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H0H =0H. 6>>3 103. I was really impressed by the depth of the reporting for this article (“Inside the Pornocopia,� June 24). This was comparable with the New York Times or any paper! However, as I read to the end, I was hoping for answer: Yay or nay, what is good, what is bad? I guess there are no easy answers in life—and the data is not there yet.

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342>34AB >5 1 B 8B <>A4 ;8:4 8C Paul Davis’ “Grow a Spine!� (July 1) illustrates how hard and fast we’ve fallen for this dame called the internet. Now, like reintroducing ourselves to the dog who’s been sitting by the door all this time, waiting for our return, Davis thinks we’ll have to retrain ourselves to read. What the hell? If it’s true that we’ve become

“mere decoders of information,� then a timeless yarn like Tom Sawyer becomes just so much undisciplined data to organize, file away, and forget. After all, there is no need for recall if we can electronically re-package a meandering Mississippi River narrative as a characterless hyper-story geared for those who think they might die in the next minute or two. Oh sure, we’ll still have our share of delightful summer days curled up on the hammock with a glass of iced tea, but we won’t be flipping pages. More likely we’ll be texting a cyber-friend about that new animated flick, Huck Finn’s Day Off, loosely based on a novel by some guy named Twain. Supposed to be an author or something.

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64C >DCB834 0=3 ?;0H Thank you to Paul Davis for his honest and informative article. As an educator for 30 years, mostly at the college level, I strongly advise parents

to not waste their money on technological gadgets for their children. Invest in musical instruments, art supplies, books, playtime in nature, dance, hikes, month-long summer camps, etc. Your children will be happier, healthier and better educated instead of bored and restless with user-friendly technology. The choice is stimulation or education. After designing and teaching online courses, providing tech support and system administration as a director of online education, I see computers as tools with lots of data storage space. Computer usage is mundane and my technological learning curve is becoming a plateau. Sitting at a computer is mind- and butt-numbing. Fortunately, I grew up when education was more holistically challenging. I savored reading an entire book and used my imagination. I developed depth of focus, intellectual curiosity and the ability to ponder. Please ignore all the frantic internet/media frenzy. Children need to use their whole bodies and brains to learn then expend their energy in play.

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2>A?>A0C4 50A<8=6 A4B?>=3B As a sixth generation U.S. farmer, I fully understand the romance of yesteryear’s food production systems, but a reality check is in order. As filmmaker Robert Kenner is making the circles promoting the release of Food, Inc. (“What’s Cooking?� June 17), his message about the modern food production system is nothing but a circle as well. The most glaring example is the mention that food shortages are looming, yet the solution is reverting back to food production methods of the 1930s when one farmer fed 10 people. Today’s American farmer feeds 164 people annually with the safest, most reasonably priced food the world has ever seen. Today’s food system is safe, “green� and efficient. Cornell University just released a study indicating that today’s food system emits 63 percent less carbon per unit of food produced than the same unit of food produced in 1954. Science and technology combined with human initiative has allowed the U.S. farmer to provide food, fiber, fuel and pharmaceuticals more efficiently than ever before imagined. With all of that said, I am willing to make a deal. If Kenner is willing to show his film in black and white and silent as movies were in the 1930s, I’ll go back to my grandfather’s era of food production.

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July 15, Mill Valley Community Center, Mill Valley 7:00 pm – FREE July 25, Mateel Center, Redway 8:00 pm, TIX: 707.923.3368 July 26, Cotton Auditorium, Ft. Bragg 7:00 pm, TIX: brownpapertickets.com August 2, Mesa Park, Bolinas 2:30 pm, TIX: 415.868.2128 August 12, Todd Grove Park, Ukiah 7:00 pm – FREE August 13, Arena Theater, Point Arena 8:00pm, TIX: arenatheater.org LIVE MUSIC HALF HOUR BEFORE SHOWTIMES

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news for Sonoma, Marin & Napa Counties

“Official Newspaper of Actually Letting California Break Off Into the Ocean�

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C>>C7H Developed by the National Ad Council in conjunction with the Washington State Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking, this ad packs a punch.

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Russian River Coalition aims to sink underage drinking By Cassandra Landry


mong Sonoma County teenagers hunting for verboten booze, it’s common knowledge that Monte Rio and Guerneville are some of the easiest places to get it—but not for long. The recently formed Russian River chapter of the Coalition to Prevent Underage Drinking is rallying the community to put an end to easy access. Twenty-two-year-old Sonoma State University graduate Jessica Lenth, officially the Environmental Prevention and Friday Night Live coordinator for West County Community Services (“Try fitting that on a

business card,� she says) currently oversees the group, one of many across the nation that fan out from a parent organization formed in 1997. Her mailing list stands at about 20 so far, and Lenth says she sees about half of the members at any given meeting. “It’s a voluntary coalition, so finding time is always a challenge for folks,� she says. A native of Santa Cruz County, Lenth has seen her fair share of alcohol-related tragedy, which she says motivated her to get involved with similar groups through high school and college. “My high school had the unfortunate event of losing quite a few students to drunk driving fatalities,� she says. “It was something

I was not interested in ever having to go through again, or watch anyone else go through, for that matter.� The Coalition uses an environmental prevention model, which Lenth explains concerns access, not ozone. The group focuses on the long-term impacts on a community through the policies and laws surrounding alcohol possession, working from the inside out. “We’re working to change the social norms and the community norms in general. Guerneville, like so many communities, is very unique and has its own ideas about what’s acceptable and what’s not,� Lenth says. “So we’re working with the community to become more aware about the message & &

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—Daniel Hirsch



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By Peter Phillips


alifornia State University (CSU) is facing a $583.8 million dollar budget cut for the 2009-10 fiscal year. CSU faculty are being asked to take 10 percent less pay by accepting two days of furloughs per month for 2009-10. Justification for this request is to protect 3,700 full time equivalent lecturer positions (9,000 instructors) from lay offs. The CSU faculty, like state workers, are being asked to bail out the state by accepting less pay because of massive budget deficits. State worker unions and the California Faculty Association must stand firm against the CSU administration and state government officials. Giving concessions undermines the wages for working people across the board. It also means protecting the incomes of the rich and of the most powerful corporations in California. The budget crisis in California has been artificially created by cutting taxes on the wealthiest people and corporations. The current “crisis� is a shock and awe process designed to undermine wages and unions in the state and force labor concessions to protect corporate profits. According to the California Budget Project, tax cuts enacted in California since 1993 cost the state $11.3 billion dollars annually. Had the state continued taxing corporations and the wealthy at rates equal to those 15 years ago, we would not have a budget crisis today. Even though a budget crisis was evident last year, California income tax laws were changed in February of this year to provide corporations with even greater tax savings—equal to over $2 billion per year. Half of all state revenue comes from personal income taxes paid by working people; another third comes from sales and use taxes. The result is that as a percent of income, taxes hit lower-paid workers the hardest. Corporations only pay for about one-tenth of the state budget. The rest of us are bailing out the rich by accepting massive budget cuts at a time when less spending will only exacerbate the economic situation. Unions and working people need to say no to massive state budget cuts and fight for every service and job possible. We must say no to voluntary furloughs and push for new taxes on the wealthy and on the largest corporations. CSU professors should be the leaders for working people in the state. We must stand firm on no concessions, no furloughs and no cuts in classes for our students.

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CSU faculty must lead and say no to furloughs

Over 25 CSU faculty have responded to my call for a negative vote on furloughs. Responses are running 5 to 1 opposing the furlough plan. The common negative response seems to be mostly that if we don’t give in to furloughs, a lot of our colleagues will be laid off. Unfortunately this is true, but over 1,000 lecturers have already been laid off in the past year, and many more will face layoff whether we approve furloughs or not. The massive cuts to the CSU are not here just because of the recession. The recession had been long predicted. As working class faculty it is up to us to declare that there has been a deliberate effort to create an artificial fiscal crisis in order to force massive givebacks by unionized state workers. Several faculty have declared that given the cost of living in California, they are barely making it and a 10 percent cut will mean that they are unable to meet their basic expenses. Many lecturers, like my friend Larry Bensky, a 19-year veteran at CSU East Bay, have been told they will not be back in the fall. Under the artificial state fiscal crisis, we will continue to see a systematic laying off of lecturers as we have in the past year. The CSU system will not be able to immediately lay off 9,000 lecturers and still offer adequate classes for students currently enrolled. If the unions bail out the state with voluntary wage reductions, we are only delaying the inevitable without challenging the capital class in California. We must stand together in partnership with students to both challenge our elected officials and, if need be, move to a more open withdrawal of our labor to protect our lecturer colleagues and our students. We have yet to hear that anyone is proposing a graduated progressive furlough plan for which management personnel and presidents would have the highest percent salary declines, and the lowest-paid faculty/ employees the least or none at all. When such a move happens, then perhaps we should support a temporary suspension of our agreed salary increases under the union contract. In the meantime, we haven’t seen the state honoring our hard-won contract with promised cost of living increases, and instead we are being asked to take reductions. It is time to say no, enough is enough! Peter Phillips is a professor of sociology at Sonoma State University. Open Mic is now a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.


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that they’re sending to younger generations.� Cheap beer and peach Schnapps from Mom and Dad’s liquor cabinet have long tempted teens, but Lenth says the increased use of alcoholic beverages in media context has lead to a higher level of social pressure in recent years. “For a lot of young people there’s definitely that stereotype that everybody drinks and it’s what you have to do to be popular,� she says. “But when we’re surveying students and collecting data, only about 50 percent admit to alcohol use. So it’s definitely not the norm.� The Russian River-based group works through two branches: an adult voluntary coalition and high school recruitments, who in turn create on-campus chapters and sit in on adult meetings as representatives for the younger members of the community. Lenth emphasizes that the Coalition does not target young people specifically. “A lot of what we see in prevention is that people want to go out and talk to kids, and if kids just knew the risks of underage drinking. . . . but you don’t see a lot of long-term behavioral changes that way,� she says. “So instead of putting it all on the young people to make better decisions, we’re really focused on having the community make better decisions on behalf of the young people.� Law enforcement officers are also present within the coalition and work closely with younger participants, Lenth says, staging regular minor stings at local establishments. “Someone who’s under the age of 21 goes into a store with their valid California I.D. and tries to buy alcohol,� she explains simply. “They’re never allowed to lie about their age. In 2008, 57 percent of the stores still sold when they knew the person was underage.� With statistics that high, Lenth and her crew have their work cut out for them. The Coalition is funded by the Department of Prevention and Planning in Sonoma County, and Lenth adds that the Russian River area is one of seven communities that have money available to set up these preventative groups. “We’re lucky enough to have a lot of support in terms of money,� she says. “We sit down and figure out our community needs assessment—what are all the issues around underage drinking in the community—and then develop a plan for each year and try to carry that out.� The group is currently growing by word of mouth, carrying out their communitybased agenda through law enforcement and workshops held for youth in the county like Friday Night Live, a program that Lenth coordinates. “Because we’re county-funded, we have to be very careful about how we lobby, so I would say I do a lot of education about upcoming policies or potential areas in which legislators could be doing more,� Lenth says, mentioning a recent incentive to increase the alcohol tax by five percent. Lenth emphasizes that controlling access to alcoholic beverages is the coalition’s primary goal. “The bottom line is that young people aren’t making moonshine in their basements. They’re getting it somewhere,� Lenth says. “Parents are providing it, merchants are providing it, friends are providing it. If we can control the access, then they’re less likely to drink, period.�

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Whole systems thinking and the new world of biz By Juliane Poirier


’m no businessperson. Driven more by creativity and social justice values than profit-making urges, I have never been observed anywhere near the corporate ladder, and have no desire to attain rungs thereupon. My work, mostly in nonprofits, has allowed me to remain encamped among my own kind on the cultural fringes. So if I haven’t moved, why is the distance between the business world and me getting so much more narrow? Tiburon business consultant Jennifer Marks explains it as a shift in the prevailing business model. “I did my MBA in 1992,� Marks says. “And the business model I learned was the traditional one. In manufacturing businesses, for example, we solved business problems in a mechanical way, based on efficiency. The new model solves problems within a whole systems context. It’s a difficult vision but you can feel it in your DNA in a way you couldn’t feel the traditional model.� Marks, whose graduate studies in business were conducted both at Canterbury College in New Zealand and at Stanford University, has been a Bay Area business consultant for 17 years and a resident of Tiburon for six. She recently completed a pilot program at Dominican University of California, which earned her an executive certificate in green business administration. As a student in this new program, she claims she got a good grounding in systems thinking and became more convinced that to manage businesses sustainably one has to be “a re-designer of systems and a master of change.� “Being a change master is critical,� Marks explains. “Because so many systems are up for redesign. What the course does is it grounds you in how to change the system.� I ponder her statement with some surprise. I would more expect those words from the mouth of someone who just finished a social organizing training rather than a business course. Dominican’s Green MBA was begun at the now-defunct New College in Santa Rosa, and is the first accredited green MBA program in the nation. The certificate program launched in fall of 2008, and is designed to meet the

needs of those who already have their MBA or who have enough business experience to go right to the core of sustainable management systems. Marks is the perfect candidate. “As you get to a more senior role in business, you want to work where you are involved with all of your values,� she says. All of my values, I’ve long presumed, would not be addressed by any business in the world. I care too much about things one cannot purchase for cash. But after a brief chat with Domincan faculty member Ed Quevedo, I am willing to reanalyze my presumption. The Green MBA faulty chair, Quevedo is an attorney who specializes in sustainable practice at Paldin Law Group in Walnut Creek. Quevedo teaches the capstone course in the executive certificate program, along with a course called “Thriving, Regenerative Enterprise.� He claims that the triple bottom line of sustainability is a worn-out concept that needs to be replaced with the triple top line of regeneration. “Every business in the world has a responsibility to maximize benefits—to measurably return to investors, to nature and to society more than the business takes,� Quevedo says. “And until it can do that, it does not deserve to make a profit.� Wow. Did he really say that? If that’s the guiding philosophy in the new world of business, count me in. The fall session of the executive certificate program launches Aug. 8. Those interested in the program are invited to attend a free half-day immersion session on the Dominican campus on Saturday, July 18. Most of the program faculty will be available to offer a hands-on learning experience giving participants a taste of what the program is like. Program manager Ryn Longmaid says the ideal candidate for the program might be “someone who is poised for positive change, but not sure where to start.� The place to start, she says, is learning “the language, strategies, systems, history, future and forecasts of sustainable management. And this program offers them all of that.�

The new mandate is for a business to return more to investors, nature and society than it takes.

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If it has a face, it probably gobbles up global resources along with its grass By Stett Holbrook


ast month, the federal government released a much-anticipated report on global climate change. It paints a chilling picture of what will happen if global warming continues unabated. “This report is a game-changer,� said the new director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Jane Lubchenco, at a press conference last week. “I think that much of the foot-dragging in addressing climate change is a reflection of the perception that climate change is way down the road, it’s in the future and it only affects certain parts of the country. This report demonstrates in concrete scientific information that climate change is happening now, and it’s happening in our back yards.� The report, issued by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, compiles work from 13 different government agencies. In a refreshing break from the science-averse Bush administration, the report states unequivocally that climate change is human caused. The report

details changes scientists are already seeing and predicts how the climate will change if greenhouse-gas emissions aren’t curtailed. The report also discusses how decisive policies can roll back the impending doom. (Read the report at globalchange.gov.) Here are two of the key findings: • Climate changes are under way in the United States and are projected to grow. These include increases in heavy downpours, rising temperature and sea level, rapidly retreating glaciers, thawing permafrost, lengthening growing seasons, lengthening ice-free seasons in the ocean and on lakes and rivers, earlier snowmelt and alterations in river flows. • Agriculture is considered one of the sectors most adaptable to changes in climate, but increased heat, pests, water stress, diseases and weather extremes will pose adaptation challenges for crop and livestock production. There have been many reports on global warming and dire predictions from respected scientists. So far not much has changed. I hope

that President Obama uses the power of his position to spur the dramatic and speedy action needed to reduce the profound impacts of the crisis. The challenge Obama faces is convincing people that the time to change our ways is today, not tomorrow. The trouble is, we don’t usually realize we’re in trouble until the roof starts caving in. For example, only when we faced global financial meltdown did world leaders act. A global recession is real and painful, but compared to the apocalyptic effects of unchecked global warming, it’s but a pinprick. What does all this have to do with food? Well, while the U.S. government appears to be finally getting serious about acting against global warming, we the people need to do as much as we can. Food strikes me as particularly targetrich as we seek to reduce global warming. I see reducing our consumption of meat as the single most important action we can take as individuals. I’ve come to view a double bacon cheeseburger as the culinary equivalent of dumping dirty motor oil into a clear mountain lake. If eating burgers &, THE BOHEMIAN







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was only detrimental to those who eat them that would be one thing, but the production of meat and dairy across the world is an environmental catastrophe. I’m a firm believer in spending more for quality, food included. But eating well shouldn’t be prohibitively expensive. I guess it’s all in how one defines “eating well.� For me, that means little or no processed food and plenty of fresh produce in season. Food is of course a necessary expense, but there’s a lot of discretion on how to spend your food dollar. But the ironic thing about food when you buy fresh, unprocessed ingredients and cook for yourself rather than opening a can or box, eating well generally costs less. At least that’s my belief.


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An estimated 30 percent of the Earth’s ice-free land is involved in livestock production. According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), livestock production generates nearly a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gases, more than transportation. Animal agriculture is the leading source of methane and nitrous oxide emissions, which--combined with carbon dioxide--are the primary causes of global warming. Livestock production accounts for more than 8 percent of global human water use, the FAO says. Evidence suggests that it is also the largest source of water pollution thanks to animal wastes, antibiotics, hormones, fertilizers and pesticides used for feed crops, and sediments from eroded pastures. An estimated 30 percent of the Earth’s ice-free land is involved in livestock production. Approximately 70 percent of previously forested land in the Amazon is used as pasture, and feed crops cover a large part of what’s left. Eating organically raised, grass-feed beef is a far better option than the factoryfarmed garbage that most of us eat. But organically raised or not, livestock still sucks up scarce natural resources and contributes to global warming. I’m not saying we should give up meat entirely. Just eat less of it. Given the severity of the climate crisis, reducing our consumption of meat is a painless step everyone can take. What if President Obama declared he was willing to go without meat a few days a week for the sake of the planet? I’m not holding my breath for that one, but more often than not I’m going to hold off on eating meat.

