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BIBLE CONFERENCE 2020: LIVING IN THE KINGDOM 8 and 15 Aug (Saturdays), 9.30 a.m. Register at 6858-0900
Join Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert M. Solomon for two online Bible Conferences where you can learn about God’s kingdom from Jesus’ parables and stories, and find out how we can love God and love our neighbours as ourselves.
Organised by Our Daily Bread Ministries.
RAISING A PURE GENERATION IN A COMPLEX DIGITAL AGE 13, 20 and 27 Aug 2020 (Thursdays), 8 p.m. 6304-3765 (Florence Kang)
Join us in this interactive class to learn more about the latest trends in media and technology, and how to teach our children to be discerning when using these platforms. Time will also be given for discussions according to children’s age groups. Topics of discussion include: • How to be a guardian of your child’s purity • Appropriate sexuality education at home • Building healthy habits and boundaries relating to media and technology.
Organised by the Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship
LIVE WEBINAR: TO PLAN OR NOT TO PLAN? IS THAT THE QUESTION? 17 Aug 2020 (Monday), 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. Register at
Even as God has plans for His Church, believers should still, in the midst of praying and acting, plan the next steps of their ministries and churches in such a time as this. Therefore, “To plan or not to plan?” is not the question. “How to plan” is an understandable question. “What to plan” is also a good question. What then is the better and deeper question when it comes to planning in the context of church? How then do we go about planning? Come discover this together at the online seminar.
Organised by The Pastors Seminar & Fellowship.
CHRISTIAN ZIONISM: HERMENEUTICS, THEOLOGY, POLITICS 26 Aug 2020 (Wednesday), 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Bible House, 7 Armenian Street, Singapore 179932, Level 4 6304-3765 (Florence Kang) Free admission. Please note that the event will be conducted as a Zoom Webinar if large gatherings are still prohibited by then. To be confirmed at least one week before the event.
What is Christian Zionism? What is its origin and history? How should we evaluate Christian Zionism’s interpretation of the Bible, especially Biblical prophecies? What about Christian Zionism’s teaching concerning Israel and its place in the modern world? What role does it play in politics today? Organised by ETHOS Institute.