Met Spring/Summer 2012

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Alla base di ogni creazione Met c’è un profondo percorso di ricerca nei materiali, nelle vestibilità, nei lavaggi e negli accessori per capi rigorosamente Made in Italy. Diversi i temi in cui viene declinata la nuova collezione Primavera Estate 2012, studiati per soddisfare i consumatori più attenti alle mode offrendo non ultimo un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.

Behind every Met creation lies extensive research into materials, fit, wash and accessories for strictly Made in Italy garments. The new Spring Summer 2012 collection embraces different themes, selected to satisfy the most fashion-conscious customer, not least by offering an excellent price-quality ratio.

Mykonos Le Bon Ton Pas Du Tout Met in jeans X-Fit Je Suis Unique Miami Cocktail Diamond

5 m + u s # f o + s s > e A n h g < i l e h T r e m m u s f o s s e n h g i l e h T ta iene interpreta v te a st ’e ll e d ni di seta e di to La leggerezza o c i u n te e "$ i preziosi +-(&!"4$56"$*+# nell’utilizzo d $3 ( 2 1 *& 0 /$ + +$,-(.. *&!"#"$%&!!'())(** (!$8(",(4$($)&# $% $( "+ , -" , !$ ( &-($% -$ %(!$7(-%($1"!"* #$2".."$36+$2( + $9 + 5* & *# + $9 &*($& lopet5"($*-"8&!"$,"+9 larissime le sa o ic rt a P . ie ic cam gli vestiti e maxi no. Romantici li in re p m se ate ano te corte realizz ti metallici cre u ss e T . to a p m sta nto abiti in pizzo micie in lino ti a c su li ra tu a n lari di stropicciature plicati partico p a o n o g n e v i $9+*+#($($)(!# a freddo su cu $" "4 # !+ *& # & 2 -$ -$*+#/$;$ -(&!"4$16!*"9+!+ 9:"))+#$*+#$56 + $3 ( 2 1 *& $5 & 7&5"$% $($ #9+$%(!$8(",( 2&4$7(#,+#+$"# "& 8 !$ ( % "$ # *+ "$ #($#( (5"4$ *"$%&"$*+#"$&99 ($8(",(4$($2"*+ -& !+ + $9 !" "= !* 6 -+/$< "&**($ %(!$,-","+$9:"& (5$4$8+-9:"($2 ** !( "! & 2 4$ *( -& $9+!+ lle 1"9-+$2(-!"#( ono i fondi de sc si o zi re p im te %($!&*(-&!"$%"$ # & $8 tonde e quadra $( -( *6 "# $,"&99:(4$9 1&#"9:($%(!!( pantaloni. rpreted with te in is r e m m $ of the su #5$+)$5"!>$&#% + The lightness ** + $9 *( & 9 !" ( 9"+654$% $*+#(5$+)$1"*:($65($+)$2-( # + 4$ *5 # -" 2 !$ -& #/$@!+ 5$ -&?$())(9*$!"#( %$*-"8&!$2&**(-# # $& (4 ", ( $8 % # -(A$& &#%$ !"*&-A$,-((#4$, 9($)+-$%-(55(5$ !& *$ # ( 59 -( + 6 :$3 parti9+#*-&5*(%$?"* ree shorts are a g n u d n e n li e rovide maxi shirts. Th lace dresses p d te n ri p d n A e. rics cularly uniqu s. Metallic fab c ti n a m ro e th %$!"#(#$5:"-*54$ ( something for A B% !% + $9 # + 9-(&5(5$ etails applied. d 9-(&*($#&*6-&!$ n fo if h c e n !$ ne on to 7&%(%$8A$3+-& which have to # $" -( $& -5 5( 6 5:$*-+ $5#&>($ C+**+#$&#%$2!6 #%$8(",(4$&#% & -$ 6 !+ + "9 :*$ !* 6 2-"#*5$"#$1 -(A$*+#(5/$D-", , *$ : ", $! % # $& ( $8(", %54$ 2-"#*$"#$?:"*(4 -(%$1"9-+$8(& 6 !+ + $9 54 % # -& "B5* *6%5$&%+-#$ $5 % -( 9+!+6-)6!$16!* & 6 E $5 % # &*4$-+6#%$& 5(-$ 5(E6"#5$&#%$3 $8(!*5$&#%$*-+6 54 ( 7 ( ( 5! *$ ( > 9 F& *:($8+**+1$+)$ side strips.


