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Me_n's,-Women's Day Observed at-Avery Chronicle News Services
Rev. James T ho m as o f _Arkadelphia, Ark., will p reach during the 10:45 a.m. morning worship services and a special pro gram (with the th'eme, "Warriors for the Lora.... a Family Affair") will be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, .· March8, asMen'sand Women'sDay isqbserved bytheAveryChapelAME Cliurch, 1425N. Kelham Ave. Rev. Thomas is pastorof the St. Pa\II African Methodist Episcopal Church in Arkadelphia . __ 'l]e men ofthe'Avery ehapel Aiv1E vl,Jll be in charge of the moini ing worship services, according to Bruce Nolan, who-is chairman of a Men's and Women's Day Steering CQmmittee members are, from left, contrnttteethat is planning activ�ties Betty Yarbrough, Julia Terrell, Ammo9 P. Jenkins, Bruce Nolan, Ruby Alexander, Fannie Bailey and Freddye H. Williams. related to those services. · The womenofthecongregation strumental, dramatic and dance per- Gfuy. will be in. charge of the 4 p.m. pro- formances will be presented. �Others are Edda Faye Allen, · "Particpants will reflect' the Juanita Holloway,Birdie Allen, Inez I · gram. Ammon P. Jenkins; who is -· many generations of the church fam- James, Rosalyn Jeanpierre, Marie · Peterson, Dorothy Steward and . chairmanofacommittee planningthe ily,"Mrs. Jenkins stated. A "smorsgabord of favorite SoloniaBennett. 4 p.m. program, described the event as a ''variety program" that will fea- foods and dishes" will be served durturethetalents of various of members · ing a reception to be held in the Feloffamilies of Avery Chapel, thus, the lowship Hall following the evening theme, "A Family Affair." Vocal, in- program. It will be an occas_ion at which members and guests will be treated to the "favorite foods and dishes of the women of Avery," Fannie B. Bailey, �o-chairman of the Women's Day activities committee, commented. Recipes for those dishes have been compiled in a recipe book and copies of it will be given to those attending the reception. In addition toMrs. Jenkins,Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Nolen, theMen's and Women's Day Steering Committee includes Betty Yarbrough, Julia Terrell, Ruby Alexander and Freddye Harper Williams. Members of the Women's Day Committee are Mabel Mukes, Vera Rice, Patricia Thomas, Pandora Crawford, Diedre .Jones and Doris
The Blacl
Some of tfifJ�:g�irikDay f<>lli�ittee members are (seated, fr�nt, from left) Mabel Mukes, Vera Rice,' Rul?yAlexctU4�r,;i:r'edQyeH.Willi�s, Ammon P. Jenkins and Genese Brown. Others ar�,(seated, second row, from.l�;£tfi:>�triciaThomas;I>c1ndora Crawford, Diedre Jones, Doris Gary, BettyYarbrough and Julia Terrell, aif��(�fandjng, from }eft) Edda F. Allen, 'Juanita Holloway, Fannie B. Bailey, Birdie Allen, Inez Jam�s, Rq�'iilyn>Jeanpierre and �arie Peterson.
. Mrs. Inez James, Avery Chapel Women's Missionary Society, President Mrs. LaJuan Lewis, Avery Chapel Young People's and ChUdren's Division, Oirectlor � . Miss Khaliliah K. Smith, Connectional YPD Historiographer/Statistian Miss Katrina Brewer, Avery Chapel YPD President Dr. David R. Stuckey, Avery Chapel AME Pastor
Avery Chapel AME Church Young People's and Children's Division Revival 2000 Musical Saturday June 24, 2000 7:00PM Riley Jones, Presiding Congregational Hymn........................................................................................Leaning on Everlasting ,Arms, p 525 lnvocational Prayer........................................................................................... Foster Maham Scripture Reading............................................................................................. Anthony Brewer Welcome......................................................................................................... Riley Jones Part/ Selections A&B.............................................................................................. Avery Chapel Children's Choir Selections A&B ..............................................................................................Avery Chapel Youth Choir Offering..........................................................................................................Whitney McDonald Part II Selections A&B.............................................................................................. Liberty Church Edmond, Oklahoma Selections A&B ........................................................................................... Vemon Chapel AME Church Tulsa, Oklahoma Invitation...................................-....................................................................................................... Remarks and Recognition.................................................................................................................... of Special Guests Annoucements............................................................................................... LaJuaii Lewis, Dii..ctc; Missionary Benediction
"Grow, Glow and Go for Christ"
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Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Memorial Services
Presented By The Tanner Turner Memorial Committee Of the Oklahoma Conference WMS
September 8, 2000
Bishop Richard Allen Chapelle, Presiding Bishop of the 12th Episcopal District Mrs. Barbara J. Chapelle, Supervisor of the WMS and Children's Work Dr. Anna Burnett Graham, 12h District WMS President Mrs. Sherrell Giles, 12th District YPD Director Ms. Gloria Hall, Oklahoma Conference WMS President *Ms.Lucille D. Smith, Oklahoma Conference WMS 1st Vice President Mrs. Linda King, Oklahoma Conference WMS 2nd Vice President Mrs. Brenda Fields, Oklahoma Conference YPD Director ďż˝ Ms. Carlotta Banks, Chairperson of Tanner Turner Memorial Standing Committee Chair Sis Mazel Lee, Tanner Turner Memorial Committee Member -ďż˝ Sis Doris Gary, Tanner Memorial Committee Member
Order of Service _-Carlotta Y. Banks, Presiding ďż˝ Prelude......................................................................................-................................................Soft Music Opening Meditation.................................................................................................................Doris Gaďż˝ Now we have come to a time when we remember our beloved sisters who have finished their course here on this earth. We have been touched in some way by their friendly smile, encouraging words, and gentle manner. May they continue in the joy of the Lord forever. Hymn..........................................................................................................................When We All Get to Heaven pg.11 Prayer.........................................................................................................................................Mary Screen Comfort From the Scriptures................................................................................................Sister Johnell Newton Romans 8: 35-39 Leader: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? People: As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Leader: Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. People: For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come All:
