Mississippi Christian Living March 2023

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mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 3


MS Christian Living, Inc.


Katie Eubanks



Suzanne Durfey


Sandra Goff


Suzanne Durfey, Ginger Gober, Teresa Howell


Chris Bates, Samuel Bolen, Paula Byars, Chris Fields, Dr. Fred Hall, Courtney Ingle, Dr. Teena Welborn


Rachel and Nettie Schulte, Jerri and Sammy Strickland, Rachel and Bob Whatley

Mississippi Christian Living

P.O. Box 1819

Madison, MS 39130 601.345.1091


Mississippi Christian Living is committed to encouraging individuals in their daily lives by presenting the faith stories of others and by providing information that will point every person, at every stage of life, to a deeper, authentic, personal, and life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Views expressed in Mississippi Christian Living do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the Mississippi Christian Living staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022 by MS Christian Living, Inc.

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contents MARCH 2023 4 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living columns 8 Outside In Seasons of life 9 Lagniappe BlueHealth Baptist clinic prioritizes prevention 10 Modern Motherhood Great leaders discipline their families 12 Community Outreach Barbering for Jesus 13 Advertiser Spotlight Sunnybrook marks 60 years 14 Living My Call Exploring faith-based travel 16 Health & Wellness Why medication isn’t enough 18 This Is My Story A laboratory for leaders 37 Tough Questions Should I attend a private, or public college? in every issue 6 Editor’s Letter 38 Quips & Quotes 38 Advertiser Index cover story 21 Christian Leaders of the Future Meet our 2023 scholarship finalists! Dr. Ivan and Mary Ann Parke: Teachers who’ve learned from God Coming next month We might think of our kids as the most precious beings on earth, but it is our responsibility to set expectations, boundaries and consequences for them. See page 10.

39 years,

Yes, we did go on our Valentine’s date (a week later)! Here we are outside La Cour, a tasty French-inspired restaurant in Jackson that discourages denim.

The Valentine’s week saga

In case you’re wondering, wedding planning is going well. We have most of the big pieces in place for April 21 except the caterer and florist, which ought to be officially in place by the time you read this. Things are starting to feel more exciting and (a bit) less stressful.

But for me, Valentine’s week will live in infamy.

On Valentine’s Day, which fell on a Tuesday, I learned I’d most likely been exposed to COVID at my bachelorette party over the weekend. I also had a sore throat and major mucus. And I wondered if I might have a low-grade fever, but my cheap thermometer said I didn’t.

I didn’t tell Stephen about my COVID exposure. I was determined to go out for Valentine’s! Wedding planning had taken the place of most of our date nights lately, and now we had a reservation at a nice restaurant, not yet disclosed to me, that “discouraged blue jeans.” It’s a rare occasion for me NOT to wear blue jeans, let alone to enter an establishment that’s snooty about denim. I was excited.

By late Valentine’s afternoon, I felt guilty about not revealing my COVID exposure to Stephen. So I told him — when we were getting ready to leave his house for dinner. Needless to say, he was a little frustrated.

We decided to cancel our reservation, and I felt like the worst fiancé ever. Did I mention he’d had car trouble that day? If he’d known sooner that we needed to cancel dinner, he would’ve had time to go to a mechanic.

By God’s grace, I’m marrying a merciful man. He accepted my multiple apologies and forgave me.

The next day, I tested negative for COVID and flu, but got an antibiotic for sinusitis and started feeling better by dinnertime.

The day after that, we had tickets to see the new “Ant Man” movie at the Capri in Fondren. But Stephen hadn’t slept well the night before, and I was still recovering from sinusitis. So in order to give us both a break, he canceled our tickets, a couple hours before showtime.

He’d told me he was unsure about going, but I’d interpreted “unsure” as 60/40. I’d had the mindset of Jim Carrey in “Dumb and Dumber”: “So you’re telling me there’s a chance!”

So then we had to have a whole conversation about what the words “unsure” and “maybe” meant. You would think he’d just canceled my chance to tour the “Lord of the Rings” sets in New Zealand or something. I hadn’t even seen the previous “Ant Man,” for goodness’ sake.

Finally, on Saturday, Stephen’s boss and his wife threw us a couple’s shower. Before the party, Stephen and I got about 90 percent finished (or what I thought was 90 percent) putting together our “pre-ceremony playlist.” I said, “You know, we could finish this after the shower … ”

But after the shower, of course, I was in fun mode (the result of a great party). I didn’t understand how Stephen could go straight back to his laptop at the kitchen table. And why was he fixated on this one instrumental duo? And why was this taking so long?

Never mind that I also loved that duo’s arrangements, or that I would’ve taken just as long on the playlist if I’d been doing it by myself. Once again, Stephen had to forgive me, this time for my impatient attitude. Once again, he was gracious.

They say marriage is a magnifying glass to your flaws, but I’d say engagement is, too. Valentine’s week showed me how selfish I can be when given the chance, and how blessed I am in my choice of mate. God used Stephen to show me His grace.

To be clear, Stephen isn’t perfect either. He’d tell you that himself. But I find that I’m able to forgive him more easily than I can others. Maybe that’s a tip for anyone who’s single and looking: Find someone who can forgive you, whom you can forgive right back.

Must-reads in this issue:

● Our cover story on our 2023 Christian Leaders of the Future (page 21)!

● Our Community Outreach article on Dallas Barbee, a different kind of barber (page 12)

● My Q&A with Pam Anderson, a Faith-Based Travel Specialist (page 14) Y

6 MARCH 2023 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living
mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 7

Nature’s transitions are remarkable. The harsh bite of winter will test your body and senses when hiking to 12,000 feet in the snow. There is a window in my house that perfectly frames the entire spectrum of leaves changing color each fall. In the spring it is easy to see newness in small flowers in the yard, white blossoms on Bradford pear trees, and neon green buds on bushes all around. At some point during every summer of life since childhood, I have jumped in the lake and felt the cold layers of water below when the temps up above the surface are unbearably hot.

The changing seasons reflect the unstoppable flow of change over time. As I spend time in the outdoors, whether in the woods or in the yard, the rolling of the seasons brings newness, and that also means we are moving forward from what was. Our experiences of last spring will not happen again the same way, but the heat of next summer will grant us new opportunities to use our senses in different ways.

These same transitions occur in human life. We shift from childhood into adulthood, and then the seasons really start to become noticeable. After school we begin to support ourselves in the world. Maybe we find a significant other and have children. Our careers transition between companies, occupations or pursuits. Quite likely our faith evolves and may take steps backward before hopefully moving forward.

What is noticeable as we walk our pathway is the variation in the seasons. Some are so easy,

Seasons of life

such as when we meet that special someone, or a job transition comes together, or one of our children makes the school play. Other seasons are of grief, challenge or poor health. We cannot control that the seasons are coming, or all of what they will contain.

