Mississippi Christian Living: March 2024

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4 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living VOLUME 18, NUMBER 10 PUBLISHER MS Christian Living, Inc. EDITOR Katie Ginn katie@mschristianliving.com ART/GRAPHIC DESIGN Sandra Goff SALES Evan Alford, Teresa Howell CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Chris Bates, Chris Fields, Dr. M. Dean Register, Dr. Teena Welborn, Jade Whitehurst COVER PHOTOGRAPHY Stegall Imagery DISTRIBUTION ASSISTANTS Rachel and Nettie Schulte, Jerri and Sammy Strickland, Rachel and Bob Whatley Mississippi Christian Living P.O. Box 1819 Madison, MS 39130 601.345.1091 mschristianliving.com
Christian Living is committed to encouraging individuals in their daily lives by presenting the faith stories of others and by providing information that will point every person, at every stage of life, to a deeper, authentic, personal, and life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Views expressed in Mississippi Christian Living do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the Mississippi Christian Living staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2024 by MS Christian Living, Inc. Mississippi Christian Living is published monthly and is available for free at hightraffic locations throughout the tri-county area. Subscriptions are $29 a year. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Mississippi Christian Living, P.O. Box 1819, Madison, MS 39130. contents MARCH 2024 instagram.com/MSChristianMag CONNECT WITH US: facebook.com/MSChristianLiving columns 8 Modern Motherhood Teach your kids to ‘test God’ in tithing 10 Faith, Fashion & Fitness Why the scale doesn’t tell the whole story 12 Health & Wellness Why self-discipline is crucial for your health 14 Outside In We gotta move 16 This Is My Story A murder, a baptism, and ‘holy grit’ 18 Lagniappe From West Nile to building birdhouses 20 Community Outreach Bible study to gather millennials, Gen Z in every issue 6 Editor’s Letter 42 Quips & Quotes 42 Advertiser Index cover story 23 Christian Leaders of the Future Meet our 2024 scholarship finalists! Debi Green: Surviving cancer, thriving in faith Coming next month
columnist Chris Bates
a way
has never forgotten. See page 14.
Bells peaks in
McLauchlin has handcrafted — and given away — an estimated 500 birdhouses. See page 18.
virus survivor Dennis

40 years,

Dear Christian Leaders of the Future,

As I write this, our scholarship awards program is only two and a half weeks away, and I can’t wait to meet all of you. I’m so excited to honor and encourage you as you embark on this new phase of life!

Back in the day, I earned a scholarship or two myself. But a few years later, I learned a couple of hard lessons — lessons which all my academic achievements and rule following had not prepared me for. I’d like to submit these lessons to you (and anyone else who may be reading), so maybe you won’t have to learn them the hard way like I did.

First, don’t cling to your faith; cling to Jesus Christ, the author of your faith (Heb. 12:2). Remember Peter? At one point, his faith wasn’t strong enough to claim Jesus in front of others; instead, he denied the Savior three times (John 18:15-27). If all Peter had had was his faith — if that’s what he’d relied on — he would’ve been lost as a goose. But his faith, though obviously weak, was rooted in Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, that’s who Peter relied on; that’s who he swam to frantically after Christ’s resurrection; and that’s who forgave him and restored him to his purpose (John 21). Ephesians 2:8 says our faith is a gift from God. We’ve got to rely on the Giver, not the gift.

Next, don’t ever think you can “figure God out.” If God were to answer every single one of our questions, our brains would explode. We can’t understand everything on this side of eternity, and that’s OK. Because we’re not God. If you grew up with good parents, they probably enforced some rules that you didn’t like or understand. Looking back, you can probably see how those rules were for your good. There could be exceptions; parents aren’t perfect. But God is. The things we don’t understand about God always have a purpose (Eph. 1:11-12), are always for our good (Rom. 8:28), and are always for His glory (Isa. 42:8). We just can’t always see how yet. Don’t refuse to trust Jesus because you don’t understand what He’s doing. Let what you do know about Him propel you

to trust Him with what you don’t know.

Bottom line? Trust in Jesus and not in yourself. Then live like it.

I don’t have a lot of other advice, but here are a few tidbits, based on things I did well and not so well in college:

Find a Christian community. This means a church, and it probably also means a campus ministry and/or Christian social or service group. NOTE: Make sure they believe Jesus is the only way to God, and make sure they’re grounded in the Bible, not just stuff that “sounds good.”

Find a mentor. Do your homework* on local pastors, campus ministers or other adults, and find one whose Christian walk you want to emulate. Meet that person at a coffee shop or other public place, and ask them about themselves: how they found their calling, what they wish they’d known in college, and any other questions you might have. Meet with them multiple times if you can. They’ll feel honored, and you’ll get to soak up some wisdom.

*Ask other people about the prospective mentor before you meet with them, especially if you meet with them multiple times, and listen to your gut. I don’t care who it is or how saintly they appear: If you get a weird vibe, even if you don’t know why, find another mentor. I was never taken advantage of as an undergrad, but too many young people have been.

Make a budget and stick to it. Ask a parent or a trusted (and financially wise) adult for help. Figure out how much total monthly “income” you’ll have, then decide how much of it you’ll spend on different categories. Put tithing first! Give that adult a copy of your budget, and ask him or her to check on you monthly. Your post-college self will thank you.

Whether you’re 18 or 98, I pray you’ll experience God’s grace today and every day. Enjoy this edition of MCL! Y

6 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living EDITOR’S LETTER
Revisiting my college town of Oxford, Miss., with my friends CC Allgood (middle) and Mandy Bufkin (right).
mschristianliving.com ❘ MARCH 2024 7 miskellys.com MEETS COMFORT

Teach your kids to ‘test God’ in tithing

God and His Word never change. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children to tithe to God’s ministry. With so many financial obligations for the modern family, it is sometimes difficult to see that taking from our “stretched” budget to give to God is the right thing to do.

I recently heard local preacher Terry Fant tell his congregation that it is not a command to give. It is not demanded of us as Christians; however, it is part of our worship and praise to Him. God gave a tremendous sacrifice by sending His only Son; therefore, as Christians, we should give of our firstfruits to Him. He tells us to test Him in this area. Wow, “test God” and see what happens! That is a huge statement and should be taken seriously.

