The Swinging Bridge: Feb 13, 2013

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February 13, 2013 Vol. 93, No. 7

90 Years and Going Strong The past, present and future of student media at Messiah College By Nicholas Tay FEATURES EDITOR


his issue of the Swinging Bridge commemorates the 90th anniversary of the student-run paper. While we celebrate the longevity of the newspaper and the importance of student media’s innumerable opportunities for all students, we should also take some time to explore the origins of student media at Messiah. What was WVMM like in the 1980s? Why is the student paper called the Swinging Bridge? In 1983, a campus-wide event was held to rename the school paper. The Ivy Rustles, as it was known back then, was experiencing some difficulties and the administration decided to restructure the newspaper. The overhaul of the newspaper called for a fresh start, and students were invited to submit their ideas. Dave Olsen, a senior biolog y major, submitted the name the Swinging Bridge, and the rest is history. But the decision behind the name was not as straightforward as one might imagine. Olsen remembers his reasons for giving the school newspaper its current name. “A couple of friends and I decided to join the newspaper-naming contest. The alumni magazine was called the Bridge and they had just completed the swinging bridge across the Yellow Breeches. So I thought it was appropriate to name the paper the Swinging Bridge as a complement to the alumni magazine.” But Olsen does not believe his name for the paper should have won. “If I were the person judging the submitted names, I actually would not have chosen the Swinging Bridge. My friend submitted the title Messiah’s Handle. I thought that name was pretty clever as it was a play on the famous Handel score.” As a reward for winning the naming contest, Olsen received $15, which he claimed would “buy him 60 Ms. Pac Man games.” Olsen admits he forgot about his statement but gave reasons for the quip. “The snack shop in the campus center just got a Ms. Pac-Man machine earlier that year and several of us were quite addicted to the game. We essentially had all the screens memorized and that of course took a lot of practice and quarters. We could pretty much play forever on one quarter, let alone $15.”

During his time at Messiah, Olsen was also involved in student media. He was the photography editor for the Clarion and the Swinging Bridge during his junior and senior years. “I got the yearbook position my junior year when the previous photography editor unexpectedly quit. Coincidently, the school newspaper was also looking for photog raphy editor for the newspaper when it was undergoing its struggles during the Ivy Rustles era.” Olsen is now a researcher with the pharmaceutical corporation Merck, where he has spent the past 22 years working on drug discovery for HIV and hepatitis C. While he currently works with health professionals and scientists on discovering drugs for neglected and tropical diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, chagas and leishmania, he values the time he spent in student media. “Those were important and rewarding jobs and I learned so much.” While we have gained insight into the history of the newspaper, we still need to examine an important piece of student media – the radio. During the 1970s, the radio station was broadcast from an attic in the library and was limited to dorms through carrier current – form of AM radio transmission. The radio switched to the FM transmission in the late 1980s, with student life maintaining a consistent broadcast. Over the years, the radio has moved multiple times. It was once located at the bottom of the Engle Center, then moved into a house where the current Larsen Student Union stands, then spent a two-and-a-half year spell in the basement of Miller before finally settling down in the Union upon its completion in 2004. While geographical change has influenced the radio’s broadcasting methods, its biggest change was brought about by WVMM’s desire to remain relevant to the Messiah student body. According to Dr. Ed Arke, the faculty advisor for the Pulse, WVMM diverged from a Christian-only station to an entertainment medium which included secular voices. “When I first came here in 1997, WVMM only played Christian music while SAB brought in only Christian performers and held only Christian concerts. When SAB changed their policies in

The front page of the Swinging Bridge from March 1983 featured this article announcing the renaming of the newspaper. the early 2000s, WVMM trailed a little, but quickly followed that trend by reflecting the students’ desires.”

lieves the future looks bright for student media. “What’s nice about the Swinging Bridge being under the

With the integration of Messiah’s student media outlet into a conglomerated organization, Arke be-

// see 90 YEARS on page 3

February 13, 2013

News 2 The Swinging Bridge

$ 0HVVLDK /RYH 6WRU\ From Students to Employees By Bri Dorsey STUDENT WRITER


essiah couples are not hard WR ÂżQG <RX FDQ VSRW WKHP studying in the library, lurking an extra minute or two in stairwells, and standing outside of residence halls. There is one couple in particular who has seen it all.

It might not have been so “out of the EOXH´ DV %DUU\ WKRXJKW )LJKWLQJ EDFN a laugh with a smile, Bev told her side RI WKH VWRU\ Âł<RX NQRZ KRZ LI VRPHone is doing their research word gets back to you? Evidently, everyERG\ EXW PH NQHZ %DUU\ *RRGOLQJ ´

Messiah alumi Barry and Bev Goodling met as students at Messiah and came back to work here together. Barry oversees alumni parent relations, marketing and public relations, development and fundraising. He reports to President Kim Phipps herself.

Both Barry and Bev chuckled remembering the slight awkwardness of that junior-senior banquet. Barry reminisced. “She thought I talked too much, and I wasn’t sure she could‌ hold a FRQYHUVDWLRQ ´ 7R ZKLFK %HY UHSOLHG Âł+H MXVW ÂżOOHG LQ DOO WKH HPSW\ VSDFH DQG , WKRXJKW KH ZDV MXVW WRR VPRRWK ´

Bev is an adjunct instructor in the Education Department. This semester she is teaching two courses: Language Development and Practices in Early Childhood Education.

