Vol. 95 // ED. 4 // October 30, 2014
“GOING IJM asks, “How many PRO”
slaves work for you?”
Difficult Conversations Chapel Returns Meliah Michael STUDENT WRITER
rubaker Auditorium became the highlight of the evening on Oct. 14, hosting Messiah’s Difficult Conversations Goes Professional chapel. Round tables replaced the standard rows of chairs, free coffee and extra credit lured in the hesitant and lively, and interactive skits took hold of its audience.
n Thursday, Oct. 16, the International Justice Mission (IJM) chapter members gathered in the Eisenhower Commons from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to ask students, “What is your slavery footprint?” At this event, members of the chapter invited their fellow students to take an online quiz to tell them how many slaves their lifestyle supports. The Slavery Footprint quiz was developed by, and asks people questions such as where they live, what types of food they eat, what electronics and clothing they buy, and how often they travel. These answers are then calculated to determine how many slaves work to support the way one lives. Along with this quiz, IJM members asked students to fill out a postcard petitioning Congress to focus on countries to aid in anti-slavery efforts and to make these issues a top priority in their agenda. These postcards are part of the IJM postcard challenge in which institutions fill out 100 postcards to be sent to their state senators in support of anti-slavery legislation. “We want to raise awareness about
how the lifestyle choices we make affect slavery worldwide,” said Laurie Ruby, who is the IJM Chapter President. “I think that with the college’s focus on sustainability, bringing up an issue like this can add to that and impact the way we do things as college students.” “Even our food can have a profound effect on slavery and injustice,” Ruby said as she pointed to the Grantham Community Garden farm stand occurring ten feet away. “Our goal is not to make it’s about dialogue.” Ruby said that this is their fourth time asking the public to take this quiz and they still have people who participate and are shocked by their results. Many students were able to stop at this table throughout the day to learn about these their impact on slavery. “I think it’s important to be aware of the injustice that goes on around the world and how it is weaved into what
we do,” said Sarah Priga, a participant in the event. “A lot of people see it as a foreign problem but doing something like this makes it personal.” Priga was one of the many who took this quiz and learned that their lifestyle is maintained by anywhere between 20 and 57 slaves. As one student who took the quiz put it, “Even one is too many.” The IJM chapter at Messiah is a group that seeks to raise awareness on hu-
Over the years, Messiah’s communication and public relations majors have worked with the Career and Professional Center to develop real-life scenarios involving the different, and very real, parts of the adult world. That awkward interview between yourself and a oncefuture-employer, that handshake that left everything but a good impression, that unprepared answer that killed an opportunity – scenarios like these were addressed in very pertinent discussions. Paper and markers were set out to offer collaborative question and answer times following three student-led skits. Throughout the discussion, roaming mics were offered as an aid in voicing opinions and questions from the audience. Critical thinking was applied here as well, all similarly based on what it’s like to work as a Christian professional in an anti-Christian world.
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