Malachi 3:8-10 reads, “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse — your whole nation — because you are robbing me. Bring the

whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

Soak up that last verse for a minute — there will not be room to store it. That would be amazing to have that much blessing from our Heavenly Father!

Always allow your children to see you give. Explain why you are giving. If you receive a blessing from God, then talk about that blessing and how giving to God is part of praise and worship to Him. God will reward it.

Start young with your children and teach them that any time they receive an allowance or any money, some should be given to the church in worship to Him. Clarify what God says about blessing them in return for giving. When children are blessed, remind them about the times they gave to the church to expand God’s

Matthew Smith joyously shared the love of Christ with children and youth ministries through the special bonds he created with others during his time at Christian camps. His preparations for seminary were cut short when he suddenly passed away from a pulmonary embolism at the age of 22. Matthew was a devout believer and follower of Christ and his goal in life was to make people happy. He himself said the

kingdom, and clarify where that blessing came from.

In my opinion, churches are dying because too many Christians are using logic and not faith when it comes to giving. If we have $2,000 in our accounts to pay bills, and we make sure all our bills are paid first, then we are giving God the leftovers, that is using logic and not faith. We must have faith that when we tithe, God will do what He says and bless us beyond measure. He will provide and take care of us. I know this sounds foreign and scary to most, but in this area, it is God’s expectation for us. Test Him!

Additional scripture in 2 Corinthians 9:615 is also helpful. Happy tithing, moms! Y

Dr. Teena Welborn is a retired educator and author of “Raising Whosoevers to Be the Heart of Our Schools.” Dr. Welborn and her husband of 37 years, Cliff, live in Florence, Mississippi, where they raised their three boys. They are members of First Baptist Florence. She can be contacted at tlmwelborn13@gmail.com.

only way he knew how to achieve that was by sharing God’s message.

Matthew’s Mission intends to advance this goal by sponsoring students attending Christian camps. Please consider a tax deductible donation to sponsor students for “Summer 2024.”

8 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living MODERN MOTHERHOOD by DR. TEENA WELBORN
Please send your tax-deductible donations to: Matthew’s Mission • 101 S. Union Street • Winona MS 38967 matthewsmission.org • 601.832.6946
mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 9




IWhy the scale doesn’t tell the whole story

remember when I was a kid I used to love asking, “What’s heavier, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?” Then I anxiously waited to say, “Got ya! They weigh the same!” to anyone who said the bricks weighed more.

As a health and fitness coach, weight is a hot topic of discussion with my clients, and rightfully so. The reason most people begin their health and fitness journey is the desire to lose weight or keep it under control. Therefore, naturally we pick up our scales, dust them off and start tracking our progress. However, let’s refer back to my feathers vs. bricks question. A pound is a pound, no matter the substance, right? Well, our bodies are no different!

Have you ever started a new fitness program, and you’re putting in the work, checking your boxes, feeling proud of yourself, and then in four to six weeks the number on the scale hasn’t budged — or, gasp — it’s gone up? The frustration and panic that begins to boil inside is a real thing, and sadly this is where a lot of fitness goals go to die.

This is why I teach my clients that your weight is not the best indicator of your results. Muscle and fat have different properties and effects on our bodies. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same, but the appearance is totally different!

I think it’s important for anyone starting their health and fitness journey to understand this. The more you know about this topic, the more you can understand (and not get frustrated by) the process.

Here are a few differences between muscle and fat:

• Density. Muscle is denser than fat, meaning it takes up less space. That’s why gaining muscle can make you look leaner and more toned, even if your weight remains the same or goes up!

• Health implications. It’s natural for our bodies to have some fat! In fact, it’s beneficial. However, excessive fat accumulation, especially visceral fat, is linked to an increased risk of various health conditions such as heart disease. On the other hand, having higher muscle mass is associated with better metabolic health and overall wellbeing.

Let this be an encouragement to you not to let the scale be your number one indicator of health and fitness. I encourage my clients to think fat loss, not weight loss, and to focus more on non-scale victories, such as:

• Taking their measurements.

• Tracking their progress with transformation photos.

• Focusing on energy levels and morale.

• Noting how their clothes fit. The number on the scale does not speak the whole story! Focus on building muscle through regular exercise, weight training, and a balanced diet to improve your body composition and overall health. Y

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10 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living FAITH, FASHION & FITNESS by JADE WHITEHURST
Lloyd Local Owner
• Metabolism. Muscle tissue is metabolically active and burns more calories than fat tissue. The more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate is. This makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight. kitchentuneup.com KTU Jackson, MS
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Jade Whitehurst is a wife, mom, fitness coach, and eighth-grade science teacher. You can follow her on Instagram @jadewhitehurst_thefaithfitmom.





Niche, a private organization that annually ranks schools in the United States, has once again ranked St. Andrew’s as the #1 Best Private K-12 School in Mississippi and within the top 10% of private schools in the country. Criteria include academics, caliber of faculty, teacher/student ratio, diversity, college prep, sports programs, clubs, and extracurricular opportunities.

foundations – grade 12 | jackson & ridgeland, mississippi gosaints.org

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 11

Why self-discipline is crucial for your health

Discipline seems to be a glossed-over aspect of Christianity, which seems odd and contradictory since the word “Christian” denotes the practice of a particular discipline, the discipline of learning and practicing the teachings of Christ.

Discipline can mean a way of life, but it can also mean correction. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:11-12 that the Lord disciplines those He loves. It doesn’t denote how He disciplines or which form of discipline, it just says that He does it — yet receiving correction and following instructions or a set of teachings seems to be easier said than done. Is this because making the necessary corrections is hard or that changing our behavior isn’t always the most comfortable thing to do? We would rather make excuses than make corrections. We are taught, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” but do you even

know thyself enough to do that? Self-actualization is actually a biblical concept. So are self-awareness, self-correction and selfdiscipline. As a matter of fact, the Bible implores us to get ourselves together prior to attempting to get others together, and in theory, if we are constantly self-correcting based on God’s standards, we will always be getting ourselves together, leaving no time to concern ourselves with anyone else.

