February 2012
Building Family
How to fight sibling rivalry
Tips to strengthen family unity
168 ideas for family fun this month
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February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
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Mark your calendar now for MetroFamily’s Kids Fest scheduled for Saturday, March 24th from 10am-4pm. You and your family will enjoy a family expo atmosphere, stage entertainment, inflatables and hands-on FUN at this one-of-a-kind event. Co-sponsored by Parents Assistance Center and Single Parents Support Network, the event also features a Safety Village provided by Oklahoma Safe Kids and a Character Corner where kids and families will enjoy creative projects designed to teach about positive character traits. Among the entertainment at this premier family fun event are Rumble from OKC Thunder, Extreme Animals petting zoo, Chesapeake Boathouse rowing, Spaghetti Eddie kindie band and more.
Your business or service can take advantage of invaluable face-to-face marketing by purchasing a booth. Contact us TODAY to insure availability (405-601-2081 or info@metrofamilymagazine.com).
Weekend Fun in your Inbox Have you subscribed to Weekend Picks yet? Each week, this e-newsletter provides you with our top 10 familyfriendly events in the metro, plus current info from our website, contests, coupons, five things to add to your calendar for the coming week and more. Sign up at metrofamilymagazine.com/ subscribe-to-weekend-picks.
On our website in February • The BIG Valentine’s Day Fun Guide • Consignment sales and store guide • Field Guides to help you make the most of your family outings, including NEW guides to OKC Museum of Art and City Arts Center • Guide to FREE family fun • Relationship tips from author/expert Laurie Puhn • AND MORE! Visit our site daily!
Join the MetroFamily community of active local parents at
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You could WIN big! Sign up to be eligible for these great prizes at www.metrofamilymagazine. com/contests. • We’re “showing the love” with our MetroFamily “Family Love” Contest. Grand prize is a romantic two-night stay for two at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, TX ($630 value). Deadline for submitting photos showing “family love” is February 16; voting runs February 17-27. Enter today! • Our February Giveaway features many fantastic family- and kid-friendly products, all valued at over $300. Deadline is February 16. • Win one of two family four-packs to opening night of the musical Mamma Mia! brought to the Civic Center Music Hall by Celebrity Attractions (February 15-18). Deadline February 9. • The Family Game Night Giveaway ($116 value) continues through February 9, with another package of game night prizes ($121 value) being offered starting February 10. • Watch MetroFamily’s appearance on FOX 25’s morning show mid-month and enter to win a prize pack of cool Problem-Solving Products ($200 value).
You could SAVE big! Find valuable coupons to these businesses at www. metrofamilymagazine.com/okc-familydiscounts. • Museum of Osteology • GattiTown • Skills for Living • Bouncin’ Craze • Play Nation playground sets • Jump!Zone • Gymboree classes • Kelly Haines, family hair stylist • College Nannies & Tutors, Edmond • Daniels Compounding Pharmacy PLUS, save at over 30 Oklahoma attractions with Kids Pass!
Contents Family Relationships
Photo courtesy of Downtown OKC, Inc.
February 2012 6
Dear MetroFamily
Family Shorts
Editor’s Note.
Community news, resources & other family-friendly information.
14 Your Healthy Family Skin care for harsh winter weather.
18 Real Moms of the Metro
Jen Jantzen: Assistant News Director and mom of two.
20 Oklahoma Reads
Great reads for all.
22 Exploring Oklahoma A romantic night out at the Moore Warren Theatre.
24 Ask the Expert
Fighting kids? The experts— and our readers—weigh in.
28 Question of the Month
12 26
What does your family do for fun?
What’s the secret to raising friendly siblings? Seven tips for encouraging closeness in your kids.
30 Problem Solving Products You’ve got problems? We’ve found solutions.
31 Character Corner Exploring kindness.
Time spent together builds more than just memories—it builds your family’s unique identity.
32 Focus on Education Battling bullying.
35 Calendar
Fun events, activities and classes.
46 Photo Gallery ON OUR COVER: Raymond, age 4, and Jenna, age 7, are the children of Feng Li and Yuhao Jiang of Edmond. PHOTO BY: Randy Coleman, www.randycolemanphotography.com
Our readers share their favorite generational photos.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Dear MetroFamily, I think happy is a choice but it’s also the love child of a leprechaun and the tooth fairy. A friend tweeted this to me the other day after we had a short discussion on being happy. I just can’t believe that happiness is unattainable; I think if it seems out of reach, then you might need to change your idea of what “happy” really means. I don’t look at happiness as the end result but rather as the path I’m taking. Every moment is a new opportunity to choose happiness. This has been a big topic in my life as I’ve endured a lot of ups and downs, and I actively try to find the good in every situation. Life is still complicated and challenging. And I still get angry or frustrated or anxious or grumpy; but at the root of it, I try to stay happy. One key to finding happiness is in my family relationships. If the people in my house are disconnected or unhappy, it matters. This month’s issue is all about family relationships—your relationship with your spouse, your relationship with your children, your children’s relationships with one another. Strong, positive relationships go a long way toward building strong, positive families. We offer tips for happy families and happy children in our features this month, and our readers have provided us with great ideas as well. Be sure to celebrate your family and find new ways to be happy together. Cheers,
Photos, from top: Happy moments. A family day out at the OKC Zoo, visiting the new elephants. What could be more fun than a party? My kids share their ideas for “rwes.” Date night is always an opportunity for fun.
Info And Questions: 405-601-2081 To submit events to our calendar calendar@metrofamilymagazine.com Publisher Sarah L. Taylor sarah@metrofamilymagazine.com Editor Mari M. Farthing editor@metrofamilymagazine.com Art Director Kathryne Taylor kathryne@metrofamilymagazine.com Advertising Sales Athena Delce Dana Price ads@metrofamilymagazine.com Office and Distribution Manager Kathy Alberty kathy@metrofamilymagazine.com Assistant Editor & Online Content Manager Brooke Barnett brooke@metrofamilymagazine.com Calendar Editor Sara Riester calendar@metrofamilymagazine.com Special Projects Assistant Terri Fields Contributing Writers Laura Amann, Brooke Barnett, Natacha V. Beim, Shannon Fields, Sarah Holmes, Kristen Hoyt, Laura Krupicka, Heidi Smith Luedtke, Karen Mitchell, Tice Swackhamer Circulation 35,000 – OKC, Edmond, Nichols Hills, Norman, Moore, Midwest City, Yukon Also available as a digital edition at MetroFamilyMagazine.com. Articles and advertisements in MetroFamily do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine or Inprint Publishing, Inc. We do not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. The acceptance of advertising by MetroFamily does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services, or information. We do not knowingly present any product or service which is fraudulent or misleading in nature.
P.S. Visit metrofamilymagazine.com/mari to read my blog, “Keeping it Real,” about my personal adventures in the ups and downs of parenting.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
MetroFamily Magazine is published monthly by Inprint Publishing, Inc. 725 NW 11th, Suite 204 • Oklahoma City, OK 73103 Fax: 405-445-7509 E-mail: info@metrofamilymagazine.com ©Inprint Publishing, Inc. 2012, All Rights Reserved. Volume 15, Number 2
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Contributing writers: Brooke Barnett, Mari Farthing
Miradas: Ancient Roots in Modern and Contemporary Mexican Art
Fighting Childhood Obesity
In December 2011, it was announced that Oklahoma had dropped to 48th in the nation for state health. According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health, contributing to this low score are a number of factors, including a high percentage of children living in poverty and an increase in obesity rates.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, studies show that an obese 10 – 13 year old child has an 80 percent greater chance of becoming an obese adult than a non-obese child of the same age. Children of obese parents have the same increased risk. Obesity has been shown to lead to increased rates of depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and breathing problems. How can you help your kids fight obesity?
• Consult your child’s pediatrician for advice about creating a healthy eating and exercise plan. • Eat meals together as a family and limit snacking. • Know the foods your child eats at school and what type of physical activity your child participates in. • Model appropriate behavior by choosing healthful options over foods with questionable nutritional value. • Avoid using food as a reward or punishment for behavior. • Learn about healthful eating together through research. • Let your children be responsible for their food choices by offering a variety of healthful options, but be wary of making any foods off-limits. Teach your children that all foods can be acceptable in moderation. To learn more about guidelines for healthy eating, check out the the MyPlate and You books (Capstone, $6 each) which provide information about the basic food groups, plus fun facts about eating, exercise and good nutrition.
City Arts Center invites you to bring your family to explore the rich history of Mexican art by experiencing the exhibit Miradas: Ancient Roots in Modern and Contemporary Mexican Art from the Bank of America Collection (February 14 through May 4). Miradas offers a glimpse into the creative explosion following the Mexican Revolution through paintings, prints and photographs. The exhibition is free to the public and includes works by Diego Rivera, Manuel Alvarez Bravo and Rufino Tamayo and others. How can you best view art in a gallery setting with your family?
• Plan your visit around a time that is best for your child. • Use the City Arts Center’s educational guide to help lead you through the gallery or print the field guide at metrofamilymagazine.com/field-guides. • Stay three steps back from artwork; use your eyes to see, not hands to touch. • Play a game like, “I spy” to locate colors and shapes. Of course, the best part about looking at artwork with a child is seeing it through their eyes. Let them tell you the story they see.
City Arts Center is located on the State Fairgrounds at 3000 General Pershing Blvd. Call 405951-0000 or visit www.cityartscenter.org to learn more. Visit www.metrofamilymagazine. com/february-2012 for a fun art activity that you can participate in with your children.
Teens and School
How important is a good high school experience to your teen’s behavior? According to a new study by researchers at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC), it’s quite crucial. “Youth who do well and make good grades are more likely to feel connected to their schools and are less likely to drink alcohol and more likely to avoid sexual and related risk behaviors,” said Roy Oman, Ph.D., primary investigator and a professor of Health Promotion Sciences in the OU College of Public Health. A diverse group of 1,117 children, ages 12 – 17 were polled through a confidential computer survey.
The study is a wake-up call to parents and school leaders, said Cheryl Aspy, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the OU College of Medicine. “The school experience is crucial for delaying early initiation of sexual intercourse and alcohol use,” she said. “Knowing this, school policies and procedures should be studied to make sure that school is an inviting place for all kids, not just those who do well.” Oman said teachers and school leaders should engage struggling students with tutoring or involvement in other school activities like sports, art or music. “Given the importance of schools in the lives of youth, it is critical to decipher those protective factors that encourage youth to avoid risky behaviors and their negative consequences,” he said. The research was part of a broader Youth Asset Study, which has been collecting data since 2003 and is funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Inasmuch Foundation. The Youth Asset Study looks at 17 different community and family factors that contribute to a successful transition into early adulthood.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
Using Technology to Ease Hospital Anxiety
Help Your Child Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Falling asleep is difficult for many toddlers and preschool children, which can be frustrating for exhausted parents, especially when techniques recommended by parenting experts either seem too cruel, too soft or simply ineffective. Sometimes, sleep problems are created by things we do at home without realizing they will affect our child. Here are a few things to consider to ensure your child gets a good night sleep to establish a healthy sleep pattern:
Create a calm environment. Children feed off the energy around them. Create calm with a warm bath, pajamas and some quiet time with a book or snuggle. Quiet his mind to prepare him for sleep.
2. Learn his sleeping preferences. Does he wake up at night because he’s too hot or too cold? Is he afraid of the dark or does he prefer it to be pitch dark? Listen to his preferences to help him fall—and stay—asleep. 3.
Limit liquids. While it’s important to stay hydrated, limit liquids close to bedtime to prevent night time interruptions or accidents.
Restrict screens. Research indicates that evening screen time leads to sleep problems, so make the videogames and television off-limits before bedtime. Children who are exposed to violence (through TV or videogames) are also shown to have sleep problems, so control what your young children are exposed to.
Natacha V. Beim (www.natachabeim.com) is a writer, speaker, teacher, parenting expert, and the founder or Core Education & Fine Arts Junior Kindergarten schools.
When 4-year-old Sage Hanrahan demonstrated stroke-like symptoms while visiting a local mall, she was rushed to The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center to find out why. As doctors attempted to attach electrodes to monitor her brain activity, she became so frightened and physically agitated that she crawled beneath the bed table in her hospital room. But, thanks to a new program in place at The Children’s Hospital, modern technology was used to turn a scary situation into a calm one. Child life specialist Kim Prato diverted Sage’s attention by getting the child to focus on one of several games and other activities that were loaded onto an iPad. Prato said Sage immediately became distracted and played happily while doctors attached numerous electrodes to the girl’s head.
“iPads are an amazing tool for us. They are different than books or other toys because their interactive functions capture a child’s full attention, while allowing a medical professional to do his or her job in calmer, safer circumstances,” Prato said.
Child Life Specialists are nationally certified clinical professionals who work with patients and families to help children cope with fear and anxiety. They act as important liaisons between other medical professionals, the children and parents by using play, education, art and recreation.
Finding the tablets to be so effective, every Child Life Specialist at The Children’s Hospital is now equipped with an iPad. Because of its size and capability, the specialists are able to pack a lot of information onto an iPad, reducing the number of materials they must carry with them. “The iPad has been proven to work in a lot of circumstances, for instance, when stitches are applied or an IV is administered,” said Sara Jacobson, Director of Patient Experience and Child Life.
Besides being used as a distraction technique, the tablets also are used to prepare families for the hospital experience, to educate them about medical procedures and for sharing other information.
For more information about this program or The Children’s Hospital, visit www.oumedicine.com.
TechJOYnT Offers Exciting Ways to Learn about Technology
Described as the “YMCA of the tech world,” TechJOYnT is a hands-on after-school education academy based on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). Seeking to fill in a gap left by many sports- and arts-based extracurricular activities, TechJOYnT is a place for kids to learn and experience STEAM concepts with hands-on learning and mentoring by today’s professionals. The program also provides access to tools and equipment designed to make learning fun and engaging.
“We hope to get kids creating, tinkering and learning to create tomorrow’s entrepreneur, innovator and maker,” explains Ray Shaik, Founder and Executive Director. “We create a strong relationship with corporations, community and educational institutions that are passionate about retaining the innovative culture of our nation.”