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Soft Music.................................................................................................................................... Necrology Roll Call..............................................................................................................Earnestine Carmichael Memorial Tributes...................................................................................................................... Solo.............................................................................................................................................Mary Boone The Closing Prayer..................................................................................................................All Our Father in Heaven, As we close this program, let us be dutiful in doing your will as we wait for your return. Let us be mindful that one day we will meet you for ourselves just as our dear sisters who have found eternal rest. Amen Missionary Benediction
NECROLOGY LIST 1. Jaquin Crawford Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church Oklahoma City, OK
2. Vina Dulan Avery Chapel A.M.E. Church Oklahoma City, OK
3. Christina Freeman Avery Chapel A.M.E. Church Oklahoma City, OK 4. Thelma Holt Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church Oklahoma City, OK 5. Doris Hunter St. Paul A. M. E. Church Fredrick, OK 6. Catherine Little · � Avery Chapel A.M.E. Church Oklahoma City, OK 7. Nilar Jewel Phillips*. Avery Chapel A.M.E. Church Oklahoma City, OK 8. Opal Spencer �Avery Chapel A.M.E. Church Oklahoma City, OK 9. Lois Webster Grant Chapel A.M.E. Church Lawton, OK
The AME Corner "WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO" Brought to you by the A.C.A.M.E.C. Lay Organiz
What A.M.E.'s Believe The Ten Commandments: A Guide to Personal Behav1 Much has been made in recent times of the need for adherence to that part of the Mount Sinai Covenant commonly called the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20: 1-7) as a moral standard of our society. We as African Methodists have adopted the Ten Commandments at moral guideline. They form the heart of the "Decalogue" that we share in its entirety on Communion Sundays, so that we can call to mind the nature of our sins since we last shared in the Lord's Supper and pray, "Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law." We hold that the Ten Commandments, as fulfilled by the coming of the Christ, are still worthy for Christian ethical instruction. We do so, bearing the following facts in mind: • The Ten Commandments represent a philosophy of good conduct, even though they do not cover every aspect of modern behavior. We do "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy," but celebrate a Sunday heard and sought to obey the Ten Commandments. The Saturday Sabbath reflects the Hebraic tradition of observing a day of rest in remembrance of God's day of rest on the seventh day of creation (Genesis 2:1-2). Our Sabbath is a celebration of the Christ who rose from the dead on the first day of the week. Our remembrance, then, is not geared to rest, but to celebrate worship to begin the week in praise of the resurrected Christ. •
The Ten Commandments should be understood in their original context and in the context of the present age. We may not covet our neighbor's ox or donkey, but we should not covet our neighbor's car or wardrobe either. The Commandments were given to the Hebrews to define the nature of a right relationship to the Lord God and to one another.
The Ten Commandments in their original context were a guide for Hebraic community behavior. The Christian view of the Commandments is as a guide fro personal behavior.
The Ten Commandments are Judeo-Christian Scripture. As such, they should not be displayed or otherwise prescribed by force of law to be observed by those of other faiths who have similar but differently worded Canonic coded of moral behavior.
The regular monthly Lay Organization Meeting is 3rd Saturday of each month Look forward to seeing you there.
Bettye J. Moulden., President
-Patience Allison Hartbauer-
For God will rule my every thought In each new day l seize. I take His hand extended, I tum to God again... Knowing He will meet my needs, His love and wisdom will sustain. A whole new life awaits me now in this new 21st century, and only goodness will prevail because God walks with me.
Introduction of 'Lil Women's Day Speaker.. Chequita Green 'Lil Women's Day Speaker..,"........... Haniett Bermett Selection.(Congregation)..We Are Often Tossed and Driven Introduction of__E_peaker.......Lois L.Mosley/(ucille Smith Women�s�Day Speaker_, ........Mrs. Barbara J. Clll!J)pelle, Invitation.....................Rev. Ouida Parks-Pierson Acknowledgements & Remarks............. Gwen Parker Announcements Final Remarks.......Rev.Dr.David R. Stuckey, Sr., Pastor
Music................................Danny Haynes Processional......................Program Pruticipants Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Call To Worship........................Lucille Smith Leader: Come, let us be sensitive to God's presence. Members: Let us share together the hope and joy that we have with women ev�rywhere. Leader: Let us also be honest about our concerns and failures. Members: Let us face the realities of tragedy and broken dreams that sunound us. Leader: Let us find causes for celebration, as we aspire to become more caring and devoted women in the church. All: Let us translate our concerns and our desires· into responsible action for a world of peace and justice. Opening Song........................Edda Faye Allen Prayer........................Sister Pandora Crawford Selection ....................Avery Chapel Mass Choir Scripture...(Proverbs 31:10-31).......... Khaliliah Smith Welcome.. ..........................Bettye Moulden Selection........................... Voices of Victory Cordelia (Tweety) Webb , Director
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Decoration Lois Jones Bevra Me1Titt Betty Moulden Flowers LaJuan Lewis Vickie Maillard
Program Lois L. Mosley Lucille Smith
Food Linda Crook Princess Hill Emily Nelson Mary Scott Phyllis Stevenson
In addition to the members listed above, the Women's Day Committee wishes to express its appreciation to all who made this a wonderful event. Had it not been for each and every one of you, this would not have been possible. Thank you again and again!
