Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

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Feder ico N eira D De e s fe s i deric

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Hội Liên Hiệp Công Nhân

$% Союз трудящихся !"#$ !"#$%& trabajadores unidos '()*

travailleurs !"#$% #&'( unis

Our Members

Contact Stay StayInformed Informed

Sen. Schumer joins Hickey­Freeman workers at Workers United rally Debet platonem vis ex. Cu lorem nostro molestie vel, ius consul possit et! Ad sale tempor ignota duo, ex cum alia complectitur consequuntur? Duo an dicunt euismod singu­ lis, partiendo dissentiet instructior ad vix. Possim docendi mediocritatem ut mea, admodum minimum eu cum.

Suscribe to Posts

Argumentum Reprimique Usto amet, libero auctor. Sed asperi­ ores ipsum. Ac libero class, magna phasellus. Suscipit varius. consul possit et! ex cum alia consequuntur? Duo an dicunt euismod singulis, partiendo dissentiet instruc­ tior ad vix.

Workers United Speak

NEC PRODESSET, laudem laboramus consequat ex. Vel no graece constituam signiferumque, nec ex verear delectus laboramus! Et mea reque harum adversarium, ne elit legere quaeren­ dum usu? Odio nihil est id, cum te vocent nostrud disputando! Ne sit duis clita perfecto, per harum fastidii postulant no, vim modo atqui tamquam ne?

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eter Caf ia


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Judge’s Ruling Allows Members of Workers United to Hold on to Their Assets

Shaqaale midoobey


The Latest Statement from Workers United Executive Vice President Lynne Fox regarding Local 634’s election to remain in the Philadelphia Joint Board of Workers United

travayè ini




ujedinjeni radnici




workers united trabalhadores unidos


Koom Haum Tsoom Neeg Ua Hauj Lwm !"#

Save the Jobs at Eagle

Has et cibo singulis senserit, debet repudiandae contentiones nam cu. Volumus facilisi id eos, pro graeci ornatus molestie at. Mei no sonet appellantur reformidans, cum aliquam dolorem prodesset an, in quas graece legendos pro. Read More

Dissentiet Instructior Ad Vix Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapiente et sed, nulla lectus porttitor. Eros nunc sed, ipsum sed posuere. At bibendum elementum, hen­ drerit nibh. Eu sed. Dolor magna, nonummy fusce, enim id elit. Ipsum eget duis. This Workers United Umbrella came in very handy with this nasty weather!

Read More

Work ers U nited The b anner of was d esigne this website d in 13 langua di ges to reflect fferent that m em th have d bers of this e fact ifferen t natio union nalities The p , age w as des three c igne o differe lumns to hig d in nt hli happe issues that ght ned sim ultane ously. There are alw a news about ys constan t th activiti es. Th e union e was d edicat center colum ed n them, featurin to present g the la test on A spe cific se e. c design tion w as ed links to to add or rem specifi c cam ove paigns .

SUAS LIBRIS LABORAMUS, usu in, eu rebum ullum qui. Commune deserunt ex vis, no altera docendi placerat vis, at vix omittam moderatius deter­ ruisset. Eu zzril platonem appellantur quo, zzril viderer voluptatibus ex eos. Has principes effici­ endi deterruisset et, accusam consetetur dispu­ tando id pri, tibique appareat dignissim qui id. Pri ubique possit tamquam te, at usu dicam omnesque temporibus.

Contact us at: contact@workersunitedunion.org Privacy Policy

Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Unite Here ! This w ebsite w to pub lish th as designed e action s of a events and campa main c ign olumn was d . The to pho evo to that w graphs and ted er vid a visu e ver y releva eos al t nt develo estimony o as f th pment of the e conflic In the t. same manne colum ra nw presen as dedicat nother ed t that w workers’ tes to ou tim to feat ld load rand onials ure dif ferent omly quotes .

Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio







WHERE WE ARE The Airport Group is the Airport and Infrastructure research, policy and development arm of UNITE HERE, the labor union for airport food and beverage and retail workers. We’re committed to raising the standards for quality airport concessions and in­flight catering services. The Airport Group is a knowledgeable and up­to­date source for information and consultation when it comes to your airport business.

The Airport Group is the Airport and Infrastructure research, policy and development arm of

Let us create solutions for your airport. Our airport concessions library archives twenty years of airport

We bring together airport stakeholders to maximize revenues and growth for the airport and the surrounding community.

concessions leases and

The Airport Group has experience with a variety of project types, including RFP planning and policy development and implementation. We have consulted with airports in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Newark, Cleveland, and Seattle.

collections of best

RFP’s, providing one of the most comprehensive

Unite H Airpo ere! / rt Gr oup Becau se of t he audien ce of t target his we it need b ed to have a site, corpo rate ap pearan ce. It uses sober c also in cludes olors, but th colors of the e main union. The w eb have s page should im becau ple navigat ion se neede the informa d to b e prec tion ise.

practices in the industry.

UNITE HERE UNITE HERE represents 30,000 workers at 73 airports in the United States and Canada.

Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

St. Ch risto pher’ The w s Inc. eb pag e’s de had to sig re agenc semble the n y’s you thful s pirit. There was a sp on the organ ecial focus iza catego rizing tion and of highlig ht the links to va and se ctions rious activiti e of the webpa s In ord ge, er a virtu to show the al fa was d tour of the c cilities, es am feature igned as a s pus p , panor using interac ecial amic im ti ages. ve Photo gra and ca phy of the stu m to pre pus were ta dents se ke daily li nt the institu n fe and t memb ion’s ers.

Main Page

Virtual Tour with panoramic images Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Oksa na Kr ov y ts This p ka age’s design resem had to ble elegan the solem nit ce creativ of opera a y and nd the e spirit of the artist. The p age sh ow differe nt med cases ia suc photo h as graph y and record audio in small gs and has online a shop.

Opening screen

Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Prom o


“INMEX helps plan our conventions



Unite H

We believe that when you spend your dollars with responsible corporations, they’re more likely to continue doing the right thing.

and puts us in hotels that are good corporate citizens. They’re professional meeting planners that have saved us

ere! /

Founded in 2006 with the support of the hotel workers’ union (UNITE HERE), INMEX is a non-profit corporation that provides comprehensive meeting planning resources for your organization.

time and money. But the best part about working with INMEX is that they give an organization like ours peace of mind that’s impossible to quantify.”