“ Self-actualization is actually a biblical concept. So are self-awareness, self-correction and self-discipline. As a matter of fact, the Bible implores us to get ourselves together prior to attempting to get others together.”

Making sure you have control of all your faculties is the best way you can be for anyone else. Being disciplined in Christ is the best way to be. Contrary to popular belief, God won’t make you change. He won’t make you do anything. It’s against His will. He’ll only show you what needs to be changed, and it’s up to you to make those necessary changes.

In our practice we encounter a lot of people who don’t understand the concept of self-management. This is how the concept works: We provide the necessary information, and we provide tips and proven ways to implement that knowledge into your everyday life, based on our experience and expertise; then you implement it. The ongoing process after the initial evaluation and implementation is re-evaluation (our responsibility) and reimplementation (your responsibility). That’s it! Nothing more than that — yet for a lot of people it seems like the most foreign concept.

God has put processes in place and He has already made provisions for you to walk in His divine health and healing naturally and supernaturally. He’s placed people along your path to provide you with the necessary information that will help you tap into His plan of health and healing. Now it’s time for you to do your part.

I’m saying this on the heels of a long day of client interactions and constant reiteration, but course correction is always necessary for us to know where we are and what we need to do to stay disciplined. It’s empowering. In order for us to HEAL Mississippi, we have to self-HEAL first, and the rest will take care of itself. Y

Chris Fields is executive director of H.E.A.L. Mississippi, a nonprofit whose mission is to reduce the impact of diabetes and other cardiometabolic disease in Mississippi. Our vision is to establish a high-quality, easily accessible standard of care for diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases. God created us to be whole and healthy, and He’s made provisions for us to walk in His divine plan related to our health and healing.

12 MARCH 2024 Mississippi Christian Living
mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 13

TWe gotta move

he Maroon Bells peaks provide some of the most majestic views in the Rocky Mountain range. At over 14,000 feet, they are truly breathtaking from below, and are daunting and challenging to scale. One July weekend, my cousin and I set out to do just that.

Starting in the cool early morning before first light, we left town and drove out to a primary trailhead. We took what we needed in small packs, including extra food and supplies, climbing rods and water, and we set out toward the snow-covered peaks in the distance. Although I was in pretty good shape, he had lived in the area for many years and I was a visitor from sea level. Once we got to a 10,000-foot elevation, my lungs were burning severely and my body was screaming for oxygen and rest.

We made our goal in a high saddle area next to a small mountain lake between the peaks. I was excited and overwhelmed by the view and the accomplishment, but my body was spent. It

had never occurred to me how difficult the hike back out could be, and it turned grueling. With dark being imminent and our lack of enough gear for an overnight on the mountainside, there was no choice but to keep plodding one step in front of another. He must have said a hundred times, “We gotta move.”

It was taught to me years ago during a season of significant life struggle that we must keep moving forward because to stand still is to lose ground. Being stagnant makes us susceptible to too many opportunities for fear or shame to set in. The key piece to remember, though, is that when we move forward, we must wear the armor that we are provided. We are not expected by our Creator to battle in this world alone. We have two significant sets of tools.

The first tool is the armor that He provides. Ephesians 6:13-17 specifically gives that to us: “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Identify your pieces of armor and put them on every day.

The second tool is made of those around us. When we surround ourselves with the right ones, they are guiding and encouraging us, and we do the same for them in turn. Proverbs 27:17 proclaims: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Sometimes called “God with skin on,” the power of other trusted believers can help move us forward through anything that this world puts in our way.

We did make it out from our Maroon Bells venture, but all these years later I still take away the lesson of having to just stay in the fight, continue the journey, and hear that voice that says, “We gotta move.” The grand difference in daily life as it is today, though, is that I have learned so much more about our perpetual companion. God never leaves us, He never quits encouraging through fellow warriors and the Word, and He sees our destinations clearly. Y

Chris Bates is CEO of AgoraEversole, a full service marketing agency in Jackson, and can be reached at Chris@AgoraEversole.com. He and his wife, Stacy, live in Madison and have adult children and three grand boys.

14 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living OUTSIDE IN by CHRIS BATES
mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 15 @WMCareyU www.WMCarey.edu Connect with us! @CareyAthletics www.CareyAthletics.com Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God!

Say Goodbye to Joint Pain. Move Better. Live Better.



Holy Grit: The Will to Persevere by M. Dean Register is a refreshing oasis in a culture parched by doubt and despair. Holy Grit is a treasure for weary and wounded evangelicals and a straightforward challenge to reignite a love relationship with the Savior. It is good medicine for anyone who needs to persevere when life hits hard.

“If you want a book on how you can honor God with day-to-day, grindit-out, faith-filled Christian living, Holy Grit: The Will to Persevere by my friend Dean Register is absolutely the message for you.”

Medical authorities frequently champion the physical and emotional benefits of forgiveness. Dr. Amit Sood, renowned resiliency expert and former professor at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, contends that unforgiveness damages our health and suffocates us emotionally.

So why do we find it so hard to forgive? Why does it take so much holy grit?

One reason is because we misunderstand it. Forgiveness is not condoning an offense. Forgiveness is not a magic wand guaranteeing behavioral transformation; we can forgive, but we can’t coerce a favorable response. And forgiveness is not forgetting. Forgiveness is about replacing hurt with grace so that our remembering is void of retaliation and revenge.

As Christ followers, we have been too excessively forgiven by Him to withhold offering forgiveness to others. There is no salvation without forgiveness. We can never enjoy a right relationship with God unless we confess our need for His grace. At the cross, Jesus atoned for our sins and provided for the forgiveness we offer to others. Forgiving others flows from the forgiveness we have experienced from Jesus.

I was a young pastor in Gulfport when news spread about the murder of a beloved Biloxi couple, Judge Vincent Sherry and his wife, Margaret. After years of investigation by state and local law enforcement and the FBI, Mike Gillich, a Dixie Mafia kingpin, confessed his role and revealed the trigger man’s identity.