TechJOYnT’s goal is to serve as a supplement to classroom learning and provide hands-on learning experience for youth ages 4-18. Elementary-age children are given an opportunity to build simple motorized mechanisms and progress through alternative energy challenges. For junior high and high school students, TechJOYnT provides an opportunity to design robots and video games using the latest software and hardware. Medical devices, flying machines and digital arts tracks help students to attain advanced skills in the industry of their choice. TechJOYnT is currently enrolling for half- and full-day spring and summer camps. Membership plans and discounts are available. The program’s corporate headquarters are located at 8328 Glade Avenue in Oklahoma City, with satellite training locations across Oklahoma City, Edmond and Tulsa.
For more information, call 405-345-5010 or visit www.techJOYnT.org. EDITOR'S NOTE: Mention this article and receive a free pass to attend a two-hour robotics session. To register online, use coupon code “METROFAMILYROCKS.”
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Celebrate 100 Years of Girl Scouts
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts, Girl ScoutsWestern Oklahoma will feature noted journalist Lisa Ling as the guest speaker at the annual Juliette Low Leadership Luncheon. The luncheon will be held February 16 from 11:30am – 1:00pm at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club. Tickets are $60 and proceeds will provide memberships, programs and opportunities for girls in the community.
Ling will share her experiences as a journalist and National Geographic Explorer’s first female host and correspondent, Oprah correspondent, and contributor to CNN. She will share her fascinating experiences as a journalist, and discussing how journalism can be the force for propelling the world forward in new and positive ways.
“I am so looking forward to addressing supporters of Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma in Oklahoma City,” Ling said. “Girl Scouts had a tremendous impact on helping me to build self confidence. It is a terrific organization for girls, and one that promotes the right things.”
Also in honor of the 100th Anniversary, Girl Scouts debuted a new cookie as part of its 2012 cookie sale. The new cookie—Savannah Smiles—is available alongside other popular favorites cookies now through March 11. Beginning February 17, you can also purchase cookies ($3.50 per box), at cookie booths throughout the metro. To locate a cookie booth, download the free smart phone app through iTunes by searching “GSCOOKIES.” Cookie booth locations can also be found at www.gswestok.org/ordercookies.
For more information on this year’s cookie sale or to purchase a ticket to the Leadership Luncheon, contact Girl Scouts-Western Oklahoma at 405-528-GIRL or visit www.gswestok.org.
A Social Network for a Better Neighborhood
According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, only 29 percent of Americans know some of their neighbors and a full 28 percent know none of them by name. Only 9 percent of all Americans exchange emails with their neighbors. A new social network was recently launched to address this lack of community and help connect neighbors. The new site, called Nextdoor (www.nextdoor.com), allows residents to create free private websites for their specific neighborhoods, where they can connect to ask questions, get to know one another and exchange local advice and recommendations.
“We ‘friend’ more people than ever and ‘follow’ strangers we’ve never met, yet we don’t have a good way to communicate with the people who live right next door,” said Nirav Tolia, CEO and co-founder of Nextdoor. “There are many ways our neighbors can help us, but these days, people don’t know their neighbors, or how to contact them. Nextdoor was created to change that.”
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
“Nextdoor is different from other social networking sites because it was built from the ground up to help neighbors come together in a trusted environment,” said Bill Gurley, a Nextdoor board member. “We believe it is a natural evolution of social networking that will demonstrate the value of building community to neighborhoods everywhere.”
Nextdoor recently completed a successful pilot program where neighbors in over 200 neighborhoods across 26 states established Nextdoor websites with the goal of creating more connected and safer places to call home. The company sees parents coming together on Nextdoor to track down trustworthy babysitters, organize neighborhood walks, coordinate and inform one another about local schools and teachers, organize car pools and neighborhood watch patrols and more.
To learn more or to create an online community for your neighborhood, visit www.nextdoor.com.
Parental Romance By Heidi Smith Luedtke, Ph.D.
Parents’ words and actions teach kids how to show interest and express love, and demonstrate what it means to be in a committed relationship. “Keeping things simple is often the way to teach the most complicated things,” says Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author of Marriage Rules: A Manual for the Married and Coupled Up.
Showing your love through simple, everyday actions teaches kids the skills they will need to build healthy romantic relationships, as well as strengthen your own relationship. Read on for 12 tried-and-true ways to refresh your relationship and show kids what real love looks like. 1.
Spend time together. Kids need to see parents collaborate, negotiate and just hang out together.
2. Listen. Set aside distractions when your spouse wants to talk.
3. Picture it. Images of your wedding and fun times you’ve shared remind kids that you are a couple, not just parents.
4. Take note. Write a love note to your spouse, and let your kids see you gush.
5. Say it. You love your partner and he knows it. But how often do you say those three little words?
6. Give gifts. Don’t wait until your partner’s birthday to give a token of affection. Gifts are more meaningful when they’re unexpected. 7.
Serve gladly. Helpful actions are daily ways to show we care. Point out acts of service your partner does for you so the kids know kindness flows both ways.
8. Hold hands. Physical affection doesn’t have to be R-rated. 9.
Make compliments. Tell your spouse, in front of the kids, what you appreciate about him.
10. Apologize. Respond to disagreements or mistakes with a genuine apology.
11. Open up. Remember the conversations you had before you had kids? Commit just an hour a week over coffee or cocktails to talk. 12. Be grateful. Acknowledging ways your partner enriches your life tunes you in to what’s good in your marriage and makes love grow.
Top Ten Date Night Destinations
Love is in the air in February! With Valentine’s Day nestled firmly in the middle of the month of love, we polled our readers for great date night places in the OKC metro and around the state:
Rock climbing at Rocktown Gym (200 SE 4th St)
Medicine Park in the Wichita Mountains Dinner and a canal ride in Bricktown
Red Prime Steakhouse (504 N Broadway Ave) for dinner, dessert at Coco Flow Chocolate Café (100 E. Main in Bricktown)
5. A movie in the balcony of the Warren Theatre 6.
Dinner at Cheevers (2409 N Hudson) and a stroll through the Paseo District
Sports! Redhawks, Thunder or Barons games
Creating art at Paint Your Art Out (100 N Broadway, Edmond)
8. A stroll through the Myriad Botanical Gardens and Crystal Bridge
10. A step back in time with dinner and a play at the Pollard Theatre in Guthrie (120 W Harrison)
Thanks to @UCOGradSchool, @faeriegirlie, Melissa S., Kami M., Christa M., Lara G., Erica G., Jennifer S., Christina S. and College Nannies & Tutors of Edmond for contributing to this list. Join us at www.facebook.com/ MetroFamily to share your thoughts for next month’s list.
Have a place you’d like to suggest? Comment on our website at www.metrofamilymagazine.com/date-night-suggestions.
Spaghetti Eddie Rides Again! Local children’s musicians Spaghetti Eddie hit the kindie music scene with a splash in 2010, making their mark in Oklahoma City and playing at local venues and events. Musicians Brendan Parker (guitar, vocals and kazoo) and Todd Parsons (drums, vocals and cowbell) have made children’s music fun for grown ups to listen to as well.
Along with the new CD release (Spaghetti Eddie! And Other Children’s Songs Volume 2), there is a DVD release featuring five songs from the first Spaghetti Eddie DVD, including the very popular “Kitty Cat Town” and “Body Parts.”
Visit www.thespaghettieddie.com to learn more about Spaghetti Eddie or to find a copy of the CD and DVD. For information on upcoming show dates, visit www.facebook.com/pages/spaghettieddie and follow @SpaghettiEd on Twitter. EDITOR'S NOTE: Don’t miss Spaghetti Eddie on stage at MetroFamily’s Kids Fest, March 24 at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. See www.metrofamilymagazine.com/kids-fest for details.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Friendly Siblings: What’s the secret?
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
Seven Tips for Encouraging Your Kids To Be Close
We’ve all dreamed of them. Many of us have actually seen them. But how do we raise them? I’m talking about siblings who get along. Those mysterious brothers and sisters who enjoy being together and have each other’s back. While there’s no magic wand to wave and make our children stop bickering, there are some techniques to encourage a cordial, even friendly, relationship. After all, your kids will have each other long after you’re gone.
1. Don’t compare. Most experts agree that parents should not pit siblings against each other. And whatever you do, don’t choose a favorite. Beware dreaded phrases such as “Your sister never…” or “Why can’t you do what your brother does…” Jane Isay, author of Mom Still Likes You Best, says that those comments only serve to fuel the competition. “Kids don’t blame their parents for the unfairness as much as they grow to resent their brother and sister.” 2. Stay out of the way. Try not to get too involved in your kids’ arguments, unless there is physical injury or cruel taunting. Learning cooperation and problem solving is an important skill in life, and one best taught by having to work problems out with siblings. Isay cites one grown woman who remembers biting her own arm as a child and then blaming her sister. So don’t assume you know what your kids are up to. They may need help resolving a conflict, but try not to take sides. And don’t blame the older one for not “knowing better,” which puts undue pressure and resentment on the oldest child.
3. Attitude is everything. Don’t assume that sibling rivalry is a given. Vikki Stark, MSW, interviewed more than 400 women, teens and girls about their relationship for her book, My Sister My Self. “I found over and over that sisters who were close came from families who put a lot of emphasis on the relationship,” she explains. “It was a family culture—you are sisters, you have each other to depend on for life and we expect you to have a close relationship.”
Katie Allison Granju, a mom of five kids and author of Attachment Parenting, has found that the best way to build a good sibling relationship is to have a baseline expectation within the family that siblings will be friends. Granju explains, “I see some families where the parents are constantly making remarks about sibling rivalry and jealousy, and the mom and dad almost seem to fan the flames of potential sibling ‘issues’ starting in early childhood.” Encouraging your children to view their siblings as close allies brings them together in a very fundamental way.
4. Activities and opportunities. Have your kids go to each other’s games and activities. Get them involved in each other’s lives so they have a better appreciation for who the other person is. “We go to each other’s activities, participate in activities together and we as parents are supportive of each other as well as our children,” remarks Patricia Walters-Fischer, mother of two kids. Not only do her children go but they offer support as well, encouraging each other before a big game or performance and offering comfort when things don’t go well. Kids don’t need to go to every event, but they should know what it’s all about.
As a family, play games or be active together. There’s a reason that family game night is gaining popularity: it encourages teamwork and a healthy sense of competition. When families spend their time shuttling kids from activity to activity, they lose the sense of being a unit and become instead a group of individuals.
Dr. Mark Sharp, a family and child psychologist, finds that anything that helps kids identify together as a part of a family is particularly helpful. “Family traditions, family rituals, these experiences create a sense of a bond. That helps create a sense of shared identity which helps them feel closer.” Don’t forget to let your children be bored together. Boredom often encourages creativity and imagination and sometimes forces siblings to spend time together.
5. Joint chores. Once in a while, give your kids something they have to do together—wash the car, rake leaves or wash and dry the dishes. Dr John Duffy, a clinical psychologist and author of The Available Parent, recalls one family who always assigned co-chores, “Whether it was doing the dishes, walking the dog or taking out the garbage, at least two siblings were involved. In doing this, the parents created a situation in which cooperation was an imperative, and their children have really risen to it.”
Isay also remembers growing up and spending summers at a cottage with no running water. She and her brother had to do the dishes every night, including getting the water, heating it, washing and drying. They hated every minute of it so they made up songs of protest, which ended up bonding their relationship. It’s something they both remember and chuckle about even now.
6. Conversations. Family meetings allow family members to safely and comfortably tell about problems or conflicts that they feel with their brothers or sisters. Everyone should be allowed to speak, and everyone should be expected to listen. It’s the perfect time to plan family events, discuss opportunities, resolve conflicts and offer up congratulations.
Throughout the week, look for opportunities to continue to share and encourage each other. Parents shouldn’t be shy about divulging their good news, frustrations and accomplishments with their kids. Likewise, kids should be encouraged to regularly talk about their days’ events.
7. Vacations. Don’t underestimate the value of a family vacation for bringing siblings together. The effects may be temporary, but when kids are out of their comfort zone, away from their friends and forced to spend time together, amazingly they often enjoy each other.
It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate. In fact, a weekend camping trip offers some of the best opportunities for working together, hanging out, having fun and experiencing something new. It also removes the technical gadgets that kids are so used to now.
But what if that doesn’t work? For some families, even with the best intentions and actions, nothing works. Their kids seem to enjoy being in a constant state of fighting, tattling and arguing. It may be a tough few years for you, but Isay offers a silver lining: “The fact that they’re fighting as kids has no relation to how they will get along as adults.”
Laura Amann is a freelance writer with four children. Most of the time, her kids get along remarkably well. But not always.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Your Healthy Family Winter Skin Care
inter skin care can be challenging, especially in a place like Oklahoma, where the winter winds are dry and harsh. Moisturizer is a must, and I find myself practically bathing in it during the colder months of the year. Recent research, however, has shown that healthy skin actually starts from the inside.
Have you ever thought about how your diet may be affecting your skin? Missing nutrients can often contribute to problems such as dry skin, inflammation, discoloration and acne. Some nutrient deficiencies can even contribute to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The good news is, these problems can be minimized and the overall condition of your skin improved by the simple addition of five supplements to your diet.
More Than Just “Skin Deep”
Most of us know that skin is the largest organ of the human body. It serves a number of important functions, such as protecting the body from pathogens. The skin is the first line of defense in protecting against potentially harmful environmental toxins— all the more reason to take good care of it, right? The skin also plays an important role in storage and synthesis. Water and lipids are stored in the skin, and when the body is getting adequate amounts of these nutrients, the skin has a healthy glow and the appearance of fine lines is greatly reduced.
Melissa Bolek is an Edmond pharmacist who has had extensive training in clinical skin care. “We carry a line of dermatologicalgrade skin care products. I never knew how much went into maintaining healthy skin, but you have to think of it from a cellular level,” she says. The standard American diet is high in chemicals and preservatives, but low in antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables, which can really take a toll on your skin. Dietary supplements can help fill in those gaps in a number of ways that are beneficial to the whole body.
Supplements for Healthy Skin
“I recommend a couple of supplements to reduce inflammation in the skin, as well as the entire body,” says Bolek. “Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil supplements are wonderful for reducing inflammation, and can help the skin restore lipids that may have been depleted, which can emphasize the appearance of fine lines. I recommend 1200 mg of EHA/DHA per day. Also, a highpotency probiotic can work wonders for acne and inflammation-prone skin.” Probiotics can help decrease inflammation, regulate
digestion and increase immunity, among other benefits.
