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The Moment Has Come Could the current world crisis be the tipping point for transformation?


People everywhere are awakening to the reality that the old ways of greed and competition no longer work. The times demand an entirely new approach. This is the moment awaited by Maitreya, the World Teacher, for his public emergence, says Benjamin Creme. Maitreya is a colossal cosmic avatar with limitless love and immeasurable wisdom, and at the same time is a friend and brother of humanity. He and his group of enlightened teachers, the Masters of Wisdom, are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. They are here to inspire us to create a new civilization based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, health care, and education. Look for a star-like luminary of brilliant power, visible in the sky night and day, as a sign that their open mission is about to begin.

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A Talk by Benjamin Creme


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Info: (510) 841-3738 www.SharingForPeace.org

Sunday, August 9, 2 p.m. Palace of Fine Arts Theatre 3301 Lyon Street (at Bay) San Francisco Free Admission “... a detailed and decidedly upbeat description of world changes.�


— Gustav Niebuhr, The New York Times

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Benjamin Creme is an author, artist and chief editor of Share International magazine

HjoVccZ 9Van# 8dkZg YZh^\c Wn IVW^ 9daVc#

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1>H ?4>?;4 BDA4 70C4 C0G4B This letter is in response to the letter blaming Proposition 13 for the bankruptcy of California instead of blaming the politicians who are unable to properly run this great state or even take an interest in trying to do the job they were voted in to do. Perhaps it would be wise to recall why Prop. 13 was passed in the first place. Because of the sudden growth of our population and the influx of the tech industry, property prices started to rise, so the state lawmakers decided it was quite all right to just raise property taxes at their whim. This caused many elders who were retired and on fixed incomes to have to sell their homes because they could not afford these taxes. I knew many who were affected in this way. Obviously, the hideous taxation condition dictated that people would have to take taxation into their own hands and we passed Prop. 13. Now, when you buy a home, you have some sort of certainty as to what the tax bill will be. This helped California to grow and prosper. The state is not

lacking in funds; it’s just not spending the funds that it does get judiciously. The state began keeping all the property tax money for themselves, and over the years individual counties and districts have had to pass other taxes voted by the people to fund local needs. Everyone should be wise enough to know the state legislators will tax and spend us to death if allowed to do so.

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8=34?4=34=CB½ 30H D?30C4 At the end of the Alejandro Adams article (“Independents’ Day,â€? Cover Story, July 1), I made a joke about the indie film scene being so overbooked it was hard to get an audience to watch people have sex. I should have talked directly to Tony Comstock, the successful director of seven tender documentaries on the way various types of people make love. Comstock has written a three-part piece titled “How Film Festivals and Distribution Deals Kill

Independent Films� on his ComstockFilms.com blog (NSFW), which is absolutely required reading for indie-film watchers and makers. Via phone, Comstock says that he is deeply frustrated with the film-festival circuit: “It leaves you broke and desperate—the worst possible position to be in when a distributor comes.� But he emphasizes that he has made a successful end run around this circuit, through the internet and direct sales. His films go through multiple pressings on DVD. Comstock considers, as “indie production gods we should worship� Bruce Brown and Warren Miller, who hand-made their documentaries about surfing and skiing, respectively, four-walled (rented) theaters and used the profits to make more films. Comstock is continuing to get recognition and make a living as an indie filmmaker. It wasn’t my intention to insult Tony Comstock. My intention was to criticize a scene that’s wearing down and bankrupting young talent.

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34?C >5 F02:H 2><?0BB4B In our Arcadia issue, Jackie Johansen’s article about geocaching (“Hide and Seek,� July 22) incorrectly referred to the official geocaching website as Groundspeak. The actual website, as anyone with a rudimentary handle on this crazy newfangled device called Google could tell you, is easily found at www.geocaching.com. Furthermore, it’s been drawn to our attention by a small contingent of Boho Cache participants that certain coordinates printed in our Great Bohemian GPS Stash Hunt just, like, totally have to be wrong, because even after looking and looking and looking, where’s the friggin’ Boho Cache? Considering the attention drawn by happy and celebratory Boho Cache participants who have come up with the goods, we kindly suggest to take a deep breath, think of whatever calms you (Cary Grant, in our case) and keep looking. All Boho Caches have been placed within 100 yards of the subjects written about, and if you just reach that nutzoid frustrated zone where you can’t take it anymore and want to throw your GPS against the wall and curse our names forever, MapQuest has a handy little latitude /longitude map that’ll point you to the exact spot. Bingo!

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B0E8=6 5>A C74 5DCDA4 Seed store owner Jere Gettle and his wife have traveled the world collecting rare and exotic seeds, as well as the more homely ones found in area fields.


Baker Creek Seed Co. finds a warmer home for its precious cache in Petaluma By Connie Madden


hat we are in the midst of the Great Recession, as UC Berkeley economist Robert Reich has named it, is now a given. Whether we weather this storm with discomfort but without a real tempest breaking loose economically is anybody’s guess. Either way, it seems a wise time to look to a deeper level of security for family and close friends, including food security, and the time has never been better to bring a seed bank to

town. The Baker Creek Seed Co., taking up new residence in Petaluma, offers an amazing variety of ways to grow. Hard times create a longing for what is perceived to be a simpler, sweeter time, the foggy past recalled through the lens, perhaps, of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Interesting that Wilder wrote her stories of honest, hard-working farming families a mere 10 miles down the road from where the original Baker Creek came into being in the midst of the Missouri Ozarks. Baker Creek stocks some 1,578 separate

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varieties of organic and heirloom seeds, all set out in bins about chest-high in Petaluma’s majestic former Sonoma County Bank building. The company claims to be simply “the largest source of heirloom seeds� in California. The seed bank not only stocks fruits and veggies, but also actively seeks and stores rare seeds whether or not a profit is likely. Some have suggested that as a storehouse for endangered seed, Baker Creek is really a service organization, ripe for nonprofit status, but for the foreseeable future, the seed business is % -

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coming along fine without protection of a 501c3. Since 2003, Baker Creek has published a full-color magazine, The Heirloom Gardener, with the slogan “The no-ads, no-fluff, all-dirt magazine� matching its in-depth articles on various aspects of gardening and the littleknown vocation of “seedsman,� an endeavor coveted by owner-founder Jere Gettle since he was a small child planting seeds alongside his grandparents in their Missouri orchards. “I always hoped I wouldn’t have to take up another kind of work other than gardening,� says Gettle. He never did. Gettle is very partial to vegetables and became a vegetarian on his own volition at age 12, publishing his first seed catalogue at age 17. Gettle, a still young entrepreneur at 28, made his career choice public by starting up Baker Creek, named after a creek that runs alongside his family’s land. The inside of Baker Creek essentially houses a miniature theme park called Bakersville Pioneer Village, which reflects a real place in Missouri that celebrates oldfashioned ways in pharmaceuticals, retail, music, baking, seeds and more and houses Gettle’s main store. Gettle, his wife, Emilee, and their oneand-a-half-year-old vegetarian daughter, Sasha, have traveled around the globe to seek seeds. The couple even went to Thailand and Japan, and plan to explore the Middle East when Sasha is a bit older. A team of Amish workmen who have worked with the Gettles in Missouri facilitated the move into the immense Petaluma building. The Amish crew was flown in from their farmland near Bakersville. “These men are the hardest workers I’ve ever known,� Gettle says. The Amish drew attention to the project wearing their traditional flat straw hats and suspenders during construction of the store, and their presence was noted with enthusiasm by locals and tourists alike. Sonoma County is awfully far from Missouri. Why here? “We needed to have a place to store some seeds that doesn’t freeze in the winter,� Gettle explains. “Some of these seeds would be endangered by the winters in Missouri.� Ironic that Baker Creek has moved to Sonoma just as the Marin-based Smith & Hawken is closing its doors. Yet the reason people came to Smith & Hawken at first is even stronger in 2009 than in 1984 when that company began. People want a great garden more than ever, whether to best the Joneses next door or because they take dire peak-oil predictions to heart and are serious about self-sufficiency. Popular lecturer, radio host and author Caroline Casey likened gardening to some sort of new age heroism at the recent Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa, calling on the crowd to “compost� every evil thing on the planet. “Let’s take all the chi out of it!� she said, referring to war and social injustice in all their forms. Gettle may not care about chi, but he does care about the land, describing his business in a recent interview as an effort to “swim against the river of modern agriculture as we continue to work for the farmer, the gardener and, most of all, each and every eater.�

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EX^[T]RT 8b P 2W^XRT All she is saying is give, teach and pass

By Margaret Koren


ery little has changed in our culture since Robert Kennedy said in his 1968 speech “The Mindless Menace of Violence� that “we seemingly tolerate a rising level of violence that ignores our common humanity and our claims to civilization alike. We calmly accept newspaper reports of civilian slaughter in far-off lands. We glorify killing on movie and television screens, and call it entertainment. We make it easy for men of all shades of sanity to acquire whatever weapons and ammunition they desire.� Forty years later it is sad to know that our culture continues to be divisive, encouraging hate and fear. Our government continues to spend billions of dollars on weapons and war with very little investment in existing programs to avert violence at its root cause. It is true that we have an increasing number of universities and colleges, including our government agency United States Institute for Peace, which teaches strategies for peace. However, they are grossly underfunded and not fully recognized by our cultural institutions. It is obvious to many Americans that we need more balance in government that would end the violence at home and stop the march to endless war. A cabinetlevel Department of Peace and Nonviolence would facilitate the research, funding and implementation of the best practices to reduce violence. Since Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 808 in 2001, thousands of grassroots volunteers have united to lobby their representatives in Congress and the Senate to educate civil society, governmental and local leaders to see the wisdom of endorsing this bill. It is not surprising that so many cities have now passed resolutions to endorse HR 808. They include such diverse cities as Atlanta, Detroit, Cleveland, Oakland, San Jose, San Francisco, Minneapolis and most recently Los Angeles, the second largest city in the country. It is also not surprising that people around the world have been inspired by Dennis Kucinich’s legislation for a Department of Peace within the U.S. government structure. (I believe he has more recognition abroad than in his own country.) People from at least 30 countries are now working for the same in their countries. Through the work of the Peace Alliance Foundation, together with other grassroots campaigns of the Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace, three

annual global summits have been held to provide a venue with workshops for learning, assistance and collaboration. This year’s summit in Japan was attended by about 50 civil-society activists and government officials, from 21 countries and six continents. Here in Sonoma County, the relationship between the police and the community is increasingly difficult. The challenges are great. Sadly, I believe that we are not using all the skills and tools we have at our disposal to quell disputes before they grow out of control and become violent. We are too ready to buy and use the latest weapons, but seem loathe to prioritize investment in the ongoing training of our “peace officers� in peaceful conflict resolution. As a society, we choose violence when do not invest in cultural education and nonviolent communication skills in our schools and institutions. We choose violence when we make minorities the scapegoats of crime in a broken system that makes us fear one another. We choose violence when we do not concern ourselves with poverty and illness. We choose violence when we turn a blind eye to the violence of movies, video games, sports, television shows and advertisements. We choose violence when we invest in companies that make weapons for war and agribusinesses that destroy our environment. We choose violence when we ignore bullying, teasing and insensitive remarks. We choose violence when we only inflict punishment rather than work on restorative justice and when we imprison criminals without offering some form of rehabilitation. This is absurd when we know there are better options to provide human security. Let’s choose to work for peace, to educate ourselves to be the peace we want to see in the world through education in peace studies. Let’s choose peace by investing in peace with our creative talents and resources, our energy, time and money. Please join me in this historical and unstoppable movement. It makes sense.

We choose violence when we do not concern ourselves with poverty and illness.

Margaret Koren is a volunteer for the Peace Alliance, a national educational and lobbying organization campaigning for a culture of peace and the passage of HR 808, which calls for a cabinet-level Department of Peace. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.

