LENDALL MECHAELSEN Location manager for United Co-op's Kamrar site
“It will be done by harvest, and

By LORI BERGLUND lberglund@farm-news.com
“If we see bad weather coming in, and we know farmers can get some things done, we’ll stay open to help them out,” Mechaelsen says.Siouxland
Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 www.farm-news.com Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa 1C 2022 Call 877.367.7659 or visit www.lundellplastics.com Your Auger: Upgraded Bring hi-tech functionality to your new or worn steel fighting: • outlasts steel 2 to 1 • poly surface prevents buildup • reduces power consumption Complete Coverage Kits available for high-wear areas! Forged from our extremely tough UHMW, keeping your machines performing great...year after year. Also available for corn and bean heads.

room for bigger tractors, bigger duals, and accommodate greater weights.With the old scale, larger tractors had to pull off in order to weigh just the wagons.
The Kamrar site is open until at least 7 p.m. during harvest season and sometimes until 8 p.m., but it’s really up to what’s happening in the fields.
“In the fall, especially at night,
United Cooperative puts major investment in Hamilton County sites
LENDALL MECHAELSEN has a good view from the catwalk at the Kamrar United Co-op site of workers down below preparing to install a new scale for harvest season.
it could get a little tricky for them to see,” Mechaelsen said.
Larger duals would not fit on the scale and the combined weight of tractor, wagon and load, was just too much, according to Mechaelsen.“Thisscale has a capacity of 200,000 pounds, and the old scale would not go that high,” he said.

-Farm News photo by Lori Berglund
Today’s larger wagons can hold up to 750 bushels of grain, and with a tractor pulling two wagons, loads can get very heavy, very fast.The new scale is also set six feet further away from the building, allowing farmers to maneuver more easily as they approach.
“If we see bad weather coming in, and we know farmers can get some things done, we’ll stay open to help them out."
Scales is the general contractor for the scale. Mechaelsen said it will be much like the new scale at United Coop’s Stonega facility. The floor and walls will each be one foot thick, while the deck itself will be 16 inches thick.
See KAMRAR, Page 5C
KAMRAR — The skyline of Kamrar is taking on a new look as harvest season nears this year, but it’s what’s going on at ground level that may have an even bigger impact as farmers begin bringing in the Workharvest.isunderway at United Cooperative in Kamrar for the installation of a new scale that will make it easier and safer for today’s bigger loads to weigh before dumping their loads.
“It was just time to update,” says Lendall Mechaelsen, location manager at Kamrar. “This should make it faster and be very nice for everyone.”At14feet wide and 80 feet long, the new scale and deck will be two feet wider than the old scale. That additional size will provide ample
2C Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa www.farm-news.com Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 WHEEL LOADERS / BACKHOES / SKID-LOADERS / COMPACT LOADERS / TRACTOR / TELEHANDLERS 1961 James St., Webster City, IA 50595 Larry Eekhoff, CCA larry@agronomyrx.com515-571-7260 Jeremy Swanson, CCAManagingAgronomyRx@Facebook.comjeremys@agronomyrx.com515-571-9714BasicAgronomicswithTechnologySite-Specific Soil & Crop Management Services, Grid Sampling, VRT Fertilizer/Seed Experienced in NC Iowa for over 40 years Visit Us At: 106 First St. • Calumet, IA 51009 (712) www.csagrow.com446-2350 jmconstructionbode.com515-379-1050From the ground up, we are your source for concrete, new houses, home remodels, agriculture buildings and commercial construction. Serving you for over 100 years Agronomy Feed Bulk Fuel HolmesHardyGoldfiGaltGalbraithEagleCorwithClarionwww.goldeaglecoop.comGrain515-825-3161GroveeldHutchinsKanawhaLivermoreRenwickThorTitonkaWesleyWoden GOLD-EAGLE COOPERATIVE

are really concerned about how dry it is,” she said. “They are clearly exhibiting drought symptoms; leaves are rolled up, they’ve got potassium deficiency firing, nitrogen deficiency firing.”
Hamilton County isn’t alone. She noted similar conditions in Humboldt and Webster counties, and said it continues on with drought conditions
ANGIE RIECK-HINZ ISU Extension field agronomist

It’s not a lack of nutrients, she said, but the inability of the plant to make use of nutrients, and get those flowing through the plant, due to the lack of “There’smoisture.going to be some diminished yields in those fields,” Rieck-Hinz said, “and it’s probably too late to help those out.”
“I can’t look at six fields within a two-mile area and see much consistency. all just so spotty.”

