Metime journal launch issue june july 2015

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June/July 2015 | Volume 1 | Issue 1

me time



Premiere Issue

Your Place to Explore, Discover, and Reconnect to a Better Life™

Launch! Jump Into a New Chapter of Your Life With Us Today!

How Good Can it Get? Let’s Find Out Together!


We’re Glad You’re Here!

Welcome to MeTime Journal! As long as there have been women (and that’s a long time!), we’ve been gathering to talk and share and empathize and reach out. It’s what we do. We care. In fact, we’re so good at it that we care for kids and spouses and parents and friends and kids of friends … and … you know the list. However, we’ve not always found time and space to care for ourselves. In today’s busy world, having a place to be inspired, discover new things, make better choices, try something different, think and laugh a little – or a lot – is missing for many of us who are 40+ (and those who will be!). We all need to “recharge” whether we are students, career women, Moms, Grandmas, or all four! Congratulations! You’ve found your spot … right here. In our lifetime, we’ve witnessed a technology revolution that can empower us to learn and connect with others around the world. The MeTime team saw an opportunity to not only produce an online magazine (a better choice for the environment), but also build a community of women who (like us) want to make their own lives better. So we did! We’d like you to join and support us. We hope you’ll be inspired to live your best life yet – at any age. We’d like you to share your wisdom. We want you to tell us how to make MeTime even better. We can’t do this without you. Let the blessings begin!

Michele, Linda and Diane June, 2015

me time



MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


To my friend Michele Broad and her partners in crime Linda and Diane, I wish you the greatest success with this new venture. Michele, you have been my chosen medical professional for many years now, and through this time we have become friends. I trust you to send my family and friends to. I take any advice you offer as golden. I have watched you go after your dreams and not just talk about it, you make it happen. I am proud to call you friend and I know that you Diane and Linda ROCK! Your new endeavor and labor of love will reach thousands if not millions of women and change lives. Kudos to you all.

With much love and respect,

It's finally here, and I am so excited!! I know this truly has been a labor of love for you. I told Linda to "sign me up" when she first mentioned the concept of MeTime Journal that she and Diane and Michele were planning. Congratulations to you all! I can hardly wait to start turning the "pages"!

To Diane, My wonderful friend, I’m very excited for you on this new endeavor. Your words of wisdom have helped me throughout the years. Now it’s time for the world to experience the same wisdom I’ve been able to experience. I’m excited to read MeTime Journal and I wish you and your partners great success.

Dear Michele, Diane and Linda: This is so exciting! I wish you joy, creativity and adventure as you move forward.

Sometimes there are people who come into your life who have a lasting effect. Diane is one of those people. So I would like to say congratulations. Good Luck on your next adventure. They will love the energy and the enthusiasm you bring. Wish you only the best, my friend,

Elaine Braack

Your pal,

Victoria Kemsley VJK Events

Tammy Fronk

Pauline Hernandez

Sunni Almond

Support from Friends is What Keeps Us Going! Dear Michele, Linda and Diane, It's so exciting to see all your hard work come together in your new magazine. There's no doubt that it will be a great success. I love the idea of an ebook..and women's issues. To your great success!! You go girls!! Much love,

Linda Anderson

Owner/Trainer Beautiful and Fit Over 40

As you embark on this new journey, I wish you all the best and know that you will succeed in a big way. You touch many lives with your hands and now you can do the same with your ideas and words. Congratulations on your debut of MeTime Journal. Leslie F.

Dear Linda (and Diane and Michele), I know the idea of this magazine — a place for women to connect, to be informed, and to be inspired — has been a dream of yours for many years. With your talents combined, you are about to turn that dream into a reality, one that can benefit women and create communities around the world.

In this day and age, creating a magazine is a challenge, one that you have conquered, and I’m sure we will all enjoy each new installment and opportunity to learn and grow. Congratulations on having the fortitude to create something unique for all of us to enjoy — congratulations on the launch of your new magazine! Love ya!

Kathy Laderman Wright

Editor/Publisher O&A Marketing News President KAL Publications Inc.

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To my dear friend Diane and her partners, I wish you great success with MeTime Journal. Three amazing women, one passion. Diane, your quest to inform people could be a great challenge to some, however for you it’s a gift. Be the amazing woman you are!

Krisha Wallkamm

Body U Fitness

Dear Diane, I see that you are about to launch your newest endeavor. MeTime Journal has been a long time coming and much thought, sweat, tears and love are going to make this one special publication. You have an amazing outlook on life and I am sure it will come through in your stories. You have been on many journeys in your lifetime and have been blessed to have such wonderful women support you. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and cannot wait to see Me Time Journal. So, best of luck to you! I love you, one of your many friends who love and admire you.

Jan Parker

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Meet This Issue’s Contributors

What Does MeTime Mean to You?

Feature Story: The MeTime Journey


Launch Into Spring with Better Health Launching Into Fitness

Aromatherapy: A Safer Choice for Your Home Menopause – 14 Years of Hot Flashes?

Anatomy of Broccoli: Nature’s Perfect Super Food Igniting Your Brain Through Exercise


Launching Into Financial Freedom

me time



Moving Forward With Social Media Marketing

The Connection Launch: Fuel to Skyrocket Your Success Who Will Take Care of Me? Me! Get Centered


Softer Skin Tips

30 Day Wardrobe Challenge

How to Connect with Your Inner Beauty

Personal Enrichment Jump Into Opportunities Change Doesn’t Change

Confessions of a Recovering Cheesaholic

Use Positive Rituals to Jump Start Your Organizing Project I Knew It Would Happen with Time and Love Confidence Fuels Your Dreams Dealing With Dilemmas MeTime Spotlight Show Us Your MeTime

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Renée E. Cabourne

Deb Cantrell

Claudia Cooley

Certified Financial Planner/CEO

Executive Chef/Owner Senior Certified Personal Chef (CPC®) e Savor Chef www.

Professional Success & Life Enrichment Coach/Speaker/Author Claudia Cooley, Inc.

Money Savvy Woman, Inc.

Kim Somers Egelsee Life Coach/Inspirational Speaker/Author Kim Life Coach

JoAnne Funch

Dalia Hayon

Marketing consultant/ Social Media Trainer

Independent Financial Advisor

Marketing Dish

Generation 2 Generation

Daria Jabenko

Amanda Johnson

Makayla Léone

Founder/Creative Director

Founder/CEO True To Intention


Chic n Beautiful

True To Intention

Makayla Léone Coaching www.MakaylaLé

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Jeanette Ortega

Lisa Marie Platske

Owner/CEO Personal Trainer/Health & Wellness Coach/Author/ WBFF Pro Athlete Extreme Results Fitness

CEO Upside inking Leadership Expert/Author Upside inking, Inc. www.Upside

Our Premiere Issue is Just the Beginning! We’ve got SO many more things planned for you – and surprises too! You won’t want to miss a single issue. Subscribe today!

alia Poulos

Joan Rudder-Ward

Professional Organizer/Speaker/Author


Organized Beautifully

Image Maker Visual Communications

Are You a Writer, Speaker, Professional, Artist, or Photographer Interested in Contributing to MeTime Journal?

JuliAnn Stitick Personal Brand & Image Expert Your Success Style, LLC

Regular Subscription Price: $19.95 Per Year for 6 Issues Special Offer for Charter Subscribers: $16.00 Per Year for 6 Issues Now through July 31, 2015 Only!

Subscribe Today

at MeTime

We’d like to hear from you! Send your contact information and a brief introduction to: MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Renée E. Cabourne Me-Time is the time I grant myself to focus on my own countenance. It’s the time I take each day to meditate, pray, nourish myself, and restore myself. I actually have Me-Time color coded a lovely shade of purple in my calendar. I’ve come to learn that to honor the time set aside for Me, is to be a better person when serving others. No longer do I disregard my scheduled Me-Time appointments.

Deb Cantrell As women and especially mothers, it is really hard to carve out time for me and then when it happens we often feel guilty about it. Me time means that I get regular manicures and pedicures to make myself feel better. I also have a trainer that I work with and during that gym time I turn my phone off and the rest of the world is at a standstill. I am not a business owner, wife or mother during this time. It is simply me and the workout that lay ahead of me. I also work in my church nursery every Sunday morning. Again, I am not running anything or making decisions. I simply sit and rock those precious little ones and we both solve the world’s problems without speaking a word.

Claudia Cooley Just about 2 years ago, I realized I needed to add something to my teaching curriculum that had been vastly missing. I’ve always taught about living life in balance to achieve happiness, abundance and prosperity. Then one day I was asked what I do for “Fun”. My response was, “I love everything I do. After all, I’m designing my life”. Then the question was, what do you do with intention. Hum??? Scratch my head, then immediately turned my “5 Essential Elements for Living an Extraordinary life” to “5+1”… with the +1 being Fun and Freedom. Within 3 weeks we owned a motor home, took up dance lessons and planned a 7,000 mile trip across America. Life changing.

What Does Me Time Mean to YOU? We’d like to share more ideas with our readers! Send a description and a photo to:

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Kim Somers Egelsee "Me time" is self-care time. It is time for me to just breathe, experience nature, take a bath, have a glass of wine, or just sit outside looking at hummingbirds to reflect, renew, relax and rejuvenate. It is traveling, laughter with family, and taking in life.

JoAnne Funch Me time is taking time away from work! Being selfemployed requires countless hours, so taking time away from my daily routine is so valuable simply to breathe and decompress my racing mind. I love gardening, yoga, shopping farmer’s markets when in season, being in nature and traveling to new places. Simply enjoying time outdoors fills my soul.

Dalia Hayon "Me Time" is taking long walks listening to music, reading and spending time with my grandchildren.

Daria Jabenko Me time feels so good and necessary. It feels to me like water that nourishes flowers so that they can blossom. To me, it means having time to rest and breathe the fresh breeze in the morning. It’s a time to dream and look into my heart It’s a time for being quiet and spending time listening deep within.

Amanda Johnson To me, ME TIME is any and every activity/experience that fills me up and makes me more ME. Sometimes, ME TIME is a solitary practice – the early, quiet hours of the morning in prayer or meditation, journaling, yoga, and a really yummy cup of joe. A silent day walking the shoreline or writing. ☺ Other times, ME TIME is a date with my hubby or son, watching epics over popcorn and marveling at how Truth is trying to get to us everywhere, all the time. A few hours carved out to hang out with girlfriends, at the spa or over meals and movies, laughing at the insanity of this thing called life. Taking off to do some ‘work on myself’ at a retreat with other women committed to fully showing up in their gifts and enjoying their lives.

me time


Makayla Léone Life is busy and we live in a fast paced world, not to mention keeping work/life balance. However, it is very important to make space for self-care. Me time is when I consciously take time to “honor myself”. One thing I do daily is get up early, have my quiet meditative time for 20 minutes while drinking coffee and go through a bunch of things I am grateful for right before I exercise. This helps me set the stage for my day. When I purposely carve out self care time, I do things like taking a bubble bath to pamper my body, reading, dance, journal, to even finding an area where I can be alone and check in with what is going on internally so I can get more “present”. Getting in touch with what is going on helps me show up better for myself, and others.

Jeanette Ortega Me time is so important. It is when I am able to focus on my goals, have quiet time and stillness to receive clarity in my life, career, business, and relationships. Me time is about “self-love”. When we are able to make time and space to take care of ourselves in mind, body and spirit, it filters into all areas of our life, our environment and community. Everyone benefits from us taking care of, and learning to spend time with ourselves so we can deepen our own personal relationships.

Lisa Marie Platske Me time is quiet time where I get to be with my thoughts and big vision. It is a place where there are no expectations, judgments or required activities….where I get to recharge and renew. Me time doesn’t have to be alone. It can be cuddling up with my husband for a nap on a Sunday afternoon, taking a walk, or going to the spa for pampering. I give myself a healthy dose of Me Time every day.


Premiere Issue June/July, 2015

Co-Founding Publisher Michele Broad, NP-C Co-Founding Publisher | Creative Director Linda Carlberg Managing Editor Diane L. Donohue TO SUBSCRIBE, VISIT: Subscription Rates: $19.95 for 6 Issues Payment via PayPal at TO ADVERTISE: Send your contact information to receive our Rate Card and Editorial Calendar: MeTime Journal is published bi-monthly. Content copyright ©2015 by MeTime Journal. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or duplicated without the written permission of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or other materials.

All rights reserved.

MeTime Journal and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or other information, services or products that you obtain here. Please review the information and recommendations with your professional healthcare provider and/or financial advisor. This magazine is dedicated in memory of Judy Carlberg, R.N. who miraculously helped make MeTime Journal possible.


MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015



Feature Story

The MeTime


Meet Michele Co-Founding Publisher Founder/Well Women Network

e time to Launch our labor of love is finally here! We’d like to share a little about how MeTime Journal™ came to life and why, despite the challenges all three of us encountered, we never gave up on our dream.


Well the way I see it, we went from being strangers, to business partners, to friends, to kind of family. I was looking for a branding/marketing person for my business and Linda owned an agency.

We set up a meeting and she came out to my office and brought her colleague and best friend, Diane. Diane was also working part-time at Curves® and writing and teaching nutrition and exercise. We hit it off from the get-go and have never looked back.

After several years, my lifelong dream of owning my own practice came to an end due to finacial challenges. So I picked up the pieces and merged my practice with a doctor friend. I became an employee again, which didn’t make me happy, but it was the only viable solution I could think of. One afternoon, we all met for lunch and I brought up the idea of putting together a women’s magazine. I remember that we sketched our plans on the table napkins and left feeling elated and ready to take on this next venture. We dove in with gusto and started putting plans together. Then something happened that (Continued on next page)

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As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by medicine and especially Women's Health. Not to put down my male colleagues, but I always thought, “Who knows a woman's body better than a woman?” Hence, I went into medical practice over 20 years ago and I have never looked back.

The art and science of medicine has captivated me for all of those years, in addition to my love of research and self improvement. I have owned and operated my own practice for several years and have not only grown as a professional but more importantly as a business woman and person.

If I had to pick one thing that has guided me through the years, it would have to be my faith. I have always looked at my practice as a ministry to serve others as my gift to share – and now with all of you.

I so look forward to bringing you up-to-date health articles that give you practical, usable, and relevant information that you can implement right away.

I also look forward to hearing from you through Me Time. My goal is to serve you and help create a place that you want to come back to time and time again.

Meet Linda

Meet Diane

From the time I opened my first box of 64 crayons with the sharpener on the back until now, I have been “coloring.” Not literally of course, but creating and communicating with design, words and music is what I was born to do.

When asked “what do you do,” I ask, “how much time do you have”? The short answer is “many things,” teacher, coach, wellness instructor, some say guru. Ha! But none of these titles describes who I am – really.

