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F4 64C ;4CC4AB Pious blubberings like those of Thomas Creed (Letters, Aug. 19) lamenting the â&#x20AC;&#x153;rampageâ&#x20AC;? of the public response to the town-hall meetings, labeling the passion of the protesters as â&#x20AC;&#x153;lunacy,â&#x20AC;? and lecturing us all on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;fragile process of sitting at the table to work out a common goalâ&#x20AC;? have failed utterly to see the forest for the trees. The fact is that the people arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in a debating mood at this juncture. Certainly thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regrettable, because a full-throated, wide-ranging discussion is clearly in order. It canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen at this time, however, because the people are, frankly, pissed offâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and quite understandably so. This administration has rapidly overreached itself, and the public is balking. There has been a groundswell of not merely discontent, but indeed very deep resentment building almost since Inauguration Day, and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no point ignoring or denying it any longer. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more, the protestersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;in the mainâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
politicos of any stripe. What they are, largely, are independents who are feeling increasingly betrayed and used. This isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the â&#x20AC;&#x153;changeâ&#x20AC;? they signed on for in November, and if the president thinks heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got a mandate to restructure the healthcare system or the health-insurance industry (let alone the broader economy), heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in for one rude awakening. When the administration and congressional leadership declared their intent to have a healthcare bill in the Oval Office for signature before the August recess, they exposed their high-handed elitism for what it was. In effect, they were signaling their intention to push through this legislation without a public debateâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;because thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s precisely what a pre-recess bill would have entailed. So all this shmegegge now from the reform proponentsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;about how their desire to â&#x20AC;&#x153;discussâ&#x20AC;? the matter is being foiled by the â&#x20AC;&#x153;disruptionsâ&#x20AC;? of â&#x20AC;&#x153;organized mobsâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;is the height of chutzpah. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outrageously disingenuous and precisely 180 degrees bass-ackwards.
Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s be candid: if the Democratic Party leadership truly wanted a debate, they would never have attempted to ram through a bill before the recess. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more, while various elements (conventional or less than) may well be trying to make political hay of it, this movement is neither Republicaninspired nor Republican-organized. Get real: the GOP could neither inspire nor organize a pissing contest in a brewery. Nor is this the â&#x20AC;&#x153;creationâ&#x20AC;? of conservative talkradio. Arguably, in fact, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just the reverse. The insurgents have effectively taken their discontent to talk radio, not from it. You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t â&#x20AC;&#x153;createâ&#x20AC;? that kind of passion, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s damned hard to co-opt it. Go ahead; ignore these words if you like. Write this off as the ravings of an addled crank. But the longer you remain in denial, the greater will be your shock of awakening when it finally arrives.
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01>DC ;4CC4AB Re â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boy, People Sure Hate Taxesâ&#x20AC;? (Letters, Aug. 5), I think a little historical research is needed here. I asked a former California state legislator, a former California town mayor and both pro- and antiProposition 13 people for the facts. This is what was concluded: Prop. 13 was and is a double-edged sword, a pork barrel initiative and a wolf in sheepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clothing. There is no doubt that Prop. 13 is a root cause of Californiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fiscal crisis. Here are some sensible solutions: â&#x20AC;˘ Legalize marijuana and tax it. There has to date been no medical, scientific or rational argument for marijuana to be illegal. All the â&#x20AC;&#x153;offendersâ&#x20AC;? who have been imprisoned for committing the victimless crime of smoking or growing pot should be released from prison, with an apology. This will also further reduce the draining of our economic resources. â&#x20AC;˘ Eliminate or at least suspend the death penalty. Keeping inmates on death row costs us billions. â&#x20AC;˘ Tax off-shore oil. That alone would probably solve the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s budget problems. (But then, the oil companies and corporations have more say over our government than we, the voters, have.)
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4GCA0 B4C >5 70=3B Police chaplains volunteer to help support crime victims and other ordinary citizens who come into police contact for a variety of reasons.
Police chaplains ride the thin blue line of compassion By Neal Ross Attinson
piritual practice and police work may seem an unlikely pairing, but for more than 50 volunteers with Sonoma Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Service (LECS), the combination is a way of life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wanted to contribute in a way that included spiritual practice as a focus and center,â&#x20AC;? explains Teresa Franklin, a registered nurse and graduate of last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s LECS academy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One thing that surprised me is how closely I identified with the chaplaincy community, and also the work of law enforcement. I felt a kinshipâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;like it was not a stretch to understand the personality type and loyalty toward serving the community that goes into those professions.â&#x20AC;? The interfaith, nondenominational agency, which begins its 11th training
academy Sept. 23, describes its mission as one that provides solace and â&#x20AC;&#x153;emotional supportâ&#x20AC;? to law enforcement personnel and the community alike. Officially, that mission includes acting as spiritual adjunct to Sonoma Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 18 emergency-response agencies by making death notifications and sitting with accident or crime victimsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;tasks which require an emotional depth that often receives short shrift in police training. In practice, says assistant senior chaplain BreeAnn Crespan, it also means doing whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needed for those having the worst day of their lives, â&#x20AC;&#x153;whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s making phone calls, picking kids up from school, doing the dishesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re there to be an extra set of hands, and a shoulder to cry upon if they need it. We are just there to be there.â&#x20AC;? Crespan acknowledges that there are those who may be reluctant to engage with
someone whose job description includes any mention of God. But she stresses that the chaplainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job is primarily to listenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and never to convince. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When people think â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;chaplain,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; there may be a stigma. People, in my experience, have automatically thought that means that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to proselytize,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exactly the opposite of who we are. Our purpose is not to go in there and tell people our stories, but to be able to help them in an emotional way because we may know how they feel.â&#x20AC;? Franklin, who received her commission in April, was gratified that the need to serve others reached across lines of faith and into something universal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One thing that was a real pleasant reality was how diverse and interfaith it is; it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t require any particular religious affiliation,â&#x20AC;? Franklin says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In addition to having excellent leadership and &(
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How returning to New Orleans meant claiming home By Jessica Dur
s a kid growing up in Lafayette, La., hurricanes were occasions for fun; not only was school canceled, but my brother and I got to stay up late into the candlelit night, playing Go Fish and drinking chocolate milk with Mom. By morning, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d look out of windows crisscrossed with tape and survey the damage: a few tree branches littering the yard, a neighborâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s renegade porch chair in the middle of the street. Then weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d go outside and twirl in the fierce rainy winds, grateful that they hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t knocked through our French doors in the middle of the night. Blessed is how my mom described us, and it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t until Hurricane Katrina came crashing in, 130 miles east of my hometown, that I could truly appreciate what sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d meant. At that time, I had just started teaching at Nonesuch, an alternative school nestled on 14 acres of creek-fed redwoods in Sebastopol. Having attended a Catholic high school where the overly air-conditioned, prisonlike building lacked windows and where a typical assignment was memorizing and reciting the names of all 66 books of the Bible, Nonesuch was like a waterfall on a hot day. Finally, I thought, a school that values creative expression and critical thinking over rote facts, where kids are not ranked into misery, where learning extends far beyond the classroom. Nonesuch is a school that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just talk about making the world a better place, but actually gets its hands dirty with an annual community-service project trip. In April, I accompanied two parent chaperones (who should be canonized) and nine upperclassmen to New Orleans for a week of hard work. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d left Louisiana at 18 to brighten a horizon clouded by religious fundamentalism and racism. Twelve years later, I was returning with students who were seeking to pop their own bubbles of white privilege and provincialism. The story of how New Orleansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; most vulnerable citizens were left behind is now wellknown to most. The lesser-known story is that there were people with means to leave who decided to stay anyway. There is Malik Rahim, a former Black Panther, who by Sept. 5, 2005, a week after Katrina hit, had already established the Common Ground Collective. Within the next two weeks, Malik had over a hundred people living in his house, and an operational health clinic serving hundreds more. Four years later, without a dime of federal aid, but with the help of scores of volunteers, Common Ground is still doing the essential work of providing legal assistance to local
residents, cultivating community gardens and gutting the uninhabitable houses in need of demolition or repair. By the beginning of this century, the Lower Ninth Ward had the largest percentage of black home ownership in the country, with generational lines stretching back to the settlement of the area in the 1840s. Of the houses that are still standing, 50 percent of them still need to be torn down due to water damage. They bear the scars of numbers denoting how many people and pets were found alive and dead when officials finally made it to them. Our week of volunteering with Common Ground was gratifying and grueling. Gutting houses is not like gutting fish. The houses bit back with mold spores, itchy insulation, cockroaches, rodent scat and water-logged furniture heavy with death. Wearing facemasks and long sleeves, we hauled debris out to the curb, sledge-hammered dry wall, shoveled endless piles of wreckage into huge plastic tubs. These houses also nipped at our hearts: an umbrella inscribed in a childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s handwriting, a First Communion Bible and a still-legible invitation to a baby shower were among the artifacts of peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shifted lives we sifted through. The students were smitten with the culture that in high school I longed to escape. They danced to live zydeco at a local bowling alley. They played basketball with the neighborhood boys, who had little patience for missed baskets. They thrilled at the musical cacophony of Bourbon Street. At my insistence, they ate poâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;boys, Louisianaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s version of the subway sandwich, usually piled with fried shrimp and greased with plenty of mayonnaise. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d spent years marveling at how lucky my students were to grow up in Sonoma County, where organic gardens, progressive ideals and spiritual exploration are woven into the tapestry of their lives. But the Louisiana I saw through their raw, curious eyesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;vibrant, brave, familial, diverseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is a place I am blessed, even proud, at last, to call home. A benefit to send Nonesuch students back to New Orleans and Common Ground for more work is slated for Saturday, Aug. 29, at the Masonic Center. Music by Zydeco f lames and Cajun food enliven. 373 N. Main St., Sebastopol. 6:30pm. $15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$50, sliding scale. 707.696.6800.
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Jessica Dur spent the summer traveling around Turkey and Bulgaria. She teaches English and history at Nonesuch School. Open Mic is a weekly feature in the Bohemian. We welcome your contribution. To have your topical essay of 700 words considered for publication, write openmic@bohemian.com.
Business â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Law â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Technology â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Medical Business â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Law â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Technology â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Medical THE BOHEMIAN
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really good peer support, I really felt like I was in excellent hands the whole time. We were given the skills and resources necessary to meet the challenges of the work.â&#x20AC;? Those skills and resources include an insiderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s view of police culture and procedures; tours of a funeral parlor and the county dispatch center, morgue and jail; familiarization with gangs, domestic violence and child abuse; and extensive role-playing and assessment, as well as the self-assessment necessary to avoid the burnout that can afflict all helping professionals. Candidates must go through a rigorous screening process before being admitted to the 28-week academy. Those who graduate are expected to commit to at least one year of being on 24-hour call twice a month and attending bimonthly in-service training.
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â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re there to be an extra set of hands, and a shoulder to cry upon if they need it. We are just there to be there.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Crespan says that while a chaplain candidateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basic qualifications are easy to state (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for someone whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s compassionate, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s loving, who has good listening skillsâ&#x20AC;?), the decision to become a lawenforcement chaplain is less easily described. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are no words to explain it; you just know youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re meant for it,â&#x20AC;? she says. Franklin agrees. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At first, my family and friends were saying, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Why would you want to do that?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? she laughs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And now they have a really deep sense of pride. They understand the work.â&#x20AC;? So does Franklin. She has so far participated in two â&#x20AC;&#x153;call-outs,â&#x20AC;? or incident responses: one shortly before her April graduation, the other shortly after. One in particular illustrated for her that she had done the right thing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had all of the uncertainty and anxiety of a newly commissioned chaplain,â&#x20AC;? Franklin recalls, saying that one call-out concerned a man who had died in his motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home. In this case, she was called to sit with the manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother and 15-year-old daughter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The body needed to be removed, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the kind of thing that a mother wants to witness,â&#x20AC;? Franklin says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Naturally, my fear was that I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what to do. But I was so well trained to use my intuition and skills that the next decisions seemed to come naturally. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The feeling I had after spending two and a half hours with that mother and adolescent girlâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;I walked out and said to myself, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I did something good today.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;?
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The Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Service begins its 11th annual training academy on Sept. 23. For more information, including how to apply, visit www.sonomalawchaplains.org.