While Gillich was serving his sentence, a friend of mine built a relationship with him and often shared the forgiveness Jesus provides. Years passed until one day my friend pressed Gillich to decide if he wanted to surrender his life to the only Savior who could remove his guilt. An awkward moment followed. Gillich stared at the floor, then at my friend, until he humbly bowed his head, begging Jesus to forgive him and take over his life.

Several years later, when Gillich had served his sentence, my friend called to ask if I would baptize Gillich. He said Gillich had occasionally listened to me preach on TV.

I remember meeting Mike Gillich at a baptism pool. He looked frail. Gone was the swagger that once accentuated his profile. I held his hand as he gingerly stepped into the water. A man who had been known as a coldhearted criminal declared his faith in Christ. He slipped beneath the water, giving testimony of a transformed life. Some people wondered if Gillich’s conversion was genuine. I think it was. He died a few years later. A man who had lived with a condemned memory died with amazing grace. Only Jesus can forgive evil that has no reason with a redeeming love that has no limit.

We all need forgiveness. We all need the outrageous mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is always more forgiveness in His grace than there is sin in our lives. Y

Excerpts from this article are taken from the book “Holy Grit: The Will to Persevere,” Westbow Publishing, by M. Dean Register, 2023. Used by permission.

Dean Register is a passionate communicator of the gospel. He has served Southern Baptist churches in Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina and Mississippi and is the founding pastor of Crosspoint Church in Hattiesburg. He holds a doctor of theology degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Register wrote many of the devotional/study notes for “The Quest Study Bible” and is a veteran writer for LifeWay. His recent book is the highly acclaimed “Holy Grit: The Will to Persevere.”

16 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living THIS IS MY STORY by DR. M. DEAN REGISTER
A murder, a baptism, and the ‘holy grit’ of forgiveness

If you aren’t sure whether you have a relationship with God or where you’ll go when you die, please don’t put this magazine down until you’ve read the following:


For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. – Romans 3:23

For the wages of sin is death … – Romans 6:23a

The natural result and consequence of our sin is eternal death, or hell (Revelation 20:15), separated from God. This is because God is completely perfect and holy (Matthew 5:48), and His justice demands that sin be punished (Proverbs 11:21).


but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23b

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8

Jesus Christ died in our place on the cross and took on the punishment for all our sins (Isaiah 53:4-6). Then God raised Him from the dead (John 20)!


If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9

Trust in what Jesus has done for you — His death for your sins and His resurrection — and trust Him as Lord.


For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. – Romans 10:13


Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. – Romans 5:1

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39


So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. – Romans 10:17

If you decided to trust in Jesus, grow in your faith by reading more of God’s Word in the Bible. We recommend the gospel of John (it comes just after Luke) as a good starting point — or Romans!

Finding a church close to you that teaches faith in Christ is another important step. It’s crucial to spend time with other believers so we can encourage each other in our faith.

If you have questions about anything on this page, please contact us at 601.896.1432, or send us a message on Facebook @MSChristianLiving, Instagram @mschristianmag or Twitter @MSChristLiving.

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 17

From West Nile to building birdhouses: ‘It’s a blessing’

“MDRS clients like Dennis McLauchlin are our ambassadors. They show others why we’re here and what we do,” said Jennifer Gray, Director, Office of Communication at the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services.

Dennis is an ambassador of hope to the Laurel community by giving away his wonderful works of art. The uniquely crafted birdhouses adorn light poles and landscapes. It was a bout with West Nile virus that led Dennis to hone his woodworking skills and create gifts for his community.

“I found out I had West Nile and I started building birdhouses. I wanted the birds to have houses to eat mosquitoes to keep the West Nile virus from spreading. I’ve given away probably more than 500 of them. I just give them out to everybody and anybody that wants one,” said Dennis.

Confined to a wheelchair and unable to care for his daily needs, Dennis would be living in a nursing home if it weren’t for the MDRS Office of Special Disability Programs.

The Independent Living Waiver Program grant allows eligible



Partnership with:

participants like Dennis to stay in their home, saving Mississippi taxpayers $45,000 per year per participant.

“MDRS gives him the tools he needs to live independently. We provide home modifications, both indoor and outdoor, to ensure that he can maneuver comfortably and independently so he can live his daily life,” Jennifer said.

MDRS also provides Dennis with Personal Care Attendants who see to his daily needs. His OSDP Case Manager Anita Scott says he can work on his birdhouses and feel like he is making a difference in the lives of others because of the services provided by MDRS.

“Giving away his birdhouses gives Dennis a much-needed boost. When he can hand a birdhouse to somebody and let them know it is a gift from him really puts a smile on his face,” Anita said.

Dennis is grateful for MDRS and the opportunity to live life independently.

“It’s a blessing, there is no other word for it, because without (MDRS’) help I wouldn’t be able to do my ministry and live better for the Lord.”

If you would like to know more about the Independent Living Waiver Program, visit mdrs.ms.gov.

If you are interested in receiving a handmade birdhouse, call Dennis McLauchlin at 601-425-0344. Y

“I wanted the birds to have houses to eat mosquitoes to keep the West Nile virus from spreading,” said West Nile survivor Dennis McLauchlin.

Metro Bible study to gather millennials, Gen Z

The resounding cry from millennials and Gen Z as they continue to encounter the challenges and disappointments of life is, “There’s gotta be more … “ And there is! Metro, a Gathering of Younger Generations, is a life connection with God’s Word geared toward these two generations but welcoming to all.

Metro will meet for Bible study, prayer and fellowship on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, starting April 9 at 7 p.m., at Livingston Chapel, located in the Livingston Township development at the corner of highways 463 and 22. (Address: 1211 Spring Lake Ln, Flora, MS.)

Every soul was created for life and with purpose, and it is our hope in these gatherings to help those who are searching find both. Metro is sponsored by First Baptist Church of Satartia and Lead Pastor Royce Lott, Sold Out Ministries Inc., and Life Coach South.

