2 september 2022 twist & shout Mario Golf: Super Rush June 25th SEPTEMBER 2022 /twistshout S& H O U T ! WHAT’S INSIDE 4-5: GOOD ’VINE’ BRATIONS 6: Algona Cruise-in 8: Iowa Central’s Fall Play moves to a New Space 10: A Look Back: The Zombie 11: Downtown Country Jam ! EVERY ISSUE 12: Good Eats of Fort Dodge 14: Local Calendar 16: Shining Star: Nicole Canty 18: Artist Spotlight: William Griffel PUBLISHER terry tchristensen@messengernews.netchristensen CIRCULATION DIRECTOR grant ggibbons@messengernews.netgibbons HR/ACCOUNTING melissa mwendland@messengernews.netwendland DESIGN COORDINATOR nick nmanwarren@messengernews.netmanwarren SALES MANAGER/CONSULTANT rachel rrowe@messengernews.netrowe EDITOR bill bshea@messengernews.netshea CONTRIBUTING WRITERS hailey brueschke tom tourville COPYRIGHT 2022 Twist & Shout is published monthly by ogden newspapers inc. All content and opinions expressed may not be those of the publishers. *All photos submitted to Twist & Shout become property of Twist & Shout. We are not responsible for their return. Laufersweiler-Sievers Funeral Home & Cremation Services 307 S. 12th St. • Fort Dodge (515)576-3156 All funeral providers are not the same. Although some have tried, there is no true way to compare with just price. Our families only select what they need and want for their loved ones while receiving the utmost care and respect. Serving families since 1856

3september 2022twist & shout 25thRushGolf: There will be kids therefoodalongactivitieswithtrucksaswell!!! Contact info- Ross Newton 515-890-7024

Come help Soldier Cree Winery celebrate another successful growing year and harvest at this year’s Good ‘Vine’brations Harvest Festival.
To give an example of the game, Secor used the egg balancing game. “Everyone knows the egg balancing game where you walk with an egg on a spoon. Now replace the egg with a very full glass of wine and the goal is to fill up your team’s container to a line with wine. It is going to be lots of fun.”
Megan Secor, Co-Owner/Marketing Coordinator of Soldier Creek Winery, said, “This is out chance to really enjoy the company of our supporters, celebrate the harvest and make memories.” The Harvest Festival is full of fun activities for everyone to enjoy. Available all day will be the free vineyard hayrack tours, a tasting flight of 5 samples of your choosing for $8, and live music.
Presented by Soldier Creek Winery
Good ’Vine’ brations by hailey brueschke
Elias Netz will take the stage first from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Then there will be another band performing from 2:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. that is yet to be determined. Cory Waller & The Wicked Things will end the night with their performance from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. An open-air market among the vines will be open from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. There will be vendors that curate clothing for children and adults, makers and creators, and vendors who specialize in beauty products or home goods. Be sure to get to the open-air market early as we will have a limited quantity of swag bags available starting at 1 p.m.,” said Secor. “There is a little be of something for everyone in the Winding Vine Market,” This year there is a new competition for teams of two that will replace the grape stomp competition. In years past at the Harvest Festival teams would stomp grapes to compete in a tournament style to win a case of wine. This year they have decided to change it up to a relay competition with wine-themed games.
This is out chance to really enjoy the company of our supporters, celebrate the harvest and makememories““ megan secor

4 september 2022 twist & shout events

5september 2022twist & shout WHAT: 21sT AnnuAl Princess ciTy cAr sHoW • WHen: sATurdAy, AugusT 20 from 3 P.m. – 6 P.m. • WHere: mAin sTreeT, PocAHonTAs • Admission: free

The Grape Relays will start at 3:30 p.m. The cost per team of two people is $30. Teams will have the option to add on one of Soldier Creek Winery’s exclusive Good ‘Vine’brations Harvest Festival t-shirts for a discounted price of $10 per person. The winners of the grape relays will receive a voucher for a free bottle of wine per team member. In order to participate in the Grape Relays, participants must be 21 and older. The 2022 Good ‘Vine’brations Harvest Festival will take place on Saturday, September 24th from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. at Soldier Creek Winery in Fort Dodge, 1584 Paragon Ave.