Co-Founding Publisher | Creative Director

As an independent thinker, I didn’t hesitate to start my first advertising agency at age 29. Why not? I didn’t know I was an “entrepreneur,” I just did what was natural for me and followed my own path. Over 20 years later, I’m still doing what I love. For me, MeTime Journal is both a passion and a joy. My passion is to bring the best of my experience and vision to this project and make it real and relevant for you. My joy is to work with two of the most caring, knowledgeable, committed and amazing partners I could ever dream of. My life values are these: Curiosity, Creativity, Courage and Compassion. I look forward to sharing this adventure and connecting with you.

(About My Photo Above) My Dad made this box for me to carry my crayons in many years ago. It contains hundreds of well-loved little waxy bits that I treasure as symbols of the start of a life-long passion for the arts and design. Thanks Dad!

Managing Editor

More accurately, I would have to say I am a student. First and foremost, I love to learn. I am an enthusiastic intern of this gorgeous, blue planet and all its inhabitants. As a mother, my dedication to anything other than kids waned during the “child-rearing” years. Having no clue that I would find a love so immense, it made me want to be a better person. That’s amore! So, I began to delve even further into a formal study of child behavior, learning styles, psychology and the connection to physical health. The transition was easy because I’ve always been a psychology “nut” (part shoulder, part shrink) to all who know me.

My career reflects my multi-faceted education and experience – teaching and tutoring (God Bless middle school teachers), health care (lab science) and more recently and way more fun, wellness training and life coaching.

I schlepped here from the east coast and bring to MeTime Journal a different perspective; one that isn’t afraid to ask why and why not?!

I respect “your” time and hope to contribute thoughtprovoking, inspirational and entertaining work to MeTime Journal readers. Your time is your life and there’s no time like MeTime!

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


(The MeTime Journey continued from previous page)

most people don’t like to talk about – friends had different opinions. So we decided to put it to rest for a while even though the idea never left our hearts.

Linda and I started working on building our own brands and were moving fast in the forward direction and feeling really good about our progress. She was also working on her new company, SmartSyt™ and my online Well Women Network was starting to take shape.

One evening, I noticed Linda’s name appear on my phone and I think she’s calling to tell me she had finished one of my projects, but no… she’s calling to tell me that Diane has breast cancer. I can hardly hear her through her tears and trembling voice. I was sad and didn’t know what to say. The months leading up to her surgery were hectic and I helped Diane find a new doctor. Up to that point I always felt like a third wheel when it came to Linda and Diane as they were close friends, so being able to help Diane brought our friendship to a different level.

I still really wanted to have a magazine as part of my new brand and Linda and I started to talk about it again. Linda dusted off the old documents and layout that we started almost two years prior. With renewed vigor, we put our past challenges behind us and set out to do things differently.

Next thing you know, Linda had to move (which is a huge ordeal), Diane was on her second surgery, and I was knee deep in planning a wedding and bridal shower for my daughter who lives out of state. Life never stops!

As I sit here recalling this, tears are running down my face. It’s been hard. Life hands us lemons more than lemonade but it’s in making the lemonade that we find out who we really are and what we are really made of. The pain, the tears, the ups and downs, the frustrations that have led to this new chapter in our lives – this new ”launch” – were all worth it as I reflect on how three strangers became business partners, friends, and finally “family.” That moment came when I was thanking Linda for the bridal shower gift for my daughter, and she said, “Of course! We’re family!”


That is just like Michele… she’s the sweet one of our “family.”

After the initial meeting about doing the magazine, we all felt inspired. I love writing and sharing so I thought it would be ideal. But being the most negative – or as I like

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to say, realistic one – I knew this would be a huge undertaking. I suggested we do an online (instead of print) publication which made more sense. Still not easy, but nothing worthwhile is easy. We all felt the same desire: to share our experience, insights and good information with beautiful photos and words. Also, to create a publication where we could highlight other women who felt the same and wanted to share with us.

The main reason we are telling this story of “us” is to express that even when life gets “hairy” – whether it’s the insignificant challenge of devising working solutions with your team or more threatening, like dire finances or health… one can still find the impetus to move forward and find something worthwhile to contribute. Amongst our crazy life happenings – and there were many! – we found bits and pieces of time and resolved to push forward. As they say, “Time waits for no man.” But MeTime must be “made” for each woman! Ha! : )


When the three of us began discussing the possibility of putting together a magazine for women, I loved the idea. Then eventually I came to my senses! I knew how much work would be involved from personal experience, having designed and built many magazines and publications during my career.

But this was different. These two ladies have a wealth of information and passion for women’s health that are unmatched. It was too important a project to not just go for it. So we did!

To all of us, this is much more than just an online publication. It’s an extension of who we are and the work we have been doing our entire lives. Now we can share our experience with all of you and hopefully make a positive difference in your life. If so, it will be worth it all.

We hope you like what we’ve put together so far in this Premiere Issue. It’s just the beginning! We would like to gratefully thank each of our contributors for supporting us with their informative articles and beautiful creative work. We all appreciate your work and wisdom!

Most of all, MeTime is your time. We want to hear from you about topics that mean the most to you and things you want to learn more about. Share with us and help us make a good thing even better.

Thank you for joining us on our new journey. We’re right beside you all the way!

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” William G.T. Shedd


launch is the beginning of something new.

A new journey. New possibilities. Adventure!

Each day the sun rises, it gives us 24 new hours to live – until we take our last breath. How can we make the most of the life we have today? By choosing to make it better. Even a little better. As we launch this new journal, we invite you to join us. Wherever you are, wherever you have been, today can be the

dawn of a healthier life in every way if you choose it. MeTime is your time.

Here We Go.........................

Illustration by Daria Jabenko


At MeTime Journal, we strongly believe that good physical health is the foundation of a good life. It is our mission to bring you information that is relevant and current. Our hope is that you are encouraged to make healthier choices to make your life even better. In this section you will find will topics about fitness, nutrition, clean eating, and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. Life is better when you feel better!

hen spring arrives, everyone thinks about spring cleaning their closets and making their surroundings fresh and new. Spring is an amazing time to do the very same to your diet and transform your health. Everyone waits until the new year to make it part of their resolution, but doesn’t it make more sense when vegetables are at their peak?


Or better yet, if you didn’t quite meet your new year’s goal, now is a good time to renew that goal. With spring, everything is new and fresh. Let’s get started with refreshing you and your diet. With longer days and warmer weather comes a new crop of fresh produce that is bursting with flavor. So, out with the heavy fall and winter fare and in with springtime fruits and veggies. In-season produce has the most nutritional value and best taste. As always, before you put anything on your plate, know why you are eating it and what it does for your body.


Launch Into Spring with Better Health by Chef Deb Cantrell


Strawberries are available year-round in most areas of the country, but their peak season is from April until June. These sweet, juicy berries are nutritional powerhouses with just 1 cup offering 3.5 grams of fiber and meeting 100% of your daily vitamin C needs. For the best flavor, buy strawberries grown close to home since they are likely to be fresher and suffer less damage in transit. Also, I would invite you taste test the difference between an organic strawberry versus a conventional one. You will not go back to conventional. Strawberries, as all berries, are a low glycemic food, which means low in sugar, so you can eat them without the guilt. Not to mention the red color makes them amazing cancer fighters (phytochemicals) and they have huge amounts of antioxidants. Try them with a little chocolate stevia for a quick snack.


Asparagus is known as the “food of kings” by Louis XIV of France. Asparagus has amazing nutritional properties. It is low in fat and high in fiber, these tender stalks are a good source of iron, B vitamins, and vitamin C. Asparagus are at their peak from March through June but can be purchased year-round. Once harvested, asparagus are fragile, so place them in your fridge in a tall glass with a little water to retain freshness and nutrition. They’re delicious roasted, sautéed, dipped in hummus or made into a soup.


Sweet cherries are only available during the late spring and early summer and only for a short time. Sweet cherries are high in fiber and potassium, while remaining low in calories― just 1 cup of sweet cherries is about 100 calories. The intense color of cherries is due partly to their anthocyanin content, which is a cancer fighter and antioxidant much like strawberries. Cherries, as we know, make amazing desserts but try them in salads or just as a snack.


Fresh peas including sugar snap peas, snow peas, and green peas can usually be found year-round but are at their peak from April through July. Like most legumes, peas are low in fat and high in fiber and are a good source of plant protein. Many protein shakes are now being made with pea protein. Green peas provide more B vitamins and zinc, while snow and snap peas offer more vitamin C and are perfect to dip, as a snack or even sautéed with a little olive oil.


Radishes are root vegetables that have a bitter, earthy taste with very few calories. Most people know them as simple garnishes on a plate and not a vegetable that is regularly eaten. I would encourage you to think again. One cup of sliced red radishes

(Continued on the following page)

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


(Launch Into Spring with Better Health continued from previous page)

will give you 30% of your daily vitamin C requirement in less than 25 calories. To choose the best, pick radishes that are deep in color with solid roots. This vegetable is a flavorful addition to soups, used for dipping and adds great crunch to salads.

Fava Beans

Another vegetable that has a rich, hearty flavor is fava beans. Due to their high protein and fiber content, these beans help to keep you feeling full for longer. They make a great addition to soups or even as a side dish. They are hard to find but so worth seeking out as a change to your normal vegetable routine.


Apricots are a powerhouse of flavor and nutrients. They have betacarotene like carrots (orange color), potassium, vitamin C, and fiber with only 50 calories. The peak season for this fresh fruit is from May to August. Apricots can be used on sandwiches, snacks (dried or fresh), jams, salsas, and salads.


While artichokes are harvested yearround, the crop peaks from March through May. A 2-ounce serving (approximately the size of the bottom of one large artichoke) has about 3 grams of fiber and just 25 calories. Artichokes are also a good source of iron, potassium,

magnesium, folate, and vitamin C. Most people are scared of fresh artichokes because they can be difficult to cook. Don’t let this bother you. There are great high quality canned ones that can be used as well.


Rhubarb is technically a vegetable and is often used as a fruit and is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and manganese. Rhubarb stalks are the only part of the vegetable that should be eaten. They are often difficult to find in the southern part of the United States. Rhubarb is very tart but when sweetened, gives rich flavor to sauces and pies. In its raw form it has the consistency of celery. Rhubarb can also be blanched, diced,

Chef Deb Cantrell’s

Fruit Kabobs with Coconut Dip 12 Servings

Ingredients: • 1 medium tart apple, cut into 1-inch chunks • 1 medium pear, cut into 1-inch chunks • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 2 cups fresh pineapple cut into cubes • 24 grapes (about 1/4 pound) • 24 fresh strawberries

Coconut Dip: • 1-1/2 cups non diary yogurt (vanilla is best) • 4-1/2 teaspoons flaked coconut • 4-1/2 teaspoons orange marmalade

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Preparation: Toss apple and pear with lemon juice. Divide fruit into 12 portions and thread onto wooden skewers. Combine dip ingredients in a small bowl; ser ve with the kabobs.

and added to salsas for a change of pace from other traditional fruit salsas. Field-grown varieties are harvested from April through July and in some parts of the country it can be found year round.

Morel Mushrooms

Morels are coned shaped mushrooms that find their way onto plates of fine restaurants and farmers' markets in early spring through late June. Mushrooms in general offer a great source vitamin A. They are a member of the truffle family that have nutty flavor. The spongy texture of morels makes them ideal for soaking up flavorful sauces. They are great pared with other spring vegetables like asparagus in a sauté


or roasted. They can be a bit pricy in the stores but a little goes a long way and are a true delicacy. Whether you are managing your own business or the daily schedule of a busy household, you have a bottom line or an end result. Your bottom line can be a financial one or to get ready for bathing suit season. Either way, your food and nutrition choices will allow you to meet your goals, think clearer and improve your quality of life. Now is the time to launch your health forward and take a stand for yourself and your goals. Deb Cantrell Executive Chef, Certified Personal Chef, Speaker, Author and Dietary Consultant. Go to:

Fiber Can Help Cut Your Stroke Risk Getting more fiber in your diet may help cut your risk for a first-time stroke. Researchers found that each 7-gram increase in total dietary fiber was linked to a 7 percent decrease in risk. That's easy to get in with a single serving of organic whole wheat bread or 2 servings of fruits and vegetables. The latter is my favorite. The American Heart Association recommends an intake of at least 25 grams of fiber a day. How does it help? It helps lower your LDL-cholesterol – also known as your bad cholesterol – which in turn decreases your risk for Coronary Artery Disease and stroke. Fiber up today! Michele Broad, NP-C

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Launching We tend to hold ourselves

back from starting a Health

& Fitness routine due to fear

of the unknown and the fear

of failure. We ask ourselves:

what if I don’t finish, what if

I quit, what if it’s too hard,

how will I fit this into my

busy schedule? So many

questions we ponder in our

heads. Why do we torture

ourselves this way?

How can we start to become

more aware of our thoughts,

knowing that our words

truly create our world?

How can we start to change

how we view health &

fitness? How can we make

it fun and know that we are

truly making strides for the

longevity of our lives, for

our loved ones, for a better

attitude, increased self-

confidence and overall joy?

18 MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015

Into Fitness


by Jeanette Ortega

Let me share a few tips to help you launch into a fun, successful fitness routine that becomes an everyday lifestyle.

1. FIND SOMETHING YOU ENJOY! Many times we start a routine knowing we can’t stand it but we need to do it. How does that end up working for you?

With health & fitness you want to create something that will become a lifestyle, something you enjoy and look forward to. I know you’re thinking I don’t like any part of exercise…let me share an example.

I work with many clients and each one is unique and different, I find what makes them smile and we build a routine from there. Some love to dance, some used to be athletes and love sports drills, some enjoy working out in the outdoors, others enjoy yoga or bike riding. Dig deep and examine what you like to do. If you’re unsure, take different classes, there is so much out there today that there is no room for excuses but at the end of the day that’s what it is, excuses. Change and transformation come from taking actions and stepping into the direction of your goal. Will there we fear? SURE, but embrace the unknown and have fun, you never know what you’ll find! 2. ENROLL A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER TO JOIN YOU IN YOUR HEALTH JOURNEY!

Accountability is KEY! Who doesn’t need someone to hold them accountable for any type of goal? It may be for your career, your health & fitness, your relationships, or your family. We all need someone there to encourage us and push us when we are having a bad day and don’t want to work out or eat healthy. Having a partner in this process helps you to stay focused and on track not only for yourself but also for that other person. You want them to WIN as much as you want to WIN and it becomes an amazing bond and a partnership like no other! Plus you are helping someone else get healthy and take on being a wellness champion for life for themselves and their families. How rewarding is that?!


