Reach Out ¢ Missions Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng is the Field and Church Engagement Director of the Methodist Missions Society (MMS). He also served as the MMS Area Director of Nepal from 2008 to 2019. / Photos courtesy of MMS
Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng
>> Annual Meeting and Ordination in 2010
One moment in time
lthough there have been many significant events during my long years of ministry with MMS, I can only describe them as “one moment in
time”. Humbly, I acknowledge the hand of God working to shape my ministry as I have been privileged to work together with groups of faithful men and women who have committed their lives to serving our Lord. These were indeed journeys of extraordinary, supernatural experiences and close encounters with God. The ancient Greek word for such a defining moment is kairos, meaning the opportune or critical moment. In the
Ca Students from
leb Bible Institu
te in 2017
New Testament, kairos is used to describe the appointed time or the God-ordained time.
Looking back at the years I served in MMS’ mission fields, I especially remember the initial years of establishing
“You see, at just the right time, when we were still
our Nepal ministry, and seeing it grow from strength
powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6 (NIV)
to strength. These were 13 years of great personal experiences and defining moments.
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15
Our Nepal ministry started when Rev Erick Tan and his
wife Shanti heeded God’s call to be missionaries in Nepal after graduating from Trinity Theological College. By faith,
Indeed, there are God-given times such as when Jesus
they ventured into East Nepal and struggled for three
walked this earth. For many Christians, the moment
years before starting their first ministry in Kathmandu.
when we confessed Jesus as our Saviour and Lord and
God provided two anointed servants (a pastor from India
received salvation will always be significant. We need
and a Nepali Campus Crusade for Christ-trained pastor
to recognise these God-appointed times when his times
from East Nepal) to work with MMS. After three barren
intersect with ours.
years, the ministry of Nepal was birthed.