Drought concerns are also coming into play for the corn crop in many areas. That was particularly evident walking a corn field south of Webster City recently.

“I’ve seen a few leaf diseases out there, but nothing too serious,” she said. “There’s been some frogeye leaf spot, but it’s all in the lower canopy. It doesn’t look like it’s moving up, so I don’t see heavy disease pressure.”
“There are a few diseases, but for the most part I would say the soybeans look pretty good,” she said. Again, it’s a very spotty nature this growing season.

Despite the issues, overall, she remains fairly optimistic for farmers.

Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 www.farm-news.com Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa 3C EASY WAY CATTLE CARE The Most Complete Line of Parasite Control Available ATTENTION CATTLEMEN If your cattle or bison are bothered by flies, lice, ticks or other parasites, you need one of our parasite treating sta tions. They work in pasture or lot on cows, calves, and bi son. They are all automatic and require very little mainte nance. Your cattle will do better if they are free of parasites. P.O. Box 325, DECORAH, IA 52101 or call: (563) 387-0932 • www.easywaycattlecare.com Easy Way Mfg.Brush Oiler Mineral Feeder and Face Fly Fighter Walkway Oiler BuffaloStationTreatment Scratcher and Stand Complete Cattle Saver FARMERS CO-OP ELEVATOR For all your feed, fertilizer, propane, and refined fuel needs! Ottosen (515) 379-1065 Algona (515) 295-7243 Contact your local Co-op today! Also handling many seed varieties along with soybean seed treatments. AMES, 800-779-7979IOWA MARSHALL, 800-889-6161MO 100% Application. Zero Distrations. Every day at Heartland AG Systems, we are completely focused on your application needs: • Sales and service for new/used fertilizer and chemical application equipment • Factory-trained service department and field technicians. • Extensive parts inventory with same day shipping. Hover your phone’s camera over this box to view our current new and used equipment inventory. Gasoline,Propane,BulkDiesel,Oil. 515-332-2782 or 800-392-3816 Your Local Energy Cooperative COOPERATIVE TRACTORCOLFAXPARTS Colfax, IA, North Side of Interstate 80 at Colfax exit. 1-800-284-3001 • colfaxtractorparts.com • Buy, Sell, & Trade Farm Equipment • New & Used Parts • National Locator Service • Parting Late Model Tractors & Combines 05 Series Performance Upgrades Spend less time in the shop and more time in the field with the 05 series performance upgrades. Double the acres between service intervals with upgrades to row unit wear points for improved durability and ease of maintenance. Enhanced seed delivery system plants more crop types, seed sizes, and increases speed. EXPERIENCE TRUE PERFORMANCE AT YOUR LOCAL KINZE DEALER Reduced hydraulic and SCV requirements Redesigned hydraulics for faster lift speed High efficiency vacuum fan and easy handling hoses TRUE. BLUE.Kinze.comAdvantage. S&S Equipment 1886 HWY 20 • Lawton, IA 51030 712-944-5751 Got Rain? Drought concerns linger into harvest -Submitted photoSee DROUGHT, Page 8C
By LORI BERGLUND lberglund@farm-news.com

“I was in those fields because they
Hoping for just a few more timely rains is the name of the game as harvest season nears in Iowa. For some, it might already be too late, but for others it could be just enough for a strong finish to an unpredictable growing“That’sseason.thewhole point this year, it’s been so spotty for rainfall,” said Angie Rieck-Hinz, ISU Extension field agronomist. “I can’t look at six fields within a two-mile area and see much consistency. It’s all just so spotty.”Sheis not one to make predictions for harvest season, but is watching carefully to see how the drought monitor changes in the weeks ahead. She’s been walking both corn and soybean fields in early August and seeing some drought issues.
“In our dryer areas, it’s tough to close the row in some places,” Rieck-Hinz noted. “We still have iron deficiency showing up in some areas where it’s a little dryer.”

-Farm News photo by Lori Berglund

AKINSHEATHERdisplays a repairtoandhighreplacedoftendonenotSMVonenhancelow-costSMVdealerships,andmostAvailableinK.C.vehicleslow-movingsignatNielsenHarcourt.atfarmstoresimplementsignsareawaytovisibilitytheroad.signsareaoneandthing.TheyneedtobetoensurereflectivityarerequiredbeingoodbyIowalaw.

See SAFETY, Page 8C
By LORI BERGLUND lberglund@farm-news.com


Farmers know the technical things that will help keep them and their families safe on the job, but sometimes subtle reminders, and taking care of the small stuff, can actually help improve the big picture of farm safety.

