Mississippi Christian Living: January 2024

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y p p Ha r! a e Y w e N

Dr. Tim and Jenn Chen

Faith, fun, and 5 precious kiddos ● How to eat healthier without going broke




MS Christian Living, Inc. EDITOR

Katie Ginn katie@mschristianliving.com ART/GRAPHIC DESIGN

Sandra Goff SALES


Chris Bates, Chris Fields, Olivia Hornsby, Don Ross Sr., LaTesha W. Thomas, Rochelle Thompson, Jade Whitehurst

Raising a large family can be scary, but Tim and Jenn Chen have learned to depend on God and help each other in the process.

columns 8 Outside In



Rachel and Nettie Schulte, Jerri and Sammy Strickland, Rachel and Bob Whatley

The journey of mind, body, and spirit

10 Modern Motherhood Mindset matters during health scares

12 Health & Wellness 4 tips to see a new you in the new year

14 Faith, Fashion & Fitness How to eat healthier without going broke

16 This Is My Story How I went from ‘good’ to saved and healed A Canton church’s new health and wellness program included a nutritious trunk or treat celebration as a Halloween alternative this fall.

30 What’s Going On

cover story

32 Tough Questions

18 Dr. Tim and Jenn Chen Faith, fun, and 5 precious kiddos

Canton church improving health of congregation and community

What do I say when my friend is considering (or has had) an abortion?

33 Lagniappe St. Catherine’s Village is just what the doctors ordered

feature story 26 Health & fitness tips and resources for 2024

Coming next month The Money & Stewardship Issue

in every issue 6 Editor’s Letter 34 Quips & Quotes 34 Advertiser Index

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Mississippi Christian Living P.O. Box 1819 Madison, MS 39130

601.345.1091 mschristianliving.com Mississippi Christian Living is committed to encouraging individuals in their daily lives by presenting the faith stories of others and by providing information that will point every person, at every stage of life, to a deeper, authentic, personal, and life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Views expressed in Mississippi Christian Living do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the Mississippi Christian Living staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2024 by MS Christian Living, Inc. Mississippi Christian Living is published monthly and is available for free at hightraffic locations throughout the tri-county area. Subscriptions are $29 a year. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Mississippi Christian Living, P.O. Box 1819, Madison, MS 39130.

40 years,


Celebrating Christmas with Stephen, whom I met after doing something I’d never done before: church shopping (not hopping).

What does God want for you in 2024?


’ve never been what you’d call a church hopper. I was part of one

congregation from pre-K through high school; attended my “hometown church” or my “college town church” for four years, depending on where I was each weekend; and most recently, I was active at one church in Jackson for nearly 10 years. For the most part, I didn’t change where I worshiped unless I’d moved to a new place. Then in early 2021, I started visiting a couple of churches. I was looking for a solid Christian community where I wouldn’t be the only single 30-something. (This can be hard to find in the Bible Belt.) Through that process, I met my husband. I was doing something I’d never done before, and I wound up experiencing a romantic relationship unlike any I’d ever had. To be clear, I wasn’t visiting churches primarily to find a mate; I’m not saying single people should simply church-hop every few years when the dating pool dries up. But most of the time, if we want our lives to look different than they do now, we have to take different actions. If we want more time with our family, we could wait to see if our calendar magically clears up — or we could quit agreeing to so many volunteer projects. If we want to be healthier, we could ask the

Lord to transform that Digiorno pizza into a grilled chicken salad on the way down — or we could eat a grilled chicken salad. I recently got an email from a writing group leader that included two prompts for the end of 2023: ● In the new year, I want more _____. ● In the new year, I want less _____. What are your answers? Or rather, what would God say He wants more of (or less of) in your life? I believe He’ll help you figure out the answers (James 1:5) and help you execute them (Philippians 2:13). This year I want more prayer. I also want less legalistic Bible reading. Too many times I have completed my “reading plan” for the day, checked the box, felt good about myself, and never said a word to God in prayer. Too many times I’ve been bogged down in the minor prophets and never flipped to the New Testament for a break. Friend, it’s OK to change things up. Reading plans are not canonized. Also, if your motivation for reading the whole Bible in a year is just to say you did it, you’re ignoring Jesus so you can sit on a religious pedestal. OK, I’m done preaching to myself. That writing group leader also sent us some other questions, which I’ve tweaked here to apply to our walk with Christ:

6 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

● What have you done this year that has drawn you closer to Jesus? ● What environments have nurtured your spiritual growth, and how? ● What’s kept you from spending time with God, whether in prayer, scripture or both? ● What one change that if implemented on a regular basis, would make a positive difference in your love for God and people? I need to ponder these questions myself. Maybe they’ll be helpful for you too. Often our New Year’s resolutions include our physical health. If that’s you this year, you’ll find plenty to read about in this edition of MCL! But regardless of your goals — or even if your resolution is just to survive — know that your Redeemer lives (Job 19:25). If He isn’t your Redeemer yet, I would urge you to do something you’ve never done in order to gain something you’ve never had: Surrender your heart to Christ, and receive a relationship unlike any you’ve ever experienced. Happy New Year! Y

Katie Ginn katie@mschristianliving.com



The journey of mind, body, and spirit


e had far too little rain prior to duck season this year, as has been the case many times. The main

This foggy, muddy landscape greeted Chris on opening day of duck season.

“ We had far too little rain prior to duck

season this year. Slopping through mud that you sink in up to your knees is brutal. … Sometimes life can feel like the same kind of endurance process.