Jacket DYNAMITE M011 E49 - Tank Top TEXE J736 Pant X-CURLY P204 E47 901

Gilet GORANO L039 E47 901 - Skirt LIJUBA L025 T480 E49

Left: Scarf RIGMORE T149 - Tank Top BUPPY J284C - Pant K-FLAIR P204 E46 901 Right: Jacket AZA C033 T479 E49 - Top PIXARY J732 - Pant JESSICA F047 E64

6 7

Dress ISIRAK V045

Overall MYSUIT V045

L C071 E49

33 E49 901

071 E49 901


Dress TISBE L0

P149 E49 Gilet HARISH 129 E49 Skirt JANA G

071 E49 901 Shir t ENILA C 1 C071 E49 90 Short BLAKE

Dress DOM/

Dress DOM C

Overall DRUS



605 T480 E49




L033 E49 901 Dress KISHA 88 E49 901 Shir t ZOIA P1

Dress LIMY G


Le Bon To

Pas Du Tou

Lo spirito rock è parafrasato in chiave pop/pin up: vita alta, pantaloni a zampa,felpe oversize, pois, stampe ed inserti in ecopelle leggera, accessori di catene e zip per un look davvero unico. Tagli aggressivi per abiti dall’aspetto bon ton, balze e tasche lunghe per pantaloni super skinny. Le giacche possono essere smanicate. Grande spazio viene dato alla tuta, usata come pezzo unico e riproposta a vita alta.I colori sono quelli della pop culture: lilla, giallo canarino e arancio fl uo affi ancano l’immancabile denim. The rock spirit is paraphrased in a pop/pin up interpretation: high waist, fl ared trousers, oversized jumpers, polka dots, prints and inserts in light faux leather, chain and zip accessories for a truly unique look. Aggressive cuts for dresses with a bon ton appearance, frills and long pockets for super skinny trousers. The jackets have removable sleeves. The jumpsuit is given a lot of attention, used as a single piece and redesigned with a high waist. The colours are those so familiar of pop culture: lilac, canary yellow and fl uorescent orange are combined with ever–present denim.

p o P k c o


n o i t a t e r p r e t n i p u n i p / p o p a n i t i r i p s k c o r e h T

p U n i P


T-shirt SYKE J698 S241 - Pant VENETIA D843 E82 901

Left: Jacket NEWGOOD D664 A420 901 - T-shirt YESK J698 S240 - Leggins LEGALTA J685 Right: Sweater TERESA J689 - Dress KESYPAC J416 T441 A416