Hospitality Louise Glenn Ruby D. Quinn Khaliliah Smith
Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair Co-Chair
Publicity Lois Felder-Jones Juanita Holloway
Gwen Parker Norma C. Mccann Lois L. Mosley Lucille Smith
Women's Day Committee
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Theme: Women Taking Their Place In The 21st Century
Avery Chapel AME Church Rev. Dr. David R. Stuckey, Sr., Pastor
March 4, 2001 3:00 p.m.
Women's Day
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l- Z()b -d;;) J-3'3(ff Bus Driver - lt\Tillard Jones Laura L. Turner W.M.S. Itinerary Red Carpet bus will leave Avery Ch:rpel A.M.E. June 11 (Monday) in the parking lot. The church address is l425 N Kelham Ave. OKC, OK 8:00 a.m. will be departure time. Refres."mzents will be served and the guest will introduce themselves (Short me:,'.sages from each person.) There will also be games on the bus. Times are approximate First stop 9:30 a.m. - Tulsa, OK loca.:ion dcdded 1Jy driver 15-20 1ninutes. Second stop 12:00 p.m. Solana, AR -- duration of stop 30-45. (lunch.) Third stop 1:00 p.1n. - Thorncrown C':apel (Glass House) durat-ion of stop 30-45 minutes. 2:30 p.m. arrival and check in hotel roo1ns. Rooms should already be assigned with your paclcage. At 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. buffet dinner in the cafeteria. Between 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.nt. leave for passion show arci"i IT.. ,:.,,. 1-
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6:30-8:00 tour passion play area, potter house and others. About 8:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. · Passion show (we will all sit together, the seats are - assigned.) Tuesday June 12th 7:00 a.1n.-8:00 a.m. breakfast at the hotel (leave your bags packed and at the door before leaving for breakfast . ) 8:30 a.m.- 9:30 leave for Holy land tour. The Holy land tour will be approxi1nately 2 hours. 12:00 p.m. tour downtown Eureka Springs (optional.) At 1:00 p.ni. the bus will be leaving for OKC. There will be 2 stops on return trip; the bus driver will make these decisions. 5:30 p.m. the bus will be back at Avery Chapel parking lot. Thank you and God bless you. The members of the Laura L. Turner W.M.S.
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behind the Scenes atThe Greatfassion Fla� 5,nce its beginningi The Gre�t Fassi:on F la!J has hel0_ � speci�I place in t?e hearts and minds of ever!Jone who has b�fn a part of iL for t�e �a,5t-and.;t:re:..V, it i�.::
. mo re than a vocation. It is a pa.r t of their liv�:s, and a v�ri per�onaCde-dicatio n or·: t( -
tim�; energ!J and lo ve. Here are· sonie fun:�nd-,nterestin·g fa_i::ts about The Gr�a( .·,.: Fassio � F la and th� pea.pie who h�\/e helped br,�g t_o -life:·
•; When it opened� The G'i:eat F�s�i?n f! ;3!J had.�; �a:!: of ju�\80 actors.0
. Toda!J >appr;ximatel!J 250 perf?�m_er's _appea,r:- on; �tag� to r �ach P?r:for��-;
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_:· ..-�:·· : :. ·:• .Toda�'s cast still ,�-eludes some_of:_the plaj's-�rii,�)l_pirf�rniers: .
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• E_a�h Augtfst, The Great as�io'n· Fla.!J: holds-� -r�union f�r forr,:1er a�d. current cast and crew· members:
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.: n 'famil3 ha�e bee�--a·par't 6f _ .. '' •,:·:·- •. . C,fi_ ,, • fo�r g��er�tions of_ t�e The Great Fassion:'fl·a!J . Mr: a�d Mrs. Cain arid- o_ther_famil!J mem _ b�r:� . . ) . ·. were in• the original ca-�t. Their son, gr:-and0�ught� ;_a�d�gre.at-grin�children . . . . ". . _ ha�e" �l�o plat3�drol�s. _ ,,.- , "'!�· •
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• Man!J peo pl� met their future sp-�uses while· performfng in The Gre;:3t Fassion F la!J , and so me have even held their weddings on· t he set. .
• Almost ever!) Christian deno minatio n has been represented in the cast. -
ilii Tram Stop and Pick Up
Canaanite Altar Bread Oven BedtiiHn Jent Dohkey Pen· .. • Grain StoragEf Pit Open Cistern Shaduf Watering Troughs, Well Clay Bricks First Passover · Ten Commandments Moses' Tabernacle
EASTERN GATE The entrance to the "temple mount" in Jerusalem, at times called the "Golden Gate".
