Santa Cruz Weekly, August 19-26, 2009

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August 19-26, 2009

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Vol. 1, No. 16

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Life Time For lifers seeking parole, good behavior is never good enough STORY & PHOTOS BY CURTIS CARTIER


T’S a sweltering day in Tracy. July behind bars at Deuel Vocational Institution smells like sweat, bleach and old orange peels. Clifford Bair, a white-haired, goateed first-degree murderer—a lifer—perches under a barred window’s light and

talks about the day 25 years ago in Bodega Bay when he tied up Theresa Aiken and Rose Fomasi with electrical wire and left them to die. “I’d been up for three days drinking and doing speed,� says the 64-year-old convict. “After I tied her up, I couldn’t believe it but I found her keys in a bowl by the door. I took her car and I left. All I had wanted was to take her car. I remember the detective telling me Miss Aiken had died in the night. I wanted to die too. I still do.�

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august 19-26, 2009


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ON THE COVER Deuel Vocational Institute inmate Clifford Bair photographed by Curtis Cartier

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u g u s t 119-26, 9 - 2 6 , 22009 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; >=ABA aaugust " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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EDITOR E D I TO R B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 B@/17 6C97:: (traci@santtacruzw a ( STAFF WRITERS WRITERS STAFF @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 ( m)) ( 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ ((curtis@sant @ tacruzw a ( 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> ( (jessica@santtacruzw a CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R CALENDAR >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santtacruzw a ( POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R POETRY @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 P RO O F R E A D E R PROOFREADER 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ 83/<<3 A16CAB3@ EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN EDITORIAL 9/B :G<16 9/B :G<16 (kat@santtacruzw a ( CO N T R I B U TO R S CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >3B3 A63/ 1/@:73 AB/BA9G 1/@:73 AB/BA9G >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>> >/C: E/5<3@ ;=::G H/>>

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let teerrs@san s or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

23A/: B/:9 23A/: B/:9 / / E/AB3 E/AB3 LET LET U US Sp put ut tthe he d desal esal p process rocess iin n tthe he rright ight ccontext. ontext. Th he m essage ffrom rom tthe he W ater D istricts The message Water Districts ((“Desal “Desal aand nd tthe he P ublic P rocess,� P osts, Aug. Aug. Public Process, Posts, 55)) ccompletely ompletely ssidesteps idesteps tthe he iissue ssue o dapting off aadapting o urselves tto o a cchanged hanged cclimate limate ccondition. ondition. ourselves The sstate tate h as jjust ust iissued ssued tthe he 2 009 C limate The has 2009 Climate A daptation S trategy Report, Report, which which ssummarizes ummarizes Adaptation Strategy tthe he ttremendous remendous ccost ost o lobal w arming tto o aall ll o off gglobal warming off u ere aatt h ome. The Th he report report makes makes iitt cclear lear tthat hat uss h here home. w must rreduce educe d ramatically ggreenhouse reenhouse ggases ases wee must dramatically aand nd we we m ust take take all all steps steps p ossible tto o aavoid void any any must possible n ew activities activities tthat hat make make the the p roblem w orse. S o new problem worse. So R educe aand nd Avoid Avoid are are the the ttwo wo iimperatives mperatives tthat hat Reduce fform orm tthe he ccore ore o he sstrategy. trategy. off tthe But iinstead nstead o Reduce aand nd Avoid, Avoid, tthe he ssolons olons But off Reduce w ho run run our our water water agencies agencies aare re p roposing jjust ust who proposing tthe he opposite—increase opposite—increase w ater ssupply upply tthrough hrough water d esalination. The The desalination desalination p rocess cconsumes onsumes desalination. process

a huge huge amount amount of of eelectricity lectricity tto o rrun un tthe he ssea ea w water ater tthrough hrough tthe he filters, filters, tto op ump tthe he ffiltered iltered w ater tto o pump water tthe he ttreatment reatment ccenter, enter, tto op ump tthe he w ater aall ll tthe he pump water w ay ffrom rom Santa Santa Cruz Cruz to to Soquel, Soquel, and and pump pump all all way tthe he b rine rresidue esidue ffrom rom tthe he d esalination p rocess brine desalination process tto o tthe he ssewage ewage treatment treatment p lant aand nd tthen hen o ut tto o plant out tthe he o cean. A huge huge amount amount of of eelectricity lectricity w ill ocean. will b sed tto od o all all this this ffiltering iltering aand nd p umping, bee u used do pumping, aand nd tthe he creation creation o he n ecessary eelectricity lectricity off tthe necessary w ill create create m ore greenhouse greenhouse ggases. ases. Th his iiss not not will more This R educe aand nd Avoid, Avoid, it it is is jjust ust tthe he o pposite. Reduce opposite. Evven though though we we are are in in the the third third year year of of Even d rought, w are lliving iving q uite h appily w ith the the drought, wee are quite happily with ccurrent urrent m andatory cconservation onservation m easures tthat hat mandatory measures h ave rreduced educed cconsumption onsumption b ver 1155 p ercent have byy o over percent w ithout ccausing ausing any any aappreciable ppreciable d ifficulty without difficulty o n aanyone. nyone. S om uch m ore cconservation onservation iiss on So much more p ossible w ithout ssignificantly ignificantly h arming aanyone. nyone. possible without harming C onserved w ater iiss ffree ree w ater. Th T here iiss n o ccost ost tto o Conserved water water. There no iitt aand nd iitt ffits its tthe he m andate tto oR educe aand nd A void mandate Reduce Avoid ffurther urther d amage tto oo ur eenvironment nvironment aand nd aall ll tthe he damage our

costs aassociated costs ssociated w with ith tthat hat d damage. amage. If If we we d do on not ot will have ffollow ollow tthe he Reduce Reduce and and Avoid Avoid path, path, we we w ill h ave bear huge off d desal plus tto ob ear tthe he h uge ccost ost iincrease ncrease o esal p lus tthe he off eenvironmental damage. iincreased ncreased ccost ost o nvironmental d amage. Let’s with program, Santa Let’s get get w ith tthe he p rogram, S anta Cruz Cruz and and Soquel Water huge S oquel W ater Districts. Districts. Stop Stop wasting wasting h uge sums sums on plan o nap lan tthat hat rruns uns ccounter ounter tto o tthe he sstate’s tate’s sstrategy trategy will ultimately huge popular aand nd tthat hat w ill u ltimately rrun un iinto nto h uge p opular opposition. o pposition. Aldo A ldo G Giacchino, iacchino, Santa C ruz Santa Cruz

@3/: 7<D3AB;3<B @3/: 7<D3AB;3<B /B ;=07:3 6=;3 / B ;=07:3 6=;3 >/@9 > /@9 IT IT’S T’S S STRANGE TR RANGE tthat hat tthe he Capitalist Capitalist Mr. Mr. JJason ason Nelson Capitalism, Folks, Posts, Aug. N elson ((“That’s “Th hat’s C apitalism, F olks,� P osts, A ug. unfamiliar with 112) 2) iiss u nfamiliar w ith tthe he Income Income Approach Approach market tto o eestablishing stablishing m arket vvalue alue ffor or a ccommercial ommercial


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THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A A/<B/1@CHE339:G /<B B/1@CHE339: :G

property. W property. When hen iinvestors nvestors b buy uy m mobile obile h home ome parks, usually do price p arks, tthey hey u sually d o sso o aatt a p rice lless ess tthan han tthe he would bring other use, precisely lland and w ould b ring ffor or ssome ome o ther u se, p recisely because priced byy tthe brings b ecause iitt iiss p riced b he iincome ncome iitt b rings iin n business, aand nd tthe he rrestrictions estrictions iinherent nherent iin n tthe he b usiness, Surf ssuch uch aass rrent ent ccontrol. ontrol. The Th he Sea Sea and and S urf rresidents esidents aaren’t ren’t aasking sking Mr. Mr. Reed Reed to to ““do do tthe he ccompassionate ompassionate Christian C hristian tthing, hing,� tthey hey aare re aasking sking tthem hem tto o ssell ell tthe he park price hee w would p ark tto o tthem hem ffor or tthe he ssame ame p rice h ould ssell ell iitt park tto o aanother nother p ark owner. owner. Gas Gas stations stations are are expected expected to to clean clean up up their their mess when off business m ess w hen they they go go out out o business and and ssell ell with mobile ttheir heir land; land; ssame ame tthing hing w ith m obile home home parks. Mr. Reed out off the mobile p arks. M r. R eed ccan an go go o ut o the m obile home home park p ark business, business, aand nd sell sell the the land, land, but but he he has has to to do up� do d o ssome ome “clean “clean u p� tto od o tthat. hat. Mr. Mr. Nelson Nelson is is money vvery ery ill ill informed informed iiff he he tthinks hinks the the m oney tthe he people p eople have have invested invested at at Surf Surf and and Sand Sand is is just just iin n the the fform orm of of ““landscaping, landscaping, decks decks or or upgrades upgrades mobile homes. tto o ttheir heir m obile h omes.� They Th hey have have iinvested nvested major money home m ajor m oney ffor or ttheir heir eentire ntire h ome ((which which iiss not n ot very very mobile), mobile), and and a leasehold leasehold interest interest in in the the on. They have probably llot ot iitt ssits its o n. Th hey eeach ach h ave p robably iinvested nvested near orr o over $200,000 ssomewhere omewhere n ear o ver $ 200,000 eeach ach aand nd hee w wants $3,000? On h ants tto o ccompensate ompensate tthem hem $ 3,000? O n hee iiss removing housing ttop op of of tthat, hat, h removing aaffordable ffordable h ousing ffrom rom tthe he ccommunity, ommunity, and and iin n a coastal coastal aarea, rea, the the Mello Act hee h has M ello A ct ssays ays h as tto o rreplace eplace tthat. hat. That’s Th hat’s the the off d doing business, ccost ost o oing b usiness, Mr. Mr. Nelson, Nelson, something something Capitalists C apitalists encounter encounter in in this this country country all all tthe he ttime. ime. Velia V elia A Anderson, nderson, SSanta anta Cruz Cruz

B63 0@/G7<5 =4 B63 0@/G7<5 =4 B63 0==@A B 63 0==@A I KNOW KNOW there there are are b boorish oorish cclods lods ssprinkled prinkled didn’t know tthroughout hroughout tthe he ccounty. ounty. I just just d idn’t k now would up San Townhall tthey hey w ould aall ll sshow how u p aatt S an Farr’s Farr’s T ownhall Meeting Oak Monday. And M eeting iin n Live Live O ak tthis his llast ast M onday. A nd aass llesser-informed esser-informed clods clods do do best, best, they they yell yell and and make make barnyard noises b arnyard n oises without without knowing knowing the the true true ffacts acts on matter, off o nam atter, i.e., i.e., tthe he costs costs aand nd repercussions repercussions o health h ealth ccare are rreform. eform. Congressman Congressman Farr Farr was was gracious gracious and and hold ccommunity-minded ommunity-minded eenough nough tto oh old tthis his meeting m eeting aand nd present present himself himself to to answer answer questions. To him q uestions T o shout shout aaccusations ccusations at at h im aass if if he he was aalone one w as going go ng tto o enact enact health hea th reform re orm only on y sserved erved to to contaminate contam nate intelligent nte gent discussion d scuss on with barnyard w th b arnyard yyodeling. ode ng Mr. Mr Farr Farr has has one one vote vote in n one one committee: comm ttee he he consistently cons stent y vvotes otes in n tthe he interests nterests of o his h s constituency. const tuency The The root root of o the the problem, prob em whether whether one one iss pro pro orr ccon o on on on health hea th care care reform re orm iss tthe he incredulous ncredu ous

greed greed and and corrupt corrupt pricing pricing by by the the medical medical service service and providers. and pharmaceutical pharmaceutical p roviders. Ya Ya gotta gotta llove ove ‘em, ‘em, they they know know they they have have a commodity commodity which which people people are are forced forced to to pay pay for: for: to to survive survive one one will will pay pay anything. anything. So So the the pharmaceutical pharmaceutical companies, companies, Blue Blue Cross, Cross, etc., etc., exploit exploit this this to to its its highest highest degree. degree. It It is is larceny, larceny, nothing nothing else: else: shrewd shrewd layers layers allow allow the the larceny larceny to to continue. continue. Price Price for for reform reform for for the the health health care care industry industry will will eliminate eliminate much much of of government government assistance. assistance. Theodore T heodore F F.. M Meyer, eyer, Santa Cruz Cruz Santa

<7F D719 < 7F D719 PETA P ETA aand nd millions millions of of decent decent ffootball ootball ffans ans aaround round tthe he world world aare re disappointed disappointed that that tthe he Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles Eagles h ave cchosen hosen tto o have ssign ign a m an w ho h anged d ogs ffrom rom ttrees, rees, man who hanged dogs eelectrocuted lectrocuted them them with with jumper jumper cables, cables, held held tthem hem underwater underwater until until they they d rowned in in drowned h is sswimming wimming pool pool and and eeven ven tthrew hrew his his own own his ffamily amily dogs dogs into into tthe he fighting f ighting p it to to be be ttorn orn to to pit sshreds hreds w hile h laughed. while hee laughed. As one one person person said, said, if if a teacher teacher had had been been As cconvicted onvicted o these crimes, crimes, would would yyou ou want want him him off these tteaching eaching yyour our k ids? Michael Michael Vick Vick and and the the Eagles Eagles kids? aare re now now teaching teaching a nation nation full full of of kids kids that that iiff yyou’re ou’re elite elite enough, enough, you you ccan an do do whatever whatever yyou ou w ant w ithout long-term long-term consequences. consequences. want without Vick should should count count himself himself lucky lucky that that he he gets gets a Vick cchance hance tto ob rehabilitated,� when when m ost p it b ulls bee ““rehabilitated, most pit bulls w ho h ave survived survived tthe he hell hell that that he he put put his his dogs dogs who have tthrough hrough are are too too crushed crushed and and torn torn tto o sshreds— hreds— p hysically and and spiritually—to spiritually—to eever ver h ave a cchance hance physically have aatt a “normal� “normal� life life again. again. PETA PETA hopes hopes that that V ick has has learned learned his his lesson lesson aand nd is is rremorseful emorseful Vick ffor or h is crimes—but crimes—but since since he’s he’s given given no no p ublic his public iindication ndication that that that’s that’s the the case, case, o nly ttime ime w ill ttell. ell. only will T o llearn earn m ore vvisit isit w ww PET TA org To more, Ingrid ngr d N Newkirk ewk rk P res den P ETA President, PETA

RUNNING METER 1VWQYa O\R RcQYa O\R USSaS 1 V QYa O\R RcQYa O\R USSaS PSbbS` aQc``g P SbbS ` aQc``g E VS\ bVSg USb b] Rc[^ \U EVS\ bVSg USb b] Rc[^W\U ] `O\U ]`O\US aZc``g S a c``g E VS\ bVSg USb b] Rc[^ \U ]`O\US EVS\ bVSg USb b] Rc[^W\U ]`O\US aaZc``g ]\ bVS []c\bOW\b]^ c``g ]\ bVS []c\bO \b]^

America, A merica, W Watch atch Out! Out!

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’’VE VE T THOROUGHLY HOROUGHLY rread ead Obama’s Obama’s proposed proposed health health ccare are p plan. lan. A nd b read� I m ean I’ve I’ve heard heard w hat o ther ccommentators ommentators o n And byy ““read� mean what other on tthe he AM AM rradio adio h ave had had to to say say about about tthe he vvarious arious vversions ersions ffloating loating have through Congress. Congress. And And in in these these versions, versions, there’s there’s a lot lot of of devils devils in in the the through details. B ad d evils w ho llook ook llike ike Jo ohn Carradine, Carradine, with with ccurly urly m ustaches details. Bad devils who John mustaches and opera opera capes. capes. All All of of them them from from a place place called called “Hell. “Hell.� and Chief among among tthese hese d etails iiss tthe he sso-called o-called p ublic o ption. Not Not only only Chief details public option. does this this “public “public option� option� need need to to be taken taken off off the the table, table, tthe he table table itself itself does should be chopped chopped up up into into little little pieces pieces and and burned. burned. should In fact, fact, it’s it’s not not a table, table, it’s it’s a board: board: a “death “death board� board� to to decide decide whether whether In or n ot yyou’re ou’re h ealthy eenough nough tto o llive. ive. Federally Federally funded funded d octors, ssome ome or not healthy doctors, of them them ffrom rom Muslin Muslin countries, countries, will will decide decide to to send send old old people people o ff o n of off on an iceberg. iceberg. Now Now at at last last we we can can see see why why democrats democrats and and other other liberals liberals an are sso o cconcerned oncerned aabout bout sso-called o-called ““global global w arming.� They They n eed tthose hose are warming. need icebergs ffor or ttheir heir eeuthanasia uthanasia sschemes! chemes! Former Former ggoverness overness S arah P alin icebergs Sarah Palin knows o hese iicebergs—she cebergs—she could could see see tthem hem ffrom rom h er w indow. And And knows off tthese her window. as an an Alaskanian, Alaskanian, she she knows knows the the special special horror horror of of watching watching the the o ld, tthe he as old, unf it, or or even even jjust ust sslow low llearners earners m ade tto o ““ride ride tthe he ssnow-cone, now-cone,� ““go go vvisit isit unfit, made Frosty� or or even even “t ake tthe he P olar E xpress.� Frosty� “take Polar Express. Having patriotically patriotically rrefused efused tto o eever ver vvisit isit a fforeign oreign ccountry, ountryy, I know know Having perffectly well—perhaps well—perhaps better better than than anyone anyone alive—what alive—what goes go oes on on in in perfectly foreign p ublic cclinics. linics. Don’t Don’t gget et m tarted aabout bout M ichael M oore aand nd foreign public mee sstarted Michael Moore his vvisit isit tto o Cuba Cuba iin n Sicko, Sicko, because because o nce I start, start, I can’t can’t stop stop ffor or h ours. his once hours. He’s rreally eally vvery ery ffat, at, yyou ou k now. Cuba, Cuba, an an example? example? A slave slave nation nation that that He’s know. treats brain brain tumors tumors w ith b anana lleaf eaf po ultices aand nd S anteria rrituals? ituals? treats with banana poultices Santeria Th hat ggives ives w omen iin n cchildbirth hildbirth m ojitos aass aanesthesia? nesthesia? T his llast ast That women mojitos This atroccity h appened iin n Havana, Havana, where where one one Dr. Dr. Gomez, Gomez, not not his his real real name, name, atrocity happened report r edly offered offfered such such a cocktail cocktail to to a dilated dilated mother-to-be, mother-to-be, saying, saying, reportedly “Th he m int, h as vvitamin itamin C and and the the rum, rum, she she will will d ull tthe he p ain.� “The mint, hee h has dull pain. has has an an important important eessay ssay o n tthe he ssituation ituation iin n ccountries ountries on that h ave m ade tthe he m istake o nstalling ggovernment overnment h ealth ccare. are. Take Take that have made mistake off iinstalling health Australia—a ccountry ountry o hut-ins. From From Perth Perth tto o Brisbane—nothing Brisbane—nothing b ut Australia—a off sshut-ins. but coughing, u nwell p hysical rruins. uins. After After a ffew ew d ecades o ublic h ealth, coughing, unwell physical decades off p public health, these trembling trembling Antipodeans Antipodeans are are now now so so w eak tthey hey aare re rroutinely outinely these weak thrashed by by the the kangaroos kangaroos they they once once easily easily defeated defeated in in boxing boxing matches. matches. thrashed Take Canada, Canada, please! please! The The reason reason why why British British Columbia Columbia advertises advertises Take vacations all all the the time time is is because because everyone everyyone in in the the nation nation is is ttoo oo iill ll to to ttake ake vacations them themselves. themselves. Rosy-cheeked Rosy-cheeked from from consumption consumption or or something, something, these these them suffferers overindulge overindulge in in skiing, skiing, tobogganing tobogganing and and mountain mountain cclimbing limbing sufferers in hopes hopes of of retrieving retrieving enough enough strength strengtth to to make make it it to to the the hospice. hospice. in Mounties and and lumberjacks lumberjacks lean lean on on one one another another like like cripples, cripples trying tryying tto o Mounties stagger tto o tthe he U.S. U S bo rder in nh ope o reatment I haven’t haven t sseen een itt m yse stagger border hope of ttreatment. myself, but I imagine mag ne it’s t s a tragic trag c sight. s ght but Sad y this th s rreign e gn o rror ccontinues: ont nues Norway, Norway packed packed with w th diseased d seased Sadly, of eerror wretches S weden “t he ssick ck m an o cand nav a � F n and a land and o wretches. Sweden, “the man of S Scandinavia. Finland, of stunted m en aand nd w omen b are y ttaller a er tthan han cconcrete oncrete ggarden arden ttrolls. ro s I stunted men women barely cou d go go on, on but but everyone everyyone else e se in n the the world wor d has has itt wrong wrong and and we’ve we ve got got could r ght Further Further examples examp es would wou d just ust muddy muddy the the issue, ssue and and reading read ng just ust itt right. makes yyou ou eeffeminate em nate aanyway. nyway I’ll I ccontinue ont nue tto o gget et tthe he n ews I n eed from rom makes news need the aairwaves: rwaves from rom pe op e aass p hys ca y fitt aass Rush, Rush as as mentally menta y h ea thy the people physically healthy as G enn aand nd aass ccalmly amyo b ect ve aass Bill B O’Reilly. O Re y as Glenn, objective R W Goatlips, Goa ps Esq. Esq iss a senior sen or fellow e ow at a the he Institute Ins u e for or Counterintuitive Coun er n u ve R.W. S ud es in n Washington, Wash ng on D.C. DC Studies


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Currents. C urren ents.