8 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

challenge this presents on our land is that in areas where we normally can boat out to our blinds, the low water levels leave behind soft, sticky mud for hundreds of yards. There is only one option: Put on your waders, shoulder your gear, and start trudging. Slopping through mud that you sink in up to your knees is brutal. Progressing through it this morning was made even more difficult by the pre-dawn darkness and the dense fog settling in. As we made slow progress, muscles in our legs began to strain and hurt with each step. Regular hours on the treadmill and rowing machine over the months were helping my overall stamina, but this required muscle use that no gym machine can simulate. Using an old boat paddle as a walking stick helped somewhat with stability, but when pushed on for leverage, it would sink down to the handle. All of our bags, decoys, and gear were getting covered with sticky Delta mud. Once we got to the area where water was standing, the trek became somewhat easier as we got to our hunting spot. We were excited to be there on this first day of the season, but also knew now that the journey out would be even tougher! Sometimes life can feel like the same kind of endurance process. Life on life’s terms happens, which can look like any form of challenge. Most life hurdles, whether in relationships or health or finance, involve transitions that are not resolved quickly. That’s when finding direction, endurance, and stamina can be tough. That’s where being in shape pays off. “In shape” is not just physical. In our ideal state as people, we are balanced in mind, body and spirit. That is the “in shape” that lets us endure and perform well. Working toward that is a constant process. While perfect balance is unachievable, we are responsible for being stewards of all that God has given us. Caring for the mind is achieved through calmness, joy, self-care, and strengthening our mental health. Keeping the body healthy is done through movement, nutrition, and physically healthy living. But the spiritual part is the most important. Romans 12:2 reminds us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Jesus provided the perfect life for us to exemplify. God’s love invites us to constantly seek Him. By striving toward those things spiritually, we can then lead the mind and body to be in the best shape possible. Then we move forward in our journey better than ever. Y

Chris Bates is CEO and co-founder of AgoraEversole, a fullservice marketing agency in Jackson, and can be reached at Chris@AgoraEversole.com. He, his wife, Stacy, and their children live in Madison.

mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 9



Mindset matters when health scares arise


magine you’re in the prime of your life. You have only

yourself to care for. To this point, things have happened for you with relative ease. You’ve learned to dust yourself off, recover quickly from small challenges, and keep a smile in your heart and face. You’ve been reaching beyond the stars to become your ideal self — then suddenly, you notice consistent, subtle changes in your body, and your test results are cause for alarm. Not all health challenges are sudden. There are many that we can work to prevent or decrease our chance of acquiring. Then sometimes, in spite of our efforts, we walk headlong into an unexpected medical diagnosis that usurps our lives, not only physically but emotionally and mentally. Just think about the countless commercials you see asking for support for major hospitals and children’s clinics. We see families and children share how our support has helped them navigate their health challenges. Mindset matters when you have to work with medical professionals on a care plan in hopes of turning things around in your life. Getting to the turnaround point starts with a mindset of HOPE. Although it is imperative to treat the body, it’s just as important to nourish our minds, hearts, and spirits. If you do some research, you’ll come across all types of literature that describe how healing includes the mind and spirit. In 2017, Stanford Medicine News Center published an article titled “Patient mindset matters in healing and deserves more study, experts say.” The writer, Alex Shashkevich, says, “A growing body of research has shown that people’s mindsets can measurably affect physical healing.” I know this to be true in my own experience with health issues. Prayer and spiritual meditation and reading were helpful, as well as having spiritual family support to pray and study with me regarding healing. There were significant spiritual practices such as the laying of hands and prayer from pastors and other believers in the church. The practices I used affirmed my hope. Reading a daily devotional was pivotal and helped keep my mind focused on what could be achieved, not on what was happening to me. This gave me a sense of empowerment. I couldn’t control what happened, but I could control my response. Like the Bible verse reads in Colossians 3:2, I chose to set my mind on what I hoped for: healing. Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities and not the distractions of the natural realm. – Colossians 3:2, The Passion Translation Y

Dr. LaTesha W. Thomas is owner and operator of PACE Synervations LLC, which is a private counseling, Christian life coaching and consulting practice; and she works as a full-time social worker with the Mississippi State Department of Health. LaTesha can be found at facebook.com/latesha.thomas.9; on her business Facebook page, PACE Synervations Counseling, Coaching & Consulting; and on YouTube and Instagram as LaTesha W. Thomas. You may also email her at info@pacesynervations.com. 10 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

Overturning Roe v. Wade hasn’t eliminated abortion access. Unplanned pregnancies will continue, leading women to seek options and resources in more desperate situations.

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mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 11



TIPS to see a new you in the new year


ew year, new me! Right? This seems to be the theme

we all take on at the beginning of the year. However, we really aren’t looking to significantly alter our day-to-day. What we’re really looking for are new outcomes. Some of the most common outcomes we want to change are our finances, our relationships, and our health. Yearly we set out to improve our health outcomes with no plan, no clear direction, and no knowledge or understanding of how to achieve or maintain our healthy resolutions. The Bible says, “In all your getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7). Achieving understanding is a process, and this new year I delight in helping you with your process if you are resolved to improve your health. I am going to provide you with some steps to help inform your decisions.

◆ First, have a clear, attainable vision. Some things we can envision are unrealistic, which makes this process one of the most important. Having the right information will help inform your vision. We all want to see our vision

“ If mornings aren’t your jam, planning to exercise every morning might not be realistic, and you won’t be jamming for long. Sustainability should be part of your plan.

come to fruition, and if our vision is based on inaccurate information, we might give up before we even get started good.

◆ Next, make a realistic plan. If mornings aren’t your jam, planning to exercise every morning might not be realistic, and you won’t be jamming for long. Sustainability should be part of your plan, because health is a lifelong journey. If what you plan is unrealistic, you will never see your vision.

◆ Next, set goals to help you implement your plan. Goals should be SMART — Specific, Measured, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-oriented. For any of these to be possible, though, your goals have to be informed with the right information. I feel like I repeat this a lot because there’s a lot of misinformation out there.

