Independent variety trials are a cornerstone of selecting growers’ most important input, seed. Farmers’ Independent Research of Seed Technologies (FIRST) has a unique research program to demonstrate the performance of corn and soybean seed for farmers on their farms. FIRST works with scores of farm families who host test plots. These tests include seed entered by America’s finest seed companies to make head-tohead comparisons of yield using data gathered from randomized, replicated plots, three per location.
The 2024 season was characterized by heavy spring rains, good summer moisture, followed by an exceedingly dry late season. Just one of the FIRST soybean plots in Britt, Iowa was lost to flooding, while many areas had considerable issues with delayed planting and replants. After emergence, and with some variability due to saturated soils, the abundant rainfall established a good crop throughout the FIRST trials. The dry finish probably reduced yield potential, and made both dry down and harvest progress very rapid.
What’s new with FIRST? The FIRST team participated in the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, IA this summer, and had an opportunity to present the trials, new tools, and new personnel. This year a new research manager, Nick Hoffman, took over the northwest Iowa region trials. Hoffman is a popcorn breeder, with extensive experience in field research trials. Speaking about his new role he said, “it’s great to be out getting to know other farmers and their communities.”
The FIRST program launched an innovative mobile app, free and downloadable from their website, to make accessing results easier on mobile devices. Their web tools include complete results for each corn and soybean product in the tests, spanning all locations and years tested. Users can search for seed by maturity, traits, and other characteristics. New this year is Soybean Cyst Nematode source ratings. Growers can narrow down soybean seed they are considering to Peking SCN resistance for example, and view those yield results.
Growers can also look at FIRST Harvest Reports that pertain to their growing practices and management. Yield reports for plots can be selected based on previous crops including cover crops, no-till and other tillage, and soil pH, organic matter, and more.
Challenges ahead Continuing consolidation in the seed industry is a challenge for the FIRST program. As a trusted independent trial program, there is healthy
participation from national and independent seed companies. Brands not appearing and some brands in the results have not entered directly, with those products in the tests placed as checks or in cooperation with plots hosts (designated as Grower Comparison, GC or Check, CK in the results tables). FIRST Program Manager, Jessica Bhalerao explained, “FIRST needs the support of producers who require objective data for seed decision-making using FIRST’s freely available, unbiased research.” She noted that the program has an advisory group to consider how the trials can continue to serve the agricultural community into the future.
On-farm trials are an excellent way to see how the newest seed genetics and traits perform on the farm. FIRST encourages producers to consider hosting a plot and contacting the program with feedback or questions.
FIRST is grateful for the opportunity to serve the Iowa agricultural community with performance results for American seed brands on Iowa farms, offering producers the value of independent, unbiased information for seed selections. Visit www. firstseedtests.com and learn more about FIRST.
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] ALBERT CITY, IA
Colleen Miller, Buena Vista County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Zidua, 2-4D, Roundup, Outlook, Interline, Enlist 2-4D, Glypex
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/ Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 6.3 pH, 6.2% OM, 26.1 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Volley Atz Lite, Bellum, Atrazine 4l, Laudis, Veltyma
FERTILITY - Applied N: 31 Fall, 211 Spring, 23 Sidedress, 3T of turkey litter incorporated in Fall plus Lime
Applied N-P-K (units): 265-228-126
Ultra Early-Season Test
95 - 100 Day CRM
Top 27 of 27
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1933.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 19 30.0 /A Average of (3) Replications
Jacobsen JS9904SS
Renk RK582SSTX
Renk RK561DGVT2P
Jacobsen JS9542DGVT2P
Nick Hoffman
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: This was the year for Colleen's farm to be a garden spot although at the beginning it did not seem that way. A very small window allowed it to be planted and immediately afterward hard driving rain went on for a couple of days. We thought that the plot might be a loss, yet to our pleasant surprise, the plants were fairly resilient and stood up to the challenge. A portion of this plot in the full-season test did however get washed some. Otherwise, it was a great plot, producing a yield well above what Colleen considered her best yield so far. One replicate in the full-season test was dropped due to damage from heavy rains.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/19/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] ALBERT CITY, IA
Colleen Miller, Buena Vista County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Zidua, 2-4D, Roundup, Outlook, Interline, Enlist 2-4D, Glypex
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/ Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 6.3 pH, 6.2% OM, 26.1 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Volley Atz Lite, Bellum, Atrazine 4l, Laudis, Veltyma
FERTILITY - Applied N: 31 Fall, 211 Spring, 23 Sidedress, 3T of turkey litter incorporated in Fall plus Lime
Applied N-P-K (units): 265-228-126
Early-Season Test
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1933.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 19 30.5 /A Average of (3) Replications
Cornelius C6467PCE PCE104272.817.2030.1110120
Wyffels W3579RIB STXP105272.715.2031.2112417
Jacobsen JS0342DGVT2P VT2PDG102272.314.9032.0112515
Integra 5443 DGVT2PRIB VT2PDG104270.815.5032.3111318
Renk RK705VT4P VT4P105268.916.6033.4109322
Epley E1340 CONV103266.615.5032.7109521
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This was the year for Colleen's farm to be a garden spot although at the beginning it did not seem that way. A very small window allowed it to be planted and immediately afterward hard driving rain went on for a couple of days. We thought that the plot might be a loss, yet to our pleasant surprise, the plants were fairly resilient and stood up to the challenge. A portion of this plot in the full-season test did however get washed some. Otherwise, it was a great plot, producing a yield well above what Colleen considered her best yield so far. One replicate in the full-season test was dropped due to damage from heavy rains.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/19/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] ALBERT CITY, IA
Colleen Miller, Buena Vista County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Zidua, 2-4D, Roundup, Outlook, Interline, Enlist 2-4D, Glypex
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/ Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 6.3 pH, 6.2% OM, 26.1 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Volley Atz Lite, Bellum, Atrazine 4l, Laudis, Veltyma
FERTILITY - Applied N: 31 Fall, 211 Spring, 23 Sidedress, 3T of turkey litter incorporated in Fall plus Lime
Applied N-P-K (units): 265-228-126
Full-Season Test
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1933.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 19 30.6 /A
Average of (2) Replications
Test Comments: This was the year for Colleen's farm to be a garden spot although at the beginning it did not seem that way. A very small window allowed it to be planted and immediately afterward hard driving rain went on for a couple of days. We thought that the plot might be a loss, yet to our pleasant surprise, the plants were fairly resilient and stood up to the challenge. A portion of this plot in the full-season test did however get washed some. Otherwise, it was a great plot, producing a yield well above what Colleen considered her best yield so far. One replicate in the full-season test was dropped due to damage from heavy rains.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/19/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] GREENE, IA
Mike Ruby, Butler County, IA 50636
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Zidua Pro, 2,4-D, Glyphosate, Engenia
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Ostrander loam, well drained , non-irrigated Ultra Early-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 5.4 pH, 3.2% OM, 17.4 CEC 95 - 100 Day CRM PEST MANAGEMENT: Keystone La Nxt, 2,4-D Lv6, Armezon Pro, Atrazine 4l, Miravis Neo, Grocentric
FERTILITY - Applied N: 35 Fall, 160 Spring, 29.2 lbs - S, 3.12 lbs - Zn, N-stabilizer
Applied N-P-K (units): 195-117-165
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1635.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 19 33.1 /A
Top 30 of 30
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Wyffels W1996RIB
Cornelius C5806VT4P
Wyffels W2446RIB
Renk RK579DGVT2P