Many places in the Word describe God’s intentional process of the seasons, such as Psalm 104:19-23, which says, “He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down. You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl. The lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God. The sun rises, and they steal away; they return and lie down in their dens. Then people go out to their work, to their labor until evening.” The story given here demonstrates that the cycle of seasons and things that occur during them are coming and will always.

The opportunities come around how we handle the transitions. We really do have choices, even during the greatest of challenges. Importantly, we should prepare during the sunshine for when the rain will come. We should exercise our bodies, strengthen our minds and save our money.

The only way to do any of those well is to be

intentional. Being intentional means putting progress in our own way. I set reminders on my phone, while my wife prefers sticky notes. Saint Augustine is attributed with saying, “Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow.”

As life changes and we stroll through time, we choose either to progress or to be stagnant. Remember, you are a product of your decisions, not your circumstances. Even if circumstances are dark or difficult, we can choose to take small, sometimes micro steps. When our season is filled with gratitude and joy, then we store that up and thank Him well. Today, look around and see what season you are in, then prepare for the next seasonal transition. Be assured that it will include His grace. Y

Chris Bates is CEO and co-founder of AgoraEversole a full-service marketing agency in Jackson, and can be reached at Chris@AgoraEversole.com. He and his wife, Stacy, and their children live in Madison.

Sunnybrook Estates is a strictly rental independent living retirement community offering spacious apartment living. Low monthly rates with NO long-term lease or buy in required. Rent includes meals, housekeeping, transportation, activities, on-site movie theatre, central heat and air in each apartment and more!

OUTSIDE IN by CHRIS BATES 8 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living
Fabulous Activities ✻ Beautiful Surroundings New Found Friendships ✻ Fine Dining 200 SERENITY LANE, MADISON, MS 39110 sunnybrookestates.net

BlueHealth Baptist clinic prioritizes prevention

What if your primary care physician dressed in a polo instead of a white lab coat, and spent more than two or three minutes with you in the exam room? What if when you went in for a checkup, you got a free small smoothie on your way out — along with the recipe for said smoothie?

Better yet, what if your doctor’s office focused more on prevention and less on merely treating your symptoms? And what if you could get your blood work without ever leaving your car?

This is what patients are experiencing at the BlueHealth Baptist Clinic, a primary care clinic located on the back side of the Baptist Medical Clinic on Highland Colony Parkway in Madison. BlueHealth Baptist is a partnership between Baptist Memorial Health Care and Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi (BCBSMS) and serves Blue Cross & Blue Shield members.

“From the time a patient calls our call center, we want that process to look different,” said Price Davis, executive director at BlueHealth Baptist.

In addition to wellness visits, the clinic serves the whole patient, including chronic care and sick visits.

Dr. Timothy Chen and Melissa Wood, FNPBC, are the leaders of the care team, who all share one large office “backstage,” Price said. As a patient, “you’re not being walked through the inner workings, the hustle and bustle, the phone calls, all the sticky notes. (And) there’s no waiting room.”

Instead, you’re ushered into your exam room, and whoever’s seeing you — Dr. Chen, Melissa, the lab technician — comes to you.

“We do get to spend more time with our patients,” Melissa says, “to more comprehensively go over their situation. We also get to address other things besides medication. We talk about lifestyle pillars such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress.”

The clinic has offered diabetic support

have a heart attack and you can’t afford it. What if we could help you never get there?

“(Some new patients) come in super motivated. They want to get off their medication,” Dr. Chen said.

Health coaches are brought in to help patients. Meal plans are created. The care team might help a patient set a small goal, such as walking for five minutes a day, five days a week. Once the patient meets that goal, they’ll set a new one.

“We’re empowering them for their own health journey, and when they come back, they’re so proud they did it,” Melissa said.

Patients also get excited when they learn things they never knew about how to manage their health, such as the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates. “They might say, ‘I’ve been a Type 1 diabetic for 20 years and didn’t know that!’” Dr. Chen said.

classes and mental health support classes, and Melissa teaches a yoga class.

“We encourage everyone to come for a yearly wellness exam (which is covered by BCBSMS),” Melissa says. “They’ll get designated time with us and a wellness coach. If they’re perfectly healthy, we’ll talk about how to keep them there. Otherwise, we’ll talk about lifestyle goals.”

“We have a big focus on prevention,” Dr. Chen said. “You hear a lot of times on the news, people go bankrupt over metabolic disease. You

In addition to the comprehensive care focus, BlueHealth Baptist is also an innovation center, Price said. One of those innovations is a drive-up lab. “Within five minutes, (patients) have their labs drawn and can be on their way.”

Whether it’s efficiency, prevention, or the overall patient experience, Price said, “BlueHealth Baptist is changing the way that primary healthcare is delivered.”

For more information, visit BlueHealthBaptist.com or call 601.664.4300. Y

LAGNIAPPE Advertiser Spotlight by KATIE EUBANKS mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 9

Great leaders discipline their families

There is “no other” chaos like children who are not disciplined. As leaders of anything, you’ve probably seen that employees, children, members of committees — whoever is being led — are happier if there is some type of discipline in place. Are there boundaries, expectations and consequences?

In my opinion, there is more harmony and peace in a place where there is more Christian love and consistent discipline, including the family unit. As I have witnessed time and time again in the school setting, disciplined children were happier children, whether the discipline came from home or in the school setting. Similarly, when great leaders place boundaries on their employees and leaders are consistent, the workplace is a much happier place to be.

In our homes, as parents, we want our family life to be peaceful as well. God wants our homes to be joyous, peaceful and loving. In the Bible, God tells us to use discipline where our children are concerned, just as He uses discipline and consequences on us when we are not in His will. “The Lord disciplines those he loves as a father disciplines his son.” – Proverbs 3:12.

Consider the behaviors, morals and values for children in 2023 — have they changed? Even though the world around us wants Christians to believe that God’s standards have changed, they have not. God still wants discipline and order in the family, as He always has. As a parent, you can always know that loving discipline for your children brings “hope” of an amazing child and an incredible adult one day! God specifically tells us that if we follow His standards, we will have more behaved and pleasant children. “Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death.” – Proverbs 19:18.

Even though we look at our sweet newborns as being the most precious beings on earth, God tells us “lack of sense, foolishness, and evil (folly) is bound up in the heart of a child.” It is our responsibility as the leader of the family to remove this folly by following God’s instructions (Proverbs 22:15).

We should always welcome discipline and correction if it comes from a loving place. God said only a fool will despise correction (Proverbs 1:7). We do not want our children to despise correction at school, from us as parents, or in their future workplaces, so teach them young that discipline is a good thing.

There are many types of discipline because

we know every child responds differently. Some children only need verbal correction; however, when verbal correction does not produce positive results, parents need to move to the next source of discipline.