◆ Last on my list is implementation. Praying to lose

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12 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

weight is not going to make the weight come off, regardless of how much you believe. You must taste and see that the Lord is good. You implement your goals in order to attain what you envisioned. I wish I could give you more, but my word count is running low. If you are serious about making lasting changes to improve your physical, spiritual and mental health this new year, I implore you to seek out the right health professionals to guide you along your way. If you need some recommendations, I know an organization … Happy New Year, y’all! Y

Chris Fields is the executive director of H.E.A.L. Mississippi, a nonprofit whose mission is to reduce the impact of diabetes and other cardiometabolic disease in Mississippi. Our vision is to establish a high-quality, easily accessible standard of care for diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases. God created us to be whole and healthy, and He’s made provisions for us to walk in His divine plan related to our health and healing.


How to eat healthier without going broke


id you know that Mississippi has the highest grocery tax in the nation? I was blown away to

and fresher. Visit local farmers’ markets or look for sales at your grocery store to get the best deals.

learn this. Add inflation, and it’s no wonder we’re a little nervous at the checkout line (swipe and pray). In all seriousness, I know firsthand how eating healthier on a budget can be a challenge, but it is possible. Does it take intentionality? Yes. Does it take some discipline? Also yes. However, we can learn to honor and trust God more in this area of our lives if we allow Him to help us. As a faith-based health and fitness coach, I have the privilege of working with ladies all over the state, and they frequently ask me how to eat healthier without going broke. Here are some of my top tips:

● Use frozen fruits and vegetables. Frozen fruits and veggies are often more affordable than fresh, and they retain most of their nutrients. They’re also convenient because they have a longer shelf life, and you can keep them on hand.

● Plan your meals. You know the quote, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”? Meal planning is no different. If you desire to save money around your grocery bill, you’ve got to start meal

● Make meals that stretch. Consider preparing meals that make a lot with a little, such as soups, casseroles, and spaghetti-type meals. These can still be healthy when you portion them correctly and use nutrient-dense ingredients.

planning. At first, it can feel challenging, but with practice, it will become more natural. Several apps like Mealime make this easier, or if you’re a female, consider being part of my faith-based community, where I can personally help you through this process and your goals. ● Shop your pantry first. I am so bad at this, so I am calling myself out here too. You might be surprised at what you can whip up with the foods and ingredients you already have. Pinterest is great for this. For example, I will plug in “meals to make with rice,” and tons of recipes will pop up.

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14 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

● Buy in bulk. Consider joining a wholesale club such as Sam’s or Costco. Buying staple items like rice, beans, and condiments in bulk can save you money in the long run. ● Price check. To add to number 3, compare bulk purchase prices to regular grocery store finds, or compare prices from one grocery store to another. You’ll learn which items are best to buy at which location. ● Shop for seasonal produce. Seasonal fruits and vegetables tend to be cheaper

● Shop online. Consider shopping from the grocery app on your phone. This is a game-changer for me. I spend way less money shopping online because I’m shopping strictly from my list that corresponds to my meal plan. Whereas going into the store, I’m tempted by “shiny” things (hello, Christmas tree cakes). Eating healthier does not have to be expensive, and with a little planning and creativity, you’ll see that you can enjoy nutritious meals without breaking the bank. If you’re looking for a faith-based community to help you in this area and with your goals, reach out to me. My email is thefaithfitmom@gmail.com, or you can scan the QR code on this page to browse my Godly Goals Guideline & Godly Gals Community. Y

Jade Whitehurst is a wife, mom, fitness coach and eighth-grade science teacher. You can follow her on Instagram @jadewhitehurst_thefaithfitmom.

mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 15


How I went from ‘good’ to saved and healed


y name is Don Ross Sr., and the story I am about to share is true.

of forgetfulness. I remember them no more.” I could not stop weeping, and I knew He was alive! By that time, I had pulled the car over. I had to gather myself together. I could not wait to get home and tell my wife. After being born again, I thirsted for God’s Word (see Matthew 5:6), read it, and meditated on it. I discovered the gift of the Holy Spirit and, by faith, received my prayer language (speaking in tongues). And I understood that He was not only my Savior but also my Healer. Years earlier, I had developed some physical issues that puzzled the doctors. They thought I had lupus, and I received a medical discharge from the National Guard. Later, at only 28 years old, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Ten years after that diagnosis, I was born again. I learned that I was saved and healed by His stripes (1 Peter 2:24). I received my healing but did not see the manifestation for a few months. I share my testimony so God will get all the glory. It is not my doing; I only believe in His Word. I also desire for all who read this to tell their own story of being born again to whomever the Holy Spirit instructs. Jesus said if He be lifted up, He would draw all men to Him. His Holy Spirit will give you the power to share your story. Also, I encourage you to write down your story. The testimony that God has given you is a powerful tool to plant and water seeds of faith. More of God’s children doing this will speed Jesus’ return. Y

I was raised in the Bible Belt, where I attended church and a private school from fifth through 12th grade. I had to learn the Bible at school, but I was never told that in order to be saved and go to heaven when I die, I must be born again (John 3:5-7). I was told to follow the church doctrine and rules and that maybe, if I was good enough, I might go to heaven. After a little time, I married a girl from my same religion. We had 12 children, I was active in church, and I tried to be that good person and gave the appearance of it. More time went by … I became more focused on myself, neglecting my responsibilities as a husband and father. A wedge grew between my wife and me. I cared for my family and provided for them; I just did not completely give them what they needed. However, I did not Then I asked the Lord to want the word “divorce” to be in our vocabulary. forgive my sins, and I began More time escaped … My wife and I to cry before I could finish were invited to a small gathering where the Word of God was shared, which was speaking. He not only powerful. My wife surrendered her life to forgave me, but He also Jesus Christ, and I could see that it changed her life. Several weeks later, came into the car, sat next while driving home from work, I started to me, and put His arm thinking on spiritual things. I began humming a tune I had heard at the around me. gathering with my wife. I began putting words to the tune. Then I asked the Lord to forgive my sins, and I began to cry before I could finish speaking. He not only forgave me, but He also came into the car, sat next to me, and put His arm around me. I felt the warmth of His body, and I knew Don Ross Sr. has lived in the Crystal Springs area for approximately 25 years. that I knew He had forgiven me of my sins. He and his late wife, Judith, have 12 children and numerous grandchildren and He spoke to me, saying, “Don, I have cast your sins into the sea great-grandchildren. Don can be reached at 601.955.7589.