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5dT[ P]S cWT 0acb Dancer Liliana Cattaneo comes to a gas station near you
By Juliane Poirier
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o Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m having this phone conversation with a quart of oil. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll call him Pen Zoil. He says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hey, do you love me?â&#x20AC;? I say, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course. I love any engine lubricant that stands between me and the need to replace my transmission.â&#x20AC;? Pen Zoil says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;No, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not what I mean. I want your complete devotion. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re truly American, then youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll go the extra mile for me and accelerate this love till you feel a driving desire to, well, worship me.â&#x20AC;? Ew. What a drip! I press the little red button to end the call, muttering to myself. Worship. Come on. Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d go that far for a petroleum product? No sooner had I asked the question when performance artist Liliana Cattaneo answered. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just about everyone would and does go that far every day, without even thinking about it. All of us as a culture worship oil,â&#x20AC;? she says. The 30-year-old choreographer is so firmly convinced of this that she has created an original performance to help bring us all out of denial about our true relationship to a resource she believes has peaked. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t function as a society without oil,â&#x20AC;? Cattaneo says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I figured it was time to dedicate a dance.â&#x20AC;? Cattaneo will be among the artists performing as part of the Arts Sonoma â&#x20AC;&#x2122;09 fringe festival this fall, bringing dance, poetry, music and other art forms to unconventional venues and performing to groups of people who may likely be surprised to find themselves exposed to the arts. (For more coverage, see p34.) Cattaneo, for example, will be exhibiting her particular form of political art at Pen Zoilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favorite love shack and house of worship: the ubiquitous gas station. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why not? This piece is about oil,â&#x20AC;? says the dancing, singing, guitar-playing activist from southern California whose nonprofit dance group spent five months touring the country last year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve hit our peak oil, and I want to send a message about natural resources and sustainability, about slowing
down. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m extremely passionate about it. What Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m delivering doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be pretty. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entertaining and has a message.â&#x20AC;? A veteran of message-based performance in unconventional places, Cattaneo looks forward to dancing beside fuel pumps for the unsuspecting motorists who will compose her surprised audience. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If I set up my art in front of peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TVs, then thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one way that maybe theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d see it. A gas station is the next best thing,â&#x20AC;? Cattaneo explains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The target of the fringe arts festival is to bring art to places where people are. I chose gas stations because everyone goes to get gas. If someone just pulls up to the station and fills up their car, they might see part of the performance and get something to think about.â&#x20AC;? The message is consciousness. The method is movement and music in and around a larger-than-life trashcan in which Cattaneo meets Pen Zoil in a worshipful tango in front of God and everybody. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be the one with the clothes on and the f lashy tattoos. Pen will be himselfâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;oily, clingy and making transparent attempts to upstage her. Cattaneoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s artistic collaborator, musician Mike Wilson, will be playing the guitar he hand-made, eliciting percussive content on auto- and oilrelated instruments created from found objects, and weaving an improvisational soundtrack with an on-the-spot looped recording. It sounds very likely these free performances will be worth the drive to a gas station. Casual attire. Tickets not required. Cattaneo and Wilson will be appearing for onehour performances scheduled at 2pm on Sunday afternoons: Aug. 30 in Santa Rosa at Tower Gas, 3825 Santa Rosa Ave. (at the corner of East Todd Road); Sept. 6 in Bennett Valley at the Bennett Valley 76 Automotive, 2799 Yulupa Ave. (corner of Bethards); and Sept. 13 in Sebastopol at Sebastopol Fast Gas, 1080 Gravenstein Hwy. Three additional gas-station performances will be given as part of the series, with dates and locations to be announced. For more information go to www.contactarts.org/shows.
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Louis Thomas is fine men's clothing on a first name basis. For over 60 years we have specialized in bringing customers stylish and well made gentleman's apparel. Louis Thomas hand selects casually-elegant apparel that fits your bay area lifestyle. We offer select garments for work, play, and formal occasions. We also create made-to-measure suits and custom dress shirts built just for you with a wide variety of gentlemanly accessories. Look for long and short sleeve sportshirts from Georg Roth of Germany, fine gauge knits from Toscano of Italy and silk shirts from Burma Bibas. For your relaxed lifestyle we offer Agave Jeans, Alberto Denim, Tori Richard and Tommy Bahama shirts and slacks. Dress for success with Jack Victor and Petrocelli suits and sport coats with elegant shirtings by Ike Behar, Enro and XMI.
150 Kentucky Street, Petaluma Mon–Sat 10–6pm, Sun 11am–4pm
211 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera Mon–Fri 10–8pm, Sat 10–6pm, Sun 12–5pm
Come by and check out the gorgeous fabrics on the new fall arrivals. Our friendly staff will ensure a proper fit and consult on style for every occasion.
A Taste of Topel Since 1993, Mark and Donnis Topel have produced finely crafted, elegant, award-winning wines at their Estate winery, perched on the side of Duncan Peak, just south of Hopland in Mendocino County.
Your Local Jeweler for Previously Loved, OneOf-A-Kind Estate Jewelry A second generation family business, Dianne's Estate Jewellery opened their first store on Union Street in San Francisco in 1989. A few years, and many happy clients later, Disney® Corporation invited Dianne's to open a location inside Disneyland® Park. In 1997 Alex Jacobs joined his parents Charles and Dianne, and together they
opened The Jewel of Orleans in New Orleans Square. As regular visitors to the Sonoma wine country, Alex and his wife Lucretia fell in love with Healdsburg. In October of 2008 we opened our new store Dianne's Estate Jewellery one block North of the Healdsburg Plaza.
Open daily,11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
We hope to see you soon! "The Place" to go for beautiful old engagement rings, wedding bands, and vintage watches.
387 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg 1 block North of Healdsburg Plaza
Topel Tasting Room 125 Matheson Street Healdsburg, CA
Last year, the Topel Tasting Room opened in Healdsburg. Located just steps off Healdsburg Plaza — across from Oakville Grocery — it has become a favorite of Healdsburg locals and a hangout for dog lovers. A favorite project is the annual Topel Wine Tails Calendar, which features photos of wine lovers’ dogs. Sales of the calendars benefit the Healdsburg Animal Shelter.
Here you'll find a dazzling selection of one-of-a-kind vintage jewelry for every budget, and there is even a 12 month, zero interest lay-away program.
The couple takes a minimalist approach to winemaking, allowing each variety to evolve naturally and develop its own unique personality. Their flagship wine is Cabernet Sauvignon, crafted from grapes grown above the fog line in vineyards with multiple exposures to the sun. Their entire portfolio includes Syrah, Pinot Noir, Meritage, a Super Tuscan blend, Gamay, Zinfandel, Rosé, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, a delicate White Wine blend called “Birdsong,” and a delicious Orange Moscato.
So why is it called the Trek Store, anyway?
Incredible Canine is the vision of Patrick and Lorna O'Connor. Together, they have 60 years of experience training dogs.
“It’s simple”, says Bret Gave — owner and Santa Rosa resident, “a major component of any successful business is its relationship with its vendors”. More importantly than that, he states; “having a great relationship with Trek ensures that we are able to take care of our customers quickly and consistently.”
Patrick is recognized internationally as an expert in his field and appears on radio and television programs including "K9 Cops" on Discovery Channel. He truly enjoys bringing out the best in every dog he trains, whether a police dog, a competitive sport dog, or your family pet. Recently his dog, Jett, won Best-of-Breed at the United Doberman Club's Western Regional dog show and the very next day went on to win High-in-Trial at the UDC Regional Schutzhund Trial, the triathlon of working dog sports.
Mr. Gave spent over 6 years working for Trek as their GM for their corporately owned Concept Stores, helping develop the business model he uses with his store today. “The Concept is pretty basic — add value and take care of your customers above all else.”
512 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa Open 7 days a week Mon–Fri 10–8, Sat 11–6, Sat 11–5
Lorna specializes in behavioral problem solving. She is an avid Doberman lover who successfully shows and breeds European imports. She is the puppy program manager for Canine Companions for Independence and manages the training and socialization of 300 puppies.
A Madison, Wisconsin native, Mr. Gave is anxious to see Santa Rosa, like Madison, become a registered Cycling Friendly Community. “Madison is a Gold Level Cycling Community & right now Santa Rosa has not been recognized by the League of American Cyclists for its cycling community at all.” He adds, “The more people we get on bikes, the faster bike lanes will appear, the more cyclists we will produce, the more bicycle friendly our community will become”. “We think that the Bicycle is a simple solution to many of our Worlds most complex problems, together we can change the World one bike at a time.”
Incredible Canine services include puppy consultations, private training, doggie boot camps and protection training. All training programs include behavioral problem solving, and focus on strong social skills. The O'Connors believe all dogs are born social. They specialize in returning fearful or aggressive dogs to their naturally social state. Visit Incredible Canine and be a responsible pet owner.
707 322 3272 www.incrediblecanine.com 3163 Juniper Ave, Santa Rosa
Your new relationship with your dog will be based on love and mutual respect. They offer free evaluations and guaranteed results. Mention the Bohemian for $50 off Doggie Boot Camp. Doggie Daycare Starts September 1st!
Step into Santa Rosa's pawn shop with a heart.
Dylan and Tobe Sheldon: Come visit Dylan and Tobe in the Old Southern Pacific Rail Caboose in Gravenstein Station. Enter into our warm inviting tres’ hip little den of hedonism to sip tasty wines with the winemakers, hear adventurous tales of winemaking and experience the difference a micro-winery makes.
Liberal Loan & Jewelry 5th Street Pawn Shop is well known for its non-intimidating, non-judgmental, friendly, approachable staff. Meet Markos Balopoulos, owner, on any given day. His family has owned the store since 1978 and further expanded a second location in San Francisco. As they recognized the growing population and demographics, they felt a reputable pawn shop was overdue in Sonoma County and they have catered attentively to the local community with its honest, ethical business practice. Find quality retail items at low prices, good customer service, and utilize Markos' expert knowledge for jewelry appraisal. Bring in your estate pieces and trade up or exchange for cash. You can rely on Liberal Loan & Jewelry 5th Street Pawn Shop for fair treatment and advice. You will find them to be a great resource for fast cash. We are paying more for Gold, laptops, and ipods than any other item and are very competitive w/local shops. Markos takes pride in helping people from all walks of life, from business professionals to jewelry afficionados, and young adults. Learn more from Markos and find out how his team can help you.
611 Fifth Street, Santa Rosa Mon–Fri 9:30–6pm, Sat til 5pm
30 yrs family owned, My name is Marko
Your local, downtown pawn shop with a heart.
A Micro-Winery Love Story
Winemaking grass roots style: After a whirlwind romance and a world tour of winemaking, the dream began. Sleeping on the floor of an abandoned winery, with only a borrowed basket press, purple feet and a passion for the ancient art of winemaking the 2003 vintage was born. We continue to craft unfiltered wines of elegance and character, with honesty and respect to the land, its people and the intricate dance of ushering grapes into wine.
Sheldon Tasting Room Gravenstein Station 6761 Sebastopol Ave #500, Sebastopol (next to Starlight Wine Bar)
We invite you to celebrate this journey with us during "Wino Wednesdays" and “Thank Bacchus For Fridays” from 4pm to 7pm. Complimentary Wine tasting with the Winemaker. Plus 20% OFF a select bottle of wine! Also offering tastings by appointment and Private Tastings for that special occasion! We Can Bring The Party To You! Call for details.
www.sheldonwines.com THE BOHEMIAN
David was an international environmental consultant, Susan a psychotherapist; we left D.C. for Sonoma County to start Sonoma Chocolatiers. We started with a Darjeeling tea truffle, combining David’s chocolate love with Susan’s
passion for Darjeeling. David asked the Infusions owner if she’d like to carry our tea truffles; she asked if we’d like to buy her teahouse. Relaxed pace: 100% organic teas: community centered—the Infusions values fit ours. Our award-winning chocolates use local and organic ingredients. We expanded the tea and food selection and upgraded the tea display to tell more about our teas. Come savor the breadth and complexity of flavors of tea and chocolate and enjoy life at the pace of tea.
6988 McKinley Street, Sebastopol (next to Whole Foods)
“natural” way. We believe that plants can be grown and pests controlled without the use of poisons or toxic materials. We believe that the efficient use of water through appropriate irrigation systems is an important part of being a responsible grower. We also believe that Photovoltaic Solar Electric is a great way to reduce our impact on the earth. Harmony Farm Supply & Nursery has been helping people to do all this for almost 30 years, …and will continue with this commitment on into the future.
Commitment to the Earth All of us at Harmony Farm Supply & Nursery believe that we need to be good stewards of the earth. This means the encouragement and support of farming and gardening the
Harmony Farm Supply & Nursery 3244 Gravenstein Hwy North Open 7 days a week
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Native American proverb We believe that we should leave it in better condition than we found it.Our knowledgeable and personable customer service team is eager to help you. Whether in person or over the phone, we want your experience with Harmony Farm Supply & Nursery to be rewarding. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS OUR GOAL. Please let us know how if we can improve. WE VALUE YOU.
707-823-9125 18
Orchard View School K-12 Independent Study School Orchard View School seeks to empower all students to develop a passion for lifelong learning by engaging them in a learning process that is designed to challenge their intellect and support their emotional growth and natural curiosity.
SunRidge Charter School
Apple Blossom School
Twin Hills Charter Middle School
SunRidge Charter School is a public Waldorf methods school where parents, teachers, staff, children, and the land we share come together in a safe and caring educational community to nurture each student’s intellectual, artistic, emotional, social, and physical development.