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5Ă?C4 =0C8>=0;4 here were only seven prisoners, none of them particularly political, housed in the Bastille on that hot July day in 1789 when the populace stormed the prison walls to liberate the unjustly jailed and help themselves to plenty of ďŹ rearms and ammo. But no matter the inmates, the action prompted the French government to shortly establish the Rights of Man and Citizen and, not incidentally, launched the ďŹ rst great party that has since come to deďŹ ne le quatorze juilliet.


Far from the land of skinny women and garlicky snails, Bastille Day is celebrated in the North Bay with food and song. In Mill Valley, the 142 Throckmorton Theater hosts the cheeky orchestra and dancers of Chez Kiki in its ‘Cabaret D’Amor’ featuring the songs of Piaf, Chavelier, Brel and Baker with the nous sommes Française Moana Diamond and other Francophiliac performers on Saturday, July 11, at 8pm. 142 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. $25-$35. 415.383.9600. In Napa, the liberation of prisoners and citizenry is exempliďŹ ed in fromage, accordions and le vin vieux. Cheese man Francis Sistiague has nimbly termed the celebration Napastille Day, organizing it around the many vendors gathered at the Oxbow Public Market for a celebration suitable for les enfants that features the SF Frisky Frolics outside at 6pm, French songs and dance all day, French cooper masters involved in live barrel making and oui, even French fries. Toni Cordioli holds down the squeezebox from 3pm while Allison Lovejoy tickles the ivories on Tuesday, July 14, from 2pm. Oxbow Public Market, 610 First St., Napa. Free. 707.963.1345. Meanwhile, the Costeaux Bakery in Healdsburg promises that Tuesday will swell with a full day of events that are “just like Paris . . . but the servers are nicerâ€? with a slate of activities including pĂŠtanque using bread bowls, cancan dancers and (quel dommage) a mime as well as French country dancing, an Eiffel Tower cookie decorating contest avec games for the kids, a goofy reenactment of the 1976 “Judgement of Parisâ€? wine-tasting, an appearance by Mme. Marie Antoinette herself and, in a nouveau twist, a waiter’s race. The tomfoolery commences at 9am on July 14 and stretches until 4pm, with plenty of yummy lovely food not surprisingly for sale. Costeaux Bakery, 417 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. Free. 707.433.1913.

Gretchen Giles

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BV^ K^ZicVbZhZ 8j^h^cZ

5 courses, 6 hand selected wines

Thursday, July 30th at 6pm Seating is Limited Call for Reservations 707.546.5100

www.starkssteakhouse.com | 707.546.5100 | 521 Adams Street, Santa Rosa www.williswinebar.net | 707-526-3096 | 4404 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa www.willisseafood.net | 707-433-9191 | 403 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg www.montisroti.net | 707-568-4404 | 714 Village Ct, Montgomery Village, Santa Rosa




Immortalized by Waits in 1999, it’s a place to celebrate and mourn, a place where you can go by yourself and ďŹ nd old friends or meet new ones, and yes, a place where regulars really do know your name. It’s Red’s Recovery Room in Cotati, and sadly, after losing its lease, the roadhouse bar is closing later this month, probably on July 26. “We’re not happy; Red’s should stay here forever,â€? says co-owner Maria Romani, wearing a roller derby T-shirt while sipping a drink at the bar. She hopes to reopen Red’s at another Cotati location. The ramshackle wooden bar, on Highway 116 about a half a mile west of Highway 101, opened in 1976. Owners Bob (known as Red for his hair color) Lehan and Maureen Lehan took turns tending the bar, which became a place for celebrations ranging from turning 21 to divorcing. “We welcomed everyone who walked through that door. They became our friends and regulars,â€? Maureen says, nostalgically surveying the bar last week. “A gathering place is being lost.â€?


“It’s a dying, dying dive,� says Michael Mudd, sipping a beer on Red’s outdoor deck. “This is a historic moment.� The burly Mudd works as an electrician and says that one reason he loves Red’s is that anyone can go there straight from work. “Even if you’re sweaty or grimy, no one cares.�

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Mudd recalled bringing his elderly mother to Red’s for a drink on a Sunday some 15 years ago. “I know what your Mom needs,� Red said to Mudd before making his mother a perfect martini. “It wasn’t a sin to have a cocktail back then,� Mudd adds.

Kdae^Éh GZhiVjgVci

Pride Mountain Winemaker Dinner

Kathleen was sittin’ down in Little Red’s Recovery Room in her criminal underwear bra / I was naked to the waist with my ďŹ erce black hound/ And I’m cookin’ up a Filipino Box Spring Hog —Tom Waits, “Filipino Box Spring Hogâ€?

The Lehans sold Red’s in 2003, and Red died in 2004. But Red’s Recovery Room soldiered on, giving people a place to play pool and buy stiff drinks at fair prices.

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Has Pride!

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Stark's Steakhouse

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Red was “a big, six-foot-tall redhead, a beautiful person,â€? Mudd remembers. “He could handle a bar and stop a ďŹ ght—he was very polite, but big enough to escort you out the door.â€? Like all great old bars, Red’s is ďŹ lled with stories (liquor was distilled in the basement during prohibition, says one legend). Romani even swears that a ghost appears after hours. “Everyone who’s ever worked here has seen it,â€? she asserts. Is the ghost Red? Romani says no, adding: “It’s a good ghost.â€? Red’s hosts a closing bash on Saturday, July 11, from 2pm to 2am. 8175 Gravenstein Hwy., Cotati. 707.795.4100.

Michael Shapiro

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7djcin =jciZg

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Simply Vietnam

Traditional Vietnamese Restaurant

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Fj^k^gV L^cZgn

8Zgi^[^ZY W^dYncVb^X egdYjXZg i]Vi egdbdiZh XgZZ` hiZlVgYh]^e VcY hiZZa]ZVY"hVabdc"]VW^iVi gZhidgVi^dc# 9gn 8gZZ` O^c[VcYZa ^h V gZ\jaVg [Vkdg^iZ0 Bdjgk YgZ VcY di]Zg G] cZ kVg^ZiVah VgZ djihiVcY^c\# 6h i]Z hiZZa]ZVY ]VkZ aViZan gZY^hXdkZgZY! Fj^k^gV ^h ldgi] gZijgc^c\ id nZVg V[iZg nZVg# ).%% 9gn 8gZZ` GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ*eb# -%%#'.'#-((.#

I]jbWeg^ci 8ZaaVgh

:g^XV VcY HXdii A^cYhigdb"9V`Z hiVgiZY I]jbWeg^ci ^c i]Z^g \VgV\Z! VcY gZXdbbZcY kZ\ZiVg^Vc [ddY eVg^c\h l^i] i]Z^g l^cZ# (+ Cdgi] Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ+eb# ,%,#)((#'(.(#

Mid County BViVcoVh 8gZZ` L^cZgn

BViVcoVh 8gZZ` L^cZgn [ZVijgZh V eZVXZ[ja iVhi^c\ gddb dkZgadd`^c\ ^ih [VbZY VXgZh d[ aVkZcYZg# +%., 7ZccZii KVaaZn GdVY! HVciV GdhV#




DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#*'-#+)+)#

EVgVY^hZ G^Y\Z L^cZgn

6 \dg\Zdjh! egdkdXVi^kZ hXjaeijgZ \VgYZc l^i] VccjVaan X]Vc\^c\ Zm]^W^ih hZi Vb^Y V en\bn [dgZhi# HiVn [dg hjchZi LZYcZhYVn ZkZc^c\h 6eg^aÄDXidWZg# )*)* I]dbVh AV`Z =Vgg^h 9g^kZ! HVciV GdhV# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ*/(%eb# ,%,#*'-#.)+(# EVgVY^hZ Vahd d[[Zgh ^ih [ddY"[g^ZcYan l^cZh Vi Vc VXXZhh^WaZ a^iiaZ h]VX` ^c i]Z ]ZVgi d[ HdcdbV KVaaZn# Ign higjXijgZY XaVgZih [gdb i]Z ZhiViZÉh ]^\]"ZaZkVi^dc GdX`e^aZ k^cZnVgYh0 Yd hdbZ i^bZ l^i] Æi]Z 8dck^XiÇ O^c[VcYZa# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# --+% HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# ,%,#'-'#.%'%#

8]ViZVj BdciZaZcV

I]Z l^cZgn ig^jbe]ZY Vi i]Z &.,+ Æ?jY\bZci d[ EVg^hÇ iVhi^c\ l]ZgZ ;gZcX] _jY\Zh! fjZaaZ ]dggZjg! [djcY i]Vi i]Zn ]VY VlVgYZY ide ]dcdgh id V 8Va^[dgc^V XdciZcYZg# &)'. IjWWh AVcZ! 8Va^hid\V# DeZc YV^an! ./(%VbÄ )eb# ,%,#.)'#*&%*#

;gVc` ;Vb^an K^cZnVgYh

West County

6 bZY^V bd\ja ^bV\^cZZgZY V CVeV KVaaZn l^cZgn i]ViÉh hjgeg^h^c\an cd"[g^aah! [g^ZcYan VcY [gZZ d[ X]Vg\Z! [gdb i]Z [ajiZ d[ WjWWan lZaXdbZ id i]Z aVhi h^e d[ VlVgY"l^cc^c\ 8VW# :be]Vh^h ^h dc i]Z ]^hidg^X AVg`bZVY l^cZgn! i]Z l^cZ VcY! cViX]! i]Z \jZhi Vi i]^h edejaVg iVhi^c\ gddb hZi ^c i]Z l^cZgnÉh gZbdYZaZY XgV[ihbVc [Vgb]djhZ# ;gVc` ;Vb^an K^cZnVgYh! &%.& AVg`bZVY AVcZ! 8Va^hid\V# IVhi^c\ YV^an! &%VbÄ)eb# Cd [ZZ# ,%,#.)'#%,*(#

;gZZhidcZ K^cZnVgYh

=Vaa L^cZgn

I]Z XVhjVa! V^gn heVXZ ^h [jgc^h]ZY ^c V l]^iZlVh]ZY Xdjcign ;gZcX] i]ZbZ# K^h^idgh VgZ ZcXdjgV\ZY id h^i Ydlc Vi adc\ iVWaZh VcY ZkZc ]VkZ V e^Xc^X# &',), :a 8Vb^cd 7dYZ\V! ;gZZhidcZ# DeZc ;g^YVnÄBdcYVn! &%VbÄ)eb# ,%,#-,)#&%&%#

L8 8gV^\ VcY @Vi]gnc =Vaa heZX^Va^oZ ^c ÆWZZ[nÇ l^cZh [VkdgZY Wn GdWZgi EVg`Zg# >ciZchZan bdYZgc Vgi VcY Vaa i]^c\h 6jhig^Vc# CZl iVhi^c\ gddb l^aa WZ Wn ;gVc` <Z]gn# )%& Hi# =ZaZcV =ln# H#! Hi# =ZaZcV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ */(%eb# -++#++,#=6AA#

>gdc =dghZ


9Zhe^iZ i]Z gjhi^X iVhi^c\ gddb! >gdc =dghZ egdYjXZh heVg`a^c\ l^cZ VcY E^cdih [dg i]Z Za^iZ# 6 Wg^aa^Vci k^Zl [dg l^cZiVhi^c\# '%.,-+ Gdhh HiVi^dc GdVY! HZWVhideda# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ (/(%eb# ,%,#--,#&*%,#

AncbVg L^cZgn

EgdYjXZh ldgaY"XaVhh E^cdi VcY 8]VgY ^c ZaZ\Vci gjgVa hZii^c\# Add` [dg [jc [ddY eV^g^c\h# (.%. ;gZ^ GdVY! HZWVhideda# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#-'.#((,)#

East County :c`^Yj L^cZh

HVkV\Z! YVg` G] cZ"hinaZ l^cZh VcY [adgVa! hZYjXi^kZ gdh hiVg ^c i]^h HdcdbV l^cZgn cVbZY [dg V hjeedgi^c\ VXidg ^c i]Z Ze^X d[ <^a\VbZh]# :c`^Yj! V ]V^gn l^aY bVc l]d YgVc` [gdb lViZg^c\ ]daZh l^i] i]Z Vc^bVah! lVh YdbZhi^XViZY Wn adkZ VcY ^cigdYjXZY id i]Z eaZVhjgZh d[ l^cZ# <Zi ^cigdYjXZY id iddi]hdbZ HngV] VcY di]Zg eaZVhjgZh Vi i]^h Xdb[dgiVWaZ iVhi^c\ gddb adXViZY ^c \ZciZZa @ZclddY# -.&% HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# DeZc &&VbÄ+eb! IjZhYVnÄ HjcYVn# IVhi^c\ [ZZ &%# ,%,#.(.#(.(%#

AVghdc ;Vb^an L^cZgn

7VgWZXjZ l^cZ VaZgi '((** B^aaZg^X` GdVY! HdcdbV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#.(-#(%(&#

HdcdbV :cdiZXV

AdXVah adc\"^cjgZY id adXVa YZa^\]ih b^\]i Vahd [^cY i]ZbhZakZh ^begZhhZY l^i] i]Z l^YZ VcY kVg^ZY hZaZXi^dc# (* :# CVeV Hi#! HdcdbV# DeZc LZYcZhYVnÄBdcYVn! &%VbÄ+eb0 IjZhYVn! &%VbÄ(eb# ,%,#.(*#&'%%#


Upvalley 8VhV CjZhigV L^cZgn

:cYZVg^c\an d[[WZVi! l^i] V YZY^XViZY hiV[[ VcY V XdaaZXi^dc d[ \dVih VcY Yd\h gdVb^c\ [gZZan# ()*& H^akZgVYd IgV^a C#! Hi# =ZaZcV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#.+(#*,-(#

G^Zha^c\ ^h Hb^i]"BVYgdcZÉh bV^c [VbZ XaV^b# >ih G^Zha^c\ ]Vh hiZVY^an \V^cZY [VbZ l]^aZ CVeV KVaaZn G^Zha^c\ ^c \ZcZgVa ]Vh WZXdbZ V gVgZ Vci^fjZ# )%'' Heg^c\ BdjciV^c GdVY! Hi# =ZaZcV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.+(#''-(#

Downvalley 8Z_V K^cZnVgYh

Id 8Z_V K^cZnVgYhÉ bdiid! ÆK^cjb! 8Vcijh! 6bdg!Ç VcY l]Zc i]ZgZÉh l^cZ! hdc\ VcY adkZ! i]ZgZÉh YVcXZ# ;djcYZY Wn dcZ"i^bZ [^ZaY ldg`Zgh! i]Z BZm^XVc"6bZg^XVc"dlcZY l^cZgn XZaZWgViZh XjaijgZ VcY l^cZ Vi i]^h haZZ` Ydlcidlc adjc\Z# L^cZ [a^\]ih! a^\]i W^iZh VcY dcZ d[ i]Z [Zl [jaa"WdY^ZY gdh h ÆXdc ]jZkdhÇ ^c i]Z Xdjcin# Dc HVijgYVnh! [gZZ hVahV aZhhdch VcY YVcXZ eVgin he^XZ je i]Z c^\]i#Ç 7V^aVbdh &')- ;^ghi Hi#! CVeV# HjcYVnÄ;g^YVn! cddcÄ+eb! HVijgYVn! cddcÄ&%eb0 [gZZ hVahV XaVhh hiVgih Vi ,/(%eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZh kVgn# ,%,#''+#+))*#

8]ViZVj 7dhlZaa L^cZgn

L8 I]^h hbVaa! Wdji^fjZ l^cZgn ^h deZc Wn Veed^cibZci dcan! hZaa^c\ bdhi ^ih l^cZ Y^gZXian k^V edhi id XajW bZbWZgh# ()+- H^akZgVYd IgV^a! CVeV# ,%,#.+(#*),'#


L8 7dji^fjZ l^cZgn heZX^Va^o^c\ ^c i]Z `^cY d[ 8VWZgcZi i]Vi bV`Zh i]Z L^cZ HeZXiVidg Ygdda# '&'& 9^VbdcY BdjciV^c GdVY! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.)'#%,%,#


:mdi^X adXVaZ! l^i] \^Vci Xdajbch VcY V EZgh^Vc i]ZbZ! 9Vg^djh] ^h _jhian [Vbdjh [dg ^ih 7dgYZVjm# )')% H^akZgVYd IgV^a! CVeV# DeZc YV^an! &%/(%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#'*,#'()*#

9Za 9diid K^cZnVgYh

L8 8VkZh a^cZY l^i] >iVa^Vc bVgWaZ VcY VcX^Zci i^aZh! cdi id bZci^dc KZcZi^Vc X]VcYZa^Zgh VcY bdhV^X bVgWaZ [addgh# I]Zn ]dhi XVcYaZ"a^i iVhi^c\h! gZeaZiZ l^i] X]ZZhZ VcY X]dXdaViZ! ;g^YVnÄHjcYVn# DeZgV gZhdcViZh jci^a )eb0 gdX` gjaZh V[iZg )eb# &%** 6iaVh EZV` GdVY! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.+(#'&()#

