Coming Soon!
… That was my question
Faith United Network will Unite Christians in our Nation and around the World under one media platform. We will provide a state of the art, user friendly and educational platform. Faith United Network (FUN) is a nonprofit media company that provides Pastors and Ministers a Media Platform filled with clean content for likeminded individuals. This platform is a mechanism that presents followers/ members with a spiritual connection that inspires the soul and strengthens the spirit.
CONTACT US Visit our website at: FaithUnitedNetworkTV.com
ABOUT US The present media platform is an undertaking of greater things to come. We set the management of your subscription at work to build this into a consistently growing experience. F.U.N. comprises spiritual messages and education in the areas of health, finance, leadership, overcoming life, cooking, relationships and children. Churches and Ministries can “fight the good fight” against the Humanistic Secular Agenda pervading our Nation and the World.
Get full access to our site with access to our RESOURCES and FUN-KONNECT Community. You also will receive our monthly NEWS LETTERS and access to many FREE videos. Join the Network That's Uniting Christians around the world. Be a part of this great move of God!
Kweyol Delights Inc. was founded in June 2020 and born out of the passion to share authentic Caribbean desserts internationally – giving Dominicans away from home the opportunity to purchase local treats without having to travel to the island. Growing up in Dominica, I had the opportunity to learn from my mother who prepared a number of traditional dishes and treats. Now a resident in the US (New Jersey), I found myself missing my Dominican treats. COVID-19 created an opportunity for me to spend more time in the kitchen cooking for my own family and as a result I found myself preparing many traditional sweet treats/ desserts. I eventually decided to turn this into an entrepreneurial opportunity where I would be able to provide these traditional treats and desserts to Dominican's living across the United States and this has expanded beyond my imagination, with me even shipping to the UK and Canada. We first started with the traditional coconut cheese/ fudge. In two months of operation we have evolved to introduce other treats including coconut tablets (made with shredded coconut), tamarind balls, Caribbean Fruit cake and sweet potato puddings.
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest for your souls… This is something that too many Christians are completely unfamiliar with today… Our lives are so full of “stuff” and we are so busy that we don’t know how to “come unto Him”… Jesus said in Luke 12:15 And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.“ Let’s look at this for us in America… Our Founders put something very important into our Constitution… “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The American Dream was all about “The Pursuit of Happiness”… The original American Dream was not about getting stuff… It was about living a life free from worry and enjoying the opportunities of living in America.
Today the American Dream is a nightmare because it is no longer what it once was… It has become something completely Materialistic and for many, unattainable… You see the definition of happiness has changed… In the 1920’s we saw a shift towards acquiring material things or, saying it plainly; just getting more and more stuff! We need to do what The Apostle Paul said to do in Colossians 3:1-3 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For ye are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Seek the Kingdom first in all things and learn to rest in Christ… Don’t trust in what you have materially… Trust in His Goodness and learn to live a life on Contentedness and Peace!
I have been in Ministry for more than 42 years. My goal is to influence Believers so they will have a Kingdom Impact on others. Visit my personal site www.FrankDupree.com
As the Eagle Stirs Her Nest Deuteronomy 32:7-14
Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee. 8 When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. 9 For the LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. 10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. 11 As an eagle stirreth up her nest, flutters over her young, spreads abroad her wings, takes them, bears them on her wings: 12 So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. 13 He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock; 14 Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape. She makes the nest high up away from the things of the earth She makes the nest comfortable with the skins of animals The eaglets are so happy in their heavenly home… Then, she determines it’s time for them to learn to fly on their own She stirs the nest! Flutters over it and all of the loose feathers and animal skins get blown out It becomes uncomfortable as the sticks and twigs start to poke out They are shocked Then she gets onto the edge of the nest and puts them on her back
Frank Dupree She flies up and around and when they get comfortable she flips them off her back! They flutter and fall and then she swoops under them and grabs them and puts them on her back again Then she takes them to the ground and they walk around in a new environment She takes them back and repeats the whole thing over again until they learn to fly The Lord does the same to us! We’re made to ride on the high places of the earth! We drink Honey from the Rock! We are given all the good thing of the earth to eat and drink from the pure blood of the grape! Revelation 4:1 (KJV) After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. We are being called to come up into the High Places to “suck Honey out of the Rock” and receive End Time Revelation!