E67@: E67@:G07@2 When :G07@2 G When n the ffire iire arriv arrived, ed, along with the equ equipment uipment creatures away ttoo ffight iight it, the cr eatures that t ccould ould get aw ay did.

CCritter ritter e Skit Skitter ter

Mammals weathered Mammals weathered the t Lockheed ffire ir i e fairl ly w ell. F ish, no fairly well. Fish, nott so much.

opossums aree just a ffew op ossums and ffoxes oxe o es ar ew of creatures bee ffound. the natural cr eaturres that ccan an b ound. o lames,, And as their homess go up in f lames lee—often the animals f lee — of often t right into the yards nearby neighborhoods. back yar ds of nearb by neighb orhoods. Rebecca Dmytryk local emergency R eebecca Dm myytryk of o lo cal emer gency service organization WildRescue animal ser vice or gaanization W iildR Rescue e says that aree of often sa ayys the animals th hat f lee ffires iires ar ftten that little di i disoriented d and d tha hat a lit li tle l ccourtesy ourtesy from way. fr om rresidents esidents ccan ay. an go a long w they come com me through through they’ll they’ll be be “When they lo oking ffor o or ffood ood and nd w ater,� she sa ayys. an looking water,� says. “Y Yo ou shouldn ’t ffeed eed e d them, but yyou ou ccan an “You shouldn’t set out some w aterr on the edge of yyour our water pr operty.� property.� Dmytryk says saayys some som me of the most Dmytryk vulnerable animalss to ffires iires ar taree shor shortranged songbir ds li ike ja ays y and quail. songbirds like jays Esp ecially during ccoastal o al ffires oast ir i es lik Especially likee L ockheed, these bir rds ccan an b Lockheed, birds bee pushed out tow ard the o cean, e wher ften t toward ocean, wheree the theyy of often dr own. drown. Mallibu fires f iires last year year “During the Malibu we sa aw hundr eds of o songbir ds that had saw hundreds songbirds f lown out to sea an nd wer ashed up and weree w washed on the shor e,� sa ays y Dm D myytryk. ““A A lot of shore,� says Dmytryk. other animals will get sc orched pads on scorched their ffeet. eeet. But ffire ire is i natural and the animals will ccome ome back. back Natur b ays y Naturee alw always ffinds iinds a w ay.� way.� Even plants survive surviive wildfires. wildf ires. Brett Brett Even Hall, dir ector of Liv ving C ollections at director Living Collections UC -Santa Cruz, sa ays y most of the f lora UC-Santa says af ffeected b ire is naturally adapted affected byy the ffire

to wildfires. w ires. “Many wildf “Man ny seeds germinate germin nate in rresponse ponse to chemical chemical stimulation n from from esp sm oke and water,� water,� says says Hall. “There “Theere are are smoke sp e ic chemicals ecif chemicals in smoke smoke that are are specific rreleased eleeased when fire-charred f ire- charred areas areas are are rain ned upon.� upon.�� He gives gives manzanita manzanita as rained an example example of a plant that thrives thrives e in wake of the fires. f ires. But, he says, saayyss, “The thee wake jjuryy is jur i still ill out on what h the h ‘optimal’ ‘ imal’ ‘opti i l’ ffire ire frequency frequency is for fo or Swanton Swanton maritime maaritime cha aparral.�� chaparral.�

Salmon S almon Scr Scramble amblle O lif One life-form fe-ffo orm not expected expected to thr rive in L ockheed’s w ake is salmon. mon. thrive Lockheed’s wake salm F iref ighters sa aved the Monter ey Ba B ay Firefighters saved Monterey Bay Tr o and Salmon Pr out oject hatche ery of ff Trout Project hatchery off Sw wanton R o oad last Thursda y, and d with Swanton Road Thursday, it almost a 40,0 00 steelhead and ccoho oho 40,000 hat tchlings destined to rrestock estock th he San hatchlings the L orrenzo Riv er and Sc ott Cr eek. But B Lorenzo River Scott Creek. iish ar cclear— — thee ffish aree b byy no means in the clear nei ither the hatchlings in their p ools neither pools norr the ffish iish at sea will rreturn eturn to inland riv e this winter to spa ers aw wn. rivers spawn. C arla Moss icipated Carla Moss,, who in a long-anti long-anticipated mo ove to ok the of ff icial i mantle off move took official hat tchery dir ector on Monda ay, eexplains xplains hatchery director Monday, thee p erils to the hatcher iish. When W perils hatcheryy ffish. thee ffirst iirst rains of this yyear ear sluic d sluicee down thee ffire-charred iire- charred hills y’ll w h silt, ash hills,, the they’ll wash ash h, rredwood edwood ttannins annins and all ma anner ash, manner


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S OF Mond Monday daay af afternoon, fterno t on, 288 animals been 28 8 animal ls had b een rrescued escued from Lockheed Fire fr om the L ockheed F ire byy vvolunteers several b olunteers with se veral Central welfaree gr groups, Central Coast Coast animal welfar oups, including the So Society Prevention ciety ffor or o the Pr evention of Cruelt Crueltyy to Animals Animals, Santaa Cruz s, Sant County Evacuation Unit County Equine Evacu uation U nit and Santa County Services. Santa Cruz C ounty Animal A Ser vices. The rroster 277 do dogs, oster included 2 gs, 41 ccats, ats, 40 chickens, ducks,, se seven sheep,, se seven chickens, 15 ducks ven sheep ven goats, geese,, 11 lla llamas, horses,, goats, ffive ive geese amas, 20 horses one pig pig,, one donk donkey, alpacas, ey, thr tthree ee alpac as, one parrot, one cockatiel, one turtle, seven atiel, parrot, cock turtle, se ven

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dovess and 10 doves 100 0 ccattle. attle. Henr Henryy Brze Brzezinski, zin nski, general SCCAS, none gener ral manager at SC CAS, said non ne of livestock weree injured, the pets pets or liv estock wer injured, and a bee back in their homes that most m will b hom mes orders this week w as the eevacuation vacuation or ders are ae ar rrelaxed. elaxeed. “About “Ab About 100 100 animals died in the Summit Fire Summ mit F ire last yyear, ear, so I think wee did pretty Brzezinski. pr etty good good this year,� year,� said Brze zinsski. Brzezinski Brzzezinski said no wildlife wildliffe had been been e injured area, rreported eporrted injur ed in the ffire iire ar ea, besides fawn byy a car b esides a fa awn w that was was hit b carr Santaa Cruzz but never n ver ffound. ne ound. In the Sant o Mountains, deer,, ha hawks, Moun ntains, bobcats, bobcats, deer awks w , jays, jaays y,

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SANTACRUZ.COM august 19-26, 2009



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of particulates into the creeks, including Big Creek, which feeds the pools at the hatchery. “It will change the pH of the water, and the particulates will clog the gill membranes of the steelhead and coho,� she says. Reduced canopy in the upper watershed could also warm up the water. The gravely endangered coho is especially sensitive to changes in temperature and water quality. Furthermore, she explains, the fire melted a separate water line running from pristine Berry Creek (different from the Big Basin waterway), depriving the hatchery of its purest source of water for incubating eggs. Moss and her predecessor, Dave Streig, said officials from the state Department of Fish and Game and the National Marine Fisheries Service were scheduled to meet Tuesday, Aug. 18, to discuss moving the coho hatchlings to pools at Long Marine Lab for the worst of the winter rains in hopes of avoiding a deluge of bad water into the holding tanks. Streig, whose 28-year career trying to bring back the Central Coast



Number of meals served to homeless clients at the Homeless Services Center during the last year.

salmon ended on a low smoky note on Friday, says it would be crucial to get them back up to the hatchery for at least several weeks before their scheduled release near the spring equinox so they could “imprint on the watershed.� “They memorize where they’re coming home to, and for Scott Creek that’s going to be a mess,� Streig says. “The key is decaying vegetation, organic compounds from rotting leaves in the creek that they key into, and the ratio of those chemical compounds is gonna be wrong now. A lot of this we learned after Mount St. Helens when the Toutle River was wiped out. Basically the fish just disappeared for three years because it didn’t smell right to them.� NMFS biologist Jon Ambrose says moving the fish is probably not what will happen, but

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it’s hard to say just yet. Right now he’s focused on getting CalFire to construct protective berms that shelter the waterways on their way out of the watershed—after the blaze is out, of course, and hopefully before another major wildfire f lares up in California and sucks up all the resources. “This is the critical time to button it up, while the equipment is still out there,â€? he says. Ambrose says the Lockheed fire points out an unfortunate fact of life for endangered species. “It’s unfortunate that this fire happened where it did,â€? he says, “because Scott Creek is, in terms of remaining coho creeks south of San Francisco Bay, the one with the best overall population. And nature bats last, and the range has been constricted and constricted, and these are the disasters we worry about when the population is so greatly reduced. They become very vulnerable. If you had a big resilient population, with fish in the San Lorenzo and all around Santa Cruz County, it would be unfortunate but it wouldn’t have the disastrous consequences this has.â€? Meanwhile, he adds, pray that this purported El NiĂąo year begins quietly rather than with a streamsullying deluge. “We’ll keep our fingers crossed that the first rains we get are nice and gentle,â€? he says. 0

j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 1C@@3<BA


Up in Smoke

Every wildfire comes with a cash catastrophe 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=>


HE SOUND of fire engines, walkie-talkies and helicopters may be endemic to the Lockheed fire, but so is the sound of an imaginary cash register ringing every time another engine roars into town. Though Cal Fire did not lose personnel in the latest state cuts, $27 million was lopped off its 2009–10 budget, and more than likely each of the local fire agencies that pitched in to battle the f lames had its own troubles at home at budget time. None of that matters when a 7,000acre wildfire breaks out. “California has developed a ‘seven points of light’ agreement that says if anybody breaks a fire, the departments will send resources,� says Cal Fire spokesman Mike Mohler. Yet with so little money to burn, it’s hard not to wonder who’s getting stuck with the mounting bill. As of Friday morning, 667 firefighters struggled to contain the blaze, backed by 120 engines, 16 fire crews, 15 bulldozers, three water tenders and “multiple� aircraft. By Monday afternoon, after a massive weekend ramp-up, the figures had doubled or tripled: 2,165 firefighters, 295 engines, 21 fire crews, 28 bulldozers, 21 water tenders and 14 helicopters. Cal Fire estimates the first 24 hours of the fire cost about $500,900, an estimate which has since risen to $9.8 million. Cal Fire Division Chief David Samaniego says it costs $5,300 per day to run the largest engines, while smaller engines ring in at about $3,600. Each figure includes the cost of running the vehicle itself as well as the cost of paying the members of its crew. Each firefighter costs roughly $872 per day, with about $60 factored in for food, water and board. While salaries and benefits are paid by their home base agencies, Cal Fire foots the room and board bill for as long as fire personnel enjoy

the rustic comforts of the Santa Cruz Fairgrounds. One fairgrounds worker said on Friday that negotiations with Cal Fire over the cost of their command center and camp were ongoing, but added, “They do pay per day to be here, and they pay very well.� As of Friday there was no official count of how many firefighters were from outside the county, but trucks had arrived from Santa Clara, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and as far away as Penn Valley, Placer County, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego. “A good 60 percent are out of county. That’s just an educated guess,� says Samaniego. That means they had to get here first, and their trucks ain’t exactly the Toyota Prius. A water-carrying vehicle can get 7 or 8 miles per gallon, while a larger fire engine comes in at 2 to 4 mpg. At $2.75 for a gallon of diesel fuel, a single large engine on a one-way trip from San Diego to Santa Cruz can run up a $645 tab at the pump. The final bill ends up being a kind of pass-the-buck game. Initially, local fire departments are absorbing the costs of running their trucks, getting to and from the fire and paying their fire personnel’s overtime, which kicks in after a three-day shift. Most of their expenses should be reimbursed by Cal Fire, which in turn will be reimbursed up to 75 percent by FEMA. But as some may recall, local governments don’t always see those reimbursements in a timely fashion. And it leaves Cal Fire stuck holding the bag with 25 percent of what will likely become a multimillion dollar bill. The silver lining? Samaniego says that there is no evidence that budget woes have directly affected the ability of Cal Fire to respond to the Lockheed disaster. “It has not hampered our initial attack capabilities. As far as the needs of the folks on the ground, that has not changed,� he says. 0

10 |

august 19-26, 2009


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Bay B ay Menagerie Menagerie


TARTING T ARTING ffrom rrom tthe he m moment oment I sslide lide iinto nto tthe he o cean ka yak, tthe he ggrin rin n ever lleaves eave v sm ace. I ocean kayak, never myy fface. h aven’t b een o ut o n tthe he w ater fo uite ssome ome haven’t been out on water forr q quite time, not not even even in in a p o ol. T oday tthe he P acif ic O cean time, pool. Today Pacific Ocean is smooth smo oth as as a llake ake w ith a ccool, ool, ccrisp risp b reeze. W hat is with breeze. What wavves there there are are remind remind m no il p ainting. waves mee o off aan oil painting. “Do you you want want to to go go through through or or around around tthe he “Do wharf ?� ?� Angela Angela asks. asks. We We cchoose hoose aaround. round. S o on wharf Soon aft f tteer I pull pull away away fr ffro ro r m tthe he d do o ck b eneath tthe hee p h iieer I after from dock beneath pier star t dodging dodging nearly nearly invisible invisible ffishing ishing llines, ines, w hich, start which, evidently, some some of of the the aanglers nglers o n tthe he p ier ffind ind evidently, on pier amusing. Someone Someone shouts, shouts, “I “I caught caught a 1125-pound 25-p ound amusing. blond!� Any Any discomfiture discomf iture I fe el w hile u ntangling blond!� feel while untangling frrom the the lines lines melts melts away away aass ssoon o on aass I ssee ee tthe he n ext from next small dock. do ck. small “Lo ok at at the the babies,� babies,� Jessie Jessie murmurs. murmurs. I can’t can’t “Look

help but but make make girly, girly, cooing co oing sounds sounds along along with with my my help two friends friends at at the the sight sight of of a group group of of jjuvenile uvenile ssea ea two lions. There There are are so so many many of of them them together, together, barking barking lions. several octaves o ctaves higher higher than than the the adults, adults, their their heads heads several held just just as as high. high. held “Let’s go go to to the the lighthouse lighthouse and and back,� back,� someone someone “Let’s suggests. I lean lean back back in in my my little little plastic plastic bucket bucket suggests. seat and and dig dig in in with with the the paddle, paddle, remembering rememb ering that that seat need to to save save energy energy for for the the return return trip. trip. A b out I need About 100 feet feet out, out, the the going going gets gets a little little tougher. tougher. T he 100 The kelp forests forests have havve begun begun to to interrupt interrupt the the f luid luid kelp surface, making making paddling paddling awkward. awkward. An An outrigger outrigger surface, cano e speeds sp eeds by; by; they they must must be b e practicing practicing for for the the canoe up coming Aloha Aloha boat boat races. races. upcoming One of of our our group gro r up has has aimlessly aimlessly paddled paddled ahead ahead One and stopped stopped a ways ways from frrom Seal Seal Rock, Ro ck, populated p opulated and

today by by sea sea lions. lions. I feel feel the the slight slight sway sway of of the the today ocean from frrom atop atop our our chosen chosen kelp kelp bed. bed. Over Over by by ocean the lighthouse, lighthouse, on on the the ocean ocean side side of of the the fence, fence, a the few tourists tourists try tr y to to take taake their their pictures pictures close close to to the the few basking sea sea lions. lions. basking we make make our our way way back, back, we we cross cross paths paths with with a As we sea otter. otter. It It glances glances at at us, us, then then resumes resumes its its preening. preening. sea Halfway between between the the dock dock and and the the lighthouse, lighthouse, a Halfway f ish pops pops out out of of the the water water not not two two feet feet from frrom my my fish kayak. Three Three sea sea lions lions leap leap from fro r m the the surface sur face in in hot hot kayak. pursuit, splashing splashing me me on on their their way way back back down. down. pursuit, Soaking wet wet and and with with arms arms of of lead, lead, I eventually eventually Soaking climb onto onto the the Venture Venture Quest Quest dock, dock, satisfied satisf ied by by a climb day of of so so much much wildlife wildlife viewing viewing so so close close to to home. home. day —Kat LLynch yn ynch

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Life Time To hear him tell it, many decisions and circumstances led his younger self—strung-out, self-loathing and addicted to meth—to the front door of the 86-year-old Aiken, the “Mother of Bodega Bay,â€? that day in 1984. And since then, many more decisions have been made by Inmate Bair and by the state institutions charged with “correcting and rehabilitatingâ€? him. Bair, according to DVI spokesman Lt. Gilbert Valenzuela, is like a majority of lifers over 40 years old: “one of the good ones.â€? Enrolled in classes, active in a prison-based job, he’s padded his rĂŠsumĂŠ for 25 years in hopes of wresting freedom from California’s Board of

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Parole Hearings. Yet despite his efforts at rehabilitation, he has little chance of becoming a free man. That’s because the Board grants parole to fewer than 1 percent of lifers who are eligible, and those that are paroled are usually denied later by the governor. Denying parole to an eligible inmate without proving that they’ve shown continued signs of criminal behavior, however, is a direct violation of state law. And at a time when 2.3 million American adults are incarcerated and California is leading the way with 170,000 of them, the state’s prison system is at a breaking point and many, including some here on the Central

Coast, are pushing for major reforms to the parole process that’s keeping lifers doing life.