By Cait Fenello

Valentine’s day but all the days in between. “It sounds so trite and cute, but :KDW LV D 0HVVLDK ORYH VWRU\ ZLWK- LW LV VZHHW ´ %HY VWDWHG ZLWK WKH VOLJKWHVW out the mention of the famous “Ring hint of girlish giddiness. They say food is During their courtship, schoolwork took E\ 6SULQJ´ PLQGVHW ZKLFK LQVSLUHG WKH ZD\ WR D PDQÂśV KHDUW %HY FRQÂżUPHG Both Bev and Barry are from Penn- ÂżUVW SULRULW\ RYHU VSHQGLQJ WLPH WRJHWK- many jokes and even a rap by DJ WKDW Âł)RRG )RRG LV DOZD\V JRRG ´ sylvania and moved to the Me- er. In attempts to get schoolwork done, 6ZLVK 3DQWV :RUULHG DERXW QRW KDYchanicsburg area to attend Mes- Barry got a little creative. “I wanted to ing a ring? Bev reassures that “there $IWHU D PRPHQW RI WKLQNLQJ %DUU\ VLDK 7KH\ ERWK ZHUH DOVR ÂżUVW spend time with her, but she always DUH RWKHU SODFHV WR PHHW \RXU VSRXVH ´ came up with this advice, “Here’s generation college students with slightly had papers to do, right? The girl could my advice for the guys. Be creative; different reasons for attending Messiah. QRW W\SH WR VDYH KHU OLIH ´ +H VPLUNHG In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, they have a great Valentine’s Day withÂł,WÂśV WUXH ´ %HY ODXJKLQJO\ DGPLWWHG gave special advice. Barry’s philosophy out spending too much money. Get Âł<RX JR ÂżUVW <RXUV LV HDVLHU ´ %HY VDLG LV WKDW \RXU VLJQLÂżFDQW RWKHU VKRXOG QRW WKHP Ă€RZHUV ´ +H DGGHG ZLWK D She looked to her husband for a response. Barry, who could type much faster than be appreciated and celebrated on just VPLUN Âł(YHQ LI \RX KDYH WR SLFN WKHP ´ She saw the look on her husband’s face Bev, began typing her papers so they she quickly added, “No, tell the truth would have time to hang out. “They rest >DERXW ZK\ \RX FDPH KHUH@ ´ $IWHU D OLWWOH of her college career, I ended up typmore prompting, Barry confessed with a LQJ KHU SDSHUV ´ /LNH HYHU\ JRRG UHODODXJK Âł7R SOD\ VRFFHU 7UXWK EH WROG ´ tionship, they came to a compromise. In return for typed papers, Bev would He and his best friend from high iron Barry’s work clothes. school were recruited to play soccer for Messiah. “I’m not sure I asked To brighten up Bev’s day in the spring, all the right questions about pro- %DUU\ ZRXOG ÂżQG Ă€RZHUV LQ YDULRXV DUgrams and majors. It was soccer that eas around campus and bring them ZDV WKH SHUVRQDO FRQYLQFLQJ IDFWRU ´ WR KHU Âł6RPHKRZ KH IRXQG Ă€RZBarry earned his degree in business. HUV , DOZD\V KDG QLFH Ă€RZHUV LQ WKH VSULQJ .LQG RI IXQQ\ DQG VZHHW ´ Bev chose Messiah because of its By Mandy Ruiz Christian foundations and strong It was during Thanksgiving of Bev’s juSTUDENT WRITER Home Economics Department. nior year that Barry got down on one knee and popped the question. Bev made Before coming to Messiah, both Bar- it known that she “did not want a ring by his month, students will have ing Lincoln (PG-13) on Friday at ry and Bev were dating other peo- VSULQJ ,ÂśOO MXVW WHOO \RX WKDW ULJKW QRZ ´ the chance to bring their young- DQG DW IRU ROGHU VLEOLQJV ple. Donned in a Lottie uniform, Bev er siblings to experience college 0LOOHU $XGLWRULXP ZLOO EH VKRZLQJ WKH caught Barry’s eye in the spring of Âł, ZDV VXUSULVHG ´ %HY ZKR life in Grantham for a weekend. IDPLO\ IULHQGO\ PXVLFDO $ <HDU ZLWK her freshman year, his junior year. was not planning to get mar- Student Programs will be hosting Little Frog and Toad all weekend. Tickets ried until after college, recalled. 6LEV :HHNHQG IURP )HE WR 7KLV FRVW IRU VWXGHQWV VHQLRU FLWL]HQV Smitten, Barry began asking around $IWHU PDUULDJH %HY DQG %DUU\ ZRUNHG event serves as an opportunity for the and children under 12. General admisabout his mysterious girl. “I had to do as RDs in two different residence halls younger brothers and sisters of current VLRQ LV $Q\ TXHVWLRQV FDQ EH GLUHFWmy research. Talk to people. Find out DW 0HVVLDK $IWHU D VWLQW DW :KHDWRQ &RO- students to spend a few days interact- HG WR WKH ER[ RIÂżFH DW DERXW KHUÂŤ$ JRRG VWXGHQW ZRXOG GR KLV lege, they returned to Messiah in the de- ing with campus life by participating in UHVHDUFK ´ ZKLFK LQFOXGHG ÂłFRQYHQLHQW- velopment and education departments. the schedule of events and hanging out 7KH 8QLRQ %UXEDNHU $XGLWRULXP O\´ KDQJLQJ DURXQG %HYÂśV ERZOLQJ FODVV with their older sibling during free time. the Oakes Museum, and select other venues will be open around camFor all of you couples out there, Bev and $IWHU ÂżQGLQJ RXW VXIÂżFLHQW LQIRUPD- Barry have some tips and advice. Both Little siblings can be regis- pus for crafts, sports, tours, and tion, Barry decided to make his move. Barry and Bev agreed that couples should tered under the Student Involve- more to entertain your little sibling. “I invited her, out of the blue, to go to make sure to have time apart. “Couples ment & Leadership Programs page the junior-senior banquet with me, who are dating, don’t spend all of your on the Messiah College website. my soccer buddies, and their girl- time with you girlfriend or boyfriend‌ Many fun aspects of college life will // see LITTLE on page 3 IULHQGV ´ /RRNLQJ UHOLHYHG HYHQ WR <RXU FROOHJH \HDUV JR E\ VR TXLFNO\ ´ transpire during the weekend. The StuWKLV GD\ KH VDLG Âł$QG VKH VDLG \HV ´ %DUU\ VWUHVVHG %HY WDFNHG RQ Âł<RX UH- GHQW $FWLYLWLHV %RDUG ZLOO EH VFUHHQOver dessert that night, their chemistry became evident. The rest, as they say, really is history. The couple never broke up.