…That Was My Question. May others be supported with my answer. -Laurice Baddour Does it grieve Holy Spirit to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, though this holiday/holy day as it was not mentioned in Scripture by Jewish writers? Does celebrating His birth offend Jesus? Does honoring and acknowledging the infant Jesus dishonor God the Father? Many believers have struggled with the question of whether Christmas should or should not be celebrated, based on certain passages of Scripture, culture, denomination, sect, heterodoxy, and the hermeneutical application that most speaks to them. Add to that, the pressure to conform to the biblical view of the majority of one's community. I have studied, been raised in, trained in, and influenced by all sects of "Believerdom", as I call it, learning in both East and West spheres. Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and Messianic Judaism have all been rich sources of information for me that have shaped my first-hand experiential knowledge of the similarities and differences in the understanding and application of Scripture in the global Body of Christ. It is estimated that there are 30,000 - 60,000 different denominations of what is called 'Christianity'. Included in my world is the study of and exposure to cults and heterodoxes, for the sole purpose of learning to understand, and identifying heretical teaching, while sharing the Gospel. It also helps in identifying the prophetic days in which we are living; the old is made new, again. We are each called to study to show ourselves approved (II Timothy 2:15), and to give a reason
for the hope we have in Christ, Our Hope (I Peter 3:15). Regarding the question of Christmas and some pagan roots, after much angst before the Lord, I was prepared in my heart to give up the most celebrated of all holidays of Gentile believers, based on some information and interpretation to which I had been exposed, in recent years. Through much prayer and research regarding some of the roots of Christmas, I came to a personal conclusion. This came more from my own heart, deep intimacy with God, and intensive study of Scripture, and less from my research about the differing interpretive or believed origins of Christmas, based on varying sources and resources: The Jews were commanded to sacrifice the innocent lamb as a foreshadowing of One and The Same - Jesus The Infant and Jesus The King of Glory, Who was already born and slain before the foundation of the world. We still today celebrate feasts and festivals, eternal convocations of The Lord, pointing to The First Coming of The Eternal Messiah, though He already came, died, rose, and is positionally seated at the Right Hand of The Father. Just as Messianic Jews celebrate, and we with them, that which has already been fulfilled, Scripture teaches how God loves the infant, in particular, the Infant Jesus, Who had already fulfilled His Assignment in eternity past and eternity future, before He was ever born on Earth. Additionally, Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles have traditions that, although they may or may not have biblical roots or bases, were influenced by, originated with, and passed down by sages, leaders, religious philosophers, earlier traditions, Hebrew culture, as well as by the leaders and cultures of non-believers, etc. The historicity and origins change from one Jew to another, which means that they are not all of one understanding or in agreement. These traditions are not scriptural, and can be pointed to pagan roots, but they are, nonetheless, honoring to God, because of what is in the heart of the person. I have studied extensively the Luciferian world of the
ancients, and how they affected both the ancient believers and, now, the contemporaries. Consider that the egg is a symbol that is used in both Hanukkah and in Easter, which can be argued as originating from both the pagan and the holy. These same dynamics apply to the historicity and origins of Christmas and Easter, and what is in the heart of the person. In addition to my research of Christmas, I am very mindful, as a protector, preacher, teacher, trainer, and advocate, of the preborn and born, the honor and prophetic call that God bestows on infants and children, first with Father's only begotten Son, the First of many sons: • Out of the mouths of babies and infants, You ordain praise/strength. ~Psalms 8:2, Matthew 21:16 • ...And a little Child shall lead them. ~Isaiah 11:6 • Our children have been called to prophesy, to The Glory of God. ~Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17 • Before Christ was even born, preborn John leapt in his mother's womb at the Presence of Preborn God in the house! His spirit 'bowed his fleshy knee, confessing Him', so to speak, as The InfantKing-Messiah Yeshua, as Lord, fulfilling the prophetic Philippians 2:10-11 and Romans 14:11, to the Glory of God the Father. Yeshua said that there was no other man BORN of woman like him on the Earth, focusing on the word 'born', referring to infant, later focLusing on the word 'born again' for salvation. • Baby Yeshua was BORN of a virgin, referring to His Glory as an infant. The born and the born-again experience, the infant and the little child, are critical to a relationship with God, first starting in the womb. In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must become like children (Matthew 18:3). • John, as an unborn infant, declared Messiah from the womb, that which was yet to come, for the rest of the world to declare in the future! How much more can we celebrate Him as a BORN Infant, as
ones who are in Christ, His BORN-again children, though infant John was neither born nor born-again? ~Luke 1:41-44
This short and simple article, along with others, helped me understand the background and context of God's warning to and through Jeremiah, regarding the tree and the lights. I see absolutely no connection between the Christmas tree and the abomination of false god worship, which is the context: https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/are-christmas-treesreferenced-bible I am now settled in my spirit to, once again, celebrate and proclaim with evermore passion The Infant King of Glory, in my heart honoring Adonai not as a tradition of man - with great gratefulness and joy! He is known before the foundation of the world by Father, as both The Sinless Perfect Infant Lamb - The One and Only Eternal King of all kings, at the same time. Even the first created man and woman, before they sinned, were never infants. This is a declaration of my belief to anybody, including to ones who may have likewise struggled, being in community with ones where Christmas is either shunned or is not celebrated. I am neither ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16), nor am I ashamed of celebrating Christmas. May we all respect and encourage respect, in all of our differences, in each of our relationships. May we bridge build, and learn and love in our disagreements. One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. ~Romans 14:5
Get full access to our site with access to our RESOURCES and FUN-KONNECT Community. You also will receive our monthly NEWS LETTERS and access to many FREE videos. Join the Network That's Uniting Christians around the world. Be a part of this great move of God!