To really focus on reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, Bolek recommends two supplements. “At least 1000 mg of Vitamin C per day and a supplement containing choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid will help to increase collagen production in the skin.” A high-quality Vitamin C can be found at any pharmacy. Products containing the choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid can be found at many specialty and community pharmacies. Ask your pharmacist for more details about supplements containing these products, which can also improve the overall condition of hair and nails. Finally, Bolek recommends antioxidants to decrease free radical damage to the skin and its components. “Here again is where vitamin C comes into play, as it serves both purposes. In addition, a mixed blend of vitamin E isomers (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) should be added here as well, which can help reduce the signs of aging and damage to the skin. Try to take at least 400 IU daily to obtain the maximum benefit.” In addition to fish oil, probiotics, vitamins C and E, and choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, it is important to remember perhaps the most important nutritional element for skin
Skin Supplements
“The standard American
diet is high in chemicals and preservatives, but low in antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables, which can really take a toll on your skin.
care: water. Drinking water will help flush unhealthy toxins from the body, including the skin. It will keep those cells hydrated, reducing the appearance of fine lines, and can help to treat skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. So go ahead and grab those healthy skin supplements…just don’t forget to wash them down with a big glass of water! Shannon Fields is a freelance writer from Edmond and a Certified Pharmacy Technician at Innovative Pharmacy Solutions.
• Fish Oil. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids thought to reduce inflammation throughout the body, prevent heart disease and help with conditions such as clinical depression, anxiety, cancer and macular degeneration. Fish oil can be obtained from eating fish (such as mackereal, tuna, salmon and sardines) or by taking supplements available at drug and health food stores. • Probiotics. These live microorganisms, often called “friendly bacteria” or “good bacteria,” are similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human stomach. Probiotics are available in the form of dietary supplements or in foods such as yogurt, miso, tempeh, some juices and soy beverages. • Vitamin C. An antioxidant that helps block damage caused by free radicals, which are largely responsible for the aging process and may play a role in cancer, heart disease and arthritis. All fruits and vegetables contain some amount of vitamin C, but highest sources include citrus fruits, cantaloupe, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach. • Vitamin E. An antioxidant like vitamin C, vitamin E also helps protect from free radicals. Good sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, margarine, nuts, seeds, some cereal and leafy greens. Supplements are available, but may be harmful for individuals taking certain medications. Check with your health care provider before taking a vitamin E supplement. • Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is thought to help restore elasticity and suppleness to sun-damaged skin, as well as strengthen brittle hair and nails. It is available as a nutritional supplement at many health food and drug stores. • Water. Dehydration can happen very quickly and has serious effects on your skin, kidneys and general health. Unless it is well hydrated and its pores are not blocked, skin cannot properly eliminate toxins from the body. To allow your skin to function properly, the human body requires 2-3 liters of water (about 12-13 eight ounce cups) per day.
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Save the date for OKC’s premier family fun event! Saturday, March 24 10am to 4pm at the State Fairgrounds (Oklahoma Expo building)
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February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Real Moms of the Metro Meet Jen Jantzen: Assistant News Director & Mom of Two
Photo by Aimee Adams • www.aimeeadamsphoto.com
ennifer Jantzen covers many things each day—from the latest breaking news to long stretches of I-44! This busy 32-yearold juggles the hectic pace of being an Assistant News Director at Oklahoma City’s FOX 25 with a leadership role in her church and raising her children Ramsey, age 7, and Morgen, age 5. Here’s more on how she keeps on top of her professional responsibilities, family life and a commute of more than 100 miles each day. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? I’m a sucker for fairy tales! Every little girl loves them, and I never grew out of it. What are you passionate about? People. I love watching, learning about and loving people. Their stories inspire me and help me find blessings in my own life. How has motherhood changed you? My children have changed the way I think about my career, my home, my clutter and, more importantly, my actions. I watch them watch me and I realize their opinion is the most important. How do you banish stress? Still working on that one! What inspires you? Watching my husband on the sidelines of a basketball court. He tells me how much one athlete has improved or how the team finally got something they’ve been working on. Plus, he’s super dreamy—who isn’t inspired by dreamy? Along with your job as a mom, what do you do? I am the Assistant News Director for the morning news broadcast at FOX 25 in Oklahoma City. I book and schedule guests for the morning news show. I also represent
FOX with our charitable partners such as St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, The American Heart Association and the Alzheimer’s Association. My husband and I also lead Children’s Church on Wednesday nights. It’s not a paying gig, but I absolutely love it!
What do you like most about your job? I work with the best group of people. And at any given moment, our jobs can get tense. Having humor around me makes all the difference in the world. What are you most proud of? My marriage and family. And not just our little foursome, but the larger family that I come from.
Quick Facts About Jennifer 1. What are five words that describe you? Happy, creative, funny, kind and dedicated. 2. What’s on your playlist? Elvis, Van Morrison, James Taylor, 90’s rock ballads, Chris Tomlin and Mercy Me. 3. What’s your favorite family outing? The Wichita Mountains. The kids love it and I love watching them. 4. What’s your favorite place for dinner? A tiny little pizza place in Chickasha called BJ’s Pizza. The best pizza around and super affordable. 5. What’s your favorite TV show? The Fox 25 Morning News, of course! I also love Hoarders (it makes me feel better about my messes!) and Hallmark Channel movies.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
How do you find balance in your life? Flexibility. If it doesn’t work exactly they way I planned, that’s okay. Advice for other moms? Be honest and stick to your guns. Be the kind of woman you want your daughter to grow up to be and your son to marry. Where are you from originally? I’m from Chickasha. Never thought I’d live here again, but my hubby’s job moved us back and it has been an absolute blessing. What’s the biggest challenge in your life? When and where to sleep! In the 19.5 hours I’m awake every day, sleep is always on my mind. How do you help others? I try really hard to be happy and to look for ways to be encouraging. What is your parenting style? Hands on and involved. I keep my kids doing the same thing with me. I want them to be part of all we do! Favorite quote or advice about motherhood? There are no rules about parenting that work for everyone. Enjoy finding your own!
Brooke Barnett is the Assistant Editor of MetroFamily Magazine.
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February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Oklahoma Reads Great Reads for All Adults
Read About Animals
Brr! Too cold to head out to the zoo? Read about animals with these books targeted to older and younger readers:
Curious Critters (By David FitzSimmons, Wild Iris Publishing, hardcover, $20) is a picture book with amazing photographs that will take your children up close to a variety of intriguing animals, from the American bullfrog to the monarch caterpillar. Filled with fun facts.
Fifty Animals that Changed the Course of History (By Eric Chaline, Firefly, hardcover, $30) for older kids and adults includes stories of a wide variety of animals (from bald eagles to earthworms) that changed the course of history.
Early Readers
Ruby Bakes a Cake By Susan Hill, Illustrated by Margie Moore (Zonderkidz, softcover, $4) Ruby bakes a cake with the help of her friends. But when things don’t go exactly as planned, the outcome might be even better than anticipated. Animal Opposites: Strongest and Weakest, Smartest and Silliest, Fastest and Slowest, Biggest and Smallest By Camilla De la Bédoyère (Firefly Books, softcover, $6 each) Kids can learn all about the weird and wonderful world of animals with this book series that explores the amazing differences in the animal kingdom.
Grades 1+
Ivy + Bean: No News is Good News By Annie Barrows, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall (Chronicle Kids, hardcover, $15) The eighth book in the popular Ivy + Bean series, this book follows the girls’ foray into publishing. Needing to make a little money, the girls start a neighborhood newspaper. But will they earn more than they bargain for?
President Pickler’s Pockets By Michelle Lewis (Tate Publishing, softcover, $9) A fun mother-daughter day out becomes an adventure for Isabelle and her mom thanks to a chance encounter with President Pickler. A fun and imaginative read by a local author.
Grades 3+
Chihuawolf By Charlee Ganny, Illustrated by Nicola Slater (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, softcover, $7) The little doggie that could, Paco gathers all of his inner strength to become the “Chihuawolf” in an effort to win over his true love, Natasha. What’s Cool and Cruel About School By Fred Petrella (iUniverse, softcover, $13) Middle school can be tough. This book (written by a former teacher) takes the reader through a day in the life of eighth-grader Matt “Dinky” Dinkens as he endures the ups and downs of middle school, providing tips for coping with these experiences in real life.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves By Amy Ahlers (New World Library, softcover, $15) As the first sentence in the introduction says, “The most important relationship in your life is your relationship with you,” this book provides tools to fight your own negative selftalk, which sometimes proves to be the biggest enemy of all. Homemade Products with Brand-Name Quality By Charlette Carollo (Pelican Publishing, softcover, $15) Frustrated by the amount of preservatives in your food, rising costs and the packaging waste of the items that you buy regularly? With recipes for everything from seasonings and sauces to shampoo and windshield washer fluid, this book will save you money and time. How Do You Tuck in a Superhero By Rachel Balducci (Revell, softcover, $13) Parenting boys can sometimes be an adventure, and this book of anecdotes by a mother of five boys will make you laugh, cringe and cry—sometimes at the same time. Blender Baby Food By Nicole Young with Nutritional Advisor Nadine Day, RD (Robert Rose, softcover, $20) Making your own baby food can be easy, and this book shows you how to use your blender to turn fresh foods into healthy baby foods. Includes feeding tips and recipes separated by age-appropriateness. Reviews by MetroFamily Magazine editor Mari Farthing.
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February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Exploring Oklahoma The Moore Warren Theatre: A VIP Experience we’re looking for on a date night. And with movies moving to DVD often within a few short months of their theatrical release, it can be easier to just wait.
On a recent Friday evening, however, my husband suggested a date night at the Warren Theatre. While this would require a 40-minute drive from our home in Edmond to Moore, we had heard so much about the Warren that we took the drive, and we were not disappointed. So, what’s the buzz about?
have a new favorite date night activity: dinner and a movie! I know what you’re thinking—what’s new about that? But enjoying a full dinner with a movie is a new experience for me.
As with most families, we’ve popped in a DVD and gathered around the home screen to watch a movie with our dinner. Or, we’ve enjoyed hot dogs, popcorn and candy sitting in lounge chairs at the drive-in or on our laps in a regular theater. But, to snuggle into a big, cozy chair fitted with a serving table, order from a full-service menu and be served by friendly wait staff while watching the movie at the theater is a refreshing treat. And you can find it right here in the metro at the Warren Theatre in Moore.
A Blockbuster of a Theater
My husband and I have not been theater moviegoers in recent years as we have not found the movies to be the relaxing outing we hope for. For one thing, most theaters seem to cater to a younger (read: teenage) crowd. There’s nothing wrong with that, but not what
First of all, the Moore Warren is the first theater in the world to incorporate all Digital Cinema and THX technology (standards developed by George Lucas of Star Wars fame) as the ultimate movie-watching experience, according to their website. Secondly, each of the 14 auditoriums has comfortable accommodations with plush chairs, larger-than-life movie screens and great acoustics. Finally, the 1940s motif gives movie patrons the feel of entering the Hollywood glam era of Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, Joan Crawford… you get the picture.
Grand Auditorium and Director’s Suites
The balcony’s Oscar’s Lounge and the Director’s Suites offer an elegant atmosphere to relax before and after the show. The two Director’s Suites, the newest addition to the Moore Warren Theatres, offer intimate 30-seat and 46-seat home-theatre type accommodations with heated, reclining lounge chairs. Ah, all the comforts of home with the added luxury of full wait service. While 14 theaters are open for patrons of all ages, the balcony seating and Director’s Suites are reserved for adults over age 21
A Parent’s Guide to Reclaiming Valentine’s Day by Tice Swackhamer
You may be asking yourself, “When did Valentine’s Day become a family affair?” Well, the answer is simple—the minute the baby was born. Without even noticing, you let the holiday pass with barely a kiss good night, just happy to get a good night’s sleep. If this is your house, it is time to reclaim Valentine’s Day as the holiday it was intended to be—a romantic day for two. There is nothing wrong with buying 30 valentines for each child’s classroom and turning the dining room table into a bedlam of red and white construction paper, lace and glue. But it doesn’t mean you can’t set aside some special time with your spouse to remember why you entered into this family pledge in the first place. Where to begin?
• Have a night out. Swap babysitting with another couple and celebrate Valentine’s Day on a different night. Do what you used to do in your pre-kid days—go out to dinner, see a movie or really
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
only and are what give this theater its unique “date-night” status. Early reservations (often days in advance) are recommended for the balcony and Director’s Suites as they sell out quickly.
The Moore Warren Theatres
The Moore Warren Theatre is located at 1000 Telephone Rd, just off I-35. For movie listings, prices and information on special packages, call 405-735-9676 or visit www.warrentheatres.com.
Balcony seats are priced higher than regular movie tickets; $12 for matinees, $18 for evening shows. Director’s Suite tickets are $22.
The Moore Warren offers packages for birthday celebrations, field trips, and corporate functions. A “Theatre for Two” package is a great gift idea that offers movie tickets, best balcony seating, two entrees, dessert and two soft drinks for $79.
The Red Carpet Treatment
On the night of our date, my husband bought tickets online. Unfortunately, our first movie choice was sold out so we opted for the other balcony theater. Upon arrival and as first timers, we asked one of the staffers at the balcony level what the protocol was for ordering food and drinks. We were not expecting the red-carpet treatment, but we did receive it.
When the staffer learned of our disappointment of not seeing our first choice,
indulge and go to a spa complete with massages and private hot tubs. • Have a night in. Spend the day wearing the kids out and reserve the night for yourselves. Get the kids to bed on time (or even a little bit early) and have a candlelight dinner. • Express your feelings. Let your spouse know he is special and that this holiday is important to you by leaving little love notes on his pillow or car windshield. Get his attention. • Plan a daytime date. If the kids are in school or otherwise occupied during the day, plan a romantic lunch. Go to your favorite place and let the staff there know you are celebrating Valentine’s Day and want the mood to be romantic. As much as you adore your children, it is important that your marriage not take a backseat to the crooked cut out hearts and misspelled “I love you” notes from the kids. Exchange cards and gifts with your spouse when you are alone and allow enough time to savor the moment.
he offered to see what he could do. Upon checking the seating chart and finding room, he offered to trade out our tickets for our first movie choice (and no, he was not aware of my “media credentials”). We were shown to our seats, given menus and instructions on how to push the service button located on our arm rests. I felt like a VIP.