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9dbV^cZ 8VgcZgdh

>che^gZY Wn IV^ii^c\ZgÉh 8]}iZVj YZ aV BVgfjZiiZg^Z d[ 8]VbeV\cZ! i]^h ]djhZ d[ egZb^jb heVg`a^c\ l^cZ ^h V ]VgY"id"b^hh aVcYbVg` dc i]Z 8VgcZgdh =^\]lVn# :c_dn V eg^kViZ 7VaXdcn EVX`V\Z [dg heZX^Va dXXVh^dch dg iVhiZ heVg`a^c\ VcY hi^aa l^cZh eV^gZY l^i] Vgi^hVc X]ZZhZ VcY XVk^Vg l^i] i]Z bVhhZh# Ajmjgn WjWWan AZ G„kZ d[[Zgh V WdjfjZi d[ ]dVgn nZVhi VcY XgƒbZ WgÂ’a‚Z i]Vi _jhi ha^eh VlVn a^`Z V YgZVb# &')% 9j]^\ GdVY Vi =^\]lVn &'$&'& ! CVeV# L^cZ [a^\]ih &*0 Vahd VkV^aVWaZ Wn i]Z \aVhh dg WdiiaZ# DeZc &%VbĂ„*/)*eb# -%%#,&+#',--#

:V\aZ GdhZ :hiViZ

L8 Idjgh d[ i]^h hbVaa l^cZgn VgZ aZY Z^i]Zg Wn i]Z l^cZgn dlcZg dg i]Z l^cZbV`Zg ]^bhZa[# (%%% Hi# =ZaZcV =ln# C#! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.+*#.)+(#

;VciZhXV :hiViZ L^cZgn

L8 HZi dc aVcY i]Vi lVh i]Z Ydlgn \^[i l]Zc 8]VgaZh @gj\ bVgg^ZY ^c &-+%! i]^h ZhiViZ l^cZgn heZX^Va^o^c\ ^c 8VW [ZVijgZh V l^cZ"V\^c\ XVkZ Wj^ai g^\]i ^cid i]Z h^YZ d[ Heg^c\ BdjciV^c# '.'% Heg^c\ BdjciV^c GdVY! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.+-#.''.#

;Vg C^ZciZ

L8 ;Vg C^ZciZ lVh [djcYZY ^c &--* Wn ?d]c 7Zchdc! V É).Zg d[ i]Z 8Va^[dgc^V <daY Gjh] VcY jcXaZ d[ i]Z [Vbdjh 6bZg^XVc ^begZhh^dc^hi eV^ciZg L^chadl =dbZg# I]Z ZhiViZ WdVhih WZVji^[ja \VgYZch Vh lZaa Vh i]Z [^ghi bdYZgc"Wj^ai l^cZ XVkZh ^c Cdgi] 6bZg^XV# &(*% 6XVX^V 9g^kZ! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.))#'-+&#

=Zhh 8daaZXi^dc L^cZgn

6c ^ciZaaZXijVa djiedhi d[ Vgi VcY l^cZ ]djhZY ^c i]Z XZcijgn"daY 8]g^hi^Vc 7gdi]ZgÉh l^cZgn# 8VW ^h i]Z h^\cVijgZ kVg^ZiVa# ))&& GZYlddY GdVY! CVeV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)eb# ,%,#'**#&&))#


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GdWZgi H^ch`Zn K^cZnVgYh

>c i]Z ad[in! WVgca^`Z ]VaaÄVh ZaZ\Vci Vh V i]ZViZg! Vh hda^Y Vh V h`^ adY\ZÄ k^h^idgh XVc iV`Z ^c i]Z iVc` gddb VXi^dc0 Vi aZVhi! i]Z \aZVb^c\ hiV^caZhh hiZZa! [gVbZY Wn lddY VcY hidcZldg` VcY WgZlejW"hinaZ X]Va`WdVgY bZcjh ^bWjZh i]Z heVXZ l^i] V hZchZ d[ ZcZg\Zi^X ^bbZY^VXn# +('% H^akZgVYd IgV^a! CVeV# DeZc &%VbÄ)/(%eb YV^an# ,%,#.))#.%.%#

HiV\Éh AZVe L^cZ 8ZaaVgh

L8 I]Z^g i]gZZ ZhiViZ"\gdlc 8VWh VgZ Vbdc\ i]Z bdhi ]^\]an gZ\VgYZY ^c i]Z ldgaY# *,++ H^akZgVYd IgV^a! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.))#'%'%#

IgZ[Zi]Zc L^cZgn

HdbZ Xg^i^Xh XaV^b IgZ[Zi]ZcÉh ]ZnYVn lVh ^c i]Z É+%h! Wji i]Z l^cZgn egdkZh i]Zb lgdc\ l^i] YZeZcYVWaZ! YZa^X^djh l^cZh# IgZ[Zi]Zc ^h dcZ d[ i]Z daYZhi l^cZg^Zh ^c CVeV# &&+% DV` @cdaa 6kZ#! CVeV# DeZc YV^an! &&/(%VbÄ )/(%eb# ,%,#'**#,,%%#

IgjX]VgY K^cZnVgYh

L8 Cd bViiZg ]dl ViiZci^kZ ndj VgZ id i]Z Y^gZXi^dch! cd bViiZg ]dl bjX] ndj hijYn i]Z fjV^ci! ]VcY"YgVlc bVe [djcY dca^cZ! cd bViiZg ]dl k^\^aVcian ndj lViX] i]Z higZZi VYYgZhhZh cjbZg^XVaan Xa^bW Vadc\ DaY HdcdbV GdVY! ndj l^aa ^cZk^iVWan b^hh IgjX]VgY K^cZnVgYh# L]Vi [daadlh ^h V h^c\aZ i]dj\]i ^c ndjg ]ZVY/ ÆI]^h l^cZ ]VY WZiiZg WZ ldgi] i]Z ^chjgVcXZ YZYjXi^WaZ#Ç 7ji l^i] 8VWZgcZi i]^h \ddY! ^i ^h# ('() DaY HdcdbV GdVY! CVeV# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#'*(#,&*(#

6A4H BC02: 24;;0AB he views are grand, the slopes green with prosperouslooking vines. I wouldn’t guess that this Bennett Valley estate has endured such a share of rocks thrown its way. The ďŹ rst crop came in 2003, just as a tremendous grape glut was underway. Then, as soon as they released their own “Dry Stackâ€? label, lawyers representing Dry Sack Sherry persuasively “suggestedâ€? that they change their name—just to make certain that a few hundred cases of Sonoma County product wouldn’t take market share from a mass-produced kitchen cupboard wine. Now, sales of Syrah, which promised to be the “next big thingâ€? when they planted, have stalled out.


Yet Grey Stack forges ahead, because this is a choice spot for growing cool-climate RhĂ´ne-style wines. How cool? Dry Stack Vineyard (they only had to rename the wine, not the land) lies directly in the path of an arrow of fog that the ocean regularly shoots through the Petaluma Gap to hit Bennett Valley like a bullseye. Even when fog is not visible, cool breezes blast through Crane Canyon. Syrah dramatically reects local conditions, the terroir—but unlike Pinot Noir, it doesn’t just fall apart outside of its comfort zone—it keeps on going, from hot and jammy Australian-style “Shirazâ€? from Alexander Valley, on down to brooding, earthy styles from cooler climes. Before planting in 2001, Grey Stack’s Peter and Marie Young spent a few weeks in the RhĂ´ne Valley, which convinced them to go with Syrah. They pulled out a 4,000-yard pile of rocks in the development process; the crew in turn made rock walls from the pile, using the old mortarless “dry stackâ€? method of ďŹ tting rocks together. Hence, the now-gone name. The 2008 Rosemary’s Block Sauvignon Blanc ($28) is a nice lean style with teases of toast and tropical fruit; half barrel-fermented, it’s got understated avors of lemon drop and pineapple. The 2006 Marie’s Block Syrah ($38) is sensuous and leathery, with hints of bacon fat and a few hairs of horse, sprigs of mint and rosemary, warm red berries and a dry—not drying— ďŹ nish. The 2006 Narcissist Syrah ($48) is basically the same wine with more and darker oak, which ties down the mineral-soaked fruit, and needs time to open up the other aromas. The 2007 Folly Syrah-Grenache ($32) is so-called for “Peter’s Folly,â€? when he hastily harvested three weeks before his clients’ grapes. Guess what? Pick early, you don’t get disaster—you get France. Dark aromas of saddle, beef stick and savory herbs dominate black cherry and roasted beets, with a gentle shadow of tannin. The Youngs were advised that heatloving Grenache wouldn’t ripen until Christmas; if this isn’t ripe, it is enticing. Marin County’s Broc Cellars makes a single varietal wine from their share of the winery’s Grenache; the deep garnet wine starts off dusty and sultry, opening to black cherry and licorice with air. Dried red cherries and cayenne pepper heat the tongue, ďŹ nishing ďŹ ne and dry, a slight herbal astringency with an echo of playa absinthe. For current and future fans of the wild, earthy fruit of the RhĂ´ne, Sonoma-style, this is Christmas. Grey Stack Cellars, 4100 Grange Road, Santa Rosa. By appointment only. For tour or tasting info, call 707.228.1338 or visit drystackcellars.com.

James Knight




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640A43 D? C> 6> You can buy the equipment and make the film, but if no one sees it, what’s the point?

54;8?4 1AD8C06>

5PST c^ 1[PRZ Filmmaker Alejandro Adams and the fierce and glutted world of indie movie-making By Richard von Busack


ecome an indie filmmaker! Earn big money! No experience necessary! That promise inherent in the rise of digital film and homeediting technology may be at an end. Blockbusters elbow out the offerings of small-budget filmmakers, who try to get a word in edgewise past this week’s cinematic event. The irony is thick. Even as theatrical features become cheaper and easier to make, they proliferate so quickly that it is harder and harder to find an audience for them. Intense competition for big-money features results in the release each week of as many as a dozen little movies you haven’t heard of, with no budget for promotion and just one week to make it or break it—mostly in the name of garnering blurbs for the DVD release. And

those are the films that have distributors. Just ask area filmmaker Alejandro Adams about how many obstacles an indie film must surmount. Adams earned praise from Variety for his 2008 film Around the Bay. The trade paper’s Dennis Harvey has called Adams “an arresting talent.� Well-regarded indie-film blogger Karina Longworth and The New York Times’ Phillip Lopate (so did I, for what it’s worth) added to the positive press for Around the Bay, an impressionist tale of a Los Gatos businessman and the estranged daughter he hires to work as a nanny for his son, her half-brother. Despite the praise and some well-received local screenings, Around the Bay continues to bounces around the film-festival circuit without a distributor. Not so long ago, the Woodstock Film Festival sent Adams a typical “thanks, but no thanks� letter. “Again,� Adams tells me, ruefully. “We’re talking about a festival known to program

scrappy low-budget fare. The festival made its name on DV [digital video] features with no light and bad sound. The rejection letter had a handwritten message in the margin: ‘Too bad we didn’t have room for this—the actors were good.’� Adams’ second film, Canary (2009), also turned out to be too strange for the alleged cutting edge. Canary is far less narrative-driven than Around the Bay even. This dystopic set-in-thenear-future story of organ harvesting was made with no blood, no gore and no sci-fi gadgets. Adams concentrates on one strange cog in the wheel: a dark, solitary girl (Carla Pauli) who works for the biotech concern Canary International, capturing unwilling donors and recycling their guts. She connects the film’s disparate parts: a focus group, an office full of chit-chatters and a few half-deranged individuals who have intuited what’s really going on. '+





miniature; I’m still not sure how I’m going to be handle that in terms in tone—of comedy or drama.�

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Saturday Film, Sunday Film

The Hipster Hex

Adams is a creative writer who moved into the realm of film. As he works, he opens up his process, pushing hard, experimenting and working on budgets that couldn’t even really purchase shoestrings. “In Canary,� Adams notes, “I was expressing nothing more than a notion, allowing the camera to articulate an idea that I hadn’t allowed myself to fully formulate. I guess that’s the ultimate form of organic or intuitive cinema, and I’m not sure to what degree it can be sustained in the context of an ostensibly narrative film. [I was] turning dreams into cinema, basically, as Wim Wenders dealt with in Until the End of the World.� And now Adams is editing his third film, Babnik, while working on two new films simultaneously. “I get stuck in editing,� he confesses, “and as in the case of my three previous longer films, I get locked in an in-depth process where communicating with human beings is not required. My films are heavily improvised, and it takes a long time to edit them. Doing two new films side by side is logistically simple; while there’s no overlap of the cast, the crews are identical. There’s no dramatic correlation—but one of the films is very emotionally difficult.� His two new films are titled Child of God and Amity. Adams is in the middle of his hectic side-by-side filmmaking marathon even as I talk to him. Before he began making these films, Adams promised, “Child of God will offend anyone who isn’t offended by Babnik and Amity.� Adams is shooting the two films locally on weekends. “Child of God, the film I’m making on Saturdays, is not so emotional,� he explains. “The Sunday film, Amity, is very much so. I should have scheduled the heavy one on Saturday and the lighter one on Sunday.� In Amity, the title character, a young girl, is about to graduate high school. Her very estranged father, an Air Force officer, turns up unannounced on her doorstep with the surprise present of a limo. Amity wants no part of him. So the limo’s driver (a former military man himself) and the officer head off together for a self-destructive evening. The potential for trouble in a night out for these two charged-up men accounts for the film’s heaviness. Adams notes, “Amity’s father is based on my father—the irascible Air Force guy who’s as charming and magnetic as he is dangerous. It would have been hard enough to face the film had my father not died three days before we started shooting. And, no, I wasn’t expecting it.� Adams’ Sunday film, Child of God, is “very unusual for me, it has the kind of broad ideas that aren’t my cup of tea. I’m using the red-state, blue-state power struggle between a church and a variety show that’s renting their building. It’ll be the culture war in



After the crunch time of getting these three films into viewable shape, Adams proposes a triple-threat attack on the filmfestival circuit in time for the fall submission deadlines: “I want them to all come out of the hopper at the same time.� Meanwhile, Adams is watching his earlier films as they slowly rise in the world. This spring, Canary screened at the “Migrating Forms� program at the Anthology Film Archives in New York City. This month, Canary will play at Fantasia, a Montreal film festival dedicated to science fiction and fantasy; “lots of European press there,� Adams notes hopefully. AFI in Los Angeles has agreed to look at Canary without an entrance fee. And there’s a possibility that one of the key magazines about independent film will list Adams as one of the 25 directors to watch in 2009.

‘It would have been hard enough to face the film had my father not died three days before we started shooting.’ “Clearly, the brand is growing, regardless of how few times the film is screening,� Adams says. “Now there’s a backlash. I’m hearing the word ‘hipster’ used about me, probably because some very powerful people in the indie film community are giving me recognition.� Adams is a regular presence on Twitter, quick to reply to the critics and fans and to comment on the various feuds in the cinema world. There he can be found discussing the beyond-indie scene with intelligence or liveblogging a recent cable TV screening of The Magnificent Andersons. I griped that it was abominable to be thumbing away when you should be watching the movie. Adams countered that he knew the film well. Certainly, the track of comments he and others left were intelligent, ranging from close looks at the compositions, the underuse of Agnes Moorhead and the strangely good performance by the usually mediocre Tim Holt in Orson Welles’ second masterpiece. Adams is and has been a provocative writer on the rise and fall of “mumblecore�— an indie rebellion that, like all indie rebellions, was co-opted fast. Last winter, I watched Adams at work directing a scene for Babnik. I was there for two and a half hours, and mostly what I


saw were people crossing the room. I sat on a spiral staircase behind the reflectors and the boom mikes. The improvised studio was quiet enough to hear the droning of a B-52 wheeling overhead from Ames/NASA. The scene involved girls auditioning for what seems to be a legitimate modeling agency, doing the pony walk for a slightly sinister group of Russians. One girl posed, sitting, smiling prettily, on the edge of a three-legged stool. Behind me in the break room, the mother, a chaperone for one of the female players lounged in a conical chair. (“Only one minor in this picture,� Adams says later. “I would have liked to have had more. It’s more creepy that way.�) The scene was completely unexplicit but completely insinuating. A model entered, wearing high heels, rolling her shoulders in her tight, low-cut ultramarine dress; a Russian emigrant, Misha, newly in the sex trade looking her over, pantomimed to her how to thrust out her hip. “Tip your head. I want to see your eyes.� Adams told Michael Umansky, the actor playing Misha: “You need to manhandle her more . . . harder, faster, whirlwind. Touchy-touchy. Be brutal. Make this clear to anyone watching that this is a kind of sexual manipulation.� Alejandro padded around on rubber sandals in a jersey and shorts. He took care of business, cutting the air-conditioning because of sound leakages. He instructed some Russian extras in the background to talk to each other so the sound would percolate in from off-camera. Directing is much a matter of directing traffic as much as directing performances. “Your walk is a little campy, give me something more natural�—this was Adams’ note to one of the Russians’ security officers, who sported, for the part, a peroxided blond pompadour. Or pimpadour if you will. Adams’ work was efficient. He did not expend an enormous amount of time on retakes or reverse angles but insisted on constant momentum, both in the foreground and in the back of the frame. He was working from a script outline. Earlier, Adams had sent me page describing the day’s work. It was more suggestion than script, explaining “the elaborate but practicalminded flattery� going on in the scenes. Misha, the director of Russian Models Ventures, would be sweet-talking the girls, repeating the sales pitch he uses to sell them worthless vitamin supplements and beauty products. Later, watching a rough cut of Babnik, it struck me that Adams’ particular angle was the work-day world. Babnik is a film about the bad jobs of immigrants, bad for the sellers, worse for the sold. The theme strikes me as consistent. Adams explores the solitude of a workingstiff repo-woman in Canary. The father in Around the Bay is at the breaking point from overwork in the field of venture capitalism. Adams might suspect such an analysis overemphasizes plot, when he believes that his form is more important than his content. It’s easier to write about plots than about Adams’ intense yet allusive focus, his intelligent sound design, his probing yet cooled-down

use of inflammatory material and the pensive quiet force he lets loose in the actors.