K-5, plus on-site pre-school
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Mission: to work together as a community to ensure that each child has the support they need to learn and grow.
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700 Water Trough Rd, Sebastopol, CA
• K-3 class size: 20
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• Average class size: 22 • Great schools ranking: 8 out of 10 (wwwgreatschools.net) • Support programs “What I need: Reading” • Equipment: computer lab, library, storyteller, music, expanded PE • Optional programs: daycare, KidScience, Spanish, Art, Drama
• Award winning performance based Music Program • 2009 Recipient of California Distinguished School • Lab science in all grades • Experienced, innovative, and fully credentialed teaching staff • Before and after-school care available
• Environmental science studies, gardens, composting program
Live Long, Feel Good Healing Hands in St. Helena: Julie Klutinoty heals with Reiki, Personal Healing Blends & Body Balancing
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Growing up in a family-owned Health Spa in the 70’s, Julie began her appreciation for a strong, balanced body at an early age. Rehabilitating from a back injury, she began exploring different ways to heal the body and grew to understand the body’s relationship to emotional imbalances and how these imbalances manifest as pain and disease.
Sports Physicals
Call for appointment:
(707) 823-7616
Julie Klutinoty
707-815-5257 www.LiveLongFeelGood.com
With a combination of Reiki and Body Balancing modalities such as Yoga & Pilates, Julie enhances the body’s ability to heal by using essential oils, gemstones, and flower essences. Chakra Balancing is also incorporated as each individual is treated as a unique integrated whole… a body returning to Wholeness!
3<<1 1?6;8
A70?B>3H 8= >A0=64 That being just about the only healthy item on this typical plate.
B[^f BRW^^[ Slow Food USA rallies the Child Nutrition Act for better school meals By Gretchen Giles
hen President Harry S. Truman signed the National School Lunch Act into law in 1946, he couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have envisioned the grip that Big Agro would eventually come to have over a meal as mild as a school childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lunch. Some 50 years later, Trumanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intentionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to ensure that every student have enough food in his or her belly to allow his or her brain to absorb the most educationâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; appears to have gone grossly off-target. The statistics are disturbing. According to data released by the American Academy of Pediatrics earlier this month, almost 5 percent of all American children ages two to 19 are severely obeseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not just merely obeseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a 300 percent increase from 1976. This generation is also the first not expected to exceed its parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; life expectancy. Diabetes, as has been widely reported, is on a sharp increase, as are other diseases related to inactivity and weight gain. The numbers align with poverty, the poorest children being the fattest; those of higher income
parents, the slimmest. These statistics, of course, have to do with lifestyle and access, wealthier and better educated parents presumably having the time or the help to encourage their children to exercise and eat sensibly. But it also has a lot to do with schools and their lunch programs. The Child Nutrition Act regulates the food systems in public schools, providing free or low-cost lunches and breakfasts year-round. The problem is what theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re feeding our kids everyday, meals based around Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sacred crop, corn, as well as the unholy troika of salt, fat and sugar. The Child Nutrition Act expires on Sept. 30, requiring Congress to approve the next five-year cycle of this $12 billion program that feeds some 31 million kids. President Obama has already pledged another $1 billion in the 2010 budget to it, but a national movement rapidly led by Slow Food USA is asking for even more. Not money, necessarily, but innovation. According to the new documentary Two Angry Moms, which follows a year in the life of two women trying to change the Westchester County school lunch program, most U.S. schools
donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make the meals they serve. Rather, the food is ordered â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ă la carteâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;a fancy term which in this instance means â&#x20AC;&#x153;from cataloguesâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;from large food companies that offer buy-backs and discounts on volume. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all coming in as processed food; thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not even an option any more,â&#x20AC;? explains Slow Food Russian River convivia member Susan Campbell. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like going into a 7-11 at some of these schools. I remember that we had milk or an apple in the vending machine when I was in grade school. You never could have had a Coke.â&#x20AC;? Problem is, a Coke is much cheaper these days than an apple. The current estimate is that the government spends $2.68 per child on the food program, the majority of which is spent on overhead and administration costs to provide the meals. Another dollar per head would allow for school participation in local CSAs, farm-direct programs or simply just that much more lettuce on the plate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re desperate for [food company kickbacks] because thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no funding,â&#x20AC;? Campbell explains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on the backs of the kids. No wonder these kids are all fat!â&#x20AC;? '' THE BOHEMIAN
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Peter Lowellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s screens Two Angry Moms on Aug. 27 and Slow Food USA sponsors a series of â&#x20AC;&#x153;eat-insâ&#x20AC;? on Sept. 7 to protest the poor food served to our students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So many good foods can be eaten raw,â&#x20AC;? assures Lisa Montemaggiore of Slow Food Northern Sonoma County. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So much of it comes vacuum-sealed and plastic-wrapped and for all I know theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re made in Wichita. But the USDA is reviewing the school nutrition guidelines this year, and the idea is that we look at all of those programs while at the same time our healthcare costs are skyrocketingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;maybe we can ameliorate it before it gets worse.â&#x20AC;? Montemaggiore, whose own son attends elementary school in Windsor, particularly bemoans the weird glamour that hot lunches have for the young. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so inexpensive and the vast majority of the kids get it free, everyone does it,â&#x20AC;? she sighs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The food that we give our children at a young age should be much more related to the food that we see growing out there. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s creating bad lifelong eating habits.â&#x20AC;? A cursory look at area school lunch menus, however, offers more than a little good news. The children who attend Ross School in Marin County have their school lunches provided by Kid Chow, a San Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;based company that serves Niman Ranch hot dogs, fresh pastas, organic butternut squash tamales and other artisanal foods for $5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$6 per meal, about twice the usual cost of a full-price school lunch. At Mary Collins School at Cherry Valley in Petaluma, students have daily access to a salad bar, as they do in most of the Napa Valley school district, Bel Aire elementary even opting for such simplicity as hummus and cucumbers for lunch on Tuesdays. But the majority of Americans, let alone Californians, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t breathe such rarified air. According to the California 2007 demographics on food insecurity, some 1.3 million Golden State households are food insecure on a daily basis, meaning that the children in those homes donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know where the next meal might be coming from. For these families, the Child Nutrition Act is a humanitarian godsend. But why is Slow Food involving itself ? Susan Campbell cites the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new president, Joshua Viertel. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s young, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s politically active and he really has a strong agenda,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a way for Slow Food to establish itself as more of a political movement than just a dinner party club, which a lot of people have the perception of it being.â&#x20AC;? She laughs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need another dinner party.â&#x20AC;? Peter Lowellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s screens â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Two Angry Momsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; as part of GoLocalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dinner and a Movie series on Thursday, Aug. 27, at 8pm. 7385 Healdsburg Ave., Sebastopol. $20; includes dinner. 707.328.5905. Slow Food convivial in the North Bay host eat-ins on Monday, Sept. 7. In Healdsburg, meet at the Plaza from 5pm to share a family-friendly picnic supper. Slow Food Russian River hosts a picnic at Bayer Farm from 4pm with tacos and tamales provided; please bring side dish to share and extra garden tomatoes for a salsa and guacamole feed. 1550 West Ave., Santa Rosa. Donation requested. info@slowfoodrr.org. For other convivial events, go to www.slowfoodusa.org.
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2054 ;854 ate August in Santa Rosa means that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s back to the books for high school and JC students, triple the trafďŹ c on PaciďŹ c and Mendocino avenues, and, most importantly, a new season for the SRJC Culinary Cafe and Bakery.
One person, at least, is deďŹ nitely excited. Speaking by phone on the way to her ofďŹ ce, cafe manager and instructor Betsy Fischer gushes about the fall opening and the cafeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s upcoming new location across from campusâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;set to open in 2011â&#x20AC;&#x201D;before she explains the importance of education taking place in the real world. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re out there in the work world, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just about cooking,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a whole other business and service side to it, and we want to give our students experience in those areas so theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re prepared.â&#x20AC;? The cafe ďŹ rst opened in January of 2003, and has continued to provide valuable background to budding chefs while piling on appreciative fans of the jointâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s low prices and delectable menu.
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;When the students are working in the cafe, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re towards the end of their training,â&#x20AC;? Fischer says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;During the 16 weeks they spend in the cafe, they become more responsible for coming up with recipes and that sort of thing.â&#x20AC;?
The cafe and bakery is one place where even regulars canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t order the same thing every week, which Fischer says keeps people coming back for more.
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a very large and loyal clientele, but every week the menu changes, so we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily have any one mainstay or popular item,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But people usually order our desserts almost every time, which is rare for most lunch places.â&#x20AC;? Rare indeed. One might imagine that a steamed persimmon pudding with lemon rum sauce or a chocolateorange nut tart would speed the inevitable 3pm post-lunch ofďŹ ce slump, but the droolworthy dessert creations are worth the risk. Fischer mentions that the two new additions to the rotating menuâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;thin-crust pizza and gourmet sandwichesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;are already a hit. As a ďŹ nishing thought, she says simply, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cook from books, boxes or cans. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all fresh all the time.â&#x20AC;? The SRJC Culinary Cafe and Bakery opens for the fall season on Wednesday, Aug. 26, at the corner of Seventh and B streets in Santa Rosa. Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Friday, breakfast and lunch only. 707.576.0279.
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Rocket Cafe C A F E & C AT E R I N G
8daZĂ&#x2030;h 8]de =djhZ
6bZg^XVc hiZV`]djhZ# " # =VcYhdbZ! jehXVaZ &.*%h"ZgV hiZV`]djhZ hZgk^c\ X]de]djhZ XaVhh^Xh a^`Z Ygn"V\ZY edgiZg]djhZ hiZV` VcY 7aVX` 6c\jh [^aZi b^\cdc# LVh] Ydlc i]Z gZY bZVi l^i] V Ă&#x2020;cdhiVa\^VĂ&#x2021; XdX`iV^a# 9^ccZg! IjZh"HVi# &&'' BV^c Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'))#+('-#
Monthly menu changes with cuisines from around the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;inspired dishes with the usual Sushi on Friday & Saturday as well as Brunch on Sundays from 9:30am-2:00pm.
E^ooV# " # <gZVi e^Z! Xdda WgZlh! i]Z \VbZĂ&#x2030;h ValVnh dc# <gZVi eaVXZ [dg edhi" A^iiaZ AZV\jZ# &*&, L >bdaV 6kZ! CVeV# ,%,#'**#&&--#
;jbÂ&#x201A; 7^higd 7Vg
Dinner - Wed-Sat 5:30-Closing Sunday 9:30-2pm Mon-â&#x20AC;?Industry Night Discountsâ&#x20AC;?
8Va^[dgc^V Xj^h^cZ# # 8Va^[dgc^V W^higd [VgZ i]Vi cZVgan ValVnh ]^ih i]Z bVg`# AjcX] VcY Y^ccZg YV^an# )%*% 7nlVn :! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#&...#
Cheapest Vacation Around!!
