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Eco-Visual Is art’s big green trend based on panic or power?


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2>0; 5D4;B C74 5867C With regard to Juliane Poirier’s column about Bank of American and coal-fired generators in Peru (“Don’t Bank on It,� Green Zone, July 29), I would like to suggest that it’s disgustingly elitist for people who enjoy every possible convenience and who take for granted a cheap, reliable supply of electricity to impose their supposedly enlightened views upon the citizens of one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Like it or not, coal-fired plants are, and will be for some time to come, the least expensive means of generating power. As things presently stand, many of Peru’s poor live entirely without electricity. And large parts of the country are being deforested to provide cooking fuel. It’s all very well for Kyle Thiermann to insist on green electricity in his own backyard. It’s arrogant for a cosseted student from one of the wealthiest communities on the planet to demand that the poor of Peru forego low-cost generation of electricity in order to conform to his own preferences.

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Perhaps Mr. Thiermann should spend less time surfing and more time living, as I have, among the poorest people of South America. I can assure him that they would welcome any method which would heat and light their homes and relieve them of the necessity to forage for hours each day in order to collect wood and dried grasses to fire their ovens.

that they did not want this coal power plant developed. Further, Kurtz’s claim is incorrect that coal power is the “least expensive means of generating power.� In fact, no economy in the world can presently pay for the external costs associated with coal-fire power plants including, in the case of Los Robles, the destruction of the fishing industry upon which the Chileans presently depend.

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Juliane Poirier responds: I appreciate Mr. Kurtz’s concerns about the lack of electricity available to the poor in Peru and the deforestation caused by foraging for wood fuels. However, I do not agree that the “poorest people of South America,� as Mr. Kurtz claims, would “welcome any method which would heat and light their homes.� South America is the birthplace of Gaviotas, the first successful sustainable community in the Americas, built without Bank of America loans and without input from the United States. In the video created by Thiermann, Chileans (whose lives would be directly impacted by Los Robles coal power plant) voiced in their native Spanish

3>6684 34;867C “Yap Stars� (July 29) was hysterical. I loved it, and thank you for the early morning laugh.

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F>A:4AB D=8C4 In response to Marty Bennett’s article, “Generation Debt� (Open Mic, July 22), let me begin by saying I support the Employee Free Choice Act, which would make it easier for workers to join unions and make it harder for employers to retaliate against employees who choose to exercise their fundamental rights on the job. Let’s keep in mind that the United States is the only industrial country with such a bureaucratic and patently undemocratic process for joining a union. No wonder so few workers join and thus have fewer benefits, lower wages and less voice on the job. However, I would like to add another layer to this important debate. As a young worker and former union organizer, I am aware of the importance of organizing on the job. However, it is historically inaccurate to assert that workers will win their rights through legislation and the goodwill of our elected representatives. We sometimes forget that FDR did not pass proworker legislation out of the kindness of his heart, but because millions of workers were militantly resisting exploitation by going on strike and facing death daily. FDR knew that if he did not allow some concessions, then capitalism would surely fall. Let’s also keep in mind that the biggest gains that workers made came at a time when unions were illegal. It is an unfortunate reality that unions today are not only weak because of undemocratic labor law, but because the undemocratic and authoritarian nature of those very same unions. Too many times have I heard workers complain about their union not listening to them, not fighting for them. Regardless of the future of EFCA, workers in this country will never rise above poverty if they are not strong, conscious and willing to fight.

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“Official Newspaper of Lena Leslie Seward Meline�

news for Sonoma, Marin & Napa Counties

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102:BC>AH Dude. It’s not all methane all the time in these pages, just two quick weeks’ worth of gaseous wonder. This one’s pretty startling in its innovation, actually.

FPbcT. =^c

Rot and manure may become Sonoma County’s newest energy source By Alastair Bland


he most valuable direct byproduct of a Sonoma County heifer may be milk, but another worthy resource that exits the lower quarters of local dairy cows—not to mention most other farm animals—goes completely untapped: methane. Now, however, the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) is making plans to build an anaerobic digesting facility at one of several possible locations in Sonoma County to capture the emissions that waft from manure and other decaying organic matter and put it to productive use. Such operations, scarcely present in California, more so in such states as Vermont and already commonplace through much of Europe, consist of silo-like tanks where

rotting waste stews for 10 to 30 days as bacteria break down the organic matter, generating methane as a byproduct. The gas may be piped either directly for onsite use or to generators for transmission of electricity onto the public grid. Greenhouse gas contributions are simultaneously curtailed. According to Cordel Stillman, SCWA capital projects manager, dairies will likely serve as the primary source of feedstock for a county-operated digester system. The county’s dairy industry of 27,000 cows produces almost 500,000 tons of manure each year, and removing this waste in adherence to state manure-handling laws has proven expensive and even crippling to many small farms. Many have sold their animals to Central Valley farmers or otherwise folded, and whereas 200 dairies

operated in Sonoma County in 1999, just 81 remain.



t’s been hard for small family dairies to survive the regulatory manure-handling laws, and if they can work with us, it may help them be able to stay in Sonoma County,� Stillman says. According to Stillman, a single giant digester built at a central location would be ideal for processing manure from multiple sources with feedstock also likely to be trucked in from county food processing facilities as well as wineries, which generate over 43,000 tons of grape waste and expired yeast each year. Possible locations for an anaerobic digester system include the Sonoma Valley’s Laguna Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Airport %.

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Treatment Plant, the Central Landfill north of Petaluma or at a conveniently located dairy farm yet to be decided upon. Building the structure might cost $1.5 million to $3 million, says Stillman, and $200,000 from a California Energy Commission grant has been secured to help fund construction. The rest of the money will likely derive from the facility’s own future energy sales, says Stillman, who expects a digester to be operating within three years. Though highly undeveloped in the United States, methane harvesting via anaerobic digesters is an old technology. In 19th-century Europe, sewer gas served to light street lamps. In WW II, German tractors ran on methane. Today, Europe leads the world in anaerobic methane production, and in Germany alone, 3,000 facilities have appeared in the past decade. In the United States, meanwhile, only 200 exist. Most such American facilities operate on dairies, several on hog ranches and a handful on beef farms. Mark Moser, agricultural engineer with Resources Conservation Management, a consulting firm hired by the SCWA to help assess the economic viability of a local anaerobic digester, says that the United States experienced a push for anaerobic digesters some 20 years ago before big-business influence on lawmakers erected legal hurdles that effectively prevented small operations from producing their own electricity and selling it back to the grid. “The only way for most dairies to pay for [onsite digesters] was by producing and selling electricity, so they made laws prohibiting [small private companies] from selling any electricity,� Moser explains. The interest in the technology thereafter flickered and largely died, says Moser, and only in recent years has progressive lawmaking lifted the barriers to small-scale electricity production. Nearly any biodegradable material, bar wood, will serve aptly in a digester, and for several years in Eastern Europe, many methane harvesters began utilizing freshly harvested corn as feedstock, resulting in the same problem that has tarnished the reputation of the ethanol industry in America: severe misallocation of land use and edible resources. However, European lawmakers quickly amended electricityproduction incentive policies to prevent any rewards or rebates from going to those who fed human- or animal-grade food to their digesters. Today, most European anaerobic digesters run on inedible waste matter. In Sonoma County, digesters would have a ready supply of waste feedstock, though precisely which cows will provide the manure, which wineries will provide the lees and what other industries will offer their own compostables for a county methane-production factory is not yet known, though Stillman says that Kendall-Jackson Wine Estate, for one, has expressed interest in providing feedstock. Sonoma County’s dairy herds are almost certain to play a substantial role. County-directed research into wind, wave and other renewable energies, as well as methane, is underway as the SCWA pursues a goal of going carbon neutral—sequestering as much carbon from the environment as it emits—by 2050. The water agency currently uses more energy than any other entity in the county, but if its plans carry through, it could become one of the cleanest.

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Can we keep our state parks open? By Michele Luna


ell, now we know what we face. The governor has cut an additional $6.2 million from the state parks budget, bringing the total to $14.2 million for the 2009–2010 fiscal year. That doesn’t count the three furlough days that state park employees are required to take each month and the potential revenue losses with park closures. This is devastating news for our parks statewide. We can expect to see the potential closing of more than a hundred state parks after Labor Day unless local communities can attract financial sponsors to help keep them open. Seasonal and midweek closures will also be considered. The governor has put the responsibility on the people of California to keep our parks open through public-private partnerships. With the economy affecting so many people, we need our parks. Day use attendance is at record-breaking levels, and our campgrounds are full because people are using our parks more than ever. State parks provide an affordable vacation for most Californians. Where will they go to recreate with their families during these trying economic times? Our local rural communities will suffer with the loss of tourism dollars. Russian River District State Parks attract close to 5 million visitors a year. That represents an inf lux of millions of dollars into our local economy. How will struggling local businesses survive? How many more small business owners will be forced to close their doors at the end of summer? It’s now up to us locally to come up with a strategy to keep Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, Austin Creek State Recreation Area, Sonoma Coast State Park, Fort Ross State Historic Park and Salt Point State Park open in the Russian River District. Funding is needed to keep our facilities open, including the office of the Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods and our visitor centers. Our parks need our help

in order to maintain essential services like water, sewage, electricity and trash pickup, to name just a few. Park visitors have suggested fee increases, an idea which we need to be receptive to and ready for. Many of our parks are free for walk-in visitors. We hope that locals who use our parks daily for exercise and to walk their dogs will find a way to give back either by way of a monetary donation or by volunteering their time. Fees benefit the state park system statewide. Donations to the Stewards and volunteer support for our special events, like the Bodega Seafood, Art and Wine Festival and the Old Grove Festival, will directly benefit our local state parks. Either way, it’s going to take all of us contributing to keep our parks open. The more life support we can provide, the greater opportunity there will be to reduce the number of parks that will close. If you are someone who thinks you can help bring significant financial support to our parks, please contact me. We will be convening a working group of people to move us forward with this effort as soon as possible. If you are able to contribute even a modest amount, we will put your donations to good use specifically to keep our local parks open. Initially, we see this as a two-year project, after which we are hopeful that we can f loat a successful ballot measure that provides a sustainable funding source for our state park system into the future. The time is now to create a positive legacy for our grandchildren, so they will not lose the chance to visit a state park and learn about the fragile natural and cultural resources that need our stewardship into the future!

With the economy affecting so many people, we need our parks.


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Michele Luna is the executive director of Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods. She can be reached at mluna@mcn.org or 707.869.9177, ext. 4. Visit www.oldgrovefestival.org for event information. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.

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5PXa <PaZTc EP[dTb All Good Earthlings party down in Fairfax

By Juliane Poirier



ou won’t find us listed on the New York Stock Exchange, nor are we going to open a store in neighborhoods all over the planet.� This anticorporate website claim by the Good Earth Natural Foods store in Fairfax can be trusted, since it’s managed to remain a neighborhood grocery ever since the Summer of Love. The 40-year anniversary celebration on Aug. 15 marks the success of an organic grocery business that since 1969 has remained planted firmly in the community. Like the planet for which it is named, there is only one. After examining the foundations of a charming food paradise that has refused to replicate itself, my guess is that Good Earth missed the opportunity to achieve world dominance— McDonald’s- and Starbucks-style—for a number of reasons, not the least of which was that it had a more important calling: to help create and expand the organic food trade in California. Can a neighborhood grocery store really do that? “I look at the store here as the history of the organic-food trade,� says owner Mark Squire. “We’ve seen it all.� At age 17, Squire started working at the store when it was just a few months old. Five years later, he copurchased the place, which is now an almost exclusively organic food store run under the leadership of four working owners with the assistance of about a hundred employees. But back when Squire was a teen learning the grocery trade in a small Fairfax store, organic food was a freak thing, not even close to popular. “I was here before there was organic law,� Squire says. “And there were only a few organic farmers scattered throughout California. When we started, people thought we were crazies, and there weren’t a whole lot of customers for organics. So we immediately went into a dual mission of providing organic foods and educating the public about them.� Squire adds humorously, “I was young and idealistic and didn’t need a whole lot of income.� Squire’s idealism was grounded in part in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, which had opened the door to a post-pesticide era, still just emerging in the late 1960s and early

1970s. Carson remains a hero to Squire who, believing we need to build a new food system, joined the California Certification of Organic Farmers board in the 1980s and helped shape what would become the organic farming standards. “We spent a lot of time in rooms debating how long it takes for a strawberry to be considered organic,� Squire explains. “If soil is kept organic for three years and you plant a seed, then what grows from the seed can be accepted as organic. But strawberries are grown from starts. At what point is the strawberry produced from a start considered organic? People mistakenly think that organic standards are straightforward. They don’t understand the level of detail involved, nor the fact that the standards we set for California were never meant to be static. The process is complex and constantly evolving. Sometimes it was arbitrary where the line was set, but a line had to be drawn.� Now that organic foods are a big part of the California scene, Squire might rest on a produce crate and congratulate himself on a job well done. But he claims there is always “another level of work to be done to maintain food purities.� This includes stopping the use of genetically modified organisms. Squire serves on the board of California’s Non-GMO Project, developing a verification system through which manufacturers who eliminate GMOs can get market credit. “We’ve spent the last few years developing the standard for that,� Squire says. “This October, we plan to roll it out.� Next week, he will be rolling out the carpet for guests at his store’s 40th anniversary party. Will he stay in the business? “I’m pretty happy doing what I’m doing here,� Squire says. “I’ll be involved in food for as long as I’m making a difference.�

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For party information and a brief hippie-tale history of how this Fairfax grocery store changed the California food industry, go to www.goodearthnaturalfoods.net. Good Earth Natural Foods’ anniversary party, replete with kids activities, live music, free food, a bike raff le and special discounts, is slated for Saturday, Aug. 15, from 11am to 5pm. 1966 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax. 415.454.0123.




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>= C74 A8B4 A former software executive, Glenn Zix went from making dough to making dough.

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BTRaTc 2^^ZXT <P] Made-to-order cookies satisfy the sweet tooths of those in the know By Jackie Johansen


ehind a Sebastopol building, I walk up the plant-lined ramp and knock on a screen door. Glenn Zix steps out of the shadows. There is a warm fatherly smile on his face, and he greets me with an enthusiastic “Hello!� Immediately, I feel like I am with a family friend. The former businessman is dressed casually in jeans and a comfortable-looking blue shirt; he is relaxed and merrily leads the way into the kitchen. Inside, there are three ovens with a large stainless-steel cooking surface in the middle of the room. Pots and pans hang from the ceiling, and the large windows on the south wall let in pleasant and comfortable light. While Zix bakes original and unique goods, this is no cookie-cutter operation. He sells his cookies on an individual basis. When he receives an order, which can be done either by phone or through his website, he finds a professional kitchen to borrow, bakes in it and meets the customer at an agreed upon location, such as a

coffee shop or a parking lot, with his goodies. Not always a doughman, Zix spent most of his life in the business world as a CFO for a software company. In late 2001, the company was sold, and Zix took the chance to do something new. Per-order sweets may not be the first thing that a software pro might choose, but Zix explains, “I have always baked. I would have to give my mother credit for starting me. She is a baker, also known as the fudge queen.� He merely followed his mother’s footsteps to the mixing bowl. In order to fine-tune his culinary skills, Zix enrolled in the pastry baking program at Santa Rosa Junior College. “I got to the window at six in the morning,� he says, remembering shouting, “Will you let me in and come bake?!� They did. Zix’s cookies are innovative and unique. Confections such as lavender mint, mojito with rum chocolate ganache, bay leaf plum tomato, plummed rose geranium, rosemary lemon butters, and blue cheese and walnut cookies are among his creations. Reflecting on his craft, he says, “Things come to me, and I don’t know from where.�

It’s clear that Zix pays attention. Last summer it was ice cream that interested him. “We are in the East Bay a lot,� he says. “There are a couple ice cream stores, and they have odd ice creams like basil ice cream. While looking up at menu, I said, ‘Gosh, I could bake bay in something.’ The tomatoes were so sweet this past year, I dehydrated a bunch of them, so I chopped them up and put them in some butter cream, and it was good.� Zix kept playing with ingredients and shared them with friends and family. Eventually, he marketed his cookies locally. He says, “At first, I sold them at the markets—Oliver’s, Fiesta, Pacific—I did cookie tastings there, but it wasn’t satisfying. You just go in, and there are a bunch of cookies and you don’t have personal contact with people, which is really the part that I like.� After receiving positive feedback, Zix was encouraged to keep baking and also to look for his niche in the cookie world. He found it. Selling his treats at the farmers market, where his cookies always sell out, and on an individual basis. All of these confections are made with fresh, local and seasonal ingredients, &+ THE BOHEMIAN





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including chocolate from Guittard Chocolate Company, a San Francisco staple since 1868. (“They have very, very good chocolate� he says.) The fruit he uses comes from the farmers market when available. “I have an oatmeal plum cookie. I take plums from the market and I dry them into leather, chop them up and put them into oatmeal cookies, then you get local fruit—and it is not a raisin—it is tart, a really nice combination.� His cookies are especially popular around the holidays. When he gets very busy, he has neighborhood kids come help him watch timers and bake, thus getting them involved in the kitchen and away from the television.

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‘My baking is all real high-tech with lots of love in it.’ Working in a borrowed kitchen is a bit difficult, yet the space allows him to crank out up to 9,000 cookies at a time during the holiday season. However, he says, “Frankly, if I get to the place where I can be busier, I will just buy a little space and make it my own.� His ideal kitchen, he says, “Would be casual, the espresso machine would be out and people could come in and chit-chat.� This family and community man takes his baking seriously. All his ingredients are weighed, his equipment is perfectly calibrated, and he has tested his recipes over and over again before settling on the perfect version of it. “My baking is all real high-tech with lots of love in it,� he says. “And you can taste the difference, so whether I am in a rental kitchen or in my own kitchen, it turns out great.� Zix has recently expanded his offerings to pie crusts after a friend encouraged him to sell them. He uses a recipe that he has spent time and care in perfecting using all organic flour, organic vegetable shortening and local butter. All his shells are hand-rolled and, like his cookies, are made to order. Zix reflects on who he was as a business man and who he is now. “Baking is a way for me to grow parts of myself that I hadn’t had the chance to do,� he says. “People see a certain side of ourselves and others do not, so it is neat to bring other parts of my personality out.� Zix smiles widely and hands me a white box. In it is a selection of beautiful cookies delicately wrapped in clear plastic with handwritten gold labels saying what kind they are. He says, “Baking for people is the part that I really enjoy.� Check out Zix’s tasty confections anytime at www.zixtreats.com or give him a ring at 707.823.2615 to arrange a pick up.




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F8=4 8= 2>=C4GC he vibrant redwood and Pinot Gris greens of the Russian River Valley are the embodiment of health and vitality of the wine country. From this land come rich Burgundies, Pinots and crisp Chardonnays. It is the environment and the care of the land that makes these wines possible, and it is the winemakers and their personalities that make them special.


The 14th annual Wine to Glass weekend takes place Friday–Sunday, Aug. 14–16, “where great food, vintners, cyclists, come together to share real-life experience,â€? says Lee Hodo of the Russian River Valley Winegrowers. This is the opportunity to connect to this beautiful place we call home and learn how wine is made, about the earth it comes from and the people who develop it. Each year, approximately 900 people attend this event, picking and choosing how they want to participate. Among numerous other activities, on Friday there is the chance to cycle through the valley with Lee Martinelli Jr. and Dan GoldďŹ eld of Martinelli and Dutton-GoldďŹ eld wineries; on Saturday, kayak down the Russian River while learning how the river and fog affects grapes. Later in the evening, the Sip ’n’ Cinema event at MacMurray Ranch takes place where Kate MacMurray, daughter of actor Fred MacMurray, discusses her family’s connection to wine and cinema while opening up her doors of the ranch for a personal tour and tasting. “This is a private, unique and intimate opportunity,â€? says Gallo winery rep Kelly Conrad. “Plus, the view of the valley is great.â€? Saturday is the Hog in Fog event, where the vibe aims for everyone to be family. This is the time to relax and make new friends. Over 50 wines will be poured while growers are at the grill serving up pulled pork, tri-tip, sides and apple pie, putting a friendly and familiar face on our neighborhood winemakers that could not be achieved from a casual tour. On Sunday, the wine weekend overlaps with the Sonoma County Air Show where tasting will be held as planes whiz overhead and while salt expert Kristopher Schalwitz of Dean & DeLuca gives a presentation on the distinct avors of artisan salts and how they can be paired with wines and food. The slogan of the Russian River Valley Winegrowers’ Grape to Glass Weekend, “Live Like a Local,â€? is exactly what these wine-ďŹ lled days are all about. The weekend is a reminder that wine, as Hodo says, “begins in the dirt.â€? Grape to Glass ows Friday–Sunday, Aug. 14–16, throughout the Russian River Valley. $35–$535. 707.521.2535.

