North Bay Bohemian

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I am a Marin resident who occasionally picks up the Bohemian. What a delightful surprise to read Bart Schneider’s article on the Van Morrison concert (“Astral Response,� May 13). He really nailed it. I am a boomer “Van Fan� as well. Nowadays, when I run into an old friend at a concert, instead of hitting him up for an extra doobie, I’m more likely to ask if he brought any extra earplugs! I went to L.A. for the recording of Astral Weeks at the Hollywood Bowl last November. Van’s performance was jaw-dropping. I sat in the second row literally stunned by the music. Your poetic writing brought it all back to me. Thanks so much.

I would like to take this time to express my deepest gratitude, love and respect to thank Roseland Elementary School library assistant Anna Collorafi, counselor Maria Orozco and, most of all, principal Dana Pederson for reading my book Don’t Shoot! I’m the Guitar Man. You saw my passion for helping all at-risk youth, believed in me, and took a chance on a 30-week pilot mentoring program with seven little boys all with gang affiliations and criminal behavior who were making bad choices. You all felt strongly enough to find funding for this program that helped me help mentor these young children set new goals for themselves other than fighting, stealing, being in a gang or wanting to go to prison. Teaching music, love, respect, truth,

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trust and equality gave these kids the basic tools to be open to try new ways to walk down another path in life. Anna, Maria, and Dana: I honor you for being heroes in my eyes and heart for thinking out of the box to help these boys not be at risk but instead to be at opportunity.

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=> C> =4F F0HB C> 384 While I’m all for scientific progress, I must admit that the idea of a Hovercar 3000 as envisioned by your Sebastopol correspondent (Letters, May 27) scares the daylights out of me. Being a pessimist, I cannot help but think that all the irksome goingson that currently occur out there on our roads and freeways on a daily basis would be exacerbated in the extreme with the added dimension of having them occur 100 feet in the air at 80 miles an hour. Darwin help us, most drivers out there can’t even work up enough spatial awareness to handle four dimensions (front, back, right and left) let alone six (add up and down). Hovercars? Thanks, but no thanks.

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Mr. Cheney, The George W. Bush administration had eight years to make things right, but screwed everything up (lying to the U.N, the American people and propagating the Iraq War). Now the American people want to make sure the world opinion of our country is mended. Please take your Halliburton and Brown & Root stock profits from the Iraq War and shut up!


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F0;: >= F0C4A. Back in the early aughts, it was well-nigh possible. My, what a difference seven short years have made!

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Chinook fishing to be allowed as the fish prepare to breed. Who thinks this stuff up? By Alastair Bland


s the state’s commercial fishermen and sport anglers look at another cancelled season for Chinook salmon, the California Fish and Game Commission has greenlighted a short recreational season in the Sacramento River. Scheduled to begin in mid-November, the season will allow anglers one Chinook salmon per day between the Red Bluff Diversion Dam and Knights Landing, just miles from their spawning grounds. As might be expected, not all ocean fishermen are pleased with the decision, though Department of Fish and Game (DFG) biologists assure that no more than 2,000 late-fall run Chinooks, a healthy race of salmon, will be harvested during the six-

week season, which will last from Nov. 16 to Dec. 31. The season, explains DFG biologist Scott Barrow, has been carefully slotted to preclude any capture of individuals from struggling salmon runs, namely the winterrun Chinook, an endangered species that spawn in the Sacramento between January and March, and the fall-run Chinook, which spawn from August through October. The fall-run Sacramento Chinook was until recently the mainstay of the West Coast’s ocean fishery but is now teetering at roughly 10 percent of its population level in 2002, when more than 800,000 fallrun fish returned to spawn. Last year, only 66,000 made the migration up the Sac, and officials estimate that just over 122,000 will return this fall. The late-fall-run Chinook, by contrast, has numbered between

10,000 and 20,000 fish for decades and is considered stable.


n late 2008, the state allowed a similar Sacramento River salmon season. From Nov. 1 through Dec. 31, anglers caught 1,732 Chinook, according to DFG biologists who carefully monitored the fishing. The catch included several dozen individuals that might have been fall-run fish, according to Barrow. This year, the season will be delayed two weeks with the hope that all fall-run Chinook will have spawned and died before the opening day. “Delaying the season should alleviate that incidental fall run catch,� predicts Dan Wolford, who nonetheless opposes the inriver season. Wolford is the science director of the Coastside Fishing Club & '

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Bill Clinton, Proposition 8 and the renewal of faith By Kenna Lee-Ribas


fter breaking my heart, after leaving me with an unshakeable shadow of bitterness and cynicism that has kept me from ever fully giving my heart to the guys who came along later, Bill Clinton had the gall to call me on Election Day last November. “Too little, too late!� I wanted to shout at him, as his robotic voice urged me to vote no on Proposition 8. Over the past two years, I’ve watched my friends fall one by one under the spell of their Obama crushes. Even when I finally got over my sneering “He’ll never win� response, I still didn’t join in the lovefest. He could count on my vote, but my heart wasn’t in it. “He’ll just let us down in the end,� I predicted. “They always do.� On election night, listening to Obama’s impossible-made-real acceptance speech, I had to admit that I’m not so hard-hearted after all. Tears rolling down my face, I stared at my two-yearold daughter’s wispy hair and whispered over and over, “He’s going to be president for you.� For your future. Was that me hoping? I didn’t know I still had it in me—the hope that causes tears to fall. I used to have it—when I was younger. Back in 1992, say, when I wrote then president-elect Clinton a youthfully impassioned letter about how much faith I had in him, that he would bring the bright sun of enlightenment after the darkness of the Reagan-Bush I years. About how his courage in refusing to continue discrimination against gays would usher in the next chapter of civil rights in our country. About how I believed in him, the first presidential candidate to use the word “gay� out loud. Less than four years later, on Sept. 21, 1996, the same day that I was exchanging vows with my partner, marrying her in all senses but the legal one, Bill Clinton signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act, guaranteeing that the federal government would not recognize our union, even if our state did. Guaranteeing that our taxes would eventually become a nightmare of trying to meet state requirements that we file as partners and federal ones that we file as single. So, yes, you could call me bitter. I believed in him, and he let me down. Mr. Ivy League Liberal legitimized discrimination against my kind. And in justifying himself, he said that he

thought long and hard, but in the end he based his decision on his religious faith. He copped out, claiming that God told him to do it. Last year, my partner and I spent our 12th wedding anniversary fielding the question, “So, are you gonna get married?� Despite the hype and excitement surrounding us, we remained officially unhitched. “How many times are we supposed to get married, anyhow?� we complained. We had done the big ’96 event, 200 guests and a band. We did the San Francisco City Hall, standingin-line-with-two-tiny-childrenwailing-through-the-echoingmarble-hallways civil rights statement. This time I simply wanted to know: will it make filing my taxes any easier? As for Prop. 8, I didn’t do my part. I didn’t get involved beyond emailing some money to the No on 8 campaign. I wasn’t ready to explain to my happily naive children that their other mom and I weren’t already married in the eyes of the law. There’s time for that, for explaining discrimination and intolerance and even outright hatred, but I’d like that time to be well past kindergarten. As a not-so-activist this time around, I can’t claim to be all high and mighty about Bill calling me. It’s not like I was making calls that autumn day, opting instead to be spreading peanut butter on toast for my toddler. And even though he made me mad—not apologizing, not admitting he made a mistake, just telling me to vote no—I’ve had to admit that in a strange way, his call gave me back something important. Bill, a dozen years later, has been able to find space in himself for both his faith and for recognition that allowing gay marriage is the “right thing to do.� If he could do that, then maybe, just maybe, there will soon be enough people who can also find that room within their faith to tip the balance. I may never really believe in another politician, but after all these years, and against all odds, it was Bill who managed to restore a tiny piece of my hope. Here’s to 2010.

‘How many times are we supposed to get married, anyhow?’




Kenna Lee-Ribas is a hospice nurse and co-mother of three small Sonoma County citizens-in-training. She blogs about maternal eco-anxiety at Open Mic is now a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write

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as well as a voting member of the Pacific Fishery Management Council, whose 13 representatives appeared at a Santa Rosa DFG meeting in late April. All, including Wolford, voiced opposition to the in-river season. But according to Zeke Grader, director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association, which represents ocean commercial fishermen, such an in-river fallrun mortality rate is insubstantial. In fact, Grader supports the river season and believes that permitting anglers to catch and eat a small number of fish, even a handful of fallrun salmon, will help to promote and maintain public interest in a waning resource. “It’s important that some people have a chance to enjoy our salmon,� Grader says. “This kind of involvement creates the sense of stewardship that ultimately makes people stand up and fight for these fish.� There will even be a short Chinook season allotted to ocean sport anglers along a 120-mile stretch of shoreline between southern Oregon and the coast of Del Norte County. Here, from Aug. 29 to Sept. 7, each fisherman will be allowed two salmon per day in a season intended to target only the relatively healthy Klamath River fish, which will be congregating in the area as they prepare for their spawning migration. The DFG’s Barrow says the 2009 Sacramento River season will benefit the state’s economy, which will take an estimated blow of $280 million due to the cancelled ocean salmon season. “We want to provide some fishing opportunity in what is otherwise a complete closure,� Barrow says. “If we lose people’s interest in fishing, we’ll lose an important source of income in many communities both on the coast and inland.� Not that Central Valley fishing guides are reaping fortunes from the late fall season. Bill Divens, owner and guide at Salmon King Lodge of Red Bluff, reports that he initially lost 75 percent of his business when the salmon season closed. Frank Townley, a fishing guide in Corning, says he has lost almost 30 percent of his income. The 2008 fall season produced scant cash for each of the two guides. Congress appropriated a disaster-relief bailout last year of $76.6 million for people impacted by the salmon season closure. From that sum, $46.7 million still remains and is being allotted to commercial fishermen, charter boat captains, in-river guides, salmon vendors and other fishing-related businesses. The fund will be paid out across several thousand paychecks, according to David Goldenberg, CEO of the California Salmon Council. Among the recipients of the fund are approximately a thousand commercial salmon trollers who have little else to fish for now other than halibut, a few black cod and smattering of slime eels, for which a live fish market has developed in East Asia. But to bring back the salmon, Grader says, fishermen must look beyond minimal in-river harvest and address bigger issues, like irresponsible water management. “Some of these clowns in Sacramento don’t have the guts to tell the Bureau of Reclamation that they’re taking too damn much water [for farmland irrigation]. They’re treating our rivers like plumbing systems rather than living ecosystems. Catching a few salmon won’t hurt the fishery.� But taking all their water will.

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Banking time while rebuilding the core economy By Juliane Poirier


he best thing about a shakeup, economic or otherwise, is the way it provokes innovation and creative social change. A near fatal experience for human rights attorney Edgar Cahn sparked a brilliant idea for bettering the quality of human life. And almost 20 years later, his idea has materialized in places around the world, evolved through practice and is ready for use by communities where lives are being shaken up by an unreliable economy and by people seeking positive change. It’s called “time banking� and it rebuilds something wonderful, something called the “core economy,� that doesn’t have anything to do with money. A few of us are just now organizing a time bank over in Napa, and we have several hundred models to study in this country and even more in 21 other countries around the world. The closest time banks are in Oakland and Walnut Creek. One thing that’s apparent is that each one is unique and evolves to reflect the character of the community. How a time bank functions on the surface is very simple and straightforward: I exchange one hour of my time providing a service to someone in my community, and in return I receive one hour of service. For example, I spend one hour cooking for someone in my community. For someone else, I spend two hours writing web copy. Into my time bank account goes one “time dollar� for each hour of service I provide. Then when I need someone to help in the yard, I search the time bank website or call the organizers, and they locate someone whose service is yard work. I can spend some of my banked time dollars in exchange for that service. It’s an hour-for-anhour exchange, so a lawyer’s time is worth the same as a gardener’s. Everyone’s service has the same value, because this is a core economic system. “Core economy� was coined by economist Neva Goodwin to describe the not-for-sale

worthiness of relationships and services provided close to home or close to heart. In numerous writings over the years, Cahn emphasizes how the core economy has been damaged by the money economy. The former operates on values including love and trust and reciprocity; the latter, upon price and supply and demand. Both are systems where goods and services are exchanged, and both systems are necessary, but the core economy needs rebuilding. The time banks website ( explores how interpersonal connections have suffered by having “paid professionals [do] the work that once was an integral part of family and community life.� Time banks are changing that. Consider Jane Doe, age 85, who needs to get some groceries but has no car and no close family members in town. In the money economy, she can pay a taxi or call a social-service agency that provides rides to seniors, but one is expensive and the other makes her feel old and dependent. As a time bank member, Jane calls for a ride with another time bank member, exchanging the time dollars she banked by tutoring a child in math. Not only is her need met without spending a dime or depending on an agency, but she feels good about her contribution to the community. She might also make a new friend on her way to the store. If I were the one giving Jane a ride, I’d ask her math questions as we drove and she could ask me for my curry soup recipe. As for recipes to build local community, I am full of hope for what time banking might bring to my community—and to me, a single mom. I will report back in this column when we see what emerges in Napa. Meanwhile, since my community is full of self-proclaimed “foodies,� I will include part of a recipe found on the time banks website: “Take as many fresh people as can be found locally. Sift out their spare time and individual talents. Blend and mix thoroughly. Season with a healthy sprinkling of reciprocity. Add a hefty heaping of fun. Leave to prove in a warm environment to allow trust to permeate.�

It’s an hour-for-hour exchange, so a lawyer’s time

is worth the same as a gardener’s.




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CWXabc ?Pa[^ab Five old-fashioned watering holes we love By Andrea Granahan


e’ve seen those old saloons in the Westerns. Someone is playing the piano, a curmudgeonly bartender or friendly barmaid slaps a whiskey on the bar, the regulars check out the newcomer. But Hollywood doesn’t begin to do justice to the real “thirst parlors,� as the genteel used to call them, that still survive in the West. Comfy, cozy places, rich with the patina of years, these saloons continue to offer the pleasures of liquid refreshment, companionship and, often, some decent grub. They usually have a colorful history, strange aged objects hanging on the walls, a piano tucked somewhere and, yes, an appropriate barkeep. In these days of gentrification and yuppification, it is getting harder to find the genuine article, but I found five tucked into the small towns of western Sonoma and Marin counties.

Rancho Nicasio This colorful thirst parlor started its life as a hotel for the hardy horseback and buggy travelers in 1868. The Nicasio Hotel burned in 1940 and was rebuilt in its current form. The minute you walk in the door, you know you have found the real thing. This place boasts the most impressive collection of hunting trophies you can imagine: a bear, an African Cape buffalo, elk, caribou, wild boar, a rare miniature deer and that joke animal the jackalope (a rabbit with antlers). The place has changed ownership from time to time over the years and now belongs to Bobby Brown of rock and roll fame. It has quality live music on weekends. Nasso, with a dry sense of humor and built like a bouncer, is the head bartender. One story locals pass on is that on Election Day in 1927, authorities showed up to see if alcohol was being served. But the locals got word and all traces of drink had vanished. A baseball

field outside the saloon has served some players who went on to the big leagues. 1 Old Rancheria Road, Nicasio. 415.662.2219.

Old Western Saloon Dating from the early 1900s, this place has slaked the thirst of folks in Point Reyes Station with style for almost a century. Some of its regulars have been known to enter the place on horseback. Two nudes, one antique and one more modern, hold court over the bar. Although they don’t have official names, one local fondly referred to them as Trixie and Trashy. In its colorful past, not all the nudes were on the wall. In its heyday as a brothel, ladies resided behind doors marked with their floral names. When the place was under repair the owner found transoms with names like Rose and Daisy painted on them. This thirst parlor does not serve food, but bartender Helen Skinner points out that the Chinese Chuck Wagon parks outside six days a week. Some notables have made it a &THE BOHEMIAN





point to visit the venerable Old Western, including England’s Prince Charles. His photo taken in the doorway stands as witness. It has been owned by Judith Borello for the last 37 years. She leaves the day-to-day management to her staff, but sometimes shows up riding in her golf cart with a Rolls Royce grill in front. When you pay for beer in this place, it gets rung up on a cash register that dates back to 1913. On weekends, there is live music on the dance stage. Alas, the old Wurlitzer jukebox that held such gems as “Rag Mop� and “Earth Angel� is no longer functioning, kept now solely out of nostalgia. 11201 Hwy. 1, Point Reyes Stattion. 415.663.1661.

who painted the door to dining area and piano with a sign that said “Dinning Room.� No one would let Art change the sign (“We can make noise in there�), so the Dinning Room houses ad hoc town meetings as well as parties, weddings and occasional poetry readings. There’s home-cooked food—cook’s choice at very reasonable prices—and the Casino even offers late-night service. It is a family-friendly place. There are pool tables and an old-fashioned pinball machine. A grassy outdoor area offers up barbecued oysters and other goodies on summer weekends. Alfred Hitchcock’s crew used to eat lunch here while filming The Birds. The crew gave Evelyn a couple stuffed crows from the movie set that stand guard over a teddy bear up on a tiny decorative balcony. 17000 Bodega Hwy., Bodega. 707.876.3185.