Bros RC has also donated a Losi 1969 Camaro RC Car that is going to be raffled off. Anyone 16 and under can get a raffle ticket to win. There is no cost for the raffle ticket.
Guests can expect to see a variety of vehicles as
There will be businesses open downtown Algona as well as a church group and kids who will have their own stands set up with items for sale. Sewick added, “So far we know five different restaurants will stay open during the Cruise-In, which includes Algona Axe House, Feed Mill Coffee, Pet Kingdom, Billie Jo’s Bar & Grill, and Dairy Queen.
The Algona Cruise-In will be held on Sunday, September 18 from 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. downtown Algona. There is no cost to attend or register. The event is free and open to everyone. For more information, contact Scott Sewick at 515-341-0613. by hailey brueschke

This year the cruise is in memory of Jim Schumacher, who passed away earlier this year.
Get ready to see a variety of vehicles cruise through downtown Algona during the second annual Algona Cruise-In on September 18.
“We are hoping to have all different vehicles this year including classic cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, and really an vehicle you want to show Registered vehicles will also get numerous chances to win trophies. They will be giving out 5 People’s Choice Awards, 5 Community Service Awards (Picks from Police Dept, Fire Dept, the Mayor, Sheriff’s Dept, and EMS), and the Schumacher family will also be giving away a Along with trophies there will also be door prizes that will be given away for everyone. The Buscher
We wanted a way to raise money for the Shriners and have a fun, family event for people who love cars ~ scott sewick
Jim was one of the people who helped create and make the Algona Cruise-In happen last year.
Last year was the very first show and they had 153 entries and this year they are hoping for
“Jim originally helped me come up with the idea for a cruise-in,” said Scott Sewick. “We wanted a way to raise money for the Shriners and have a fun, family event for people who love cars.”
6 september 2022 twist & shout
7september 2022twist & shout

the top row menu bar in teresa jackson
US A Teen History
As I was reading plays this summer—with the returning and incoming talent in mind as always, I was thrilled to discover a unique theatrical piece. It’s both a play and a musical— both a comedy and drama—and has a multitude of shifting spaces, characters, story lines, and messages. It’s truly a multi-dimensional experience. The playwrights—Flip Kobler and Cindy Marcus with music by Dennis Poore also provide freedom to delete scenes and songs, write original ones, and basically tailor the show to our student talent and our audiences. Here’s how the script is described in the catalog of The Dramatic Publishing Company: US A Teen History is a walkthrough of American history, from Plymouth Rock to the internet, all told through the eyes of teenagers. This story theatre-style show is a compilation of scenes, songs, skits, and monologues about the great tapestry that is America. And, like American history, it’s funny, tragic, dramatic, and strange. It’s an insight into those who never made the pages of the history books, the teens who helped shape a nation. Did you know that some of the drummer boys in the Revolutionary War were as young as 11? Or that Caroline Pickersgill was only 14 when she sewed more than a million stitches into the flag that inspired “The StarSpangled Banner”? Or that Sacagawea was 16 with a baby when she helped Lewis and Clark (who somehow remind us of Bill and Ted) map the western territories? And, best of all, this show is incredibly flexible. There are unlimited possibilities for cast size and gender. Sets, props and costumes can be as simple or complex as your time and budget will allow. Even the show itself can adapt to your space and audience, as we encourage you to write your own pieces about the forgotten teens of America.
the Iowa Central’s Fall Play moves to a New Space: BHS Auditorium by

8 september 2022
In the meantime, however, we are still in the business of featuring and continuing the training of our talented Iowa Central students. During this season of waiting, we will be creative and innovative to add value to their experience here. With that in mind, I’m excited to share that we have the Green Light to perform US A Teen History this fall in the BHS (Bio Health Science) Auditorium. The space will present unique challenges—along with unique benefits—for our performance season this year, and the fall play will kick off the use of this space.
The first exciting advantage for our audiences is that parking will be a breeze! The BHS is located on the south side of the campus and can be accessed easily from the Kenyon Road entrance. Parking is directly across from the Bio Health Science building—in the Iowa Works parking lot. Parking is also easily accessible in the AST Parking Lots 3 and 4.