Jackie Johansen

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;>20E>A4B A DB f you’ve ever bitten into an heirloom tomato purchased at a roadside farm stand, picked not too long before that, you know that eating the pale, plasticwrapped varietals at the megamart just isn’t the same. Now, thanks to the Sonoma County GoLocal Cooperative, you can gobble up that tomato like an apple and earn points at the same time.


As part of the month-long Eat Local Challenge promoting the bounty of Sonoma County and the beneďŹ ts of eating locally, the GoLocal Cooperative invites community members to sign up on the group’s website to pledge to eat locally for the month of August. Every time participants report that they buy produce at local farmers market, eat at a locally owned restaurant, plant a garden or even read about food issues, they’ll get points.

8]Zo E^ZggZ

According to Cooperative events coordinator Julie Montgomery, the point system is a means of providing a structure for participants to change their habits. Though there are no prizes for the highest point winner, Montgomery says that the results of eating locally itself produces huge rewards.

8Va^[dgc^V";gZcX]# # I]Z bZcj! l]^X] X]Vc\Zh YV^an! ^h lZaa"gdjcYZY l^i] eaZcin d[ dei^dch! i]Vc`h ^c cd hbVaa eVgi id i]Z [gZh] hZV[ddY WVg# 7gZV`[Vhi! ajcX]! VcY Y^ccZg! LZY" Bdc0 WgjcX]! HVi"Hjc# &+* L CVeV Hi! HdcdbV# ,%,#..+#***+#

EdgiZaa^ Gdhh^

“There are a lot of beneďŹ ts,â€? she says. “I hope people who do the challenge will learn that their health can improve and the local economy can be improved.â€?

B 6 G > C



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L:HI B6G>C 7VgZ[ddi 8V[Z

6bZg^XVc# " # 8dbZ [dg i]Z WgZV`[Vhi!

For more information on the Eat Local Challenge, more events and a full listing of all the places you can earn local points visit www.golocal.coop or call 707.888.6105.

6bZg^XVc# " # <gZVi hjbbZg hVcYl^X]Zh l^i] V k^Zl Vide Bi IVbVaeV^h# 7gZV`[Vhi! HVi"Hjc0 ajcX] VcY Y^ccZg! LZY"Hjc# -&% EVcdgVb^X 9g! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#(-&#.%%%#

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To further its educational mission and provide another venue for point seekers, the GoLocal Cooperative is teaming up with county restaurants to hold screenings of, you guessed it, food ďŹ lms. On Aug. 17, Santa Rosa’s Bistro 29 serves a three-course meal as well as a chilling look at genetically modiďŹ ed produce in the documentary The Future of Food ($40). On Aug. 19, the Union Hotel in Santa Rosa will present Fresh, a look at new ways to feed communities, and hearty Italian family-style platters ($20). Another food doc and avorful feast will greet guests at Sassafras on Aug. 22 when The Real Dirt on Farmer John is paired with local modern American cuisine ($35).

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7jhiZgÉh 7VgWZXjZ 7V`Zgn

7VgWZXjZ# # 6 kZgn Wjhn gdVYh^YZ YZhi^cVi^dcÄ[dg V gZVhdc# >iÉh i]Z ]di

Daniel Hirsch

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IVnadgÉh 6jidbVi^X GZ[gZh]Zg

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North County 6g^hiV L^cZgn

Cdi]^c\ W^\ VWdji i]Z l^cZ a^hi! _jhi hinaZ"Yg^kZc! [dXjhZY l^cZh# ,%&* LZhih^YZ GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# IVhi^c\ gddb deZc YV^an! &&VbÄ*eb# ,%,#),(#%+%+#

7ZaaV K^cZnVgYh

L8 HeZX^Va^o^c\ ^c O^c[VcYZa! 7ZaaV K^cZnVgYh [Vgbh i]gZZ k^cZnVgYh ^c HdcdbV 8djcin/ 7^\ G^kZg GVcX] ^c 6aZmVcYZg KVaaZn! VcY i]Z A^an =^aa :hiViZ VcY 7ZaaZ 8Vcndc ^c 9gn 8gZZ` KVaaZn# .,&& L# 9gn 8gZZ` GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ)/(%eb# -++#*,'#(**'#

8]g^hide]Zg 8gZZ`

I]Z iVhi^c\ gddb ^h V hbVaa! lddY" eVcZaZY VciZgddb hidX`ZY l^i] W^ch d[ l^cZ# I]ZgZ VgZ cd [djciV^ch! >iVa^Vc i^aZh dg Vcni]^c\ cdi ]Vk^c\ id Yd Y^gZXian l^i] i]Z Wjh^cZhh d[ hVbea^c\ l^cZh bVYZ dc i]Z egZb^hZh# 8]VgY VcY 8VW h]^cZ# +)& A^bZg^X` AVcZ! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ*eb# ,%,#)((#'%%&#

;gVcX^h ;dgY 8deedaV EgZhZcih Gdhhd 7^VcXd >c V [V^gn"iVaZ hZii^c\ XdbeaZiZ l^i] V XVhiaZ VcY [g^ZcYan! ViiZci^kZ hiV[[! i]^h l^cZgn ]Vh ZmXZaaZci l]^iZ l^cZh VcY Vc ^c"]djhZ gZhiVjgVci XjggZcian XadhZY # (%% K^V 6gX]^bZYZh! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc YV^an Vi &&Vb# ,%,#-*,#&)%%#

>cbVc ;Vb^an L^cZh

Jc^fjZ! h^c\aZ"k^cZnVgY Gjhh^Vc G^kZg E^cdi Cd^g ^h V \ddY gZVhdc id k^h^i >cbVc ;Vb^an L^cZÉh iVhi^c\ gddb VcY lVgZ]djhZ hj^iZ! WZh^YZh i]Z adXVi^dc/ Vc ^cYjhig^Va eVg` XVgkZY dji d[ lZZYn gVc\ZaVcY hdji] d[ L^cYhdg VY_VXZci id HG?8Éh eda^XZ VXVYZbn# 8]ZX` ^i dji WZ[dgZ i]Zn bdkZ id V cZl! \ZciZZa k^cZnVgY adXVi^dc0 VcY YdcÉi b^hh i]Z I]dgc GdVY GVcX] E^cdi# *,.( H`naVcZ 7akY#! HiZ# 8! L^cYhdg# DeZc [dg iVhi^c\ ;g^YVnh VcY HVijgYVnh! &&VbÄ)eb! VcY Wn Veed^cibZci# ,%,#(.*#%+-.#

AdXVah IVhi^c\ Gddb

AdXVah ^h V ]^\]"XdcXZei iVhi^c\ gddb d[[Zg^c\ dkZg +% l^cZh [gdb c^cZ l^cZg^Zh ^c kVg^ZiVa [a^\]ih# 8dgcZg d[ <ZnhZgk^aaZ 6kZcjZ VcY =^\]lVn &'-! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ+eb# ,%,#-*,#).%%#

BVig^m L^cZgn

IV`^c\ dkZg i]Z [dgbZg lVggZc d[ GVWW^i G^Y\Z! BVoodXXd L^cZgnÉh cZl he^cd[[ egdb^hZh i]gZViZch4 ÆL^cZh id Y^Z [dg#Ç E^cdi! O^c VcY HngV] VgZ igV\^XVaan \ddY0 WVg hidda hZVi^c\ VcY V gZaVmZY k^WZ VgZ eajhZh# ('.& LZhih^YZ GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# IVhi^c\ [ZZ *# ,%,#)((#&.&&#

GdhZcWajb 8ZaaVgh

;jc`n VcY d[[WZVi l^i] CVi^kZ 6bZg^XVc Vgi! gVkZ"gZk^Zl O^c[VcYZah VcY [g^ZcYan! adl"`Zn hiV[[# '*% 8ZciZg Hi#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#)(&#&&+.#

IZggd^gh 6gi^hVc L^cZh

;djg l^cZg^Zh! dcZ kZgn Wjhn l^cZbV`Zg! ^c V gZccdkViZY Ydlcidlc <ZnhZgk^aaZ heVXZ i]ViÉh Vh YgVbVi^X VcY heVX^djh Vh ^i ^h Xdon Wn i]Z [^gZeaVXZ# HVbeaZ a^b^iZY"gZaZVhZ l^cZh i]Vi _jhi b^\]i ZmegZhh i]Vi ^cZ[[VWaZ XdcXZei d[ ZVgi]! iZggV^c VcY Xa^bViZ i]Vi lZ XVaa ÆiZggd^g!Ç Vaa XgV[iZY Wn kZiZgVc

l^cZbV`Zg"XdchjaiVci @Zggn 9Vbh`Zn! l]d dj\]i id `cdl# '&%%& <ZnhZgk^aaZ 6kZ#! <ZnhZgk^aaZ# DeZc YV^an &&VbÄ*/(%eb# ,%,#-*,#)&%&#

IdVY =daadl

6 ]jbdgdjh! [gd\"i]ZbZY iVhi^c\ gddb WZ\jc Wn GdW^c L^aa^VbhÉ Wgdi]Zg IdYY L^aa^Vbh VcY GdYcZn Higdc\! Wdi] cdl eVhhZY# GZ[gZh]^c\ VcY [jc# )%."6 =ZVaYhWjg\ 6kZ#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%/(%VbÄ*/(% ^h] eb# ,%,#)(&#-++,#

Mid County 8ZaaVgh d[ HdcdbV

Ide"h]Za[ l^cdh l^aa lVci id gdaa Ydlc i]Z igVX`h VcY X]ZX` dji i]^h GV^agdVY HfjVgZ Xd"de i]Vi hZgkZh egdYjXi [gdb h^m hbVaa [Vb^an l^cZg^Zh# I]Z ViigVXi^kZ h]de [ZVijgZh i]Z bVhh^kZ lddY WVg [gdb i]Z daY B^mm gZhiVjgVci! XdchiVcian h]^[i^c\ hXZcZgn dc Vc VggVn d[ [aVi eVcZa hXgZZch ZchXdcXZY ^c l^cZ WVggZa ]ZVYh VcY VgdbV hZb^cVgh# 8]ZX` dji i]Z Ygn <Zl“gio VcY :hiViZ E^cdih# &(( ;djgi] Hi#! HVciV GdhV# HjcYVnÄLZYcZhYVn &%VbÄ*eb! I]jghYVnÄHVijgYVn &%VbÄ,eb# &% [ZZ# ,%,#*,-#&-'+#

9Z AdVX] K^cZnVgYh

>c i]Z &.,%h! 8ZX^a 9Z AdVX] ZhiVWa^h]ZY i]^h e^dcZZg^c\ egdYjXZg d[ Gjhh^Vc G^kZg O^c[VcYZa VcY E^cdi Cd^g eVg ZmXZaaZcXZ#&,.& Da^kZi GdVY! HVciV GdhV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#*'+#.&&&#

=VgkZhi Bddc L^cZgn

BdYZhi! Xdb[dgiVWaZ iVhi^c\ gddb h]dlXVhZh ZhiViZ"\gdlc O^c VcY <Zl“go# '&.' Da^kZi GdVY! HVciV GdhV# DeZc YV^an! &%/(%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#*,(#-,&&#

IVb 8ZaaVgh

HeVX^djh l^cZ WVg fj^Zian Y^hig^WjiZh i]Z hdja"hVakZ d[ i]Z V\Zh VcY! a^`Z ^ih hdja bViZ i]Z Xd[[ZZ h]de! eVhhZh i]Z aVeide iZhi# 8]ZZhZ eaViZh! l^cZ [a^\]ih VcY Xdb[dgiVWaZ hZVi^c\ VggVc\ZbZcih bV`Z V c^XZ eaVXZ id XdckZcZ l^i] i]Z XdbeVc^dc dg [aVi hXgZZc d[ dcZÉh X]d^XZ# L^cZ h]de [ZVijgZh ^ciZgcVi^dcVa! ZXaZXi^X hZaZXi^dc Vi [V^g eg^XZh# &-%( AVg`hejg AVcY^c\ 8^gXaZ! AVg`hejg# DeZc BdcYVnÄLZYcZhYVn! )Ä.eb0 I]jghYVnÄHVijgYVn! )Ä&%eb# )&*#)+&#.)+(#

West County

VWdjcY# *,%% <gVkZchiZ^c =ln# C#! ;dgZhik^aaZ# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ*eb# ,%,#--,#(())#


9Vbc \ddY l^cZ# E^cdi! O^cÄnjb! njb! njb# *,%% G^kZg GdVY! ;dgZhik^aaZ# DeZc I]jghYVnÄHjcYVn! &%/(%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#--,#',%(#

East County 6YaZg ;Zah

AZVe^c\ a^oVgYh 8]ZX` dji i]Vi 7^\ 6hh l^cZ Adc\i^bZ egdYjXZg d[ [^cZ <Zl“goigVb^cZg! i]Z IjYdg ^Ynaa [^aah dji ^ih Wdiidb a^cZ l^i] [jc c‚\dX^Vci WgVcYh VcY i]Z `^cY d[ 8]VgYdccVn i]Vi bV`Zh i]Z l^cZ Yg^c`^cÉ ldgaY \d ÉgdjcY# 6ahd VkV^aVWaZ/ l^cZ [gdb i]Z aVcYadgY! aZ\ZcYVgn [jccnbVc Idbbn Hbdi]Zgh# IVhi^c\ gddb ^h Yd\"[g^ZcYan# .*,* HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ*eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZ! &%# ,%,#-((#+&(&#

7aVX`hidcZ L^cZgn

7aVX`hidcZ lVh XdcXZ^kZY Vh V ÆcZ\dX^Vci!Ç i]Z ^cYjhignÉh cZl eZi iZgb [dg Wja`"l^cZ WgVcY! Wji i]^h hViZaa^iZ [VX^a^in egdYjXZh V kVg^Zin d[ jaigVegZb^jb"VeeZaaVi^dc VcY h^c\aZ"k^cZnVgY HdcdbV 8djcin l^cZh# -)*% =ln# &'! @ZclddY# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#-((#&...#

:c`^Yj L^cZh

HVkV\Z! YVg` G]�cZ"hinaZ l^cZh VcY [adgVa! hZYjXi^kZ gdh‚ hiVg ^c i]^h HdcdbV l^cZgn cVbZY [dg V hjeedgi^c\ VXidg ^c i]Z Ze^X d[ <^a\VbZh]# :c`^Yj! V ]V^gn l^aY bVc l]d YgVc` [gdb lViZg^c\ ]daZh l^i] i]Z Vc^bVah! lVh YdbZhi^XViZY Wn adkZ VcY ^cigdYjXZY id i]Z eaZVhjgZh d[ l^cZ# <Zi ^cigdYjXZY id iddi]hdbZ HngV] VcY di]Zg eaZVhjgZh Vi i]^h Xdb[dgiVWaZ iVhi^c\ gddb adXViZY ^c \ZciZZa @ZclddY# -.&% HdcdbV =ln#! @ZclddY# DeZc &&VbÄ+eb! IjZhYVnÄHjcYVn# IVhi^c\ [ZZ &%# ,%,#.(.#(.(%#

<jcYaVX] 7jcYhX]j L^cZgn

L8 6 [jc! XVhjVa l^cZgn l^i] Zc_dnVWaZ l^cZh# H]V`ZheZVgZ VcY BdoVgi eZg[dgbZY dc i]Z \gdjcYh ^c i]Z hjbbZg# '%%% 9ZcbVg` Hi#! HdcdbV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*eb# ,%,#.(-#*',,#

@Vo K^cZnVgY L^cZgn

K^cZnVgY"YZh^\cViZY E^cdi! 8]VgY! HngV] VcY HVjk^\cdc 7aVcX# -,*, <gZZc KVaaZn GdVY! HZWVhideda# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ*eb# ,%,#-'.#.)+(#

@VoÉh bdiid ^h ÆCd ]Vgb ^c ZmeZg^bZci^c\#Ç Dg\Vc^X! adl"hja[^iZ l^cZbV`^c\ gZhjaih ^c [jahdbZ a^fjZjg VgdbVh# 6ahd V ig^ad\n d[ edgih jcYZg V hZXdcY aVWZa! i]Z 7dYZ\V 7Vn Edgildg`h# '(( 6YdWZ 8Vcndc GdVY! @ZclddY# DeZc ;g^YVnÄBdcYVn! &&VbÄ*eb# -,,#-((#'*(+#

<gVidc G^Y\Z 8ZaaVgh

A^iiaZ K^cZnVgYh

9jiidc :hiViZ L^cZgn

;dgbZgan Vc VeeaZ h]ZY WZadkZY Wn gZ\jaVg XjhidbZgh l]d YgdkZ je id \Zi _j^XZ VcY VeeaZh! i]^h iVhi^c\ gddb ^h XaZVc VcY XdciZbedgVgn! l^i] V W^i d[ k^cZnVgYn l^cZ Xdjcign Vgi dc i]Z lVaah# DlcZgh 6gi VcY 7VgWVgV EVja ]VkZ ^ck^iZY ild di]Zg [Vb^an l^cZg^Zh id h]VgZ i]Z^g iVhi^c\ gddb/ DXX^YZciVa GdVY 8ZaaVgh VcY 6iVhXVYZgd 8gZZ`# I]ZgZ VgZ &+ l^cZh dc i]Z bZcj! hd i]ZgZÉh V adi id X]ZX` dji# L^i] i]gZZ 8]VgYdccVnh! [^kZ E^cdi Cd^gh VcY i]gZZ O^c[VcYZah! edjg^c\ V [a^\]i ^h Xdbbdc# (*+& <gVkZchiZ^c =ln# C#! HZWVhideda# IVhi^c\ gddb deZc ;g^YVnÄHjcYVn! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# Cd [ZZ# ,%,#-'(#(%)%#

Gjhh^Vc G^kZg K^cZnVgYh

E^cdi! 8]Vg VcY HVjk^\cdc 7aVcX

6aa d[ i]Z A^iiaZÉh l^cZh VgZ bVYZ [gdb i]Z^g &*"VXgZ ZhiViZ k^cZnVgYh! VcY i]ZnÉgZ hZg^djh VWdji i]Z^g egdYjXi# O^c VcY HngV] VgZ hiVgh ]ZgZ# &*&-- HdcdbV =ln#! <aZc :aaZc# 7n Veed^cibZci# ,%,#..+#',*%#

C^X]dahdc GVcX]

L8 7Zhi `cdlc [dg ^ih 8]VgYdccVnh VcY V l^cZgn idjg [gdb i]Z YZei]h d[ i]Z XVkZh id i]Z ]Z^\]i d[ i]Z egdeZginÉh \gVcYbdi]Zg dV`# )'%% CVeV GdVY! HdcdbV# DeZc YV^an! &&VbÄ+eb0 idjgh Wn Veed^cibZci# ,%,#.(-#--''#

GdWaZYd ;Vb^an L^cZgn

HVjk^\cdc 7aVcX! BZgadi VcY ÆAdh 7gVXZgdhÇ gZY WaZcY VgZ ]^\]an gZXdbbZcYZY# '&.%& 7dccZhh ' &








@D6?9 Âś;Âś @=6A

F8=4AH 6D834

GdVY! HdcdbV# DeZc YV^an! BdcYVnÄ HVijgYVn! &%VbÄ*eb0 HjcYVn! &&VbÄ )eb# ,%,#.(.#+.%(#

In 8Vidc K^cZnVgYh"BjhXVgY^c^ 8ZaaVgh

In 8Vidc ^h Wdi] V ]VcYh"^c"i]Z"Y^gi l^cZ\gdlZg l]d eaVciZY bjX] d[ i]Z k^cZnVgY ]^bhZa[ VcY hVkkn ZcigZegZcZjg# B^X]VZa BjhXVgY^c^ ^h V cZ^\]Wdg l]d XdbZh [gdb i]Z Wj^aY^c\ igVYZ VcY [dXjhZh dc >iVa^Vc kVg^ZiVah# -.&% HdcdbV =ln# ^c i]Z @ZclddY K^aaV\Z EaVoV ! @ZclddY# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ+eb# ,%,#-((#%*'+#