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Ad\X]P]c Ad\Q[X]V Forget cow tipping—it’s cow farting we really need to worry about

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ows are my friends. But their collective gifts to bucolic scenery, ice cream and the sale of barbecue sauce may be overshadowed by their contributions to global warming. The post-digestive gas deposits—burps and f latulence—of easy-going bovines compose almost one-fifth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Cattle who have never driven an SUV, invested in coal or wasted a single kilowatthour in their lives are the target of initiatives, including a recently failed carbon tax of $175 per head. Despite the subsidies paid to cattle ranchers, this tax would have resulted in a spike in prices for dairy and beef. But such a spike might have repositioned cows in the public consciousness, given us a peek behind those Clover billboards and beyond the Gary Larson cartoons where ruminators stand on two legs and have funny conversations when no one is watching. Common cattle management is actually neither cute nor clever, given the environmental problems it causes, although some herds are raised sustainably in small operations. The problem is scale. There are too many cows for the earth to sustain, and the number is expected to increase. Authors of the oft-cited global study “Livestock’s Long Shadow,â€? calculate that the 229 million tons of meat being produced at the start of this decade will rise to 465 million tons by 2050. That’s more than double. Also in this report is the summary of environmental impacts caused by crowding the planet with cattle. The report found that on a global scale, cattle: • produce 37 percent of the anthropogenic methane, possessing 23 times the global warming potential of CO2 ; • occupy 70 percent of the deforested Amazon; • threaten more than half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots and almost half of the world’s ecoregions; • produce 65 percent of anthropogenic ammonia emissions, contributing to acid rain and acidification of ecosystems;

• and use 8 percent of the world’s water, mostly to water feed crops. This is just a partial list. In the United States alone, the report says, cattle are responsible for “55 percent of erosion and sediment, 37 percent of pesticide use, 50 percent of antibiotic use and a third of the load of nitrogen and phosphorus into freshwater resources.â€? What to do? The worst idea I found was cooked up at the University of Alberta in Canada, where the Frankenfood crowd wants to reengineer a cow that burps less. A saner approach by a national food distributor, Stonyfield Farms, is a burp-reduction diet plan for dairy cows in the land of Ben and Jerry’s—that would be Vermont. Over a bowl of Cherry Garcia, I pondered the idea that if my ice cream came from a cow on a methane-reduction diet— say alfalfa, f lax or hemp— I might be on a lower fat diet, too. According to Stonyfield Farms, the cow diet not only reduced emission up to 18 percent, but as a happy accident also reduced saturated fats in the milk. (Don’t rush out for ice cream yet, as the Vermont cows in the study are busy making organic yogurt at the moment.) The big claim by this distributor is, “If every U.S. dairy were to adopt this approach, in less than one year the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we could reduce would be the equivalent of taking more than half a million cars off the road!â€? Take half a million cows off the planet, daily, for several years, and far more problems might be solved. Because it isn’t just about the burps and farts of cattle; it’s the degradation of land and water caused by too many cows and their drain on resources needed to sustain life on this planet. When the EPA proposed the per-cow carbon tax last year, cattle-industry lobbyists conveniently transformed livestock into sacred cows. This was followed by sacred cheese, created by government subsidies attached to 102,000 tons of American dairy products for export. What can we do to change the practices and the herd sizes of an industry managed unsustainably and propped up by subsidies? The most powerful thing we can do right now is change how we eat.

Cattle industry lobbyists conveniently transformed livestock into sacred cows. This was followed by sacred cheese . . .

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B>DC74A= BCH;4 Larry Vito, Jaqualyn Tremont and Alex Vito help to hold down the front of the house, er, parking lot.

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;^]T BcPa BcPcT ^U <X]S Larry Vito’s Barbecue is smokin’ fans out of the woodwork By Suzanne Daly


he wizardry of Harry Potter’s continuing saga recently filled all nine theaters in Sebastopol’s Cinema Complex. But his isn’t the only magic being conjured up there. In the theater parking lot, working outside the backdoor of a small building that sits kitty-corner to the movie house, world-renowned chef Larry Vito feeds hardwood logs into an industrial steel smoker, imparting Texas-style barbecue with his secret signature f lavors. The pile of apple-, oak- and nut-wood logs shrinks as he feeds the smoker’s wood box, which can accomodate six whole

hogs, 120 racks of ribs or 200 chickens inside, slowly cooking to juicy perfection. Walk around the front of this unassuming building, past the Patisserie Angelica sweet shop, and you’ll discover the welcoming covered veranda that is the new home to Larry Vito’s BBQ Smokehouse Restaurant. Diners order the wide variety of barbecued meats, homemade appetizers and side dishes at the corrugated-metal-clad counter and eat at homey picnic tables covered in red, checkered cloths. Old saddles, bridles and other ranch paraphernalia grace the walls, and barbed wire wraps protectively around the light fixtures. Wagon wheels line the edge of the deck, and small wooden pigs whimsically f ly in the trees

that shade the restaurant from the street. Vito’s menu offers succulent Memphisstyle pork ribs, tender North Carolina pulled pork, caramel-crusty chicken wings, still-pink smoked salmon, lean yet f lavorful housemade andouille chicken sausage and buttersoft brisket. All are prepared Southern-style, rubbed with Vito’s secret blend of spices, and then slowly smoked over hardwoods using indirect heat. This regional method avoids the use of gas cooking, which Vito says taints the meat with its sulfuric components, and the use of soft woods, which he believes add too strong a f lavor. Most importantly, sauce is not used during cooking but is offered as a condiment on the side, to be &) THE BOHEMIAN




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employed sparingly to enhance the f lavor of the meat. Vito notes that in some parts of the country, locals eat their barbecue “naked,â€? leaving the sauce for tourists. His tables are graced with two homemade varieties of sauce, a tart and traditional North Carolina variety and the restaurant’s original barbecue sauce, developed after 25 years of experimentation. Either way, the patrons at the restaurant, kids and adults alike, happily eat with gusto, washing down the meat’s subtle heat with house-made strawberry lemonade or iced tea with fresh mint. All meat-struck homilies aside, one does wonder how a classically trained fivestar chef who has cooked with a pantheon of culinary celebrities ends up smoking meat in a small-town theater parking lot? Simple: pure love. Growing up in upstate New York in a tiny town of 500 on Lake George in the Adirondacks, Vito helped his grandmother with the cooking at her resort, and by age 18 was running the kitchen. College found him majoring in English but morphing into culinary arts, where he studied his passion at New York City’s Culinary Institute of America. As he gained experience, his star rose, and Vito eventually trained with such gastronomic giants as James Beard and M. F. K. Fisher. Many meals and miles later found him on a road trip through the Deep South, “touring and working as a guest chef,â€? he remembers, cooking with local luminaries and sampling the regional fare. “I spent one week with Emeril Lagasse—before he was famous— at Commander’s Palace,â€? Vito says. “Then I spent a week with Paul Prudhomme, eating gumbo and crayfish ĂŠtouffĂŠe with a fistful of butter in it.â€? After a few weeks tasting the rich meals of New Orleans, Vito drove west and found himself in East Texas. “I had an amazing epiphany in a strip mall there,â€? he recalls. “It was a tiny, nondescript place where they served food on paper plates, but I will remember the chicken and ribs forever. That meal was more memorable than anything I had on the whole trip.â€? After a stint with Wolfgang Puck in L.A., Vito worked with Alice Waters at Chez Panisse in Berkeley. It was 1985. He visited Santa Rosa to meet Laura Chenel, pioneer of American-made chĂŠvre, and fell in love with Sonoma County. “Once I saw the area, I knew this is where I wanted to be,â€? he says. Two years later, he moved to San Francisco and accepted the position of executive chef at the Stanford Court, then rated the No. 1 hotel in America and 15th worldwide. He spent seven years at the hotel restaurant before moving to Sonoma County. Once in the North Bay, he eschewed




7^c 9^X]cb Other barbecue to love

Sonoma Bluegrass Bar & Grill 14301 Arnold Drive, Glen Ellen. 707.935.4488. D’s Diner 7260 Healdsburg Ave., Sebastopol. 707.829.8080. Jerome’s Mesquite Barbeque 1390 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma. 707.795.2114. Lombardi’s Barbeque & Deli 3413 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma. 707.773.1271. Also: 101 E. Cotati Ave., Cotati. 707.795.3354. Porter Street Barbeque 500 E. Cotati Ave., Cotati. 707.795.9652

Napa Bar Bers Q 3900-D Bel Aire Plaza, Napa. 707.224.6600. Bounty Hunter 975 First St., Napa. 707.226.3976. Buster’s Original Southern Barbecue 1207 Foothill Blvd., Calistoga. 707.942.5605. Red Rock Back Door BBQ 1010 Lincoln Ave., Napa. 707.226.2633

Marin California Grill & Rotisserie 1531 S. Novato Blvd., Ste. A., Novato. 415.897.7655. Mauna Loa Hawaiian Barbecue 810 Third St., San Rafael. 415.453.2003. Larry Vito recommends: Memphis Minnie’s BBQ 576 Haight St., San Francisco. 415.864.7675. —S.D.

restaurant work, instead creating a high-end catering business, which also offered barbecue for cowboy weddings and wine-pairing events. He began to actively nurture his passion for barbecue, experimenting with a $15,000 professional pit while mentoring with Mike Mills, three-time consecutive winner of the Memphis in May World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest, considered to be the pinnacle of barbecue cook-offs. Vito finally jumped into the proverbial fire by deciding to split his business in two, spotlighting his obsession by focusing on barbecue. His modest restaurant is a family affair with Larry serving as pit master, while his brother Alex manages the restaurant. Larry’s wife, RenĂŠe Fritze, is the executive events coordinator for the catering company. The company mission (“Raising the bar in barbecueâ€?) highlights its focus on educating and delighting the public so they “finally know what real barbecue is,â€? as opposed to grilling or slathering meats in overly sweet or tongue-burning sauces. Vito is adamant in his belief that true barbecue is f lavored through smoking and indirect heat from hardwoods, applied over a long period of time. “There’s something primal about fire and smoke,â€? he says. “The f lavor of good barbecue is almost addictive, and people who haven’t had real barbecue don’t know

what they’re missing.� He explains that ribs cooked correctly are not “falling off the bone,� as many diners believe. Instead of describing ultimate tenderness, meat that falls from the bone is generally overcooked, sometimes to the point of mushiness. Instead, meat should pull cleanly from the bone but remain intact. Likewise, sauce shouldn’t be used to mask the f lavor of overcooked meat. As one of his relatives colorfully put it, “Saucing up falling-off-the-bone barbecue is like putting a party dress on a dead body. No matter what you do, it’s never gonna get up and dance!� Vito’s goal for raising the bar toward perfection also holds true for the many side dishes on the menu; he altered the recipe for the macaroni and cheese “at least 15 times,� he says, before he was satisfied. Perhaps the chef ’s real mission ref lects a different type of passion. “My wife and I love barbecue, and she’s from Santa Rosa,� he says with a smile. “She always talked about Jesse, a legendary local character who used to have an unrivaled barbecue joint where Pack Jack’s was on Highway 116. I wanted to impress my wife, because she didn’t think my barbecue could match Jesse’s. It’s hard to compete with a legend.� Larry Vito’s BBQ Smokehouse Catering, 6811 Laguna Park Way, Sebastopol. 707.575.3277. www.bbqsmokehousecatering.com.




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;D=27 1D=27 feel as if summer just started, but already I’m reading about back-toschool sales and getting kids ready for another year. While I doubt that many grade-school students feel the same way, I’m looking forward to the start of school this year. This fall, Congress is scheduled to take up two school nutrition bills. With Barack Obama in the White House, change could be coming to the National School Lunch Program. And change is long overdue.


The National School Lunch Act of 1946 was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman with noble-sounding intentions. It guaranteed a hot lunch to every school kid who couldn’t afford one. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the agency that oversees the program, approximately 30.5 million students receive free or reduced-price lunches each school day. But what was supposed to be a way of ensuring needy kids get enough to eat so they can pay attention in class has become a national disgrace. Making sure kids don’t go hungry sounds like a highminded idea, but the lunch program was really established as a way to support already heavily subsidized farms by passing off their surpluses to schools. In effect, schools became the garbage cans for what the market didn’t want. The program beneďŹ ts agribusiness, not kids. Michelle Obama has gladdened the hearts of Alice Waters– loving, Michael Pollan–quoting foodies everywhere with her involvement in the White House garden. Many in the so-called good-food movement see her as an ally and are looking for her to be a champion for school lunch reform because her focus at the garden has been involving children in gardening and cooking. Many foodpolicy analysts are watching to see what role she and the president will play when the Child Nutrition Act comes up for congressional reauthorization next month. This is the opportunity for Congress to right the many wrongs in the way we feed our kids at school. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is on the right track. The group supports increasing the number of vegetarian and vegan meals served in school cafeterias because current menus are too high in saturated fat and cholesterol and deďŹ cient in ďŹ ber, fresh produce and grains. Check them out at www.healthyschoollunches.org. The website includes an online petition urging Congress to adopt a healthier school lunch policy that provides for vegetarian-based meals. Reforming school lunches will be very challenging, especially in California. For one thing, schools are broke, and spending more on fresh, higher-quality food instead of frozen commodity foodstuffs is going to be difďŹ cult. Of course, schools shouldn’t bear all the blame for fat and unhealthy kids. Parents are the single most important factor in what a child eats. If parents eat at McDonald’s and guzzle two-liter bottles of Coke at the dinner table, kids will too. But schools are supposed to educate children in many subjects, and one of those subjects should be what constitutes a healthy meal. Sadly, that lesson is seldom taught.

Stett Holbrook

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Traditional Vietnamese Restaurant

>iVa^Vc# " # 6 c^XZ cZ^\]Wdg]ddY eaVXZ [dg e^ooV! eVhiV VcY heZX^Vah a^`Z X^dee^cd# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# .&. AV`Zk^aaZ 6kZ! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+*#*.%%#


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HZbda^cV The local preference for authentic Vietnamese

fresh ingredients large dining room friendly staff always affordable

dine in & take out

707.566.8910 966 North Dutton Ave~Santa Rosa Mon–Sat 10–9m Sunday 11–8




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Simply Vietnam

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2 3>=0C84;;> F8=4AH he PR standard along Westside Road is the same as any other wine road: portray uncompromising family farmers—as deeply rooted as the vineyards they tend—in black-and-white vignettes, creating a timeless idyll meant to contrast the full-color, fast-moving worlds of tech and ďŹ nance. In reality, it seems like winery trends and proprietorship shift as often as the tectonic plates that lie beneath them.