The Rising Tide In America, one in 10 prison inmates are serving a life sentence. In California, it’s one in five. They’ve come for a handful of different reasons: they’ve killed, kidnapped or raped. They’ve committed treason or sponsored terrorism. They’ve robbed or dealt drugs three times and copped a “three strikes� life sentence. They’ve even racked up additional charges while incarcerated. They are black, white, Latino, Asian and Native American—though in California,

blacks and Latinos make up 68 percent of lifers. They’re 90 years old or 14— adolescents tried as adults. Though many are hardened criminals, for some the difference between a cell door and a white picket fence is nothing more than an angry moment and a weapon. Santa Cruz County District Attorney Bob Lee has sought life sentences for dozens of criminals. He, like many law enforcement officials, believes “life is life,â€? and that murderers like Bair should not be judged on their decisions in prison but on the ones that got them there. ¨ "

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“Crimes like murder are the most antisocial acts a person can commit,� Lee says. “People shouldn’t be thinking about the criminals who kill and kidnap, but about the victims that will never come back, and their families who have to live without their loved ones forever.� Lee is far from alone. Californians typically vote in favor of almost every proposed law that imposes tougher sentences for convicts. Just last year, voters passed Proposition 9, which allows the BPH to extend the time a lifer can go between hearings from one year to as many as 15 years. Many a politician has launched a career campaigning from a “tough on crime� platform. Many others have lost it when the public sensed softness. Former California Gov. Gray Davis famously said that the only way a murderer would leave prison on his watch was “in a pine box.� He allowed parole for a mere eight convicts during his four years in office. Gov. Schwarzenegger tried to reverse this policy and in his first year released 72 lifers. After a vicious backlash from victims rights groups, however, he scaled back the releases to about 30 per year. Today, with California’s prisons

operating at 200 percent capacity and a broken health care system killing an inmate a week, the state is facing orders from a federal panel of judges to cut down its inmate population by 43,000 prisoners in the next two years. The panel went so far as to label the prisons “unconstitutional� due to negligent health care that made conditions “cruel and unusual.� An excerpt from the Aug. 4 ruling reads: “The massive 750 percent increase in the California prison population since the mid-1970s is the result of political decisions made over three decades, including the shift to inflexible determinate sentencing and the passage of harsh mandatory minimum and three-strikes laws, as well as the state’s counterproductive parole system.� It will be low-level violent, nonviolent and drug offenders who will likely benefit most from the orders to cut prison populations. Yet with California’s nation-topping 70 percent recidivism rate, most, before long, will end up right back in prison. In contrast, recidivism rate for lifers who are paroled drops to about 20 percent. Government orders and statistics alone, however, won’t fix the state’s

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broken system. And there are few people, and very few important people, who are willing to go to bat for a convicted criminal—much less a lifer.

The Few in Their Corner Some, however, do stand up for lifers. Daniel “Nane� Alejandrez is one of them. A short, soft-spoken Hispanic man, usually seen in his trademark dark beret and “locs� style sunglasses, he’s best known for founding the Santa Cruz–based Latino community outreach group Barrios Unidos. Born to a migrant farmworker family and drafted by the Army to fight in the Vietnam War, Alejandrez came back from combat in 1971 hooked on heroin and to a family deeply entrenched in gangs, drugs and violence. Yet even as he weaned himself from drugs, he began to speak out for peace—both on the streets and in the prisons. And since BU launched in 1977, he’s been on hand for some of the most important moments in California’s Latino story. Now, along with reaching out to troubled youth, he’s made the plight of the lifers of DVI, Solano, Vacaville, Soledad, Pleasant Valley and Jamestown one of his causes. “I just want people to see [lifers] as people. People who made mistakes, but people who can change as well,� says Alejandrez. “So many of them have done everything they can to help themselves and rehabilitate. But none of that seems to matter, because the parole boards just say, ‘Great work, but your crime was too severe.’� On this blistering day at DVI, he joins John Brown Childs, Eric Cummins, Angela Irvine and Jessica Roa, a team of professors, activists, authors and social workers, for a class on “transcommunal cooperation� and an organized debate among inmates on the parole priorities of nonviolent drug offenders versus parole-eligible lifers. “When the governor was given the power to review decisions made by the parole board, you can see that parole approvals essentially stopped,� says inmate Michael DeVries, who, like many long-term inmates, has become a legal expert on issues surrounding his case. “This is a case of ex post facto, which means laws were passed after the fact that I, and a lot of other people I see in this room, committed their crimes. I liken it to a sports analogy of moving the goal post.� The debate continues inside the DVI community room for another hour. The lifers, most sporting reading glasses, hold handwritten notes in their gnarled

hands and speak in the slow, measured cadence of men in their 50s and 60s. The crude tattoos of Virgin Marys, tear drops and number 13’s that adorn some of their exposed forearms have faded over time into cloudy blotches of black and navy blue. The researchers jot endlessly in their notebooks, attention rapt on the real life social experiment playing out before them. The discourse is civil, and no one interrupts or speaks out of turn. Time, as one lifer explains, is something each has in abundance, and patience, he says, “is something you can’t help but learn on a life sentence.�

‘I think that if we entertain the idea of paroling folks that have committed murder, then we are discounting any feeling or compassion for the victims of the crime and their families.’ DISTRICT ATTORNEY BOB LEE Elsewhere in prison, younger inmates with sharper and more colorful tattoos don’t typically share the same serenity. Curses ring out from scattered cells as the seemingly ever-shirtless offenders notice a camera-wielding visitor and either offer menacing stares to the lens or swear and retreat out of view. The bleach and orange peel smell extends to almost every corner of the prison, and where walls aren’t coated in layers of drab gray paint so thick they’re soft to the touch, they’re painted in screaming orange paint with messages like “no warning shots fired in this area.â€? ¨ $

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Back in the community room, the debating inmates, having been broken up into mixed groups of whites, Hispanics and blacks, are finishing their debate. The class, nearing the end of its second year, was not an idea hatched in social academia, but by the inmates themselves—a fact that astounds many of the researchers, given the hardened racial lines that exist in every prison in America. As the class ends, however, any thoughts of freedom are dashed as the inmates are herded off, stripsearched and sent back to their cells. “Single file,� a guard says sternly. “You know the drill.�

Lest We Forget Santa Cruz County Sheriff Phil Wowak knows a thing or two about the prospect of paroling lifers. Like DA Bob Lee, he believes a crime like murder warrants a lifetime behind bars, and he routinely sends letters to the BPH opposing parole for lifers originally charged in Santa Cruz County. “I think that if we entertain the idea of paroling folks that have committed murder, then we are discounting any feeling or compassion for the victims of the crime and their families,� he says.

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“I realize the prisons are overcrowded, I just don’t think that the solution to our incarceration issues and budget woes is to look at these lifers and release them from custody.� A single murder creates a network of grieving relatives and friends, much like a stone’s ripple effect when it’s thrown into a lake. Gene Cervantes lost two close cousins in 2005 in what Fresno authorities called the “Tarpey Village murders.� For him, the thought that good behavior and efforts at rehabilitation could free his cousin’s killers is too much to bear.

and they have no idea what’s actually going on in the prisons. I’ve been there. Yes, there are problems; the health care is as useless as a three-dollar bill. But letting prisoners go is a terrible idea.� Wowak agrees that early releases in any fashion are a bad policy. He warns that without extra transitional support structures for released inmates, communities all over the state could see a spike in crime. “I know that releasing anyone without a good form of rehab program is very risky,� says the sheriff. “This will be a stop-gap response that may save some money for the state, but local counties like Santa Cruz County will likely see an influx of people in the jails when these inmates reoffend.�

‘It’s a fixed game. I get told I’m doing all the right things, so why am I not suitable for parole?’

Then and Now


“It was a cold-blooded murder, and I hope the men responsible never see the light of day,� says Cervantes, who’s still waiting to see the two men who’ve been arrested and charged with the murders have their day in court. “All these lefties looking to take pity on these prisoners need to face the facts.� Cervantes spent 29 years working as a classification staff representative with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. There, he says, he saw firsthand the inability of the modern criminal to rehabilitate and live in society. Inmates, he says, will say anything to be released. They will apologize, take classes, write letters and kick drugs only when they think it will give them a shot at freedom. “When I read about the federal judges telling the CDCR to come up with a plan to release inmates, I just thought, ‘What a joke,� he says. “They make these decisions from their stupid ivory towers

Nixon was president, disco was the new rage and gas was 40 cents a gallon when Paul Hyde came to prison in 1973. Having killed a shoe store owner with a stray bullet during a gang-related gunfight in Los Angeles, he was handed a life sentence for first-degree murder. Hyde became eligible for parole in 1980. Since then, despite a relatively clean discipline record and an extensive rehabilitation resume, he’s been denied parole 22 times. “I was 19 years old when they told me I was going to prison for life,â€? says Hyde, a 55-year-old, tall, clean-cut black man with a shaky voice and watery eyes. “I’ll never get over taking someone’s life, and the man I killed will never come back. That’s something I can’t change. Now I have 14 trades, I have my [high school] diploma, I have 83 college units. I’ve put myself in every possible program I can, but every time, they just tell me, ‘Sorry, but your crime was too bad.’â€? Denying a parole applicant solely on the basis of the original crime, however, is illegal under California law. As mandated by the Dannenberg California Supreme Court Decision of 2005, aspects of rehabilitation must weigh into a parole board’s decision. Though not limited to them, the five major factors involved in a parole decision are listed by the BPH as: “counseling reports, behavior in prison, vocational and educational accomplishments, involvement in self help therapy, and parole plans.â€? The 2005 ruling also says that any lifer who is denied parole based on his or her original crime must be proven to have “aggravated factsâ€? beyond the crime that makes him or her a continuing threat to society. ¨


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Evidence suggests that the stingy approval rates handed down by the BPH are no accident. During Hyde’s early days in the ’70s, parole boards were made up of not only prison and law enforcement officials but teachers, doctors and others representing the “community at large.� Then, almost every felon received an indeterminate sentence and was released when the parole board deemed they were ready. Now, California’s 12-person BPH boasts a membership made up entirely of current and former law enforcement officials. All are registered Republicans. “It’s a fixed game,� says Hyde. “I get told I’m doing all the right things, so why am I not suitable for parole?� Hyde, like nearly every lifer interviewed by Santa Cruz Weekly, says he gets by on one thing: hope. Hope that his classes and in-prison work efforts will catch the eye of BPH commissioners.

Hope that, if he’s released, someone will give him a job. And hope that both he and the family of the man he killed will find resolution in the price he’s paid behind bars. But the hope that their parole hearings will end in any other way than a flat denial seems far-fetched. For lifers like Hyde, no matter how many steps they take toward rehabilitation, the heinousness of their original crime is always the bottom line in their denial reports.

Life Row Documents provided by inmates and by the CDCR show that lifers are often denied parole with none of the “aggravated facts� required under the Dannenberg legal precedent. In Bair’s case, one parole decision transcript thanks him for “a number of self help programming . . . substance

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abuse, alternatives to violence, AA, anger management (classes) . . . and a plumbing (and welding) vocational work programs,� before it goes on to deny him because “the prisoner committed the offense in an especially cruel manner.� Hyde’s case is similar. Documents show dozens of classes taken, certificates earned and jobs maintained. Getting caught with a dagger 20 years ago is a stain on his in-custody record, but he hopes the board will overlook it on account of his two decades of good behavior and make his upcoming hearing lucky number 23. “When I came to prison I had a thirdgrade education. I couldn’t even run a carwash,� says Hyde. “Now I run millions of dollars’ worth of machinery every day in the electrostatic powder coating shop. I’m totally employable. I’m a changed man and I think I deserve a chance to show it.�

A month after the organized debate at DVI over who deserves parole, the lifer class is together once again on a slightly cooler day—this time for a graduation celebration. Chuckles fill the air, smiles abound and hugs are the preferred greeting as the aging inmates receive certificates of completion and feast on cake and shrimp cocktail brought in by Alejandrez and other volunteers. For class teachers like John Brown Childs, an author and lecturer of sociology at UC–Santa Cruz, the completion of the course is a “living example of positive human potential.� “I liken what I see in these men to a Zen riddle,� says Childs. “It says, ‘I saw a slave, but then I realized it was actually a person held in slavery.’ It means you can look at someone and think you know exactly what they represent, but you have to look at them from a different point of view to really understand who they are and what’s in their hearts.� Whether Californians consciously care about what’s in the hearts of their convicts or not, there is no question that they are heavily invested in just that. With $9.8 billion in state funds set aside for the CDCR in the next year, prison spending makes up 10 percent of California’s budget, even after $1.2 billion in emergency cuts mandated in this year’s slashed state budget. The mood inside DVI suggests that the inmates feel the change coming as well. Most of them chatter about rumors that friends may be going home or that appeals may be accepted. Alejandrez feels it too. While agreeing with inmates that things may be looking up, he cautions them to stay vigilant. “The state has got to do something,� he says. “They’ve finally dug themselves so far down that they have to start climbing back out. I just hope they take a look at guys like these lifers—people who have earned a right to a second chance.� As the graduation ceremony ends and eager inmates dutifully collect the frosting dotted paper plates and soda cans into trash bags, prison spokesman Valenzuela takes the microphone to offer a test to the men. “I have a challenge for you,� says the career guard. “I want to see you take the lessons you learned about working together and use them out in the yard.� Most of the inmates agree that race relations in the prison yard will likely stay as segregated as they are now. Instead, each hopes they can use the skills in a more exotic location: outside the prison walls. 0

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RENCH R ENCH POP POP has has never never really really ““blown blown up up the the chartsâ€? chartsâ€? in in America. A merica. Most Most Yankees Yankees would would bee hard-pressed b hard-pressed to to name name three three French F rench musicians, musicians, much much less less list list their their hits. hits. Parisian P arisian sisters sisters HĂŠlène HĂŠlène and and CĂŠlia CĂŠlia Faussart, Faussart, however, h owever, are are doing doing their their part part to to change change tthat. hat. For Fo or the the last last 11 11 years, years, the the duo, duo, better better known k nown as as Les Les Nubians, Nubians, have have been been bringing bringing more m ore and and more more Americans Americans into into the the French French cconnection onnection with with their their genre-bending genre-bending Africanized A fricanized soul soul jazz jazz and and their their message message of of unity. Cruz up rracial acial u nity. SSanta anta C ruz Weekly Weeklly ccaught aught u p with CĂŠlia off tthe Aug. 24 with C ĂŠlia aahead head o he ggroup’s roup’s A ug. 2 4 ggig ig at Kuumbwa, on at K uumbwa, aand nd sshe he sshared hared tthe he aamour mour o n topics music politics her topics ffrom rom aart, rt, m usic aand nd p olitics tto oh er “revolutionaryâ€? “revolutionaryâ€? new new album album and and advantages advantages of with of ssinging inging w ith a ssister. ister. “We “We call call ourselves ourselves ‘Afropean’ ‘Afropean’ as as a way way to to define ourselves CĂŠlia define o urselves by by ourselves, ourselves,â€? ssays ays C ĂŠlia iin n a singsong her hotel singsong French French accent accent from from h er h otel in in Brooklyn. byy so Brooklyn. ““We We were were iinspired nspired b so many many different kinds different k inds of of music music in in Africa: Africa: tribal, tribal, soul soul music, music, jazz, jazz, hip-hop. hip-hop. . . . The Th he name name just just seemed seemed to to fit. fit. Paris Paris is is a great great place place tto o bring bring African African music. music.â€? Originally Originally from from Bordeaux, Bordeaux, the the Faussart Faussart sisters sisters moved moved in in 1985 1985 with with their their parents parents to where off ttheir to Chad, Chad, w here tthey hey spent spent most most o heir childhood childhood and and adolescence. adolescence. A Muslim Muslim country, country, Chad Chad was was not not as as diverse diverse iin n iits ts music music as as the the surrounding surrounding regions, regions, ssays ays Celia. Celia. But But the the sisters sisters kept kept open open ears ears and and traveled often, traveled o ften, aand nd by by the the ttime ime they they moved up moved back back to to France Frrance they they had had soaked soaked u p culture culture aand nd art art from from almost almost every every corner corner of of the the continent. continent. As As one one might might expect, expect, tthe he experience experience comes comes through through musically musically as as a melting pot melting p ot of of ethnic ethnic styles. styles. There There are are heavy-handed drums, bass heavy-handed ttribal ribal d rums, ffunky unky b ass lines, lines, Latin Latin guitars guitars and and big big and and bold bold brass brass in the dance-friendly tracks. There in the dance-friendly tracks. There are are

6==932 =< 4@/<1=>6=<71A 6 ==932 =< 4@/<1=>6=<71A C CĂŠlia ĂŠlia aand nd H HĂŠlène ĂŠlène F Faussart aussart aare re sspreading preading tthe he w word ord aabout bout ‘‘Afropean’ A f ro p e a n ’ m music. usic.