At each tram stop you will be greeted by a costumed guide who will help bring the exhibits to life;
(Photos and video are permitted in the New Holy Land for personal use only.)
A two and a half hour inspirational, motorized, and narrated tour of over 40 authentic Old & New Testament exhibits.
Community Well Carpenter's Shop . Weaver's Shop Bethlehem Inn 'Nativity Stable
Tram.Stop and Pick Up COLO BOTTLED WATER SOLD HERE © Port-A-Potty
Rock of Witness i Threshing Floor : Hebrew Stone Altar j Feast of Tabernacles-Booth .
The town of Bethlehem is located 6 miles southwest of Jerusalem. It is the area where David grew up and tended his father's sheep. It was here that Samuel anointed David to be king. Bethlehem means "house of bread". The caves in this area were frequently used as stables at the time of Jesus' birth. It was in such a cave that Jesus Christ was born to the virgin, Mary. " ...Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." (Luke 2: 12)
When Moses met God on the mountain, he was instructed to build the Tabernacle "after the pattern in heaven." Tabernacle: means "dwelling" and this was the place where God dwelt among His people. His presence was seen as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. When the cloud of God's glory moved, the children of,Israel would dismantle the Tabernacle and follow the cloud until it stopped. They would reassemble it facing the east. As you tour this exhibit you will be taking a journey back to the time when Israel worshiped God in. the Tabernacle. You will see replicas of the brazen altar, laver, golden lampstand, "table of shew bread, altar of incense and the ark of the coven,ant in the Holy of Holies.
When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to be baptized, he said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin ofthe world!" (Johnl:29)
The Jordan River runs north and south between the Sea of Galilee ·and Dead Sea. In the 60 miles between those two bodies of water, the Jordan twists & turns approximately 200 miles. Many important events, from the Bible, took place at the" Jordan including the crossing of the Jordan, on dry land, by the children of Israel under the leadership of Joshua.
Sheepfold Watch Tower Vineyard Wine Press Dead Sea - Caves White Washed Tomb Rock Quarry Rock Lift Jordan River Baptismal area
l(-1- {?, 1 :J.,l,"10 I
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This is a replica of the Garden Tomb located a short distance north of the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. The tomb Jesus was buried in belonged 'td Joseph C',.:' ,__..·�. of Arimathea. It .was a new unused i:oinb in a garden near Golgotha.(Jn.19:38-42) In rock-hewn tombs, the floor in the middle of the burial'chamber was lower. · -,;,' Benches on which bodies were placed were carved out of the side of Jhe tomb.,;The dead were placed in an outstretched position on these benches. This· type of ·· · tomb became known as the "bench tomb". There were usually three of these
This was simply a room upstairs or above ground. Large upper rooms with -, outside and inside staircases, above the , noise and_ bustle of the city, could· be found througti'qt..it �he tand of- Israel. . _ · Jesus am;f His 'Jiisdples,' went Jo'the · Upper Room'for their fast ·meal together. The table is not typical of most pictures depicting "The Last Supper". Here you see the tables arranged in a "Triclinium", which was typical in the Roman world at the time of Christ. The table is low and everyone reclined on mats at the table. Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure. John, chapters 13-17 gl❖e us Jesus words to His disciple�·-;�,hY!e they were gathered in the Upper Roo'r,ri';.. -�· : . �
� Tram Stop and © Port-A.Potty
�•«::� Up
Upper Room Golgotha/Calvary Garden Tomb Stone (Rolled away)
In Israel, the Sea of Galilee is about 14 miles long by 7 miles wide. At the time of Christ, fishing was a big industry on the Sea of Galilee. Peter, James, John and Andrew were fishermen by trade when Jesus,called, them. 'Much of Jesus' ministry took place in the region of Galilee. It was here that He fed the multitudes, many were . healed . of diseases and set free from the power of Satan as Jesus traveled about this area.
"Walk With Peter" Galilean Fishing Boat Peter's House Domus Ecclesia Millstones Mount of Be.a�itude_s
Tram Stop and Pick Up COLD- BOTTLED WATER SOLD HERE © Port-A-Potty_
"Vp from tfte 9rave ¾e:,aros� witli,:·· triumpli o!:�r!f{isfqes; :(J{_e ci,rose a' victor aar{ aomain, ana :J--{e fives forever saints to .reifpt: ,, ¾e )frose! % JI.rose! ¾alk{ujaft! Cliristjlrose! I
benches so three corpses could be placed in a tomb at one time. When later burials took place, one bench at:a time was cleared by placing the bon�s on it into a common pit, which was !usually located in a comer of the ! grave chamber., , : . _ . _ These ,tombs belonged to in ividual w•· _.ere_ �sua. 11'.Y used fo families ard. · _ many generations. _ They _wer� _ _a !. highly regarded _eoss_e§Sioh of,,tl)� family ·..
©Elna M Smith Foundation P.O. Box 471 Eureka Springs, AR 72632 www.greatpassionplay.com
Be sure to visit the other sacred projects Christ of the Ozarks, Sacred Arts Center, Bible Museum, The Great Passion Play
. , ,
RETURN TO ORIENTATION CENTER (Video of tour available for purchase).