01 T378

VA S029 E48 Shir t BOBULO LEG J527 Leggins ALTA


Dress DEMI J0

E48 RTOP P0337 Top THUNDE 5 E46 RTS B039 T17 O H S IP Z s rt o Sh

S029 E48 Shir t MANIAC E48 TIMANI S029 Sleeves COT J001 T378 Pant FREDDY

4 RVEST P033 E E D N U H T ss Dre

IK J705 Sweater BAT 2 B039 T431 E8 IR T D O G t n Pa


Right: Sweater ARIELE T103 - Shorts HIGHGRIER PE293 E82

Left: Jacket GUDY B039 T431 E46 - Skirt ZOT J705

Dress PATA S029 E48

Gilet HUGO D664 A434 1421 - Shorts HIGHGRIER D741 E82 901

Overall SAFFRY D741 E82 1175

22 Gilet CATALY B039 T175 A420 0999 - Shorts CHUPS S029 E48

Overall SAFFRON PE293 E82

Dress BERTI J527 - Sweater TERESA T103


Per la primavera estate 2012 Met rinnova la sua linea basic. Ai tradizionali cinque tasche si affiancano denim dalle diverse varianti di peso, caratterizzati da trattamenti che vanno dal blu pulito al bleech con rotture estreme per un look semplice e mai banale. Decisamente eccentrica la proposta di modelli con stampe tattoo e glitter all over. Iper femminili i pantaloni a vita alta. Applicazioni di toppe in steta Liberty London, cucite rigorosamente a mano, donano ulteriore raffinatezza ai capi. Morbide felpe melange, maglie in jersey e costine devorè completano il look. Ampia la cartella colore, proposta anche nella variante sfumata, a donare vivacità ai tessuti.

For spring summer 2012 Met updates its basic line. Different types and weights of denim are used for the traditional fi ve pocket jeans, characterised by treatments that go from clean blue to bleach, with extreme tears for a simple look that is never boring. The models with tattoo print and all over glitter are decidedly eccentric. The high-waist trousers are the height of femininity. Liberty London stet patches are applied, strictly hand sewn, and give the fi nal touch of elegance to the pieces. Soft mixed sweatshirts, jersey jumpers and devorè rib knits complete the look. The colour card is extensive, and offers colours in different tones as well, breathing life into the fabrics.

2 s 1 0 n 2 r a e e m j m u n S i g Sprin

n o i t c e l l o c c i s a b T E M 2 1 0 2 r e m m u S g n i r Sp

E79 IR B039 T314 LA -F K t n a P 9 64 139 IFFER D664 E Jeans D-SCH


404 Y D840/E64 1 K N E R F s n a Je

86 Y/SS D837 13 Jeans H-BOD

1327 IX D762 E79 R E T S A s n a Je

9 B039 T314 E7 Pant MELISSA

327 R D762 E79 1 E F IF H C S s n Jea

839 E82 1405 Jeans JEN D


28 29

Shirt MIZO D819 1364 - Jeans K-FIT D519 T478 E82

Gilet LOLA/S D519 T478 E82 - Shorts SOUL B039 T472 E82

T-shirt CAMEY J622 - Shorts JANICE D519 T478 E82

T-shirt SHEP J622 - Jeans ASTERIX D839/S234 1407

Left: Overall BELLINA B039 T472 E82

Jacket RAK B016 T459 E82 - Pant NAXOS J710 A426

Right: Overall JOG J100 T469 A431

34 35

Pant NORA J100 T470

Jacket RADAR D664 E47 1418 - Pant ASTERIX B058 E42 1419

Jacket BENTLEY/J J100 901 - Shorts JANICE B039 T314 E79

IRL J545

ING J100 E80

A J100

Overall PUCK

T-shir t NEWG

Sweater PIRC

J545 CAGILONG W E N p to k Tan 391 L D762 E64 1 Shorts MARY


MI J545 Tank Top CA 00 E80 Pant NORA J1

IRLS J545 T-shir t NEWG J100 Pant SPOCK


Tank top NEWCAGI J545 - Pant KARI J100 E80


t r o f m o c d n u o r a l l a r e f f e o r u Y g N i f N I e l K a S m e f e h t Super e c n a h n e s e h t o l c t e M Capi che offrono un comfort a 360°. Il super skinny Met esalta la figura femminile adattandosi perfettamente ad ogni movimento. Ampia la scelta dei lavaggi, dai più basici ai più ricercati: bleech, accessoriati da galvaniche iridescenti, sovrattinti da colori brillanti e serigrafati da cascate luccicanti. Gabardine elasticizzate dal comfort estremo offrono un’ampia gamma di trattamenti mantenendo sempre una mano setosa: colori intensi, effetti più tenui ottenuti con fi nissaggi particolari e spennellature di colore dall’aspetto artigianale, il tutto utilizzando colori brillanti e freschi come la stagione a cui sono destinati. Clothes that offer all-round comfort. The super skinny Met jeans enhance the female figure, adapting perfectly to every movement. There’s a wide choice of washes, from the most basic to the more sought-after: bleached, accessorised with irridescent metallic coating, dyed again with bright colours and screen printed with twinkling cascades. Extreme comfort elasticised gabardine offers a wide range of treatments, but always keeps its silky touch: intense colours, more delicate effects obtained with particular finishes and artisanal look strokes of colour, all using fresh, bright colours, just like the season they were made for.