16 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

If you aren’t sure whether you have a relationship with God or where you’ll go when you die, please don’t put this magazine down until you’ve read the following:

✝ THE PROBLEM For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. – Romans 3:23 For the wages of sin is death … – Romans 6:23a The natural result and consequence of our sin is eternal death, or hell (Revelation 20:15), separated from God. This is because God is completely perfect and holy (Matthew 5:48), and His justice demands that sin be punished (Proverbs 11:21).

✝ THE SOLUTION … but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23b But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8 Jesus Christ died in our place on the cross and took on the punishment for all our sins (Isaiah 53:4-6). Then God raised Him from the dead (John 20)!

✝ HOW TO RECEIVE SALVATION If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9 Trust in what Jesus has done for you — His death for your sins and His resurrection — and trust Him as Lord.

✝ IS IT FOR ANYONE? For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. – Romans 10:13

✝ THE RESULTS Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. – Romans 5:1 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39

✝ WHAT TO DO NEXT So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. – Romans 10:17 If you decided to trust in Jesus, grow in your faith by reading more of God’s Word in the Bible. We recommend the gospel of John (it comes just after Luke) as a good starting point — or Romans! Finding a church close to you that teaches faith in Christ is another important step. It’s crucial to spend time with other believers so we can encourage each other in our faith. If you have questions about anything on this page, please contact us at 601.896.1432, or send us a message on Facebook @MSChristianLiving, Instagram @mschristianmag or Twitter @MSChristLiving. mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 17



18 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

Dr. Tim and Jenn Chen Faith, fun, and 5 precious kiddos


n 2023, the average American household included 1.94 children under the age of 18, according to Statista.com. These days, anything more than three kids is considered ambitious. But when Tim and Jenn Chen tell the story of how they first met, it makes sense that they are now the proud parents of not three, not four, but five precious children. “I was an intern for the children’s ministry at First Baptist Jackson (FBJ),” Jenn recalls. “Tim’s mom wanted to come (to FBJ) for a conference with a Chinese church there, and Tim’s brother was 5 at the time, so Tim came with (them) — because it’s kind of a long drive from Starkville.” During the conference, Jenn was trying to take care of several non-English-speaking kids in the childcare area. “And Tim was like, ‘There’s just a bunch of women at this conference, and it’d be more fun to hang out with the kids,’ so he helped me. And he’s bilingual, so he was able to talk to (the

Two-year-old Josh Chen, aka our most adorable “guest star” ever for an interview! mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 19

The Chen kids at Disney World. Standing, from left: Lily, Levi and Caleb. In stroller, Ben (left) and Josh.

The Chens at a Mississippi Public Broadcasting event. From left: Jenn, Caleb, Ben, Levi, Lily, Tim, and Josh.

international student ministry called Prism, and Tim started med children),” she says. (Tim, who was born in Taiwan, laughingly school in Jackson at The University of Mississippi Medical Center notes that his Chinese language skills are “like a first grader.”) “We just had a lot of fun and laughed together. We took all the (UMMC). “(The) first semester was brutal ... And kids to the gym and played basketball.” right after I got done with that, I just Bonding over caring for multiple figured I should text her, because it had children with a language barrier? Yeah, We both had this feeling: been awhile,” Tim says. these two could have a big family one day. “We both had this feeling: Oh, I really Oh, I really miss this person. miss this person. This person is really Marriage, kids, and dance parties This person is really special. special,” Jenn says. Tim and Jenn’s meet-cute happened – Jenn Chen After she moved back to metro Jackson before the advent of social media, so they that summer, they realized their shared their AOL messenger info (and The idea of just casually friendship could easily become something eventually their phone numbers). dating wasn’t that fun. more. With one caveat: “The idea of just Jenn attended Mississippi College and – Tim Chen casually dating wasn’t that fun,” Tim says. Tim was at Mississippi State, but anytime They’d both dated before, and both Jenn had a cross-country meet in were exhausted by the whole process — Starkville, Tim would cheer her on. Anytime he came to the Jackson area, they’d hang out over coffee. especially the breakups. “If we were going to date, we were going to do it with the purpose of marriage,” he says. They became good friends. When they realized they might be each other’s “one,” they were Then Jenn moved to Pennsylvania for an internship with an

20 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

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mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 21

The Chens’ mantle, like the walls of their home, is decorated with family photos and other mementos. (And the living room bookshelves are chock full of children’s books!)