THE VISION & MISSION Faith United Network will Unite Christians in our Nation and around the World under one media platform. We will provide a state of the art, user friendly and educational platform. Faith United Network (FUN) is a media company that provides all Believers, Pastors, and Ministers a Media Platform filled with clean content for like-minded individuals. This platform is a mechanism that presents followers/members with a spiritual connection that inspires the soul and strengthens the spirit.
You will also receive our publications, gifts, special offers, and updates CONNECT BY ENGAGING THE SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNITY Share you thoughts concerns, likes, dislikes with pour social media community of like minded believers. SUBSCRIBE BY SIGNING UP AND PAYING $9.95 FOR OUR VIDEO In addition to all the other benefits, your subscription goes to work by giving you access to our transformational videos, offering a growing experience of spiritual messages and education in the areas of health, finance, leadership, overcoming life, cooking, relationships and children. ADVERTISE BY SIGNING UP AND PAYING $19.95 GET VIDEOS AND MORE As a Advertiser you get a home on the network: you own page, banner ADs, a place to sell your products on our Resources page, a place to share your videos and pre roll video ADs for you business of ministry.
WHAT WE’RE ABOUT T h e p re s e n t m e d i a p l a t fo r m i s a n undertaking of greater things to come. We set the management of your subscription at work to build this into a consistently growing experience. F.U.N. comprises spiritual messages and education in the areas of health, finance, leadership, overcoming life, cooking, relationships and children. Churches and Ministries can “fight the good fight” against the Humanistic Secular Agenda pervading our Nation and the World. F.U.N. is a place where meaningful stories of hope and inspiration encourage people everywhere.
OUR PEOPLE At the core of Faith United Network are our people. We are pastors, teachers, doctors, lawyers, government workers, financial planners, Chancellors, presidents, CEOs Bishops and Apostles each bringing their dedication along with a wealth of knowledge, leadership, and managerial experience to our network.
MEMBERSHIP STRUCTURE JOIN BY SIGNING UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER You will also receive our publications, gifts, special offers, and updates CONNECT BY ENGAGING THE SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNITY Share you thoughts concerns, likes, dislikes with pour social media community of like minded believers. SUBSCRIBE BY SIGNING UP AND PAYING $9.95 FOR OUR VIDEO In addition to all the other benefits, your subscription goes to work by giving you access to our transformational videos, offering a growing experience of spiritual messages and education in the areas of health, finance, leadership, overcoming life, cooking, relationships and children. ADVERTISE: BY SIGNING UP AND PAYING $19.95 GET VIDEOS AND MORE As a Advertiser you get a home on the network: you own page, banner ADs, a place to sell your products on our Resources page, a place to share your videos and pre roll video ADs for you business of ministry.
Home Page This page features an eye catching video displaying faith, community, expansion, broadcasting, children, and fun. It has Pastor John Torres giving an invitation to receive Christ. And a New Now feed, plus an invitation to signup to be a member and receive FUN's magazine/newsletter. Ways to Join This page is FUN's three tired subscription page. The categories are Member, Subscriber, and Partner. FUN-TV (with sub pages) The eight featured ministry leaders are here with links to there personal pages which lead to their videos and the various categories with links for other shows are here as well. Resources Here all the ministry partners and advertisers have links to their products, paid events, any products that they have to oer. About Us On this page the vision and mission are stated, it also speaks to who the FUN are and features photos of the foundational ministry partners. Connections (with sub pages) This page has links to other websites embedded on the FaithUnitedNetworkTV.com site. FUN Konnect This is a link to the FUN Community social media platform
LEADER PAGES Our Leader Pages feature ministry & business leaders from across the United States and around world!
Tel: 647-859-5784 Email: info@GlobalChaplaincyCenter.com
WORLDWIDE CONNECTIONS Our web connections provide valuable content to inform, entertain, and help our network members explore the goodne ss, insights, and wisdom from around the world! the world.
A NEW SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM Many are tired of the vitriol and nonsense of some of the other social media sites. FUN KONNECT is a place where the free exchange of ideas goes on, uniting families, friends, ministries, and businesses from around the world
Visit the site often to be encouraged in your faith with daily devotionals, ministry and worship videos and the best comedy, cute, inspirational and music videos. We also encourage you to upload your own News videos and share them with our FUN-Konnect social media community! Reach out to us, share your faith and let us know how we’re doing!
Eugene Scott