Harvest time brings more than just the working farmer to the field. Family members, some of whom don’t regularly work on the farm, may be delivering meals in the field. Grandchildren love to come visit at harvest time and can be underfoot very quickly as they run to great-grandpa maneuvering a combine that looks like a giant toy to a toddler.
Tom Rabbitt, manager at K.C. Nielsen in Harcourt, understands well the pressure that farmers are under this time of year. He has a few simple safety
Heartland Museum Hwy 3 W Clarion, Iowa Summer Hrs: Memorial Day thru Labor Day M-Sat: 10-4 Remainder of the year by 515-602-6000appointment StreetscapesVictorianthru1950’s Toys, Tractors, Hats OH MY! 4C Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa www.farm-news.com Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 www.fdwater.comSales•SERVICE•Rentals•515-576-6481•612S32ndSt,FortDodgeWantthe best Results Start with the best water Providing the Highest Quality Water Treatment Products and Services to North Central Iowa Since 1949. 131 Old Creek Rd Storm Lake, IA 1-800-227-177150588 Open Mon-Sat 7:00 to www.apacheequipment.com5:30 Stationary or CrowdingPortableTubs Cattlemaster685 Your Li vestock Equipment HeadquartersYour Li vestock Equipment Headquarters 150bu. Apache Creep Feeder Feeder Wagons Cattle Boss 2085 Tub Chute Combo Palco Loading Chute w/ side doors Many options apacheequipment.comavailable APACHE: Calf Creeps - Bale Transports - Bale Speers - Horse Hay Feeders BUFFALO: Feed Mixers - Bale Movers - Feedlot, Yard & Construction Scapers. PALCO: Y Sorts - Alleys - Walkways - Corral Panels - Feeder Panels - Feed Bunks - Continuous Fence SPECIALIZINGluftandsons.comINSystem Tiling Serving OverFarmersIowafor70Years! DrainageCallusforyour&ExcavatingNeeds See Usat the CountyClayFair! CONTACT US TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE Jeff Luft 712-358-0818 • Jake Luft 712-358-1175 ROLL TARPS FOR SALE! If you pull one of these, call Syntex for your next roll tarp or roll tarp kit! Syntex manufactures, tough, durable long lasting tarps. 510 - 13th Street., Humboldt 50548 ~ Phone: 515-332-3265 Web: www.syntexindustries.com ~ Email: info@syntexindustries.com Dry Run Drainage, Ltd. Paullina, IA Keith Rohwer 712.261.5768 Bruce Rohwer 712.261.3277Foryour field tiling and drainage needs, contact ustoday! GPS Controlled & Mapped 4 to 12 Inch Tile See us for all drainageyourneeds

Following basic safety tips can help ensure a safe harvest

After all these years, farming remains the most dangerous occupation in America, according to the National Safety Council. Iowa State University Extension noted that farm fatalities are actually on the decline, but much progress remains to be made in order to keep farmers safe on the job.

Scottleg.is pleased that United Co-op was able to make the improvements in order to better serveAlongfarmers.with Stratford, Stonega continues to be one of United’s busiest sites in the fall.
New DEF tank at Highview
The use of DEF is part of

“If we run out of room we haul to Webster City or Highview,” he adds.
Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 www.farm-news.com Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa 5C Dealer for the following: • 360 Yield Center • Precision Planting • Yetter • Mudsmith • Cruiser Wheels • Totally Tubular • Kimberley Ag Seed Flaps • Dawn Equipment • Wiese Industries • Wako • CFC Distributing • Brandt Ind Brittney Kimberley Cell: brittney@kimberleyagconsulting.com515.290.2377 Brock Kimberley Cell: brock@kimberleyagconsulting.com515.238.8132 7753 NE 134th Ave., Maxwell, IA 50161 Office: 515.967.2583 www.kimberleyagconsulting.com

At its Highview site, United Co-op is installing a new bulk tank for diesel engine fluid (DEF), according to Rick Moore.
The woodhouse was a growing liability as tin siding would blow off in the wind.
Diesel engine fluid from the new 7,500-gallon tank will be made available to customers in totes of 250 to 330 gallons for on-farm use. Smaller quantities will also be available in 55 gallon drums or even jugs of just 2.5 gallons.