also subdued also subdued h high igh h hats ats aand nd ssubtle ubtle sstrings trings tthat hat can can ggive ive a m oody, b ack-alley jjazz azz moody, back-alley cclub lub ffeel eel tto o tthe he q uieter n umbers. C utting quieter numbers. Cutting tthrough hrough iitt aall, ll, however, however, are are always always tthe he ccrystalline rystalline vvoices oices o he ttwo wo sisters, sisters, d elicate off tthe delicate aand nd p owerful, m outhing b eautifully powerful, mouthing beautifully iindecipherable ndecipherable F rench w ords yyou ou ccan’t an’t French words h elp b ut p retend tto ok now tthe he m eaning help but pretend know meaning o Itt’s n o aaccident, ccident, CĂŠlia CĂŠlia ssays, ays, tthat hat tthe he ttwo wo of.f. It’s no vvocalists ocalists ccomplement omplement eeach ach o ther sso ow ell— other well— iin n fact, fact, it’s it’s iin n tthe he ggenes. enes. “No one one in in the the world world can can harmonize harmonize “No w ith me me llike ike H ĂŠlène. N obody ccan an bee with HĂŠlène. Nobody tthat hat close close tto om imbre,â€? ssays ays C ĂŠlia o myy ttimbre, CĂŠlia off h er older older ssibling. ibling. “You “You can can ssee ee all all tthose hose her b rother aand nd ssister ister ggroups roups aalways lways h ave brother have ssomething omething very very sspecial pecial iin n ttheir heir h armony.â€? harmony. Fo or hip-hop hip-hop connoisseurs, connoisseurs, Les Les Nubians’ Nubians’ For sstreet treet ccred red w as cemented cemented b ack iin n2 003 was back 2003 w hen indie indie rrap ap ggod od T alib K weli d ropped when Talib Kweli dropped llines ines o n tthe he ttrack rack ““Temperature Temperature R ising.â€? on Rising. S ince then, then, tthe he ssiblings iblings h ave sstacked tacked ttheir heir Since have rrĂŠsumĂŠs ĂŠsumĂŠs w ith ccollaborations ollaborations ccourtesy ourtesy o with off tthe he Roots, Roots, M ary J.. B lige aand nd tthe he B lack Mary Blige Black E yed Peas. Peas. Indeed, Indeed, tthe he group group iiss m ost o ften Eyed most often

billed aass a h billed hip-hop ip-hop aact, ct, tthough, hough, llike ike most most sstyle-blending tyle-blending aartists, rtists, tthe he ssisters isters d o ttheir heir do b est tto o aavoid void b eing llabeled. abeled. best being Besides being being influenced inf luenced by by the the African African Besides cculture ulture iin nA frica, C ĂŠlia ssays ays she she and and her her Africa, CĂŠlia ssister ister h ave aalso lso b een ggreatly reatly iinfluenced nf luenced b have been byy tthe he African African cculture ulture iin n ttheir heir h ome city city o home off P aris. A m assive, aand nd aatt ttimes imes rrebellious, ebellious, Paris. massive, p ortion o aris’ p opulation, A fricans h ave portion off P Paris’ population, Africans have lleft eft aan n iindelible ndelible sstamp tamp on on tthe he C ity o ove. City off L Love. IIn n2 005 aand nd 2 007, yyoung, oung, p redominantly 2005 2007, predominantly M uslim A fricans rioted rioted aafter fter cclashes lashes w ith Muslim Africans with p olice lled ed tto o tthe he d eaths o ouths. Th he police deaths off yyouths. The rriots iots h ighlighted w hat many many saw saw as as a cclass lass highlighted what sstruggle truggle b etween p oor iimmigrants mmigrants aand nd between poor tthe he ruling ruling eelite. lite. C ĂŠlia ssays ays tthis his sstruggle truggle aand nd CĂŠlia o thers m ake u p tthe he llyrical yrical m eat o he others make up meat off tthe ssisters’ isters’ u pcoming aalbum, lbum, NĂź NĂź Revolution. Revolution. upcoming “Th he tension tension [in [in Paris] Paris] is is still still there. there. I “The d on’t k now iiff iitt will will eever ver b one,â€? she she don’t know bee ggone, ssays. ays. ““Our Our n ew aalbum lbum is is really really aabout bout new ccitizenship—world itizenship—world citizenship. citizenship. T here’s There’s m ore p olitically on on iitt tthan han o ur o ther more politically our other aalbums, lbums, b ut it’s it’s not not that that different different because, because, but yyou ou k now, iit’s t’s sstill till us. us.â€? know,

When W hen tthe he ssisters isters roll roll tthrough hrough S Santa anta C ruz, iitt w ill b eturn vvisit isit ffrom rom ttheir heir Cruz, will bee a rreturn 2 003 ggig ig aatt tthe he R io Th heatre. IItt w as A ugust 2003 Rio Theatre. was August tthen hen aass w ell, b ut ssmack mack d ab iin n tthe he m iddle well, but dab middle o eat w ave, aand nd tthe he ssinger inger ssays ays sshe he off a h heat wave, rremembers emembers tthe he ttown own ffrom rom ssomething omething h er iinfant nfant sson on ssaid. aid. ““II rremember emember iitt w as her was rreally eally h ot tthat hat d ay, aand nd w hen w ot tto o hot day, when wee ggot S anta C ruz m aby ssaid, aid, ‘‘Mom, Mom, aare re w n Santa Cruz myy b baby wee iin A frica?’� sshe he rrecalls, ecalls, llaughing. aughing. ““II ttold old h im, Africa?’� him, ‘‘No, No, h oney, iit’s t’s sstill till C alifornia.’� honey, California. D on’t w orry aabout bout tthe he m istake, ladies. ladies. Don’t worry mistake, T he Weekly, Weeklly, ffor or one, one, knows knows plenty plenty of of folks folks The w ho w ouldn’t m ind sseeing eeing yyou ou h elp S anta who wouldn’t mind help Santa C ruz llook ook m ore llike ike A frica ffor or a n ight. Cruz more Africa night.

NUBIANS Monday, LLES ES N UBIANS ggroove roove oon nM onday, Aug. A ug. 24, 24, at at 7 and and 9pm 9pm at at Kuumbwa Kuumbwa Jazz, Cedar #2, Cruz. J azz, 3320 20 C edar SSt. t. # 2, SSanta anta C ruz. Tickets $30 T ickeets aare re $ 30 aadvance/$33 dvance/$33 aatt tthe he ddoor, oor, available available at at http://kuumbwa http:// kuumbwa oorr bbyy 831.427.2227. ccalling alling 8 31.427.2227.

" j / 3 august 19-26, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=; / 3

>/7@ =4 /13A Aussie alt-country artists Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson finally made an album together, ‘years and years’ after the producer who introduced them first brought it up.

Married, With Lyrics

Two alt-country talents, one great album 0G B@/17 6C97::


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HEIR VOICES wind around the notes, sinuous and close. Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson aren’t blood, but your ear tells you they’re definitely tribe. Like Emmylou Harris and Gram Parsons, like the members of the phenomenon that was Fleetwood Mac, their voices were made to move together. And in the annals of duets between lovers, they’re assured a place with their new album, Rattlin’ Bones, a rare collaboration between two Australian altcountry stars who happen to be hitched. It’s a down-home, introspective effort, undertaken not long after the birth of their son Arlo, now 2. “It was a good time to take a break, be parents and a married couple,� says Nicholson, adding that the usual pattern of recording and touring periodically “engulfs� their lives. The instrumentation on the collection—banjo, dobro, lap steel, acoustic guitar, fiddle—is spare and brooding, vintage Americana. But Nicholson says the breakneck eight-day recording session was actually some of the most fun he’s ever had in the studio. “It’s contradictory, because a lot of the record is quite dark,� he says, “but it was a blast, quite fun. Some of the people in the band were some of our oldest, closest friends.� It was also one of the least productionoriented sessions of his career. “It was almost like anti-production. We were trying to strip it back, make it very old-time. The priority was always just the feeling behind the performances.�

That’s right up Chambers’ alley. Having performed with her father and brother for years before striking out on a solo career, she says the stage has become a place for her that’s all about community. “I actually find when I’m on stage it’s as much about being around people as the music,� she says. “I love telling stories and talking about my family and my kids and—telling stories that have nothing to do with music! I like it to feel like you’re in my laundry [room], sitting around at home.� The collaboration has also given Chambers the chance to do something else she used to do with the old family band: harmonize. As a solo artist with a great career—some call her the Gillian Welch of Australia—she’s vocally a leading lady. With Nicholson she gets to sing alto and tenor while he takes the lead, and likewise take the lead when it’s his turn to harmonize. Nicholson says it’s just become second nature. “We don’t rehearse or anything,� he says. “It’s gotten to a point where we kind of understand how each other sings, and it’s become very natural for us to be playing together.�

KASEY CHAMBERS and SHANE NICHOLSON play Thursday, Aug. 20, at 7:30pm at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $25 at or 831.479.9421.

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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4CBC@3( A/<B/ 1@CH ABC27= 13@/;71A Ceramic works that MAH hankers to have in its collection, including pieces by Susana Arias, Bonnie and Steven Barisof and others. Exhibit ends Sunday, Aug 30. Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

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A1@7>B3/A3 The stripping improv troupe takes it off for a good cause: the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Saturday, Aug. 22, 7 and 9pm. $10. Broadway Playhouse, 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz. 831.429.2339. &(+- EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'(#-&-( # 4SZWf 9cZ^O 5OZZS`g B^X]ZaaZ Hi^io/ 6 HZaZXi^dc d[ Ldg`h# D^ah ^c igVcheVgZci gZh^c# >c i]Z [gdci \VaaZgn! ldg`h [gdb i]Z :cVbZa^hi HdX^Zin# I]j"Hjc! cddc"+eb# I]gj 6j\ (%# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# &%, :ab Hi! HVciV 8gjo! )%-#(,(#'-*)# ;O\g 6O\Ra 5OZZS`g 1O^Wb]ZO Bjai^"6gi^hi <VaaZgn H]dl# DXZVc"i]ZbZY d^a eV^ci^c\h Wn :V :X`ZgbVc! aVcYhXVeZ d^a eV^ci^c\h Wn 7g^Vc @Vjee^! b^mZY bZY^V lVaa hXjaeijgZ Wn 6ccZ 7ZX`aZn VcY b^mZY bZY^V VXgna^X [gj^i eV^ci^c\h Wn LZcYn AV^gY0 i]gj 6j\ (&# ;gZZ# 9V^an &%Vb"+eb# *&% 7Vn 6kZ! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#),*#'*%%# AO\bO 1`ch /`b :SOUcS Ild XaVhhZh ^c LViZgXdadg! hZkZgVa ^c D^a EV^ci^c\ VcY dcZ ^c EdgigV^ijgZ VgZ hdbZ d[ i]Z XaVhhZh d[[ZgZY [dg i]Z bdci]0 XVaa [dg eg^XZh# :m]^W^i/ HdX^Zin d[ 6Xgna^X EV^ciZgh0 i]gj HZe +# ;gZZ# LZY"HVi! cddc"*eb! Hjc cddc" )eb# *'+ 7gdVYlVn! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#*,-,# AO\bO 1`ch 1]c\bg 5]dS`\[S\b 1S\bS` ;gZh] 6^g ;gdb i]Z BdjciV^ch# 6gi^hih [gdb i]Z HVciV 8gjo BdjciV^ch 6gi 8ZciZg Y^heaVn i]Z^g aViZhi eaZ^c V^g eV^ci^c\h# Bdc";g^! .Vb"*eb# I]gj 6j\ '-# ,%& DXZVc Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#+--#*(..# AO\bO 1`ch Ab]dSa O\R 4W`S^ZOQSa :aZbZcih d[ 9Zh^\c# 8daaVWdgVi^kZ h]dl d[ adXVa Vgi^hih [gdb i]Z H^m 9Z\gZZ

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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A6/93A>3/@3 A/<B/ 1@CH Scott Wentworth delivers a bumbling Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, one of two Shakespeare Santa Cruz productions playing in the outdoor Festival Glen. Julius Caesar is the other, while Shipwrecked: An Entertainment plays on the Main Stage. Festival runs through Sunday, Aug. 30, at UCSC. Tickets are $15–$48; last-minute rush tickets at the Glen are $20. 831.459.2159. XdcigVhi^c\ bdcdad\jZh i]gZZ b^cjiZh idiVa egZeVgZY! VcY XVaa ^c VYkVcXZ id hX]ZYjaZ VjY^i^dc# LZY! 6j\ &.! ,/(%".eb# ;gZZ# <daYZc 7dj\] I]ZVigZ! BdciZ KZgYZ WZilZZc :^\]i] VcY C^ci] higZZih! 8VgbZa"Wn" i]Z"HZV! -(&#+''#%&%%#

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A 12-hour celebration of rhythm starts at noon in San Lorenzo Park with a free three-hour drum circle; drums are provided for those who left their tom-toms at home. The party then moves to the Vets Hall for an evening 4WUc`S 2`OeW\U of wild multimedia performances, including the dance-aerialist-drumming-light show-film-participatory piece Dc\d^c\0 Ygde"^ch lZaXdbZ# I]j";g^! &%Vb# &%# ;Za^m @jaeV Rhythm: An Evolutionary Musical, which follows the history of the world from the Big Bang to the present with <VaaZgn! &%, :ab Hi! HVciV 8gjo! enchanting stopovers in Egypt and other exotic locales. As it’s brought to you by Michael DiMartino, the man )%-#(,(#'-*)# responsible for organizing the world’s largest drum circle in 1994 at the Grand Canyon, it’s guaranteed to be a 4`SS ;SRWbObW]\ 1ZOaaSa good time. Sunday, Aug. 23, noon–midnight (musical show at 7pm), San Lorenzo Park (Soquel Avenue and San Aj^hV BV\Vg^Vc iZVX]Zh Lorenzo River) and Vets Hall, 805 Front St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $20 at Gateways and Streetlight Records. bZY^iVi^dc/ Zca^\]iZcbZci! WVaVcXZ! ]Vee^cZhh! igjZ adkZ VcY jcYZghiVcY^c\0# Bdc! ,/)*" -/)*eb VcY IjZ! ,/)*"-/)*eb# ;gZZ# KZih =Vaa! -)+ ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)*)#%),-#

4`WROg AVOYSa^SO`S 1ZcP HZZ`^c\ cZl ldbZc bZbWZgh VcY ^ck^i^c\ ndj id _d^c jh ^c i]Z hijYn d[ i]Z WVgYÉh eaVnh# -(&#)'&#%.(&# 5S\bZS G]UO EWbV >VWZ LZZ`an XaVhh# LZY! */(%",eb# EVX^[^X 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg! &(%, HZVWg^\]i 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)+'#--.(# 5S\bZS G]UO EWbV >`WgO LZZ`an XaVhh# I]j! ./(%"&&Vb# EVX^[^X 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg! &(%, HZVWg^\]i 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)+'#--.(# 5Z]POZ 0SZZg 2O\QS 4caW]\ 1ZOaa 8Vaa id gZ\^hiZg ^c VYkVcXZ# HVi! &&/(%Vb# )% [dg [djg XaVhhZh$ &( Ygde"^c# EaZVhjgZ Ed^ci ;^icZhh VcY 9VcXZ 8ZciZg! .%, )&hi 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#((*#)*+,# 7\b`]RcQbW]\ b] HS\ OZc bZY^iVi^dc ^chigjXi^dc! [daadlZY bZY^iVi^dc! aZXijgZ VcY Y^hXjhh^dc# LZY! */)*eb# ;gZZ# HVciV 8gjo OZc 8ZciZg! &&* HX]dda Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)*,#%'%+#

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SANTACRUZ.COM august 19-26, 2009

| 29

03/ /BA1/>3 aaugust u g u s t 119-26, 9 - 2 6 , 22009 0 0 9 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; ! ! j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975

MON. AUGUST 24 • 7 & 9 PM


Sultry jazz, soul, funk & hip-hop grooves! $30/Adv $33/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by High Notes



Gypsy Jazz in the tradition of Django Reinhardt! $20/Adv $23/Door MON. AUGUST 31 • 7 & 9 PM

TERENCE BLANCHARD QUINTET $25/Adv $28/Door Sponsored by Kyle Goldman

9PM ONLY - 1/2 Price Night for Students At the door only with I.D. Made possible by David & Kate Hartzell and William & Cloy Codiga Family Foundation



MON. SEPTEMBER 14 • 7 & 9 PM

THE BAD PLUS $22/Adv $25/Door



$20/Adv $23/Door 1/2 Price Night for Students At the door only with I.D. Made possible by David & Kate Hartzell and William & Cloy Codiga Family Foundation


LORI RIVERA IN SMOKE AN EVENING OF CABARET Music and Lyrics by Joe Ortiz Concert only: $15/Adv $18/Door Jazz & Dinner: $30/Adv Featuring Guest Chef David Jackman of Chocolate

MON. SEPTEMBER 28 • 7 & 9 PM


4/0 47D3 4 /0 47D3 L Los os Pinguos Pinguos, s, the ‘South South American Americcan Beatles,’ Beatless,’ at Moe’s Moe’s Alley Alleey on n Friday 7PM: $25/28 9PM: $23/23

Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 • 7 & 9 PM


FIrst Santa Cruz appearance in six years! $25/Adv $28/Door Tickets: Streetlight Records, Aloha Island Grill & SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 • 7:30 PM




4 27 - 2 2 27

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Willie W illie K iiss a p purist: urist: o organic, rganic, d defiantly ef iantly o ld-school and and all all the the better better for for it. it. old-school S tunningly d iverse iin nh is p laying sstyle, tyle, Stunningly diverse his playing h can shift shift from from ssearing earing electric electric b lues hee can blues gguitar uitar tto o ttropical ropical sslack lack k ey without without key m issing a beat. beat. D rawing inspiration inspiration missing Drawing ffrom rom tthe he polyglot polyglot m usical cculture ulture of of musical h is native native M aui, Willie Willie K ’s aabout bout aass his Maui, K’s ffar ar aass you you can can iimagine magine from from D on H o, Don Ho, aand nd d ef ines a yyounger ounger ggeneration eneration o defines off H awaiian ttraditional raditional w hose iinspiration nspiration Hawaiian whose iiss gglobal lobal b ut w hose sensibilities sensibilities are are but whose iinformed nformed b ock & rroll. oll. K uumbwa; byy rrock Kuumbwa; $ 25 aadvance/$28 dvance/$28 d oor; 7 aand nd 9 pm. $25 door; 9pm. ((PMD) PMD)

Spanish S panish gguitars, uitars, a p pounding ounding b box ox d rum, d ashing ttwin win b rothers—what drum, dashing brothers—what m ore ccould ould yyou ou w ant? L anding o n more want? Landing on L os A ngeles ssoil oil sstraight traight ffrom rom B uenos Los Angeles Buenos A ires iin n2 001, L os P inguos b ecame Aires 2001, Los Pinguos became ffavorites avorites aatt tthe he K ey C lub, L ittle T emple Key Club, Little Temple aand nd Kn nitting F actory b efore b eing Knitting Factory before being sscouted couted o nS anta M onica’s T hird on Santa Monica’s Third S treet p romenade ffor or tthe he ttelevision elevision Street promenade sseries eries The The Next Next Big Big Star, Star, where where they they stole the the show. show. Six Six albums albums later, later, their their stole ferocious flamenco—sometimes f lamenco—sometimes salsasalsaferocious centric, sometimes sometimes samba-fied, samba-f ied, always always centric, catchy—still aattracts ttracts ffans ans b he h ordes. catchy—still byy tthe hordes. Moe’s Alley; Alley; $9 $9 advance/$12 advance/$12 door; door; 9pm. 9pm. Moe’s ( Jaime Nabrynski) Nabrynski) (Jaime

Hailing ffrom Hailing rom tthe he h high igh ggranola ranola rreaches eaches o he C olorado m ountains, L ynx off tthe Colorado mountains, Lynx m ight b ismissed aatt ffirst irst gglance lance aass might bee d dismissed aanother nother llighter-than-weight ighter-than-weight ssinger/ inger/ ssongwriter. ongwriter. T hat w ould b istake. That would bee a m mistake. W ith a ffiercely iercely iinnovative nnovative sspirit, pirit, L ynx With Lynx h as m arried ffolk olk m usic tto oh ip -hop has married music hip-hop aand nd eelectronic lectronic b eats iin nw ays tthat hat aare re beats ways ssurprising urprising aand nd rrevelatory. evelatory. JJoined oined b byy rrhythmic hythmic polymath polymath Jamie Jamie Janover, Janover, L ynx ffinds inds n ew ffrontiers rontiers iin nw ellLynx new wellttrodden rodden m usical fformats, ormats, p roducing musical producing w ork tthat hat rrevels evels iin n tthe he u nexpected work unexpected aand nd rre-contextualizing e- contextualizing ffolk olk m usic ffor or music aP ostmillennial aage. ge. M oe’s A lley; $ 9 Postmillennial Moe’s Alley; $9 aadvance/$12 dvance/$12 d oor; 9 pm. ((Paul Paul M Davis) door; 9pm. M.. Davis)

! j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 119-26, 9 - 2 6 , 22009 0 0 9 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/> >3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A >=@BC5/: B63 ;/< >=@BC5/: B63 ;/< /< A UG. 27 AT AT CREPE CR RE PLACE REPE PLLA LACEE AUG.

