Methodist Message: July 2022

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By Methodist Preschool Services Communications Team

Bedok Methodist Preschoolers

‘Build the Change’ with LEGO M

ethodist Preschools collaborated with the LEGO Group (Singapore) to run

the international ‘Build the Change’ pilot programme with the theme: Biodiversity and Climate Change at Bedok Methodist Preschool in May 2022. The pilot programme is the first of its kind for preschools in Singapore. Mrs Patsy Wee, Principal of Bedok Methodist Preschool said, “One of our core values is to nurture our children to have caring hearts. Caring for our environment has always been a part of our curriculum. When the LEGO

Champions of the LEGO Build the Change programme

pilot programme was mooted to us, we felt it

Mrs Wee shared that the collaboration with

resonated with our core value.”

LEGO added a different dimension to the children’s learning. It allowed them to delve

Twenty children were invited to create

a little deeper and broader into caring for our

solutions to minimise the effects of climate

environment and to be the change agent.

change using LEGO bricks. They enjoyed an

While their solutions may not be fanciful or

enriching and exciting 11-day programme

even workable, being able to represent their

with lessons on various animals and insects,

thoughts and solutions in concrete structures

their habitats and how they are threatened

is a huge achievement for them.

by climate change. They were inspired to put on their thinking caps to come up with

Riley Beth Su Qin En, a K1 student, said, “I like

imaginative solutions to environmental

LEGO because I love to build. I learnt to build

challenges and express their ideas through

something comfortable and protective for

creative builds using LEGO bricks.

both animals and people, because what affects them will affect us.”

The programme’s grand finale involved the young innovators building their LEGO solutions

The ‘Build the Change’ programme is LEGO’s

in response to the challenge question: Create

global initiative for children to use their

an idea to help minimise climate change that

imagination to express their hopes and dreams

affects all species. During the show-and-tell

for the future with LEGO bricks and other

session, the preschoolers presented their

creative materials through a learning-through-

creation and answered questions from an

play approach. After the success of the pilot

audience of peers, teachers and facilitators. The

programme at Bedok, it will be progressively

young builders of change were duly honoured

rolled out to other Methodist Preschools' K1 and

with a personalised certificate of completion.

K2 children with a six-hour programme. July 2022 Methodist Message 3

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