Upvalley 6j\jhi 7g^\\h L^cZgn

IVhi^c\ gddb ^h V l]^iZ WVgc a^i Wn h`na^\]ih VcY d[iZc hiV[[ZY Wn i]Z dlcZgÉh l^[Z VcY bdi]Zg# ((( H^akZgVYd IgV^a! 8Va^hid\V# DeZc I]jghYVnÄHjcYVn! &&/(%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#.)'#*-*)#

8VhiZaad Y^ 6bdgdhV

Cdi dcan Vc ÆVji]Zci^X BZY^ZkVa >iVa^Vc XVhiaZ!Ç Wji Vji]Zci^XVaan [Vg bdgZ YZ[Zch^WaZ i]Vc Vcn di]Zg l^cZgn ^c CVeV [gdb aZ\^dch d[ [ddibZc ^c X]V^c bV^a# >c l^cZ! i]ZgZÉh hdbZi]^c\ [dg ZkZgn iVhiZ! Wji YdcÉi h`^e i]Z idjg d[ \gZVi ]Vaah! XdjginVgYh! XZaaVgh! VcYÅ cVijgVaanÅVc Vji]Zci^X Yjc\Zdc# # )%)* C# Hi# =ZaZcV =ln#! 8Va^hid\V# ./(%VbÄ*eb# IVhi^c\ [ZZh! &%Ä &*0 idjgh! '*Ä (%# CVeV CZ^\]Wdg Y^hXdjcih# ,%,#.+,#+','#

;gVc` ;Vb^an K^cZnVgYh

6 bZY^V bd\ja ^bV\^cZZgZY V CVeV KVaaZn l^cZgn i]ViÉh hjgeg^h^c\an cd"[g^aah! [g^ZcYan VcY [gZZ d[ X]Vg\Z! [gdb i]Z [ajiZ d[ WjWWan lZaXdbZ id i]Z aVhi h^e d[ VlVgY"l^cc^c\ 8VW# :be]Vh^h ^h dc i]Z ]^hidg^X AVg`bZVY l^cZgn! i]Z l^cZ VcY! cViX]! i]Z \jZhi Vi i]^h edejaVg iVhi^c\ gddb hZi ^c i]Z l^cZgnÉh gZbdYZaZY XgV[ihbVc [Vgb]djhZ# ;gVc` ;Vb^an K^cZnVgYh! &%.& AVg`bZVY AVcZ! 8Va^hid\V# IVhi^c\ YV^an! &%VbÄ)eb# Cd [ZZ# ,%,#.)'#%,*(#

=Vaa L^cZgn

L8 8gV^\ VcY @Vi]gnc =Vaa heZX^Va^oZ ^c ÆWZZ[nÇ l^cZh [VkdgZY Wn GdWZgi EVg`Zg# >ciZchZan bdYZgc Vgi VcY Vaa i]^c\h 6jhig^Vc# CZl iVhi^c\ gddb l^aa WZ Wn ;gVc` <Z]gn# )%& Hi# =ZaZcV =ln# H#! Hi# =ZaZcV# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ*/(%eb# -++#++,#=6AA#

HjbbZgh :hiViZ L^cZh

:mXZaaZci BZgadi VcY i]Vi gVgZhi d[ WZVhih! 8]VgWdcd# HbVaa iVhi^c\ gddb VcY [g^ZcYan hiV[[# &&,& IjWWh AVcZ! 8Va^hid\V# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#.)'#**%-#

K^cXZci 6ggdnd L^cZgn

C7><0B 64>A64 4BC0C4B he story so far: When Russian River Pinot pioneer Davis Bynum hung up the hose clamp for the last time and retired, he sold his eponymous wine brand to the Kleins, owners of Rodney Strong, leaving the actual, bricks-and-mortar estate to be acquired by the Bakers, formerly of Toronto. Both parties vowed to continue the winemaker’s 40-year legacy, yet this still begs the question: Who is Thomas George? The winery’s thirty-something president, yet to make a name for himself in these parts, named the enterprise in honor of his father’s and grandfather’s given names.


Meanwhile, back at the tasting room: If the nose is redolent of fresh varnish, don’t look for it on the aroma wheel—it’s not the wine. The gutted and revamped facility is still in the throes of construction. The winding, treeshaded drive up to the winery is quaint and packed with contractors’ trucks. Caves were being ground out of the shale hillside, concrete mixed, bottles clanked down the bottling line, while inside the tasting room, the din grew louder. Now that I’m on the record as saying that Monday is the kick-back, relaxed locals’ day on the tasting trail, it’s unsurprising that the very next time I go out, it’s a li’l different. The attractive space features a long, stained concrete bar, video screens ashing vineyard views in brilliant RGB, and unfortunate acoustics. My cohort, on a rosĂŠ kick, couldn’t help but note another patron’s booming approval of the “rich, fruityâ€? rosĂŠ. The unlikely cuvĂŠe of loose juice from the bottom of the picking bins was nice enough, but we did not, so to speak, echo his assessment. Our host, perfunctory but professional, could have used some help behind the bar. Although served ice-cold, the 2007 Russian River Valley Chardonnay ($32) showed a typical nose of popcorn with real butter, slices of baked apple and pineapple, and stayed lively in the mouth with moderate acidity. The 2007 RRV Pinot Noir ($38) showed candy-coated forest oor and black cherries roasted on thyme sprigs, coffee and marshmallow; cherry-brambleberry avors lingered on a long, sweet ďŹ nish. With aromas of cocoa, coffee and toast, the lush, soft, atypical 2007 Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel ($34) lubricated the palate with glycerin and juicy, chewy cherries, topped with chocolate, raspberry and a note of jalapeĂąo jelly. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2009. For a peek at the good works done and things to come, try visiting on a weekend. Or for the real action, try the middle of crush. Thomas George Estates, 8075 Westside Road, Healdsburg. Open daily, 11am–5pm. Tasting fee, $5. 707.431.8031.

HbVaa! iVhi^c\ gddb ^h ZhhZci^Vaan V WVgc l^i] V iVWaZ cZVg hdbZ WVggZah! Wji kZgn [g^ZcYan! l^i] \ddY l^cZh# '(+& <gZZclddY 6kZ#! 8Va^hid\V# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ)/(%eb# ,%,#.)'#+..*#

Downvalley 7Zg^c\Zg K^cZnVgYh

L8 I]^h ]^hidg^X l^cZgn d[[Zgh hdbZ hZkZc YV^an idjgh [dg cdb^cVa [ZZh! bdhi d[ l]^X] ZcY \gViZ[jaan l^i] V \aVhh VcY V he^c i]gdj\] i]Z jcYZg\gdjcY l^cZ"V\^c\ ijccZah# DeZc YV^an! &%VbÄ+eb hjbbZg ]djgh # '%%% BV^c Hi#! CVeV# ,%,#.+(#,&&*#

7gdlc :hiViZ K^cZnVgYh

L8 6 WZVji^[jaan gZhidgZY VcY XdckZgiZY hidcZ VcY gZYlddY

James Knight

WVgc ^h i]Z l^cZgn VcY iVhi^c\ gddb [VX^a^in Vi 7gdlc :hiViZ# 6cY i]Z XdchigjXi^dc d[ V +!*%%"hfjVgZ"[ddi hjWiZggVcZVc l^cZ XVkZ lVh XdbeaZiZY ^c '%%*# K^h^idgh VgZ XjggZcian a^b^iZY id l^cZ XajW bZbWZgh Wn Veed^cibZci dcan# ('(( HV\Z 8Vcndc GdVY! CVeV# ,%,#.+(#')(*#

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6> F8C7 C74 Ÿ5;>4½ Christel Dillbohner evokes the arctic by massing cones suspended from the ceiling.

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ATSdRT ATdbT ATb_^]S Is the eco-art trend a mere fad or a sturdy critique that’s here to stay? By Gretchen Giles


atie Kurtz is really worried. She has good reason to be. So do the rest of us. “Polar bears are eating other polar bears!� she exclaims. “That’s never happened before.� It is detestable to have to literally spell it out, but polar bears of course are eating other polar bears not because they have suddenly developed a heady taste for cannibalism, but because the ice that has supported their species for the millennia is thinning, melting and disappearing. And when our most “charismatic� animals are threatened with extinction and we still do almost nothing to save them, the ground is disappearing beneath our own feet as well. So it’s no small topic that has brought Kurtz out to a coffee shop in San Francisco’s Mission district on an unseasonably mild, even for S.F., August day. It’s the polar bears, the hurricanes, the triple-digit temperatures recorded last month in Seattle. It’s global warming, climate change and environmental

destruction. While scientists, politicians, corporate heads and Al Gore discuss it, Kurtz believes that it’s the artist’s job to comment upon it. To that end, Kurtz proposes a whole new realm of critical theory through which to evaluate and interpret modern art, dubbing it “visual ecocriticism.� Already an accepted practice in literary circles, eco-criticism questions how nature and the environment are depicted in both artworks and the media; analyzes art—even that which wasn’t create with, say, climate change in mind— through the prism of global concerns; questions the role of class, gender, race and sexuality in an environmental context; encourages artists to engage with activists in their work; and even examines the “footprint� of the artwork: the sustainability of the materials used, their toxicity, their possible longevity in the atmosphere. Marin County’s Headlands Center for the Arts has organized a panel on the topic slated for Aug. 16. Joining Kurtz are photographer Barry Underwood, sculptor and painter Christel

Dillbohner and sculptor Christine Lee. Adding tension to the event is that Headlands program director Jessica Brier chose the artists, not Kurtz, and two of them don’t identify themselves as ecoartists in the slightest. While Lee uses cast-off wooden shims and abandoned phone books in her constructions, Dillbohner and Underwood just kind of do their thing, she by massing painted paper cones in palpable formation and painting mysterious encaustic landscapes, he by illuminating pristine outdoor environments with lavishly unnatural light. Each reflects the outside world but both are unwilling for a new mantle to be placed upon them. “Barry was interesting because he wasn’t a good fit, and I’m interested in how a panel discussion that actually puts artists in the same room who disagree and come at this from different angles might work,� Brier says. “Christel has really taken Katie to task on very specific points and doesn’t want to be pigeon-holed by this definition.� Certainly, it’s natural for a person who makes his or her living through creative ') THE BOHEMIAN




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pursuits to shy away from neat slots and tidy summations. Proposing a whole new critical theory is fairly bold, particularly for a new MFA graduate, which Kurtz is, recently receiving her degree from the California College of the Arts. But what really begins to emerge from discussion with several art makers and professionals is where eco-art—the Big Green (as in money) of the Now—actually finds a foothold. And furthermore, is it an enduring trend that will mark this century or merely a short-term panicked fad?


tanding in the side gallery of the San Jose Institute for Contemporary Art last week, Dillbohner oversees the installation of her newest one-person exhibit, “Ice Floe.� A native of Cologne, Germany, she instructs the young man assisting her in a softly accented voice as he creates shadows. “I don’t see myself as an environmental artist,� she explains, taking a break from the installation. “I see myself more as a human being in the world, and there are many things that we have to consider, including personal history and collective understanding. The human being in this world is in a certain phase.� That Dillbohner is not an “eco-artist� by her own definition does not imply that she is unaware of greenhouse gas emissions and the plight of the polar bear. For “Ice Floe,� she has filled the SJICA’s gallery with some 1,500 paper filters, cones ordinarily purchased at paint stores, which she sees as an apt metaphor for the corpus. “I started using the filter as a symbol for the human body,� she explains. “We take things in and filter them out, the residue gives us energy, and, in many ways, this is the basis for making decisions, for having a life, for taking action.� Dillbohner became interested in the far north for much the same reasons that Admiral Peary might have: its still, mute beauty. “I had been reading a lot of explorers, naturalists and writers about the arctic,� she says. “I was really intrigued by the idea that the people who came over the Bering Strait stayed. Why? It must be so amazing there that they simply stopped.� Dillbohner is not prone to pat answers, preferring to ask questions. “What does global warming even mean?� she asks. “We feel incompetent to deal with the reality of it. As people, we have to take the power back and think about what we can do on a small scale that spreads out into the collective. Is there a future? I don’t know. We can only think as individuals.� Barry Underwood considers his photography to be “theater,� explaining that when he takes his lights and camera out into the wilderness, he is “underlining nature,� highlighting and drawing attention to glories that might otherwise go overlooked. In many ways, his startling use of neon under the roots of trees or illuminated blobs glowing red on a lake’s surface call to mind those satisfying moments when one is outside and the light hits the trees or spots a cloud in a way that makes the hiker stop short. Interviewed over Skype from the




Headlands Center, where he is an artist in residence, Underwood says, “It’s kind of heightening or falsifying the documentation of photography, it speaks within that vernacular, that subjective documentation.� In other words, photographer Barry Underwood is interested in photography—not eco-art. “I think that you have to be aware of things that are around you,� he explains, reminding that “that there are things out there to be photographed; you just have to be open to them and observant to them.� He allows, “That’s where I would play into the realm of visual eco-criticism.� Sculptor Ned Kahn doesn’t flinch at the term “eco-artist� or the idea of visual ecocriticism. This MacArthur Foundation “genius� fellow works with physics, allowing unseen phenomena to activate his work, creating vortices that water whirls rapidly through, hanging metal discs that are flirted with by the wind and so on. Speaking by phone from his Sebastopol studio, Kahn says flatly, “I feel that in light of the current climate change, it’s non-optional not do useful things.� As his career has flourished, Kahn has become increasingly involved with architects in solving problems for green building projects, recently working on a $24 billion resort in Singapore—a country with daily precipitation and no reservoirs—to collect rainwater on the roof and circulate it through the complex in an artful and sustainable way. Being Ned Kahn means knowing a lot of scientists, and that often means knowing more than he might like. “I have a friend who’s an amazing physicist, and he goes around giving this lecture that there’s no hope,� Kahn says with a short laugh. “In order for climate change to be reversed, you’d have to completely retool all the economies of the world, and it would have to happen now. It would require such a massive redoing of society and the way we all live that there’s just no way it’s going to happen. After hearing his two-hour lecture, you just want to go out and kill yourself. “On the flip side of it,� he continues, “I’m sort of intrigued with the whole idea that nature was never controllable in the first place, and that nature always has been and is a changing thing and the weird way that we’re part of this dance. We’ve altered it but we don’t even know how we’ve altered it. You can depressed about it or you can get intrigued about it. For my own sanity, I’ve tried to be intrigued about it.� Arizona artist Matthew Moore’s bestknown piece may be his own farm. Selling off his family’s holdings lot by lot to suburban sprawl outside of Phoenix, Moore finally aped the mess by obtaining blueprints to the newest housing subdivision adjacent to his property and planting his own fields exactly to its specifications. Black rye outlined the asphalt streets; red rye, the rooftops. Moore is nothing if not pragmatic; come harvest time, he simply disked it, as all farmers must. He’s currently working on a Rube Goldberg–esque conveyor belt for the city of Pasadena that is placed in a long-vacant lot and shoots out lettuce starts at regular intervals onto the street through the lot’s chain-link fence. “It’s overdone and elaborate

and ridiculous, which is how I feel about the conventional agricultural system,â€? Moore, who grows both conventional and organic produce, explains by phone from his Arizona home. Moore doesn’t hesitate to identify himself as an eco-artist, one whose work can readily withstand the rigors of a new critical theory. “I think that, at this point, if you’re not in the eco-art game, you’re completely naĂŻve,â€? he says. But it does raise its own set of questions. “I’ve done things where I’ve used materials I shouldn’t have, like mylar to evoke water in the desert,â€? he admits, listing the rhetoric that accompanies: “Is the message strong enough to require using that material? Are there any biodegradable materials that could have been used instead? If so, what’s the cost of those materials? In a purely material consideration, that’s not even conceptually thinking about what you’re saying with the materials you use. I think that you can go on and on and on.â€? Ultimately, Moore worries that eco-art, even with its own fancy new theory, could be nothing more than a fad. “The art world is a very fickle thing,â€? he says. “There’s always the worry that this will go away or that people will be tired of it, like the overtly political work of the 1980s. People really reacted horribly to that. Any sort of artwork now has to be very subtle. You don’t want to give people answers. The more successful work now is asking questions. Then your work can function across disciplines.â€? Sam Bower oversees the online GreenMuseum.org, a virtual kunsthalle that operates out of Corte Madera but serves the world. With no physical presence, the Green Museum already saves on footprint. Bower’s not too concerned about eco-art and its accompanying critical theory being flashin-the-pan ideas. “I think that our challenge in a larger sense is to direct the culture to find ways of drawing a larger, deeper, shift towards sustainability,â€? he says. “And it will involve some aspects that are faddish and short-lived and others that are much deeper and more profound.â€? Bower encourages the dialogue to go beyond those with opposable thumbs. “We need to begin to look at art from a nonhuman perspective,â€? he says. “Fundamentally, if we’re really talking about things that are supposed to help the earth, we need to look at art that the worms and the watershed would appreciate,â€? he says. “I really see the ultimate challenge for this century is to begin to look beyond the concept of what art is and do beautiful, elegant art in ways that is culturally rich and delicious.â€? Moore, who describes his farming practices as placing him in both the devil and angel camps, gets the last word. “Art is about naming things, and we’ve been in a long stretch of not being able to name anything,â€? he says. “It doesn’t matter what your work is called as long as it’s moving us all forward.â€? Katie Kurtz leads a panel discussion on visual eco-criticism with Barry Underwood, Christel Dillbohner and Christine Lee on Sunday, Aug. 16, from 4pm to 6pm. Headlands Center for the Arts, 944 Fort Barry, east wing, bldg. 944, Sausalito. $10 nonmembers. 415.331.2787.