Maranatha! Even so, come Lord Jesus! -
a:)1en of qa{ifee, » tney saia, "wfiy ao you stana Ii.ere foolijna into tlie s�? %is-same Jesus w/io Ii.as 6een taKJn from you into lieaven) wiff come 6ac{ in tlie same way you liave seeri ¾ifn 90 in(f>__1 lieaven." Jl_cts 1: 11
The Mount of Olives is located east of · Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley and is known for its abundance of olive trees. The center part of the Mount rises about 100 feet higher than Jerusalem so that you can over look the city. It would have been from that vantage point that Jesus wept for Jerusalem. The Gospel of Luke says that during His last week, Jesus taught in the temple during the day and spent His nights on the Mt. of Olives. Jt was here that Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Forty days after His resurrection . Jesus met with His followers here and was called back to heaven by His Father.
Mount of Olives Garden of Gethsemane Olive' Bruiser Olive Press Ascension and Return
The city of Capernaum was located on the shores of Galilee and became Jesus' headquarters in Galilee.
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112 rn SESSION OF THE OKLAHOMA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Bishop Richard Allen Chappelle, Presiding Prelate th 12 Episcopal District - African Methodist Episcopal Church BARNETT CHAPEL AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lawton, Oklahoma
The Reverend Edward E. Davis, Host Pastor 12 rn EPISCOPAL DISTRICT WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. Barbara J Chappelle, Supervisor - Dr. Anna Burnett Graham, President
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE BRANCH WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Ms. Gloria J Hall, President Ms. Pamela Fields, Chairperson Oklahoma Conference WMS
Ye>nng We>men's Jnitiati-v-e Ce>rrm1ittee We have outlined the following plans for the upcoming conference year: I.
Compile a database of the names - by areas - of the young women under the age of 40 in the Oklahoma Conference.
Recommend that the local societies identify organizations that have diverse volunteer opportunities for these young women. By involving them in volunteer work, we begin to plant the seed for mission work and being involved in the WMS.
Recommend that separate session be held during at least one area meeting forthese young women with speakers/topics pertinent to their issues.
Identify one young lady in each area to be the point person for disseminating information.
Partner each young lady with a seasoned missionary.
We have already begun C<?mpiling the names of the young women and look forward to the upcoming conference year. Christ gave us so many examples of being of service to our world. No matter how busy our lives may seem, we can always make time for Christ's work. We can't afford not to. I pray that all will be open and receptive to the new and creative ideas of our younger missionary sisters. Prayerfully submitted,
Pam Fields, Chairperson Young Women's Initiative Committee
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President's Report to the
112 Session of the Oklahoma Annual Conference The Rt. Reverend Richard Allen Chappelle, Sr., Presiding Prelate 12 th Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
Mother Barbara Jeanne Chappelle, Supervisor Women's & Children's Work Dr. Anna Burnett Graham, President th 12 Episcopal District Women's Missionary Society Presiding Elders, Pastors, Lay, WMS, Delegates Members and Friends
Barnett Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church - 3421 S. W. Abilene, Lawton, OK 73501 September 5, 200 I
September 2000 - A New Year 2K- 2Kl The Oklahoma Conference Women's Missionary Society (OCWMS) began 2001 in the true spirit ofMission. For the past six years, the OCWMS has made a special effort to make contributions to the local community through benevolent gifts. At the end ofthe school year, 2000, two ofthe most re-known public schools in the Oklahoma City area suffered a severe loss through the destruction oftheir libraries. Douglass Sr. High School and Moon Middle School both lost all ofthe books in their libraries at the hands ofan arsonist. The OCWMS sprang into action and initiated a true act of mission through giving. ,j{. Mrs. Mable Mukes, Chairperson ofSpecial Events and Activities for the Conference WMS spearheaded a volunteer drive to replace all ofthe books and to assist in the refurbishing both libraries. With the direction ofMrs. Mukes, and the support of several ofthe local societies and with a special donation from the Marcella Guthrie Scholarship Committee, the OCWMS donated more than $1000 to Douglass Sr.
High School and $300 to Moon Middle School. The donation to Moon was made during the 11th Annual Recognition luncheon on September 2000. Mrs. Lois � Felder and I, made the presentation to Douglass High School during assembly at their annual homecoming in October 2000. In October, the OCWMS Executive Board met in its annual session for the purpose of identifying key programs and initiatives to be recommended during our annual Planning Session.
I was pleased to introduce for the first time, two new members ofthe Executive Board. Mrs. Edda Faye Allen, newly appointed chairperson ofthe W. B. Seldon, Area #1 and Mrs. Dorothy Holloway, the newly appointed chairperson for Budget and Financial Estimates Committee. During the business session, the board agreed that the OCWMS would focus on one major project, an 'Organ/ Tissue Donor Awareness Walk'. An event ofthis type will elevate the need for members of our community to become organ / tissue donors.
January 2001- Conference Planning Meeting. The OCWMS met for its annual
The President's Travels: I visited each of the three areas of the Conference at least once during the year. The W. B. Seldon Area #1, when they met at the Avery Chapel* AME Church, the Oneida B. Collins, Area #2 during their last meeting held at First AME Church, OKC. One of the most unusual visits came when I traveled with the Kay Bailey Nichols Area #3 to Frederick, OK. We had a most wonderful experience visiting the historic district of Frederick, OK.