A/BC@2/G j & A /B C @ 2/G j &

8 3 @ @G ; 7 : : 3 @ 83@@G ;7::3@ 0/<2 0 /<2 Best B est k known nown ffor or h his is w work ork aass tthe he llead ead gguitarist uitarist ffor or M oby G rape, JJerry erry M iller Moby Grape, Miller rremains emains aass iimposing mposing a ssoloist oloist n ow aass h now hee w as b ack tthen. hen. M iller—designated b was back Miller—designated byy R olling SStone tone aass ““one one o he 1100 00 G reatest Rolling off tthe Greatest G uitarists o ll Ti ime�—has ttaught aught Guitarists off A All Time�—has JJimmy immy P age aand nd E ric C lapton a ffew ew Page Eric Clapton ttricks. ricks. A n aad-hoc d-hoc ssupergroup upergroup ffeaturing eaturing An T iran P orter aand nd D ale O ckerman o he Tiran Porter Dale Ockerman off tthe D oobie B rothers, tthe he Je JJerry erry M iller B and Doobie Brothers, Miller Band ffinds inds M iller ttrading rading iin nh is ssignature ignature Miller his n imble gguitar uitar llicks icks w hile rreaching eaching nimble while d eeper iinto nto h is b lues rroots. oots. D on deeper his blues Don Q uixote’s; $ 10; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) Quixote’s; $10; 8pm.

A/BC@2/G j & A /B C @ 2/G j &

/@/<< 6/@@7A / @ / < < 6 / @ @ 7 A Arann A rann H Harris arris aand nd tthe he G Greenstring reenstring F Farm arm B and p lay ““pesticide-free� pesticide-free� ffarm arm ffunk unk Band play aabout bout ssuch uch d own-home ssubjects ubjects aass m ilk down-home milk ((audience audience m embers aare re eencouraged ncouraged tto o members u se ttheir heir tthumbs humbs aass u dders), d octors use udders), doctors ((“My “My d octor iiss D r. B ronner! M octor iiss doctor Dr. Bronner! Myy d doctor D r. S cholls!�), aand nd tthe he m ournful d emise Dr. Scholls!�), mournful demise o arijuana ggardening ardening ((“My “My b aby d on’t off m marijuana baby don’t w ant m rowing tthat hat w eed�) w ith want mee ggrowing weed�) with a llow ow rrumble umble aand nd p lenty o un. A nd plenty off ffun. And aass p art o ouble b ill w ith P ortland part off a d double bill with Portland p unk b lue ggrassers rassers H illstomp, tthe he n ight punk blue Hillstomp, night llooks ooks tto ob art d runken h oedown, p art bee p part drunken hoedown, part aagricultural gricultural cco-op o-op aand nd p art b lue-collar part blue-collar


comedy tour. tto our. Bring Bring a date, date, b ring yyour our comedy bring sister, or or just jusstt split split the the d ifference—either sister, difference—either way, this this backwoods backwoods bash bash is is ssure ure tto o way, kick-start your your John John Deere. Deere. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; kick-start $8 advance/$10 advance/$10 door; door; 9pm. 9pm. (Gretchen (Gretchen $8 Giles/Curtis Cartier) Cartier) Giles/Curtis

AC<2/G j & A C < 2/G j & !

4=@3AB 2/G 4 = @ 3 A B 2/ /G A ssingle ingle ttrack rack b byy S San an F Francisco rancisco b beat eat man Forest with m an Fo orest Day Day ccan an sstart tart w ith ssurfurfttinged inged hyphee hyphee rrap, ap, ttransition ransition iinto nto ffolksy olksy with vvocal ocal ccroons roons aand nd eend nd w ith a full-on full-on eelectronica lectronica freakout. freakout. A producer producer at at heart, Day known his h eart, D ay iiss k nown ffor or h is ttechnoechno- aand nd hip-hop-laced making, but he’s h ip-hop-laced beat beat m aking, b ut h e’s made himself aalso lso m ade a name name ffor or h imself aass a clever clever wordsmith w ordsmith with with a ssharp harp ttongue ongue and and a penchant p enchant ffor or introspective introspective lyrics. lyrics. Now No ow he’s boasting h e’s b oasting a ffreshly reshly formed formed ssevenevenpiece band back him up p iece b and tto ob ack h im u p live live aand nd is is bringing whole kit b ringing the the w hole k it aand nd caboodle caboodle tto o hip-hop tthe he Cat Cat for for a night night of of funky funky h ip-hop that that Catalyst; yyou ou won’t won’t hear hear aanywhere nywhere eelse. lse. C atalyst; $10 door; 9pm. $ 10 advance/$12 advance/$12 d oor; 9 pm. ((CC) CC)

;=<2/G j & ; = < 2/G j & "

8 B7::;/< 8 B7::;/< A sstandard tandard b bearer earer o off tthe he ““new new S Seattle, eattle,� Tillman, his drumming JT illman, tthrough hrough h is d rumming aand nd work with harmonizers vvocal ocal w ork w ith ffolk olk h armonizers Fleet Foxes, has help tthe he F leet F oxes, h as ccome ome tto oh elp Northwest’s rrepresent epresent tthe he N orthwest’s iindie ndie

B 3@3< <13 0:/< :/ 16/@2 B3@3<13 0:/<16/@2 ?C7< C7<B B3 3B ?C7<B3B A UG. 31 3 A T KU UUMBW UM MBWA WA AUG. AT KUUMBWA B 63 03::3D 3: D7::3 =C = B47 47B B63 03::3D7::3 =CB47B SEPT T. 1 AT AT DON DON QUIXOTE’S DO QUIXO OTE’S T SEPT. 3@7 1 :7<23 3: 0/<2 3:: <2 3@71 :7<23:: 0/<2 SEPT T. 3 AT AT MOE’S MO OE’S ALLEY LLE SEPT. @33: 075 47A6 6 @33: 075 47A6 SEPT T. 13 A T CA ATA ALLYS YST SEPT. AT CATALYST = A= =A= SEPT T. 26 AT AT CREPE CR REP PLACE PLLACEE SEPT. /7; 33 ;/< << /7;33 ;/<< OCT T. 3 AT AT RIO O THEATRE THEATRE OCT.

renaissance. A renaissance. Away way ffrom rom the the F Fox ox sskulk, kulk, T illman’s ssolo olo ssound ound iiss a sstripped-down tripped-down Tillman’s aacoustic coustic d irge p eppered w ith h eavy dirge peppered with heavy d rums aand nd tthe he o ccasional cchilling hilling drums occasional sstring tring eensemble. nsemble. O nh is sseventh eventh On his aalbum lbum Year Year in in the the Kingdom, Kingdom, due due out out in in September, he’s he’s hatched hatched what what looks looks September, to be be another another tearjerker tearjerker and and has has been been to translating it it live, live, to to generous generous acclaim, acclaim, translating all around around the the country. country. So So for for anyone anyone all who’s wondering wondering what what happened happened to to who’s the Seattle Seattle indie indie scene, scene, check check out out Mr. Mr. the Tillman, because, because, it it seems, seems, he’s he’s been been Tillman, hiding it it all all along. along. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; $8; $8; hiding 9pm. (CC) (CC) 9pm.

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; = C < B/ 7 < ;=C<B/7< 2 @7D3 2@7D3 Redwood R edwood b breeding reeding gground round B Ben en L omond iiss a ffitting itting b ackdrop tto o tthe he Lomond backdrop ggenesis enesis o he ffolk olk q uartet M ountain off tthe quartet Mountain D rive. T heir vvery ery n ame, o riginally Drive. Their name, originally tthe he ttitle itle o opular ssong ong o heirs, off a p popular off ttheirs, iiss ttaken aken ffrom rom tthe he rrelaxed, elaxed, rrhythmic hythmic ffeeling eeling o ong ccareen areen ffrom rom tthe he ccoast oast off a llong tto o tthe he m ountaintops. T heir rrural ural p ulse mountaintops. Their pulse aand nd ffrank rank llyrics yrics m ay o nly h ave b een may only have been ccharming harming u ince 2 007, b ut ttheir heir uss ssince 2007, but d istinct aand nd m ellif luous h armonies ggo o distinct mellifluous harmonies ttogether oggether llike ike rredwoods edwoods aand nd m ountain mountain sstreams. treams. C repe P lace; $ 5; 9 pm. ((JN) JN) Crepe Place; $5; 9pm.

67:: >3=>:3 6 7:: >3=>:3 Portland Portlan o nd hayseeds Hillstomp H omp play Satur Hillst Saturday daay with Arann Harris. H Harris .

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 1:C0 5@72 RESTAURANT & NIGHTCLUB


Wednesday, August 19 AGES 16+ • In the Atrium

Wednesday, September 16 AGES 21+

Trevor Hall


Sugar Ray


$8 Adv./ $10 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Thursday, August 20 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium

The Pyrx Band

plus Playz also Chris Rene $8 Adv./ $10 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

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Spinning Hip Hop, Old School, Reggae & Mash Ups $10 door only, Drs. & Show 9 p.m. Bar is open for ages 21+ Sunday, August 23 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium

Forrest Day

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$10 Adv./ $12 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Saturday, August 29 • AGES 21+


15 PIECE TRIBUTE TO THE KING OF POP $12 Adv./ $14 Dr. Drs. 8:30 p.m. Show 9:30 p.m.

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The Concaves

Sunday, Sept. 6 • AGES 21+

Dr. John

& the

Lower 911

$20 Adv./ $24 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Sunday, September 13 AGES 16+

Reel Big Fish $17 Adv./ $20 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

Sunday thru Tuesday FREE POOL for Bar Patrons Noon to Closing

Aimee Allen

Thursday, Sept. 17 • AGES 16+

Saturday, August 22 • AGES 18+

9CC;0E/ 8/HH 13<B3@



$20 Adv./ $25 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

Restless Kings $8 Adv./ $10 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

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Friday, August 21 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium


Steel Pulse

Band of Brotherz

$26 Adv./ $30 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18 • AGES 16+

Michael Franti & Spearhead

$30 Adv./ $35 Dr. Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

Sep 22 Mason Jennings (AGES 16+) Sep 23 Rebelution (AGES 16+) Sep 24 Pepper (AGES 16+) Sep 24 The Radiators (AGES 21+) Sep 29 Trivium/ White Chapel (AGES 16+) Oct 2 Zion I/ the Jacka (AGES 16+) Oct 3 Collie Buddz/ Devin the Dude (AGES 16+) Oct 9 Andre Nickatina (AGES 16+) Oct 10 State Radio (AGES 16+) Oct 16 Brother Ali (AGES 16+) Oct 17 The Devil Makes Three (AGES 21+) Oct 21 UFO (AGES 21+) Nov 6 Micky Avalon (AGES 16+) Nov 7 Dropkick Murphys (AGES 16+) Nov 22 The Disco Biscuits (AGES 16+) Dec 12 Y & T (AGES 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.


Wed. - Mon. $2 CHEESE OR PEPPERONI until 6 p.m.

Advance tickets are available at the Catalyst daily with a minimal service charge. Tickets to all Catalyst shows, subject to city tax and service charge, are also available by phone at 1-866-384-3060, and online at our web site

Family Friendly Hot Spot for Fun & Great Food! 15 Tropical Blue Pool Tables Pro Dartboards Shuffleboard Digital Jukebox 8 Big Screen TVs Excellent Food and Microbrews OPEN 4-- Midnight everyday

931 Pacific Ave, upstairs 831.423.POOL

1:C0 5@72 aaugust u g u s t 119-26, 9 - 2 6 , 22009 0 0 9 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; !" ! " j 1:C0 5@72


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36 |

august 19-26, 2009


find balance.

-P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y -Personal Training -Mat Classes -Pilates for GOLF -Privates & Duos


Film. Fi ilm lm.

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‘Ingglourious ‘Inglourious Basterds’’ sticks sticks it Basterds’ to the h man—the m h to Hittler man! Hitler 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


HAT HITLER—what HAT HITLER—what a sshowman! howman! S eems llike ike eevery very Seems week new YouTube w eek tthere’s here’s a n ew Y ouTu ube rremix emix o runo G anz h aving a off B Bruno Ganz having H olstein o ver w hatever. T he b est, p robably, Holstein over whatever. The best, probably, over news iiss tthe he rremixed emixed ffĂźhrer Ăźhrer ffoaming oaming o ver tthe he n ews o ow b ad tthe he n ew T ransformers w as ggoing oing off h how bad new Transformers was tto ob e. Q uentin T arantino’s n o-doubt O scarbe. Quentin Tarantino’s no-doubt Oscarw inning H olocaust ffilm ilm IInglourious nglourious B asterds winning Holocaust Basterds is almost almost as as deliriously deliriously entertaining entertaining as as a is mashed-up Hitler Hitler tantrum. tantrum. mashed-up Th his new new film film drips drips with with movie movie love, love, and and This it’s not not a cheat—the cheat—the blazing blazing finale finale is is one one it’s of the the ultimate ultimate Mad Mad magazine magazine Scenes Scenes We’d We’d of Like to to See. See. The The long, long, rich rich film film showcases showcases Like Tarantino’s sense sense of of humor humor more more than than Tarantino’s his appreciation appreciation for for violence. violence. The The whole whole his thing thing is is held held together together by by one one boundless boundless if if undifferentiated undifferentiated appetite appetite for for paraphrasing paraphrasing movies. movies. Inglourious Inglourious Basterds Basterds is is the the should-haveshould-havebeen been true true story story of of Operation Operation Kino, Kino, the the plot plot to to destroy destroy Hitler’s Hitler’s Gang Gang through through their their own own love love for for cinema. cinema. Participants Participants in in the the top-secret top-secret plot, plot, witting witting or or otherwise, otherwise, include include sweetheart sweetheart of of the the Reich Reich Bridget Bridget von von Hammersmark Hammersmark (Diane (Diane Kruger, Kruger, never never better); better); a mysterious mysterious Parisian Parisian movie-theater movie-theater owner owner known known as as Emanuelle Emanuelle Mimieux, Mimieux, nee nee Shosanna Shosanna Dreyfus Dreyfus (Melanie (Melanie Laurent) Laurent) and and a drawling drawling British British film film critic–turnedcritic–turnedcommando, commando, Lt. Lt. Archie Archie Hicox Hicox (Michael (Michael Fassbender). Faassbender). Opposing Opposing these these flawed f lawed heroes heroes is is the the smiling-serpent smiling-serpent Christoph Christoph Waltz Waltz as as Hans Hans “The “Th he Jew Jeew Hunterâ€? Hunterâ€? Walda. Walda. Waltz’s Waltz’s thrilling thrilling loathsomeness loathsomeness is is as as pure pure as as something something you you might might see see in in a silent silent film. film. The Th he loose loose cannons cannons knocking knocking around around this this picture, picture, turning turning up up to to cause cause mayhem mayhem during its five separate chapters, during its five separate chapters, are are the the

STRIKING S TRIKING B BACK ACK Brad Brad Pitt Pitt and and Eli Eli Roth Roth take take rrevenge evenge oon n tthe he N Nazis azis as as ‘Inglourious ‘Ing nglourious Basterds. Basterds.’