2 E47

ER D838 138

2 E47

706 1313 E47

09 1424 E47

706 1397 E47

Jeans X-K-FIT



D706 1367 E4

EL D Jeans X-ANG

RLY D7 Jeans X-CU

YS D838 138 Jeans X-BID

Jeans X-GEF

D Jeans X-K-FIT


Shorts X-PAMPELONNE D706 1368 E47

Jeans X-K-FIT STAR D706 1396 S130

46 47

Skirt X-ANTIBES D706 1366 E47

Shorts X-PAMPELONNE D771 1403 E47

Shorts X-PAMPELONNE D771 1403 E47

Skirt X-PAMPSKIRT D706 1368 E47

Shorts X-BLAKE G272 T468 E47


Jeans X-RICH G273 T471 E47

Jeans X-K-FIT STAR G273 T463 E47

Jeans X-COURTNEY D706 T462 E47

Jeans X-WINONA D706 T462 E47

Left: Pant X-GEFER D706 T461 E47 Right: Pant X-K-FIT G272 T468 E47

50 51

Jeans X-CURLY G271 T467 E47

Jeans X-CURLY D706 T462 E47

Capi realizzati a mano con dettagli militari, elementi della savana e richiami del mondo orientale delle geishe per un total look decisamente unico. Le creazioni di quest’innovativa capsule collection offrono lavaggi stone wash, strappi e rotture per un aspetto più aggressivo. Unique in ogni collezione vi offrirà un prodotto sempre più fresco ed innovativo. Garments handmade with military details, elements of the Savannah and nods to the Eastern world of the Geisha for a decidedly unique overall look. The creations from this innovative capsule collection offer stone wash, rips and tears for an more aggressive look. In every collection Unique will provide an increasingly fresh and innovative product.

Je Suis Unique k o o l l l a r e v o e u uniq

e d a m d n a h s t n e m r a G military details with n r e t s a E e Nodsdtoofththe Geisha worl

Unique innovative capsule collection

54 55

Jeans D-SCHIFFLAIR D526 E91 1363

Jeans REV D526 E91 1363

E G041 A430


Z D526 E91 1

69 1400

41 A430 1401


041 E69 1400

136 XI D526 E91 Salopette LE

R G0 Dress ARBOU

G041 E Overall YORK

/ Overall TRILLY



Dress NEW G



T-shirt KANDY J715 R118 - Shorts RUNANG D762 1378


/J D762 137


63 D526/E91 13 Jacket LOLIT Z J708 Pant NORA/





Parka PARKIT G041/E69 1400

Dress NINETYNINE/Z J709 901

Dress ARBOUR/J D762 1378

T-shirt GTATTY J709 S236 901 Jeans NORANG D762 1378

T-shirt ZAUL/Z J709 901 - Skirt BLANCORT G041 E91 1401

62 63

Dress GREFT J709 S244 901

Soft and extremely colourful fabrics glide along the body, highlighting the female figure. Rhinestones, studs and chains adorn the slim but comfortable garments. The most glamorous theme of the collection is enriched with new and interesting proposals: animal garments and dresses embellished with leather braces and military inspired pockets, dresses and tracksuits fi nished with chains, jewellery and brightened up by cascades of wet look tone on tone studs. Not to be missed are the customised t-shirts with all over sequin work and the fancy fl eece jackets, which can be paired with any of the pieces from the theme. Lovely hair bands, pendants with coloured feathers, micro hats and a practical jute bag with coloured inserts complete the look.

