One MCS ¢ CAC Highlights By the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) Communications Team / Photos courtesy of CAC
CAC Social concerns sunday 2021 21
March 2021 was CAC’s Social Concerns Sunday, when churches collected a Second Offering for beneficiaries identified by the Board of Social Concerns and Outreach (BOSC).
BOSC supports various social concerns programmes hosted by Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) or CAC churches. They include befriending programmes and social activities to engage seniors; school ministry through the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades; free tuition for low-income families; mentoring and character-building programmes for students; as well as food blessing and community projects. On top of supporting the organisations providing help to persons struggling with drugs, gambling and other forms of addiction, BOSC is also involved in prison ministry.
For 2021, the beneficiaries and allocations are: 1. Ang Mo Kio Chinese Methodist Church-MWS Kebun Bahru Senior Activity Centre (SAC)
10% each
2. Changi Methodist Church Punggol Preaching Point Ministry
10% each
3. Charis Methodist Church MWS-Charis Activity Centre for Elders (ACE)
10% each
4. Geylang Chinese Methodist Church-MWS Greentops SAC
10% each
5. Sengkang Methodist Church (MWS SAC and Oikos Ministry)
10% each
6. One Hope Centre
10% each
7. Prison Fellowship Singapore
10% each
8. MWS Chaplaincy
20% each
9. Breakthrough Missions Ltd
5% each
10. BOSC General Fund
5% each
Two CAC churches, Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church (QCMC) and Charis Methodist Church (CMC), share about recent outreach efforts.
Watch our Social Concerns Sunday 2021 video to learn more about these 10 beneficiaries and their ministries!
Visit to a foreign worker dormitory Initiative of CAC BOSC and QCMC The COVID-19 pandemic thwarted the plans of many to travel home for their Chinese New Year (CNY) family reunions. Even though they missed their loved ones and felt lonely, they could not return home due to pandemic restrictions, soaring air travel costs, family burdens and other factors. Among them were people who have contributed greatly to the construction of Singapore, the people we call “migrant workers”.
QCMC’s pastor, preacher and several staff paying a visit to migrant workers at a dormitory
God commands us to love others as ourselves, and we chose to respond by showing care and concern for these workers. On the evening of 7 Feb 2021, and with BOSC’s coordination and encouragement, QCMC’s pastor, preacher and several staff paid a visit to the 300 migrant workers in a dormitory at Neythal Road.