Washoe House This gem on Stony Point Road in the countryside between Rohnert Park and Petaluma began as a stagecoach stop in the 1859 and is famous for its ceiling. Yes, ceiling. Once, long ago, a rambunctious patron demonstrated his six-shooter and shot a hole in the ceiling. The angry owner insisted he’d have to pay to fix it. The gun-totin’ fellow climbed up on a stool and tucked a dollar bill into the bullet hole and said that should take care of it. Since then, thousands of folks have done the same using thumbtacks instead of bullet holes. The ceiling is completely encrusted with money. Cheryl Jensen has inherited ownership and takes excellent care to preserve its unique atmosphere. A nude named Lydia presides over the saloon. She was painted by a man named Flint in 1896. A variety of junk adorns the wall in back of the bar—old musical instruments, boxing gloves and such. And of course, there’s a piano against one wall waiting for a musical customer. Stony Point and Roblar roads, Cotati. 707.795.4544.

The Casino Don’t let the name fool you, there is no gambling here. It was named by the Casini family, who have owned the building since it was built in 1874 as a general store to serve the small town of Bodega. Evelyn Casini laughs, “They sold everything, even insurance.� Almost 60 years ago, she and her late husband turned the place into the town institution it has since become. Today, Greg and Elizabeth Schimpf, the new owners, are maintaining the traditions, although Evelyn, known as “Mom� by many, still holds court. The entire town donated its deer-hunting trophies over the years. There is one corner Evie calls “the freaks.� It has deer with malformed antlers and a raccoon. Old photos of Bodega and antique beer signs make visitors nostalgic. There’s a small theater in back that is going to get smaller soon. “We desperately need storage, but we’ll keep a space for local performances,� Elizabeth Schimpf says. Years ago, Art Casini hired a sign painter




The ceiling is completely encrusted with money. The Union Hotel Saloon Dating from Occidental’s rowdy railroad days of the mid-1800s, the Union was taken over in the early part of the 1900s by the Panizzera family. The Italian-born patriarch made some very welcome changes to the menu. “My dad worked hard, but it was my mom’s cooking that really made the place a success,� Lucille Gonnella remembers. The second generation of Gonnellas runs things now, but the Union Hotel Saloon has remained the same. A lovely lady in skimpy flowing robes graces one end of the bar, and the regulars decorate the rest. It is plastered with odd and puzzling signs that some of the patrons have been trying to fathom for years. Only the bartenders really know the answers to the trickiest ones. “One of our secrets of success is that we’ve always had really good bartenders,� Gonnella says. In fact, some locals are convinced that the ghost of one, the late John Wagner, who died in 2005, still presides benignly over the saloon. He worked there the longest, 26 years. Two other friendly ghosts haunt the Union, Lucille’s late husband, Mahoney, who used to play music on Friday nights, and her son, Mark, who ran the saloon most of his life. But there are plenty of live folks to keep the Union jumping. The kitchen serves up food that has taken gold medals at the Harvest Fair, and is renowned for its pizza and bruschetta. It, like the Casino, is very much a family place. There may be other thirst parlors out there, but with these five you can’t go wrong. And oh, if you figure out the sign in the right-hand corner at the Union, please let me know what it means. 3731 Main St., Occidental. 707.874.3444.




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fter waiting more than a year for construction to wrap up on the newly opened Casa del Mar restaurant at Todd and Stony Point roads in Santa Rosa, neighbors are now watching with another kind of anticipation.

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As it did when it was previously La Strada, the space will include a nightclub, slated to debut in the next few weeks. Contained in a large ballroom off the entry foyer, the club will feature live music, dancing and drinking as late (as early?) as 2am on busy nights.

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Not surprisingly, some residents in the largely rural community are concerned about safety issues. Indeed, at La Strada’s ďŹ nal New Year’s Eve party, the owners set up metal detectors at the doorway, and patted down guests making their way in.

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Danger, danger! Yet after visiting the seafood-centric Mexican eatery, I’ve got to think that its new owners have our well-being ďŹ rmly in mind. Beneath the lengthy listings of seafood and cocktails are some consumer advisory notices I’ve never seen so detailed anywhere else before: “*WARNING!*â€? shrieks one alert in bright orange ink. “Eating raw oysters may cause severe illness and even death in persons who have liver disease (e.g., alcohol cirrhosis, cancer or other chronic illness that weakens the immune system). If you eat oysters and become ill, you should seek immediate medical attention. If you are unsure if you are at risk, you should consult your physician. *WARNING!*â€? And there’s more . . . “Drink with measure, nothing with excess. If you drink, don’t drive! In Casa del Mar, we support a designated driver with nonalcoholic beverages for a pleasant time. We would like you to have a pleasant time with us, so if you drink, we will gladly call a taxi for you upon request.â€? In another nod to our soundness, Casa del Mar peppers some healthy eats among its usual suspects of protein-based tamales, chile rellenos, fajitas and all things wonderfully goopy with molten cheese, sour cream and guacamole.

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There’s a “Sabastopol’s favorite� salad (sic), tossing organic greens with roasted vegetables or a “Sabastopol� burrito of tofu and black beans stuffed in a wheat tortilla. There. Doesn’t everyone feel better already? Casa del Mar, 3660 Stony Point Road, Santa Rosa. 707.541.6140.

Carey Sweet


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8Va^[dgc^V"IjhXVc# # Hde]^hi^XViZY! iZggd^g"^c[dgbZY Xdd`^c\ XZaZWgViZh i]Z adXVa VcY hZVhdcVa! l^i] ZaZXig^X XdbW^cVi^dch a^`Z hdggZa"lgVeeZY V]^ ijcV ejiiVcZhXV# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an0 WgjcX]! Hjc# -,* 7dgYZVjm LVn! CVeV# ,%,#'*.#%+((#


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7djcin =jciZg


8#8# 7ajZ


<adWVa Xdb[dgi [ddY# # GZaVmZY

visit for menu updates

GZY GdX` 8V[Z 7VX`Yddg 77F

7VgWZXjZ# # 6 kZgn Wjhn gdVYh^YZ YZhi^cVi^dcÄ[dg V gZVhdc# >iÉh i]Z ]di hVjXZ! VkV^aVWaZ ^c ild ]ZVih/ gZ\jaVg VcY ]di# 6cY i]Z ]di! Vh i]Z h^\c hVnh! bZVch Æ]di Ç AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# &'%, ;ddi]^aa 7akY! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#*+%+# ?VeVcZhZ# " # :Vi <dYo^aaV bV`^

5700 Gravenstein Hwy N Forestville For Reservations, Call 707-887-3344

>iVa^Vc# # Gjc Wn V [dgbZg IgV K^\cZ VcY AVg` 8gZZ` >cc Vajb! i]Z e^ooV ^h h^beaZ VcY i]^c! VcY gVc`h Vh hdbZ d[ i]Z WZhi ^c i]Z Cdgi] 7Vn# AjcX]! Bdc" ;g^0 Y^ccZg YV^an# &'+% BV^c Hi Vi 8a^cidc ! CVeV# ,%,#'**#***'#

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L^cZ Xdjcign XVhjVa# # L^cZ h]de VcY W^higd l^i] bVkZg^X` bdm^Z [dg i]Z l^cZ XdlWdn# EgZb^jb WdiiaZh [dg hVaZ! Vahd# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg! IjZh"Hjc0 deZc aViZ! I]jgh"HVi# .,* ;^ghi Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'**#%+''#

Corks Hours: Thurs–Sun 5pm–9pm Serving Lunch: Sat–Sun 11:30am–2:30pm Tasting Room: 7 days a week 11:30am–5pm

E^ooV 6oojggd


7jhiZgÉh 7VgWZXjZ 7V`Zgn

Thurs Nights: “Locals Night� —No corkage fee

AV IdfjZ GZhiVjgVci

8Va^[dgc^V Xj^h^cZ# " # :migVdgY^cVgn [ddY ^c Vc ZmigVdgY^cVgn hZii^c\# EZg[ZXi eVhiV VcY bjhhZah# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# )%-% HdcdbV =ln! CVeV# ,%,#'..#).%%#

8Va^[dgc^V Xj^h^cZ# " # 8gZVi^kZ Xj^h^cZ ^c ]VcYhdbZ 8gV[ihbVc hZii^c\# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# &(), A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#''((#

“JB�S BBQ@Corks Wednesday’s 5-8pm

<^alddYh 8V[Z

7ddc[an 8V[Z

7gVccVcÉh <g^aa

Special four-course, pre fixe menu for $29.95 “Pasta King� buffet Italian menu on Monday, 5pm–8pm

?VeVcZhZ# " # <ddY! hda^Y hjh]^# I]Z ;j_^nV 9ZajmZ XdbWd ^h V hiVcYdji# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg! IjZh"HVi# .'& ;VXidgn HidgZh 9g! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#%+(.#

E^ooV# # Hadl ;ddY"^c[dgbZY BVg^c Dg\Vc^Xh YZkdiZZ l^i] V Xdon! gZaVmZY [Vb^an Vibdhe]ZgZ VcY cd 7H VeegdVX] id \gZVi [ddY hZgkZY h^bean [dg V [V^g eg^XZ# &, BVYgdcV 6kZ! B^aa KVaaZn# DeZc [dg ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# )&*#(-(#)'%%# ?VeVcZhZ# # I]^h WZVji^[ja gZhiVjgVci ViigVXih adXVah VcY idjg^hih l^i] ^ih [gZh] XViX]Zh# 6 l^YZ hZaZXi^dc d[ c^\^g^! YZeZcY^c\ dc l]ViÉh [gZh]# AjcX]! Bdc";g^0 Y^ccZg! Bdc"Hjc# &%, 8VaZYdc^V Hi! HVjhVa^id# )&*#(('#(+'%#

a new era of cuisine and winemaking with romantic sunsets

HeVc^h] iVeVh# # <gVoZ ndjg lVn i]gdj\] V hZaZXi^dc d[ iVhin iVeVh ^c V a^kZan gjhi^X X]^X hZii^c\ l^i] V edejaVg l^cZ WVg# 7^iZ"h^oZY HeVc^h] VcY AVi^c 6bZg^XVc heZX^Vai^Zh ^cXajYZ h^ooa^c\ egVlch! HeVc^h] idgi^aaV! VcY 7gVo^a^Vc hinaZ hiZVbZY bjhhZah# AjcX]! Bdc" ;g^0 Y^ccZg YV^an# -'. BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'')#-***#




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Bdhi gZk^Zlh Wn ?VbZh @c^\]i0 Xdbe^aZY Wn 7gdY^Z ?Zc`^ch CdiZ/ I]dhZ a^hi^c\h bVg`ZY ĂˆL8É YZcdiZ l^cZg^Zh l^i] XVkZh# I]ZhZ l^cZg^Zh VgZ jhjVaan dcan deZc id i]Z ejWa^X Wn Veed^cibZci#


North County ;^ZaY HidcZ L^cZgn

L8 EdejaVg l^i] ]^`Zgh VcY W^`Zgh eVhh^c\ i]gdj\]! ;^ZaY HidcZ L^cZgn ^h Vc ^Ynaa^X -*"VXgZ k^h^i"cVijgZ# >i lVh Vahd dcZ d[ i]Z [^ghi jcYZg\gdjcY l^cZ XZaaVgh! XVgkZY ^cid i]Z ]^aa ^c i]Z &.,%h# &%%,* =ln# &'-! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#)((#,'++#

;gVcX^h ;dgY 8deedaV EgZhZcih Gdhhd 7^VcXd >c V [V^gn"iVaZ hZii^c\ XdbeaZiZ l^i] V XVhiaZ VcY [g^ZcYan! ViiZci^kZ hiV[[! i]^h l^cZgn ]Vh ZmXZaaZci l]^iZ l^cZh VcY Vc ^c"]djhZ gZhiVjgVci XjggZcian XadhZY # (%% K^V 6gX]^bZYZh! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc YV^an Vi &&Vb# ,%,#-*,#&)%%#

<ZnhZg EZV` L^cZgn

>c i]Z &..%h! i]Z [VX^a^in lVh ^c i]gVaa id 6jhigVa^Vc dkZgadgYh i]Z EZc[daYh! l]d Wgdj\]i ^c l^cZbV`Zgh 9Vgna <gddb VcY B^X` H]gdZiZg# L]Zc i]Z^g H]^gVo ldc ide VlVgYh Vi i]Z HdcdbV 8djcin =VgkZhi ;V^g! ^i lVh hZZc Vh V eZV` bdbZci ^c Vc 6jhh^Z ^ckVh^dc# '''-& 8]^Vci^ GdVY! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# -%%#'**#.)+(

AV 8gZbV L^cZgn

Hina^h] hVadc d[[Zgh ]^e jgWVc^iZh a^b^iZY"gZaZVhZ Xdjcign Xdjh^ch d[ i]Z ide"hZaa^c\ gZhiVjgVci WgVcY# Ede ^c [dg i]Z E^cdi! hiVn [dg i]Z HngV]# '(* =ZVaYhWjg\ 6kZ#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%/(%VbÄ*/(%eb# ,%,#)(&#.)%%#

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IV`^c\ dkZg i]Z [dgbZg lVggZc d[ GVWW^i G^Y\Z! BVoodXXd L^cZgnÉh cZl he^cd[[ egdb^hZh i]gZViZch4 ÆL^cZh id Y^Z [dg#Ç E^cdi! O^c VcY HngV] VgZ igV\^XVaan \ddY0 WVg hidda hZVi^c\ VcY V gZaVmZY k^WZ VgZ eajhZh# ('.& LZhih^YZ GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# IVhi^c\ [ZZ *# ,%,#)((#&.&&#


Ndj b^\]i ZmeZXi BZZ`Zg id WZ bdgZ ha^X`ZY"dji! l]Vi l^i] ^ih W^\"i^bZ =daanlddY dg^\^ch Xd"dlcZg 8]Vga^Z BZZ`Zg ^h V [dgbZg bdk^Z ZmZXji^kZ # 7ji i]ViÉh XaZVgan cdi i]Z XVhZ# '&%(* <ZnhZgk^aaZ 6kZ#! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc BdcYVnÄHVijgYVn! &%/(%VbÄ +eb0 HjcYVn! cddcÄ*eb# ,%,#)(&#'&)-#

B^aa 8gZZ`

L]^aZ i]Z ]^hidg^XVaan ^che^gZY Wj^aY^c\ ^h _jhi he^cc^c\ V YZXdgVi^kZ l]ZZa! fjV^ci ^h _jhi V [ddicdiZ id fjVa^in# 6aa i]Z l^cZh VgZ VWdkZ VkZgV\Z# &)%& LZhih^YZ GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)eb# ,%,#)(&#'&'&#

HVee]^gZ =^aa

H]Vg^c\ V egdeZgin l^i] hjX] Vh 8Vb^aaV 8ZaaVgh VcY di]Zg Wdji^fjZ l^cZg^Zh dc V XdbedjcY i]Zn h^bean XVaa Æ;gdci HigZZi *!Ç egdYjXi^dc ^h bV^can gZYh! l^i] i]Z ZmXZei^dc d[ Vc ZhiViZ 8]VgYdccVn# *& ;gdci Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc I]jghYVnÄBdcYVn! &&VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#)(&#&---#

¸°h\Y diffZYWh Widš

H^b^ L^cZgn

Delicious Homemade Food!

E^dcZZgZY [ZbVaZ l^cZbV`^c\ Wn ]^g^c\ i]Z [^ghi [ZbVaZ l^cZbV`Zg ^c i]Z ^cYjhign# I]Z iVhi^c\"gddb ZmeZg^ZcXZ ^h bZY^dXgZ! Wji i]Z l^cZ ^h [VciVhi^X VcY ldgi] i]Z lV^i# :mXZaaZci 8]VgY! HVjk^\cdc 7aVcX VcY 8VW# &+',* =ZVaYhWjg\ 6kZ#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#),(#('&(#

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Rent our charming space for your next party.