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: Greene was planted slightly later than desired due to the wet spring conditions. Soil conditions were good, with moisture at 60% field capacity and temperatures in the mid-60s. Field nutrients were lost due to the abnormally wet spring and early summer conditions. Rainfall was well above average in the first two months of the growing season, with 15.1” by July 16th. However, showers decreased, leaving the crop lacking moisture in the later growth stages. August and September were much drier than usual. As of harvest, the U.S. drought monitor has listed Butler County in a D1 –
Moderate Drought. Local farmers have expressed that corn yields are at or slightly below average this year † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/19/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] GREENE, IA
Mike Ruby, Butler County, IA 50636
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Zidua Pro, 2,4-D, Glyphosate, Engenia
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Ostrander loam, well drained , non-irrigated
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Early-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 5.4 pH, 3.2% OM, 17.4 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Keystone La Nxt, 2,4-D Lv6, Armezon Pro, Atrazine 4l, Miravis Neo, Grocentric
FERTILITY - Applied N: 35 Fall, 160 Spring, 29.2 lbs - S, 3.12 lbs - Zn, N-stabilizer
Applied N-P-K (units): 195-117-165
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1635.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 19 32.4 /A
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 54
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Viking | Blue River72-06
Rob-See-Co RC5694-VT2P
Golden Harvest G03U08-D
Test Comments: Greene was planted slightly later than desired due to the wet spring conditions. Soil conditions were good, with moisture at 60% field capacity and temperatures in the mid-60s. Field nutrients were lost due to the abnormally wet spring and early summer conditions. Rainfall was well above average in the first two months of the growing season, with 15.1” by July 16th. However, showers decreased, leaving the crop lacking moisture in the later growth stages. August and September were much drier than usual. As of harvest, the U.S. drought monitor has listed Butler County in a D1 –
Moderate Drought. Local farmers have expressed that corn yields are at or slightly below average this year † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/19/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] GREENE, IA
Mike Ruby, Butler County, IA 50636
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Zidua Pro, 2,4-D, Glyphosate, Engenia
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Ostrander loam, well drained , non-irrigated Full-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 5.4 pH, 3.2% OM, 17.4 CEC 107 - 111 Day CRM
PEST MANAGEMENT: Keystone La Nxt, 2,4-D Lv6, Armezon Pro, Atrazine 4l, Miravis Neo, Grocentric
FERTILITY - Applied N: 35 Fall, 160 Spring, 29.2 lbs - S, 3.12 lbs - Zn, N-stabilizer
Applied N-P-K (units): 195-117-165
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1635.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 19 32.9 /A
Top 30 of 52
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: Greene was planted slightly later than desired due to the wet spring conditions. Soil conditions were good, with moisture at 60% field capacity and temperatures in the mid-60s. Field nutrients were lost due to the abnormally wet spring and early summer conditions. Rainfall was well above average in the first two months of the growing season, with 15.1” by July 16th. However, showers decreased, leaving the crop lacking moisture in the later growth stages. August and September were much drier than usual. As of harvest, the U.S. drought monitor has listed Butler County in a D1 –
Moderate Drought. Local farmers have expressed that corn yields are at or slightly below average this year † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/19/2024 Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
515-291-0836 | Twila: 515-291-0801 longneckerfertilizers@gmail.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] IOWA FALLS, IA
Landon Aldinger, Hardin County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Sonic, Liberty 280 SL, Outlook, Declare
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated Ultra Early-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/O Fall Till, medium P, high K, 7.6 pH, 5.1% OM, 24.6 CEC 95 - 100 Day CRM
PEST MANAGEMENT: Surestart Ii, Callisto Xtra, Veltyma & Masterlock At Brown Silk
FERTILITY - Applied N: 175 Spring, 24 lbs Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 175-60-120
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: Apr 2435.7 /A30" spacing
Top 30 of 30
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 8 33.6 /A Average of (3) Replications
Renk RK579DGVT2P
Dyna-Gro D39VT75RIB
Wyffels W2446RIB
FS InVision FS
Test Comments: We decided to plant this site during the last week of April since conditions were fit and a lot of rain was in the forecast. The showers rolled in a few days later and didn't let up much for a solid 2 weeks. A mechanical issue on the planter caused the drive shaft to stop spinning intermittently which caused some small skips to occur within all plots of the early and full season tests. The issue wasn't caught until the end of the day The skips were regular and uniform among plots but they resulted in reduced final plant stands of those tests and likely also reduced yield to some degree, though statistics were very good to accept the results. Overall, the first half of the growing season was about 12" over the average for precipitation and dried up significantly in August through the rest of the season.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/08/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] IOWA FALLS, IA
Landon Aldinger, Hardin County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Sonic, Liberty 280 SL, Outlook, Declare
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated Early-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/O Fall Till, medium P, high K, 7.6 pH, 5.1% OM, 24.6 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Surestart Ii, Callisto Xtra, Veltyma & Masterlock At Brown Silk
FERTILITY - Applied N: 175 Spring, 24 lbs Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 175-60-120
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: Apr 2435.7 /A30" spacing
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 54
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 8 27.5 /A Average of (3) Replications
DeKalb DKC105-33RIB
Wyffels W3579RIB
DeKalb DKC101-33RIB GC
Renk RK625DGVT2P
Cornelius C6467PCE
DeKalb DKC104-08RIB GC VT4P104223.217.2028.188923
Dyna-Gro D44PN25RA
Titan Pro 46-03 PCE PCE103219.517.8027.887126
Renk RK705VT4P
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: We decided to plant this site during the last week of April since conditions were fit and a lot of rain was in the forecast. The showers rolled in a few days later and didn't let up much for a solid 2 weeks. A mechanical issue on the planter caused the drive shaft to stop spinning intermittently which caused some small skips to occur within all plots of the early and full season tests. The issue wasn't caught until the end of the day The skips were regular and uniform among plots but they resulted in reduced final plant stands of those tests and likely also reduced yield to some degree, though statistics were very good to accept the results. Overall, the first half of the growing season was about 12" over the average for precipitation and dried up significantly in August through the rest of the season.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/08/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] IOWA FALLS, IA
Landon Aldinger, Hardin County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Sonic, Liberty 280 SL, Outlook, Declare
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Full-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Conventional W/O Fall Till, medium P, high K, 7.6 pH, 5.1% OM, 24.6 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Surestart Ii, Callisto Xtra, Veltyma & Masterlock At Brown Silk
FERTILITY - Applied N: 175 Spring, 24 lbs Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 175-60-120
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: Apr 2435.7 /A30" spacing
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 52
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 8 27.7 /A Average of (3) Replications
FS InVision
Viking | Blue River75-07
Wyffels W5019RIB
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: We decided to plant this site during the last week of April since conditions were fit and a lot of rain was in the forecast. The showers rolled in a few days later and didn't let up much for a solid 2 weeks. A mechanical issue on the planter caused the drive shaft to stop spinning intermittently which caused some small skips to occur within all plots of the early and full season tests. The issue wasn't caught until the end of the day The skips were regular and uniform among plots but they resulted in reduced final plant stands of those tests and likely also reduced yield to some degree, though statistics were very good to accept the results. Overall, the first half of the growing season was about 12" over the average for precipitation and dried up significantly in August through the rest of the season.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/08/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] LU VERNE, IA
Bob Plathe, Kossuth County, IA 50560
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Prowl, Lexone, Roundup, 2-4D, Enlist