The man behind the curtain at scenic Belvedere Winery, for instance, was none other than tech sector investment wizard Bill Hambrecht. A few years ago, Hambrecht parceled off vineyards and closed the popular but ďŹ nancially troubled 100,000-case Belvedere, then helped to relaunch it last year with East Coast wine and spirits executive Chris Donatiello in the fore. Donatiello pared down production to 7,000 cases and narrowed the focus to the region’s star Burgundian varietals. None of which matters to the koi ďŹ sh lazily swishing in their fountain. The same landscaped grounds provide picnic spots, herbal stairways and rose-studded garden paths leading to the revamped tasting room. The interior has been opened up, with a central bar island where our low-key, knowledgeable host briey updates us on the current ownership and then directs our attention to the pertinent story: the winemaking team, vineyards and the product. Tasting ights are tiered: a dabbler’s for a ďŹ ver, allChardonnay and all-Pinot, with a glass provided for each pour. The 2008 Sauvignon Blanc ($24) is the outlier varietal. In between lean and sweet-bodied styles, it’s a front lawn of lemongrass leading to a small orchard of mild peach skin and guava. The 2007 Maddie’s Vineyard ($34) popped out from the Chardonnay pack for its nose of for-once-it’s-not-butter aroma of taffy and chewy caramel candy; the palate is tense with oak, eshed out with—what else?—baked apple. While the 2006 Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ($48) pours onto the palate like ripe cranberries out of a bog, it’s otherwise free of riparian weedy notes, accented with brown spice and red cherries. The supple 2007 Floodgate Vineyard RRV Pinot Noir ($55) smacks of plum jam, with indistinct but seamless avors. The 2007 Maddie’s Vineyard RRV Pinot Noir ($62) is a cooler character, more tart and austere but knitted together in the same soft and pleasing format. Neither aggressively extracted nor shy of avor, these Pinots inhabit a still pool in of the plump middle of the Russian River proďŹ le; classy but immediately accessible wines to enjoy in the here and now.

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C. Donatiello Winery, 4035 Westside Road, Healdsburg. Open daily, 11am to 5pm. Tasting fee, $5–$12. The winery hosts a summer concert schedule, “Live from the Middle Reach,� on Sundays from 1pm. Free. 800.433.8296. James Knight

“Kudos to the owner, Mrs. Mona Dhar, and her brother and co-owner Sumeer Karihaloo, who manages the restaurant, for giving the North Bay its finest Indian restaurant, and to Chef Uddab for his ability to create Indian food that

transcends the ordinary� Jeff Cox – Press Democrat

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L8 Cd bViiZg ]dl ViiZci^kZ ndj VgZ id i]Z Y^gZXi^dch! cd bViiZg ]dl bjX] ndj hijYn i]Z fjV^ci! ]VcY"YgVlc bVe [djcY dca^cZ! cd bViiZg ]dl k^\^aVcian ndj lViX] i]Z higZZi VYYgZhhZh cjbZg^XVaan

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Show ad. Exp 8/31/09.

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>D8 Together, Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno punk the corporate world.

9Tbcb X] CX\T Corporate pranksters skewering the suits are among the standouts of SF Jewish Film Festival By Richard von Busack


he good thing about the very obedient is that they are very credulous. The Yes Men Fix the World plays as part of the traveling series of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, screening Aug. 8–10 at the Smith Rafael Film Center. The film is the followup to The Yes Men, the Dan Ollman–Sarah Price documentary of 2003. Regardless of the serious prank-power of Sacha Baron Cohen, the antics of Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno (who directed) are even funnier: the arrow of the humor is pointed at corporate cads instead of a pack of Arkies out for a night of cheap beer and wrestling. The Yes Men’s long-running prank is to insinuate themselves into think tanks, press conferences and trade shows, pretending to be representatives of name-brand corporations. Using “cheap suits and fake websites� (and some weird PowerPoint demonstrations), the Yes Men drop Dow Chemical’s stock by three points. Posing as representative “Jude Finisterra� (“end of the world�), one member

ginned up an interview on the BBC, claiming that Dow was going to at long last reimburse the victims of Bhopal “just because it’s the right thing to do.� Later, Bichlbaum and Bonanno travel to that still-blighted city of 1 million; there, they demonstrate that there wasn’t much substance to the BBC’s face-saving claim that the mean prank had caused Indians to weep bitter tears. Happily, petrochemical engineers are slightly cannier. Take the Yes Men’s unveiling of “vivoleum,� a human-corpse-based fuel, at the Go Expo in Calgary, which even the “childlike exuberance of a great industry� can’t quite swallow. Later, they pose as unusually benign government officials at a New Orleans presser, sharing the stage with the city’s mayor and the governor of Louisiana. When exposed, one Yes Man claims that his partner, the bogus HUD official, is odd because “he just got here from France.� This could be called the Conehead Defense. The Yes Men Fix the World screens Aug. 9. Some other standouts at the festival include Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg (Aug. 8), which resurrects some episodes from a mostly forgotten multimedia phenomenon. The

Goldbergs, a long-running situation comedy about Jewish life, leapt from radio (1929–’46) to television (1949–’56). Gertrude Berg’s Molly Goldberg, the ultimate Jewish mama, entertained millions and even mentioned the Holocaust. The episodes revived here aren’t exactly the TV version of Henry Roth’s Call It Sleep, but they’re a certainly a revelation about the seriousness and power of early television. Berg, in character as Mrs. Goldberg, sells Sanka in one-minute wraparounds to the main show. This is all the better to avoid interruptions for the main comedy-drama, which is laugh-track and zinger-free. Filmed on a small set, the action takes place in a crowded apartment, with dumbwaiter and airshaft opening up the space to neighbors who shout new information. The episode “Matchmaker� has Gertrude trying to stretch a boiled chicken dinner to all the eligible men crowding in to court Gertrude’s niece. Surprisingly oldcountry faces and voices show up in this episode. The window The Goldbergs provides into postwar Jewish urban life is more than just ') a TV show’s painted backdrop. THE BOHEMIAN



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1>D=CH Comedienne Gertrude Berg’s radio and TV shows ‘normalized’ American Jewish life.

The erstwhile crowdpleaser Hey Hey It’s Esther Blueberger (Aug. 8) gives you fair warning in the title. Thirteen-yearold Esther (Danielle Cantanzariti) of Adelaide, Australia, jumps the fence of her cruel private school and encounters a public-school rebel, a surly half-Maori girl called, perhaps ironically, Sunny (Keisha Castle-Hughes from Whale Rider). At first, Castle-Hughes shows Malcolm McDowell–like levels of cockiness, but she gets monotonously mannered, looking as morosely diffident as Richard Burton when his heart wasn’t in a film. More intriguing, if ultimately disenchanting, is Israel’s Seven Minutes in Heaven (Aug. 9). Galia (Reymonde Amsellem) is in an aura state following a trauma; she was clinically dead for seven minutes after a terrorist bombing in Jerusalem. Far more interesting than director Omri Givon’s M. Night Shyamalanesque touches is all the stuff the director took from life before he shaped it for metaphysics. This is what seems real, and must be happening every day: Galia’s thorny feelings, the itching of her scar tissue and the dialogue with record keepers who deal with the bombings. Their interchange goes thus: “Were you in the one at the mall?� “No, the one on the bus.� “French Hill?� “No, at the city center.� “Ah, God, that was horrible.�

The 29th annual San Francisco Jewish Film Festival screens 13 ďŹ lms Saturday–Monday, Aug. 8–10, at the Smith Rafael Film Center. 1118 Fourth St., San Rafael. Times vary. 415.454.1222.




@A.42 mistaken identity, cross-dressing and practical joking has been frosted over with tasty songs from the Summer of Love, borrowing from the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Donovan and others. The show runs weekends through Sept. 27. On Aug. 21, the company adds a traditional staging of the epic Julius Caesar, featuring Barry Kraft in the title role and television actor Jay Karnes (The Shield) as the conflicted conspirator Brutus. Julius Caesar runs through Sept. 27. 50 Acacia Ave., on the Dominican University of California campus, San Rafael. 415.499.4488. www.marinshakespeare.org.

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%%(. William Elsman, Cat Thompson and Alexandra Matthew clown around in ‘Twelfth Night.’

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here is no escape from Shakespeare. But why should there be? In the North Bay, Shakespeare is an escape, a way to detach ourselves and place our focus on something as different from everyday life as possible, something full of drama and vision and magic and beauty. How else to explain the vast number of theater companies offering the works of Shakespeare all over these three counties every single summer? Most regions of this size are lucky to see one or two of wild Willy’s plays. In the North Bay, it’s hard to keep track of all of them. Even with the apparent demise of North Bay Shakespeare (aka Shakespeare at Stinson), even with Windsor’s Shakespeare on the Green having concluded its offerings for the year, even with the Sebastopol Shakespeare Festival having just completed its hugely successful open-air run of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (with its one non-Shakespeare offering, The Three Musketeers, still to come), there are numerous Shakespearean extravaganzas still on the boards or waiting in the wings. In San Rafael, where the Forest Meadows Amphitheatre reigns as the most enchanting and secluded venue for Shakespeare in the North Bay, the Marin Shakespeare Company has been delighting fun seekers and offending purists with its ’60s-era musical adaptation of Twelfth Night, here subtitled All You Need Is Love. Adapted and directed by Lesley and Robert Currier, Shakespeare’s tale of love,


Range Ave

By David Templeton

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Piner Pl

Summer stretches long under Shakespeare’s immortal pen

707.843.3156 860 Piner Road, Ste 38 Santa Rosa

Santa Rosa’s Narrow Way Stage Company has established itself as being fearlessly eager to present the Bard in unexpected, subversively political ways, and is about to launch a double shot of Shakespeare with two shows in repertory. First out of the gate is a Wild West, post–Civil War staging of the intense drama Coriolanus. Notable as one of the best Shakespearean plays that no one ever produces, Coriolanus follows the tragic trajectory of a Roman warrior, here re-imagined as a returning Yankee war hero, whose pride, unfamiliarity with politics and extremely meddlesome mother result in his banishment and doom. The show, directed by Merlyn Sell, will be presented in the outdoor courtyard of the Glaser Center on Aug. 6–9, 14, 16, 20 and 22. Running side by side with Coriolanus is Twelfth Night (yep, that’s two productions of TN in the North Bay!), with heightened emphasis placed on the play’s physical comedy and pent-up sexual tension. Directed by Nick Christenson, Twelfth Night runs Aug. 13, 15, 21, 23 and 27–30. Glaser Center, 547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa. For information and tickets, visit the website, www.narrowwaystage.com. Finally, the Sonoma County Repertory Theater Company stages a truly innovative and visually rich spin on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. This world premiere by playwright and puppeteer Conrad Bishop, titled Dreaming the Tempest, runs Sept. 18–Oct. 18 and transforms the world of The Tempest into an surreal mirage, employing “theatrical animation� (puppetry, of sorts) with masks, shadow illusions, projections and a soaring “Mythic Kitchen� ensemble, part of Sebastopol’s legendary Independent Eye theater company. This show will be presented indoors at the Rep’s cozy 80-seat home theater. 104 W. Main St., Sebastopol. 707.823.0177. www.the-rep.com.

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‘If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.’

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Ragle Ranch Park, Sebastopol, CA Aug A u g uust st 1 15 5 & Aug A u g uust st 16 16, 6, 2009 10 A AM M ~ 6 PM PM

10 AM A M ~ 5 PM PM

All A l l EEntertainment nte r t a i n m e nt Free Frre e w with i t h Fair Fa i r Admission Ad d m is s i o n %/86,21 ‡ 62/,' $,5 ‡ /29( &+2,5 ‡ 58%< 0221 ‡ -21, 0255,6 %/86,21 ‡ 62/,' $,5 ‡ /29( &+2,5 ‡ 58%< 0221 1 ‡ -21, 0255,6 67 3(7(5%,/ 67 3(7(5%,/7 ‡ 7+( 38/6$7256 ‡ 7+( %8==721(6 ‡ 1(: &23$6(7,&6 /7 ‡ 7+( 38 8/6$7256 ‡ 7+( %8==721(6 ‡‡ 1(: &23$6(7,&6 6+$1$ 0255,621 ‡ 0$5,$&+, 7(5$6&2 ‡ 0,7&+ :22'6 +,6 52&.(7 ¡6 6 +$1$ 0255,621 ‡ 0$5,$&+, 7(5$6&2 ‡ 0,7&+ :22' '6 +,6 52&.(7 ¡6















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feature ďŹ lms G-Force: 3D (8/7 - 8/13)

Daily 5:30/8:00pm; 2:30 matinees: 8/7, 8/8, 8/9, 8/12. No 8:00pm show Wed 8/12. Funny People (8/14 - 8/20) Daily 5:30/8:00pm; 2:30 matinees: 8/15, 8/16, 8/19. No 8:30pm, show Wed 8/19.


cameo ďŹ ne arts

Cinderella Paris OpĂŠra Ballet at the Palais Garnier, Paris premiere- Saturday, August 8 - 11:00am encore- Sunday, August 16 - 11:00am

cameo art ďŹ lm series Bargain Tuesday -- $7.50 Bargain Tuesday $7.00 All All Shows Shows Schedule for Fri, Aug 7th – Thu, Aug 13th Schedule for Fri, June 22nd - Thu, June 28th