The Sell How does a filmmaker facing a series of artistic challenges change gears and learn to sell himself ? Most recently, Adams held an online roundtable at his website BraintrustDV.com. The essays at BraintrustDV are both hopeful and ridden with informed pessimism. (A disclaimer: I’m a full-time critic, and I haven’t heard of some of these films, either, which of course has nothing to do with their merit.) Some comments: Reid Gershbein (of Here. My Explosion ‌): “I would rather have 1,000 people see my film for free than have 2 people pay me $15 for a DVD.â€? Noah Harlan, producer of The Vanishing Point and Plum Rain: “I believe that a performance without an audience is masturbation.â€? Clive Davies-Frayne, co-director of No Place: “The bottom line though is it’s all just people shouting for attention to a world that hates being shouted at. There is an answer. Mutual-marketing or tribal marketing.â€? Tony Comstock of the erotica/ documentary series Finding the Right Fit: “With all the hype around Sundance, Tribeca, Berlin, whatever, it’s hard to accept that there isn’t any money in it.â€? Finally, Angelo Bell of The Broken Hearts Club weighs in: “Kill the Auteur. Long Live the Entrepreneur.â€? Where will these new entrepreneurs sell their films? The lineup at Tribeca this year was half what it was in 2008. The San Francisco International Film Festival runs at the same time as Tribeca and it’s ruinous that the festivals overlap, given the limited number of filmmakers and cineastes in the world. James Stern of Endgame Entertainment opened his conference keynote speech at the L.A. Film Festival this year with the numbers: there were nearly 10,000 films submitted to Sundance this year, of which 218 were screened, of which three were distributed. Sundance isn’t the only game in town. Moviemaker.com lists the 25 festivals worth the entry fee, including the Napa Sonoma Wine Country Festival. Still, Poppy Jasper’s “Art in 30 minutes or lessâ€? motto is going to keep feature filmmakers out. Of course, Cinequest in San Jose continues to be an outlet for international talents and a chance for indie filmmakers to get the attention due them. At Cinequest 2005, filmmaker James Ricardo played his film Sunnyvale. He retitled it as Opie Gets Laid and found a small DVD distributor. Ricardo writes in: “There are all kinds of distribution these days, and I respect them all. But I guess I wanted to go with the more traditional distribution route and not just Internet only. Plus a distribution deal with a major distributor adds more street cred to your film, I feel. Maybe it’s just me but I love seeing those studio logos on DVDs and movie posters. “I still think at the end of the day people

Indentured Talent I can remember when an old-time film critic published an article about his

experience of watching five films in one day, and how that seemed like wretched excess. I’m sure there are dozens of bloggers who do this every day, every week. There are people I know who are on the film-festival circuit almost full time, and their source of income is an utter mystery to me. They’re not getting rich from the money they’re not making at blogs. Perhaps they live in their van? Around us are the growing pains of new ways to show alternative film: what we have now is a system that burns out and indebts talent. New film societies create new fests, occasionally with celebrities responsible, such as Tilda Swinton’s Anti-Film Festival in Nairn, Scotland. It’s made to be a Scottish answer to Telluride (which itself is held at an aerie in the Colorado Rockies; it might be harder to get there than to the Scottish Highlands). The particularly remote Midnight Sun Film Festival in Sodankylä, Finland, last month brought John Boorman and Samira Makhmalbaf to the caribou-haunted tundra.

Where will these new entrepreneurs sell their films? If viewing context is all, seeing films so far from the centers of opinion, like New York or L.A., must offer a fresh perspective. On the one hand, this is cinema appreciation free from status-seeking. On the other hand, it’s like Versailles with theaters: so very far from the crowd, celebrities can re-create the experience of group movie watching without having their shirtsleeves tugged by the wrong people. Meanwhile, festival selection committees and what’s left of the film watching press—in the ether or on paper—all have something in common. That is: a stack of DVDs next to the television, slippery and tottering. Small as they are, each one is as heavy as a manhole cover when it comes time to pop it into the player. If you have a mate, they moan like the burn victims they are at the suggestion of spending an evening taking a chance on a raw indie film talent. And in the for-us, by-us indie film milieu, the actual open floodgates have meant that the “universal language” aspect of film maybe on its way out. I fear that a collaborative art made for an audience of all kinds fades into the hermetic quality of the poorly attended poetry reading and hoot night at the Gilded Turkey Pub. I’m haunted by Tony Comstock’s comments on BraintrustDV. The New York director of Finding the Right Fit, profiles a series of different couples, not traditional beauties (one couple is maybe in their 60s); Comstock’s focus in these serious and tender documentaries is explicit lovemaking. My point is that when you have a director complaining he can’t get an audience to watch people having sex, the scene is glutted and in trouble.

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want to watch feature films on a big screen TV or on the movie screen, not on a PDA or a computer. It isn’t the same experience otherwise. And it’s not really fair to the filmmaker’s vision either.” Tamara May Malone, producer of the Los Angeles–made indie film A Quiet Little Marriage, says an indie film needs “a long tail of distribution. How do you market and get your film out there, for the longest period of time to the most amount of people? The Internet is opening up uncharted territory— but we still don’t know how its trajectory is going—how it will make money, how we’ll get people to see this kind of material, and how to see it at home.” Matthew Szymanowski, who is heading for film school at San Francisco State this fall, emailed me out of nowhere to ask if I could look at his film. He had worked as a volunteer at Cinequest but didn’t get his film accepted. He had just finished History of Solitude, an intriguing 32-minute film he made at the renowned Polish film school at Lodz, the school of Polanski and Kieslowski. Szymanowski had a film playing at 2009’s San Francisco International Film Festival Narrative Short in competition for the Golden Gate Award, but he didn’t have the money to get from Poland to San Francisco to screen it. Any suggestions? I hear from him again later. Somehow he got to San Francisco, and I make a quick pass by the festival to pick up a screener. The IMBd description, used word for word in the festival’s catalogue: “The ache of a relationship slowly disintegrating is honestly and vividly captured in this road movie with no clear destination.” While I’m certainly ready for that, my experience is that there’ll be others who will just roll their eyes; who wants to see aching, who wants to see destination-free filmmaking? He tells me that I will be able to recognize him because he has the starving-artist look. Maybe not, since there’s a lot of it going around these days. Szymanowski tells me, “The whole festival process is in itself a big hassle, because after you’re done with a film, and it’s all edited and mixed and ready to be screened, you kind of imagine that people will just gather around and see it. But then you realize you have to actively send it out and get press on it and do marketing and continue to do so, until finally someone sees something worthy in the film. Because you know that the film is good but it’s a matter of finding the festival that agrees with you. That takes time. I continue to send the film out to festivals, but eventually I’d like to put it online and focus solely on the next projects.” This determination is essential. Filmmakers have to demand attention. Still, I’m getting my own bitter on listening to these stories: the rare successes, the plentiful defeats. People ask why critics get hardened. Maybe it’s because we have to do a bit of bulldozing to try to make some room for talents who need it.

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F744; C8<4 Lois Pearlman and Arnie House costar in ‘Miss Daisy.’

=^\PS 2^\_P]h Pegasus Theater Company loses a home and gains everything else By David Templeton


ig Changes at Pegasus Theater Company� was the eye-grabbing headline that appeared several weeks ago on the Pegasus Theater Company’s website, accompanied by a long letter explaining the gory details: after more than 10 years at Monte Rio’s Pegasus Hall—the theater for which Pegasus was named—the scrappy little river town theater troupe was given its eviction notice. After months of negotiations and at least one last-minute extension of the lease, the company was unable to come to an agreement with the building’s owner, Michael Tabib, who, ironically enough, founded the original Pegasus Theater Company. Now an official nonprofit, Pegasus gets to keep their name. Along with a decade of great memories, that name is now the company’s only concrete connection to Pegasus Hall, their home since 1998. Such circumstances have spelled the end for many theater organizations, young and old. But the actors and crew of Pegasus, after a short period of public mourning, decided not to give up so easily.




“We decided that old dogs can learn new tricks,� says Lois Pearlman, a longtime actor with and director for Pegasus, “and that maybe we even have a few new tricks up our sleeve. We’ve built a pretty solid little theater community out here on the river, and none of us wanted it to end—though for a while it looked like it might be the end.� “It wasn’t a complete shock, we did have some time to adjust to the idea before it actually happened,� explains Nancy Hansen, Pegasus’ new artistic director. “It was June 10 of 2008 that we first got notice of our possible eviction. So we’ve had a year to plan for this. We tried really hard to come to an agreement with the landlord, but ultimately, we were asked to leave. So here we are.� And by here, Hansen means nowhere. Homeless. Or to use the phrase now adopted by the surprisingly cheerful Pegasus gang, “free.� “Were free, it’s true,� Pearlman agrees. “We’re free of monthly expenses, for one thing. We are now free to explore possibilities that weren’t open to us when we were responsible for paying a monthly rent. We really are trying to be as positive as we can. We’ve decided to say,

‘OK, this is the way it is. Let’s move on. What do we really want to do now?� To come up with an answer to that question, the company met every first Sunday at Guerneville’s Village Inn, which has donated space for Pegasus to hold meetings, playwriting workshops and other get-togethers. “Obviously, one of the big challenges, initially, was not having our own physical spot to meet,� Hansen says. “Our first instinct was to find a new theater somewhere, even if it meant moving out of Guerneville. But around New Years, we decided that Pegasus theater company is a company, first and foremost. This company is about a group of people making theater, it’s not about a building. So, over the course of a few meetings, we talked out all the possibilities, and it was pretty much a consensus that we wanted to stay in Guerneville. We did have other opportunities. We could have moved up to the 101 corridor. We had an opportunity to do shows out in Jenner. But we all agreed that we want to continue to serve the Russian River community we’ve always served, and Guerneville is the hub of that community.� Home or no home, the people of Pegasus

decided to announce their 2009 season, the first production of which is Alfred Uhry’s beloved Driving Miss Daisy, to be staged in the sanctuary of the Guerneville Community Church. The play, which inspired the Oscar-winning movie featuring Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy, and Dan Ackroyd, opens July 10, is being directed by Hansen, and will feature Pearlman as Miss Daisy, Arnie House as Miss Daisy’s African-American chauffer Hoke and Donovan Dutro as Miss Daisy’s son. The choice of the Guerneville Community Church, affiliated with the United Church of Christ, may not be as off-the-wall as one might think. The church has already established itself as a creative hub and cultural center, and is also the headquarters of Guerneville’s low-powered local radio station KGGV 95.1-FM, located in a one-time broom closet. According to Hansen, the church is a perfect spot to launch Pegasus’ first season away from Pegasus Hall, since both institutions are solidly rooted in serving their communities. Plus, it’s a beautiful church. “It’s really a lovely venue,” Hansen says. “The church has a definite feel-good environment, with wooden pews and wooden walls.” There were logistical issues to work out, for sure, but Pearlman says that both parties were eager to make the arrangement work, and have each accepted compromises as Pegasus moves toward opening night. “It’s certainly different than when we were more or less in charge of our own space,” Pearlman laughs. “We can’t actually get into the church to set up our until a week before the opening, but that’s all right. Also, we’ll have to take our set down on Saturday nights to make room for church services on Sunday. That’s why we decided not to have Sunday matinees.” “That’s where we’ve been spoiled,” Hansen says with a smile. “Having Pegasus Hall as a home base meant that once the set went up it stayed there till the play was over.” “Of course, one of the beauties of doing Driving Miss Daisy,” says Pearlman, “is that aside from it being written so well, it is also written for a minimal set. That’s the way the playwright wanted it to be done, a very minimal set, with very slight changes to show the passage of 20 years in the course of 20 scenes.” Pegasus’ other major project of the moment is the next installment of “Tapas,” their popular ongoing short-play series. Though not scheduled to run until summer of 2010, each “Tapas” series is a major undertaking, so the organizers are getting ready to start requesting submissions soon, in tangent with an ongoing short-play workshop class, lead by 2009 “Tapas” playwright David Beckman, to take place this month at the Village Inn. “I think ‘Tapas’ is probably our most f lexible and vigorous project,” Hansen says, “almost a theater company unto

itself. We’ve proven that ‘Tapas’ has a huge following within the community, as far as audience. People really look forward to it and then they show up in large numbers. It’s important that we continue this. There’s not a lot of opportunity, out on the river, to see a lot of new plays.” As Hansen and Pearlman explain it, the freedom afforded by being homeless also allows Pegasus to try completely new things, things they’d have been reticent to try in the past. “We’d like to do a play in Spanish,” Pearlman says. “We’ve always harbored these desires to really outrageous things, but knew that if we didn’t bring in an audience we couldn’t pay our rent, so that limited the kinds of chances we could afford to take. Now with no home, we can afford to take chances.” “We’re taking it one day at a time,” Hansen adds. “We’re reading a lot of plays, dreaming of the future.” With a delighted chuckle she adds, “I’m mostly reading short plays with just a few characters, plays that are as mobile as possible.”

‘This company is about a group of people making theater, it’s not about a building.’ —Nancy Hansen

And speaking of mobile, Pearlman mentions one possibility that will new meaning the Pegasus’ new label as a nomad company. “It’s been suggested,” she says, “that we get a big f latbed truck and do a tour of Sonoma County, parking in shopping malls or parks and putting on a play for whoever happens to be there. That’s a crazy, impossible idea—but now, it’s not out of the question. We just might do that some day.”

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We Ride. Join Us! ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ runs Thursday-Saturday July 10-Aug. 1, at the Guerneville Community Church, 14520 Armstrong Woods Road. $15; Thursdays, pay what you can. 707.522.9043 or www.pegasustheater.com. Pegasus’ Short Play Writing Workshop will be held on two Saturdays, July 18 and 25,at the Village Inn, 20822 River Blvd., Monte Rio. $25. Call the box office, number above, for more details.

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New one-man show a study in the evolution of one-man show

By David Templeton


n the opening moments of Rick Reynolds’ enjoyably self-obsessed one-man show, Only the Truth is Funny: Mid-Life at the Oasis, the semi-reclusive stand-up comic-turnedperformance artist deftly relates his three rules for a happy and contended life. No. 1: The knowledge that you were loved as a child. No. 2: The belief in a benevolent God. No. 3: Participation in a loving romantic relationship. Possession of all three of these elements, Reynolds says, is a guaranteed shot at a life filled with good things; two of them is still better than most people; and even one of them gives you a step-up toward some semblance of contentment and happiness. Without any of these, Reynolds believes, you are pretty much screwed. This established, he goes on through the bulk of a brisk and funny 90-minute show—currently running at Cinnabar Theater in Petaluma—to relate why none of these all-important ingredients exist in his own life: he was unloved as a child, is solidly atheistic and was divorced almost a decade ago (and hasn’t gotten laid for six years). Yet he still goes on to end his show on a huge up-note, with a common-

sense road map to finding true and lasting happiness—no matter how screwed up one’s childhood might have been. The original Only the Truth is Funny, the show that made Reynolds moderately famous in the 1990s, was a then-pioneering blend of stand-up comedy and frank personal confession. The show played for years in San Francisco before moving on to Hollywood and Broadway. Reynolds followed it up with another show, All Grown Up . . . and No Place to Go, which was adapted into a short-lived television series. For the last decade or so, Reynolds has been writing screenplays and television pilot scripts, keeping a low profile at his Petaluma home. Several months ago, on off-nights at the Cinnabar Theater, Reynolds began workshopping a new version of Only The Truth is Funny, folding in new material with the aim of taking the revamped show on the road again, perhaps even back to Broadway. This summer, he’s back at Cinnabar with another run of an even tighter, funnier and more philosophical script, with a name that reveals the ongoing evolution of the show (the addition of the catchy, if slightly toocute Mid-Life at the Oasis). Leaner and meaner, the new show has further honed Reynolds’ patented comic-laidbare monologue style, delivering a show that almost seamlessly f lows from stand-up shtick (like his classic lounge-singer-paralyzedfrom-the-neck-up bit) to true-life storytelling (Reynolds displays one of the ski masks his bank-robbing step dad knitted while in prison) to snarkily intriguing philosophical observations (if you think Reynolds is pretty good looking, you are probably not such a prize yourself ). This new show is also brisker and performed without intermission. Fans of the original show will welcome the news that all the most talked-about bits are still in place, but the show is much fresher with the additional new material, smidgens of which have been borrowed from some of his other shows. The highlight of the night, and its surprisingly uplifting heart, is the moment where Reynolds lists all of the things that make his life worth living. It’s an inspiring roster, reminding us that in order to enjoy our lives, we need not have grand daily adventures or achieve great things. We need only recognize those things that give us pleasure. Always adept at thinking on his feet, Reynolds keeps loose enough on stage to sometimes improvise, reacting to front row facial expressions with wry commentary on the make-up of his audience. On a Thursday night last week, he even turned a slip-of-thetongue (replacing the word “partner� with “FARTner�) into a hilarious tangent (“It’s sad when the biggest laugh of your show is a mistake!�). Wherever this new funny and thoughtful evolution takes Reynolds, it’s good to know he’s still in the game, good to see he’s still outspoken and cynical—but maybe a little more hopeful—and still finding the funny in life’s everyday truths. ‘Only the Truth is Funny: Mid-Life at the Oasis’ runs Wednesday-Thursday through Aug. 6 at the Cinnabar Theater, 3333 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma. 8pm. $20-$25. 707.763.8920.


A>2:4C <0= Sam Rockwell gets lost in space.