But unlike traditional third-party meeting planners, we ensure you’re spending your dollars with socially responsible hotel corporations.

—Nolan Treadway, Logistics Director, Netroots Nation “Our organization expects a very high


We work closely with media, environmental, human rights, philanthropic, labor and community organizations so your event dollars go to sustainable hotel corporations that respect the communities, the workers and the environment in which they operate.

level of professional meeting planning services for our annual convention. But for our members, it is also important that we’re partnering with responsible

Book with INMEX and live

corporate actors. In the end, we decided

your values through the

to go with INMEX — not only because

dollars you spend.

they offer high quality event planning solutions, but also because they assure that our dollars are going

202 661 3678

to good corporations.”


—John Stephens, Executive Director, American Studies Association


SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE EVENT PLANNING ofit : E X n -p r g INM al, no fferin o n r es io e s es lann servic rof p a p eting ge of nts e me ll ran ur cli u a f for o


We prepare custom made RFPs tailored to your organization’s individual needs. INMEX has also developed standard RFP templates, so that suppliers understand the importance your group places on corporate and social responsibility. At INMEX, we strive to ensure you have a seamless event, but also ensure you’re patronizing companies that respect your organization’s values.


At INMEX, we know that you never really know what a destination has to offer until you’ve seen it first hand, which is where our close relationships with CVBs and national hotel chains can help your group. INMEX can assist with air reservations and can manage all other logistics for your group’s all-important site visit.


INMEX negotiates the best available rates and concessions for your group. We ensure that the final contract protects your group as well as the hotel from the unexpected, such as labor disputes and natural disasters. We are also keenly focused on matching concessions with your group’s individual values when we negotiate contracts.


INMEX is able to provide and manage all aspects of housing and registration for your event. From on-line booking tools through integrated invitation and attendee registration, INMEX’ housing support is another example of how our services can save your group time to focus on what is important: the meeting itself.


INMEX has built and maintains an extensive database on all existing hotels and new properties in the development pipeline. INMEX also compiles detailed information about destination cities and other suppliers, so that you know which locations and corporations share your values well before you book your event.





INME This e X ntity w ith was c reated in the union to com with p rivate p firms a ete the de nd sig to a m n was targ ete or audien e corporate d ce have a . It needed to c and in ompletely s e dividu al iden parate tity. The co lor con v seriou s and eys a yet impres sion to vibrant custom at ers, gi tract vi a sens e of co ng them nfiden ce.


INMEX’ staff brings over 25 years of prior experience in hotel and resort management, which allows for an insider’s understanding of the mechanics of a meeting. We work with national and local contractors for audio/visual services, exhibit setups, translation services, and much, much more.


INMEX’ real value lies in its relationships. INMEX clients are groups that are committed to using socially responsible corporate partners for their meetings and conventions. In the course of working with our clients, we have developed intimate, principal-to-principal relationships with the largest academic, advocacy, religious, non-profit, philanthropic and labor associations in the US.


INMEX staff has over 25 years of hotel and on-site management experience, so event logistics are like second nature for us. Whether your group needs help simplifying room block management, or needs assistance with set-up, or could use some advice on flow issues, INMEX can help with all of your event’s logistics.


INMEX, in conjunction with the Hotel Worker’s Union (UNITE HERE), have recently hosted events where numerous speakers — which include Actor Danny Glover and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond — have participated. Many more speakers from nationwide organizations are available to your group through INMEX’ substantial and unique relationships.



Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Work ers U ni

ted The im age us e cover of the d as the br was d esigne ochure d part o f the c as or identit y of th porate e unio n. It pres ents w or differe nt nati kers from ona that co me tog lities union’ s nam ether. The e is in 13 d ifferen written tl and th e logo anguages a the ce nter of ppears in a of ora nge re collage ctangl es. A simi lar cov er for the differe was used n neede d by e t brochures ac of the union, h sector to a sens e of un give ity and belong ing to the wo rkers.

Putting W orkers Fir st

Wor workers k Putt ers Unit united ing W edorkeA SEIU A rs Fir st

Workers U nited

Work e N FFILIATE work rs United in m texti the lau embers le n fa ate o s, manufa dry, food n acros s f s c mem the two turing a ervice, h the US a nd nd os m bers are w illion me distribu pitality, g Canada mbe ti innin r stro on indu aming, a and g at Wor ppare s n w g SEIU tries. ork. kers l, A , Wo Unit rkers n affilied m Unite r J emb d ob s ecuri e rs va r R ty an eliab lue: d pro tecti stron le resourc ng w g co orke r E ntrac es for ne rs fro gotia ffecti ts m la ting yoffs supe ve grieva and winn rviso nce h r P rs tre ing at m andling uttin and emb g un r E ers fa ensu ion d mpo ring irly ues informwering m to work for m ation embe r P emb rs w assin e ith e g Pre duca rs siden tion and t Ob ama ’s wo rkerfrien dly a gend a

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members share

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Flat work fee ens Seacrest Lin . rkers Brooklyn, NY eaning & Allied Wo ycl Laundry, Dr . ard Bo nt Joi it is not

For us the union is th e efforts of the memb ers that ge t involved, the conditi not ons inside the offices the locals; of we of the locals are the real owners .

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Bartender, Broda Delaware No Fort Laude rth rdale, FL

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Front Desk, tel, Ho Doubletree PA Pittsburgh, Local 57

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Interior pages Workers United

We value:

In March 2009, we joined together to form Workers United, a new union affiliated with SEIU – together we are 2 million members strong! Our vision is to be a strong, aggressive and growing union driven by an informed and empowered membership.

r Good jobs that can support families r Contract negotiations before the contract expires r Members elected to participate in negotiations and member elected shop stewards r Leadership by our members r Local control of our union Join us, a better union ready to win better contracts for airport workers.