We all want to JUMP in hardcore and take our weight loss or fitness plan by storm until we realize maybe this was a bit too much and then get discouraged and stop the process because it just didn’t work. Just like anything else, health & fitness should be a thoughtful action plan; something that is feasible for you by starting with small steps which turn into bigger steps along the way. Set goals that are tangible, not goals that state: I will lose 10 pounds in one week, then when that doesn’t happen we fall apart, get discouraged and stop the progress. Set yourself up to WIN by making realistic goals that you know you can achieve, still challenge yourself but set goals that are worthwhile. EXAMPLE: Walk for 15 minutes four times a week. Week two, walk for 30 minutes and build upon that. These are the types of feasible actions that turn health & fitness into a lifestyle. 4. PUT “ME” TIME INTO YOUR CALENDAR AND DON’T CANCEL ON YOURSELF!

Just like any other appointment that you put into your calendar and don’t cancel, this is how your fitness time should be. Living a life of wellness, health & fitness is a lifestyle. It’s not just because you’re going on vacation and need to look good, it’s an everyday fun lifestyle that keeps you healthy all year long. Show up for yourself, make that daily appointment for YOU and don’t cancel on yourself. You are worth it! Imagine your life with energy, self-confidence, strength, stamina and mental clarity!! What would that look and feel like for you? Being a wellness champion for life is a mind, body, soul connection…all three aspects need to met in order for the body to work as a complete whole. When all 3 work together, it’s awesome how truly FANSTASTIC you feel. The majority of human beings honestly don’t know what it feels like to be healthy and how the body was designed to work. All it takes is true dedication, a sprinkle of commitment, a dash of motivation and a lot of FUN learning and growing in the process. Find “YOUR WHY” of what motivates you to be healthier. Is it your family? Your career? World travel? Whatever it may be let it drive you. If it’s truly the reason WHY you want to LAUNCH into Fitness then nothing will stop you no matter how long it may take. Jeanette Ortega Owner/CEO of Extreme Results Fitness Studio, Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach, Yoga Instructor, Author, WBFF Pro Bikini Model. Holds National Fitness & Bikini Titles. Go to: MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Aromatherapy: A Safer Choice by Michele Broad, NP-C

Most household cleaners contain multiple toxic compounds that are hazardous to your health; Ammonia, Formaldehyde, Phthalates, Benzalkonium Chloride, and 2-butoxyethanol, to name a few. Oven cleaners are one of the most toxic products people use on a frequent basis; they contain lye and ammonia.

I love to use aromatherapy oils that are created from natural elements. ey’re also called essential oils. ey range from lavender to grapefruit and everything in between. ey offer a number of therapeutic benefits, cleaning help and even health benefits. I love them!

e chemical companies spend billions of dollars each year brainwashing us to think that these products are safe and the best way for us to disinfect our homes. One study said a staggering 91% of the population applies 300-million pounds of these poisons annually, often indoors. Yuk!

Here Are Ten Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Oils in Your Home

e government knows that these cleaning products are hazardous, but regulation only requires labels to indicate if they are: combustible, corrosive, poison, caution, etc. ey are not required to expose the full ingredient list. Household cleaning products are among the most toxic substances we use daily. In one study conducted over a 15-year period, women who cleaned their own homes had a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who did not. e study concluded that the increased death rate was due to daily exposure to hazardous chemicals found in ordinary household products. Not only are these products bad, they also create tons of toxic waste which is disposed of in the environment in the form of air and water pollution and solid toxic waste. If you want a safer and healthier alternative, then use what I use.

your bathrooms with holiday scented oils. 4. Heat Diffuser

Place a few drops of essential oils on a cotton ball or wool ball and place inside a heating vent. When your furnace kicks on the blower will help spread the scent throughout your home. 5. Sinus Remedy

Add six to eight drops of your favorite scent to a bowl of water. If the water is warm, it will help spread the scent more quickly. You could place the bowl on a table or counter. If you’re really in need of a quick freshening, simply add the drops to a pan of boiling water. Choose your essential oils based on your mood or need. For example, if you want to freshen up your home lemon, verbena, orange or other light scents are ideal. If you’re looking to relax, try lavender or sandalwood.

If you are feeling congested then use some eucalyptus or oregano oil. Make sure the oregano oil that you buy is ORGANIC made from Origanum vulgare, and contains at least 50% carvacrol. Check the label to make sure the oregano oil is diluted with an edible oil like olive oil or you can mix straight organic oregano oil in olive oil yourself. is is important because pure essential oils are too strong to be taken undiluted. Once you have this mixture, use one to five drops of the liquid oil mixed with juice or water or you can mix it in hot water and use in a vaporizer.

2. Room and Linen Deodorizer

6. Refrigerator Deodorizer

1. Water Diffuser & Room Freshener

Add a few drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle. Keep a bottle in your bathroom. Spray near pet areas. You can also use the spray to freshen linens. Lavender spray in your bedroom is a great way to add a relaxing scent and help you fall asleep and to stay asleep.

Place several drops of orange, mint or lemon oil in a bucket of warm water. With a clean sponge, use the water to clean out your refrigerator. is also leaves a great scent and the lemon oil can also be used to disinfect. 7. Counter Cleaner

3. Sachet and Closet Freshener

Add a few drops of essential oils to several cotton balls, place them in a sachet bag, and then place in your drawers or your closet. Lavender, cedar or sandalwood are nice choices. Also place these sachets in

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Add lemon, thyme, basil or even geranium oil to equal parts distilled white vinegar and water. Use to clean countertops in your kitchen and bathroom. is is a safe, natural and non-toxic way to clean your home.

for Your Home 8. Light Bulb Room Freshener

Place a drop of your favorite oil on your light bulbs. Make sure to add the oil when the bulbs are cold. When the light is on and the bulb heats up it will heat the oil and fill the room with scent. Consider placing lavender oil on bedroom light bulbs to relax. Try invigorating grapefruit or other citrus scent in your home office to help you get your creative juices flowing and keep you awake and alert. 9. Furniture Polish

Add four to six drops of lemon essential oil to half a cup of olive oil. With a clean dry rag, use a small amount of the oil to polish wood furniture. 10. Holiday Room Sprays

Make holiday sprays with holiday scented oils and spray your holiday décor with it. Place scented cotton balls tucked away in table center pieces and add oils to inexpensive plain candles to liven them up. Use essential oils to fill your home with fresh, natural, and non-toxic scents. You can be sure you’re providing your loved ones with a safe environment that’s free from harmful chemicals when you use aromatherapy oils to clean and deodorize your home. You and your guests will also love the warm and relaxing way your home smells. e only downfall is that they may not want to leave!


New Menopause Study Says Hot Flashes Can Last Up to 14 Years!! by Diane L. Donohue

Hot News...or not? Not! We know that hot flashes afflict most women. 80 percent report having them. The bad news: hot flashes can continue for as long as 14 years, according to a new study (JAMA Internal Medicine Feb 2015).

In the study, close to 1,500 women with frequent hot flashes or night sweats (occurring at least six days in the previous two weeks) found that the average time a woman suffered, (and it is suffering) was just over seven years.

The sweaty truth: Researchers followed the women from seven American cities, from 1996 to 2013 and none of them had had a hysterectomy or both ovaries removed and were not on hormone therapy. While researchers found some differences between ethnic groups, reasons were not absolutely clear. Half the women were affected for less time and half had symptoms as long as 14 years. Ouch!

"There's a lot of variability," says lead researcher Nancy Avis, professor of public health sciences at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (Winston-Salem, N.C.). "If you experience symptoms for a long period of time, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong."

But, it may feel oh so wrong. So, it’s better to physically and emotionally prepare for the worst so you won’t be so “hot under the collar,” in case your symptoms last a long time!

What to do?

• Exercise. Drumroll please… The number one best thing that seems to help everyone is…. exercise. You’ve heard that a million times. For menopause it’s really crucial. Your hormones regulate with exercise. Your mood improves, as does your sleep, bone and muscle strength. Exercise a little every day. Studies show that daily vigorous physical activity decreases hot flashes and night sweats, while improving the balance of hormone levels. Aerobic exercise (walking, running) at least 20 minutes daily and weight-bearing activities like resistance training also help keep your bones strong. Yoga relieves stress and works your muscles too. • Meditate. Is it really helpful? Yup, and for a less time that you think. Just few minutes of quiet, calm, focused breathing a few times a day, helps lower stress levels. You can repeat a mantra like, “This too shall pass” (my favorite).

• Drink. Sorry, not alcohol, silly girl. Wine or any alcohol can actually initiate flashes. Ice cold water feels great. Aaaah! • Stop or Limit Caffeine and Spicy, Fatty Foods. All “fire- starters.”

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(New Menopause Study – continued from previous page)

• Be Prepared. Have small fans handy. Dress in layers, so you can strip o your top shirt, if need be.

• Quit Smoking. Period. Come on‌aren’t you “smoking hotâ€? enough?

What else?

Some women report decreased symptoms with things like Flaxseed (1-2 ground Tablespoons/daily) and herbs like Dong Quai or Black Cohosh. Vitamin E, B vitamins, Evening Primrose oil or Black Currant oil can also help but ask your health care professional for more information on these.

In the meantime, reframing your perspective can help. Sweating is an eďŹƒcient natural way of detoxing chemicals out of your body. So you can shout, “Don’t mind me, I’m just detoxing!â€? And ďŹ nally, who doesn’t look better with a “rosyâ€? glow. Pink is very pretty!

Less Food = Better Mood Research shows that calorie restriction actually gives you MORE energy. How much energy do you have when you eat a big meal? Not much, because too much food strains the organs of the body making them work hard to digest. Ever see a hungry dog lie around and sleep? Nope. Hunger keeps your brain alert. Too much food and you’ll have little energy for anything except sitting around and digesting!

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A Healthy Dose

Anatomy of Broccoli: Nature’s Perfect Super Food by Michele Broad, NP-C

You probably didn’t see what was so great about broccoli as a child, but the truth is that this vegetable is one of nature’s superfoods. From its stalk to its flowering head, broccoli is packed with nutrients and vitamins needed for your overall health and wellbeing. This vegetable has been around for centuries, and it has always been used and viewed as the perfect go-to super food.

It’s healthy, can be eaten in a number of different ways, comes with a variety of benefits, is easy to cook, and offers the body a single boost of minerals in every serving. For a comprehensive understanding of this perfect food, check out the following information.

The Anatomy of Broccoli: Understanding the Veggie from Top to Bottom

Many people aren’t aware just how much there is to know about broccoli. Yes, it’s a vegetable, and yes, it’s incredibly good for you— but that’s not all. This anatomical breakdown of broccoli should teach you everything you need to know about this vegetable and more. So, let’s begin with the basics. What Exactly is Broccoli? An edible green plant belonging to the cabbage family, broccoli is a vegetable that originated in Italy as many as 2,000 years ago. While, its flowering head is usually used as a vegetable in a variety of meals, the


before the shoots, or little florets open. Sometimes the heads are purple, but the green shoots are most commonly cultivated by gardeners. The best growth environment for the broccoli plant is in full sun, with plenty of water, and of course, the nutrient rich soil mentioned earlier.

entire vegetable can be eaten and contains a host of nutritional values. Arranged like a small tree, broccoli closely resembles cauliflower, which is another vegetable of the same species. Due to its rich green color, broccoli is high in antioxidants and other essential vitamins.

A broccoli plant is made up of three main parts: • The root system • Leaves and stalk • The crowning head

When still in the ground, the root system of the broccoli plant needs nutrient-rich soil in order to grow and support the plant. Broccoli plants need to be watered often in order to keep the plant hydrated and well fed as it approaches maturity.

Why is Broccoli Considered a Super Food?

The leaves and stalk are lesserknown parts of the broccoli plant because gardeners and farmers often discard these pieces at harvest. However, they are actually edible and highly nutritious; my African Grey Parrot loves these parts. Broccoli leaves can be long and thin or short and wide and grow along the stalk. They are often blue-green in color and thicken towards the head of the plant. The crowning head is the part of the broccoli most familiar to people. Sometimes called the curd or the head, the top of the broccoli is most commonly eaten. This head is made of small, dense edible floral shoots. Usually, the head is harvested long

Broccoli is a great food to eat when you are looking to get extra fiber and vitamin C into your diet. It contains various nutrients that hold anticancer properties and support a strong, healthy immune system. A great source of natural energy, broccoli is low in carbs, and fat but high in protein. Nutrients: It contains B vitamins, Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin and Folate as well as traces of calcium, iron, potassium, and phosphorous.

High Fiber: Broccoli is also high in fiber that supports heart health, helps lower bad cholesterol and supports healthy weight management because it is filling and very low in calories. Detox Aid: Broccoli has a strong, positive impact on your body’s detoxification system.

Improved Vitamin D: When large supplemental doses of vitamin D are needed to offset deficiency, ample

(Continued on the following page)

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(Broccoli – Continued from Previous page)

supplies of vitamin K and vitamin A help keep our vitamin D metabolism in balance. Broccoli has an unusually strong combination of both vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and vitamin K. For people faced with the need to rebuild vitamin D stores through vitamin D supplements, broccoli may be an ideal food to include in the diet. Anti-Cancer Fighting Properties: Broccoli has a unique combination of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pro-detoxification components that make it a unique food in terms of cancer prevention.

To Get The Most out Of Broccoli the Best Way to Prepare it is: Broccoli can be steamed, boiled, stir-fried, or eaten raw. However, over cooking or boiling broccoli has been proven to reduce the levels of anticarcinogenic compounds present in the food. It is therefore best to steam it until it reaches a bright green color, but no longer. Steaming it can also help lower your cholesterol levels as the fibers in the broccoli can bind together better and this in turn helps the bile acid in your gallbladder be excreted along with cholesterol. It’s Easy to Add Broccoli to Your Diet Adding broccoli to your daily diet can do wonders for your health. A side of broccoli at dinner, a broccoli salad for lunch, chopped broccoli along with eggs or in an omelet for breakfast, and even eaten raw as a healthy snack is great way to include this superfood in your diet. All parts of broccoli can also be juiced, including the stems, leaves and heads, and it makes a great addition to green juice, along with kale, spinach, green apples, celery, cucumber, and lemon.

24 MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015

Igniting Better Brain Health Through Exercise by Michele Broad, NP-C

ere seems to be no end to the benefits of exercise. Humans need to move or else fall victim to what is often referred to as the “sitting disease.” If the majority of your day is spent sitting, your overall health will suffer as it can lead to weight gain, heart disease and other serious chronic illness especially as you get older. Lack of movement can lead to heart attack, stroke, and a general loss in quality of life in our senior years. Everyone agrees that exercise is physically great for the body. However, did you know that exercise also has a wide variety of benefits for your brain? Let’s take a close look at what happens in our brains when we exercise in order for it to have such an impressive effect on our mental health.

