Women Empowerment @KPTL
he importance of diversity and gender equality at the workplace has gained prominence in the past few years. A diverse working environment benefits the company’s overall innovation and performance goals. The idea of a woman being “indispensable” in workplace has never been more important. Many companies have realized and accepted the fact that the empowerment of women has a profound impact on overall business performance. Hence, creating an ecosystem that helps a woman balance multiple roles in life is essential for organizational growth.
KPTL also ensures that women are recognized equitably for company’s succession planning. They are also involved in mentoring and coaching of employees within their sphere of specialization in the company. Women are involved in active conversations about advancement opportunities and setting up of progressive career goals. Here they are also encouraged to pursue opportunities at every level of the corporate ladder. The talent pipeline has been open equally to all female employees.
Women Team at Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited, Railway Division.
To understand what women empowerment truly means we spoke to female employees of one of the leading EPC Company, Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited (KPTL). In KPTL’s Railway Division based out of Noida, we were pleased to see a good number of female employees being part of railway industry, which had been prominently male dominant and driven. Both the genders, in KPTL, work harmoniously and there is no discrimination on any grounds. KPTL provides a gender neutral supportive work environment that actively empowers women to lead by encouraging mentorship and collaboration as well as nurturing family life with benefits like flexible work timings.
Women at KPTL are leading from front in all the functions of the business from procurement, to Design, to Business Development, to HR, to Project Planning and Management, etc. They are equally partaking at project sites, where they are actively contributing to the successful execution of the projects. KPTL aims to have more female employees in Managerial roles where they are empowered to take strategic decisions for the teams, for the Projects and at large for the Organization. KPTL has come a long way in its endeavor to be identified as an equal opportunity employer.
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METRO RAIL NEWS | March 2021