October 29, 2000: �astor David R. Stuckey, and the Laura L. Turner Missionary Society of Avery Chapel AME Church extended the opportunity for me to share with them in their Sunday Morning Worship service. The selected theme was "Missionaries, Living the Christian Life, In the Village". Members of the WMS were challenged to be models in their everyday walks of life, so that others would be drawn to Christ through their living examples. March 30, 2001: The Reverend Dr. Alex Holloway, Presiding Elder of the Lawton District AME Church, and Mrs. Johnel Newton, Law1on District WMS President, extended the invitation- - to share in the Lawton District WMS Night in White. The theme for this occasion was, in the form of a question: "Who are you in the Village of
Life?" The scripture reference, St. Matthew · 5: 13-16, challenged each missionary, m::n and women alike, to let their light shine in the earth. It further challenged all to season the earth as Christians, just as effectively as salt seasons the food we eat, so that all will know that we are children of the most high God.
planning meeting at Allen· Chapel AME Church, Oklahoma City, OK. The members voted to implement most of the recommendations from the Executive Board. In addition to the regular business session, the OCWMS heard a presentation from Johnny R. Griggs, M.D. Pediatric Intensivist on the need for members of the African American community to at the least, register to be come organ and tissue donors. Following the presentation, we viewed a video, which illustrated the enormous benefits of at least registering to become organ and tissue donors.
The conference year 2000-2001 afforded opportunities for me to share in the worship experiences on three difference occasions.
July 29, 2001: The Reverend Edward E. Davis, the President, Mrs. Coree Steele, and the members of the Lula Payton Missionary Society of Barnett Chapel AME Church, Lawton, OK opened their doors on Sunday Morning July 29. The topic "Shake It Off, Get Over It, and Move On", which was referenced from St. Luke 9: 1-6, challenged all to ignore those things that prevent us from doing the will of God in the Village of our daily lives. Meetings: I attended the lih Episcopal District Planning Meeting in Tulsa, OK, November 2000. In January 2001, Ms. Lucille Smith, 1st Vice President, represented the Conference at the Connectional Executive Board meeting in Memphis, TN. The Treasurer, Mrs. Freda Davis, represented the Oklahoma Conference WMS at the Episcopal District Mid-year Conference in March 2001 in Pine Bluff, AR. Finally, July 2001, I attended and participated in the WMS program during the Christian Education Leadership Congress at Langston, OK. Financial Support: The OCWMS has supported the Episcopal District WMS in all of the financial projects: Budget obligation, Shorter College Fashion Extravaganza, Prayer Breakfast during Mid-Year, and the President's Contest during Leadership Congress. Conference Achievements: The OCWMS held a wonderful Salute to all of the Itinerant Elders of the Oklahoma Conference AME Church on May 18, 2001. This fund raising event helped the OCWMS during the Leadership Congress. Young Women's Initiative (YWI): The OCWMS is pleased to announce the
\,V./41,_S. R tf � Chairperson for the YWI is Ms. Pam Fields, St. Stephens, AMEC, Enid, OK. UP-COMING EVENTS "Life Strides on the East Side: The Run for the Gift" of organ donation, is now being planned. The Baptist Integris Foundation has agreed to support the OCWMS in this non-profit effort. The· objective of this mammoth project will be to bring a physical awareness to organ and tissue donation through the 1 OK Run. We would like to have this event culminate on February 23, 2002. While this will not benefit the OCWMS financially, it will be a tremendous benefit in that the net proceeds will go toward such things as: ♦ Scholarship beds for those persons who may be indigent, and cannot afford full coverage for hospital stays. ♦ Education in the area of organ donor awareness. ♦ Financing for overnight stays at places similar to the Ronald McDonald House for those who are not financially able to pay for,hotel rooms. The initial plans include a kick-off program to introduce the concept to the community. We would like for Mother Chappelle to be our special guest for the day of the run, as well as the Sunday following. WORKS IN PROGRESS Conference WMS Directory: We are still working on completing the Phone Directory for the OCWMS. It will be inclusive of the Episcopal Leadership, and our Connectional WMS Officers. OCWMS Website: The OCWMS website is still in progress. It was our hope that the site would be up and running by the end of the conference year. However, due to the lack of available funds, we will have to wait until the next conference year before it is completed.
SADNESS & BEREAVEMENT It is with sadness that the OCWMS reports that on February 10, 2001, Sister Mary Square, one of our "Life Members" was in a very bad car accident on her way home from the Oklahoma Conference Lay meeting at Allen Chapel AME Church. She has been in a semi-comatose state since that date. Her sister, Dr. Erma Austin, is now caring her for in her home here in Lawton. We are praying for Mary's recovery. On Friday, May 18, 2001, we were deeply grieved during funeral services of Sister Doris 0. Pettigrew, past President, Life Member and Connectional Chairperson of the Heath-Polk Rural Missions. In addition to our Episcopal Leadership, Dr. Dorothy, Peck, Connectional WMS President was also in attendance for this service. We will miss Dr. Pettigrew, but her memory will live on in our hearts. Recommendation: ♦ That February 23, 2002 be added to the 12th Episcopal District Calendar for this run. Finally, the OCWMS has worked very hard this year to ensure that the objectives of the Iih Episcopal District WMS, as outlined by Mother Chappelle were implemented. It has been my pleasure to serve as president of the OCWMS this past Conference Year. And I want to thank all of the women for
� 4;:21JOI Affiliated Groups and Ecumenical Relations Roslyn Jeanpierre - Chairperson Oklahoma Conference W.M.S. GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST From the chairperson of the affiliated groups and ecumenical relations Oklahoma Conference W.M.S. The Affiliated groups and Ecumenical Reldtions Committee shall provide opportunities to assist members of the Woman's Missionary Society to understand and to work with the various affiliated groups. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Such as Church Woman United. National Council of Woman of Color. World Federation of Methodist Woman. Black Woman's Agenda. Bread of the World. Religious Network for the equality of woman and others.