Little Sibs’ :HHNHQG Returns


February 13, 2013

News 3 The Swinging Bridge

$ 5XQ IRU 5HOLHI By Abigail Ferenczy NEWS EDITOR


f you take a morning walk around campus next Saturday, expect to encounter a few girls jogging in prom dresses and men running in suits. The occasion? Messiah’s Love Run - a race with door prizes available for couples who don WKH EHVW JDUE LQ ¿YH FRVWXPH FDWHJRULHV

The other half of the team will visit Greenville, SC, and participate in projects ranging from facilitating track clinics to tutoring kids in an after school program. Âł:H ZHQW WR *UHHQYLOOH ODVW \HDU DQG we’re excited to go back and continue to build relationships with the people GRZQ WKHUH ´ VDLG ÂżUVW \HDU VWXGHQW 7Dsha Becker, track team member and coordinator of the run. Becker explained that the track team has participated in local service trips but recently decided to expand the reach to other states.

$IWHU ÂżYH \HDUV RI GRUPDQF\ 0HVsiah’s Track and Field will be bringing EDFN WKH Âł/RYH 5XQ´ RQ )HE 3DUticipants will begin the race at Hostet// LITTLE WHU &KDSHO DW DQG FRPSOHWH D two mile course around campus. The Current sophomore Danielle Schaef- proceeds of the run will be used to sup- “The trip will serve not only as an opfer remembered visiting the col- port two service trips that the Track and portunity for Messiah athletes to share lege as a little sister in high school. Field Team will be taking over break. God's love with others but to also grow FORVHU WR *RG DQG HDFK RWKHU ´ DGGHG “My favorite part was ice skating at This year, half of the Track and Field sophomore track member Joel Ziegler. midnight. I got to stay up late and service team will travel to Staten Island, hang out with my sister and her college 1< 7KH\ SODQ WR WDNH SDUW LQ RQJRLQJ UH- The race is open to all members of MesIULHQGV $V D VRSKRPRUH LQ KLJK VFKRRO building and cleanup efforts that began siah and the surrounding community. WKDW ZDV DZHVRPH ´ VDLG 6FKDHIIHU in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. In the past, both students and citizens 6KH EHOLHYHV WKDW /LWWOH 6LEV :HHNHQG encourages high school students to conVLGHU FROOHJH Âł,W FRQÂżUPHG WKDW , ZDQWHG WR EH DW 0HVVLDK ´ VDLG 6FKDHIIHU Requirements, deadlines, and paperwork for registration can be found online. For the full schedule of events and to register your little sibling, visit the Student Involvement & Leadership Programs page under “Current 6WXGHQWV´ RQ WKH 0HVVLDK ZHEVLWH

// 90 YEARS Pulse umbrella is its ability to overlap with the different forms of student media. So in-between the biweekly print editions, we’re able to communicate fresh information through the radio, the 3XOVH ZHEVLWH DQG VRFLDO PHGLD RXWOHWV ´ $UNH DOVR WKLQNV WKH QHZVSDSHU ZLOO be around for some time but it might HYROYH WR UHĂ€HFW WKH VWXGHQWVÂś QHHGV and desires. “I believe the Swinging Bridge will survive for a good while as a biweekly print, but it might become a monthly features-focused magazine. It’s really hard to predict what will happen because the Pulse came DERXW WR UHĂ€HFW UHDO ZRUOG MRXUQDOism and broadcasting. It will also depend on student interest – whether anyone will write for the paper and ZKHWKHU SHRSOH ZLOO SLFN XS WKH SDSHU ´ :KHWKHU WKH 6ZLQJLQJ %ULGJH VWD\V WKH same for the next decade or changes its name or form, student-run media has been and will continue to be an important news conduit for years to come.

Student media at Messiah turned 90 years old last month. The college’s first news publication was called the Clarion. This is a page from the first edition of the Clarion, dated Feb.15,1923. Look how we’ve grown!

have participated in the event, and this \HDU ZLOO EH QR GLIIHUHQW $OUHDG\ VWXdents and community members are registered and beginning to brainstorm FRVWXPH LGHDV 7KLV \HDUÂśV ÂżYH FDWHJRULHV ZLOO EH )RUPDO $WWLUH 9DOHQWLQHÂśV Day, Famous Couples, Humorous couples, and Couples through the Decades. :KLOH SDUWLFLSDQWV DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR register as couples in order to compete in the costume contest, individual runners are also welcome to join. In addition to prizes donated by local businesses and individuals, there will be t-shirts available designed by Ziegler. :KHQ DVNHG ZKDW VKH KRSHG people would take away from the experience of participating in the Love Run, Becker concluded, “I would like it to just be a fun time in February where people can GUHVV XS DQG KDYH D JUHDW UXQ ´

February 13, 2013 The Swinging Bridge

Opinions 4

Valentine’s Day: Celebrate Love, not Romance By Katherine Todd STUDENT WRITER


alentine’s Day at my house is a family affair. Dad brings home candy Necco© hearts for each of us: one box for my Mom and 3 boxes for us kids. Everyone is dressed in red. No, that’s not quite accurate. Everyone is drowned in red. I’ve come to our yearly Valentine’s dinner wearing multiple red sweaters, pink pants, heart-covered socks, even a red tie. If a two foot wide tomato exploded and doused my family in its juices, this would only be a weak shading compared to our vibrant attire. Oh, and the food! Mom serves red grapes and red strawberries, very rare steak, and cranberry juice. She takes food coloring and dyes our mashed potatoes pink. The table is covered with crimson linen and set up properly with napkins and sparkling silverware. We relax and talk about our day while Dad gives Mom a sappy note (she prefers to

give him a corny cartoon one). Then, after dinner, we break out the Valentine’s Day activity cards. At this point, you are rolling your eyes, but it’s actually a lot of fun (I promise). Dad’s in charge of getting the basket and Mom grabs the cards which we then mix up inside the basket and pass around the table. I always cross my fingers and hope not to get the singing card, which requires you to belt out an obscure love tune. Other cards include: ‘Tell the person at your left what you love about them’, ‘Give Sam a hug’, ‘Scratch the dog’s back’, and ‘Compliment Mom on her cooking’. I look forward to Valentine’s dinner at my house. Even being a single woman at a College where ninety percent of my Senior friends are celebrating their “Ring Before Spring”, doesn’t cloud my anticipation; Valentine’s Day is still one of my favorite holidays. In

my family, February 14th has never solely been the celebration of romantic love between two people, and I quite like this outlook. Why should a day of love only be devoted to one expression of it? When did our culture’s definition of love become so limited? I’m sure a lot of you are already aware of this, but the English language has severely neglected love. We only have one word to cover multiple concepts whereas other languages often have two or more. Greek routinely uses four words to describe love: Éros (romantic love), Agápe (God’s unconditional or true love), Storge (parental love) and Philia (sibling or friend-like love). But even this quartering of love cannot express its reality. So, when the fourteenth sneaks up on us later this month, let’s remember to honor the different loves in our lives. Let’s celebrate more than our

significant others. Call your grandma; play racquetball with a friend; go on a walk and thank God for loving you and creating such a beautiful world. Even a silly red dinner with your roommate can be a refreshing observation of this year’s Valentine’s Day.