James Dobson wrote in his book “Dare to Discipline”:

“Parenting is not about harshness, rejection, ridicule, criticism, and anger. Children deserve to grow up in an environment of safety, acceptance, and warmth. In the absence of adult leadership, the child is his own master from his earliest babyhood. He thinks the world revolves around him and is often disrespectful to those ‘closest’ to him. Chaos reigns in his home, and his mother is often the most nervous, frustrated woman on her block. The mother is stranded at home because she is too embarrassed to take her little spitfire anywhere.”

Be that leader who lovingly and consistently disciplines your child. We parents have a great sense of emotional wellness when others compliment the behaviors of our children.

10 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living MODERN MOTHERHOOD by DR TEENA WELBORN
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“No discipline seems pleasant at the time … ” – Hebrews 12:11. Dr. Teena Welborn is a retired educator and author of “Raising Whosoevers to Be the Heart of Our Schools.” Dr. Welborn and her husband of 37 years, Cliff, live in Florence, Mississippi, where they raised their three boys. They are members of First Baptist Florence. She can be contacted at tlmwelborn13@gmail.com.
www.priorityonebank.com Lee F. Jones, M.D. is now a partner with EyeCare Professionals! 601.366.1085 • eyecare4ms.com • 1501 Lakeland Drive, Suite 100, Jackson, MS • 240 Belle Meade Point, Flowood, MS We are pleased to announce that

Barbering for Jesus

It’s no secret that the Lord gives talents that can be used to reach people for His kingdom. That’s exactly what Dallas Barbee at Surrendered Studios in Biloxi is doing — and she’s doing it in a big way.

Dallas has become a TikTok sensation in recent years, holding live “Church in a Barbershop” sessions and telling stories of how God has used her in her own recovery from addiction. Many would call her approach unconventional because she doesn’t fit the typical “Sunday church” mold.

“You’ll never hear me say someone is an addict, because show me in the Bible where God calls us that,” said Dallas. “But we also work under the notion that everyone needs recovery. We live in a very broken world. So our definition (of recovery) is very broad.”

Surrendered Studios is a barbershop that meets physical and spiritual needs.

“We have people come in for a little trim and a lot of prayer,” said Dallas. “I happen to have a radical story of Jesus in the center, but you do not even have to know who He is to walk through this door.”

Just three years ago, Dallas was a six-figure barber in Spokane, Washington, and part of a large-scale ministry. She was comfortable there.

“Which to me was a nod toward change,” she said. “I have always been a runner, so I feared some old habits were returning.”

Dallas said a conversation with someone she considers to be wise counsel told her that maybe this was a Holy Spirit nudge. Eventually, Dallas felt the Lord calling her to Biloxi to start Surrendered Studios — in His timing.

“I set an initial timeline of two years,” said Dallas. “But God said, ‘Do you want My timing or yours?’”

She made the move in two months.

“God’s timing would bring recognition to Him, not to me,” said Dallas. “My husband thought I was nuts and I had to pray for him, but the next day he had a contract, and two months to the day we were signing on a house, and we were already sleeping in Biloxi.”

Church in a barbershop might be beyond anything you’d ever imagine. But as Dallas puts it, when you belong to the Lord, everywhere you step is holy ground.

“Holy Spirit chooses to rest inside this


place,” she said. “We see flickers of revival in this place.”

Word is spreading about the ministry at Surrendered Studios, and Dallas said she plans to see the ministry expand.

“We also mentor barbering students,” she said. “My goal is to hand the keys to the place to someone and go elsewhere and start again.”

Dallas also has a large social media following in which she shares her testimony, short devotionals, and live sessions in the shop.

For more information on Surrendered Studios, visit SurrenderedStudios.com, follow @SurrenderedStudios on Facebook and Instagram, or follow Dallas herself on Instagram or TikTok @dallas.thebarber.noel.

Courtney and her husband, Jeremy, live in Brandon and are members at Park Place Baptist Church in Pearl. They have a daughter, Taylor, and a son, Jacob. Courtney is a full-time homemaker and can be reached at courtneyingle89@gmail.com.

12 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living COMMUNITY OUTREACH by COURTNEY INGLE
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see flickers of revival in this place,” said Dallas Barbee of her Surrendered Studios barbershop in Biloxi.

Sunnybrook marks 60 years

Sunnybrook is thrilled to announce the 60th anniversary of its founding, a milestone that marks six decades of providing safe and nurturing homes for foster children.

Since its inception in 1963, Sunnybrook’s staff, board, volunteers and partners have worked tirelessly to improve the lives of foster children. Over the years, the greatest need in this community has shifted from housing young children to supporting adolescents who are aging out of the foster care system.

“It was increasingly older teens and young adults who were being lost in the system, contributing to a bleak outlook,” explained Sunnybrook Executive Director Dr. Myrle Grate. “These young people face significant struggles to become productive adults, due to poor education, unaddressed psychological issues, and myriad other obstacles.

“These factors combine for rates of pregnancy, addiction, incarceration and early death that are dramatically higher than their peers from stable homes. In many cases, Sunnybrook is the first time these individuals have felt the love of a stable, Christian, family environment.”

Sunnybrook invites our community to celebrate this milestone through prayer, volunteer work, and the donation of supplies and money. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of children and families in need. Y

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 13
sunnybrookms.org/donate Honoring Our Legacy. Embracing Our Present. Securing Our Future

Exploring faith-based travel

Katie Eubanks: People associate faith-based travel with Israel, but are there other kinds of faith-based trips too?

Pam Anderson: You can do so much more with it than just going to the Holy Land. They do faith-based travel just in Italy, or anywhere else. You can do cruises and they’ll have guest speakers on board. And then you can plan your own through a church or through just a small women’s group.

I’m in the process of planning a women’s retreat cruise for 24, (and we’ll) have some guest speakers on there, and also a Bible study that will be done on the cruise. It’s a good way to invite non-believers (because) everybody loves to travel. (And it’s not just about) having the Bible study … but also forming bonds with other Christian women.

There’s also a lot of opportunities in Greece, where you can go to where Paul went on his journey … There’s one (trip where) you go to visit the seven churches mentioned in Revelation, which interests me. Every time I look through what’s available, I think, “I want to do that.”

I can also do a trip to go see the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. That could be for any age.

KE: Where will your women’s cruise go?

PA: I’m still in the planning stages. It will probably be either some type of Caribbean cruise or an Alaskan cruise. I’m working on putting some surveys out … just to see what the preference is. (And) I’m working on a theme. I’m looking at going through Priscilla Shirer’s “Breathe” study. … I thought about doing a theme about rest, about the Sabbath, about incorporating that in our lives.

KE: You also plan ‘regular’ trips in addition to faith-based trips. How do you use your business as a ministry?

PA: I’m working on, just for my agency, putting together a faith-based travel journal/Bible study that I give to all of my clients. And also thankyou cards. Because that’s something I try to do when I travel is take thank-you cards and just give a little blessing to the staff, wherever I am. You see so many different people when you travel, (and) if there’s

something that can spark a curiosity or anything in them if they don’t know the Word or know Jesus as their Savior …

KE: Tell me about your recent trip to Israel.