Ecumenical representing the whole of a body of churches, promoting or tending towards World Wide Christian Unity. I attended World Community Day November 3, 2000. Also Annual Meeting Day October 11, 2000, World Day of Prayer March 2, 2001. Who we are: An ecumenical movement of informed Pray and pray action. A world wide movement of Christian Movement of Christian Woman as a tradition, who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year, in many countries continuing relationships in prayer service, its movement has been carried out by woman in more than 170 countries and regions. This movement which brings together various races, cultures, and traditions in closer fellowship through W.D.P., woman around the world affirm their faith in Jesus Christ our Lord
�:tub(/� Roslyn Jeanpierre - Chairperson
Avery Chapel AME Church Laura L. Turner Missionary Society Presents
Fifth Sunday Program September 23, 2001 3:30pm
Bishop Richard Allen Chappelle, Sr., Chief Pastor Mrs. Barbara J. Chappelle, Supervisor-12th Episcopal District Dr. Anna Burnett Graham, President 12th Episcopal District Ms. Gloria Hall, Oklahoma Conference WMS President Mrs. Brenda Fields, Oklahoma Conference Y.P.D. Director Ms. Lucille Smith, Local President WMS Mrs. Lajuan Lewis, Local Y.P.D. Director Dr. David R. Stuckey, Sr, Pastor Avery Chapel AME Church 1425 N. Kelham Avenue Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73117
Litany for the Global Village Leader:
There is a VILLAGE out there. Won't you stop and listen?
We will listen. We will use our imagination and all our Energies toward making this a better village. We shall Succeed.
There is a VILLAGE out there. Won't you stop and listen?
Not only will we listen, we will move forward fearlessly To bring about change.
There is a VILLAGE out there. Don't you hear it crying?
The VILLAGE is crying for relief from misery, pain and fear We hear the cry. We accept the challenge. We shall use our Collective forces to stamp out ignorance. We shall be Courageous. We will be undaunted and unafraid. We will Be honest in all endeavors. We will use our resources, Time ,talents and possessions in a relentless struggle for Peace, freedom, justice and dignity for all.
Order of Service Mistress of Ceremony ...................................................Roslyn Jeanpierre Doxology Litany................................................,,,,,,,,,,,...... Rev Ouida Parks-Pierson Opening Song.....................#97 ...........................................Congregation Prayer....................................................................Sis. Delores Cooksey Selection A................................................................Avery Chapel Choir Scripture ...............lsa 58:1-10....................................Sis Ammon Jenkins Welcome .........................................................................Chiqu;ita Green Selection(A).......... ,............. ,..................... ,,. .................Avery Chub Choir Offering.......................WMS Treasures...........Soft Music ............Musicians Selection (8)............................................................... Avery Chapel Choir Introduction of Speaker Speaker Invitation to Christian Discipleship ................................Dr. David Stuckey Presentation of Capping .............................................Sis Edda Faye Allen Presentation of Life Member ...........................................Sis Lucille Smith Remarks....................................................................Dr. David Stuckey Sis. Lucille Smith
Missionary Benediction..................652........................ln the Name
"In the name of the Triune God, May the Spirit of Christian Missions Enter every heart, This we ask in Jesus' Name....Amen"
Laura L. Turner WMS 2000 - 2001 Officers President.............................................................Sis Lucille Smith 1 st Vice President...........................................Sis Rosyln JeanPierre 2nd Vice President................................................Sis Genita Walker Secretary..............................................................Sis Loretta Love
Assistant Secretary............................................Sis Juanita Hallaway Treasurer....................................................Sis Donnie Mae Johnson Recording Secretary..............................................Sis Luberta Brewer PME Director.............................................................Sis Delois House Historiographer/Statistician........................................Sis Lillian Hayes Parliamentarian.......................................................Sis Edda Faye Allen YPD Director...............................................................Sis Luana Lewis