DEF is not a fuel additive, but injected separately into the exhaust stream so it does not affect engine performance. Made of de-ionized water and urea, the purpose is to help clean up the exhaust before it’s released into the air, reducing it to basically nitrogen and water.
Kamrar Continued from Page 1C
“We wanted to clean up the property,” Mechaelsen said. Any replacement storage would be in long-range plans. It’s customary in the fall to haul to other sites as needed.
-Farm News photo by Lori Berglund THE OLD WOODHOUSE BIN to the right may have a certain charm, but loose tin siding made it a liability. United Co-op is cleaning up the Kamrar site and plans to burn the aging woodhouse in September.
New look at Stonega
Along with those with came a 4,500 bushel per hour corn dryer and 20,000 bushel per hour
we’re hoping it’s done by Sept. 1,” he Alsoadded.underway at Kamrar is the removal of an aging woodhouse. The 50,000 bushel wood storage bin has been a centerpiece of the Kamrar skyline since the late 1960s or early 1970s and was showing its Two,age. 90-bushel steel bins that were filled through the woodhouse have already been taken down. The woodhouse itself is slated to be burned on Sept. 10, weather permitting.
facility.“We put up a new grain facility at Stonega, and it just turned out so nice,” Scott said.
“Gas has come down some, diesel has come down some, but we still have a way to go,” he said.
new emission standards to help diesel engines burn cleaner.

In addition, the steel bins had some mechanical issues and were not feasible to repair.
The work at Stonega included a new 140,000 bushel wet bin and a 580,000 bushel dry bin.

He notes that DEF is used in most any kind of diesel engine, from trucks, tractors and combines to over-the-road semis and Lookingmore.ahead, United Coop also plans to take delivery on a new propane truck in the spring. In the meantime, Moore continues to wait along with farmers for fuel prices to come down.“When are prices coming down,” is the question Moore gets all the time. He only wishes he had the power to make that change. Booking ahead is the option he has and is happy to discuss the options with farmers at their convenience.
J&A Equipment,OutdoorLLC1891130thStreetBode,IA50519(515)379-0770SeveralInStock!GiveUsaCallToday! Accessories&ConveyorsBeltWE PROUDLY OFFER A MILITARY AND FIRST DISCOUNT.RESPONDERS No interest/payments for 150 days then 0% for 42 months. Valid on ALL eXmark & ZTurf equipment. See dealer for details. Valid thru 2/1/2021-4/30/2021 J&A Outdoor Equipment, LLC 1891 130th Street - Bode, IA 50519 • (515) 379-0770 Authorized dealer for eXmark & Zturf equipment Up 18,000toBPM

“DEF is a product that new trucks and new vehicles have to use,” Moore says. “It helps burn cleaner exhaust.”
While the work at Kamrar will change the landscape there a bit, United Co-op General Manager Tim Scott noted that even more work was completed in the last year at the Stonega
One of the next projects ahead for United Co-op will be a new bean dump site at its Stratford site, according to Scott.

6C Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa www.farm-news.com Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 ® Landus would like to thank our farmer-members for choosing us! Britt 641-843-3813 Farnhamville 515-544-3213 Somers 515-467-5511 Ida Grove 712-364-3013 Gowrie 515-352-3860 Odeboldt 712-668-2211 Rockwell City 712-297-7511 Yetter 712-464-3688 Lake City 712-464-3141 Ulmer 712-657-8770 Plan Your Visit to Dyersville, Iowa Two Great Museums Open Daily and so much more! The National Farm Toy Museum houses memorabilia and farm toys of today and nationalfarmtoymuseum.comyesterday. 563.875.2727 | 1110 16th Ave Ct SE | Dyersville, IA 52040 Soybean 1 box/100 acres V4 - R1 Corn 1 box/100 acres V4 - R1 2020 trials; Precision Ag Research Clarion, IA. Fultec Impulse Corn 1 box/100 acres @V5 2020 trials; Precision Ag Research - Clarion, IA. Fultec Impulse Beans 1 box/100 acres @V5 Products to Increase Corn Yields 1. Bio-Empruv- Broad Spectrum Disease Prevention BioEmpruv in Corn is a biological fermentation extract. It contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals, natural growth regulators, antioxidants and amino acids to boost plant health and Bio-Empruv-yields.contains natural and biodegradable ingredients that are Safe with No Chemicals or Residues Ap plication V-5 - Pretassel, 32 oz per acre add albion Micronutrients Zn, Mg, & Cu with Bio-Empruv 2. Spraytec- Impulse Corn has the best combination of 4 different products that will be responsible for keeping the maximum yield potential with your crop. It is the highest concentration of available plant nutrients that promote plant vigor and lower major stress away from your corn. Main NutrientBenefits:Availability The EDTA present in the Impulse formulation gives the nutrient an organic coating, making their absorption by leaves easy. Yield Saver Fulltec Impulse aids in the prevention of losing yield potential by lack of nutrition or stress to the plant as well store nutrition in plants. All in One Fulltec Impulse provides more benefits in just one box than a pile of products do separately Application V-5 to Pretassel 1 kit box sprays 100 acrest Spraytec Impulse for Soybeans is available Central andAgronomyIowaSupply Contact: Marv Mortensen: 515-370-3381 • marv@highyieldbeans.com Bob Streit: 515-709-0143 • bastreit@gmail.com SANBORN DIVISION | 712-729-3255 | www.ampi.com | www.dinnerbellcreamery.coop Dinner Bell Creamery is about as close as you can get to buying directly from the dairy farm — without having to take a gravel road.ASSOCIATED MILK PRODUCERS INC. City • Farm • Commercial • Directional Boring • FREE ESTIMATES • 202 North Street • LuVerne, IA 1-800-472-5208 • 515-882-3700 Dave & Kevin McPeak WE WANT YOUR OLD FARM MACHINERY! (515) 573-5904 2120 South 11th Street • Fort Dodge On-site Farm Clean Up of Farm Machinery, Combines & Grain Bins. For a FREE price quote, give us a call today $$$ For your old car or truck plus we also buy Old Farm Machinery, Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Tin, Radiators, Scrap Iron and much more metal recycling