<^alddYh 8V[Z
9^cZg# " # 8aVhh^X ]dbZidlc Y^cZg! heZX^Va^oZh ^c i]Z ]dbZbVYZ# 7gZV`[Vhi VcY ajcX]! YV^an# &('% CVeV Idlc 8ZciZg! CVeV# ,%,#'*(#%)%.#
18812 Sonoma Hwy 707-933-9755
E^ooV 6oojggd
>iVa^Vc# # Gjc Wn V [dgbZg IgV K^\cZ VcY AVg` 8gZZ` >cc Vajb! i]Z e^ooV ^h h^beaZ VcY i]^c! VcY gVc`h Vh hdbZ d[ i]Z WZhi ^c i]Z Cdgi] 7Vn# AjcX]! Bdc";g^0 Y^ccZg YV^an# &'+% BV^c Hi Vi 8a^cidc ! CVeV# ,%,#'**#***'#
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Top Ten Reasons to come to deLorimier Winery 05 Crazy Creek Vineyard Alexander Valley 05 Crazy Creek Reserve Alexander Valley 05 Preston Ranch Alexander Valley 05 Preston Ranch Reserve Alexander Valley 05 Warm Springs Ranch Dry Creek Valley 05 Warms Springs Ranch Reserve Dry CreekValley 05 Smith Orchard Dry Creek Valley 05 Smith Orchard Reserve Dry Creek Valley 05 Lytton Springs Dry Creek Valley 05 Lytton Springs Dry Creek Valley Reserve (707) 857-2000 | tasting@delorimierwinery.com 2001 Hwy. 128 | Geyserville, CA
D6;2?F 96@A6;4@
Bdhi gZk^Zlh Wn ?VbZh @c^\]i0 Xdbe^aZY Wn 7gdY^Z ?Zc`^ch# CdiZ/ I]dhZ a^hi^c\h bVg`ZY Ă&#x2C6;L8Ă&#x2030; YZcdiZ l^cZg^Zh l^i] XVkZh# I]ZhZ l^cZg^Zh VgZ jhjVaan dcan deZc id i]Z ejWa^X Wn Veed^cibZci#
North County 6g^hiV L^cZgn
Cdi]^c\ W^\ VWdji i]Z l^cZ a^hi! _jhi hinaZ"Yg^kZc! [dXjhZY l^cZh# ,%&* LZhih^YZ GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# IVhi^c\ gddb deZc YV^an! &&VbĂ&#x201E;*eb# ,%,#),(#%+%+#
7ZaaV K^cZnVgYh
L8 HeZX^Va^o^c\ ^c O^c[VcYZa! 7ZaaV K^cZnVgYh [Vgbh i]gZZ k^cZnVgYh ^c HdcdbV 8djcin/ 7^\ G^kZg GVcX] ^c 6aZmVcYZg KVaaZn! VcY i]Z A^an =^aa :hiViZ VcY 7ZaaZ 8Vcndc ^c 9gn 8gZZ` KVaaZn# .,&& L# 9gn 8gZZ` GdVY! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &&VbĂ&#x201E;)/(%eb# -++#*,'#(**'#
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9Vk^Y 8d[[Vgd K^cZnVgYh
South County 6YdWZ GdVY L^cZgn
6lVgY"l^cc^c\ 8VW! E^cdi! O^c! 8VW ;gVcX! HngV] VcY EZi^iZ H^gV]# I]Z^g iVhi^c\ gddb ^h adXViZY ^c EZiVajbV Vi i]Z GVXZgh <gdje EdghX]Z gVXZ ]ZVYfjVgiZgh# &..* H# BX9dlZaa 7akY#! EZiVajbV# ,%,#.(.#,.+,#
Mid County
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Hina^h] hVadc d[[Zgh ]^e jgWVc^iZh a^b^iZY"gZaZVhZ Xdjcign Xdjh^ch d[ i]Z ide"hZaa^c\ gZhiVjgVci WgVcY# Ede ^c [dg i]Z E^cdi! hiVn [dg i]Z HngV]# '(* =ZVaYhWjg\ 6kZ#! =ZVaYhWjg\# DeZc YV^an! &%/(%VbĂ&#x201E;*/(%eb# ,%,#)(&#.)%%#
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West County
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East County 7Zco^\Zg L^cZgn
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Gdhh KVaaZn L^cZgn
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Upvalley 6j\jhi 7g^\\h L^cZgn
IVhi^c\ gddb ^h V l]^iZ WVgc a^i Wn h`na^\]ih VcY d[iZc hiV[[ZY Wn i]Z dlcZgĂ&#x2030;h l^[Z VcY bdi]Zg# ((( H^akZgVYd IgV^a! 8Va^hid\V# DeZc I]jghYVnĂ&#x201E;HjcYVn! &&/(%VbĂ&#x201E;)/(%eb# ,%,#.)'#*-*)#
8adh EZ\VhZ L^cZgn
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EZ_j Egdk^cXZ K^cZnVgYh
IVaZciZY hiV[[! iZgg^[^X [ddY eV^g^c\h VcY [VciVhi^X 8VW# -)++ Hi# =ZaZcV =ln#! Gji]Zg[dgY# DeZc YV^an! &%VbĂ&#x201E;+eb# ,%,#.+(#(+%%#
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K^cXZci 6ggdnd L^cZgn
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Downvalley 7Zg^c\Zg K^cZnVgYh
L8 I]^h ]^hidg^X l^cZgn d[[Zgh hdbZ hZkZc YV^an idjgh [dg cdb^cVa [ZZh! bdhi d[ l]^X] ZcY \gViZ[jaan l^i] V \aVhh VcY V he^c i]gdj\] i]Z jcYZg\gdjcY l^cZ"V\^c\ ijccZah# DeZc YV^an! &%VbĂ&#x201E;+eb hjbbZg ]djgh # '%%% BV^c Hi#! CVeV# ,%,#.+(#,&&*#
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C0BC4 0C >G1>F aste occupies prime real estate across from the Oxbow Public Market, in a corner storefront thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all windows. The ďŹ&#x201A;oor space is generous and holds a long table for groups, tables for two, and islands of wine country paraphernalia with plenty of room left to mill about. Dance, even. The long bar is inlaid with festively colored nuggets of glass, and furnished with stools so that patrons can relax and while away some time with a glass of wine and, well, bland wafers. Taste would seem to promise the world, while delivering only a tasteâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;except that when considering the name, I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say that they ever promised anything more.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a co-op tasting room that pours the product of two local wineries, and does offer a little charcuterie and mixed nuts on weekends. Wines are also available by the glass for a reasonable price, making it a reportedly busy spot in the evenings when tourists drop by between winery-hopping and dinner for a refreshing quaff like Mahoney Vineyardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2007 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Las Brisasâ&#x20AC;? AlbariĂąo ($18). The Iberian varietal wine had a rich palate of honey, apricot and white raisins. Where did we last see Mahoney Vineyards? Somewhere by the sea (May 13, 2009), a wine that rhymes with AlbariĂąo . . . Have the 2008 Las Brisas Vineyard Vermentino ($13)? I asked the bartender. Sure did, and produced a bottle from under the counter. This light, white varietal that winegrower Francis Mahoney discovered in southern Italy again proved fresh like sea-spray and focused like a laser, with a lean palate of grapefruit-lime. Crab cakes, please! Invited to compare the 2005 Mahoney Ranch Pinot Noir ($28) against the 2006 Las Brisas Vineyard Pinot Noir ($28), I accepted. Though similar, Las Brisas differentiated itself with Carneros weeds laden with berry fruit, textbook cranberry, forest-berry fruit, clove spice and a dry, nicely tart ďŹ nish, while the Mahoney Ranch showed a little warm earthiness and hint of classic barnyardâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;clean and tidy barnyard, like maybe a petting zoo. Although the giddy decor of Taste doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tell the story, the Mahoneys are no newcomers here. Producing for 30 years under the Carneros Creek label, Mahoney planted dozens of Pinot Noir clones, partnering with UC Davis to lead the way in early Carneros clonal research. Even now, experimentation continues with Iberian, Italian and Sardinian varietals. As for Waterstone, I never really got to that side of the menu; check out their Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got a taste for it. Taste at Oxbow, 708 First St., Napa. Open Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Thursday, 11amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;7pm; Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Saturday, 11amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;9pm. Tasting fee $10. 707.265.9600.
James Knight
;Vg C^ZciZ
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IgZ[Zi]Zc L^cZgn
HdbZ Xg^i^Xh XaV^b IgZ[Zi]ZcĂ&#x2030;h ]ZnYVn
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3454=34A >5 F8;3;854 Richard Charter feels that the MLPA serves both the natural world and those who rely upon it.
<82704; 0<B;4A
2^PbcP[ 2^]d]Sad\ The Marine Life Protection Act is goodâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;except when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not By Alastair Bland
nvironmentalists are applauding the implementation of the Marine Life Protection Act on the local coastline as a victory for conservationists, for the oceans and for coastal communities. But some North Coasters are calling the North Central Coast MLPA a land-grabbing scheme that was steered by illegitimate politics and private money lending. The MLPA was first passed in 1999 by former governor Gray Davis and, advancing slowly ever since, was finally realized on Aug. 5 when the California Fish and Game Commission voted to establish a network of marine reserves between Pigeon Point, 50 miles south of San Francisco, and Point Arena in Mendocino County in which harvest of marine life will be partially or entirely prohibited. These off-limits swaths of sea are intended to promote recovery of damaged ecosystems and to produce outward dispersal of marine life. Conservationists assure that fisheries, ecotourism businesses and coastal economies will ultimately thrive. But many North Coast locals are pissed. The MLPA will entirely restrict fishermen and other consumptive users from roughly 10 percent of
state waters in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;North Central Coastâ&#x20AC;? region (the MLPA slices the California coast into several regions). Some of these no-go zones are traditional favorites of recreational, commercial and subsistence fishermen, while some of the regions left open consist largely of barren sand habitat or are made inaccessible by cliffs or are a long boat ride from port. John and Barbara Lewallen, operators of the Mendocino Sea Vegetable Company in Philo, claim that their own concerns for preserving access to favorite kelp-collecting spots were disregarded by the Fish and Game Commission and by groups that supported the MLPA process. John Lewallen has harvested sea palms and other kelp at Sea Lion Rock for almost 30 years. The closures, which may take effect in February 2010, will cut 40 percent of his income, he says. But Richard Charter with Defenders of Wildlife insists the deal represents a fair compromise. Point Arena wound up with the closures it did because locals influenced the negotiations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There were studiously negotiated, scientifically based compromises in the [closures], and it was based on the full consensus of the people who participated at the table in this process,â&#x20AC;? Charter says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We came to Point Arena
to negotiate, and this is what they agreed upon.â&#x20AC;? Not so, says Point Arena resident and exâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;commercial fisherman Craig Bell. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the beginning, I supported the concept of marine protected areas,â&#x20AC;? says Bell, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but then they just steamrolled this thing right into the best fishing areas on the North Coast. All our input went nowhere. They could have taken reefs five or six miles north of us for their reserves, but that wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t good enough. They left those open and took the reef just one mile north.â&#x20AC;? While mainstream media gave substantial coverage to the MLPA proceedings in the days before and after the vote was cast three weeks ago at a public meeting in Woodland, few reporters explained that, by the end of the North Central Coast phase, there were two proposals on the table. Each included the marine protected areas required by the 1999 initiative, and each called for a ban on all fishing and kelp collecting in roughly 10 percent of the regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s waters. But one of the most substantial differences between the two alternatives was how each would respectively have impacted the financial livelihoods of North Coasters who subsist or otherwise depend on marine resources. (% THE BOHEMIAN
Swing Vote Mystery Bell, the Lewallens and many others who live along the Sonoma and Mendocino coast supported proposal 2XA, which was ultimately rejected by the five-person California Fish and Game Commission. 2XA placed no-fishing zones in areas less crucial to the livelihoods of locals, say residents of Stewarts Point and Point Arena. The other proposal was the Integrated Preferred Alternative, or the IPA, supported in large part by the National Resources Defense Council, the Ocean Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife and many other nonprofit conservation groups. The IPA passed into law despite an outpouring of pleas from the people it would impact. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a difference between being part of a process and being processed,â&#x20AC;? says Bell, who calls himself an environmentalist and has volunteered with Sierra Club, Earth First and the Salmonid Restoration Federation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They can say it was a public process, that everyone had input, that it was all fair, that they listened to both sides before choosing how to proceed, but they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, and now thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how we feelâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;like weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been processed.â&#x20AC;? Charter assures that the MLPA was â&#x20AC;&#x153;the most transparent process in the history of the state,â&#x20AC;? but murky waters created indisputable confusion in the latter days of the MLPA proceedings. Yet not even a week before the final meeting and the vote, heads spun when Fish and Game Commission president Cindy Gustafson abruptly resigned from the fiveperson panel on which she had been sitting since June 2005. Gustafson had appeared to be shaping up as a sympathetic party to the fishing communities of the Sonoma and Mendocino coastsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;especially to the Lewallens and to recreational abalone divers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She was the swing vote, and why she resigned four days before is a mystery,â&#x20AC;? says John Lewallen. Bell has his suspicions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think there might have been concern that she would waffle and vote for 2XA,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very possible that she received a phone call from someone in Sacramento encouraging her to step down. The timing of it is just so suspicious.â&#x20AC;? Gustafson, in fact, wrote in a July 31 letter to the governor explaining that she was resigning out of concerns that an issue of â&#x20AC;&#x153;incompatibilityâ&#x20AC;? might arrive in the future between her position with the Fish and Game
Commission and her job as general manager of the Tahoe City Public Utility District. But her job in Tahoe City was not a new one. She received her last promotion 17 months ago, in March 2008. In her resignation letter Gustafson wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;While no past, present or currently foreseen issues have presented any concern whatsoever, there is a hypothetical possibility that a future issue may arise.â&#x20AC;? In fact, Gustafson told the Bohemian that she has little idea how an issue of incompatibility might have occurred between a community on Lake Tahoe and communities on the North Central Coast, but the very possibility required her to step down. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It certainly wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t my choice,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I certainly didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to leave.â&#x20AC;? With Gustafson gone, the governor appointed Donald Benninghoven to replace her the very day before the meeting. Benninghoven served last year on the Blue Ribbon Task Force. In doing so, he participated in drafting the IPA. In June 2008, Benninghoven, as a task force member, recommended the IPA to the Fish and Game Commission for approval. Then he joined the commission. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was the sleaziest thing Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever seen in 20 years of attending Fish and Game Commission meetings,â&#x20AC;? Bell says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Here he is, the chairman of the Blue Ribbon Task Force now sitting on the Fish and Game Commission. How could he possibly have voted for anything other than the IPA that he recommended?â&#x20AC;? Gualala abalone diver Jack Likins also thinks Benninghoven may have been appointed to assure a win for the IPA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As soon as [Gustafson] resigned and they appointed Benninghoven, I knew the IPA was going to win. I know him personally, and he was on the Blue Ribbon Task Force, for Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sake. What else was the guy going to vote for but the proposal he helped make?â&#x20AC;? Benninghoven would ultimately cast his vote to implement the IPA, as would commissioners Richard Rogers and Michael Sutton, and by a 3-to-2 majority, the IPA passed into law.
