Church Life ¢ ETAC Highlights Rev Vijay Joseph is the Pastor-in-Charge of Tamil Methodist Church (Short Street). / Photos courtesy of IFF, Tamil Methodist Church (Short Street) (TMCSS)
Migrant workers ministry Fellowship becomes friendship even after workers return home
he Indian Friends Fellowship (IFF) of Tamil
In addition, Bible studies and cell group meetings
Methodist Church (Short Street) (TMCSS) spent the
are held every week. Prayer, medical and counselling
first day of the Lunar New Year (1 February 2022)
support have been provided. Basic computer classes,
at JTC Space@Tuas, a dormitory for migrant workers.
AutoCAD and English classes are also conducted. Due
Games and motivational talks were organised for the
to the Covid-19 pandemic, these classes are now
brothers from India as well as those from Bangladesh
taking place via Zoom, which has allowed the brothers
and Myanmar. Everyone received a door gift and got to
to attend from their dormitories. At the end of each
take part in lucky draws.
course, the participants receive certificates, helping some of them to get promotions at work.
On 26 February, IFF, in collaboration with The Salvation Army, organised a river cruise for 150 migrant workers.
This was a programme initiated by the Ministry of
IFF organises May Day, Easter and Christmas Day
Manpower (MOM) for workers living in dormitories.
programmes as well as a Graduation Day for those who
complete the computer and English classes every year. Since it was started in September 1992, the IFF
IFF and TMCSS have been recognised for their work
ministry has been conducting Tamil worship services
among migrant workers by MOM with a Certificate of
every Sunday evening. Packed dinners are distributed
Appreciation on Migrant Workers Day.
after the evening service, giving IFF members the opportunity to get to know the migrant workers better
As it approaches its 30th anniversary, IFF is thankful
over a shared meal. IFF members regularly keep in
to God as well as TMCSS leaders and members, and all
touch with these brothers, even after they return to
other supporters who have helped with their precious
their home countries.
time, talent and treasure.