Francisco Bermudez Cook, DNC Dallas, TX

With Workers United I feel more secure because they really speak up on our behalf to help us with our is‐ sues. In DNC Dallas Texas, Workers United is the real union for Airport Workers. Shawnta Wilson

Display Cook, Red Rocks Bar & BBQ (DNC) Denver, CO

Workers United is our chance to not only get involved, but stay involved, as union members. This is our opportunity to elect a bargaining committee and fully participate in the creation of our proposals; such as health insur‐ ance, wages and paid time off. Starting over isn’t easy and change is scary. But we have !"#$ %&''()!$ (*$ +,-.---$ other Workers United /#/0#)%$123$(4#)$5$/67‐ lion members of SEIU to make sure we succeed! Rhonda Young

Bartender, Red Rocks Bar & BBQ (DNC) Austin, TX


Interior pages of the brochure for the airport sector Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Workers United cares about all the workers, little shops, smaller states, everyone! Here we have a voice, and participate in the nego‐ tiation of our contracts.

St. Ch r

Mission Statement 1. To serve families needing professional assistance in raising their children.

Medical and Health Services

Educational Program

Our campuses health centers are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and supervised by registered nurses. Doctors provide our youngsters with primary care; nurses are available for basic first aid and for medication distribution; while staff psychiatrists coordinate medication management. When necessary, youngsters are sent to local hospitals for emergency treatment and to specialists at local clinics.

The Greenburgh-North Castle/St. Christopher’s educational academies are committed to providing students with a rigorous academic program that is suited to meet their individualized needs. The education staff, along with the student, their parents and other The Greenburgh-North Castle/ St. Christopher’s staff works in partnership in the development of an appropriate plan to best optimizes the student’s academic success.

The Family Visitation Center A recent addition to the program is the Family Visitation Center where family members can visit with their child and work with clinical staff to better understand the needs and build on the strengths of their child. The Family Center is especially useful in cases where residents cannot yet be safe in the community. It will be a base from which families can be provided with more support and encouragement in developing the skills needed to manage their

Our educational program offers a full range of middle and high school courses in small classroom settings as well as the opportunity to earn a New York State Regents diploma. Students are offered SAT preparation courses and encouraged to participate in our distinguished internship based learning program. A full range of co-curricular programs are made available to all our students. Importantly, we strive to infuse our co-curricular program with character building values. We emphasize that ethics, discipline and desire for excellence that sports and other activities required for success are the values that will help a youngster become productive and positive members of society.

2. To bring the best professional services to the process of positive youth development for all our residents. 3. To provide a comprehensive learning experience and environment that enable students to acquire the academic and social skills needed to be independent and more productive members of families, neighborhoods and communities. 4. To offer families the best, highly accessible and professional neighborhood-based health services.

71 South Broadway Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522 Phone: 914 693 3030 Fax: 914 693 8325 http://www.sc1881.com

Educational Philosophy

Message from the Executive Director/CEO












Joseph Semidei Executive Director

This rich legacy of service continues to inform and inspire the agency and its staff to provide quality educational, residential, health and social services to youngsters who are experiencing challenges and difficulties in their lives. St. Christopher’s has engaged in a “revisioning” of its system to enhance services for generations to come. We are revitalizing our residential and educational services so that our students receive a seamless educational and therapeutic experience. It is our goal to deliver the highest level of service while promoting the health and well-being of our children and families so they can reach their highest potential.

Interior pages

Comprehensive and Coordinated Services St. Christopher’s and the Greenburgh-North Castle school district program is designed to provide a safe and supportive structure for youngsters who currently cannot be maintained and educated successfully in their home community. A wide range of services are available, including educational, therapeutic, recreational, and medical care. There is ongoing coordination between the school personnel, residential, medical, and clinical/social work staff. This blending of staff and coordination of services is particularly important when serving youth who require intensive services and a high level of structure and supervision. Service planning is conducted by a multidisciplinary team, including teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, social workers, cottage counselors, and activities staff. Our primary objective for each child is to provide them with superior educational and therapeutic services and prepare them to be independent and productive members of families, neighborhoods and communities.

Residential St. Christopher’s, Inc. places a high value on giving young people opportunities to achieve success in life. Our residential program provides structured and safe home-like setting with personalized bedrooms and common space while helping youngsters develop essential life skills. With the goal of growing and developing the minds of our children, our staff provides support in managing their daily responsibilities. They guide youngster’s decision-making and problem-solving in everyday circumstances and support academic and co-curricular involvement, as well as

Clinical Therapeutic and related services are a valued part of the program and our youngsters are actively encouraged to participate in treatment. We incorporate a behavior modification level system that supports positive growth and change. Our clinicians are trained to utilize cognitive be-

havioral and other evidenced based approaches to treat challenging behaviors presented by our youngsters. A wide-range of groups are offered such as social skills, problem solving, and anger management groups, as well as groups regarding sexuality and overcoming trauma.

Social Services When a youngster is admitted into our program, the social worker is the primary contact regarding each child’s plan and progress and the referral source, ensuring proper documentation of services and care. Our social workers communicate with families and provide feedback regarding the child’s stay in our residential program and school. Social workers and other St. Christopher’s staff enlist families to be an active part of the team helping their child to grow academically and personally.

Greenburgh-North Castle/St. Christopher’s is committed to providing students a top-quality academic program aligned with New York State Standards. Our philosophy is based on a supportive, psycho-educational approach with academic programming in a holistic environment. Our comprehensive program of learning encompasses the main dimensions of being a well-rounded human being. We strongly feel that learning is a natural and lifetime activity that will enrich our students throughout their lives. We believe education is about helping youngsters realize their potential and to be productive members of society. We have built our educational process on three fundamental concepts:

1 2


Character Building: Young people need and demand that adults provide them with a moral compass to chart out their lives to reach their potential and become model citizens in society. Skill Acquisition: Our curriculum reflects state standards and high expectations and is the cornerstone of a quality academic program. Beyond skill acquisition, we enhance our educational effort so that many of our students acquire or are well on their way to acquiring a Regent’s diploma.

Greenburgh­North Castle Union Free School District at St. Christopher’s Greenburgh-North Castle School District is a New York State public school district serving approximately 300 students with special education needs, grades 7-12. Our class sizes range from 6 to12 students with a teacher and a teacher assistant to assure personalized attention and individualized instruction. The School District is recognized by the New York State Education Department and accredited by the Commission on Secondary Schools of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. We prepare students for all required New York State Regents testing and award high school diplomas to eligible students. Students also receive guidance from certified counselors to help prepare them for college, work and the transition to independent living. Greenburgh-North Castle/St. Christopher consists of three separate school sites - the Yonkers campus specifically for students residing in their home community; The Jennie Clarkson/Valhalla campus, located on 38 wooded acres; and the Dr. Kenneth Clark Academy, our new “state of the art” facility on the Dobbs Ferry campus.