What Actually Is Being Ignited In The Brain During Exercise

Exercise causes our heart rate to rise, which sends a signal to the brain that the body is under stress. In response, a protein is released into our body called “brain-derived neurotrophic factor” (BDNF). is protein is thought of as a “reset switch” – it repairs memory neurons, making thoughts seem crystal clear after exercising and putting the body at ease. Simultaneously, endorphins are released into the brain, which are meant to limit the degree of pain and discomfort associated with exercise, even creating a sense of euphoria. Like BDNF, endorphins are released in response to the feeling of “stress” brought on by exercise. e term, “runner’s high” describes the surge of endorphins released during exercise that act as a natural anti-depressant.

e same antidepressant-like effect from a “runner’s high” also results in a reduction in your stress level hormone called cortisol. Additionally, a study conducted in Stockholm showed that running stimulates cell growth in the hippocampus, which is the portion of the brain responsible for memory and learning. How Our Mind and Body Are Benefited

Together, BDNF and endorphins give us a “happy” feeling after exercise. ese are somewhat addictive in nature, which is one reason why some people seem obsessed with exercising, although this “addiction” can usually be a healthy one. Besides the short-term high from endorphins and BDNF, exercise also has long-term benefits. A Penn State research study showed that people who exercise within the previous month were happier and more productive at work compared to those who had not exercised (but not quite to the same degree as those who had worked out earlier that day). People who exercise regularly have much better moods than those who don’t and retain a stronger sense of calmness throughout the day. Exercise affects the brain on various fronts. Not only does it increase our heart rate which in turn pumps more oxygen to the brain, it also facilitates the release of various hormones that provides a nourishing environment for the growth of brain cells. Research conducted at UCLA showed that working out stimulates the growth of new neuronal connections in a variety of important cortical areas of the brain.

How to Implement and Maximize the Benefits The 20 Minute Rule

Based on this information, you might think that only professional athletes are the happiest people on the planet. Not necessarily, research conducted by the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Georgia, showed that only 20 minutes of vigorous exercise is needed to reach that peak level of productivity, positive mood, and facilitate information processing and memory functions. e key is to turn it into a habit. The Mental and Physical Connection

ere is an important mental and physical connection that can increase the benefits of exercise. For example, exercise that integrates different parts of brain activity, such as ballroom dancing that requires rhythm, strategy,


coordination and thoughtfulness in movements stimulates cognitive health more than less complex workouts like running or cycling that do not necessarily engage diverse mental abilities. Adding Exercise to Your Life

Working out in the morning before work or school helps to spike brain activity, prepares you for stresses you may incur during your day, allows for increased retention of new information and learning, and equips you to cope with complex situations that may arise. Start-off easy – even just 5-10 minutes a day – and gradually increase the length and intensity of your workout. Going to a group or class at the gym makes exercising more fun, and it’s a great way to learn new techniques and to meet new fitness minded people. However, getting motivated to go to the gym regularly can be a challenge, so try different exercises at home and outdoors in your neighborhood, such as jogging, biking, strength training, etc. Variety is the spice of life, and the more you vary your routine the better for your motivation and your body. ere are many apps on your smartphone that can provide you with workout sets for all experience levels and even guide you through the exercises. Furthermore, apps like Map My Fitness and Nike enable you to track your progress, which is a great way to stay motivated as you watch yourself improve.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the health of your mind and body are closely connected, and exercise is one of the best – if not the very best – ways to improve mental and physical health in both the long-term and short-term. e long-term benefits of exercising regularly are immense – reduced risk of disease, improved mental health, stronger body/muscles, reduced stress, improved digestion, improved blood circulation, and much more. Even just going on a 20-minute daily walk is immensely better for you than staying sedentary. Find a training partner, set a schedule, do whatever you have to do to get those endorphins and BDNF proteins pumping as often as you can!

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Illustration by Daria Jabenko


Prosperity is more than just your bottom line.We know that true wealth is the abundance that comes from doing what you love and the people you share your time with. Finances impact not only your life, but the lives of others around you. In this section, you’ll find articles about many aspects of living a prosperous life – from business and financial issues to living a life of true abundance. We hope this section will help you personally and professionally.

Launching Into Financial Freedom S

o many people think that financial freedom is all about building wealth. And to a certain degree, it is. However, it’s not all about money, honey!

Are you happy? Do you want to be? Is money an issue impacting your happiness? I’m here to say, it doesn’t have to be (although it is nice to have it when you want it).

Sure, there are times when money is a total challenge, but even then, it doesn’t have to dictate your joy, your happiness, or your abundance.

Money is a tool, a method of exchange. It is a means of utility, or use, to get you what you ultimately want. It is not a credit card, a loan, or a home equity line of credit. Nor is it a weapon to be used against you or anyone else.

How you interact with money has a lot to do with where you are now. Your behaviors are the total of all your financial experiences dating back to your childhood. They make up your money story. And you are welcome to rewrite that story any time—now might be a great time!


by Renée Cabourne, CFP

There are eight archetypes of money management.1

These simply describe patterns of behaviors in all of us. They’re not meant to be interpreted as personality types. However, they are meant to be used to identify behaviors that serve you well (and should be repeated), may need to change, or perhaps stop completely choosing another direction.

As the vibrant, unique, and fabulous individuals that we are, these archetypes will help reveal how you’re manifesting your dreams or creating your own money dramas. Yep, time to take full responsibility. We’re the ones doing it, and only we can stop it.

So, put your feet up, grab your cat, dog, or favorite snuggle blankie, take a deep breath, and open yourself to the possibilities of truly taking your next steps into financial freedom. The choice is yours …to stay exactly the way you and things are, or to choose to do things differently.

Here we go…

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


The Eight Archetypes of Money Management1 The Innocent: Simply put, imagine an ostrich with its head in the sand. The Innocent would rather turn over all responsibility to someone else rather than take it on themselves. They choose to believe that their money is too complicated and difficult for them to handle so they rely on others. They don’t always do the research to make sure the “advisors” are doing what’s best for the Innocent. As a result they’re often taken advantage of. The Victim: Often times, the Victim has truly been victimized. They’ve either been hurt, betrayed, or even abused. The problem lies in the fact that they never move on. They wear their victimhood as a royal robe of entitlement to a never ending pity party. They refuse to take the initiative of taking their power back and making something of themselves. They can appear much like the Innocent shirking responsibility, but the Victim feels entitled being rescued and will find excuse and excuse until someone comes to their rescue. The Warrior: The Warrior is quite often successful, taking on money matters as competition or sport. They can be financially successful due to their drive, power, and wisdom. They work hard independently and collaboratively. Where they misstep is in being loyal to a fault or rescuing others too often. They fear losing their power or prestige. The Martyr: Putting others’ needs before their own is the stumbling block of the Martyr. Everyone comes first …the kids, family, spiritual center, needy person on the street, you name it. They give away their money without a second thought. Their selfsacrifice and suffering comes with strings attached, which often go unanswered. They find themselves disappointed when they call in a favor from someone they’ve bailed out in that past who can’t return the favor when requested. “Woe is me,” is the song they sing with a resentful voice.

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The Fool: If the Fool is a risk taker and potential gambler. They like to live for today, take short cuts to wealth, and lack discipline. They aren’t much interested in details, nor are they attached to outcomes. They simply remain optimistic and move on to the next adventure. The Fool, however, isn’t all bad. They have an uncanny way of landing on their feet and are fiercely determined to win someday. If they could harness their positive aspects, they could fare much better. The Creator/Artist: These heartfelt souls struggle the most with money. They enjoy the freedom money can bring, yet loath the feeling of “selling out” to acquire it. They often distrust the wealthy, fear the role money plays in the world, and believe that materialism is the consequence of having money. Integrating their inner spirituality with the outside world would help to lessen their struggles. The Tyrant: This individual truly uses money as a weapon when they manipulate others by giving it or withholding it. Contrary to the Warrior who uses their money to benefit others, the Tyrant only looks out for themselves. They are not interested in helping anyone unless they get something out of it. They thrive on control and dominance, and lack remorse for the destruction they leave in their wake. Even though they have most everything they need or want, the Tyrant feels unhappy, angry, and incomplete. Money cannot ultimately deliver enough of what they want. The Magician: The Magician has combined the best of all the archetypes and discerned what to leave behind. They have successfully blended their spirituality with the outside world. They have claimed their power and utilize it to their highest good. The Magician plans, has the patience to wait, and work within their abilities. They know they can transform and manifest what they need and want all the time. They rely on their Higher Power to keep them calm and in a place of certainty.

Again, these archetypes are all found inside of us. For example, over the course of my life, I’ve demonstrated attributes of the Warrior, the Innocent, the Fool, certainly the Victim, and now, more often the Magician. I’ve never really been a Martyr, Tyrant, or Creator/Artist type. But even now with my CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Certificate, I still find myself, having to make conscious choices so I don’t slip into the Fool or Innocent. I enjoy the Warrior and Magician roles and strive to keep myself in that realm. You can do the same thing. What you did with your money seconds before reading this is in the past. You are free to do something else from this point forward. It boils down to choices. What choices are you making? Are you even aware of them? Decide to let go of all the “shoulda, coulda, woulda” talk. It only keeps you paralyzed right where you currently are. Let it all go. None of it matters. Forgive yourself and others for all, and I mean ALL, the past mistakes and mishaps. I’m serious—the past really doesn’t matter anymore, except for to learn from it. What does matter is dealing with the here and now. Where are you now? Where are you going? What do you really want? How are you going to get it? That matters! THAT matters! Your neighbor buying a new car …doesn’t matter! Your sister getting a new designer bag …doesn’t matter! Trying to keep up with crazy stuff you really don’t need, or want, just to keep up an image is nuts! You’ll never get where you want to go if you allow outside influences to impact your money decisions. So, put on your big girl pants, make some decisions, and STAND BY THEM. There’s no reason why you can’t have what you want if you really want it. Start small if you have to. Every time you brown bag your lunch, put that cash in a savings jar/account. Decide to make yummy coffee at home instead of a $5-a-pop latté. Go to the matinée in the afternoon followed by a sunset picnic. Hit the beach with a beach ball. Go to a museum with free admission. Use and to save on entertainment and travel. DECIDE to take your power back and launch into your own version of abundance. Here are a few simple steps to get you on the right path.



Pull out all your statements and figure out exactly where you are financially—what you’re bringing in (net not gross), how much you have in savings, and what you owe. (EVERYTHING you owe, no more hiding.)


Track your money so you know what you’re actually doing with your cash. (Make conscious choices; not “supposed to” or “we’ve always done it this way” choices). Have a notebook that tracks every bit of spending you do, every cent.


Have a heart-to-heart money talk with your family. If it’s just you, then look yourself in the mirror and have the money talk. (Big-Girl time!)


Decide what expenditures bring you joy, happiness, and peace, and let the rest go. Abundance is a feeling, a choice, a state of mind. You can find your version of wealth by starting with gratitude for what you already have. (Each night, close your day with a short list of what you’re grateful for. I do it every night and share it with my community.) You know what you need to do, so do it. You think you’re the only one with money monsters hiding in the closet? You’re not, so get over it! You simply need to face the issues that have you by the ankles. Break free of them, and continue making choices that get you closer to your goals. Financial freedom and abundance is a choice. You can launch freedom with your next step. You can do it! I believe in you! Money Savvy Woman, Inc. © 2015 i

Deborah Price. Money Magic (Novato: New World Library, 2000) 35-54

Renée E. Cabourne Certified Financial Planner Go to:

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


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30 MeTime Journalâ„¢ | Premiere Issue 2015


Three Steps to Get You Moving Forward with Social Media Marketing by JoAnne Funch

One of the biggest challenges I hear from small business owners is getting overwhelmed by all the social media options and how to stay consistent with social media marketing. It is important to understand that social media is a function of your overall marketing. Social media should amplify your business objectives, so being clear on them. Having a marketing strategy is key to staying focused on what to post on social media. I think this is why people are overwhelmed. ere’s no plan, so they throw up their hands and say they don’t have time or it doesn’t work.

Here are three steps to get you moving forward with social media marketing: 1. Only choose 1-3 social media platforms and stick with them until you are really good. Don’t get sucked into being on every social media platform! Start with the 1 to 3 that you know from doing some research are where your ideal clients are spending their time. People often ask, “well how do I know where my clients are spending their time?” Easy – ask them! Do a free poll using a platform such as Survey Monkey and write a couple of probing questions such as: • What social media platforms do you frequent most? en write out the options and tell them to select all that apply. • What time of day do you most often access social media? 7-9am, 12-1pm, 5pm, or 7pm and later. • Do you access your social media sites via mobile? Yes or no. ese 3 simple questions will tell you the what, when and how people use social media.

3. Engagement is critical

2. Stay consistent and relevant with your content. is includes any original content you produce, such as a blog, as well as any content you curate from other sources. For more info on sharing content, check out 7 Great Tools For Finding Relevant Content to Share at Always ask yourself, what do people most want to learn from me? is is the content you share. Showing up with consistency is the real key to getting people to notice and I don’t mean in a spammy way. If you don’t show up daily, people will forget. at is simply the noisy world in which we live. Also remember that the news feed on all sites move, so if you post something at 9am on a Monday, people who log on in the evening are not likely to see your post unless they are specifically looking for you.

No longer can you sit by the sidelines and lurk. If you want to be noticed, build your credibility and exposure. en you need to make the effort to actually write comments that are meaningful to a post. Simply clicking a LIKE button is not enough anymore. A more strategic play would be to focus on following and engaging with 10 people who you most want to increase your awareness with and comment on their posts, ask them questions and – bottom line – engage just as you would if you were in person. Social media is SOCIAL so get out and socialize! Last word… When you are focused on your business objectives, then posting and engaging on social media becomes hyper-focused. is takes less time than if you are throwing all kinds of jibber jabber out online hoping someone is listening and might give you a thumbs up.

JoAnne Funch Marketing Consultant, Social Media Trainer, Speaker and Blogger. Go to:


MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


The Connection Launch: Fuel to Skyrocket Your Success by Lisa Marie Platske

Mastering the art of connection can skyrocket your success by creating and leveraging partnerships. But, what is a connection? If you type the words “define connection” into Google, the definition you’ll get is: “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else……people with whom one has social or professional contact or to whom one is related, especially those with influence and able to offer one help.”

In today’s world, connections are necessary (like air and water). Not a luxury. So, how do you put yourself out there and connect – and how do you make a connection that lasts? This is IMPORTANT stuff so you may want to take notes…especially because so many people are getting it wrong today.

There’s nothing worse than launching prematurely. When I speak about connection, I share the importance of creating a relationship “bank account” which I wrote about in my ebook, 7 Keys to Mastering Connection. To really understand this, let's use dating as an analogy, because some people approach connection as if it were a one-night stand and not a courtship.

Imagine you are available, wanting to date, and went to karaoke night with your friends (just go with me on this even if you'd never be caught in a karaoke bar...). You make eye contact with the guy or gal across the room. They look goooood. And, there appears to be some mutual chemistry.

If they walked across the room and asked to sit next to you, it would be cool. But, if they walked across the room and leaned in to kiss you or gave you some cheesy line

32 MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015

asking you to go home with them, well that would be bold and creepy. Now, if you did allow them to sit next to you, you would chat, laugh a bit, and see about meeting again – if you enjoyed each other's company – with the end goal to know each other a bit better. Then, the next step would be to exchange numbers so you could call or text each other.

