October 2011
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Laufersweiler & Sievers Funeral Home & Cremation Services 307 S. 12th St. • Fort Dodge, Iowa • 515-576-3156 •
LOOK WHO’S reading Jim & Ruth Reed
Pam Haldin
in Traverse City,
relaxing at Lake Okoboji with Twist and Shout!
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Murder in Black and White
Written and Directed by Sally Evans Webster City Community Theatre presents a one-act one comedy murder mystery with some music thrown in.
October 14 at 7:30 PM October 15 at 7:30 PM October 16 at 2:00 PM All reserved tickets $10 515-832-4456 4456 1001 Willson Avenue
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The Bridge club enjoyed a little light reading at Twin Lakes! Leslie Hade, Karrey Lindeberg, Martha Bice, Gretchen Enke, Joan Tibbitts, Lynne Gonner, Carole Stitt and Anne.
the Editor ) (From From the Editor
S ’ T A H W ! E D I S
INER 2011
e 10 0 • Issu Volume 2
presented by Iowa Central
Katie Averill writes this month about the silent ‘Acts of Kindness’; she and her family have experienced, (and continue to experience) since the loss of her daughter, Emily. Please read this truly poignant article, and note the beautiful photos taken by Emily Joy Averill. Ruby is pictured below in her ND blue and gold sweater, wishing all of you a great October and a safe Halloween!
The Webster City Community Theatre will present ‘Murder in Black and White’, the weekend of October 14th. The show ‘takes place’ in 1946; and is a original comedy/mystery. Sounds like a winner to Twist & Shout.
Murder in B&W 10 10
Stella’s Stories
through their silver years!
he sure did sell tickets!
The Fort Dodge Public School Foundation will hold their annual Fall Fundraiser on Saturday, October 29th at the Best Western Starlite. There will be great food, a super silent auction, and all money raised goes to support the Fort Dodge Public Schools.
The Fort Dodge Area Symphony will begin it’s 2011-12 season on Sunday, October 16th with guest pianist Michelle Havlik-Jergens. This year’s season promises to be better than ever with guest conductors along with Fort Dodge area natives performing at each concert.
Webster City Co. Theatre
A Look Back
During the weekend of October 27th and 28th, you can enjoy ‘Spotlight on the Stars’, Iowa Central’s tenth annual production involving all the different music departments. Encore singers will perform music by groups such as Van Halen and Smash Mouth, with the Concert Choir singing ‘Who Are The Brave’. Read more inside, and make plans now to attend!
Hawkeye Community Theater will present the comedy/thriller ‘When the Reaper Calls” the weekend of October 16th. This ‘perfect for Halloween’ show has a plot that is guaranteed to keep audiences laughing and mystified as they sit on the edge of their seats.
Iowa Central Community College is also hosting the Third annual Central Iowa Holiday Food and Beverage Expo on Saturday, October 29th. This is a culinary competition among local area high schools, and offers scholarship for the winning teams.
TWIST & SHOUT 723 central avenue, fort dodge, iowa 50501 fax 515-574-4510 phone 515-576-0250
MANAGING EDITOR: anne kersten LAYOUT AND DESIGN: nick manwarren SALES: mary sherman
A Boomer’s Story the best of the singer songwriters part 2
COVER PHOTO: Iowa Central
Twist & Shout is published monthly by Ogden Newspapers, Inc. All content and opinions expressed may not be those of the publishers.
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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: tom tourville bill mcintyre sarah estlund angela trevino katie averill
jennifer schertz
*All photos submitted to Twist & Shout become property of Twist & Shout. We are not responsible for their return.
Member of Greater Fort Dodge Area Chamber of Commerce •
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Spotlight on the Stars
presented by Iowa Central
hings are happening out at Iowa Central this month. First, there’s their annual ‘Fall Play’, which is called ‘Maybe Baby, It’s You!” running the weekend of October 13th through the 15th. This comedy by Charlie Shanian is about the search for a soul mate. The audience will enjoy a series of sketches showing a lifetime of relationships from a first kiss to the sometimes notso-golden years of marriage.
Maybe Baby, it’s you
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DISTRIBUTION: pam haldin
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Spotlight on the Stars
We’ve Got Halloween Covered!
5 • A D U LT S
Tickets on sale at the Iowa Central Bookstore and at the door. Call Sharon McNeil at 515-574-1080 ext. 2040 to reserve your tickets.
125 North 27th Street, Fort Dodge, Iowa • 515-576-6745 Monday-Friday • 9:30am-5:30pm • Saturday • 10am-4pm Maxine’s Coffee Drive Thru: Monday - Friday 7-5 • Saturday 8-4
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Bennett and Diane O'Connor read Twist & Shout in Austin, Texas with Denise Dach & Steve Kersten.
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s ’ t i , y b a B e Mayb
YOU! “
he Iowa Central theatre department’s fall play will be Maybe Baby, It’s You, a comedy by Charlie Shanian and Shari Simpson about the search for a soul mate. The production takes the audience through a series of sketches that shows a lifetime of relationships from first kiss through the not-always-so-golden years of marriage. Maybe Baby, It’s You, will begin its run in
just like with any Iowa Central Production, the entire night will be a Unique Experience from beginning to end.
the Decker Auditorium on Thursday, Oct. 13 and run through Saturday, Oct. 15. All shows begin at 7:00 p.m.