South County @VhiVc^V K^cZnVgYh

L]d `cZl i]Vi ]ZgZ dc i]Z WdgYZg d[ BVg^c lZÉY [^cY dcZ d[ i]Z bdhi ]dhe^iVWaZ! cd"cdchZchZ! [Vb^an" l^cZgn ZmeZg^ZcXZh ^c i]Z Xdjcin ))&* @VhiVc^V GdVY! EZiVajbV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#,+(#+()-#

@ZaaZg :hiViZ

CZhiaZY ^c i]Z ÆEZiVajbV \VeÇ VcY heZX^Va^oZh ^c XgZVi^c\ Vgi^hVc! ]VcYXgV[iZY E^cdi! 8]VgY VcY HngV]# *-,* AV`Zk^aaZ =ln#! EZiVajbV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#,+*#'&&,#

Mid County @ZcYVaa"?VX`hdc

@"? egdYjXZh i]Z edejaVg l^cZh \gVX^c\ bdhi 6bZg^XVc iVWaZh# 6bVo^c\ \VgYZch! VcY \gZVi eaVXZ id ZmeadgZ [ddY VcY l^cZ eV^g^c\h# *%%, ;jaidc GdVY! ;jaidc# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#*,&#-&%%#

W^dYncVb^XVaan [VgbZY l^cZgn# 9dcÉi b^hh i]Z YV^an )*"b^cjiZ igVb g^YZ gZeaZiZ l^i] V idjg d[ i]Z k^cZnVgY! l^aYa^[Z hVcXijVg^Zh VcY XVkZh# &--( AdcYdc GVcX] GdVY! <aZc :aaZc# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ---#).%#',(.#

8]ViZVj Hi# ?ZVc L^cZgn

IV`Z i]Z ZYjXVi^dcVa idjg VcY hVbeaZ Wdi] gZhZgkZ VcY egZb^Zg l^cZh dc VXgZh d[ k^cZnVgY l^i] \VgYZch VcY \djgbZi [ddY# -*** HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#-((#)&()#

<adg^V ;ZggZg L^cZgn

L8 EVgi d[ i]Z ^ciZgcVi^dcVa ;gZ^mZcZi l^cZ Zbe^gZ! dlcZg ?dhZ ;ZggZgÉh [Vb^an ]Vh WZZc ^c i]^h Wjh^cZhh h^cXZ i]Z &(i] XZcijgn# :meadgZ i]Z 8]VbeV\cZ XVkZh dc V \j^YZY idjg# '(*** 8VgcZgdh =ln#! HdcdbV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# 8VkZ idjgh Vi &&Vb! &eb VcY (eb# ,%,#..+#,'*+#

@jcYZ :hiViZ L^cZgn

BViVcoVh 8gZZ` L^cZgn [ZVijgZh V eZVXZ[ja iVhi^c\ gddb dkZgadd`^c\ ^ih [VbZY VXgZh d[ aVkZcYZg# +%., 7ZccZii KVaaZn GdVY! HVciV GdhV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#*'-#+)+)#

L8 @jcYZ ^h dcZ d[ &' l^cZg^Zh ^c HdcdbV 8djcin id WZ Y^hi^c\j^h]ZY l^i] HZXdcY AZkZa <gZZc 7jh^cZhh 8Zgi^[^XVi^dc# >i Vahd ]Vh WZVji^[ja l^cZ XVkZh XVgkZY ^cid *"b^aa^dc"nZVg"daY kdaXVc^X gdX`# .-'* HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# IVhi^c\ gddb deZc YV^an! &%/(%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#-((#**%&#

EVgVY^hZ G^Y\Z L^cZgn

AZYhdc L^cZgn K^cZnVgYh

BViVcoVh 8gZZ` L^cZgn

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West County ;gZZhidcZ K^cZnVgYh

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A>D=3 ?>=3 4BC0C4 ne hour and 10 minutes after our original appointment, we had to call again to say we’d be late. Who could have guessed we’d be stuck in trafďŹ c on Highway 29 on a holiday weekend? The tricky part of winetasting appointments is that one is obligated to keep them. The upside is just about everything else. With Napa Valley tasting fees creeping steadily up to $25 just to join the crowd at the bar and stand around like cattle waiting for hay, it’s not enough to merely pay your fare anymore; the real estate ain’t cheap, folks. So here’s a strategy for having a better time in Napa: make the call, pay the little extra and be treated more like expected guests than nominal “guests.â€? Many old-timers have such programs, while newer outďŹ ts like Round Pond, somewhat off the welltraveled road, often have fabulous facilities, are wellstaffed, eager to please—and graciously understanding to egregiously late guests.

Bfrom rews the world &Tasty Paround ub Grub



Round Pond is at the end of a palm-tree-lined drive. Tasting is upstairs in the atrium or on a big, wellfurnished terrace overlooking the vineyards with sweeping views of the area. Far from trafďŹ c, the center of Rutherford proves to be quiet as any far-ung California farmland on a midafternoon that would seem to last forever. Just to the south, Round Pond’s new biodynamic kitchen garden is surrounded by two-story spikes that give it the look of some savage stockade. They’re teepee poles, topped with bird houses—a warning only to bugs.

Thursday, June 4

DJ Ty-Roy spins Chill Reggae Friday, June 5 @ 7:00pm

Jennifer Tucker Acoustic Folk Rock

Saturday, June 6

Morgan Laid Back Acoustic Folk Rock 707.874.9037 | 3688 Bohemian Highway, Occidental

Grape growers on some 400 some acres in the heart of Rutherford since the 1980s, the MacDonnell family recently got in to olive oil, then the wine business. Most of their harvest ďŹ lls the bottles of their more well-known neighbors. I like the tasting notes describing the 2005 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon ($65) as having an aroma of baked earth; it resonates with the wine and sounds like you could make an eco-friendly adobe with it. Black cherries, dried fruit, licorice mix with a muted potpourri of tobacco aromatics. The bright cherry, cranberry fruit soaks up the 90 percent new French oak with ease, leaving only a mild, wood-ďŹ re baked bread toastiness. The food pairing, asiago tartlet with leeks, was so scrumptious that we asked for a second helping. The 2008 Estate Sauvignon Blanc, Rutherford ($26) had bright, citrusy Sauvignon Blanc aromas tinged with lemon-butter and artichoke, and was viscous on the palate with a sensation of sweetness but without heat on the ďŹ nish, a rich, not crisp, style. But the soup pairing soon stole the limelight: a little boat of garden-fresh sweet pea soup with Meyer lemon olive oil drizzle had a surprising, bright, vegetal taste to charm each spoonful. Who can’t imagine returning on a late fall evening, say, and cozying up next to the big gas-burning hearth, watching the sun set and savoring that Rutherford dusk? Round Pond Estate, 875 Rutherford Road, Rutherford. Tastings by appointment daily, 11am to 4pm. $25. 888.302.2575.

James Knight




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BC8;; ;854 F8C7 10A143 F8A4 Meet the happy, lucky cows who live on McClure’s Ranch in Point Reyes.

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3PXah 3X[T\\P North Bay milk producers struggle to diversify and stay solvent in an economy that’s drowning in a sea of white By Linda Castrone


our generations of McClures have milked cows on the northern tip of the Point Reyes National Seashore. Since 1896, they’ve watched the fog creep in around their coastal pastures, have felt the wind howl through their barns and have organized their lives around a rigid twice-a-day milking schedule. That makes them the oldest dairying family on the peninsula, and among the last of a dying breed. “There used to be 13 dairies out here,� says 48-year-old Bob McClure. “Now there are six.� At least one more historic Point Reyes dairy ranch is poised to close as tough economic times bring unprecedented hardship to the dairy industry. Experts predict a substantial shakeout as small family farmers throughout the country sell their herds and look for greener pastures. California is the nation’s largest milk producer, pumping out about 39 billion pounds of milk each year, about half of which goes into

cheese. Large corporate farms in the Central Valley supply the bulk of our exports, but smaller North Bay dairies are working hard to protect their niche as the state’s oldest producers of highquality milk and cheese. Northern California has some of the world’s best terrain for dairy farming, as Spanish missionaries discovered when they arrived with cattle in the 1700s. In later days, dairy farmers migrated north to the region that stretches from Marin County through Petaluma. The sweetest of this region’s sweet spots is Point Reyes, the fog-prone peninsula bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west and Tomales Bay on the east. Temperatures average 63 degrees year-round; dairy cattle thrive at 55 and suffer when temperatures climb above 70. The air is humid enough to support dense, sweet pastures that can feed a herd for more than four months a year. A hungry, well-heeled urban population to the south provides a captive market, within easy reach by schooner (in early years), train or truck.

A few Marin and Sonoma county ranchers are upgrading their operations to serve the upscale appetites of Bay Area consumers. Some are converting to organic herds; others have added creameries to make artisan cheeses for diners with sophisticated palates. Will they succeed? It’s too early to tell, but boosters ranging from environmentalists to agritourists are pulling for them.

Fluid Markets An Irish carpenter who set out to learn the dairy industry, James McClure arrived here in 1896. By 1919, his family had purchased the L Ranch; in 1930, they bought the I Ranch, where Bob and his children were born. Bob still lives there and, with his 79-year-old father, Ronald, tends a herd of 600, growing organic silage on a third of the land and milking 500 cows twice a day, at midnight and again at 11am. The ranch covers a total of 1,500 acres, almost as far as the eye can see. As McClure describes it, the ranch goes “from the top of that hill 'THE BOHEMIAN





to the chicken houses, and from the ocean up there to the ocean by the cliffs over there.� His house is one of five that straddle the road from Pierce Point Road to dairy central, where the family and their staff milk cows, deliver calves, rehabilitate the mothers and store the feed. Employees live in four of the houses, McClure and his family in the fifth. That makes it easier to roll out of bed for the midnight milking. McClure’s job, as he sees it, is “to keep cows calving and keep cows alive. That’s the secret to the dairy business.� He doesn’t mention the third variable in any profitable business: finding a market for his product. For most of his life, McClure ran a conventional dairy, riding out the milk market’s regular fluctuations. In December 2007, he converted to organic cows in an effort to gain some control. Clover Stornetta buys his raw organic milk and sells it in Northern California grocery stores. “I wanted to get out of the rollercoaster cycles of the fluid milk market. I’m not going to do something for nothing,� he says. The decision was easier because he believes that organic sustainable ranching is the right thing to do. So far it seems to have been a good decision. While feed costs are higher— organic soybean meal is a whopping $1,000 a ton—milk prices have held steady at about $28 per hundred pounds of milk. Compare that with conventional milk, which bottomed out at $8.50 earlier this year. That leaves McClure a little ahead after feed costs and all the other expenses of maintaining his herd. The McClures’ ranch was purchased in 1971 by the National Parks Service, along with all the others on Point Reyes, but they have a long-term lease McClure feels sure he can extend once it runs out. Over the years, dairies like the McClures’ have become so efficient they can quench Northern California’s thirst with enough milk left over to supply international markets in Asia and beyond. The region is riddled with plants that convert fluid milk into powdered milk, butter and whey for long-distance shipping. Emerging markets in Asia bought California’s surplus in recent years, seeing it as a quick, cheap way to improve the diets of their populations, and U.S. dairy farmers responded by expanding their herds. “Global demand was increasing until about November,� says Corny Gallagher, Bank of America’s senior vice president for agribusiness. “Then it started to go down. Emerging markets didn’t have the money anymore.� Exports came to an abrupt halt, sending milk prices to historic depths within a few months and filling warehouses throughout the nation with surplus powdered milk. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is buying some of that stockpile for food banks and nutrition programs, while dairies attempt to slow their production.

Udder Squeeze At the same time, the price of feeding large, hungry herds, which is fully half the



cost of running a dairy, has risen to nearly record highs. Two-year droughts in Africa, Australia, the Ukraine and the Middle East depleted grain reserves and drove up the price of feed corn. By January, dairy farmers found themselves spending nearly $18 to produce milk they could sell for just $8 to $11 per hundred pounds. The math of that losing proposition isn’t hard to grasp. Depending on herd size, family farms could be losing as much as $2,500 a day. Their choices were fairly limited: hunker down and wait for milk prices to rise, sell their herds or send their livestock to the slaughterhouse. “Dairy farmers are caught in an unbelievable squeeze,� says Ralph Grossi, past president of the American Farmland Trust. “It’s a matter of macroeconomics. You would expect a rebound in prices by the end of the year, but in the meantime, there will be a substantial shakeout in the dairy industry.� For prices to rise again, the milk supply will have to shrink. Experts estimate that 300,000 cows must be slaughtered to bring the milk supply into balance with the demand, a painful process of culling herds that otherwise were in the prime of their productivity. That contraction has already started, with some farmers shrinking their herds and others going bankrupt or calling it quits, says Dan Sumner, director of the Agricultural Issues Center at UC Davis, “the worst is behind us for this cycle. It doesn’t take much to make prices fall, and it doesn’t take much to get them to rise again. The projections suggest higher prices this summer, but many farmers are just in terrible shape.� Most of the older, established dairies will ride out the crisis because they’ve built up equity over the years, Sumner says. “The younger ones are mortgaged to the hilt and haven’t had time to accumulate the savings to make it. I feel sorry for them. “The worst news is if you were the 203rd cow in a herd that should have just 200,� he says. “That cow was hamburger on Jan. 1.� A trade group called Cooperatives Working Together has offered a “herd retirement program� that will buy more than 100,000 cattle at market price from struggling dairy farmers, with two caveats: the cows must be slaughtered, not sold to other farmers; and their owners must promise not to start new herds for at least a year. CWT expects to announce the program totals by the end of June. The way Bob McClure sees it, each small family farmer who sells out is replaced by a big corporate dairy steps in to fill the void, a process he describes as “the Wal-Marting of the dairy industry.�

Rural Industry Historian Dewey Livington considers the Point Reyes penninsula an “Eden� that has always supported farmers and their animals, from the Coastal Miwok Indians to Spaniards, Mexicans and immigrants with Portuguese, Irish and Swiss Italian roots, it has supported farmers and their animals. Butter produced there in the 1800s was


praised for its quality and a unique saltiness from grass pastures that were fertilized by fog and ocean breezes. As the San Francisco Bay Area grew in the 1950s, the U.S. Parks Service kept its eye on the peninsula as potential parkland that could stop the suburbs from growing together. The dairy ranches were purchased one at time, preserving them as part of the National Seashore and in the 1980s getting them listed as a Historic Ranching District. In addition to saving the ranches, that designation preserved a way of life for generations who know little about where their food comes from. Only about 7 percent of us live on farms now, compared with 80 percent in past eras, Livingston says. “We’re so removed that we like to see farming scenes. It’s almost like a thing of the past that gives you a good feeling. Cows are picturesque. They are icons of beauty.� Cows also tend the garden in Eden by grazing, keeping the poison oak and brushy undergrowth in check and making room for wildflowers to grow, he says. In addition to preserving the landscape, dairies buoy the economy in many North Coast counties. Agriculture is Marin County’s largest industry, contributing $15 million a year to the local economy. In addition to producing food, it preserves the county’s rolling landscape and secures its reputation as one of the region’s most beautiful bucolic settings. “Although this is private farmland, we wanted to think about its benefits to the public,� says Elisabeth Ptak, spokesperson for the Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT). While county zoning codes currently protect it from development, a group of local property owners and environmentalists wanted more lasting protection. They formed MALT, which does that by buying development rights. Farmers are allowed to own and manage the land but are prevented from subdividing or developing it. Many use the cash to reinvest in their businesses or, in the case of dairy farmers, weather economic storms like the present one. Tomales Bay dairyman Bob Giacomini and his four daughters have done just that, converting a farm that milked 600 cows into an artisan cheese company that turns its own milk into Point Reyes Original Blue. “All four of us were all raised here, we all went to college, and none of us had any interest in coming back here to milk cows,� says Jill Giacomini Basch, the company’s spokesperson. “But in the 1990s, the dairy got away from Dad. He was turning 60 and didn’t want the stress anymore. He called us all together to say, ‘It’s time.’� The women brainstormed ideas, came up with the notion of cheese making and ran with it. Three formed the company and by 2000 had begun to make blue cheese. The fourth sister joined them this year. “An Achilles heel for Dad had always been making milk to sell as a crop and never having anything to offer his friends,� Basch says. “He didn’t have any fruits of his labor. We knew there was a growing market for artisanal cheese, and we thought it might become a profitable business, not just a sideline for Dad.� Under their guidance, the dairy sold its

development rights to MALT and added organic cows in 2004 that supply milk to Clover Stornetta. The conventional herd supplies milk for cheese making. The Giacomini women also built a methane digester that makes fuel to power the dairy, and by summer will open an appointment-only agri-tourism business, an onsite culinary center that will teach classes and offer farm-to-table tours. They’re poster children for a campaign that was mounted by the California Milk Advisory Board in 2000, encouraging dairy farmers to shore up their cyclical businesses by diversifying. As point person for that campaign, Lynne Devereaux spent seven years traveling the state, helping dairies to take the risk and connecting them with cheese makers who could teach them how it’s done. “Artisan cheese isn’t a consideration of most dairy farmers,� she says. “They don’t see it as a way to solve the problem, but they can get added value from their milk by using part of it for cheese.� When the milk board shifted its attention to handling milk surpluses in 2007, Devereaux found another way to promote small cheese makers: an artisan cheese festival held once a year in Petaluma. “I had been going to trade shows for years, but I wanted to find a way to bring consumers closer to these cheese makers,� she says. This year’s festival was a sell-out, with about 1,800 people gathering over the span of four days to meet the makers, sample the goods and schmooze with others who share their passion for food. “We’re going back to eating naturally, the way our forefathers ate,� says Basch, who serves on the festival’s board of directors. “There will always be a subset of the consumer audience that is interested and willing to pay a higher price for these kinds of products.� Devereaux sees the market for artisanal cheese getting younger, led by 30-year-olds who have grown up with good coffees, gourmet chocolates, fine wines and fresh baked breads. Adding artisan cheeses is a logical progression. Combine that with the proliferation of high-end markets and the focus on eating locally, and this part of the dairy market is poised for strong growth, she says. Dedicated consumers are now asking “Who’s on your plate?� rather than “What’s on the menu?�


hat said, UC Davis’ Sumner questions whether the organic milk and artisan cheese efforts are enough to save the dairy industry. “Artisan cheese accounts for about 1 percent of their sales, and organic milk between 2 and 3 percent. It’s hard to say how much more it can grow,� he says. “Most people aren’t able to afford $20-apound cheese. “At times like this, people are going to cut back wherever they can, which means using the cheapest cheese we can get. What one grocery store is growing now? Wal-Mart. Which one is sinking like a stone? Whole Foods.� Sumner’s best advice for people interested in supporting the dairy industry is simple. “Drink a lot of milk,� he says.