“Some days are really bad — like the Monday after almost too scared to find out. “At this point we could stop and just Thanksgiving, we’re homeschooling, and I’m texting Tim multiple be really good friends,” Jenn says. “If you (date and) break up, times a day, going, ‘I can’t do this, this is so hard!’” she says. you’re usually not friends anymore.” In those moments, she’s learned to take a breather in her room But after talking with other friends and family, “the Lord just and have oldest son Caleb watch the other kids. Otherwise, she’s gave us such a blessing and an amen,” she says. likely to “get frustrated and yell, or maybe cry,” she says. They got engaged in September and married in December. “But other days are really fun and They took advantage of Tim’s long sweet. And just watching them grow up Christmas break to visit his parents, who and learn things and take responsibility had since moved back to Taiwan (the Each year, we’d say, ‘We’re and help each other, and learn about God family had moved to America when Tim — Josh loves the ‘Praise the Lord’ song (by was a year old). They had a second not having another child, Micah Tyler). wedding in Taiwan. we’re so exhausted, ’ and then “One thing I learned from (Tim) is to After moving to North Carolina for Tim’s residency, the Chens joined a church they’d turn 2 and we’d be like, turn on Christian music. It’s kind of an escape for everyone,” Jenn says. where there were “a lot of couples with a ‘It’s not that bad.’ But after “(Sometimes) I’ll just tell the kids, ‘We’re bunch of kids,” Tim says. “The view there five (kids), I think it became going to have a dance party!’” was, children really are a blessing.” Jenn also gets a break when she goes to After he and Jenn started having kids, about logistics. daughter Lily’s gymnastics meets — alone “Each year, we’d say, ‘We’re not having — and Tim watches the boys at home. another child, we’re so exhausted,’ and Other times, Jenn indulges in a long hot then they’d turn 2 and we’d be like, ‘It’s shower after the little people have gone to bed. not that bad,’” he recalls. Tim’s alone time also happens while the kids are in bed, but in “(Or we’d say) we miss the baby phase!” Jenn says. the mornings. That’s when he works out and spends time in “But after five (kids), I think it became about logistics,” Tim scripture and prayer. says, joking that he might have to buy a bus soon. “It is amazing when you miss those times (with God) ... Even if The Chen kids range from 2 to 12 years old, they’re active, and the situations are fine, you feel very dry and empty,” he says. “(So) they’re partially homeschooled. The Chens are part of St. Augustine, a classical Christian school in Ridgeland with a hybrid I’m trying to make it as consistent as possible.” When asked about date nights, Jenn giggles. “We don’t really model: Students spend part of their week in the classroom and part of it being taught by parents (aka Jenn) at home. Story continues on page 24

22 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living


“One thing I learned from (Tim) is to turn on Christian music,” Jenn says. “(Sometimes) I’ll just tell the kids, ‘We’re going to have a dance party!’”

Fitness tips for busy parents “The days of going to the gym are not as feasible (when you have five kids),” Tim says, but he still tries to be active most mornings. He makes it to the gym for strength training but does boot camp and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts at home. At the BlueHealth Baptist clinic in Madison, where he works as medical director, he walks a lot on the outdoor track. “I always push exercise (to my patients),” he says. “So I have to be doing it too. The biggest thing I’ve learned with working out is consistency.” For Jenn, who cares for 2-year-old Josh even when the older kids are at school, working out can be more of a challenge. “We’ll probably put Josh in some kind of mommy’s morning out this year,” she says. However, “There’s actually a couple of programs on YouTube (that you can do with your kids). There’s one called (P.E. with) Mr. G … Josh and I did one, and the next day my abs were hurting. They’re actually good workouts. You do a lot of lunges and squats and fun, interactive games.” Sometimes Jenn gets active during everyday activities, such as doing leg lifts while cooking. Finally, she shares a crucial tip for parents who might only get a 10-minute break at a time: “Tim says 10 minutes, three times a day, is just as good as doing a 30-minute workout (all at once). If you can do a HIIT workout for 10 minutes … usually by that point, you haven’t done enough to really need a shower.” Then you can move on with your day and “take another HIIT” the next time you have 10 minutes.


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get to do date night very much,” she says. However, Tim’s parents usually visit for a few months in the summer and will watch the kids while he and Jenn go out. And a couple from the Chens’ church will babysit sometimes. Otherwise, “if we can get the kids to bed and we can just be together without the kids,” that’s a success, Tim says. Jenn adds that they do plenty of “date nights in.” Whether they’re cleaning the house together, crashing on the couch after a long day — or just giving each other a big hug during a magazine photo shoot — they have learned to cherish every moment.

24 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

‘Wow, I need a lot of work’ Tim says every now and then, he and Jenn wonder if they made the right choice to have a large family. “But on the flip side … God uses (our kids) to teach us who we are,” he says. “I used to think I was patient, easygoing. You get married, and you’re like, ‘OK, I’m not as easygoing as I thought.’ Then you have kids, and it’s like, ‘I didn’t realize I could get that upset. … I need to go pray. Wow, I need a lot of work.’” Those moments also help the Chens show grace to their kids, Jenn says. “Our oldest got saved this summer, but most of them aren’t saved (yet),” she points out. “So we have to remind ourselves … they’re not going to be perfect. We’re not perfect, and we’re saved.” That being said, she and Tim’s priority is to see that their children become Christ followers. “When we first had kids, it was kind of for us,” she says. “Then you kind of realize, the world situation is not that great. And the Lord really (wants) ones who love Him to counter all the darkness.” During the COVID pandemic, the Chens learned “it’s not Sunday school’s job to make your children believers,” Tim says. That was especially true in the days of worshiping via Facebook Live at home, but it’s still true today. “(At) Passover (in the book of Exodus), it was the parents’ job to teach the children what was going on. That night during the Passover was probably when God had the closest thing to what He was looking for: families by families by families, all serving Him,” Tim says. “When we had that revelation, that’s when we realized, it’s our responsibility — it’s actually our privilege — to get to preach the gospel to our children.” It’s also their privilege to just hang out with their kids. Tim loves taking them to the park, where they chase each other and climb all over everything. Jenn enjoys taking them for walks to look at the ducks in their neighborhood. But her favorite thing to do with them is reading before bed. “It’s hard to have one-on-one time with them when you have so many, but they go to bed at different times because they’re different ages,” she says. “So (Tim and I will) tag-team it throughout the night.” As 2024 begins, Tim is probably doing what he does every new year: seeking the Lord in order to lead the family well. “It’s a time for me to see what direction our family is going. Is our family still well pleasing to God? And if we are, then hallelujah … If not, it’s a time to prayerfully be before God and see what we need to do differently,” he says. “And me and Jenn will talk about it. Whether it’s, is this the right school for the kids? Do we need to put this one in daycare? (But) the big thing is, are we going in the direction God wants?” For married couples who are thinking of having a large family, the Chens have two pieces of advice: Don’t overthink it — “If you’re before the Lord and that’s what He’s put on your heart, then He will supply the grace,” Tim says — and depend on God. The latter might come more easily than you think. “With each (child), He gives you a little more of Himself … but you’re always kind of stretched,” Jenn says. “It makes you depend on Him.” Y