Messiah College students have been looking for love long before our time, as evidenced by this clipping from a March 1983 edition of the Swinging Bridge.

Faith Vs. Journalism?

Messiah College is progressive in its support of journalism

By Sarah Fleischman STUDENT DIRECTOR


ews networks are always biased, so Christians can’t/ shouldn’t work in journalism. A career in journalism causes Christians to abandon all of their morals. Being a journalist means you become the puppet of our liberal, God-forsaken government. How many times have we all heard things like this? How can The Pulse exist on a Christian campus? How can any Christian college morally have any student media outlet without falling prey to secularism? Christian college students across the United States ask these questions as they try to make sense of their faith in a seemingly subjective occupation.

I was at a student media conference in New York City and I noticed that each college approaches journalism in a different way. I spoke to a girl at a Christian college that forbade its students from writing anything negative about the school in the student newspaper. A classmate of mine from the Washington Journalism Center had to submit every article to the administration for approval before publication. Another classmate’s college had a communication major, a public relations major, but no journalism major. Many small Christian colleges struggle with the practicality of educating their students in an ever-changing multimedia journalism world with a Christian

worldview. Being in journalism as a Christian is sticky, but Christian colleges need to equip their students on how to navigate the waters of Christian convictions combined with journalistic objectivity. Too many Christians take the viewpoint of Marvin Olasky, who says, “Christian reporters should give equal space to a variety of perspectives only when the Bible is unclear.” This means Christians should only cover the prolife side of abortion stories, for instance. After seeing so many antagonistic Christian views of journalism, I am proud of how Messiah College handles journalism and student media. The creation of the Pulse last year shows that the college

is committed to teaching its students all of the skills necessary for working in the constantly-changing field of journalism. Messiah College actually has a journalism major, rather than just a concentration within a communication major. The Swinging Bridge is not censored by the administration. If the paper plans on publishing something very controversial (on homosexuality for example), the administration simply asks that we let them know the article is coming ahead of time. Messiah College recognizes that being a Christian journalist doesn’t amount to abandoning Christian morality while in the newsroom, neither does it mean letting go of //see FAITH on page 5

February 13, 2013 The Swinging Bridge //FAITH the journalistic ethics of objectivity and truth-telling. All work has the potential to glorify God and to give life meaning. During my first week at the Washington Journalism Center, my classmates and I met with Sue Krider Atkins, a former professor of journalism at Point Loma Nazarene University. She believes “everything is Kingdom work” and I agree with her, making her statement my journalistic mantra. Christian journalists can be a force for the Kingdom, for social justice, and for telling the truth without forcing religion down the throats of others. Messiah College is one of the rare

Christian colleges that recognizes the value of good journalism by Christians. This is the 90th year of student media at this school. Although many things are being done well, the Pulse and the school has a lot of room for improvement. Thank you to all of the past and present volunteers and staff of the Pulse. Thank you to faculty/staff of Messiah College, especially Doug Wood, Dr. Ed Arke, Dr. Nance McCown, Dr. Pete Powers, Kim Phipps and Ben Taylor for their support.

Opinions 5

Gun Control:

What Saves Lives? By Peter Shuck STUDENT WRITER


un-Freak. Gun-Grabber. Psychopath. Nazi. Just a few of the labels people have been lobbing at each other on the blogosphere as of late. Name-calling, commenting wars, online rage… all dead giveaways for a political discussion on the internet; so what are these angry political junkies fighting about now? Gun Control. Why are we talking about gun control now? Here’s some background. In response to the tragic events in Newtown, CT last December, the Obama Administration has proposed new legislation on Gun Control in the nation. The proposal includes, but is not exclusive to, requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales (currently private sellers are exempt), limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds, directing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to research gun violence, and reinstating an assault weapons ban. Universal Background Checks? Personally, I believe that universal background checks are completely reasonable. Firearms are dangerous, and we should absolutely make an effort to keep them out of the hands of people who are likely to abuse them. Even Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association testified before the Senate in 1999 that the NRA “thinks it’s reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone.” Should we limit magazines to 10 rounds? Many mass killings have been committed with the aid of these

high capacity magazines. The Sandy Hook shooting was committed with a Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle using a 30-round magazine. The movie theater shooting at Aurora, CO last summer was committed with a Smith & Wesson M&P15 semi-automatic rifle using a 100-round drum magazine. The shooter who attempted to assassinate Gabrielle Giffords in Tuscon, AZ in 2011 used a Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol with a 33-round magazine. And in the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, the dealer who sold the shooter the FN Five-seven semi-automatic pistol recalled the shooter specifically asking for the highest standard magazine capacity. The list goes on. In all of these mass-shootings, the perpetrators acquired legally purchased weapons with high-capacity magazines. If the magazines were of lower capacity, the victims would have had a greater chance of escaping or subduing the assailant while he was reloading. If it has the potential to save lives, it makes sense to me. Assault Weapons Ban? Well, I’m really not certain how effective, or relevant for that matter, that banning ‘assault weapons’ would be. First of all, what is an ‘assault weapon.’ The current legislation seems to be maintaining the 1994 ban definition of an assault weapon: a semi-automatic weapon that contains two or more accessories such as a pistol grip, bayonet mount, folding stock, and etc. Frankly, I don’t see how it matters if gun-owners want to add bells and whistles to their weapons. From what I can see, bayonets and pistol grips don’t realistically have the potential to kill dozens of people, so I don’t really see this