Units Chairpersons:
LE Vaughn •·· Genita Walker Etta L. Smith - Emily Nelson Laura L. Gibson - Donnie Mae Johnson L.D. Cottrell - Julia Terrell Olivia Keeling - Ruby Alexander Nellie B. Gracye - Luberta Brewer Queen Ester/Bright Star
;l �
CONFERENCE BRANCH PRESIDENTS - 1950'S - 1969 *Mrs.ME. Shannon-President, 1950's? *Mrs. Blanche Bourland - President-1957 *Mrs. L. C. Tatum-195 ? - 1960 Afrs. Ruby Alexander President - 1961 - 1969
CONFERENCE BRANCH PRESIDENTS - 1969 - 1985 *Mrs. Aggie Vickers-President, 1969-1977 Mrs. Rubye Fleming - President, 1977 - 1985 LIFE MEMBERS - 1970'S? *Mrs. Mayme Reed - 19 75 Mrs. Inez James - 1976 *Mrs. Ruth Young, 1979
LIFE MEMBERS - 1980'S � Mrs. Ruby Doris Ferguson-Quinn - 1982 *Mrs. Ada Mae Kennard- 1983 *Mrs. Harriett Riley-1984 Mrs. Ernestine Carmichael - I 985 CONFERENCE BRANCH PRESIDENT *Dr. Doris 0. Pettigrew - President, 1986 -1995 LIFE MEMBERS *Mrs. Vergie Gattison - 1987 Mrs. Mary E. Square - 1994 CONFERENCE BRANCH PRESIDENT Cordelia A. Bennett-President 1995 -1999 Mrs. Eddie Lee Albritton 1995, Mrs. LuVera Mitchell- 1995 *Dr. Doris 0. Pettigrew - 1998 *Mrs. Juaquin Crawford- 1999 CONFERENCE BRANCH PRESIDENT Gloria J. Hall - President 1999 Mrs. Lettie Ruth Hunter - 2000 Mrs. Ila Biser - 2000 Mrs. Coree Steele - 2000 Note: * = Deceased
SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2002 3:00 PM Theme: Women of Avery "We've Come this far by Faith"
J Avery Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church 1425 North Kelham Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK
The Rt. Rev. Richard A. Chappelle, Sr., Presiding Bishop Dr. Harvey Potts, Presiding Elder Dr. David R. Stuckey Sr., Pastor
Avery Chapel AME Church Annual Women's Day Theme: Women of Avery ·"We've come this far by Faith"
Organ Prelude........•...�···································�·-················· We Wall< by Faith and not by Sight••• II Corinthian 5:7 Processional••••••••••••••..••••••••• We've come this far by Faith
Litany.............................................................. Efia Pierson Leader: People:
The source of love is God. The cen.ter of love is Sacrifice.
Leader: People:
The genesis of love is Faith. The power of love is Prayer.
Leader: People:
The seed of love is Sincerity. The hanrest of love is Happiness.
Leader: People:
The nat11re of love is Trust. The pulse of love is Concern.
Hymn of Praise••••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••Faith of our Father lnvocation••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Sister Delois Cooksey Selection•••••••••••••••••••u •••••••••••••••• Women's Da.y Ensemble Scripture••••••••••••••••••••�······················Sister Lillian Hayes Selection.................................... Women's Day Ensemble Offerings••••••••••••••••••••n••······Sister Donnie Mae Johnson Sister Loretta Love Blaine Alexander Erica Patton Introduction of the Youth and Young Adult Speaker•••••••••••••••••Efia Pierson Speaker••••••••••••••••••••••g·•·············Ms. Tamia Washington Special Solo...........................Evangelist Crystal Moore Introduction of Women's Day Speaker:••••••••••••••• Sister Salonia Bennett Speaker••••••••••••••••••••••., .••••••••••••••••••••Dr. Anna B. Graham President of WMS 12'h Episcopal District Invitation to Christian Discipleship.,,, ••••••••••••••••••••Rev. Ouida Pierson Announcements & Acknowledge of Visito.rs•••••••••••Sister Devondra Owens
Remarks•••••••••••••••••••• ,,.u••••••••••••••••••••• Rev. David Stuckey Sister Salonia Bennett Doxology Benediction
2002 Annual Women's Day Team Leaders: 1. Thelma Stuckey
16. Lois Felder-Jones
2. Ruby Alexander
17. Doris Gary
3. Norma Chris Mccann
18. Geneva Warmley
4. Salonia Bennett
19. Lillian Hayes
5. Bennie Hill
20. Bettye Yarbrough
6. Luberta Brewer
21. Dr. Anita Nolan
7. Robin Adams
22. Marie Peterson
B. Lajuan Lewis
23. Vera Rice
9. Shirley Washington Reed 24. Lui/a Wilson 10. Lois Mosley
25. Ruby Doris Quinn
11. Louise Glenn
26. Roslyn Jeanpierre
12. Tiffany Murphy
27. Davondra Owens
13. Peggy Rowlett
28. Vickie Maillard
14. Pandora Crawford
29. Helen Miller
15. Delois Cooksey
30. Bevra Merrit·t
31. Ammon Jenkins
32. Eva Jackson
33. Mabel Mukes
34. Rosie Burton
35. Juanita Holloway
36. Melanie Isaac
The Pastor and Plannil1g Committee would like to thank you for your dedicatio1» and hard work in making this Annual Women's Day a success.
Committees Planning:
Solonia Bennett Lucille Smith Doris Gary Lillian Hayes Davondra Ownes Efia Pierson
Mary Scott Imogene Normand Bettye Moulden
Ushers and Hostess:
Louise Glenn Lois Felder Jones Lucille Smith Solonia Bennett Genita Walker
Juanita Holloway Lajuana Deline Desia Harmon
Finance: Don11ie Mae Johnson Loretta Love Norn1a Chris Mccann Lajuan Lewis Doris Gary