Online Christian Magazine Be apart of our Year End christmas Celebration!!!
Theological Terms The Gospel of Mark What to look for in a Relationship INTERACTIVE MAGAZINE
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TheChurchAtNewark Magazine
Thanksgiving Just a simple reminder that we ought to focus on and give thanks for what we have. we we look around at the world and all that is of it, we see humanity in daily persuit of better, bigger, faster, stronger, and always trying to increase and have more. Sadly the more we have and the more we acomplish requires even more time and energy. To do “this” you have to give up “that.” Are you sure what you’re pursuing is actually what our Lord would want for your life? Is it your calling? Or is it something that “checked all the boxes,” and so you reached for it because you “thought’ it was and is the right thing to do?
TheChurchAtNewark Seeks to inform Enlighten, and Empower believers to livemore joyful, productive, and Godly lives and to introduce those who are non-believers to our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.
I believe know one understands this more than I. i’ve pursued many paths in my life, only to come back to what God called me to do in the first place. Please don’t misunderstand me, I (like our Father) am for growth and success and even (dare I say it, prosperity.) But i have learned that success based on the definition that the world uses is far from it. We must always look and what we do have, and be thankful while looking to what the Lord has called us to and by following His lead know that we are successful. TheChurchAtNewark Magazine made its debut in September 2012 as Transformation Newark Magazine. Our format of providing only positive news and life changing information is a welcome media source for our readers. Our target market is a mostly an AfricanAmerican adult 25-60 year old audience in Essex County who has a deep interest in our local community, improving their lives, and serving God.
TheChurchAtNewark is a publication of for more info or to advertise with us call 862-888-8238
Our publication reaches about 3,000 homes monthly. In total there have been well over 3 million pages viewed of our publications! 2
IN THIS ISSUE 4 The Gospel of Mark 6 New Gospel Artist Rachel 8 Join our Christmas Celebration 10 Theological TemsYou Should Know 16 Dr. Paul DeVries 24 What to Look for In A Relationship
In 1998 Rachel was born in Livingston, New Jersey at Saint Barnabas Hospital. She was raised in Irvington, New Jersey for (14) years before relocating to West Orange, New Jersey. Her proud mother Brenda Greene loved her dearly and had an amazing taste for music, she would play old time gospel songs by Grace Thrillers, R&B and Caribbean music for countless hours. Rachel naturally took her mother’s Caribbean roots and sang along with the songs she heard. Rachel sang her first solo in church at the age of (6) and with that experience she began singing at church functions regularly. Later Rachel attended the Newark School of Arts for (2) years and received a certificate in voice training. Her mom was faithfully there for all the recitals, choir rehearsals and events. Rachel’s defining moment was when she sang at Shiloh Baptist at the age of (12). She was also inspired by the fact that her father Kenneth Bristol was the former lead vocalist of the acclaimed group “The New Jersey Connection. Also at the age of (12) she attended several studio sessions with her father, singing lead and background vocals. Rachel recalls how the Holy Spirit would move within her as she performed on stage along with her mentor whom she refers to as Aunt Johnnie, who happens to be her mother’s close friend. They were accompanied by anointed musicians Apostle Joseph Phillip and Brother Q, who has played a significant part of her vocal growth for (10) years. Her stepfather Pastor Rick Greene has been a spiritual guide and coach as well, pushing Rachel to be the best that she can be in all areas of her life. Rachel remains to be a spirited youth and now we are observing the humble beginnings of a rising gospel artist. She is surely one of the most talented artists of her generation. Rachel is evolving into a seasoned artist that’s certain to have longevity. Her voice is soft like velvet but demands the attention of a trumpet sounding the call to worship. “Love Letter” her first single to be released by Quality of Life Music describes her relationship with God and will surely open the hearts of many.