Iowa Central is in the midst of Amazing Transformation! Many in Fort Dodge might have heard that we are embarking on a major remodel and substantial upgrade to our theatre performance and preparation spaces that center around Decker Auditorium. When the project is finished, we will unveil an extraordinary Center for Performing Arts which will light up not only the campus, but our entire community and region. We will be able to draw professional performers to our area—in addition to offering an incredible performance experience for the plethora of talents already active in Fort Dodge and beyond.
My first reading of this script made me both laugh and cry—which is always a good sign. I savor scripts which can feature a large, dynamic cast. US A Teen History blends comedy and drama with music and dance and a unique look back at how our nation formed--in its great and not-so-great moments. There are a small group of narrators who tie the show together and a host of characters--with a variety of accents, some who sing, some who dance--so the audition process for this show is just the beginning. I’ll be open to whatever visions come to me as well as welcoming brainstorms from the cast, so more characters and lines and songs will be incorporated in addition to what’s found in the script as it is now. I’m excited to collaborate not only with my cast but with my fellow directors in the Music and Theatre Department as well to craft a performance that will bring the pizzazz of the ARTS to the spaces of the SCIENCES! So—mark your calendars and reserve your seats soon for Iowa Central’s fall production of US A Teen History which will run October 12-15 at 7:00 p.m. in the BHS Auditorium. Tickets will be $10 for adults and $5 for students with Iowa Central faculty, staff and students attending for free. Tickets will be on sale at the Iowa Central bookstore or online: the link to the website is onasp?ProdID=1277&category=6https://secure.iowacentral.edu/bookstore/Details..Theotheroptionistologtowww.iowacentral.edu/bookstoreandclickontickets--on
9september 2022
Triton Kids is returning for their fourth season of inspiring young singers. Triton Kids is an auditioned choir ensemble of students in second through eighth grades from Fort Dodge and surrounding areas. It was first founded in 2018 by Iowa Central Community College Vocal Director, Will Lopes. Lopes serves as managing artistic director and conductor for the program. “I wanted to create this program as a way to provide music education and performing opportunities to young singers by nurturing their talents and building an environment for creativity, leadership, and musical excellence to flourish,” said Lopes. Shelly Bottoroff also helps with Triton Kids as an assistant
Triton Kids Auditions

For the first hour, all singers and parents must attend an informational meeting where we will share about the program and the commitment necessary to participate in the ensemble. This time will also allow for questions to be The second half will consist of a short group rehearsal to meet the staff and get prepared for the individual auditions. During this second phase, singers will be asked Auditions will be held Saturday, September 17 at 10am and Sunday, September 18 at 3p.m. Auditions will be held at First United Methodist Church,127 N 10th St You only For registration, please visit: www.tritonkids.com. A $25 non-refundable registration fee will be due at the day of auditions and applied to semester tuition. For any additional questions or information, please email