PA: I didn’t know that the valley of the shadow of death (from Psalm 23) was a real place (called Wadi Qelt). And we went there. It’s amazing. It’s this huge (gorge), and there’s a monastery down there, and you look at it and think, “Wow, they walked through that?” And you understand why they called it the valley of the shadow of death, because it’s so treacherous.

KE: Did you have any safety concerns in Israel?

PA: No. … when you hear of something happening over there, like (a terrorist attack) … these places that you hear about are not the places that tourists go. They’re all in the West Bank, (or) they’re going to pinpoint Orthodox Jews. And that’s not where the tourists are, in their communities.

Now we did go to Bethlehem, which is barely in the West Bank. (But we) felt safe. We even went and ate with a family, went to their house, which was a neat experience. You can ask any kind of questions, and they love having you there and love talking about what their life is like.

But ETS, they’re so good with Israel and they’ve been doing it for so long, I personally have complete confidence that they’re not going to take you anywhere that’s not safe. And Israel does a really good job with their safety.

KE: How far in advance should people plan faith-based trips?

PA: It’s good to plan these at least a year in advance. That gives people enough time to make payments to where they don’t have to pay all at once. And they do fill up pretty fast. And to get everything organized, especially (if you’re) with a group, you need at least a year in advance. Twelve to 18 months, preferably. Y

14 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living LIVING MY CALL by KATIE EUBANKS
Pam Anderson of Madison is a Faith-Based Travel Specialist with Educational Travel Services (ETS). She recently spoke with MCL Editor Katie Eubanks about faith-based travel (it’s more than Israel!) and how she uses her business as a ministry. This interview has been edited for space and clarity. Pam at the real “valley of the shadow of death,” aka Wadi Qelt.
mschristianliving.com ❘ MARCH 2023 15

Why medication isn’t enough

I’m in my yearly Bible reading tour again, and my journey has landed me back in the book of Leviticus. This book always resonates with me as God’s book on health and the body’s natural healing and cleansing process. It also speaks on how to detect infectious diseases, how to steer clear of infectious disease, and how to prevent and mitigate the spread of disease.

Some of these techniques would be beneficial today if adhered to, like banning people with signs of an infectious disease to outside the city limits for a certain timeframe until they were cleared by designated authorities, especially during COVID-19. Some countries still follow these protocols. Quarantining, masks and social distancing were forms of that during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, but many people had an issue with that, especially Christians, as they felt it was

cutting off a human right — not knowing that God’s standard for mitigating the spread of an infectious disease in Leviticus was social distancing and isolation. That’s an aside.

The real treatment process I want to point out is the actual procedure that was given to contribute to disease recovery: time to allow your body to heal. If your body healed, you were healthy and free to go back to the general population. If it didn’t, or if the signs and symptoms got worse, you were required to remain in isolation.

Our bodies were made to heal themselves with proper time, but as human understanding of God’s creation evolved, the healing process was sped up through medicine. God didn’t add pharmaceutical prescriptions to His treatment plan in Leviticus. His instructions were to give time and allow the body to do what He created it to do — but God did instruct man to cultivate His creation, and a lot of cultivation came through scientific discoveries like medicines. Medicines are meant to aid and enhance our body’s natural healing process and return our body faster to its natural way of functioning. They weren’t and aren’t made to heal us; only God can do that.

There is a misconception about medicines manufactured to address cardiometabolic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and now obesity. A lot of people with one of these diagnoses think their condition won’t get any worse, due to them being on medication, but they don’t understand that these medicines are made to be more effective alongside implementation of the necessary lifestyle and behavioral changes. Treatment plans have evolved from just prescribing medicine to prescribing a holistic plan that addresses these diseases in conjunction with the medicines that have been produced to address them.

Those more holistic approaches are what? You guessed it … healthy eating, active living, and stress management. These holistic approaches look different for everyone, which is why it is important to seek licensed health professionals in their respective areas, or a multi-disciplinary healthcare care team (like ours), so you can ensure you are getting adequate care for the multiple factors that contribute to cardiometabolic disease development.

16 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living HEALTH & WELLNESS by CHRIS FIELDS
Chris Fields is the founder and executive director of H.E.A.L. Mississippi and a graduate in kinesiology with advance studies in nutrition. He serves as a clinical exercise physiologist/CPT and is credentialed in Exercise Is Medicine through American College of Sports Medicine.
“ A lot of people with (diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity) think their condition won’t get any worse, due to them being on medication, (but) these medicines are made to be more effective alongside implementation of the necessary lifestyle and behavioral changes.”
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A laboratory for leaders


I“think we can all agree that what the world needs is not more nonprofits. Instead, what the world needs is well-equipped leaders.”

I heard a nonprofit executive share this feedback recently. His words echoed in my mind. What could Mississippi look like if her leaders were well-equipped, well-networked and well-resourced? What transformation could occur if those leaders who are called and committed were provided the necessary capacity-building tools for leadership growth?

These burning questions gave birth to the Jackson Leadership Foundation. At JLF, we partner with neighborhood leaders to ensure they are well-equipped, well-networked and well-resourced. Each of our six ministry programs focuses on empowering leaders to transform communities. One such program we provide is Leader Lab.

Leader Lab is a six-month leadership training cohort for nonprofit ministry leaders. Leader Lab includes six half-day training sessions, one-on-one leadership coaching, a full-scale ministry health assessment, growth plan development, and a grant for each graduate of the program. Paula Byars, executive director of His Heart Ministries, was part of our 2022 cohort. Here is a glimpse of Paula’s leadership story told in her words.

Paula’s story

“God has a way of bringing things full circle. My story and connection to Calvary Baptist Church and His Heart Ministries has been a twisty, turny road. I grew up in the sticks of northeast Louisiana. Never did I see myself working in Jackson, Mississippi. I learned about Jesus from my mama and the feisty preacher at the country Baptist church we attended. From a young age, I wanted to be a missionary and teach children in Africa about Jesus. God had other plans, however.

“While at Mississippi College, I met and

married Flint Stodghill, who grew up at Calvary Baptist Church. Making those many trips down Capitol Street for church in the mid-’90s opened my eyes to the needs of the city. My heart was broken. I had not seen anything like this before, and I could no longer shut my eyes to it. One day riding home from church, I had a vision of people from Calvary walking up and down sidewalks praying with people and sharing the gospel.

“Years later I became the executive director of His Heart Ministries, the student outreach ministry of Calvary Baptist Church. At His Heart, we hold weekly Bible clubs, youth Bible studies, tutoring, mentoring, home visits, and school outreach. I remember my daughter saying, ‘Mama, you may never get to go to Africa, but His Heart may just be your mission field!’ She was right. I did not need to go overseas to find people who need the gospel. There is need here in our own backyard.”