Affective Climate of Care: For learning to take place with the active participation of the student, the teaching staff must establish a climate and culture of caring for the students. Students must feel that the adults who are part of their lives have an unconditional positive regard for them as human beings.


istop h

er’s I After a nc chang e manag ement of ,a openin g of ne nd the w the br ochure facilities, p throug h desi resented gn and photo graph s, a image of the renovated ag involve d with ency, more it and th eir act s residents ivities. The d es and in ign is friendl vit y targete ing and it is d childre to families a n n agenc involved wit d y and h suppo the rters. The d esign for Green burgh the -No Schoo l Distri rth Castle ct was c reated ’s brochure , ha the sa me pa ving in min d ram keepin g a co eters and ns with th e one istency cr St. Ch ristoph eated for er’s In c.


Brochure for the GNC School District Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio


Organiza t Decora t Hazte la vida más cómoda

This b ro varied chure prese nts pi contem eces of p create orar y furnit u d by d ifferen re design t er by the s represent ed comp any. The la yo mode ut presents rn, th and es youthful co e nc th by hig etics of the ept hli pi of text ghting the d eces ures a e nd co tails lors.



Cómo da

Cómoda es una empresa joven, que nace de la pasión por el diseño y la innovación de una diseñadora y una ingeniera industrial. Ambas colombianas, con deseos de impulsar el diseño y talento Colombianos y creyendo en el potencial muchas veces subutilizado tanto de diseñadores, como de productores, crean Cómoda. Cómoda es una empresa de mobiliario y organizadores diseñados para optimizar y decorar espacios. Cómoda trabaja con un círculo exclusivo de profesionales en diferentes ramas del diseño (industrial, grafico y de moda) que crean especialmente para la marca. En Cómoda puedes encontrar ESPACIO, EXCLUSIVIDAD y COMODIDAD, decorando mientras organizas. Dale un toque personal a tu hogar, diferénciate y apoya el diseño y talento Colombianos. Contamos con 5 líneas de producto*: ! Bibliotecas ! Repisas ! Cómodas ! Biombos ! Cajas, organizadores y estuches *Nuestros productos están elaborados bajo altos estándares de calidad con excelentes acabados y durabilidad.

www.comoda.com.co info@comoda.com.co Tels. (313) 872 t 9118 (310) 865 t 5579

La perla y la Parra Diseñador: José Márquez

Orgánica Diseñadora: Claudia Neira

Dos repisas en madera lacada con ilustración en screen. La Perla, tiene dos niveles. Se puede modificar su altura deslizando la repisa central en las guías. La Parra sólo tiene un nivel.

Repisa de 3 diferentes tamaños con imanes decorativos de hojas y ramas.

IO-GA Diseñadores: Juan Miguel Caicedo y Carolina Urrego Repisa armable ajustable a 3 posiciones con tablero y dos imanes. 100 cm x 80 cm x 20 cm. Rojo, azul, magenta, verde, naranja y amarillo.

18 cm x 18 cm x 37 cm. 18 cm x 18 cm x 18 cm. Fondo fucsia, ilustración en blanco y negro.

Módulo 1: 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm. Módulo 2: 40 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm. Módulo 3: 80 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm. Rojo, Naranja y Café. * Cada módulo se vende por separado.

CUCÚ Diseñadora: Eliana Sánchez Organizador en tela. Un cubo principal con techo ilustrado para colgar. Los cubos adicionales se unen con cremalleras. 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm cada cubo.

* Cada repisa se vende por separado.

Cómoda Dislocada Diseñador: Daniel Acosta Cómoda, repisas flotantes y espejo compañeros

Biblioteca asimétrica de tres compartimentos con vidrios ilustrados. Al unirse dos forman mesa de centro

FLAG Diseñadora: Verónica Neira

Cómoda de 3 cajones desalineados: 116 cm x 74 cm x 40 cm.

Portalibros en croché con forro de tela interior.

Cajón empotrable a la pared: 90 cm x 19 cm x 40 cm. Repisa empotrable a la pared: 90 cm x 4 cm x 40 cm. Espejo rectangular de colgar: 90 cm x 46 cm x 3 cm. * Se venden las diferentes secciones por separado.

Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Rosado con morado y azul claro con azul oscuro.

Panorámico de Bogotá Diseñadora: Claudia Neira. Federico Neira (ilustraciones)

25 cm x 22 cm. 150 cm x 40.5 cm x 31.8 cm. Exterior negro o blanco. Interior blanco, verde limón, naranja, azul aguamarina oscuro. Vidrios con o sin ilustración. * Cada biblioteca se vende por separado.

Mezcla de flores de colores variados.

Interior pages

inFUTURO Promotora de Proyectos SAS

ADQUIERA SU SUITE en la ampliación “Torre Oriental” Hotel RoyalPark Metrotel

This b ro to use chure was c re as materi promotion ated al al that se of a compa ny lls The d hotel suites es . and m ign is dynam od ic profes ern, but ke e sional charac ps a ter. The in forma tion by bar graph presented s out wi th the is brought use color a nd a 3 of D view .



Una realidad ya en operación "

“Torre Oriental” ya construida: 9 pisos, incluyendo 2 pisos de salones de reuniones ejecutivas y sótano


Operado por una cadena con amplia experiencia en el sector hotelero de la región y los copropietarios


El valor de su suite está definido con base en la renta obtenida hoy día


Grandes expectativas de valorización en el mediano plazo


Renta exenta de impuesto de renta (decreto 920 de 2009)


Operación y administración de su suite hotelera sin inconvenientes ni requerimientos de tiempo para usted


Pregunte por los beneficios a copropietarios de la Cadena Royal y del RoyalPark Metrotel.

