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#,Y#, Yor fovoritewowwee AllverM Cubs or€ now ovoilobleos These8'inchl2o cm)smoI ond cuddy plushboby onimolsmokesohendeorinssounds fromsnofng,ro gu,gllngond {6odingsounds. Feedhimwirhhis bo 6 - he'llmokercol boby P i c[hi d up or l oyhimdownond oni mol sounds... seehowhe reoctsl H e' l e venf o loseep whenyou leov€himo on€L FEAIURE9 'Try Me funclion .7 adorobl e bobyonim olsoundg indicoti.gthecubt mood .Feedhimwirhthe includedl6edingborlleh€ clo5€5hi5€y€sond mokesfeedlnssounds .Follsosl66pwhenyou leovehimolonel .K now sw heny oupkk hin up .Adopr on cerrilkot€includ.d

r^rotrtceAliveSleepiig cufies arePercec+ Pqj€fia Palsl

-ai"i ,i .) !\) i i\'s )ltt'1.'iL'', Cuti6sBeoglePuppyis on odofabL€ WowW€€A iv6rM5l66ping 5eepyperwho is perfedto cudde up wiih fof o nopl Ne hoso poseobleheod,ond knowswhenyou pick hin upl Pelhim,ond he'llcur up, mokehimsefcozy ond g.t r6odyto fol osl66p.


P erhi ' i ogoj nond h6w i l l w ok6up d^d uncurl w h ile m okinggenlle 3lumbons soundslH6olsolov6silwhen you ploy with himhe'll mokebobyonimolrcund!lo t6llyou.howhoppyho lil

;,r. ltl|1$*,"{'i:4ffi

r^,owr^,ee AliveSealPupis +hepereec+ corrparior for playa,rdcoddlesl



Meet Seol Pup,one of the loveobleond hussoble boby onimolsfrom WowWee AliverM.


\ Ployinsw th SeolDuprs os closeos you con 9e' lo hovins lhe reol boby onimol ro nurture ond tckecoreof in yourhome. SeclPuphosblinkingeyes,on onimoledrnoulh ond cn orroy of sounds.Lislento him reoct when you strokehis bock, pot his heod, or c'odlehim.Leoveh:molonelor fiveminutes ond he wi I snoreos he entersS/eepMode.

FIAIURES Me furctor 'T'Y .Activofeihe pupt sensors whenyou pel hirn ondhewillrespond wiihsounds ond motionl .Usinginlernol lillsensors, heconlel whenhe is beingturnedover rMokesreolbobyonimolsounds .Movingmouth ondblinking eyes Adoplioncerlificole ond fomilyporlroiiincluded


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WowweerMis expondingils porlfoliool pefenniolly stronglicenses withDisneyond NASCAR, creolingwinningproducll

xWa D oleEo. nhor dr lr . #88 KyleBusch #18

Corchthefosrmoving ond collectible ZipbotrM. Zjpbolfeotures o uniquebristle-bosed Simple+o-use, locomotion thotollowsit lo zip quicklyocross and rebound off obstoclesl smoothsurfoces



"t Disney Foiries

Disiey Clossics

$' ux,rn

FEATURES .Uniquebristle-bosed locomotion .Foslmovingpolm-sized chorocters .Collectible ond perfeclforyeorroundgifi giving

'o\ Tinker Bell remote control flying fairy Usinga singlechannelflower remotecontroller,launch and fly your Tinker Bell tlying fairy with easel wa.h h', sp,eadher p.x,emag,,aroundrhe room rs,ns FlyTechtuengineâ‚Źringonly lrom WowWeerMl When shegetstired and needsto rest her wings, rechargeher directly on the remotecontroLlerusingthe built in chargercabLe.

tui TEATURES to ' E asy use remot econt r ouer .C ontrol the hei ght and pow cr of Tinkcr Bell .18 mi nuteschargegi vesup to 4 minut esof f light

Also available,., Silvermist Fun Flyer & flying fairy S i l v c n n i s ti s T i n k c r l l c l l s w a i c f l a i f y f i i c n d L aqnchSilvcrnisr hLr Ilycr to drc skics u s i n Sh c r c h a f g c r O r u s c S i l v c n n i s tf l y i D E f a n y 's l l o w * r e h o t c c o n t r o l l s t o w a t c h h s s p r c a dh e r m a g i c a r o u n d d r c r o o m i

Tinker BelI Fun Flyer'" Ti nker B el l I!n Fl ycrrMi s the perfecthtroduct ion t o f liglit l Cliarge her by artaching her ro rhe charger, hold the launch trlgger halfway her wings will flap h-r, p.l l .l ,e l .rn, l: r . gg. " l oql yds.hccha' s.s-rnd to releaseher in the sL(yL When her flappingwings begln to slow, rechargeher for her oext fljght, or perch her on the chargerfor safesbrage. She'sthe perfect flying toy for younger children who wanr to enjoy the Tinker Bell flying experiencel