In the comfort of our seats, we started out with an appetizer of potato skins and a glass of wine—all served before the movie started. During our feature, we ordered and split a California Wrap and two cups of chili. The food was delicious and surprisingly affordable.
G-Rated Options
Open to the public and movie patrons of all ages for lunch and dinner, the Warren Diner, located on the first floor, serves up the same delicious fare offered to balcony patrons including soups, salads, hot and cold sandwiches, burgers, pizzas and ‘40s style malts, root beer floats and sundaes.
Also on the first floor are a comfortable lounge area with a fireplace adjacent to the rest rooms and a large game room that features arcade games.
New IMAX Theatre
The Warren Theatres, based out of Wichita, Kansas, has seven theaters operating in Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. The Moore Warren, their highest grossing theater, will soon have another option for patrons. An all-digital, 600-seat, IMAX theatre is scheduled to open in late February or early March, according to Dan Gray, Director of Operations. “The large IMAX screen engulfs you no matter where you sit,” explains Gray. “The idea is to make you feel like you are actually a part of the movie.” Also, the movies are not run by film, but completely with a high-definition digital projector for a very clear picture. Whether for a date night or a family outing, the Moore Warren Theatre is a reason to rediscover what made a night at the movies a special treat.
Karen Mitchell, a lifelong resident of the Oklahoma City metro area, lives in Edmond with her husband Mark, teenage son, Ryan, and one spoiled Welsh corgi. Daughter Megan attends OSU in Stillwater.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Ask the Experts Tips for Handling Brotherly (and Sisterly) Sparring In this new column, we ask local experts to give answers to the real parenting questions and issues that we all may face. This month’s question: Sibling rivalry is threatening to turn our happy home into a disaster zone. What can we do as parents who don’t want to take sides? Gayla Westbrook, MA:
Sibling rivalry is a normal, healthy part of family life, though sometimes it can escalate into something more. Commonly there is more competitiveness in children who are close in age, and it may be more prevalent in younger children, decreasing as the children get older. There are steps that parents can take to help minimize the fighting:
• Establish family rules. Include children in the process, and create rules of how to get along. • Praise positive behaviors. Pay attention to the behaviors that you want to see more of, and be specific with your comments so your children understand what you are praising. • Treat each child as an individual and recognize individual accomplishments. Be careful not to compare your children with each other. • Spend individual time with your children. Children need one-on-one time with each parent. Take a walk, read, play games or just snuggle. This alone time will decrease the rivalry and strengthen the parent-child bond. • Model good behavior. Pay attention to how you get along with other adults, especially your spouse. What is your problem solving method? • Encourage children to resolve verbal issues on their own, especially school age children.
• Remain neutral. Refrain from taking sides and encourage children to stand up for themselves, verbally and respectfully. Parents need to stay away from overreacting to sibling disputes, as this teaches children to do the same. Gayla Westbrook, MA, is the Program Director at the Parents Assistance Center. Contact her at 405-232-8226 or www. parentsassistancecenter.org.
Devonne Carter, LCSW:
Sibling rivalry is an age-old problem. I have seen many clients for this issue and have dealt with it in my own home. This is actually a great learning opportunity in many ways. Siblings are the first playmates kids have. They learn to communicate verbally with their peers, as well as learning to interact non-verbally. They learn to disagree with their siblings first, which helps them prepare for school, the workplace and marriage. It teaches them that the world doesn’t revolve around them, and they are not always right. In almost every parenting book I have ever read about this subject, authors convey that children are seeking parental attention when they argue. Many times, books suggest the parents ignore the arguing. I have to admit that is a very hard thing for me to do personally, and I assume it is for other parents as well. I can see the value in letting children work out their issues without interference, which allows them to learn a diverse set of skills
for communication and compromise, but that is sometimes easier said than done. Some children don’t have the skills or the motivation to work it out, and some children just argue out of anger, boredom or a need to be “right.” I believe in setting boundaries concerning working out differences. You do not have to take sides, and you can still let your children learn from their rivalry without going crazy. Set limits and create rules for their disagreements. I would create a set of rules to include the following: if your argument is disruptive to others, take it elsewhere. There is no physical contact during an argument. No put downs are allowed. Listen to your brother without interruption.
I do not referee these discussions, unless the above rules are broken. But I will have talks with my children after they have finished arguing with each other. I will give them pointers for communicating next time. I will point out something they might not have thought of. I will encourage him to remember that his sister has feelings. I will praise them when they do something positive.
Arguing at home should be a safe place to prepare children for a world that isn’t always as safe. Devonne Carter, LCSW is a Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Edmond. Contact her at 405-326-3923 or www. carterscounseling.com.
We posted the same question to our readers, and here are their responses:
• When it gets too heated or physical, I will either step in to help them find a resolution or have them take some time apart and then come back and work it out. • Small children cannot resolve their own rivalry problems, but if you help redirect their thinking or actions, they can learn better ways to resolve problems. • The best way to teach kids is by example. When my husband and I disagree, we work through it with them present. If we are unable to work through it at the time, we agree to disagree until a better time arises for us to discuss it. By doing this we are passing along valuable communication skills and techniques that will help them have better relationships. • My kids don’t tend to get into serious fights, so I let them work it out. If it’s not working or taking too long, I will step in and try to help by helping them see each other's side • I try to teach my kids to work things out without running to “MOOOOOOMM!” for everything. I think it's important to let them learn problem solving skills without parental intervention, if possible. Thank you to our readers Kathy W., Vickie W., Regina B., Rhonda M. and Tammy W. for your feedback!
Do you have a question for our experts? Email it to editor@metrofamilymagazine.com and we’ll put the experts to work for you.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
We Are Family Time Together Builds More Than Memories The Christensen boys play basketball—a lot of it. And they can be seen in the stands at each other’s games watching intently and keeping track of the score in the family’s official game book. Attending and watching their siblings’ games is part of who they are. It’s part of their family identity. Family identity is a central expression of our values. As such it can be a positive tool in parenting, when approached with purpose through shared experiences. Family identity can create not only a sense of belonging, but also a means for affirming our values, providing a buffer against peer pressure for kids, clarifying our goals for our children and providing an opportunity for our children to identify their own personal goals. Here’s how you can make the most of your family’s time together (and a few tips on fun ways to influence your family’s identity).
Unity and Belonging
Positive family identity results from actively participating in life together, not simply occupying the same space. This involved togetherness creates a sense of unity and belonging. And as author Mary Beth Hicks says in her book Bringing Up Geeks, “belonging is especially crucial for children as they develop a sense of self. Kids need the support and encouragement of their families as they explore and establish their personalities and character.”
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
Janice Christensen takes this responsibility seriously in her family. “We go together to as much as we can—people see us around town as a group. They know the Christensens are around.” Mom of four, Karen Kurtz agrees. “If possible, we participate in activities that involve more than one child at a time.”
Identity Shapers:
Many factors contribute to creating your identity as a family. Some factors to consider:
• Shared passions. A sport, a hobby, a common ability (you could be a singing family, gymnastics family or a bookworm family). • Traditions. How you celebrate holidays and special occasions, where you spend vacations and what you do there and foods that you eat make up your family’s traditions. • Parents’ backgrounds. Religious, ethnic, geographic, educational (such as Catholic, Irish or Texan)
Conduit for communicating values
Family identity not only embodies our values, it provides us with a reference point for communicating those values in a non-judgmental way. When discussing why we do (or don’t do) certain things that other parents might condone, it helps to say, “In our family we do this.” Naturally we’ll want to give the reasons for why our family adopts those behaviors and not others, which further strengthens those values. To be purposeful, parents can seize opportunities when the family is together to communicate certain behavioral expectations, such as respecting elders, looking out for the underdog or being a gracious loser. Our family identity gives an anchor on which to hook those expectations.
“We tell the boys there are some things we do or don’t do simply because that’s what our family is about,” says Christensen.
Many values will be caught as part of our identity, rather than taught. Whether we eat vegetarian or local foods or neither may appear behavioral, but over time those behaviors become woven into our family’s identity. And the more time we have together, the deeper the roots of those values will grow.
“We think our kids have to be here—a lot—in order to absorb the strength, support and values that form their personalities and character,” says author Hicks.
Buffer against peer pressure
While it may not be much of a factor in the early years, our family identity can play a major role in curbing the impact of peer pressure on our older children. As kids are faced with choices about who to associate with and how to act when they’re out of our sight, our family identity will stand in our stead to guide our child. Our children will take their cues from what they learned in the presence of family during our time together. Kurtz notes the result of emphasizing and enjoying family time in her home is that, “our children have cultivated strong, healthy friendships with others who are like-minded and share common values.”
Clarity of goals
Taking time to be intentional about the type of family we want to be pays dividends in clarifying our goals for our children and our vision for the people we’d like them to become. Those goals then provide a framework for making decisions about how we will spend our time— both together and individually. We can ask the question: does this fit with who we wish our family to be?
As Hicks says, “regardless of your family’s particular make-up, you still are the head of the household and it’s both your right and your responsibility to create a family identity your kids can embrace.”
When we do, our kids will own the family name with pride and look forward to our time together. And we can take pride in being the family we are.
Lara Krupicka is part of an Illini fan, board-gaming, book-loving family that includes her husband and three daughters.
A Local Expert Weighs In
We asked Gayla Westbrook, MA, Program Director of the Parents Assistance Center (PAC) for her thoughts on the importance of family identity: “Our family is the training ground for all types of relationships, and we should nurture our family relationships through traditions, sharing time together and communicating openly. Focus on trust, consistency, communication and time to build unity.”
How our Readers Create Family Identity
Having fun as a family is a great way to strengthen family bonds and create a strong family identity. We asked our readers to weigh in on how they spend quality time together and here are some of their favorite activities:
• Family outings like seeing movies or exploring a new place to have fun • Making art together & doing craft projects • Going camping and leaving all electronics behind • Simply being present—just doing anything together, without being in a hurry • Playing games and drinking hot cocoa • Walking the dogs together in the neighborhood • Cooking and baking Thanks to @DCTshop, Lindsey M., Kami M., Nicole C. Aprillynn N., Rachel T., Jennifer S., Lara G., and Sara R. for contributing to the list. Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/MetroFamily to share your thoughts on other topics.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Question of the Month Managing Sibling Rivalry Bickering, complaining, arguing and nagging. Ask any parent about the biggest obstacles in raising children and, inevitably, the words “sibling rivalry” will surface. Whether fighting over toys, arguing over who gets to go first or competing for a parent’s attention, sibling rivalry is often a very real part of being a family. Our January Question of the Month asked our readers to share their best strategies for dealing with sibling rivalry. Over half of readers who responded (52 percent) say that they intervene selectively—but only when an argument gets too heated or physical. Over one-forth (26 percent) indicated that sibling
Question of the Month for March: Sports or reading or cooking or music—or something else entirely? What’s your family’s favorite fun activity to share?
Visit www.metrofamilymagazine.com/ fs-giveaway to fill in the blank and enter your name in our monthly prize package drawing, valued at over $300.
Deadline to enter is Thursday, February 16.
Your comments may also be used in a future issue of MetroFamily Magazine or on our website. The full contents of the prize package are listed on the contest page.
What is your best strategy to deal with sibling rivalry? 125 total responses I intervene selectively—only when the argument gets too heated or physical, 52% Does not apply to my family, 26.4% I intervene and redirect them, and pretty soon they've forgotten all about it, 17.6% When the kids fight, I stay out of the way and let them find their way through the disagreement, 1.6% Other methods, 2.4%
rivalry does not apply to their household, mostly because they have only one child or due to a large age difference between children. For more than 17 percent of readers, the best solution in their homes is to intervene and redirect the children to other activities. A small percentage say they simply stay out of the disagreement and let their children work it out or use other methods (about 2 percent each). Our readers shared more about their strategies for dealing with sibling rivalry:
For Jennifer C. of Edmond, occasional intervention is the best way to teach her children cooperation. “A lot of times our kids can work out their differences. If it looks like someone is going to say or do something out of line, my husband or I will intervene. We won't allow our kids to be physical or to say hurtful things to each other. We try to teach them to do and say things they would want done or said to them.”
Celina L. of Norman says the age difference between her kids helps decrease the bickering in their house. “For the most part, my boys
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
get along well, considering the age difference of 9 years. The only time I ‘butt in’ is when the oldest is getting out of hand with the ‘friendly teasing.’”
Alicia S. of Nichols Hills has a “hands-off” philosophy for dealing with conflict: “I know I will not always be around to help stop their arguments, so therefore I try to let them work it out for themselves first.” Frequent intervention does the trick for Erica T. of Del City. “You have to step in as a parent and take control of the situation. Otherwise, they will just keep on being rivals.”
For Emily N. of Del City, it is all about balance. “Sometimes, I find it easier for them to reach a solution between themselves. Other times, I feel they need a little guidance or a neutral third party decision.”
Visit www.metrofamilymagazine.com/ january-reader-responses to read more about how our readers work to maintain peaceful sibling interactions in their households.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Problem Solvers Helpful Family Products When we hear about new or helpful products, we like to let our readers know! Here are a few of the interesting items we’ve recently found. Visit the product website for a list of local retailers. Problem:
The kids are bored with the same old crafts.
Subscribe to Kiwi Crates and receive a box each month, packed with themed craft supplies to make two crafty projects and ideas for future projects. ($20/month; www.kiwicrate.com)
You only packed one burp cloth but your baby has made quick work of it. You need another, now!
BabbaCo cloths are super-absorbent to clean up baby’s messes quickly. They are also cute, durable and reversible, giving you two cloths in one. ($23; www.babbaco.com)
You worry that all of your portable electronics might be harmful to your developing baby.
Protec Maternity Wear is made to protect you from electromagnetic fields emitted by the electronics encountered in everyday life. ($90; www.protecmaternity.com)
You are not happy with the plastic (is it really BPAfree?) or metal (hard to clean!) water bottles. Help!
Bottles Up bottles are made from recycled glass with no-slip silicone grips and lid. Durable, easy to use and easy to clean. ($34; www.bottlesupglass.com)
Your little Houdini has mastered the “unbuckle the seatbelt” trick.
Keep him secure with the Buckle Guard Pro, an ingenious, easy to install child-proof cap for his seatbelt. ($9; www.mcincshop.com)
The winter weather has left your hands and lips dry and cracked.