Rachel’s popular new single
“Love Letter”
Watch the video
Help support this new young artist bring the message of God’s love to millions around the world
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Please come out and support our annual Christmas celebration fundraiser to support our ministry work that we do at Seton Hall University: We have an awesome show for you with lots of food and more to complement our mini-concert with our featured performers‌
Rachel & Rev. Effen Mann
s m r e t l a c i g o l o The w o n k d l u o h s u yo
The study of any piece of literature must begin with a study of the vocabulary of that piece of literature; that is, we must understand the words used in order to understand the work as a whole. A study of Scripture will uncover many terms that need to be properly defined to ensure proper interpretation. A further delving into theology (“the study of God”) will involve even more theological terms not found in Scripture but which are useful in understanding the truths of God’s Word. Here are the definitions of some of the more common theological terms, arranged alphabetically: Ascension – “the physical, visible departure of the risen Lord Jesus to heaven, ending His earthly ministry” (see Acts 1:9–11) Atonement – “the act of God by which He reconciles sinful humanity to Himself, causing enmity to end and fellowship to begin” (see Leviticus 17:11; 23:27)
Bema Seat – another term for the Judgment Seat of Christ, using the Greek word for “throne” Christ – literally, “Anointed One” or “Chosen One”; the Greek equivalent of Messiah (see John 1:41) Confess – “to admit one’s sin; to agree with God; to profess one’s faith” (see Psalm 38:18; 1 John 1:9; 2 Corinthians 9:13) Covenant – “an agreement between two parties involving promises from each to the other” (see Genesis 15:18; Luke 22:20) Day of the Lord – “the period of judgment and restoration at the end of time, as God punishes the wicked and sets up His kingdom on earth” (see Zechariah 14:1–5; 1 Corinthians 1:8) Dispensation – “God’s administration of a certain period of time; a divinely appointed age” (see Acts 14:16; Hebrews 1:1–2) Elect – “the person or group chosen by God to receive special favor or to perform special service” (see Matthew 24:31; Romans 11:7) Exegesis – “the study of a particular text of Scripture in order to properly interpret it; the process of understanding a text and making plain its meaning” (see 2 Timothy 2:15) Faith – “belief in and commitment to God; confidence in God’s character, will, and Word; trust” (see Romans 5:1; Hebrews 11:6) Fall of man – “humanity’s loss of innocence resulting in his current state of sinfulness, corruption, and alienation from God, precipitated by the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden” (see Genesis 3) Grace – “God’s blessing on the undeserving; unmerited favor” (see Acts 11:23; Ephesians 2:8) Great White Throne Judgment – “the final judgment of the wicked before
God” (see Revelation 20:11–15) Hermeneutics – “the study of biblical interpretation” (see 2 Timothy 2:15) Illumination – “the Holy Spirit’s work of providing spiritual insight into God’s Word so that His children can know Christ better” (see Ephesians 1:17–18) Immutability – “the quality of God that shows Him to be unchanging in who He is” (see Malachi 3:6) Impute – “to charge something to the account of another” (see Philemon 1:18; Romans 5:12–19) Incarnation – “the occasion of God the Son taking on human flesh and becoming a man” (see John 1:14; Philippians 2:6–8) Indwelling – “the work of the Holy Spirit by which He lives within the believer, sealing him or her until the day of redemption” (see John 14:17; 1 Corinthians 6:19) Inerrancy – “the Scriptures’ lack of error in their original autographs” (see Psalm 19:7) Iniquity – “sin, evil, or wickedness” (see Psalm 38:18; Isaiah 53:6) Inspired – “God-breathed; the quality of Scripture that ensures its inerrancy, infallibility, and authority” (see 2 Timothy 3:16) Judgment Seat of Christ – “the judgment of believers who will give an account of their lives to Christ” (see Romans 14:10) Justification – “the act by which God, for Christ’s sake, declares a guilty sinner acceptable in His sight” (see Romans 3:28; 5:1) Messiah – literally “Chosen One” or “Anointed One”; the Hebrew equivalent of Christ (see Matthew 1:1) Omnipotence – “the divine quality of having all power” (see Jeremiah 32:17)
Omnipresence – “the divine quality of being everywhere at the same time” (see Psalm 139:7–12) Omniscience – “the divine quality of possessing all knowledge” (see Psalm 139:4; Matthew 9:4) Predestined – “being chosen by God’s sovereign determination ahead of time; in matters of salvation, chosen to be conformed to the likeness of God’s Son, justified, and glorified” (see Romans 8:29; Ephesians 1:11) Propitiation – “satisfaction; the appeasement of God’s wrath through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross” (see Romans 3:25; 1 John 4:10) Rapture – “the event in which God snatches away all believers from the earth” (see 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18; 1 Corinthians 15:50–54) Reconciliation – “the process by which God makes peace between Himself and sinful humanity through the atoning work of Christ” (see Romans 5:8; Colossians 1:21–22) Redemption – “the act of paying a purchase price by which sinners are delivered from death and sin” (see Romans 3:24; Ephesians 1:7) Regeneration – “a new birth; the spiritual change that God works in a person’s heart to enable faith and salvation” (see Matthew 19:28; Titus 3:5) Remission – “forgiveness; a release from sin” (see Hebrews 9:22) Repentance – “a change of mind; a turning from sin, accompanied by a turning to God” (see Matthew 18:3; Luke 5:32) Revelation – “an unveiling or uncovering; concerning Scripture, the revealing of God’s Word about Himself and His plan of salvation for the world” (see Daniel 10:1; Romans 16:25) Righteousness – “holiness; a following of God’s perfect standards” (see Romans 3:22; Galatians 3:6) Salvation – “deliverance from sin, death, and the wrath of God” (see Psalm