Celebration of leadership

As Mississippi Christian Living highlights 2023’s Christian Leaders of the Future, we celebrate Jackson’s leaders like Paula, who are doing amazing work in their communities. You are invited to attend His Heart’s 25th Anniversary Celebration on April 2 at Calvary Baptist Church in Jackson. His Heart also is looking for more volunteers with their tutoring programs and Bible clubs. Y

18 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living THIS IS MY STORY by SAMUEL BOLEN and PAULA BYARS
Paula Byars (with children) is one of many leaders who have participated in Jackson Leadership Foundation’s Leader Lab (above).


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Freshman Friday is a special event each spring to assist high school seniors with registration for summer and/or fall classes.  This day provides opportunities for students to meet other incoming Freshman and get some Holmes CC swag. We can’t wait to see you on campus!

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Holmes Community College does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, citizenship age, disability, veteran status, or genetic information. Employees, students, applicants for admission or employment, or other participants in Holmes Community College programs or activities who believe they have been discriminated against are entitled to seek relief through the Compliance Officer (662) 472-9429. Written inquiries may be e-mailed to: compliance@holmescc.edu or sent to: Compliance Office, P.O. Box 369, Goodman, MS 39079.

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 19

For 15 years now, MCL has partnered with Belhaven University to honor outstanding Mississippi high-school seniors who show Christian character and academic excellence. Applications are reviewed by trusted believers, and we honor the finalists and winners at our yearly awards program at Belhaven.

One male and one female will each receive a $2,000 scholarship to the college or university of their choice, and two other finalists will receive smaller scholarships from Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Ballet Magnificat! Check our Facebook page for the live announcement of the winners starting around 4:20 p.m. Tuesday, March 7.

We hope these brief excerpts from the finalists’ essays and recommendation letters encourage you as you discover what God is doing in Mississippi’s young people.

Thank you to our 2023 sponsors:

Gold: Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company; Morgan White Group

Silver: Dr. Eugene Brown’s Smiles by Design

Bronze: Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Ballet Magnificat!

Friends: Herrin-Gear Lexus; TrustCare Kids; Lakeside Moulding

In-kind: Fresh Cut Catering & Floral; MMI Dining

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 21


Madison-Ridgeland Academy

First Baptist Jackson

Parents: Todd and Natalie Adkins

“The (prodigal son) walked away from his family and faith to spend his fortune on the things of this world but his father still loved him. … No matter how many times we walk away God will always rejoice when we come home to Him.”

– Ryan Adkins

“My son changed schools recently and did not know very many people at his new school. He is several years younger than Ryan, but Ryan has included him and made him feel welcome … and invited him to small group Bible studies .… I believe that those seeds of love and truth that have been planted in his heart will produce fruit.”

– Mark Rich, fellow church member


Jackson Academy

Fondren Church, Jackson

Parents: Gabe and Ashley Baldwin

“I was living out of fear, constantly scared I was disappointing God. One night, I had a conversation with a friend (and) recognized Christ’s love for me is more than sufficient to cover my failures … Once I understood this, I fully surrendered my life and my plans to Christ!”

– Molly Baldwin

“Molly has a joyful spirit and radiates love and warmth for others. She has a deep devotion to Christ and a magnetic personality. Molly enjoys learning. I’ve enjoyed seeing her not only at church but at a local bookstore selecting some books to expand her thinking.”

– Robert Green, pastor


Clarkdale Attendance Center, Meridian

Evangel Temple Church, Meridian

Parents: Jonathan and Kylie Boles

“The most influential Christian leader in my life would be my Mamaw Rosie. … She stood beside my Papaw Melvin, who was also a pastor, for years as they struggled with naysayers, poverty, and everything in between. … She would do anything for anyone and pray for you without question. She did not have a judgmental bone in her body.”

“We can always depend on Avrie to step out within her Sunday school class and youth services to open us in prayer or lead us in worship. She takes initiative to see progress within the group and projects completed. … without me having to ask her for help.”

– Joe Ivey, youth pastor


Gentry High School, Indianola

New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Indianola

Parents: Curtis and Patricia Boyd

“The world is temporary, while God is everlasting. The world offers certain pleasures, riches, and provisional happiness, while God has the ability to bless us with everything we need. To love God is to obey God. I know that I am called to rely on God, to be obedient, to put others before myself, and walk in honor.”

“Tyren has prided himself on being an advocate for the youth and his community. He gives so much of his time listening to the needs and wants of his fellow classmates, underclassmen, and community friends, so that he can become a vessel of positive change through Indianola.”


Madison-Ridgeland Academy

First Presbyterian Church, Jackson

Parents: The late Paul David Chinchen, Laura Chinchen

“People may assume that being raised by a missionary family means you naturally come to accept Christ. I am thankful that my father took the time to tell me about Jesus and pray with me. My father baptized me this summer in Lake Malawi … It was a special moment that I now realize (was) the completion of my father’s mentoring.”

“I’ve seen (Vanndel) take initiative planning meetings with other Student Body officers, interacting with administration, and speaking to the entire student body. He has learned the importance of delegating responsibility and empowering those whom he leads.”

– Austin Fortenberry, teacher and academic counselor


Simpson County Academy, Mendenhall Liberty Baptist Church, Raleigh

Parents: Ernie Lee Easterling II, Wendy Laura Easterling

“It hit me like a ton of bricks that I didn’t know Jesus as my Savior. We were in the middle of a revival at my church, and my mom was also saved … We were able to be baptized together … It’s so important that we know we have a true relationship with Jesus.”

– Lee Easterling

“His dad was injured in an accident and Lee took on the responsibilities of a grownup while his dad was in the hospital. At a time when most of us would have been asking, ‘Why me?’, Lee just did what he needed to do to make things at home run smoothly.”

22 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living


Laurel Christian School

Summerland Baptist Church, Taylorsville

Parents: Russ and Michelle Freeman

“Success is not determined in the outcome (but) by whether (God) receives glory in the process … He does not want the A+ or demand academic perfection; He wants a joyful heart that admires His creation as I study and do honest work. I have found so much freedom in that.”

– Katye Freeman

“(Katye’s) leadership on the basketball court is exceptional; however, her leadership off of the court is beyond remarkable. … Katye approached me with the desire to hold a weekly devotion for our team. Katye developed and now typically leads our weekly devotions. Katye’s discipleship has and will continue to change the lives of those around her.”

– Stephanie Risher, coach


Corinth High School

Foote Street Church of Christ, Corinth

Parents: Jason and Beverly Grisham

“While the life of a Christian can be difficult in a world consumed with hatred of the Christian lifestyle, the all-consuming love of God can help us not only to show our faith to him, but to use our faith to change the world around us.”

– Catherine Grisham

“Not only does (Catherine) attend our youth events but (she) is working toward the highest honor, The Red Coat Award for our Lads to Leaders Program. This award requires her to take on a large project that she has executed perfectly. (Her project) has our entire congregation involved and working in teams to serve the church and community.”