Rinse Skin Sticks for lips and skin are all-natural and completely portable to keep you hydrated. ($4 lips, $8 skin; www.rinsesoap.com) Visit www.metrofamilymagazine.com/contests for a chance to win many of the products shown here and on other pages this month!
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
Character Corner Learning About Kindness Being kind means taking the time to put others’ feelings and needs ahead of your own. “Kind” is a small word, but it can have a big impact on your family. Ideally, we would treat our children and our spouse better than we treat everyone else; but sadly, we are often kind to strangers and then easily irritated, rushed and short with the people we love most. The small kindnesses in life, like a listening ear, a joyful smile, a gentle hug or a short note in a lunch box or briefcase, are often what makes those around us feel loved in the biggest way. Use Valentine’s Day as an excuse to make your family feel loved and appreciated by showing them kindness using the ideas below. Love & kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. ~ Barbara DeAngelis
Help Your Family Develop Kindness
Family Tradition. Moms and especially dads, this is a call to action! If you make your child feel loved and very special at home, this will ease anxiety about who will or will not be their Valentine at school. Buy your child candy or flowers. Take him out on a fancy date or go all out during family dinner with candlelight and red decorations. During dinner, take turns filling in this silly poem with kind words: “Roses are red, violets are blue, you are _______, and I love you.”
Game. Melt Them with Kindness: In this variation of freeze tag, you “unfreeze” your friends by showing kindness to them. For example, give a hug or say “I am glad we are friends.” If younger kids have trouble thinking up nice things to say, give them several candy conversation hearts with kind words on them to give to the frozen players. Make sure you talk about how kindness has the power to melt away problems in a relationship that may be facing a little cold patch or someone with a hard heart.
Activity. Brighten Your Day bags: Let your children decorate and pack goody bags to give to friends, family or even a stranger in need of a lift. You could include pre-packaged snacks, drinks, a safe toy from a dollar store, an encouraging note or a gift card for ice cream or coffee. Object Lesson. Spoonful of Sugar: Sprinkle pepper in a bowl of water. Dip in a bar of soap and watch the pepper scatter (just as unkind actions repel others). Add sugar and watch it attract the pepper (like kind actions attract others). Discuss why or if these examples are true. (Courtesy of 10-Minute Life Lessons by Jamie Miller)
“I will” statements. Encourage kindness in your home by committing to the following statements. Say these “I will” statements aloud with your children, and encourage them to apply them to situations in their everyday life.
I will: Put others before myself • Lovingly encourage
and comfort others • Give help to those in need • Listen
attentively to others • Show that I care about others through my words and actions
Sarah Holmes lives in Norman and is the founder of Wildflowers Character Resources. Find more at www.growingcharacter.com.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Focus on Education Bullying is No Laughing Matter
o you worry that your child is being harassed at school? Each year over 160,000 children are victims of bullying—and that’s no laughing matter.
According to stopbullying.gov, bullying is most often defined by:
• Imbalance of power. The bully intentionally tries to gain the upper hand by picking on persons smaller, less intimidating or weaker. • Intent to cause harm. Accidents are not bullying. Bullying is intentional and comes with the desire to cause harm to another person. • Repetition. Bullying is intent to do harm that is aimed at the same person over and over. Bullying is not specific to any gender, age, race or socioeconomic status, and the victims of bullying can have scars that last a lifetime. The Committee for Children reports that, “Children who are bullied are more likely to develop future academic problems and psychological difficulties. Additionally, children who are bullied are more likely to experience low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and insecurity that may continue into adulthood.”
“We moved our four year-old from one preschool to another in the middle of the year due to a bully in his class,” says Oklahoma City mom Heather M. “The teacher and director didn’t see the problem as serious as my husband and I did, so we felt like we had no alternative. Our son is much happier and enjoys going to school now. We made the right decision.” Bullying comes in many forms. It may be verbal (name-calling or teasing), social (ruining friendships or starting rumors),
physical (pushing, hitting or stealing belongings) or cyberbulling (via internet, social media or texting).
David, a father of two girls, says his girls dealt with bullying because of the disproportion of their height and weight. “Kids can be so cruel and say things that are hurtful. We taught our girls to ignore kids who have nothing nice to say and to tell the teacher or other adult. They did just that and the kids who were bullying were dealt with. I just wish more parents would teach their own children tolerance for others like we have done.”
How Do Parents Encourage Bullying in Their Own Children? Undoubtedly, parents are a child’s first teacher and teaching tolerance, or lack
www.cfchildren.org Committee for Children, a global nonprofit that works to prevent bullying, child abuse and violence. www.pacer.org/bullying PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center offers digitally-based tools to address bullying through creative, relevant and interactive resources. Resources are designed to benefit all students, including students with disabilities.
www.charactercounts.org/bullying The Character Counts! approach to bullying creates a school culture in which bullying is not acceptable and not tolerated. www.commonsensemedia.org Common Sense Media offers parenting advice on a variety of important topics related to media, including cyberbullying. Parents and student can learn more about the hidden complexities of cyberbullying and find tips for helping students stand up instead of standing by.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
thereof, begins at home. As a teacher, I have seen children repeat the behaviors and actions of their parents. Some of the behaviors to avoid as parents are:
• Exercising absolute control over the child • Threatening the child with spankings or other violence • Attempting to humiliate or embarrass the child as a way to punish them • Ruling by fear • Pushing competition or contests too much • Teaching their child that mistakes are unacceptable • Telling the child what to say, do or think • Gossiping or bad-mouthing others, which shows children that it’s okay to treat people in a duplicitous manner.
What if I Think My Child is a Victim of Bullying?
If you believe your child is a victim of bullying it is important to take measures to ensure his safety and well-being. First and foremost, talk to your child about his day— every day. One of the best places to do this is on the way home from school or at the dinner table. Families that eat dinner together build an emotional bond that is ideal for sharing good times and not-so-good times.
For younger children, using drawings or puppets might elicit important information from your child. Older children might be able to answer direct questions such as:
• Have any kids in the neighborhood or at school threatened anyone you know? • What happens on the playground during recess or before/after school?
• What happens in the hallways at school? • What’s it like at the bus stop or while walking home from school? Encourage your child to report incidents involving bullying to you. Identify with his feelings of hurt, sadness or anger. Reassure him that reporting the incidents to you is the right decision and assist him in describing the incidents using who, what, where and when.
Though your parental instinct may be to confront the bully, confront his parents or encourage your child to fight back, remember that this will likely only escalate the problem. Instead, use the school resources (teacher, principal, other adults in charge of activities) to stop the bullying. If school personnel do not know, they can’t do anything about it. Work with them to find a solution. Almost all school districts have strict policies against bullying at school or schoolrelated events. Together, identify a plan to avoid bullying and prevent retaliation for reporting. Teach your child to avoid the bully by playing in a different place, playing a different game or staying near an adult in charge when bullying is likely to take place. Show him/her how to find new friends and invite those new friends to your home. Involve your child in extracurricular activities outside of school. Lastly, volunteer your time to help supervise on field trips, the lunchroom or on the playground and become an advocate for bullying prevention programs in the schools.
Kristen Hoyt, Assistant Professor and Director of Field Experience in the School of Teacher Education at MACU (Mid-American Christian University in OKC), is an avid advocate for quality education in Oklahoma. Editor’s note: Please welcome Kristen to MetroFamily as our new Education columnist!
If you have a topic about education that you would like to see covered in this column, please email editor@metrofamilymagazine.com.
Raising a Charismatic Kid
Children’s Life Coach Anthony Recenello believes that the best way to protect your child from becoming a victim is by not treating them like a victim. Through his CharismaticKid website (www.charismatickid.com), Anthony is providing a series of video posts that help parents and children deal with the bullying epidemic.
“We don’t give children enough credit,” says Anthony. “We think bullying is everyone’s problem except for our kids; blaming the schools or the other parent. But what we have to remember as parents is that it is our responsibility to train a confident, charismatic kid.” Anthony encourages parents to look at the problem of bullying from a new perspective. “The moment you begin blaming other people, you instantly give your child the idea that he is a victim. And victims never win.” Instead, make yourself a team and build your child’s confidence and charisma through every activity you participate in.
Parents may also need to adjust their own confidence and demeanor to best influence children positively. “Your child sees how you interact with the world and takes millions of mental notes. Are you the most confident, friendly, positive yet assertive person you know? If not, make it happen. Bring the funk.”
Lastly, your child’s social circle matters. “The best people you can get your kids acquainted with are the always-positive, assertive, super-passionate kids with a hunger for life.” Relationships shouldn’t be forced, but making a friend with these qualities will make a big positive impact on your child’s world-view.
“When you and your child are making it a mission to end the bullying in his life, taking full responsibility for how he is treated and for his view of the world, you can raise a happy, charismatic kid”
Though based in New York, Anthony is able to reach kids everywhere though his website, posts and videos, Skype coaching and his book, Let’s Let Kids Do Something Big, available in ebook ($7) or paperpack ($10) through www.charismatickid.com.
Warning Signs
Worried that your child is being bullied? Watch for the signs. Bullied children often:
• • • • • • •
Lack confidence or appear withdrawn Are easily distressed and anxious, stop eating Attempt or threaten suicide Cry themselves to sleep, have nightmares Have their possessions, including money, go missing Ask for money or start stealing (to pay the bully) Refuse to talk about what’s wrong
• Begin to act out aggressively, bullying other children or siblings • Are suddenly reluctant to walk to and from school or begin to want you to drive them to school • Become unwilling to go to school, regularly feel ill in the mornings • Begin doing poorly in their school work • Come home from school with unexplained cuts or bruises, with clothes or books destroyed or hungry from not eating lunch • Give improbable excuses for any of the above
Source: www.kidscape.org.uk/parents/signsof.shtml
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
Saturday, February 18 in Norman
Norman’s Mardi Gras Parade Let the good times roll in downtown Norman with the 18th annual Norman Mardi Gras Parade! Held on Saturday, February 18th at 7pm, the parade will include artists, musicians, families, businesses and community groups. Join hundreds of revelers in the streets of downtown Norman to celebrate this Cajun tradition with parade floats, musicians, dancers and a wide array of fun and unusual characters. The 2012 parade theme is “Lets heat it up! On Se Rechauffe!" and is a family-friendly event that encourages creativity, wackiness and all-around good-spirited fun. One of the largest and most colorful parades in the metro, the parade will travel east along Main Street in the downtown arts district. For more information, visit www. normanmardigrasparade.com. Photo courtesy of Astrud Reed, greeneyedgirlphoto@yahoo.com.
CALLING ALL daddies and daughters!
Daddy Daughter Dances
Annual Library Book Sale
RUNderground 5K Run
Three dances just for dads and daughters are taking place in the metro this month. Yukon’s dance is on Saturday, February 4 at the Robertson Activity Center. For more information, visit www.cityofyukonok.gov. Norman’s dance is on Saturday, February 11 at the Embassy Suites. For more information, visit www.normanfun.com. Midwest City’s dance is on Saturday, February 4 at the Reed Conference Center. For more information, visit www. midwestcityok.org.
One of the largest book sales in the nation, the 32nd annual Friends of the Metropolitan Library Book Sale offers more than 600,000 books, magazines, audio books and videos for sale, most for $1 or less. The sale, located in the Oklahoma Expo Hall at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, is open to the public on Saturday, February 25 and Sunday, February 26 from 9am-5:30pm. Admission is free. For more information, visit www.mlsfriends.org.
The second annual Riversport RUNderground 5K Family Fun Run will take place on Saturday, February 11 in the tunnels underneath downtown Oklahoma City! The run is a non-timed, fun run for the whole family that begins and ends at the Cox Convention Center. The race is limited to 300 participants and online registration available through February 10. The entry fee is $25 for adults and $15 for ages 12 and under. For more information, visit http:// oklahomariverevents.org/runderground.
Photo courtesy of the Metropolitan Library System.
Photo by Lollie Shotts, courtesy of Oklahoma Riversport.
Photo courtesy of the Yukon Parks & Recreation Department.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Quick Reference American Banjo Museum 9 E Sheridan Ave, OKC 604-2793, www.banjomuseum.org City Arts Center Fair Park, 3000 Pershing Blvd, OKC 951-0000, www.cityartscenter.org Fine Arts Institute of Edmond 27 E Edwards, Edmond 340-4481, www.edmondfinearts.com Fred Jones Jr Museum of Art 555 Elm Ave, Norman 325-3272, www.ou.edu/fjjma
Weekly Events Discovery Room programs at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History are hands-on fun for toddlers through elementary age children. See website for complete list & details. All programs FREE with paid admission. FREE Admission at Norman’s Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art on Tuesdays. 10am-5pm. Activities include Art Adventures for children ages 3-5 with adult (10:30am).
Gaylord-Pickens Oklahoma Heritage Museum 13th & Shartel, OKC 235-4458, www.oklahomaheritage.com
Family Fun Night at JumpZone (SW 104th & Western) includes 2 adults, 2 children, 1 large pizza, 2 liter pop for $25. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:30-8pm. 200-1691, www.jumpzoneparty.com.
Museum of Osteology 10301 S. Sunnylane Rd, OKC 814-0006, www.museumofosteology.org
FREE Norman Sooner Mall Outreach Story Time is an interactive story time held outside Sears at Sooner Mall for ages 9 & under. Tuesdays, 10am.
Myriad Botanical Gardens 301 W Reno, OKC 297-3995, www.myriadgardens.com
FREE Tuesday Noon Concert Series at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art 30-minute concerts are performed by OU music students & faculty. Admission to the museum is FREE on Tuesdays.
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum 1700 NE 63rd St, OKC 478-2250, www.nationalcowboymuseum.org Oklahoma Aquarium 300 Aquarium Dr, Jenks 918-296-FISH, www.okaquarium.org OKC Museum of Art 415 Couch Dr, OKC 236-3100, www.okcmoa.com OKC National Memorial 620 N Harvey, OKC 235-3313, www.oklahomacitynationalmemorial.org OKC Zoo 2101 NE 50th St, OKC 424-3344, www.okczoo.com
FREE Playgroup with a Purpose at Wildwood Community Church (1501 24th Ave NE, Norman) provides fun, fellowship & character building for moms & little ones 6 & under. Snacks provided. First Wednesday of each month. 10-11:30am. 301-7321, www.growingcharacter.com. FREE Tours of the Governor’s Mansion held 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month. 10am-3pm. 568-1292, www.ok.gov. FREE Children’s Storytime at Quail Springs Barnes & Noble (13800 N May) every Wednesday & Saturday, 11am. 755-1155, www.barnesandnoble.com. FREE Wednesday Night at the Movies at the Downtown Library. Every Wednesday, 6-8pm. 231-8650.