13:5; Hebrews 2:3) Sanctification – “a setting apart for special use; the process by which God changes the sinner into the image of His Son” (see John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 4:3) Second Coming of Christ – “the physical return of Jesus Christ to earth with the armies of heaven at His side to judge His enemies, set up His kingdom, and fulfill the prophecies to Israel” (see Zechariah 12:10; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7) Sin – “lawlessness; disobedience to God’s will, by either commission or omission, in thought, word, or deed” (see 1 John 3:4; Romans 3:23) Sovereignty – “God’s complete control over all things in nature and the affairs of men, past, present, and future” (see Isaiah 45:9–13) Temptation – “an enticement to sin or an invitation to disobey God” (see Matthew 26:41; 1 Corinthians 10:13) Transfiguration – “the shining forth of divine glory in Jesus Christ in His earthly form” (see Matthew 17:1–8) Transgression – “sin; any violation of a law or command” (see Psalm 32:1; Isaiah 53:5) Trinity – “the doctrine that the One God exists in three distinct Persons, three centers of self-consciousness possessing one indivisible essence” (see Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 3:16–17) Virgin Birth – “the unique act of God by which Jesus Christ was begotten in a virgin’s womb; the method through which the Son of God entered the world of humanity” (see Luke 1:34–35) Worship – “reverence and devotion; the attributing of glory and honor; biblical worship is directed toward God alone” (see 1 Samuel 1:19; Psalm 29:2; Revelation 15:4)
Coming Soon
An easy way for ministers to leran God’s word, grow closer to the Lord, and prepare you for the ministry work you’ve been called to. Many courses are free and within 6 months you can earn a degree!
Paul de Vries, Ph.D. is President, with 25 years of leadership in Christian higher education administration, including at Wheaton College, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Seminary of the East. He earned his Ph.D. and M.A. at the University of Virginia, specializing in applied ethics, critical thinking, and hermeneutics. He is the lead author of three books: The Taming of the Shrewd (1992, Thomas Nelson Publishing); Ethics Applied (1999, Simon and Schuster); and Business Ethics Applied, (2001, Pearson), and a contributing author to a dozen other books, especially in the areas of hermeneutics and applied ethics. He is founder of the Office of Community Service at the University of Virginia and founder of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College, Illinois--the first ethics center of any Christian college. Dr. de Vries is also an ordained minister.
Paul de Vries, Ph.D., who led the project, hired sociologist Harold Dean Trulear, Ph.D. and the International Research Institute on Values Changes (now Values Research Institute), whose careful research revealed that a shocking 94% of the City’s entire “Bible-based Christian� ministry base (of more than 7,000 pastors and ministry leaders in the five boroughs) have not completed an accredited seminary program. A full 80% of these ministers in the City have not completed even one seminary course! For years there has been plenty of anecdotal evidence for this appalling dearth of excellent training. This timely research provided the measurable data that confirmed what people had known within their own active networks.
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This month’s guest…
Dr. Paul DeVries
Watch Online CLICK HERE
President of the New York Divinity School
CABLEVISION CHANNEL 19 Host & Producer Pastor Rick
Books By Pastor Ric
ck & Minister Brenda
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What to Look for in a Relationship RELATIONSHIPS by Pastor Rick Greene
The bible says that we are body, soul, and spirit. Therefore I truly believe that in order to have the optimum relationship your partner should compliment you in all three dimensions. So often I find that friends only connect to on one or two levels. This not only leaves a void in your life, but also leaves room for another person to enter in to your relationship to meet the needs that are not being met because of that void.
Relationships 101: What you need to know about dating, love, marriage, sex, & divorce provides easy to follow tips and insights which will strengthen your marriage, dating relationship, and will help you to determine if your partner is the right person for you to spend the rest of your life with.
A good relationship is something we want-it's we need to be our healthiest, and most selves.
more than something happiest, productive
Fulfillingrelationshipsdon't come automatically. They take an investment in time and energy as well as social skills, which can be learned.
Available At
There must be willingness to understand and work with your partner to meet each others needs and understand each others perspective, so that you can find that place of connection where both of you are fulfilled; not just for your sakes, but for your family and your children as well. Pastor Rick's mission is to help repair the breach caused by broken relationships, which is devastating families, hurting our children, and destroying our society. Be sure to check out the rest of the titles in the Relationships 101 series