When you did get together, maybe this person would hold your hand or bring you something sweet - or call you and say you're pretty neat (okay - that was a cheesy rhyme). Next, this might lead to dinner or a fun evening on the town - with flowers. You get the picture.

There is a natural progression to what "should" happen if he/she were classy, not brassy (there I go with the bad rhymes again). Courting is all about making deposits into the relationship bank account and the same is true in business. You've got to make deposits before you can make withdrawals. You've got to give before you can receive.

However, there are countless professionals who violate this principle with their teams, co-workers, and clients by asking for sales or opportunities prematurely. And, it feels icky. So don't!

Pay into the relationship bank account regularly and often, both online and offline. The connection launch starts before you’ve ever connected with your focus and intention.

The final step in mastering connection is all about follow-up, so you not only make connections, you keep them. ACTION ITEM: Reach out to 3 people every week this month solely for the purpose to find out how you can be of service/support. Can you give them a testimonial for their work? Share a resource? Open a door for them? • Follow the person first, then their great plan • Be someone worth following • Be known as someone who has mastered the art of connecting

Lisa Marie Platske CEO, Upside Thinking, Inc. Leadership Expert and Author Go to: Also founder of the Leadership Success Summit Go to:

alia Poulos A cup of coffee, sitting up in bed reading a spiritual book for two hours early on a Saturday morning is my favorite. Then, walking out onto the deck to take in the view and feel gratitude for the moment as the dogs hear me rustling and come out to greet me with yawns; then roll over for belly rubs. I do a mini version of that daily, sitting in my chair in an area of my bedroom that provides a very peaceful setting. What it means to me: Taking time to be peaceful gives me great clarity for the rest of the day. In my work I talk about helping people create a Personal Sanctuary in their home. I believe that the true personal sanctuary comes from within. One little "me" time thing I do is make my bed lovingly, giving thanks for a good night's sleep. I start out the day with gratitude that way.

Joan Rudder-Ward Me time is a time to consciously shut out the “noise” that is prevalent in our world today and focus on something beautiful. It could be a sweet-smelling rose, which delights my senses ... or listening to my favorite types of music which captivate my heart. When I remember to take these moments during the course of a regular day, I find that my soul is refreshed and creativity is renewed.

JulieAnn Stitick I love my ME time and make a point to schedule it in to my life. Although I’m outgoing, I’m also an introvert and solo time is crucial to recharging my batteries. It can be a day of reading on my iPad with my two dogs sleeping next to me. It can also mean a quiet walk in the surrounding foothills, taking the time to make myself a healthy and tasty lunch, a warm bath with lavender essential oil and snoozing in the afternoon.


MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Who Will Take Care of Me? Me! By Dalia Hayon

Here is a typical day in a woman’s life – for example, my daughter’s: Drive a carpool of children to school, work all day at the law office, shop for groceries, pick up the kids from school, help with homework, prepare dinner, clean house, and be involved in school, community and religious organizations. Women are known to work a “second shift” for their families. Can you feel the stress reading this? I can feel the stress writing about it! In my own life as a professional woman, mother and grandmother, I’ve gotten a curve ball of stress thrown at me with a phone call about one of my investments. Had I not had all my financial ducks in a row, I could have been thrown off course for weeks or even months. You see, as I was growing up, my parents made sure I knew about good financial practices. Over the years I have seen several of my girlfriends have difficulties because they didn’t plan right. Having finance and insurance plans that meet your needs can help reduce or eliminate financial stress that could ultimately have an adverse effect on your health.

INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT WOMEN & MONEY: • Women control 75% of the wealth in the USA 1 • Women live, on average, four to six years longer than men in the United States 2 • 75% of nursing home residents are women with costs averaging $75,000 per year 3 • Up to 90% of women will be responsible for their own finances at some point 4 • Women spend fewer years working than men to start families & raise children 5 • 33% of American families provide elder/parent care while still raising their own families, 66% of them are female 6

“Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.” – Helen Gurley Brown Cosmopolitan Magazine

WHAT CAN SABOTAGE YOUR LIFESTYLE: Longevity: Women on average are living longer than their male counterparts (we can live 20-30 years without a regular paycheck). Healthcare Costs as We Age: With the rising costs of health insurance, Medicare supplements, prescription

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drugs, long-term care (Medicare DOES NOT pay for long-term care), a woman’s savings can be wiped out in a very short period of time unless options are properly planned for. Inflation: Maintaining purchasing power is important when looking to the future. For example, in 1970 I purchased a home in Queens, New York for $20,000 with a down payment of $1000. Today I can’t get a car for this amount. Taxes: It’s not how much you make that counts but how much you keep. Working with a CPA or other certified tax consultant is a crucial component of a healthy financial plan. e more money you make, the more tax you owe. e IRS has given us tools to defer tax and by doing so we can reduce our taxable income ( If a gross annual income is $50,000 and I am able to defer $5,500 (or $6500 if 50 years of age or older), my taxable income for the year is reduced to $44,500 (or $43,500 if 50 years of age or older). Market Volatility: If you are invested in the market, you are subject to the value of your investment going up or down, and the placing of the investments are subject to the individual risk tolerance. Natural Disasters: Earthquake, flood, fire, terrorism and other events can cause a business or a job to be interrupted. Loss of a Job or a Business: Either by choice or being unexpected will prevent us from getting our regular paycheck or income.


LESSON LEARNED Maintaining your lifestyle should not be negotiable! We don’t want to outlive our money nor do we want to lose it unnecessarily, so getting the right information from the right person is crucial. As women we need to ask questions about managing our money and find dedicated professionals to provide us answers and educate us. My motto is, “Make plans to live your life and retire on YOUR OWN TERMS!”

1 7/21/11 Life Expectancy Study 6/14/10 – mortality Table Society of Actuaries 3 MetLife Study on Finance and Female Executive 2010 4 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010 5, 6 Meryl Lynch Survey, April 2010 and the National Alliance of Caregiving, November 2009 2/4

Dalia Hayon Independent Financial Planner Generation 2 Generation Registered Representative- Securities and Investment Broker/Dealer Investment Advisor Member FINRA/SIPC Go to: Advice offered through Capital Financial Services, Inc.

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


he had come far in her journey, and was happy with the progress she had made. But now, there was an obstacle unlike any she had faced before. A great expanse of water stood between her and her destination ere was no way to get around it and she had no way to get across. Should she continue...or...just turn back? Taking a deep breath she decided to continue. As she stepped forward, a giant lily pad, big and strong enough to support her, appeared from seemingly nowhere. As she took that step, another appeared, and then another... providing a path for her to cross the water to her destination

Image and Text by Joan Rudder-Ward

36 MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015

Illustration by Daria Jabenko


How do you define beauty? Let’s face it, everyone has their opinion. At MeTime Journal we see beauty in all things.True beauty isn’t just external. Sure, we all want to look good – but beauty can be found in many places. In this section, you will find articles that explore all avenues of beauty – from the world of fashion to the vast variety found in nature all over this planet.The arts are another favorite place to locate exquisite gems that give our lives an appreciation for living … beautifully!

Softer Skin Tips by Michele Broad, NP-C

Low temperatures and inside heating during the cooler months and hot temperatures and air conditioning during the hotter months can be very harsh on your skin, leaving it feeling dry and cracked.

Here are some DIY beauty steps to help you keep your skin softer. 1. Get a monthly facial.

This is a good way to help keep your skin soft, if you can afford it. If not, make your own awesome spa-like facial treatment that is hydrating and yummy smelling:

Mix ¼ cup of ground oatmeal that has steeped for several minutes in hot not boiling water (use bottled water) with 3 tablespoons of plain milk based or soy based yogurt and 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to your face and relax with some music or meditate. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and then apply an organic rich moisturizer.

2. Bathe with moisturizing essential oils or oatmeal.

Add about 5 drops of your chosen essential oil (or essential oil blend, since most oils mix well with others) into a cup of whole milk or a few tablespoons of olive oil. Add this diluted mixture to your bath water and stir to blend.

Adding essential oils directly to hot water can cause them to evaporate quickly, along with their therapeutic benefits and if not diluted can be too harsh for your skin. 3. Use Epsom salt to soothe sore muscles and soften and detox your skin.

Mix a few drops of essential oils into two cups of Epsom salts mix in a metal bowel, as plastic will tend to absorb the scent of the essential oil, and dissolve into your bath. Or you


can make the later mixture and store it in a wide mouth mason jar for future use.

Oils that you may want to try are: Rose, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Rosewood, Neroli, Vetiver, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, or Jasmine. When choosing essential oils for your winter bath, look for an indication that the oils are 100% pure and therapeutic grade.

Drinking water does flush toxins and may help your skin feel more soft and supple. The evidence is quite clear; water intake has a positive effect on your health. Sip water throughout the day to keep yourself feeling more energized. 4. After taking a shower or bath (see #2) apply an organic rich moisturizer on your skin right away to lock in moisture.

Your moisturizer works more effectively on skin that has been exfoliated. Try and exfoliate once a week using a simple sugar or salt scrub. Here is a simple DIY recipe to make your own:

5. Use good organic make-up that doesn’t feed your skin harmful ingredients.

I like 100% percent pure cosmetics (, Au Naturale ( or Red Apple Lipstick ( 6. Eat food rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

One of the most important things that we give the least attention to is the food we consume. Try to eat food rich in omega-3 fatty acids as these help the skin cells to retain moisture. Flax seeds, chia seeds, fish, such as salmon, tuna, herring, and nuts like walnuts are high in Omega 3’s, but even vegetables like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, peppers, and legumes like beans have some essential fatty acids too. 7. Exercise. (Not that again!)

Start by choosing your oil base such as sweet almond oil, organic coconut oil, or olive oil. 1 part oil to 2 parts sugar or salt (if you have sensitive skin use brown sugar). Next add in 5 drops of one of the essential oils mentioned above to add fragrance. Note: the oil will settle to the bottom. Store in wide mouth mason jar and scoop out the mixture a needed. In shower or tube add the scrub mixture to a wash cloth or loofah pad and gentle polish your body.

Have you ever seen how much your skin glows after vigorous aerobic exercise? That glow improves your skin’s elasticity and detox function. Studies at McMaster University in Ontario showed that people who do 3 hours a week of moderate to vigorous exercise (not just a stroll, sorry) had visibly younger looking skin.

Remember what you put inside reflects what appears outside.

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


A few years back I was working with a client who still had the suit she wore to her husband’s funeral 10 years previously. She knew she’d never wear it again and wanted to part with it, but just couldn’t. She knew that releasing it would help her to move on in her life. I suggested she donate it to a support group for widows of men taken by cancer. You see, her husband had died from the disease. Her willingness to do something meaningful with the suit freed her. Read on.

30 Day Wardrobe Challenge

It’s FUN!

by JuliAnn Stitick

Does the idea of cleaning out your closet make you shudder? You’re not alone. It may be because you have so many clothes it feels overwhelming. You may not have the time. But there’s more to it. Many items in your wardrobe have significance. You wore it to your sister’s wedding and even though it’s out of style and something you’d never wear again, it’s tough to part with it. It might be a pair of jeans you KNOW you’ll get back into some day. I struggle with the same issues.

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This year, I challenged myself to remove 3 things from my closet every day for 30 days. On the last day of the month it was a pair of jeans that I love, but were too small. It WAS hard, but they were uncomfortable and it was time. Yes, I had put on a few pounds but they had shrunk, too :). The second item was a skirt I had invested in years ago, but had only worn a few times. Although it was lined the wool on the waistband was scratchy, again uncomfortable. The third item was a pair of shoes that had a spider web in them. Apparently I wasn’t wearing them :). Now those items are in my donation bag.

Are you ready to take this daily, bite size challenge for the next 30 days? It can be 1, 2, 3 or more items per day, based on the size of your closet. You choose how many and what it is. Scarves, shoes, jewelry, clothes, etc. It’s about being in forward motion.

Now to the question you may be asking yourself, “How do I know what to keep and what to get toss?”

Here’s your litmus test:

1. Does it fit?

If not, get it altered or get it out.

2. Is it comfortable and something you feel great in?

Remember when you wear something that’s uncomfortable or just OK, that’s exactly how you’ll feel- uncomfortable and just OK.

3. Is it a good color?

Keep in mind that the right colors make you look younger and more vibrant. The wrong colors make you look tired and worn out. If you’re not sure what your best colors are, check out our mobile app – Color Rx – a color assessment and palette at your fingertips.

4. How’s the condition?

Is it stained? Does it have holes in it? Is it pilled or snagged? If it’s old and tired looking, out it goes.

Ok, save one sweatshirt (or sweatpants or cardigan) for those rainy/snowy Saturdays.

5. Is it ready to wear?

Does it have all of its buttons? Is it wrinkled, stained or dusty? Don’t you dare hang it back up until it IS ready to wear :).

6. Is it current?*

Wearing clothes that are outdated tend to send the message that you’re stuck. Staying current with your look reflects that you stay current, period – that you’re current with your field of expertise, too. This is especially true in how others perceive your personal brand. *Keep in mind that classic is ALWAYS current.

7. Do you have at least a couple of items to pair with it?

If not, and it passes #1-6, hit the stores and find some matching pieces.


8. How may times have you worn it in the last year?

Again, if it passes #1-6, ask yourself why you’re not wearing it. Is it because you have emotional ties to it? Chances are it’s time to donate it and bless someone else.

At the end of the month your wardrobe will be a selection of clothes you KNOW work and you feel great in. As the Spring/Summer trends hit the stores, you’ll know exactly what you need to refresh your wardrobe, too. If you’re ready to take the 30 Day Wardrobe Challenge, tell a friend or invite her to do it with YOU! Accountability and camaraderie create success! JuliAnn Stitick Personal Brand and Image Expert. Keynote Speaker. Clients include: Disney, Nordstrom, Kaiser Permanente, The Oscars, Lexus and The Golden Globes. Go to:

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


How To Connect With Your Inner Beauty by Makayla Léone

Beauty can be driven by mindset; it comes from within.

the point that we can reprogram ourselves when necessary

What exactly do I mean by that?