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<>DC7H ‘I can’t dance salsa,’ Gomez says. ‘I can only eat salsa.’

<PaVP 6^\Ti 5d]]h 6Xa[ Voluble comic has no problem being the voice of ‘Latino dorks’


nterviewed in these pages 10 years ago, comic Marga Gomez described her dating scene succinctly. “The lesbians I’ve known are not good at dating,� she complained. “We’re good at relationships, so all our dates are like relationships—even a first date. We go to dinner, discuss our innermost secrets and the secrets of our ex-lovers; then we’d have dessert, pay the check and maybe I’d have the guts to pop the question ‘Do you want to come back to my place and weep?’ Then there would be couple’s counseling and division of property by the second date.� Fast forward a decade, and Gomez is now partnered up, joking that her girlfriend is a smoker, which makes it so much easier to get along with her. “When you’re with a fuck-up,� she joshes, “they’ll give you anything.� Gomez stars with Ugly Betty’s Alec Mapa at the 15th annual Gay Pride Comedy Night, an evening of standup followed by an oldfashioned dance party that has gained in popularity every year. There is no star or

co-star, as each comic is delighted to be coheadlining. Things are so gosh-darn friendly and giddy that event organizer Ellen Silver even wants straight folks to attend, and given the level of the performers and the $15 ticket, they may just take the plunge. Count on Gomez to offer some light-hearted conciliation to the recent Proposition 8 decision by the California Supreme Court. “We don’t want our children to know about gays marrying,� she joked during a show before last year’s election. “It’s better that they just know about gays dating—and cruising.� Asked recently if her career has changed as Latinos become a more visible and vigorous political and cultural force, she says, “I like to call myself the butch Ricky Martin. Yes, there’s more visibility and clout, but there is also more backlash. Hello, Lou Dobbs, swine f lu? I don’t get as much bounce from the ‘Latin explosion,’ because I am a Latina who can’t speak Spanish or dance salsa; I can only eat salsa. I’m part of the silent minority in the Spanish majority.

Latinas like me get attitude from other Latinos because of our gringo accents. I’m writing a show about this issue, a comedy that I’m opening Off-Broadway later in June. I want to be the voice for Latino dorks.� After the Santa Rosa gig, Gomez f lies back east for a series of gay pride blow-outs before heading to Scotland for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and then stints in Mexico. She exults, “This will be a great pride month for me. It’s my birthday, my TV special airs, I play Boston Pride, play a week in N.Y.C. off-Broadway, and get to work with Alec Mapa. I’m hoping Alec can hook me up with Salma Hayek. My girlfriend will give me a get-out-of-jail-free pass for that.� —Compiled by Gretchen Giles The 15th Annual Pride Comedy Night starring Marga Gomez and Alec Mapa is slated for Saturday, June 6, at the Wells Fargo Center. 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa. 8pm. Tickets from $15. 707.546.3600.





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:=867C 8= 30H William Elsman bravely plays Quixote.

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Convincing ‘La Mancha’ transcends play’s troubled reputation By David Templeton


ith certain well-known stage shows, simply ordering up a ticket can be an act of faith and courage. As someone who sees 60 to 70 plays a year, many of them repeats of the same favorites over and over, I can’t help but end up with favorites (Proof, which I’ve seen in five different productions; Hamlet, nine productions) and one or two least favorites. Man of La Mancha, Dale Wasserman’s 1965 musical adaptation of Miguel de Cervantes’ 1605 novel Don Quixote, is a show that is beloved by many, but not by me. Despite an intriguing central device—Cervantes spins the Don Quixote story while in prison, using his fellow prisoners as “actors� in his tale—and a song, “Impossible Dream,� which stands as one of the most beautiful and stirring anthems ever written for the stage, Man of La Mancha is a play fundamentally beset by problems. Structurally, its story-within-a-storywithin-a-story concept is not easy to pull off coherently, demanding Herculean feats from its lead actor, who has to play Cervantes playing the mad Alonso Quijano, who thinks he’s a knight name Don Quixote, and to offer defined characterizations of each one. This is not as easily done as said. In the last production of La Mancha I dragged myself to,

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the actor played all three exactly the same, making it impossible for the audience to feel the pathos and tragedy intended by the playwright. Then there’s the matter of the rape scene, in which the country peasant girl Aldonza, inspired by the mad “Quixote� to show kindness to a band of ruffians, instead falls victim to them. Attempts are often made to stage this scene as some sort of “ballet� or stylized contrivance, which usually results in an already horrifying scene being drawn out and made even more unwatchable. Suffice it to say, Man of La Mancha is a problem play, and few companies have the resources or genius needed to make it work. Jim Dunn, on the other hand, is a director whose specialty is problem plays. Having helmed 27 consecutive Mountain Plays, he’s proven that the more problematic a show is, the better it ends up when he’s the director. Such was the case two years ago with Hair, a play even more flawed then La Mancha; in Dunn’s hands, it was spectacular. So here I am saying that the Mountain Play version of Man of La Mancha, one of my least favorite shows, is not only the best musical I’ve seen this year, it’s the best production of La Mancha I’ve ever seen. Even the ending got me, so thoroughly caught up in Dunn’s vision was I by the climax that I sat there blubbering along with 2,000 other audience members as Aldonza finds the dying Quijano and shares what his “impossible dream� has meant to her. In the difficult lead, William Elsman never lets us forget that there is a frightened, somewhat calculating idealist (Cervantes) under Quixote’s fake beard and stagy deliveries. As the madman’s devoted servant Sancho Panza, comic actor Randy Nazarian is pitch-perfect, fusing the vocal comedy of Dom DeLuise with the wild physicality of Nathan Lane. And as Aldonza/Dulcinea, Linda Gaudianni is outstanding, convincingly fierce and fragile at the same. All three have strong singing voices, though on opening day the high notes were challenging them all a bit. The vast outdoor stage area of Mt. Tam’s Cushing Amphitheater is perfect for this show, allowing Dunn to create the imposing fortress where Cervantes is kept, to populate it with a large cast of fellow prisoners, and to even include the famous windmill with which Cervantes does battle. With such a large canvass, Dunn works wonders (note the second act’s brawl scene, a pandemonium of action) that would have looked lame on a smaller stage. At the same time, he knows when to hold back; the rape scene, staged here more as a taunt-filled abduction, is effectively dramatic, but avoids the kind of audienceshattering detail so many directors choose. In nearly every way, this show is a triumph. The problems are there, but through cleverly avoidance and misdirection, they hardly seem to matter. Wisely, director Dunn keeps his emphasis on the fun and action of Cervantes’ story, and ultimately convinces us that Quixote’s beautiful dreams, mad or not, are worth fighting for. ‘Man of La Mancha’ runs Sundays at 1pm through June 21, with one Saturday performance on June 13. $23–$40. Performances held at the Cushing Memorial Amphitheatre on Mount Tamalpais. Shuttle busses available and recommended. For full details, visit


3494D=4A BDA ;0 C01;4 Juliette Binoche sports blonde locks to play an Americanized Frenchwoman in ‘Sumer Hours.’

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‘Summer Hours’ a simple film with generational depth By Richard von Busack


ne can generalize that American movies are usually about people with one problem, and French movies are usually about people with a nexus of problems. In Olivier Assayas’ absorbing and smart new film Summer Hours, the dissolution of an extended family illuminates an abstract idea: artistic patrimony, and how it gets scattered to the winds. Previously, it was the French cinematic patrimony that got scattered, in Assayas’ bestknown film here, Irma Vep. Irma Vep concerned a crass and useless modern remake of a pioneering work of French cinema; there was also a sense of mitigation: the grace of Maggie Cheung bringing life even to a filmwithin-a-film that was better off dead. At her 75th birthday party, HĂŠlène (Edith Scob) prepares to divide up her worldly goods among her children. These children live all over the globe and don’t have the wherewithal to keep HĂŠlène’s luscious but crumbling home going. The place is stuffed with valuable art pieces, too, which would be doled out someday. The grandchildren are uninterested; the fogs of Corot look depressing in their polychrome world. HĂŠlène was the longtime companion (and perhaps more) to her uncle Paul, a noted postimpressionist. Among the treasures of the house are the painter’s own last works and the gifts from friends and contemporaries, such as a panels by Odile Redon himself. This rich but slightly awkward legacy is puzzled out after HĂŠlène drops dead, right after she travels to San Francisco for a retrospective of Paul’s work. The dividing up begins shortly afterward, with the MusĂŠe d’Orsay hovering to pick the best material. This museum, which commissioned Summer Hours as a celebration of its 20th anniversary, opens itself up to the camera from galleries to sub-basements. The splitting up of these goods troubles HĂŠlène’s siblings: FrĂŠdĂŠric (Charles Berling), an inarticulate economics professor, would love to keep the collection together. That’s not practical; brother

JĂŠrĂŠmie (JĂŠrĂŠmie Renier) who lives in China, working for an athletic shoe firm, wouldn’t be able to visit. It takes a director with a good memory to recall the young girl Scob was once upon a time, as in Franju’s Eyes Without a Face, and to correctly figure that Juliette Binoche could play her daughter. Binoche is bleached a tawny blonde here. Her Adrienne is a perpetual expatriate; her mother’s toughminded daughter, she appreciates these family treasures in the abstract but doesn’t want them with her, cramping her style. Summer Hours mulls over the cultural and financial primacy that has migrated out from France into China and the United States—and where will it go next? Yet it makes no recriminations. Assayas is gentle about the harsh edge of time scraping away things that are traditionally French, leaving behind the world-pop (mono)culture of superheroes and sneakers. (“Which one are you, Batman or Superman?â€? asks one of HĂŠlène’s grandchildren to another.) Compare this French elegy to Gran Torino, where the American cultural legacy—canned beer, the proverbial can of whoopass, and tough Detroit cars—get passed on only to those who can earn them. Summer Hours has touches of Chekhov in it, in the idea of a legacy being only appreciated when it’s gone; the old servant of the house ÉloĂŻse (Isabelle Sadoyan) is uneducated, but she has perhaps the best sense of what is worth keeping. Rather than mourning over the end of an era, Assayas looks into the liveliness of what’s next. At a final house party, he and cinematographer Eric Gautier (Into the Wild) ride over the swells of energy like surfers paddling for a wave. They come to rest on a trio of charming young modern girls shaking it to Les Plastiscines’ terrific punk tune “Loser.â€? In this film about art, it’s as if these young dancers were the Three Graces come to life. ‘Summer Hours’ opens on Friday, June 5, at the Rialto Cinemas Lakeside, 551 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa. 707.525.4840.

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Bursting with rich meaning and deep implication.� -A.O. Scott, The New York Times

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Juliette BINOCHE


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A Film By Olivier Assayas



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RIALTO CINEMAS LAKESIDE 551 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa (707) 525-4840

Atom Egoyan’s newest in forever, ‘Adoration,’ screens at the CineArts Marin in Sausalito. Go there.

New Movies


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AVcY d[ i]Z Adhi

Current Paintings

Etta Deikman

May 29–July 5 Reception: Saturday May 30, 4–6pm

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Oxbow Public Market 610 First Street, Napa

We got wheels and we can participate at festivals and fairs or cater parties. For information, email:

Enjoy the Best Inexpensive Dinner in Napa


EVERY STEP (12:30) 2:45 LITTLE 5:00 7:20 9:45 R (12:30) 2:30 5:00 7:20 9:40 PG-13 Please Note: No 5:00 Show on Sun!

“A Triumph!� – New York Observer

“A Whirlwind Of Action, Intrigue And Romance With LA VIE EN ROSE Scene Stealing Characters!� – Cinematical

(12:45) 3:45 6:45 9:45 PG-13


(1:00) 4:00 7:00 9:30 PG-13 “ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x; – Really, Truly, Deeply – “Extraordinary! Packed Nearly With Rich One of This Year’s Best!â€?To–Bursting Newsday Meaning And Deep Implication. The Assurance And ONCE Aesthetic Poise Of The Film Make It Quietly (1:00) 3:10 5:20 7:30 9:40 R Ravishing! A Masterpiece!â€? – New York Times


“Wise, Humble Effortlessly Funny!� (12:40)and 3:00 5:15 7:30 9:45– Newsweek NR

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Bargain Tuesday - $7.50 All Shows Bargain $7.00 All Shows Schedule forTuesday Fri, June- 5th – Thu, June 11th Schedule for Fri, June 22nd - Thu, June 28th

“A Thrilling, Moving, Emotionally Rich Film! An Artful Drama Winning,–Losing, Working “Raw andOf Riveting!� RollingAnd Stone Hard For The Love Of The Stage!� – EW


“Breathtaking! Delightful! Touching To The Core� (1:30) 4:00 7:10 9:30 R – Hollywood Reporter “Powerful! Riveting! Inspiring!� “Swoonly Romatic, Mysterious, – Los Angeles Times Hilarious!�

– Slant Magazine GOODBYE SOLO

(12:50) 2:50 4:50 7:10 9:20 R PARIS, JE T’AIME (1:15) 4:15 7:00 9:30 “A Turbulently Candid andR Hypnotic Psycho-Biographical Documentary!� – Entertainment Weekly Michael Moore’s “Elemental, Essential Viewing!� – Rolling Stone



June 6-7, 13-14 707-829-4797

StartsTYSON Fri, June 29th! (3:45) 9:10 R at Box OfďŹ ce! Advance Tickets On Sale Now (12:00) THE 2:30 SOLOIST 5:00 7:30 10:00

(1:15) 6:45 PG-13 Venessa Redgrave Meryl Streep Glenn Close


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Film capsules by Richard von Busack and Jeff Latta. THE BOHEMIAN



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Djangology Of all the guitarists with limited use of their fingers, Django Reinhardt far and beyond stretched the guitar to its furthest capability. With only two properly working fretting fingers, Reinhardt nonetheless laid down some of the finest solos in the history of the instrument, and remains a looming inf luence on every jazz guitarist today (guitarist Jim Hall’s dog is named Django, for example). It is impossible to separate Reinhardt’s music from the extraordinary circumstances in his personal life—including a Gypsy caravan lifestyle and signing some of the shrewdest contracts in the history of recorded music—but one need only to listen to his timeless statement of beauty, “Nuages,� to hear pure genius. Reinhardt is celebrated this week at the fourth-annual DjangoFest Mill Valley, a series of concerts and workshops celebrating Reinhardt’s cosmopolitan style with performers Panique, Hot Club of Marin, Pearl Django, Mimi Fox, Gonzalo Bergara, Hot Club of San Francisco, Stochelo Rosenberg and far too many more to list. There are now DjangoFests all over the West Coast. Find out why Thursday–Sunday, June 4–7, at 142 Throckmorton Theater. 142 Throckmorton, Mill Valley. $20–$60. 415.383.9600.