I wanted to create this program as a way to provide music education and musicalopportunitiesperformingtoyoungsingersbynurturingtheirtalentsandbuildinganenvironmentforcreativity,leadership,andexcellencetoflourish ~ Will Lopes
The audition will take place in two phases.
Sometimes I come across a story that jumps out at me and almost screams to be shared. This is one of those stories.
Over the years the Zombies have worked with the likes of Dick Dale & the Del Tones, Dean Torrence & The Surf City All-Stars and Sleepy LaBeef. As a solo artist, Brook has opened for A Flock of Seagulls and Naked Eyes. The Surf Zombies have released 3 vinyl LP’s and 6 CD’s. That is an impressive output of Ireleases.noted above that Brook teaches guitar lessons, but he also takes lessons him self from the incredible Eddie Angel of Los Strait jackets! Surf music fans know Eddie as being the best surf guitarist in music today! Hey Brook, get me an autograph. As you read this you are surely making plans for your upcoming Hallow een, make sure to add some Surf Zombies to your play list. Go to Zombies.thesurfzombiesband.comwww.forbestsoundsfromthe
I might add, he has become one of the most in-demand guitar instructors in the greater Cedar Falls-Waterloo area.
In addition, he has written the successful guitar instruction book, “Guitar Chords by Brook Hoover.”
This past Summer I had the chance to see Cedar Rapid’s Surf Zombies perform at Okoboji. They are without ques tion one of the tightest bands I have seen and heard in sometime. I was surprised to learn that Zombie’s leader, Brook Hoover, grew up in Fort Dodge and had some fun stories to tell me on his early rock and roll years in the city.
I suggested for Brook to share his musical journey with me for the readers of Twist & Shout. I was so impressed with the sound of the Surf Zombies. They are so unique and the best group in the Midwest to play all instrumental surf mu sic. But before I go more to the Zombies story, let’s go back to the beginning for Brook. He was born in nearby Storm Lake, Iowa and grew up in Eagle Grove. Soon his family moved to Fort Dodge and he was immersed into the new larger and exciting Fort Dodge music scene. Brook from an early age was always fascinated with any instrument that had strings. At age 14 his parents bought him his first acoustic guitar and he never looked back. He couldn’t stop learning as to what a guitar could do and how to make those hundreds of amazing sounds that you could get from that guitar. He knew early on he could match the pitch from what he heard and then learn how to play a gui tar. To his credit, he did all of his learning by ear.
Brook told me after living in Cedar Falls for a while, we sent a message out via social media looking for likeminded mu sicians that enjoyed instrumental surf music. In 2006 he formed all-instrumental surf band to be called the Surf Zombies. Some great musicians joined the band over its formative years, but the current line-up is just amazing and so talented and include: Ian Williams-gui tar, Trevor Treiber-bass and Luke Ferguson on drums and Brook Hoover on lead.
After graduating Brook stayed in Cedar Falls and kept playing in pick-up bands, released some material under his name and started teaching guitar lessons to kids and adults.

Between 1975-1976, Brook and some other North Junior High School friends formed their first band, called the Red Suit, named after the swim suits, they were made to wear at the NJHS swimming pool. The band included: Joel McDowell-bass, Steve Lenier and Al Wooldridge-drums and Hoover and Kirk Wool dridge-guitar. Their music was total garage, just kids jamming to see what they could sound like and how it felt. The one exception, they claimed to be able to do one killer version of “Wipe Out.” Soon Brook was on to playing in other Fort Dodge groups. Such as: the above-men tioned Red Suits, Justin Tyme, Joe Quazar and the Motorolas, and Junior Wild with Kurt Kaufman. There was another group he played with for ral with Donnie Lee. Brook was enjoying all the new guitar skills he was learning. It had to have been a fun time to have Brook left Fort Dodge in the early ‘80s to attend UNI. In 1983 he graduated and earned a BA degree in Art Educa tion. While at college he formed the rock trio, the Skitzo Boys with Craig Eells and John Resewher. That group be came extremely popular and played all across Western Iowa.

Until Next Month Take Care & Remember The Music Brook Hoover
10 september 2022 twist & shout By Tom Tourvillea look back the zombie
11september 2022twist & shout
The Tank Anthony Band will open the concert starting at 5:30 p.m. They produce a soulful alt-country sound and are based out of Iowa Falls.
In total they have recorded six studio albums and charted 19 singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs Chart. Children ages 12 & under will be admitted free if they are with an adult.