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mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 25


Health and fitness tips and resources for 2024

If you’re looking to improve your physical health in the new year — whether by forming healthy habits, getting a knee or shoulder looked at, or finally seeking help for an addiction — check out these resources and tips. Most of them come from folks you’ve seen in MCL before, whether in an article or an ad. *Indicates advertising partner spotlight

26 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

HEALTH & FITNESS RESOURCES St. Dominic’s Fitness Center *Today St. Dominic’s Fitness Center sets the bar in the Jackson area as a leading fitness and wellness facility for individuals and families, St. Dominic’s employees, and local businesses wanting to improve the health of their workforce. Not your typical health club, St. Dominic’s Fitness Center is a medically based facility geared toward helping you reach and maintain an optimal level of health through safe

Chris and Kristen Fields are Executive Director and Nursing and Operations Director respectively at H.E.A.L. Mississippi.

pain-free life. Capital Ortho is conveniently located in Flowood, Madison, Clinton, Brookhaven, Hazlehurst and Kosciusko. Choose Capital Ortho … Move Better. Live Better. 601.987.8200 capitalortho.com facebook.com/capitalortho Instagram: @capital_ortho_sports

exercise and strength training. An exceptional aquatic exercise program, stateof-the-art equipment, and an array of fun and exciting classes — not to mention a personable, qualified staff — make St. Dominic’s Fitness Center the ultimate choice for fitness and overall wellbeing. Learn more at stdom.com.

Capital Ortho *At Capital Ortho, we understand that bone and joint problems can be difficult to deal with and can have a major impact on your life. That’s why our team provides the

highest level of care to treat your issue and help you get back to enjoying life as quickly as possible. Our surgeons are highly trained in general and specialty orthopedic care in their individual areas of expertise. From diagnosis through recovery and beyond, we strive to provide the most comprehensive and compassionate care available. Our team of medical professionals are experienced in treating a wide range of orthopedic issues including fractures, joint pain, sports injuries, joint replacements, and more. From on-site surgeries and physical therapy to comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your individual needs, Capital Ortho is here for you every step of the way! Schedule an appointment or simply walk in today to start taking control of your health and get on the path toward a

H.E.A.L. Mississippi *H.E.A.L. Mississippi is a nonprofit whose mission is to reduce the impact of diabetes and other cardiometabolic diseases in Mississippi. Our vision is to establish a high-quality, easily accessible standard of care for people with cardiometabolic diseases. God created us to be whole and healthy, and He’s made provisions for us to walk in His divine plan related to our health and healing. Our purpose is to show people God’s provisions and advance His design. We began implementing our vision by hosting and participating in health fairs throughout the state, providing glucose screenings, blood pressure checks, body composition analysis, and nutritional screenings in strategically selected areas. We disseminated information on cardiometabolic diseases while screening

mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 27

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more than 5,000 Mississippians over two years. We also established partnerships with other organizations that share our vision. By leveraging these partnerships, we implemented community-based public health initiatives focused on cardiometabolic disease prevention and management. We have evolved since our inception. Our goal is to continue to be faithful to Him and to significantly improve cardiometabolic health outcomes in Mississippi as well as health disparities and inequities. For more information, visit healmississippi.com. We would love to interact with you!

with sexual addiction. Other components include inpatient services — including an adult psychiatric unit and a child and adolescent psychiatric unit — and outpatient services. Pine Grove is a division of Forrest Health, a partnership of healthcare organizations across south Mississippi, and the behavioral healthcare extension of Forrest General Hospital. Established in 1984, Pine Grove has provided nationally and internationally recognized healthcare for 40 years. For more information about Pine Grove, please visit pinegrovetreatment.com and call 888.574.HOPE (4673).

Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services *Located in Hattiesburg, Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services is one of the nation’s most comprehensive treatment campuses. Pine Grove’s worldrenowned programs treat gender-specific chemical addiction, including specialized tracks for co-occurring eating disorders, compulsive behaviors, trauma, and mental health. Additionally, Pine Grove offers an intensive outpatient substance abuse healing program for adults and a separate treatment track for those age 55-plus. Other Pine Grove specialty programs include a dedicated professional’s treatment curriculum and a comprehensive evaluation center. Pine Grove also features a program for patients


28 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

Make your goals sustainable *My tip for a healthier new year is to focus on consistency over intensity. Sustainable habits lead to lasting results. Whether it’s hitting the gym, choosing nutritious meals, or practicing mindfulness, small, consistent efforts make a difference over time. Let’s make 2024 a healthier, happier year! – Amy Batson Wilkerson, manager, St. Dominic’s Fitness Center, Jackson

Stay active *Staying active is especially important as we age. For seniors, something as simple as walking daily can have a great impact on not only their physical health but also their mental wellbeing. Find an activity you enjoy, and you’re more likely to keep it up long after the new year.

Create a bedtime routine We should prioritize our health in the late evening by doing something that helps our bodies wind down. I would recommend avoiding blue light, taking a warm bath or shower, and drinking an herbal tea for hydration. Try to set a bedtime and stick – Renisha Whitley, Independent with it. Our bodies love routine, and Living Activity Coordinator, performing simple actions such as these St. Catherine’s Village, Madison can help lower our cortisol levels. – Dr. Kristi Trimm, Medical Director, TrustCare

Mind and body, heart and soul Exercise your body and your mind. Physical exercise is such a good antidepressant. It releases endorphins and helps create serotonin in the brain, which is the feel-good chemical. Exercising your mind with something you are passionate about gives life purpose. Exercise your heart and soul with daily prayer and meditation.