– Mason Cothren, youth minister


Corinth High School

Foote Street Church of Christ, Corinth

Parents: Nathan and Allison Hall

“I want to be able to know the Bible well enough that if I were asked a question about something I could answer it. And in a civil, respectful way but also being firm in my own beliefs.”

– Emma Hall

“Emma is a kid that everyone would love to have in their youth group. Emma works hard to make sure that everyone stays involved, and she is the first one to make any new members feel comfortable … Her excitement and love for the church has been contagious and is a vital part of the growth we have seen over the past few months.”

– Craig Strickland, fellow church member


Madison Central High School

Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Madison

Parents: Mills Heard, Samantha Kalahar

“I have heard many people talk down about Christians and give very considerable arguments for why they denounced God. I have had to learn to cope with these (arguments) and maintain my relationship with the Lord. Going to my church and family leaders for help has always been the most effective way to work these challenges, so I will continue to do this in college.”

– Olivia Heard

“Olivia is also an extremely hard worker. She has held a couple jobs outside of the church since I have known her, which have been demanding and time consuming. However, Olivia made it a point to attend church.”


Hartfield Academy, Flowood Pinelake Church, Reservoir campus

Parents: Jason and Sunday Holmes

“I have always wanted to be a nurse. … Nursing gives me the opportunity to help people while at their worst. I think of no better way to show God’s love in the world than to be a servant to others.”

– Sarah Sunday Holmes

“Sarah Sunday lives out the understanding that her choice to follow the Lord with abandon means sometimes standing alone … but she never fails to do so with a smile on her face and a kind word. Even in her youth, she is the embodiment of Proverbs 31:25 — ‘Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.’”


Northpoint Christian School, Southaven Getwell Church, Southaven

Parents: Jimmy Johnson, the late

Laurie Johnson

“I felt the looks of pity and whispers (after my mom passed away. But) God revealed that He would use me to reflect His glory. (So) I decided to not let satan win. I decided to allow God to use me as a vessel to show His love through me.”

– Elise Johnson

“(I serve with a nonprofit where we) pack and deliver non-perishable lunches … (Elise) volunteered to help deliver these lunches when the scheduled drivers were unavailable. … Further, I watched her choose joy and trust God when her mother — her best friend — died suddenly last year. The way she grieved this loss at her young age displayed faith and strength beyond her years.”

24 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living
– Logan Ellzey, student pastor – Blakeney Hatcliff, teacher and theater director – Ann Starker, mentor
mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 25 Love, Mom, Dad, Mary Virginia, and Ann Parker Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. – Psalm 115:1 Congratulations, Molly! Congratulations, Gracie Drew Keep loving Christ and loving others. We love you! The Pratt, Lenard, Curtis, and Coker families


Purvis High School

Little Black Creek Baptist Church; Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Lucedale

Parents: Eld. Joseph and Denise Ladner

“I believe that we as Christians (should) show compassion. Instead of condemning people for their sins and isolating them from God’s people, I want to show kindness and tell them how the Lord has been kind to me, and that He is offering that same kindness to them if they will put their faith in Him.”

– Katherine Ladner

“(Katherine) exhibits a sense of honesty, dependability, and responsibility in a way that I have never seen from a person her age. She is wise beyond her years. … People look and listen when she walks into the room.”

– Hannah Morris, church music director


Winona Christian School

Kilmichael Baptist Church

Parents: Dywayne and Rose Lishman

“There is nothing in sinners to call forth (God’s unconditional) love .… Christ did not die for us because we were good people; He died for sinners … which included everyone. I take that act as evidence of God’s great love for us, especially since God went first. God proved His love for us and that makes Him worth trusting.”

– Autumn Lishman

“Autum has accumulated (123) community service hours. … She watched children when their parents were unable to keep them as well as helped collect items for needy children. For the elderly, Autum raked yards, set out flowers, and spent valuable time with them.”


Madison-Ridgeland Academy

Highland Colony Baptist Church, Ridgeland

Parents: Johnny and Laura McCrory

“It always (seems like God) is going to call you to do things for Him when you’re older, but I feel like that (mindset) needs to be changed because when one accepts Jesus, He can and will call you in every season of life.”

“I returned to school after missing a few days and there was an envelope on my desk. I immediately knew (it) was a handwritten note from Cate. This wasn’t the first or last time Cate left a note .… She didn’t wait until class started to bring me the note in front of her classmates. When no one was watching, she showed me she cared.”


Park Place Christian Academy, Pearl Pinelake Church, Reservoir campus

Parents: Kurt and Rachael Monaghan

“I had the privilege of leading a small group of eighth grade girls. … their lives were riddled with heart-wrenching issues …. I had to stay strong in my faith for their sake, because for a few of them I was their only support system. … God has showed me that through Him I have the strength to walk in His plan.”

“From the time I first met Olivia … she has a exhibited a spirit of servanthood towards others that impacts those around her for the better. While many of her peers are enamored with ‘what’s new’ for a #1 priority, Olivia has chosen to ‘keep the main things, the main things.’”

– Brett Christensen, teacher


Russell Christian Academy, Meridian

Northcrest Baptist Church, Meridian

Parents: John and Courtney Nelson

“Being able to see medical work in its purest form (on the mission field), I formed a great admiration for it. I want to be a doctor because I love the idea of being able to help those I serve physically and create relationships with them emotionally.”

– Caroline Nelson

“(In helping Caroline make decisions) I always get the impression that she has already spent time in prayer about what direction to go, and usually has been given an answer, but wants extra validation that she is making the right decision. The fact that she has this type of reasoning and decisionmaking skills at such a young age is very impressive to me.”


Mooreville High School

Hope Church, Tupelo

Parents: Eric and April Pittman

“In fifth grade, I felt God leading me to step out of my comfort zone and share with my classmates the gospel (through) salvation bracelets. … I made over a hundred salvation bracelets …. I went to each table and told them what the beads represented. (It) was scary, but I had to trust God to give me the strength to share.”

– Nan Pittman

“I can remember (Nan) being in lower elementary school and getting up on stage one Sunday morning to tell the church congregation about how she (had) been telling people about Jesus on the playground. (She) is the same young woman today, who desires to see others come to know the Lord.”

– Kristen Bailey, small group leader

26 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living

We are so proud of you, Olivia Claire!

Love, Mom and Dad

We are so excited to see what God has planned for your future!

The Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

– Psalm 121:7-8

Summerland Baptist Church

SBC Illuminate Youth Ministry

❦ mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 27


Jackson Academy

First Baptist Jackson

Parents: Paul and Paula Pratt

“I love how the Proverbs 31 woman constantly serves others with ‘willing hands.’ She puts her relationship with Christ first and everything else in her life flows from it, and I try to hold myself to that same standard.”

“Gracie Drew has attended my (Bible study) for four years now …. I have seen her be inclusive of others, encouraging to others, and always true to who she is in Christ. I have asked her upon several occasions to share (to the) very large group and she always is a ‘yes ma’am’ girl and shows up and shines bright!”