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1X[X]VdP[ ?d__Tcb ^] FWTT[b The Imaginist Theatre Collective takes it to the streets Story and photos by Daniel Hirsch


quinting under the hot July sun, Jenine Alexander inspects Sergio Zavala’s bike as he circles along Sebastopol Avenue in Santa Rosa. The thick stack of 10-foot-long pieces of lumber strapped to the back of his bike wobble in his wake. “How does it feel?� she asks him in Spanish, her second language, his first. “Bien, bien,� he responds, pedaling past. Alexander, an actress and animator who once quit her job working in Cyprus to join the Cyclo Circus for a bicycle journey through Russia to Indonesia, waves Zavala over so they can tighten the bungee cords holding his cargo in place. Zavala is no stranger to epic journeys—three years ago he traveled by river raft from his home near Mexico City to enter the United States—and pulls his bike over to consult. Inside the Quonset-hut-turned-performancespace that Zavala and Alexander stand next to, others are at work: two college-aged girls cut human silhouettes out of cardboard; a seasoned actor with an air of an old Vaudevillian practices flute; a married couple debate in Spanish how to best attach a child’s bike seat; a musician tunes

his guitar; two small children eat fruit snacks; and a pair of artistic directors scramble around, a bit harried, sweaty but remaining positive. This is the Imaginist Theatre Collective, and today is a very big day. On this particular Sunday afternoon, they will give the second performance of their original production Art Is Medicine / El Arte Es Medicina, a bilingual, free, all-ages, traveling puppet show. Before they can perform, they have to get to the day’s performance space at Howarth Park which, if you’re transporting a multitiered marionette stage, dozens of puppets, a heap of props, two young children, a bunch of sound equipment and large papier-mâchĂŠ masks is no easy feat— especially if you’ve decided to travel exclusively by bike. But for the Imaginists, whose very name implies implausibility, the impossible challenges of process and journey are what matter most. Headed by cofounders Amy Pinto and Brent Lindsay, the Imaginists originated at the North Carolina School for the Arts in the early 1990s as an experimental theater ensemble named Knights of Indulgence Theater United States (KITUS) that performed original works in the woods of Winston-Salem. Pinto and Lindsay, along with fellow ensemble members, closely read the works of avant-garde theorist Jerzy

Grotowski as well as modeling themselves on the communal structure of the Bread and Puppet Theater. The group eventually crossed the country to Truckee but dissolved by 2000. Lindsay and Pinto, life partners as well as creative ones, relocated to Sonoma County, where Lindsay grew up. In search of recreating the artistic community they had so thrived on with KITUS, they began anew, forming the Imaginist Theatre Collective in 2001. Since then, the Imaginists have moved into a performance space on Sebastopol Avenue in Santa Rosa and now perform a full season of works. The collective consists of three distinct facets: Project 104, a professional company that performs original, experimental works as well as established classics; two youth ensembles composed of local children and teenagers; and an annual community-based project that casts nonprofessional community members in original works. This latter project has captivated Pinto and Lindsay most recently. “In the last three of four years, we’ve been really wanting to integrate and make it a multicultural institution as well,� Pinto says. “Theater’s not just for the gray-haired set that pay a certain amount of money to go see 'THE BOHEMIAN











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Urinetown or whatever, but something that is really connecting to the larger community, and responding to it, that they’re a part of it.â€? Since relocating to Sonoma County and having a child, Pinto and Lindsay had observed a sharp split between the white and Latino communities and wanted to create a performance that addressed this divide by casting actors from both communities. “Everybody was always saying, ‘You’ll never do it,’â€? Lindsay says of trying to successfully reach out to Latinos. “‘We’ve tried it here’—we heard that time and time again.â€? Though they struggled at first to put together a diverse enough ensemble, the Imaginists’ 2007 bilingual production, The Divide / La DivisiĂłn, on the theme of crossing borders, excited a whole population who normally don’t go to theater. With half the cast Spanish-speaking, La DivisiĂłn, part of Performance Sonoma, got a lot of attention from the local Latino press. “‘Ah! We’re invited to something,’â€? Lindsay quotes the general response of the Latino community who showed up in droves to sold-out performances of the Imaginists production. Their latest project, Art Is Medicine, is in an extension of that initial collaboration between communities. Inspired by the poetry of Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca and Gabriel GarcĂ­a MĂĄrquez’s short story “The Man with Enormous Wings,â€? it casts a diverse and bilingual group of actors: trained ones from Project 104, former youth ensemble students and community members who were originally involved in La DivisiĂłn. But unlike all previous shows, this one is mobile. Earlier this year, when the Imaginists received a CASH Grant from Theater Bay Area, they pondered what to do with the money, until Project 104 company member Jenine Alexander suggested doing a traveling show on bikes like the Cyclo Circus. Lindsay and Pinto loved the concept and were able to put together a small fleet. “The idea is that every summer we’ll do a touring show,â€? Pinto says. “In order to respond to your community, you invite community in. But you also have to go to your community. Why should they always come to us?â€? The going out part can be a bit tricky. As the company prepares to disembark for its Howarth Park performance, Lindsay walks through the space cluttered with puppets and bike tools grumbling to himself: “Kinks! Kinks! Kinks!â€? Last time they rode out, some of the bikes didn’t have brakes, an omission to be corrected this time. “We’ve been building bikes in one half of the space, and the show in the other half,â€? Lindsay says. Since this is only the second performance and the first real time riding with the whole company, there is obviously a lot that still hasn’t been worked out. Certain puppets don’t yet have hands because the papiermâchĂŠ didn’t dry fast enough. Company members Maria and Mario Solano are bringing their three-year-old daughter, Jimena, along for the first time and are


:8=:B :8=:B Imaginist members stop a half a block from home to readjust their traveling menagerie.

having difficulty attaching a child seat to Mario’s bike. Former youth ensemble member Alejandra Villagomez has only ridden a bike a handful of times. “I learned how to ride a bike for this show,� Villagomez says with some pride. “So I’m confident about the show, but I’m nervous about the bike ride.� Pinto has been searching for an extra helmet for Villagomez for several minutes. In addition to Villagomez’s novice bike-riding skills and some missing puppet hands, Pinto has more to worry about this morning. Because some of the rotating cast members couldn’t be here today, they are a little low on people to perform. She and Lindsay had to scramble to pay for a permit and book a time at Howarth Park. And so far, everything is running late. Ever positive, when asked if she feels ready for the day, Pinto responds with a laugh, “I guess I’m ready for anything. I’m even ready to get kicked out of the park.� At around 2:30pm, the company has tightened their bungee cords, found helmets for all parties and are ready to take off, about 30 minutes later than Pinto anticipated. Dressed in all white and each carrying a small load, bike trailer or child, the 12 riders are a sight to behold as they round the corner of Sebastopol and A Street. However, within only a minute a two they need to stop. Alexander’s bike, a huge, red frame modeled after Dutch postal bikes and specially commissioned from local artist Todd Barricklow, has a problem with its chain. With some wire and intuition, Alexander fixes her bike, and the Imaginists take off. Traveling under the midday sun along Sonoma Avenue, the mobile company gets more than a few stares. People in their front

lawns stop what they’re doing and watch as the row of bikers pass. The Imaginists keep their formation pretty well. Much to everyone’s delight, Villagomez rides smoothly, upright and like a pro. “It’s so great to show people how much can be carried by bike,� Alexander says pedaling confidently. “I’m carrying this huge set, and can easily wave to passing cars.� By 3:15, the Imaginists arrive at the park a bit tired and overheated, but there isn’t time to rest. There’s a show to do. They find a space in the shade by a large cluster of picnickers and get to work unloading their bikes and building a stage. Within the hour, a puppet stage rises above the lawn and a small crowd has formed. Company members Eliot Fintushel and Sergio Zavala act as barkers calling “Come to the show!� and “Venga al show!� The performance that follows is not without, in Lindsay’s words, “kinks�— children from the audience come up onstage to play with props, airplanes fly above drowning out actors’ voices, there are a few dropped lines and moments of confusion— but nonetheless the performance draws people in and keeps them watching. Like the eclectic group of actors themselves, the audience is young, old, Spanish- and Englishspeaking and ready to engage with story, color, music and a unique journey. The Imaginists will be riding their bicycles to various parks and fairs all summer. Most shows are free with a suggested donation. Aug. 14 at 6pm, Bayer Farms. Aug 15 at 3pm, Santa Rosa’s MLK Park. Aug. 20–22 and 27–29, at the Imaginists Theatre Collective, 461 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa. 707.528.7544. For full schedule visit www.theimaginists.org.


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2;>F=8=6 0A>D=3 Truffaldino (Mark Bedard) takes a break in OSF’s adaptation of ‘The Servant of Two Masters.’


Crossing two off the Shakespeare life list, plus more By David Templeton


here is a great line in the movie Pretty Woman where Edward has escorted Vivian to her first opera and says to her, “People either love opera or they hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don’t, they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul.� That’s how some of us feel about Shakespeare. From the best-known to the least-known, the works of William Shakespeare have a way of hooking certain people—myself among them—and keeping them for life. Most of us keep a running record of the Shakespeare plays we have seen. It’s like our Shakespeare life list, and fans will often talk about their life lists in terms of those plays they have yet to see. Of the Bard’s 36 plays, the popular ones are usually the first to be crossed off. As of last weekend, during my annual summertime pilgrimage to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, I was able to check off two more plays from my own list, leaving me with three to see before I die: Henry IV, Part Two, Timon of Athens and Two Noble Kinsmen. For now, I remain grateful that OSF has finally offered All’s Well That Ends Well and Henry VIII. I’ll get to those later. Of the 11 shows launched by OSF during its nine-month-long 2009 season, I’ve reviewed Dead Man’s Cell Phone, Death and the King’s Horseman (no longer playing), Macbeth and The Music Man (both running through Nov. 1).

Among the other bounteous offerings presented this year, two others rounded out the quartet of shows I experienced last weekend. The Servant of Two Masters, originally written by Carlo Goldoni in 1753, is a popular Italian comedy that seems to return to favor every decade or so. In the OSF’s Monty Pythonesque reworking of this farce, the text is dropped into a metaphorical food processor and poured out as a hilarious, anachronistic concoction that would baffle Goldoni but will delight anyone who thinks bad puns, silly faces, gross-out violence and fart jokes are funny (guilty as charged). In what will certainly go down as the least high-brow show ever staged at OSF, Servant is directed by Tracy Young and played by a cast of whirling, twirling comic maniacs who try to tell Goldoni’s story but are beset by budget setbacks. In a rare bit of comedic self-reference, the actors inform the audience early on that their director has been fired, their props have been borrowed from other shows currently playing at the festival and that they are at the mercy of random power outages approved by management as a cost-saving measure (cue blackout, the first of many, all beautifully timed). And with that, they proceed with the story of Truffaldino (Mark Bedard), a very hungry professional servant who, in his quest for a good square meal in Vienna, ends up working for two masters: Federigo Rasponi, who is actually Rasponi’s sister, Beatrice (Kate Mulligan), in disguise, and Florindo (Elijah Alexander), Beatrice’s lost love. The whole

pantheon of commedia dell’ arte characters are trotted out and fooled around with. The result is a slight but hilarious departure for OSF, and a smart move, as evidenced by the full houses drawn to the show by the good word of mouth. Equivocation (running through Oct. 31) is a world premiere by playwright Bill Cain. A brilliant and intoxicating historical “whatif-er,� the play examines the relationships between William Shakespeare (a first-rate Anthony Heald), his overlooked daughter Judith (Christine Albright), and the actors who made up his theater company, the King’s Men. The story follows Shakespeare (here called Shagspeare, one of many historical alternatives to the Bard’s name), as he is forced by King James’ right-hand man Sir Robert Cecil (Jonathan Haugen) to write a piece of propaganda about the recently foiled Gunpowder Plot, in which a band of Catholics may or may not have tried to blow up Parliament. As Shag attempts to dig into the real story behind the plot, he finds his conscience awakening, and sets out, against his fellow actors’ wishes, to write a play that will tell the truth, whether they all hang for it or not. Gorgeously written, meticulously directed by OSF artistic director Bill Rauch, this is easily the best show of the season. As gripping as a thriller, as eye-opening as the best of satires, it also packs a huge emotional wallop, affirming what it is about Shakespeare that has captured the souls of so many. Which brings us to the two seldomseen works. Henry VII (playing through Oct. 9 on the outdoor Elizabethan stage) first appeared in 1613 and is believed to have been co-authored with John Fletcher, after Shakespeare’s official retirement a year or two before. This visually grand but textually dense drama, directed with grandeur and pomp by John Sipes, reveals exactly why this play is so seldom performed. Though very well acted, with strong performances by Elijah Alexander as the waff ling King Henry, Anthony Heald as the manipulative Cardinal Wolsey and the great Vilma Shiva as Katherine, Henry’s fiery first but not last queen, the play is primarily interesting for the historical detail. Though there is little in the way of battles, and the plot is carried solely on a wave of words, Henry VIII describes the moment when England split with the Catholic church. The vibrant cast and sumptuous costumes save the show from tedium, but will probably appeal mainly to those who seek the novelty of viewing so rare an offering. Ironically, All’s Well That Ends Well (playing through Nov. 1) is so rarely performed because of its ending, in which things don’t really end so well, after all. The miraculous thing about this shimmering, sweet-hearted production, staged in OSF’s intimate New Theater, is the way director Amanda Dehnert has transformed the play into something altogether new, with an ending that is memorably touching, and actually makes sense. That Dehnert has accomplished this by adding additional voiceover narration (“Once upon a time in a faraway land . . .�) and has wholly invented a new character to tie the show together, might offend some purists, but as Vivian might say in Pretty Woman, “Screw ’em.�

Bargain Tuesday - $7.50 All Shows Bargain Tuesday - $7.00 All Shows Schedule for Fri, Aug 14th – Thu, Aug 20th Schedule for Fri, June 29th - Thu, July 5th

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“A Delightful, Witty, Well-Acted & Inventive A Film By Michael Moore Comedy! The Movie That Best Captures A On Two Screens! Contemporary Romantic USA Today (12:00 1:00) 2:30Sensibility!â€? 3:30 5:00 – 6:00 7:30 8:30 OF 10:00 PG-13 500 DAYS SUMMER No Passes (12:45) 3:00 5:15 Accepted 7:30 9:40 PG-13 Advance Tickets On Sale Now! “Adam Is A Most Welcome Summer Treat!â€? – Los Angeles Times “ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ä–&#x;ăť„ăťƒăťƒBrilliantly Acted!â€? – Fox-TV Vanessa RedgraveADAM Meryl Streep Glenn Close (1:00)Toni 3:10 5:20 7:40 Collette Claire 9:50 DanesPG-13

EVENING “Funny, Passionate And Honest!� (1:15) 4:00 7:00 9:30 PG-13 – New York Daily News PAPER HEART

(12:40) 2:40 4:40 7:00 9:00 Stone PG-13 “Raw and Riveting!� – Rolling “Viscerally A Exciting, Adrenaline-Soaked MIGHTY HEART Tour De Force Of Suspense Suprise!� – NY (12:30) 2:45And 5:00 7:20 9:45 R Times


(1:30) 4:30 7:10 9:45 NR No or 9:45 Shows Wed or Thu! “A 7:10 Triumph!� – New York Observer

LAAnniversary VIE EN ROSE 10th Screening

(12:45) 3:45 6:45 9:45 PG-13 A WALK ON THE MOON

PLUS A Conversation With Screenwriter Pamela Gray And Rialto Owner Ky Boyd COMING IN JULY! Wed, Aug 19th at 7:15pm Only! D $LDEN DOOR Face to Face Film Series presents DNO RESERVATIONS BORN INME ‘68 D(ALK TO Thu, AugDARCTIC 20th at 7:15pm Only! TALE

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Kevin Thomas

“‘Adam’ is


riveting performance by the gifted Hugh Dancy, and Rose Byrne is equally good.�

A story about two strangers. One a little stranger than the other.




Diane Lane and Viggo Mortensen steam it up.








Celebrating space travel with sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll—and the Catskills




CINEMAS LAKESIDE NOW RIALTO STARTS 551 Summerfield Road, PLAYING! Santa Rosa (707) 525-4840 FRIDAY!




SEBASTIANI THEATRE 476 First Street East, Sonoma (707) 996-2020


efore Viggo Mortensen appeared as Aragorn, the Lord of the Rings eye-candy for all mothers in the theater, and before Liev Schreiber showed up in Wolverine with claws, they both shared the screen with Diane Lane in a steamy f lick set in the steamiest of times: 1969. Walk on the Moon, an updated Lady Chatterley’s Lover mixed with a little rock music and chutzpah, follows Pearl Kantrowitz, a frustrated—although one might guess that being married to Liev Schreiber and his abs wouldn’t be that terrible—wife and mother from Brooklyn who finds herself having an affair with a charming hippie (Mortensen) during her family’s vacation in the Catskills. Yes, ladies, Viggo Mortensen is totally ripped. And young and tan.

But there’s more than acid trips, first dates with Mary Jane and a blushworthy scene in a waterfall going on in this look at the dynamics of a specific year in history. Sebastopol resident and Moon screenwriter Pamela Gray explains that Pearl’s affair and reawakening all coincide with the thentumultuous state of the country. “I was fascinated by the conjunction of that historical moment with a family being in the geographical vicinity of one of those revolutionary experiences, in this case Woodstock,� Gray says. “At that time, it was the world of that Jewish bungalow colony community that was stuck in the 1950s.� In one of the best scenes of the film, a few wayward hippies are spotted stark naked and bathing in the recreational lake on the campgrounds. All the respectable parents break into a

sprint to retrieve their gaping and giggling children from the nowcontaminated water, while the hippies give a few dazed smiles and peace signs before leaving. “That was a very volatile summer where there were different kinds of boundaries being crossed for the first time,� Gray remembers. “Walking on the moon, a festival like Woodstock, even the Kennedy Chappaquiddick scandals were new for that period. There was this sense of the world turning on its axis in a different way.� Inspiration for the plot came directly from Gray’s past; she describes spending identical summers with her family as a teenager, experiencing the shifts and changes in the country. “I spent every summer at places like those until I was 16,� Gray recalls. “I remember watching hippies walk to Woodstock through the chain link fence. I had that memory for my entire adult life—two worlds happening simultaneously.� The Rialto Lakeside Cinemas originally screened the film 10 years ago as part of the Sonoma County Jewish Film Festival. Gray says she contacted proprietor Ky Boyd about the 10-year anniversary of the film, and the two decided the timing was just right; 2009 marks the 40th anniversary of man’s first steps on the moon, and Taking Woodstock, a new film that takes a comic, star-studded look at the staging of the raucous musicfest, is also due to appear at the Rialto at the end of August. “I thought it would be a great pairing with Taking Woodstock, because that’s a contemporary movie dealing with the same experiences I dealt with,� Gray says. “Ky is going to have a conversation with me after the film, and I’ll talk about that summer, some of the behind-the-scenes stuff and the history of the film.� Walk on the Moon scored a spot on Entertainment Weekly’s “50 Sexiest Movies Ever,� coming in at No. 9. Whether that’s due to a focus on the sexually charged atmosphere of the time or just Diane Lane covered in body paint, swaying along with the masses at Woodstock, is hard to say. “I think it’s worth celebrating what it means to look back on those events,� Gray says. “We didn’t have the kind of marketing that’s available to indie films today when it came out, so I’m happy that there’s a chance for people to see it again.�

Relive history and check out Diane Lane’s Brooklyn accent in ‘Walk on the Moon’ on Wednesday, Aug. 19, at the Rialto, 551 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa. One screening only, 7:15pm. $7–$10. 707.525.4840.

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FOR NORTH BAY MOVIE TIMES, GO TO www.sonomamovietimes.com www.marinmovietimes.com www.napamovietimes.com

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Also Playing 6a^Zch ^c i]Z 6ii^X

<DC4 140DCH Arta Dobroshi stars in ‘Lorna’s Silence,’ screening at the Rafael.

New Movies 6YVb E<"&(0 .. b^c# 6YVb =j\] 9VcXn ^h V ]VcYhdbZ ndjc\ bVc l]d ]Vh a^kZY V h]ZaiZgZY Zm^hiZcXZ bdhi d[ ]^h a^[Z YjZ id ]^h 6heZg\Zg hncYgdbZ# 7ji l]Zc 7Zi] GdhZ 7ngcZ ! V WZVji^[ja hX]ddaiZVX]Zg! bdkZh ^cid i]Z VeVgibZci VWdkZ ]^b! i]Z ild hig^`Z je V gZaVi^dch]^e# 6h 7Zi] ejaah 6YVb dji d[ ]^h ]ZVY VcY ^cid i]Z djih^YZ ldgaY! i]Z^g jcZmeZXiZY XdccZXi^dc n^ZaYh [jccn VcY idjX]^c\ gZhjaih# ?A

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Film capsules by Richard von Busack and Jeff Latta.



The Coyote Den Bar & Dance Hall

MendoZone Saturday, August 15th • 8pm

Reggae Funk

Wed, Aug 12 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45 Jazzercise 10am-12:15pm Scottish Dance Youth and Family 7:00-10:00pmSingles & Pairs Square Dance Club Thur, Aug 13 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 7:25-10:30pm Circles & Squares Square Dance Club Fri, Aug 14 7:30pm

8:45-9:45am Jazzercise California Ballroom-Swing, Latin Ballroom

Sat, Aug 15 8:00-9:00am; 9:15-10:15am Jazzercise 10:30-11:40am NEW!Salsa Workout with DJ Steve Luther 7:15pm DJ Steve Luther Hosts Waltzapalooza $10

3 Peace Saturday, August 22nd • 8pm Rock

Luv Planet Saturday, August 29th • 8pm Alternative Rock Thursday Night KARAOKE • 8:30pm LD Productions

$100 KARAOKE Cash Drawing

Sun, Aug 16 8:30-9:30am Jazzercise 10:15–11:15am Zumba Fitness with Anna 5:00–9:30pm DJ Steve Luther Country-Western Lessons & Dancing $10 Mon, Aug 17 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 3:30pm WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING 7:00-10pm

Weigh in 3:30, Meeting 4:00

New! Scottish Country Dancing

Tues, Aug 18 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 9:30am WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING 7:15pm

Weigh in 9:30, Meeting 10:00 AFRICAN DANCE w/Victoria Strowbridge featuring West African & Congalese Dance

Santa Rosa’s Social Hall since 1922 1400 W. College Avenue • Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 • www.monroe-hall.com




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played for years with the Grateful Dead, wrote songs for Bonnie Raitt and Don Henley, and is now even penning a Broadway musical featuring a song about Donald Trump called “The Don of Dons.� He may not rock as hard as Springsteen or kick butt as fiercely as Lee, but mild-mannered Hornsby is a Bruce to watch out for. Laser the gaze on Saturday, Aug. 15, at the Napa Valley Opera House. 1030 Main St., Napa. 8pm. $80. 707.226.7372.