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Clarion loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 7.3 pH, 4.8% OM, 20.6 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine, Harness
FERTILITY - Applied N: 120 Fall, 60 Sidedress Applied N-P-K (units): 180-46-60
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1533.0 /A30" spacing
Ultra Early-Season Test
95 - 100 Day CRM
Top 27 of 27
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 17 29.6 /A Average of (3) Replications
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This is another site where extremes on both ends of the spectrum shaped the outcome of the crop. On the day of planting we pushed to beat a predicted rain event and as we were pulling out of the field it began to rain. Bob said that they received as much of their annual precipitation all consolidated into the months of March-July, with a dry finish to the season. This area is also consistently windy, and with a fast dry down the stalks became more brittle and were more prone to lodging as noted in the ultra-early and full-season tests. Overall, the rain made a nice yield for this plot while the faster dry down coupled with wind made it a bit more challenging to harvest.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/17/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] LU VERNE, IA
Bob Plathe, Kossuth County, IA 50560
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Prowl, Lexone, Roundup, 2-4D, Enlist
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Clarion loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 7.3 pH, 4.8% OM, 20.6 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine, Harness
FERTILITY - Applied N: 120 Fall, 60 Sidedress
Applied N-P-K (units): 180-46-60
Early-Season Test
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1533.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 17 29.3 /A
Average of (3) Replications
Cornelius C6467PCE
Golden Harvest G03U08-D D
Wyffels W4439RIB
Wyffels W3309RIB
Viking | Blue River72-06
Renk RK625DGVT2P
FS InVision FS 5335P RIB STXP103266.313.8528.3110019
Pioneer P0339Q QR 103263.714.3030.1108920
Prairie Hybrids EX8780 CONV104262.313.91429.0108321
RC5694-VT2P VT2P106262.215.2029.4108122
Titan Pro 34-04 DG2P VT2PDG104260.514.7027.2107623
Rob-See-Co RC5430-DGVT2P
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This is another site where extremes on both ends of the spectrum shaped the outcome of the crop. On the day of planting we pushed to beat a predicted rain event and as we were pulling out of the field it began to rain. Bob said that they received as much of their annual precipitation all consolidated into the months of March-July, with a dry finish to the season. This area is also consistently windy, and with a fast dry down the stalks became more brittle and were more prone to lodging as noted in the ultra-early and full-season tests. Overall, the rain made a nice yield for this plot while the faster dry down coupled with wind made it a bit more challenging to harvest.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/17/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa Northwest [IANW] LU VERNE, IA
Bob Plathe, Kossuth County, IA 50560
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Prowl, Lexone, Roundup, 2-4D, Enlist
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Clarion loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 7.3 pH, 4.8% OM, 20.6 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine, Harness
FERTILITY - Applied N: 120 Fall, 60 Sidedress Applied N-P-K (units): 180-46-60
Full-Season Test
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1533.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 17 29.5 /A
Average of (3) Replications
Test Comments: This is another site where extremes on both ends of the spectrum shaped the outcome of the crop. On the day of planting we pushed to beat a predicted rain event and as we were pulling out of the field it began to rain. Bob said that they received as much of their annual precipitation all consolidated into the months of March-July, with a dry finish to the season. This area is also consistently windy, and with a fast dry down the stalks became more brittle and were more prone to lodging as noted in the ultra-early and full-season tests. Overall, the rain made a nice yield for this plot while the faster dry down coupled with wind made it a bit more challenging to harvest.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/17/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Armstrong 888-802-3897
Bancroft/South Burt
Buffalo Center Ag 641-561-2440
North Burt Ag 800-292-0240
Blue Earth
Halfa 712-866-2671
Fenton 800-721-2251
North Burt Grain 800-373-8509
Lakota 877-886-2461
Maple Hill 800-776-8571
Lone Rock
Ledyard 800-646-2135
Ringsted 800-469-0581
Swea City 800-574-2178
Marna, MN 507-943-3345
Iowa Northwest [IANW] MOORLAND, IA
Jeff Loehr, Webster County, IA 50566
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Authority, Elite, Metribuzin, Roundup, Select
Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Harps clay loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated Ultra Early-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/ Fall Till, very high P, high K, 6.1 pH, 5.9% OM, 31.3 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine
95 - 100 Day CRM
B2024IANW01u FERTILITY - Applied N: 183 Fall
Applied N-P-K (units): 183-80-110
Top 27 of 27
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1433.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 18 30.0 /A Average of (3) Replications
Jacobsen JS9904SS
Wyffels W1996RIB
Golden Harvest G00U71-D
Test Comments: It was a year of opposites for Jeff Loehr on his Webster County farm. This landscape is relatively flat with small rolling undulations. In a normal year, the lower ground typically would produce more bushels, but as Jeff stated, it was the opposite. The tops of the rolling knobs were more productive this year. This area also received a tremendous amount of precipitation mostly in March-July. It is possible that some of the lower spots in the field had more hypoxic conditions than the more well-drained higher ground. This variation was present yet the yields were favorable. This plot produced similar to the surrounding field average of 244 bu/ac.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/18/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] MOORLAND, IA
Jeff Loehr, Webster County, IA 50566
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Authority, Elite, Metribuzin, Roundup, Select
Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Harps clay loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated Early-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/ Fall Till, very high P, high K, 6.1 pH, 5.9% OM, 31.3 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine
FERTILITY - Applied N: 183 Fall
Applied N-P-K (units): 183-80-110
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1433.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 18 30.2 /A Average of (3) Replications
Jacobsen JS0593PCE
Jacobsen JS0342DGVT2P
Rob-See-Co RC5209-D D
FS InVision FS 5525VDG RIB
Jacobsen JS0414PCE
Golden Harvest G03U08-D D
Golden Harvest G01U74-AA
Titan Pro 32-06 SSP
Viking | Blue River72-06
Test Comments: It was a year of opposites for Jeff Loehr on his Webster County farm. This landscape is relatively flat with small rolling undulations. In a normal year, the lower ground typically would produce more bushels, but as Jeff stated, it was the opposite. The tops of the rolling knobs were more productive this year. This area also received a tremendous amount of precipitation mostly in March-July. It is possible that some of the lower spots in the field had more hypoxic conditions than the more well-drained higher ground. This variation was present yet the yields were favorable. This plot produced similar to the surrounding field average of 244 bu/ac. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/18/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] MOORLAND, IA
Jeff Loehr, Webster County, IA 50566
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Authority, Elite, Metribuzin, Roundup, Select
Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Harps clay loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated Full-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/ Fall Till, very high P, high K, 6.1 pH, 5.9% OM, 31.3 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine
FERTILITY - Applied N: 183 Fall
Applied N-P-K (units): 183-80-110
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1433.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 18 30.0 /A Average of (3) Replications
Renk RK800VT4PRO VT4P110284.913.3029.8117719
Viking | Blue River76-11
Integra 5802 VT2PRIB VT2P108281.612.4031.2116324 Cornelius
Test Comments: It was a year of opposites for Jeff Loehr on his Webster County farm. This landscape is relatively flat with small rolling undulations. In a normal year, the lower ground typically would produce more bushels, but as Jeff stated, it was the opposite. The tops of the rolling knobs were more productive this year. This area also received a tremendous amount of precipitation mostly in March-July. It is possible that some of the lower spots in the field had more hypoxic conditions than the more well-drained higher ground. This variation was present yet the yields were favorable. This plot produced similar to the surrounding field average of 244 bu/ac. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/18/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