Talk a walk Daily exercise is one of the most important aspects of healthy living. I like to take my dog, Theo, on daily outdoor walks to meditate and untangle my thoughts! Not only does this promote physical wellbeing, but there is a mental and spiritual benefit to daily exercise. Always consult your – Dr. Alyssa Killebrew, owner, doctor before making any changes to your Essential Touchstones exercise regimen.

Psychological Services, Ridgeland

Consistency before intensity Prioritize consistency before intensity in pursuit of your health and fitness goals! In time, consistent behavior leads to greater intensity. Once new behaviors become a habit, you can build and add intensity without the burnout or overwhelm. And be able to enjoy the journey as you go! – Laura Jane Montgomery, owner, Fit Revival Studio, Ridgeland

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No other set of books, except the Bible, will prepare the reader for an abundant life NOW and for a glorious ETERNITY better than Hallelujah, Love & War and The Sound of Glorious Marriage Music. These books can be reviewed and purchased at amazon.com. Select Books and type in “by Joe Ragland.”

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– Garrett Sawyer, RN, VP of Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Officer, Prime Care Nursing

Start with prevention Overall wellness starts with prevention of chronic illnesses. Eating a healthy diet, staying physically and mentally active, and following up with one’s primary care physician for routine wellness checks are the cornerstones to a healthy lifestyle. – Dr. C. Andrew Ouzts, Flowood Primary Care

Y mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 29


Canton church improving health of congregation and community


reaching, Teaching, Caring, and Sharing until He Comes Again!” is the motto of Priestley Chapel M.B. Church in Canton. Priestley is a church where worship is not a duty but a delight, and the church is dedicated to helping communities in Madison County. Although Madison County leads the state and sometimes meets national averages in health factors, health behaviors, and social and economic factors, obesity rates remain above the national average. Priestley Chapel Pastor Robert McCallum is dedicated to ensuring that the congregation understands the importance of good health, and he leads by example. His goal is to encourage the members to strive for healthy lifestyles. In 2019, the church dedicated its new state-of-the-art multipurpose center. Now that we live in a

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Priestley Chapel hosted a healthy cooking demonstration focusing on diabetes as part of their ongoing Health & Healing at the Chapel program.

post-pandemic environment, the church has created the Health & Healing at the Chapel program. The project is a four-part plan to improve congregation and community health outcomes by conducting onsite activities in the multipurpose center and offsite activities in the community. The Health and Wellness Ministry spearheads activities and works with the auxiliary ministries to execute a comprehensive plan to meet the church’s and community’s needs. To help with Priestley’s endeavors, the church received a grant from the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH). The grant dates are September 1, 2023, to April 30, 2024. The funding has assisted Priestley Chapel in hosting Zumba workouts, educational workshops and health observances, and supporting community partners with health-related activities. As an alternative to Halloween, the church hosted a harvest festival that included a trunk or treat competition, with competitors giving out healthy treats from their trunks, and a nutritious meal was served at the end of the evening. Also, the church partnered with Our Daily Bread Ministries for their annual color walk and had the most participants at the event. Church members also enjoyed a cooking

30 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

demonstration focusing on diabetes and learned alternate ways to season food, the importance of baking versus frying, and ideas for trying different vegetables as sides. Events for 2024 will include health assessment and health screening events, more educational workshops, a CPR certification for members, mental health resources, open court basketball, and workout classes, in addition to themed events like a Valentine’s Day couples’ cooking class, health and wellness bingo, and a March Madness basketball shootout. MSDH funding will help build the capacity of Priestley’s health and wellness ministry. Pastor McCallum’s primary goal is to create a culture of health with a focus on sustainability. Priestley’s Health & Healing at the Chapel program provides health and healing for the mind, body and soul! Y If your church is interested in creating a health and wellness ministry, contact the Mississippi State Department of Health Office of Health Equity at 601.206.1050. Rochelle Thompson is a Director of Health Promotions at the American Lung Association and a fitness instructor/coach in Madison County. She lives in north Madison County with her husband, Montel, and her furry family (Duke and Lady).

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WALK THIS WAY! CAPITALORTHO.COM | 601.987.8200 • Do you and your spouse feel called to share your life with young people in a residential setting? • French Camp Academy has opportunities for dynamic Christian couples who are passionately pursuing Christ to serve as houseparents. • Visit our website at www.frenchcamp.org and begin a conversation with us today! Find out more about employment opportunities by scanning QR code to explore more. mschristianliving.com ❘ JANUARY 2024 31

TOUGH QUESTIONS by OLIVIA HORNSBY What do I say when a friend is considering — or has had — an abortion? SITUATION 1: My friend just told me she’s considering abortion. This can be an anxiety-inducing situation. Even in Christian communities, this scenario isn’t uncommon. Research shows that 7 in 10 women who have had an abortion identify as a Christian. As shocking as it might feel, preparing yourself to compassionately and effectively offer hope and help is so important. First, let your friend know she is safe, seen, heard, and worthy. For over 35 years, the heart of CPC Metro has been with the woman. The center of every conversation like this begins with the woman herself. Second, you can educate yourself about local resources, like CPC Metro and our medical clinic, The Cline Center. The Cline Center is here to help your friend who might be considering abortion. The Cline Center empowers the abortionvulnerable woman and her choice for life by offering personalized support and truthful information. Encourage your friend to reach out to the Cline Center. Reassure her that as soon as she calls, someone will be there to listen without judgment and to help her find a way to move forward.