“It’s such a unique show—wacky, quirky, genuine, silly, heartfelt—you name it, this show has it, and it all revolves around the search for love,” said Iowa Central Director of Theatre Teresa Jackson. “What excited me most about the script was the chance to showcase the true range of talent we always have here in our Iowa Central student body.” The play is an unconventional scene-toscene journey as it features 11 separate scenes, or vignettes, that show the audience a different scenario in the search for lasting love. For example, one vignette is set in a junior high classroom where starcrossed nerds make a connection; in another, a bride and groom exchange unusual wedding vows; in still another, a mild-mannered Midwesterner’s blind date turns out to be a Greek goddess bent on vengeance against all men. Three vignettes revolve around one gorgeous, charm-
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ing brain surgeon who is always "Mr. Wrong" due to his penchant for spastic, arrhythmic club dancing. Perhaps one of the most touching scenes showcases an elderly divorced couple who entertain the possibility of reconciliation at their grandson's soccer game. “While the show can literally be staged with just one man and one woman portraying every role, the playwrights also offer the opportunity to expand the cast size,” said Jackson. “One of the features I also loved about the script was that the authors connected the scenes with interviews from people on the street answering questions about what they thought of love, marriage, dating and relationships. They encourage directors to be creative in their use of music, projections and original interviews with each production to make it more unique for each time and locale. That’s exactly what we are doing.” Just like with any Iowa Central production, the entire night will be a unique experience from beginning to end. From the moment play-goers enter the Decker Auditorium, they will be transported into a wedding reception-type atmosphere. According to Jackson, “the production will have the feel of a wedding complete with brides, grooms, flower girls, receptions, even wedding cake if we can pull it off!” “Our preshow will feature a power point presentation of many wedding photos that faculty, staff and community members have been willing to share! To blend the arts even more, we are including vocal soloists and dancers from the dance team and Team Unique to help us segue in and out of the love stories unfolding in the play. Finally, we will be inviting audience participation at times, and incorporating the talents of our Improvisational Acting Coach, Robin Corsberg, as well as including the presence of a live DJ.” Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for students. They can be purchased in the Iowa Central Bookstore or online in advance as well as at the door. “This will be what I label a ‘feel good’ show,” said Jackson. “One that leaves audiences smiling, laughing, talking, dancing, reminiscing—just happy to be alive and sharing these moments together.”
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T H G I L T O S P N THE S T A R S O T he Iowa Central Community College Performing Arts Department is hosting its tenth Annual Spotlight on The Stars this fall. The program will begin on Thursday, October 27 and run through Friday, October 28. Thursday’s show will be at 1:00 .m. and Friday’s show will begin at 7:00 p.m. Both shows will be in Decker Auditorium on the Fort Dodge campus of Iowa Central. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. They can be purchased at the Iowa Central Bookstore, online, or at the door. The collaborative effort between the concert band, jazz band, brass ensemble, percussion ensemble, concert choir, encore signers, vocal jazz ensemble and dance will be covering a wide array of musical categories for the tenth annual event. The Encore Singers will dance and sing to the tunes made popular by such groups as Van Halen, Styx, the Monkees and Smash Mouth. Iowa Central’s newlyhired Director of Dance, Cassidy O’Brion, serves as choreographer for this ensemble. The Concert Choir will be performing the tunes, Africa, The World of Our Dreams and Who Are the Brave in acknowledgment of each individual’s role in the global world. Vocal Jazz will present several selections including Danny Boy (giving an early nod to this year’s Focus country, Ireland) and the beautiful ballad, When I Fall in Love. The Percussion Ensemble is a new group that started this fall under the direction of adjunct percussion instructor, Jeremy Smith. This group has added a new level of energy at the home football games and is guaranteed to excite and entertain the audience at Spotlight.
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The Jazz Band will present a variety of jazz standards as well as tie into international flavor of this concert with the music of Irving Berlin, George Gershwin, and tenor saxophonist, Sonny Rollin’s tune, St. Thomas. The Brass Ensemble will perform a tribute to the nation of Japan in recognition of the tsunami that devastated the country with an inspiring and powerful song called, Song for Japan. The Concert Band will select their program from the following: Buenaventura, Pursuit, Heartstrings, or In the Presence of Heroes. All of which have a motivational quality that will leave the audience wanting more. “This is the show that will highlight all the different areas of the performing arts on our campus,” said Iowa Central’s Director of Choral Activities, Kathleen Schrier. “If you haven't had the opportunity to see all that we have here, don't miss the chance to witness first-hand the incredible talent of our students. Iowa Central students always come away from our shows saying they didn't realize the guy or gal who sits next to them in their math class or science lab had the talent (and the nerve) to get up on stage and strut about for all to see. They're genuinely quite amazed.” In addition to this year’s musical offerings, the Iowa Central Foundation, under the direction of Laurie Hendricks, will serve refreshment during the intermission with desserts compliment of Chef Michael Hirst and the Iowa Central Culinary Students. Spotlight on the Stars is Iowa Central Community College’s annual fall concert that spotlights the talents of students enrolled in the Iowa Central Performing Arts and Fine Arts programs. The Spotlight concert actually began in 2001 as a major funding raising effort of the College Foundation. Hollie Harbaugh, then acting Director of the Foundation, proposed a USO show be held at the Laramar Ballroom in Fort Dodge with music provided by the bands and choirs. Tickets for the event were $25.00 per person and the evening was filled with music and memorabilia of WWII. It proved quite successful and the next year found the musicians back at the Laramar with a new show theme - Broadway. It, too, was a fun-filled show and proved to be quite popular.
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First Place: Carolyn Jensen Maschino
Second Place: JoAnn Hoft "I like that Lady Gaga. Now there’s a gal that knows fashion!” Third Place: Shawn George “Charlie Scheen take note. You call your position winning this is WINNING!”
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or email us at
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(theatre) Webster City Community Theatre To present
Murder in Black and White he Webster City Community Theatre will present ‘Murder in Black and White’ on October 14th and 15th at 7:30 pm, and on October 16th at 2:00 pm. The production will be held at the Community Theater located at 1001 Willson Ave, Webster City.
this is an exciting show because it is written and directed by Webster City’s own Sally Evans.