T-Bone Burnett. Even those unfamiliar with Carlile’s name have probably heard her music. Grey’s Anatomy has featured her repeatedly, and television commercials have used “The Story� to sell cars and beer to fast-driving, gut-bulging guys. Carlile, a lesbian, is having a good laugh,

enjoying sold-out shows and planning her follow-up album after winning over crowds on the Indigo Girls’ latest tour. She appears on Tuesday, June 9, at the Lincoln Theater. 100 California Drive, Yountville. 7pm. $26–$36. 707.944.1300.


Glorious Beer After 18 years, the microbrewery mecca Beerfest still hasn’t succumbed to the brand of hoitytoity, touristy gimmickry that so pervasively seduces our long-running institutions. After all, what more does anyone need besides killer music, great food and cold beer? The grooves this year come in the form of the Thugz, who pepper their starry tributes to Monte Rio with a barrelful of Grateful Dead covers and who’ve honed the art of the long set list at their weekly nights at the Pink Elephant bar. The food comes courtesy of over 35 booths, from Johnny Garlic’s to Larry Vito’s barbecue, and the beer comes from every good place in the North Bay and beyond. Furthermore, it’s beer! It’s summertime! Bottoms up! Ticket price includes all the food you can eat and all the beer you can drink, but moderation is encouraged. All proceeds benefit Face to Face, and last year’s event sold out, so get your tickets now for Saturday, June 6, at the Wells Fargo Center. 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa. 1–5pm. $35–$40. 707.544.1581.


Chickens & Cramps The Hollywood Hillbillies might not have received much press for their music, but the Southern California country-punk outfit brought live chickens out onstage with them, and that was enough to earn attention for Fur Dixon and her fellow band mates. As a bassist for the Cramps during a short but influential spell in 1986, Dixon toured the world in a fuzz- and reverb-drenched haze behind the unpredictable onstage presence of Lux Interior, but shortly afterwards got back to her hat-and-boots roots alongside Rosie Flores in the Screamin’ Sirens. With her wilder days mostly behind her, she conjures Bakersfield-like imagery with Steve Werner, with whom she has an infectious musical rapport. Dustbowls, tumbleweeds and rambling are central to their well-blended two-part harmonies. Sit a spell next to the old wood stove and hear their songs and stories on Saturday, June 6, at Studio E. Address provided with ticket, Sebastopol. 8pm. $23. 707.542.7143.


Meant for You You’d be hard-pressed to find many lines on Brandi Carlile’s face, and yet the lines on the fresh-skinned young singer provide the jumpoff for her biggest hit, “The Story.� “All of these lines across my face,� she sings, eruptively and with an otherworldly crack in her voice, “tell you the story of who I am.� That incredible split-second vocal crack, and not the imagined wrinkles around her eyes, tells the true story of Carlile, a talented songwriter with an unswerving knack for emotional wallop who had the good fortune of blowing away Dave Matthews at the Sasquatch Music Festival in Washington and hooking up with producer


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0?6A60Âś@ 05<602

:B@60 Concerts HDCDB6 8DJCIN

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7VWn HZVa 8ajW

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Being twangfully high on I See Hawks in L.A. o area of the country has produced what’s commonly called “cosmic American music� with such frequency and authenticity as Southern California, that strange, hot land that feels to us in NorCal like a different planet, let alone a different state. I See Hawks in L.A. are quite simply one of the finest exports from the land of contradiction—concrete and flowers, asphalt and palms, tanning salons and beaches—and their vision of life down south is one that’s as much influenced by their rugged neighborhood of Echo Park as it is Nashville twang. An added psychedelic element is key to the band’s sound, emanating from bassist Paul Mitchell’s time spent playing with Strawberry Alarm Clock—that’s him singing in Russ Meyer’s Roger Ebert–penned camp classic Beyond the Valley of the Dolls—and evidenced by the band’s swirly ode to their northern neighbors, “Humboldt.� If the names Dave Alvin, Gene Clark, Gram Parsons or Tom Brumley ring any kind of bell for you, don’t miss this band. They play with David T. Carter and the Trailer Park Rangers on Friday, June 5, at Aubergine, 755 Petaluma Blvd., Sebastopol. 9pm. $10. 707.827.3460. Gabe Meline


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0?6A60Âś@ 05<602

Dinner and a Show

Take a scenic drive for a unique dining experience

Reservations advised “A Historic West Marin Landmark�

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Big Sandy


June 5

& His Fly-Rite Boys Rockabilly/ Traditional Country 8:30pm / $12/$15

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WTJ TRIO June 7 5:00pm / In The Bar Comedian

Will Durst

7aVX` 8Vi 7Vg 8V[Z

& Special Guests Deb & Mike

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7:30pm / $12/$15


June 12

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June 14 Solo Acoustic


Iggy Pop gets his Serge Gainsbourg on with new French jazz album ‘PrĂŠliminaires’ ggy Pop’s last solo album, 2003’s star-studded Skull Ring, was an abrasive segue to the Stooges’ reunion (Raw Power’s James Williamson is on board for the next one), but this week’s PrĂŠliminaires is like nothing the old Iguana has ever done. Sounding like a homage to the recently released Serge Gainsbourg masterpiece Histoire de Melody Nelson, the 12-song set is inspired by French author Michel Houellebecq’s 2005 apocalyptic novel The Possibility of an Island. “I thought the book was a motherfucker,â€? Pop said recently, and his subdued song suite is no different. It’s a shock to hear him sound so seductive on the opener, a amenco-sketched cover of jazz standard “Les Feuilles Mortes (Autumn Leaves),â€? sung in French. But his deep, commanding Cohen-esque delivery works, as it does on gentle piano ballad “I Want to Go to the Beach,â€? which almost sounds like a late-era Johnny Cash outtake. While inherently strong in concept, PrĂŠliminaires— initially outlined by Pop while living alone in his Florida cabin—could be his most eclectic record yet. It seems to cover all of his previous music colors, from the dirty synth-funk of his Bowie/Berlin era in “Party Timeâ€? to straight-ahead rawk in the electric thump of “Nice to Be Dead.â€? The acoustic “He’s Dead / She’s Aliveâ€? wouldn’t have sounded out of place on the Stooges’ debut, while “A Machine for Lovingâ€? is a spoken-word exploration of dog-owner relationships that’s more thought-provoking than gimmicky. Most thrilling, of course, are the jazz excursions, like Jobim’s “How Insensitive,â€? where Iggy actually croons effectively. The highlight on PrĂŠliminaires, though, is “King of the Dogs,â€? a New Orleans stomper. “I got a smelly ear, I got a dirty nose, I don’t want no shoes, I don’t want no clothes,â€? Iggy sings with a virtually audible grin. “I’m living like the king of the dogs.â€? I’m not sure if PrĂŠliminaires will inspire listeners to check out Michel Houellebecq’s book, but it reafďŹ rms that Iggy Pop is still an artist to watch. David Sason


of Tea Leaf Green 7:30pm / $10

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July 12

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July 19 Sun

July 26

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LZY VcY ;g^! `VgVd`Z# Bdc VcY I]jgh! 9Vgih# HVi! cddc id +! DeZc Edda IVWaZ# -'%& DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.'#.-),#

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?jc -! BdcYVn C^\]i :YjiV^cbZci l^i] 9? >g^Z 9daZ# +.*, HZWVhideda 6kZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#'%+'#

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A^iiaZ Hl^ioZgaVcY

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?jc *! HZaad YZ BZm^Xd# ?jc +! Adhi LZZ`ZcY LZhiZgc hl^c\ # ?jc ,! H]dlXVhZ i]Z 7VcY kVg^Zin # &.%-% G^kZgh^YZ 9g! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(-#..&%#

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LZY Vi -! EjW Fj^o Ig^k^V# Bdc VcY ;g^! HZiVciV Hedgih# ;g^"HVi Vi ./(%! 9? 9VcXZ C^\]i# Hjc Vi *! `VgVd`Z# IjZh! 9Vgih# &)* @ZcijX`n Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#.-%%#

BV^c HigZZi HiVi^dc

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;^ghi ;g^ Vi .! 8dbVcX]Z =^\] EdlZg a^kZ h^c\Zgh! gZ\\VZ VcY YVcXZ]Vaa 9?h l^i] aViZ"c^\]i :i]^de^Vc `^iX]Zc # * YdcVi^dc [dg Vaa V\Zh# &.* C BV^c Hi jehiV^gh ! HZWVhideda# lll#bnheVXZ# Xdb$XdbVcX]Z]^\]edlZg#


Winners of KRSH blues contest kick off summer season

hat makes a great blues band? Is it all in the voice? Is it the believability of the downtrodden heartache in the lyrics? Is it the ability to channel Albert King and Muddy Waters and Hound Dog Taylor while keeping those influences subtle? Does whiskey help? Does one guy in the group need to be blind? No, what makes a great blues band is that most elusive thing: the feel. Far from any academic test, you know the blues simply when it grabs you in the gut and won’t let go. When it hits some buried emotional tarnish in your soul, and says, hey man, we ain’t so shiny, but we’ll get by. A great blues band is personal catharsis as much as a well-placed E7-10 chord, which is why picking the Best Blues Band in Sonoma County for 95.9 KRSH-FM’s recent contest was such a difďŹ cult and much-discussed topic among local fans. The votes are in, and three bands have come in on top. The Hellhounds, whose newest album Back to Sonoma showcases ďŹ ne guitar licks, thick harmonica soloing and songwriting that touches on classic blues themes (see “A Thousand Yearsâ€?), have been raising the roof for years in the area both acoustically and electrically. The Bluesburners feature K. C. Camarillo, a microcosm of Bonnie Raitt circa Home Plate who can nail Sam and Dave, and whose guitarist Mike Marino is so serious about tone that he owns his own pedal company, ToneCandy. Rounding out the pedestal is the SoulShine Blues Band, whose take on “Feels Like Rain,â€? “Ain’t No Sunshineâ€? and “Born in Chicagoâ€? are performed with just the right amount of rough edges. All three winners kick off the KRSH’s summer backyard concert series in an all-out evening of three chords and the cold, hard facts of life at the Backyard Blues Bash on Thursday, June 4, at KRSH Studios, 3565 Standish Ave., Santa Rosa. 6pm. Free. 707.588.0707.


Gabe Meline

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;g^"Hjc! =ZgW <^Whdc _Voo # &(), A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#''((#

the last day saloon nightclub & restaurant the best place for live music, dancing and dining

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THUR 6/18 • 7:00PM DOORS • $22ADV/$25DOS • 21+ JAZZ/FOLK/SWING

9:30 PM SHOW > $10 > 70'S-90'S COVERS





9:00 PM SHOW > $15 > METAL

hedgehog production presents

FRI 6/19 • 7:00PM DOORS • $15 • 21+






SAT 6/20 • 7:00PM DOORS • $25 • 21+ ROCK


9:30 PM SHOW > $5/7 > ROCK





Across the bridge



=dan ;jX`

9:30 PM SHOW > $15 > 80'S HITS 9:00 PM SHOW > $10 > BLUES




6WYjaaV] >WgV]^b

FRI 6/26 • 7:30PM DOORS • $15 • 21+ IRISH ROCK



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8:30 PM SHOW > $10/13 > ROCK


TUES 7/7 • 7:30PM DOORS • $15 • 21+ JAM BAND




9:30 PM SHOW > $15 > 70'S-90'S HITS


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9:30 PM SHOW > $8/10 > DIXIELAND



8gj^h^c\ 8ajW 9ZH^akVÉh


9:00 PM SHOW > $10 > ROCK



JkV IgViidg^V

FRI 6/12 • 8:30PM DOORS • $15 • 21+ DANCE/PARTY HITS



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Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BBQ • Pasta • Steak

9:30 PM SHOW > $10 > ROCK COVERS


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Mc Near’s Dining House

8Va^hid\V >cc


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8:30 PM SHOW > $15 > SWING

HZkZcin"[djg"nZVg"daY Hdji] 6[g^XVc _Voo e^Vcd aZ\ZcY! V`V 9daaVg 7gVcY! eaVnh ^c^b^iVWaZ hdad e^Vcd ^c gVgZ 7Vn 6gZV VeeZVgVcXZ# ?jc *Ä+ Vi - VcY &%0 ?jc , Vi ' VcY ,# '+# Ndh]^Éh! &((% ;^aabdgZ Hi! HVc ;gVcX^hXd# )&*#+**#*+%%#



all shows are 21+ unless noted

FRI 7/10 • 7:00PM DOORS • $25 • 18+ ROCK (ACOUSTIC DUO SHOW)

get reserved show seating with advance dinner reservations


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for reservations: 707.545.5876


For All Ages Shows • No Children Under 6 Allowed


23 Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma

120 5th street @ davis street santa rosa, ca









JUNE 4TH - 7TH O N L I N E T I C K E T O R D E R I N G 2 4 / 7 AT:


#": "3&" -&(&/%4



1-800-838-3006 WA L K - I N T I C K E T S A L E S

Levin & Company 306 Center Street, Healdsburg (Cash or Credit Card) Last Record Store 1899 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa (Cash and Checks)


Tickets are on sale at the venues on the day of the event, subject to availability. MAJOR SPONSORS

Murphy-Goode Santa Rosa Systems OFFICIAL SPONSORS

Hotel Healdsburg Rodney Strong Vineyards

3*4*/( 45"34 $0/$&35



=> 2>0BC 90II John Handy’s remarkable longevity lies in his determination to ignore musical borders.

Bohemian Gallo Family Vineyards Graphite Studio Healdsburg Tribune Healdsburg|Sotheby’s Horizon Air KCSM Jazz 91.1 KPFA Radio 94.1 KRCB Radio 91 Healdsburg Lodging Coalition North Coast Brewing Company

=Tf EXTf


pairings at tasting rooms around the Plaza

Artiste Winery

Bottle Barn/Wine Annex Topel Winery

W W W. H E A L D S B U R G J A Z Z F E S T I V A L . O R G

The Coyote Den

John Handy looks back at 60 years of jazz

Bar & Dance Hall


Courtney Lynn & Big Trouble


ven if John Handy had quit playing immediately following his 1959 solo on “Goodbye Pork Pie Hat,� from the celebrated Charles Mingus masterpiece Mingus Ah Um, his stature in jazz would have been cemented. A yearning, somber statement that eloquently captures the ache in Mingus’ Lester Young tribute composition, Handy’s solo is both immediately classic and perpetually fresh-sounding; even the most prepared listener is laid speechless part way through, when Handy throws in an intimate, impossible tongued tremolo. Handy, of course, didn’t quit playing after “Goodbye Pork Pie Hat,� although he’s likely to be known mostly for his short time with Mingus—to the 76-year-old saxophonist’s chagrin. “I’ve been playing for 60 years, and I don’t have time to talk a lot about Charles,� he says by phone from his East Bay home. “I did much more on my own than in the fourand-a-half months playing with Charles.� Indeed, after leaving Mingus, Handy would make jazz history by hushing a 1965 festival crowd with the opening strains of “If Only We Knew,� a composition that, coupled with “Spanish Lady,� make up Handy’s mammoth Grammy-nominated album Live at the Monterey Jazz Festival. Later, he would record one of the first ethno-fusion jazz records, Karuna Supreme, with Ali Akbar

June 6th • 8pm Country FREE dance lessons, Saturday • 7pm with Eddie Vedolla Sr

Vic Dunlop

with Danny Morris

June 13th • 8pm Comedy

BeatleMania Live June 20th • 9pm

KARAOKE Thursday Night 8:30pm Friday Night 9:30pm

"BEATLEMANIA LIVE! Is not sponsored, endorsed by or affiliated in any with Apple Corp. Ltd. or The Beatles"