Presidential Phunk Dubbed the “James Brown of Africaâ€? by The Oakland Post, Victor Sila, of Sila and the Afrofunk Experience, certainly knows how to get down, feel good and sound good doing it. A few parts Fela Kuti, a few parts George Clinton, a whole heap of soul Ă la the venerable Mr. Brown, and you’ve got Sila, a Kenyan ex-pat living in San Francisco. Sila’s second release with the Afrofunk Experience, Black President, celebrates the inauguration of his fellow Kenyan-American with irresistibly danceable grooves, up-tempo, polyrhythmic jams and the well-placed socially conscious lyric or two. It’s enough to make you want to get on up. Sila and the Afrofunk Experience will be packing the dance f loor on Saturday, Aug. 15, at the Hopmonk Tavern. 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol. 9:30pm. $10–$13. 707.829.7300.


BBQ, the Universe & Everything

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Aussie, Aussie, Audrey The cultures at the rural fringes of the former British Empire have a strangely similar feel. There’s a little bit of West Texas in the ethos and attitude of the Australian Outback, places marked by grilled meat and cowboys scoping the vast desolate frontier, and a little bit of Appalachia in the formidable Aussie twang. With that said, there’s something weirdly right about the songs of Audrey Auld, an Australian singersongwriter with roots just as deep in Tasmania as they are in Nashville. Auld likes to call her work “music with the dirt left on,� but that dirt doesn’t just include brown dust-bowl or red outback; it also includes California coastal soil—she lived in Marin County for several years. Her mellow Americana melodies and playful songwriting spans all these diverse corners of the globe, referencing eating Vegemite right alongside doing yoga in Stinson. Auld will be channeling

Joan Baez, Tammy Wynette and Mad Max on Saturday, Aug. 15, at the intimate Studio E in Sebastopol which, as if to add to the geographic confusion, requires purchased tickets to obtain the address. 8pm. $25. 707.542.7143.

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Quadruple Threat In the pantheon of dark musical comedies, there are few faces as memorable as the elastic, pale, grinning visage of Joel Grey’s master of ceremonies in the 1972 film version of Cabaret. His performance as the Brechtian emcee of the Kit Kat Club dazzled, disturbed and earned Grey an Academy Award. Grey has also won four Tony Awards and starred in a little Broadway smash hit called Wicked. But what his high-Cnote-belting fans may not know is that Grey is also an accomplished photographer. His images frequently zoom in close to oft-unexamined surfaces. In his most recent collection, Grey continues to look at things in a new way by

specifically capturing low quality images on a camera phone. This week, the North Bay gets Grey showing off all his various skills. On Friday, Aug. 14, he presents his collection 1.3: Images from My Phone at Book Passage. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera. 7pm. Free. 415.927.0960. The next night, he’ll be performing with a full orchestra on Saturday, Aug. 15, at 142 Throckmorton Theatre. 142 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. 8pm. $85–$135. 415.383.9600.


Bruce Almighty There are lots of formidable, tough-as-nails baddies named Bruce out there: Bruce Springsteen, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis and Bruce “the Batman� Wayne among many. But none of them dare compare when it comes to playing the pleasant jazz-bluegrass-country-jam-band piano stylings of the one and only Bruce Hornsby. A three-time Grammy award winner, Hornsby has had a career spanning decades and genres. He

If you ever find yourself soaring through a vast void as timeless planets implode on themselves, releasing wispy clouds of beautiful luminous gases, and you are faced with the meaning of your own small existence among the infinite, expanding universe, Kronos Quartet is the music you want to be listening to. The San Francisco–based string quartet has been making heartbreaking, spellbinding and mind-blowing experimental classical music since 1973. They’ve collaborated with the likes of Phillip Glass, Steve Reich, David Bowie, Tom Waits and Bjork. Having composed the soundtrack of intense films like Requiem for a Dream, Kronos often tackle difficult subject matter through their work (their newest album Floodplain takes the barren and damaged landscapes of f lood zones as its central inspiration). But the much-acclaimed quartet also isn’t adverse to a little summer fun. They are performing at a lawn barbecue this week. Eat some ribs and ponder existence to Kronos Quartet on Sunday, Aug. 16, at the Rancho Nicasio. 1 Old Rancheria Road, Nicasio. 3pm. $25. 415.662.2219.


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Range Ave

We are located in the same parking lot as Bill’s Lock & Safe Services

Piner Pl

860 Piner Road, Ste 38 Santa Rosa

Airway Dr



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Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BBQ • Pasta • Steak SUN 8/16 • 8:00PM DOORS • $25 • 21+ REGGAE

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SAT 8/22 • 6:30PM DOORS • $15GEN/$10 STUDENT • 16+ FILM FEST






PSYCH/JAM/ROCK "%7 %04 t 1. t





ŷ40/0." $06/5: $% 3&-&"4& &7&/5Ÿ AFRO/FUNK/AFRO TUES AUG 18


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OPEN MIC NIGHT 71. t "-- "(&4 t /0 $07&3

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FRI 9/18 • 7:00PM DOORS • $35 • 21+



PREZIDENT BROWN "%7 %04 t 1. t






SAT 9/19 • 7:00PM DOORS • $27ADV/$30 DOS • 18+








SAT 9/5 • 8:00PM DOORS • $22ADV/$25 DOS • 21+

WED 9/16 • 7:30PM DOORS • $15ADV/$18 DOS • 21+

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Mc Near’s Dining House

HjbbZg C^\]ih

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"%7 %04 t 1. t

$0.*/( 61 SUN 9/20 • 7:00PM DOORS • $45 • 21+ ROCK/JAM BAND

THE BLUES TRAVELER For All Ages Shows • No Children Under 6 Allowed

23 Petaluma Blvd, Petaluma

707-765-2121 www.mcnears.com



T: 707.829.7300 230 PETALUMA AVE | SEBASTOPOL | CA




Experience A Rejuvenating Weekend In Napa



0?6A60Âś@ 05<602

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7aVX` GdhZ >g^h] EjW

August 28, 29, 30 2009 s


Intriguing Experiences. Powerful Presentations. nutrition s fitness s wellness s meditation greener living s yoga s outdoor activities 3 Days s 60 Speakers s 75 Sessions

6j\ &'! 8Zai^X hadl hZhh^dc# 6j\ &(! LZhi 8djcin Egd[Zhh^dcVa IZVh^eeZgh DaY"I^bZ Hig^c\ 7VcY# I]jgh! LdgaYÉh 7^\\Zhi 8dbZYn 9jd hZZ 8dbZYn # 6j\ &*! JcYZg i]Z GVYVg 6bZg^XVcV # '%,) 6gbdgn 9g! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)+#,+,(#

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Dr. Andrew Weil Dan Beuttner Laurence Juber Pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine

Natl Geographic explorer & author of “The Blue Zones�

Grammy award-winner & former Wings guitarist

Lodging packages available on festival website Festival information 888-285-5893 ext. 4


LZY! deZc b^X# I]jgh! GZ\\VZ c^\]i# HVi! 9? ?d]c EVg`Zg# Hjc! a^kZ bjh^X# Bdc! BZcÉh AZVi]Zg EVgin 9? YVcXZ # IjZh! 8djcign LZhiZgc c^\]i# &+''* BV^c Hi! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#.-,*#

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Now OPEN! Wednesday thru Friday 3pm - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 1pm - 7pm

A^iiaZ Hl^ioZgaVcY

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Enjoy His Beverage Under His Lights!

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Summer Music Festival offers diverse treasures ometimes it’s hard to find a musical event that the whole family can enjoy. Sure, Mom can’t get enough of Handel, and Dad loves to hear Celtic harp, but what about cousin Larry and his infatuation with ancient Japanese drumming? And what do you do with Aunt Mildred who only listens to something called “Goth swingâ€?? Let’s not even mention your sister-in-law’s fixation with all things Patsy Cline. Well, this year at the 20th Petaluma Summer Music Festival there’s something for the whole darn crew. Truly. The festival hosts a 50-piece Italian orchestra playing opera as well as Stevie Wonder classics; Celtic harpist Chris Caswell (above); the Taiko Ren drum ensemble; LaďŹ bi and Friends amenco troupe; a 250th birthday party for Handel; jazz singer Kim Nalley; a toe-tapping performance by Goth swing group Lee Press-On and the Nails; and performances of Always . . . Patsy Cline, a musical revue of the country queen’s greatest hits. This wild cornucopia of musical genres springs forth from the creative team at Cinnabar Theater who have organized the festival for the last 20 years. “Ideas come from all over the place!â€? Cinnabar artistic director Elly Lichtenstein says about the festival lineup. “One of our board members has been bugging me for years to get Taiko drummers. So this year, we got them. We’re very selďŹ sh people,â€? she laughs. “It’s a gift to ourselves by way of giving it to the community.â€? To further sweeten the selďŹ sh/altruistic musical gift, the festival steps outside the conďŹ nes of Cinnabar’s performance space and presents works in a variety of Petaluma locales. Taiko drums will bellow through the Goltermann Gardens, Celtic harp will resonate ethereally at the Petaluma Historic Museum, and the musicians playing Handel’s Water Music will do so on barge oating along the Petaluma River. This sounds all well and good for Mom, Dad, Cousin Larry, Aunt Mildred, and your weird sister-in-law, but what do we do with Grandpa Pete who thinks he’s a pirate? The festival eagerly includes the Great Petaluma Treasure Hunt, which will provide clues to participants leading all over town. With diverse venues, eclectic performances and a treasure hunt, Lichtenstein explains that “this festival is about rediscovering Petaluma as a unique place to be.â€? Bring the whole clan to ďŹ nd that out when the Petaluma Summer Music Festival runs Aug. 20–Sept.13 at various locations. Free–$40. For a complete schedule and ticket information, visit www.cinnabartheater.org or call 707.763.8920. Daniel Hirsch


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the last day saloon nightclub & restaurant the best place for live music, dancing and dining

Reservations advised “A Historic West Marin Landmark� Fri

9:00 PM SHOW > $10 > 70'S 80'S 90'S



Stompy Jones Aug 15 The Coolest Way to Swing 8:30pm / $12

Rancho Debut!


Aug 21

Johnny Vegas and the High Rollers








Welcome Back!


Aug 22

Lee Press-on Nails



9:30 PM SHOW > $8/10 > ROCK



6:30 PM SHOW > $25 > BLUES, ROCK, FUNK






8:30 PM SHOW > $10 > ALT ROCK



get reserved show seating with advance dinner reservations

Sept 11

Buddy Owen Band Back to Basics Rock 8:00pm /In the Bar

Unauthorized Rolling Stones


Sept 18

8:30pm / $15

2009 BBQ’s On the Lawn! Gates Open at 3pm, Music at 4pm In a rare Northern California appearance


Aug 16

The Kronos Quartet $25



Aug 23

with the legendary


3rd Annual


Aug 30

Mitch Woods’ Boogie Woogie BBQ Blowout With Kenny “Blues Boss� Wayne, Chris Seibert with Lavay Smith, Wendy DeWitt, and Todd Morgan $20


Sept 6

Roy Rogers and the Delta Rhythm Kings $20


Sept 7 Sun

Sept 13

Marcia Ball $25

Buckwheat Zydeco $20



On the Town Square • Nicasio




Rancho Debut!

for reservations: 707.545.5876

120 5th street @ davis street santa rosa, ca


8:00pm /In the Bar


all shows are 21+ unless noted


Sept 4 Ron Thompson Blues Wizard

9:00 PM SHOW > $12/15 > ROCK



8:30pm / $12

8:30 PM SHOW > $15/18 > BLUES ROCK

9:30 PM SHOW > $10 > ROCK





27 Acts including:

Miss Carmen Getit


9:30 AM TO 8:00 PM - BOTH DAYS



Steve Lucky and the Rhumba Bums

Aug 29

8:00 PM SHOW > $20/25


and the

2 L 2 $$ L $%

San Francisco’s Wildest Swing Big Band 8:30pm / $12 / $15

8:30 PM SHOW > $10 > BLUES



High Energy Rock & Soul Revue 8:30pm / $12




A Non-Stop, Multicultural Extravaganza at La Plaza Park ~ Cotati

8:30pm / $15




Lavay Smith, Carmen Getit, & Belle Monroe


EST. 1941

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Crazy in Love with Patsy Cline

Aug 14

9:30 PM SHOW > $5 > ROCK


Take a scenic drive for a unique dining experience

Dinner and a Show


Those Darn Accordions

Mario Perdone


Culann’s Hounds

Motordude Zydeco Frank Marocco Jason Webley Copperbox Gabby LaLa Tara a Linnda & Neuva Lu una a, Jim Gilman, Polkanomics, Ramon Trujillo & Los Caporales, Tangonero, Cory Pesaturo, Big Lou’s Polka Casserole, The Great Morgani, Mad Maggies, Kepa Junkera, Ginny Mac, Jessica Fichot, Bella Ciao, Golden State Accordion Band, Gaucho featuring Rob Reich, Mark St. Mary, Steve Balich Sr. Band PARTY


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E^c` :aZe]Vci

I]jgh Vi ,! I]j\o# .-.* BV^c Hi! BdciZ G^d# ,%,#-+*#%*%%#

EaVoV 7^higd

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6j\ &'! =^aah^YZ ;^gZ VaiZgcVi^kZ ! L^aY 8VgY 7Zaan 9VcXZ# 6j\ &*! 9dc 6aYZg VcY [g^ZcYh# 6j\ &+! 6cX^Zci Bnhi^X! GZVa ;Vg 7VcY gZ\\VZ # ,'* ;djgi] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)*#7::G#

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DaY LZhiZgc HVaddc

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Ragle Ranch Park, Sebastopol, CA Aug A u g uust st 1 15 5 & Aug A u g uust st 16 16, 6, 2009 10 A AM M~6P PM M

10 AM A M ~ 5 PM PM

All A l l Entertainment E nte r t a i n m e nt Free Fre r ew with i t h FFair a i r Ad Admission d m is s i o n %/86,21 ‡ 62/,' $,5 ‡ /29( &+2,5 ‡ 58%< 0221 ‡ -21, 0255,6 %/86,21 ‡ 62/,' $,5 ‡ /29( &+2,5 ‡ 58%< 0221 1 ‡ -21, 0255,6 67 3(7(5%,/7 ‡ 7+( 38/6$7256 ‡ 7+( %8==721(6 ‡ 1(: &23$6(7,&6 67 3(7(5%,/ /7 ‡ 7+( 38 8/6$7256 ‡ 7+( %8==721(6 ‡‡ 1(: &23$6(7,&6 6+$1$ 0255,621 ‡ 0$5,$&+, 7(5$6&2 ‡ 0,7&+ :22'6 +,6 52&.(7 ¡6 6+$1$ 0255,621 ‡ 0$5,$&+, 7(5$6&2 ‡ 0,7&+ :22' '6 +,6 52&.(7 ¡6


02>DBC82 ?>4C Guitarist Franco Morone is a regular favorite.


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Healdsburg Guitar Fest draws an avid crowd


By Denis Lindsay



t’s the oldest original event of its type,� says director Chris Herrod of the Healdsburg Guitar Festival. Slated for Aug. 14–16, the festival showcases the works of 100 of the world’s finest luthiers. In turn, guitarists from all over the world will share their music and teach workshops. “It’s a truly international event, with guitar builders traveling from six continents,� Herrod says. From the top-of-the-line guitars and merchandise to workshops to highly skilled luthiers and numerous concerts, the festival has something for every guitar enthusiast at every skill level—and even something for those who are not quite the enthusiast. “We have people who go to the event who are not particularly into guitars who have an amazing experience,� Herrod assures. The performances alone make the festival worth attending. Beginning at 10:30am each day, workshops will cover just about everything. For those looking to tap into their inner rock star, there’s “Acoustic Hendrix: How to Play Rock Music on Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar.� If something a little softer is in mind, there’s “The ChordsFirst Approach for Jazz Guitar.� Beyond genre, the workshops assist in performance, navigating the fingerboard, alternative tuning, guitar as vocal accompaniment and more guitar topics than one could imagine would fit into a three-day festival.




Healdsburg’s own Tom Ribbecke will be in attendance again this year, showing off his beautiful craftsmanship. A regular at the festival who has made guitars for the pop star Seal, Ribbecke remains a huge presence, even extending his workshops to those coming from abroad in preparation for the event. Ribbecke used to be a guitarist himself, but interviewed years ago in these pages he revealed a change of heart. “I had a six-week gig down in San Jose over Christmas, and on Christmas Eve—during my fifth week of doing this four nights a week—I was looking out over the audience, and it was a piano bar, and some guy threw up his gin and tonic on my feet,� he remembered. “You know, who are you going to see in a bar on Christmas Eve except the most dysfunctional? It was like the Star Wars bar scene. I looked at those people and I looked at myself and said, ‘I’ve got to stop this. I’m getting too old for this particular environment.’� Ribbecke never hung up the guitar, though, devoting his life to the craft of building them. “If there’s a heaven, it looks just like the Healdsburg Guitar Festival,� jested guitar buyer Henry Lowenstein in Blue Book of Acoustic Guitars. “The nation’s best luthiers get together to talk, play and show the best of what they have to offer the public.� Lowenstein forgets that these luthiers are from all over the world, giving a much broader view of what this festival will bring. Guitar makers will be holding a sale and exhibition, showcasing the highest quality guitars and equipment, both for purchase and for admiration. Specialists in steel, archtop, classical and electric guitars will all be on site, ready to speak to the craftsmanship of their instruments. But when workshops and beautiful guitars become too much, it just might be time to kick back and take a listen. For this, there’s still ample opportunity. Each of the three days, there will be performances from 11:30am to 5:30pm at both the Merlo Theater and in the more intimate Carston Cabaret. While the sets may be short, the list of artists is long. From jazz to country, from classical to rock, there’s an artist on the itinerary to meet everyone’s musical desires. On Saturday, the “Italian poet of the acoustic guitar,� Franco Morone headlines the day’ grand finale, playing his fresh reinterpretations of traditional pieces as well as his original musical “poetry.� Opening for Morone will be Tim Thompson, who won first place last year at the International Fingerstyle Guitar Competition in Winfield, Kan. Thompson has television and movie soundtrack credits under his belt and has also provided accompaniment for country singer Crystal Gayle, sister to country great Loretta Lynn. Come share the love of a craft that lives on and continues to thrive, setting the musical backdrop for life. Festival director Chris Herrod encourages all to go and “expect to be dazzled by amazing musicianship.� The Healdsburg Guitar Festival runs Friday– Sunday, Aug. 14–16, at the Wells Fargo Center. 50 Mark West Springs Road, Santa Rosa. $12 per day; $22 whole festival. Workshops, $35; concert, $15. 707.546.3600.

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BCA0867C 5A>< C74 <DA<DA Oakland artist Uri Korn’s photos, including ‘Laney’s Leftovers,’ above, are part of new work at the Nest. See Openings, adjacent.