IEATURES . rn F , . n. 6, , oF f ^, ,," ." rn ." ^ " ,1 .l fl ," L , . J us t c har ge ,i a u n c h a n d w a tc h h e r fl y L . Dura b l e , l i g h tw e i g h tIPP b o d y . U lt ra l i g h t and f lex iblec a rb o nF i b e rd u a l w i n g d e s j g n . Perch for chargjng or storaee


4102 {IinhrBellflif yer)


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0.405 PAIMftDfis: 5.3125' trL5' D r66?5' fl

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is a regisl€red NASCAn@ trademark oi NASCAB,Inc. underaulhorlty ol JoeG bbsBacing,Huntsrsville, andMars,Inc.2009@" licensed NC. "Kyl€Busch@", "#18@", Dal€Earnhardt, andcopy ghlsars us6dw th lh€ p€nrisson ol Hondickl\,lotorspofts Jr.,#88AMP Energy/National Guad, andolherrelaledlrademarks of Pepsico,Inc. o 20oBHend ck Mororsports andJB liotorsports.A[iP ENERGYis a iradomark granledby HGL,LLC. @2009HGL,LLC. JimmieJohnson, #48andLowesareusedunderlicense @2009HGL,LLC.JefiGordon, #24andDuPonlareusedunderlicensegranted by HGL,LLC.

@wowwee." Forthecompletelineofwowwee produ.ts,qoto

T 5l4Jl32019

| 5141441151

T5 ] 6 7 6 6 1 1 2 4 I n6 766.1t15

T rl2(012t673911 ! +r ( 0 1 2 r 6 6 r 2 0 2 E m.lrel.qoubd@wowwle 4mpe(m

o 200!Wowv/ee Crolplin redprodrdfam6,dgigmlonr, d 0q6derndemdkd reqno.d iridenlk of\toslv* 6rclpLniredA r ghbrern€d

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FlyTechrM Grosshopper is ihe otesrhybridinsecilholcon wolk forwordondbockwordl Thisogilelnseci conmoke o runningiokeolffromthesmollest of spoces,bockoutof tighlcorners ond jumpoversmollobsioclesl Hisbuili-in cfosh sensor oulomoiico ly stopshiswingsflopplng on lmpoci, protecling himfromtoughlondings. Usethe2<honnelremoieconhollerfor accuroie,long'ronge conrrolbolh ndoorsond ourdoors. When he stortsto ose power,connecihim io lhe rernoteconlroler for o speedyrechorge.


F:ATURES .wall.. iumpsf es ord moLesbug:ounds .Buit-incroshsenso, rChoose from Eeginnerond Expezmodes .Mode fromdurobleEPP .2'chcnneldigitolproporlionol RFcontroler ,irh LEDpowe' ind (o or .10-r r. -" c {or .p .o 5 ni.ute, ol flighl

SleolihsiorrM is ihe oiesi in hoveringfllghrlrom FlyTech'M lrscool tED mokesii ideol for flyingol nighll Usethe 3-chonneldigllol R controler to ioke ful conlrolof Steolthstor . . doy or nighl. When Sieollhslor siorlsto losespeed,simpy chorgeit vi, the remoiecontrolleruniil ii is reody for its nexl flighl. FEAIURES r3-chonneldiSitc R proporilonolconirol: . Heishr/ power . Forword/ bock . Left/ rishi .Winsspan 12" {3ocm) .Comeswiih 2 x sporebodes cnd2xsporepropellers

. d/ glowing Rwesome LE0 eflectl 0ufoble, crush{esistont EPP bodq! just Fostchorge of l0minutesl

,) FEATURES 2.chonnel digiiol proporliono lRremolâ‚Ź controler .DurobteEppbody .Tol rudderenobles direcrionol control .1o'minule chorsefor op lo 5 minul6s ployl



JustfireupondfU! l i ghl srorrM i s the ne w f ye. lr om wowweelM F yTechrM i hor p uis hoverng l echnol ogyi n yoLr rhonds Fl y Li ghi si orw i h eoseuslng l he femotecoi i roler io conir ol i he o t i ude of Lighisiorond be omoze dby r hecool g ow effeclcreoi edby i k b! ili- in LEDI

FEATURES .l -chonnel dig r ol lR scrol lw hee remot econir oler .D !rob e, l i S hi w ei shtmo ded EPPbody .F y i hreeLi ghi si ors or rhe som eiim el. .I0,m nutecho r gef or up r o 4 mi n uiesof f ght l

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