InFut uro

Ubicado en el sector financiero de Bogotá: Calle 74 No. 13 - 27

LA FIDUCIARIA POPULAR S.A. adelanta la gestión de administración fiduciaria de recursos de preventas, aportados por los interesados en adquirir las suites hoteleras de este proyecto, a través de un ENCARGO FIDUCIARIO IRREVOCABLE DE ADMINISTRACIÓN EN LA FASE DE PREVENTAS. Las obligaciones que ésta asume tienen el carácter de obligaciones de medio y no de resultado. El documento de separación no constituye promesa de compraventa. El plazo del contrato fiduciario se pactó a dieciocho (18) meses, prorrogable por un termino igual al inicialmente pactado.

www.infuturoproyectos.com Contáctenos a los teléfonos 31 t8621752 o 31 t3334897

Visite el site internet RoyalPark Metrotel www.lamercedcartagena.com/royalpark/entrada.htm

inFUTURO Promotora de Proyectos SAS

Nuestro hotel es una copropiedad

Una inversión rentable hoy día

" Toda suite es entregada a la copropiedad para su administración y uso " La operación del hotel incluye la constitución del fondo de reposición de activos " La contabilidad de ingresos y egresos de la operación del hotel es general y su resultado final es una renta que se distribuye mensualmente entre los copropietarios, de acuerdo a su porcentaje de participación


" Total renta semestral Enero a Julio de 2010: $6’298.000, para una suite en la Torre Oriental, de 25 m2 de participación hotelera. " Renta esperada para el período Enero – Diciembre de 2.010: $10’500.000 aprox., para una suite en la Torre Oriental de 25 m2 de participación hotelera (renta recibida de Enero a Julio de 2010, más presupuesto de Agosto a Diciembre). " Ocupación presupuestada para 2.010: 52%

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" Ejecución de Enero a Julio: 126% del presupuesto

" Los tiempos de “no utilización” de las suites hoteleras se miden con el porcentaje de ocupación del hotel

$1,200,000 $1,000,000

Hotel cuatro estrellas construido en 1995 y operado por su promotor en un comienzo



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Interior pages Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio



Make aa difference difference in in the the world— world—become become aa member member of of Make

the UNITE HERE Organizing Team!

Our union union is is leading leading the the way way so so that that hundreds hundreds of of thousands thousands Our of low-wage low-wage workers workers throughout throughout North North America America can can win win the the of respect they they deserve. deserve. We We are are looking looking for for passionate passionate and and respect committed people people who who want want to to defend defend workers’ workers’ rights, rights, committed immigrant rights rights and and living living wages. wages. immigrant


Poster 20

ÂżQuieres luchar por los derechos de

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los inmigrantes y la justicia econĂłmica?



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Terri Reid Organizer


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Unite H



ÂĄMarca la diferencia en este mundo: hazte miembro del equipo de organizadores de UNITE HERE! Nuestra organizaciĂłn sindical estĂĄ encabezando el camino para que, por todas partes de NorteamĂŠrica, cientos de miles de trabajadores con sueldos bajos puedan ganar el respeto que

REQUISITOS: + Deseo de luchar por justicia y ! # organizar a los trabajadores $ organizaciĂłn.

& Se toma mucho en cuenta si es bilingĂźe inglĂŠs-espaĂąol. + %# $ idiomas que ayudan: Creole haitiano y creole de Cabo derechos de los trabajadores, los derechos de Verde; mandarĂ­n, punjabi, los inmigrantes, y los salarios dignos. vietnamita y portuguĂŠs. se merecen. Buscamos gente apasionada y comprometida que quiera defender los

ÂżCĂłmo solicitar? Llene una solicitud en:


How to Apply: Fill out an online application at


Para mĂĄs informes: Brandon King redking360@gmail.com www.unitehere.org

Business card Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio


Work ers U ni

workers united

ted Divers e prom o create d for W tional piece s orkers United The d . es create ign of all pie ces sa belong sense of in United g to Worker s a identit nd establish y of th e unio the n. The id entity de for Joi nt Boa sign rds Locals resem and b is con sistent les and w union’ s prim ith the ar y ide ntity.


Rochester Regional Joint Board

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Serving up workers’ right

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workers united

Philadelphia Joint Board AFFILIATED WITH SEIU

Identity for Joint Boards and Locals

T-shirt Design


Here: 634 Unite Tell local

Vote to join the Philadelphia Joint Board, Workers United, an SEIU Affiliate.

$18.00 $16.00 $14.


On August 3rd, the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board Representation Coordinator held a conference call to review election issues. On that call we learned:

$11.00 / hour

We Deser v More! e

Local 634 Unite Here: does not want an election anytime soon and is doing everything it can to stall and delay our right to vote for change.

All of us and the Philadelphia Joint Board are ready to vote

$4.00 $2.00 $0.00 SEIU Local 1201

UNITE HER Local 634E

STOP DELAYING OUR NEGOTIATIONS! Philadelphia Joint Board–Workers United, affiliated with SEIU


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The School District says an election should be held



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The Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board is prepared to hold the vote

$10.00 $8.00

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$19.57/ hour



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workers united

Name Lastname Title

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Cell Phone (123) 456 – 7890 name.lastname@workersunitedunion.org 31 West 15th Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10011

Союз трудящихся

www.workersunitedunion.org !"# $%


Hội Liên Hiệp Công Nhân

Business Card Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Ident it y

workers united

Work ers U ni


workers united

workers united

!"#$ trabajadores unidos travailleurs unis

Illustration created as part of the union’s corporate identity.


!"#$ SEIU

Logo designed in thirteen different languages

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!"#$%& '()*+#%& Logo used as a template for the different locals and joint boards. Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Unite Here !

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Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Logo Usage


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Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio




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CINTAS HILTON Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio



inFUTURO Promotora de Proyectos SAS


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BRAQUITERAPIA Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio


icatio ns



Coudre, expédier et vendre :

syndicalisation et élévation du niveau

Hotel Workers Are Rising!