• Specializing in proportional deceleration systems
• Designed & built by farmers, for farmers
New technology coming in 2025 for combine and grain carts
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] OSAGE, IA
Dale Hemann, Mitchell County, IA 50461
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist One
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Klinger silty clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated Ultra Early-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, medium K, 6.4 pH, 3.9% OM, 19.7 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Balance Flex, Roundup, Atrazine, Harness, Delaro Complete, Warrior
FERTILITY - Applied N: 21 Fall, 100 Spring, 80 Sidedress, 14 lbs - Sulfur Applied N-P-K (units): 201-57-45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1435.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 22 33.1 /A
95 - 100 Day CRM
Top 30 of 30
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: Wet spring conditions delayed planting until May 14. Soil conditions were good during planting, as the temperature was mid-60s, and moisture levels were around 50% field capacity. Available nitrogen may have been reduced due to the unusually wet spring and early summer conditions. Showers followed about a week after planting and continued to do so, with May, June, and July receiving much more rain than average. June was the wettest month, more than 3" over average. August rainfalls continued to hold steady, with Osage receiving 4.7”, above average, while many other parts of Iowa had not experienced as much moisture. At harvest, this county was one of the least drought-stricken across Northern Iowa. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] OSAGE, IA
Dale Hemann, Mitchell County, IA 50461
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist One
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Klinger silty clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Early-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, medium K, 6.4 pH, 3.9% OM, 19.7 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Balance Flex, Roundup, Atrazine, Harness, Delaro Complete, Warrior
FERTILITY - Applied N: 21 Fall, 100 Spring, 80 Sidedress, 14 lbs - Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 201-57-45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1435.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 22 32.3 /A
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 54
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Renk RK705VT4P
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: Wet spring conditions delayed planting until May 14. Soil conditions were good during planting, as the temperature was mid-60s, and moisture levels were around 50% field capacity. Available nitrogen may have been reduced due to the unusually wet spring and early summer conditions. Showers followed about a week after planting and continued to do so, with May, June, and July receiving much more rain than average. June was the wettest month, more than 3" over average. August rainfalls continued to hold steady, with Osage receiving 4.7”, above average, while many other parts of Iowa had not experienced as much moisture. At harvest, this county was one of the least drought-stricken across Northern Iowa. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/23/2024 Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] OSAGE, IA
Dale Hemann, Mitchell County, IA 50461
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist One
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Klinger silty clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, medium K, 6.4 pH, 3.9% OM, 19.7 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Balance Flex, Roundup, Atrazine, Harness, Delaro Complete, Warrior
FERTILITY - Applied N: 21 Fall, 100 Spring, 80 Sidedress, 14 lbs - Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 201-57-45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1435.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 22 33.9 /A
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Full-Season Test
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 52
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: Wet spring conditions delayed planting until May 14. Soil conditions were good during planting, as the temperature was mid-60s, and moisture levels were around 50% field capacity. Available nitrogen may have been reduced due to the unusually wet spring and early summer conditions. Showers followed about a week after planting and continued to do so, with May, June, and July receiving much more rain than average. June was the wettest month, more than 3" over average. August rainfalls continued to hold steady, with Osage receiving 4.7”, above average, while many other parts of Iowa had not experienced as much moisture. At harvest, this county was one of the least drought-stricken across Northern Iowa. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] PAULLINA, IA
Mark Hibbing, O'Brien County, IA 51046
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Dual, Roundup, Clethodim
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 5.3 pH, 4.3% OM, 20.1 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Dual, Impact, Atrazine
FERTILITY - Applied N: 79 Spring, 93 Sidedress Applied N-P-K (units): 173-0-100 Top 27 of 27
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 2033.0 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 23 30.8 /A
Viking | Blue River73-97
Test Comments: This site was planted in a narrow window and like most of the region received several rain events soon after planting. Plants emerged uniformly and pushed through the cold wet season to make for a good result in the end. This was a uniform test site with good standability across the board. This location makes for a great comparison of products across years. As we wrap up the season, like most areas the dry conditions prevail and will most likely set the stage for the 2025 growing season.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] PAULLINA, IA
Mark Hibbing, O'Brien County, IA 51046
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Dual, Roundup, Clethodim
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 5.3 pH, 4.3% OM, 20.1 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Dual, Impact, Atrazine
Early-Season Test
101 - 106 Day CRM
B2024IANW05a FERTILITY - Applied N: 79 Spring, 93 Sidedress
Applied N-P-K (units): 173-0-100
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 2033.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 23 30.9 /A Average of (3) Replications
Jacobsen JS0223VT2P
Renk RK705VT4P
Hoegemeyer 7591V VE
Jacobsen JS0414PCE
Rob-See-Co RC5209-D D 102254.514.8032.0105117
Viking | Blue River72-06 CONV106253.315.2033.1104419
Prairie Hybrids 4470 CONV106253.014.6031.2104518
Jacobsen JS0342DGVT2P VT2PDG102252.812.7032.0104420
Miller Hybrids RX03-47 CONV103252.413.1030.5104221
Titan Pro 44-06 PCE PCE106251.913.5032.3104022
Prairie Hybrids
Wyffels W3309RIB
Epley E1340
Renk RK720TRE
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This site was planted in a narrow window and like most of the region received several rain events soon after planting. Plants emerged uniformly and pushed through the cold wet season to make for a good result in the end. This was a uniform test site with good standability across the board. This location makes for a great comparison of products across years. As we wrap up the season, like most areas the dry conditions prevail and will most likely set the stage for the 2025 growing season.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] PAULLINA, IA
Mark Hibbing, O'Brien County, IA 51046
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Dual, Roundup, Clethodim Test by:
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, well drained , non-irrigated Full-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 5.3 pH, 4.3% OM, 20.1 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Dual, Impact, Atrazine
107 - 111 Day CRM
B2024IANW05b FERTILITY - Applied N: 79 Spring, 93 Sidedress
Applied N-P-K (units): 173-0-100
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 2033.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 23 30.8 /A Average of (3) Replications
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This site was planted in a narrow window and like most of the region received several rain events soon after planting. Plants emerged uniformly and pushed through the cold wet season to make for a good result in the end. This was a uniform test site with good standability across the board. This location makes for a great comparison of products across years. As we wrap up the season, like most areas the dry conditions prevail and will most likely set the stage for the 2025 growing season.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
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• Advocate for Iowa farmers related to corn markets, production and profitability.
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To our members, thank you for making your voice heard. If you would like to become a member please visit iowacorn.org/join today!
on the hill in Washington, D.C. and Des Moines. related to corn markets, production and profitability. leaders and farmers as a resource to give you an your farm. making your voice heard. If you would like to please visit iowacorn.org/join today!
