how we are impacting the e-newsletter. This newsletter community. interests to develop lasting legacies through funds will be brief, informative and The newly and completely that support causes, programs and organizations provide a wealth of redesigned Fort Dodge information for in their community that they care about, easily Community Foundation and community-minded and effectively. United Way website, which is individuals who want to located at support local growth and www.fd-foundation.org, development, as well as for features a fresh look, Webster County, categorized by local organizations who provide easy-to-navigate layout and a great field of service. A printer-friendly services for the less fortunate in our community. By sharing this deal of new and updated version of the directory can also be information with everyone, we all information. downloaded from our site. benefit and thrive. If you are The second website is focused The Fort Dodge Community interested in receiving our monthly solely on the United Way Foundation and United Way site e-newsletter, you can sign up right on component of our organization and also includes a Giving section, which includes information on the homepage of either of the new is located at www.unitedwayfd.org. ways to give, how to give, funding Designed with a fresh, innovative websites or you can email priorities, the Endow Iowa Tax kenzie@fd-foundation.org. appearance and user friendly The new websites and function, both sites welcome visitors with bold colors, a e-newsletter are just the beginning of the Fort Dodge clean, uncluttered design and What is United Way? moving images with featured Community Foundation A United Way is a volunteer-led nonprofit content that will continue to be and United Way’s vast organization located in a geographic community effort to enhance the updated on a regular basis. In that seeks and addresses the root causes of key addition, the information tabs community’s awareness of at the top of the pages have issues, is accountable for stewardship of resources our organization and what and is accountable for short-term and long-term been streamlined to direct users we do. We are also in the to different parts of the site with process of developing a results. In Fort Dodge, United Way focuses on ease. strengthening youth, families and community. We variety of new brochures Both new websites offer and marketing materials, financially support more than 40 organizations in visitors a multitude of creating a social media the Fort Dodge region that address hunger, presence and more. information — some of which homelessness, physical and mental health, If you experience any appears on both sites, including problems using the new an About Us section, detailed education, crisis intervention and more. information on the programs sites or if you have any and services we offer, news, suggestions or feedback, events, resources and more. Credit and more. You can also find please contact Kenzie Brennan, Within the Resources section on information on both the endowed communications coordinator, at both sites is our Local Resource and non-endowed funds we kenzie@fd-foundation.org. April 2014 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS REVIEW • 25
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April 2014 â&#x20AC;˘ FORT DODGE BUSINESS REVIEW â&#x20AC;˘ 27
Local Stock Index Source: Edward Jones
32.84 54.38 66.06 49.56 77.31
Source: Edward Jones Rates average of those reported by Fort Dodge financial institutions
4.616 3.666
4.25 3.375
Closing Prices as of 4.5.14
4.343 3.437
4% 4.525 3.60
4.468 3.593
82.60 32.16 50.21 50.11 61.13
15 Year Fixed
Airline Boardings
Current Year
Previous Year
Source: Fort Dodge Regional Airport
$40 J
400 200
Sandals S a n d a l s tthat h a t ffit it y o u r llife’s your i f e ’ s sstyle tyle
0 375
0 254
125 313
238 357
229 382
600 224 320
30 Year Fixed
4.187 3.375
BAC 16.73 JCP 8.87 MCD 97.91 MLM 127.67 NSRGY 75.48
Mortgage Interest Rates
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Mon. M o n . - Thur. T h u r . 9-7 9 - 7 • Fri. F r i . 9-6; 9 - 6 ; Sat. S a t . 9-5 9 - 5 • Sunday S u n d a y Noon-5 Noon-5 28 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS REVIEW • April 2014
Auto & Truck Sales Cars
Teva Pharmaceutical Ind (TEVA)
Source: Webster County Motor Vehicle Dept.
Price Per Share as of the 1st of the month Source: Edward Jones
30 60 30
67 35
63 21
96 38
54 28
71 31
Building Permits
Fifth Third Bank (FITB) Price Per Share as of the 1st of the month Source: Edward Jones
Source: Fort Dodge Planning Office
40 70
15 S
20.95 19.14
1 Year CD & 10 Year U.S. Treasury 1 Year CD
10 Year US Treasury Source: Edward Jones
.36 2.637
.340 2.601
.34 2.637
.325 2.573
.32 2.587
.350 2.8
.308 2.905
.380 2.494
.350 2.813
.3375 2.588
.40 2.047
.3166 1.695
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