5 miles North of Ukiah on Hwy 101, West Rd. Exit 707.485.0700 •




Khan and Zakir Hussain; notch a crossover R&B hit, “Hard Work,� in 1974; and, while teaching at Berkeley, Stanford and San Francisco State universities, accompany all variegated manner of jazz ensembles. And yet it’s the stories about Mingus that Handy cannot help but tell. The night at the Five Spot when Mingus egged him onto the bandstand and, upon hearing him play, started shouting that Bird was alive. The night at Minton’s when he chewed Mingus out for telling Horace Parlan, who had polio, that he’d only hired the pianist because he was handicapped. The night he spent sympathizing with Mingus’ girlfriend about the bassist’s temper, only to find himself insulted onstage and his featured solos cut from Mingus’ Monterey Jazz Festival performance the next day. By the time Handy moved to New York, Mingus’ temper was already legendary; he’d chased people with fire axes, fired band members from the stand, sucker-punched them in the mouth. But Mingus never messed with Handy. “I’ll put it this way: I went to New York to play music, not to go to jail,� explains Handy, a featherweight champion in high school. “I’m not the kind of guy anybody would hit and get away with. We did have a talk, early in our relationship, when it appeared he was thinking about that. And I just got very close to him on the bandstand, and whispered to him, ‘I can hit much faster with this saxophone than you can with that bass. And every time I see you, we’re gonna fight, I don’t care where it is. When you come out of your house, I’ll be there. When you come home, I’ll be there.’ And he started laughing! He started laughing! And I wasn’t smiling, I meant it, totally, all the way through. And, you know, Charles didn’t hit everybody. Nobody told people about the fact that Elvin Jones pulled a gun on him or that Sunny Murray knocked him down.� After his time in New York, Handy returned to the Bay Area, finding his old Fillmore neighborhood had changed. The famous nightclub that would let him in when he was underage, Bop City—where he’d shared the stage with Benny Bailey, Kenny Dorham and Paul Gonsalves—had closed. He’s nonplussed about the area’s forced revival. “I never encouraged them to try to recreate what they thought was there,� he says carefully. “It would take that kind of population, the circumstances with the war, and the immigration, all the people coming from various parts of the scene. We’d have to have restrictions in the movement of African Americans and Asians and Latinos to create that atmosphere. The atmosphere’s not the same.� Handy hasn’t yet been hired to play in the new Fillmore neighborhood, either— that’s up to the bookers at the Healdsburg Jazz Festival. This weekend, he reunites with Denny Zeitlin, who preceded him onstage at Monterey in 1965, for a special appearance. Now age 76 but confident as ever, Handy promises he’ll bring his best stuff. “To be honest, and not to be arrogant,� he proclaims, “I’m never worried about my performance. All I need is an audience.� John Handy performs on a double bill with Denny Zeitlin as part of the Healdsburg Jazz Festival on Friday, June 5, at the Raven Theater, 115 North St., Healdsburg. 8pm. $25–$40. 707.433.4644.

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Jehanne Hale shows her beeswax ‘quilts’ at Art at the Source. See Events, p42.

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Wed, Jun 3 8:45-9:45am & 5:45-6:45 Jazzercise 10:00-12:15pmScottish Dance Youth and Family 7:00-10:00pmSingles & Pairs Square Dance Club Thur, Jun 4 8:45-9:45am & 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 7:25-10:30pm Circles & Squares Square Dance Club Fri, Jun 5 8:45-9:45am Jazzercise 10:30-11:30am Intro to ZUMBA with Anna 7:15–11:00pm DJ Steve Luther hosts a WEST COAST SWING PARTY Sat, Jun 6 8:00-9:00am & 9:15-10:15pm Jazzercise 7:00–11:00pm DJ Steve Luther hosts STOMPY JONES EVERYBODY’S FAVORITE SWING BAND

Sun, Jun 7 8:30-9:30am Jazzercise 10:15–11:15pm Zumba with Anna 5:00–9:30pm DJ Steve Luther Country-Western Lessons & Dancing $10 Mon, Jun 8 8:45-9:45am & 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 3:30pm WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING Weigh in 3:30, Meeting 4:00

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7:00–10:00pm Scottish Country Dancing Tues, Jun 9 8:45-9:45am & 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise AFRICAN AND WORLD MUSIC DANCE 7:15pm with Victoria Strowbridge

Santa Rosa’s Social Hall since 1922 1400 W. College Avenue • Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 • THE BOHEMIAN





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Instant wisdom a common thread at Ignite events n a world where finding out how to filet a fish or write a novel in under a hundred days is as easy as tapping into Google’s infinite database from a cell phone, it’s easy to forget where this enormous stockpile of know-how comes from. Enter Ignite Sebastopol, a friendly reminder of the weird, wacky and waywardly random bits and pieces of savoir faire that the good folks of Sonoma County have to offer. Here’s the premise: Participants are given five minutes to gab about their passion. Subjects at past events have ranged from the best way to buy a car to the ins and outs of cyborg anthropology—meaning just about everything is fair game. (Above, “surly media nerd� Annalee Newitz discusses in a previous Ignite event whatever it is that surly media nerds talk about.) A hybrid of game show and slam poetry, Ignite is a real, live search-engine grab bag. Ignite Sebastopol is hosted by O’Reilly Media, the Sebastopol-based company that coined the phrase “web 2.0� and which evinces a desire to spread the word on technological innovations from all over the world. A fatherly figure in the tech realm since 1978, O’Reilly Media has been sponsoring Ignite events across the globe since its Seattle debut in 2006. Sara Winge, vice president of O’Reilly’s Sebastopol office, says Ignite, the brainchild of two Seattle techies, was born out of a need for a closer community. “It’s a great opportunity for people to do a talk about whatever lights them up,� Winge says. “I think we all get inspired and energized by seeing what other people are passionate about.� She adds that this year is already shaping up to have a distinct Sonoma County flavor, with many presentations exhibiting the region’s famous environmental streak. “The presentations are just so all over the place,� Winge says, recalling past years. “And the event really isn’t about O’Reilly at all. Most of the events are hosted by community members in the locations, so it’s really a very grass-roots event.� Those who are just dying to share a helpful tidbit of advice or perhaps roast the recent developments on Proposition 8 should visit for more information. Ignite Sebastopol is slated for Wednesday, June 10, at Hopmonk Tavern, 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 6pm. Free, but reservations are recommended. 707.827.7109. Cassandra Landry


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BAND EVENTS Fri June 5 • 7–10pm • no cover

DOC CUMMINGS Sat June 6 • 6–10pm • $5

DR JOEL & RUDE NOTES GALORE Swimming Pool Open to Public • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner • Brunch on Weekends • Full Bar • Live Bands 707.869.0821 | 14540 Canyon 2, Rio Nido

:hiZgd 6bZg^XVcd =^`Z

?d^c *% [VgbZgh VcY [ddY ejgkZndgh VcY '* Y^[[ZgZci Vgi^hVch ^c XZaZWgVi^c\ BVg^c XdjcinÉh Wdjcin# :kZgn IjZh! ) id -# 9dlcidlc CdkVid! <gVci 6kZcjZ! CdkVid# ,%,#),'#+&%%! Zmi &%)# ?d^c ndjg cZ^\]Wdgh ZkZgn I]jgh ZkZc^c\ [dg Vc VggVn d[ [gZh] dg\Vc^X egdYjXZ! [adlZgh! Vgih VcY XgV[ih! ^ciZgcVi^dcVa \^[i bVgi! [ddY! a^kZ bjh^X VcY bdgZ# I]gdj\] HZe! + id .# ;gZZ# 9dlcidlc HVc GV[VZa! ;^[i] VcY 6 higZZih! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#).'#-%%,#


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Align Yourself with Health

BVnVXVbVh =^`Zh BVYgdcZ 6jYjWdc ^ck^iZh cVijgZ Zci]jh^Vhih dc V bdgc^c\ lVa`VWdji i]gdj\] WZVji^[ja egZhZgkZ# ?jc ) Vi -/(%! W^gY Zci]jh^Vhih lZaXdbZ# ?jc , Vi ./(%! [^cY VcY ^YZci^[n YgV\dc[a^Zh# ;gZZ# 6aZmVcYZg KVaaZn 8dbbjc^in 8]jgX]! ++*% =ln &'-! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#*)+#&-&'#

E^cZ ;aVi 7^gY LVa` 8Vgedda id V WZ\^ccZghÉ W^gY lVa` dc E^cZ ;aVi GdVY# 7g^c\ ajcX]! lViZg! hijgYn h]dZh VcY aVnZgZY Xadi]^c\# GV^c XVcXZah# ?jc +! - id (# ;gZZ# 6aZmVcYZg KVaaZn 8dbbjc^in 8]jgX]! ++*% =ln &'-! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#)-(#-,,(#

Quality chiropractic care for managing chronic and acute pain. • sports injuries Daily • pediatrics drop-in clinic • auto accidents no appts. needed • pregnancy / post-partum discomforts

HVai Ed^ci GZhidgVi^dc CVi^dcVa IgV^ah 9Vn ZcXdjgV\Zh ZkZgndcZ id XdbZ dji VcY ]Zae l^i] igV^a bV^ciZcVcXZ! Zgdh^dc Xdcigda! eaVci gZbdkVa VcY bdgZ# Cd ZmeZg^ZcXZ cZXZhhVgn# ?jc + Vi &&Vb0 ?jc , Vi (# ;gZZ# HVai Ed^ci HiViZ EVg`! =^\]lVn &! ?ZccZg# )) ,%,#).%#).*%#

Jake Quihuis, DC 1819 Fourth Street • Santa Rosa







T ICKETS: 4 15-256-8499, 866-55 58-4253 TICKETS: 415-256-8499, 866-558-4253 INFO: INFO: www 70 707-829-7067 07-829-7067 Local ticket ticket outlets outlets no now w open op pen LLast ast Record Record Store Store (S.R.), (S.R.), People’s P eople’s M Music usic & SSebastopol ebastopol C Community ommunity Cultur Cultural al Cent Center er (Sebas (Sebastopol), topo ol), T Tall a all Toad To oad Music (Petaluma) (Petaluma a) HELD A AT T BE BEAUTIFUL AUTIFUL BL BLACK ACK C O OAK AK RA RANCH, NCH, LLAYTONVILLE, AYTONVILLE, CA






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IgVX`^c\ 6gi ?^b Hjaa^kVc YZhXg^WZh i]Z XdccZXi^dch


Examinations of the Zen circle occupy artist Mario Uribe, opening June 5 at the Sonoma County Museum as part of the First Fridays on Fourth event. See Openings.

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EVgZciVa 6c\Zg

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For customer service, email bohemian@, or call 1-617-450-8773 CARING AND COMPASSIONATE Friendly, adaptable, outdoorsy, caring, healthy SF, 40s, likes dancing, travel, dining, hiking, the beach. Seeking SM, 30-50, for casual dating possibly leading to LTR. 299368

Women Seeking Men

SEEKING A COMPANION SWF, 72, 5’4�, 118lbs, seeks a nice, honest, clean-cut SWM, 68-75, to share dinner dates, drives in the country, wine tasting, concerts, travel, walks, golfing, gardening and good conversations. 289388

MUST BE SINCERE SF, 59, 5’2’’, 115lbs, redhead, Christian, likes dining, good conversation. Seeking SM, 45-60, who is very romantic and ready for a relationship. 297397

SHE’S A LADY Attractive SWF, 69, seeks gentleman, 65-75, for friendship and companionship. Let’s talk and see what develops! 305310

LOCAL GAL WF looking for someone fun, nice, loyal, honest and intelligent who likes good conversation, wine tasting, art, barbecues, camping, hanging out at home and more. 40-55. 306414

IT’S TIME Spiritual SWF, young 70s, petite, professional, employed, kids grown, ISO a fine, grounded gentleman, 65-70, for possible LTR. 240656

LADY PLAYS THE BLUES Slender, feminine, pretty and youthful SWF, 50+, enjoys music, dining out, travel, nature. Would like to meet a genuinely nice, good-looking SM, 45+, N/S, with sense of humor, who is socially and financially secure, for dating, fun, friendship and more. 303711

1949 CLASSIC SWF, tall, slender, active, enjoys swimming, bicycling, mysteries, hiking, cooking, barbecuing, symphony. Seeking well-mannered, caring S/DWM, 50-60, N/S, N/D, N/Drugs, with similar interests, for friendship and companionship. 415313

TRADITIONAL VALUES SAF, 60, petite, very healthy, very active, secured, honest, sincere, hard-working, likes gardening, cooking, reading, home stuff, occasional drives to the countryside. Seeking SWM, 60-75, who’s clean-cut, N/S, N/D, with similar qualities, for friendship first, possible LTR. 313785

PETITE BLONDE Educated and attractive, down-to-earth WF would like to meet someone who shares some of my interests like metal music, concerts, learning and more. If you have an open mind, I definitely want to hear from your. 35-50. 314433

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE Hard-working woman, 30ish, motivated, bright, caring, enjoys the beach, exercise, walks, outdoor fun, reading. Seeking caring man, 30s, for serious LTR. 297170

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER SWF, 49, 5’4’’, H/W proportionate, blondish-brown layered hair, big blue eyes, down-to-earth, mellow, nice, kind, sweet, considerate, laid-back, seeks SM, 35-55, who has a good sense of humor. I enjoy cats, beaches, hiking, camping, movies. 310278

OUTDOORSY & ATHLETIC Attractive SWF, 61, hazel eyes, in good shape, seeks down-to-earth SM, 5565, who enjoys being outdoors, keeps life fun and interesting without drama. 313014

SEEKING LTR Honest, compassionate, artistic, friendly, goal-oriented, caring SF, 50s, healthminded with good values, into music, the beach, dancing, tv, travel, museums, walks, reading and more. Would like to meet SM, around the same age, for companionship. 313139

LIKE PBS? Personable, caring, goal-oriented friendly, artistic, compassionate woman, with good values, likes coffee shops, music, reading, walks, travel, dancing, dining out and more. Looking for honest, respectful man, 50-70, for LTR. 313143

PRETTY CUTE WF, 4’11�, petite build, dark hair and eyes, nurse, plays piano, kind, affectionate, loves laughing and having fun. Seeking a gentleman with the same qualities. 286936

NEW TO THE AREA Beautiful SWF, 40, full-figured, would like to meet an intelligent, cosmopolitan gentleman, 50-75, for fun, romance and travel. 286108

ANIMAL LOVER DWF, 49, 5’5�, 105lbs, light-brown/green, hoping to meet S/DWM, 45-55, prefer blue-collar type, but honest, faithfulness, and a big heart are more important. Must love animals. 545683

Call costs $2.19/min. Must be 18+

MANY FINE QUALITIES Caring, outdoorsy, honest, artistic, hard-working SF, early 50s, optimistic homebody with good values, has many interests including music, dining out, museums, travel, long drives, reading, walks, camping, biking and more. Looking for an honest, down-to-earth SM, 50-70, for friendship and dating first, possibly leading to something more serious. 313126

ADORABLE AND BRIGHT Caring, friendly, goal-oriented, feminine, honest, compassionate woman, 60s, likes travel, exercise, music, hiking, long drives, dining out, the beach, reading and more. Seeking a great companion, 50-70, to share these activities and quiet times with. 313128

COMPASSIONATE Friendly, honest, artistic, outdoorsy, caring SF, 30s, likes watching tv, dancing, the beach, travel, walks, music, hiking, museums, dining out, more. Searching for a partner in life, 30-50, for possible LTR. 313131

OUTGOING AND FUN Compassionate, caring, friendly, honest SF, 20s, likes going to clubs, camping, hiking, reading, the beach, dining out, more. Looking for a down-to-earth, easygoing man, 22-35, for LTR. 313136

LIKE GOING OUT? Honest, goal-oriented personable, artistic, sophisticated, hardworking SF would like to meet a SM, 40-60, who enjoys travel, walks, the beach, music, reading, camping, long drives, museums, tv, dining out, dancing and more. Seeking LTR. 313138

YOU FOUND ME! Friendly, classy female, 50ish, very compassionate and caring, seeks a nice gentleman, 50-69, for long drives, dining out, traveling, fun times, leading to possible LTR. 283752

HEY NATURE LOVER Single white Christian female, likes many outdoor activities and adventures, varied interests. Loyal, humorous, financially and emotionally balanced, seeks companion who is similar, works days like I do, is off on weekends. 283785

SINCERE NATURE LOVER... enjoys hiking, biking, travel, kayaking, ice skating, horseback riding, camping, fishing, new adventures. Hoping to meet someone who is active, humorous, affectionate, looking for a long term relationship, close to my age. Prefer non-retired, non-smoker. 283716

LET’S TALK! SF, 50ish, caring, honest, creative, good values, likes music, dancing, walks, the beach, dining out. Seeking nice gentleman, 56-64, for possible LTR. 297154