from the top labeled (1) through (5). Triangles are significant because they are always the second to last move of a sequence. This means, once wave (5) is complete, we will expect a counter-trend rally that retraces 50-62% of the decline back up to $6.70 - $7.10 in 2023.
Chart 1 Chart 2 See KRISTUFEK, Page 7C Chris
Below is our outlook for the most probable path for corn prices and some of the studies to support it.
Summary: Look for corn prices to zigzag lower into harvest (seasonal average Oct 4), targeting the $5.00-$5.25 zone. Once evidence of a bottom is clear, prices will retrace 50-62% of the decline back up to $6.70 - $7.10 in 2023 before making another new low in harvest 2023 near $4.00.Like many commodities, Corn has gone on a wild ride the past year. At Trilateral, we love to focus on price for three reasons:

3. Price has the ultimate affect on your bottom line. Marketers get paid on price and end-users have price as cost inputs.

1. Everything known is reflected in price. This is an assumption, but one worth understanding and believing.
Future events are probability. For many, the last three years have been enlightening. No future result, for instance, is guaranteed. The best we can do to predict the future and act is to recognize that it is a collection of possibilities and give each scenario a probability. We should then act in accordance with the more likely scenarios while making sure that any "worst-case scenario" is not too detrimental to our bottom line.
Chart 1 (top right): Corn prices are amid a wave 4 triangle (shown A-BC-D-E) that will resolve itself to the downside to complete a 5-wave move
Comparing the downside goal of $5.25 to the important critical resistance level of $6.83, we can state that the risk-reward ratio for going short at today's settlement of $6.12 is 1.00:2.72. (shown on chart). In other words, short positions risk $1 to gain $2.71. Ideally, the ratio is risk $1 to make $3, but $2.71 is still good. This means that for marketers, having most of your corn
A technical viewpoint and forecast for corn prices the next 15 months KristufeK

2. You can run studies on price. This can give you confidence and help make unbiased decisions.

As of August 18th:
When predicting markets, it is imperative you know where you are wrong and act accordingly. Critical resistance (aka where we are wrong) is at $6.83/ bu. If December corn re-establishes itself above $6.83, it would call for a new interpretation of the wave structure. The expected wave (5) should take prices down to the $5.20-$5.00 level this harvest.

sold makes sense. For end customers, you can wait to buy until the market disproves our hypothesis (price over $6.83).

On the bottom of the chart, ADX stands for Average Directional Movement Index and it can be used to help measure the overall strength of a trend. You can see how effective it is in taking advantage of a large portion of a big move.
Chris Kristufek, CMT (chartered market technician), is a director at Trilateral.

Once the harvest low is in place, the market will be ready for a countertrend move that retraces 50-62% of the decline. The most common retracement in all markets throughout history is 50%. However, we can be ready for a 62% retracement because many market participants will mentally anchor the 2022 rally and believe it is happening again and be willing to pay higher. It will be at this 62% retracement level that marketers can feel comfortable selling a good portion of their crop. Our longer-term view is depicted in the weekly continuous chart below.