• Beauty within and around us depends on how well we treat ourselves

If you didn’t have the ability to see, how would you be able to tell if something was beautiful? It is an energy that we transmit. Take for example Mother eresa. Would you agree that she was a powerful and beautiful woman? While she might not have been a bombshell or supermodel there was something within her that shone so brightly it was beautiful. Sophia Loren, a classic beauty, said it so eloquently in one of her famous quotes:

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." – Sophia Loren

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One of my favorite speakers is Les Brown. He always says that we all have greatness within us. In my opinion, we all have beauty within us as well. It’s just a matter what we choose to see and what we choose to reflect when it comes to seeing this beauty materialize. • Beauty starts with selfappreciation • Beauty flourishes when we communicate with ourselves to

• Beauty is born from within, no matter how attractive one’s exterior is • Beauty vibrates from inside to the entire outside of the body; it does not have a face, only a feel

Shifting the Perception of Yourself

Shifting your self-perception is often dependent on what you tell yourself when you look in the mirror or go about a task, duty or chore. Yes, it really is about those inner voices in your head. It is important to speak to yourself in a kind and positive way. When hearing something skeptical of your ability, counter with a voice inside that is positive, that reflects on a success given a particular challenge or situation that is about to unfold. Our psyche is not equipped to adopt two opposite emotions at one time, so counter the negative with a sole, positive voice. Repetition equates to habit with this positive voice and it perpetuates a feeling of self-pride, confidence and a positive perception of self.

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We can say some of the worst things to ourselves. I’ve been guilty of it myself. Begin with something small. It might be as simple as saying “I love my eyes” to yourself, or “it’s a beautiful day” when you are about to embark on something that is a bit of a challenge. ink about how to replace a negative notion in the mind with a positive one. Do it repetitively and it will become a habit that changes the way you see yourself. Practice makes permanent. Also make a habit of treating yourself to something you love. I love bubble baths with essential oils, then lighting a candle and listening to soft music. Sometimes the treat could be taking yourself on a movie date. Treat yourself how you want others to treat you. You don’t have to wait for prince (or prinecess) charming to do that. Here are some principles to remember: • Practice self-love but, of course, not to the point of vanity • Don’t wait for someone else to bring happiness; discover it from within

Self-acceptance is accepting who you and being your authentic self. Embracing what makes you uniquely you, both the light and the dark.

Self-Mastery and Beauty

Most of the greatest avatars, leaders and teachers throughout time have exhibited or expressed some form of self-mastery.

Self-mastery definitely ties in with health and beauty because when you understand how to show up and learn about different aspects of your personality, you can better adapt to the world and particular situations. Continue asking questions to yourself that empower and guide you and think of self-mastery as a constant journey. One of my favorite mythical creatures is the Phoenix. e Phoenix is a mythical bird that symbolizes death and rebirth as it rises from its own ashes. It can also represent eternal youth, or a new beginning that no matter how bad it gets in your world you have the ability to get back up. In a sense then, rise from your own ashes.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be something dramatic and profound. It can be something small and impactful, like a belief that no longer serves you. is simple action can ultimately alter and move your life in an entirely new direction. What beliefs do you carry that need to die in order for you to attract what you want? Self-mastery is the understanding of what makes you “you” and embracing those components of yourself, whether weaknesses or strengths. Make a choice to learn something new every day, especially about yourself and do it in a kind, loving and curious manner. Choose to see the beauty in the simplest things, like nature, pets, or the people you love.

• Treat yourself to ME time • Be kind to self and others; it is addictive and improves self-image

“In order to grow into the next level of transformation, allow yourself to let go of the old and bring in the new. Just as the phoenix rises from its own ashes, so can you” – Makayla Léone


at is the cycle of transformation and in order to get to the next version of you, symbolically something must die in order to make room for the new.

is simple and profound action expands your awareness, helps you to be more present and ultimately adds more fulfillment, beauty and happiness to your life. Makayla Leone Best Selling Author, Speaker and Consultant Go to:

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Illustration by Daria Jabenko

PERSONAL ENRICHMENT Our goal in this Personal Enrichment section is to present wide ranging subjects and perspectives to help open your life and your mind to something different.This section provides a mix of fun, insightful editorials and creative adventure to challenge and tickle your mind, heart and soul. We hope this section becomes a favorite when you enjoy “Me Time.�

There are always opportunities daily in everything that you do. Daily opportunities to create a better you, and turn negative situations or feelings into ones of positive success. Always look for these opportunities. Many people get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of their life. People live life on autopilot and find it hard to make changes. You must take the time to stop, and take a moment to allow your brain, time to get to work and out of the repetition of daily life. Whether you are happy and content or living life disappointed, look for the gift or opportunity.

Jump into Opportunities by Kim Somers Egelsee

Now take a moment and think. Are there any current opportunities in your life that will make you succeed and move forward in a big way? Something that will fuel your passion, purpose, project pursuit, or profession to make it soar? Make a list of two. Next, create a list of at least 10 things, that you love about yourself! This will create a foundation in your mind. Choose four that resonate with what you are focusing on right now to succeed and move forward. Next for one week, write to or connect with three people each day to ask for advice, guidance, ideas, opportunities, or even strategic partners. Add the qualities you love about yourself and get comfortable mentioning them on paper and in person.

Think of ways that you can create opportunities and think boldly, think

“outside the box”. Take time to brainstorm a list of ideas, journal your thoughts, write down your most wild and bold ideas no matter how crazy they sound! Ask yourself, who else does what I want to do? How did those people get there? Research these individuals. Gather information and gain more insight and brainstorm new ideas based on these individuals. Go to some specific networking events that match to connect with people. Continue learning so that you will become the guru of this and truly own what you do.

top idea and begin with that. Break it into small steps and create a schedule and time frame for moving forward. Make sure to take steps right away! Action will fuel you and show you results.

Hold yourself accountable and meet with an accountability partner at least once every week. Review your current situation; gather ideas, gain feedback and assistance. Create a plan of action that will lead you to your goal. Prioritize your ideas, what ideals make you feel 100% excited, amazing, and powerful? Take the


As soon as one of your self-created opportunities is stepped into, make sure to CELEBRATE and keep going! Journal your results, the connections you made, your credibility, success and own it! Be ready when bigger opportunities come as a result of this. Take the time to imagine, visualize and see the money flowing in and your dreams come true. Kim Somers Egelsee Life Coach, Author, TEDx Speaker, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, TV Host. Her certification program & Image Consultant Certification Program can be found at: or go to:

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


on being human | Diane L. Donohue

change doesn’t change by Diane L. Donohue


“ ell, I guess it’s over,” my boss and friend sighed. After more than a decade, the business was closing and we would be out of a job; a passion we both loved. We knew it was coming. The economy had changed, but we didn’t want it to end. Wasn’t my battle with breast cancer enough of a change in my life? As humans, we often dislike change. Good or bad, it’s always disruptive. Some change we rightfully despise: a bad diagnosis, divorce, losing a job or the death of a loved one.

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by life’s changes, and yet we know that while change is constant our own personal nature seems to stay the same. Quite paradoxical, huh?

Oh life, why can’t I stop you from changing? Why, when I find the perfect channel, does the show have to end? We wish the good stuff – like the honeymoon, the great job and economy – would last longer, if not forever. Hasn’t every mother thought, “Why can’t this ideal 18 month old, stay the same for just another year?” Yet, with difficult change, loss, or disease, we wish life would speed up, as time can be a great healer.

The physical changes my body endured these last few years, let’s just say, ain’t pretty. The body I was born with certainly doesn’t resemble any I’ve lived in since and this “over 50” face is barely recognizable to me at times.

Maybe God designed our physical nature to be that way. That if we “see” change right before our eyes, up close and personal, we’d get comfortable with the idea. We accept the seasons changing every year and yet sometimes we’re as surprised and confused as a baby playing peek-a- boo. We know change is coming but are shocked and startled when it occurs. Boo!

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We see others go through “bad” changes all the time and we rail against it. “It’s not fair!” we cry. “How could this happen to someone so good?” Are we afraid to accept it, for fear it could happen to us? Me, get old and sick? Lose my house or loved one before I think they should go? Get robbed, cheated or lied to? We all agree it feels bad, but act as if it’s an anomaly, a freak of nature, unknown… like a new planet.

History proves otherwise. The “Every generation comes to same stories have the same disgusted conclusion; played over and things have to change!” over for decades… millennia, really. Humans doing human things- like killing, lying, raping and pillaging. Not a year goes by when “Mother Nature” isn’t destroying us with her elements of surprise: volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and such. We feel betrayed and shout, “This is horrible! Wrong! It shouldn’t happen!” So we take action- make laws, buy insurance for everything from our toys to our toes, fund more police and firefighters and fight ongoing wars, to protect ourselves. That’ll change it! And, every generation comes to the same disgusted conclusion: things have to change! Ask anyone over 50 and they’ll tell you things are worse today than when they were kids.

I get it. I personally don’t like being around rude people and I would agree that kids and adults are more outspoken and rude today (and I’m from NYC). But disrespect on TV started in the 80’s. So who should we blame? Maybe it’s the adults, (now 55-75), who created and allowed their kids to watch those bad-

on being human | Diane L. Donohue mannered shows. Count me out! One study showed that since the year 2000, American college students (14,000 studied) have become 40% less empathetic and uninterested in others than 30 years ago (1970). Of course they’re not talking about our kids. Or those “other” disrespectful people who are compelled to check their smart phone every 5 minutes while you’re talking to them. Smart, maybe – but rude, too!

In 2005, a study showed that on average, older people are less tactful, speak out more often and with less manners than when they are younger. History is filled with feisty old girls telling it like it is. Maybe it’s part of aging; maybe it’s a normal “change.”

I would agree that kids and adults are more focused on material things than ever, but again whose fault is that? Consumerism blossomed in the 80’s, selling us designer labels in “Life Styles of the Rich and Famous” (1984) and in the ostentatious lives of “Dynasty” (1981). I remember seeing a bumper sticker in 1988 that read, “He who has the most toys wins.” Did it have an effect on society? Consumer debt has grown exponentially since then, but buying more stuff has helped fuel our economy. So, is that a good change or not? Depends on whether you’re buying or selling.

People complain that the “change” in medical care today is awful, but don’t realize HMOs changed the medical system in 1973 to streamline medical costs. They made deals with the government so the companies and hospitals – as well as doctors and nurses, could make more money. Is making better profits a good change when it comes to healthcare? Have people really changed? Today people say they hate politicians, a lot. Mark Twain said, “Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can.” And that wasn’t yesterday either. At one time, our countrymen hated each other so much they killed each other in a “civil” war. Then they murdered a president. Oh wait… that happened more than once. Hateful people then, hateful people now. No change.

I think when we really study history and the social sciences, we come to the same (and only sane) conclusion. Earth, animal and human nature go through periods of good and bad changes. We only think it’s worse today because we get to witness it all… 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year. Every corner of the world is up for displaying their worst tragedies and wrongful deeds. Who wouldn’t want change?!


Could we have changed for the better too? People often believe the 50s was an idyllic time in America, much better than today. So how come the law against beating your wife wasn’t enforced in every state until the 1970s? It is now a punishable crime to abuse a child which wasn’t a law until 1967 when nearly all states created child abuse laws. Today people feel it’s wrong to abuse animals, and even the murder rate has gone down since the 80s.

You’d be hard pressed to admit your spouse was cheating on you, that your family had mental illness or that you were raped or molested in the 50s. Even having a disease like cancer made you a pariah, an outcast then. So, maybe we’ve changed for the worse and the better. I don’t know, maybe our laws have changed us. Today we accept these things as part of the human condition and certainly don’t fault the victim.

Are the adults today really worse people than in the 50s? Most of us today don’t think it’s ok to discriminate against people because of their age, race, sex, gender or religious beliefs. We accept that girls should have as many rights as boys and smokers shouldn’t pollute the air others breathe. As a society, we have changed our views and laws about many things and while some would argue it’s too much or too little, many have made us think and act with more compassion and less judgement. But like every change there can be unintended and unknown consequences.

Ok, but how about personally- when we really want to change and have the power to do so? Why can’t we make personal changes in our own lives easier, faster and for good? Even when it’s a win-win, desirable change, it doesn’t always last. We will actively try to make a change and work hard at it, thinking that within “30 days” the change will stick like magic. And then… it doesn’t. We go back to spending the same, eating the same, watching the same, thinking the same. No change. It often takes years before we finally make the change we desired 10 years prior! After all the known history and studies and information available, why can’t we collectively make changes that are right, good and permanent. Well, I think it’s because all change is as mental as it is physical. It often takes years to change your mind so you can finally change your actions (and vice-versa). (Continued on the following page) MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


on being human | Diane L. Donohue (Change – Continued from Previous page)

Also, we seem to fear change and label it too rigidly. We make rules and demands on ourselves and others and do not accept the limitations of our own nature or that of change itself.

After failed attempts at trying to “change” my children and husband, I realized I would do better to work on myself. So I brazenly changed the serenity prayer from “things” to “people”: God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, The courage to change the ones I can, And wisdom to know…that would be ME!!

Just as spring turns to winter, change sometimes gives and sometimes takes away and that’s what we hate about it. It is so uncertain. Will it be a hard winter? Maybe. Will my life be better after divorce? Maybe. Will my new job make me happier? Maybe yes, maybe no. And that’s the truth. I believe when we label change so definitely as “good or bad” we often negate the lesson and therein lose the blessing. Why not accept all change as a challenge to grow? Certainly it’s full of lessons. Keep an open mind. Some “bad” changes wake us up and give us a second chance at life. Some “good” ones, like winning lots of money or political power, bring gluttony and greed.

Maybe we could look at change like social “God grant me the scientists-- that good or courage to accept bad, change is inevitable the PEOPLE and that some change is within our conscious I cannot change” control and some not. Either way, within about a year of the change (baring a debilitating illness or death of a child), people are about as happy as they were before. That might be a hard pill to swallow, but I know it to be true. I’ve had several really bad things happen in my life that no one would say were “good,” at all. They changed my life dramatically, took away my sense of safety, good health and security, yet my life went on… rather well for the most part.

After each period of suffering, I decided to change from feeling bad to feeling blessed. I believe when you look for the beauty in each change in your life, it gives you the

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strength and power to move forward – and to grow in faith and gratitude. The only change in your control is how you respond to it…. Serenity is up to you!

When I reconnected with a friend after decades, she exclaimed, “Oh Diane, you haven’t changed at all.” I was surprised, as I had known her since 7th grade. I realized she was right. While our life circumstances may change, our personalities and basic nature kinda stay the same. By the way, she meant it as a compliment!

Change is the variable that makes our lives progress, like it or not. So go ahead and purposely make a good change in your life. Go big! Do something daring like giving up sugar for 2 weeks or being extra kind to your spouse (ha!). Do something that matters and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Self-respect grows when we do what we say we will. Small consistent changes add up to a big change! Go for it!

When it comes to relationships, most of all, do not fear when someone else changes their mind, beliefs, or habits. Marvel at the fact that you may not know the reason or see the outcome, but you may learn something invaluable. Just repeat the old sayings, “This too shall pass” or...“We shall see.”

The beauty of aging is that wrinkles and poor eyesight have a way of sloughing off the trivial so we can move through change with acceptance and grace.

Change is inescapable and obviously necessary or there wouldn’t be so darn much of it. The only constant on this beautiful, blue planet is love. Hold on sweet one… Life’s changes will toss you, turn you inside out and upside down, but it’s the anchor of love and acceptance (from others and above) that will get you through it all!