For more information on Metro or its sponsors, visit frontlinejourney.org, email frontlinejourney@gmail.com or text 601-668-4584. Y

20 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living COMMUNITY OUTREACH Submitted by LIFE COACH SOUTH

Exceptional Education Now Affordable


MC has changed the higher education game in the state of Mississippi. We are the only university in the state that provides full-tuition scholarships to all admitted high school or transfer students who are residents of Mississippi. MC is committed to preparing its students and graduates to transform classrooms, advance health-care, lead businesses, unite teams, innovate technology, drive creativity, and champion the public good. At every step of their MC journey, students will be backed by a strong community who will inspire them to reach higher. We offer a dynamic, supportive environment where scholarship thrives, opportunity abounds, and Christ is magnified so that our students emerge determined to lead lives of significance, service, and distinction.

Visit mc.edu/apply for more info

Insurance and Administrative Solutions Join our team! www.morganwhite.com/careers a place of purpose.

For 16 years now, MCL has partnered with Belhaven University to honor outstanding Mississippi high-school seniors who show Christian character and academic excellence. Applications are reviewed by trusted believers, and we honor the finalists and winners at our yearly awards program at Belhaven.

One young man and one young woman will each receive a $2,000 scholarship to be used at the college or university of their choice. Two other finalists will receive smaller scholarships from Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Ballet Magnificat! Check our Facebook page for the live announcement of the winners starting at approximately 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5.

We hope these excerpts from the finalists’ application essays provide an encouraging look at what God is doing in Mississippi’s young people.

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors:

Gold: Morgan White Group

Silver: William Carey University, Mississippi College, Taylor Group of Companies

Bronze: Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Ballet Magnificat!

Friends: Herrin-Gear Lexus, Blue Mountain Christian University, Lakeside Moulding

In-kind: Fresh Cut Catering & Floral, MMI Dining, Stegall Imagery

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 23


● Tupelo High School

● Harrisburg Baptist Church, Tupelo

Parents: John and Jennifer Averette

We live in a lost, selfish, and selfcentered world, with people always saying, “Do what makes you happy!” What these people do not know is that true joy can only be found in the gospel … There is so much to be joyful about through God’s free gift of grace! John 15:11 is one of my favorite Bible verses because Jesus tells us that He came so that His joy may be in us, and that our joy may be made full. Though the world may try to tell Christians that living for Jesus is a boring life, we can show that there is so much joy in living for Jesus.


● Brandon High School

● Crossgates Church, Brandon

Parents: Anthony and Rachel Bailey

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were not from Babylon, and they did not belong there. However, they were there for a reason, and instead of bending like the other Israelites, they held firm in their faith. … I am often in situations where I don’t feel like I belong or where society is pressuring me away from God, but God always has a plan. Oftentimes it can be hard to hold faith when things don’t turn out how I expect. (Daniel 3:18) reminds me that faith is not based on results, it is based on God. This passage encourages me to continue to fight for my faith even when I don’t see God’s plan.


● Stone High School, Wiggins

● Venture Church, Wiggins Parents: Chet and Ashley Batson

I plan to live out my faith intentionally by being considerate of others around me. I will be loving of my neighbors, forgiving of those who wrong me, responsible for any duties I am given, and helpful to the people I encounter in my life. I will continue to be strong in my faith by reading the Bible, praying, and being involved in church. I think the key to this is being consistent in all aspects of life. Being the same person no matter what or who is around shows your true character and heart for the Lord.

24 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living Congratulations, Julia Jane!! We love you! Mom, Dad and Sid – John 15:11 © 2024 Cadence Bank. All Rights Reserved. Member FDIC. NMLS# 410279 Congratulations to Abi Alden Benton for being recognized as a 2024 Christian Leaders of the Future Scholarship Finalist Abi Alden is the daughter of Cadence Bank Mortgage Area Manager, Brad Benton. NMLS# 484954 CadenceBank.com/BradBenton





● Madison-Ridgeland Academy

● First Baptist Madison

Parents: Brad and Bridget Benton

God showed me (through a traumatic knee injury) that I was placing too much of my value in the achievements and recognition that came from sports ... This very challenging time in my life tested my faith and ultimately allowed growth in my relationship with God, teaching me that placing your value in something else besides God can leave you feeling broken and empty, but when God is at the center of your life, that is all you need ... Although I believe God wants us to give our best effort … I realize that being a good teammate, encouraging others, and shining the light of the Lord is far more important than any athletic achievement.


● Wheeler High School, Booneville

● Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Baldwyn

● East Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Booneville

Parents: Curt and Natasha Brown

Around my sophomore year of high school, I experienced a form of addiction that revolved around my nutrition …. I failed to listen to so many of (my Christian role models telling me) I was quite literally destroying my body. I turned to prayer, knowing that God was the only way out …. After (about eight months), I decided that this was not the way I wanted to live, and I can honestly say that God pulled me out of that addiction. One Sunday at church, the Lord completely convicted my heart and on that day, I knew something had to change. I still struggle from day to day, but my faith has held strong.


● Parklane Academy, McComb

● First Baptist Church, Summit

Parents: Steve and Melanie Bishop

I believe God is calling me to an occupation where I can serve others. As the second child of four, my parents refer to me as the frugal child. When I am gifted money, I save it. I try to be a good steward of my blessings and help my parents by taking care of my belongings. We live in a society where most people spend more than they make. I would love to become an accountant and work to help a company or individual manage their assets. I pray that God will lead me in accordance with His will.


● Christian Collegiate Academy, Gulfport

● Lemoyne Boulevard Baptist Church

● Michael Memorial Baptist Church

Parents: Ryan and Alexia Byrd

I wanted to be as influential as possible, so I chose to run for student body president. (In my campaign speech, I) spoke — through tears — about how the Lord had prompted me to do this ... I did not win, but as I told many, I felt as though this was not a campaign speech: It was a proclamation of God’s love. I have come to realize that my God-given desire to run had nothing to do with becoming president; it was about obedience and allowing God to speak through me. I thought that I needed power to have influence, but I was reminded that God uses the meek, like David, to reveal His power.

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C gratulati s! Britton Cooper


We are so proud of you and love you so much! Always reach for your dreams and follow God’s Word.