‘Murder in Black and White’ is an original comedy/mystery written and directed by Sally Evans. The play takes place in 1946 and makes use of two media elements popular at that time, the detective/crime drama and live radio. Loween Getter, a member of the Webster City Theatre group, said this play is particularly exciting because it was written and is being directed by Sally Evans, who has been active for many years and serves on our board of directors. “She originally wrote it for the South Hamilton Education Foundation’s dinner theatre fund raiser, and it is her third play.” Getter went on to say that the audience will not ‘listen to the story’ but watch the action onstage in the office of Sam Spud, Private Eye. “The story is sprinkled with live commercials from the KEEN radio station singers, also onstage.” Getter said it’s the ‘typical’ plot. A rich man dies. His wife, worried she’s the prime suspect, comes to a private eye for help. Throw in some cops, gangsters, a gangster’s girlfriend, a foggy night, an unusual murder weapon, a limp, a live version of some ads actually aired in the 1940’s, and a fun night will be had by all, promises Getter. Getter added that the audience will have fun trying to guess ‘whodonit’….And not to forget your fedora! All tickets are reserved and will go on sale October 8 for $10 each. Call 515- 832-4456 , or go online at, or stop by the box office weeknights from 5 to 7:00 pm, Saturdays from 10:00 am to noon, or one hour prior to curtain.
thecast: Kevin Sharp as Sam Spud Jordan LeClere as Jimmy Owens, (Making his WCCT debut) Pet Neumeister as Karl Muldoon Dan Ryherd as Shamus Paul Wagner as Lefty Lenny Rico Don Zompa as Shorty Pet Zambino Kayleen Kehoe as Loretta Luscious Abby Sturtevant as Rosie O’Grady Pr. Stephen Bibb as Hal Jones (Making his WCCT debut) Mary Sealine, Rosine Kennedy , Joe Lambert Sr and Tim Valley as the KEEN Singers.
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(concert )
Fort Dodge Area
Symphony He is past president of both the Iowa Bandmasters Association and the American School Band Directors Association. He is a founding member of the American School Band Directors Association Foundation and has served as chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. The Fort Dodge Area Symphony Season will continue their 2011-12 season with Concerts on December 4th; March 4th and April 22nd. Mark your calendars for these fun dates!
Guest Pianist
Havlik-Jergens also reguMichelle Havlik-Jergens larly appears with students and faculty at Drake University, where she is on staff as a Collaborative Artist. A student of Chiu-Ling Lin, she earned a Bachelor of Music Degree in piano pedagogy from Drake. She was a 1987 Symphony Young Artist winner, a soloist with Drake and Wartburg, and twice won the top Keyboard Artist Award in Iowa.
Symphony Board member Ardella Hein, and also a member of the Symphony , said the Board is busy with their membership Drive, and encourages people to join. For more information, or to buy a membership, call Hein at 573-4224; Memberships are $35 per year for one adult, and $60 per year for a family membership.
She has entertained aboard Norwegian Cruise Lines and collaborated with the Des Moines Ballet, Palm Beach Symphonette, Center Stage Players and Poinciana Playhouse. Guest Conductor for the concert is Ross Leeper. He previously
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She is the pianist for the Fort Dodge Choral Society and also for two local churches. Michelle maintains an active schedule as a coach, clinician and recitalist.
Who: PRIMUS What: ROCK Album: Green Naugahyde
Who: PIXIES What: ALT ROCK Album: Bossanova •
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The first concert will be held on Sunday, October 16th, at 3:00 pm, at Phillips Middle School auditorium. Guest Pianist for the concert is Michelle HavlikJergens. She will be performing Rachmaninoff’s Concerto in C minor, Mvt.
served as conductor from 1978-1985. Following his tenure as band director of the Eagle Grove Middle School, Leeper moved to Indianola to become Director of Bands at Simpson College, He continues to live in Indianola and is currently high school band director in Knoxville.
s… re su a re T r u O e om H e m Welco
he Fort Dodge Area Symphony is excited to announce the schedule for the 2011-2012 season; entitled ‘Welcome Home Our Treasures”. Each concert will feature a Fort Dodge area native showcasing their particular musical talents. This season will also be a showcase of guest conductors.
Here is a little taste of what the design staff at Twist and Shout is listening to this month...
Presents 2011 Concert Season!
Hear This!
Tickets on sale at the Iowa Central Bookstore and at the door. Call Sharon McNeil at 515-574-1080 ext. 2040 to reserve your tickets.
Tea Thyme and Thyme to Shop Open House & Ribbon Cutting October 6th
And A nd o our ur w wonder o nd e r fful u l ffood ood iiss sstill t i l l the t he same! s a me !
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New N e w Fall Fa l l Fashions! Fa s h i o n s !
( theater ) Hawkeye Community Theatre Presents
When the Reaper Calls October 16th - 22nd
awkeye Community Theatre presents the comedy/thriller production of “When the Reaper Calls”, the week of October 16th, opening with a matinee, and continuing through the week at 7:30 pm each evening.
Those who have had the experience of Colley’s earlier play will soon realize that the author is up to his usual tricks and yet again, has concocted a plot that is guaranteed to keep audiences laughing and mystified on the edge of their seats.
When the Reaper Calls” is a comic thriller about two young philosophy professors who are rivals over the question: ‘Is there life after death” and how it affects the way you should lead your life. Their rivalry results in infidelity, murder and lots of laughs.
When the Reaper Calls was written by Peter Colley and produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. NY.
This is a new addition to the works of Canadian playwright whose earlier play ‘I’ll Be Back Before Midnight” has won him great popularity on both sides of the Atlantic. It is refreshing to find a work where the playwright lives up to his promise to bring that amalgam of mystery and often hysterical comedy to fulfill the promise of the play’s title.
CR OW SH ern orth In N
SATURDAY October 22 • 2011 9am-4pm
Admission $300 (includes all locations)
Kids 12 & Under
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HWY 18
HWY . 169
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Bring this ad to show for $1.00 OFF One Admission •
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Tickets are $15 for the show and may be purchased at the door. For more information, contact HCT at 5766061 or on the web at
( food )
he Iowa Central Community College Culinary Arts’ students, along with Chef Michael Hirst, Chef Cory Dawson, and Master Baker Tom Pritchard will host the Third Annual Central Iowa Holiday Food and Beverage Expo on Saturday, October 29th from 11AM – 4PM in the Career Education Building Gymnasium on the Fort Dodge campus. Each year several different vendors have set up and various activities have taken place throughout the day. This year a culinary competition among our local area high schools is planned with scholarships available for the winning teams. The Central Iowa Food and Beverage Expo started three years ago as a way to showcase Iowa’s food and beverage industry, and has been attended by well over 2,000 people since its inception. The idea was to allow food and beverage establishments to set up a booth at no cost to the vendor and allow attendees to sample some of their products. The time of year was chosen so that the businesses could take orders for the holiday season. Students in the Culinary program sell tickets to earn their way to Chicago to attend one of the largest culinary extravaganzas in the country. All net proceeds from the ticket sales go directly back into the program for that trip. The culinary arts program opened its doors in 2007 when Chef Michael Hirst decided to cross the Atlantic and settle in Iowa with 25 years of experience in the culinary and restaurant business. Chef Michael brings an international flair and expertise to the students, along with his experience with Royalty, Hollywood film stars, Presidents, and many sporting legends. Iowa
Central started with a mere 8 students in the first year of the program and has grown to 80 students at the start of its fifth year this fall. Because of the exponential growth, Chef Cory Dawson, who graduated from DMACC Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management in 2000, was hired in 2010 to teach and assist with the program at Iowa Central. Cory brings 17 years of culinary experience to the table.