SWEEP ME OFF MY FEET! SF, 50ish, sincere, kind personality, adaptable, likes music, hiking, outdoors, dancing. Seeking nice gentleman, for friendship first and maybe more. 297158

HEY THERE! Caring woman, 50s, bright, artistic, classy, enjoys music, shopping, traveling, television. ISO nice, similar guy for casual dating, possible LTR. 297160

HELLO THERE! Feminine woman, healthy, compassionate, artistic, likes dancing, walks, reading, traveling. Seeking similar man, 50-69, for LTR. 297161

YOU FOUND ME! SF, 40ish, bright, hard-working, kind, enjoys reading, long drives, coffee shops, traveling. ISO nice gentleman, 30-49, for dating and maybe more. 297165

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Ambitious woman, 40s, very caring and pleasant personality, likes music, camping, biking, outdoor activities, reading. Seeking similar gentleman, 40s, for friendship and more. 297166

I’M THE ONE FOR YOU! Goal-oriented woman, 40s, enjoys exercise, outdoors, traveling, shopping. ISO similar gentleman, 30-49, for dating, friendship and more. 297184

TERRIFIC INSIDE AND OUT Goal-oriented single female, 50s, healthminded, intelligent, enjoys camping, outdoor fun, exercise, eating out. desires to meet a wonderful guy, 50-59, for LTR. 297223

HONESTY A MUST Hard-working, honest, optimistic, nurturing, flexible, motivated SF, 50s, likes biking, the beach, travel, dancing, hiking, reading, music, seeks similar man, 50s, who is ready for LTR. 301198

OPTIMISTIC Friendly, ambitious, adaptable, outdoorsy, personable female, 50s, enjoys museums, dining, travel, coffee shops, the beach, taking walks. Seeking SM, 60s, for friendship and casual dating. 299370

CAPTIVATING Sophisticated, outdoorsy, friendly, mischievous SF, 50s, likes hiking, kayaking, taking walks. In search of SM, 50-70, for LTR. 301203

WOMAN WITH GOOD VALUES Friendly, caring, honest, compassionate, classy lady, 20s, wants to meet a man in his 20s for camping, shopping, travel, dining, long drives and walks, and more! Friendship possibly leading to more. 299374

ADVENTUROUS WOMAN Attractive, creative, and energetic lady looking for warm-hearted, compatible seeker, 65-70, with good SOH, for dating, possible relationship. 300201

EDUCATED WOMAN SWF, in her 40s, N/S, seeks gentleman, 40-50, for friendship and LTR. Let’s meet and talk! 300135

A BIG HEART Caring, loving SF, 39, enjoys movies, the outdoors, travel. Looking for SW/ HM, 39-50, for friendship, maybe more. 305007

SOLO IN SANTA ROSA Still looking for lips of wine. SWF, 60, likes working out, open mic night, social life, some sports. Looking for a male friend. 152766

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Motivated, outdoorsy, honest, healthconscious woman, with good values and optimistic attitude, likes most kinds of music, dining out, walks, camping, travel and relaxing time at home. Seeking a nice, honest, active man, 30-40, with similar interests, to spend time with, possible leading to LTR. 313124

GOOD VALUES Shy, friendly, caring, compassionate SF, 60s, nurturing, motivated, enjoys walks, the beach, coffee shops, biking, dining, seeks similar man, 60+, for friendship leading to LTR. 301544

PERSONABLE Compassionate, bright, friendly female, 40s, likes music, dancing, dining, biking, coffee shops. Seeking similar male, 50s, for LTR. 302304

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! Very kind, feminine lady, 50s, healthy, hard-working, likes dining out, traveling, exercise. Seeking nice gentleman, in his 50s, to share friendship and LTR. 297187

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER Caring, honest, flexible, compassionate woman, 60s, loves dancing, travel, reading, dining out. Seeking similar man, 60s, for LTR. 301189

CHANCES ARE SF, 50s, RN, healthy, good values, hardworking, likes outdoors, traveling, reading, dining out, biking. Seeking honest gentleman, 55-75, for friendship and more. 297193

LOOKING FOR LTR Friendly, feminine, nurturing, captivating, bright, personable woman in her 50s who enjoys night clubs, television, dining, dancing, surfing, music, seeks similar male, 40-60, for LTR. 301191

SEARCH NO FURTHER Sweet single lady, 50s, feminine, sophisticated, optimistic, hard-working, enjoys shopping, tv programs, movies, traveling, reading, quiet nights at home. ISO similar man, 50-59, for serious LTR. 297196

FRIENDS OR MORE Nurturing, artistic, bright, hard-working, compassionate, feminine female in her 50s, enjoys music, dancing, travel, the beach, kayaking, dining, taking walks. Seeking male, 50-69, for friendship with the possibility of more. 309768

OUTDOORSY Bright, compassionate, honest, friendly, adaptable woman, 50s, seeks SM, 4060, who enjoys dining, dancing, beaches, taking walks, for casual dating or LTR. 301192

ONE HONEST WOMAN LEFT Bright SF, 60s, with good values, flexible and honest, likes reading, camping, travel, taking walks. Seeking similar male, 50-69, for friendship, casual relationship, possible LTR. 309769

SHY AND ARTISTIC Single female in her 50s looking for a male who enjoys music, television. Let’s meet and see if we connect! 308997

VERY PERSONABLE Motivated, bright, artistic, hard-working, health-conscious female, 50s, personable and flexible, seeks male, age open, who likes museums, travel, long drives, camping, hiking. 309770

LET’S GO OUT & HAVE FUN! Honest woman, 50s, very caring, compassionate, kind, my interests are long drives, walks, dancing, visiting new places, dinners. Seeking nice SM, 50s60s, for LTR. 297169

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LOOKING FOR LTR Outdoorsy, health-minded, clean-cut, honest woman in her 30s, who enjoys biking, dining, shopping, the beach, hiking, taking walks, wants to meet a male in his 30s for LTR. 309772

CAPTIVATING! Adorable, hard-working, classy female, 50s, enjoys museums, shopping, travel, coffee shops, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, casual relationship, or LTR. 309776

A CARING HEART Outdoorsy, flexible, nurturing, feminine woman, 50s, likes camping, long drives, travel, coffee shops, taking walks. Seeking male, 40-59, for LTR. 309777

GOOD VALUES Caring, personable, compassionate, classy, hard-working female, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, reading, museums, dining, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, possibly more. 309780

WAITING ARMS Caring, educated, honest, optimistic, hard-working SF, 30s, enjoys travel, dining out, long drives, the beach, reading, walks, hiking, music and more. Would like to meet like-minded man, 30-40, for LTR. 313123

Men Seeking Women VARIED INTERESTS Nice-looking, active male, 65, enjoys travel, politics, sports, music, theater, entertaining, cooking. Would like to spend time and share interests with independent, financially secure, attractive, fit female, 45-60. 238785

SEEKING AN OPEN MIND SBM, 33, 250lbs, smoker, enjoys cars, long walks, working out. Looking for SF, 20-65, kids ok, for possible relationship. 304990

IN EXCELLENT SHAPE Widowed WM, 76, 5’11�, N/S, very athletic, likes walks, horseback riding, swimming, cooking, more. Looking for SWF, 55-65, for companionship, walks in nature, intellectual pursuits, reading, gardening and more. 278284

WANNA TALK? SWM, 35, light smoker, looking for a SF, 28-40, who knows how to have fun. Friendship or more. 279326

I LUV YOUR BLUE EYES SWM, 48, 5’8�, brown/blue, handsome, loving, romantic, loyal, intelligent, evolved. Seeking SWF, 30-40, beautiful inside and out, sensitive, intelligent, likes good food, conversation, nature, the arts. Must dislike jury duty. You are very special to me. 270129

LET’S CHAT SHM, 41, N/S, wants to meet a SW/HF, 35-38, for friendship first possibly leading to more. 280682

ARE YOU OUT THERE? Italian male, 26, looking for a female, 1835, for friendship first possibly leading to more. Let’s meet and see if we hit it off! 280683

LONELY COWBOY SM, 36, likes fishing, hunting, dancing, rodeos, concerts, the country. Seeking down-home, family-oriented, nice SWF, 21-40, who likes travel. 264426

HAPPY & FUNNY SWM, 160lbs, brown/brown, honest, looking for casual dating, maybe more, with sincere SWF, 35-50. 283691

WE SPOKE SOFTLY SM, 45, likes sports, movies, working out, the ocean, travel. Seeking SF, 35+, for friendship, possible long-term romance. 275583

ALONE BUT NOT LONELY SWM, 37, N/S, social-drinker, enjoys racing cars and riding motorcycles. I’m looking for a SWF, 23-58, for friendship, dating and possibly more. 289031

GIVE ME A CALL WM, 48, trying to find an outgoing, good-looking woman to go out and have a good time with. 30-50. 288940

LET’S MEET AND SEE SWM, 27, good-looking, 6’, 160lbs, tattoos, homeowner, looking for a White or Asian woman for friendship, dating and possibly more. 289651

CALL ME! SM, 40, looking for SF, over 55, for friendship and companionship first. Let’s talk and get to know each other! 292779

ABBREVIATIONS: A-Asian; B-Black; C-Christian; F-Female; G-Gay; H-Hispanic; J-Jewish; M-Male; N/S-Non-Smoker; P-Professional; S-Single; W-White Guidelines: Bohemian Romance is a community publication. Participants in the Bohemian Romance must be 18 years or older. Use of Bohemian Romance for any illegal purpose will be subject to prosecution. Bohemian Romance is not liable for the content of the personals advertisements or the response to such advertisements. Bohemian Romance encourages readers to take appropriate safeguards when responding to personal and arranging meetings. Screen all respondents carefully. Meetings with new companions should occur in public places and participants should not divulge their addresses. Be smart, not sorry. Not all boxes contain a voice greeting.

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LET’S HAVE FUN! SHM, 34, N/S, no children, looking for a SH/WF, 24-32, for dating, possibly more. 302392

Men Seeking Women

HANDSOME BM... 65, seeks female for fun-loving adventures and relaxation. I love cooking, surprises, and giving gifts. 302811

LET IT BE ME SWM, 20, 6’2’’, 175lbs, N/S, would like to meet a SH/AF, 18-29, for friendship or more. 279583

EARLY RETIREE, 47 Former loan agent, moderate disabilty M.S., born/raised in S.F, SSU grad, (environmental studies), avid progressive Democrat, I’m inpatient for the November election. I have a 9-year-old daughter who lives with her mom. I love films, jazz, Trader Joe’s. Sanoma county. Seeking bright, positive lady, 35-50, N/S, for companionship. 219612

PACIFIC NORTHWEST Casual guy, enjoys mountain and beach trips, walks, outdoors, moonlit nights, cuddling. Seeking SWF, 40-56, slim/medium build, to come spend quiet times in Pacific Northwest. 954499

JUMPIN JACK FLASH! Handsome guy, 57, adventurous, interesting, SOH, easygoing, enjoys dining out, dancing to live music, good movies, walks in the country, holding hands. Seeking attractive female. 201639

SHARED JOY SWM, 59, 5’9”, 160lbs, nice-looking, with good SOH, seeking woman to have fun with, race/age unimportant. I like dancing, partying, shows and dining out. Call me! 972627

SOMETIMES MISCHIEVOUS Optimistic, honest, clean-cut, caring, outdoorsy man, 50s, likes music, walks, long drives, running, watching tv, museums, dining out. Seeking SF, 50s, for companionship. 313135

LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315052

FRIENDSHIP FIRST Caring, honest, nurturing SM, 60s, enjoys music, watching tv, walks, camping, coffee shops, hiking and museums. Looking for SF, 30-70, for dating possibly leading to LTR. 313144

LONG HAIR A PLUS Good-looking Native American male, 5’8”, 220lbs, long hair, in search of a Hispanic or Native American woman, 50s, for friendship first and companionship. 304173

THOUGHTFUL, ROMANTIC Warm, sweet, affectionate, handicapped guy, loves humor, cuddling. Sweet-hearted, genuinely nice guy with fun attitude, easy-going, creative, silly, great sense of humor, very goofy at times, animallover, loves movies, music, museums and travel. Seeking female to share all my interests with. 315225

LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315055

GET TO KOW ME SBM, 53, 6’1”, 190lbs, looking for a fun, loving woman, 25-65, with a good personality, who likes having a good time, the beach, horseback riding, movies, walks and more. 314332

FRIEND LOVER SOULMATE SWPJM,56,5’10”, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, kind, passionate, artistic, sincere, committed and fun, enjoys ocean walks, travel, arts, food, wine and nature. Seeking SF, 50-62, kindred spirit, kind, soft, sensuous, for life’s adventures together. 309779

MUST LOVE DOGS Active, with SOH, DWM, 53, average looking, 5’7”, 185lbs, brown/brown, seeking single or divorced W/H/AF, 30s-50s, HWP, for LTR. I’m a dog owner, animal lover, spiritual, intelligent, communicative, romantic, evolved, easy and fun to be with. 251210

TIRED OF BEING ALONE SHM, 25, 5’11’’, average build, seeks SW/AF, 19-26, to talk to and get to know. Let’s meet and see what develops. 286293

SPECIAL WOMAN SM, 48, black hair, brown eyes, very outgoing, great personality, likes photography, basketball, music, travel. I’m looking for a woman who’s interested in dating and possibly more. 287933

PERSONABLE Shy SM, 50s, with good values, likes long drives, hiking, walking, travel, dining out. Looking for similar female, 40-60, ready for LTR. 301538

READY FOR LTR Shy, friendly, caring, clean-cut, classy SM, 50s, enjoys music, camping, travel, long drives, hiking, beaches, seeks similar woman, 30-50, for LTR. 302300

SPANK YOU VERY MUCH Woman, thou shalt be spanked. Gentle or hard, clothed or naked, whatever you deserve, by a sexy man who knows how to do it. 288495

LOVES HORSES Healthy senior WM, 165lbs, N/S, loves animals, especially horses, theater, PBS. Seeking slender female for romance. 302170

LOOKING FOR LTR Hard-working, healthy, personable, honest, compassionate man, 40s, likes camping, travel, hiking, long drives, beaches. In search of similar female, 30s, for friendship leading to LTR. 302302

KEEP IT DISCREET WF, 30s, dark/dark, light complexion, fun-loving, bi-curious, seeks discreet female, 28-55, to have fun and party with. 314779

ARE YOU THE ONE? Bright, artistic, caring, flexible, adorable guy, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, the beach, dining out. Looking for similar female. 302306

FUN, INTROSPECTIVE SWM, 52, 6’4’’, in good shape, likes classic movies, reading, hiking, classical music, sailing, the outdoors, travel, the symphony. Looking for SF, 22-50, similar interests. 301801

STARTING OVER Separated WM, loves hockey, the outdoors, golf, staying in and watching movies, gardening and more. Would like to meet someone fun who wants to enjoy life. Call me and lift my spirits. 282029

JUST MOVED HERE SWM, 5’7’’, 190lbs, brown eyes, wants to meet soulmate in similar SF, 30-55. I love swing dancing, travel, gourmet cooking, animals, nature. 305800

GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR SWM, 59, 5’11’’, 180lbs, non-smoker, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, enjoys fishing, beaches, dining out and more. Seeking female, 55-65, for possible relationship. 309857

HOPE TO FIND YOU Sociable, good-hearted, compassionate, healthy gentleman, 63, published writer/ poet, D/D-free, non-drinker, enjoys quiet times, home, sports, simple times. Seeking loving, happy, intelligent woman to share life, love, possible LTR. Bay Area preferred. 224839

ROMANTIC ARIES Active “semi “ senior, 68, 5’9”, 160lbs. Romantic Aries looking for the 2nd love of my life. Lake County. Looking 4 active slim/athletic lady. My interests are varied; sailing, art, dancing, travel, etc. See you soon? 281170

LET’S SHARE IDEAS Caring gentleman, 60s, intelligent, good morals, clean-cut, likes outdoors, traveling, hiking, reading, ISO nice woman, 50-60, for friendship leading to LTR. 297183

Men Seeking Men LOOKING FOR LOVE Seeking one man to love and care for completely and forever. Me: SBM, 50ish, affectionate, supportive, genuine, lots to offer. You: just be yourself, imperfect, mature older man, 70-90, with some humor, some laughter. Are you the one? 299175

WE SPOKE SOFTLY SM, 45, enjoys sports, working out, traveling, seeking SM, 35-65, for friendship and possible LTR. 287238

COMPASSIONATE GUY Hard-working, classy, clean-cut, caring, honest male in search of a male, 58-69, who likes night clubs, television, travel, dancing, the beach, taking walks, exercise. 308996