Oklahoma Children’s Theatre 2501 N Blackwelder, OKC 606-7003, www.oklahomachildrenstheatre.org
Family Fun Day at Celebration Station (509 Westline) features unlimited rides & pizza buffet, $15.99. Thursdays, 11am-9pm. 942-7888, www.celebrationstation.com.
Oklahoma History Center 800 Nazih Zuhdi Dr., OKC 522-5248, www.oklahomahistorycenter.org
FREE Thursday Noon Tunes at the Downtown Library, 11:30-1pm.
Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History 2401 Chautauqua Ave, Norman 325-4712, www.snomnh.ou.edu
Unplugged After Hours at Unpluggits Playstudio invites adults to create in the studios. Childcare available at KidzStreet. 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month. 6-8pm. 340-7584, www.unpluggits.com.
Science Museum Oklahoma 2100 NE 52nd St, OKC 602-6664, www.sciencemuseumok.org
The UCO Jazz Lab features performances each Friday & Saturday at 8pm. $7 adults, $5 age 12 & under. 3597989, www.ucojazzlab.com.
Do you have an event for our calendar? Email Calendar@MetroFamilyMagazine.com All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted. Information should be verified before attending events as details can change after press date.
FREE Children’s Storytime at Full Circle Bookstore (1900 NW Expressway) each Saturday, 10:15am. 8422900, www.fullcirclebooks.com. FREE Children’s Storytime at Edmond’s Best of Books (Kickingbird Square, Danforth & Bryant), Saturdays, 11am. 340-9202, www.bestofbooksedmond.com. FREE Crafts for Kids at Lakeshore Learning (6300 N May, OKC), Ages 3 & up. Saturdays, 11am-3pm. 8588778, www.lakeshorelearning.com.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
FREE Skating Lessons at Skate Galaxy (5800 NW 36) features rollerskating lessons for beginner, intermediate & advanced as well as featured styles. Saturdays, noon12:45pm. 605-2758, www.skategalaxyokc.com. All-Star Bowling for Differently-Abled Individuals at AMF Yukon Lanes (500 E Main, Yukon) for differentlyabled individuals & friends. $8 per week for 3 games & shoes. Saturdays, 1pm. Email dbrakefield@yahoo.com to verify schedule. 354-2516. Drop in Art at the OKC Museum of Art. Create art inspired by the Museum’s collection, exhibitions, & special occasions. FREE with paid admission. Saturdays, 1-4pm. FREE Green Earth Gang for ages 9-13 works on conservation projects in Martin Park. Saturdays 2-5pm. 755-0676, www.okc.gov/parks/martin_park.
Ongoing Events Through February 3 Art Now Exhibition at City Arts Center features works from 25 Oklahoma artists from across the state in a variety of mediums.
Through February 4 Devon Ice Rink at Myriad Gardens features ice skating and a live DJ on Friday evenings. $10 with skate rental, $7 with own skates. Open noon-midnight daily. 2973423, www.downtownindecember.com.
Through February 5 FREE Interstate Icons & Other Roadside Attractions at the State Capitol's North Gallery features the work of Caryl Morgan including watercolor renderings of timeless roadside signage. 521-2020, www.arts.ok.gov.
Through February 10 The Teddy Bear’s Picnic presented by the Oklahoma Children’s Theatre at the Children’s Center for the Arts (2501 N Blackwelder). $9 adults, $6 children ages 2-12. Wednesday & Friday, 11am; Saturday-Sunday, 2pm.
Through February 11 XANADU presented by Lyric Theatre at the Plaza (1725 NW 16) is an over-the-top roller-skating musical spoof of the 1980s film. $40. Tuesday-Thursday, 7:30pm; Friday, 8pm; Saturday, 2pm & 8pm. 524-9312, www. lyrictheatreokc.com.
Through February 12 98th Annual School of Art & Art History Student Exhibition at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art highlights the diverse works of art created by art & art history students from the University of Oklahoma.
Through February 13 Wichita Mountains Eagle Watch at Wichita Mountains
National Wildlife Refuge includes an interpretive program and bus tour. Children must be 8 or older. $5. Sundays & Mondays, 1:30pm. 580-429-2151, http:// wichitamountains.fws.gov.
Through February 14 Henri Matisse's Venus a la Coquille I at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art gives visitors a rare chance to view one of only two sculptures Matisse cast of this subject.
Through February 19 FREE Steel Canvas Exhibit at the Oklahoma State Capitol Governor’s Gallery features 2D & 3D works from Choctaw artist Dan Garret. Weekdays, 8:30am-5pm. 521-2020, www.arts.ok.gov.
Through February 25
Through May 13 Warrior Spirits: Oceanic Arts Exhibition at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History features objects from the permanent collections of the Sam Noble Museum & the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art created & used by the indigenous peoples of presentday Papua New Guinea & West Papua, Indonesia. The Sun & His Wife Exhibit at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum depicts the ceremonial & domestic life of the Southwest Indians. Opening reception held 2/2.
Pickin’ & Grinnin’: Roy Clark, Hee Haw & Country Humor exhibit at the Oklahoma History Center celebrates Oklahoma’s ties to the beloved television show. Bound to Please: A History of Corsets at the Carnegie Library (406 E Oklahoma, Guthrie) showcases undergarments as a symbol of growth in women’s history from the Middle Ages through the present. 2821889, www.okterritorialmuseum.org.
Through February 29
Through June 6
Through February FREE Admission at the OKC Zoo on Mondays during the month of February. 9am-5pm.
Through March 16 FREE Farm Life Traveling Exhibit at the Edmond Historical Society & Museum (431 S Boulevard, Edmond) features historical facts & farming equipment. 340-0078, www.edmondhistory.org.
Through March 25 Pictorial Rugs of the Orient Exhibit at the MabeeGerrer Museum of Art (1900 W MacArthur, Shawnee) features a rare assemblage of pictorial rugs from the Middle East. 878-5300, www.mgmoa.org.
Through April 8 Chihuly Northwest at the OKC Museum of Art features works highlighting recent works by the artist that explore the color white. Pueblo to Pueblo: the Legacy of Southwest Indian Pottery at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum features 74 pottery vessels illustrating the remarkable variety of pottery created from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. Opening reception on 2/ 2.
Through April 29 Highlights from the Permanent Collection of Photography, Part 1 at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art surveys the history of photography with 100 photographs from the museum’s collection.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Metropolitan Library System
Through May 31
Building Buddies Exhibit at Science Museum Oklahoma is an interactive village that invites young children to play & explore while helping their “buddies” improve the neighborhood. FREE with paid museum admission.
FREE Art Quilts by Lola Jenkins at the Midwest City Library celebrates Black History Month with works by fiber artist Lola Jenkins.
Rock, Paper, Scissors at Science Museum Oklahoma is an interactive art installation that celebrates the multimedia works of Denise Duong & ceramics of Matt Seikel.
Through June 30 The Return of Elegance at the Oklahoma History Center features 29 evening gowns worn by Oklahoma women at inaugural balls & other special occasions as well as footwear & handbags covering the period of 1912-1985.
Through December 9 Oklahoma & Infamy at the Oklahoma History Center marks the 70th anniversary of the United States’ entrance into WWII through the Oklahomans who experienced the devastation. Includes artifacts, Japanese flight suits & naval uniforms, interviews with veterans & personal letters. FREE admission to veterans & active duty military.
Belle Isle.................5501 N Villa...........843-9601 Bethany................3510 N Mueller.........789-8363 Capitol Hill............ 334 SW 26th...........634-6308 Choctaw.................2525 Muzzy...........390-8418 Del City..................4509 SE 15th...........672-1377 Downtown.............300 Park Ave.......... 231-8650 Edmond............... 10 S Boulevard......... 341-9282 Midwest City......... 8143 E Reno........... 732-4828 Ralph Ellison....... 2000 NE 23rd...........424-1437 Southern Oaks....6900 S Walker.........631-4468 The Village........... 10307 N Penn.......... 755-0710 Warr Acres...........5901 NW 63rd...........721-2616 Harrah...............1930 N Church Ave.....454-2001 Jones.......................111 E Main............399-5471 Luther......................310 NE 3rd............ 277-9967 Nicoma Park...... 2240 Overholser........769-9452 Wright Library.... 2101 Exchange.........235-5035
Pioneer Library System www.pls.lib.ok.us
Blanchard............... 300 N Main............ 485-2275 McLoud....................133 N Main............964-2960 Moore.................... 225 S Howard.......... 793-5100 Newcastle............. 705 NW Tenth.......... 387-5076 Noble........................204 N 5th..............872-5713 Norman.................225 N Webster......... 701-2600 Purcell.................... 919 N Ninth............ 527-5546 Shawnee............101 N Philadelphia......275-6353 Tecumseh............114 N Broadway........598-5955
Looking for a fun family activity? Subscribe to MetroFamily’s
Weekend Picks to keep in the know.
www.MetroFamilyMagazine.com/subscribe-to-weekend-picks February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
FEBRUARY 2012 1 • Wednesday
12th Annual Winter Ball at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum benefits the A.R.T.S. Foundation. All ages welcome. $60, $20 children 12 & under. 6pm. 313-7060, www.annualwinterball.org.
Esther Women Luncheon featuring speaker Dr. Scott Carroll at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church (222 NW 15) creates dialogue & strengthens fellowship for Christian women as they navigate family, work & spiritual fulfillment. Held the first Wednesday of each month. Preregister. $150 for the year, $20 per individual program. 11:30am-1pm. 232-1371, www. estherwomenokc.org.
OKC Thunder vs. Memphis Grizzlies at the Chesapeake Energy Arena. $10 & up. 7pm. www.nba. com/thunder. Other home games this month: 2/14, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23.
2 • Thursday Groundhog Day at the OKC Zoo invites guests to see the Zoo’s wild meteorologists make their annual prediction. FREE with paid admission. 10am. OKC Barons vs. San Antonio Rampage at the Cox Convention Center. 7pm. Tickets $14 & up. www. okcbarons.com. Other home games this month: 2/3, 17-19, 22. Historical Performance Group at UCO Radke Fine Arts Theatre is the opening concert for the Historical Performance Practice Program. 7:30pm. 974-3375, www.uco.edu/cfad/events.
2-12 Pride & Prejudice by the Oklahoma Children’s Theatre at the Burg Theatre (2501 N Blackwelder) features a play adapted from the Jane Austen novel. Thursday, 11am; Friday, 11am & 8pm; Saturday, 8pm; Sunday, 2pm. $12 adults, $8 children ages 2-12.
2-19 Same Time, Next Year presented by the OKC Theatre Company at the Civic Center Music Hall CitySpace Theatre follows the love affair between two people, married to others, who rendezvous once a year. Mature audiences. $20, $10 preview performance on 2/2. Thursday-Friday, 8pm; Saturday, 7:30pm; Sunday, 2pm. 297-2264, www.okctheatrecompany.org.
2-23 Chef Masters at Yukon Community Center (2200 S Holly, Yukon) invites children ages 8-14 to learn to cook favorite dishes and become familiar with kitchen utensils, kitchen safety & recipes. Thursdays in February. $20 per student. 354-8442, www. cityofyukonok.gov.
3 • Friday The Art of the Heart 2011 Paseo Arts Association Member Show in the Paseo Arts District features works by members of the Paseo Arts Association. Awards given for best of show & merit. www.thepaseo.com. Parents Night Out at Yukon Community Center (2200 S Holly, Yukon) provides fun, food & entertainment for children ages 5-11 while their parents enjoy a night out. Includes crafts, snacks, games & more. $10 per child. 6-10pm. 354-8442, www.cityofyukonok.gov.
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Symphony Show House Preview Party at the 39th Annual Symphony Show House (440 NW 15) features tasting stations showcasing local restaurants & chefs, a celebrity chef auction & the first peek at the Symphony Show House before it is transformed by top designers. $40. 7-10pm. 842-6787, www.symphonyshowhouse. com. Friday Night School Night at Be Wild for Art (1006 24th Ave NW, Norman) will donate $1 per painter to the school of your choice. 5-9pm. 307-9971, www. bewildforart.com.
3-4 FREE First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District features more than 60 artists in 17 galleries. Friday, 6-10pm; Saturday, noon-5pm. 525-2688, www. thepaseo.com.
3-5 Tri K Winter Barrel Blast at Lazy E Arena (9600 Lazy E, Guthrie). 282-RIDE, www.lazye.com.
4 • Saturday Annual Polar Plunge at White Water Bay challenges individuals or groups to dive into a cold body of water in order to raise funds for Special Olympics. www. specialolympicsoklahoma.org. Cloth Diaper Bazaar at Green Bambino (5120 N Shartel) is an opportunity to buy, sell & trade gentlyused cloth diapers. 9-11am. 848-2330, www.greenbambino.com. Baby Bazaar at Mustang Town Center (1201 N Mustang, Mustang) features new & used clothing, toys & other items for babies & children on sale. 9am-noon. tpendell@cityofmustang.org, www.cityofmustang.org. FREE Smart Start Central Oklahoma Early Bird Classes at Putnam City Center (5604 NW 41) are a 90-minute class teaching parents of children ages birth to 5 the developmental skills that will prepare their children for school. 10-11:30am & 1-2:30pm. www. earlybirdsok.org. Also held: 2/7, 25 (Ceasar Chavez Elementary), 28 (Martin Luther King Elementary & Western Heights Public School). FREE Kids' Meditation Class at Buddha Mind Monastery (5916 S Anderson) helps kids discover their inner wisdom through meditation, stories & activities. Wear comfortable, modest attire & socks. 11am12:30pm. 869-0501, www.ctbuddhamind.org/classes. Great Escape at Mustang Town Center (1201 N Mustang) invites children to learn all about money. Includes dinner & a snack with fun activities all evening. $20. 6-11pm. tpendell@cityofmustang.org, www. cityofmustang.org.