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THUGZ Sat Aug 15

GARAGELAND RODEO Sun Aug 16 • 6–9pm


UPCOMING EVENTS Fri Aug 21 • 7–10pm


Sat Aug 22 • $20 Adults/$10 Kids WESTERN BBQ WITH THE

THE BILLY MAC ALLSTARS All Music 6–10pm • All Shows $5 unless noted

Swimming Pool Open to Public Lunch • Dinner • Brunch on Weekends

Full Bar • Live Bands 707.869.0821 | 14540 Canyon 2, Rio Nido




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B6G>C 8DJCIN 6c\Za >haVcY E^Xc^X IV`Z Vc ZVhn ]^`Z id ide d[ Bi A^kZgbdgZ VcY i]Zc Zc_dn V ediajX` ajcX] dc i]Z WZVX]# 7g^c\ ediajX` ^iZb [dg +! lViZg VcY hijgYn h]dZh# GV^c XVcXZah# 6j\ &+! ./)* id )# &(#*%# 6c\Za >haVcY I^Wjgdc ;Zggn! '& BV^c Hi! I^Wjgdc# )&*#)+&#.'**#

I^Wjgdc 7^`Z EVi] =^`Z H^ZggV 8ajW egZhZcih V kZgn ZVhn lVa` [gdb eVhijgZ idlVgY I^Wjgdc VcY WVX`! hidee^c\ Vi V WV`Zgn l^i] V k^Zl d[ HVc ;gVcX^hXd# 6j\ &(! ./(% id &# ;gZZ# 7aVX`^ZÉh EVhijgZ! I^Wjgdc 7djaZkVgY! I^Wjgdc# )&*#)+&#.'**#

Film HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7aViVci 6YkZcijgZh d[ EZiVajbV GZY XVgeZi egZb^ZgZ ^h Xjab^cVi^dc d[ WZ\^ccZghÉ [^abbV`^c\ ldg`h]de Vaadl^c\ hijYZcih V\Zh &' id &, id lg^iZ! h]ddi VcY ZY^i V [^ab dkZg V i]gZZ"lZZ` eZg^dY# 6j\ &( Vi -# ;gZZ# E]dZc^m I]ZViZg! '%& LVh]^c\idc Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#+.*#,(+(#

B6G>C 8DJCIN 6jY^ZcXZ d[ DcZ ;^abbV`Zg B^X]VZa ?VXdWh Y^hXjhhZh ]^h VlVgY"l^cc^c\ YdXjbZciVgn VWdji V eVhidg l]d ijgcZY ]^h X]jgX] ^cid V bdk^Z hijY^d VcY hZi dji id bV`Z Vc Ze^X [^ab# 6j\ &( Vi ,# +#*%" &%# Hb^i] GV[VZa ;^ab 8ZciZg! &&&- ;djgi] Hi! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)*)#&'''#

;^ab C^\]i ^c i]Z EVg` 7g^c\ V WaVc`Zi dg X]V^g VcY e^Xc^X WVh`Zi [dg [Vb^an [^abh jcYZg i]Z hiVgh Vi -# 6gg^kZ ZVgan [dg XVgiddch VcY gV[[aZh# 6j\ &)! ÆAdhi ^c IgVchaVi^dc#Ç 6j\ &*! ÆGViVidj^aaZ#Ç 6j\ &+! Æ9jZa#Ç (" + hj\\ZhiZY YdcVi^dc# 8gZZ` EVg`! =jW >ciZghZXi^dc! H^g ;gVcX^h 9gV`Z 7djaZkVgY! HVc 6chZabd# lll#[^abc^\]i#dg\#

For Kids HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7gZbZcidlc Bjh^X^Vch 6 \gdje d[ [Vgb Vc^bVah djia^kZ i]Z^g jhZ[jacZhh VcY ZhXVeZ id WZXdbZ bjh^X^Vch ^c Vc ^ciZgVXi^kZ eZg[dgbVcXZ# 6j\ &+! '( VcY (% Vi (# &% ^cXajYZh Xdd`^Z# 9dlcidlc 9VcXZ$6gi HeVXZ! &,'"7 C BV^c Hi! HZWVhideda# ,%,#((&#-&*-#

GZVY id V 9d\ 8]^aYgZc VgZ ^ck^iZY id gZVY id V igV^cZY

B4=0C>A80; F7>3D==8C

Barbara Boxer grinds some fictional axes hat do our elected representatives do with their spare time—if they have any? Sen. Barbara Boxer writes novels; her second, Blind Trust, co-written by Mary-Rose Hayes, is political payback sort of masquerading as a Washington, D.C., thriller. Heroine Ellen Fischer Lind is a California senator (write about what you know) presiding over confirmation hearings for the new secretary of Homeland Security, an old Republican nemesis named Carl Satcher. Suddenly, Ellen is sucker-punched by a leak claiming that she and her husband have abused their blind trust; more scandalous revelations about her trusted aide follow. Who’s behind these scurrilous attacks? Clearly, Boxer has more than a few axes that she’sbeen dying to sharpen. The biggest target is one Sam Slaughter, an odious right-wing talk-show host, whose program, The Slaughterhouse, is really a clearing-house for unsubstantiated attacks on wellmeaning Democrats. He is “mean-spirited, inaccurate, provocative, disgusting.� Take that, Rush. Luckily, after some transparent plot turns, a semblance of decency is restored—because, dammit, liberals need fairy tales, too. The writing is serviceable, although occasionally veering toward parody: “Listen,� says Ellen’s politico husband, “ever since I saw you across that room, fighting for your children’s bill with every nerve in your body, I’ve loved you and wanted you and I can’t stand the thought of losing you.� So it’s not exactly a bodice-ripper; maybe budget-ripper is closer to the mark. Boxer appears for a booksigning event on Wednesday, Aug. 12, at 7pm at Book Passage. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera. Free. 415.927.0960.


Michael S. Gant

i]ZgVen Yd\ [gdb 6hh^hiVcXZ 9d\ >chi^ijiZ# 6j\ &- Vi '# ;gZZ# EZiVajbV A^WgVgn! &%% ;V^g\gdjcYh 9g! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+(#.-%&! Zmi +#

@^iin# *" +# ;g^ Vi &&! VfjVg^jb [ZZY^c\# 6Yb^hh^dc/ -" &%# 7Vn 6gZV 9^hXdkZgn BjhZjb! ;dgi 7V`Zg! **, BXGZncdaYh GY! HVjhVa^id# )&*#((.#(.%%#



7Vn 6gZV 9^hXdkZgn BjhZjb I]gdj\] HZe &(! Æ8]^aYgZc d[ =Vc\o]dj/ 8dccZXi^c\ l^i] 8]^cV!Ç V XadhZ"je ZmeZg^ZcXZ d[ bdYZgc"YVn 8]^cV# Dc\d^c\! ]VcYh"dc Vgi! hX^ZcXZ VcY i]ZViZg XVbeh! Vgi hijY^d! idi hedi VcY add`dji XdkZ VYkZcijgZ VgZV# LZY" I]jgh Vi &% VcY &&! bjh^X l^i] B^hh

HDCDB6 8DJCIN 7jh^cZhh :hhZci^Vah HZg^Zh 7g^c\ V Wgdlc WV\ ajcX] VcY aZVgc VWdji Æ;^kZ :hhZci^Va CZl GjaZh id 6Xfj^gZ HiVgi"Je 8Ve^iVa ^c IdYVnÉh :XdcdbnÇ egZhZciZY Wn EVja 7dood )) d[ HG?8 HbVaa 7jh^cZhh






9ZkZadebZci 8ZciZg# 6j\ &(! cddc id &/(%# '%# HdcdbV BdjciV^c 7jh^cZhh 8ajhiZg! &(%% KVaaZn =djhZ 9g! HiZ &%%! Gd]cZgi EVg`! GHKE# ,%,#++)#+'%%#



C. Donatiello Winery

Live from the Middle Reach 2009 Summer Music Series “SUPERB!� -Gretchen Giles Bohemian.com

8jhidYn Ldg`h]de <Zi ^c[dgbVi^dc dc [Vb^an aVl ^hhjZh! Y^kdgXZ! XjhidYn VcY hjeedgi# 6j\ &'! */(% id +/(%# &%# HdcdbV 8djcin 7Vg 6hhdX^Vi^dc D[[^XZ! (, DaY 8djgi]djhZ HfjVgZ &%%! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)+#'.')#

:ck^gdcbZciVa ?jhi^XZ ?d^c 8>B88 VcY egZhZciZg @VgZc 7^ZhibVc [dg Vc ^c[dgbVi^kZ Y^hXjhh^dc VWdji Zck^gdcbZciVa _jhi^XZ ^hhjZh ^beVXi^c\ >cY^Vc Xdbbjc^i^Zh VcY Z[[dgih id egdiZXi aVcY VcY igVY^i^dc# 6j\ &*! &/(% id (/(%# ;gZZ# 8Va^[dgc^V >cY^Vc BjhZjb 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg! *'*% 6Zgd 9g! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,.#(%%)#

BZY^X^cVa =ZgWh =ZgWVa^hi I^cV IZYZhXd egZhZcih Vc ^cigdYjXidgn XaVhh dc \gdl^c\ ]ZgWh VcY XgZVi^c\ gZbZY^Zh a^`Z hVakZh! i^cXijgZh! iZVh VcY bdgZ# 7g^c\ V ]Vi VcY hjchXgZZc# 6j\ &*! &% id cddc# '%# HdcdbV <VgYZc EVg`! &...% HZkZci] Hi :! HdcdbV! GZhZgkVhi^dch# ,%,#..+#%,&'! Zmi &%-#

BdcYVn C^\]i A^kZ :VX] lZZ` V Y^[[ZgZci egZhZciZg l^aa heZV` VWdji gVl"[ddY a^[ZhinaZ# 6j\ &,! Vi]aZiZ VcY Vji]dg d[ Æ-%$&%$&%!Ç 9dj\ <gV]Vb# ;gZZ# 8V[Z <gVi^ijYZ! '%+ =ZVaYhWjg\! ^ch^YZ Da^kZ AZV[! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#,'(#))+&#




Barba shassus



Allison scull & Victor Martin

9-13 Troubaduo

Chris O’Brien

9-20 The Hellhounds 8-30


9-27 Dani Paige Band

with special guests:

Ian Ball of Gomez, and sara Barielles

All Shows Sundays 1-4pm C. Donatiello Winery 4035 Westside Road Healdsburg, CA 707.431.4442 www.cdonatiello.com

CVijgVa K^h^dc >begdkZbZci 8Vgadh BdgZcd Y^hXjhhZh ]^h bZi]dY d[ VX]^Zk^c\ ^begdkZY k^h^dc Wn ejg\^c\ cZ\Vi^kZ Zbdi^dch# 6j\ &(! +/(% id ,/)*# ;gZZ# Nd\V 8dbbjc^in! *,, ;^[i] Hi L! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(*#-+%%#

GZi]^c` Ndjg 9g^c` Cdgi]XdVhi Cjig^i^dc VcY ;^icZhh 8daaVWdgVi^kZ egZhZci V egd\gVb YZh^\cZY id egdbdiZ ]ZVai]n Yg^c` dei^dch [dg `^Yh# 6j\ &*! && id cddc# ;gZZ# <jZgcZk^aaZ A^WgVgn! &)&%, 6gbhigdc\ LddYh GY! <jZgcZk^aaZ# ,%,#-+.#.%%)#

HX]^ode]gZc^V CVi^dcVa 6aa^VcXZ [dg i]Z BZciVaan >aa egZhZci BVgn HjhVc =VchZc heZV`^c\ dc XjggZci WgZV`i]gdj\]h ^c igZVibZci d[ hX]^ode]gZc^V# 6j\ &(! + id -# ;gZZ# 8]g^hi 8]jgX] Jc^iZY BZi]dY^hi! &,&, NjajeV 6kZ! HVciV GdhV! GZ\^hiZg# ,%,#*',#++**#

HX^ZcXZ 7joo 8V[Z :kZgn I]jgh Vi +/(%! \Vi]Zg l^i] hX^Zci^hih VcY VbViZjg hX^ZcXZ [Vch id Y^hXjhh lZZ`an ide^Xh# HX^ZcXZ 7joo gZijgch 6j\ &( l^i] Æ:meadg^c\ i]Z :migZbZ Jc^kZghZ/ ;:GB> <VbbV" GVn HeVXZ IZaZhXdeZÇ l^i] Ancc 8db^ch`n# ( YdcVi^dc# 8d[[ZZ 8Vio! +,+& HZWVhideda 6kZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#'.'#*'-&#

B6G>C 8DJCIN Heg^c\ AV`Z <j^YZ AZVY cVijgZ lVa`h [dg X]^aYgZc Vi Heg^c\ AV`Z EVg` ^c HVciV GdhV V[iZg Vc dg^ZciVi^dc VcY ild"bdci] cVijgZ \j^YZ igV^c^c\ hZhh^dc# 6j\ &*! && id &'/(%# ;gZZ dg^ZciVi^dc! )% igV^c^c\# L^aY8VgZ! ,+ 6aWZgi EVg` AVcZ! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)*(#&%%%! Zmi &'#

K^hjVa :Xd"8g^i^X^hb Lg^iZg VcY Zck^gdcbZciVa^hi @Vi^Z @jgio h^ih Ydlc l^i] Vgi^hih 7Vggn JcYZglddY! 8]g^hiZa 9^aaWd]cZg VcY 8]g^hi^cZ AZZ id VcVanoZ Vgi VcY i]Z ÆZXd"Xg^i^XVaÇ eZgheZXi^kZ# 6j\ &+! ) id +# &%# =ZVYaVcYh 8ZciZg [dg i]Z 6gih! 7aY\ .))! ;dgi 7Vggn! HVjhVa^id# lll#]ZVYaVcYh#dg\#




7VgcZh CdWaZ 6j\ &, Vi *! ÆI]Z CVi^dcVa EVg`h/ Djg 6bZg^XVc AVcYhXVeZÇ l^i] >Vc H]^kZ# ,%% ;djgi] Hi! HVciV GdhV#

8d[[ZZ 8Vio I]^gY Hjc bdci]an Vi &'/(%! edZign deZc b^X0 6j\ &+! [ZVijgZY gZVYZg ^h 8dnV# +,+& HZWVhideda 6kZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'.#++%%#

HVciV GdhV 8deeZg[^ZaYÉh 7dd`h 6j\ &* Vi &/(%! ÆFj^X`an i]Z BV\^X HeVijaVÇ l^i] ?Zgna 6WZabVcc# '(&+ Bdci\dbZgn 9g! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,-#-.(-#

Cdgi] A^\]i 7dd`h 8V[Z 6j\ &* Vi &! ÆIdjX] d[ BV\ZciVÇ l^i] A^cYV AdkZaVcY GZ^Y# **% : 8diVi^ 6kZ! 8diVi^# ,%,#,.'#)(%%#

GZVYZghÉ 7dd`h 6j\ &( Vi ,/(%! Æ7^gi] 9VnÇ l^i] BVg` HadVc# &(% : CVeV Hi! HdcdbV# ,%,#.(.#&,,.#

B6G>C 8DJCIN 7dd` EVhhV\Z 6j\ &' Vi ,! ÆAZVgc^c\ id 7gZVi]Z/ DcZ LdbVcÉh ?djgcZn d[ He^g^i VcY Hjgk^kVaÇ l^i] 6a^hdc Lg^\]i VcY Æ7a^cY IgjhiÇ l^i] 7VgWVgV 7dmZg# 6j\ &( Vi -! Æ>cigZe^Y He^g^i d[ IgVkZaÇ l^i] I^b 8V]^aa# 6j\ &) Vi ,! Æ&#(/ >bV\Zh [gdb Bn E]dcZÇ l^i] ?dZa <gZn0 Vi -! Æ6gi d[ E^a\g^bV\ZÇ l^i] E]^a 8djh^cZVj# 6j\ &* Vi -! ÆL]Vi BViiZgh/ =dl DcZ E]did\gVe] 8Vc 8]Vc\Z i]Z LdgaYÇ l^i] 9Vk^Y :aa^di 8d]Zc# 6j\ &, Vi ,! ÆH]V`ZheZVgZ l^i] 7Vggn @gV[iÇ l^i] 7Vggn @gV[i# 6j\ &- Vi ,! ÆI]Z LdbVc L]d LdjaY 7Z E]VgdV]/ 6 CdkZa d[ 6cX^Zci :\neiÇ l^i] L^aa^Vb @aZ^c# *& IVbVa K^hiV 7akY! 8dgiZ BVYZgV# )&*#.',#%.+%#

IdWnÉh ;ZZY 7Vgc 6j\ &+ Vi )! ejWa^X gZVY^c\ VcY eVgin [dg ÆLZhi BVg^c GZk^Zl/ KdajbZ >>Ç l^i] kVg^djh Xdcig^Wjidgh# &&'*% =ln &! Ei GZnZh HiVi^dc# )&*#++(#&''(#

Theater HDCDB6 8DJCIN 8dg^daVcjh CVggdl LVn HiV\Z 8dbeVcn egZhZci V XdjginVgY eZg[dgbVcXZ d[ L^aa^Vb H]V`ZheZVgZÉh edlZg[jaan gZaZkVci lVgi^bZ hidgn d[ i]Z gZaVi^dch]^e WZilZZc eda^i^Xh VcY eZdeaZ# 6j\ &)! &+! '% VcY '' Vi -# &*" '%# <aVhZg 8ZciZg! *), BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# lll#cVggdllVnhiV\Z#Xdb#

AVhhdZh! A^``Zg ÉcÉ AZVY 6bZg^XVc 9gZVb I]ZViZg egZhZcih Vc dg^\^cVa bjh^XVa XdbZYn VWdji a^[Z ^c i]Z DaY LZhi# I]gj 6j\ '&0 ;g^"HVi Vi ,/(%! Hjc Vi cddc# &*" ''# <gVidc 8dbbjc^in 8ajW! <gVidc GdVY VcY :Y^hdc HigZZi! <gVidc# ,%,#*(-#,*)(#

Da^kZg 8]VgaZh 9^X`ZchÉ XaVhh^X gV\h"id"g^X]Zh iVaZ VWdji V ndjc\ Wdn ^c AdcYdc XdbZh id a^[Z i]gdj\] bjh^X VcY Xdadg[ja XVhi# 6j\ &)"HZe &(0 I]jgh"HVi Vi - VcY HVi"Hjc Vi '# &*" (*# H^mi] HigZZi EaVn]djhZ! *' L H^mi] Hi! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*'(#)&-*#

Hnak^V CZl Ndg` XdjeaZ <gZ\ VcY @ViZ iV`Z ^c V higVn [ZbVaZ Yd\ cVbZY Hnak^V! l]d fj^X`an WZXdbZh V g^kVa [dg <gZ\Éh V[[ZXi^dch# 6j\ &)"&*! '%"''! '-"'. VcY HZe )"* Vi -0 6j\ (% VcY HZe + Vi '# &(" '&0 && dc I]jgh! 6j\ '%# GVkZc

I]ZViZg! &&* Cdgi] Hi! =ZVaYhWjg\# ,%,#)((#+((*! Zmi &&#

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IlZa[i] C^\]i CVggdl LVn HiV\Z 8d egZhZci Vc djiYddg eZg[dgbVcXZ d[ L^aa^Vb H]V`ZheZVgZÉh XaVhh^X XdbZYn d[ b^hiV`Zc ^YZci^i^Zh! WZl^aYZg^c\ YZh^gZh! egVXi^XVa _d`Zh VcY g^WVaY gZkZagn Y^gZXiZY Wn @Zk^c 7dgY^# 6j\ &(! &*! '&! '(! ',"(% Vi -0 I]jgh ^h ÆeVn l]Vi ndj XVcÇ c^\]i# &*" '%# <aVhZg 8ZciZg! *), BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#(',#,(%)#

B6G>C 8DJCIN 7ZagdhZ I]ZVigZ CdhiVa\^X kVjYZk^aa^Vc h]dl b^mZh bjh^X l^i] YVcX^c\! h`ZiX]Zh VcY V [Zl daY"i^bZ Xdgcn _d`Zh [dg \ddY bZVhjgZ# HVi eZg[dgbVcXZh ^cXajYZ V X]^X`Zc Y^ccZg VcY WZggn XgZVb YZhhZgi# :cY^c\ 6j\ &*0 ;g^ Vi -! HVi Vi ,# '%" (*# 7ZagdhZ I]ZVigZ! &)&* ;^[i] 6kZ! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)*)#+)''#

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?jhi V BdbZci EZg[dgbVcXZ d[ ^begdk^hVi^dcVa i]ZViZg VcY hdc\ [ZVijgZh G]^Vccdc VcY ]Zg 6aa i]Z LVn >c h^c\Zgh! GVY^d 7gjcZiiZh! eZgXjhh^dc^hi ?Zcc^[Zg L^ahZn VcY ^begdk Vgi^hi 8aV^gZ EZVhaZZ# 6j\ &+ Vi ,/(%# &'" '%# 9VcXZ EVaVXZ! ;^[i] VcY 7 higZZih! Ei GZnZh HiVi^dc# lll#YVcXZeVaVXZ#dg\#

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Eg^kViZ ;ZVgh ^c EjWa^X EaVXZh 8^cZbVi^X ha^XZ d[ a^[Z XZciZgh dc h^m eZdeaZ l]dhZ a^kZh VcY hidg^Zh ^ciZghZXi a^`Z V [^ab [dg hiV\Z# :cY^c\ 6j\ &+0 I]jgh Vi ,/(%! ;g^"HVi Vi -! Hjc Vi '# &*" '*# 7Vgc I]ZVigZ! BVg^c 6gi VcY <VgYZc 8ZciZg! (% H^g ;gVcX^h 9gV`Z 7akY! Gdhh# )&*#)*+#.***#