//see LIVES on page 9

Gun Violence: A Cultural Corruption By Grant Meckley STUDENT WRITER


’ll be honest; I don’t understand gun totters, firearms aficionados, and other diehard 2nd amendment flaunters. Armed to the teeth, these people often own more guns than they could possibly wield simultaneously (You Tube challenge accepted). As enjoyable as it is to poke fun at the gun culture, recent events force us to consider our positions on such matters. Recently, the discourse on guns has grown weary. From the left, we hear the well-worn tropes about the efficacy of gun control. However, the evidence for more legislation is not convincing. Since Australia and Great Britain outlawed most forms of gun ownership, violent crime has skyrocketed. Why is this case if all the firearms are rounded up and melted down? The equally tired

cliché from the right is, well, right: the laws only take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. As it’s been said, an armed society is a polite society. Detractors point how many of the laws on the books are not enforced- and they’re absolutely correct. On the grounds of individual liberty, I support gun rights. But before I throw my allegiance to mainstream Republicans, I can only cringe at their misguided and irresponsible positions. For example, it only invites trouble to forego background checks for criminal and mental health matters. At one public hearing, an individual recounting the valiant efforts of gun owners who defended their home and family equivocated on the sorts of weapons used in defense (regardless if those specific firearms were considered for bans and regulation). Why the gun

lobby is spinning the idea of armed guards in every school as a fiscally feasible let alone effective solution to the issue is a mystery to me (though it may be a strong case for charter schools). I realize I have not entrenched myself well on one side of this argument. In contrast to the opinions of many the 2nd amendment supporters, I can’t demagogue the Obama administration as the problem or paint the NRA as the panacea. I feel the media is to blame for working the country into a lather about a divisive non-issue. Was it not the 24 hour cable news stations that covered the Sandy Hook shooting incessantly for weeks following the tragedy? Who sensationalized the gristly modus operandi of the killer while giving relatively little attention to the victims of the tragedy? And even though the trag-

edy spawned other shootings, why does the press latch on to the shootings as if these catastrophes aren’t everyday occurrences in America- or moreover Syria or Afghanistan. The issue is deeply imbedded in our culture. Movies tend to follow a similar rote plot- there is a bad guy and he must be stopped by lethal force. There is no room for diplomacy in video games or television. I am not by any means condoning new legislation to limit the amount of violence Americans are exposed to. This is a cultural crisis that no amount of social engineering can hope to solve. There must be a paradigm shift in the United States away from the post-apocalyptic depictions of good ol’ boys in a bunker with a cache of weapons, riding out the end times with a dame in one hand and a rifle in the other.

February 13, 2013 The Swinging Bridge

Arts & Entertainment 6

A Year with Frog and Toad Jordan Twitchell ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR


tarring Joseph D’Ambrosi as the beloved “Frog” and Rachel Ballasy as the sometimes-fearful “Toad”, “A Year with Frog and Toad”

is a musical that the whole family will love! From the live improvised jazz that pianist Kevin Myers, bassist Garrett Krohn, and drummer Matthew

Rice provided before and after the show to the cute, catchy melodies of “Spring”, “The Letter”, and “Cookies”, the music set up a magical atmosphere

where animals can talk, snowflakes can dance, and snails deliver mail, providing the perfect backdrop for the development of Frog and Toad’s friendship. As the title implies, the musical takes the audience through all four seasons of the year while telling several of the stories from the books by Arnold Lobel on which the show is based, including “Spring”, which is about how Frog woke Toad up from hibernation, “The Letter”, a short story about why Frog wrote a letter to Toad , and “Cookies” , what happened when Frog and Toad baked cookies together. Each story is cleverly interwoven with the others, and some provide threads of connection throughout the show. Not only did the actors of “A Year with Frog and Toad” excel at interacting with each other, they also interacted extremely well with the audience. During the finale of Act I, for example, several of the characters ran out into the audience throwing fake cookies, which could be exchanged at the concessions booth for an edible cookie. Little details like this make the show come alive for young and old alike. If you missed the shows last weekend, it’s not too late - but this weekend is your last opportunity to go! The shows are Feb. 14 and 15 at 7 pm and Feb. 16 and 17 at 3 pm. Tickets may be bought in advance or at the door and are $7.00 for students. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to take a walk down memory lane and join the cast members afterwards to meet, greet, and eat (cookies, of course)!

Provided by the Messiah College Theater Department

February 13, 2013 The Swinging Bridge

Arts & Entertainment 7


Bringing Rock Back



ook out, Cain! Abel’s here, and they’re ready to share their sound with the world. Abel is the combined effort of four friends and their passion for hard-hitting, heavy rock and honest, introspective lyrics. The band released their debut album, “Lesser Men”, in 2010, and their sophomore album, “Make It Right”, in 2012. There is a growing idea amongst music lovers today that rock is a dying genre of music. Abel proves this theory wrong by utilizing an effective mix of new and unexpected rock elements infused with lyrics about faith, failure, and becoming a better person that is both interesting to the brain and pleasing to the ear. Their sound is characterized by harder rock guitar riffs, driving and crashing drum beats, and a dark ambiance that persists from one song to the next. Lead singer Kevin Kneifel sings his heart out in each track, moving seamlessly from smooth vocal melodies to earth shattering yells and screams that compliment the messages within their cleverly sculpted songs. On Abel’s website, Kneifel states, “[Our music is] about coming to terms with failures and unfulfilled expectations...I think that’s a really universal feeling, and I hope that people who hear these songs will be reminded that they’re not alone—and that those times can

challenge us to become better people.” This idea pervades through their album “Make It Right”, and really acts as fuel for the passion and excitement found in its instrumentation. The album opens on a frantic note with “I’ll Be Waiting”. The song moves from a very dark and sporadic sound to a smooth buildup in the verse, all before plunging back into a tilt-a-whirl of raging electric sound signaled by Kneifel’s call, “I’ll be waiting for you!” On their track “Daughter”, Kevin Kneifel admits he’s “just a man with a ghost” amongst a steady drum beat and blaring guitars. A 3/4 rhythm drives “Fifteen Years” as the band promises to not let the Lord down, quoting 1 Thessalonians 5:2: “...for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” The first single from the album, “Fire Walk With Me”, features gang vocals yelling, “Oh, the devil wants to drag my soul... down to the lake of fire” before catapulting into a rocky and beatdriven exclamation of the errancy in trying to achieve holiness on one’s own. With their clever instrumentation, thoughtful lyrics, and catchy music, it’s possible to think that even the devil himself would be a fan.