If all goes to plan, look for the longerterm averages to flatten out (horizontal) and price to jump above. This will present a buying signal.
If/when prices fall toward $5.25, it will be prudent to wait for divergence in downside momentum, as extrapolated on the chart below.
The longer-term moving averages (40 and 50 day) are still sloped lower and providing resistance to price and illustrating the long-term trend is still lower.Shorter term moving averages (5 and 10 day) are below their longer-term counterparts and are turning lower.
Since RSI remains below 60, we are more confident taking a bearish stance.

Chart 3 (top right):
Chart 2 (bottom right, Page 6C):
The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis. RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or

The chart gives evidence from price studies that help build confidence in the outlook.
Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 www.farm-news.com Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa 7C “ENSURE YOUR PROFITS WITH PREMIUM OPPORTUNITIES!” Contact Global Processing at 507-421-8996 to discuss your Non-GMO soybean marketing options. “Current & Competitively Yielding Non-GMO Varieties Available” “2022 Crop Contracts” “2023 Crop Contracts” Hope, MN. - Kanawha, IA. - Riceville, IA. Call us for all your farm construction & Pressure Washing needs! Specializing in steel roofing, barn restoration, and new constructionbuilding Shane Dickey, Owner 515-368-2191 or 515-373-6352 www.fourseasonsconstruction.inc NOW OFFERING PRESSURE WASHING SERVICES! Creating Sustainable food, feed and fuel ingredients for a growing poplation www.darlingii.com Des Moines, 1-800-722-1715IA Blue Earth, 1-800-722-9323MN Alton, 1-800-383-1192IA Grain Marketing Advice | Crop Insurance | Commodity Brokerage Need an experienced commodity broker on your side? Call Kurt Koester for a FREE www.agrisourceonline.com515-440-2970consultation. 18829 Kittyhawk Ave • Carroll, IA 51401 (712) 792-9204 • 1-800-522-1903 www.quandtautosalvage.com Computerized Parts Locating & Service We sell the best and recycle the rest! Scrap Metal Receiving Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30-4:30; Closed over Noon Hour USED PARTS CAN COST HALF AS MUCH AS NEW! Parts have 30-day warranty PROCESSORS OF SCRAP IRON, METALS & BATTERIES. WE ACCEPT FENCE WIRE & ANIMAL FEEDERS. MUST BE FREE OF WOOD, FEED & DIRT. Mon-Fri 8am-5pm • Sat 8am-2pmQUANDTSALVAGEAUTO 340 Mackinlay Kantor Drive, Webster City, IA 50595 www.kandmag.com Office (515) 832-2723 • Fax (515) 832-3320 KURT BJUSTROM Cell (515) 302-0246 MARK BJUSTROM Cell (515) 302-0242 www.fmiahull.com “Proudly serving Northwest Iowa Farmers & Homeowners for over 130 years!” 1010 Main Street • Hull, IA Phone (712) 439-1722 or 800-462-6604 Steier Ag has been helping farmers since 1954 with their aerial application needs. The fall of 2019, the business expanded with the purchase of Tom Eischen Seed & Chemical. 603 Hwy 18 Algona, IA 50511 steieragaviation@gmail.com 515-295-3377 Our Goal is to work with you, not for you! Steier Ag Specializes in the Following: Aerial AndLawnClimateChannelFarmGroundApplicationApplicationChemicals&FertilizersSeedFieldViewSeed&NativeGrassesMuchMore

undervalued conditions in the price of that security. Andrew Cardwell helped develop a way to look at the RSI a bit differently that helps identify trends.
Chart 4 (bottom right): At right is a 30-year seasonal chart of corn. As you can see, the seasonal low usually happens around Oct. 4 because it is harvest time.

Kristufek Continued from Page 6C Chart 3 Chart 4
If an uptrend is healthy, RSI should stay above 40. If a down trend is healthy, RSI should stay below 60. You can see on the chart below how this worked well in getting on the uptrend early and how the uptrend broke down.

While harvest is always a rush, pacing oneself is another good piece of safety advice.

“These tools save lives and limbs. Uncontrolled bleeding from arms and legs is the most preventable cause of death in injured patients,” Mayo Clinic advised.
“Be aware of your surroundings,” Rabbitt recommended.