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Women Seeking Men

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE Hard-working woman, 30ish, motivated, bright, caring, enjoys the beach, exercise, walks, outdoor fun, reading. Seeking caring man, 30s, for serious LTR. 297170

MUST BE SINCERE SF, 59, 5’2’’, 115lbs, redhead, Christian, likes dining, good conversation. Seeking SM, 45-60, who is very romantic and ready for a relationship. 297397

SHE’S A LADY Attractive SWF, 69, seeks gentleman, 65-75, for friendship and companionship. Let’s talk and see what develops! 305310

LOCAL GAL WF looking for someone fun, nice, loyal, honest and intelligent who likes good conversation, wine tasting, art, barbecues, camping, hanging out at home and more. 40-55. 306414

IT’S TIME Spiritual SWF, young 70s, petite, professional, employed, kids grown, ISO a fine, grounded gentleman, 65-70, for possible LTR. 240656

1949 CLASSIC SWF, tall, slender, active, enjoys swimming, bicycling, mysteries, hiking, cooking, barbecuing, symphony. Seeking well-mannered, caring S/ DWM, 50-60, N/S, N/D, N/Drugs, with similar interests, for friendship and companionship. 415313

LADY PLAYS THE BLUES Slender, feminine, pretty and youthful SWF, 50+, enjoys music, dining out, travel, nature. Would like to meet a genuinely nice, good-looking SM, 45+, N/S, with sense of humor, who is socially and financially secure, for dating, fun, friendship and more. 303711

A BIG HEART Caring, loving SF, 39, enjoys movies, the outdoors, travel. Looking for SW/ HM, 39-50, for friendship, maybe more. 305007

SOLO IN SANTA ROSA Still looking for lips of wine. SWF, 60, likes working out, open mic night, social life, some sports. Looking for a male friend. 152766

LOOKING FOR A FRIEND SAF, 48, 5’4’’, looking for a friend who will eventually become my partner in life. 318943

GOOD VALUES Caring, personable, compassionate, classy, hard-working female, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, reading, museums, dining, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, possibly more. 309780

LET’S MEET AND TALK SWF, 39, 5’3’’, loves music, dancing. Looking for a social SWM, mid 40s, for friendship first. 318133

LET’S GO OUT & HAVE FUN! Honest woman, 50s, very caring, compassionate, kind, my interests are long drives, walks, dancing, visiting new places, dinners. Seeking nice SM, 50s60s, for LTR. 297169

ADVENTUROUS WOMAN Attractive, creative, and energetic lady looking for warm-hearted, compatible seeker, 65-70, with good SOH, for dating, possible relationship. 300201

EDUCATED WOMAN SWF, in her 40s, N/S, seeks gentleman, 40-50, for friendship and LTR. Let’s meet and talk! 300135

TRADITIONAL VALUES SAF, 60, petite, very healthy, very active, secured, honest, sincere, hardworking, likes gardening, cooking, reading, home stuff, occasional drives to the countryside. Seeking SWM, 6075, who’s clean-cut, N/S, N/D, with similar qualities, for friendship first, possible LTR. 313785

PETITE BLONDE Educated and attractive, down-toearth WF would like to meet someone who shares some of my interests like metal music, concerts, learning and more. If you have an open mind, I definitely want to hear from your. 35-50. 314433

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER SWF, 49, 5’4’’, H/W proportionate, blondish-brown layered hair, big blue eyes, down-to-earth, mellow, nice, kind, sweet, considerate, laid-back, seeks SM, 35-55, who has a good sense of humor. I enjoy cats, beaches, hiking, camping, movies. 310278

Call costs $2.19/min. Must be 18+

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Ambitious woman, 40s, very caring and pleasant personality, likes music, camping, biking, outdoor activities, reading. Seeking similar gentleman, 40s, for friendship and more. 297166

I’M THE ONE FOR YOU! Goal-oriented woman, 40s, enjoys exercise, outdoors, traveling, shopping. ISO similar gentleman, 30-49, for dating, friendship and more. 297184

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! Very kind, feminine lady, 50s, healthy, hard-working, likes dining out, traveling, exercise. Seeking nice gentleman, in his 50s, to share friendship and LTR. 297187

CHANCES ARE SF, 50s, RN, healthy, good values, hard-working, likes outdoors, traveling, reading, dining out, biking. Seeking honest gentleman, 55-75, for friendship and more. 297193

SEARCH NO FURTHER Sweet single lady, 50s, feminine, sophisticated, optimistic, hard-working, enjoys shopping, tv programs, movies, traveling, reading, quiet nights at home. ISO similar man, 50-59, for serious LTR. 297196

TERRIFIC INSIDE AND OUT Goal-oriented single female, 50s, health-minded, intelligent, enjoys camping, outdoor fun, exercise, eating out. desires to meet a wonderful guy, 50-59, for LTR. 297223

CARING AND COMPASSIONATE Friendly, adaptable, outdoorsy, caring, healthy SF, 40s, likes dancing, travel, dining, hiking, the beach. Seeking SM, 30-50, for casual dating possibly leading to LTR. 299368

OPTIMISTIC Friendly, ambitious, adaptable, outdoorsy, personable female, 50s, enjoys museums, dining, travel, coffee shops, the beach, taking walks. Seeking SM, 60s, for friendship and casual dating. 299370

WOMAN WITH GOOD VALUES Friendly, caring, honest, compassionate, classy lady, 20s, wants to meet a man in his 20s for camping, shopping, travel, dining, long drives and walks, and more! Friendship possibly leading to more. 299374

LET’S MEET FOR DINNER Caring, honest, flexible, compassionate woman, 60s, loves dancing, travel, reading, dining out. Seeking similar man, 60s, for LTR. 301189

LOOKING FOR LTR Friendly, feminine, nurturing, captivating, bright, personable woman in her 50s who enjoys night clubs, television, dining, dancing, surfing, music, seeks similar male, 40-60, for LTR. 301191

OUTDOORSY Bright, compassionate, honest, friendly, adaptable woman, 50s, seeks SM, 40-60, who enjoys dining, dancing, beaches, taking walks, for casual dating or LTR. 301192

HONESTY A MUST Hard-working, honest, optimistic, nurturing, flexible, motivated SF, 50s, likes biking, the beach, travel, dancing, hiking, reading, music, seeks similar man, 50s, who is ready for LTR. 301198

CAPTIVATING Sophisticated, outdoorsy, friendly, mischievous SF, 50s, likes hiking, kayaking, taking walks. In search of SM, 50-70, for LTR. 301203

GOOD VALUES Shy, friendly, caring, compassionate SF, 60s, nurturing, motivated, enjoys walks, the beach, coffee shops, biking, dining, seeks similar man, 60+, for friendship leading to LTR. 301544

PERSONABLE Compassionate, bright, friendly female, 40s, likes music, dancing, dining, biking, coffee shops. Seeking similar male, 50s, for LTR. 302304

SHY AND ARTISTIC Single female in her 50s looking for a male who enjoys music, television. Let’s meet and see if we connect! 308997

FRIENDS OR MORE Nurturing, artistic, bright, hard-working, compassionate, feminine female in her 50s, enjoys music, dancing, travel, the beach, kayaking, dining, taking walks. Seeking male, 50-69, for friendship with the possibility of more. 309768

ONE HONEST WOMAN LEFT Bright SF, 60s, with good values, flexible and honest, likes reading, camping, travel, taking walks. Seeking similar male, 50-69, for friendship, casual relationship, possible LTR. 309769

VERY PERSONABLE Motivated, bright, artistic, hardworking, health-conscious female, 50s, personable and flexible, seeks male, age open, who likes museums, travel, long drives, camping, hiking. 309770

LOOKING FOR LTR Outdoorsy, health-minded, clean-cut, honest woman in her 30s, who enjoys biking, dining, shopping, the beach, hiking, taking walks, wants to meet a male in his 30s for LTR. 309772

CAPTIVATING! Adorable, hard-working, classy female, 50s, enjoys museums, shopping, travel, coffee shops, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, casual relationship, or LTR. 309776

A CARING HEART Outdoorsy, flexible, nurturing, feminine woman, 50s, likes camping, long drives, travel, coffee shops, taking walks. Seeking male, 40-59, for LTR. 309777

WAITING ARMS Caring, educated, honest, optimistic, hard-working SF, 30s, enjoys travel, dining out, long drives, the beach, reading, walks, hiking, music and more. Would like to meet like-minded man, 30-40, for LTR. 313123

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Motivated, outdoorsy, honest, healthconscious woman, with good values and optimistic attitude, likes most kinds of music, dining out, walks, camping, travel and relaxing time at home. Seeking a nice, honest, active man, 30-40, with similar interests, to spend time with, possible leading to LTR. 313124

ALONE BUT NOT LONELY SWM, 37, N/S, social-drinker, enjoys racing cars and riding motorcycles. I’m looking for a SWF, 23-58, for friendship, dating and possibly more. 289031

MANY FINE QUALITIES Caring, outdoorsy, honest, artistic, hard-working SF, early 50s, optimistic homebody with good values, has many interests including music, dining out, museums, travel, long drives, reading, walks, camping, biking and more. Looking for an honest, downto-earth SM, 50-70, for friendship and dating first, possibly leading to something more serious. 313126

ADORABLE AND BRIGHT Caring, friendly, goal-oriented, feminine, honest, compassionate woman, 60s, likes travel, exercise, music, hiking, long drives, dining out, the beach, reading and more. Seeking a great companion, 50-70, to share these activities and quiet times with. 313128

COMPASSIONATE Friendly, honest, artistic, outdoorsy, caring SF, 30s, likes watching tv, dancing, the beach, travel, walks, music, hiking, museums, dining out, more. Searching for a partner in life, 30-50, for possible LTR. 313131

OUTGOING AND FUN Compassionate, caring, friendly, honest SF, 20s, likes going to clubs, camping, hiking, reading, the beach, dining out, more. Looking for a downto-earth, easygoing man, 22-35, for LTR. 313136

LIKE GOING OUT? Honest, goal-oriented personable, artistic, sophisticated, hardworking SF would like to meet a SM, 40-60, who enjoys travel, walks, the beach, music, reading, camping, long drives, museums, tv, dining out, dancing and more. Seeking LTR. 313138

LET’S TALK! SF, 50ish, caring, honest, creative, good values, likes music, dancing, walks, the beach, dining out. Seeking nice gentleman, 56-64, for possible LTR. 297154

SEEKING LTR Honest, compassionate, artistic, friendly, goal-oriented, caring SF, 50s, health-minded with good values, into music, the beach, dancing, tv, travel, museums, walks, reading and more. Would like to meet SM, around the same age, for companionship. 313139

SWEEP ME OFF MY FEET! SF, 50ish, sincere, kind personality, adaptable, likes music, hiking, outdoors, dancing. Seeking nice gentleman, for friendship first and maybe more. 297158

LIKE PBS? Personable, caring, goal-oriented friendly, artistic, compassionate woman, with good values, likes coffee shops, music, reading, walks, travel, dancing, dining out and more. Looking for honest, respectful man, 50-70, for LTR. 313143

HEY THERE! Caring woman, 50s, bright, artistic, classy, enjoys music, shopping, traveling, television. ISO nice, similar guy for casual dating, possible LTR. 297160

HELLO THERE! Feminine woman, healthy, compassionate, artistic, likes dancing, walks, reading, traveling. Seeking similar man, 50-69, for LTR. 297161 YOU FOUND ME! SF, 40ish, bright, hard-working, kind, enjoys reading, long drives, coffee shops, traveling. ISO nice gentleman, 30-49, for dating and maybe more. 297165

CALL ME! SM, 40, looking for SF, over 55, for friendship and companionship first. Let’s talk and get to know each other! 292779

HANDSOME BM... 65, seeks female for fun-loving adventures and relaxation. I love cooking, surprises, and giving gifts. 302811

LONG HAIR A PLUS Good-looking Native American male, 5’8”, 220lbs, long hair, in search of a Hispanic or Native American woman, 50s, for friendship first and companionship. 304173

SEEKING AN OPEN MIND SBM, 33, 250lbs, smoker, enjoys cars, long walks, working out. Looking for SF, 20-65, kids ok, for possible relationship. 304990

PACIFIC NORTHWEST Casual guy, enjoys mountain and beach trips, walks, outdoors, moonlit nights, cuddling. Seeking SWF, 40-56, slim/medium build, to come spend quiet times in Pacific Northwest. 954499

SHARED JOY SWM, 59, 5’9”, 160lbs, nice-looking, with good SOH, seeking woman to have fun with, race/age unimportant. I like dancing, partying, shows and dining out. Call me! 972627

ONE GOOD MAN LEFT SHM, 32, N/S, likes soccer, running. In search of SA/BF for friendship first possibly leading to more. 319059

SOMEONE LIKE ME SWM, youthful 51, 5’11’’, 200lbs, dark hair, hazel eyes, looking for a lady, 40-59, who likes to party, is outgoing, adventurous. 319319

GET TO KOW ME SBM, 53, 6’1”, 190lbs, looking for a fun, loving woman, 25-65, with a good personality, who likes having a good time, the beach, horseback riding, movies, walks and more. 314332

LOOK NO FURTHER SWM, 30, 5’4’’, looking for a woman, 30-40, who wants to hang out and get to know each other. 317907

LET’S MEET AND SEE SWM, 27, good-looking, 6’, 160lbs, tattoos, homeowner, looking for a White or Asian woman for friendship, dating and possibly more. 289651

GIVE ME A CALL WM, 48, trying to find an outgoing, good-looking woman to go out and have a good time with. 30-50. 288940

SPECIAL WOMAN SM, 48, black hair, brown eyes, very outgoing, great personality, likes photography, basketball, music, travel. I’m looking for a woman who’s interested in dating and possibly more. 287933

Men Seeking Women

PERSONABLE Shy SM, 50s, with good values, likes long drives, hiking, walking, travel, dining out. Looking for similar female, 40-60, ready for LTR. 301538

ABBREVIATIONS: A-Asian; B-Black; C-Christian; F-Female; G-Gay; H-Hispanic; J-Jewish; M-Male; N/S-Non-Smoker; P-Professional; S-Single; W-White Guidelines: Bohemian Romance is a community publication. Participants in the Bohemian Romance must be 18 years or older. Use of Bohemian Romance for any illegal purpose will be subject to prosecution. Bohemian Romance is not liable for the content of the personals advertisements or the response to such advertisements. Bohemian Romance encourages readers to take appropriate safeguards when responding to personal and arranging meetings. Screen all respondents carefully. Meetings with new companions should occur in public places and participants should not divulge their addresses. Be smart, not sorry. Not all boxes contain a voice greeting.

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Men Seeking Women LOVES HORSES Healthy senior WM, 165lbs, N/S, loves animals, especially horses, theater, PBS. Seeking slender female for romance. 302170

ARE YOU THE ONE? Bright, artistic, caring, flexible, adorable guy, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, the beach, dining out. Looking for similar female. 302306

LET’S HAVE FUN! SHM, 34, N/S, no children, looking for a SH/WF, 24-32, for dating, possibly more. 302392

FUN, INTROSPECTIVE SWM, 52, 6’4’’, in good shape, likes classic movies, reading, hiking, classical music, sailing, the outdoors, travel, the symphony. Looking for SF, 22-50, similar interests. 301801

STARTING OVER Separated WM, loves hockey, the outdoors, golf, staying in and watching movies, gardening and more. Would like to meet someone fun who wants to enjoy life. Call me and lift my spirits. 282029

GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR SWM, 59, 5’11’’, 180lbs, non-smoker, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, enjoys fishing, beaches, dining out and more. Seeking female, 55-65, for possible relationship. 309857

FRIEND LOVER SOULMATE SWPJM, 56, 5’10”, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, kind, passionate, artistic, sincere, committed and fun, enjoys ocean walks, travel, arts, food, wine and nature. Seeking SF, 50-62, kindred spirit, kind, soft, sensuous, for life’s adventures together. 309779

LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315052

HOPE TO FIND YOU Sociable, good-hearted, compassionate, healthy gentleman, 63, published writer/poet, D/D-free, non-drinker, enjoys quiet times, home, sports, simple times. Seeking loving, happy, intelligent woman to share life, love, possible LTR. Bay Area preferred. 224839

LET’S MEET FOR COFFEE SM, 20s, bright, artistic, ambitious, optimistic, personable, likes dining, travel, the beach, walking, exercise. Seeking female, 20s, for possible relationship. 318319

COMPASSIONATE SM, 60s, with good values, likes camping, dancing, dining, reading, hiking, walking, biking. Looking for SF, 50s, for LTR. 318320

COOKING FOR YOU! SWM, 62, 5’10”, 170lbs, N/S, light drinker, clean shaven, hazel eyes, self-employed, loves cooking, jazz and traveling. Seeking a similar woman, 5080, race unimportant, for possible LTR. 318883

JUST MOVED HERE SWM, 5’7’’, 190lbs, brown eyes, wants to meet soulmate in similar SF, 30-55. I love swing dancing, travel, gourmet cooking, animals, nature. 305800

HOLLYWOOD STAR! Handsome dude, 57, good SOH, interesting, spontaneous, fun, adventuresome, looking for attractive woman. I enjoy dancing, concerts, dining out, hiking, beach combing and holding hands also loves animals, dogs, cats and horses. Happy trails! 201639

LET’S SHARE IDEAS Caring gentleman, 60s, intelligent, good morals, clean-cut, likes outdoors, traveling, hiking, reading, ISO nice woman, 50-60, for friendship leading to LTR. 297183

THIS ONE’S FOR YOU Single male, in my 40s, honest, goaloriented, caring, outdoorsy, enjoys outdoor walks, long drives, art museums, traveling. ISO similar single female, 18-49, for dating leading to LTR. 297225

LOOKING FOR LTR SM,31,outdoorsy, honest, compassionate, seeks SF, 22-35, who enjoys travel, television, camping, taking walks, the beach and more. 301200

SOPHISTICATED Caring, compassionate, hard-working, goal-oriented, artistic SM, 40s, likes camping, dancing, travel. Searching for similar male, 30s, for LTR. 301536

LOOKING FOR A SF WHO... is independent, confident and takes care of herself. I like good movies, dressing up for a nice dinner out, skiing, bike rides, hiking, scuba diving, swing dancing, cooking. I’m an honest person who doesn’t believe in playing games. 301540

READY FOR LTR Shy, friendly, caring, clean-cut, classy SM, 50s, enjoys music, camping, travel, long drives, hiking, beaches, seeks similar woman, 30-50, for LTR. 302300

LOOKING FOR LTR Hard-working, healthy, personable, honest, compassionate man, 40s, likes camping, travel, hiking, long drives, beaches. In search of similar female, 30s, for friendship leading to LTR. 302302

SOMETIMES MISCHIEVOUS Optimistic, honest, clean-cut, caring, outdoorsy man, 50s, likes music, walks, long drives, running, watching tv, museums, dining out. Seeking SF, 50s, for companionship. 313135

FRIENDSHIP FIRST Caring, honest, nurturing SM, 60s, enjoys music, watching tv, walks, camping, coffee shops, hiking and museums. Looking for SF, 30-70, for dating possibly leading to LTR. 313144

LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315055

THOUGHTFUL, ROMANTIC Warm, sweet, affectionate, handicapped guy, loves humor, cuddling. Sweet-hearted, genuinely nice guy with fun attitude, easy-going, creative, silly, great sense of humor, very goofy at times, animal-lover, loves movies, music, museums and travel. Seeking female to share all my interests with. 315225

Women Seeking Women LOOKING FOR YOU SWF, 41, Santa Rosa area, looking for a SWF, 30-45, to hang out and have fun with. 318644

GOOD HEART SEEKS SAME GWPF, young 53, tall, slim build, attractive, great SOH, femme/tom boyish, loves music, animals, outdoors, cooking and laughter. Seeking GPF, 45-65, for dating and more. 296665

SHARE MY WORLD Slender, athletic SF, 67, 5’6’’, registered nurse with a Master’s in Theology, loves hiking, swimming, museums, movies, cooking. Looking for SF, 55-68, for possible relationship. 301780

WHERE ARE YOU? You are 35-45, very feminine, dark, mystical, spiritual, with a sense of humor, know what you like, and want to enjoy life, but not alone. I’m trying to find you, where are you? 310085

NATURE LOVER Health-conscious, honest, wise, spiritual, artistic, friendly female, 50s, enjoys philosophy, psychology, walking, reading, the beach. Searching for similar female, 50s, for long-term relationship. 302296