Inside Genentech's Cafeterias: Guckenheimer Food Food Workers Workers Want Guckenheimer Respect --- and and a a Union Union Respect


Annual Report Fall 2006

Public Review Board Report 11 Policy on Fee Objections 12 Labor Management Reporting 13

275 Seventh Ave. NY, NY 10001


Maxx. Levi Strauss. Liz Claiborne. Brooks Brothers. La plupart d’entre nous connaissent ces marques et peut-être même un ou deux vêtements portant ces étiquettes sont-ils accrochés dans notre penderie. La division Fabrication, vente au détail et distribution de UNITE HERE représente plus de 100 000 adhérents qui travaillent dans la confection de vêtements et le textile, la fabrication de pièces automobiles et autres secteurs de fabrication légère, des centres de distribution et des magasins de vente au détail. De plus, notre syndicat recrute des milliers de nouveaux employés dans ce secteur. 14

Indice Here Please

Vente au détail UNITE HERE représente des milliers d’employés du commerce de détail travaillant pour des sociétés telles que Brooks Brothers, Barneys New York, Jos A Bank et Duane Reade. Au cours de l’année écoulée, notre syndicat a recruté des employés de magasins Barney’s New York dans tout le pays, notamment à Washington, Houston, au Texas et Troy, dans le Michigan. Nos membres travaillent dans neuf magasins de cette société de prêt-à-porter haut de gamme, et notamment dans le magasin phare de la marque, situé à New York. Plus de 1000 membres de UNITE HERE travaillant pour Duane Reade, la chaîne de magasins basée à New York, ont négocié un nouveau contrat cette année. UNITE HERE continue à recruter dans les magasins Duane Reade à mesure qu'ils ouvrent leurs portes. Plusieurs centaines d’employés de magasins Brooks Brothers dans la région de New York ont obtenu un nouveau contrat cette année, couvrant des hausses de salaire, des taux de commission sur les ventes, une couverture maladie et des contributions au fonds de retraite de la société. UNITE HERE représente les employés et les fabricants de vêtements dans plus d'une dizaine de magasins Brooks Brothers à travers le pays.

Photo : Clark Jones.

Breaking Down Barriers for Immigrants

Photo : Clark Jones.

Distribution UNITE HERE représente plus de 30 000 employés dans des centres de distribution et des entrepôts de tous les Etats-Unis et du Canada, dans des sociétés telles que TJ Maxx, Liz Claiborne et Levi Strauss. Plus de 200 employés du centre de distribution d’une des plus importantes entreprises de prêt-àporter américaines – Jones Apparel Group – ont récemment choisi de rejoindre UNITE HERE à El Paso, au Texas. « Ce syndicat, UNITE HERE, est une véritable bénédiction ! » déclare Emma Alvarez, membre du comité. « Jamais je n’avais vu une direction changer d'attitude aussi vite, mais depuis que nous avons entamé les négociations, ils nous respectent. Cela prouve simplement ce que l'ont peut réussir en s'unissant. » Jones Apparel Group emploie plus de 13 500 personnes à travers le monde et a enregistré l’an dernier 5 milliards de dollars de ventes. Cette société vend des vêtements et des chaussures sous des marques telles que Jones New York, Nine West, Anne Klein et Easy Spirit. Elle possède également la chaîne de magasins de luxe Barneys New York, où UNITE HERE représente près de 1000 employés des magasins et des centres de distribution. En octobre, UNITE HERE a conclu une promesse de contrat avec le géant allemand de la mode Hugo Boss, offrant un nouveau contrat à près de quatre-vingt dix employés dans un centre de distribution de la région de Savannah, en Georgie. Ils travaillaient sans contrat depuis avril. Les employés ont lutté pour obtenir une augmentation décente au cours de la première année d’un nouveau contrat et pour bénéficier d’un plan de retraite financé par

leur employeur. Le soutien des membres de UNITE HERE à travers le pays a été déterminant pour obtenir ce contrat, car ils ont distribué des tracts dans les magasins Hugo Boss et envoyé des lettres au P-D.G. de la société. UNITE HERE représente plus de cinq cents employés de Hugo Boss dans le centre de distribution de Savannah et dans un centre de fabrication et de distribution de Cleveland, dans l’Ohio. Les employés de Hugo Boss à Cleveland ont défendu leurs collègues de Savannah qui n’avaient pas encore de contrat, prouvant que la solidarité n’est pas un vain mot. « Nous travaillons tous pour la même compagnie et nous méritons d’avoir les mêmes avantages », a déclaré Elba Rosario, employée dans une fabrique de pantalons. Les actions menées dans les magasins Hugo Boss

Fabrication Le ministère américain de la Défense consacre plus de 2 millions de dollars par an à l’achat d’uniformes et autres équipements et éléments textiles destinés aux soldats américains. La loi fédérale impose que ces vêtements soient fabriqués aux Etats-Unis. 5000 employés de UNITE HERE environ fabriquent différentes tenues de combat et uniformes, tenues renforcées et gilets pare-balles, ainsi que des parachutes dans des sociétés telles que American Apparel, Point Blank et Tama Manufacturing. Ces employés bénéficient de salaires, d’une assurance maladie et d’un plan de retraite dans le cadre de leur contrat syndical, mais il reste plus de 15 000 employés non syndiqués dans ce secteur qui travaillent souvent dans des conditions très difficiles. Les employés d’une de ces sociétés, American Power Source, située à Columbus, dans le Mississippi, ont un salaire à peine supérieur au salaire minimum, ne disposent pas d'un plan de retraite, ne peuvent pas se permettre de payer une assurance maladie, et doivent souvent s’ap-

puyer sur les programmes d’assistance du gouvernement. « Je travaille comme fournisseur pour le gouvernement. Je devrais être en mesure de vivre et de faire vivre mes enfants par moimême, sans recourir à l'assistance du gouvernement », déclare Sheila Thomas, employée d'American Power Source. En mars 2006, UNITE HERE a publié un rapport intitulé « Conduct Unbecoming »(Conduite inappropriée). Sweatshops and the U.S.Military Uniform Industry » (Les ateliers de misère et l’industrie des uniformes de l’armée américaine), qui documentait les conditions de travail déplorables en vigueur dans de nombreuses sociétés de sous-traitants non syndiquées telles que American Power Source. Ce rapport fait appel au ministère de la Défense pour qu’il prenne ses responsabilités en matière de conditions de travail dans ce secteur. ❖

« Jamais je n’avais vu une direction changer d'attitude aussi vite, mais depuis que nous avons entamé les négociations, ils nous respectent. Cela prouve simplement ce que l'ont peut réussir en s'unissant. » Emma Alvarez, membre du comité.



Unite Here ! Magaz ine de s Englis h, Spa igned in nish a nd Fre Sectio nch. ns of t he ma were s gazine pe s color o cified by n back g titles a nd hea round, ders. Specia ls langua pread in tw o ges po rtrayin worke g rs quo tes.


Interior pages

Why We Want a Union UNITE HERE is organizing workers across North America. Here’s why some are fighting for a union.

Por qué queremos un sindicato

UNITE HERE está organizando sindicalmente a los trabajadores por todas partes de Norteamérica. Aquí, algunos de ellos explican por qué luchan por tener una organización sindical.