Central Iowa started with a mere 8 students in the first year of the program and has grown to 80 students at the start of its fifth year this fall.
Master Baker Tom Pritchard started sharing his passion for baking with Iowa Central students in the spring of 2008. He has over 40 years of baking experience in the industry, acquiring his Master Baker status in 1992. Master Baker Pritchard worked at two of Fort Dodge’s largest grocery stores, Randalls for 30 years and Hy-Vee for 11 years. He was honored by the Upper Midwest Bakery Association by being inducted into the Baker’s Hall of Fame.
Ticket sales are going on right now. If you want to be a vendor at the expo or to purchase tickets to attend the event, contact Sue Heistand at 515-574-1292 or 1-800-362-3793, ext. 1292. Tickets are $10/person with children 12 and under attending free.
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( event )
fter breaking box office records and selling out in record time in 2009, WICKED, Broadway’s biggest blockbuster, will return to the Civic Center of Greater Des Moines Wednesday, November 9 to Sunday, December 4. Tickets for the return engagement go on sale Saturday, August 20. Based on the best-selling 1995 novel by Gregory Maguire, WICKED, winner of 35 major awards, including a Grammy® and three Tony® Awards, is the untold story of the witches of Oz. It is produced by Marc Platt, Universal Pictures, The Araca Group, Jon B. Platt and David Stone. “No other show in our 32 year history has generated as much excitement and anticipation as WICKED.” Long before Dorothy drops in, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. One – born with emerald-green skin – is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. WICKED tells the story of their remarkable odyssey, and how these two unlikely friends grow to become the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good.
WICKED features set design by Tony® Award winner Eugene Lee (Ragtime, Show Boat, Candide, Sweeney Todd), costume design by Tony® winner Susan Hilferty (Into the Woods, Assassins), lighting design by Tony® nominee Kenneth Posner (The Coast of Utopia, Hairspray) and sound design by Tony Meola (The Lion King). Stephen Oremus is the show’s musical director. Orchestrations are by William David Brohn, with dance arrangements by James Lynn Abbott. Grammy Award-Winning Cast recording available on Decca Broadway.
no other show in our 32 year history has generated as much excitement and anticipation as wicked
WICKED has “cast quite a spell” (Washington Post) throughout North America, breaking box office records in every city that it has played, including Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Philadelphia and Boston to name a few.
moreinfo : For more information about WICKED log on to w w w . t w i s t a n d s h o u t . n e t
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Called “a cultural phenomenon” by Variety and named “the defining musical of the decade” by The New York Times, WICKED continues to thrill audiences around the world. There are currently seven productions of WICKED worldwide, including two North American tours, a Broadway production, London production, a Japanese-language production, a German-language production and Australian production. A Dutch-language production of WICKED will open in 2011.
( news )
BROWN BAG BRIEFINGS begins Now that fall is here, it's time once again for the Friends of the Library's Brown Bag Briefings Programs.
All the programs are presented in the meeting room at the Library from noon to 1:00 pm each Thursday in the month of October. The presentations are free to the public and everyone is encouraged to come, learn and be entertained. Coffee and juice are provided, and guests are encouraged to bring their lunch, thus the title 'Brown Bag' program.
Rachelle H. Riki Saltzman, Ph. D. is the Folklife coordinator for the Iowa Arts council Department of Cultural Affairs. She will tell us about her job
Amber Kastler, RD, LD, who is the HyVee Registered Dietitian. her pro-
gram, "Nutrition in a Nutshell, how to lead a Healthy lifestyle". She will lead
as the state folklorist. She will discuss a recent state-wide survey she has been involved in of Iowa's folk traditions and artists; as well as the work of Iowa multicultural and diversity issues. "Folk and Traditions Arts and Artists in North Central Iowa".
Professor John Liepa, who is an Emeritus professor of History and Political Science and a co-director of the Iowa Studies Center. he is also an expert on iowa Baseball. He will have a baseball and memorabiolia display an hour before and after he discuss "Iowans and the Major Leagues and How Baseball Came to Iowa". He will talk about the Myths on the Origins of Baseball, How the early game evolved and about major league players from the Fort Dodge area.
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the guests into a healthy lifestyle and give tips and tricks to make healthy choices easier. She will teach how to read those tricky labels and how to use the information on the labels.
october27th Roy Behrens, who is a Professor of Art and a Distinguished Scholar, form the University of Northern Iowa. He will introduce "Grant Wood and Frank Lloyd wright: Little Houses on the Prarie", who are both historical artists, that relied on the same design principals regardless of whether the final result was a building, a painting, a stained glass window or a chair. he will compare their personalities and work in Iowa.
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(Stella’s Stories )
his month’s column is very personal to me as the health issues I discuss have affected both of my dogs recently. The first, urinary incontinence, has plagued Stella for a few years but recently was medically diagnosed. The second, harnesses v. collars, came about from a recent trip to the emergency vet with Max, my Australian Shepherd mix.
vet. After a urinalysis and x-rays (to rule out bladder stones) the vet determined she had crystals in her urine which indicated an underlying issue – an infection. We treated her with antibiotics and Proin, (commonly used in the treatment of urinary incontinence) for about a month, and she no longer has incontinence spells.