“A Blisteringly Funny Skewering Of The Venal Side “RawOf and Riveting!� – Rolling Politics!� – USA TodayStone

Sin Nombre - August 12 - 8:00pm Departures - August 19 - 8:30pm


(12:30) 2:50 2:45 5:00 5:00 7:20 7:20 9:30 9:45 NR R (12:30) “A Delightful, Witty, Well-Acted & Inventive “A Triumph!� – New York Observer Comedy! The Movie That Best Captures A LA VIE EN ROSE Contemporary Romantic Sensibility!� – USA Today (12:45) 3:45 6:45 9:45 PG-13


(12:45) 3:00 5:15 7:30 PG-13 “ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x; – Really, Truly,9:40 Deeply – One of This – Newsday “Sublime! OneYear’s Of TheBest!â€? Most Evocative Films About An Artist I’ve Ever Seen!â€? ONCE (1:00) 3:10 York 5:20Magazine 7:30 9:40 R – New


(1:00) 6:45 Funny!� 9:20 NR “Wise, Humble and4:00 Effortlessly – Newsweek

WAITRESS “Viscerally Exciting, Adrenaline-Soaked Tour De (1:30) 4:00 9:30 –R NY Times Force Of Suspense And7:10 Suprise!� THE HURT LOCKER

“Swoonly Romatic, (1:30) 4:30 Mysterious, 7:10 9:45 Hilarious!� NR – Slant Magazine “An Intelligent, Evocative And Deceptively

JE T’AIME Low-KeyPARIS, Sci-Fi Adventure!� – USA Today (1:15) 4:15 7:00 9:30 R MOON

(1:15) 5:20 9:35 R No 5:20 Show on Thu Michael Moore’s “Witty, Poignant, Zany And Hilarious!� – New York Observer SICKO

Starts Fri, June 29th! WHATEVER WORKS

Advance Tickets On Sale at Boxon OfďŹ ce! (3:15) 7:40 PG-13 No Now 7:40 Show Thu (12:00) 2:30 5:00 7:30 10:00 Presented by The 5th-Sun Academy for Visionary Youth Venessa Redgrave Meryl Streep Glenn Close

SERPENT AND THE SUN Thu, AugEVENING 13th at 7:00pm Only! Starts Fri, June 29th!OfďŹ ce Tickets Available at Box



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Stanley Tucci and Meryl Streep celebrate life as Paul and Julia Child.


Beware the blog in ‘Julie & Julia,’ a bifurcated biopic By Richard von Busack


eryl Streep’s greatness—her facility with accents, her plasticity and that uncompromising quality every really lasting actor has to have—has often been used to portray the limits of human suffering. In Julie & Julia, Streep gets to kick up her heels instead. She has such fun with the part of the cookbook writer Julia Child that she’s consistently intoxicating to watch. The gusto of this life is like the little bits of happiness that turn up in other biopics. You keep waiting for the clouds to gather. You know how it is when you’re watching a film, and the happiness onscreen is so complete that you know someone’s going to have to pay for it. When Child’s equally ungainly and boisterous sister Dorothy (Jane Lynch) turns up in Paris, and the ladies chatter like exotic birds, throwing back their red wine by the glass, you think, “Ah, so the sister’s going to get cancer.â€? But it doesn’t happen. Streep continues at full sail through the film, elevated a bit on a high heels, and trotting with the happy clunkiness of a Clydesdale. Child’s distinctive voice—the whoop of surprise, the trill and warble when she spoke—makes Streep’s part of the film enthralling. Cast as her beloved husband (I’ll spoil this: nothing fatal befalls him) we have a dapper, droll Stanley Tucci, playing a cultural attachĂŠ. Tucci shows the best way to hold your own with a first-rate actor having the time of her life: recede a little and react slyly. Julia has her crisis—first overcoming a soupçon of prejudice to try to graduate the

Cordon Bleu, and then yearning to take the good word of French cooking back to 1950s America. But in this scrumptiously, art-directed version of 1950s Paris, she has a great good time. Watching this woman’s oversized delight in food and wine and sex is prime stuff. But there had to be some way to hold the film together, and sure enough disaster befalls. Half of this film is based on Julie & Julia, the hustled-into-print book version of a blog by Julie Powell. Amy Adams, the most charming young actress alive, plays Julie, and she’s still a horror. Powell’s schtick was cooking all the recipes in Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year, a grim marathon conducted in a tiny Queens kitchen. She obsesses over this, while working a day job and browbeating her husband (Chris Messina). Director Nora Ephron tries for frankness in her script by having Julie Powell call herself a bitch. That isn’t enough to rehab her. Ephron may not have the taste or the patience to deal with a girl of our decade, compared to her more idealized notion of life in the 1950s. It’s probably inadvertent, but the film has the aspect of a hit job on the blog generation. This is Ephron’s best movie by a mile, but the dreary back-andforth about Julie Powell’s problems are hard to bear. It’s a study in contrasts, for sure: one person marvels at life, another grinds away at it; one person tries to bring joy to the world, the other tries to figure out the fast track to fame. Give me Julia over Julie any day. ‘Julie & Julia’ opens in wide distribution on Friday, Aug. 7.

:<C62 0.=@

FOR NORTH BAY MOVIE TIMES, GO TO www.sonomamovietimes.com www.marinmovietimes.com www.napamovietimes.com

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A8B4 >5 C74 DA10= 466 The Fairfax Sustainability Film Fest screens ‘Mad City Chickens’ Aug. 6. See Film listing, p41.

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Film capsules by Richard von Busack and Jeff Latta.







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Wiping the Slate It was a hot summer night, and me and this country singer I was dating sleeping with were completely loaded. We grabbed a bottle of Charles Shaw from my apartment, headed downtown, and amused ourselves by f lying paper airplanes from the top of a five-story parking garage. The fuzz pulled up, and I was brusquely informed I could either get a ticket for the open container or for littering paper airplanes all over the streets below. “Waazz cheeeeaper?� I slurred. “Open container,� replied the cop. (The country singer promised to split the fine with me, but we fell out shortly afterward.) An open container charge isn’t that big of a deal, but maybe I’d like to get it removed from my record—in which case, I’m in luck and you are, too. Just bring your criminal docket from court, and learn how to expunge criminal charges from your permanent record in a valuable one-hour lecture on Wednesday, Aug. 5, at the Sonoma County Bar Association Office. 37 Old Courthouse Square, Ste. #100, Santa Rosa. 5:30pm. $10. 707.546.2924.


The Abstract Truth Plenty of comparisons have historically been made between music and painting—Bill Evans’ liner notes to Kind of Blue summarize the concept perfectly—and yet it’s not often the opportunity arises to admire an artist’s visual painting and his music at the same time. That chance comes this weekend, when abstract expressionist and blues guitarist and singer Mike Henderson appears at the di Rosa Preserve. A faculty member at UC Davis for over 30 years, Henderson works with a paintbrush the way most bluesmen bend nickel-wound strings, and openly states his goal is to reveal a painting that has more questions than answers. As a singer, Henderson is rugged and rough-edged, with a style that cries for empathy. To benefit educational programs, he and his band perform above the lake at the di Rosa in conjunction with his current new work on display in the Gatehouse Gallery. Advance tickets, including VIP seating with buffet dinner, are required when Henderson struts his stuff on Saturday, Aug. 8, at the di Rosa Preserve. 5200 Sonoma Hwy., Napa. 7pm. $50–$100. 707.226.5991.

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Phil ’Er Up Yes, Dave Alvin is an amazing guitarist, but the Blasters without Dave Alvin is perfectly fine with us. What’s the reason? Phil Alvin, that’s what. Phil’s voice and his wincing, sweaty delivery—illustrated on the Blasters’ first LP—are what make the Blasters great. The songs are what make the Blasters great. Yes, Dave Alvin provides that extra dash of brilliance which makes the Blasters a gift from heaven, as evidenced by their brotherly reunion tour several years ago,

but when you’ve got those songs and that voice, frankly, any guitarist will do. “Border Radio,� “Make You Dream,� “I’m Shakin’� and “Marie Marie� are gifts from rock ’n’ roll gods, even with Keith Wyatt. Who’s Keith Wyatt? He’s the poor guitarist who must suffer endless comparisons to Dave Alvin. We say: let the comparisons end! Slam a Michelob, comb back your hair and enjoy the quintessence of fullblooded American rock ’n’ roll when the Blasters cause the nightclub walls to drip condensation on Saturday, Aug. 8, at the 19 Broadway Niteclub. 19 Broadway, Fairfax. 9:30pm. $15–$18. 415.459.1091.


Don’t Give a Schtup Stripping down to panties stamped with a strategically placed Star of David while clarinet Klezmer music wails away. Lighting cigars off the menorah. Reciting beat poetry with questions like “Should I fiddle on a fucking roof for you?� It’s all included in the beer-swilling musical-comedyburlesque show ‘Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad.’ The brainchild of New Yorker Susannah Perlmann, whose bat mitzvah turned into a waterfall of teenage liquor consumption and subsequently supplied her with a hungover critical fisheye on her religion, Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad is saucy, ballsy and irreverent in all the most entertaining ways. Think of it as Beach Blanket Babylon with borscht, rhinoplasty and pasties. It’s the sort of thing they’d never allow on stage at the local synagogue when the Nice Jewish Girls go bad— in a benefit for the local synagogue—on Saturday, Aug. 8, at Judd’s Hill Winery. 2332 Silverado Trail, Napa. 7:30pm. $25–$45. 707.255.2332.


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BVYZaZ^cZ EZngdjm

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HZWVhideda EaVoV Bjh^X

8ZaZWgViZ &*i] hZVhdc d[ HZWVhidedaÉh HjbbZg Bjh^X HZg^Zh ZkZgn I]jgh Vi +/(%# 6j\ +! Bdhh =Zcgn 7VcY 6bZg^XVcV # ;gZZ# HZWVhideda EaVoV! BX@^caZn Hi! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#),.,#

Hda =dg^odc

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K^aaV\Z 8dcXZgi HZg^Zh

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LZhi 8dVhi Hdc\lg^iZgh

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HjbbZg C^\]ih

DjiYddg hjbbZg XdcXZgi VcY bdk^Z hZg^Zh [ZVijgZh Vc ZXaZXi^X! ^ciZgcVi^dcVa! [Vg"dji a^cZje d[ \gZVi WVcYh VcY [^ab# 6j\ &! <Zcd 9ZaV[dhZ VcY ;gZcX] GdX`^cÉ 7dd\^Z 8V_jc # '%" '(# Dh]Zg BVg^c ?88! '%% C HVc EZYgd GY! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)))#-%%%#

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<0½0< 3> H>D A42>6=8I4 0=H >5 C74B4 <4=. Healdsburg hooligans Crazy Famous play First Fridays at Stir in Santa Rosa on Aug. 7. See Clubs, p34.





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Bjh^X ^c i]Z EVg`

:kZgn I]jgh Vi +! Zc_dn a^kZ bjh^X# ;gZZ# 9dlcidlc 8Va^hid\V! A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#+(((#

In the Hub of Sonoma County ~ Cotati, CA BUY T YOU IN A ICKETS R D AND VANC SAV E E!


Clubs HDCDB6 8DJCIN 6ÉGdbV GdVhiZgh

6j\ ,! =Zaa]djcYh WajZh # 6j\ -! :O @Zla _Voo # 6j\ .! GVX]Za :[gdc :chZbWaZ e^VcdXZcig^X # .* ;^[i] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,+#,,+*#

A Non-Stop, Multicultural Extravaganza at La Plaza Park ~ Cotati


6j\ *! 7^iiZghlZZi ?Vb# 6j\ +! EVja @je[Zg# 6j\ -! HXVgaZi E^beZgcZah# 6j\ .! BVZ 6ccV BX6aZVkn ;g^ZcYh# (&%% <gVkZchiZ^c =ln C! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#&''(#

6fjh 8V[Z

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7aVX` 8Vi 7Vg 8V[Z

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;g^ Vi ,! LVn id <d ?dZh _Voo # .-.% 7dYZ\V =ln! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#*-.-#

8]Vg^obV L^cZ Adjc\Z

;^ghi VcY i]^gY I]jgh Vi ,! :aZcV LZaX] _Voo # &+((, BV^c Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#%.%.#


6j\ -! <Zd =dlVgY VXdjhi^X # EZa^XVc EaVoV! 7dYZ\V 7Vn# ,%,#-,*#'.((#

8ajW NVbV\ViV

LZY! deZc b^X# I]jgh! GZ\\VZ c^\]i# HVi! 9? ?d]c EVg`Zg# Hjc! a^kZ bjh^X# Bdc! BZcÉh AZVi]Zg EVgin 9? YVcXZ # IjZh! 8djcign LZhiZgc c^\]i# &+''* BV^c Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#.-,*#


LZY! a^kZ bjh^X# I]jgh! gZ\\VZidc# ;g^ Vi .! iZX]cd VcY ]djhZ 9?# Hjc! XjbW^V# IjZh Vi -! hVahV YVcX^c\ l^i] aZhhdc# '& ;djgi] Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+*#&-+(#

8d[[ZZ 8Vio

LZY Vi +! deZc b^X# I]jgh! HX^ZcXZ 7joo 8V[Z hZZ AZXijgZh # HVi Vi '! 7ajZ\gVhh ?Vb# +,+& HZWVhideda 6kZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#++%%#