Iowa law requires all vehicles that travel at speeds of less than 30 mph on public roadways to display an SMV

Jim Legbold farms primarily in Humboldt County and, while he has a few concerns, remains pretty confident for the harvest season ahead.
While rain and plant health are always a concern, Legbold

Drought Continued from Page 3C For Concerts, Job Sites, Fairs & more Offering monthly, weekly, weekend & daily rentalsHandicap Accessible Units and Hand Washing Stations Available
tips to help ensure a safe harvest for“Slowall. down,” he said. “Whether it’s driving at an appropriate speed, or simply slowing down to think before taking a specific action, can help avoid an accident, or prevent a simple repair from becoming a much more costly repair. Taking time to think keeps everyone safe.
Forsign.fellow motorists, please be patient. Farmers are working hard to put food on your table.
“We got a little moisture over the weekend (Aug. 5–7), which is great,” he said. “We picked up an inch to almost 2.5 inches over most of my farm, which was very helpful.”
From traffic on the ground, to power lines, fences, ditches, intakes and more, look around before you go, and make a mental note of any items that could pose a risk.
As a final note, Rabbitt encourages farmers to call whenever they have a question on making
Along with all the other equipment checks underway before harvest, it’s also a good idea to check the condition of slow-moving vehicle signs. Once purchased, these are often forgotten and can rust and lose their reflective quality.
Buddy seats have become very popular in today’s combines, and almost everyone enjoys taking a ride at some time during the harvest. Remember that most of those folks who may be riding along are not accustomed to climbing up on today’s towering machinery. Make sure machinery is disengaged and provide spotters as necessary to help young and old get up in the cabForsafely.children, Rabbitt said time in the buddy seat is a great time to teach the next generation about farm safety. Explain how the machinery works, what the moving parts do, and encourage them to always respect the power of the machine at work.
8C Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa www.farm-news.com Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 EconoDri-Val6 Drying Combo Ag & Industrial Equipment Don’t let rains or high humidity compromise your small grain harvest window CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS 800 846 5157 OR 402 340 0199 or AgHeaters.com www.AgHeaters.com Ask us about Drying Basements & HighProblems!Humidity UNSTOPPABLE Grain on the Ground VS Grain in the Combine Header-= Field Losses = $$$ Harvest Earlier with Economical EconoDri-Val6 Drying! Drying Corn & Soybeans --PLUS Small Grains-As Naturally as Nature. This is not the year for any of your profits to end up on the ground. Plan Your Visit to Dyersville, Iowa Two Great Museums Open Daily and so much more! Explore the If You Build It Exhibit dedicated to one of the most iconic baseball elds created on a small Iowa Farm. ifyoubuilditexhibit.com 566.230.7180 | 310 2nd Street SE, Suite #103 | Dyersville, IA 52040

Commodity prices, while better than some years, are not much comfort when the cost of inputs climbs as rapidly as it has this “Everybodyseason.sees where the (commodity) prices are, and everybody responds accordingly, and that includes our suppliers,” Legbold said.
“The more hours you put in after dark, the greater your risk of injury,” Mayo Clinic said in a farm safety press release.
Don’t burn the midnight oil.
“I’m optimistic,” he said. “If we have some timely rains from here on out, we’ll have a pretty decent crop.”

repairs themselves safely, or when they need to bring it in. As harvest nears, extended hours will become common at implement dealerships, often dictated by weather, just as farmers themselves have to abide by what the weather is doing.

Input costs are number one concern

International concerns are another driving factor for the inflation that has hit farmers very“We’vehard. got other issues going on in the world that cause higher prices for some things,” he said. “We’re dependent on fertilizer coming from Russia, and that’s a problem right now. We’re dependent on herbicide coming from China, and that’s kind of a problem right now. We’re lacking in oil production; fuel prices are high. It’s just everything.”
But never communicate behind the wheel. Drivers of semis, tractors, pickups and all motorists can stay safe by setting the phone down and keeping eyes trained ahead.
Mayo Clinic advises farmers to stay rested and take breaks during the work day. While many farmers eat on the go, pulling over, shutting down equipment, and eating a healthy meal can save time and money by helping farmers stay alert and avoid accidents.
Before harvest arrives, this is a good time to assemble a first aid kit and to make extra kits for different pieces of equipment and remote farm sites. A good first aid kit should always include a tourniquet, according to Mayo Clinic.
It’s also important to communicate with family members. Don’t assume that others know which field you will be working in next. Let them know what time you hope to finish and check in if running late.

said input costs are really what weighs on his mind most of all in this inflationary year.