“ I moved to the US from China to build a better life for my family. I like my job at Guckenheimer and I work hard to keep the customers satisfied. But the managers here don’t reward us for our experience and dedication. I’m standing up for respect on the job. That’s why I want the union.”

“Dynamite Distribution fired me without cause because I believe that the company found out that I was a union supporter. We’re not allowed to speak our first language (Tagalog) at work and are forced to speak English. We’re fighting for better wages, benefits, and for dignity in our working lives.”

“Yo emigré de China a los EE.UU. para construir una vida mejor para mi familia. Me gusta mi trabajo en Guckenheimer y trabajo duramente para mantener satisfechos a los clientes. Pero aquí los gerentes no nos compensan por nuestra experiencia y dedicación. Yo estoy defendiendo que haya respeto en el trabajo. Por eso quiero que haya organización sindical."

“Dynamite Distribution me despidió injustificadamente porque creo que la compañía descubrió que yo estaba apoyando a la organización sindical. No tenemos permitido hablar nuestro idioma natal (tagalo) en el trabajo, y nos obligan a hablar inglés. Estamos luchando por mejores sueldos, planes de prestaciones, y por dignidad en nuestra vida laboral.”

Laundry & FS / Lavanderías y servicios de alimentación

Apparel / Ropa

Ri Hua Zhang, Porter for Guckenheimer Food Services, South San Francisco, CA

Edbert Abad Certeza, Dynamite Distribution, Montreal, Quebec Dynamite Distribution, Montreal, Quebec.

Portero de Guckenheimer Food Services, San Francisco del Sur, Cal.

“ I’ve cleaned as many as 26 rooms in 10 hours, and I have to bend over to change sheets, scrub toilets and bathtubs. I take pride in the work that I do. I want a union at my hotel so that management gives us the respect that we deserve.”

“I make uniforms for the US military, and I feel pride knowing that our service men and women wear the clothes that my co-workers and I make. Working for a government contractor, I should be able to take care of myself and my children and not need government assistance. That is why I want a union.”

“Yo he limpiado hasta 26 cuartos en 10 horas, teniéndome que agachar para cambiar sábanas y tallar inodoros y tinas. Estoy orgullosa del trabajo que hago. Quiero una organización sindical en mi hotel para que la gerencia nos dé el respeto que nos merecemos.” Hotels / Hoteles Tracy Smith, Housekeeper, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Rochester, NY Recamarera, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Rochester, N.Y. 20

“Yo fabrico uniformes para el ejército estadounidense, y siento orgullo de saber que nuestros hombres y mujeres en el servicio militar usan la ropa que hacemos mis compañeros y yo. Trabajando para un contratista del gobierno, yo debería tener la posibilidad de mantenerme a mí y a mis hijos sin necesitar asistencia del gobierno. Por eso es que quiero un sindicato.”

Manufacturing / Fabricación Sherita Thomas, American Power Source worker, Columbus, MS Obrera de American Power Source, Columbus, Miss.

FALL 2006



Interior pages

Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

Unite Here ! Redes ig Magaz n of UniteHe ine. re!’s This is su involve e highlights m th in Oba ent of mem e be m celebr a’s campaig rs ates h is elec n and tion. Since memb e rs for the candid rallied button a s, a sp te wearing e was d esigne cial cover da where Obam nd illustrate a is d rallying for me presented mbers .

Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio



Barack Obama y UNITE HERE


ara cuando Barack Obama anunció su candidatura a la presidencia, este joven senador de Illinois y UNITE HERE eran ya buenos amigos. Mientras fungió como senador estatal de Illinois, Barack había trabajado estrechamente con nosotros para hacer progresar las políticas a favor de los trabajadores. Cuando Barack decidió postularse para el Senado Federal de E.U., hizo un llamamiento a UNITE HERE para que lo apoyara. Y aunque su triunfo se veía lejano, nosotros lo apoyamos de corazón porque sabíamos que él iba a ser una voz para los trabajadores en Washington. Desde entonces, Barack Obama ha marchado en nuestras líneas de huelga, se ha sentado de nuestro lado en la mesa de numerosas negociaciones de contratos, y ha votado consistentemente del lado de los trabajadores. Así pues, cuando Obama anunció que se estaba postulando para presidente, con orgullo lo respaldamos. Sin embargo, una larga y difícil campaña de elecciones pri-

La activista Gloria Craven, de la Región Sur de UNITE HERE, habla ante la Convención Nacional Demócrata.


En coordinación con nuestros aliados de la federación de sindicatos Change to Win, cientos de afi liados a UNITE HERE se inscribieron para generar las victorias del Partido Demócrata en los 7 estados más competidos: Nevada, Wisconsin, Virginia, Carolina del Norte, Ohio, Pennsylvania e Indiana. Y, de entre estos estados, UNITE HERE encabezó las campañas de Change to Win en Nevada, Wisconsin y Virginia. Nuestro programa político incluía una meta sin precedentes. Necesitábamos reclutar al menos a 300 agremiados de


l 9 de enero de 2008, UNITE HERE se convirtió en el primer sindicato internacional que dio su respaldo oficial a Barack Obama para presidente. UNITE HERE vio en Obama a un candidato que entendía las luchas del ciudadano común estadounidense y que era capaz de transformar a nuestra nación. Con ese respaldo oficial, los integrantes de UNITE HERE intervinieron en la historia y se embarcaron en una de las más ambiciosas y exitosas campañas políticas que nuestra organización haya emprendido jamás.


Barack Obama con los miembros de UNITE HERE,

luego de su discurso ante la Convención de UNITE HERE en 2004.

Foto: Anthony Shull.



at least 300 members from all over the country to devote eight weeks to the campaign. The program would be grueling. It would require everything that the volunteer had to give, and then some. As political volunteers, members had to take a leave from work and, in the cases of Wisconsin and Virginia, travel far from home to form an army for change in Virginia, Nevada and Wisconsin. Not surprisingly, members lined up to answer the call and within short order, 335 members signed up to make history.

Volunteering on the UNITE HERE Obama campaign has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. It was so satisfying seeing the difference we were making in people’s lives, especially among the very old and the very young. We visited neighborhoods where no one had ever come to register voters. We worked so hard to educate people on the impact voting would have on their communities. At first they did not trust us, but over time, we won their trust and were welcomed in the neighborhoods with open arms. They were so grateful for registration and education efforts. Each day just made you feel great about the change we were helping to bring to our country. Working on this campaign taught me the value of perseverance—the benefit of going that extra mile. I now know that every goal is within our reach when we come together as we did to elect Barack Obama.