Women Seeking Women GOOD HEART SEEKS SAME GWPF, young 53, tall, slim build, attractive, great SOH, femme/tom boyish, loves music, animals, outdoors, cooking and laughter. Seeking GPF, 45-65, for dating and more. 296665

SHARE MY WORLD Slender, athletic SF, 67, 5’6’’, registered nurse with a Master’s in Theology, loves hiking, swimming, museums, movies, cooking. Looking for SF, 55-68, for possible relationship. 301780

THIS ONE’S FOR YOU Single male, in my 40s, honest, goal-oriented, caring, outdoorsy, enjoys outdoor walks, long drives, art museums, traveling. ISO similar single female, 18-49, for dating leading to LTR. 297225

NATURE LOVER Health-conscious, honest, wise, spiritual, artistic, friendly female, 50s, enjoys philosophy, psychology, walking, reading, the beach. Searching for similar female, 50s, for long-term relationship. 302296

SOPHISTICATED Caring, compassionate, hard-working, goal-oriented, artistic SM, 40s, likes camping, dancing, travel. Searching for similar male, 30s, for LTR. 301536

LOOKING FOR A SF WHO... is independent, confident and takes care of herself. I like good movies, dressing up for a nice dinner out, skiing, bike rides, hiking,scubadiving,swingdancing,cooking. I’m an honest person who doesn’t believe in playing games. 301540

SOME ADULT ADVENTURES SM, 6’2’’, average, enjoys movies and toys. Looking for women, couples, males or she-males who want to have fun. 281444

DOMINANT BF SEEKS... PWM for submissive or slave position. Must be healthy, interested in dom/sub relationship with no games or drama. 285201

OPEN FOR ANYTHING BiWM, 54, 5’10’’, professional drummer, looking for good times with men and women, threesomes, foursomes, dressing up and more! 287793

STRAIGHT/BI GUY Frustrated with different need patterns at home? Understanding older gentleman, experienced, highly discreet, will provide time-tested stress relief for men, 30-50, in good shape; HWP, extremely private setting; no reciprocation expected. Curious? 136702

LET’S TALK! SWM, mid 30s, looking for discreet guys in the Larkfield area for friendship and fun. Call me! 300359

WHERE ARE YOU? You are 35-45, very feminine, dark, mystical, spiritual, with a sense of humor, know what you like, and want to enjoy life, but not alone. I’m trying to find you, where are you? 310085

LOOKING FOR LTR SM, 31, outdoorsy, honest, compassionate, seeks SF, 22-35, who enjoys travel, television, camping, taking walks, the beach and more. 301200

Alternative Lifestyles COUPLE SEEKS WOMAN Very attractive, middle-aged, married white couple, she’s 5’2”, 125lbs, 34D. He is 5’11”, 172lbs. Both and very sensual and she is multi-orgasmic. We are N/S, light drinkers, heal-conscious, pleasant, non-pushy. Please be N/S, H/W proportionate, white, Hispanic or Asian, under 55. Bi or bi-curious ok. Discretion assured. Let’s have fun. 314002

CALL ME BiWM, handyman artist in Marin, 52, 5’6”, 180lbs, dirty blond hair, pale blue eyes, seeks couple or singles for fun in Marin or nearby. 293610

866.689.5312 18+

LOAN ME YOUR WIFE Handsome, discreet, easygoing, polite guy likes to party with couples. I’m 57, 6’, 190lbs, well-built, bi, and have a good imagination. 232423

WANTS SOME FUN Very hot SWM, 6’1”, 170lbs, salt-n-pepper hair, in good shape, very open, looking for erotic adult encounter with a H/W proportionate lady who needs attention. Want to get together? 303609

STRAIGHTFORWARD FUN SWM, 39, looking for SF, 18-50, who likes to try new things and isn’t afraid of having a little fun! 304707

JOIN US White couple looking for a female, 18-25, for fun, discreet times together. Give us a call. 311573

READY FOR FUN? SWM, 30, feminine bottom, looking for a top WM, 20-60, for good times and fun. Let’s see where it goes! 311892

SHE-MALE SEEKS GOOD TIMES Want to spend time with a man or a woman. I am very affectionate, beautiful, and love to be held. Interested? 279657

Missed Connections JULIE IN SAFEWAY Sebastopol 7PM, you had a flower in your hair. We talked about basil and gardens. Meet for coffee or tea? 297217

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Bands Some ads in this section may require an initial investment or fee. Metro Newspapers en- Lil Wayne, E-40, courages you to thoroughly Snoop Dog, San Quinn investigate any advertiser’s Thug World Records explosive claims before sending label features lil Wayne payment. Snoop dog E-40 G-unit and more. Free Downloads, MP3s, RingTones, videos. 408-561-1255

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Occidental Community Choir- upcoming audition Monday, June 8th, at 7:30 pm St. Philip’s Church annex, Occidental. Auditioning for all sections. For more information, please contact: Sarah Saulsbury Golden Star Grafix Need a quality designer? 827-3422 Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707-795-0924,

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707.528.2540 3401 Cleveland Ave #2 Santa Rosa

Men, women, couples. TLC, massage, Tantra, nurturing mutual touch. William 707-548-2187

Russian River Massage Full body massage, body electric experience. In /Out. Bob 707-865-2093.

Full Body Sensual Massage

With a mature, playful CMT. Comfortable incall location near the J.C. in Santa Rosa. Soothing, relaxing, and fun. Visa/MC accepted. Gretchen 707/478-3952.

A Safe Place To Be Real Holistic tantric masseuse. Unhurried, private, heartfelt. Monday thru Saturday. New client discount. 707-793-2232.


Now Open!

Massage Reflexology Swedish/Shiatsu Open 7 Days: 10am-10pm

• Asian Body Massage • Swedish/Deep Tissue

1626 4th St. Santa Rosa 707.526.6888

Body Rubs Your Way In a safe, relaxing, comfort-

Relieve muscle tension & pain! able space by a “mature”, By Appointment

707.236.2325 1214 College Ave, 2nd floor Santa Rosa

Group Psychotherapy Anxiety - Depression Excessive Worrying - Phobias - OCD, PTSD. Groups forming in SR and Pet. Licensed and experienced. LCS 9566. Dr. Doris Sami 707-544-0821.

g Healing & Bodywork

Great Massage By Joe, CMT. Relaxing hot tub and pool available. Will do outcalls. 707-228-6883.

Golden Flower Massage Spa

compatible, easy-going gentleman! Since 1991 I`ve provided pleasure to women, men, couples. Good virtues. NW Santa Rosa, Jimmy, 707-799-4467 or 707-527-9497.

Guerneville M4M Massage

• Swedish & Deep

Tissue Massage • Hot Stone Massage

699 Petaluma Blvd. N

707.765.1879 Open 7 days 9am-10pm

Mitch, CMT. Mature. Professional. Relaxing intuitive touch. Private discrete studio. 707-849-7409

Full Body Massage to Total Completion By a mature male $40/hour. Four hands available, ask for details. Ask for Roger or Lloyd. 707-525-1771

Bearhands4u Massage for men, Sebastopol. Mature, strong, professional. 707/291-3804. Days, evenings, weekends $60/hr. Outcalls available.

Windsor: 4 Men Brent, C.M.T. 26 years experience. Nurturing, intuitive touch. Private, discrete studio. 707/477-0400.

Release Your Cares Nurturing, pampering, therapeutic/sensual massage.

John CMT, Ten years experience. Santa Rosa. Introductory massage $50/hour, outcalls negotiable 707-327-7825.

Come in for Swedish, Deep Tissue, Tui Na, Reiki, Lifestream, Acupressure and see what a difference it can make. Call 707.665.9020. First Time Client Special! 90 minutes for $60. Cindy Cross, C.M.T. 665-9020 By appointment only

Cindy Cross, CMT


Special Spring rate. CMT in Santa Rosa. 415/717-9378

Therapeutic Massage

Need a relaxing massage?

Grand Opening



Call 707.527.1200

Advertise in the Health & Well Being Today!


Psychic Palm and Card Reader Madame Lisa. Truly gifted adviser for all problems. 827 Santa Rosa Ave. 707-542-9898

Beautiful Asian Massage Health - Relaxation - Stress Relief - Experienced CMT New Customers 15 minutes FREE

Grand Opening

Tulips Health Spa

the way you like it. Swedish and deep tissue techniques. Relaxing and rejuvenating. Flexible schedule for your convenience. Call James 707-477-4365.

$50/hour $35/half hour

g Massage & Relaxation

MEN! Get a massage



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?</3?22 /?2G@;F D699 .@A?<9<4F For the week of June 3 6g^Zh ($'&Ä)$&. >Éb WZii^c\ i]Vi ^c V XdjeaZ d[ bdci]h! i]Z

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$100 off Doggie Boot Camp or 3 private sessions for $200* (reg $240) Low Cost Vaccination Clinics every Sunday, 9:30-11am

c 35 years training experience c Guest on the Discovery Channel’s K-9 Cops for his expertise c Obedience training the natural way c 10 acres of safe, country training grounds c Exceptional for aggression issues c Strong leadership skills taught for owners

WESTERN FARM CENTER 707.545.0721 21 West 7th St. Santa Rosa

exp 5/31/09*


Where do they stay when you’re away?

Premier Doggy Day & Overnight Camp • 24 hr Web Cam

Place your pet related ad here today! Call 707.527.1200

• Supervised Play groups Best Doggie Day Care Best Dog Camp Santa Rosa • 707.546.CAMP 2120 Bluebell Drive (just off Coffee Lane) |

Meet Sophia • Cat of theWeek

Meet Chad • Dog of theWeek

MEET SOPHIA! This sweetfaced Tuxedo kitty is a special rescue kitty who's got a little scar on her nose from skin cancer. Sophia's a bit more mellow than most, but one who loves lots of lap time and attention. She'll curl right up next to you and make herself at home – wouldn't you like to have her to come home to? To learn more about adopting Sophia or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at

MEET CHAD! Don't you just love this goofy face? Chad is a Catahoula Leopard dog, a stock-herding breed with great stamina....but this one is just one big goof-ball. Very playful, energetic, and athletic, he's the perfect partner for long walks and runs. And he's a wonderful, loving, protective, loyal breed – and that face! How can you resist? To learn more about adopting Chad or many otherhomelessanimalsattheSonomaHumaneSociety,pleasevisit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from12-6pm,

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd)

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd)


To place your ad call 707.527.1200



solar • self-reliance • transportation • food & drink • design & clothing • home & garden • resources • events • festivals & fun!

Call Today to Advertise your eco-conscious business or service! Reserve ad space by June 11

Phone: 707.527.1200 | Fax: 707.527.1288 | email:

Sign Up NowIntegrative Yoga Teacher Training Starting September 2010!! A 200 hour non-residential training, 1 weekend/month for 10 months. You will learn how the elements of yoga: asanas, pranayama, body awareness, guided imagery meditation and deep relaxation come together as a vehicle for health and healing. BodyWorks-Integrative Yoga and Stress Management Studio. 490 2nd Str., Petaluma 707-769-9933.

Mindfulness is Everyday Life

Create a visual picture of your hopes and dreams for the coming season/year using magazines, words, and other art mediums. Cost: $12. Mon, June 8, 7:00-9:00 pm., Journey Center, Santa Rosa, 707-578-2121, .

Certification in Ayurveda & Aromatherapy Practical & Clinical Experience. Pulse Assessment, therapeutic bodywork, nutrition, traditional medicine & more! In Sebastopol - Starts Sept. Curriculum online 707-823-8818

Electric Monk Tatoo (707)539.MONK

Pema Chodron audio teachings at Santa Rosa Shambhala Center; begins 6/3, Six Wed. nights 7 - 9pm and Sat. 6/27 9am - noon. Info at or call 707-529-1561


Passions for Hair & Spa, Share the Passion... 513 Fourth St., Santa Rosa 707.523.7598

Passions for Hair is a “rare find”. Enjoy are elegant atmosphere & surroundings. An appealing experience in hair care for both men & women. A place where the fine art of styling and the Passion for Hair and Body care come together.

Friday - Sunday, June 12 - 14 With Kadam Ace Remas Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center 304 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma Limited Space - Early Registration $75 before June 8

$90 at the door. Flat fee for entire weekend. Includes Sat. veg lunch


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Santa Rosa

1435 Sebastopol Road

707-546-0000 707-578-3299

Turning Toward Enlightenment: Pema Chodron audio teachings at Santa RosaShambhala Center. Begins 6/3, Six Wed. nights, 7 - 9pm and Sat. 6/27, 9am - noon. Info at or call 707-529-1561.

Mail: MBMC, 304 Petaluma Blvd., N, Petaluma, CA 94952 Everyone is welcome!

Share your organization’s inspiration with over 95,100 Bohemian Readers monthly! Phone: 707.527.1200 email:





We provide treatment for: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Heroin utilizing replacement medications. We also treat Methamphetamine and other stimulant dependence. • Subutex/Suboxone available • Providing Treatment since 1984 • Confidentiality assured

Euro Business Solutions

Into This World Yoga Teacher Training

Does your business need a jump start? Call us for a FREE, expert consultation and diagnosis @ 707.483.5135.

Yoga Alliance Registered School! 200-hour and 500-hour programs. Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers! Visit or call 707-664-9560


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Meth and Alcohol Treatment that allows you to keep your day job! Santa Rosa Treatment Program can help.(707) 576-0818.

Relapse Doesn’t Mean Failure Santa Rosa Treatment Program can help. (707) 576 0818

Wed., June 17 - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Gaining weight around the middle? This lecture is for you! 10151 Main St, Penngrove. or 800-987-7530

Golden Star Grafix Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924

Barbecue, fishing, baseball, and golfing gifts to celebrate Father's Day. Stop by Best Wishes! Sign up for our June raffle drawing. Best Wishes! Gifts and Cards 3080 Marlow Rd/corner Marlow/Piner Rd/ M-F 9:30 to 6 Sat 10-4 Sun Closed 575-0145

Black Cat Bar & Humble Pie Restaurant Music, Drink Specials, Seriously Delicious Food! Open Mic Wednesday nights. A must try! The Black Cat is located at 10056 Main St., Penngrove, 707.793.9480. Check it out now!

Living Trust $850 By Estate Planning Attorney Rob Kenney. Includes Will, PoA, Health Care Directive, Grant Deed, etc. Appointments available in your home. Evenings, weekends available. Call 707-343-1509 OR 415-491-4570.

Santa Rosa CopWatch First and third Tues at 7, discussion of police accountability and observation plus know-your-rights training. Free Mind Media, 546 Pacific Ave, Santa Rosa, 707.579.1605

Serenity Yoga Teacher Training Excellent 200 hr. program with Carolyn McManus, 25 years exp. Yoga Alliance Registered. or phone 415-706-4166.

Euro Business Solutions Does your business need a jump start? Call us for a FREE consultation and diagnosis @ 707.483.5135

Llamas for Sale/ Woolly Weed Eaters Pet Trained & Easy to Keep. Starting @ $300. Call Maria 707.795.6284

Tradewinds Bar


Great music. Great food.Kevin cooks every Monday night. Charlie Brown cooks every Friday. Eat, drink, rock on. Located at 8210 Old Redwood HWY, Cotati, 795-7878

860 Piner Road, Ste. 38, Santa Rosa CA. 707.843.13156. Mention this ad & receive 10% OFF your purchase! Indoor & Outdoor Garden Supplies, Family Owned & Operated, Excellent Prices, Great Location, High Quality Products, Superior Knowledge!

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Skirt Chaser Vintage Unique Fashion for Men and Women - - 1930’s to 1980’s $ We Buy $ HOURS: Tues - Thurs 12-6/ Fri & Sat 11-6/ Sunday 12-4, 441 Sebastopol Ave - In the A Street arts district (707) 546-4021

NEED QUICKBOOKS HELP? QB Pro Advisor comes to you. Customized setup, hands-on training and support. Mac & PC. Quick!Skillls 707-827-3765. Mention this ad for Free 1-hour consult.

Assisting Buyers and Sellers for 20 years in So.Co. and would love to be YOUR SONOMA COUNTY RESOURCE!

Medical Marijuana Certifications Santa Rosa. Best price. 24/7 authentication. 707-575-7375

Yes you can afford fitness! Yoga, NIA. Groove Studio. Call for info 707.539.6261

SUBUTEX/SUBOXONE available for Safe Oxycontin, Vicodin, Other Opiate Withdrawal! Confidential Program. (707) 576 1919

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