Provided by Student Activites Board

Look at where Messiah stood on its dancing policy in this article published in 1982!

February 13, 2013 The Swinging Bridge

Arts & Entertainment 8

What Comes Next? Prelude in Parmer A Preview of the Inaugural Concert By Jordan Twitchell ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR


s I’m sure all of you have noticed, the new Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and the Performing Arts is open, and to commemorate the completion of this project, the Messiah College Department of Music is hosting an inaugural concert entitled “Prelude” on February 17, 2013 at 8 pm in Parmer Hall, which has not yet been opened to the public. This concert will feature the major music ensembles of Messiah College, including Brass Choir, Concert Choir, One College Ave, Jazz Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble. This concert will also feature a visiting

group called Tromba Mundi, a critically acclaimed trumpet ensemble consisting of professors from all over the United States. Most notably, our very own Dr. William Stowman, the chair of the Messiah College Music Department, is a member of this ensemble. Other members of the ensemble include Dr. Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, Dr. Scott Belck, Dr. Jean-Christophe Dobrzelewski, Dr. John Marchiando, and Joey Tartell.

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R i p l e y, W e s t V i r g i n i a


Happiness can be found just outside of your control By Colleen Dente STUDENT WRITER


f you had the power and ability to change something you didn’t like about someone you love, would you? That’s the question Zoe Kazan (who wrote and also stars as the titular character) confidently discusses in this weekend’s Lost Film. Marketed as a romantic comedy for the hipster generation, Ruby Sparks never quite received the recognition it deserves for acknowledging the tropes of the genre while also cleverly subverting them. Instead, it tells the story of two very flawed people learning to accept one another, quirks and all. “There are simple ideas about people; there is no simple person,” said Kazan in an interview with Fox Searchlight, who also distributes the film. Calvin is a young writer who can’t seem to duplicate his earlier success and when we meet him, he is stuck, fearful, and caught in a pattern of wishful thinking. As he dreams about the “perfect girl” and then encounters her in real life, he is suddenly confronted by the prospect of losing control -- creatively, romantically, and personally. Kazan decided to illustrate an often-illusive pitfall with a very literal representation:

“If he doesn’t write about her, she’s not within his control; if he does, she is not herself. In my experience it can be hard to accept the more complicated, less addictive version of love.” The film succeeds in part because of the real-life couples driving it: Kazan wrote the script with boyfriend Paul Dano in mind, and Dano brought director couple Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton (Little Miss Sunshine) on board to handle the sensitive material. Kazan writes Ruby (and Calvin, for that matter) as semi-unlikeable people in that their flaws are very obvious. As an audience, we can see why Calvin both falls in love with and later becomes frustrated by Ruby. It is here that the characters stop being stereotypes and start delving into realms of acceptance, ethics, emotional abuse, gender roles, expectations, and growing into adult relationships where it is always dangerous for one person to wield total control. Ultimately, Ruby Sparks demonstrates that happiness not usually found in getting exactly what we want; it’s the things we can’t imagine that make love and life worth experiencing.

Provided by Student Activites Board

February 13, 2013 The Swinging Bridge

//LIVES as an effective solution to gun violence. Do we need Gun Violence Research? Absolutely. Before passing legislation on gun control, I would definitely have preferred that we had actual numbers on gun violence in this country. Unfortunately, that’s not the case because the Tiahrt Amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Act prohibits the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives from releasing information from its firearm trace database to anyone other than law enforcement in connection with a specific criminal investigation. As a consequence, it’s impossible to use any gun trace information in academic research of gun use in crime. The NRA supports the Amendment because they believe it ‘protects the privacy of gun dealers.’ Really? Without data, it’s difficult to have an effective discussion on gun violence. This data could be saving lives, but are we willing to sacrifice them just so gun dealers can avoid investigation? It’s callous, it’s wrong. If the National Rifle Association truly believes that their position is the best for public safety, then they shouldn’t be afraid of having gun violence data available for research and investigation. What else can be done to prevent masskillings? After the Sandy Hook shooting, the NRA released a statement that every school needed to arm their teachers and bring in armed guards in order to deter crazies from turning our schools into killing grounds. Arming Teachers? That’s probably not a good idea; it opens a whole new can of worms. What happens when a teacher shoots a student? Is the teacher liable? What happens when a student gets hold of the teacher’s firearm? That’s another killing waiting to happen. However, I do think the NRA’s secondary suggestion of having an armed guard in schools make sense. I went to high school with multiple correctional officers. My senior year, a student actually brought a loaded pistol to school, but he was apprehended by the guards and a disaster was averted. I believe that a correctional officer in every school could be a worthwhile step to deter and stop mass-killers. If it can keep our nation’s children safe, I’d definitely support it. I’m not claiming to know the absolute truth on this issue, and there are definitely many people who disagree that also make very convincing arguments. Although their perspectives may differ, I’d like to think that both proponents and opponents of gun control are concerned primarily with stopping the violence. However, it’s paramount that we all step back from pure ideology and take a fresh look at gun violence in this country. Let’s not turn into those angry ideologues that we see raving on the internet. Let’s have a genuine discussion. We all need to ask the questions: What’s causing gun violence? What’s working? What’s not? And most importantly: What will save lives?

Opinions 9

Parking Tickets Get a Little Crazy By Lynda Heller OPINIONS EDITOR


friend of mine once got a parking ticket from public safety. Not on his car. On his sailboat.

Paul Nickerson, a recent Messiah graduate, had had his boat parked in the driveway of the Restoration House. The boat was harmless, and was put there with the permission of the house residents. However, it offended a passing safety officer and earned itself a ticket. The boat was not the only thing to get a ticket that day. Each car in the driveway was tagged with a little slip of paper. The recipients somehow did not feel honored by the gesture. Public safety’s policy on satellite house parking upsets a few people, one of whom is Gretchen Heim. Heim lives in a satellite house, and she doesn’t think that she should be required to get a permit to park in her own driveway. “How does public safety have the authority?” she asks. “It is not like Messiah is going to use [the house’s] driveway to host other people.”