Remember not the former things... Is 43:18-19



My friend just confided in me about a past abortion. At CPC Metro, we know that abortion affects so many people. That’s why we offer an abortion recovery ministry, (UN)covered JXN. (UN)covered is here to help your friend who shares about a past abortion. Led by post-abortive women, (UN)covered empowers the abortion-wounded woman and her healing journey through group support, one-on-one support, and abortion recovery weekend retreats. Amy Martin, Abortion Recovery Manager with (UN)covered, offers some advice for speaking with a friend who shares a past abortion: “Listen patiently; don’t change the subject even though you may feel uncomfortable. Don’t condemn them; instead, reassure them that everyone makes mistakes, and their feelings of loss and regret are real. Many times, abortion-wounded people are looking for someone to blame. They may express anger toward themselves and others. Remind them of Jesus’ forgiveness and encourage them to seek God and to entrust their child to the care of God. Most people who are hurt because of a past abortion don’t know if there is help available or where to seek help. Encourage them to reach out to (UN)covered JXN.” This January, Sanctity of Human Life Month, consider inviting CPC Metro to speak with your church or small group and learn more about how to empower the choice for abundant life in your community. Y

Olivia Hornsby works as the Client Outreach and Communications Manager at CPC Metro.

32 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living


St. Catherine’s Village is just what the doctors ordered


s retired physicians, Drs. William (Bill) and Judith (Judy) Parker understand the importance of quality care during recovery. So when a stroke left Bill hospitalized for an extended period of time, the couple knew his best chance at rehabilitation was to find long-term care. Not only did they find that at St. Catherine’s Village, they found a Life Plan Community with a continuum of care. Initially, Bill moved into Siena Center, the skilled nursing building on the 160-acre campus in Madison. Judy moved into an independent living apartment just steps away. “When I first arrived … no one expected me to get well,” said Bill. “But the doctors evaluated me, adjusted my medications, and before we knew it, I was progressing.” With the assistance of on-site physical and occupational therapy, Bill was soon able to get around with a walker and moved to assisted living at Marian Hall. Now Bill walks several miles a day and has improved so much that he has joined his wife in independent living. “I’m excited to have my chef back,” Judy joked, noting that the couple likes to prepare their own meals at their residence. However, they can let the St. Catherine’s staff do the cooking as well. Meal plans are offered with nutritious, delicious menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Bill and Judy look at life at St. Catherine’s as another adventure they can experience

Judy agreed: “The staff is amazing, and I’m impressed with how they treat everyone like family.” Being embraced by others in the same life stage — and who have gone through similar experiences — also bolsters the Parkers’ attitudes. Having neighbors who offer sage advice, who are thriving in a senior living environment, and who genuinely want to enhance the lives of those Drs. Bill and Judy Parker, who traveled widely around them contributes to the special after retirement, see St. Catherine’s as another nature of St. Catherine’s. adventure they can experience together. “Our children have said that moving here is the best thing we could have done for together. The couple met in medical school, them because they know we’re in a married during their third year, and went on wonderful place,” said Judy. “They don’t have to worry.” to enjoy long careers — Bill as a general With a caring staff, on-site residentpractitioner and Judy as a pediatrician. centered care, and a mission-focused When they retired at age 55, they started traveling, backpacking through 54 countries. environment, St. Catherine’s lives up to its reputation. It was the first Continuing Care Most recently, they had been spending a great deal of time visiting their daughter and Retirement Community (CCRC) in grandchildren in California. That’s when Bill Mississippi to earn accreditation by CARF. This “commitment to excellence” seal had his stroke. “After we moved to St. Catherine’s Village, signifies that the campus exceeds the standards established by the only our grandson came to see us and said, ‘This international accrediting body for CCRCs. isn’t a nursing home, it’s a resort,’ and our Within the Life Plan Community are granddaughter wants to stay with us,” Judy independent living in apartments and said. garden homes, assisted living in Marian Hall, The Parkers’ son lives about 30 minutes from St. Catherine’s — which is a good thing, memory care in Campbell Cove, and skilled nursing in Hughes Center, Siena Center, and because Bill and Judy consider it home. Tuscany. Y “I’ve practiced in hospitals for 30 years,” Bill explained. “St. Catherine’s Village is run To learn more about St. Catherine’s Village, visit extremely well, and the people are so caring. StCatherinesVillage.com or call 601-856-0123 to schedule a tour. I won’t ever leave here.”


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Anderson United Methodist Church ....29

Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters, who brings forth chariot and horse, army and warrior; they lie down, they cannot rise, they are extinguished, quenched like a wick: “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. ~ ISAIAH 40:30-31, KJV

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. ~ PHILIPPIANS 1:6, KJV

For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. ~ PHILIPPIANS 2:13, ESV


Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

The Canopy School............................................23 Capital Ortho.............................................................31 Capstone Wellness................................................9

Metro Area............................................................32 Choose Life Mississippi .....................................11 Crossgates Baptist Church...........................13 Dr. Eugene C. Brown, D.D.S.,

Fireplace Chimney Sweep Solutions...30 French Camp Academy...................................31 Hartfield Academy..............................................25 H.E.A.L. Mississippi ...............................................12

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!


C Spire..............................................................................3

Orthodontics Exclusively.............................25


And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

BlueHealth Baptist...............................................21

Center for Pregnancy Choices

~ ISAIAH 43:16-19, ESV

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.

Belhaven University ..............................................2

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

Joe Ragland, author and attorney .........29

~ 1 JOHN 5:14-15, NKJV

Metropolitan YMCAs of Mississippi .......28

Kitchen Tune-Up...................................................14 Mascagni Wealth Management...............36 Merit Health River Oaks ...................................15

Miskelly Furniture ....................................................7

O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.

Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services..........................................5 Soccer Shots...........................................................28

~ PSALM 98:1, KJV

Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company ........................................10

Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.”

~ HEBREWS 12:1-2, ESV

34 JANUARY 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living

~ LUKE 22:20, NKJV

St. Catherine’s Village .......................................33 St. Dominic’s ............................................................35 Stegall Imagery .....................................................24

Let’s Talk... Have you ever wondered if your investment strategy needs a second opinion? Maybe you have unanswered questions. Maybe you need advice on your retirement plan.

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