Basterds tthemselves. Basterds hemselves. B Brad rad Pitt’s Pitt’s Tennessee Tennessee rridge-runner idge-runner Lt. Lt. Aldo Aldo Raine Raine leads leads a band band off homicidal o homicidal Jewish Jewish guerrillas. guerrillas. Each Each one one is is iindebted ndebted tto o him him ffor or 100 100 Nazi Nazi sscalps. calps. A ggrisly risly premise, but p remise, b ut more more than than ever, ever, Tarantino Tarantino penchant sshows hows a p enchant for for conversation conversation over over vviolence, iolence, for for delicious delicious anticipation anticipation rather rather tthan han delivery. delivery. Inglourious Inglourious Basterds Basterds is is a genuine genuine art art movie, movie, right right down down to to its its subtitles subtitles and and crimson crimson and and gold gold surfaces. surfaces. Nothing Nothing is is as as rapt rapt here here as as Tarantino’s Tarantino’s swoon swoon over over a beautiful beautiful girl girl on on a ladder, ladder, leaning leaning on on a blazing blazing theater theater marquee, marquee, polishing polishing the the letters letters spelling spelling out out the the name name of of Henri-Georges Henri-Georges Clouzot. Clouzot. Le Le Corbeau Corbeau is is showing showing during during its its first first run. run. “France “France respects respects directors, directors,â€? says says the the theater theater owner, owner, “Emanuelle. “Emanuelle.â€? Even Evven occupied occupied France, Frrance, it it seems. seems. The The lady lady is is distracted distracted from from her her marquee marquee work work by by the the attention attention of of a persistent, persistent, baby-faced German officer, Fredrick baby-f -faced G erman o fficer, F redrick Zoller Zoller (Daniel (Daniel BrĂźhl). BrĂźhl). Zoller’s Zoller’s frontline frontline heroism, heroism, as as a sniper sniper with with a body body count count of of about about 30, 30, is is being being rendered rendered into into a kind kind of of Nazi Nazi Audie Audie Murphy Murphy movie movie called called Nation’s Nation’s Pride. Pride. (“They (“Th hey think think I will will be be the the German German Van Van Johnson, Johnson,â€? Zoller Zoller says says winningly.) winningly.) Tentative Tentative romance romance

and rrepulsion and epulsion between between the the theater theater o owner wner aand nd tthe he ssniper niper continue continue to to the the film’s film’s eend. nd. Then, Th hen, the the Basterds, Basterds, uncomfortably uncomfortably ttuxed, uxed, appear appear undercover undercover in in the the presence presence off N Nazi dodge o azi luminaries. luminaries. As As they they d odge a ccrowd rowd ffull ull of of champagne champagne swillers, swillers, shaky shaky sscrawled crawled Goebbels ccaptions aptions and and arrows arrows point point out out G oebbels Forces’ aand nd tthe he rrest est of of the the Allied Allied Fo orces’ Most Most Wanted W anted List. List. Tarantino Tarantino gloms gloms on on to to all all of of our our movie movie off tthe ffantasies antasies of of the the Satanic Satanic ornateness ornateness o he Third Reich. The beautifully T hird R eich. T he eevil vil iiss b eautifully ssaturated aturated Even aand nd llooks ooks an an inch inch thick. thick. Ev ven a standard standard poodle p oodle belonging belonging to to Goebbels’ Goebbels’ girlfriend girlfriend llooks ooks like like it it ought ought be be tried tried at at Nuremberg. Nu uremberg. Ass tthe Basterds outrages, A he B asterds continue continue their their o utrages, Hitler H itler foams foams in in his his lair, lair, vowing vowing rreprisals eprisals aand nd rrevenge: evenge: “Nein! “Neein! Nein! Nein! . . . I will will hang hang them them byy ttheir heels b heir h eels from from the the Eiffel Eiffel Tower!� Tower!� Some Some watching watching this this impassioned impassioned farrago farrago will off rreal w ill think think it it is is a diminishing diminishing o eal eevil. vil. Maybe. M aybe. Here Here in in cinema cinema form form iiss aan n eessay ssay Tarantino’s with aabout bout T arantino’s fascination fascination w ith aand nd distaste d istaste ffor or the the war war film. film. Moreover, Moreover, tthere here bee some here, sseems eems to to b some commentary commentary h ere, disguised d isguised as as strawberry strawberry jam-covered jam-c - overed sstruedel. truedel. The The revival revival of of World World War War II II iin n movies mid-1990s movies in in documentaries documentaries iin n tthe he m id-1990s

ccoincided oincided w with ith tthe he H Hitlerizing itlerizing o off S Saddam— addam— o ne G ood W ar d eserves aanother. nother. W hen one Good War deserves When B ush gginned inned u p tthe he W ar o nT error, h is Bush up War on Terror, his o pponents w ere sslurred lurred aass C hamberlainian opponents were Chamberlainian ssissies, issies, aappeasing ppeasing ttheir heir w ay tto oan ew way new M unich. P umping u p aand nd ssatirizing atirizing tthe he Munich. Pumping up w ar movies movies that that fueled fueled sso om any d aydreams war many daydreams o ighteousness: tthat hat iiss ssubversiveness ubversiveness iitself. tself. off rrighteousness: And Tarantino’s Tarantino’s ambiguity ambiguity keeps keeps this this And ffrom rom b eing ccomplete omplete iidiot-fodder. diot-fodder. W hen being When tthe he iinsane nsane R aine w orks o nh is ggrisly risly Raine works on his ssignature—a ignature—a b it o ody m anipulation w ith bit off b body manipulation with aB owie k nife—there’s a shudder shudder d iscernible Bowie knife—there’s discernible iin n the the w ay Tarantino Tarantino w atches iit. t. T he blank blank way watches The ssatisfied atisfied llook ook o itt’s R aine ffills ills tthe he sscreen creen off P Pitt’s Raine iin n a ffinal inal sshot; hot; T arantino’s ggaze aze iisn’t sn’t quite quite Tarantino’s aass d ispassionate. IIt’s t’s n ot easy easy tto o gget et tthe he h igh dispassionate. not high gground round and and take take tthe he llow ow road road aatt the the same same ttime, ime, b ut T arantino d oes iitt h ere. but Tarantino does here. IINGLOURIOUS NGLOURIOUS BASTERDS BASTERDS (R; (R; 1153 53 m in.), ddirected irected aand nd w ritten bbyy min.), written Q uentin T arantino, pphotographed hotographed bbyy Quentin Tarantino, R obert Richardson Richardson and and starring starring Brad Brad Robert P itt, Michael Michael Fassbender Fassbender and and Diane Diane Pitt, K ruger, oopens p ens F riday. Kruger, Friday.

38 |

august 19-26, 2009


SANTACRUZ.COM august 19-26, 2009

| 39

40 |

august 19-26, 2009


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EXECUTIVE CHEF PHILIPPE BRENEMAN %# E3AB 1:744 2@7D3 Â’ A/<B/ 1@CH 1/:74=@<7/ '# $ Â’ B3:( &! "$ # Â’ /?C/@7CAA/<B/1@CH 1=; /?C/@7C A 7 A / 8 =73 23 D 7D @3 @3 AB/C @/<B

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 47:;


Golden A magical goldfish offers animated enchantment in ‘Ponyo’ 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


HE NEW Studio Ghibli cartoon Ponyo is a beautiful, gentle entertainment for children, and if that sounds like a minor recommendation, it is. In a field stuffed with reinventors, director Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, et al.) is a genuine inventor. The little echoes from Pinocchio and Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid can be noted, but they don’t affect the tale or the telling much. One can never tell where a Miyazaki story is going. On a Japanese beach of today, 5-yearold Sosuke (voiced by Frankie “The Bonus Jonas� Jonas) finds a magic talking goldfish with a human head. Ponyo (Noah Lindsey Cyrus) is happy to live in a bucket, but she sickens in captivity. A mystical rogue wave takes her back home. We learn that Ponyo’s father is a weary undersea wizard, Fujimoto (Liam Neeson). This former human seeks to heal the oceans with magic. Fujimoto was once the lover (or husband) of the colossal sea goddess Gran Mamare (Cate Blanchett). Mamare might also incarnate Kannon, the Japanese version of Kwan Yin; some passing sailors identify her as “the goddess of mercy,� apparently just to throw off my pedantic self. The progeny of wizard and goddess is a large school of enchanted fish. Ponyo, the best and the brightest of them, wills herself to escape her father and become a humanoid—a pink amphibian—who is sometimes disguised as a little girl. Ponyo’s escape sets off nature on a rampage. The coast f loods, and the moon leaves her orbit. Moments of enchantment appear throughout Ponyo. After seeing Cars, I

E/D3 @723@ Ponyo skims the seas in Hayao Miyazaki’s new animated feature.

hadn’t thought there were acceptable ways of animating automobiles, but the subcompact of Sosuke’s mother, Lisa (voiced by Tina Fey), is practically alive as it darts around the coast roads. The Studio Ghibli animators really opened up the box of colored pencils for the seaside landscapes; they’re still industrial enough—with high-tension wires and rusty docklands—to keep from being pretty-pretty or precious. The rapport of son and mother is a rare thing to see in any kind of film. Lisa is never surprised by her child or his strange new friend. After Ponyo returns home for a time, Sosuke, eyes slitted from crying, dutifully laps the ice cream cone his mother bought to console him. Like a real child, he feels he shouldn’t be consoled, but the ice cream is consoling him anyway. It’s an Ozu-worthy moment. Miyazaki also stages a joke about the Orson Welles– ish look on the face of a colicky baby. (“Look, she likes you!� say the parents; while the baby’s expression says no, she

certainly does not like anyone, not one little bit.) In our country, where scientists tread softly, Ponyo is on easy terms with evolution; a line says young Ponyo might well be reduced to “sea foam, where we all originated.� But there’s no threat in this potential drowning, and this injured my grown-up sense of drama. Avoiding clear stories of good and evil, Miyazaki is both Buddhist and animist, telling of the opposition of creative and destructive forces. I admired the balance, but I missed the thrust—the feralness of a fairy tale. Ponyo is not as tart and scary as some of its Ghibli predecessors; like Pixar’s Finding Nemo, it skews young. PONYO (G; 100 min.), directed and written by Hayao Miyazaki, photographed by Atsushi Okui and with the voices of Cate Blanchett and Noah Lindsey Cyrus, plays at the Del Mar Theatre in Santa Cruz.

" j 47:; august 19-26, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY AUGUST 21 – THURSDAY AUGUST 27 ADVANCE MIDNIGHT SHOW THURS 8/20! STARTS FRIDAY 8/21 ON 2 SCREENS! “Surprising, nutty, entertaining, audacious, masterpiece! A completely distinctive American pop art fairy tale.� –Variety


Film Capsules <3E 1/>A /2/; (PG; 99

min.) Hugh Dancy stars as Adam, a New Yorker with Asperger’s Syndrome, a high-functioning autistic with empathy disorders. Rose Byrne is Beth, his upstairs neighbor; except for a few melancholy jokes this gloomy-looking date movie for very, very shy people doesn’t go farther than boy meets girl. Director Max

(R) Grand Auditoruim:

(12:15), (3:15), 6:15, 9:15 plus Thurs, Fri, Sat Midnight Stadium Seating:

(11:30), (2:30), 5:30, 8:30 plus Fri, Sat Night 11:20pm “Magic! An animated epic teeming with wondrous beauty ‌ an imaginative delight.â€? –Variety FEATURING THE VOICES OF

Cate Blanchett Matt Damon Liam Neeson Tina Fey Betty White Lily Tomlin HAYAO MIYAZAKI, THE DIRECTOR OF ‘SPIRITED AWAY’ WALT DISNEY PRESENTS


(G) Daily: (12:30),

(2:45), (4:50), 7:00, 9:00 & Fri, Sat, 11:00pm

Mayer stays on topic; Adam’s love of outerspace exploration and the galaxies mirrors his own alienlike responses (it’s as if Mayer is telling us, “What’s the matter, don’t you like Mr. Spock?�); the reference to the children’s tale about the emperor’s new clothes is also supposed to celebrate Adam’s pitilessly honest responses to the world around him. Comic bits by Jeff Hiller as a supercilious waiter and Mark Linn-Bale as a faux-friendly boss

help this out. The subplotting of Peter Gallagher and Amy Irving as Beth’s parents is just filler. Byrne’s channeling of the young Diane Keaton is more uncanny than anything Max does. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) (RvB) 7<5:=C@7=CA 0/AB3@2A (R; 160

min.) See review, page 37. (Opens Fri at Aptos, Del Mar and Green Valley.) 8C@/AA71 >/@9

(1993) The movie that made “velociraptor� a


122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541

Daily: (3:10),

Zooey Deschanel (PG-13)

Daily: (2:40),

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

>]\g] – Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:10. Fri-Wed 12:30; 2:45; 4:50; 7; 9;


7:10 plus Sat, Sun (12:10) FINAL WEEK!

Charlene Yi

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504

9:15; plus Fri-Sat 11:15 and midnight.


James Gandolfini Tom Hollander Steve Coogan Peter Capaldi Daily: (4:50),

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A

7\UZ]c`W]ca 0OabS`Ra — (Opens Fri) 11:30; 12:15; 2:30; 3:15; 5:30; 6:15; 8:30;

(5:00), 7:20, 9:30 plus Sat, Sun (12:20)

FINAL WEEK! “A sharply written satire ‌ genius!â€? –The New York Times

Michael Cera (PG-13)

Daily: (3:20),

(5:10), 7:00, 8:50 plus Sat, Sun (1:20) FINAL WEEK!



( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

STARTS FRI 8/21! “Cinematically dazzling fantasia ‌ glorious, colorful fun!â€?


–EntertainmentWeekly (PG-13)

8cZWS O\R 8cZWO – Daily 1; 4; 7; 9:55. / >S`TSQb 5SbOeOg – Wed-Thu 12:20; 2:45; 5:20; 7:50; 10:10. (No 10:10 show Thu) 6O``g >]bbS` O\R bVS 6OZT 0Z]]R >`W\QS – Daily 1:15; 4:40; 8. BVS 6O\U]dS` – Wed-Thu 2:30; 5:10; 7:35; 10 (no 7:35 show Thu). Fri-Wed 2:30;

4:50; 7:35; 10:05; plus Fri-Sun 12:05. 8c`OaaWQ >O`Y — Thu 8pm

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 Call for showtimes.

“An irresistible & playful fantasy!� –Variety

Rachel McAdams Eric Bana Ron Livingston BEST SELLING NOVEL

Daily: (1:45),

(4:00), 6:30, 8:45 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am) COMING SOON! Come Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock and the 40th Anniversary of The Nickelodeon with Ang Lee’s ‘Taking Woodstock’(R)

Starts Fri 8/28 at The Nickelodeon - Advance Tickets On Sale Now!

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

4=F B63/B@3

Maple and Main streets, Watsonville 831.724.1220 5 4]`QS — (Opens Fri) Fri-Sun 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 1; 3. BVS CUZg B`cbV — (Opens Fri) Fri-Sun 5:05; 7:15; 9;25; plus Sat-Sun 1; 3:05. /ZWS\a W\ bVS /bbWQ – Wed-Thu 5:10; 7:10; 9:10. Fri-Sun 5:10; 7:10; 9:10;

7QS /US( 2Oe\ ]T bVS 2W\]aOc`a – Wed-Thu 5; B`O\aT]`[S`a( @SdS\US ]T bVS 4OZZS\ – Wed-Thu 7:30.


5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

/RO[ — (Opens Fri) 3:10; 5:20; 7:30; 9:40; plus Sat-Sun 1. # 2Oga ]T Ac[[S` – (Opens Fri) 2:40; 5; 7:20; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 12:20. 7\ bVS :]]^ – Wed-Thu 2:50; 5; 7:10; 9:20; Fri-Wed 4:50; 7:10; plus Sat-Sun 12:10. A{`O^VW\S – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20. >O^S` 6SO`b – Daily 3:20; 5:10; 7; 8:50; plus Sat-Sun 1:20. BVS 1]dS – Wed-Thu 3:30; 5:30; 7:30; 9:30. BVS 6c`b :]QYS` — (Opens Fri) 2:20; 9:20.

7\UZ]c`W]ca 0OabS`Ra — (Opens Fri) 12:30; 3:30; 6:30; 9:30 F 5O[Sa ! 2 — (Opens Fri) 1:15; 3:20; 5:25; 7:30; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:10. AV]`ba — (Opens Fri) 1; 3; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 11. >]ab 5`OR — (Opens Fri) 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:30; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:15. 2Wab`WQb ' – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7:10; 9:35; plus Fri-Sun 11am. BVS BW[S B`OdSZS`¸a EWTS – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Fri-Sun 11:05am. 5 7 8]S( BVS @WaS ]T bVS 1]P`O – Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 11am. 8cZWS O\R 8cZWO – Daily 12:30; 4:30; 7:10; 9:35. / >S`TSQb 5SbOeOg – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:15. 4c\\g >S]^ZS – Wed-Thu 6:30; 9:30. 5 4]`QS – Wed-Thu 1; 3; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15. BVS CUZg B`cbV – Wed-Thu 1:05; 3:10; 5:15; 7:25; 9:30 6O``g >]bbS` O\R bVS 6OZT 0Z]]R >`W\QS – Wed-Thu noon; 3:15.

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 BVS BW[S B`OdSZS`¸a EWTS – Daily 45am; 2:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:45. 4c\\g >S]^ZS – Daily 12:15; 3:20; 6:30; 9:35.

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 (3:00), 6:00, 9:00


There is a thing called the X Games. This is a movie about it. It is in 3-D. (Opens Fri at Green Valley.) (SP)

# 2Oga ]T Ac[[S` – Wed-Thu Fri-Wed 2:30; 4:50; 7:15; 9:30. BVS 6c`b :]QYS` – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20.

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

(R) Daily: (12:00),

F 5/;3A ! 2( B63 ;=D73 (PG; 92 min.)

98 min.) Burt (John Krasinski), an alternainsurance broker, and his pregnant mate, the dour, nervous Verona (Maya Rudolph) seek a community. Sadly, they learn that America is a beautiful country full of ugly people. Not enough jokes, by a long chalk. Alison Janney, the standout, as a sharptongued mom, is only temporary relief from the two leads: the moral and physical center of

plus Sat-Sun 1:10 and 3:10. =`^VO\ – Wed-Thu 6; 8:30.

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7< Brad Pitt Q

min.) Director Robert Rodriguez returns to making kid’s movies with this tale of a rock that grants wishes and how everyone in one small town goes nuts

/E/G E3 5= (R;

plus Fri-Sat 11am.

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

Daily: (2:20),

A6=@BA (PG; 89


Call for showtimes

(5:20), 7:30, 9:40 plus Sat, Sun (1:00)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

7\UZ]c`W]ca 0OabS`Ra — Opens Fri noon; 3; 6; 9. BVS BW[S B`OdSZS`¸a EWTS – Daily 1:45; 4; 6:30; 8:45; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. 4c\\g >S]^ZS – Wed-Thu 1:20; 8:20. /eOg ES 5] – Wed-Thu 4:10; 6:15.

Rose Byrne (PG-13)

Hugh Dancy

>=AB 5@/2 (PG-13; 89 min.) Alexis Bledel plays Ryden Malby, who moves back in with her parents after graduating from college. That’s what her parents get for naming her “Ryden.� (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Green Valley.) (SP)

trying to get their hands on it. Rodriguez says it’s “like Pulp Fiction for kids.� Here’s my question: what the hell could that possibly mean? Unlike so many summer movies, however, it’s only 89 minutes. Who likes short Shorts? (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Green Valley.) (SP)

Showtimes are for Wednesday, August 19, through Wednesday, August 26, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

(R) STARTS FRIDAY 8/21! “A sweet and tender movie about love and one man’s widening cosmos.� –San Francisco Chronicle

household term is back. (Plays Thu at Cinema 9.)

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

>]ab 5`OR—(Opens Fri) 12:45; 2:55; 5:10; 7:25; 9:40. AV]`ba—(Opens Fri) 2:10; 4:35; 7;10; 9:20; plus Fri-Sun 12. 2Wab`WQb ' – Wed-Thu 11:45; 1:30; 2:20; 4:10; 5; 6:50; 7:45; 9:30; 10:20. Fri-Wed

2:20; 3:40; 5; 6:50; 6:50; 7:45; 9:35; 10:20; plus Fri-Sun 11:45am. BVS 5]]Ra( :WdS 6O`R ASZZ 6O`R – Daily 12:15; 2:35; 4:45; 7:20; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 12:15. 0O\RaZO[ – Wed-Thu 11:30am; 2; 4:35; 7:10; 9:45. Fri-Wed 12:50. 5 7 8]S( BVS @WaS ]T bVS 1]P`O – Wed-Thu 12:50; 3:45; 6:45; 9:25. Fri-Wed 1:10; 3:50; 6:45; 9:25.