Heim is also bothered by on-campus parking policies. She understands that there are occasions when parking lots are needed for teachers and visitors. At these times it makes sense to ticket student cars that are out of place. However, she points out that at 10 p.m. her car would bother no one if it was parked in Jordan lot. Heim figures so long as her car is doing no harm, she should be allowed to put it where she wants. “Otherwise, what is the use of a parking lot?” she asks. This philosophy is shared by Messiah students who would er risk getting a ticket than ing across campus alone after

many rathwalkdark.

Public safety used to allow students to park anywhere they wanted over the weekends. Unfortunately, this system did not work out well. After the weekend, the teachers would arrive on campus to find their parking spaces still occupied with student cars. Eventually, finding and waking students

early Monday morning to move their vehicles became too much of a hassle for the professors and P-safety, so free parking weekends no longer exist. As a non-driver, I see both sides of this issue. I appreciate P-safety, I really do. I see the purpose of parking tickets and how they are essential to managing vehicles on campus. At the same time, I sympathize with students who face penalties for parking in a nearly empty lot. Perhaps both sides could benefit from extending a little more grace toward the opposition. Fortunately, the parking policy ready has built-in clemency by lowing for appeals. As students, need to extend a similar merciful titude toward those who ticket

alalwe atus.

And by all means, appeal the ticket that you just got on your sailboat.

The article below was published in the Swinging Bridge in 1984. Parking policies have certainly changewd!

February 13, 2013

Sports 10 The Swinging Bridge

MAC Swimming Championship By Carter Davis STUDENT WRITER


essiah set forth a solid effort on Friday with the women’s team in 4th and the men’s team in 5th. Senior Tim Alarcon led the way on the men’s side. After breaking his own 200 IM school record twice, he led the Falcon’s 400-medley relay team to another school record of 3:40.44. They ended the day half a point behind 4th place Widener. For the women, junior Hannah Schaffer helped record a school record with her 50-yard anchor leg in the 200-freestyle relay after breaking her own record at the 50 yard free earlier that day. Senior Katelynn Sagaser, the women’s 200 IM champ in 2011, finished 3rd in that event

with a time of 2:12.29, marking the highest individual finish for both teams. Saturday’s finals saw 6 more records fall and another 3rd place finish by Sagaser in the 100 yard butterfly shaving her preliminary time of 1:00.01 down to 0:59.13. Another 3rd place finish came from junior Daniel Wingert for the men in the 100-yard breaststroke. The rest of the day saw 6 school records go down and a strong showing in the final event of the day with the women taking 2nd and the men taking 3rd in the 800 yard free relay. At the end of the day though, the Falcons still sat in the same places as when they started. Provided by Messiah College Athletics

Provided by Messiah College Athletics


hris Heisey, a 2006 graduate, had a successful career at Messiah College and led to him being drafted by the Cincinnati Reds in the 2006 Draft. A Mount Joy native and Donegal High School graduate, was only the third professional baseball player to come out of Messiah, but the only one to make an appearance on the Major League club. While at Messiah, Heisey earned Commonwealth Player of the Year and AllAmerican in 2005 and also earned All-Commonwealth honors in 2004 and 2005. Also in honor of Messiah

From Starry Field to Great American Ball Park, Chris Heisey Finds Success on the Baseball Diamond

Athletics 50 Year celebration, Heisey was selected to the top 50 Messiah athletes. Lastly, Heisey was given the 2011 Young Alumnus Achievement Award in recognition to his vocational rise to Major League Baseball. His .405 batting average at Messiah is still the highest in program history. After starting his professional baseball journey, Heisey’s hard work and determination paid off as he was quickly moved through the farm system. In 2010 he was promoted to Triple A-Louisville Bats after spending 2009 with

By Phil Naegely STUDENT WRITER Double A-affiliate Carolina Mud Cats. Heisey did not spend much time with Louisville. After an injury to Reds outfielder Chris Dickerson, Heisey received the call-up via a phone-call. Since the Bats had a rare 11 a.m. game in Scranton, Heisey went to watch his brother and current Messiah player Jon Heisey play when he received that important phone call. On May 3rd 2010 Heisey made his debut in the big leagues against the St. Louis Cardinals. Since then, Heisey spent

time during the 2010 and 2011 seasons between Louisville and Cincinnati. Last year, Heisey found himself full-time on the Reds appearing in 120 games and having a .265 batting average. During this off-season, Heisey signed a new one year contract with the Reds avoiding arbitration. Heisey has surely made falcon nation proud and it will be fun to watch his career continue and hopefully prosper during the 2013 season.

February 13, 2013

Sports 11 The Swinging Bridge

Messiah Basketball Soars Towards March Madnesss O By John Moulton STUDENT WRITER

n Saturday February 9th, number 12 Messiah took on number 20 Lebanon Valley College in Brubaker Auditorium. With D SDFNHG KRXVH DQG D ORXG HQYLURQment for the Whiteout game, Messiah earned their 21st win of the season and WK LQ FRQIHUHQFH E\ D ¿QDO VFRUH RI 55-48.They relied on the three ball most of the game and had four playHUV LQ GRXEOH ¿JXUHV :LWK WKH ZLQ WKH\ QRZ KDYH D OLWWOH PRUH EUHDWKing room atop the MAC standings. The team’s last regular season game of the year will be at home against AlYHUQLD 8QLYHUVLW\ RQ )HEUXDU\ WK

they would host throughout the MAC Championship. If they are able to run the table, which it looks like they will KDYH D YHU\ JRRG FKDQFH WR GR 0HVVLDK ZLOO KDYH D JUHDW RSSRUWXQLW\ to host for the NCAA Tournament.