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] SIOUX CENTER, IA
Chris Vander Brink, Sioux County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Liberty
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 6.5 pH, 4.2% OM, 23.5 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine
FERTILITY - Applied N: 290 Fall, fall applied hog manure Applied N-P-K (units): 290-144-148
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1333.0 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 14 30.5 /A
Ultra Early-Season Test
95 - 100 Day CRM
Top 27 of 27
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (2) Replications
Viking | Blue River73-97 CONV97253.412.3031.6104718
Renk RK586VT4P VT4P99252.612.8030.5104319
Jacobsen JS9904SS STX
Jacobsen JS9414VT2P VT2P95244.811.6031.1101124
Golden Harvest G00A97-AA AA
Renk RK582SSTX
Renk RK561DGVT2P
Nick Hoffman
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: This site is located in the prime farm country near Sioux Center, IA. The growing season had ideal and timely rains and produced a bountiful crop in this area. This plot was influenced by black tar spot evident across the entire plot, where the mid and upper leaves were infected. Yet, standability was good and ears filled out to the tip. Some top-end yield or test weight may have been lost as a result of disease, but ultimately the plants were healthy enough to push through the pressure, standing well and making good yields. One replicate was removed from ultra-early test analysis due to high yield variability.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/16/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa Northwest [IANW] SIOUX CENTER, IA
Chris Vander Brink, Sioux County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Liberty Test
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 6.5 pH, 4.2% OM, 23.5 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine
FERTILITY - Applied N: 290 Fall, fall applied hog manure Applied N-P-K (units): 290-144-148
Early-Season Test
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1333.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 14 30.6 /A Average of (3) Replications
Titan Pro 46-03 PCE
Cornelius C6645PCE
Rob-See-Co RC5209-D D
Titan Pro 24-05 PCE PCE105284.814.2032.311764
Titan Pro 44-06 PCE PCE106284.215.2031.611716
Hoegemeyer 7485PCE PCE104284.113.7030.911735
Wyffels W3579RIB
Golden Harvest G01U74-AA AA 101279.313.9029.011548 Pioneer P0339Q
Jacobsen JS0342DGVT2P VT2PDG102279.013.7130.5115210
Prairie Hybrids EX8780 CONV104279.014.1030.5115211
Renk RK625DGVT2P VT2PDG104278.914.6030.1115212
Renk RK705VT4P VT4P105278.413.8029.8115013
Jacobsen JS0593PCE PCE105277.013.4130.5114414
Integra 5443 DGVT2PRIB VT2PDG104275.513.8029.8113815
Wyffels W3286RIB VT2P103275.214.4028.3113716
Golden Harvest G03U08-D D 103274.414.4030.5113317
Rob-See-Co RC5694-VT2P VT2P106274.213.8029.8113218
Renk RK720TRE TRE106274.214.4031.6113219
Prairie Hybrids 4470 CONV106272.313.8130.5112420
FS InVision FS 5335P RIB STXP103272.213.5030.1112421
Titan Pro 32-06 SSP STXP106272.114.2031.2112422
Test Comments: This site is located in the prime farm country near Sioux Center, IA. The growing season had ideal and timely rains and produced a bountiful crop in this area. This plot was influenced by black tar spot evident across the entire plot, where the mid and upper leaves were infected. Yet, standability was good and ears filled out to the tip. Some top-end yield or test weight may have been lost as a result of disease, but ultimately the plants were healthy enough to push through the pressure, standing well and making good yields. One replicate was removed from ultra-early test analysis due to high yield variability.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/16/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa Northwest [IANW] SIOUX CENTER, IA
Chris Vander Brink, Sioux County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Liberty
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Minimum W/O Fall Till, very high P, very high K, 6.5 pH, 4.2% OM, 23.5 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Impact, Atrazine
FERTILITY - Applied N: 290 Fall, fall applied hog manure Applied N-P-K (units): 290-144-148
Full-Season Test
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 45
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1333.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 14 30.8 /A Average of (3) Replications
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This site is located in the prime farm country near Sioux Center, IA. The growing season had ideal and timely rains and produced a bountiful crop in this area. This plot was influenced by black tar spot evident across the entire plot, where the mid and upper leaves were infected. Yet, standability was good and ears filled out to the tip. Some top-end yield or test weight may have been lost as a result of disease, but ultimately the plants were healthy enough to push through the pressure, standing well and making good yields. One replicate was removed from ultra-early test analysis due to high yield variability.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/16/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC. 2024 Corn Grain
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] VENTURA, IA
Brent Renner, Cerro Gordo County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Authority MAXX
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Canisteo clay loam, mod. poorly drained , non-irrigated Ultra Early-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, medium K, 6.6 pH, 3.7% OM, 22.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Callisto, Dual Ii Magnum
FERTILITY - Applied N: 15 Fall, 75 Sidedress, 75 Foliar Rescue, 12 lbs - Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 165-70-50
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1735.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 23 32.7 /A
Pioneer P9955Q
Legacy LC465-23
DeKalb DKC098-88RIB
95 - 100 Day CRM
Top 30 of 30
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Test Comments: Planting was delayed to May 17 due to early spring rains, which is about 3 weeks later than the usual planting date in this area. There were 4.5 inches of precipitation in the first month of planting, with temperatures averaging 63°F. The second half of June saw 5.6 inches of rainfall, making it the wettest period of the growing season. The wet spring and early summer led to significant nitrogen loss across this farm; these conditions also favored the development of diseases such as rust and Northern corn leaf blight. However, precipitation was not as constant in August and September. We harvested the ultra-early test on Oct 8. There was some concern that all hybrids of the early and full-season tests were not black-layered yet on Oct 8, so these tests were given more time to dry down in the field and harvested later on October 23. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] VENTURA, IA
Brent Renner, Cerro Gordo County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Authority MAXX
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Canisteo clay loam, mod. poorly drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, medium K, 6.6 pH, 3.7% OM, 22.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Callisto, Dual Ii Magnum
FERTILITY - Applied N: 15 Fall, 75 Sidedress, 75 Foliar Rescue, 12 lbs - Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 165-70-50
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1735.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 23 33.1 /A
FS InVision FS 5147T RIB
Viking | Blue River72-06
Wyffels W4439RIB
Jacobsen JS0593PCE
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Early-Season Test
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 54
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: Planting was delayed to May 17 due to early spring rains, which is about 3 weeks later than the usual planting date in this area. There were 4.5 inches of precipitation in the first month of planting, with temperatures averaging 63°F. The second half of June saw 5.6 inches of rainfall, making it the wettest period of the growing season. The wet spring and early summer led to significant nitrogen loss across this farm; these conditions also favored the development of diseases such as rust and Northern corn leaf blight. However, precipitation was not as constant in August and September. We harvested the ultra-early test on Oct 8. There was some concern that all hybrids of the early and full-season tests were not black-layered yet on Oct 8, so these tests were given more time to dry down in the field and harvested later on October 23. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] VENTURA, IA
Brent Renner, Cerro Gordo County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Authority MAXX
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Canisteo clay loam, mod. poorly drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, medium K, 6.6 pH, 3.7% OM, 22.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Callisto, Dual Ii Magnum
FERTILITY - Applied N: 15 Fall, 75 Sidedress, 75 Foliar Rescue, 12 lbs - Sulfur
Applied N-P-K (units): 165-70-50
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1735.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 23 33.9 /A
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Full-Season Test
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 52
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: Planting was delayed to May 17 due to early spring rains, which is about 3 weeks later than the usual planting date in this area. There were 4.5 inches of precipitation in the first month of planting, with temperatures averaging 63°F. The second half of June saw 5.6 inches of rainfall, making it the wettest period of the growing season. The wet spring and early summer led to significant nitrogen loss across this farm; these conditions also favored the development of diseases such as rust and Northern corn leaf blight. However, precipitation was not as constant in August and September. We harvested the ultra-early test on Oct 8. There was some concern that all hybrids of the early and full-season tests were not black-layered yet on Oct 8, so these tests were given more time to dry down in the field and harvested later on October 23. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/23/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] WATERLOO, IA