Love, Mama and Dad

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 27

Digestive Health Specialists would like to congratulate

Best wishes at Auburn!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. – PROVERBS 3:5-6

We are proud of you,


● Germantown High School, Gluckstadt

● Grace Crossing Baptist Church, Canton

Parents: Kevin and Pamela Cooper

God calls us to work hard for our families and for His name’s sake, not for recognition and fame. I have seen the Proverbs 31 woman lived out personally in both my grandmothers. Because of their daily commitment to Christ, I want to be a woman not clothed in Lululemon but “clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come” (Prov. 31:25). Even through the adversity of losing children, husbands, and lifelong friends, my grandmothers have lifted their losses for the cause of Christ and remained joyful during dark times. It is my prayer that I will also live this scripture out as an example of Christ’s love.


● Bayou Academy, Cleveland, Miss.

● Boyle United Methodist Church

Parents: Brad and Angela Cooper

My favorite Bible passage is Isaiah 40:31. … This was a verse that we would recite every week in chapel. I try to live by this verse by not being weary and (by) waiting on the Lord. This passage is so close to me that I try to base-my day-to-day life on it. It has strong words that mean a lot to me, and those words will stick with me for the rest of my life. Living upon the Bible’s expression is one of the best things anyone can do because the words are so good and truthful that they improve daily life.


● Germantown High School, Gluckstadt

● Word of Life Church, Highland Colony

● The Gathering Church, Madison Mother: Allison Dean

I believe intentionality starts by creating time. This world is becoming antagonistic because no one is making time for God anymore. I plan to live out my faith intentionally by creating time to spend with God by hosting Bible studies and creating environments where people want to worship God and honor Him. I want to be the example of great faith towards the Lord, and that is what motivates me to be intentional with my own faith. That is also why I have chosen a Christian college to further my education and stay rooted in places that encourage my faith.

28 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living
loved beyond measure. Mom and Dad
You are

Congratulations to Hannah Holm on her selection as a Christian Leader of the Future!

mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 29

Congratulations, Stuart Long!

We are so proud of you, Ansley Claire!

We love you so much! Mom, Dad, and Lillian


● Hartfield Academy, Flowood

● Lakeland Presbyterian Church, Flowood Parents: Michael and Melanie Dew

Getting to share about the life and miracles of Jesus with 3- and 4-yearolds (at church) is so wonderful because even at their age, they are able to grasp that Jesus loves and cares for them. I love that I am able to see that the Holy Spirit is planting seeds in children. Hopefully, I will one day be blessed with children of my own that I can teach the Bible to, and if I am not then I would love to be able to teach (other) children. Training children up in the way of the Lord can result in teenagers and adults who love the Lord and love sharing His Word with others.


● Homeschooled

● Colonial Heights Baptist Church, Ridgeland Parents: Karl and Jennifer Gager

In 9th grade, I was on a public school basketball team. (My) teammates’ speech was not edifying to the Lord. … On and off the court, I encouraged my teammates, sought to understand them, and displayed love and compassion. Just as Jesus valued relationships … it was important to me that I established relationships with each individual player. (Some) girls realized that I carried myself differently. (They) were attracted to (my confidence) because it was unusual. Their curiosity led to many questions. This led to praying before each game, which set up how we played. … Although we lost more than half of our games, planting seeds of faith mattered most.


● French Camp Academy

● First Presbyterian Church, Kosciusko Parents: Paul and Annie Gundy

I believe that if I approach antagonistic reactions from the world with a humble and contrite spirit, I will show Jesus shining through me. In response to being antagonized, many Christians respond in a defensive manner. Instead, my responding in boldness with humility and meekness can show others Christ’s character. Whether on a college campus or in a workplace, I must cling to the truth found in 1 John 4:4 — “Greater is the one living inside of you than he who is in the world” — when I am antagonized about my faith and beliefs.

30 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”– PROVERBS 3:5-6 2024 CHRISTIAN L E AD E RS OF TH
“Y ou r testim o nies are my herita g e f o rever, f o r they are the j o y o f my heart.” Psalm 119:111


Congratulations to our own senior Maci Thomas for being selected as a 2024 Christian Leaders of the Future scholarship finalist.

❦I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

– 3 JOHN 1:4

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North Veterans
Tupelo, Mississippi 38804 662.844.1704



● Homeschooled

● First Presbyterian Church, Gulfport Parents: David and Ginny Hale

I have several roles within my church. On Wednesdays, I sometimes teach my youth group, an experience that has been both fulfilling and educational. I’m also a greeter, bellringer, and sporadic odd-job doer. I’m also employed as a custodian for the facility. Psalm 84:10b states, “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” I seek to exemplify this spirit of joy in my work. I enjoy serving my community, and am often kept busy with calls to assist elderly and disabled neighbors. (Also, teaching at my homeschool co-op) has caused me to more appreciate the work involved in education.


● Park Place Christian Academy, Pearl

● Park Place Baptist Church, Pearl

Parents: Kenneth and Renee Holm

I am in charge of the worship band for my youth group. … I believe that because I am in charge, it is of utmost importance that everything I say and do reflects Christ. In (moments) of frustration, I have to remind myself that whatever happens is for the glory of God. It is not about me or my performance. There is only one reason for what I do, even if that means humbling myself and changing plans ... It is a personal challenge to use my authority in a way that shines for Christ instead of simply shutting down an idea or suggestion that I disagree with.


● Clinton High School

● Morrison Heights Baptist Church

Parents: Jaret and Sarah Holmes

(My dad) has shown me how a Godly man should lead his wife — with love and compassion. He taught me to be loving and stand firm in Christ in trials and tribulations. He was the one who led me to Christ, and now he is my role model for how someone in Christ should conduct himself. His life has impacted mine the most by showing me his wisdom whenever I have a problem. He points me back to how Jesus would respond, giving me spiritual guidance on how I should be living my life. He has shown me the most remarkable example of living like Jesus and has dramatically impacted my life.