The Sea Ranch Element Game wardens say they arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even sure they can handle the job of protecting the new reserves of the Marine Life Protection Act. Todd Tognazzini, a Department of Fish and Game warden who testified during the final meeting, is president of the California Fish and Game Wardens Association. He says that MLPA reserves on the Central Coast, established in 2007, are already failing to
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properly do their job. Illegal fishing occurs on a weekly basis, he guesses, and Tognazzini feels that placing more marine protected areas should be put on hold until California lifts furloughs from the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 200 wardens. While many private groups have promised to assist with enforcement, Tognazzini says that in the two years since the Central Coastâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new marine reserves took effect he has seen little to no assistance. The Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, for one, has made promises to help with placing demarcation buoys along the reservesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; boundaries and with aerial patrols, but their promises have fallen short of reality. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These reserves are depending on voluntary compliance, but without visible boundaries thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not even possible,â&#x20AC;? says Tognazzini. Law enforcement duties for the MLPA will fall especially heavily on the wardens north of Salt Point, where the IPA places reserves in disproportionate density. On average, the MLPA affects 20 percent of state waters, but between Salt Point and Point Arena more than 30 percent of the sea will be included in full or partial reserves. One of these, the newly created six-milelong no-fishing zone at the north end of Salt Point State Park, will bar the Kashia tribe of indigenous people from traditional gathering zones, says tribal member Lester Pinola, who lives among a hundred other Kashia in Stewarts Point and regularly collects abalone and kelp in waters that will soon become part of the Stewarts Point State Marine Reserve. Though the waters off the Sea Ranch coast will remain open for harvest, this is an empty gesture to the Kashia. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do us a damn bit of good,â&#x20AC;? Pinola says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to Sea Ranch at all. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a rich community of retired people and vacationers, and they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want no Indians on their land. Unless you own a house there or have permission to be there, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll call the police on you for trespassing or have your car booted.â&#x20AC;? Likins, who says he lobbied for the IPA largely because it left open the southern end of Sea Ranch, where he owns property and dives regularly, assures that Sea Ranch offers â&#x20AC;&#x153;excellent public accessâ&#x20AC;? through six parking lots along nine miles of highway, plus a coastal foot trail along the propertyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s north end. Well-known among divers for his accomplishments in collecting trophy-sized abalone, Likins wrote letters to the state asking that the Sea Ranch coast be left open as a matter of preserving a public resource. But Sean White says Likins had personal motives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jack Likins only cared about Sea Ranch because he has a place there and dives there,â&#x20AC;? alleges White, a diver and kayak fisherman from Ukiah who prefers to dive the north end of Salt Point State Park, now slated to be closed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a famous diver who gets big abs in Sea Ranch, and the conservationists brought him onboard to make it look like they had support from the diving community, but [Likins] wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t concerned about other divers or public access. Public access at Sea Ranch sucks.â&#x20AC;? The Sea Ranch access consists of undersized parking spaces, long treks to the coast and a notoriously high risk of receiving a sheriff â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
citation for trespassing, White says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They call the sheriff on you constantly if you dive there, just to make life miserable so you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to go,â&#x20AC;? he alleges. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To say thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s public access [at Sea Ranch] is bullshit, but they knew it, and by leaving open the crappy access at Sea Ranch and closing the public access at Salt Point, they got twice the bang for their buck.â&#x20AC;? Pinola says that nobody told Kashia representatives about the MLPA and its two alternative proposals, and it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t until May 2009 that Pinola learned through a friend that the IPAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s harvesting bans would close traditional collecting sites south of Sea Ranch. The Lewallens also did not learn until late in the game of the MLPAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approach, though they claim that Defenders of Wildlife and NRDC knew very well a cottage-sized kelp industry operated near Point Arena. Beginning in October 2008, the Lewallens began attending meetings and voicing their concerns and suggesting alternative boundaries for proposed reserves, but the lines on the maps had already been drawn. Those already engaged in the process were reluctant to rewrite anythingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;except ex-commissioner Gustafsonâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and the powers that be seemed poised against the Lewallens. For Point Arenaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bell, that was the tipping point. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what set the local environmentalists off. We said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Who are these outside environmentalists to come in here and tell us where we can go and what we can do?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Why in the world canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a person pick seaweed? The Lewallens are two of the most respected environmentalists on the coast. They fought offshore oil. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re hardcore, frontline environmentalists, and the MLPA shut them down in the name of conservation.â&#x20AC;? Gustafson tells the Bohemian that she was ready to support a motion that would have left the Lewallens and abalone divers with free access to their favorite harvest zones, and she acknowledged that her mind was not made up as the meeting neared. She was, she says, the swing vote. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We knew it was probably going to be a 3-to-2 vote, and I was going to be a deciding factor. One of the concerns I had was causing an effort shift of abalone diving pressure, and whether that would then affect other areas of abalone, maybe cause them to suffer and even have to be closed.â&#x20AC;? Abalone divers share her concern. They worry that closing productive abalone holes will put increased pressure on the remaining zones where harvest is legal. Some divers are even afraid they could lose their fishery entirely. Adam Wagschal, director of conservation for the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District in Arcata, is a recreational abalone diver. Like others in small North Coast communities where the local phase of the MLPA is now beginning, Wagschal has been cautiously watching the MLPA proceedings just to the south. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m familiar with that stretch of coastline, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m concerned with how the closures might concentrate resource extraction into smaller areas, especially with the abalone fishery. We need to be really clear about what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing here before we do it.â&#x20AC;? Likins expects to see a significant effort
shift of abalone divers who, barred from parts of Salt Point State Park, will now dive at Fort Ross State Historic Park to the south, already very heavily picked, perhaps even to the threshold of sustainability. Lance Morgan, scientist with the Marine Conservation and Biology Institute, also believes an effort shift in abalone harvest is inevitable, but he says that careful scientific monitoring will catch any adverse effects before they devastate Fort Ross. Charter, too, is confident that should abalone populations in legal fishing zones begin to suffer from unsustainable harvest levels, reducing the limit of three abalone daily and 24 per year could alleviate such an effect of the new reservesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which is exactly the outcome of which Gustafson and many divers are leery. It was the regional stakeholder group that drew the lines on the maps. This group of several dozen included Sean White and Richard Charter. Francesca Koe, a SCUBA instructor and abalone diver from San Francisco, was another. An IPA supporter, she feels that abalone diving has received more stage time than it should have in a process that is about ecosystems, not individual species. Koe also believes the disagreements between sides have been overemphasized. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We share a lot of common ground, and we all want the same thing at the end of the day, that being healthy marine resources so that we can continue to have a vibrant California economy.â&#x20AC;? Likins, too, says the differences between the IPA and 2XA are minimal, though 2XA would have prohibited abalone diving in the waters just steps away from his Sea Ranch vacation home. But he concedes that the outside forces steered the MLPA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Appointing Benninghoven just shows us now the ability that people outside the MLPA process had to come in and determine the whole outcome. If theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d appointed a fisherman instead, he would have voted the other way. They had the whole thing decided once Gustafson was gone.â&#x20AC;? Elsewhere on the Fish and Game Commission, outside money allegedly influenced the outcome. Commissioner Sutton, for instance, works for the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The aquarium advocates â&#x20AC;&#x153;the strongest possible networkâ&#x20AC;? of marine protection measures, has collected signatures to influence the MLPA and receives substantial annual funding from Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, the very nonprofit which is also paying $18 million to the MLPA process. The Political Reform Act of 1974 says
plainly that state officials must perform their duties â&#x20AC;&#x153;in an impartial manner, free from bias caused by their own financial interests or the financial interests of persons who have supported them.â&#x20AC;? Commissioner Sutton, critics say, has violated this act. In response to a complaint in early May, the Fair Political Practices Commission investigated Suttonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s private financial interests. Sutton was ultimately found free of any conflict two days prior to the Aug. 5 MLPA vote, but White maintains that the commissionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s background bound him to vote for the IPA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sutton was put on the Fish and Game Commission to do exactly what he did,â&#x20AC;? White charges. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an employee of the aquarium, and the aquariumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s practically paying for the whole [MLPA]. Of course he voted for the IPA.â&#x20AC;?
No Oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Happy After roughly five hours of hearing public comments on Aug. 5, the five commissioners deliberated at their respective microphones. Commissioner Richards observed a discrepancy between the opposing sides that he felt had been ignored. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Generally, those that are directly affected by the MLPAs are for 2XA, and then, generally speaking, those who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t earn a living there or who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t live there are for the IPA,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fascinating to me that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not listening to that, recognizing that both of [the proposals] meet the criteria that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re supposed to be adopting. It disappoints me.â&#x20AC;? Richards and Kellogg voted to implement 2XA on the North Central Coast, while the three remaining commissioners voted for the IPA, and so it became law. Crabbers, divers and other North Coasters quietly left the room while the IPAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s supporters swelled into applause. Charter observes in hindsight that in a compromise â&#x20AC;&#x153;no oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happy.â&#x20AC;? He says he would have liked to see Duxbury Reef near Bolinas included as a no-fishing zone. Morgan also feels sacrificing Duxbury was a great loss. Koe says that the proposal she supported closes some of her own favorite abalone spots. John Lewallen fears the upcoming North Coast MLPA phase could finally kill the remaining half of his seaweed business, and he swears the battle is still on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t over. We cannot accept private interest takeover of the public regulatory process or weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be defying the people of California.â&#x20AC;? Craig Bell also has alternative plans for the future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for civil disobedience.â&#x20AC;?
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B?42CA0; 8=38554A4=24 They see you when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sleeping, they know when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re awakeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and they could care less.
B_TRcaP[ ;^eT â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ghosts 101â&#x20AC;&#x2122; workshop helps you see, identify, avoid and get rid of otherworldly visitors By Jackie Johansen
s Florence tells Steve about her brothers, Steve can hear a loud voice inside his head, insisting that Florence has another brother she is not mentioning. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do you have one more?â&#x20AC;? he asks. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am hearing that you have one more.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;No, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t,â&#x20AC;? she insists. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is Dave in Idaho, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s another in New Jersey. . . .â&#x20AC;? As she continues the list, Steve hears the voice again, and somehow he knows that the unmentioned brother died a few weeks after being born. He wants to be counted, too. Steve tells her this. Florence turns sheet-white. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My mother lost a baby when he was three weeks old. The family never told anyone.â&#x20AC;? She looks faint. Turning people sheet-white is something Steve Osborn is used to. He is a medium, which means that, like that corny line from the movie, he sees dead people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have been dealing with the dead since I was four,â&#x20AC;? Osborn explains
matter-of-factly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had an imaginary playmate that wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so imaginary.â&#x20AC;? Osborn hosts Ghosts 101, an interactive event for people to become more educated about the paranormal and learn how to photograph, find and avoid ghosts on Aug. 29. All the proceeds go to the Food for Thought Food Bank to fund and service those living with AIDS and HIV. A nurse for 30 years, working in a place where people die, Osborn was continuously in contact with the dead. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we die, we do not turn into a box of wormsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;our energy moves on,â&#x20AC;? he says. He has volunteered for the food bank for 11 years and has done readings for almost all his co-workers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People come for readings, they find me. The dead show up,â&#x20AC;? he shrugs. Through his experience and on-target descriptions of deceased loved ones, Osborn has gained a solid reputation. Osborn wants to share what he has learned over the years, as he thinks that what most of us think we know about the other side is sheer misinformation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ninety percent of the
information out there is wrong or stretchedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; and about 50 percent of psychics are fake,â&#x20AC;? he charges. Osborn emphasizes that he is not here to convince anyone of the existence of ghosts, but acknowledges the increased interest in the paranormal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There has been a rise in interest in the spiritual realm,â&#x20AC;? he explains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Especially as baby boomers, who grew up without a spiritual background, start to face their own mortality and look for something greater.â&#x20AC;? On the other hand, those who grew up with a religious background often are taught it is bad to believe in ghosts and life after death. But they are still curious. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People want proof,â&#x20AC;? Osborn says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and when relatives â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;come across,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; they have their proof. None of it collides with peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beliefs; it only collides with those hellbent on not believing.â&#x20AC;? Such television shows as Ghost Hunters, Most Haunted and Ghost Adventures have peaked public interest in the paranormal. Osborn dismisses such shows as misleading. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When ghost hunting, people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t often know what
they are dealing with,” he says. “It is not a sport. Many of the spirits do not know they are dead. Ghost hunting might sound fun, but it is not always fun for them.” According to Osborn, there are two types of ghosts. Earthbound spirits are those that stay on this side and can cause problems. Ghost-imprint spirits are imprinted on a place, such as a Civil War battle site, and can never leave. It’s a kind of limbo in situ. Osborn cites an old Cathedral in Europe where a spirit continuously walks the same path as an example of an imprinted spirit. When the building was remodeled, the f loor was raised and now the ghost can only be seen from the waist up. Do dead people watch us shower, are they in the bedroom with us when we make love? Osborn says that the answer is yes, but they do not care. Can the spirit world give us financial advice? No, not really, since they do not care about money. Our deceased relatives often care about our happiness and our well-being, but not our worldly woes. Allen Chivens, owner of Food for Thought’s Antique and Collectibles, the store hosting the event, stresses that this is “not a ‘Casper the family ghost’ night, but rather is for people to become more educated about the paranormal.” The workshop developed organically. “A lot of the merchandise in the store comes from estates,” Chivens says. “There is a thread of history in each item you can’t help but wonder about. It is full of mystery.” The antique store even has a few ghosts of its own. One volunteer has seen a small child roaming downstairs and upstairs. There have also been sightings of an older gentleman spirit, who Osborn says used to be an owner of the building. If a volunteer stays later than closing, the ghost tends to get irritated and will throw books on the ground. Although Osborn has not had this same experience, this particular spirit does not care for Osborn being there and will “shush” him when he speaks. For the workshop, Osborn hopes that people will bring cameras or phones with cameras. After a ghostly interactive discussion, Osborn will take attendees upstairs to where the former owner resides to hopefully capture orbs in the photographs. “The dead often give us clues, but we just don’t always want to hear,” Osborn says. The workshop helps to educate about the paranormal which helps to diffuse the fear that often surrounds ghosts. “Usually, when I get a little voice in my head, it is a mother who wants her children to know she loves them,” Osborn says. “I feel what they feel, and often their messages are full of love.”