DowntowN Country Jam

12 september 2022 dining: Amigos 280 N. 1st St. Applebee’s 2810 5th Ave. S Bloomers on Central 900 Central Ave. Brownie’s Cafe 1712 Central Ave. Buffalo Wild Wings 2909 5th Ave. S. Buford’s Steakhouse & BBQ 1518 3rd Ave. N.W. CasaBlanca Steak House Hwy 169 Ardys Mae Coffee and Dessert 14 S. 14th St. Community Tap & Pizza ............. 2026 5th Ave. S. Peking Garden.............................. 510 5th Ave. S. Frenzy Cafe ................................ 3232 1st Ave. S. Harty’s Caddy Shack ................ 1101 Central Ave. Hacienda Vieja ........................... Crossroads Mall Ja-Mar Drive-In ............................. 329 S. 25th St. Lizard Creek Ranch 1762 Johnson Ave The Stadium 2001 2nd Ave. N. Lomitas Mexican Restaurant 2223 5th Ave. S. Mineral City 2621 5th Ave. So. Ninja Sushi Steak House 407 S. 25th St. Perkins 511 S. 32nd St. Pizza Ranch 3311 5th Ave. S. Sneakers ..................................1317 Central Ave. A Pinch of Love Cafe .................... 850 S. 18th St. Shiny Top Brewing ....... 520 Central Ave. Tea Thyme .................................. 2021 6th Ave. S. The Sports Page......................... 2707 N. 15th St. Tom Thumb Drive Inn ......................... 1412 A. St. Tres Amigos ................................ 3521 5th Ave. S. Tropical Smoothie ................. 2813 1/2 5th Ave. S. Village Inn ................................... 2002 N. 15th St. Willow Ridge Golf Course.......1788 Madison Ave. Zakeer’s Family Restaurant......... 425 2nd Ave. S. FAST-FOOD: Burger King 2814 5th Ave. S Casey’s Carry-Out Pizza 2007 N.15th St. Good Eats &Drinks 850 South 18th Street, Fort Dodge | 515-302-8085 | Mon-Fri 11AM-7PM MONDAY: Burger night, $3.00 o all burgers TUESDAY: All you can eat fried chicken bu et starting at 5pm WEDNESDAY: Pizza night, buy one large specialty pizza at regular price and get one free medium one topping pizza. THURSDAY: Wing night, $3 o each order of wings (traditional or boneless) FRIDAY & SATURDAY: Prime rib and fried chicken 716 Sumner Ave, Humboldt | sevensixteenmain.com 11AM-10PM Mon - Thurs | 11AM-11PM Fri & Sat | 515-332-1441 NEWITEMS!MENU

13september 2022 drinks: 4th Street Depot ............... 300 S. 4th St. Brass Monkey ................... 15 N. 10th St. Buck’s Fireside Lounge .... 16 N. 11th St. Bootleggers ................. 1239 S. 22nd St. Crickets Lounge........... 512 Central Ave. Dodge City Bar ............ 915 Central Ave. Dodger Tap ....................... 22 N. 12th St. River Hops ................. 1014 Central Ave. Kingz Lounge....................... 16 N 7th St. Shiny Top Brewing ....... 520 Central Ave. Culver’s ............................ 3048 5th Ave. S. Domino’s Pizza .................. 1430 5th Ave S. Dunkin’ Donuts ................. 2520 5th Ave. S. Hardee’s ................................. 6 S. 15th St. Hunan King ........................Crossroads Mall Jimmy Johns..................... 3023 5th Ave. S. KFC ...................................3057 1st Ave. S. Maxine’s Coffee .................. 17th S. 12th St. McDonald’s ....................... 2509 5th Ave. S. ............................................. 107 Ave. O W. Pancheros 3022 5th Ave. S. Papa Murphy’s Pizza 2813 5th Ave. S. Pizza Hut 2940 5th Ave. S. Scooter’s Coffee 2949 5th Ave S. Starbucks - Target 2910 1st Ave. S. Starbucks - Hy-Vee 115 S 29th St Subway 109 Ave. O 2323 5th Ave. S. Taco Bell 3057 1st Ave. S. Taco Tico 319 S. 29th St. Wendy’s 2313 5th Ave. S. Advertise your restaurant in the fort dodge good eats MEXICAN RESTAURANT 520 CENTRAL AVE. FORT DODGE Craft Beer • Gourmet Pizza • Live Music Willow Ridge Golf Course and Restaurant 1788 MADISON AVENUE • WILLOWRIDGEGOLF.COM • 515-576-5711 Go to our website www.willowridgegolf.com for upcoming menu Fort 515-576-5095Dodge 201913 Years In A Row!