Hartfield Academy, Flowood

Crossgates Baptist Church, Brandon

Parents: Kevin and Amy Rogers

“(Hebrews 11) goes through many Biblical figures who were used by God and responded in acts of faith. … Although they made mistakes along the way, God never forsook them ... This passage inspires me because I know that no matter what I do, I am loved by God, and even when I have no idea what the future holds, I know He is in control.”

“(Victoria) is well-respected by her peers and is an excellent Christian role model. I have never seen her fail to assist others who were having difficulty. She strives for improvement and readily seeks advice from teachers and faith leaders.”


South Panola High School, Batesville

Pilgrim’s Rest Missionary Baptist Church, Batesville

Parents: The late Kevin Cooper, Latisha Rudd

“(During COVID) I began a weekly virtual spiritual session with (my peers) who needed a safe place to speak. … they admitted to me that even though their environmental situations did not change much, their mindsets did. As they came closer to Christ and began speaking Christ’s word in their homes, they became stronger … The sessions were also therapeutic for me as they brought me closer to God.”

– Kyla Rudd

“She serves (my nonprofit) without complaining; she serves without boast; she serves without others having to consistently tell her what to do, and most of all she serves without being paid.”

– Lt. Col. Leonard Boothe, nonprofit leader


Madison-Ridgeland Academy

Broadmoor Baptist Church, Madison

Parents: Lance and Vanessa Sceroler

“(As a pediatric speech pathologist, I will be) strengthening children’s abilities while also showing them grace and patience. Being able to help children with motor skills is something that I feel God has called me to pursue.”

– Anna Sceroler

“Anna is one of the few people that I allow into my home to watch my children. My wife and I want students whom we can trust and that we know will influence our children in ways that will lead them to know and love Christ more. Anna is one of those students.”

– Nathan Stamper, spiritual life director, Madison-Ridgeland Academy


Parklane Academy, McComb

Trinity United Church, McComb

Parents: Ryan and Tabitha Speights

“God created me for spreading the good news of Christ and that is what I will do until the end of my time. My plan is to do as Jesus said in Ephesians 6:14 and stand firm in Christ by fastening the belt of truth around my waist, and by putting on the breastplate of righteousness.”

– Grace Speights

“When I think of Grace Speights, I am reminded of Psalm 19:14. She truly desires for the words of her mouth and the meditation of her heart to be acceptable in the sight of God.”

– Sarah Willis, teacher


Park Place Christian Academy, Pearl Lakeland Presbyterian Church, Flowood Parents: Andrew and Michelle Vincent

“Recently, I believe I found my calling to begin my journey of becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner. Neonatal patients are some of the most vulnerable in society. Not only do I want to be able to provide medical care for their needs, but also be a support system to families walking through a potentially scary time in their lives.”

– Anna Vincent

“At camp, (Anna) is a great cheerleader for fellow staff (and even directors like me). She welcomes new staff members and helps them feel a sense of belonging. She loves others as we are called to love our neighbors.”

– Lizzy Rhett, Twin Lakes assistant camp director

28 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living
– Amy Bates, Bible study leader – Leslie S. Lee, teacher VOWELL PHOTOGRAPHY BRUCKNER’S SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY

…that you may be filled up with all the fullness of God.

– Ephesians 3:19-21

We are so proud of you and love you so much! Keep your eyes on Jesus always.

Love, Mom, Dad, Neely, Joe, Rhodes, Meredith, Eli, and Alice

Sarah Sunday, you are a joy!

We can’t wait to see God’s plans for your life unfold!

Love, Dad, Mom, JM, Josh, Big Pop, MiMi, Grandpa, and BonBon

Congratulations to Olivia Monaghan and Anna Vincent on their selection as Christian Leaders

MARCH 2023 29
of the
Congratulations, Smith Walker
30 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living Congratulations, Victoria! You are such an amazing young woman. Continue to keep God first and to let your light shine. We love you, Mom, Dad and Brianna We are so proud of you, Lee! Love, Dad, Mom, MiMi, Papaw Reese,
Congratulations, Autum!
Papaw Ernie, and Mamaw Fannie
Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will succeed. – Proverbs 16:3 Congratulations,Caroline!
Winona Christian School
mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 31 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. – 1 Corinthians 15:58, ESV Anna Sceroler Congratulations, Grace Speights! Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. – Proverbs 4:23 Caroline Nelson Congratulations to RCA Senior named as a finalist among Mississippi Christian Leaders of the Future 2023 KSON, MS 39211 JA CALL 601.362.9676 TO SCHEDULE A TOUR TOD LEAD A LIFE OF PURPOSE JACKSON ACADEMY 4908 RIDGEWOOD ROAD, JACKSON, JACKSONACADEMY.ORG TODAY OLIVIA CLAIRE WILLIFORD GRACIE DREW PRATT MOLLY BALDWIN Congratulations to our JA seniors named among Mississippi Christian Living magazine’s Christian Leaders of the Future.


Gulfport High School

First Baptist Gulfport; Trinity United Methodist Church, Gulfport

Parents: Michael and Alice Walker

“I believe God is calling me to pursue a degree in education and coaching so I can invest into students and help them reach their full potential spiritually, academically, and athletically. I have seen firsthand the impact a coach can have on his team. … Teachers and coaches are a great support system that can change students’ lives for eternity.”

“(Smith) has completed over 100 hours of community service … But even beyond (that), Smith can always be counted upon to provide kindness and understanding to his peers inside and outside of the classroom.”


Oak Grove High School, Hattiesburg Hardy Street Baptist Church, Hattiesburg

Parents: Rev. William and Christy Wall

“Despite the difficulties (of pastoral ministry), my father never neglected his relationship with my mother and with his two boys. He understood that he could not faithfully love and serve Christ’s church without doing the same with his family. He has shown me that my ministry will not be successful if I neglect my relationship with Christ and my family.”

“The manner in which (Jackson) builds relationships with those of opposing worldviews while interspersing Biblical truth demonstrates wisdom that can only come from the Lord.”


Madison-Ridgeland Academy

First Baptist Jackson

Parents: Danny and Tamah White

“Since I can remember, every morning I wake up I see (my dad) sitting in his chair reading his Bible and praying. Most nights when I go and tell my parents goodnight, he is (doing the same). My dad leads our family in the godliest way and truly exemplifies what it means to be an ambassador for Christ.”

“Young children are wonderful judges of character. Come to a pep rally, football game, soccer game or anywhere children are able to see Abby, and you will witness dozens of children running to Abby to receive a big hug from her. She is important to them because she has shown them that they are important to her.”

– Frances Dykes, mentor


Hernando High School

Hernando Baptist Church

Parents: David and Jennifer Williamson

“I have been immensely blessed to be a leader in my school and community, but how am I leading them? … Without Christ, it is like the blind leading the blind. God has given me opportunity after opportunity to be a light. My prayer is that I am obedient and bold enough to take it.”