Urinary Incontinence Defined as “the involuntary passing of urine”, urinary incontinence, as discussed in last month’s column, can affect senior dogs. It can also affect every other dog, - Stella, approximate age five years, included. Apart from age, other causes or urinary incontinence can be:
For more information on urinary incontinence: Harness v. Collar Recently, I came home from work to a normal jumping, wagging, licking, happy Stella but a very abnormal Max standing across the room shaking and whining with his head down to the ground. He winced and cried when petted and was stiff yet shaking, and panting heavily (a sign of pain in dogs). I raced him to the emergency vet (it was going on 6 p.m.). Upon initial consultation the vet tech said, “It looks like it’s his neck.” When hearing this, I felt sick…
Birth defects Some, but very few, puppies are born with an ectopic ureter. The ureter carries urine from the kidney to the bladder and a defective ureter can cause the urine to bypass the bladder, thus causing urinary incontinence. This birth defect is more common in females and is more common in the following breeds: Siberian Huskies, Miniature Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, Collies, Welsh Corgis, Wire Fox Terriers and West Highland White Terriers.
Brain/spinal cord injuries Certain parts of the brain and spinal cord are responsible for managing bladder control therefore, if something is wrong in either of these organs, urinary incontinence may result. However, there are usually other symptoms of a nervous system disorder. Urinary incontinence due to hormone-response Hormone-responsive incontinence is most common in spayed females (although this type only affects 1% of spayed females) and causes the dog to leak urine while resting.
& Stella
I walk Stella and Max every morning, every evening and every night before bed. The two dogs outweigh me by a good 25 pounds. That particular morning I felt unusually impatient and the dogs unusually persistent. I gave Max several corrective ‘yanks’ with his leash. Upon hearing the vet tech say she thought his neck was injured, I felt responsible.
Partial blockage of urethra A stone or tumor blocking the urethra can cause urinary incontinence. In some cases, if the urethra is totally blocked and urine is blocked inside the dog, death can result. An x-ray can determine the presence of a stone or tumor. Bladder infections While not technically “true” incontinence, a bladder infection may cause temporary involuntary urination.
By Sarah Estlund
What followed was a series of x-rays, a night at the emergency vet, a consult with a neurologist, a worse-case scenario of potential $3,000-$4,000 surgery and finally, a call from the neurologist that Max had a sprained neck and would be just fine with a five-day regime of anti-inflammatory and pain meds. The vet said my corrective yank most certainly was not the cause of Max’s sprained neck however, could have exacerbated an already painful one. Upon leaving the emergency vet, I bought a harness for both Max and Stella. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me sooner but I urge everyone to consider a harness in place of a leash. The dogs are more easily managed, more comfortable and there is less risk of injury to their necks. The harness fits around their shoulders and under their front legs, controlling the dog’s whole body, not just his neck.
Stella had a few incidences of urinary incontinence over the past few years. Recently, we had a pretty bad day so I gave in and took her to the
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uring the late 1950's and early 1960's, it was not uncommon to see true rock artists, leave their rock careers behind and cross over to become a tried and true country artist. When you think of Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, and Sonny James to mention just a few, you can see the trend. The same could be said for country artists who crossed over into rock for a short period and trying their hand at rock and roll and get their records on the rock charts. Such was the case of country great, Bobby Bare.
Bare followed “Detroit City” up with another big seller, in the form of “500 Miles From Home/It All Depends On Linda” (RCA 8238) in 1964. RCA was still hoping he could be a rock and country cross over artist.
While RCA was trying to create Bare as a cross over artist, he was getting r e p e a t e d Grammy nominations for his recordings and songs written, all in the country category.
The Warner Brothers were one of Chicago’s best rock acts and were without question the act of choice if an artist wanted to tour the Midwest ballroom circuit. The reason, to support or to promote a record and make a mark for themselves in the world of rock music.
Because of these recognitions, RCA left rock music behind, and kept Bare in country. By the late 60's he moved on to Mercury Records and immediately had a #3 country hit with “How I Got To Memphis” (Mercury 256).
Bare was such an artist. He had a major rock hit with this classic “Detroit City/Heart Of Ice” (RCA Records 8183) that was released in 1963.
By 1973 he went back to RCA Records. In 1974, he went back to #1 on the country charts with “Marie Laveau/The Mermaid” (RCA 0261) When one looks at the history of country and early rock, there is no question the important role that Bobby Bare played in the creating of the two different music genres. Bobby did not make repeat appearances in Fort Dodge, but there is little question, when he was on tour in support of “Detroit City”, Fort Dodge got one of his most important rock and roll appearances.
Bare was born in Charleston, West Virginia in 1935. After graduating from high school, he tried his hand in the music business, not as an entertainer, but as a song writer. In 1959, Bare was drafted into the Army, but he gave his friend, Bill Parsons a song that Bare had written called “All American Boy/Rubber Dolly” (Fraternity Records 835). The song went to #2 on Billboard’s charts for Parsons. It quickly established Bare as an ace song writer.
Until Next Month Take Care & Remember The Music
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from page 7B The Pulse
SUDOKU answers
Bare was touring the Midwest to help sell “Detroit City” and help move it further up the rock charts with live appearances.
By Tom Tourville
When Bobby appeared with Chicago’s Warner Brothers at the Laramar Ballroom in November of 1963, there was no question, he was there to try his hand at rock and roll.
In 1962, after Bare got out of the Army, he was signed to RCA Records as a song writer and a recording artist. In 1963 his “Detroit City”, went to the top ten on Billboard. It was at this time RCA wanted Bare to try his hand as a rock artist while keeping his feet firmly planted in country music.