Miami Cocktail

Morbidi tessuti coloratissimi scivolano lungo il corpo ad evidenziare la figura femminile. Strass, borchie e catene impreziosiscono capi dalla vestibilitĂ slim ma confortevole. Il tema piĂš glamour della collezione si arricchisce di nuove ed interessanti proposte: capi animalier, maglie e vestiti arricchiti da bretelle di cuoio e tasconi di derivazione militare, abiti e tute rifi niti con catene gioiello e illuminati da cascate di borchie ton sur ton effetto bagnato. Immancabili le maglie personalizzate con lavorazioni di paillettes all over e le sfiziose giacchine in felpa, da abbinare a tutte le declinazioni del tema. Simpatici cerchielli, pendagli con piume colorate, micro cappellini e una pratica borsa in juta con inserti di vernice colorata completano il look.

Soft and extremely colourful fabrics glide along the body, highlighting the female figure. Rhinestones, studs and chains adorn the slim but comfortable garments.

66 67

Overall MAIK


A J284 A407

INE J284 Dress JASM


84 0010

Y J2 Overall KIZZ

84 0474 Dress GLEB J2 02 Bag INGA Y0

Tank top NINTYS J284 R104 001 - Skirt SHITA J284 0010 - Bag INGA Y002 0010

Overall MYSUIT J284 A404 0164

Overall PIMIL J284 0818

70 71

Top ERIKY J284 0224 - Pant NORAPINO J284 A301F 0087

Top PIX J284 A405 - Shorts RUNNING/J J284

Shirt CASTA J284 A421 - Shorts RUNNING/J J284 A405

Top ERSH J284 - Pant NORA J284 A405 - Bag INGA Y002

Dress GREMYREGULAR J284 A405 0842 - Bag INGA Y002


Dress VADE J2 O J284 A421 Overall FUMIK Dress BETTA




Dress BELLA J284 A418 0516


Jacket EVERVEST J284/A278 - Dress YOLE J100/A422

Dress CASTAVEST J284 A421

Left: Dress DOMA J284 A421

Dress DOMA J284 A421

Right: Dress GAXI J284 A421


Il denim diventa prezioso e si illumina di strass, bottoni d’argento e maglie metalliche nelle nuances dell’ambra e del crystal. Architetture di gioielli sembrano cucite direttamente sulla pelle ad esaltare la vanità femminile. Denim becomes precious and lights up with strass, silver buttons and metallic knitwear in amber and crystal nuances. Architecture of jewels seems to be sewed directly onto the skin to highlight feminine vanity.

Denim becomes precious Lights up with strass Crystal nuances Architecture of jewels Highlight feminine vanity.

Skirt ANGEL SKIRT CORT D526 G141 1414

Jeans ANGEL D526 G141 1414

Jacket LEL D526 G141 1414 - Jeans X-K-FIT GOLD D842 G152 1409

84 85

Salopette LEXY/E D526 G156 1413

86 87

Jacket LELONG D526 G141 1414 Pant SPORIK J100 G112 0078

Dress PLAYER J100 A425 0332

Gilet LELOUCH D664 G77 1001 Pant NORA J100 A301 001

Pant KARIB J100 G90 0999 Top INDYTOP J500 VU

Pant NORA J100 A428 001

jacket LEL D526 G277 1414 pant K-FIT STAR B016 A432 1411

I D842 Jeans SPAKK

G150 1410


526 G117 14

D Jeans GEFER 2 G157 1373

D84 Jeans X-K-FIT



Jeans ANGEL D526 G148 1413

Jeans X-K FIT D838 G87 1393

90 Jeans ANGEL D526 G145 1413

Jacket MUGLER J100 G154 0995 - Shorts WENDY D526 G149 1363

Pant K-FIT B016 S243 1411

Dress ARBOUR G041 G151 1401


Jeans K-FIT D526 S243 1414

Skirt ANGEL SKIRT CORT D526 G147 1363 Jacket MUGLER G041 G154 1401 - Shoulder Pads NIKEL G154/N

94 95

Jacket NALE D526 A313 1414 - Skirt CIKKA/N D526 G146 1414



Mykonos...02 Le Bon Ton Pas Du Tout...12 Met in jeans...24 X-Fit...40 Je Suis Unique...52 Miami Cocktail...64 Diamond...80

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