– Peyton Joy Williamson

“As a freshman (Peyton’s) attitude was different from everyone else. She never let her teammates feel alone or discouraged. She played a vital role in keeping positive momentum in our backfield. She has only matured this leadership throughout high school. It is no surprise, that as a Senior, Peyton was voted team captain.”


Jackson Academy

First Baptist Jackson

Parents: Samuel and Alicia Williford

“(At Girls Nation) I quoted Bible verses and told them that I wanted to embody specific Christian leaders. Even though I became (the) object of acrimony (for many), nor received the scholarship, a small group of girls thanked me for speaking what I believed and for being fearless when holding the microphone despite the consequences.”

– Olivia Claire Williford

“For someone who excels in all she does, (Olivia) maintains a humble demeanor. She recognizes her strengths and uses them to improve her weaknesses. She is very willing to help others with classwork without condescension or pride.”

– Leah Busby, teacher



Morrison Heights Baptist Church, Clinton

Parents: Wes and Carly Winborne

“(My D-group leader AJ Kyser) taught me that I have no reason to be intimidated when it comes to reading through scripture and stepping up to become a leader. I learned that a good leader listens to those around them. I truly saw Christ through AJ.”

– Jordan Ann Winborne

“(Jordan Ann) discreetly moves to sit by a student who is sitting alone during service. She recognizes when a younger girl needs a comforting hug. She steps up to greet and include first-time visitors or those infrequent attendees. … Jordan Ann embodies all that I hope my young daughters grow up to be.”

– Erin Taylor, small group leader Y

- Jana Perkins, soccer coach


Gethsemane — What an incredible place!

Where Christ, in love, displayed His Grace!

Salvation was ultimately settled there … When Jesus fell to His knees in prayer!

“Your will, and not Mine, Be Done!”

Was the cry of God’s own Son!

He agreed to pay the price for me … Right there on His knees, at Gethsemane!

In a place called Gethsemane’s garden … Jesus decided to seal my pardon!

The agony and sorrow He felt in that hour — Must have almost exceeded his power! But, it didn’t exceed His love for me … That love was quite evident at Gethsemane!

Christ had a choice in those fateful hours … To give up His own life in exchange for ours! Praise God He loved us and set us free! And Thank You, Jesus, for Gethsemane!

The weight of the world was upon Him that day As he knelt in Gethsemane’s garden to pray!

“Father, take this cup from me? “He pled …”

While sweat drops of blood fell from His head!

He’d asked His disciples to stand watch, and pray … But they fell asleep as He walked away. So alone, with His Father, down on His knees — Our salvation was sealed at Gethsemane!

Peggy and Gene Brown

Have a Blessed Easter Season

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Elise Johnson

Ryan Matthew Adkins

We are so proud of you. It’s been an honor watching you grow into the man God created you to be.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Anna

We love ya, baby girl! May you achieve all of your dreams!

Congratulations, Ab



“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

– Jeremiah 29:11

We are so excited to see what God has planned for your future, Cate. We love you! Mom, Dad and Cole

May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

❤ ❤ ❤
Dad, Amelia, PaPa and RuRu and JeJe
– Romans 15:13 j 34 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living
igail Wh Whitite We love you! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. – Psalm 139:14
Congratulations, Lee Easterling!
mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 35
36 MARCH 2023 Mississippi Christian Living She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. – Proverbs 31:25 Congratulations,Grace Speights! We are so proud of you! CALL US 24-HOURS A DAY AT 601.977.8484 • 800.844.4298 pcnursing.com IN-HOME SERVICES • Owned and operated by nurses • We understand caregiver needs • Services for all ages • Let us help! “Over 30 years of providing statewide services” HIRING

Should I attend a private, or public college?

QUESTION: I've been accepted to a private Christian university and a public university. I’d love to go to the public one, but I'm afraid of losing my faith. What do I do?


How exciting! Not only to have multiple colleges and universities to accept you into their school, but also to know that you have the option to choose a uniquely Christian college or the broader-scope option of public university. Both are equally a blessing to be received.

As for your question, reader, I would caution you not to see this as an “either-or” situation but “what is in the best interest of my future and training goals.” Both places will hone your academic skills and help you become competent in a discipline of your choice. While it is true one school has a more pronounced Christian worldview, don’t view college as only a place to receive. See it as a place to give.

Your main objective is to learn and grow and perhaps have fun in your college years, but as a Christian, remember that you are to demonstrate what a believer believes, says and does, even among people who do not. This is a perfect opportunity to develop your Christian witness and leadership skills in a public place. Public university won’t take from you unless you allow it to. Yes, there may be more access to questionable things, people and activities that don’t align with your faith values, but believe it or not, the same distractions will also be found at a Christian university.

Are you more prone toward straying from your faith … ?

If that is true, then the Christian university might (be the right choice). If you can trust God and can self-manage … then a public university might be a way to shine in a sometimes-dark place.”

The real deciding factor comes from prayer. What does God have to say about the where and when of your college experience? Spend some time and get counsel from others regarding this major life step. Are you more prone toward straying from your faith and need a more constant Christian involvement? If that is true, then the Christian university might satisfy that. If you can trust God and can self-manage your thoughts and behavior, then a public university might be a way to shine in a sometimes-dark place. A lot of this depends on how you are shaped and what works best for you.

If you don’t like large crowds and need smaller course discussions and more focused attention in a class of no more than eight to 10 people, then a Christian university might be a better fit. If you can hold your own regardless of who is in the room and you don’t have trouble making friends, then a public university may serve you well.

Either place will force you as the adult to take lots of initiative in your education, social life and faith journey. Pray, decide, and go change the world … one person at a time. You can do this because God is with you no matter where you go. Blessings. Y

Dr. Fred Hall is a licensed professional counselor (LPC), supervisor, life and leadership coach and consultant. He works with individuals, couples, families and organizations in training, speaking, consulting and clinical practice. He does clinical work at Cornerstone Counseling in Jackson.

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2023 37
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No other set of books, except the Bible, will prepare the reader for an abundant life NOW and for a glorious ETERNITY better than Hallelujah, Love & War and The Sound of Glorious Marriage Music. These books can be reviewed and purchased at amazon.com. Select Books and type in “by Joe Ragland.”

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

~ 1 TIMOTHY 4:12, ESV

He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds: From following the ewes great with young he brought him to feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance. So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands.

~ PSALM 78:70-72, KJV

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.


Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

~ MATTHEW 20:26-28, NIV

Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”

~ JOHN 6:28-29, ESV

At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. ~

Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.

~ LUKE 12:48, ESV

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.

~ JOHN 13:14-15, ESV

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

~ ACTS 20:28, ESV

Moses’ father-in-law replied, “What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.”

~ EXODUS 18:17-18, NIV

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