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Ghosts 101 is slated for Saturday, Aug. 29, at Food for Thought Antiques and Collectibles. 2701 Gravenstein Hwy. S., Sebastopol. 6pm. $15. 707.823.3101.
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5aX]VT 5Tbc 5TeTa Ready or not, Arts Sonoma is ready to launch
By Gretchen Giles
aturday morning, chore day, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at the gas station filling up. As you stand dully by the tank watching the numbers whirr by, a woman begins to flit among the pumps, bending and dipping and evenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is she crazy?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;leaping. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not crazy and neither are youâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s merely performing a public dance bemoaning our dependence on fossil fuels. Saturday evening, chores are done, time for a treat. You and your honey are at a restaurant out near the Russian River having one of those lovely long, meandering conversations about nothing that is so strangely satisfying. The couple at a nearby table, however, have begun to raise their voices. Oh. My. Gosh. Did he really say that to her in public? Is she crying? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t look, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t look, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rude. OK, look quick and tell me what you see. She slapped him? No way! No need to show public valor. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not having a rowâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re actors performing a play about a couple in a restaurant that just happens to be set in a real restaurant. Saturday night, driving home through the lush, dark air. The radio is on softly and the passenger looks quietly out the window. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s that light in that field? That is so strange! Hon, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a large . . . reddish, oh maybe itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pink . . . light just glowing in that field over there. Pull over. This is so strange! Aliens have not landed. This just is a random sculpture set up to radiate light on a random night in a random field. You need a nightcap. Sitting in the bar
For details on the Arts Sonoma â&#x20AC;&#x2122;09, go to www.artssonoma.com. The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;errataâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; page is particularly useful for late changes.
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Performance artist Hamlet Mateo promises to provoke.
of a Sebastopol restaurant, an aria starts up. Nice of them to play opera, you murmur, before realizing that the man seated at table in front of the fire has stood up and let the full strength of his tenor loose on a postmodern song structure by John Adams. Oh, sure. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the famous tenor from Adamsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Nixon in China and he lives out here. Can we please just go home where thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TV and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s safe? This long day of accidental art is entirely plausible between Aug. 29 and Oct. 3, otherwise known as the time frame for the large, unwieldy and sure-to-be surprising Arts Sonoma â&#x20AC;&#x2122;09 Festival. Born of a James Irvine Foundation grant through the Sonoma County Community Foundation and a desire for a fringe festival of outsider arts, Arts Sonoma encompasses all of those events that were going to happen anywayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;rock concerts, fall stage productions and art gallery showsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and adds in a bunch of frankly strange stuff that wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to happen unless John Moran made it happen. Moran is a humorous Brit who works for the Arts Council of Sonoma County and has nearly broken himself organizing this massive endeavor with former Studio KAFE owner John Duran. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hate elitism,â&#x20AC;? Moran says, settling into a rickety chair in a Santa Rosa coffee shop. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the perception of what the arts are thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paramount to me. What weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to say is that thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more to it than you think there is.â&#x20AC;? This first incarnation of what aims to be an annual festival relies heavily on the flash mob idea of performances occurring with seeming random precision. Liliana Cattaneo performs the gas station dances (for more, see Green Zone, p14); members of the Pegasus Theater Company act like theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re eating during performances in river-area restaurants; Patrick Scott will place electrified barrels wherever it pleases him; and indeed, Nixon in China tenor John Duykers will perform off-the-cuff opera in West County restaurants with New York composer Miguel Frasconi. While the flash-mob aesthetic animates many of the surprise performances of the festival, there is much to experience that is plainly dated with a start time and everything. Among the highlights is former WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) flyer Jeanne Sloan, who has written a book about her experience as a pilot and hosts a reading from it with several fellow WASPs in attendance (Sept. 19). Performance artist and filmmaker Hamlet Mateo plans one of his memorable shows at the Hammerfriar Gallery based on sketches and random writings about his own imaginary country of Mongo. Expect face paint and cross-dressing and damned excellent drawings (starting Sept. 4). Meanwhile, Railroad Squareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Toad in the Hole pub finally gets around to celebrating the queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coronation, hosting an old-fashioned street party (Oct. 3). And rest assured, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is just the start,â&#x20AC;? Moran stresses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re asking people to have a taste of art, like wineâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a flight of art. If thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an audience for it, it will succeed.â&#x20AC;?
H4= 5>A B430A8B Local pro David Yen has made â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Santalandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; a regular part of his repertoire.
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Despite the loss of PASCO, Spreckels announces fresh lineup By David Templeton
ne year shy of its 20th anniversary in Rohnert Park, the award-winning Pacific Alliance Stage Company is officially gone, its city funding erased as an emergency cost-cutting measure. PASCO artistic director Hector Correa, who was brought to Sonoma County in the spring of 2004 to coax the company toward heightened professionalism (and bigger box office), has been let go, and for the first time since 1989, Rohnert Park is without a resident theater company. The only Equity house in the county, PASCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fate comes as no surprise, given the massive deficits the city has been facing the last year or so. Despite strong loyalty from a tiny army of annual subscribers, the cost of operating a full-fledged contract theater company out of the Spreckels Performing Arts Center finally became too much to absorb. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no secret that Spreckelsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; operating budget was cut by 50 percent this year,â&#x20AC;? explains Gene Abravaya, Spreckelsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;theater arts specialist,â&#x20AC;? the person responsible in large part for marketing the centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s numerous musical and theatrical offerings. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With half of our budget gone,â&#x20AC;? he says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;we had to give something up, and unfortunately it had to be Pacific Alliance.â&#x20AC;?
According to Abravaya, PASCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s retirement is a temporary move. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As soon as our budget can support it, PASCO will be back again and up and running,â&#x20AC;? Abravaya says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say if Hector will be coming back with it, because heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a very talented director and actor, always in demand in the area, so I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say if heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be available, but that is the hope.â&#x20AC;? Surprisingly, the loss has not resulted in an abandonment of Spreckelsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; theatrical season. With all of those subscribers still expecting some kind of bang for their promised buck, Abravaya, working with managing director Mary McDougall, has pulled together a season of shows that is as ingeniously crafty as it is artistically daring. Replacing the traditional five-play season is a quartet of shows borrowed from other North Bay companies, all of them arriving with their original casts and directors. The Santaland Diaries, based on David Sedarisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; hilarious autobiographical essay about the people who play elves every year at Macyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, played to sold-out houses last December when it was performed in a small Santa Rosa storefront. That production, starring David Yen and directed by Argo Thompson, will be airlifted to Spreckels Nov. 27â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Dec. 13. In January, there will be a reprise of Patrick Ballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s internationally renowned soloshow Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Carolanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farewell to Music, written by Ball and Peter Glazer. Celtic harpist Ball portrays the legendary poet and musician Turlough Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Carolan. The show melds music and storytelling in a tale about the struggle of art to speak the truth even during dark and troubling time. The show runs Jan. 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Feb. 7. The Gin Game, with a brilliant, blistering script by D. L. Coburn, was a surprise success last year at the Novato Theater Company. Featuring real-life married actors Norman A. Hall and Shirley Nilsen Hall as a mismatched pair of dysfunctional retirement-home residents, the show dazzled audiences in February 2008, achieving the rare form of theatrical immortality that comes when, a year later, people are still talking about the production. The Gin Game plays March 18â&#x20AC;&#x201C;April 4. The season will conclude with a restaging of one of the North Bayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other most talkedabout performances: Steven Abbott in Doug Wrightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s I Am My Own Wife. The electrifying solo show originally appeared two years ago at the Sonoma County Repertory Theater, under the direction of Jennifer King, who will be returning to remount the show, with Abbott, at Spreckels, April 29â&#x20AC;&#x201C;May 16. Such moves seem economically wise, while also making it clear that a PASCO-less Spreckels does not mean a downgrading of theatrical entertainment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is certainly all excellent theater,â&#x20AC;? says Abravaya, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and people should know that. If anyone is concerned about a drop in quality at Spreckels, they should not be concerned.â&#x20AC;? In fact, these changes may be exactly what Spreckels needs. Despite the random theatrical success, PASCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s star has been waning over the last few years. Ironically, by filling its schedule with bold plays and first-rate casts, 2009â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2010 looks to be one of Spreckelsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; strongest seasons in years. Spreckels Performing Arts Center, 5409 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park. For details, call 707.588.3400.
B@D0A4B Eugene Levy and Demetri Martin in ‘Woodstock.’
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‘Taking Woodstock’ more than just nostalgia for the mud By Richard von Busack
aybe you have to be really Apollonian to make a truly Dionysian film. Taking Woodstock is way more than what the French call “nostalgia for the mud.” Ang Lee and screenwriter James Schamus bring their customary historical density to this view of the three-day-long music festival in upstate New York, August 1969. There are no significant anachronisms to throw you back into 2009, none of the sense of modern-day actors swishing their wigs around to an array of moldy oldies. This film won’t mollify hippie-haters, even though it acknowledges the portable toilets, the drenched fields and the chocolatecolored slop on the ground. But Taking Woodstock’s makers are also aware of the tensions and pretensions of these ’60s types (the film notes that the road out of Woodstock led to Altamont). Jonathan Groff as the organizer Michael Lang, a helicopterborne hippie capitalist, has the sinister confidence of a general. Taking Woodstock’s slightly military title makes this peace movie the twin of a war movie; it concerns the same conflict, the same transitory gains, and the same trampled, unsettled ground. Based on Elliot Tiber’s memoir, this is the story of Elliot Teichberg (Demetri Martin) trying his best to keep the family’s decaying and over-mortgaged Catskills motel open in
the summer of 1969. It’s several clapboard cabins engulfed by the poison sumac, with a swimming pool personally Cloroxed by Elliot’s father, Jake (Henry Goodman), a roofer by trade. “Excuse our appearance while we remodel” signs try to make up for the fact that the towels here require a dollar deposit. Ornery mother Sonia (the uproarious Imelda Staunton) greets guests with the warm welcome you’d expect at a skid-row flophouse. This area was once the refuge for New York Jews escaping the tropical summer heat, and there’s plenty of ambient antiSemitism among the locals, just waiting for a little conflict to dig it out. Elliot is going nuts trying to keep the place going with an arts festival; he has a troop of Living Theatre types called the Earth Light Players rehearsing in the barn. He’s the youngest head of the chamber of commerce in the history of Bethel, N.Y., in desperation after hearing a nearby community is going to cancel a huge rock concert because of fear of rampaging hippies. Elliot has the inspiration to contact the local dairy farmer Max Yasgur to see about renting his pastures for the concert. Lee keeps the big event mostly offscreen, though he considers it from different angles: the lilt of electric music over the trees and ponds, a benign apocalypse of closed roads, with a long tracking shot of the abandoned cars and the young people roaming off to a destination we don’t really visit. The festival’s chaos helps Elliot get free of his mad mother, takes the cork out of his bottled-up sexuality and finally gives him rebirth in the womb of a VW van with a tab of blotter acid and two friendly West Coasters (Paul Dano and Kelli Garner). In this sequence, augmented by computer-animation, Elliot gets as close to the concert as he’s going to get. It’s a vision of a far-off electrified stage glittering and surrounding with a shimmering nebula of humanity (the LSD is still doing its work). Demetri Martin is excellent in the lead role. He resembles Dustin Hoffman, but he may be a more inclusive and tart actor; the recessive comic reactions to the pressures on all sides of him keep the film funny throughout. The supporting acting builds Lee’s vision of harmonizing eccentricities. Emile Hirsch is maybe the exception; playing a traumatized young Nam vet, he sticks out like a sore trope. But Leiv Schreiber’s Marinesergeant-turned-drag-queen Vilma is a pure delight; it’s a performance on the far side of camp, with only a slight italicization in the words to mark his own unusualness. The great Eugene Levy plays old Yasgur as a man as ruminative as his cows; as always, Levy revels in the beauty of being a square. It’s not easy to make a good movie about this event; the younger the viewers, the more sick they are of hearing about it. Taking Woodstock’s serene appreciation for a past time makes this one of the best fictional movies about the 1960s. It’s the history lover in Schamus and Lee that appreciates Woodstock’s uniqueness, and its ultimately transitory nature.