32 MARCH 2024 Mississippi Christian Living
THE FUTURE 2024 Congratulations to to For being named as a Colliers wishes to congratulate a member of our extended family, Conner Shurden (son of our Controller, Ron Shurden) for being named as a Christian Leader of the Future! “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.” - Jeremiah 29:11

Caroline Batson, we are so proud of you!

Keep God first and He will guide your path!


Love, Mom, Dad, Mary Grace and Brax


We wish you nothing but the best!

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
– MATTHEW 5:16

Friend, we are so proud of you and cannot wait to see what all the Lord does in your life!

FBJ Students

Congratulations, Catelyn!
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Congratulations Ruth Bishop
FBJ Students - Friend Walker - MS Christian Living Quarter Page indd 1 2/19/24 10:05 AM


● Wheeler High School, Booneville

● Trinity Bible-Believing Church, Baldwyn

Parents: Chris and Shelly Kitchens

I wholeheartedly believe that God has called me to serve through missions. I know in today’s time, this is not viewed as a “career,” but it definitely can be. I remember the exact moment God confirmed to me that this was His will for my life. It was two years ago, and I was praying at the altar during church camp. God spoke so clearly to my heart: “We are gonna go.” For a 15-year-old girl, this was nearly terrifying. However, peace soon came to me through the realization that He had not intended (just) to send me, but rather go with me.


● Tupelo Christian Preparatory School

● Harrisburg Baptist Church, Tupelo

Parents: Chad and Amanda Long

My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 27:17 … “Iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another.” (My) dad taught me this verse at a young age, which has stuck with me ever since. … One cannot go through this journey without people being there for them. When you fall, they will be the ones to pick you up. When you make bad decisions, they will be the ones to call you out. … Accountability is the number one thing that has helped me grow in my faith. I am so thankful for the people God has surrounded me with, and I will continue to seek these relationships.


● Purvis High School

● First Baptist Church, Purvis


● Laurel Christian School

● Grace Covenant World Ministries, Ellisville

Parents: Daniel and Melany McElhenny

I intend my first mission field to be the speech and debate community. (I want) to share the love of God in an area where I was once afraid to reveal that I was a Christian. I am determined to be courageously different from my competitors and show the light of Christ brighter than I ever have. As I go to college this next year, I will also stand boldly in my faith and speak up about what I believe. I will refuse to be conformed to this world .... Most of all, I will always strive to show the love of God. The love of God can melt the coldest heart.


● St. Augustine School, Ridgeland

● Riverwood Bible Church, Jackson

Parents: Clay and Kristen Meyer

Around a year ago, my boss approached me with a ministry opportunity: Go to inner-city Jackson and teach football and the gospel to children from around the area. … This was the first big chance I had ever received to evangelize, and truthfully, the idea initially scared me. … That night, I prayed earnestly to God, asking for the right words to say …. God blessed my time with energetic, vibrant kids who had a blast playing football and listening intently to my explanation of Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Some of them even hugged me at the end. On the drive home, I felt something I never had experienced before: purpose.

Parents: Matt and Amy Lott (My coworker said) she did not understand how I always had a smile on my face. I was so excited ... God had answered my prayer and planned to use me, but I got uncomfortable and nervous and did not share the gospel .… after much prayer, the Lord gave me the confidence to reach out and tell her that the reason I was always smiling was because I have the joy of the Lord in my heart. I read her 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” God helped me overcome my anxieties about living out my faith, and through that, I planted a seed.


● Lewisburg High School, Olive Branch

● Getwell Church, Southaven

Parents: Ron and Kimberly Shurden

By spending time with God in prayer and study, I am able to keep my focus on the love and grace of Jesus and then mirror that in my relationships with others. Also, I feel it is important to attend church and (mentor) those younger than myself to hopefully lead them to Christ. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” By being a part of the children and youth programs at church, I can provide an example of a Christian to them and hopefully make an impact on their lives that they will then pass to the next generation.

34 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living



We are so proud of you!

Love, Your Church Family at Grace Covenant

are so proud of you Cooper Love, Dad Mom Brady and Alex mschristianliving.com MARCH 2024 35 Abi Alden!
are so proud of you, We can’t wait to see what God has planned for your future! Love, Mom and Dad CONGRATULATIONS, BRITTON COOPER! 2024 Christian Leader of the Future Your Bayou Academy family is proud of you and your accomplishments. You represent our academy well! Congratulations!
are very proud of you! Love, Dad, Mom, Marley, Owen and Levi Habakkuk 3:17-19 Congratulations, Aubrey Kate!


● Pisgah High School

● Pinelake Church, Reservoir

Parents: Aaron and Laura Smith


● Mooreville High School

● Lawndale Presbyterian Church, Tupelo Mother: Misty Thompson

(When) I am constantly in the Word and in a deep and meaningful relationship with the Lord, I am given the strength and wisdom to protect myself. I also surround myself with a Christ-like group of friends …. I will pray and ask God for wisdom when I am making big decisions ... Lastly, I will spread the gospel wherever I am in life. One of my youth pastors (said), “People can’t be found if they don’t know they are lost.” This has always stuck with me (because) people who do not know Jesus do not know that they are living the wrong way. Therefore, it is our job to help them understand the gospel.

I know that I must feed on the Word daily, spend time in real prayer, and really seek godly counsel from older and wiser believers. Upon making college visits, I have requested meetings with the campus RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) ministers to find ways to be involved in this. I also plan to visit local churches right away and seek a college church home to become very active in. I feel that it is important for me to speak up about my faith when needed, but more importantly to let my life be an example that draws others towards Christ and makes them actually doubt the agnosticism that might be calling their name.


● Madison-Ridgeland Academy

● Madison Methodist Church

Parents: Jason and Stephanie Strong

In (my school’s Student Leadership Institute), not only was I transformed radically in my faith journey, but I was also able to be under the guidance of Nathan Stamper ... I am grateful to have experienced his firm faith in Christ as my teacher and as my spiritual mentor. … I had such a hard time understanding (theology), but he always aided me thoroughly in my questions. In this particular season, Coach Stamper has impacted me the most by calling me out in love where I fail to understand and helping me learn to fill my life with the abundant truth/light of Jesus regularly. Without his guidance, I would still be chasing the world.