By Linda Carlberg


was born and raised in Minnesota, the Land of 10,000 Lakes – and Land O’ Lakes® butter. I am also the offspring of Scandinavians (Swedes, to be exact). We love all things dairy: sour cream, ice cream, heavy cream, whipping cream, cream cheese … and extra cheese. For breakfast as a little girl at Grandma’s, we’d have Grape-Nuts® (a healthy choice) with half and half instead of milk. To make things worse, America’s Dairyland (Wisconsin) was right next door, sending a steady supply of orange-colored crack for cheesaholics over the border in the form of cheese curds. Now before you think I’ve sworn off all cheese and dairy and am living a sad, monastic life of constant craving, let me assure you that this story only gets better.

I love cheese. There, I’ve said it. To me, the more butter and sour cream on a baked potato the better. It’s delicious! Therein lies the problem. What do you do when what you love doesn’t love you back? In my case, you get high cholesterol. I’ll bet I’m not alone. In this column, I’m going to explore and share healthier alternatives with you that I’m finding on my own journey of making better life choices. I’m here to encourage you to learn about what’s really on your fork and try new things. If you could find alternatives that taste so good you wouldn’t miss the bad stuff, would you try something new? I thought so. I also want you to share your own ideas, recipes, and comments with the rest of us so we all can get healthier together. Put down that pint of ice cream people – let’s go!


File One:

The Cheese Stands Alone In File One, we’re going to take a look at this thing called cheese that has become an almost unconscious add-on in today’s world. A few months ago as I was preparing to write this article, I started to become hyper-aware of “extra cheese” and that ever-present, unfair question “do you want cheese on that?” “What kind of a cruel thing is that to ask a hungry person?“ I wondered as my stomach growled back its answer. “Of course I want cheese with that!” The restaurant also wanted an extra 90 cents from me, but that’s another story. I’m happy to tell you I’m able to “just say no” to that question more and more after setting a habit aside long enough to look at it from a different perspective. Your go-to food may not be cheese, but you’ll find that whatever tips your scale and health in the wrong direction is the same in principle.

America’s “Cheese Tooth” The next time you go to a restaurant, take a look at the menu and notice how many dishes contain cheese. Did a waiter come to your table and grind some more on top of what you ordered? Walk through the frozen food aisle and around the rest of your local grocery store and take note of how many items contain cheese or are cheese flavored. Ask yourself, as I did, “Is all this (Continued on the following page)

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


(Cheesaholic– Continued from Previous page)

cheese really necessary?” Do we now believe many foods would be inedible if it weren’t for that extra layer of artery-hardening saturated fat, extra calories or sprayed on chemicals? While you’re at it, ask the same question about bacon and ranch dressing. Sad to say, if people crave something, the food industry will find a way to make a buck selling it – lots of it – whether it’s healthy or not. A couple of years ago, I decided to rethink my relationship with cheese. I knew with my family history of heart disease (my Dad died of a heart attack at age 49) and my own high cholesterol, Cheese Type

Serving Size

Veggie Slices 17g Cheddar 1 oz. (28 g)* Monterey Jack 1 oz. (28 g)* Swiss 23g Queso Fresco 1 oz. (28 g)* Mozzarella 28g** Parmesan 28g** Parmesan (can)5g (2t.) Goat Cheese 1 oz. Feta 1 oz. Brie 1 oz. Blue Cheese 1 oz. Cream Cheese 1 oz. Provolone 32g**** Ricotta 62g*** Velveeta 1 oz. Easy Cheese 32g**** /American

I wasn’t getting any younger and it was time to get more serious about my health. Could I find a way to use less, reduce fat and still get the “cheesy/creamy/dairy buzz” I craved? I was willing to try. I needed to try. I did and it worked.

My Field Trip to the Cheese Aisle While writing this article, I first made an undercover trip to the grocery store, camera in hand, to capture nutrition information. I wanted to see the facts about which cheeses were better choices than others. Here’s what I found:

Cal/Fat Cal

Total Fat/% DV Sat Fat/% DV Cholesterol


Calcium Protein

40 / 25 110 / 80 110 / 80 90 / 60 80 / 50 80 / 50 100 / 60 20 / 15 90 / 70 70 / 45 100 / 80 100 / 70 100 / 80 120 / 80 60 / 25 80 / 50 90 / 60

2.5g / 4% 9g / 14% 9g / 14% 7g / 11% 6g / 9% 6g / 9% 7g / 11% 1.5 / 2% 7g / 11% 5g / 8% 9g / 1% 8g / 12% 9g / 14% 9g / 13% 3g / 4% 5g / 8% 6g / 9%

220mg / 9% 170mg / 7% 200mg / 8% 40mg / 2% 220mg / 9% 200mg / 8% 380mg / 16% 75mg / 3% 160mg / 7% 260mg / 11% 120mg / 5% 260mg / 11% 105mg / 4% 230mg / 10% 150mg / 7% 370mg / 15% 420mg / 18%

20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 20% 30% ????? 2% 10% 10% 20% 2% 25% 10% 20% 20%

*About 1” cube or approx 2 Tablespoons, crumbled ** ¼ Cup Shredded *** ¼ Cup **** 2 Tablespoons

50 MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015

0g / 0% 6g / 30% 6g / 30% 7g / 11% 4g / 20% 3.5g / 18% 4g / 21% 1g / 5% 3g / 15% 3.5 / 16% 4g / 18% 5g / 25% 6g / 30% 5g / 25% 2g / 10% 3.5 / 18% 2g / 10%

0mg / 0% 25mg / 9% 30mg / 10% 25mg / 8% 15mg / 5% 20mg / 7% 20mg / 6% <5mg / 1% 20mg / 7% 20mg / 6% 20mg / 7% 25mg / 8% 35mg / 12% 25mg / 25% 20mg / 7% 20mg / 7% 15mg / 5%

3g 7g 6g 6g 6g 7g 9g 2g 5g 5g 4g 7g 2g 8g 7g 4g 4g

As you can see, cheese can be tricky to compare because of the way serving sizes are measured. Grams vs. ounces? How many tablespoons in 1/4 cup? Not easy to figure out while standing in the dairy aisle. In case you missed the weights and measures class in Home Ec: 1 oz. = about 28.35 grams 1/4 Cup = 4 Tablespoons 1 Tablespoon = .5 Fluid Ounces Still confusing, isn’t it? Let me give you a couple of hints. If you’re watching saturated fat and cholesterol (like me) eat less cheeses like cheddar, Monterey jack, cream cheese, blue cheese and provolone. While you’re at it, skip the “cheese in a can” too. Go for cheeses that have the most flavor for the least amount of volume, like parmesan, feta, goat cheese and Swiss. You’ll be amazed at how just a few crumbles or shavings can give you lots of flavor without all the fat and cholesterol. My basic rule is “If I can’t even taste it, why eat it?” If you think about it, how many times have you had a sandwich and really didn’t even taste or “need” the cheese? How about actually focusing on the taste of the tomato? Why not try

substituting a healthier choice for butter too, like avocado? You may find, as I did, that it becomes easier and easier to make healthier choices over time. If your craving isn’t cheese, but it’s sugar, or salty crunchy things, or carbs or (fill in the blank), the transformation process is much the same. Educate yourself about what you’re really putting into your body, put a list together of some healthier alternatives, and give them a try. You can do it! You’ll like the way it makes you feel. Your body will thank you and return the favor with better health. By the way, I consider myself “the average one” amongst the other two on our MeTime Team. Those two eat healthier than I thought possible! Over the next few issues of MeTime Journal, I’ll explore more ideas about making better choices about food (and the resulting better choices it can lead to in other areas of life). What things have you tried that work for you? We’d all like to hear your ideas and get healthier together! Send your comments to:

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Use Positive Rituals to Jump-Start Your Organizing Project By Thalia Poulos

Everyone deserves to work in an office that feels like a personal sanctuary. Where do you begin to organize the office? The first step is by getting rid of stuff: • That seven pound stapler

that jams,

• Two-hole paper punch that

sheds dots • Aging resource files and pamphlets you can get online • Stacks of toppling, aging papers

How do I start?

Positive Rituals: Start by decluttering your mind using a Mind-Map to create clarity and focus. My Personal Starting Rituals: a pot of tea, my pretty tea cup, and creating a Mind Map of the project. One great thing about using a Mind- Map: It gives you permission to start anywhere.

A Mind-Map allows you to use your right brain and come up with random thoughts, ideas, drawings, graphics, mini goals, concerns or fears -- onto spokes of a wheel (a circle with spokes coming out). Each spoke represents something that will be involved to help you accomplish a goal. The goal is written in the circle. Then, we switch to the left brain and determine action steps and time lines. My client and I did a Mind-Map of her project.

My Client’s Space Dilemma:

I have a client who lives in a 2-bedroom condo with her husband. The guest room is her office and she tends to be a “stacker,” using the bed to stack client projects. Her desk is modern and sleek and has no file cabinets, very pretty; not practical. Every time her family came for weekend visits she tossed all of her work projects into plastic bags and stuffed them under the bed. Trying to untangle the mess of paperwork on Monday, created chaos. We used the Mind-Map technique to help her identify what she needed.

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Her Goal:

To create a beautiful and functional home office that will accommodate her family as a welcoming, serene and glamorous guest room.

Our Solution:

1. Go Vertical (You can never have too many shelves) 2. Create a place for everything 3. Embrace scanning technology

Divide and Conquer:

We divided the closet into thirds. One third is a closet rod for guests with suitcases underneath. For the center third we added six shelves, floor to ceiling for her “live” work projects, the final third is now lateral file cabinets for research, select archives and personal/household files. The top of the lateral file is also a nice flat space for sorting paper. We set her up on Google Drive with folders for each client and scanned as much as possible to the cloud. We donated most of the clothes that had been hanging in the closet . “I never had a holding tank for all of these work projects before. I always

had a fear that I was forgetting to do something and that created anxiety. I’ve been talking about donating my wedding dress for over seven years as it took up so much space in that guest closet. Setting up my closet to make a better system for my paperwork (and nicer visit for my guests) finally got me to let it go. It makes me happy that someone, somewhere will make a beautiful bride.”

time, energy or rent to organize it.

I am passionate about helping women reach their goals. Helping them get organized, is my calling – it’s the way I help them. Maybe your goal looks something like this.

Give-away Commitment:

What’s your goal?

“To work in a calm, beautiful, relaxing environment that supports my creativity, where I feel energized and enjoy my work”. Here’s an “Essential Tip” – If it’s not worth keeping; then don’t spend

some empty space – it creates balance and harmony – and more appreciation for what you do retain. If you feel overwhelmed by the scope of a project, break it into tiny pieces. We opened one box at a time after this client’s move (see photos below).

Give Things Away – Create a Strategy:

Ask yourself: • Will I ever use/read this? • Could I easily get another copy? • If I did not own it, would I buy it now? • Do I like it? • If it’s broken, will I fix it? • Do I have a good place to keep it? • Could I even find it when I need it? • Will donating it enhance someone else’s life?

Organizing is a means to an end – to live and work in a beautiful, invigorating, inspiring environment that supports a positive lifestyle. Take one small step. If perfectionism is a regular voice in your head, be patient with yourself and others.

Give away, toss or shred just one thing every day for the next week and see how it feels. Just seven items and I believe you will feel better – and that’s the goal. You will feel lighter; a weight gone. Then bless it, thank it for its service and bid it good-bye. If you liked doing this the first week, you’ll gain momentum and want to do it again the next week.

If procrastination is another frequent visitor, just start anywhere! Thalia Poulos Professional Organizer, Author, Member NAPO-National Association of Professional Organizers Founder, NAPO-Chicago Chapter Founder, Women Inventors Network, San Diego Go to:

Make room for the new! And leave




MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


I Knew (It Would Happen) with Time and Love... by Amanda Johnson


haking my head, and taking a deep breath, I pushed SEND on the email that let my team members (and myself) off the hook for the launch of my new brand and websites…again…for yet another week. It’s the first time, but it won’t be the last, I thought to myself as I got up from the bed to go make breakfast for those attending one of my Soul Sista’s amazing retreats. Wow. at’s amazing. I shrugged my shoulders, noticing the incredible release of tension that had occurred. at’s right, Amanda. No more pushing, forcing, or sacrificing my well-being (or that of my team members) to hit these deadlines. It’s one thing when we’re wrapped up in the Crazy Magic of a huge goal and everything is pulling us with ease and flow, but when it’s not…no more. I poured my cup of coffee, added my favorite coconut creamer and a bit of sugar, and started to throw the chicken sausage and bacon in the pans. I’m right in the middle of what I am always coaching other MessagePreneurs through. And it’s quite a war. I mean, I followed my once-reliable formula for making stuff happen in my business… I had the vision. I created the plan. I asked for help from my team. I took the next steps. I EXPECTED to meet my goal/deadline. I diligently worked toward it. And…here I am…a week after deadline, seeing that it’s not going to happen this week…again. Part of me is REALLY frustrated, disappointed, and even embarrassed. Part of me KNOWS what’s happening and why… It has to be in the hundreds by now… …the amount of times I’ve heard an Upside-Down MessagePreneur (author, speaker, coach, entrepreneur, or some combination of it) say, “Amanda, I just can’t seem to do this. e work/writing is just NOT happening. What’s wrong with me? Will I ever make progress with this book/presentation/business/curriculum, or should I just quit?” As the Coach, it’s easy for me to listen, ask a few more clarifying questions about how they have been spending their time, and immediately see what’s happening… “So…what I’m hearing is that progress, for you, looks like actually writing, publishing, and launching. And I totally

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get that. And…what I’m seeing, after all that you’ve shared, is that you ARE working on this and making progress, just NOT IN THE WAY you imagined…” ere’s always silence as they open themselves to the possibility that this is true… “It sounds to me like you are doing A LOT of work on your message right now – the hardest work. You’re dealing head-on with the areas in your life where you need to more deeply integrate your own message into your __________ (relationships, finances, spirituality, health, etc.). You said, ‘I stand for _________,’ and now your whole being is catching up and integrating to lay the solid foundation for the progress you’re seeking.” “Mmmmmmm…” ey say as truth and love land on their heart. “Just because you’re not making progress in the way you imagined you would, does not mean that you are not making progress at all. From where I am sitting, you are now living in more congruence with your message than when you started by NOT having forced yourself to sit down and ‘produce progress,’ but addressing these areas of your life that were calling for your attention, awareness, and integration with your message and who you really are…” Silence again, as it sinks in. Sipping my sweet coffee, and turning the bacon over, I chuckled as I remembered the first time this happened to me…and where I learned how to hold this type of space for other people. I’d just experienced Magic for the first time in more than a decade after getting clear on my Message and Purpose and intentionally attracting a teacher from the movie “e Secret” into my life in just 3 months. I’d signed up for her one-year facilitation program, knowing that I had much to learn from her before I jumped into my own Message Work. And I went to work! Because I’d always been at the top of my class – academics, memorization, and achievement were so easy for me – I expected to soar through this program. And then BAM! KAPOW! ZING! BOOM! WHAM! I was Upside-Down, FOR THREE YEARS, watching all of my friends get certified and wondering what the hell was wrong with me. It wasn’t until one of the master facilitators gave her feedback after one of my weakest ‘performances’ that I got the lesson…