Rottinghaus Farms, Rottinghaus Farms, Black Hawk County, IA 50703
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Warrant, Liberty 280 SL, Select Max
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Marquis loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated Ultra Early-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, high P, very high K, 5.8 pH, 3.6% OM, 17.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Triple Flex Ii, Glystar, Delaro Complete
FERTILITY - Applied N: 31 Planter, 150 Sidedress, 20.2 lbs - Sulfur & 2 lbs - Boron
Applied N-P-K (units): 183-78-90
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: Apr 2535.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 9 33.4 /A
95 - 100 Day CRM
Top 30 of 30
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Wyffels W1996RIB VT2P98227.116.6034.790921
Jacobsen JS9542DGVT2P VT2PDG95224.216.4033.789922
Cornelius C5806VT4P VT4P98223.316.1033.889723
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: This site was planted earlier than others, and conditions were normal, with the soil moderately dry and warm. After planting, the site received 3.5 inches of rain in its first two weeks. Pre-emergence chemistry struggled to hold and significant weed pressures required a post-application of glyphosate for control over the traited hybrids. Conventionals were hand-weeded. Above-average rain continued, with 16" of accumulated rain by July 4. The wet season contributed to disease pressures, which required fungicides more than usual. The second half of the season was significantly dryer, with 6.8" to carry the corn through the reproductive stages. With more moisture in July and August, yields could have been higher. This was an average year for corn production at the Rottinghaus farm.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/11/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] WATERLOO, IA
Rottinghaus Farms, Rottinghaus Farms, Black Hawk County, IA 50703
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Warrant, Liberty 280 SL, Select Max
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Marquis loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, high P, very high K, 5.8 pH, 3.6% OM, 17.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Triple Flex Ii, Glystar, Delaro Complete
FERTILITY - Applied N: 31 Planter, 150 Sidedress, 20.2 lbs - Sulfur & 2 lbs - Boron
Applied N-P-K (units): 183-78-90
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: Apr 2535.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 9 33.2 /A
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Early-Season Test
101 - 106 Day CRM
Top 30 of 54
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Wyffels W4439RIB
DeKalb DKC105-33RIB
Jacobsen JS0414PCE
Pioneer P0339Q GC
Titan Pro 46-03 PCE
Pioneer P05737PCE GC
Rob-See-Co RC5430-DGVT2P
Jacobsen JS0223VT2P VT2P102248.517.5034.098823
DeKalb DKC104-08RIB GC
Cornelius C6400DGDP
Pioneer P04511AM GC
DeKalb DKC103-07RIB
Integra 5225 TRERIB
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: This site was planted earlier than others, and conditions were normal, with the soil moderately dry and warm. After planting, the site received 3.5 inches of rain in its first two weeks. Pre-emergence chemistry struggled to hold and significant weed pressures required a post-application of glyphosate for control over the traited hybrids. Conventionals were hand-weeded. Above-average rain continued, with 16" of accumulated rain by July 4. The wet season contributed to disease pressures, which required fungicides more than usual. The second half of the season was significantly dryer, with 6.8" to carry the corn through the reproductive stages. With more moisture in July and August, yields could have been higher. This was an average year for corn production at the Rottinghaus farm.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/11/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] WATERLOO, IA
Rottinghaus Farms, Rottinghaus Farms, Black Hawk County, IA 50703
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Warrant, Liberty 280 SL, Select Max
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Marquis loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated
SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, high P, very high K, 5.8 pH, 3.6% OM, 17.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Triple Flex Ii, Glystar, Delaro Complete
FERTILITY - Applied N: 31 Planter, 150 Sidedress, 20.2 lbs - Sulfur & 2 lbs - Boron
Applied N-P-K (units): 183-78-90
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: Apr 2535.7 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 9 33.0 /A
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
Full-Season Test
107 - 111 Day CRM
Top 30 of 52
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: This site was planted earlier than others, and conditions were normal, with the soil moderately dry and warm. After planting, the site received 3.5 inches of rain in its first two weeks. Pre-emergence chemistry struggled to hold and significant weed pressures required a post-application of glyphosate for control over the traited hybrids. Conventionals were hand-weeded. Above-average rain continued, with 16" of accumulated rain by July 4. The wet season contributed to disease pressures, which required fungicides more than usual. The second half of the season was significantly dryer, with 6.8" to carry the corn through the reproductive stages. With more moisture in July and August, yields could have been higher. This was an average year for corn production at the Rottinghaus farm.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/11/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
General information: BioEmpruv is a biological fermentation extract containing a host of di erent substances that accomplish numerous actions within a corn plant. BioEmpruv contains biologically derived extracts, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, natural growth regulators and simulators, antioxidants, amino acids and bases and more. It also contains natural phytoalexins to boost the corn plants’ immune system and to increase the resistance to disease and pathogens as well as to environmental stresses. BioEmpruv contains natural and biodegradable ingredients. No chemicals or residues. BioEmpruv will be your best line of defense against Goss’s Wilt and other bacterial leaf diseases. Curative & very systemic. Much wider application window. Developed by PhD biochemist Dr Awada, Logan, UT.
* Commercially applied to spuds, sweet and eld corn since 2014. It has increased corn yields from 10-90 Bu/A, depending on application timing and infection rate. Keeps plants green and lling until natural maturity (BL) is reached. Drydown with normal senescent plants let the healthy ears dry faster and earlier than corn and grain from a die down plant.
• Produces a systemic e ect in the plant. For best result apply 8 oz at V6 to VS and 24 oz at V12 to V14 before the plants get too tall. Apply along with a high quality surfactant like Argosy at 1 qt/100 gals to prevent wash-o and prolong e ect. 2.5 to 3 months activity.
• Compatible with most pesticides and can be applied with other fertilizers, minerals, herbicides, insecticides or fungicides. Always refer to the other products’ labels for compatibility and do a jar test. Can be mixed with a fungicide, herbicide, mineral or insecticide if needed. BE acts against fungal & plus bacterial leaf diseases. Safe to humans
• If applying thru a center pivot, set the gallonage per acre at .1” to prevent wash o .
• Apply late season to an unhealthy corn crop for faster recovery. Can be applied through electric drive or other pivots set to apply .1 to .2” of water. It can also be applied aerially or with a ground rig. Thermographic imaging showed it stopped an infection within three days. Mix with 2 oz of Albion’s AA chelated Cu and Mn for Tar Spot. 2 years of trials in a heavy Tar Spot area near Monroe, Wis veri ed this. Completely safe to humans with a with a vanilla odor.
2024 Corn Grain Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] WEBB, IA
Jeff Chalstrom, Clay County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Liberty
Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Okoboji clay loam, poorly drained , non-irrigated Ultra Early-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, very high K, 6.5 pH, 5.3% OM, 21.4 CEC
95 - 100 Day CRM PEST MANAGEMENT: Trivapro, Kendo 22.8 Cs
B2024IANW04u FERTILITY - Applied N: 80 Spring, 132 Sidedress Applied N-P-K (units): 212-86-89
Top 27 of 27
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1933.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 15 31.4 /A Average of (3) Replications
Wyffels W1996RIB VT2P98250.114.0032.3103322
Renk RK586VT4P VT4P99248.814.7032.3102823
Jacobsen JS9762 CONV CONV97244.614.9031.2101024
Wyffels W1869 STXP97244.415.3032.3100725
Renk RK561DGVT2P VT2PDG95242.213.3030.9100026
Jacobsen JS9414VT2P VT2P95237.413.3032.398027
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This site, located in the North Central Glaciated Plains of Iowa, produced a substantial crop given the circumstances. It was a challenge to plant due to rain events, but its window allowed for good uniform emergence before another series of significant rain events occurred. Many of the communities north of here experienced catastrophic flooding. Surrounding fields had ponded water that caused replants, delayed planting, or prevent plant situations. Rains prevented herbicide applications. The plot was planted into strips where Jeff injected nutrients into the subsurface. At stand counts, the plants were noticeably robust given the great start they had. More rain fell well into June, producing variation where N may have leached out of spots with slightly lighter till than other spots in the plot. Overall, this plot represents another set of extreme events from very high rainfall then a dry finish.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/16/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa Northwest [IANW] WEBB, IA
Jeff Chalstrom, Clay County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Liberty
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Okoboji clay loam, poorly drained , non-irrigated
Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
Early-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, very high K, 6.5 pH, 5.3% OM, 21.4 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Trivapro, Kendo 22.8 Cs
