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Youth Activities
Visit www.fortdodgeiowa.org/parks often for program offerings!
Letters From Santa $5
Get in the Christmas spirit by signing up your child to receive a letter from Santa in the mail. This letter, written in simple, easy to read language, is a fun surprise for any child. It will come in an envelope with Santa’s name and return address in the corner, addressed directly to your child. A unique idea for all your nieces, nephews, or grandchildren no matter where they live!
Dates: November 4- December 2 Letters Sent: Before December 14 Cost: $7/letter
Science Experience Class $20
Do you have a little, 5-7 years old who are interested in science experiments? Sign-up and join us on Mondays in February and March at Citizen’s Central in person for our science class!
Each kiddo will be provided the supplies needed for each weekly experiment. Each week will start class with a paper activity making observations based on the objects in front of them, and then each child will get to do their own experiment with the instructor!
Registration Dates: January 2 – February 17 Class Dates: February 27, March 6, 13, 20 Class Time: 5:45pm-6:30pm Location: Citizen’s Central
Crafty Kiddos $15
Do you have a kiddo who loves to craft? If so come on down to Citizen’s Central where you get to paint, color, cut, glue, & use your creativity! Join us for 45 minutes of morning craft projects! This class is held on Thursdays and is limited to 12 participants!
Registration Dates: January 6 – February 3 Dates: February 16, 23, March 2, 9 Time: 9:30am – 10:15am Location: Citizen’s Central

Visit www.fortdodgeiowa.org/parks often for program offerings!
Movement Mondays $15
Monday is always the hardest and roughest day of the week, especially getting those littles up and moving! We might have just need you need to brighten up your Mondays. Bring the kiddos to Movement Mondays!
A fun story with an activity that will lead to work on our gross motor skills. Registration Dates: January 6 -February 3 Dates February 13, 21 (Tuesday), 27 March 6 Time: 10:00am – 10:45am Location: Citizen’s Central

In-Motion Marathon $15
Get OUT & MOVING! Complete 26.2 miles of movement, whether it be walking, running, or a small morning workout. This is not a race but an opportunity for people to get out & be active! Record the number of miles completed on the In-Motion Marathon Log on www.fortdodgeiowa.org/parks & submit it to awolfe@fortdodgeiowa.org for your chance to win a prize! Register by the 30th to ensure to receive a t-shirt!
Marathon: Registration deadline: T-shirt pick-up: March 31 – April 28 March 1 – 30 TBD