;^ghi :Y^i^dc

:kZgn I]jgh! - id b^Yc^\]i! GdX` Éc 8djcign `VgVd`Z# &-'% : LVh]^c\idc 6kZ! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,,*#('%%#


Bands, barbecue and beer at Pee Wee Golf ust across the street, the decrepit remains of J’s Amusements stand testament to the passage of time, its roller-coaster tracks terminating in midair and ride cars scattered on the ground in a cluster of moss and dirt. The river up the road at Camp Meeker stands dry, with a sad, small playground and rusted ladders descending into a swimming hole once dammed and now damned. Past the aging golf course, Monte Rio’s “Vacation Wonderlandâ€? sign reminds those passing through of bygone days, the city’s equivalent to the drunk in the gutter muttering about how he used to be somebody. And yet, as if from a 1950s time warp, Pee Wee Golf in Guerneville has survived against the odds. Built in 1948 by famed miniature golf course designer Lee Koplin, the roadside attraction has sustained not only declining weekender trafďŹ c but wintertime oods—every year, the course goes completely underwater, save for a large statue of a purple dinosaur named Lily. The owners, far from letting the place slide into Tin Cup–like disrepair, dutifully scrub the place clean every spring and reopen. In recent years, Pee Wee Golf has sporadically hosted live music, but there’s never been anything like their summertime blowout planned this weekend with ďŹ ve bands, tons of cheap beer and loads of barbecue. Scoring a birdie on the loop-the-loop with a hot dog in one hand and a band in the ears—with the river wonderfully within skinny-dipping distance—means that the ghosts of the “vacation wonderlandâ€?–era Russian River have a standing invitation to be conjured as well. In addition to locals the New Trust and Not to Reason Why, the lineup includes the Iditarod, who are as epic and majestic as their name implies. Medieval synthesizer solos, three-part-harmony battle cries, absolutely strange guitar playing and hyperactive drum beats make for a band that stands alone on the local landscape in their uniqueness. Guerneville locals may recognize guitarist Nik Proctor from his longtime position behind the counter at Food for Humans; drummer Guy Henry has been tearing up the scene both solo and with his other band, Low-Five; new bassist Ben “Mamadouâ€? Jacobson is known for his quirky Yarn Arms project, which he should really resurrect one of these days; and keyboardist Max Kaufman has a mind of a million ideas, most of which seep out at rapid speed and into his Rick-Wakeman-on-speed riffs. Spires, from Oakland (above), and 1994, from Pennsylvania, join the lineup next to the 18th hole while the brewskies ow and the burgers sizzle on Thursday, Aug. 6, at Pee Wee Golf and Arcade, 16155 Drake Road, Guerneville. 5pm. $4; $7 with golf. 707.869.9321.


Gabe Meline

;aVb^c\d Adjc\Z

6j\ ,! AdkZ BVX]^cZ# 6j\ -! GjYn i]Z ;jc`n 8dVa^i^dc# Hjc! , id b^Yc^\]i! hVahV c^\]i l^i] aZhhdch# IjZh Vi ,! LZhi 8dVhi hl^c\ c^\]i l^i] aZhhdch# ',,, ;djgi] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#-*(%#

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IVWaZ# -'%& DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.'#.-),#

;gZcX] <VgYZc GZhiVjgVci

;g^Vg IjX`Éh

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=debdc` IVkZgc

6j\ ,"-! G]ni]b 8Vih gdX`VW^aan #

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6j\ *! B^X]VZa GdhZ! L7A@ 9?Éh () ?VXfjZh VcY <jVXVbdaZ






gZ\\VZ gdX` # ;^ghi VcY i]^gY LZY! 7ViVX]V AVi^c YVcXZ # 6j\ +! ?j`Z ?d^ci l^i] ? 7dd\^ZÉh 9jWigdc^X HX^ZcXZ! BVaVg`Zn# 6j\ ,! -%- 7VcY l^i] GdWZgi =ZggZgV! 9ZjXZ :Xa^ehZ! 9jWa^c# 6j\ -! ;gZZ EZdeaZh 6bZg^XVcV # '(% EZiVajbV 6kZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#,(%%#

=diZa =ZVaYhWjg\

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?VheZg DÉ;VggZaaÉh

6j\ ,! 7^i^c\ i]Z 9d\# 6j\ -! 9^gin 9jW 7VcY! L^hZ\jnh# Bdc! BdcYVn C^\]i :YjiV^cbZci# +.*, HZWVhideda 6kZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#'%+'#

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AVhi 9Vn HVaddc

6j\ ,! AZY OZeV\V^c OZeeZa^c ig^WjiZ # 6j\ -! 6bZg^XVc 9gV\! L]^h`Zn I]^ZkZh! 7^i^c\ i]Z 9d\ gdX` # &'% ;^[i] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#'()(#

AVhi GZXdgY HidgZ

6j\ ,! =^h =Zgh l^i] 6h]aZn 6aagZY! HV^ci HigZZi VcY ?dcZh^cÉ hZZ 8dcXZgih # &-.."6 BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*'*#&.+(#

AZYhdc Adjc\Z

;g^ Vi +! ?Zhh EZiin VcY @Zc 8]VbWZgh 9jd _Voo # AZYhdc =diZa! )-% ;^ghi Hi :! HdcdbV# ,%,#..+#.,,.#

A^iiaZ Hl^ioZgaVcY

6j\ -".! H]dlXVhZ i]Z 7VcY hdX` ]de # &.%-% G^kZgh^YZ 9g! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(-#..&%#

BV\j^gZÉh EjW

Bridging the Doyle Through Community Support

For Student Scholarships at SRJC!

For six decades more than $76 million from the Frank P. Doyle Trust provided scholarships to over 120,000 Santa Rosa Junior College students. With the temporary loss of the Doyle Scholarship in 2008, many students who deserve awards will not receive scholarships. Until the Doyle Scholarship is restored, the help of the Sonoma County community is badly needed. Join with members of our community to create scholarships. Mail your check to: SRJC Foundation 1501 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401

LZY Vi -! EjW Fj^o Ig^k^V# Bdc VcY ;g^! HZiVciV Hedgih# ;g^"HVi Vi ./(%! 9? 9VcXZ C^\]i# Hjc Vi *! `VgVd`Z# IjZh! 9Vgih# &)* @ZcijX`n Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#.# -%%#

BV^c HigZZi HiVi^dc

6j\ *! 8Zai^X hZhh^dch# 6j\ +! :Y LZiiZaVcY# 6j\ ,! HjhVc Hjiidc# 6j\ -! <lZc ÆHj\Vg BVbVÇ 6kZgn# 6j\ &&! Dji d[ i]Z 7ajZ hl^c\ # &+'-% BV^c Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#%*%&#

BVg^d ?d]cÉh IVkZgc

IjZh VcY ;g^! `VgVd`Z# )'- :Vhi 9 Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#..-)#


I]jgh! GV\Vh id G^X]Zh >cY^Vc # ,.-& DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.'#''*&#

BX IÉh 7jaaeZc

I]jgh! 6cidc^d# 6j\ ,! EjcX]^c\ 7^aan# 6j\ -! 9gde Bdi^dc# Hjc Vi .! `VgVd`Z# &+')+ ;^ghi Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#((,,#

BdcgdZ 9VcXZ =Vaa

I]jgh VcY Hjc! 8^gXaZh Ăˆc HfjVgZh 9VcXZ 8ajW# &)%% L 8daaZ\Z 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*'.#*)*%# This Ad Space Donated by North Bay Bohemian

Donate Online:


cameo ďŹ ne arts presents

Cinderella premiere:

august 8 at 11:00 am encore: august 16 at 11:00 am Paris OpĂŠra Ballet: palais garnier, paris





Bjge]n"<ddYZ IVhi^c\ Gddb

6j\ ,! Hnak^V 8jZcXV Ig^d# '% BVi]Zhdc Hi! =ZVaYhWjg\# -%%#)..#,+))#

Bjge]nÉh >g^h] EjW

LZY Vi ,/(%! ig^k^V c^\]i# 6j\ +! 9Z^gYgZ :\Vc 6bWZg AZZ 7V`Zg [da` # 6j\ ,! HdcdbV BdjciV^c 7VcY WajZ\gVhh # 6j\ .! 9Vk^Y 6\j^aVg VcY EZiZg BX8VjaZn# IjZh Vi ,! 6[iZg EVgin# :kZgn hZXdcY IjZh! deZc b^X# )+) ;^ghi Hi! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(*#%++%#

Bnhi^X I]ZVigZ

6j\ * Vi +! LZhiXdVhi Hdc\lg^iZgh Cdgi] 7Vn 8dbeZi^i^dc eaVnd[[h l^i] ?Vc L]^iZ# 6j\ +! ?d]ccn L^ciZg! =^aah^YZ ;^gZ hZZ 8dcXZgih # 6j\ ,! Hda =dg^odc! EVid 7Vcidc! 9? 8]Vc\d 7 hZZ 8dcXZgih # 6j\ -! LdcYZgWgZVY ;^kZ YVcXZ eVgin # '( EZiVajbV 7akY C! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+*#'&'&#

?>??8=½ >55

Master of the crates J-Boogie plays that funky music ’til the early mornin’ at Hopmonk’s Juke Joint on Aug.6. See Clubs, above.

Cdcc^Éh G^hidgVciZ >iVa^Vcd

LZY Vi +/(%! 9dc <^dkVcc^h >iVa^Vc # Bdc Vi +! HiZkZ HlVc H^cVigV Xgddc^c\h # )'% BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*',#%'''#

Cjiin >g^h]bVc

IjZh Vi .! `VgVd`Z# ..* E^cZg GY! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*))#&)),#

DYY ;Zaadlh =Vaa

-')% DaY GZYlddY =ln! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.*#,-+-#

G^d C^Yd GdVY]djhZ

6j\ ,! Idb ;^cc 7VcY# &)*)% 8Vcndc ' GY! G^d C^Yd# ,%,#-+.#%-'&#

GdX`Zg DnhiZg[ZaaZgÉh

I]jgh! 6gVcc =Vgg^h# 6j\ .! HegdjiZY 6abdcY E^X`Zgh# &))&* =ln &! KVaaZn ;dgY# ,%,#-,+#&.-(#

;^ghi ;g^ Vi .! 8dbVcX]Z =^\] EdlZg a^kZ h^c\Zgh! gZ\\VZ VcY YVcXZ]Vaa 9?h l^i] aViZ"c^\]i :i]^de^Vc `^iX]Zc # * YdcVi^dc [dg Vaa V\Zh# &.* C BV^c Hi jehiV^gh ! HZWVhideda# lll#bnheVXZ# Xdb$XdbVcX]Z]^\]edlZg#

Gjhh^Vc G^kZg GZhdgi

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Across the bridge

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ŸC70C B>=6 8B B> ;0<4½ Love him or hate him, Huey Lewis has made an indelible cultural mark.

7TPac P]S B^d[ What we talk about when we talk about Huey Lewis

By Gabe Meline 977 Huey Lewis’ band, Clover, backs Elvis Costello for his debut album My Aim Is True, which is weird. As the singer, Lewis is left out of the recording sessions, and instead he blows harmonica with Thin Lizzy, which is actually weirder. Clover also play the Inn of the Beginning in Cotati, and Lewis’ photo from that night hangs on the wall for the next 20 years. 1982 Two years after an unnoticed debut album, Huey Lewis and the News put out Picture This, with the big hit “Do You Believe in Love.â€? However, when the band appears on television shows, they instead insist on performing, a cappella, the Tymes’ 1963 romantic ballad, “So Much in Love,â€? beginning an a cappella band tradition that stretches from Curtis Mayfield’s “It’s All Rightâ€? to perpetual appearances at pro baseball and football games singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.â€? 1984 In the middle of “Workin’ for a Livin’,â€? as documented in a VHS home video recorded live in Germany, Huey Lewis lets out a primal, uproarious scream, placing himself in outrĂŠ but firm proximity to Roger Daltrey and his famous “Won’t Get Fooled Againâ€? scream, which of course is the greatest rock ’n’ roll scream of all time.