101 - 106 Day CRM
B2024IANW04a FERTILITY - Applied N: 80 Spring, 132 Sidedress
Applied N-P-K (units): 212-86-89
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1933.0 /A30" spacing
Top 30 of 45
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 15 31.6 /A Average of (3) Replications
Wyffels W3309RIB
Wyffels W3579RIB
Jacobsen JS0414PCE
Prairie Hybrids EX8780
Dyna-Gro D44PN25RA PCE104289.317.0030.511718
Viking | Blue River72-06
Jacobsen JS0593PCE
Cornelius C6467PCE
Epley E1340
Hoegemeyer 7485PCE PCE104281.819.1033.0111617
Integra 5443 DGVT2PRIB VT2PDG104280.017.1030.9113215
Titan Pro 24-05 PCE PCE105276.519.1030.5109419
Miller Hybrids M06-62 CONV106276.418.2032.0110418
Pioneer P0339Q QR 103272.219.7031.2107025
Rob-See-Co RC5694-VT2P
Jacobsen JS0223VT2P VT2P102267.217.8030.1107222
Golden Harvest G03U08-D D
Titan Pro
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This site, located in the North Central Glaciated Plains of Iowa, produced a substantial crop given the circumstances. It was a challenge to plant due to rain events, but its window allowed for good uniform emergence before another series of significant rain events occurred. Many of the communities north of here experienced catastrophic flooding. Surrounding fields had ponded water that caused replants, delayed planting, or prevent plant situations. Rains prevented herbicide applications. The plot was planted into strips where Jeff injected nutrients into the subsurface. At stand counts, the plants were noticeably robust given the great start they had. More rain fell well into June, producing variation where N may have leached out of spots with slightly lighter till than other spots in the plot. Overall, this plot represents another set of extreme events from very high rainfall then a dry finish.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/16/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa Northwest [IANW] WEBB, IA
Jeff Chalstrom, Clay County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Soybeans / Enlist, Liberty
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Okoboji clay loam, poorly drained , non-irrigated
Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
Full-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: Strip-Till, very high P, very high K, 6.5 pH, 5.3% OM, 21.4 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Trivapro, Kendo 22.8 Cs
107 - 111 Day CRM
B2024IANW04b FERTILITY - Applied N: 80 Spring, 132 Sidedress
Applied N-P-K (units): 212-86-89
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 1933.0 /A30" spacing
Top 30 of 45
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 15 31.7 /A Average of (3) Replications
Pioneer P1185AM GC
Integra 5775 VT2PRIB
Wyffels W6505
Hybrids 6251ORG
Dyna-Gro D49PN05RA
Prairie Hybrids 5851ORG CONV109295.321.2032.0114321
Cornelius C7026PCE PCE110294.223.3033.1111326
Viking | Blue River76-11
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This site, located in the North Central Glaciated Plains of Iowa, produced a substantial crop given the circumstances. It was a challenge to plant due to rain events, but its window allowed for good uniform emergence before another series of significant rain events occurred. Many of the communities north of here experienced catastrophic flooding. Surrounding fields had ponded water that caused replants, delayed planting, or prevent plant situations. Rains prevented herbicide applications. The plot was planted into strips where Jeff injected nutrients into the subsurface. At stand counts, the plants were noticeably robust given the great start they had. More rain fell well into June, producing variation where N may have leached out of spots with slightly lighter till than other spots in the plot. Overall, this plot represents another set of extreme events from very high rainfall then a dry finish.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/16/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Spend less time in the shop and more time in the field with the 05 series performance upgrades. Double the acres between service intervals with upgrades to row unit wear points for improved durability and ease of maintenance. Enhanced seed delivery system plants more crop types, seed sizes, and increases speed.
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] HARTLEY, IA
Clint Van Beek, O'Brien County, IA 51346
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Resicore, Roundup Power Max
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Sac silty clay loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated
All-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: very high P, very high K, 7.2 pH, 5.7% OM, 25.2 CEC Maturity Group 1.6 - 2.5
PEST MANAGEMENT: Authority Supreme, Liberty, Warrant, Roundup Power Max, Section Three, Miravus Neo, Bifenthrin
Applied N-P-K (units): 0-0-0
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 20120.0 /A30" spacing
Top 30 of 48
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 4 110.3 /A Average of (2) Replications
Test Comments: This trial faced several challenges. Soon after planting, unprecedented amounts of precipitation resulted in highly saturated soils. Stands were thinned and some plots were washed or crusted. This variation seems to have been sporadic throughout the trial and was not widespread. Thus, careful notes were taken during stand counts and harvest. This plot was treated for aphids twice in the season. Weed control was excellent and as an interesting note, the new See & Spray technology was used on this plot for a second application of herbicide. One replicate was removed due to the higher yield variability. Use caution with elevated variation in the remaining replications from the effects of heavy rain on stands.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/04/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] IOWA FALLS, IA
Landon Aldinger, Hardin County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Surestart, Callisto
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: very high P, very high K, 6.8 pH, 3.5% OM, 17.8 CEC
TILLAGE/CULTIVATION: Conventional W/O Fall Till
Group 2.1 - 2.9
S2024IANC03 PEST MANAGEMENT: Sonic, Liberty 280 Sl, Outlook
Applied N-P-K (units): 0-199-160
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: Jun 3144.0 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 1 100.9 /A
Top 30 of 60
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: Spring rainfall caused planting delays across much of Hardin County. May was 4.4" above average and soils that struggled to drain well led to many fields left to plant in June. Once planted, emergence was a struggle as germinated seedlings had to contend with more heavy rainfall and slightly cooler soil temperatures for a couple weeks. The result were final stands right around 100k, but well off of the planted population. Overall, the first half of the season was very wet. The faucet shut off after June and the last half of the season was really dry with only a couple showers mid and late August to provide relief. Hardin County now finds itself in a D0 drought once again at harvest. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/01/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] KINGSLEY, IA
Darin Sitzmann, Plymouth County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Roundup, Atrazine 4L, Keystone LA NXT, Resicore
Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, well drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: high P, very high K, 7.7 pH, 4.5% OM, 20.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Cornbelt Salvan, Roundup Power Max, Enlite, Roundup Powermax 3, Outlook, Liberty, Aproach Prima, Lambda-Cy Ec
Applied N-P-K (units): 50-59-283
Top 30 of 48
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 14120.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 2 115.3 /A Average of (3) Replications
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: This trial was an excellent site in Northwest Iowa on a uniform generally flat piece of ground situated in the rolling hills. Heavier soils at this site made for great water-holding capacity which helped the beans finish out in the drier months of August and September. Excellent growing conditions were noted by the cooperator. However, like most of the region, harvest came with hot, dry, and windy conditions causing rapid dry down. This site was comparatively close to the reported surrounding field average of 68 bu/acre.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/02/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North Central [IANC] LAURENS, IA
Dale Roewe, Pocahontas County, IA 50554
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Halex GT and Atrazine
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Webster clay loam, mod. poorly drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: very high P, high K, 6.6 pH, 4.0% OM, 22.2 CEC
TILLAGE/CULTIVATION: Conventional W/ Fall Till
PEST MANAGEMENT: Liberty 280 Sl, Outlook, Roundup Powermax 3, Section Three Applied N-P-K (units): 0-0-0
Top 30 of 60
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 18144.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 2 104.4 /A
Average of (3) Replications
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319)
Test Comments: The dry weather over the past month made it hard for the bean crop in this area to fill pods with the seed size needed for top-end yields. With only 0.3" of rainfall recorded during September, the crop just ran out of moisture needed to finish well. The result of the dry weeks from midJuly through the end of the season was smaller seed size and fewer pods per node than what we've seen at this site in the past. The hot and dry weather just prior to harvest resulted in grain moisture falling rapidly over the past week. Harvest in the area started with green stems holding leaves where pods were brown and moistures were in the 13's, to bone dry in a matter of 3 to 4 days. Overall, this site exceeded the historic yield average by nearly 1.5 bu/acre.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/02/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North [IANO] LU VERNE, IA
Bob Plathe, Kossuth County, IA 50560
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Harness, Impact, Atrazine
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Kossuth silty clay loam, mod. poorly drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: very high P, medium K, 5.9 pH, 4.6% OM, 26.4 CEC