The story of Virginia is one of enfranchisement— bringing the vote to those who felt left behind. Our Virginia team felt steeped in history, as their state had ignited the Freedom Rides of the 1960s which challenged the institutional racism that persisted in the South despite recent civil rights victories. “Coming to Virginia as a UNITE HERE political organizer gave me the opportunity to help complete the unfinished work started over forty years ago.” Ken Williams, Bell Captain and Head Steward, Double Tree Hotel, Chicago - Local 1, Chicago, Illinois. When it comes to presidential elections, Virginia had voted Republican

The volunteers faced and overcame many challenges. “When we first arrived in the neighborhoods, people did not trust us, but we did not give up. We continued to visit the same neighborhoods and talk to the same people and eventually communities grew to trust and welcome us as ‘the people in the red shirts’ who had come to help them vote.” Tony Evans, Bartender and Shop Steward, Golden Gate Field, Local 2850 Oakland, California. Six days a week, our Virginia volunteers visited neighborhoods previously excluded from the political process, in part, because our door-to-door registration drive was the first of its kind in many Virginian neighborhoods. Volunteers regularly met and registered firsttime voters in their 80s and 90s.

UNITE HERE members volunteered in three regions to get out the vote, producing a dramatic increase in voter turnout and an Obama win with 53% of the vote. In addition, our Danville team played an instrumental role in the Democratic victory of the hotly contested Congressional race in Virginia’s 5th District –helping Tom Perriello unseat a 14-year Republican incumbent by 745 votes.



a ad

Ida Randle, Load Builder, Asco Industrial Laundry, Local 5030 Memphis, TN

since 1964. How could we reverse this trend? Register new voters and educate them on exercising their voting rights. So on September 5th, 64 volunteers and UNITE HERE staff members arrived in Virginia ready to work throughout the state. With voter registration and education as our focus, UNITE HERE volunteers acted as community organizers, talking with the general public about the changes voting could bring to their neighborhoods.

In Nevada, UNITE HERE’s Obama campaign efforts jumped into high gear during the primary season, when Local 226 members actively campaigned for Obama during the caucus and registered new voters throughout 2007 and 2008. During the general election, Team Nevada had 80 full-time member volunteers on the streets and 30 member volunteers at worksites, talking to union mem-

In total, our Virginia team knocked on 60,000 doors and registered over 5,000 new voters. On election-day, 235

We went door to door educating people about the importance of voting. Over and over again, we told people that communities that vote—use their political voice—receive more attention from elected politicians. Bill Horne, Quality Assurance, United Converting Company, Mid-Atlantic Joint Board Local 131A, Union Town, Pennsylvania.

Obama addresses UNITE HERE Local 226 in Las Vegas.

bers and their families about bringing change to Washington. To win in Nevada, our UNITE HERE team developed a three-prong approach: (1) help naturalize immigrant union members and register them before the 2008 general election (2) persuade the 110,000 Change To Win union members in Nevada to support Obama, and (3) encourage early voting to maximize voter turnout. Our Nevada volunteers worked six days a week during most of the campaign and every day during the two week early voting period—talking with members about the issues, recruiting them to volunteer and encouraging them to vote early. Our political organizers faced apathy and fatigue among voters overwhelmed by the wake of massive foreclosures and economic hardship. “Las Vegas has been ground zero for our country’s economic meltdown—so many people are struggling just to keep their homes. Obama showed a sincere concern and commitment to reversing this trend. Our job was to convince members and their families to engage in the political process in the face of their personal financial crises—to channel their personal frustration into political activism for change.” Rosa Gamboa, Housekeeper, Mandalay Bay Casino, Local 226 Las Vegas, Nevada. During the campaign, Obama visited Nevada 20 times and attended numerous UNITE HERE events, including sitting with us during contract negotiations and making house visits to members facing foreclosures. Obama’s connection with UNITE HERE facilitated

Clester Nelson, Bellman, Bally’s Hotel & Casino, Local 226 Las Vegas, NV

My grandfather was a slave, and yet he told me, when I was growing up, that during my life time, we would elect a Black President. When I met Senator Barack Obama, I knew that my grandfather was right. But I also knew that it was going to take all of our dedication and energy to send him to the White House in 2008. When my union opened the volunteer political organizer Obama program, I signed up right away. I was surprised to find out how many young people seemed not to care about voting, even for Obama. But over the course of two months, we got them fired up and ready to go. And seeing these young men arrive at the polls on November 4th was truly satisfying – to know that we had made a difference and had ignited a new generation of voters. I look forward to volunteering again.

Esto es AHORA

Ellos están conmigo.

our volunteers’ dialogue with undecided voters. By election-day, our Nevada volunteers had knocked on 190,000 doors.




marias nos dio 159 días para ayudar a mandarlo a la Casa Blanca. El trabajo de nuestra organización sindical durante esos 159 días es una inspiración.

Interior pages

Ilustración: Federico Neira.

Photo: Cathy Dixon


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Unite Here ! Photo s of m em campa igning bers fo were u sed th r Obama ro magaz ine to ughout the ac cheerf ul spir centuate th it e and to o recogn f the victor y , the me iz mbers e the effort o in the events f The he . a numb ders, page erin were r g and typo ed gr mode esigned to aphy rniz Cartoo e the publi ca n presen s were used tion. t to in a m the informat or ion entert e informal a ain nd young ing way and er me mbers to invite to read The co it. ntent w by a d a s d ivid es campa cription of t ed he ig an illus n on each s ta tr a mar ation was u te and ker of s each s ed as ection The m . agazin e in two differe was designe nt lang d uages .

Cartoon Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

San C arlos Scho The d ol esign of the presen yearbo ts ok of all g students rades o daily li fe at s n their chool. A strin g throug of photos g oe h pages the bottom s of o the sto f the book te the r y of th llin e c am g pus. Sectio ns are m ornam ental il arked by lu at the same strations, th at tim strings that un e become the pa it ges of e the rest o f that se ction.

Section opening page

Interior page

Section opening pages Federico Neira Graphic Design Portfolio

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