B_PRT <PS]Tbb There may be more than one man on the ‘Moon’

By Richard von Busack


wear not by the inconsistent Moon, to paraphrase Shakespeare. There’s been a vigorous internet campaign for Duncan Jones’ indie film, but if you ask “How good is Moon?� the reply has to be: “Well, how old are you?� This movie will make a bright, science fiction filmloving 15-year-old very happy. The novelty factor of Moon increases with the youth of the viewer, who won’t remember movies like Dark Star or Outland, and who’ll have no f licker of recognition when they hear the name “Rod Serling.� Filmic essays celebrate the director (Duncan Jones is David Bowie’s son) as a man who brought the moon home for just $5 million. He did this with old-fashioned ideas like the use of miniatures and a lunar set—a moonscape not any more convincing, but just as much fun, as the fake moon set

for the lunar module sequence in Diamonds Are Forever. But most of Moon takes place indoors in a few rooms in a space station. The idea of making space working-class, dirty and treacherous is likely enough. The results, however, are a film that’s visually monotonous rather than hauntingly claustrophobic. Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is a miner, assigned to a three-year shift on the dark side of the moon mining Helium-3. His only companion is a living computer named Gerty. The bot’s measured, ambiguous tones come from Kevin Spacey. Gerty’s weirdly chilling emoticon face, a corporate innovation to keep the long-term lunar employee tranquil, is Moon’s single best idea. Sam is counting the days until he gets to go home, but things start to go wrong. Already, communications with the earth (and with his beloved wife) are fritzing out, and he sees strange glimpses of another figure through the station’s monitors. Eventually, after he crashes his lunar truck and wakes up in sickbay, Sam begins to feel he’s not alone on the moon. A ghost, or a living doppelganger, must be aboard the dingy station with him. Unfortunately, Moon has Sam Rockwell acting by himself when history has proven that Rockwell is at his best as a sidekick; he needs other actors to bounce off of. Rockwell is a funny, shambling player, at his best in wildly comic and uncanny work, and very rich in deep space adventures like Galaxy Quest and A Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. Acting by oneself in a room is a challenge to even the best—what might work on stage gets tedious under a camera lens. Some fans of Moon argue that it’s not the technique or the movie’s derivative sourcing that matters as much as what the film has to say about identity. It makes you wonder: how much science fiction writing do science fiction film fans read? They can claim that Moon raises tantalizing questions; sadly, the questions all have a pat answer, blown by most of the reviews to date. There’s a terrifying passage in T. S. Eliot’s poem “The Waste Land�—re-quoted by Jeffrey Lee Pierce in the Gun Club song “Brother and Sister�: “Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count there are only you and I together.� Eliot notes the lines “were stimulated by the account of one of the Antarctic expeditions . . . it was related that the party of explorers, at the extremity of their strength, had the constant delusion that there was one more member than could actually be counted.� As Eliot knew, this kind of fright—being thousands of miles from anywhere and seeing a strange figure just out of the corner of the eye—can never find a resolution as satisfying as the setup. Moon is a horror story, despite the brave claims being made for its philosophical depths. Like all horror stories, it must face that terrible point where the audience demands a reasonable explanation for all of this. Ultimately, Jones gives us the reasonable explanation (corporate evil) but he can’t supply a great final twist on a story that would have been deft at 60 minutes on The Outer Limits. ‘Moon’ opens on Friday, July 10, at the Rialto Lakeside Cinemas, 551 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa. 707.525.4840.



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Film capsules by Richard von Busack and Jeff Latta. THE BOHEMIAN




THUGZ Sat July 11 • $12

RUSTY EVANS “Johnny Cash”

Fri July 17

BROTHER CAT Sat July 18 • $6

POYNTLYSS SISTARS All Music 6–10pm • All Shows $5 unless noted

Swimming Pool Open to Public Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner • Brunch on Weekends

Full Bar • Live Bands 707.869.0821 | 14540 Canyon 2, Rio Nido






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Hat, Guitar, Boots Recently seen around these parts walking out of the theater halfway through the Merle Haggard/Kris Kristofferson show in Santa Rosa last month, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott lives up to both definitions of his nickname. Talkative as hell, he’s been known to spend more time telling stories than singing music on stage, and he’s rambled all around the mountains and tumbleweeds of this country—one time even making up a missed show by calling the club and performing via phone booth. A former cowhand and early Dylan acolyte, the 77-year-old Elliott has ascended to the title of national treasure; he appeared with Bruce Springsteen at Pete Seeger’s big birthday bash at Madison Square Garden earlier this year, and his latest album, A Stranger Here, is garnering rave reviews. He stops in for a special intimate show on Sunday, July 12, at the Hopmonk Tavern. 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 8:30pm. $15-$20. 707.829.7300.


Hidden by Rags The Smiths are easily the most puzzling and improbable band to undertake for a tribute. How dare anyone place their own imprint on one of the most beloved and personal catalogues of recorded music form the last 30 years? Hundreds of Smiths cover songs have painfully and uselessly been foisted on the public with a 99 percent failure rate, and yet This Charming Band, a tribute to Morrissey, Marr, Rourke and Joyce, is a shocking triumph. This has much to do with the vocals of “Orlandissey,� who captures the most confounding aspect of the Smiths— Morrissey’s highly individual vocal inf lection and tone—with jaw-dropping precision. They headline an appropriately gloomy lineup with Luv’n Rockets (a Love and Rockets tribute band) and Dead Souls (a Joy Division tribute band) on Saturday, July 11, at the Last Day Saloon. 120 Fifth St., Santa Rosa. 9:30pm. $7-$9. 707.545.2343.


Serf’s Up Among the plentiful new crop of bands from the burgeoning Napa scene, Serf and James sticks out like a sweet, pleasant thumb. Often playing shows with louder, more abrasive bands, the young group is catchy and engaging enough to garner admiration from both teenaged screamo fans and older college-rock aficionados. Whether he knows it or not, singer Serf falls

somewhere between M. Ward and Ed Droste, with a voice that soars and contracts with such natural nuance and falsetto control over wellwritten songs that it’s a wonder his band is still playing local shows. Silo’s has been wonderfully expanding their music schedule in recent months, and worth applause is the booking of Serf and James, appearing on Sunday, July 12, at Silo’s Jazz Club. 530 Main St., Napa. 5pm. Free. 707.251.5833.

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Watermarked Skill Art Williams was a personal driver in Chicago who kept telling his client, a Hollywood producer, that he had a perfect story for a movie. The producer blew him off, hearing such pitches on a daily basis. But at the end of the week, he finally relented, and over lunch learned that Williams had been one of the country’s most successful counterfeiters in history, having faked over $10 million of currency with exacting attention to detail. Rolling Stone writer Jason Kersten was put on the case, and his resulting book, The Art of Making Money: The Story of a Master Counterfeiter, chronicles Williams’ materials and methodology as well as his eventual undoing. Added poignancy lies in the fact that the crackdown came not from Williams’ love of money but of family, in a search for his long-lost father. Kersten discusses this fascinating story on Saturday, July 11, at Book Passage. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera. 7pm. Free. 415.927.0960.


The Place to Be Dive bars are great and all, but for the young art-conscious crowd, a Corona poster with cleavage and booty shorts ain’t exactly Basquiat. If you’ve been meaning to sneak in a f lask from the corner store into the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art’s puzzle exhibit, sneak no more! The museum offers liquor, music, dancing and a room full of twentysomethings checking out art (and each other) with Mix, an ongoing series of essential get-togethers for those in the know. This week’s soiree features worldbeat grooves courtesy of DJ Michel Saga and a Northern Indian dance performance by Kathak dance expert Dmitra Smith, with hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and the elusive electricity present when social interaction is at its friskiest. The best part? Admission gets you a SVMA membership for an entire year, with one free drink and free admission to future Mix events. You can’t go wrong on Saturday, July 11, at the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art. 551 Broadway, Sonoma. $25; free to members. 707.939.7862.

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the last day saloon DON’T FORGET‌WE SERVE FOOD TOO!

Mc Near’s Dining House Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BBQ • Pasta • Steak




7/14 8:30 PM SHOW > $10 > ROCK




SUN 7/19 • 7:00PM DOORS • $25 • 21+ ROCK/BLUES

7/17 9:30 PM SHOW > $15 > 80'S DANCE



THUR 7/23 • 7:00PM DOORS • $20 • 21+ HARD ROCK


7/18 9:30 PM SHOW > $8 > 80'S RETRO




BAND CAMP 7/21 8:30 PM SHOW > $20/23 > ROCK


7/29 8:30 PM SHOW > $20 > ROCK


SAT 7/25 • 7:00PM DOORS • $18 • 21+ COUNTRY ROCK



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7/31 9:00 PM SHOW > $22/25 > POP ROCK

SAT 8/1 • 7:00PM DOORS • $22 ADV/$25 DOS • 21+ LATIN ROCK

COLIN HAY (former frontman of Men At Work)

8/2 8:00 PM SHOW > $15 > BLUES




THUR 8/6 • 7:00PM DOORS • $27 ADV/$30 DOS • 21+ BLUES/ROCK


8aZkZaVcYÉh [^cZhi ]^\]"heZZY gVeeZgh WZ]^cY hjX] ]^ih Vh ĂˆI]V 8gdhhgdVYhÉ VcY Ăˆ;^ghi d[ i]V Bdci]É Ygde Wn [dg V gZijgc Zc\V\ZbZci# ?ja && Vi -# (%# E]dZc^m I]ZViZg! '%& : LVh]^c\idc Hi! EZiVajbV! ,%,#,+'#(*+*#

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8dgiZ BVYZgV HjbbZg Bjh^X

7/30 8:30 PM SHOW > $10 > ROCK



7^aa 8]VbWZgh

7dcZ I]j\h"c"=Vgbdcn


FRI 7/17 • 7:30PM DOORS • $15 • 21+ REGGAE

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6aZ_VcYgd :hXdkZYd



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PRIDE & JOY 7/11 9:30 PM SHOW > $7/9 > 80'S RETRO

SAT 7/11 • 8:00PM DOORS • $15 • 21+



7/10 9:00 PM SHOW > $15 > MOTOWN



the best place for live music, dancing and dining




nightclub & restaurant

7/9 9:30 PM SHOW > $10/12 > JAM BAND

FRI 7/10 • 7:00PM DOORS • $25 • 18+ ROCK (ACOUSTIC DUO SHOW)


JANIVA MAGNESS all shows are 21+ unless noted get reserved show seating with advance dinner reservations


for reservations: 707.545.5876 For All Ages Shows • No Children Under 6 Allowed

23 Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma



120 5th street @ davis street santa rosa, ca

www.mcnears.com 36




2A44?8=½ >= 07 2><4 D?

Bone Thugs-n-Harmony play the Phoenix Theater July 11. See Concerts, above.

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A>2:8=ž C74 <833;4 A4027 Free music series at C. Donatiello Winery

ark in a gravel parking lot and walk up steps covered in herbs, crushed with each visitor’s foot. Take in the gardens, where everything is planted to evoke a certain taste or smell found in wine. On the back deck of the estate’s guest house, find a . . . rock musician? This is Live at the Middle Reach, the summertime music series at C. Donatiello Winery, which provides further antidote to the old-guard notion of tasting rooms as stuffy parlors of condescension. The concerts have been well-attended, especially after Gomez frontman Ian Ball stopped by last year—on his 33rd birthday. (Casual and loose, Ball invited the audience up from the scattered tables onto the stage, where dancing and singing “Happy Birthdayâ€? ensued amongst the Russian River Valley views.) “We believe that all these things go togetherâ€”ďŹ ne wine, music, art,â€? says C. Donatiello’s Robert Conard. “All of these things are intertwined into the lifestyle that wine is all about. I don’t think they’re too far removed from one another.â€? This year’s series kicked off with Maria Taylor, one-half of the Saddle Creek Records duo Azure Ray, and includes upcoming appearances by Summer Mencher, a ďŹ ne indie songwriter from San Diego (pictured above); Nashville’s Carey Ott, signed to Dualtone records; the Dani Paige Band, fresh from opening for George Thorogood; Jason Damato, a feel-good Jack Johnson type; and Barba Shassus, a great band from Seattle that sounds a little like . . . well, Gomez, actually. A half-dozen or so other performers round out the summertime schedule, running through September. “Stylistically, we wanted to focus on music that was a little more of our generation,â€? Conard says, “that was approachable to Gen Xers and Millenials and not exclusive of Baby Boomers.â€? The “Middle Reachâ€? descriptor—an old miner’s term—was unearthed by Donatiello from the history books to designate a more speciďŹ c winegrowing region in the large Russian River AVA, says Conard. Amongst the C. Donatiello gardens and the guest house—which doubles as the green room for performers—the setting is quintessentially wine country. This Sunday brings Fred Odell, a sandpaper-voiced songwriter inuenced by Neil Young and the Byrds, and who plays the hell out of “Gallows Pole.â€? Buy a glass or three when he performs on Sunday, July 12, at C. Donatiello Winery. 4035 Westside Road, Healdsburg. 1pm. Free to patrons. 800.497.3376.


Gabe Meline

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THUR ! JULY 9 ! 9:30PM


Bjge]n"<ddYZ IVhi^c\ Gddb

FRI ! JULY 10 ! 9:30PM


?ja &%! ?Vo HVlnZg i]Z =^\] HdX^Zin Fj^ciZi# '% BVi]Zhdc Hi! =ZVaYhWjg\! -%%#)..#,+))#

SAT ! JULY 11 ! 9:30PM ! $10

Bjge]nÉh >g^h] EjW


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SUN ! JULY 12 ! 5:00PM


Bnhi^X I]ZVigZ


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WEDS ! JULY 15 ! 9:30PM


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THURS ! JULY 16 ! 9:30PM

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LINDSEY ERIN BAND, P.O.E. FRI ! JULY 17 ! 9:30PM ! $10


E]dZc^m I]ZViZg




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0?6A60Âś@ 05<602 Across the bridge

I]Z Odd

Wednesday, July 8

Your GF’s Favorite DJ Thursday, July 9

DJ Ty-Roy Friday, July 10 @ 7:00pm

Jennifer Tucker Acoustic Folk Rock


Saturday, July 11 @ 9:00pm

21 Grams

Weigh in 9:30, Meeting 10:00 AFRICAN AND WORLD MUSIC DANCE with Victoria Strowbridge


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Alternative Funk


Santa Rosa’s Social Hall since 1922



I]Z K^cZ

7:00pm Scottish Country Dancing Tues, Jul 14 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 9:30am WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING

1400 W. College Avenue • Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 • www.monroe-hall.com

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Weigh in 3:30, Meeting 4:00


Cd CVbZ 7Vg

HVnadgÉh AVcY^c\

IdVY ^c i]Z =daZ EjW

Wed, Jul 8 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45 Jazzercise 10:00-12:15pm Scottish Dance Youth and Family 7:00-10:00pm Singles & Pairs Square Dance Club Thur, Jul 9 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 7:25-10:30pm Circles & Squares Square Dance Club Fri, Jul 10 8:45-9:45am Jazzercise 10:30-11:30am Intro to ZUMBA with Anna 7:30pm California Ballroom (Emily’s Dance Center) hosts an EVENING OF BALLROOM, LATIN, WEST COAST SWING AND NIGHTCLUB DANCING (lessons included) $10 Sat, Jul 11 8:00-9:00am; 9:15-10:15am Jazzercise 10:30-11:40am NEW!Salsa Workout with DJ Steve Luther 7:00-11:00pm DJ Steve Luther presents WALTZAPALOOZA! Only $10 Sun, Jul 12 8:30-9:30am Jazzercise 10:15–11:15am Zumba with Anna 1:30–3:30pm Vintage Dance 5:00–9:30pm DJ Steve Luther Country-Western Lessons & Dancing $10 Mon, Jul 13 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 3:30pm WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING

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3458=8=6 0= 4A0 Orzabal and Smith captured the unsteadiness of the 1980s like no other pop group.

<T\^aXTb 5PST How Tears for Fears pulled themselves back together

By Gabe Meline


t was the end of the 1980s and Curt Smith from Tears for Fears had it all: a string of hit singles, his face all over MTV and hundreds of thousands of fans. And then, having lost his passion for music, he left it behind, packing up and moving to New York, leaving the other half of the band, Roland Orzabal, to carry on alone. With the band recently reunited and on the phone from his Los Angeles home, Smith considers what he and Orzabal—his best friend since age 13—came to odds about almost 20 years ago. “Probably everything,� he states. “What weren’t we at odds about? I think musically we were starting to grow apart, and personally—absolutely, we were starting to grow apart as people.� Smith’s departure at the end of the ’80s was a timely exit. Tears for Fears virtually defined “out of place� in the image-obsessed, Flock of Seagulls-laden 1980s pop hit sphere. With their biggest hit “Shout� based on the primal scream therapy of Arthur Janov; with “Woman in Chains� the most effective feminist statement of the ’80s written by a man; with their 1985 album Songs From the Big Chair named for a miniseries on associative identity disorder, the band always inspired a deeper intellectual connection than most ’80s fluff.

“We don’t really write love songs,� Smith says. “They normally involve politics or personal politics, and by that I mean psychology, to some degree; relationships, to some degree. There has to be some sort of meaning in it for us—otherwise it’s a pointless exercise. That’s just how we are as people. And it doesn’t mean that anyone has to understand it.� Of course, in 1985, everyone understood Tears for Fears. Flush with the No. 1 success of hits like “Everybody Wants to Rule the World� and “Head Over Heels,� the two entered the studio for a follow-up, The Seeds of Love, further tipping the group’s political slant. Most who heard the catchy “Sowing the Seeds of Love� playing on every radio in 1989 might have been surprised to actually read the lyrics, liberally peppered with references to government corruption, starvation, education and greed. The album also explored music outside their synth-pop safety zone. “We toured America quite a lot during that period,� Smith explains, “and we started to learn more about American music. If you listen to the Seeds of Love album, you can hear bits of Little Feat, you can hear, in the case of ‘Woman in Chains,’ a bit more gospel, a bit more soul. Steely Dan, even. And this was the first time we’d really listened to this kind of music. In England, it would never get played anywhere.� The album made a splash, but musical and personal differences took their toll— especially, Smith says, “when you’re living in each other’s pockets every day of the week because of work.� After the split, Orzabal kept the Tears for Fears name for 1993’s Elemental, an underrated gem in the band’s timeline that included a scathing song, “Fish Out of Water,� transparently aimed at Smith and his decision to leave. Orzabal sings: “And on the crucifix his mother made / Hangs one more martyr to the hit parade / You’re dreaming your life away.� “I thought it was quite amusing,� Smith says of the song today. “That was a song obviously written out of anger. I’d left the band, he was pissed off, and fair enough.� (Smith recorded a response, “The Sun King,� on his next solo album.) Years later—after a Gary Jules cover of the group’s “Mad World� from the film Donnie Darko slowly became a red-hot hit, and before Kanye West sampled “Memories Fade�—Orzabal asked to meet with Smith, the two had dinner, and the next thing they knew they’d recorded a major comeback album, appropriately titled Everybody Loves a Happy Ending, replete with a buoyant, vintage feel. Pleasantly surprising even the most trepid fans, Happy Ending manages to retain a classic Tears for Fears sound without sounding formulaic or contrived. A successful tour followed, the two get along again, and Smith says it’s almost just like old times. As for the vindictive songs they once wrote for each other? Water under the bridge, says Smith—even though he still feels he got in a humorous last word. “The ‘Fish Out of Water’ thing was a little obtuse,� he says. “And my song was like, ‘Yeah, but you’re fat.’�

CONCERTS & MOVIES Under the Stars! CONCERTS under the stars +#%, H]hc m Gi Gcb XY 7iVU Come salsa & discover Cuban “son�

,#$% ;Ybc 8Y`UZcgY

:fYbW\ FcW_]bÂş 6cc[]Y Dance to spicy Louisana Bayou Zydeco

,#$, JU[UVcbX CdYfU Bohemian cabaret, Paris jazz, swinging Balkan folk-punk

,#%) H\Y B][Yf]Ub 6fch\Yfg H\Y KYgh 5Zf]WUb <][\`]ZY 6UbX African groove guaranteed to put a smile on your face Kids 5 – 18yrs. $5 concert admission with adult ticket

FAMILY FUN themed nights +#%% B][\h cb h\Y ;fYYb Let’s Go Green’s music & comedy to help young minds go green & the musical movie with the greenest of mega-stars

+#&) >cifbYm hc 7\]bU The Lion Dance Team with festive drums and costume & the wonderful animated Panda adventure. Kids 6 and under FREE to all outdoor events!