Volunteer Recruitment at the OKC Zoo is an open house to learn more about working with plants, animals & staff at the OKC Zoo. Must be 18 & older. 10am. The Buffalo Soldiers at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum invites guests to follow a freedman as he enlists in the 9th & 10th regiments of the Calvary in a historical reenactment that includes songs & facts about the life & times of the Buffalo Soldiers. 10:30am. Live Banjo Performance at the American Banjo Museum invites guests to enjoy a live banjo performance. FREE with paid admission. 3-5pm. Also held: 2/11, 25. Daddy Daughter Dance at the Reed Conference Center (5800 Will Rogers, Midwest City). Three sessions available beginning at 4pm. Tickets available at the Nick Harroz Community Center. $8. 739-1293, www.midwestcityok.org. Daddy Daughter Dance at Robertson Activity Center (1200 Lakeshore, Yukon) features music by Ronnie Kay, light refreshments & photos. $5 in advance, $7 day of dance. Ages 5-8, 5-6:30pm; Ages 9-12, 7-8:30pm. 3548442, www.cityofyukonok.gov. FREE Joyful Music Guitar Concert at the Edmond Library features works for solo classical guitar performed by Edmond native Michael Fresonke. 2-3pm. 28th Annual Omelette Party benefits the OKC Museum of Art at the Coca-Cola Bricktown Events Center (425 E California). 7pm-midnight. Great Moments of Opera presented by the OKC Philharmonic at the Civic Center Music Hall features soprano Sarah Coburn. $15 & up. 8pm. 842-5387, www. okcphilharmonic.org.
4-5 Buchanan’s Vintage Flea Market in the Modern Living Building at State Fair Park features a large selection of quality antiques & collectibles. www.buchananmarkets. com.
6 • Monday FREE Admission at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History on the first Monday of each month. 10am-5pm. Student Jazz Ensemble Concert at UCO Jazz Lab (100 E 5, Edmond) invites guests to enjoy food & drinks from Hideaway Pizza before & during the performance. $7. 7pm. 359-7989, www.ucojazzlab.com.
7 • Tuesday Homeschool Day at the Oklahoma Aquarium in Jenks provides education rates for homeschool families & groups who do not meet the standard 25 person minimum. Preregister. $7 students, $10 adults. FREE Sitting In With Clara presented by Rhythmically Speaking at the Capitol Hill Library celebrates Clara Luper, mother of the Civil Rights Movement. 1pm. Also held: 2/9 (Midwest City Library), 11 (Warr Acres Library), 12 (Belle Isle Library), 15 (The Village Library), 16 (Del City Library), 18 (Bethany Library), 19 (Downtown
Library), 20 (Choctaw Library), 23 (Edmond Library), 28 (Ralph Ellison Library). Storytime Science at Science Museum Oklahoma features storytelling at its finest with the museum's performer-puppeteer extraordinaire. FREE with paid museum admission. 10am & 2pm. FREE Monthly Mini Model Build at Penn Square Mall’s Lego Store. Build a new model every month. Held the first Tuesday of the month. Quantities are limited. For ages 6-14. 5pm. 840-9993, www.Stores.Lego.com. FREE Magic as a Hobby at the Bethany Library features magician Lee Woodside dicussing his career in magic & teaching simple tricks. Ages 14 & up, with adult. 7-8pm.
8 • Wednesday Valentine’s Day Art Class at Crossings Community Church (14600 N Portland) invites little artists to layer all sizes of hearts to create a special Valentine. $20. Mommy-n-Me Class for ages 18mo-3years, 10am; Wee Art Class for ages 3-5years, 11am. 242-5454, www. crossingsokc.org/afac.
9 • Thursday Block Party! at the Ralph Ellison Library invites all ages for a block building party to get creative with architectural blocks, baby blocks, Legos, Lincoln Logs, Mega Bloks & more. 5:30-7pm.
9-11 Valentine Cabaret Dinner & Show at Oklahoma Christian University Recital Hall (2501 E Memorial, Edmond). 6pm. 425-5530, www.oc.edu/calendar. FREE Abraham Lincoln & the Indians at the Oklahoma History Center features Lincoln interpreter Fritz Klein in a living history event. 7pm.
9-18 Little Shop of Horrors presented by Upstage Theatre & Performing Arts Studio (844 W Danforth, Edmond) a musical comedy. $12 adults, $6 students, FREE ages 4 & under. Friday, 7:30pm; Saturday, 2pm & 7:30pm; Sunday, 2pm. 285-5803, www.upstagetheatreok.com.
9-25 Much Ado About Nothing presented by Reduxion Theatre at the Broadway Theater (1613 N Broadway) features Shakespeare’s tale. $17. Thursday-Saturday, 8pm; Sunday, 2pm. 590-5715, www.reduxiontheatre.com.
10 • Friday FREE LIVE on the Plaza in the Plaza District (NW 16th between Classen & Penn) on the second Friday of each month includes art walk, local artists, live music & shopping. 7-11pm. www.plazadistrict.org. FREE New Century Ensemble Concert at OU Catlett Music Center in Sharp Concert Hall (500 W Boyd, Norman) features new music performed featuring OU School of Music composition students. 8-10pm. 3254101, www.ou.edu/finearts.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
The 10th annual Art with a Heart art show and fundraiser will be held in the new atrium of Children’s Hospital (1200 Everett Dr, OKC) from 6-9pm. $30 admission. Includes hors d’oeuvres, cash bar and live and silent auction for artwork created by children during art therapy sessions. www.artwithaheartokc.com.
10-11 Murder Mystery Dinner at Old Towne Plaza (102 W Eufaula, Norman) benefits the Sooner Theatre. Guests participate in Murder Impersonated as they enjoy dinner & try to solve the murder mystery that unfolds before them. $75, $600 table of 8. 321-9600, www. soonertheatre.org.
10-12 An Affair of the Heart at the State Fairgrounds features arts, crafts, clothing, antiques, collectibles, gourmet foods & more. Friday-Saturday, 9am-6pm; Sunday, 11am-5pm. 632-2652, www.aaoth.com. Professional Bull Riders Built Ford Tough Series at the Chesapeake Energy Arena. $12 & up. 602-8700, www.pbr.com.
10-19 My Fair Lady at the Civic Center Music Hall tells the story of the transformation of a Cockney flower girl into a lady. $30 matinee, $35 evening. See website for performance schedule. 848-3761, www.cityrep.com.
11 • Saturday FREE College Tutors ACT Practice Test at Edmond Learning Center (1333 N Santa Fe, Edmond). Space is limited. Registration is required. 8:30am. 513-6060, www.collegetutors.com/edmondok. Frigid Five hosted by the Edmond Running Club at Mitch Park consists of a 5-mile run, a 1-mile fun run & the McMurtrie Children's 1-mile run to benefit Allied Arts, Edmond Parks & Recreation & cross country teams from area high schools. 8:30am. www. edmondrunningclub.com. FREE Build & Grow Kid's Clinic: Valentine Card Creator at Lowe's stores offer kids an opportunity to complete a wooden project. Kids receive apron, goggles, project-themed patch & certificate of merit. 10am. www. lowesbuildandgrow.com. FREE Mama Cloth 101 at Green Bambino (5120 N Shartel) presents several options to replace traditional disposable feminine products. To allow for open & honest discussion, this class is open to women only. Register by phone or online. 9-10am. 848-2330, www. green-bambino.com. RIVERSPORT RUNderground Indoor 5K Family Fun Run through the tunnels underneath OKC includes stairs & escalators. Strollers prohibited. Participants receive T-shirt. Registration available online & limited to first 300 people. $25 adults, $15 ages 12 & under. Race begins at noon. www.oklahomariverevents.org/ runderground. FREE Bart & Nadia Sports & Health Festival at the Cox Convention Center features sports activities for the whole family plus FREE health screenings & wellness
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information for all ages. The 2012 Nadia Comaneci International Invitational gymnastics competition follows at 7pm. 9am-5pm. www.bartandnadiafestival.com. FREE Pet Care Workshop at Animal Resource Center, Inc (7949 S I-35 Service Rd) features Dr. Ellen Domnick, DVM as she presents basic pet oral health care tips & tricks. Open to the public, including leashed, wellbehaved pets. Noon-1:30pm. 604-2892, www.arcokc. org. Yukon Chocolate Festival sponsored by Yukon Friends of the Park & the Ladies Library Club at Robertson Activity Center (1200 Lakeshore, Yukon) features 20 local chocolatiers. $8 ticket includes admission & 6 tastes. 1-3pm. www.cityofyukonok.gov. We Love Animals Family Program at the OKC Zoo invites guests of all ages to work with staff to create treats for the animals. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Possible allergens may be used. $15 members, $18 nonmembers, parents FREE with paid child. 2-3pm. Roundup Shindig at Riverwind Casino Showplace Theatre (1544 W State Hwy 9, Norman) benefitting the Children’s Hospital Foundation features dinner, entertainment & live auction. $150 per ticket. 6:30pm. 271-2550, www.roundupshindig.org. Greater Oklahoma Bluegrass Music Society Concert/Jam at the Oklahoma Country-Western Museum & Hall of Fame (3925 SE 29) features three professional bluegrass bands on stage. $6, FREE ages 12 & under. 6:30pm. 677-7515, www.gobms.org. Out of the Box Opening Reception at Science Museum Oklahoma Satellite Galleries showcases the intellectual mettle & creativity within OKC’s corporate industry. 7-10pm. 12th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance hosted by Norman Parks & Recreation at Embassy Suites (2501 Conference, Norman) for dads and their daughters ages 4-14 features DJ, refreshments, photographer & more. Tickets must be purchased in advance. $10. 2:30-4pm, 5-6:30pm & 7:30-9pm. 366-5472, www.normanfun.com. Linda Purl in Concert presented by UCO’s Broadway Tonight at Mitchell Hall Theatre (100 N University, Edmond) features an evening of vocal standards. $25. 7:30pm. 974-3375, www.uco.edu/cfad/events.
11-12 The Firebird presented by the OKC Ballet at the Civic Center Music Hall features Stravinsky’s music in the classic tale of good over evil. $31 & up. Saturday, 8pm; Sunday, 2pm. 843-9898, www.okcballet.com.
12 • Sunday The Second Sunday Valentine Concert at the Downtown Library features a concert with pianist Wayne McEvilly followed by refreshments. FREE. 2pm. OU Symphony Orchestra—Two New Music World Premieres at OU Catlett Music Center in Sharp Concert Hall (500 W Boyd, Norman). 8-10pm. 325-4101, www.ou.edu/finearts.
13 • Monday
UCO Voice Faculty: Valentines at UCO Radke Fine Arts Theatre (100 N University, Edmond) benefits the School of Music. 974-3375, www.uco.edu/cfad/events.
Tony & Tina’s Wedding at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (325 E 1, Edmond) is an interactive, improvisational comedy perfect for the Valentine weekend. ThursdaySaturday, 7:30pm; Sunday, 2pm. 216-3375, www.uco. edu/cfad/events.
14 • Tuesday Valentine’s Day at Science Museum Oklahoma invites guests to create a Valentine designed to show a unique love for science. FREE with paid museum admission. 9am-5pm. Valentine’s Party at Bouncin Craze (14901 N Lincoln, Edmond) includes Valentine activities. $7.50. 4-8pm. 607-2020, www.bouncincraze.com. Valentine's Dinner & Dance at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum invites guests to enjoy a buffet dinner & dancing. Reservations required. 6-10pm. Valentine Dinner & Concert at OCCC Bruce Owen Theatre (7777 S May) features Flamenco guitarist Ronald Radford. $20 concert only, $40 includes dinner. 7pm. 682-7576, www.occc.edu/cas. UCO Symphony Orchestra at UCO Mitchell Hall Theatre (100 N Broadway, Edmond). 7:30pm. 974-3375, www.uco.edu/cfad/events.
February 14-May 4 FREE Miradas: Ancient Roots in Modern and Contemporary Mexican Art from the Bank of America Collection at the City Arts Center features works by some of the best known Mexican artists. MondayThursday, 9am-10pm; Friday-Saturday, 9am-5pm. 951-0000, www.cityartscenter.org.
15 • Wednesday Science of SMO: Planetarium at Science Museum Oklahoma invites guests to come celebrate the laws of falling stuff with SMO's planetarium staff. FREE with paid museum admission. 9am-5pm. Extreme Sports Expo at Science Museum Oklahoma screens Extreme in the IMAX Dome Theater & features extreme sports athletes. 10am-4pm. FREE Oklahoma Christian University Music Recital at Recital Hall (2501 E Memorial, Edmond). 2:30pm. 425-5530, www.oc.edu/calendar.
15-18 Mamma Mia! at the Civic Center Music Hall combines ABBA’s greatest hits with a story of love, laughter & friendship. All ages. 800-869-1451, www. celebrityattractions.com. 800-869-1451, www. celebrityattractions.com.
16 • Thursday
February 16-May 13 Princely Treasures: European Masterpieces 16001800 from the Victoria & Albert Museum at the OKC Museum of Art showcases eighty objects from the collections of European decorative art of the 17th & 18th centuries from miniature to the monumental. NEW FRONTIERS: Julie Heffernan at the OKC Museum of Art presents twenty large-scale contemporary works by artist Julie Heffernan.
17 • Friday FREE Tell Me a Story: The Reality of Oklahoma’s Children of Incarcerated Parents presented by the OKDHS Practice & Policy Lecture Series at the Oklahoma History Center features Cheri Fuller, Executive Director of Redeeming the Family. Noon-1pm. www.okdhs.org/ppls. FREE Third Friday Celtic Night at Sonder Music (225 E Gray, Norman) invites guests to join the traditional Celtic music jam & dance. Held the 3rd Friday of the month. 8-10pm. 474-9734, www.sondermusic.com.
18 • Saturday FREE 17th Annual Mardi Gras Parade in Downtown Norman features dancers, jazz bands & more. 6pm. www.visitnorman.com. Winter Jam at the Chesapeake Energy Arena is Christian music’s largest annual tour featuring Sanctus Real, Kari Jobe, Group 1 Crew & more. $10. Time TBA. 602-8700, www.chesapeakearena.com. OSU Dance Marathon at Conoco Phillips OSU Alumni Center in Stillwater benefits the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Registration & donation opportunities available online. 2pm-midnight. 271-2208, www.helpmakemiracles.org/event/OSUDM. Cub & Webelo Scout Workshop: Geology at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History invites scouts to learn about different kinds rocks while exploring a cave & making fossils. $10 per scout includes activities & admission for scout & 1 adult per 5 scouts. Preregister. 10am-2:30pm; Webelo Scouts, 11:30am-3:30pm.