● Mooreville High School

● Hope Church, Tupelo

Parents: Sam and Nikki Thomas

Reading (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) makes me so thankful to be created by a God who loves us so deeply and gave us instructions to love the same way He does. There have been many times when I have tried to replace the word “love” with my name in hopes that it would accurately apply. These four verses have been my favorite verses because they help me to love other people the way that Christ loves His bride. I believe the foundation of sharing the gospel is in loving people. God’s Word emphasizes in John 13:35 that everyone will know we are His disciples if we love one another.


● New Albany High School

● Hillcrest Baptist Church, New Albany

● Christ Church, New Albany

Parents: Justin Treadaway, Jenny Hall

Before I was saved … I may have known all of the doctrines of justification, sanctification, and substitutionary atonement, but I did not know the one true God. … Instead of having faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, I was having faith in my own faith, in my own knowledge! (But God) softened my heart and showed me more of my own sinfulness and helplessness. Instead of trying to pray the right prayer, instead of trying to fully understand, I was like the man beside Jesus on the cross. If I knew nothing else, I knew that I couldn’t save myself … but that man, Jesus Christ, could.


● French Camp Academy

● French Camp Presbyterian Church

Parents: Richard and Erin Ulerich

I will strive to be a strong follower of the Lord Almighty, and to follow wherever He leads me. I do not care about the distance or the danger. If I can touch at least one heart and encourage them to keep going, even if times get rough, then that is a win, and the glory will always go to the Lord. To prepare to live in this world as a believer, I am also planning to attend a Christian college. I believe this environment would help me grow deeper with the Lord, build relationships with godly people, and to learn to stand my ground when it comes to my faith.

36 MARCH 2024 Mississippi Christian Living
and watch over you always. – ISAIAH 58:11 With all of our love, Mom, Noni and the rest of the bunch Congratulations Audrey! Congratulations,Friend All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. – PSALM 139:16 Love, Daddy, Mama, and John William mschristianliving.com ❘ MARCH 2024 37 2024 Christian Leaders of the Future finalist MADISON, MS Congratulations Karleigh Mei Gager! We are so excited to see what God has planned for you! We love you! Mom, Dad, & Alex He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. – PHILIPPIANS 1:6 Congratulations! Hannah Holm


● St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Ridgeland

● First Baptist Jackson

Parents: Tom and Crissie Walker


● Lewisburg High School, Olive Branch

● Eastpoint Church, Olive Branch

Parents: Timothy and Peyton Walker

As I read (David Platt’s book “Follow Me”) this summer … I began to see this world that is out to destroy my faith less as my enemy and more as my mission field. Furthermore, through passages such as 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, God has shown me the importance of being tethered to my fellow brothers and sisters in godly community. (I am called) to make disciples who make disciples while at the same time staying rooted in godly community which will keep me from the power of the enemy over my life and will guard my path with the accountability that comes from the Holy Spirit.

I met Mrs. Ginger (Osborne) because we attend the same church, and I (attend) a Bible study she leads ... The Bible study includes women from all walks of life ranging from age 12 to 70 years old. I think it is an incredible picture of how the gospel unites believers. Mrs. Ginger is the picture of a wise woman with a passion to teach women how to love like Christ. … I will forever be grateful for the opportunity Mrs. Ginger has given me and so many other women to meet and walk through life together by building one another up in the Word. Y

Mississippi Christian Living congratulates all our 2024 finalists!

38 MARCH 2024 Mississippi Christian Living Holmes Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:Title IX Coordinator: Vice President for Compliance and Institutional Research, Henry B. McClellan Administration Building, Post Office Box 369, Goodman, MS 39079, Phone: 662-472-9429, compliance@holmescc.edu. APR. 12 & 19 FRESHMAN FRIDAY is a special event each spring designed to assist high school seniors with registration for summer and/or fall classes. This day provides opportunities for students to meet other incoming freshmen and get some Holmes CC swag. We can’t wait to see you on campus! 1 (800) Holmes-4 | holmescc.edu GET A FRESHMAN FRIDAY Scan the QR code to reserve your spot & skip the crowds! APRIL 12: GRENADA & RIDGELAND APRIL 19: GOODMAN Save the Dates! Save the Dates!
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Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.


11:28-30, NIV

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.


No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.


In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

He must increase, but I must decrease.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me — put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in

42 MARCH 2024 ❘ Mississippi Christian Living QUIPS & QUOTES ADVERTISING PARTNERS PAGE Ballet Magnificat! School of the Arts 37 Bayou Academy 35 Belhaven University 2 C Spire 3 Cadence Bank 24 Capital Ortho 16 Chick-fil-A Madison 37 Colliers 32 Crossgates Church 13 Digestive Health Specialists 28 First Baptist Jackson Students 33 Freshway Produce 26 Grace Covenant World Ministries 35 Harrisburg Baptist Church Students 33 Hartfield Academy 32 H.E.A.L. Mississippi 12 Holmes Community College 38 Holy Grit: The Will to Persevere 16 Joe Ragland, author and attorney 39 Kay’s Kreations Bridal & Formal 31 Kitchen Tune-Up 10 Lakeland Presbyterian Church 29 Laurel Christian School 37 Madison-Ridgeland Academy ...................27 Madison-Ridgeland Academy Student Leadership Institute 31 Mascagni Wealth Management 44 Matthew’s Mission 8 Miskelly Furniture 7 Mississippi College 21 Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services ..................................18 Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes 39 Morgan White Group 22 P360 Performance Sports 39 Park Place Christian Academy 29 Parklane Academy 33 Pine Grove Treatment Center 5 Prentiss County Electric Power Association ............................................33 PriorityOne Bank .................................................40 Redeemed Women Gathering ..................39 Soccer Shots............................................................10 Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company 41 St. Andrew’s Episcopal School 11, 25 St. Dominic’s 43 Stegall Imagery 14 Sunnybrook 39 TAG Kids’ Club 41 The Taylor Group of Companies 19 Tupelo Christian Preparatory School 30 Twin Lakes Camp 20 Vine + Root Counseling 9 William Carey University 15 ADVERTISER INDEX
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