Tickets at www.marinjcc.org or 415.444.8000 Osher Marin JCC | 200 N. San Pedro in San Rafael

Tears for Fears play Tuesday, July 14, at the Wells Fargo Center. 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa. 8pm. $30-$70. 707.546.3600.




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Ÿ186 10=6½ Work by the master Mike Henderson continues at diRosa Preserve. &% id +# &('- BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV! )&*#*(&#+,**#

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“A Historic

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West Marin Landmark� EST. 1941

July 10 and the

7:00pm / In the Bar Fri

Gdjh^c\ [ZiZ cVi^dcVaZ XZaZWgViZh l^i] l^cZ! ;gZcX] WgZVY! X]ZZhZh! [gj^i VcY XVWVgZi bjh^XVa hina^c\h d[ E^V[! IgZcZi VcY 6ocVkdjg eZg[dgbZY Wn 9jZ O^\]^ 7VX^ VcY MVk^Zg YZ aV EgVYZ# ?ja &) Vi ,# &*# 8]jgX] d[ i]Z DV`h! &+% L H^ZggV 6kZ! 8diVi^! ,%,#+.*#+%.-#

July 17

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8jhidb 7j\ H]dl HidX`! haVbbZY! 7V_V! gV\ide! V^g" XddaZY dg lViZg"XddaZY! ]nYgda^Xh dg higV^\]i gdaa^c!É Kda`hlV\Zc 7ZZiaZ Zci]jh^Vhih l^aa YZa^\]i ^c V XVg h]dl VcY e^cje \^ga XdciZhi l^i] bjh^X Wn 7ajZ CdiZ 8Vih# ?ja . Vi +/(%# ;gZZ# ?@Éh JaigV Adjc\Z! *.* Gd]cZgi EVg` :megZhhlVn! Gd]cZgi EVg`! ,%,#*--#-+'.#

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July 24

>;3 38B2>E4A84B

Artists refashion what has been left behind hen Ahna Adair found an abandoned cardboard box in the lobby of her S.F. apartment building, she looked inside. The box contained the full makings of a woman’s suit, circa early 1960, replete with paper pattern and a particularly vicious brown, orange and green tweed fabric. Adair has since exhaustively examined her neighbor’s unwanted clothing, laying it and photographing its components, unraveling and reweaving the thread onto sterling silver spools, using the remade thread to trace the pattern’s pattern onto the wall, felting components of the dreaded tweed into discs, making sterling silver buttons from “extra� tweed, separating the suit’s grim spectrum into disparate color piles, making cardboard cutouts of the original pattern pieces. . . phew.


Adair’s thorough investigation is one part of “(RE)Consider,� a group exhibit of recent MFA graduates working with found items curated by artist Cameron Kelly and showing at ArtSpace404 through July 16. On Saturday, July 11, Kelly and co-exhibitors Adair, Alicia Escott, Julia Goodman and Amy Keefer host a slumber party in the exhibit space. Exhorting those who are game to bring unfinished projects in all media and even long-neglected mending jobs, the artists intend to sit up all night working before hitting the floor with sleeping bags. Those who are tempted to this party will be rewarded by spending time in the gallery space. Kelly takes the language of fashion and applies it to a tree limb she rescued from the side of the road and placed on leather and satin pillows (above). Rocks she has found are cosseted in remade fabric “packages,� zippered or buckled up and placed on hand-hewn benches or wheeled platforms—all accompanied by zippy text lampooning our serious devotion to frivolous human endeavors and neglect of the ripe beauty of the natural world. Julian Goodman has documented her grief over her father’s death by using the 11 months’ worth of junk mail his address continued to receive after his passing and pulping it into sculpture. On an adjacent wall, Alicia Escott has drawn images of wild animals taken from old National Geographic magazines onto mattress bags and Stella McCartney cornbased shopping bag, the art guaranteed to disintegrate before the baggies do. Amy Keefer obsessively crochets her boyfriend’s used tank tops into their own private language when she’s not crocheting metal in response to the rise and fall of the gold market. These women are smart. ArtSpace404 hosts “Unfinished Projects� overnight on July 11 from 4pm. 404 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa. Free. 707.579.2787.

B^m :c_dn V heZX^Va WaZcY d[ Vgi! bjh^X VcY XdX`iV^ah Vbdc\ egZhZci )'

Big B and his Snake Oil Saviors Original Western Swing 8:30pm / $10

7Vhi^aaZ 9Vn ^c =ZVaYhWjg\


20 min from downtown Petaluma, 25 min from everywhere else!

Jeffrey Halford Healers


7Vhi^aaZ 9Vn 8VWVgZi

8ZaZWgViZ ;gZcX] >cYZeZcYZcXZ 9Vn l^i] ÆIdjg YZ 8dhiZVjmÇ hiVi^dcVgn W^XnXaZ gVXZ VcY higZZi Wdla^c\ l^i] WgZVY WdjaZh! XVc"XVc YVcXZgh! b^bZ eZg[dgbVcXZ Vgi! :^[[Za IdlZg Xdd`^Z YZXdgVi^c\ XdciZhih! ;gZcX] X]^aYgZcÉh \VbZh! l^cZiVhi^c\! Vc VeeZVgVcXZ Wn BVg^Z 6cid^cZiiZ VcY bdgZ# ?ja &)! . id )# ;gZZ# 8dhiZVjm ;gZcX] 7V`Zgn! )&, =ZVaYhWjg\ 6kZ! =ZVaYhWjg\! ,%,#)((#&.&(#

Take a scenic drive for a unique dining experience


Gretchen Giles


July 25

The 85’s Rock and Pop from the 1980’s 8:30pm / $12 / $15

“A Hot Summer Night� with

Shana Morrison 8:30pm / $15


July 31

Petty Theft The Best Petty Tribute & More! 8:30pm / $12

2009 BBQ’s On the Lawn! Gates Open at 3pm, Music at 4pm Sun

July 12

Bluegrass & Newgrass

Jim Lauderdale plus Poor Man’s Whiskey $20


July 19 Sun

July 26

the subdudes $32 / $35

It’s a Party on the Lawn!

Elvin Bishop plus Rancho Deluxe $20

The Paul Thorn Band


Aug 2

$22 / $25

Butch Whacks & The Glass Packs


Aug 9

$25 Sun

Aug 16

In a rare Northern California appearance

The Kronos Quartet $25


Aug 23


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WILLIE K. & very special guest $20



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Aug 30

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9jcXVch B^aah ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi


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‘Minty’ Lewis and Damien Jay Settle bring flavor to the Schulz Museum nhappy Pear is heartbroken after finding out her partner, Banana, is having an affair with Kumquat. A mug with the words “I love you� written on it tells the story of young couple’s shallow and doomed relationship, and the salvaging of self that comes from its ending. Apple, desperate for a vacation, leaves for Florida on his own where he spends a magical evening with the band The Hot Pocketz. He returns home to write them e-mails filled with lonely longing. When he gets the response he has been waiting for, it is a generic fan newsletter.


Cartoonist Melanie “Minty� Lewis of PS Comics and her cartoonist husband Damien Jay of The Natural World will be at the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center on Saturday, July 11. As part of the museum’s ongoing artistin-residence program, the two will be drawing, available to chat and sharing their creative and interesting work. Lewis, who says that she “enjoys Peanuts very much,� has come to appreciate the darkness of Schulz’s work. Speaking by phone from her Berkeley home, she says, “I can appreciate a goofy story, but comics take so much effort and time. It is important to me to make a connection with people.� Her endearing characters, though usually nonhuman, reflect the complexities of the shared human experience. Lewis creates art that is playful and fun, lovable and heartbreaking. She taps into who we are by paying attention. Her stories, she says, come “from different places. I take dialogue from things I over hear, by observing how people think about themselves. One kernel gets me thinking.� When a friend secretly submitted one of Lewis’ comics for the prestigious Ignatz Award for outstanding mini-comic, she won. She remembers, “It felt good. Cartooning is a lonely craft. I get so engaged with the paper and stories, it felt good to know people are enjoying and reading them.� A saltshaker learns the trick to happiness, a quiet receptionist is stirred by the attention of a coworker and an apple writes to deal with loss—these short stories are poignant, thoughtful and important. Melanie “Minty� Lewis and Damian Jay appear on Saturday, July 11, at the Schulz Museum. 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. 1pm to 3pm. Free with $5-$8 admission. 707.579.4452.

Jackie Johansen

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BjhZjb BdcYVnh 8]^aYgZc V\Zh dcZ id [^kZ VcY i]Z^g [Vb^a^Zh VgZ ^ck^iZY id Zc_dn hidgni^bZ! Vgih! XgV[ih VcY bjhZjb VXi^k^i^Zh [gdb &%Vb id cddc# ;gZZ" *# 8]VgaZh B HX]jao BjhZjb! '(%& =VgY^Zh AVcZ! HVciV GdhV! ,%,#*,.#))*'#

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EZiVajbV A^WgVgn IjZh Vi &%! hidgni^bZ [dg V\Zh i]gZZ id [^kZ# LZY Vi &%! WVWni^bZ0 Vi ,! ZkZc^c\ eV_VbV hidgni^bZ ^c HeVc^h] VcY :c\a^h]# ;g^ Vi &%! hidgni^bZ [dg idYYaZgh# HVi Vi )! eVgZci"X]^aY gZVY^c\ \gdje [dg hZXdcY" VcY i]^gY"\gVYZgh# EZiVajbV A^WgVgn! &%% ;V^g\gdjcYh 9g! EZiVajbV! ,%,#,+(#.-%&#

Edh^i^kZ >bV\Zh 6YkdXVXn! hjeedgi VcY ^c[d [dg \Vn! aZhW^Vc! W^hZmjVa! igVch\ZcYZgZY VcY fjZhi^dc^c\ ndjc\ [da`h V\Zh &' id '* l^i] igV^cZY eZZg XdjchZadgh VcY B;I ^ciZgch# ;^ghi VcY i]^gY Bdc Vi +! \ZcYZg ZmeadgVi^dc \gdje# I]jgh Vi ,! Xdc[^YZci^Va hjeedgi bZZi^c\# 6ahd VkV^aVWaZ! Xdbbjc^in ZYjXVi^dc heZV`Zgh [dg ]^\] hX]dda! XdaaZ\Z VcY hZgk^XZ V\ZcX^Zh# Edh^i^kZ >bV\Zh! (&' 8]^cc Hi! HVciV GdhV! ,%,#*+-#*-(%#

G^cXdc KVaaZn A^WgVgn LZY Vi &%/(%! hidgni^bZ [dg idYYaZgh0 Vi &&/(%! [dg egZhX]ddaZgh# ;gZZ# G^cXdc KVaaZn A^WgVgn! +.*. BdciZX^id 7akY! HVciV GdhV! ,%,#*(,#%&+'#

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KVXX^cZh [dg 8]^aYgZc Egd\gVb ;gZZ kVXX^cZh [dg X]^aYgZc VcY ndjc\ VYjaih VXXdbeVc^ZY Wn eVgZcih# 7g^c\ nZaadl ^bbjc^oVi^dc XVgY# IjZh! ( id ,# ?Zl^h] 8dbbjc^in ;gZZ 8a^c^X! )'& : 8diVi^ 6kZ! 8diVi^! ,%,#,.'#&.('#

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8adkZgYVaZ A^WgVgn

L^cYhdg A^WgVgn

IjZh Vi &%/(%! egZhX]dda hidgni^bZ# 8adkZgYVaZ A^WgVgn! )%& C 8adkZgYVaZ 7akY! 8adkZgYVaZ! ,%,#-.)#*',&#

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;an V @^iZ AZVgc hijci `^iZ Xdcigda VcY aVjcX]

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C6E6 8DJCIN 6bZg^XVc 8Vcndc A^WgVgn EgZhX]dda hidgni^bZ! IjZh Vi &%/(%# ;gZZ# 6bZg^XVc 8Vcndc A^WgVgn! ()'& 7gdVYlVn =^\]lVn '. ! 6bZg^XVc 8Vcndc! ,%,#+))#&&(+#

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8Vgdanc EVgg CVijgZ 8ZciZg AZVgc VWdji CVeV 8djcin ]VW^iVih VcY W^gYh d[ egZn i]gdj\] idjgh! Y^dgVbVh! \VbZh! ]VcYh"dc VXi^k^i^Zh VcY Wdd`h# ;gZZ# 8Vgdanc EVgg CVijgZ 8ZciZg BjhZjb! LZhilddY =^aah EVg`! (&%, 7gdlch KVaaZn GY! CVeV! ,%,#'**#+)+*#

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HDCDB6 8DJCIN 8V[Z 6oja :Y 8daZii^Éh gZVY^c\ hZg^Zh [ZVijgZh GVe]VZa 7adX`! 8Vgna ;jaaZg! ?ZVccZ EdlZaa! GVn HlVcZn VcY <dg NVhlZc# ?ja &' Vi '# ;gZZ! ,%,#*,(#*.(*# *'& ;djgi] Hi! HVciV GdhV#

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Simon’s ‘Barefoot’ a strong showcase ll playwrights, including the great ones, have one thing in common: a first play. For Tennessee Williams, it was Candles to the Sun. For Arthur Miller, it was They Too Arise. With very few exceptions, most playwrights don’t make a mark until their third, fourth or fifth plays, with the early work all but entirely forgotten and rarely, if ever, performed. Neil Simon is the exception. Though one could argue he is not on the same level as Williams or Miller, Simon has it over them in that he struck a chord with his very first play, Barefoot in the Park. And, while he’s gone on to write dozens of other plays, many of them quite famous and loaded with awards, that first play has hardly been forgotten, and is still performed with remarkable regularity today, 48 years after it was first staged. It is easy to see why.


As evidenced in its funny, fast-paced production as part of Summer Repertory Theater’s current five-show season, Barefoot is not just a play about newlyweds grappling with the manic-depressive promise of a full new life, it is itself full of promise, heralding the arrival of a playwright with a lovingly skewed view of the modern human condition. In the SRT production, friskily directed by Shad Willingham, this promise is fully embodied by Nicole Erb as the newlywed Corie Bratter. Corie, after just six days married to rising attorney Paul Bratter (Joshua Roberts) has taken to matrimony the way happy cultists take to religious conversion, reveling in every mundane detail of domestic life as she waits for the phone to be installed in the tiny fifth-floor walk-up she will share with Paul. In that opening scene, with a nice turn by Kit Grimm as the wise phone technician, the apartment itself (kudos to scenic designer Kerry Lee Chipman) is established as a full character in the comedy, with its own set of quirks and idiosyncrasies. As Paul, Roberts gives a pleasantly baffled performance, hilariously blending stiff uptightness with wide-eyed amazement. The story is slight, as Corie’s overly-optimistic embrace of her new life hits some snags when she realizes that her new husband isn’t as free and wild as she is, but as a showcase for the work of a talented director and cast— and especially Erb—this “promising� work by Simon is a sweet-hearted delight. ‘Barefoot in the Park’ runs through Aug. 5 at the Newman Auditorium on the SRJC campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa. $10-$25. 707.527.4343.