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(Acts of Kindness)SILENT KINDNESS M
y Mom died in October of 2004. I felt like I was searching for her presence in everything I saw and did in those months after her death. It was then that I was keenly aware of the goodness of people. I was standing in line at the post office one day when a man in front of me paid for a woman’s box that was being sent to her husband in Iraq. The kindness of this stranger moved me to tell the story of kindness and encourage others to take action to make our community a better place. I remember picking my three children, Megan, Emily and Jimmy up from school that day. Their eyes gleamed as I re-told the story. We brainstormed on ways we could help and show kindness. The kids decorated boxes for display at the post office to collect money to help the cause. It wasn’t the money we collected but the lesson we learned about the kindness of strangers that impacted my children and me. I called Anne Kersten and asked if I could write a story for Twist and Shout called Acts of Kindness. Eighty some articles later, here I am---accepting the kindness of strangers.
know me.” He continued, “Yes, but we know what happened to your daughter and that you need our prayers. You have been on our hearts and we will pray for you.” I woke up and wondered if that really happened. It felt so real. I could feel, smell and touch the moment. It gave me a warmth in my heart and for a moment, I didn’t feel alone in my grief and sorrow. I have never contemplated silent kindness before. The giving of caring thoughts and prayers is a true act of kindness. To do this genuinely is to know that you’ll never be thanked or recognized for this action. I have felt this kindness through the power of God. I know it is real. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayer for my family. Continue to pray and send positive thoughts to people in need and people you love. Practice silent kindness.
By Katie Averill
My daughter Emily was tragically killed in a car accident on June 19. From the first moment of the news, we had kindness and compassion shown to us from strangers and our friends and family. The outpouring of love and empathy has been overwhelming and has literally held us up in this devastating time. I have thousands of stories of kindness to fill these pages. I want to write them all down but I feel paralyzed on where to begin. However, here I sit with my fingers on the keyboard. This is the beginning.
I had a dream about 2 weeks after her death. It was very vivid. Emily and her friend were walking ahead of me and entered a convenience store. I was compelled to go to another building next door. It seemed to be a community center of sorts in a small town in Iowa. It was a red brick, one story structure. I could see a green corn field behind the buildings. As I entered I was greeted by three people. There was a man in his thirties with strawberry blonde, short, military style hair. He was wearing a denim blue colored uniform. There was a woman who was middle aged, dark haired, dark skinned and she wore a small print patterned dress with mauve and blue flowers. A third woman was present. She was quite elderly with white hair and wore a pink sweater. None of these people were familiar. I greeted the three who were standing and waiting for me. I said “I’m sorry; I do not know why I am here.” The military man said “We have a message for you.” He touched my hand. “We are praying for you.” I felt confused and said, “But you don’t
photos by Emily Joy Av erill
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One aspect of the kindness has been an incredible and mysterious revolution to me. That is the silent kindness. I know that this terrible loss has affected so many people. After all, Emily was quite incredible. There have been prayer chains, Facebook messages and posts, cards and letters from all across the country and next door. Would you believe me if I said I can feel it? Something in my broken heart feels a little stronger. Somehow I make it to the next minute.
(A Boomer’s Story) L
ast time in this space we started a discussion about the great singer songwriters of the Golden Era of pop music, ergo the Boomer generation formative years of 1963-75.
him as a force, like the Eagles, with the same kind of slick, radio friendly soft California country rock, that has worked very well for him and even better for the Eagles.
We have to concede without much debate that Bob Dylan is the finest cross generational wordsmith in all of music. Some didn't think he could sing, but in truth Dylan sang just as he needed to sing to add impact to his endless supply of rhymes. Early on Dylan was a Woody Guthrie-influenced folk poet of the people. When he shifted gears to electric music in 1965 his songwriting was sturdier than ever. Though Dylan wrote during tempestuous times in this country and sometimes took on civil rights issues in his music, he was rarely outwardly critical of anybody or anything. Dylan had a way of making us take nonsense seriously. We thought we knew what his songs meant, but probably not. He knew how to stay on the safe side of protest, unlike some other members of his singer songwriter brotherhood, namely Phil Ochs, another artist on this list. I didn't like every song Bob Dylan wrote in the 60s and 70s, and sometimes his epic rambling ballads (Desolation Row, Stuck Inside of Mobile..., etc.) seemed as if they'd never end. Still, nobody could construct a song and sing it like Dylan—period.
12. Willie Nelson—Actually Willie Nelson could be higher on this list, but the odd thing about Willie is that he wrote lots of great songs before anybody outside of Texas had heard of him. In the 60s Willie was a shorthaired, suit and tie wearing Nashville wannabe with a briefcase full of great songs (Half a Man, Hello Walls, and more). When Music City ignored him, the long-haired Willie showed up in 1973 with a bad attitude, a rock and roll band, a smoky tour bus and more good songs. The Red Headed Stranger was born and Willie at 77 is still going strong today. I have a vinyl copy of a 1965 album by Willie doing a live show at the famed Panther Hall in Fort Worth, Tex. It's a real beauty. Willie looks like Perry Como, but he and his three-piece band rip off some great early tunes like Night Life and Opportunity to Cry.