“Amanda, it’s okay. Take a deep breath.” She could see the battle waging behind my eyes. “You know why you had trouble with this lesson?” “Yes, it’s because I don’t believe any of this for myself.” I looked down at the ground, shame flushing my face. After two years, I still haven’t done this. “at’s right. And do you know it’s okay? You are doing the work. You are in the process. You have been working your tail off, and we all see it. When you got to us, you were drowning, Baby Girl. We saw it. It looked like you were using up your last bit of oxygen. And now, you’re here, and you’re breathing again. You’ve been doing the work, and you’ve got a little more color and light…and there’s still more work to do. All you have to do is learn to love yourself through this process. And it’s okay. We’re not going anywhere.” She held her arms out to offer a hug, and of course, I fell apart. It took me another year to actually get certified, but man…the healing I experienced there, the lessons I learned, the skills and strategies I gained. I use every single one of them every day – in my work and life… e truth is that almost every MessagePreneur I’ve worked through this “What the hell is wrong with me? Why can’t I finish this project?” conversation with: • had this conversation with me more than once • stayed committed to ‘the real work’ of ‘becoming a living, breathing model of their message,’ and • ended up writing their books/curriculum/etc. in less than 3 months BECAUSE they gave themselves the time and the LOVE required to do ‘the real work’ And so, I knew, especially as I served up the bacon and eggs and sat in sacred retreat space with one of my Soul Sistas, that this launch hadn’t happened because I was still in the “cocoon phase”…and it’s DOWNRIGHT DANGEROUS to try to bust oneself out of the cocoon before the whole transformation has completed. I need to stay here. I need to be right where I am in the process. I need to extend myself LOVE INSTEAD OF JUDGMENT and SHAME. I need to trust that it will happen in perfect time. I need to let this transformation complete. I know that it will happen with time and love. And man, was I right. e story I uncovered, healed, and rewrote at that retreat would have quickly sabotaged my best intentions for the launch. I would have ended up somewhere I never wanted to go. I’m glad I listened to my soul. It knew. It always knows.


Amanda Johnson Speaker, Author, Message Coach and Master Writing Coach Go to: MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Do you remember hearing somewhere in your past ...“This is the first day of the rest of your life”? I’m reminded of this each time we move from one season of the year to the next. New beginnings are all around us and encourage us that we have “fresh starts,” “do-overs” and “new opportunities” just around the corner. Ready to go and explore your next adventure?


After just finishing one of my weekly radio show interviews with a man that is extremely inspiring, I was reminded that the fuel for achieving our dreams and what we really want in life, begins with a dream and the confidence that you deserve rich outcomes. A “Surprise Package” is what my parents lovingly called me, because they were told they wouldn’t be able to have more children. It’s probably not hard to believe I was somewhat spoiled, however I prefer to call it treasured. They both vested the idea in me that I was special, talented and had tons of possibilities and could go out and do whatever I wanted to do. I know not everyone had this great beginning, but the message is that most of us have had someone who has believed in them. I like to call these people “Balcony” people… People that see greatness in you more than you see it in yourself. They are willing to cheer you on, support you and may even be mentors to help you get where you want to go. This is a major way, I found, to empower your selfesteem and self-confidence to realize you are special, unique and gifted.

Fuels Your

Dreams By: Claudia Cooley

I thank my “Balcony” people often for blessing me with this gift that has empowered me to do far greater things and accomplish more than my mind could fathom. When I met Joanne Wallace, my first “Balcony Person,” I was a young mom teaching sewing classes to pay for our kids’ braces and was president of a club that had invited her to speak. The board and I were so excited and nervous about this famous woman coming to our club to speak, that we began deciding what we would wear 3 months prior.

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On the day of the luncheon, as president, my place was to sit next to Joanne. I opened the meeting while the lunch of chicken cacciatore was being served. When I sat down and began to pull myself to the table, the ruffle on my blouse bounced right through the red sauce on the chicken. I wasn’t a color expert yet, but I already knew the red orange sauce now plastered to my chest didn’t go well with the pink outfit I’d chosen to wear that day. Embarrassed was only a small emotion I was feeling as I looked up to Joanne; tall, beautiful and elegant.

and ask God’s help to cultivate new ways to stretch me to become who I believe I’m designed to be. Years ago, I threw away my “magic wand,” wishing to be different… taller, thinner, smarter, etc., you know what I mean. Now, I know I was delivered to this earth packaged with my own unique gifts, talents, emotions, ambitions and most of all Purpose. Today, I design my life with focus on the things that matter most, having a healthy body, mind, relationships, and finances too. It takes a strong “why” to live a life with balance, fulfillment and happiness. I have a pretty big “Why”. First, I know I deserve it and so do you. Then, I have an amazing family. My desire is to leave a legacy that inspires them to be whatever they want to be, to believe in themselves and to bravely step out and grab their opportunities.

However, the most remarkable thing happened. She graciously said, “don’t even worry, you are so pretty and amazing… please don’t be embarrassed.” Right then I knew she was someone I wanted to be like… truly authentic, real and caring. Joanne spoke that day, giving a lovely presentation. Right after the meeting had concluded, she turned to me and invited me to consider having a franchise in her company, Image Improvement, Inc. I saw myself, as a frumpy housewife teaching sewing classes, not able to

say, “yes” to such a request. However, she continued to stay in touch and a few months later, I was being groomed to hold a franchise in her company. That was almost four decades ago, and my journey has been powerful because someone encouraged me to go for the greatness in me – and remember I didn’t even know it was there. Today, I continue to lean into opportunities that cause me to stretch. Each day I celebrate my gifts


Remember, the fuel for achieving our dreams and what we really want in life, begins with a dream and the confidence that you deserve rich outcomes.

Claudia Cooley Author, Speaker, Coach, Radio Host and Founder of C.C. Inc. and Rev Up For Success, a Professional Success and Life Enrichment company Go to:

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


Dear DD,

I keep having a horrific dream and cannot sleep through the night. My dreams are so crazy they wake me several times a night. I recently suffered a serious emotional trauma and it keeps replaying in my head at night. I am even scared to go to sleep at night. I am exhausted both emotionally and physically. What can I do? Mary Anne

DD: I am so sorry you had to endure this. Often time

is a healer but it cannot go fast enough if you are losing sleep and your health and happiness. If you want faster healing you have to “work” on it. Like a physical injury that needs healing and rehabilitation, your mind needs healing help. You may need to do these exercises every day for a little while. I did them daily for over a year to heal a trauma in my life. I have worked with many people who have had healing from similar issues. Using the tools of prayer and visualization helps but you may need to “rewrite” the dream, an exercise that can dramatically speed your healing. I know it sounds silly but your subconscious may need to be reprogrammed. Here are my suggestions:

FIRST: Pray Ask for a healing. Sit quietly, close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. On the inhale say, “I breathe in life and the future.” On the exhale say, “I release it all and let it go.” Of course, add your own words or prayers too. Pray for the lesson to appear. Everything, whether good or bad, has one. Make an “appointment” every day to heal, in the morning before rising and in the afternoon again.

Dealing With Dilemmas with Diane L. Donohue

2 Visualize Close your eyes and visualize yourself becoming better because of this horrible situation. “See” yourself getting stronger, physically and emotionally. Imagine that this terrible situation will bring a new blessing for you. “See” yourself become smarter, more aware or more compassionate. Remind yourself that greatness is often obtained by great loss and sorrow. History is full of these stories.

3 Practice Whenever you think about this situation, stop and visualize a healing and a good outcome for yourself. “See” yourself free of this person/situation. “See” yourself happy and healed. Sometimes the dream won’t quit – the day is fine, the night is not.

4 Rewrite Sit down with a pen and paper and rewrite the dream with a new and favorable ending. Rewrite it anyway that makes you feel happy and peaceful. Read the new dream out loud. Repeat it over again several times. Include in the ending how much strength and wisdom you have obtained.

5 Before sleep “Visualize” your new dream. “See” yourself happy to go to sleep. “See” yourself sleeping peacefully and waking in the morning well rested and smiling. I know it sounds silly but it often works.

6 Free the Mind Some people will have no bad dreams for years and then begin having them again. If you are still having dreams periodically or still feel upset, it may be time to “free-write.” Pour out your feelings of despair, anger or fear on paper. Free them from your mind, release them to paper. They need to come out of the darkness to be resolved. Pray for a healing again. Then visualize your healing and rehearse the favorable dream again. Sleep Well!

Send your questions about any personal topics to: Names are changed to protect your privacy. Include Dealing with Dilemmas in the subject line. DISCLAIMER The information and recommendations provided are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult with your healthcare provider with regard to this information. PERSONAL DISCLAIMER The information I provide is based on my personal and professional experience and 35 years of study in psychology, communication, health and nutrition. You are encouraged to consult with your healthcare provider with regard to this information.

58 MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015


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Spotlight MeTime Spotlight is a resource guide for products and services we think

you’ll want to know more about. In addition to an ad (yes these are businesses with

something to sell!), you’ll find a mini interview and more personal information about the owner or team behind the products on the left page.

Have a product or service you’d like to tell the world about (yours or someone else’s)? Let us know! Send an email to

MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015



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Amanda Johnson True To Intention |


Tell us something we need to know to better understand your product or service.

I believe the inspiration to write a book is, more often than not, a Divine Invitation to step into the next expression of one’s life purpose. Our coaching process nurtures the development of the Message and the MessagePreneur. e goal is to never crank out a book – it’s to uncover, nurture, and launch a book, a brand, and a life that are true to the client’s highest, truest intention.


Who or what inspired you to begin your venture?

My life completely changed the day someone asked me, “What value do you have to give to the world NOW?” I saw the book, the bestseller status, and the people I would work with and immediately transformed from a depressed, scared young woman to an inspired co-creator of my life. I stepped into the Magic of knowing what I am here to do and share, and began the journey of healing and serving that has made my life unrecognizable. My favorite moments in my work are the ones where I see this happen for my clients.


Is there an interesting fact about your product or service you’d like to share?

Because we are working with people’s often very raw-and-fragile stories and hearts, we work with only a few people at a time in a quiet, safe, and sacred space.

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Do you have a favorite quote, motto, or Mission Statement you’d like to share?

“ere are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. e other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein ~

I used to hang my hat on “Be the Change You Want to See” by Mahatma Ghandi because what we’re really up to over here is helping people to more clearly see and more powerfully share and own and live their message. But this quote has been talking to me lately because the deeper I go with clients, the more I stand in wonder at the Divine Orchestration of their stories and journeys back to LOVE. Even the Upside-Down – the uncertainty + the journey of healing old stories – is full of Miracles when we look for them.


If there were one lesson you’ve learned along the way to pass on to other women, what would it be?

You wouldn’t have the desire if you didn’t also have the means in and around you. Write and rewrite and polish your own script for your book, your brand, and your life.


me time




Lisa Marie Platske Upside inking | Upside


Tell us something we need to know to better understand your product or service.

Leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. If you are not the leader of your business or career and ultimately your life, you cannot fully live out the mission that you were uniquely called to fulfill in this world. The secret to unlocking that influence is to master the art of connection and positioning. Thousands of women from all over the globe have been coached by or trained with me resulting in doubling their income, getting 6-figure opportunities, and spending more time with the people they love.


Who or what inspired you to begin your venture?

I’m an “accidental” entrepreneur. The event that inspired me to own my own business was getting married. I wanted to engage in meaningful work that would allow me to make a difference in the world while living my values of Freedom, Fun, and Flexibility to increase time for Family, Friends, and my Faith. I never had any idea what I would be embarking on when I made that decision. What a wild ride it’s been!

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Is there an interesting fact about your product or service you’d like to share?

Positioning is not the same as visibility. You can be incredibly visible but if you aren’t positioned for profit, you’ll continue to come up short in attracting the right opportunities, influence and income.


Do you have a favorite quote, motto, or Mission Statement you’d like to share?

The world is made for those who stand out, not those who fit in. I’ve witnessed many incredibly talented and brilliant women fail to claim their greatness for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, the world and the people who need their gifts then miss out.


If there were one lesson you’ve learned along the way to pass on to other women, what would it be?

You are the one you have been waiting for... and you are perfect in all of your imperfections.


me time




Renee Cabourne Money Savvy Woman |


Tell us something we need to know to better understand your product or service.

Financial advice is in many cases unaffordable for those who don’t have investible assets, and along with it, financial literacy. Money Savvy Woman was created to give every person the opportunity to get the advice they need to get them on the path towards financial independence.


Who or what inspired you to begin your venture?

I’d been in business for over a decade and realized that many of my clients suffered from financial illiteracy and poor mindsets around their money. Many couldn’t talk about money without fear, anger, or anxiety. Once I started teaching at a community college, these patterns were magnified in my students. It was clear, students wanted a faster way to learn and get advice than spending a full semester in a class room. ey were seeking advice and answers, but believed they couldn’t afford it. I knew I had to find a better way for them to get the advice they needed.


Is there an interesting fact about your product or service you’d like to share?

I work with clients face-to-face or over the phone and internet, whatever works best for them. Additionally, I teach clients how to talk about money and manage it so they become debt-free and investing in their goals and future.

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Do you have a favorite quote, motto, or Mission Statement you’d like to share?

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you must do something you’ve never done.” Why? Because so often my clients come in expecting that I can deliver success on a silver platter. It takes a commitment to doing things differently to get the results they want. Once they get a taste of success based on their new actions, they believe they CAN …can do it themselves, can reach their goals—both big and small, and can have the lifestyle of their own design.


If there were one lesson you’ve learned along the way to pass on to other women, what would it be?

Only YOU can make your dreams come true— no one can do it for you. Personal responsibility and integrity are what matters most. YOU CAN DO IT!

Show Us Your MeTime!

How Do You Spend Your MeTime?

Email us a picture and a brief description to editor@metimejournal

OK, we’ll go first! Here’s a look at just one of the ways each of us like to spend our MeTime. Now we want to hear from you!

Michele (right)

Me time for me is spending time with my friends at various educational conferences learning new things to better serve my female clients

M That’s


Linda (left)

I spend lots of me time singing and competing with 100+ friends in Harborlites Chorus (over 10 years and counting!). We’re two time international champs! (Fact: Diane and I met when she was in Harborlites :)

Diane (right)

I love music. Dancing is a great way to combine my love of music with exercise and friends. A winning combo!

66 MeTime Journal™ | Premiere Issue 2015

About Next Issue Send Us a Photo of Your Unique, Crazy collections

The “story� of who you are is Unique.


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