1985 Huey Lewis and the News play at the Petaluma fair, a modest North Bay date booked just before the massive Top 40 success of Sports, which the band, who are suddenly playing stadiums, graciously decide to fill. With the band at the top of the charts, it is the single most coolest thing going on in town, and at the end of “Heart of Rock and Roll,� after rattling off “Cleveland� and “Detroit,� Huey Lewis points to the sky and shouts, “Petaluma!� The rodeo arena goes totally apeshit. 1985 Sports contains “Walkin’ on a Thin Line,� cementing the dichotomy that is Huey Lewis: the same man who gave to the world one of the greatest Vietnam vet anthems also brought us, on the same album, “Bad Is Bad.� 1986 Huey Lewis and the News take a cover shot for Fore! at Tamalpais High School featuring the dorkiest possible looking photo of Johnny Colla, the group’s saxophone player. They make the heads-inthe-sand video for “Stuck with You,� which is the dorkiest possible video on MTV. They release the song “Hip to Be Square,� at the time a somewhat successful defense of their enduring dorkiness. The band close out a banner year with a string of soldout concerts at the Oakland Arena, with guest appearances by Ronnie Lott, Dwight Clark and Joe Montana of the red-hot San Francisco 49ers singing onstage. 1993 Huey Lewis appears in his first major film, Short Cuts, portraying a fisherman in Robert Altman’s brilliant adaptation of Raymond Carver stories. In the middle of an early fishing scene in the film, inexplicably, Huey Lewis unzips, pulls out his dong and starts peeing in a river. Huey’s dong. Right there, on the screen. 1995 During an episode spoofing Lollapalooza, The Simpsons brilliantly offers an argument between Homer, Bart and Lisa about what’s cool. Defending his Grand Funk Railroad uncoolness by quoting Huey Lewis, Homer declares, “You know what the song says: it’s hip to be square!� Lisa, with a perturbed look on her face in the back seat of the car, quickly replies, “That song is so lame.� 1996 Mario Cipollina, the totally bad asslooking bassist who quit the News in 1994, is stopped by Novato police and found with heroin, meth, a knife and a gun. Two years later, Cipollina steals over $5,000 worth of radio-control cars from a toy store in San Anselmo. In 2006, he is found with heroin and meth in his pockets and busted again. Moral of the story: don’t quit the News. 2000 Huey Lewis co-stars in Duets with Gwyneth Paltrow, and their version of “Cruisin’� pours out of supermarkets and dentists’ offices forever. 2005 In the SF Weekly, Katy St. Clair writes what is perhaps the definitive statement on Huey Lewis’ fan base, subtitled “The Enduring Bond Between Huey Lewis and the Developmentally Disabled.� (St. Clair also makes what perhaps is the definitive statement on Huey Lewis by asserting that “Huey Lewis is a retarded version of Bruce Springsteen.� She said it, not me.) The story flies around the internet, and Huey Lewis’ guarantee for corporate parties and country clubs, coincidentally or not, skyrockets. 2009 Huey Lewis and the News plays on Thursday, Aug. 13, at the Wells Fargo Center, 50 Mark West Spring Road, Santa Rosa. 8pm. $30–$100. 707.546.3600. THE BOHEMIAN



KRCB presents Playing for Change

0.92;1.? <=2;6;4@ 6j\ +

Bill Moyers called it a remarkable example of “the simple yet transformative power of music... to touch something in each of us. Playing for Change is an extraordinary effort to unite musicians and vocalists from diverse parts of the globe, while at the same time seeking to immerse audiences in a multimedia movement to inspire, connect and bring peace to the world through music.

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Thursday, August 6 at 7:15 PM

Support KRCB Television 22 To Pledge call 800-287-2722

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6j\ .

Channel 22 Broadcast Satellite Cable

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Reservations advised

GdWZgi <gZZc ;^cZ 6gih Dc\d^c\! eV^ci^c\ VcY hXjaeijgZ Wn ?^b 7^gY! ?VbZh <g^aad! HVb ;gVcX^h! :Y BdhZh VcY ?VbZh H]Vn# IjZh";g^! & id ,0 HVi"Hjc! && id *# &*) I]gdX`bdgidc 6kZ! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#(-&#-,,+#


Mc Near’s Dining House


Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BBQ • Pasta • Steak

8VaYlZaa HcnYZg <VaaZgn Dc\d^c\! 6bZg^XVc! :jgdeZVc VcY AVi^c XdciZbedgVgn Vgi# DeZc YV^an! &% id +# &('- BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# )&*#*(&#+,**#



8]g^hide]Zg =^aa <VaaZgn Dc\d^c\! XdciZbedgVgn bdYZgc eV^ci^c\ d[ '%i] VcY '&hi XZcijg^Zh# Hjc"Bdc VcY LZY"I]jgh! &% id */(%0 ;g^"HVi! &% id ,/(%# &'(* BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+(#%','#

THUR 8/6 • 7:00PM DOORS • $27 ADV/$30 DOS • 21+ BLUES/ROCK


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“A Historic West Marin Landmark�



Aug 7

Great Dance Band! 8:30pm / $10 / $12


Aug 8



Crazy in Love with Patsy Cline

Tower of Power Meets Cold Blood 8:30pm / $12

Aug 14


Work by Pamela Holmes opens Aug. 8 at the Hammerfriar Gallery. See Openings, adjacent.


Aug 15 Fri

Aug 21

Dance B6G>C 8DJCIN Ig^kZc^ 8dc[ajZcXZ d[ i]gZZ Y^hi^cXi hinaZh d[ >cY^Vc DY^hh^ YVcXZ [ZVijgZh K^h]cj IViikV 9Vh VcY heZX^Va \jZhih# 6j\ - Vi ,# '%" '*# H]dlXVhZ I]ZVigZ! BVg^c 8ZciZg! HVc GV[VZa# lll#dY^hh^k^aVh#dg\#


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Aug 22


?Zl^h] :bZg\ZcXn 6hh^hiVcXZ CZildg` lVcih id bV`Z ^i ZVh^Zg id [^cY V _dW VcY ]Zae ndj bdkZ ndjghZa[ ^c V cZl edh^i^kZ Y^gZXi^dc# ;^ghi VcY I]^gY I]jgh bdci]an! &/(% id (# ;gZZ# ?;8H HdcdbV 8djcin! &(+% C 9jiidc 6kZ! HiZ 8! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#(%(#&*(+#

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CdcZhjX] DeZc =djhZ

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Aug 29

SAT 8/8 • 8:45PM DOORS • $17 • 21+

Rancho Debut!

Johnny Vegas and the High Rollers Welcome Back!

Lee Press-on Nails

and the

Steve Lucky and the Rhumba Bums Featuring

Miss Carmen Getit


?dW CZildg`^c\ HZhh^dch

The Coolest Way to Swing 8:30pm / $12

San Francisco’s Wildest Swing Big Band 8:30pm / $12 / $15



Stompy Jones

High Energy Rock & Soul Revue 8:30pm / $12

TUE 8/11 • 7:30PM DOORS • $15 • 21+

'%# &)' I]gdX`bdgidc I]ZVigZ! &)' I]gdX`bdgidc 6kZ! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#(-(#.+%%#

Lavay Smith, Carmen Getit, & Belle Monroe 8:30pm / $15


FRI 8/7 • 7:30PM DOORS • $15 • 21+ REGGAE

Ÿ1>0A 1>A4½

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Take a scenic drive for a unique dining experience

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8:30pm / $12



2009 BBQ’s On the Lawn!

SUN 8/16 • 8:00PM DOORS • $25 • 21+

Gates Open at 3pm, Music at 4pm




TUE 8/18 • 7:30PM DOORS • $20 ADV/$22 DOS • 21+

Butch Whacks & The Glass Packs


Aug 9

$25 Sun

Aug 16




Aug 23


Aug 30

FRI 8/28 • 7:00PM DOORS • $25 • ALL AGES JAZZ





For All Ages Shows • No Children Under 6 Allowed

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with the legendary




The Kronos Quartet $25


SAT 8/22 • 6:30PM DOORS • $15 GEN/$10 STUDENT • 16+


In a rare Northern California appearance

3rd Annual

Mitch Woods’ Boogie Woogie BBQ Blowout $20


Sept 6

Roy Rogers and the Delta Rhythm Kings $20


Sept 7 Sun

Sept 13

Marcia Ball $25

Buckwheat Zydeco $20


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THUGZ Sat Aug 15

GARAGELAND RODEO Sun Aug 16 • 6–9pm


UPCOMING EVENTS Fri Aug 21 • 7–10pm


Sat Aug 22 • $20 Adults/$10 Kids WESTERN BBQ WITH THE

THE BILLY MAC ALLSTARS All Music 6–10pm • All Shows $5 unless noted

THURS ! AUG 6 ! 9:30PM




Swimming Pool Open to Public


Lunch • Dinner • Brunch on Weekends

THURS ! AUG 13 ! 9:30PM

Full Bar • Live Bands 707.869.0821 | 14540 Canyon 2, Rio Nido



SAMBADA & DJ BEST SAT ! AUG 15 ! 9:30PM ! $20


8dgiZ BVYZgV ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi LZY! cddc id *# Idlc 8ZciZg! IVbVaeV^h 9g^kZ! 8dgiZ BVYZgV# )&*#(-'#,-)+#



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Wed, Aug 5 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45 Jazzercise 10am-12:15pm Scottish Dance Youth and Family 7:00-10:00pmSingles & Pairs Square Dance Club

HVc GV[VZa ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi ?d^c ndjg cZ^\]Wdgh ZkZgn I]jgh ZkZc^c\ [dg Vc VggVn d[ [gZh] dg\Vc^X egdYjXZ! [adlZgh! Vgih VcY XgV[ih! ^ciZgcVi^dcVa \^[i bVgi! [ddY! a^kZ bjh^X VcY bdgZ# I]gdj\] HZe! + id .# ;gZZ# 9dlcidlc HVc GV[VZa! ;^[i] VcY 6 higZZih! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#).'#-%%,#

Thur, Aug 6 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 7:25-10:30pm Circles & Squares Square Dance Club Fri, Aug 7 8:45-9:45am Jazzercise 10:30-11:30am Intro to ZUMBA with Anna 7:00pm DJ Steve Luther hosts HOT SALSA & COOL SWING $10

IVhi^c\ Vi IVb LZY Vi +! ldbZcÉh l^cZ XajW# &*# IVb 8ZaaVgh! &-%( AVg`hejg AVcY^c\ 8^gXaZ! AVg`hejg# )&*#)+&#.)+(#

Sat, Aug 8 8:00-9:00am; 9:15-10:15am Jazzercise 10:30-11:40am NEW!Salsa Workout with DJ Steve Luther 7:00pm CIRCLE ‘N SQUARE HOEDOWN


Sun, Aug 9 8:30-9:30am Jazzercise 10:15–11:15am Zumba Fitness with Anna 5:00–9:30pm DJ Steve Luther Country-Western Lessons & Dancing $10

8Va^hid\V ;VgbZgh BVg`Zi I]gdj\] DXi (&0 HVi! -/(% id cddc# 9dlcidlc 8Va^hid\V! A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#-&'#'+)%#

8]ZZgh Hi =ZaZcV

Mon, Aug 10 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 3:30pm WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING

;^ghi ;g^ bdci]an! + id .! k^h^i gZhiVjgVcih VcY h]deh ^c Vc ZkZc^c\ d[ l^cZiVhi^c\! ZciZgiV^cbZci VcY Xdbbjc^in he^g^i# ;gZZ# 9dlcidlc Hi =ZaZcV! BV^c Hi! Hi =ZaZcV# lll#X]ZZghhi]ZaZcV#Xdb#


Tues, Aug 11 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 9:30am WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING

8]Z[Éh BVg`Zi ;VgbZgh bVg`Zi iV`Zc id V l]daZ cZl aZkZa [ZVijgZh ldgaY"XaVhh X]Z[ YZbdh! a^kZ bjh^X dc [djg hiV\Zh VcY l^cZ! l^cZ! l^cZ# I]jgh! * id .# 9dlcidlc CVeV! ;^ghi HigZZi VcY Idlc 8ZciZg! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#%(''#

;^cZ L^cZ 6gi^hVc 8]ZZhZ AZVgc id eV^g ild d[ a^[ZÉh


Weigh in 3:30, Meeting 4:00

Scottish Country Dancing



Weigh in 9:30, Meeting 10:00 WEST AFRICAN & CONGALESE DANCE with Victoria Strowbridge

Santa Rosa’s Social Hall since 1922 1400 W. College Avenue • Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 • www.monroe-hall.com THE BOHEMIAN



\gZViZhi d[[Zg^c\h ZkZgn ;g^! ) id +# &%# L^cZg^Zh d[ CVeV KVaaZn! &'-* CVeV Idlc 8ZciZg! CVeV# ,%,#'*(#.)*%#

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;gZZ Idjg

HjhiV^cVWaZ ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa



;ZZa [gZZ id lVcYZg l^i] ndjg \aVhh d[ l^cZ# 6j\ ,! cddc id (# &%# <ddhZXgdhh 8ZaaVgh! &&&. HiViZ AVcZ! Ndjcik^aaZ# ,%,#..)#&.-+#

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Field Trips HDCDB6 8DJCIN Hadl G^YZ 6aa V\Zh! W^`Zh VcY h`^aa aZkZah VgZ lZaXdbZ id Zc_dn V aZ^hjgZan \gdje g^YZ VgdjcY idlc l^i] [gZZ W^`Z ^cheZXi^dch VcY YZbdh WZ[dgZ ZVX] g^YZ Vi *# 6j\ * VcY &.! HZe '! &+ VcY (%! DXi &) VcY '-# ;gZZ# HdcdbV 7^XnXaZ 8dbeVcn! '+) EZiVajbV 7akY! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,,+#%+%+#

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=^`Z [gdb lZhiZgc g^Y\Z id Zc_dn i]Z k^Zlh VcY aZVgc VWdji i]Z ]^hidgn d[ i]^h ^cXgZY^WaZ egdeZgin# 6j\ -! . id &&# ;gZZ# IdaVn AV`Z GZ\^dcVa EVg`! 8Vccdc AVcZ! EZiVajbV! GHKE# ,%,#*+*#',(%#

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Film B6G>C 8DJCIN ?Zl^h] ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa IlZcin"c^ci] VccjVa [^ab [Zhi^kVa