The Nedd Freely Funn Band at Soldier Creek Winery with Burrito Mexpress 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM September 17 Fort Dodge Has Heart 5K and 1K for Kids 9:00 RosedaleAM Rapids Aquatic Center 1111 N 32nd St • Fort Dodge Creative Break - Ages 8-12 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA Pre-Downtown Country Jam Party with Elias Netz LIVE 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Shiny Top Brewing 520 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA Downtown Country Jam Big & Rich with Special Guest Cowboy Troy & DJ Sinister, The Tank Anthony Band, Jake McVey 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM Downtown Fort Dodge Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA Fine Arts Showcase 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM St. 2240Edmonds4thAve North • Fort Dodge, IA Triton Kids Fall Auditions 18 Triton Kids Auditions/First Rehearsal 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM First United Methodist Church 127 North 10th Street • Fort Dodge, IA
Rock n Picnic with The Elias Netz Band & Craig Gerdes Band Lower Sheldon Park - Humboldt 2210 Sheldon Rd • Humboldt, IA Creative Break - Ages 4-7 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA Creative Break - Ages 8-12 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA September 4 Bingo at Soldier Creek Winery 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Bring School Supplies! September 6 Taylor Laufersweiler Art Show “Out of Place” 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA September 8 Jake Schrodt LIVE at Shiny Top Brewing 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Shiny Top Brewing 520 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA
September 9
Kris Karr Band Live at Soldier Creek Winery with Grub Hub. 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM September 11 Jake Doty Live at Soldier Creek Winery 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM September 13 Taylor Laufersweiler Art Show “Out of Place” 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA September 13 Art After School 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA September 14 Fort Dodge Coin Club Show 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Fort Dodge Museum Opera House 1 Museum Road • Fort Dodge, IA September 15
Scott Kirkhart LIVE at Shiny Top Brewing 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Shiny Top Brewing 520 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA September 16
September 1 J. Jeffrey Messerole LIVE at Shiny Top 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Shiny Top Brewing 520 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA
14 september 2022 twist &
September 3

September 20 Leadership Series presented by Iowa Central Community College 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Humboldt Rec Center at 1501 Wildcat Road, Humboldt, IA Art After School 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA
September 22
register All money

September 21 Britt Car Cruise 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM • Britt, IA
Jeremy Ober LIVE at Shiny Top Brewing 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Shiny Top Brewing 520 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA September 23 Salty View LIVE at Shiny Top Brewing 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Shiny Top Brewing 520 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA Beaver Creek at Soldier Creek Winery with Grub Hub • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM September 24 Free Saturday Class for Kids 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA Salty View LIVE at Shiny Top Brewing 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Shiny Top Brewing 520 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA SATURDAY SHOW N SHINE Humboldt Co. Fairgrounds Humboldt, IA | 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Good Vinebrations Harvest Festival at Soldier Creek Winery 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM September 25 Brad & Kate at Soldier Creek Winery 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM September 27 Art After School 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Blanden Art Museum 920 3rd Ave South • Fort Dodge, IA us at Fort Dodge Middle School 2022 End Alzheimer's Fort Dodge! additional information, use the QR code or visit act.alz.org/fortdodge to raised within Iowa
Walk To

15september 2022twist & shout SEPT


on October 8th
for the
Algona Cruise-In 1:30 PM -- 4:30PM Downtown Algona, Iowa Fine Arts Showcase 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM St 2220Edmonds4thAve North • Fort Dodge, IA Music on the River with Tank Anthony 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM 280Amigo’sN1st Street • Fort Dodge, IA Bingo at Soldier Creek Winery 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Bring School Supplies!
Go to www.fineartsassociation.com for a list of upcoming events and our members….. Over 60 events each month! To become a member or let us know about an event contact:
I started painting at 7 months old. They were beautiful!