Safety Continued from Page 2C


Early August brought heavy rains across northern Iowa, little to no rain in some areas, but a beneficial amount to much of Legbold’s farm.
Legbold would like to see some balance between commodity prices and input costs that would help farmers stay profitable and stay in business.“Inthe long run,” he said, “I’d like to see maybe a little lower prices, and good yields, so we could average things out.”
“They’re green inside and we think it might have been a drought issue prior to this rain coming on.”
Just a few days after the rain, Rieck-Heinz was out walking a soybean field with Legbold.“We’re looking at the health of the soybean plant here, looking at the nodules and trying to figure out if some of the nodules are actually producing like they’re supposed to,” he said.
to the west.
“The more hours you put in after dark, the greater your risk of —injury."MAYOCLINIC
Meals and snacks should be well balanced, providing protein and plenty of water.
Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 www.farm-news.com Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa Please give our employees the room they need to work safely. Their jobs are dangerous enough! Help make Iowa’s roadways safer We are committed to the safety of our employees and members. That is why we support the Move Over, Slow Down law. We encourage you to move over and slow down when approaching vehicles stopped on the side of the road with flashing lights activated or hazards flashing. Those who don’t could be ticketed or lose their license for not obeying this Iowa law. Midland Power Cooperative 515-386-4111Jefferson,IA Northwest REC Orange800-766-2099IdaGrove,IA,City,IALeMars,IA Guthrie County REC Guthrie641-747-2206Center,IA Butler County REC 319-267-2726Allison,IA These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers Cell: 515-341-5418 Jay Bargman Cell: 515-341-5402 Leland L. Metzger Let Us Help You With All Your Farm Real Estate Needs• Listings • Auction • Appraisals • ExchangesTax-Free • ManagementFarm 220 East State Street, P.O. Box 519, Algona, IA 50511 • 866-295-2401 • www.farmhomeservices.com • 515-295-2401 YOUR 515-532-28871209515-448-3843204EagleHEADQUARTERSSTEELBuildingSupplyArea’sBestPrices•FreeEstimatesQualityProductsBroadway,EagleGroveCentralAve.E.,Clarion We have the things you need and stuff you want! Paul Jacobson, www.JacobsonsGuncenter.comCEOJAGUNCTR@GMAIL.COM Veteran owned and operated since 1979 Hours: Tues - Sat: 9am-6pm Sun & Mon: Closed 612 Broad Street Story City, IA 515-733-299550248 ON EVERYSALEDAY:22LR,9mm,38Special,45ACP,223,7.6x39,308Win.,and12gaugetraploads.NoLimitOnQuantity! We 1,000havenew and used Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, and Revolvers in stock, all discount priced, along with hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammo for them, all at low prices! We will be worth your trip! OWEFFER • Firearms • Ammunition • Gunsmithing • Scopes • Reloading • Much more Now available to purchase online! FUTURES & OPTIONS MARKETING & INVESTMENTS SIOUX CENTER, IA 1800-358-3047 • 712-722-0023 Let Us Be Part of Your Team Over 40 Years of Experience Brad Kooima Joe Kooima and Scott Varilek don’t retire until I do.” -Commstock Report Subscriber from Iowa, May 2021 YOUR COOPERATIVE SOYBEAN PROCESSOR Find more information at AGP.com. Doon Sawmill and Fencing Galvanized I Beam Posts • Oil Well Pipe Sucker Rods • Custom Sawing • RR Ties Flatbeds • Feed Bunks • Guardrail Trailer Decking 2641 Garfield Ave • Box 297 • Doon, Iowa • (712)726-3562

If you have one of the newer gas fireplaces that vents out the side of the home or up a chimney, Rick can convert it over to a Vent Free log and keep all the heat in the home.
So no matter what kind of fireplace you may have, Rick has an efficient solution for it. Call Rick or email him at yahtitus@gmail.com or go to his web site below. Rick even has new fireplaces and wood stoves that can heat your home even during a power outage.
- photo by Les Houser, Wright County Monitor

If you have a gas log in your fireplace it also sends all of its heat up the chimney. Rick has Vent Free gas logs that can burn as efficient as a gas cook stove and burn with the damper closed, thus keeping all the heat in the house.

10C Farm News / Fort Dodge, Iowa www.farm-news.com Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 Wright Fit Interior and Repair, llc 515-689-3484 Scott Hasty, Owner Wright Fit Interior “We’ve Got You Covered” Before We sell and install cab interior kits and head liners Can do most brands of tractors and combines Install on-site or at our shop. We can come to you No more “drab cab”, no more rubbing head liner, nicer and quieter ride Let Us Add Value to Your Machine After If you have a fireplace that burns wood, you know that it loses all of its heat up the chimney. Rick Titus has a wood burning insert that will burn with the efficiency of a wood stove and fit inside your fireplace so it keeps your fireplace look.

Rick Titus in His 46th Year of Selling and Installing More Efficient Fireplace Inserts & Vent Free Gas Logs. Call Rick at 515-532-3881 or 515-293-2455 or visit www.fireplacesatthecountrystore.com 47th