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Experience A Rejuvenating Weekend In Napa
August 28, 29, 30 2009 s
Intriguing Experiences. Powerful Presentations. nutrition s fitness s wellness s meditation greener living s yoga s outdoor activities 3 Days s 60 Speakers s 75 Sessions F E AT U R I N G
E<"&(0 -. b^c# 6aZm^h 7aZYZa <^abdgZ <^gah! H^hiZg]ddY d[ i]Z IgVkZa^c\ EVcih hiVgh Vh Vhe^g^c\ Wdd` ZY^idg GnYZc BVaWn! [gZh] dji d[ XdaaZ\Z VcY gZVYn id iV`Z Adh 6c\ZaZh Wn hidgb# 7ji V[iZg h]Z adhZh dji dc ]Zg YgZVb _dW VcY ^h i]jh jcVWaZ id V[[dgY i]Z [VcXn ad[i h]Z VagZVYn gZciZY! h]Z [^cYh ]ZghZa[ [dgXZY id bdkZ WVX` ^c l^i] ]Zg hjWjgWVc eVgZcih# 6i [^ghi h]Z XVcĂ&#x2030;i ^bV\^cZ l]Vi h]Z l^aa Yd l^i] ]ZghZa[! Wji WZilZZc [ZcY^c\ d[[ ]Zg Ydi^c\
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EaVn 7Vaa
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=ZVgi [daadlh V WVgZan [^Xi^dcVa^oZY kZgh^dc d[ 8]VgancZ N^ @cdX`ZY Je Vh h]Z YZX^YZh id bV`Z V YdXjbZciVgn VWdji V hjW_ZXi h]Z YdZhcĂ&#x2030;i gZVaan jcYZghiVcY/ adkZ# H]Z hZih d[[ id ^ciZgk^Zl [g^ZcYh VcY higVc\Zgh dc i]Z hjW_ZXi! VcY h]dgian V[iZg [^ab^c\ WZ\^ch h]Z hiVgih V gZaVi^dch]^e d[ ]Zg dlc l^i] B^X]VZa 8ZgV eaVn^c\ V WVgZan [^Xi^dcVa^oZY kZgh^dc d[ ]^bhZa[ # 6h i]Z^g gdbVcXZ Wadhhdbh dc XVbZgV! N^ [^cYh V cZl jg\ZcXn id ]Zg b^hh^dc id jcadX` i]Z hZXgZih d[ adkZ ^[ h]Z ^h id bV`Z ]Zg gZaVi^dch]^e aVhi# ?A
;4 9>DA=0; The documentary â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Faubourg TremĂŠ: The Untold Story of Black New Orleansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; gets a special treatment on Aug. 30. See F&D, p46.
Dr. Andrew Weil Dan Beuttner Laurence Juber Pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine
Natl Geographic explorer & author of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Blue Zonesâ&#x20AC;?
Grammy award-winner & former Wings guitarist
Lodging packages available on festival website Festival information 888-285-5893 ext. 4
H]dgih E<0 &%+ b^c# GdWZgi GdYg^\jZo Hen @^Yh! H^c 8^in lg^iZh VcY Y^gZXih V hjWjgWVc [V^gn iVaZ hZi ^c i]Z Wdg^c\ cZ^\]Wdg]ddYh d[ 7aVX` ;Vaah! l]ZgZ Vaa i]Z ]djhZh add` i]Z hVbZ VcY ZkZgndcZ ldg`h [dg i]Z 7aVX` 7dm Jca^b^iZY LdgaYl^YZ >cYjhig^Zh >cXdgedgViZY! X]jgc^c\ dji Yd"^i"Vaa Xdbbjc^XVi^dc VcY ZciZgiV^cbZci \VY\Zih# 7ji l]Zc ndjc\hiZg IdZ I]dbehdc ?^bbn 7ZccZii ]VeeZch jedc V bV\^XVa! gV^cWdl"XdadgZY gdX` i]Vi \gVcih l^h]Zh id l]dbZkZg ]daYh ^i! ]Z VcY ]^h [g^ZcYh bVcV\Z id bV`Z i]Z hjWjgWh V l]daZ adi bdgZ ZmX^i^c\# 6[iZg i]Z \gdlc jeh \Zi V ]daY d[ i]Z gdX`! ]dlZkZg! i]Z gZVa igdjWaZ hiVgih! VcY IdZ VcY ]^h WjYY^Zh bjhi WVcY id\Zi]Zg id hVkZ i]Z idlc [gdb ^ihZa[# 6ahd hiVgg^c\ L^aa^Vb =# BVXn! ?dc 8gnZg! ?VbZh HeVYZg VcY AZha^Z BVcc# ?A
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Film capsules by Richard von Busack and Jeff Latta.
The Coyote Den Bar & Dance Hall
Luv Planet
Bargain Tuesday - $7.50 All Shows Bargain Tuesday - $7.00 All Shows Schedule for Fri, Aug 28th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Thu, Sep 3rd Schedule for Fri, June 29th - Thu, July 5th
â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Sweet Comic Embrace Taking Woodstock May Give You â&#x20AC;&#x153;One A Contact Newsweek of theHigh!â&#x20AC;? Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Best! Directed by Fireball!â&#x20AC;? Ang Lee â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rolling Stone A Radically Fierce & Funny â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sicko isWOODSTOCK Socko!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Time TAKING (11:45) 2:15SICKO 4:45 7:20 9:50 R
Saturday, August 29th â&#x20AC;˘ 8pm Alternative Rock
A Film By Michael Moore â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NY Times â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Delicious Fable! Flat-Out Funny!â&#x20AC;? On Two Screens! COLD (12:00 1:00) 2:30SOULS 3:30 5:00 6:00 (12:00)7:30 2:308:30 4:5010:00 7:00 PG-13 9:10 PG-13 No Passes Accepted â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Blisteringly Funny Skewering The Vernal Advance Tickets On Sale Of Now! Side Of Politics!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; USA Today
â&#x20AC;&#x153;ä&#x2013;&#x;ä&#x2013;&#x;ä&#x2013;&#x;ä&#x2013;&#x;ăť&#x201E;ăť&#x192;ăť&#x192;Brilliantly Acted!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fox-TV (12:30) 2:45 5:00 7:10 9:30 NR Vanessa Redgrave Meryl Streep Glenn Close No 5:00 Show Wed Toni Collette Claire Danes
EVENING â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Delightful, Witty, Well-Acted & Inventive (1:15) 4:00 7:00 9:30 PG-13 Comedy!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; USA Today 500 DAYS OF SUMMER
(12:45) 3:00Riveting!â&#x20AC;? 5:15 7:40 9:45 Stone PG-13 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Raw and â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rolling â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Rather Fascinating Look At A Beautiful Culture! A MIGHTY HEART (12:30) 2:45 5:00 7:20 9:45 The Imagery Is Beyond Stunning!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NY R Observer
Twice As Good Saturday, September 5th â&#x20AC;˘ 8pm Rockin' Blues Thursday Night KARAOKE â&#x20AC;˘ 8:30pm LD Productions
$100 Cash Drawing
(12:40) 2:50 7:30 NR No 7:30 Show Wed â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Triumph!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New York Observer â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Most Welcome Summer Treat!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; LA Times LA VIE EN ROSE
ADAM (12:45) 3:45 6:45 9:45 PG-13 5:10 9:35 PG-13 No 9:35 Show Wed
BeneďŹ ting TheDNO Rookie Reds & The Goodwill Series RESERVATIONS
5 miles North of Ukiah, Hwy 101 â&#x20AC;˘ West Road Exit, Ukiah
www.coyotevalleycasino.com 707-485-0700 THE BOHEMIAN
0NYR[QN_ ;\_aU /Nf 2cR[a`
Easy Ears If you like hanging out in beautiful vineyards, mingling with beautiful people and grooving out to that beautiful brand of indie-pop that makes you feel pretty darn good about life, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll want to attend C. Donatiello Wineryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Live from Middle Ranch Series. This weekend hosts the likes of Sara Bareilles, Ian Ball, Buddy, Holly Conlan and others. Headliner Bareilles is the Eureka native who scored massive popularity with the sassy piano-driven melody of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Love Song.â&#x20AC;? She falls into that pleasant musical subgenre of fresh-faced female singers who play their own instruments and write their own songs. No rehab histrionics, no AutoTuner, no overproductionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;just catchy tunes perfect for intimate mix tapes and romantic comedy soundtracks. Hear Bareilles with Ball, the frontman of the Britpop band Gomez, Buddy, an L.A.-based indie pop project, and Conlan, a piano-playing singer-songwriter, on Sunday, Aug. 30, at C. Donatiello Winery. 4035 Westside Road, Healdsburg. 1â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4pm. Free; buy some wine already. 707.497.3376.
Rockabilly Baby Whip out the fedora, grease back the hair, strap on the leather pumps and tune up the hot-rod, when the KRSH presents the Hot August Rockabilly Roadhouse. For all fans of that singular breed of retro rock and oldtimey tunes, the Blasters along with standup bassist Lee Rocker are here to provide some jams worthy of rug-cutting. The Blasters draw inf luence from such rock â&#x20AC;&#x2122;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; roll grand masters as Carl Perkins, Big Joe Turner, Howlinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Wolf
and James Brown. Lee Rocker, an original member of the Stray Cats, plays a mean slap bass that can swing from classic Americana to fist-pumping rock. Big Dave, host of KRSHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s weekly â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rockabilly Roadhouseâ&#x20AC;? broadcast, provides his oversized persona to host the live performance. Dig it on Saturday, Aug. 29, at the Hopmonk Tavern. 230 Petaluma Ave. Sebastopol. 9pm. $25. 707.829.7300.
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Hard-Kora The kora, a 21-string harp-lute used in traditional West African music, has a strangely international appeal, such as when jazz innovator Herbie Hancock used it in his 1984 album Village Life. From the tiny Senegalese ethnic minority the Mandika people, kora musician Solo Cissokho knows full well the transnational power of his instrumentâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;well, at least people in Norway seem to really like it. Based out of Oslo, Cissokho frequently collaborates with Swedish-born fiddle player Ellika Frisell. The unlikely fusion of West African harp with Scandinavian folk has proven both fruitful and sonically rich. Their collaboration on Tretakt Takissaba won a BBC World Music Award in the Boundary Crossing category. Boundary crossing, indeed. Solo Cissokho performs solo followed by a performance of an entire kora orchestra on Thursday, Aug. 27, at 142 Throckmorton Theater. 142 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley. 8pm. $15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$18. 415.383.9600.
Hello, Wellness Imagine yourself running through a field of daisies, ambient smooth jazz is playing from somewhere and the sun is shining. Your
poresâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and chakras, tooâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;are freshly exfoliated, and open from a sunrise yoga session. You are one with the universe, Vitamin Water in one hand, a bundle of biodynamic snacks in the other. No, this is not a dream. It could be you if you head to the Napa Fresh Aire Festival, a weekend-long event featuring an exposition of spiritual health and eco-conscious products, in-depth yoga seminars, mood music, nature appreciation, chi-alignment and a whole range of enlightened speakers, including everyone from acclaimed New Age health guru Dr. Andrew Weil to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;sexpertâ&#x20AC;? authors of How to Have Magnificent Sex and Your Long Erotic Weekend. Breathe deep, baby. Things are going to get groovy Aug. 28â&#x20AC;&#x201C;30 at the Westin Verasa Hotel. 1314 McKinstry St., Napa. $99â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$175 with registration. 888.825.5484. www. napafreshairefest.com.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a valid question. After all we know about the ethically questionable practices of the American meat industry and the giant carbon footprint caused by consuming animal f lesh, it seems like we would all have evolved to vegetarianism by now, if not downright veganism. Yet there is something in the musky aroma of smoke rising from a grill with wellmarinated ribs freshly laid down that makes our mammalian hearts melt to a more primal state. It may be wrong, but gosh darn it, those ribs will be delicious at Blues, Brews & BBQ, which features live music, microbrew tasting, the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finest winemakers competing in a rib-eating contest and lots of barbecue. Dig in on Saturday, Aug. 29, in downtown Napa. 1â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6pm. Free. 707.257. 0322.