I get to paint them how I want. I can use paintbrushes and get messy. Is your family artistic? If so, how? My mom can paint and draw. She took art classes in college. My dad is also very creative. What’s the hardest part about painting and why? Nothing. I just paint. What do you most enjoy about painting?
Nicole Canty, Age: 4 Grade/School: Homeschool Hometown: Webster City, Iowa

How are your paintings different now?
How old were you when you started painting and what did your paintings look like?

I get to choose and mix colors. What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist. And I’m already an artist. If you could meet any celebrity, who would you meet and why would you pick them?
I want to meet Ryan Kaji. I like his youtube channel and he’s funny. What other activities are you involved in?
I go to library events and play soccer in the Spring. I went to a few of the summer art camps at the Blanden. I start Classical Conversations in the Fall. Before we moved here, I played soccer year round. At home, I like to catch bugs and play with my Jurassic World dinosaurs. I’ve made two dinosaur movies.
16 september 2022 twist & shout

Shelly Bottorff, Executive Director • fdfinearts@gmail.com
Nicole Canty
It’s always amazing to see a group of individuals, some total strangers and others old friends, come together as a quasi-family unit for over two months to make something out of nothing.
An outrageously hilarious race against the clock begins when Savannah Sprunt Fairchild Honeycutt agrees to get her feisty mother all the way across the country for her brother’s wedding. Savannah’s problem: Mama won’t fly. With only four days to make it to the ceremony, this determined daughter has no choice but to drive cross-country with her equally willful mother, Norleen Sprunt. Rising above their age-old mother-daughter issues, Norleen and Savannah work together to get the nuptials back on track. In a surprising and heartwarming resolution, they forge an exciting new path for their own relationship and welcome the new bride into their delightfully wacky family. This family-friendly Jones-Hope-Wooten comedy will have you laughing your way across the country and all the way down the aisle.
“It’s always amazing to see a group of individuals, some total strangers and others old friends, come together as a quasi-family unit for over two months to make something out of nothing,” said Shoopman.
After doing seventy-some shows over the years, among various organizations, director Michael Shoopman, has come to enjoy the funnier scripted, larger cast productions.
by hailey brueschke
Hawkeye Community Theatre Presents
17september 2022twist & shout music
“Mama Won’t Fly” opens October 5, running through October 8. There will be a show each day at 7 p.m., with an extra showing on Saturday at 2 p.m. Tickets will be available at the box office, 521 N 12th St, or online at hawkeyetheatre.com. Tickets are $10 per person. For more information call 515-576-6061.
~ Michael Shoopman
This Fall Hawkeye Community Theatre is set to present “Mama Won’t Fly.”