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200

j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 47:;

this movie’s universe. The writers are San Francisco’s Dave Eggers and his wife, Vendela Vida, who seek the wonder and freshness in aged platitudes about the innocence of children. (RvB) 0/<2A:/; (PG;

111 min.) High school outcasts rising above expectations. White people rapping. Really good looking nerds in an epic battle against more conventionally good looking people. Vanessa Hudgens. The end. (SP) B63 1=D3 (PG-13; 100

min.) Top 10 material. Louie Psihoyos’ documentary uncovers a continuing scandal— the wanton slaughter of dolphins off the coast of Japan. The outrage happens annually at a Wakayama Prefecture site hidden from the public view by security guards and concertina wire. The investigator is dolphinologist/activist Richard O’Barry. He assembles an Mission Impossible Force–like team to infiltrate the site by land and water, despite intimidation by police and security guards. This outraging, thrilling film is guaranteed to stir indignation. (RvB) 27AB@71B ' (R; 113 min.) Humans and alien refugees live in close and uncomfortable proximity in Johannesburg in dystopian sci-fi thriller by Neill Blomkamp. The story is told documentary style, as we follow the mysterious disappearance of Wikus (Sharito Copley), ahuman employee of Multi-National United. Included in this mix of images is also some kind of private footage, heavily digitally watermarked, that a secretive company like MNU wouldn’t want aired. During a raid on the alien camp, Wikus is sprayed with some alien fluid. After this incident, we can cut and paste in much of David Cronenberg’s version of The Fly, as the smarmy Wikus begins to mutate, losing his fingernails and teeth. The massive corporation he works

for makes him a wanted man, and he’s forced to get the help of one of the prawns. Producer Peter Jackson’s hand is visible in the flawless animation of the bug creatures. All of the most interesting parts of this story—about the otherness of the aliens—are kept offcamera. (RvB)

hours of cock humor here. To those who have always felt that Sandler was an aggressive, cold figure, it’s hard to celebrate his showing an uglier side than usual. The visuals aren’t worth mentioning; Apatow’s still essentially a TV director in love with the easy setup and the interior shot. (RvB)

# 2/GA =4 AC;;3@ (PG-13; 95

5 4=@13 (PG; 88 min.) In the ’80s, there was an anime film that was called G-Force in America. It was an American version of the Japanese TV series Gatchaman, about superhero ninjas. Hollywood is now making a live-action film based on that same series. However, none of this really has anything to do with anything, since this is not that film. I just couldn’t think of anything to say about a stupid Jerry Bruckheimer spy comedy starring computer-animated guinea pigs. (SP)

min.) Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a greeting-card writer, has his heart broken by a girl he knew for about two years. She was called Summer (Zooey Deschanel). As Tom recalls this tale in random-accessed moments, we begin to see the bigger picture. (500) Days of Summer is allegedly an antiromantic film, but the result is yet another alterna-date movie—a little brighter, a little more referential, than usual. The scenes don’t go on so long that they wear out their welcome. And yet it’s so full of negative space—places where jokes could have been planted, places where the characters could have been deepened. If only director Marc Webb had spent as much time thinking how to fill in the blanks as he spent murmuring, “It’s going to be Annie Hall for our generation.� (RvB) 4C<<G >3=>:3 (R;

146 min.) As Jonathan Schell described the late Robert McNamara, “emotional without being introspective.� Judd Apatow’s flop doesn’t range far from below the belt: it’s his most serious film and yet his worst. Seth Rogen plays Ira, a budding L.A. comedian who hooks up with George (Adam Sandler), an A-list comedian with a string of profitable high-concept films— and a case of Hollywood Movie Disease. George mentors Ira; Ira mensches George. The title is a misnomer; in Apatow’s world, it’s only men who are funny. Which is strange, since 45 hilarious seconds of Sarah Silverman talking about her junk beats the more than two

B63 5==2A( :7D3 6/@2 A3:: 6/@2

(R; 90 min.) Sadly, not a sequel to Walk Hard, in which Dewey Cox gives up music to sell used cars. And why should he? I think he’s doing okay for a 15-yearold with a wife and a baby! But anyway, this comedy has Jeremy Piven selling used cars, in an attempt to turn a struggling dealership around. (SP) B63 6/<5=D3@ (R; 100 min.) A satisfyingly low comedy with a sturdy plot and the wit to realize that the Three Stooges format is solid gold.Stick with it, since the first third is hit and miss; later, director Todd Phillips solidly builds the situations, thinking up strategies to bolster the risky comedy. (RvB) 6/@@G >=BB3@ /<2 B63 6/:4 0:==2 >@7<13 (PG; 153

min.) Hogwarts’ decay is showing, against lowering weather that looks like January in Iceland. The new potions professor, Horace Slughorn (Jim Broadbent), holds in his memory a key conversation with the young Tom Riddle, later

to become the Hitler of the world of magic. Dumbledore (Michael Gambon), the magicworld’s Churchill, needs to know what Slughorn knows, but the world’s greatest wizard is starting to decay. Young Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is now comfy enough with being called the Chosen One that he can joke about it (even if Emma Watson’s Hermione gives him an whack on the head when he does). Rupert Grint is show-stealing in his perennial role as ginger-nut comedy relief. (RvB) B63 6C@B :=193@

(R; 138 min.) The soldiers of Bravo Company are stationed in Baghdad for the 2004 fighting. Central to the film is the mystery of Staff Sgt. James (Jeremy Renner) who comes in to replace a slaughtered demolition expert. James’ risk-taking amazes and angers his subordinate, Sgt. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie). The suspenseful, grimly funny script is by coproducer Mark Boal. Renner is outstanding as the inhumanly brave demolition expert. Director Kathryn Bigelow does what Howard Hawks would do; she finds the cooperation between men of great competence in a killing trade, rather than pumping up rivalry. Bigelow breaks through the sense of anonymity that characterizes most Iraq war movies, where helmeted men move alike and talk the same terse slang. However, The Hurt Locker takes an essentially knightly view of the war, of men suiting up and closing their visors. Thus this is the first Iraq film an American audience can feel good about. Boal’s script does discover the hollow inside the brave James: the missing part that made him never stop to realize why he did his job. That final revelation is smart filmmaking. It’s just that the hollow inside this movie—inside almost all the war movies, even the good

E=@:2A />/@B!!Sptf!Czsof!boe!Ivhi!Ebodz!csjehf!uif!ejwjef!jo!Ă•Bebn-Ă–!pqfojoh!Gsjebz/

ones—isn’t as easily seen. If war is a drug, as The Hurt Locker claims, who’s pushing it? (RvB) 7< B63 :==>

(Unrated; 113 min.) Armando Iannucci, a well-known figure in British television comedy, does a scathing sort-of version of the dawn of the Iraq invasion. James Gandolfini’s Lt. Gen. George Miller is a more wrathful version of Colin Powell. Mimi Kennedy plays Miller’s best ally, Karen Clarke, a career State Department diplomat with dandruffy hair and teeth that seem to be disintegrating during the middle of a crisis. Gandolfini and Kennedy’s characters are the film’s moral center—the two people operating with goodwill. We want to follow them through this sonata of collapsing spines and raving, swearing political careerists. But too often Iannucci just won’t let us. The fierce verbiage pours forth like a gusher, but the smartness outsmarts itself. (RvB) 8C:73 8C:7/ (PG13; 123 min.) Meryl Streep’s greatness—her facility with accents, her plasticity and

that uncompromising quality every really lasting actress has to have—has been used to portray the limits of human suffering. In Julie & Julia, Streep gets to kick up her heels. She has such fun with the part of the cookbook writer Julia Child that she’s consistently intoxicating to watch. Streep continues at full sail through the film, elevated a bit on a high heels and trotting with the happy clunkiness of a Clydesdale. Childs’ distinctive voice—the whoop of surprise, the trill and warble when she talked—makes Streep’s part of the film enthralling. But there had to be some way to hold the film together, and sure enough disaster befalls. Half of this film is based on the hustled-into-print book version of a blog by Julie Powell about replicating all of Childs’ recipes. Amy Adams, the most charming young actress alive, plays Julie, and she’s still a horror. Director Nora Ephron tries for frankness in her script by having Julie Powell call herself a bitch. That isn’t enough to rehab her. (RvB) >/>3@ 63/@B (PG13; 95 min.) Fake

documentary has Charlyne Yi traveling around trying to make a documentary about love. More importantly, the set-up allows Michael Cera to play “Michael Cera,� which is all he can do anyway. And he won’t sign on to the Arrested Development movie because he’s afraid of being typecast? That must be some kind of adorable joke only people who thought Juno was cute as the dickens can understand. (SP) / >3@431B 53B/E/G (R; 98 min.)

Island tourists discover they’re being hunted by a psychopath in what appears to be (despite a lack of credit) yet another version of “The Most Dangerous Game,â€? the 1924 short story which has been adapted and ripped off more times than maybe any other piece of genre fiction. Steve Zahn and Milla Jovovich star. (SP) >=<G= (G; 107 min.) See review, page 41. Ap@/>67<3 (Unrated; 128 min.) Director Martin Provost delivers a measured, Bressonian biopic of SĂŠraphine Louis, later known as SĂŠraphine de Senlis, a 1914-era scrubwoman and naive artist from

rural France. Yolande Moreau inhabits this poor woman’s shell: it’s uncompromising, brawny acting. Provost provides a strong but not overstressed rhyme of this woman working in solitude with the life of this collector who had covert tendencies of his own, William Uhde (Ulrich Tukur), a lawyer and Paris gallery owner. Provost’s fine biopic takes an unsentimental view of SĂŠraphine’s art; her raptures and her loose grip on sanity are closed off to us. It’s a private world we can watch from the outside and marvel at. (RvB) B63 B7;3 B@/D3:3@¸A E743

(PG-13; 107 min.) Eric Bana plays a man who can’t keep to the present; things don’t go well for those around him when he keeps zooming off chronologically. Also stars Rachel McAdams. B63 C5:G B@CB6

(R; 96 min.) After getting stuck with Seth Rogan as an arresteddevelopment geek in her last romantic comedy, Katherine Heigl now gets Gerard Butler as a douchebag radio personality. This woman deserves combat pay. (SP)

44 |

august 19-26, 2009


Epicure. Ep picure. e

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 119-26, 9 - 2 6 , 2009 2 0 0 9 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

Allll Charm A Charm All All the the Time Ti m e 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

A la landmark andmark for for o 17 years, years, Gabriella Gab briella is itself, charm it tself, but that’s that’s just just the beginning be eginning 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


IL P IL PAINTINGS AINTINGS lline ine tthe he ggraceful raceful rrooms, ooms, w hite ccloths loths white aand nd ffresh resh fflowers lowers ttop op tthe he ta bles. O wner P aul C o cking tables. Owner Paul Cocking ggreets rreets gguests, uests, p ours w ine. B rad B riske’s pours wine. Brad Briske’s tteam eam ro cks tthe he k itchen. A nd b etween rocks kitchen. And between a ffine ine llineup ineup o alifo f rnia w ines aand nd off C California wines an ightly m enu sshowcasing howcasing llocal ocal nightly menu sspecialty p ecialty iitems, tems, tthis his iiss aarguably rguably tthe he b est best d ining iin n ttown. own. dining We began began with with a pour p our o one - dr y We off b bone-dry R iver R un C hardonnay 2 007, w hich River Run Chardonnay 2007, which p roved tthe he p erfect p ar tner fo ur proved perfect partner forr o our iincredible ncredible sstarters tarters o o cal h alibut off llocal halibut ccrudo rudo (($12) $12) aand nd sshaved have v d ccucumber ucumb er iinvoltini nvoltini ffilled illed w ith aalbacore lbacore cconserve onserve with (($11). $11). G listening w hite ccubes ub es o Glistening white off h alibut, ttopping opping a rrich ich b ed o vo cado, halibut, bed off aavocado, w ere ggrouped rouped iin nap r tty q re uar tet were pretty quartet aacross cross a w ide re ctangular p late. wide rectangular plate. C ucumber jjuice uice aand nd p reser ved M eyer Cucumber preserved Meyer llemon, emon, f llecked ecked w ith n ori ssalt, alt, p rovided with nori provided ad elicate ssauce auce fo his ssupple upple delicate forr tthis ccreation. reation. A llineup ineup o haved ccucumber ucumb er off sshaved ccylinders ylinders aarrived, rrived, eeach ach p ale ggreen reen pale iinvoltini nvoltini ffilled illed w ith a rrich ich sstuffing tuf f ing o with off aalbacore lbacore aand nd ffrosted ro r sted w ith aaioli. ioli. S prigs with Sprigs o epp er y w atercress aand nd a ssplendid, plendid, off p peppery watercress sspicy picy ssalsa alsa ve rde fo rmed ccalligraphy alligraphy verde formed aaround round eeach ach ro ll o ucumb er. A ssexy exy roll off ccucumber. b it o r t aand nd ccreamy reamy d ialogue, tthe he bit off ta tart dialogue, d ish h ad u oth llicking icking o ur fo rks. T he dish had uss b both our forks. The ssuperbly uperbly ffresh rresh ggreens rreens aand nd h erbs ffrom ro r m herbs L indencrof t F arms h elp ttransport ransp or t Lindencroft Farms help G abriella’s d ishes ffrom ro rom tthe he m erely Gabriella’s dishes merely

574BA =4 5/07 5 74BA =4 5/07 Gabriella Gabriella Cafe Caffe cchef hef ef B Brad rad B Briske r i s ke w with ith tthe he LLiberty ibert y dduck, uck, aalbacore lbacore ccrudo rudo aand nd U Unti nti SSyrah. yrah.

wonder ful iinto wonderful nto a h higher igher domain domain of of f llavor avor n nuance. uance. Lo Long ng slices slices of of warm warm focaccia fo caccia h helped elp ed soak soak u up p tthe he d delicate elicate ssauces. auces. Glasses Glasses of of red red wines wines arrived—a arrived—a fullfullbodied Testarossa b o died T estarossa Pinot Pinot Noir Noir ($12.50) ($12.50) with lloaded oaded w ith plums plums and and licorice, licorice, and and an an 2004 aappealing pp ealing 2 0 04 Le Bocce Bo cce Sangiovese Sangioveese Tuscan (($8.75) $8.75) ffilled illed with with T uscan aromas. aromas. Suddenly, well before S uddenly, w ell b efore ssundown, undown, restaurant tthe he ttiny iny re staurant was was packed. packed. On On Tuesday! So aT uesday! S o busy busy in in fact fact was was tthe he dinner d inner ttrade rade tthat hat main main dishes dishes sold sold out, out, few dishes aand nd a fe w lluscious uscious pasta pasta d ishes had had bee added. tto ob added. In In all all the the sudden sudden bustle, bustle, our more o ur eentrees ntrees ttook o ok m ore time time than than they they have. recognition off ttoo sshould hould h ave. IIn n re cognition o o o long long wait, our discounted. aw ait, o ur aappetizers ppetizers were were d iscounted. When When our our entrees entreees did did arrive, arrive,

however, they however, they llived ived u up p tto o our our appetites app etites aand nd then then ssome. ome. Jack Jack fe feasted asted on on aan n aappetizer pp etizer p portion ortion of of Devil’s Devil’s G Gulch ulch pork meatballs p ork m eatballs (($10) $10) sslathered lathered iin na roasted dry-farm ssauce auce of of vibrant vibrant ro oasted d r y- f a r m dish ttomatoes. omatoes. My My d ish of of pastured pastured pork p ork belly Farms b elly ffrom rrom River River Dog Do g F arms aarrived rrived iin n crispy crispy layers, layers, unctuous unctuous aand nd jjuicy uicy underneath Straddling bed u nderneath (($22). $22). S traddling a b ed off bitter pancetta-braised o bitter ggreens re r ens aand nd p ancetta-braised beans, pork sshelling helling b eans, the the designer designer p ork ’n’ ’n’ beans b eans proved proved rridiculously idiculously f llavorful. avorful. Nestling Ne stling under under iits ts layer layer of of belly belly fat, fat, tthe he pork rrich ich natural natural p ork ta ttasted sted eexactly xactly llike ike a off p paper-thin cconfit. onf it. A nest nest o ap er-thin Armenian Armenian ccucumbers, ucumb ers, llemon-marinated, emon-marinated, llay ay nearby. Relentlessly ccoiled oiled n earby. R elentlessly tterrific, errif ic, bite. eevery ver y b ite. A slice slice of of Strauss Strauss Family Family yogurt yogur t

cheesecake was cheesecake was miraculous miraculous (($10). $10). B eyo y nd creamy, creamy, the the tangy tang y ccheesecake heesecake Beyond w as iinf nf llected ected with with iintense ntense ssummer ummer was b lackb erries transformed transformed iinto nto a blackberries d eep p urple coulis. coulis. A fe w triangles triangles deep purple few o mazing p inenut b rittle ((!) !) aand nd a off aamazing pinenut brittle ttopping opping of of ssea ea salt salt turned turned tthe he ccreamy r amy re p astry iinto nto tthe he b est d essert of of tthe he ye ar. pastry best dessert year.