So then, last time, we listed in order as our top 10 (behind Dylan) Paul Simon, John Prine, Gene Clark, Neil Young, Richard Thompson, Van Morrison, Merle Haggard, Steve Goodman, Kris Kristofferson, and James Taylor. Every one of those artists has written decades worth of terrific songs and all except Clark and Goodman are still living. As promised we will give you the second 10 this time with the added bonus of an honorable mention list. Remember, a singer songwriter must be an artist that writes the bulk of his/her own material and performs under his/her name, either solo or with a backup band. 11. Jackson Browne—Jackson Browne's career parallels that of the Eagles. He was a Southern California singer songwriter that ran in the same crowd, was an Asylum Records label mate of the Eagles and they had a huge hit with one of his songs (Take It Easy) on their first album. Browne’s first album, the one with Doctor My Eyes, established
13. Jimmy Buffett—We did an entire piece on Jimmy Buffett a while back, so suffice to say that he’s as successful a singer songwriter as anybody who’s ever picked up a pen and a guitar. 14. Phil Ochs—Talented, troubled, and eventually ostracized by nearly everyone, Phil Ochs was the sharpest musical critic of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He didn't start out that way. In fact he was a journalism student at Ohio State University before his songwriting career began. Somewhere along the way Ochs' protest music took on a darker and darker tone. Compared to Dylan early on, he took on a far more subversive style that got him banned from the radio and blacklisted by just about every other media entity. When he wasn't pushing his politics on you, which wasn't very often, he could be very good. His 1969 album entitled Greatest Hits (of course he had none) is full of really good songs that don't have anything to do with his political views. Phil Ochs died broke and alone in 1976,
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which is a shame because had he chosen a different path, might have been among the very best of his generation. 15. Jesse Winchester—I’d like to put Jesse Winchester higher on this list. His eponymous debut album from 1971 is still one of my favorite records. He’s had a nice career, but it likely would have been better had he not moved from his native Memphis area to Canada to avoid the military draft in 1967. Winchester wrote songs and made records while living north of the border and even collaborated with members of The Band, but since he couldn’t tour in the U.S. to support his albums, they had limited success. That didn’t stop plenty of other folk rock and country rock artists from recording his songs. 16. Guy Clark—We could do an entire list of just Texas singer songwriters. Guy Clark emerged from the same early 70s Austin scene as Jerry Jeff Walker, Michael Murphey, and Willis Alan Ramsey. Clark has endured better than most. His first album, Old No. 1, includes two of his greatest songs, L.A. Freeway and Desperadoes Waiting for a Train. 17. Gordon Lightfoot—Wellrespected Canadian singer songwriter, Gordon Lightfoot wrote some of the most recognizable songs of the 70s (Sundown, Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, If You Could Read My Mind) but had written big songs for others (Ribbon of Darkness went No. 1 for country singer Marty Robbins in 1965) before putting together his own folk rock band. His distinctive voice and plaintive songs have gained him international fame.
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By Bill McIntyre
19. Townes Van Zandt—There are those (mostly other artists) who believe that the late Townes Van Zandt is the greatest of all of the Texas singer songwriters. I'm not one of them, but he was very good. As great as he was, his albums never sold, and most of his performances were held in front of small crowds in little Texas bars. Van Zandt didn't care. He came from money and didn't like attention. Like some of the tragic literary figures of the past (think Dylan Thomas) Van Zandt was a sad and lonely figure, but a brilliant writer and a good singer, whose time just never came. It was another Texan, Steve Earle, who once said, ``Townes
Van Zandt is the best songwriter in the whole world and I’ll stand on Bob Dylan’s coffee table in my cowboy boots and say that.’’ Somewhat overstated perhaps, but testimony to the respect Van Zandt generated among his songwriter brethren. 20. John Denver—Say what you will about John Denver, and I was never a big fan, but with Take Me Home Country Roads, Rocky Mountain High and Thank God I’m a Country Boy, the guy wrote some real anthems of the period. Before he was making hit songs of his own he wrote Leavin’ on a Jet Plane for Peter, Paul and Mary.
Best of the rest in no particular order— Eric Andersen, Stephen Stills, Gram Parsons, John Sebastian, Arlo Guthrie, Jonathan Edwards, Tim Hardin, Kinky Friedman, Paul Siebel, John Hartford, Steve Young, J.J. Cale, Donovan, Dan Fogelberg, Jerry Jeff Walker, Billy Joe Shaver, Michael Murphey (before he became known as Michael Martin Murphey), Willis Alan Ramsey, Otis Redding, Carole King, Jim Croce, Tom Waits, Loudon Wainwright, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, James Talley.
October 29 at the Starlite Best Western 6:00 - midnight Tickets are $25 per person, which includes the dinner, dessert table and limited draft beverages and soda. Tickets can be reserved by calling 576-7505, or you can contact one of those people on the committee. Some of the committee members are; Kraig Barber, Nick Cochrane, Tracy Hartley, Tena Hovey, Jessica Knox, Darcy Lee, Eric all proceeds raised Pratt, Juli Springer, Matt go toward the Wagner or Nic Moser.
The Fort Dodge Community School District will hold their 11th annual fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 29th at the Best Western Starlite. The event will begin at 6:00 pm, with a buffet dinner, silent and live auctions, raffle prizes, (including a new car or $10,000 in cash) fun new games and lots of dancing. All proceeds raised with go to support the Fort Dodge public schools.
18. Joni Mitchell—A terrific singer songwriter, some of her songs like Both Sides Now and Woodstock, are as definitive of their place and time as any songs written in the period. Mitchell was always a chance taker. Folk and jazzy at the same time, her songs were covered by the Byrds, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Fairport Convention, Judy Collins, and other folk rock heavyweights of the period. One of my favorite YouTube performances is of Richard Thompson performing Woodstock in front of Joni Mitchell at the Joni Mitchell Tribute show.
School Foundation Dance
fort dodge
Narber said that as a “Dodger”, she is proud to serve as president of the foundation board, and is excited about the upcoming event. “The funds raised go back into the district to enrich the educational experience for our youth.”
public schools
President of the Foundation is Holly Narber, who said the Foundation exists to support projects and items in the district that fall outside the budget. “The community’s support is greatly appreciated,” said Narber. Over $750,000 has been raised in the past ten years and some of those items include; Quomo tablets, Flip cameras for Senior High; graphing calculators at the High School; district wide library books; and GPS monitors for the new halfmarathon class at FDSH.
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Civic Center of Greater Des Moines Line-up for Prairie Meadows Temple Theater Series T
he Civic Center of Greater Des Moines announced the 2011-2012 line-up for the Prairie Meadows TEMPLE THEATER SERIES. New orders for the three-show package may be placed now or online at or in person at the Civic Center Ticket Office. Packages start at just $70. The three-show package includes benefits such as discounted prices, premium seating selection, exchange benefits and lost ticket insurance. PRAIRIE MEADOWS TEMPLE THEATER SERIES (THREE-SHOW PACKAGE): BLIND DATE Wednesday, Jan. 4 – Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012 There's nothing like the thrill of a first date...anything can happen! In the brand new play Blind Date, you'll experience all the excitement and awkwardness of blossoming love as Mimi, a Parisian temptress, goes on a blind date with a different man every nightplucked right out of the audience! Direct from critically acclaimed, sold-out runs in New York and Toronto, this fast and funny fusion of improvisation, theatre, and social experiment is hailed by the New York Times as "fearless...and very funny. Called, "A flight of theatrical fancy that is absolutely magical" by the Toronto Star, Blind Date is the perfect date night or evening out with friends-an "irresistible, cheeky and charming evening" (New York Daily News) that men and women alike adore. This must-see hit show is "the perfect marriage of theatre and comedy," (Now Magazine). Don't miss it!