February 18-March 10 Yukon Spirit League Basketball at Yukon Community Center (2200 S Holly, Yukon) is a special needs league for all individuals with a disability. Includes practice skills & games. All ages. $10.Saturdays at 10am. 3508937.
Cellist Lynn Harrell with the Miro String Quartet at Armstrong Auditorium (14400 S Bryant, Edmond) features the “dean of American cellists” performing with the Miro Quartet. 7:30pm. 285-1010, www. armstrongauditorium.com.
19 • Sunday
UCO Wind Symphony at Mitchell Hall Theatre (100 N University, Edmond). 7:30pm. 974-3375, www.uco.edu/ cfad/events.
OKC Philharmonic Music Olympics Winners Concert at OCU Petree Recital Hall (2501 N Blackwelder). 3pm. 848-6787, www.okcphilharmonic.org.
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Accademia Filarmonica at OU Catlett Music Center in Sharp Concert Hall (500 W Boyd, Norman) features the works of Ludwig van Beethoven performed by the Accademia Filarmonica Chamber Orchestra & OU Chorale. $9. 3-5pm. 325-4101, www.ou.edu/finearts. Winter Wind Concert Series: Samantha Crain at the Performing Arts Studio (200 S Jones, Norman) features songs by the Shawnee native. $15. 7-9pm. 307-9320, www.pasnorman.org.
22 • Wednesday
27 • Monday
African Americans of Science at Science Museum Oklahoma celebrates the impact of African American Scientists. FREE with paid museum admission. 9am5pm.
Monday Study Club at 50 Penn Place (1900 NW Expressway) features a presentation by Michele Menzel, ND, CNC, CNHP regarding “Health & Nutrition” & includes lunch. Email for reservations. Annual dues, $25; lunch, $12.50. 11:30am-1pm. mondaystudyclub@ gmail.com.
23 • Thursday
Guest Artist: Ann Schein, Piano at UCO Mitchell Hall Theatre (100 N University, Edmond). 7:30pm. 974-3375, www.uco.edu/cfad/events.
Designs on Film: A Century of Hollywood Art at the OKC Museum of Art features a lecture by Cathy Whitlock, author of the book Designs on Film & a contributing writer for The Huffington Post.
Swine Week Walk in Downtown Edmond at Festival Marketplace benefits Oklahoma Project Women. See website for details. $20. 8am. 519-1606, www. swineweek.org.
20 • Monday
24 • Friday
Student Jazz Combo Concert at UCO Jazz Lab (100 E 5, Edmond) enjoy food & beverages from Hideaway Pizza before & during the show. $7. 7pm. 359-7989, www.ucojazzlab.com.
Play in a Day: The Pied Piper presented by Kid Co Theatre at the Piedmont Library (1129 Stout NW, Piedmont) leads students in creating an original play based on a classic children’s story. $25. 9:30am-3:30pm. 563-KIDS, www.okkidco.org. FREE Josties in Concert at Lifehouse (1 NW 12) features the Jost family as they share the faithfulness of God through music & testimony. 7-9pm. 236-5433, www. josties.com.
20-25 Just Between Friends Consignment Sale at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds (615 E Robinson, Norman). Many items discounted 25% on Friday & 50% on Saturday. www.norman.jbfsale.com.
February 20-March 31 Dr. Pepper Vending Machine Art Contest at the OKC Zoo invites kids in grades K-12 to enter for a chance to win. Entry forms available at www.okczoo.com accepted through March 31.
21 • Tuesday Marketing the Southwest: The Fred Harvey Company Promotes Southwestern Art at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum explores the far-ranging activities of the Fred Harvey Company & the Santa Fe Railway that indirectly changed the scope of Southwestern Arts. Engineering Day at Science Museum Oklahoma invites guests to discover engineering. FREE with paid museum admission. 9am-4pm. Tiny Tuesdays: Mardi Gras at the OKC Museum of Art invite families for a come & go, open-ended art making activity geared towards children ages 2-5 with a parent or caregiver. FREE with paid museum admission. 10am-noon. FREE Family Craft Night at the Midwest City Library features crafts for all ages & skill levels. Preregister. 6:30-7:30pm. Dixieland Band at UCO Jazz Lab (100 E 5, Edmond) features traditional jazz music performed by current jazz faculty, retired faculty & alumni from the School of Music. $10. 7:30pm. 974-5004, www.ucojazzlab.com.
An Evening with Baxter Black at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. Reservations recommended. Dinner, 5pm; Performance, 7pm. Boys Lock-In at the Yukon Community Center (2200 S Holly, Yukon) features a night of activities just for boys ages 5-11 including games, snacks, music, video games, forts & more. $20. 7pm-7am. 354-8442, www. cityofyukonok.gov.
24-25 Cupid’s Wingman presented by the OKC Philharmonic at the Civic Center Music Hall features singer, songwriter & pianist Tony DeSare. $15 & up. 8pm. 8425387, www.okcphilharmonic.org.
24-26 Friends of the Metropolitan Library Annual Booksale at the State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma Expo Hall benefits the Library System & includes books, magazines, audio & videos, most for $1 or less. Members presale Friday, 5:30-9pm; Saturday-Sunday, 9am-5:30pm. www.supportmls.org.
25 • Saturday Swine Week Walk in Downtown Edmond at Festival Marketplace benefits Oklahoma Project Women. See website for details. 8am. www.swineweek.org. Much Ado About Nothing Metropolitan Library Tour presented by Reduxion Theatre at the Downtown Library includes a workshop at 11am followed by the production of Shakespeare’s classic tale at 1pm.
25-26 Monster Jam at Chesapeake Energy Arena features USHRA Monster Trucks & more. $18 adults, $5 children. Saturday, 2pm & 7:30pm; Sunday, 2pm. 602-8700, www. chesapeakearena.com.
26 • Sunday FREE Science in Action & Object ID Day at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History invites guests to bring in natural history objects to be identified by experts from a number of natural history disciplines. Includes demonstrations & hands-on activities for the whole family. 1-5pm.
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The Chieftans at Armstrong Auditorium (14400 S Bryant, Edmond) bring their infectious Irish melodies & driving rhythms to Edmond. 7:30pm. 285-1010, www. armstrongauditorium.com. OU Wind Symphony & Symphonic Band at OU Catlett Music Center in Sharp Concert Hall featuring music director & conductor William Wakefield. $9. 8-10pm. 325-4101, www.ou.edu/finearts.
27-29 Symphony By The Sea for Students at the Oklahoma Aquarium combines arts & science education by exposing children to aquatic life while Tulsa Symphony Orchestra members introduce young listeners to classical music. Reservations required.
February 27-March 4 Auditions for Lyric Theatre’s Summer Productions at Lyric’s Production Center (1801 NW 16) will be casting Bye, Bye Birdie, Sweet Charity & Call Me Madam. Call for audition time. 524-9310, www.lyrictheatreokc.com/ about-the-lyric/auditions.
28 • Tuesday FREE National Pancake Day at IHOP Restaurants offers a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes to each guest. Optional contributions to Children’s Miracle Network & other local charities will be collected. 7am10pm. www.ihoppancakeday.com. Doubt: A Parable at OCCC Bruce Owen Theatre (7777 S May) is a play that tackles faith, trust, friendship & the Church with a deft & insightful touch. $10 & up. 7pm. 682-7576, www.occc.edu/cas.
29 • Wednesday OU Opera Theatre Don Giovanni Matinee for middle & high school students & teachers at OU Reynolds Performing Arts Center (560 Parrington Oval, Norman). Contact Marilyn Ogilvie at mogilvie@ou.edu for details. www.ou.edu/finearts.
MARCH 2012 March 1 “Tchaikovsky” St. Petersburg State Orchestra at Armstrong Auditorium (14400 S Bryant, Edmond) is an ensemble with an extremely diverse repertoire ranging from the Baroque music to the music of the 20th Century. 7:30pm. 285-1010, www.armstrongauditorium. com.
March 1-4 OKC Auto Show at State Fair Park includes car exhibits, children’s area & more. www.okcautoshow.org. The Lark at UCO Mitchell Hall Theatre (100 N University, Edmond) tells the story of Joan of Arc focusing on her trial with key incidents told through flashbacks. Thursday-Saturday, 7:30pm; Sunday, 2pm. 974-3375, www.uco.edu/cfad/events. Don Giovanni presented by OU Opera Theatre at Reynolds Performing Arts Center (560 Parrington Oval, Norman) is Mozart’s opera in grand style. ThursdaySaturday, 8pm; Sunday, 3pm. 325-4101, www.ou.edu/ finearts.
March 2 Forensics Day at Science Museum Oklahoma invites guests to come explore the science behind crime scene investigation with experts from OSBI. FREE with paid museum admission. 9am-4pm. Read Across America Day 2012 encourages all Americans to pick up a book and read. This year’s featured title is Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. Visit www.nea.org for activity ideas. An Evening with the Rodeo Opry at the Sooner Theatre (101 E Main, Norman) $15 & up. 8pm. 321-9600, www.soonertheatre.org.
March 2-4 Timed Event Championship at the Lazy E Arena (9600 Lazy E, Guthrie) features three days & five performances of competition in one of the most prestigious events in professional rodeo. 282-7433, www.lazye.com. Watonga Trout Derby at Roman Nose State Park gives fishermen an opportunity to catch tagged trout for prizes. Junior Division ages 17 & younger, Senior Division ages 18 & older. Pre-registration available online or in person at the Watonga Chamber of Commerce. $10 Junior Division, $20 Senior Division. 580-623-5452, www. watongachamber.com.
March 2-16 Red vs the Wolf presented by the Oklahoma Children’s Theatre at the Children’s Center for the Arts (NW25 & Blackwelder) tells the wolf’s side of the classic story about Red Riding Hood. $9 adults, $6 children ages 2-12. Wednesday & Friday, 11am; Saturday & Sunday, 2pm.
March 2-25
March 6
The Color Purple presented by the Poteet Theatre at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church (222 NW 15). $20. Thursday-Saturday, 8pm; Sunday, 3pm. 609-1023, www. poteettheatre.com.
Tiny Tuesdays: Little Leprechauns at the OKC Museum of Art invite families for a come & go, openended art making activity geared towards children ages 2-5 with a parent or caregiver. FREE with paid museum admission. 10am-noon.
March 3 FREE Trout Fish Out at Robertson Activity Center Pond (1200 Lakeshore, Yukon) is a fishing contest for young anglers with prizes awarded for different categories. Adults must be accompanied by a child. 10am-1pm. 354-8442, www.cityofyukonok.gov. Musical Surprises presented by the OKC Philharmonic at the Civic Center Music Hall features violinist Rachel Barton Pine. $15 & up. 8pm. 842-5387, www. okcphilharmonic.org.
March 3-September 16 A Century of Magic: The Animation of the Walt Disney Studios at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art surveys many of the major animated films & includes more than 80 cells used in the original production of the animated films.Opening reception 3/3, children & families, 4-6pm; adults, 7-9pm.
March 4 Discovery Family Series: Peter & the Wolf & Other Tales presented by the OKC Philharmonic at the Civic Center Music Hall features musical narratives to delight both children & parents. $9. 2pm. 842-5387, www. okcphilharmonic.org.
Storytime Science at Science Museum Oklahoma invites guests to enjoy storytelling at its finest with the museum's performer-puppeteer extraordinaire. FREE with paid museum admission. 10am & 2pm.
March 7-9 Symphony By The Sea for Students at the Oklahoma Aquarium combines arts & science education by exposing children to aquatic life while Tulsa Symphony Orchestra members introduce young listeners to classical music. Reservations required.
March 8 Constructing the Vision—Education Redefined presented by Veritas Classical Academy at the OKC Marriott (3233 NW Expressway) features author Susan Wise Bauer & musical Michael Card at this inaugural fundraising banquet. 5:30-9pm. 310-2733, www. constructingthevision.com. Doc Severinsen & His Big Band at Armstrong Auditorium (14400 S Bryant, Edmond) features this ever vibrant Grammy-winning trumpeter & former Tonight Show bandleader with one of the only traditional big bands of its kind touring with its original conductor. 7:30pm. 285-1010, www.armstrongauditorium.com.
Memorial’s Got Talent at First Christian Church (2nd & Boulevard) benefits Edmond Memorial High School’s Swine Week fundraising event in their support of Oklahoma Project Women. 6:30pm. www. swineweek.com. Winter Wind Concert Series: Big Wide Grin at the Performing Arts Studio (200 S Jones, Norman) features the bicoastal trio of Elaine Dempsey, Lawrence Lambert & Karl Werne. $20. 7-9pm. 307-9320, www.pasnorman.org.
March 5 FREE Admission at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History on the first Monday of each month. 10am5pm. OKC Thunder vs. Dallas Mavericks at the Chesapeake Energy Arena. $10 & up. 7pm. www.nba.com/thunder. Other home games this month: 3/7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25.
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
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www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012
February 2012 | www.metrofamilymagazine.com
Andrew H., age 12; Aiden H., age 3; and Alexis H., age 7. of Edmond at the OKC Zoo.
Marco A., age 5; Kahya A., age 3; and Micah A., age 3 of Nicoma Park in their front yard. Samantha M., age 14; Dakota M., age 11; Cameron M., age 12 and Tori M., age 17 of Tinker AFB at the OKC Zoo.
Tyler V., age 5; Madison V., age 3; and Caleb V., age 7 of Oklahoma City, vacationing in Florida.
Super Siblings In January, our readers submitted their favorite photos of brothers and sisters together. View all submissions at www. metrofamilymagazine.com/ february-2012-photos.
Darby B., age 11 and Drew B., age 7, of Norman at an OSU game.
Raya S., age 4; Farris S., age 7; and Karam S., 4 weeks, of Oklahoma City in their front yard.
For our March issue, we'd love to see your family having fun at local area attractions—museums, libraries, playgrounds, parks or anywhere you have fun. Deadline is Thursday, February 16. Guidelines and a form to submit your photos can be found at www.metrofamilymagazine.com/mfm-photo-galleries.
www.metrofamilymagazine.com | February 2012