G ABRIELLA C AFÉ GABRIELLA CAFÉ 9 10 C edar SSt., t., SSanta anta C ruz 910 Cedar Cruz 8 31.457.1677 831.457.1677 LLunch unch 11:30am–2:30pm 11:30am–2:30pm Tue–Fri; Tue–Fri; bbrunch runch Sat–Sun Sat–Sun 11am–2pm; 11am–2pm; dinner dinner Tue–Sun ffrom rom 55:30pm :30pm T ue–Sun

46 |

august 19-26, 2009


j "%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 3>71C@3


The Kindest Cup A Northern California coffee blend takes its name from an all-toorare African success story AB3BB 6=:0@==9


HERE’S ORGANICALLY grown coffee. There’s shadegrown coffee that preserves forest habitat for wildlife. And there’s fair-trade coffee that ensures coffee workers are paid a fair wage for their labor. But Chido’s Blend from San Rafael’s Equator Estate Coffee and Teas is in a league of its on in terms of social consciousness. Coffee is supposed to be stimulating, but a cup of java that’s inspiring is something quite different. The medium-bodied blend of premium beans from Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Kenya is named after Zimbabwean activist Chido Govero, a young woman with a moving story to tell. Govero lost her mother to AIDS when she was 8. She never knew her father and found herself caring for her ailing grandmother and young brother. To support her family, she dropped out of elementary school to work in the fields around her village. In order to be able to live on her family’s land, Govero had to endure abuse at the hands of her uncle and cousin. Meanwhile, at nearby Africa University, researcher Margaret Tagwira began experimenting with mushroom farming on agricultural waste as a way to provide protein-rich food and business opportunities for poor rural communities. Partnering with Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives (ZERI), an organization that seeks to alleviate basic human needs

5==2 B= B63 :/AB 2@=> Chido’s Blend by Equator Estate Coffee and Teas raises the bar in fair trade.

with available local resources, Tagwira launched a mushroom-farming training program for orphans at the university. Govero was one of the first to participate. After the training, the students returned to their villages knowing not only how to feed themselves but also how to earn money through sales in local markets. Some used their earnings to pay for school for themselves and their siblings. In time, many of these industrious girls married and started families of their own. Tagwira feared that family life would limit their ability to spread their knowledge as was originally hoped. Of the 15 girls who started the program, only Govero remained single. Tagwira and her husband decided to adopt Govero and give her a home and the chance to go back to school. Govero quickly advanced through school and learned more about

mushroom farming. The ZERI Foundation furthered her education and sent her to Colombia, India, Kenya and elsewhere to teach impoverished orphans like her farm a valuable, sustaining crop using readily available waste products. Today many of the communities Govero helped train are self-sufficient in protein without any inputs from the outside. Govero has even taken her message to the Bay Area to teach unemployed youth in Marin City about the virtues of mushroom farming as a tool for job creation, healthy food production and reducing waste at local landfills. Tagwira is now pursuing a doctorate in food and nutrition based on her experiences. Govero went on to write a book about her experiences (The Future of Hope: Message From an African Orphan to a World in Crisis) and works in a Zimbabwean village to turn

dried grasses and leaves into soil for mushroom farming and continues to teach orphans how provide for themselves and free themselves of abusive situations through self sufficiency and food security. Her plan is to spread her self-help know-how throughout Africa to create jobs and alleviate hunger using what is locally available. Raise a cup to Govero and Equator Estate Coffees and Teas. One hundred percent of profits from the sale of Chido’s Blend go to support the ZERI Foundation and Govero’s work with orphan girls in coffee producing countries around the world. Drinking a cup of Chido’s Blend gives me a feel good buzz that has nothing to do with caffeine. For more information, go to

48 |

august 19-26, 2009


Wine shop Tasting

Pacific Ave.

Museum of Art and History

Abbot Square

Cooper Street

Annie Glass

Gifts Accessories

Front Street

Downtown Santa Cruz on Abbott Square off Cooper Street (Near Annie Glass).

831-426-VINO (8466)

SANTACRUZ.COM august 19-26, 2009

| 49

# j 27<3@¸A 5C723 august 19-26, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include baby back ribs, prime rib, lobster and crab legs. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz

$$ Santa Cruz


1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables and organic tofu. Daily 9:30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. ’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 19-26, 2009 27<3@¸A 5C723 $$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

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516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm.


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

A=?C3: $$ Soquel

3: 167>=B:3 B/?C3@7/

4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048

Mexican. Open for breakfast. We use no lard in our menu and make your food fresh daily. We are famous for our authentic ingredients such as traditional mole from Oaxaca. Lots of vegetarian options. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, weekends 8am-9pm.

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# j /AB@=:=5G august 19-26, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of August 19 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Maybe you weren’t listened to very attentively as a child. Perhaps you were dressed in clothes you didn’t like, hugged only three times a year and fed food you were allergic to. I suppose it’s even possible that your parents were psychotic drug dealers who kept you chained to a radiator in their squalid basement. If that’s the case, Aries, I would understand if you had an urge to devote the next three decades to bewailing your bitter past and scheming up ways to wreak revenge on the cruel world. But if you have ever been curious about whether there might be better ways to allocate your time and energy, I have good news. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you now have it in your power to overcome your toughest memories and set out on a course to become almost as secure as if those bad things had never happened.

sources. I’ll give you a hint about what to look for in the early going of the quest for the magic boon: What circumstance in your life has a certain metaphorical similarity to a speakeasy during the time when alcohol sales were illegal in America?

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): It’s not a favorable moment to get your honey’s name tattooed on your forearm. Maybe in November, but not now. On the other hand, it’s an excellent time to determine whether your lover is willing to have your name tattooed on his or her forearm. In the coming weeks, I also encourage you to figure out which of your allies would give you half of their fudge brownie and which wouldn’t; which authority figures would be inclined to give you precisely what you want rather than see you walk out of their lives; and which of your associates are too jealous of you to be truly helpful. Be cagey about how you apply the tests, Scorpio. See if you can subtly gauge where everyone stands in relationship to you.

B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): Let’s say you’re listening to your favorite band on a stereo system. There is a place between the two speakers where you will hear the two streams of music blend perfectly, exactly as the sound engineer intended. This place is called the sweet spot. If you play tennis or baseball, you know about another version of the term “sweet spot.� It’s the area on the racquet or the bat where you get best results when striking the ball. According to my astrological analysis, Taurus, this will be your ruling metaphor for the next three weeks. You have arrived at your very own sweet spot—the embodiment of all that is melodious, graceful, delicious, aromatic, and effective.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): I’d like to discuss The Game. Do you know what I mean? I’m talking about The Unnamed Game. The UberGame that is so vast and all-encompassing that it’s virtually a secret. What if you discovered that one of the seemingly sacrosanct rules of The Game was really just a local ordinance, and no longer applied if you played in a different arena or at a higher level? And what if I said that in this different arena or higher level, new allies are poised to introduce you to loopholes and shortcuts you never imagined existed?

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): Squirrels often bury

1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): I think you’ve

the nuts they find, intending to come back and retrieve their bounty at a later time. The only trouble is, they sometimes forget where their hiding places are, and the nuts go uneaten. This, at least, is the story told by children’s book writer Beatrice Potter, and I regard her as an authority on such matters. I bring this to your attention, Gemini, because you’re entering a phase when it will be wise for you to track down and accumulate extra reserves of a prime resource. As you do, make sure you remember all the pertinent details that will allow you to fully access them when you need them in the future.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): For better or worse, you are at least temporarily becoming more psychic. It could be a blessing, or it might be a bit of a burden. You may really enjoy having an enhanced ability to tune in to what people are thinking and feeling, and it could prove eminently useful. Knowing what’s really on everyone’s mind might give you a significant edge as you work to turn grand fantasies into well-grounded realities. But it also might tax your empathy or tempt you to ignore boundaries that should be upheld. I hope that by informing you of this situation, I have made it far more likely that your higher sensitivity will be a gift instead of a glitch.

:3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Your strategies are very close to working. The results you’ve generated so far are almost useful, bordering on successful, and on the brink of being beautiful. My question now is: You won’t stop here, will you? You’ve already garnered a measure of recognition. You’ve gotten a taste of victory over your old bugaboos. Will you be satisfied with these partial breakthroughs, or will you fight and kick and scratch to strip away the almosts and ascend to utter triumph? D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): No more rotten dessert, Virgo. No more silky danger or juicy poison. No more worthless treasures or empty successes or idiotic brilliance. Soon all those crazy-making experiences will be gone, blasted, dead. By this time next week, the bad inf luences that were trying to pass themselves off as good inf luences will have fallen away in response to your courageous drive for authenticity. You will be primed to restore your innocence and play in places where purity is the rule, not the exception. Already, the wisdom of your wild heart is regenerating, giving you the strength to overthrow the sour, life-hating inf luences that were threatening to smother your spirit. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): An epic treasure hunt will soon begin. Are you ready for it? I don’t think you are. To get yourself in shape to perform at a high level, I suggest that you open your mind wider than you ever have before. The clues that will be most helpful won’t resemble any clues you’ve ever valued in the past, and they’ll be arriving from unforeseen

been lurking and slinking long enough, Capricorn. For now, you’ve learned all you need to know about wrestling with camouf lage and subterfuge. You’ve done all you could to clean up the crooked places and bring integrity to the twisted stories. Now it’s high time for you to come out and play—to exit the claustrophobic maze and make a break for wide-open spaces. Some cautionary advice: To keep from getting pinched by trick endings, make sure all sales are final and all goodbyes are complete.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Technically, this would be an excellent time to shuck all your responsibilities and plunge into a week-long bacchanalia, complete with rowdy feasting and delirious dancing and lunatic laughter and erotic abandon and mind-altering emotions. Realistically, though, while such an interlude might do wonders for your relationship with yourself, it could dampen your relationships with people who rely on you. Unless of course you could coax them into joining you on your binge. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): Did you ever notice that some people seem to be addicted to falling in love over and over again? While they may truly have a natural propensity to exult in the beauty of a great variety of their fellow humans, I also suspect that their addiction serves as an excuse for them to fall in love with themselves over and over again. At least in part, each new romantic partner is a pawn in their strategy for coming back home to themselves. Here’s what I’m inclined to ask these people: Why not simply eliminate the middleman or middlewoman? I’m not necessarily implying that you’ll benefit from this advice right now, Pisces. But then why did a soft, lulling voice in my head just suggest that I tell it to you? 6][Se]`Y( B`cS ]` TOZaS( G]c Y\]e eVOb b] R] O\R g]c Y\]e eVS\ b] R] Wb 3f^ZOW\ 4`SSEWZZ/ab`]Z]Ug Q][

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

S a n t a c r u z .co m august 19-26, 2009 C L ASS I F I E DS


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TEACH ENGLISH ABROAD! Become TEFL certified. 4-week course offered monthly in Prague. Jobs available worldwide. Lifetime job assistance. Tuition: 1300 Euros. mail to: (AAN CAN)

Kitchen Prep & Housekeeping Conference Center in Scotts Valley Wkend and Wkday shifts $9-10 per hour Must have previous experience Able to pass background screen KELLY SERVICES, 425-0653 e-mail: *Never A Fee*

HEALTH CONSCIOUS COMPANY Looking for Like-Minded People! Great growing company looking for staff with the ability to grow w/ it. The Following Skills Desired: High ability to multi-task. High energy, fresh ideas and a passion for the health industry. Extremely detail oriented. Proficient in MS Office (Excel). AA or BA a Plus! Experience desired in: Customer Service. Project Management. Fast Paced Restaurant. Sales Experience and/or passion for sales. Looking for people seeking longevity in a Stable Growing Company! Send your resume today! KELLY SERVICES, 831-425-0653 e-mail: *Never A Fee*

GOVERNMENT JOBS Earn $12 to $48 Per Hour. Benefits, Paid Training. Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Administrative, Clerical, Office, Accounting, Finance, Wildlife, More! 1-800-320-9353 x 2001 (AAN CAN)

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Food production in Watsonville Day and Swing Shifts Available *Must have an open schedule Fluent in English required Must have reliable transportation Temp-To-Hire $8.50/hr. KELLY SERVICES, 425-0653 e-mail: *Never A Fee*

Electro-Mechanical Assemblers Wanted! Watsonville 7am-3:30pm M-F $10/Hr. Fluent English Required. Must have Reliable Transportation 1-2 years experience, soldering skills Resumes Required Temp & Temp-To-Hire KELLY SERVICES, 425-0653 e-mail: *Never A Fee*

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An August Afternoon Silent Auction Fund-raiser

August 23 from 5-7p.m. Lots The four hour talk will cover of fun! All proceeds go back costs and performance, suitable into the outreach programs donor chassis, an overview of of the Child & Family the parts needed and what they Institute. For more informado, and basic principles to tion contact Christine make your conversion success- 831-688-5727 ful. See Home Furnishings workshop.shtml for details or call 831-429-198 Brand New


AIKIDO Practice a martial art based on harmony with nature, with others, and within oneself in a noncompetitive, mutually-supportive environment. ADULT/TEEN BEGINNING CLASS STARTS July 13th (enrolling through July 25th). Mon/Wed 8-9pm & Sat. 9:1510:15am, 6wks $95, 8wks $120 OR Intro Pkg: includes 8wk class, training uniform, and extra month of general training $185. Youth ages 6 & up open to enrollment. Non-profit org. Family Discounts. AIKIDO OF SANTA CRUZ, 306 Mission St, Santa Cruz (831) 423-TEAM.

Mattresses Still in plastic. Full sets $229. Queen set $259. Call 831/338-0321.

April Ash Designer Outlet Furniture, accessories, mattresses and consignments. 2800 South Rodeo Gulch Rd., Soquel. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 10am-5pm.

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TANTRA PUJA: RITUAL INTRODUCTION TO TANTRA: Ecstatic Friday Evening, August 28, 7 - 9 PM Campbell, CA. For prices and details: Tantric-Healing-Events/ or call 408-221-3457

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Looking for Female Lead Vocalist. Weekend 10/piece band possibly looking for a female vocalist. The band is high - energy into R&B funk. 3 front singers with horns. Must be good with harmony & a team player. Permanent member only. Prefer southbay located . Reply to 510-797-4782.

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Pets Free to a Good Home Two Yorkshire Terrier puppies for adoption.

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Home Renovation Specialist Affordable, reliable carpenters for home improvement. Frame, finish, doors, windows, decks, fences, tile, sheet rock and remodels. Lic#925849. Call Dave 831/332-6463

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I’LL MEET YOU IN SANTA CRUZ BY THE CLOCKTOWER Or Watsonville or Scotts Valley or Capitola. With 5 offices to serve your real estate needs TEAM THOMAS wants to EARN your business. TEAM THOMAS with David Lyng R.E. (831) 402-2442

Carmel Valley

Beauty and privacy can be yours with this Carmel Valley cabin on over 13 acres with incredible views over the bay, ocean and mountains near Tassajara springs. Rare opportunity to own this special retreat property bordering the Ventana wilderness. Listed at Notice $395,000. Visit All real estate advertised in Metro Newspapers is subject to Terry at Pacific Sun Properties the State and Federal Fair 831/345-2053 Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discriminaHomes tion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family sta- SHORT SALE? –REO?tus (the presence of children), or national origin, or the inten- FORECLOSURE? What’s REALLY going on?-Call tion to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimina- Team Thomas with David Lyng R.E. to find out. We can help tion. State and locate laws foryou to understand your options bid discrimination in the sale, if you need to sell your home. rental, or advertising of real (831) 402-2442 estate. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby I’LL BE THERE-WHENinformed that all dwellings EVER YOU NEED MEadvertised are available on an TEAM THOMAS THE FULL SERequal opportunity basis to the VICE REALTORS!- Call Team best of our knowledge. Thomas with David Lyng R.E. to see what we have to offer. Homes (831) 402-2442 or (408) 307-4178 ALL AREAS - HOUSES



Boulder Creek


Boulder Creek 40 acres. Timber Preserve Zoning. Creek frontage. Wild and serene. Off grid. Private Road. Small ridge top site. Good owner financing offered. $295,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc., Broker at 408/395-5754 or

Boulder Creek A Beautiful spot! 16 acres. Presite development review completed. It used to be a helicopter landing pad. Full sun, tremendous views. Easy access. Good well. E-Z location. Timber Preserve Zoning. $485,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/395-5754 or

10 acres. Rough and rugged and a beautiful spot right on top! Long private bumpy road. Private road association. Good owner financing. $215,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/395-5754 or

Boulder Creek This one is a beauty! Come see. Bloom Grade. 5 acres. TPZ. Private road. Serene and quiet. By the golf course. Ridge-top view. Beautiful. Power and water. Pad cleared. $289,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/395-5754 or

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Pacific Sun Properties 734 Chestnut Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.471.2424 831.471.0888 Fax


Judy Ziegler GRI, CRS, SRES ph: 831-429-8080 cell: 831-334-0257

Walking with an older friend the other day, she mentioned how remarkable her mother was, raising six children and working full time as well. Mothering, baking, cleaning, sewing most of the clothes, washing and time left over to help with school activities. When I did not seem very impressed she wanted to know why I wasn’t. “It doesn’t seem that bad to me” I said. Being from another generation (or two) back, I indicated that perhaps her mother might have had more time than she would now. I pointed out of all the things she did not have to do either at work or at home: check emails, and respond, check home phone messages, make calls back as needed, check cell phone messages, call backs, check face book for updates, post the latest family activities on it, and respond to any received remarks. Answer the portable phone, or cell phone when it rings and or listen to the voices that pour into your blue ear. Blog, twitter or tweet. Phone the bank with a question and go through the menu till you get a human on the line which could take an hour. If moving be sure you set up your computer, load up the ipod with new music, sign up for TV cable or Comcast. Learn how to program your phones, clocks, appliances, houses. Learn how to operate your digital stove, how to program your VCR to play DVDs and old tapes. Learn to operate your computer with new programs, if needing medical attention going to primary doctor, then get appointment for others as needed, then fight the insurance company to pay the bills. She did not have to stand in long lines and pass through security scrutiny and go through tunnels to get on an airplane after removing her shoes and perhaps making a bell ring. On jury duty, she did not have to pass through security devises before taking her seat in the jury box. She did not have the opportunity to spend hours and buy extravagant things in giant super markets which have banks, flower shops and cafes built-in. She did not have to shop online in her spare time. Her mother had real things to do and interactions with real people including the little people she took care of. To me, it didn’t sound that bad.

Asking $269,000 • Best location in the park • Lake view, steps to club house • Pool, work out room, Jacuzzi • 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 baths • Custom designed with entry foyer • Gourmet chefs will love the kitchen • 1650 square feet, cathedral ceilings • All age park, beautiful surroundings


Get into the best bars, clubs and lounges!

Oh well, gotta run, the phone is ringing. Be old-fashioned; buy a house from a real people.

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Seriously Ill? Need MMJ? WAMM is NOW accepting applications for membership into our collective. Looking for members who can donate generously. Serving Santa Cruz for 16 years! Your application does not ensure membership., 831425-0580. peace

Wanna Be In Movies? Film & TV acting classes starting now! Free DVD & consultation with working actor Ralph Peduto. Call (831) 475-UACT (8228). Be a pro, work with one. Training pros since ‘86.

The Santa Cruz Farmers Market has added a new market in Scotts Valley. This market is at 360 Kings Valley Drive, at the Scotts Valley Community Center, Saturday mornings from 9-1 year `round, rain or shine. Join us for breakfast cooked to order, live music, sunshine and the freshest local organic produce, eggs, fish, flowers and meats around.

Guitar Lessons/Song Writing Get those songs written and recorded. Help with structure, arrangement, lyrics, groove, and production. 30 year pro. All styles. Stephen 831/278-1500

Film Lovers Wine Tasting Hallcrest Vineyards is hosting a Barrel Tasting event to benefit the Pacific Rim Film Festival. Tour this pioneer winery in the Santa Cruz mountains and enjoy hors d’hoevres while tasting their award-winning organic wines direct from the barrels. For a modest $25 per person you will be supporting your local quality winery AND your local free multicultural film festival while having a wonderful afternoon. Sunday, Aug. 30, 1-4pm, 379 Felton Empire Road, Felton. To purchase tickets go to

Medicann - Med. Marijuana Evaluations Lic. MD 866-632-6627 Free I.D. card 24/7 verification. Doctor/patient confidentiality. Discount for MediCal, MediCare and veterans.

83,000 Readers Can’t Be Wrong! Consider the numbers...66% of those readers browse through the Santa Cruz classifieds each week! Run an ad in the Santa Cruz Weekly classifieds and your ad will automatically run online! Print plus online. A powerful combination. Get seen today. Call 831.457.9000

New Farmers’ Market


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