TILLAGE/CULTIVATION: Conventional W/ Fall Till
PEST MANAGEMENT: Liberty 280 Sl, Outlook, Roundup, Section Three, Bifenture Ec Applied N-P-K (units): 100-80-60
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 18144.0 /A30" spacing
Top 30 of 63
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 2 111.0 /A Average of (3) Replications
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: Coming out of drought conditions from the end of 2023, farmers in Kossuth County were hoping for much-needed moisture to make a crop for this season. Well, the moisture definitely came and it didn't let up much from the end of May through the first week of July. Several showers were excessive which led to a fair amount of surface drainage. Saturated soils led to emergence issues and some stand loss. By mid-August soils were starting to dry up once more and aphids were moving in. This field did get an application of bifenthrin to knock them down. A couple of localized showers on Aug 14-15 delivered some much-needed moisture and kept the crops happy for a little while. But dry weather returned, Kossuth county is back in a D0 drought. Overall, the bean yields were nearly 5.5 bu/acre higher than the running average from this farm. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/02/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] MOORLAND, IA
Jeff Loehr, Webster County, IA 50566
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Anthem MAXX, Impact, Atrazine
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Nicollet clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: very high P, medium K, 5.9 pH, 4.2% OM, 22.7 CEC
S2024IANC02 PEST MANAGEMENT: Perpetuo, Hero
Applied N-P-K (units): 0-0-0
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 20144.0 /A30" spacing
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 3 106.5 /A
Top 30 of 60
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
Average of (3) Replications
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: This location experienced planting delays after the wet spring leaving soils sticky for nearly 2 weeks early in May. This caused most farmers in the area to wait to plant beans until conditions improved, which wasn't until the 2nd -3rd week of May. Once things got going, planters were rolling fast and furious to stay ahead of more forecasted rain. Jeff's field received nearly 3" of rain during the two days after planting. After ending 2023 in D2 drought, the added moisture was welcome even though it pushed back planting dates. By the beginning of July, soil moisture had returned to normal levels. But as the summer went on, rainfall was less regular. Overall, a few late rain events came in time for plants to take advantage and fill pods. This field ended just a quarter inch under the 10-yr average from planting through 9/15. Plants were standing well at harvest and yielded nearly 13.5 bu/acre over the historic average for this site.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/03/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North [IANO] NEW HAMPTON, IA Matt Bruening, Chickasaw County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Keystone NXT, Roundup PowerMAX 3
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Floyd loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: low P, low K, 6.7 pH, 4.7% OM, 21.2 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Roundup, Liberty, Dual, Quilt, Bifenthrin, Ridgeback Applied N-P-K (units): 14-4-4
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 13144.0 /A30" spacing
Top 30 of 63
For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 2 103.2 /A Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: Like most of northern Iowa, the growing season was characterized by wet weather for the first half of the growing season through early July followed by a shift to very dry conditions from August through September. As it turned out, the surplus of recorded moisture from April through July was exactly the same amount as the deficit experienced later. Not all of the spring rain was utilized as much of the rainfall from the big storms was lost to runoff. Plant stands suffered from excessive soil saturation. The dry soils late in the season resulted in smaller seed size and prevented the highend yields we have seen before on this farm. Overall, the trial was consistent and no lodging was observed. † See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/02/2024 Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa North [IANO] OSAGE, IA
Dale Hemann, Mitchell County, IA 50461
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Balance Flexx, Impactz
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Klinger silty clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test SOIL CONDITION: very high P, low K, 6.4 pH, 3.9% OM, 23.0 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Zidua Pro, Roundup Powermax, Liberty, Outlook, Fusilade, Endigo, Delaro Applied N-P-K (units): 21-57-45
Group 1.6 - 2.5
Top 30 of 63
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 14144.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 3 104.2 /A
Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Test Comments: After a wet spring, we were able to get this site planted on May 14. While planting conditions were not perfect, we were glad to get them in the ground during a narrow planting window. Several large showers began to roll through this area by May 20 and left soils saturated for an extended period. Germinated seedlings struggled to emerge in the soggy soils which negatively impacted final emergence. A few nice showers in August were well-timed to help finish the crop. Overall, this was a good consistent site and yields were nearly 12 bu/acre higher than the historic yield for this farm.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/03/2024 Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] SIOUX CENTER, IA
Chris Vander Brink, Sioux County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Harvest Max, Roundup
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Galva silty clay loam, moderately drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: very high P, very high K, 7.7 pH, 7.6% OM, 27.5 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Liberty, Roundup Power Max 3, Outlook
Applied N-P-K (units): 0-0-0 Top 30 of 48
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 13120.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Sep 27 111.7 /A Average of (3) Replications
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Test Comments: With a wet start to the season, this trial was planted a bit behind schedule compared to the field around it. However, yields were similar between the surrounding field average at around 78 bu/ac and the high end yields of this trial. Growing conditions were excellent throughout the season. Towards the end, dry conditions pushed the moisture content towards a fast harvest.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 09/27/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
Iowa North Central [IANC] WATERLOO, IA
Rottinghaus Farms, Rottinghaus Farms, Black Hawk County, IA 50703
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Capreno, Atrazine
Test by: North Iowa F.I.R.S.T., Inc. Sanborn, IA
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Marquis loam, mod. well drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: low P, medium K, 6.2 pH, 2.5% OM, 13.4 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Liberty 280 Sl, Outlook, Roundup Powermax 3, Section Three
Applied N-P-K (units): 11-52-60
Top 30 of 60
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 16144.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 4 73.0 /A Average of (3) Replications
Corey Rozenboom
corey.rozenboom@firstseedtests.com, (319) 830-8886
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: The attached precipitation report tells the story of how wet it was around here. Rick recorded about 8" of rain in the gauge within a week after planting. Plant stands were severely reduced and the Rottinghaus brothers decided to replant. The plot was left alone and we observed poor emergence across much of the first and second replicates. The thin stand and excess rain also made weed control a struggle. Residual herbicide was not able to hold for long and full canopy never did occur. Two applications of Roundup + Liberty were applied during the season along with walking the plot two times for escapes. The plants looked short and the trial looked tough due to the thin stands. Overall, this was a challenging season for the bean plot on this farm.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different
Report Date: 10/04/2024
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
2024 Soybeans Top 30 Harvest Report Report
Iowa Northwest [IANW] WEBB, IA
Jeff Chalstrom, Clay County, IA
PREV. CROP/HERB: Corn / Halex GT, Atrazine Test by: Apex Custom Research Enterprises (ACRE) Clearwater, NE
SOIL DESCRIPTION: Waldorf silty clay loam, mod. poorly drained , non-irrigated All-Season Test
SOIL CONDITION: very high P, very high K, 6.1 pH, 3.3% OM, 17.8 CEC
PEST MANAGEMENT: Liberty, Roundup, Miravis Neo, Kendo, Pilot 4e
Applied N-P-K (units): 0-52-120 Top 30 of 48
SEEDED - RATE - ROW: May 30120.0 /A30" spacing For Gross Income (Sorted by Yield)
HARVESTED - STAND: Oct 3 113.6 /A Average of (3) Replications
Xitavo XO 2625E E3
Dyna-Gro S22XF95 RXF
nick.hoffman@firstseedtests.com, (308) 730-7503
Yield & Income Factors:
Test Comments: This plot yield average came close to the reported field average of 68 bu/ac. Emergence was good and stands were noticeably strong considering the heavy amounts of precipitation in the early spring. Some volunteer corn was present throughout the plot. Overall, considering the extreme conditions on both ends of the spectrum (wet/dry) through the season, there were favorable yields.
† See last page for abbreviation descriptions. Dark colored row identifies the check product found in early- and full-season tests. Bold yields are significantly above test average by LSD(0.10). Italicized brands exceed the grain moisture limit for this test. ns = column values not significantly different Report Date: 10/03/2024 Additional reports available at www.firstseedtests.com
©2024, All Rights Reserved to Farmers' Independent Research of Seed Technologies, LLC.
Winter hours are from 10-4 from January thru February.