LOOKING FOR LOVE Seeking one man to love and care for completely and forever. Me: SBM, 50ish, affectionate, supportive, genuine, lots to offer. You: just be yourself, imperfect, mature older man, 70-90, with some humor, some laughter. Are you the one? 299175

WE SPOKE SOFTLY SM, 45, enjoys sports, working out, traveling, seeking SM, 35-65, for friendship and possible LTR. 287238

COMPASSIONATE GUY Hard-working, classy, clean-cut, caring, honest male in search of a male, 58-69, who likes night clubs, television, travel, dancing, the beach, taking walks, exercise. 308996

LET’S TALK! SWM, mid 30s, looking for discreet guys in the Larkfield area for friendship and fun. Call me! 300359

CALL ME BiWM, handyman artist in Marin, 52, 5’6”, 180lbs, dirty blond hair, pale blue eyes, seeks couple or singles for fun in Marin or nearby. 293610

WANTS SOME FUN Very hot SWM, 6’1”, 170lbs, salt-n-pepper hair, in good shape, very open, looking for erotic adult encounter with a H/W proportionate lady who needs attention. Want to get together? 303609

STRAIGHTFORWARD FUN SWM, 39, looking for SF, 18-50, who likes to try new things and isn’t afraid of having a little fun! 304707

JOIN US White couple looking for a female, 18-25, for fun, discreet times together. Give us a call. 311573

READY FOR FUN? SWM, 30, feminine bottom, looking for a top WM, 20-60, for good times and fun. Let’s see where it goes! 311892

SHE-MALE SEEKS GOOD TIMES Want to spend time with a man or a woman. I am very affectionate, beautiful, and love to be held. Interested? 279657

Alternative Lifestyles HOT COUPLES DESIRED Handsome, easygoing, discreet, polite gentleman, 57, enjoys couples. I am a WM, 6’, 190lbs, athletic build, well hung and Bi. I also like dominant women. 232423

GREAT LEGS! Tall, slender cross-dresser, very nice legs, looking for men or a group of men. Give me a call, let’s have some fun! 318996

Men Seeking Men

STRAIGHT/BI GUY Frustrated with different need patterns at home? Understanding older gentleman, experienced, highly discreet, will provide time-tested stress relief for men, 30-50, in good shape; HWP, extremely private setting; no reciprocation expected. Curious? 136702

BD/SM SWM, submissive, wants one or two females or young male for BD/SM, watersports, torture, anal. Never did any of this before, but curious to try now! 319455

SPANK YOU VERY MUCH Woman, thou shalt be spanked. Gentle or hard, clothed or naked, whatever you deserve, by a sexy man who knows how to do it. 288495

COUPLE SEEKS WOMAN Very attractive, middle-aged, married white couple, she’s 5’2”, 125lbs, 34D. He is 5’11”, 172lbs. Both and very sensual and she is multi-orgasmic. We are N/S, light drinkers, heal-conscious, pleasant, non-pushy. Please be N/S, H/W proportionate, white, Hispanic or Asian, under 55. Bi or bi-curious ok. Discretion assured. Let’s have fun. 314002

KEEP IT DISCREET WF, 30s, dark/dark, light complexion, fun-loving, bi-curious, seeks discreet female, 28-55, to have fun and party with. 314779

WHATEVER YOU DECIDE! SM, 5’11’’, 170lbs, light brown hair, blue eyes, athletic build, shaved, smooth and sexy, well-endowed, into a wide variety of pleasures. Anything goes; role play, fantasy fulfillment, toys, porn, lingerie. Seeking couples and females to party and play. 316161



Get ready to meet someone special.

TURN THE TABLES Handsome, sane, married WM, 57 is looking for a woman, who knows how to use a strap on, for ongoing, mostly daytime play. I will please you in any way that you want and I take directions well. 318288

Missed Connections AMAZON KINDLE Hello, I met you Friday June 27 at the Russian River Brewing Company on Fourth St. in Santa Rosa. She may be a computer programmer from St. Helena Hospital and watched on this day 3 movies back to back in the theater on Fourth St. in the town of Santa Rosa The Love Guru by Mike Meyers, Wall-E and another film. And she sipped a little beer and read from her Amazon kindle. I would like to get in touch with this girl and ask her to edit my book. She is a perfect candidate for my book. Hope to hear from you. Phil. 274972

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MacAdvantage Macintosh FREE Diagnosis, Friendly In-House Staff Hardware/

Contacting Us

∏ In Person Visit our office Monday through Friday, 8:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. at 847 5th Street, Santa Rosa

Bohemian Classifieds 847 5th Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Monday through Friday, 8:30a.m. to 5:30p.m.

≈ Deadline Fridays, 2:00pm

ph: 707.527.1200 fax: 707.527.1288

Software, DATA Recovery, Internet, Email,Wireless Network Setup & Security, Apple Authorized Business Agent, Tam NguyenChief Tech, M-F 10-6 info@themacadvantage.com 707.664.0400

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Pregnant? Considering Adoption?

Professional Services Golden Star Grafix Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707-795-0924, schaumann1@earthlink.net

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Photography by Paul Burke 707.664.0178 boomburke@hotmail.com

Goebel Builders Jay Goebel,General Contractor, Lic. #812957 Quality Workmanship, Friendly Service, and Dependability You Can Trust. Insured with Local references Repairs, Custom Builds, and Troubleshooting. Call today and get the job DONE! 707-794-7955 www.goebelbuilders.com

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g Painting

Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: www.Rentmates.com. (AAN CAN)

Notice All real estate advertised in the Bohemian Newspaper is subject to the State and Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status (the presence of children), or national origin, or the

Singles Parties

intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. State and locate laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental, or advertising of real estate. We will not knowingly accept any advertisContractors ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons Notice are hereby informed that all To Readers dwellings advertised are availCalifornia law requires that able on an equal opportunity contractors taking jobs basis to the best of our that total $500 or more (labor knowledge. or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Homes Board. State law also reALL AREAS - HOUSES quires California law requires that contractors taking jobs FOR RENT that total $500 or more (labor Browse thousands of rental or materials) be licensed by listings with photos and maps. the Contractors State License Advertise your rental home Board. State law also requires for FREE! Visit: advertisements that they are www.RealRentals.com not licensed by the Contrac(AAN CAN) tors State License Board. Class: Rent or Lease

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All The Best For Your Home!! Interior & Exterior Custom Painting & StainingCabinet refinishing, wall paper stripping, drywall patching, cedar siding, epoxy garage floors, pressure washing, decks. Owner on all jobs. Licensed, Bonded, Insured, Local References. CSLB#888479. Call Cotterill Custom Painting: 707-528-6832/707-396-6402

g Classes & Instruction

Inspiring Clarity

Adults of ages welcome!

Marin Mixer

Tuesday, August 11, 7-9pm, 19th Hole Lounge at Indian Valley Golf Club, Novato

Waterfront Mixer,

Sunday, August 23, 1-3pm, Wellington’s Bar, Sausalito

Petaluma River Mixer,

Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924


Thursday, August 27, Graffiti, 101 Second Street, Petaluma

CO-SPONSORED by Bohemian Romance and Society of Single Professionals INFO at www. ThePartyHotline.com or 415-507-9962

Workshop with horses at liberty, Oct. 16-18 with Christine Cole. Participant $575 Auditor $150. Call 707.887.8488

The Enneagram: A Tool for Transformation (Free Introductory Workshop) Introduction to an ancient tool for personal and relational transformation. Sat, aug 15 9:00am - Noon, Journey Center, Santa Rosa, 707-578-2121, www.journeycenter.org

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Massage & Relaxation

Golden Flower Massage Spa

Lily Spa RELAX

MEN! Get a massage

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Great Massage By Joe, CMT. Relaxing hot tub and pool available. Will do outcalls. 707-228-6883.

Windsor: 4 Men Brent, C.M.T. 26 years experience. Nurturing, intuitive touch. Private, discrete studio. 707/477-0400.

In a safe, relaxing, comfortable space by a “mature”, compatible, easy-going gentleman! Since 1991 I`ve provided pleasure to women, men, couples. Good virtues. NW Santa Rosa, Jimmy, 707799-4467 or 707-527-9497.

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Release Your Cares Nurturing, pampering, therapeutic/sensual massage. Special Summer rate. CMT in Santa Rosa. 415/717-9378

Therapeutic Massage John CMT, Ten years experience. Santa Rosa. Introductory massage $50/hour, outcalls negotiable 707-327-7825.

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Need a relaxing massage? Come in for Swedish, Deep Tissue, Tui Na, Reiki, Lifestream, Acupressure and see what a difference it can make. Call 707.665.9020. A Safe Place First Time Client Special! 90 minutes for $60. Cindy To Be Real Holistic tantric masseuse. Un- Cross, C.M.T. 665-9020 By appointment only hurried, private, heartfelt. Monday thru Saturday. New Psychics client discount. 707-7932232. Psychic Palm Private estate, shower available, ex-pro athlete, CMT. Jean and Associates. Appts. 707-833-2010 or 843-2550.

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?</3?22 /?2G@;F D699 .@A?<9<4F For the week of Aug. 12 6g^Zh ($'&Ä)$&. > hiVgiZY egdYjX^c\ hdbZ \ddY ldg` l^i]^c &% nZVgh d[ aVjcX]^c\ bn lg^i^c\ XVgZZg! Wji > Y^YcÉi ]^i bn hig^YZ jci^a i]Z &-i] nZVg# ;gdb l]Vi > ]ZVg! bVcn di]Zg h`^aah gZfj^gZ V adc\ igV^c^c\ eZg^dY Vh lZaa# 6XXdgY^c\ id Vc 6^`^Yd VYZei > `cdl! [dg ZmVbeaZ! V egVXi^i^dcZg bVn gZfj^gZ (% nZVgh id bVhiZg i]Z bdkZh VcY he^g^i d[ i]Vi bVgi^Va Vgi# 6cY Vh [dg i]Z VW^a^in id XVggn dc V hjXXZhh[ja ^ci^bViZ gZaVi^dch]^e! ^i jhjVaan iV`Zh V a^[Zi^bZ# > ]deZ i]^h a^cZ d[ i]^c`^c\ ]Zaeh ndj \Zi V bdgZ egVXi^XVa eZgheZXi^kZ dc i]Z heZX^[^X egdlZhh ndjÉgZ ign^c\ id YZkZade! 6g^Zh# @ZZe ^c b^cY i]Vi ^i egdWVWan ldjaYcÉi WZ ldgi] aZVgc^c\ ^[ ndj XdjaY WZXdbZ V l^oVgY ^c V [aVh]# I]ZgZÉh cd gjh]# <^kZ ndjghZa[ XgZY^i [dg ]dl [Vg ndjÉkZ XdbZ VagZVYn# IVjgjh )$'%Ä*$'% IVa` id ndjghZa[ bdgZ VcY WZiiZg# Cdi _jhi l^i] higZVbh d[ X]ViiZg i]Vi bZVcYZg V^baZhhan# Cdi l^i] YVgih d[ hZa["YZegZXVi^dc b^mZY ^c l^i] \gVcY^dhZ [VciVh^Zh# Cd! IVjgjh# L]Zc > jg\Z ndj id iVa` id ndjghZa[ bdgZ VcY WZiiZg! > bZVc i]Vi ndj h]djaY VYYgZhh ndjghZa[ l^i] [dXjhZY iZcYZgcZhh# > bZVc i]Vi ndj h]djaY WZ Yg^kZc Wn i]Z WdaY ^ciZci^dc id a^[i je ndjg bddY! egV^hZ ndjg h`^aah! h]dlZg WaZhh^c\h dc ndjg kjacZgVW^a^i^Zh VcY adkZ ndjghZa[ Ydlc id i]Z XdgZ# Ndj l^aa ViigVXi Xdhb^X Vhh^hiVcXZ ^[ ndj Yd i]^h eaVn[ja ldg`# Ndj l^aa WVi]Z ndjg hjWXdchX^djh ^ciZaa^\ZcXZ l^i] ]ZVa^c\ ajb^cdh^in# <Zb^c^ *$'&Ä+$'% > Xa^bWZY i]Z ZcYaZhh hiZeh id i]Z hVcXijVgn! Wgjh]^c\ d[[ aVg\Z he^YZgh i]Vi `Zei aVcY^c\ dc bZ# > hiddY ^c i]Z gV^c [dg ]djgh lV^i^c\ [dg i]Z \ViZh id deZc# I]Z \jVgY^Vc d[ i]Z i]gZh]daY ldjaYcÉi aZi bZ ^c jci^a > VchlZgZY ]^h ig^X`n VcY hdbZi^bZh ^chjai^c\ fjZhi^dch# I]gdj\] ^i Vaa! > bV^ciV^cZY bn eVi^ZcXZ VcY ed^hZ VcY gZkZgZcXZ# 6i cd i^bZ Y^Y > \^kZ ^c id i]Z iZbeiVi^dc id XjghZ i]Z Y^[[^Xjai^Zh# 6cY l]Zc > [^cVaan ZciZgZY! l]Zc > \di bn X]VcXZ id eZcZigViZ id i]Z ]ZVgi d[ i]Z gdhZ eZiVa"higZlc aVWng^ci]! bn eZgh^hiZcXZ lVh gZlVgYZY# 6h > `cZai i]ZgZ ^c VbjhZY VlZ! [VXZ id [VXZ l^i] i]Z hVXgZY _d`ZhiZg! > \di V jhZ[ja VchlZg id i]Z bdhi ^bedgiVci fjZhi^dc ^c bn a^[Z# LdjaY ndj a^`Z V XdbeVgVWaZ ZmeZg^ZcXZ! <Zb^c^4 >iÉh edhh^WaZ ^c i]Z Xdb^c\ lZZ`# 8VcXZg +$'&Ä,$'' K^h^dcVgn e]^adhde]Zg 7jX`b^chiZg ;jaaZg hV^Y i]Vi Æedaaji^dc ^h cdi]^c\ Wji gZhdjgXZh lZÉgZ cdi ]VgkZhi^c\#Ç >[ i]ViÉh igjZ! 8VcXZg^Vc! ndjÉkZ \di V adi d[ gZhdjgXZh VkV^aVWaZ id ndj g^\]i cdl! Vai]dj\] i]Zn l^aa ]VkZ id WZ XdckZgiZY [gdb i]Z^g hbd\\n VcY Z[[ajk^Va hiViZ# Hd [dg ZmVbeaZ! ^[ ndjÉgZ V hdc\lg^iZg! i]Z cdm^djh Zbdi^dch [adVi^c\ VgdjcY XdjaY WZ gVl bViZg^Va [dg V heVg`a^c\ ijcZ# >[ ndjÉgZ V adkZg! i]Z eZXja^Vg k^WZh ndjÉgZ YZVa^c\ l^i] XdjaY ^che^gZ ndj id egZkZci V YjbW eViiZgc [gdb gZeZVi^c\ ^ihZa[#

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HV\^iiVg^jh &&$''Ä&'$'& Ndj VgZ XjggZcian \Zii^c\ bdgZ b^aZh eZg \Vaadc VcY bdgZ WVc\ [dg i]Z WjX` i]Vc ndj ]VkZ ^c V adc\ i^bZ# Ndjg >F ^h XgZZe^c\ ]^\]Zg# Ndjg `cVX` [dg hXdg^c\ \ddY eVg`^c\ eaVXZh ^h Vi V eZV`# >Éaa ZkZc \d hd [Vg Vh id hVn i]Vi ^iÉh WZZc fj^iZ V l]^aZ h^cXZ ndjÉkZ WZZc iZVhZY Wn hjX] i]dgdj\]an jhZ[ja iZbeiVi^dch# 6cY \Zi i]^h! HV\^iiVg^jh/ > hjheZXi i]Vi ndj ]VkZ Vc Zc]VcXZY ^chi^cXi [dg iV`^c\ hbVgi g^h`h# I]Z dcan Ydlch^YZ d[ Vaa i]^h \ddY cZlh ^h i]Vi ndj bVn cdi `cdl ndjg dlc higZc\i]# I]Vi bZVch ndj h]djaY iZhi ^i [Vhi0 [^cY dji bdgZ VWdji ^ih ediZci^Va# Di]Zgl^hZ! ndj b^\]i WgZV` hdbZdcZÉh ]ZVgi Wn VXX^YZci dg egZbVijgZan h]ViiZg i]Z ^aajh^dch d[ V eZghdc l]dÉh cdi nZi gZVYn id hide a^k^c\ ^c [VciVhnaVcY#

Where do they stay when you’re away?

8Veg^Xdgc &'$''Ä&$&. > ldjaYcÉi WZ hjgeg^hZY ^[ ndjg l]daZ a^[Z eVhhZY ^chiVcian WZ[dgZ ndjg ZnZh dcZ YVn hddc# Cdi WZXVjhZ ndjÉaa XdbZ XadhZ id a^iZgVa e]nh^XVa YZVi] dg Vcni]^c\ YVc\Zgdjh Vi Vaa! Wji gVi]Zg WZXVjhZ ndj l^aa ]VkZ V Wgjh] l^i] V bV\^X edlZg i]Vi XdjaY WZ ndjgh ^c i]Z [jijgZÅV bV\^X edlZg i]Vi l^aa WZ edhh^WaZ [dg ndj id [jaan dlc dcan ^[ ndj Xji i]Z jbW^a^Xjh i]Vi a^c`h ndj id V Yn^c\ hdjgXZ# Ldl# 9^Y > gZVaan hVn i]Vi ^c V [jc a^iiaZ Vhigdad\n Xdajbc4 6cY VgZ ndj gZVaan egZeVgZY id X]Vc\Z ndjg a^[Z WZXVjhZ d[ hdbZi]^c\ ndj gZVY ^c V [jc a^iiaZ Vhigdad\n Xdajbc4 > ]deZ hd# >c i]Z Xdb^c\ lZZ`h! ^iÉaa WZ i]Z [jc a^iiaZ i]^c\h i]Vi ]VkZ i]Z \gZViZhi ediZci^Va id Va^\c ndj bdgZ XadhZan l^i] ndjg hdjaÉh XdYZ#

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cdi gZVa^oZ l]Vi ndjÉgZ add`^c\ [dg jci^a ndj [^cY ^i# > VYk^hZ ndj! i]ZgZ[dgZ! id eji ^cid VXi^dc i]Z [daadl^c\ [^kZ"ed^ci eaVc# &# HjeegZhh Vcn `cdl"^i"Vaa iZcYZcX^Zh ndj b^\]i ]VkZ# '# GZk^kZ ndjg X]^aY]ddY iVaZci [dg WZ^c\ kdgVX^djhan Xjg^djh VWdji ZkZgni]^c\# (# 6h` bdgZ fjZhi^dch i]Vc ndjÉkZ ZkZg Vh`ZY WZ[dgZ# )# ;^\jgZ dji ]dl id WZ gZXZei^kZ l^i]dji WZ^c\ eVhh^kZ! VcY ]dl ndj XVc WZ ]jbWaZ l^i]dji bj[[a^c\ ndjg hZa["Xdc[^YZcXZ# *# 8dch^YZg i]Z edhh^W^a^in i]Vi ndj ]VkZ V adi id aZVgc VWdji l]ViÉh WZhi [dg ndj#

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In addition to this column, Rob Brezsny offers expanded weekly audio horoscopes and daily text message horoscopes. To buy access, go to www.realastrology.com. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700.

Premier Doggy Day & Overnight Camp • 24 hr Web Cam • Supervised Play groups Best Doggie Day Care Best Dog Camp Santa Rosa • 707.546.CAMP 2120 Bluebell Drive (just off Coffee Lane) www.mycbw.com/santarosa | santarosa@campbowwowusa.com

Meet Dexter • Cat of the Week

Meet Annie • Dog of the Week

This lovely gray kitty has quickly become one of the cat cuddler's favorites – He loves to have you sweet talk him and he plays coy before he completely surrenders and rolls over for all the attention you want to give him – you did have the rest of the day available, didn't you? And all this from a stray! To learn more about adopting Dexter or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 126pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org.

MEET LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE! Gee Whiskers, with my mop of curly hair and adorable face, I could be in the comic books too! But what I really want is a home with my own family. I’m a sweetheart of a dog, a 6-year old Scottish Deerhound mix, good with kids and eager to please. To learn more about adopting Annie or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 126pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org

The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org


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