David Templeton

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For customer service, email bohemian@ placepersonal.com, or call 1-617-450-8773 NEW TO THE AREA Beautiful SWF, 40, full-figured, would like to meet an intelligent, cosmopolitan gentleman, 50-75, for fun, romance and travel. 286108

Women Seeking Men

IT’S TIME Spiritual SWF, young 70s, petite, professional, employed, kids grown, ISO a fine, grounded gentleman, 65-70, for possible LTR. 240656

SEEKING A COMPANION SWF, 72, 5’4”, 118lbs, seeks a nice, honest, clean-cut SWM, 68-75, to share dinner dates, drives in the country, wine tasting, concerts, travel, walks, golfing, gardening and good conversations. 289388

MUST BE SINCERE SF, 59, 5’2’’, 115lbs, redhead, Christian, likes dining, good conversation. Seeking SM, 45-60, who is very romantic and ready for a relationship. 297397

SHE’S A LADY Attractive SWF, 69, seeks gentleman, 65-75, for friendship and companionship. Let’s talk and see what develops! 305310

LOCAL GAL WF looking for someone fun, nice, loyal, honest and intelligent who likes good conversation, wine tasting, art, barbecues, camping, hanging out at home and more. 40-55. 306414

1949 CLASSIC SWF, tall, slender, active, enjoys swimming, bicycling, mysteries, hiking, cooking, barbecuing, symphony. Seeking well-mannered, caring S/ DWM, 50-60, N/S, N/D, N/Drugs, with similar interests, for friendship and companionship. 415313

LADY PLAYS THE BLUES Slender, feminine, pretty and youthful SWF, 50+, enjoys music, dining out, travel, nature. Would like to meet a genuinely nice, good-looking SM, 45+, N/S, with sense of humor, who is socially and financially secure, for dating, fun, friendship and more. 303711

SOLO IN SANTA ROSA Still looking for lips of wine. SWF, 60, likes working out, open mic night, social life, some sports. Looking for a male friend. 152766

A BIG HEART Caring, loving SF, 39, enjoys movies, the outdoors, travel. Looking for SW/ HM, 39-50, for friendship, maybe more. 305007

TRADITIONAL VALUES SAF, 60, petite, very healthy, very active, secured, honest, sincere, hardworking, likes gardening, cooking, reading, home stuff, occasional drives to the countryside. Seeking SWM, 6075, who’s clean-cut, N/S, N/D, with similar qualities, for friendship first, possible LTR. 313785

PRETTY CUTE WF, 4’11”, petite build, dark hair and eyes, nurse, plays piano, kind, affectionate, loves laughing and having fun. Seeking a gentleman with the same qualities. 286936

PETITE BLONDE Educated and attractive, down-toearth WF would like to meet someone who shares some of my interests like metal music, concerts, learning and more. If you have an open mind, I definitely want to hear from your. 35-50. 314433

ANIMAL LOVER DWF, 49, 5’5”, 105lbs, light-brown/ green, hoping to meet S/DWM, 4555, prefer blue-collar type, but honest, faithfulness, and a big heart are more important. Must love animals. 545683

LET’S GO OUT & HAVE FUN! Honest woman, 50s, very caring, compassionate, kind, my interests are long drives, walks, dancing, visiting new places, dinners. Seeking nice SM, 50s60s, for LTR. 297169

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE Hard-working woman, 30ish, motivated, bright, caring, enjoys the beach, exercise, walks, outdoor fun, reading. Seeking caring man, 30s, for serious LTR. 297170

ADVENTUROUS WOMAN Attractive, creative, and energetic lady looking for warm-hearted, compatible seeker, 65-70, with good SOH, for dating, possible relationship. 300201

EDUCATED WOMAN SWF, in her 40s, N/S, seeks gentleman, 40-50, for friendship and LTR. Let’s meet and talk! 300135

Call costs $2.19/min. Must be 18+

HELLO THERE! Feminine woman, healthy, compassionate, artistic, likes dancing, walks, reading, traveling. Seeking similar man, 50-69, for LTR. 297161

YOU FOUND ME! SF, 40ish, bright, hard-working, kind, enjoys reading, long drives, coffee shops, traveling. ISO nice gentleman, 30-49, for dating and maybe more. 297165

SEARCH NO FURTHER Sweet single lady, 50s, feminine, sophisticated, optimistic, hard-working, enjoys shopping, tv programs, movies, traveling, reading, quiet nights at home. ISO similar man, 50-59, for serious LTR. 297196

TERRIFIC INSIDE AND OUT Goal-oriented single female, 50s, health-minded, intelligent, enjoys camping, outdoor fun, exercise, eating out. desires to meet a wonderful guy, 50-59, for LTR. 297223

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Ambitious woman, 40s, very caring and pleasant personality, likes music, camping, biking, outdoor activities, reading. Seeking similar gentleman, 40s, for friendship and more. 297166

CARING AND COMPASSIONATE Friendly, adaptable, outdoorsy, caring, healthy SF, 40s, likes dancing, travel, dining, hiking, the beach. Seeking SM, 30-50, for casual dating possibly leading to LTR. 299368

I’M THE ONE FOR YOU! Goal-oriented woman, 40s, enjoys exercise, outdoors, traveling, shopping. ISO similar gentleman, 30-49, for dating, friendship and more. 297184

OPTIMISTIC Friendly, ambitious, adaptable, outdoorsy, personable female, 50s, enjoys museums, dining, travel, coffee shops, the beach, taking walks. Seeking SM, 60s, for friendship and casual dating. 299370

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! Very kind, feminine lady, 50s, healthy, hard-working, likes dining out, traveling, exercise. Seeking nice gentleman, in his 50s, to share friendship and LTR. 297187

CHANCES ARE SF, 50s, RN, healthy, good values, hard-working, likes outdoors, traveling, reading, dining out, biking. Seeking honest gentleman, 55-75, for friendship and more. 297193

LOOKING FOR LTR Friendly, feminine, nurturing, captivating, bright, personable woman in her 50s who enjoys night clubs, television, dining, dancing, surfing, music, seeks similar male, 40-60, for LTR. 301191

OUTDOORSY Bright, compassionate, honest, friendly, adaptable woman, 50s, seeks SM, 40-60, who enjoys dining, dancing, beaches, taking walks, for casual dating or LTR. 301192

HONESTY A MUST Hard-working, honest, optimistic, nurturing, flexible, motivated SF, 50s, likes biking, the beach, travel, dancing, hiking, reading, music, seeks similar man, 50s, who is ready for LTR. 301198

CAPTIVATING Sophisticated, outdoorsy, friendly, mischievous SF, 50s, likes hiking, kayaking, taking walks. In search of SM, 50-70, for LTR. 301203

GOOD VALUES Shy, friendly, caring, compassionate SF, 60s, nurturing, motivated, enjoys walks, the beach, coffee shops, biking, dining, seeks similar man, 60+, for friendship leading to LTR. 301544

WOMAN WITH GOOD VALUES Friendly, caring, honest, compassionate, classy lady, 20s, wants to meet a man in his 20s for camping, shopping, travel, dining, long drives and walks, and more! Friendship possibly leading to more. 299374

PERSONABLE Compassionate, bright, friendly female, 40s, likes music, dancing, dining, biking, coffee shops. Seeking similar male, 50s, for LTR. 302304

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER Caring, honest, flexible, compassionate woman, 60s, loves dancing, travel, reading, dining out. Seeking similar man, 60s, for LTR. 301189

SHY AND ARTISTIC Single female in her 50s looking for a male who enjoys music, television. Let’s meet and see if we connect! 308997

FRIENDS OR MORE Nurturing, artistic, bright, hard-working, compassionate, feminine female in her 50s, enjoys music, dancing, travel, the beach, kayaking, dining, taking walks. Seeking male, 50-69, for friendship with the possibility of more. 309768

ONE HONEST WOMAN LEFT Bright SF, 60s, with good values, flexible and honest, likes reading, camping, travel, taking walks. Seeking similar male, 50-69, for friendship, casual relationship, possible LTR. 309769

VERY PERSONABLE Motivated, bright, artistic, hardworking, health-conscious female, 50s, personable and flexible, seeks male, age open, who likes museums, travel, long drives, camping, hiking. 309770

LOOKING FOR LTR Outdoorsy, health-minded, clean-cut, honest woman in her 30s, who enjoys biking, dining, shopping, the beach, hiking, taking walks, wants to meet a male in his 30s for LTR. 309772

CAPTIVATING! Adorable, hard-working, classy female, 50s, enjoys museums, shopping, travel, coffee shops, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, casual relationship, or LTR. 309776

A CARING HEART Outdoorsy, flexible, nurturing, feminine woman, 50s, likes camping, long drives, travel, coffee shops, taking walks. Seeking male, 40-59, for LTR. 309777

GOOD VALUES Caring, personable, compassionate, classy, hard-working female, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, reading, museums, dining, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, possibly more. 309780

WAITING ARMS Caring, educated, honest, optimistic, hard-working SF, 30s, enjoys travel, dining out, long drives, the beach, reading, walks, hiking, music and more. Would like to meet like-minded man, 30-40, for LTR. 313123

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Motivated, outdoorsy, honest, healthconscious woman, with good values and optimistic attitude, likes most kinds of music, dining out, walks, camping, travel and relaxing time at home. Seeking a nice, honest, active man, 30-40, with similar interests, to spend time with, possible leading to LTR. 313124

MANY FINE QUALITIES Caring, outdoorsy, honest, artistic, hard-working SF, early 50s, optimistic homebody with good values, has many interests including music, dining out, museums, travel, long drives, reading, walks, camping, biking and more. Looking for an honest, downto-earth SM, 50-70, for friendship and dating first, possibly leading to something more serious. 313126

ADORABLE AND BRIGHT Caring, friendly, goal-oriented, feminine, honest, compassionate woman, 60s, likes travel, exercise, music, hiking, long drives, dining out, the beach, reading and more. Seeking a great companion, 50-70, to share these activities and quiet times with. 313128

COMPASSIONATE Friendly, honest, artistic, outdoorsy, caring SF, 30s, likes watching tv, dancing, the beach, travel, walks, music, hiking, museums, dining out, more. Searching for a partner in life, 30-50, for possible LTR. 313131

OUTGOING AND FUN Compassionate, caring, friendly, honest SF, 20s, likes going to clubs, camping, hiking, reading, the beach, dining out, more. Looking for a downto-earth, easygoing man, 22-35, for LTR. 313136

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER SWF, 49, 5’4’’, H/W proportionate, blondish-brown layered hair, big blue eyes, down-to-earth, mellow, nice, kind, sweet, considerate, laid-back, seeks SM, 35-55, who has a good sense of humor. I enjoy cats, beaches, hiking, camping, movies. 310278

LIKE GOING OUT? Honest, goal-oriented personable, artistic, sophisticated, hardworking SF would like to meet a SM, 40-60, who enjoys travel, walks, the beach, music, reading, camping, long drives, museums, tv, dining out, dancing and more. Seeking LTR. 313138

OUTDOORSY & ATHLETIC Attractive SWF, 61, hazel eyes, in good shape, seeks down-to-earth SM, 5565, who enjoys being outdoors, keeps life fun and interesting without drama. 313014

LET’S TALK! SF, 50ish, caring, honest, creative, good values, likes music, dancing, walks, the beach, dining out. Seeking nice gentleman, 56-64, for possible LTR. 297154

SEEKING LTR Honest, compassionate, artistic, friendly, goal-oriented, caring SF, 50s, health-minded with good values, into music, the beach, dancing, tv, travel, museums, walks, reading and more. Would like to meet SM, around the same age, for companionship. 313139

SWEEP ME OFF MY FEET! SF, 50ish, sincere, kind personality, adaptable, likes music, hiking, outdoors, dancing. Seeking nice gentleman, for friendship first and maybe more. 297158

LIKE PBS? Personable, caring, goal-oriented friendly, artistic, compassionate woman, with good values, likes coffee shops, music, reading, walks, travel, dancing, dining out and more. Looking for honest, respectful man, 50-70, for LTR. 313143

HEY THERE! Caring woman, 50s, bright, artistic, classy, enjoys music, shopping, traveling, television. ISO nice, similar guy for casual dating, possible LTR. 297160

Men Seeking Women

VARIED INTERESTS Nice-looking, active male, 65, enjoys travel, politics, sports, music, theater, entertaining, cooking. Would like to spend time and share interests with independent, financially secure, attractive, fit female, 45-60. 238785

WE SPOKE SOFTLY SM, 45, likes sports, movies, working out, the ocean, travel. Seeking SF, 35+, for friendship, possible long-term romance. 275583

ALONE BUT NOT LONELY SWM, 37, N/S, social-drinker, enjoys racing cars and riding motorcycles. I’m looking for a SWF, 23-58, for friendship, dating and possibly more. 289031

GIVE ME A CALL WM, 48, trying to find an outgoing, good-looking woman to go out and have a good time with. 30-50. 288940

LET’S MEET AND SEE SWM, 27, good-looking, 6’, 160lbs, tattoos, homeowner, looking for a White or Asian woman for friendship, dating and possibly more. 289651

CALL ME! SM, 40, looking for SF, over 55, for friendship and companionship first. Let’s talk and get to know each other! 292779

HANDSOME BM... 65, seeks female for fun-loving adventures and relaxation. I love cooking, surprises, and giving gifts. 302811

LONG HAIR A PLUS Good-looking Native American male, 5’8”, 220lbs, long hair, in search of a Hispanic or Native American woman, 50s, for friendship first and companionship. 304173

SEEKING AN OPEN MIND SBM, 33, 250lbs, smoker, enjoys cars, long walks, working out. Looking for SF, 20-65, kids ok, for possible relationship. 304990

PACIFIC NORTHWEST Casual guy, enjoys mountain and beach trips, walks, outdoors, moonlit nights, cuddling. Seeking SWF, 40-56, slim/medium build, to come spend quiet times in Pacific Northwest. 954499

SHARED JOY SWM, 59, 5’9”, 160lbs, nice-looking, with good SOH, seeking woman to have fun with, race/age unimportant. I like dancing, partying, shows and dining out. Call me! 972627

GET TO KOW ME SBM, 53, 6’1”, 190lbs, looking for a fun, loving woman, 25-65, with a good personality, who likes having a good time, the beach, horseback riding, movies, walks and more. 314332

ABBREVIATIONS: A-Asian; B-Black; C-Christian; F-Female; G-Gay; H-Hispanic; J-Jewish; M-Male; N/S-Non-Smoker; P-Professional; S-Single; W-White Guidelines: Bohemian Romance is a community publication. Participants in the Bohemian Romance must be 18 years or older. Use of Bohemian Romance for any illegal purpose will be subject to prosecution. Bohemian Romance is not liable for the content of the personals advertisements or the response to such advertisements. Bohemian Romance encourages readers to take appropriate safeguards when responding to personal and arranging meetings. Screen all respondents carefully. Meetings with new companions should occur in public places and participants should not divulge their addresses. Be smart, not sorry. Not all boxes contain a voice greeting.

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JUST MOVED HERE SWM, 5’7’’, 190lbs, brown eyes, wants to meet soulmate in similar SF, 30-55. I love swing dancing, travel, gourmet cooking, animals, nature. 305800

Men Seeking Women

MERCY MERCY ME! Handsome dude, 57, good SOH, interesting, spontaneous, fun, adventuresome, looking for attractive woman. I enjoy dancing, concerts, dining out, hiking, beach combing and holding hands also loves animals, dogs, cats and horses. Happy trails! 201639

TIRED OF BEING ALONE SHM, 25, 5’11’’, average build, seeks SW/AF, 19-26, to talk to and get to know. Let’s meet and see what develops. 286293

SPECIAL WOMAN SM, 48, black hair, brown eyes, very outgoing, great personality, likes photography, basketball, music, travel. I’m looking for a woman who’s interested in dating and possibly more. 287933

PERSONABLE Shy SM, 50s, with good values, likes long drives, hiking, walking, travel, dining out. Looking for similar female, 4060, ready for LTR. 301538

LOVES HORSES Healthy senior WM, 165lbs, N/S, loves animals, especially horses, theater, PBS. Seeking slender female for romance. 302170

ARE YOU THE ONE? Bright, artistic, caring, flexible, adorable guy, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, the beach, dining out. Looking for similar female. 302306

LET’S HAVE FUN! SHM, 34, N/S, no children, looking for a SH/WF, 24-32, for dating, possibly more. 302392

FUN, INTROSPECTIVE SWM, 52, 6’4’’, in good shape, likes classic movies, reading, hiking, classical music, sailing, the outdoors, travel, the symphony. Looking for SF, 22-50, similar interests. 301801

STARTING OVER Separated WM, loves hockey, the outdoors, golf, staying in and watching movies, gardening and more. Would like to meet someone fun who wants to enjoy life. Call me and lift my spirits. 282029

GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR SWM, 59, 5’11’’, 180lbs, non-smoker, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, enjoys fishing, beaches, dining out and more. Seeking female, 55-65, for possible relationship. 309857

FRIEND LOVER SOULMATE SWPJM, 56, 5’10”, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, kind, passionate, artistic, sincere, committed and fun, enjoys ocean walks, travel, arts, food, wine and nature. Seeking SF, 50-62, kindred spirit, kind, soft, sensuous, for life’s adventures together. 309779

LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315052

HOPE TO FIND YOU Sociable, good-hearted, compassionate, healthy gentleman, 63, published writer/poet, D/D-free, non-drinker, enjoys quiet times, home, sports, simple times. Seeking loving, happy, intelligent woman to share life, love, possible LTR. Bay Area preferred. 224839

LET’S SHARE IDEAS Caring gentleman, 60s, intelligent, good morals, clean-cut, likes outdoors, traveling, hiking, reading, ISO nice woman, 50-60, for friendship leading to LTR. 297183

THIS ONE’S FOR YOU Single male, in my 40s, honest, goaloriented, caring, outdoorsy, enjoys outdoor walks, long drives, art museums, traveling. ISO similar single female, 18-49, for dating leading to LTR. 297225

LOOKING FOR LTR SM,31,outdoorsy, honest, compassionate, seeks SF, 22-35, who enjoys travel, television, camping, taking walks, the beach and more. 301200

SOPHISTICATED Caring, compassionate, hard-working, goal-oriented, artistic SM, 40s, likes camping, dancing, travel. Searching for similar male, 30s, for LTR. 301536

LOOKING FOR A SF WHO... is independent, confident and takes care of herself. I like good movies, dressing up for a nice dinner out, skiing, bike rides, hiking, scuba diving, swing dancing, cooking. I’m an honest person who doesn’t believe in playing games. 301540

READY FOR LTR Shy, friendly, caring, clean-cut, classy SM, 50s, enjoys music, camping, travel, long drives, hiking, beaches, seeks similar woman, 30-50, for LTR. 302300

LOOKING FOR LTR Hard-working, healthy, personable, honest, compassionate man, 40s, likes camping, travel, hiking, long drives, beaches. In search of similar female, 30s, for friendship leading to LTR. 302302

SOMETIMES MISCHIEVOUS Optimistic, honest, clean-cut, caring, outdoorsy man, 50s, likes music, walks, long drives, running, watching tv, museums, dining out. Seeking SF, 50s, for companionship. 313135