Last year the Women’s team made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament and look to continue their success IURP ODVW \HDU DQG PDNH DQ HYHQ GHHSHU UXQ WKLV \HDU 7R KDYH D GHHS SOD\RII UXQ WKLV \HDU &RDFK 0LOOHU EHOLHYHV WKH WHDP “needs to enjoy the journey and to keep WKH ZRUU\ RXW´ HYHU\ JDPH %XW WKHUH DUH other factors that will need to continue to happen along with what Coach Miller With the MAC Championships just VDLG DV ZHOO 7KH ÂżUVW LV WR FRQWLQXH WR around the corner, Messiah looks to JHW VWURQJ GHIHQVLYH SOD\ IURP WKH WHDP host throughout it by beating Wid- like they did all year. Finishing the seaHQHU 8QLYHUVLW\ 7XHVGD\ )HEUX- son at 19th in NCAA D3 scoring defense, DU\ WK ZKLFK ZRXOG VHFXUH WKDW the team only allowed 48.8 points per

3URYLGHG E\ 0HVVLDK &ROOHJH $WKOHWLFV JDPH DQG IRUFLQJ WXUQRYHUV D JDPH Keeping their opponents to this will allow the team to control the game pace during the playoffs and go deep into the WRXUQDPHQW 7KH\ ZLOO DOVR QHHG WR KDYH strong bench play to change the pace of the games in the playoffs. During the year, Coach Miller has the unique adYDQWDJH RI KDYLQJ HLJKW SOD\HUV WKDW FDQ SURYLGH WKH VSDUN IRU WKH JDPH DQG UHsult in a huge win. Lastly, the team will need to look for the experience gained last year from their most recent playoff UXQ :LWK VHYHQ VHQLRUV DQG IRXU MXQLRUV most of the current team was a part of the team that went into the second

round last year. This will be important WR KDYH D VHQVH RI XUJHQF\ ZKHQ SOD\LQJ DQG WR HPEUDFH WKH HQYLURQPHQW and not intimidated by the atmosphere. There are a few obstacles that Coach 0LOOHU EHOLHYHV FRXOG DULVH LQ WKH ³H[ecution of ½ court offense and injury. But, if Messiah is able to execute the ZD\ WKH\ KDYH DQG DYRLG WKH LQMXU\ EXJ these should not become an issue and VKRXOG KDYH D GHHS SOD\RII UXQ 6KRZ the Falcons your support throughout the MAC Championship and as they make a run for a home March Madness game!


February 13, 2013

Sports 12 The Swinging Bridge

From Messiah Student WR 0HVVLDK (PSOR\HH 6WHYH .LQJÂśV Journey Has Gone Full Circle By Phil Naegely STUDENT WRITER



WHYH .LQJ KDV KDG D IXOO FLUFOH journey since graduating from 0HVVLDK LQ $IWHU ORRNLQJ at many graduate schools and graduate assistant positions, King deFLGHG WR EH D YROXQWHHU DVVLVWDQW FRDFK under then and current Messiah men’s basketball coach Rick Van Pelt. He worked a part-time job during the day as well to start paying off student loans. After spending a year under Van Pelt DQG DSSO\LQJ WR YDULRXV JUDGXDWH DVsistant programs, King decided to EHFRPH D *$ DW $YHUHWW 8QLYHUVLW\ under coach Jimmy Williams while working towards a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA).

basketball memories while at Messiah. “Winning that conference championVKLS LQ ZDV D PRPHQW RI VDWLVfaction for the program. My freshman season [2002-2003], Messiah was last in the league with a 2-12 record. It took a lot of hard work for the players before my time and during my time at Messiah to get to that point RI ZLQQLQJ WKH FRQIHUHQFH LQ ´

'XULQJ KLV WLPH DW $YHUHWW KH UHDOL]HG ZKLOH KH ORYHG FRDFKLQJ WKH JDPH KH ORYHG EXW KH DOVR ORYHG WR WKH OHDGHUVKLS and comprehension side of sports. After EHLQJ DW $YHUHWW KH IRXQG D SRVLWLRQ DW Lexington Christian Academy as the athletic director and men’s basketball ,QWHUHVWLQJO\ HQRXJK $YHUHWW DGYDQFHG coach. This position was a balance of both to the NCAA Tournament and faced fa- VLGHV RI WKH VSRUWV VFHQH WKDW .LQJ ORYHG PLOLDU &RPPRQZHDOWK IRH :LGHQHU 8QLYHUVLW\ EXW HQGHG XS ORVLQJ 7ZR \HDUV For the next three years, King held a prior and during King’s senior season, position with the opportunity to minishe hit a miraculous three pointer to send WHU WR WKH OLYHV RI KLJK VFKRRO FKLOGUHQ 0HVVLDK WR ZLQ LWV ¿UVW HYHU &RPPRQ- HYHU\ GD\ ,Q WKH VXPPHU RI D wealth Championship and appearances position at Messiah College opened up in the NCAA Tournament. If you want to that King couldn’t say no to. As a rewatch that tripled teamed three pointer, VXOW .LQJ DQG KLV ZLIH $EE\ PRYHG scan the QR code. His NCAA appearance EDFN WR IDPLOLDU FHQWUDO 3HQQV\OYDQLD ZLWK $YHUHWW FDSSHG RII WKUHH VWUDLJKW years that he went to the tournament During the 2011 academic year, King as either a player or assistant coach. was the interim Assistant Athletics Director for Public Relations and )RU .LQJ WKDW ZDV RQH RI KLV IDYRULWH Marketing, and the interim tag was

UHPRYHG LQ WKH VXPPHU RI &XUUHQWO\ 6WHYH DQG KLV ZLIH $EE\ .LQJ Âś OLYH LQ +HVV 5HVLGHQFH )RU WKRVH who don’t know, Abby is the RD of Hess Residence and Kelly Apartments. The same people King got to know as professors are now his colleges. Jack Cole, current Athletic Director, was a sport management professor during King’s academic tenure. “It has been great to get to know the same people who taught me as a student RQ D SURIHVVLRQDO OHYHO UHFDOOHG .LQJ “For instance, Jack was one of my mentors as a student, and now continues to be a mentor as well as a close friendâ€? While Messiah had many memories for .LQJ KLV IDYRULWH ZDV JUDGXDWLRQ ZHHN It was a time to “celebrate the capstone of four years of hard work.â€? King also had the honor of speaking at Baccalaureate. .LQJ ORYHV KLV FXUUHQW SRVLWLRQ DW 0HVVLDK +H LV D YHU\ UHODWLRQDO SHUVRQ DQG ORYHV WKDW DVSHFW RI KLV MRE DV ZHOO “I get to work with many student, fans, alumni, and coaches. It is great that I get to make an imSDFW DQG OLYH OLIH ZLWK WKHP ´

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