THE IMPROVISED SHAKESPEARE COMPANY Wednesday, May 9 – Sunday, May 20 Based on one audience suggestion (a title for a play that has yet to be written) The Improvised Shakespeare Company creates a fully improvised play in Elizabethan style. Each of the players has brushed up on his “thee’s” and “thou’s” to bring you an evening of off-the-cuff comedy using the language and themes of William Shakespeare. Any hour could be filled with power struggles, starcrossed lovers, sprites, kings, queens, princesses, sword-play, rhyming couplets, asides, insults, persons in disguise and all that we’ve come to expect from the pen of the Great Bard. The night could reveal a tragedy, comedy, or history. Nothing is planned-out, rehearsed, or written. Each play is completely improvised, so each play is entirely new! Special Friday matinee performance: May 18 at 2 p.m.
The TEMPLE THEATER SERIES three-concert package includes one ticket to each of the three concerts in the series at a discounted price. Package prices start at only $70 and are now on sale online at or in person at the Civic Center Ticket Office. All performances of the TEMPLE THEATER SERIES are performed at the Civic Center’s Temple Theater in the Temple for Performing Arts located at Tenth and Locust Streets in downtown Des Moines.
YOU SAY TOMATO, I SAY SHUT UP Wednesday, March 7 – Sunday, March 18 After 13 years of marriage, writer-actors- and real life married couple Annabelle Gurwitch (“Dinner and a Movie,” Fired!) and Jeff Kahn (“The Ben Stiller Show,” Forty Year Old Virgin) have adapted their hilarious often moving memoir, You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up for the stage. In their 70-minute tour de force, YOU SAY TOMATO, I SAY SHUT UP takes a humorous look back at their years together as a couple. At points, their relationship seemed doomed by their opposing personalities. But after trials and tribulations they learned to navigate the conflicts that come with romance, money, and children by embracing each other’s differences, taking on parenting as a competitive sport, and dropping out of couple’s therapy. Their delightfully crazy lifestyle has managed to keep their relationship intact, up-ending every idea you ever had about living “happily ever after.”
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(Movie Reviews) CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE
e have a pretty simple film here about love, why it can drive us insane, and how we cope with mistakes we make in relationships. "Crazy" begins with Steve Carrell having dinner with his wife Julianne Moore. The dinner is painful, they are in the marriage rut and at the dinner table she drops the bomb. She's cheated on him and she wants a divorce. He is lost, heart-broken and has no clue what to do but drop by the local swanky bar and bury his sorrows in alcohol.
f you are already a germ freak this movie may not be for you. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, "Contagion" is about a a rapid worldwide virus that spreads from one person in Hong Kong to various parts of the world. It's scary, it's frightening, many people are dying and it's all too real.
By Angela Trevino
Soderbergh does an excellent job of presenting this realistically, and includes a lof of intelligent information on what sort of political, ethical, and economic questions are raised in this crisis.
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We also have Marion Cotillard who is a representative for the World Health Organization. She has tracked the source of the virus to Hong Kong and is doing everything she can to stop this as well. And lastly, Elliod Gould plays a CDC scientist trying to find a vaccine for the virus. But so many questions arise if a vaccine is found. How quickly can it be manufactured? Who gets it first? How much should the public know? The only shortcoming of the film is the ability to really get to know the characters in-depth. But Soderbergh does a phenomenal job in showing how real things like this are and what goes on behind the scenes to handle such a horrible situation. If you have problems shaking hands with people, or touching doorknobs....and you see this film, well I guess you'll be stocking up on anti-bacterial products for quite a long time.
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Laurence Fishburne is the big shot at the Center of Disease Control where a lot of this film is centered around. He dispatches Kate Winslet to Minnesota to find out what she can about controlling the growing pandemic. She is met with political frustration as the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching and thinks its best to shut down the malls. Many do not agree with her.
Here he meets heartthrob, lady killer Ryan Gosling who is determined to give him a all-over makeover both physically and mentally. Gosling does his best to make Carrell the confident man he was when he met his wife. And in the process teaches him to get his swagger back. There are many stories that go on in this film that are sweet, cute and touching. Moore and Carrell's son does a great job of having his own issues at age 13 pertaining to love and this provides some great laughs. And let's not forget Carrell, he is the king of comedy but as he does so well in these roles; he also does an amazing job showing us how broken he is. He is forced to reassess himself and his world. It's with Carell that we care because the movie is centered around him. Gosling is used to being the ladies man but meets his match in Emma Stone. The movie does have some lulls, and the various plots don't all seem to come together at times but the end will give you a warm feel-good feeling. And that's what makes us love the movies so much.
With an all-star cast, we meet Gwyneth Paltrow who is on her way back from Hong Kong for a busines trip. Soon as she arrives home to meet husband Matt Damon and son, she starts getting sick and within in the first 10 minutes of the film she dies from the virus. We still do not know why or what happened to her. Following her return from Hong Kong, and after hugging her son, he dies within in the same day. It's brutal and heart-wrenching and nothing can be done. Damon is whisked away to be quarantined as the victims start piling up.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month During this month, we focus our attention to end violence against all individuals. Abuse can be emotional, physical, sexual, or economic. It is about a series of controlled behaviors. Let’s end the violence and be aware of their effects on the lives of others. Help can be in the form of counseling or just talking about the problem with another individual. Sponsored by these Community-Minded Businesses
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The Friends of the Library will hold their used book sale at the Fort Dodge Public Library. Books for children, hardcover and paper back books, jigsaw puzzles and 100’s of audio tapes will be available. Saturday $1 Book-A-Bag Day.
Nov. 1st: 9am - 7pm Nov. 2nd - 4th: 9am - 5pm Nov. 5th: 9am - 1pm Please call for more information