Methodist Message: June 2022

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Bishop’s Message Bishop Dr Gordon Wong was elected Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore in 2020. He served as President of the Trinity Annual Conference from 2013–2020.

Creation Care in Psalm 104


salm 104 is one of the most extended meditations

lovingly concerned for all creation, and humanity should

on Creation Care in the Bible. The Psalmist praises

not lord herself over her fellow created beings. (The list in

God for both creating and caring for the many,

Psalm 104 puts both inanimate and animate beings alike

many different created beings in our world. The long

under the care of the one God who created us all.) Indeed,

list includes the heavens, the clouds, wind, lightning,

the mandate to humanity in Genesis 1:28 “have dominion

the earth, the seas, the mountains (verses 2-9), valleys,

over” other created beings would seem to lay the lion’s

springs, wild animals, donkeys, grass, plants, humans,

share of responsibility upon humans to help God—in whose

trees, birds, storks (verses 10 -17), goats, badgers, the

image humanity is made—to express care for all God’s

moon and sun, lions, big fish, small fish, and even

creation. This mandate probably lies behind the sudden and

monster fish (verses 18-26). All of these are created by

unexplained anger with which the Psalmist ends:

God and depend on God’s hands, face and breath to be sustained (verses 27-30). By using the same Hebrew word in verses 11 and 13, there is a playful implication that even the mountains, just like the animals, need God to provide them water to drink!

May sinners vanish from the earth and the wicked be no more! Psalm 104:35

In such a long list of created beings, one writer

Was the Psalmist angry at the way humans in his or her

comments that “humanity has only a bit part”. This is an

time were abusing God’s creation rather than caring for

exaggeration (humanity is named three times, although

it? We cannot be certain, but we can certainly do our

the mountains take pride of place with six references).

part to care for all of God’s creation. May all who abuse

But the writer’s point is that the God of Psalm 104 is

God’s creation be no more!



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