FRIENDSHIP FIRST Caring, honest, nurturing SM, 60s, enjoys music, watching tv, walks, camping, coffee shops, hiking and museums. Looking for SF, 30-70, for dating possibly leading to LTR. 313144

Women Seeking Women GOOD HEART SEEKS SAME GWPF, young 53, tall, slim build, attractive, great SOH, femme/tom boyish, loves music, animals, outdoors, cooking and laughter. Seeking GPF, 45-65, for dating and more. 296665

SHARE MY WORLD Slender, athletic SF, 67, 5’6’’, registered nurse with a Master’s in Theology, loves hiking, swimming, museums, movies, cooking. Looking for SF, 55-68, for possible relationship. 301780

WHERE ARE YOU? You are 35-45, very feminine, dark, mystical, spiritual, with a sense of humor, know what you like, and want to enjoy life, but not alone. I’m trying to find you, where are you? 310085

NATURE LOVER Health-conscious, honest, wise, spiritual, artistic, friendly female, 50s, enjoys philosophy, psychology, walking, reading, the beach. Searching for similar female, 50s, for long-term relationship. 302296

LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315055

THOUGHTFUL, ROMANTIC Warm, sweet, affectionate, handicapped guy, loves humor, cuddling. Sweet-hearted, genuinely nice guy with fun attitude, easy-going, creative, silly, great sense of humor, very goofy at times, animal-lover, loves movies, music, museums and travel. Seeking female to share all my interests with. 315225

Men Seeking Men LOOKING FOR LOVE Seeking one man to love and care for completely and forever. Me: SBM, 50ish, affectionate, supportive, genuine, lots to offer. You: just be yourself, imperfect, mature older man, 70-90, with some humor, some laughter. Are you the one? 299175

WE SPOKE SOFTLY SM, 45, enjoys sports, working out, traveling, seeking SM, 35-65, for friendship and possible LTR. 287238

COMPASSIONATE GUY Hard-working, classy, clean-cut, caring, honest male in search of a male, 58-69, who likes night clubs, television, travel, dancing, the beach, taking walks, exercise. 308996

Alternative Lifestyles COUPLE SEEKS WOMAN Very attractive, middle-aged, married white couple, she’s 5’2”, 125lbs, 34D. He is 5’11”, 172lbs. Both and very sensual and she is multi-orgasmic. We are N/S, light drinkers, heal-conscious, pleasant, non-pushy. Please be N/S, H/W proportionate, white, Hispanic or Asian, under 55. Bi or bi-curious ok. Discretion assured. Let’s have fun. 314002

WANTS SOME FUN Very hot SWM, 6’1”, 170lbs, salt-npepper hair, in good shape, very open, looking for erotic adult encounter with a H/W proportionate lady who needs attention. Want to get together? 303609

STRAIGHTFORWARD FUN SWM, 39, looking for SF, 18-50, who likes to try new things and isn’t afraid of having a little fun! 304707

JOIN US White couple looking for a female, 18-25, for fun, discreet times together. Give us a call. 311573

READY FOR FUN? SWM, 30, feminine bottom, looking for a top WM, 20-60, for good times and fun. Let’s see where it goes! 311892

SHE-MALE SEEKS GOOD TIMES Want to spend time with a man or a woman. I am very affectionate, beautiful, and love to be held. Interested? 279657

KEEP IT DISCREET WF, 30s, dark/dark, light complexion, fun-loving, bi-curious, seeks discreet female, 28-55, to have fun and party with. 314779

WHATEVER YOU DECIDE! SM, 5’11’’, 170lbs, light brown hair, blue eyes, athletic build, shaved, smooth and sexy, well-endowed, into a wide variety of pleasures. Anything goes; role play, fantasy fulfillment, toys, porn, lingerie. Seeking couples and females to party and play. 316161

HOT COUPLES DESIRED Handsome, easygoing, discreet, polite gentleman, 57, enjoys couples. I am a WM, 6’, 190lbs, athletic build, well hung and Bi. I also like dominant women. 232423

866.689.5312 18+

Get ready to meet someone special.

DOMINANT BF SEEKS... PWM for submissive or slave position. Must be healthy, interested in dom/sub relationship with no games or drama. 285201

SPANK YOU VERY MUCH Woman, thou shalt be spanked. Gentle or hard, clothed or naked, whatever you deserve, by a sexy man who knows how to do it. 288495

OPEN FOR ANYTHING BiWM, 54, 5’10’’, professional drummer, looking for good times with men and women, threesomes, foursomes, dressing up and more! 287793

STRAIGHT/BI GUY Frustrated with different need patterns at home? Understanding older gentleman, experienced, highly discreet, will provide time-tested stress relief for men, 30-50, in good shape; HWP, extremely private setting; no reciprocation expected. Curious? 136702

Missed Connections AMAZON KINDLE Hello, I met you Friday June 27 at the Russian River Brewing Company on Fourth St. in Santa Rosa. She may be a computer programmer from St. Helena Hospital and watched on this day 3 movies back to back in the theater on Fourth St. in the town of Santa Rosa The Love Guru by Mike Meyers, Wall-E and another film. And she sipped a little beer and read from her Amazon kindle. I would like to get in touch with this girl and ask her to edit my book. She is a perfect candidate for my book. Hope to hear from you. Phil. 274972

LET’S TALK! SWM, mid 30s, looking for discreet guys in the Larkfield area for friendship and fun. Call me! 300359

CALL ME BiWM, handyman artist in Marin, 52, 5’6”, 180lbs, dirty blond hair, pale blue eyes, seeks couple or singles for fun in Marin or nearby. 293610

Shared Interests SEEKING FRIENDS SF, 49, enjoys Mexican food, coffee, going out and just having fun. Seeking males or females, bilingual a plus, for friendship. 287942

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Helping the government Part time. No experience, no selling. Call 1-888-213-5225 Ad Code L-5. (AAN CAN)

Seeking Hairstylist with following: To share two person salon in downtown Santa Rosa. Good parking and good rent for the right person. 707-538-4766.

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Creating Better Breast Health ~ August 1st, 1-3pm, Abby Bard Studio in Sebastopol, Cost: $ 25 There is limited space, so please register early at: Breast.Health@yahoo.com For info regarding the class or to pre-register by phone call: Deana Dennard @ 707.280.6502 or Kerry Haworth @ 415.525.4898

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MEN! Get a massage the way you like it. Swedish and deep tissue techniques. Relaxing and rejuvenating. Flexible schedule for your convenience. Call James 707-477-4365.

Therapeutic Massage John CMT, Ten years experience. Santa Rosa. Introductory massage $50/hour, outcalls negotiable 707-327-7825.

Full Body Sensual Massage With a mature, playful CMT. Comfortable incall location near the J.C. in Santa Rosa. Soothing, relaxing, and fun. Visa/MC accepted. Gretchen 707/478-3952.

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Nurturing, pampering, therapeutic/sensual massage. Special Summer rate. CMT in Santa Rosa. 415-717-9378.

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?</3?22 /?2G@;F D699 .@A?<9<4F For the week of July 8 6g^Zh ($'&Ä)$&. B^gVXaZ d[ b^gVXaZh/ V ed^ciaZhh eV^c ^c i]Z Wjii l^aa hddc hide Wj\\^c\ ndj# BZVcl]^aZ! Vc Vccdn^c\ ^iX] ^c ndjg ]ZVgi ^h hjWh^Y^c\! VcY bVn ZkZc Y^hVeeZVg# 6h V gZhjai d[ i]ZhZ ]Veen YZkZadebZcih! ndj l^aa WZ VWaZ id XdcXZcigViZ dc V bjX] bdgZ ^ciZgZhi^c\ VcY egdkdXVi^kZ idgbZci i]Vi ]Vh WZZc lV^i^c\ ^beVi^Zcian [dg ndjg adk^c\ ViiZci^dc# 6XijVaan! ^iÉh Vc VcX^Zci idgbZci YgZhhZY je ^c V cZl eVX`V\Z# 7ji Vh WZ[dgZ! ^iÉh V idgbZci ndjÉkZ cZkZg ]VY i]Z g^\]i cVbZ [dg# I]ViÉh VWdji id X]Vc\Z! ]dlZkZg# NdjÉgZ [^cVaan gZVYn id [^cY i]Z g^\]i cVbZ [dg ^i! VcY l]Zc ndj Yd! ndjÉaa WZ ]Va[lVn idlVgY V eZgbVcZci XjgZ# IVjgjh )$'%Ä*$'% L]Zc ]Z lVh \gdl^c\ je! i]Z [Vi]Zg d[ WVh`ZiWVaa hjeZghiVg EVi G^aZn [dgXZY ]^b id eaVn WVh`ZiWVaa l^i] `^Yh l]d lZgZ higdc\Zg VcY idj\]Zg i]Vc ]Z lVh# =Z hV^Y ^i [dg\ZY ]^h hdc ^cid V l^ccZg# > XVc hZZ i]Z eg^cX^eaZ Vi ldg`! Wji ^i YdZhcÉi XdbZ cVijgVaan id bZ# >c bn Z[[dgih id egdk^YZ ndj l^i] i]Z eVgZci^c\ ndj b^hhZY Vh V `^Y! >ÉkZ ValVnh egZ[ZggZY V \ZciaZg! bdgZ cjgijg^c\ VeegdVX]# CZkZgi]ZaZhh! i]Z i^bZ ]Vh XdbZ id dkZgg^YZ bn eZghdcVa YZh^gZh [dg i]Z hV`Z d[ ndjg X]VgVXiZg"Wj^aY^c\ cZZYh# > gZXdbbZcY i]Vi ndj [dgXZ ndjghZa[ id eaVn l^i] \gdlc"je `^Yh l]dÉgZ higdc\Zg VcY idj\]Zg i]Vc ndj# <Zb^c^ *$'&Ä+$'% > ldjaYcÉi \Zi idd V\^iViZY VWdji i]Z hjeedhZY Ælg^i^c\ dc i]Z lVaaÇ ^[ > lZgZ ndj# I]Z ]VcYlg^i^c\ ^h cdi <dYÉh! [dg <dYÉh hV`Z# >iÉh cdi ZkZc i]Vi d[ V l^hZ ZaYZg dg ndjc\ \Zc^jh# Hd YdcÉi Viig^WjiZ idd bjX] Vji]dg^in id ^i! eaZVhZ# >iÉh _jhi i]Z de^c^dc d[ hdbZdcZ l]d YdZhcÉi `cdl Vcn bdgZ VWdji i]Z jai^bViZ igji] i]Vc ndj Yd# Hd > hj\\Zhi ndj XdkZg ^i je l^i] WaVX` hegVn eV^ci VcY i]Zc XVgZ[jaan ^chXg^WZ ndjg dlc kZgh^dc d[ i]Z lg^i^c\ dc i]Z lVaa# GZVa^in ^h ZheZX^Vaan bVaaZVWaZ g^\]i cdl! hd i]Z bdhi [dgXZ[jaan ZmegZhhZY egde]ZXn l^aa egdWVWan XdbZ igjZ# 8VcXZg +$'&Ä,$'' > WZa^ZkZ i]Vi l]Zc ndj X]ViiZg

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WZXVbZ VYjaih l]Zc i]Zn ijgcZY hZkZc nZVgh daY# I]ZhZ YVnh! i]Z i]gZh]daY ^h bjX] aViZg# >Éb ]Veen VWdji i]Vi# >c bn k^Zl! i]Z adc\Zg ndj XVc ]daY dc id ndjg eaVn[ja ^ggZkZgZcXZ VcY ^ccdXZci ajhi [dg a^[Z! i]Z WZiiZg# Hi^aa! i]ZgZ ^h kVajZ ^c iV`^c\ dc i]Z `^cYh d[ gZhedch^W^a^i^Zh i]Vi ]Zae ndj ZmegZhh ndjghZa[ l^i] \gVXZ VcY edlZg# Hd > YdcÉi bZVc id gjh] ndj! Wji ^i b^\]i WZ i^bZ id iV`Z V hiZe idlVgY WZ^c\ dc i]Z kZg\Z d[ i^eidZ^c\ id i]Z Wg^c` d[ egZeVg^c\ id VXXZei bdgZ VYjai]ddY ^cid ndjg ]ZVgi# Ndj XdjaY bV`Z i]Z egdXZhh aZhh ]Vggdl^c\ Wn ]Vc\^c\ dji l^i] i]dhZ gVgZ l^hZ \jnh VcY l^hZ \^gggah l]dÉkZ hjgk^kZY i]Z igVch^i^dc id \gZViZg bVijg^in VcY V ]^\]Zg YZ\gZZ d[ egd[Zhh^dcVa^hb l^i] i]Z^g ndji][ja [aV^g bdgZ dg aZhh ^ciVXi#

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Where do they stay when you’re away?

8Veg^Xdgc &'$''Ä&$&. > YdcÉi XVgZ l]Vi ndj [ZZa i]^h lZZ`! Vh adc\ Vh ndj YdcÉi [ZZa cdi]^c\# <Zi ^c[aVbZY l^i] ]jc\Zg dg _jhi^XZ dg hVYcZhh dg WZVjin dg adkZ! Wji YdcÉi hjWb^i id VeVi]n# 9dcÉi aZi ndjghZa[ WZ h]jciZY ^cid cjbWcZhh# Ndj XVcÉi V[[dgY id WZ Xji d[[ [gdb i]Z hdjgXZ d[ ndjg hZXgZi hZa[! ZkZc ^[ ^i bZVch ]Vk^c\ id [ZZa a^`Z ]Zaa [dg V l]^aZ# 6cY i]Z dYY i]^c\ ^h i]Vi ^[ ndjÉgZ l^aa^c\ id \d i]gdj\] ]Zaa! ndj ldcÉi ]VkZ id \d i]gdj\] ]Zaa# Hd id ]Zaa l^i] ndjg ed`Zg [VXZ VcY cZjigVa^in VcY Y^heVhh^dcViZ hiVcXZ# 7Z V l^aY i]^c\! cdi V b^aY i]^c\#

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6fjVg^jh &$'%Ä'$&- I]Z >a^VY ^h Vc VcX^Zci <gZZ` Ze^X

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Place your pet related ad here today! Call 707.527.1200

• Supervised Play groups Best Doggie Day Care Best Dog Camp Santa Rosa • 707.546.CAMP 2120 Bluebell Drive (just off Coffee Lane) www.mycbw.com/santarosa | santarosa@campbowwowusa.com

Meet Kiki • Cat of the Week

Meet Cody • Dog of the Week

a lovely and unusually sweet black kitty with a monster purr, she loves attention. All the kitty cuddlers think that she's the sweetest kitty alive; we don't understand why someone hasn't seen her wonderful personality and taken her home. This kitty will make your home complete.To learn more about adopting Kiki or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org.

THow can you resist this face? And if you're looking for someone to make you stick with your exercise regimen, Cody's the boy for you! He loves to go on walk-abouts. This Shepherd mix is a high-energy guy who needs a loving, stable home. To learn more about adopting Cody or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org


To place your ad call 707.527.1200


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Aromatherapy for Body, Mind and Spirit (Class)

Rocks and Clouds Zendo Meditation and Dharma Talk

Learn how to create an essential oil “basic care kit” and experience oils as spiritual tools to enhance prayer and meditation practices. Cost: $30. Sat, July 11, 1-4 pm, Journey Center, Santa Rosa, 707-578-2121, [ http://www.journeycenter.org ]www.journeycenter.org.

Wednesday nights, 7:00 p.m. 618 South Main Street, Sebastopol. www.rocksandclouds.org 707/824-5647.

Purifying Negative Karma Day Course Saturday, July 11th, 10:00AM - 3:30PM Led by Mike Smith and Maxine Wright Spend a day with like minded people exploring ways to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Create a more positive mind; create a more positive world. Meditation, commentary and discussion on karma and purification. Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center 304 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma, CA 94952. (707) 766-7720, www.meditationinnorcal.org. Suggested Donation $25. includes vegetarian lunch. All are welcome. No prior experience necessary.

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Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924

Finding inspiration and connecting with your community

Please join us on Sundays at 6:30pm–7pm for group meditation satsuanga. Newcomers are welcome! Last Sunday of every month Ananda Seva is hosting the meeting of newly formed Sonoma Association of Teachers of Yoga and Meditation (Satyam). The next meeting will be on July 26th, 3pm–5pm. Call us if interested in joining. asm@anandaseva.org, 707.575.0886.

Youth Failing School or School Failing Our Youth ?

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SPIRITUAL CONNECTIONS Ananda Seva Group Meditations:

Passions for Hair & Spa, Share the Passion...

The Journey Center: Christ-centered Spirituality, Healing, & Wholeness Reading room, art gallery, prayer/ meditation gatherings, spiritual journey resources, bodywork, bookstore, free WiFi. 1601 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa. www.journeycenter.org 707.578.2121

Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center Offers ongoing introductory and advanced classes. Weds at noon, Tues & Weds evenings 7:30–8:45pm Prayers for World Peace, Sun, 10:30–11:45am Everyone welcome 304 Petaluma Blvd., North, Petaluma www.meditationinnorcal.org

Organic and Earth friendly foods and supplies Scott Goree - Entertainment coordinator and business manager. 707.795.7358 home, 707.479.5481 cell redgore23@aol.com

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Living Trust $850

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800.380.5257 We do all DMV. Free pick up- running or not (restrictions apply). Live operators- 7 days! Help the Polly Klaas Foundation provide safety information and assist families in bringing kids home safely.

Serenity Yoga Teacher Training

Green Earth Catering

Excellent 200 hr. program with Carolyn McManus, 25 years exp. Yoga Alliance Registered. www.serenity-yoga.net or phone 415-706-4166.

Organic and Earth friendly foods and supplies Scott Goree - Entertainment coordinator and business manager 707.795.7358 home, 707.479.5481 cell, redgore23@aol.com


Black Cat Bar & Humble Pie Restaurant

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