For Kids HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7Zaan 9VcX^c\

Edh^i^kZ >bV\Zh 6YkdXVXn! hjeedgi VcY ^c[d [dg \Vn! aZhW^Vc! W^hZmjVa! igVch\ZcYZgZY VcY fjZhi^dc^c\ ndjc\ [da`h V\Zh &' id '* l^i] igV^cZY eZZg XdjchZadgh VcY B;I ^ciZgch# ;^ghi VcY i]^gY Bdc Vi +! \ZcYZg ZmeadgVi^dc \gdje# I]jgh Vi ,! Xdc[^YZci^Va hjeedgi bZZi^c\# 6ahd VkV^aVWaZ! Xdbbjc^in ZYjXVi^dc heZV`Zgh [dg ]^\] hX]dda! XdaaZ\Z VcY hZgk^XZ V\ZcX^Zh# Edh^i^kZ >bV\Zh! (&' 8]^cc Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*+-#*-(%#

G^cXdc KVaaZn A^WgVgn LZY Vi &%/(%! hidgni^bZ [dg idYYaZgh0 Vi &&/(%! [dg egZhX]ddaZgh# ;gZZ# G^cXdc KVaaZn A^WgVgn! +.*. BdciZX^id 7akY! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*(,#%&+'#

Gd]cZgi EVg`"8diVi^ A^WgVgn

9VcXZ iZVX]Zg @Vi]n Lda[ iZVX]Zh WVh^Xh d[ VcX^Zci Vgi [dgb# 6j\ ) VcY && Vi +/(%# ;gZZ# ?jc\aZ K^WZh! &(+ @ZcijX`n Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#+*-(#

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8ZcigVa A^WgVgn

IZZc HjbbZg GZVY^c\

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IZZch ZciZg^c\ \gVYZh hZkZc i]gdj\] &' VgZ ^ck^iZY id gZ\^hiZg Vi i]Z gZ[ZgZcXZ YZh`! gZXZ^kZ V [gZZ eVeZgWVX` VcY Zc_dn Wdd`h d[ i]Z^g X]d^XZ [dg V X]VcXZ id l^c eg^oZh Vaa hjbbZg adc\# ;gZZ# EZiVajbV A^WgVgn! &%% ;V^g\gdjcYh 9g! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+(#.-%&#

8]^aYgZcÉh <VgYZc L]^bh^XVa Zck^gdcbZcih [dg `^YhÉ ZmeadgVi^dc# =djgh/ Bdc! cddc id )0 IjZh"Hjc! . id *# (" .# 8dgcZghidcZ EaVXZ! '(*-) 6gcdaY 9g! HdcdbV# ,%,#.((#(%&%#

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HjhiV^cVWaZ ;V^g[Vm VcY EZgbVXjaijgZ BVg^c egZhZci V bdci]an ZkZci [ZVijg^c\ [^abh dc ide^Xh d[ ZXd" XdchX^djhcZhh! [daadlZY Wn V \jZhi heZV`Zg# 6j\ +! ÆBVY 8^in 8]^X`Zch!Ç V [^ab VWdji i]Z gZijgc d[ jgWVc X]^X`Zch# &%# H^g ;gVcX^h 9gV`Z =^\] HX]dda! &(', H^g ;gVcX^h 9gV`Z 7akY! HVc 6chZabd# lll#hjhiV^cVWaZ[V^g[Vm#dg\#

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Advertise A dvver e tise yyour oour student stu udent specials! speecials!

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A^[ZLdg`h egZhZcih lZZ`an eVgZci^c\ XaVhhZh# I]jgh Vi +/(%# &%# EgZhilddY :aZbZciVgn HX]dda! ()' BVX6gi]jg Hi! HdcdbV# ,%,#*+-#'(%%! Zmi &.#

EVgZci^c\ Ldg`h]deh

North N orth Bay’s Bay ’s Col College lege S Scene cene

B Bars Nightlife Nigghtliffe Bookstores Boo k kstor es

LZhi :cY 8]VgiZg HX]dda 8dbbjc^in bZbWZgh! eVgZcih VcY ZYjXVidgh VgZ ^ck^iZY id h]VgZ ^YZVh! ^che^gVi^dc VcY ^che^gVi^dc [dg ) )

Culture Cu ulture Fun! Fu un!

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508A ?;0H Have we mentioned the Sonoma County Fair? Go, enjoy yourself, bet a little, have a plate of something, get a free ice cream. See Events, p40. THE BOHEMIAN





the last day saloon nightclub & restaurant the best place for live music, dancing and dining

8/7 9:30 PM SHOW > $10 > ROCK COVERS


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8/13 9:30 PM SHOW > $5 > ROCK


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8/20 8:30 PM SHOW > FREE > ROCK

LZhi :cY HX^ZcXZ VcY IZX]cdad\n :aZbZciVgn 8]VgiZg HX]dda# 9g^c`h Vi HiVg`Éh id [daadl# 6j\ +! + id -# ;gZZ# CZl 6gih Egd_ZXi! +%' L^ahdc Hi! HVciV GdhV# lll#[^ghi[g^YVnhdc[djgi]#Xdb#


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B6G>C 8DJCIN 7dd` EVhhV\Z

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Theater HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7VgZ[ddi ^c i]Z EVg`

HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*',#))&.#

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Readings HDCDB6 8DJCIN HZWVhideda 8deeZg[^ZaYÉh 7dd`h

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AVhhdZh! A^``Zg ÉcÉ AZVY


HGI egZhZcih i]Z hidgn d[ Vc ZXXZcig^X hdX^Va^iZ ^c i]Z GdVg^c\ IlZci^Zh l]d [^cYh ]Zg BVc]ViiVc a^[ZhinaZ ijgcZY jeh^YZ"Ydlc l]Zc h]Z ^h Veed^ciZY \jVgY^Vc d[ ]Zg dge]VcZY cZe]Zl# 6j\ *"+ Vi ,/(%# &%" '*# 7jgWVc` 6jY^idg^jb! HG?8! &*%& BZcYdX^cd 6kZ!

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6bZg^XVc 9gZVb I]ZViZg egZhZcih Vc dg^\^cVa bjh^XVa XdbZYn VWdji a^[Z ^c i]Z DaY LZhi# 6j\ ,"'&0 ;g^"HVi Vi ,/(%! Hjc Vi cddc# &*" ''# <gVidc 8dbbjc^in 8ajW! <gVidc GdVY VcY :Y^hdc HigZZi! <gVidc# ,%,#*(-#,*)(#


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C6E6 8DJCIN Bn ;V^g AVYn







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Volunteers HDCDB6 8DJCIN 6Yjai A^iZgVXn d[ HdcdbV 8djcin H8 A^WgVgnÉh 6Yjai A^iZgVXn Egd\gVb cZZYh kdajciZZg ijidgh VcY d[[Zgh [gZZ igV^c^c\# Dg^ZciVi^dc ]ZaY hZXdcY LZY bdci]an# ,%,#*))#'+''#

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9g^kZgh CZZYZY KdajciZZg [dg 68HÉh GdVY id GZXdkZgn egd\gVb VcY Yg^kZ XVcXZg eVi^Zcih id i]Z^g igZVibZcih# 6bZg^XVc 8VcXZg HdX^Zin! &)*& <jZgcZk^aaZ GY! HiZ ''%! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#+,'-#

;ddY 7Vc` <VgYZc Ldg` 7g^c\ \adkZh VcY ]Vi id ldg` Vi ;ddY [dg I]dj\]i! HdcdbV 8djcin 6>9H ;ddY 7Vc` \VgYZch# HVi Vi &%# +**% GV^agdVY 6kZ! ;dgZhik^aaZ# ,%,#--,#&+),#

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;ddY EVcign =Zae^c\ [Vb^a^Zh VcY ^cY^k^YjVah l^i] [gZZ \gdXZg^Zh! cd fjZhi^dch Vh`ZY# HVi! && id &# ,%,#,+(#')*)#

;ddY Cdi 7dbWh

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Âź1>G½ >5 5D= Geraldine GaNun-Owens is among the 150 lucky folks drawn by lottery who participate in the Gallery Route One’s annual ‘Box Show.’ See Openings, p38.

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g g g g


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∏ In Person Visit our office Monday through Friday, 8:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. at 847 5th Street, Santa Rosa

Bohemian Classifieds 847 5th Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Monday through Friday, 8:30a.m. to 5:30p.m.

≈ Deadline Fridays, 2:00pm

ph: 707.527.1200 fax: 707.527.1288

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Green Earth Catering

All real estate advertised in the Bohemian Newspaper is subject Helping the government Part Organic and Earth friendly to the State and Federal Fair time. No experience, no sell- Serious entrepreneur? If foods and supplies Housing Act, which makes it il ing. Call 1-888-213-5225 Ad Scott Goree Entertainment you’re financially motivated, legal to advertise any preferCode L-5. (AAN CAN) coordinator and business Bands Jobs driven & want to excel in life ence, limitation, or discriminamanager. 707.795.7358 call 1-800-303-8159, Business Opportunities tion based on race, color, Lil Wayne, E-40, Snoop Seeking: Female home, 707.479.5481 cell pre-recorded message, religion, sex, handicap, family NOT MLM (AAN CAN) redgore23@aol.com POST OFFICE Dog, San Quinn Sensual Massage status (the presence of chilThug World Records explosive dren), or national origin, or NOW HIRING Provider label features lil Wayne Snoop the intention to make any such Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K to share my clean, private, dog E-40 G-unit and more. preference, limitation, or disannually including Federal Northbay apartment. Free Downloads, MP3s, Ringcrimination. State and locate Benefits and OT. Paid Call Liza 707-566-7866. Tones, videos. www.thugworllaws forbid discrimination in Training, Vacations. PT/FT. Golden Star Grafix drecords.com 408-561-1255 the sale, rental, or advertising Models 1-866-945-0315 (AAN CAN) Need a quality designer? of real estate. We will not Building Materials Artist seeks fit, flirty females Business cards, brochures, knowingly accept any advertisAttention Readers for pin-up art. Great legs a A doptions flyers, posters, digital collage, ing for real estate which is in plus. Over 21. 707/887-9404. Some ads in this section may Discounted cd covers, photographic Pregnant? Considering violation of the law. All persons require an initial investment Steel Bldgs restoration, general are hereby informed that all Activists or fee. Metro Newspapers Big & Small. Get the Deal Adoption? marketing materials. dwellings advertised are Wanted through out Bay Area encourages you to thoroughly of Deals! Placement to Site. Mark Schaumann Talk with caring agency speavailable on an equal For Sale !! Help qualify California Ini- investigate any advertiser’s www.scg-grp.com 707-795-0924, cializing in matching birthopportunity basis to the claims before sending tiatives. $10-$20 Hourly. Source#1D1 Phone schaumann1@earthlink.net mothers with families Brand New Laptops best of our knowledge. payment. Flexible hours. Please call 707-655-4805 nationwide. Living expenses & Desktops 707-332-9118 Joe Louvar Homes paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One Miscellaneous Bad Credit, No Credit – No Productions True Gift Adoptions. 866/413Problem Small Weekly ALL AREAS 707.479.0050 QUALITY LIVE 6293 (AAN CAN) Looking For Avon? Payments - Order Today and AUDIO RECORDING HOUSES FOR RENT Look no further! get FREE Nintendo WII game Browse thousands of rental Photography by For $10.00, you can start your system! Call Now – listings with photos and maps. own business backed by a 800-840-5439 (AAN CAN) Paul Burke Advertise your rental home company with more than a 707.664.0178 for FREE! Visit: Consultants century of quality. Annette boomburke@hotmail.com www.RealRentals.com Deering Avon Independent MacAdvantage (AAN CAN) Sales Rep 415-828-2043 Shared Housing Macintosh Class: Rent or Lease Just visit my website at: FREE Diagnosis, Friendly ALL AREAS RENTwww.youravon.com/adeering Water Conservation Experts. In-House Staff Hardware/ Friendly, Honest Service. MATES.COM Licensed, Bonded and Browse hundreds of online listInsured. License #871026 ings with photos and maps. tankless water heaters, Find your roommate with a click high efficiency toilets of the mouse! Visit: www.RentServices recirculation, general mates.com. (AAN CAN)

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Notice To Readers California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. You can check the status of your licensed contractor at www.cslb.ca.gov or 1-800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed contractors taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.

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Singles Night at Kodiak Jacks Friday, August 7, 7pm, 256 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma

Vine Tasting Party, Sunday, Sept 6, 5-7pm, Vine Tastings on Old Downtown Windsor Green. CO-SPONSORED by Bohemian Romance and Society of Single Professionals INFO at www. ThePartyHotline.com or 415-507-9962

Aug 18-30. Tuition: $1,795 (plus meals & lodging) TO REGISTER Phone: 408846-4060 Email: info@MountMadonnaInstitute.org www.MountMadonnaInstitute.org

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HEALTH&WELL-BEING g Classes & Workshops

Inspiring Clarity Workshop with horses at liberty, Oct. 16-18 with Christine Cole. Participant $575 Auditor $150. Call 707.887.8488


Monday thru Saturday. New client discount. 707-793-2232.

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Flexible schedule for your convenience. Outcalls avail A peaceful place in Santa Rosa. Relaxing, unhurried full able. Call James body massage with a caring, 707-477-4365. beautiful, fit lady. Amazing Sensual Sally 707-578-5444.