What areas of art and culture in Fort dodge do you most enjoy?
The mission of the trust is to create a cultural environmental center that exists to enhance/enrich the community through outreach and resources in the arts, music, literature, history, environmental conservation and stewardship and social justice. The trust’s vision is to develop and utilize the farmland to create income to support the trust’s mission. We want to provide a venue and resources for activities in music, the arts and literature. We also want to provide a model and resources for agricultural and environmental conservation, and also provide a model resource for historical facilities and preservation. However, the basic purpose of the trust is to provide benefits and resources to the community. When I look back over the last 21 years that the trust has been in place, I think we have helped in all areas we set out to have an impact on. As the trust continues in the years ahead I hope we can be as helpful in the community as we have been in these first years. I think Miss Smeltzer would like what the trust has done.
Growing up on a farm in Illinois there was not much opportunity to be involved in the arts other than at school/. During my high school years I did participate in chorus, stage plays and musicals. The plays and musicals came along in my junior and senior years. Did you grow up in an art loving household? If so, how? My mother and father were not involved in the arts to my knowledge. They did not talk about such things done when they were younger. The farm took up all of our time and sports. Tell us about your connection to the Ringland-Smeltzer family.
I enjoy the symphony, Carl King Band and the Blanden Art Gallery the most. However, the Cabaret at the Smeltzer House put on by Stage Door Productions is always fun because of the age differences in the performers and the young lady who plays the piano. I seem to be out of town for work, or not have much time for the other venues.
Growing up, what artistic activities did you participate in?
When I first came to live in Fort Dodge I did not follow the arts portion of the area, but more of the culture aspect. I place the Fort and the Frontier Parade as the cultural place and event that I most enjoyed. Over the last thirty nine years these two have gotten smaller, but have shown renewed life in the last several years. They are something that is Fort Dodge and I hope continues. Culture in Fort Dodge has had a great history over the years. In my way of thinking, for a town the size of Fort Dodge, we have more things to do than many larger towns. The two high schools, ICCC, the theater groups, the Blanden and the Fine Arts Association have given us more things to enjoy than you would ever expect in a town our size. The reason I think these groups thrive is that they are supported by everyone in town.
How has the art and culture scene in Fort Dodge varied over the years?
I have a son who enjoys music, but went for the DJ side of presenting music. He traveled all over the state and as far as Utah playing music. He enjoys art and now blows glass at his home in Des Moines. He is quite talented with glass and makes it look easy, something I could never do. He also likes events like art shows and fairs.
In what ways has your interest in the art been passed on to your kids?
What is the mission and goal of the Ringland-Smeltzer Trust in our community?

I moved to Fort Dodge in 1983 to start working for a new company just west of Fort Dodge. I spent many months in town before my wife and son were able to join me. Needless to say I spent many evenings looking at houses in town for a new home for us. I must have looked at sixty plus houses, but the one that caught my eye was in the Oak Hill Historic district. What I didn’t know at the time was that it was just across the alley from the Ringland-Smeltzer house. When we moved in the first week of August 1983, we met all our neighbors but one.The Tarbox family and Eide family were on either side of us, but Miss Smeltzer didn’t come into our lives until about two weeks after moving in. I was cutting out bushes and little trees that had grown up near the alley. Miss Smeltzer came out and wanted to know why I was cutting everything down. I explained I was removing the overgrown bushes to make more room for our son to play, and that we were planning to replace the bushes with new ones. That Christmas, Miss Smeltzer sent me two bushes to make sure I kept to my plan. She became a friend to my family at that time. We were invited into her house at Halloween when my son went trick or treating at her door.. Miss Smeltzer was kind to us all as long as she lived. I have always felt proud of the relationship we had. How did you become the caretaker to the RinglandSmeltzer house? Miss Smeltzer died in February 1999. When her will was read, I learned she had named me her executer. I spent many hours over the next three years working with attorneys and the courts. It was during this time when I learned about all the good things Miss Smeltzer had done during her life to help people and the Arts in Fort Dodge. She contributed major pieces of art to the Blanden Art Gallery, which sits on the land where her great grandparents lived. She helped many people in Fort Dodge to further their education in the Arts. Most people did not and still do not know of her kindnesses to adults and children throughout her life. When her will was finally confirmed in the courts, a trust was formed to continue to carry out her good works and support of the arts and her other areas of interest. A board was established to represent nine areas in which Miss Smeltzer had always been interested. Board members come from the Blanden Art Museum, Fort Dodge Public Library, Iowa Central Community College, Fort Dodge Community School District, Webster County Conservation Board, Webster County Extension Service, Fort Dodge Area Symphony, Fort Dodge Historic Foundation, and the Oak Hill Historic district. The nine organizations supply a member to serve a three year term on the Smeltzer board and the member can be reappointed for more terms. I represent the Oak Hill Historic District and have been on the board since it was established. I was elected the second president of the board and have served in that capacity ever since. My responsibility is to take care of the house and make it available to the public.
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