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Windsor: 4 Men Brent, C.M.T. 26 years experience. Nurturing, intuitive touch. Private, discrete studio. 707/477-0400.

Great Massage By Joe, CMT. Relaxing hot tub and pool available. Will do outcalls. 707-228-6883.

Grand Opening Massage Reflexology Swedish/Shiatsu Open 7 Days: 10am-10pm

1626 4th St. Santa Rosa 707.526.6888

Strong Thorough and Intuitive 30 yrs experience. Excellent Rates! 1/2 hour, hour or 90 mins. Colin, CMT 707-823-2990.

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Therapeutic Massage John CMT, Ten years experience. Santa Rosa. Introductory massage $50/hour, outcalls negotiable 707-327-7825

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Grand Opening! Massage

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707.527.1200 | sales@bohemian.com


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?</3?22 /?2G@;F D699 .@A?<9<4F For the week of Aug. 5 6g^Zh ($'&Ä)$&. > ZmeZXi i]Vi ndj l^aa hddc hijbWaZ jedc V `Zn hZXgZi id ndjg cZmi bVhiZge^ZXZ# 6cY >Éaa WZ hjgeg^hZY ^[ ndj YdcÉi Y^hXdkZg V ]ZVa^c\ V\Zci i]Vi l^aa WZ Z[[ZXi^kZ ^c XdggZXi^c\ Vc daY b^hiV`Z# >c [VXi! 6g^Zh! > egde]Zhn i]Vi ^c i]Z Xdb^c\ lZZ`! ndj l^aa ]VkZ V hZchZ i]Vi ndjÉgZ Yd^c\ i]Z hbVgi i]^c\ Vi aZVhi .% eZgXZci d[ i]Z i^bZ# HdggnÅ>Éb V[gV^Y id hVn i]Vi > ]VkZ cd hVY! WVY dg bVY cZlh id YZa^kZg# >[ ndjÉgZ i]Z ineZ d[ eZghdc l]d i]g^kZh dc Xnc^X^hb! ndjg ^bbZY^ViZ [jijgZ bVn WZ egZiin Wdg^c\# >[ ndjÉgZ dc i]Z [ZcXZ VWdji i]Z fjZhi^dc d[ l]Zi]Zg a^[Z ^h V \dg\Zdjh [ZVhi dg V X]Vdi^X bZhh! ndjg VW^a^in id YZVa l^i] djiWgZV`h d[ \ddYcZhh l^aa WZ hjegZbZan iZhiZY#

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HV\^iiVg^jh &&$''Ä&'$'& >YZVaan! ndj ldjaYcÉi ZkZc WZ gZVY^c\ i]^h# NdjÉY WZ l]^iZ"lViZg gV[i^c\ Vadc\ i]Z ;gVc`a^c G^kZg ^c IVhbVc^V dg g^Y^c\ dc Æi]Z igV^c Vi i]Z ZcY d[ i]Z ldgaYÇ ^c I^ZggV YZa ;jZ\d dg dWhZgk^c\ <daYZc 7VbWdd aZbjgh ^c i]Z gV^c[dgZhi d[ hdji]ZVhiZgc BVYV\VhXVg# >YZVaan! HV\^iiVg^jh! ndjÉY WZ [Vg VlVn [gdb Vcn cZlheVeZg i]Vi XVgg^Zh bn Xdajbc# >c [VXi! ndjÉY WZ dji d[ idjX] l^i] Vaa bZY^V! eZg^dY# 7ji h^cXZ ndj VgZ gZVY^c\ i]^h! ndj bjhi cdi WZ Yd^c\ i]Z ^YZVa i]^c\# Hd eaZVhZ Yd i]Z cZmi WZhi i]^c\/ [aZZ Vh [Vg Vh edhh^WaZ [gdb ndjg jhjVa ]Vjcih! ndjg ]VW^ijVa ^c[ajZcXZh VcY ndjg XjhidbVgn Xdb[dgih# 8Veg^Xdgc &'$''Ä&$&. BV`Z hjgZ i]Vi cd dcZ ZmXZei ndj l^aa WZ VWaZ id iZVg VhjcYZg l]Vi ndj _d^c id\Zi]Zg ^c i]Z Xdb^c\ YVnh# I^Z `cdih i]Vi l^aa cZkZg ha^e# 7j^aY Wg^Y\Zh i]Vi XVcÉi WZ WjgcZY# HZcY ZbV^ah i]Vi XZbZci cZl Vaa^VcXZh VcY eaj\ ndjghZa[ ^cid cZildg`h i]Vi VgZ XgVX`a^c\ l^i] ]^\]"ZcZg\n XdccZXi^dch# HidX` je dc hV[Zin e^ch! hiVeaZh! cV^ah! iVeZ VcY \ajZ# 7Z hi^X`n! 8Veg^Xdgc ?jhi dcZ XVji^dc/ 9d cdi bVggn ndjg [dgijcZh id VcndcZ jcaZhh i]Zn VgZ l^aa^c\ id WZ ndjg YZkdiZY! hncZg\^hi^X lVgg^dg Vh bjX] Vh ndj VgZ i]Z^g YZkdiZY! hncZg\^hi^X lVgg^dg# 6fjVg^jh &$'%Ä'$&- 9dcÉi l]^cZ VcY XdbeaV^c _jhi WZXVjhZ ndjg \jVgY^Vc Vc\Za hZZbh id WZ Yg^k^c\ ]VgY WVg\V^ch aViZan# NdjÉgZ VXijVaan dc WZiiZg heZV`^c\ iZgbh cdl i]Vc ndjÉkZ WZZc ^c hdbZ i^bZ# 7Z[dgZ i]Z hlZZiZg iVa` XVc WZ\^c! i]dj\]! i]Z ild d[ ndj hi^aa ]VkZ id ldg` dji `^c`h aZ[i dkZg [gdb egZk^djh b^hXdbbjc^XVi^dch# 7Zh^YZh! i]ZgZÉh V bZi]dY ^c ndjg \jVgY^Vc Vc\ZaÉh bVYcZhh! V gZVhdc l]n h]Z dg ]Z ^h Yg^k^c\ ]VgY WVg\V^ch/ h]Z dg ]Z ^h iZhi^c\ ndj id hZZ ^[ ndjÉgZ l^aa^c\ VcY VWaZ id higZiX] ndjg ^bV\^cVi^dc id VXXdbbdYViZ i]Z gdlY^Zg WaZhh^c\h ndjÉaa hddc WZ iZbeiZY l^i]# E^hXZh '$&.Ä($'% JcYZgYd\h VgZ dc Vc jehjg\Z# IdeYd\h VgZ dc V Ydlchl^c\# I]Z gZWZah ]VkZ hdbZi]^c\ gZhZbWa^c\ <dY dc i]Z^g h^YZ# I]Z bVhiZgh bZgZan ]VkZ bdcZn VcY egdeV\VcYV# >iÉaa WZ Vc ZmXZaaZci lZZ` id aVjcX] hig^`Zh! WdnXdiih VcY egdiZhih# >iÉaa WZ eg^bZ i^bZ id hVn cd id hb^a^c\ bVc^ejaVidgh# I]Z WZhi Z[[dgih! l]Zi]Zg Xdb^c\ [gdb ndj dg i]Z eZdeaZ ndj lVci id WZ XadhZ id! l^aa ValVnh ]VkZ Vi aZVhi V i^c\Z d[ X]ZZ`^cZhh# Hd cdl i]Vi ndjÉkZ gZVY bn he^Za! eaZVhZ VchlZg bZ i]^h/ 6gZ ndj \d^c\ id h^i i]ZgZ eVhh^kZan VcY \g^c Vh hdbZ [ZZa"\ddY ingVci ig^Zh id WgZV` d[[ V X]jc` d[ ndjg hdja4 In addition to this column, Rob Brezsny offers expanded weekly audio horoscopes and daily text message horoscopes. To buy access, go to www.realastrology.com. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700.

Where do they stay when you’re away?

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Place your pet related ad here today! Call 707.527.1200

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Meet Dexter • Cat of the Week

Meet Annie • Dog of the Week

This lovely gray kitty has quickly become one of the cat cuddler's favorites – He loves to have you sweet talk him and he plays coy before he completely surrenders and rolls over for all the attention you want to give him – you did have the rest of the day available, didn't you? And all this from a stray! To learn more about adopting Dexter or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 126pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org.

MEET LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE! Gee Whiskers, with my mop of curly hair and adorable face, I could be in the comic books too! But what I really want is a home with my own family. I’m a sweetheart of a dog, a 6-year old Scottish Deerhound mix, good with kids and eager to please. To learn more about adopting Annie or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 126pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org


To place your ad call 707.527.1200


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Passions for Hair & Spa, Share the Passion... 513 Fourth St., Santa Rosa 707.523.7598

Sign Up Now-Integrative Yoga Teacher Training

Balance, Petaluma. Free, RSVP. 707-658-2599. Yoga classes also available. www.sonomabodybalance.com

Starting September 2009!! A 200 hour non-residential training, 1 weekend/month for 10 months. You will learn how the elements of yoga: asanas, pranayama, body awareness, guided imagery meditation and deep relaxation come together as a vehicle for health and healing. BodyWorks-Integrative Yoga and Stress Management Studio. 490 2nd Str., Petaluma 707-769-9933. www.bodyworksyoga.com

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“Good Posture� is Bad for Your Back!

Wednesday nights, 7:00 p.m. 618 South Main Street, Sebastopol. www.rocksandclouds.org 707/824-5647.

“ 3 Myths that Cause Back Pain�. Get relief in this 2-hour workshop: Monday Aug 10, 7-9pm at Sonoma Body

Introduction to an ancient tool for personal and relational transformation. Sat, Aug 15, 9:00am - Noon, Journey Center, Santa Rosa, 707-578-2121, www.journeycenter.org

Rocks and Clouds Zendo Meditation and Dharma Talk

SPIRITUAL CONNECTIONS Finding inspiration and connecting with your community

Ananda Seva Group Meditations: Please join us on Sundays at 6:30pm–7pm for group meditation satsuanga. Newcomers are welcome! Last Sunday of every month Ananda Seva is hosting the meeting of newly formed Sonoma Association of Teachers of Yoga and Meditation (Satyam). The next meeting will be on July 26th, 3pm–5pm. Call us if interested in joining. asm@anandaseva.org, 707.575.0886.

Buddhist Meditation Day Course Lojong Retreat Sat., Aug. 8 - 10am - 3:30pm The path to enlightenment is really simple-stop cherishing ourself and learn to cherish others. Learn how to enhance affectionate and cherishing love with like-minded people. Led by Steve Tuscher & Philip Bertelli Light veg lunch included Donation $25, Everyone is welcome Mahakaruna Buddhist Center 304 Petaluma Blvd. N, Petaluma 707-766-7720 www.meditationinnorcal.org

The Journey Center: Christ-centered Spirituality, Healing, & Wholeness Reading room, art gallery, prayer/ meditation gatherings, spiritual journey resources, bodywork, bookstore, free WiFi. 1601 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa. www.journeycenter.org 707.578.2121

Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center Offers ongoing introductory and advanced classes. Weds at noon, Tues & Weds evenings 7:30–8:45pm Prayers for World Peace, Sun, 10:30–11:45am Everyone welcome 304 Petaluma Blvd., North, Petaluma www.meditationinnorcal.org

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Meth and Alcohol Treatment that allows you to keep your day job!

Ananda Seva Yoga Teacher Training

Santa Rosa Treatment Program can help.(707) 576-0818.

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Relapse Doesn’t Mean Failure

Bay Mountain Martial Arts

Buy only cage-free eggs...

Santa Rosa Treatment Program can help.(707) 576 0818 Check out why at www.compassionatecarnivores.org/chicken.html

Wing Tsun kung fu/Self Defense Program www.petalumawingtsun.com or 415-845-7345

Donate Your Auto 800.380.5257

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Into This World Yoga Teacher Training

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Golden Star Grafix

Come alive to your sexuality & joy of life…

Need a quality designer? Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924



eichian therapy is a non-verbal “breathing” therapy. It’s an effective way to free blocked energies, release anger and reawaken to your natural vitality and pleasure through the breathing, movement and sounds of Reichian sessions.

Michele T. Newmark, M.S., D.D., A.C.S., has been involved in the study of human sexuality for over 30 years. Santa Rosa: 707-538-3778 SF: 415-775-6145 www.thecenter-sf.org • michelet@sonic.net

Serenity Yoga Teacher Training Excellent 200 hr. program with Carolyn McManus, 25 years exp. Yoga Alliance Registered. www.serenityyoga.net or phone 415-706-4166.

Yes you can afford fitness!

15th Annual Arts & Crafts San Francisco Aug. 8 & 9. Exhibits, Tours, Booksigning. $10 admission. Concourse Exhibition Center. 8th & Brannan Streets, San Francisco. 503-491-8980 and www.artsandcrafts-sf.com


Yoga, NIA. Groove Studio. Call for info 707.539.6261


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New! WEINER NATIONALS at the Races Sat. Aug 8 Dachshunds dash for the gold in between horse races PLUS

Aug 6......... The Village People Aug 8 & 9 .. Destruction Derby Aug 9......... La Fiesta

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