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Carnivoreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dilemma A letter to the editor recently chastened the Bohemian for running a cover story on a local barbecue chef (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lonestar State of Mind,â&#x20AC;? Aug. 5). The bereaved reader demanded why we would celebrate the carnivorous tendencies of modern man, asking, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why do you glorify our ignorance?â&#x20AC;?
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FARGO BROTHERS Sat Aug 29 â&#x20AC;˘ $6
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UPCOMING EVENTS Sat Sept 5 â&#x20AC;˘ $12
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Sat Sept 12
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Sun Sept 13 â&#x20AC;˘ 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9pm
All Music 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10pm â&#x20AC;˘ All Shows $5 unless noted
Swimming Pool Open to Public
Lunch â&#x20AC;˘ Dinner â&#x20AC;˘ Brunch on Weekends
HX^"[^ hjg[ ejc`h b^m ^c V [Zl bdgZ \ZcgZh l^i] ]Zae [gdb GZ"Kdaih [ZVijg^c\ He^`Z d[ BZ ;^ghi i]Z <^bbZ <^bbZh! AZ[i 6adcZ VcY
Full Bar â&#x20AC;˘ Live Bands 707.869.0821 | 14540 Canyon 2, Rio Nido
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Petaluma jazz and blues fest is bigger and, yes, better than ever he magic formula for holding a successful fundraiser, it seems, is to simply give the attendees an abundance of what they like. If said fundraiser happens to be in Sonoma County, then the formula gets even easier: lots of wine and damn good music. At least, this is what works for the Petaluma Wine, Jazz & Blues Festival, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not about to change a thing. After a hugely successful debut in 2008, the festival is returning with a lineup straight from jazz and blues heaven: big-wig Charlie Musselwhite, Joe Louis Walker (above), the Peter Welker Sextet and Booker T. are just a few to look for. More than 80 wineries will be attending, pouring their little vintner hearts out in the form of over 200 wines for a good cause. The festival, which will take place at the new SonomaMarin Fairgrounds this time around, is a beneďŹ t for music-education programs in all Petaluma-area schools. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to say what could be better than lounging around on a grassy slope on a lazy, late summer day with a bottomless wine glass and seven hours of high-end musical entertainment. Oh, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rightâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Lagunitas Brewing Company will also be on site, as will a variety of specialty food vendors. One more thing: a music artistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s booth for meet-and-greets, autographs and all the merch a hepcat could dream of. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think one day is enough? Festival organizers have added an opening-night gala on Friday, Aug. 28, at McNearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mystic Theatre, featuring the Pete Escovedo Latin Jazz Orchestra. $25. 23 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma. 707.765.2121. The Petaluma Wine, Jazz & Blues Festival is slated for Saturday, Aug. 29, at the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds, 175 Fairgrounds Drive, Petaluma. 12:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8pm. $30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$75; under 11, free. 707.283.3247.
Cassandra Landry
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Os Mutantes change the game at Outside Lands bout half way down the 68-act list of artists slated to rock Golden Gate Park at this weekendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Outside Lands Music & Arts Festival, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a name that sticks out like a sore thumb. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not Pearl Jam, MIA or even recent Beastie Boys replacements Tenacious D, but rather a band as influential as it is obscure, and one that, for fans of psychedelic rock, is a monolith of the genreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proud history. That name is Os Mutantes. And after reuniting and recording the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first new album in 35 years, the crew will bring its signature TropicĂĄlia sound to the festivalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sutro Stage this Saturday. The troopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lead guitarist and only remaining original member, SĂŠrgio Dias, gave the goods on the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest mutations by phone from his home in SĂŁo Paulo. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m the same kid I was back in the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;60s,â&#x20AC;? says Dias with a lilting Portuguese accent. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Really, it was the kids who got us to come back out. The music we are doing now, I think, is the music that Os Mutantes would naturally be doing in the 21st century.â&#x20AC;? Brazil in the 1960s was a country locked in the throes of a social and political revolution. At the time, the band was a well-groomed, wholesome-looking trio made up of Dias on guitar, his brother Arnoldo Baptista on bass and keys, and doe-eyed starlet Rita Lee on vocals. The TropicĂĄlia movement sprang up around the same time, and was, by most accounts, a dada-style mishmash of music ranging from samba and funk to folk and acid rock. Since then, Os Mutantes have been cited by bands like Beck, Nirvana and the Talking Heads as being one of the most inďŹ&#x201A;uential groups in pop music. Beckâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1998 album Mutations was a tribute to the band and was made famous by the hit single â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tropicalia.â&#x20AC;? Yet the Mutants of 2009 are a far cry from the 1960s and â&#x20AC;&#x2122;70s version. The lineup, having gone through 11 band-member additions and deletions over the years, is still anchored by Dias, but now features longtime Mutante Dinho Leme on drums, plus ďŹ ve recently added musicians on vocals, keys, bass and guitar. The groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new album, Haih or Amortecedor, due out Sept. 8, is a departure from the lush Samba-psychepop of yesteryear and a step toward a more progressive rock sound, but one where the iconic TropicĂĄlia style still shines through. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mutantes is not about me or the band; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an umbrella term for a state of mind,â&#x20AC;? says Dias. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The music speaks for itself. And when you see us live, there wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be any special lights or pyrotechnics, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll just be us smiling onstage and getting lost in the music.â&#x20AC;? Os Mutantes rock the Sutra Stage at the Outside Lands Music & Arts Festival in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, on Saturday, Aug. 29, at 4:50pm. The three-day festival runs Aug. 28â&#x20AC;&#x201C;30 and also features performances from Pearl Jam, the Dave Matthews Band, Ween, Modest Mouse and the Mars Volta, along with 62 other acts on seven stages. Single day tickets are $89.50 and three-day passes are $225.50. Check www.sfoutsidelands.com for more details. Curtis Cartier
Take a scenic drive for a unique dining experience
Dinner and a Show Reservations advised â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Historic West Marin Landmarkâ&#x20AC;?
EST. 1941
Vgi^hih ^c 7Vn 6gZV 7ajZh :migVkV\VcoV# 6j\ '.! & id +# ;gZZ# 9dlcidlc CVeV! ;^ghi HigZZi VcY Idlc 8ZciZg! CVeV# ,%,#'*,#%(''#
20 min from downtown Petaluma, 25 min from everywhere else!
Bjh^X ^c i]Z EVg`
:kZgn I]jgh Vi +! Zc_dn a^kZ bjh^X# ;gZZ# 9dlcidlc 8Va^hid\V! A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#+(((#
Aug 29 Steve Lucky and the
Rhumba Bums
Miss Carmen Getit 8:30pm / $12 Fri
Sept 4 Fri
Sept 11
Ron Thompson Blues Wizard 8:00pm /In the Bar Rancho Debut!
Buddy Owen Band Back to Basics Rock 8:00pm /In the Bar
Sept 12
Volker Strifler Band Red Hot Blues 8:30pm / $12
Sept 18
Unauthorized Rolling Stones 8:30pm / $15
Sept 25
Now OPEN! Wednesday thru Friday 3pm - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 1pm - 7pm
Enjoy His Beverage Under His Lights!
Party In The Bar!
The Ed Earley Band 8:00pm / In the Bar
The Rancho Allstars Sept 26 With Special Guest Sat
Annie Sampson 8:30pm / $12 Sun
Sept 27
New Orleans in Nicasio!
Wed, Aug 26 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45 Jazzercise 10am-12:15pm Scottish Dance Youth and Family 7:00-10:00pmSingles & Pairs Square Dance Club
With Kenny â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blues Bossâ&#x20AC;? Wayne, Chris Seibert with Lavay Smith, Wendy DeWitt, and Todd Morgan $20 / Gates Open 3pm, Music 4pm
Sept 6
Gates Open 3pm Music 4pm
Roy Rogers and the Delta Rhythm Kings Plus Jeffrey Halford $20
Sept 7 Sun
Sept 13 Sun
Marcia Ball $25
Buckwheat Zydeco $20 / Gates Open 3pm, Music 4pm
Family Day
Sept 20 The Last BBQ of 2009! Jumpy Jump & Horseshoes
The 85's & Petty Theft $12/ Kids under 10/ $5 Gates Open 2pm, Music 3pm
On the Town Square â&#x20AC;˘ Nicasio
Thur, Aug 27 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 7:25-10:30pm Circles & Squares Square Dance Club Fri, Aug 28 8:45-9:45am Jazzercise 7:15pm West Coast Swing Party hosted by DJ Steve Luther $10 Sat, Aug 29 8:00-9:00am; 9:15-10:15am Jazzercise 10:30-11:45am NEW!Salsa Workout with DJ Steve Luther 8:00pm Challenging Contra Dance hosted by North Bay Country Dance Society Sun, Aug 30 8:30-9:30am Jazzercise 10:15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11:15am Zumba Fitness with Anna 5:00â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:30pm DJ Steve Luther Country-Western Lessons & Dancing $10 Mon, Aug 31 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 3:30pm WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING 7:00-10pm
Weigh in 3:30, Meeting 4:00
New! Scottish Country Dancing
Tues, Sept 1 8:45-9:45am; 5:45-6:45pm Jazzercise 9:30am WEIGHTWATCHERS MEETING Weigh in 9:30, Meeting 10:00 7:15-9:00pm AFRICAN DANCE & WORLD MUSIC featuring West African & Congalese Dance
Outdoor Dining 7 Days a Week 42
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7ajZlViZg 7^higd
3rd Annual
Mitch Woodsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Boogie Woogie BBQ Blowout
AVhi I]jgh bdci]an! a^kZ ^begdk l^i] Ha^e"<ddhZ Bdc`Zn hZZ 8dbZYn # 6j\ '-! E^cZ CZZYaZh VXdjhi^X _Vb # 6j\ '.! Ild 7jX` 8]jX` VXdjhi^X \gddkZ # 6j\ '. Vi &%/(%Vb! 9jZ O^\]^ 7VX^# 6j\ (%! 9Vc BX<ZZ I]gZZ _Voo # &-. = Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,,-#+%+%#
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2009 BBQâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On the Lawn! Aug 30
6fjh 8V[Z
7aVX` GdhZ >g^h] EjW
The California Honeydrops 5:00pm / $10
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Santa Rosaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Social Hall since 1922 1400 W. College Avenue â&#x20AC;˘ Santa Rosa, CA 707.539.5507 â&#x20AC;˘ www.monroe-hall.com
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H>D :=>F H>D ;>E4 C74< Daryl Hall and John Oatesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;ingrained in any radio listener of a certain age.
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Hall & Oates straddle both past and present By Bruce Robinson
ohn Oates has been digging deep into his past lately, reviewing his role as half of the phenomenally successful pop-soul duo Hall & Oates. His partnership with Daryl Hall dates back to 1967, when the two aspiring musicians met at a Philadelphia concert, and endures today in a forthcoming four-CD box set, due out in October, which prompted the backward looks. Through 17 albums over 32 years, including a half-dozen No. 1 hits, the pair explored a number of variations in their blend of folk and R&B influences with crisp hooks, sharp rock guitars, dance grooves, techno touches andâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;alwaysâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;tight vocal arrangements. The evolution of a sound that embodied those disparate elements is traced through the 74 tracks (16 previously unreleased) that have been compiled for the forthcoming box, which even reaches back to include early singles that Oates and Hall each cut with their own early bands before they met, drawn together by a shared love of Philadelphiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s famed street-corner harmonizing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Doo-wop was an important part of our roots, a little bit more so for Daryl than me,â&#x20AC;? Oates says, settling in to chat from his mountainside home near Aspen, Colo. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My roots were more in folk and traditional American musicâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;bluegrass, blues, acousticoriented stuff. When we met, we brought different elements of these roots to each
other. If you had to distill what Hall and Oates is, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a combination of this acoustic Americana mixed with urban R&B.â&#x20AC;? Still, that distillation took many different forms through the 1970s and â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s before coalescing into the chart-topping sound of albums like Private Eyes, Voices and H2O and such hits as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kiss on my List,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Maneaterâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;I Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Go for That (No Can Do).â&#x20AC;? Revising the explorations along that path, Oates says, was full of surprises. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we actually had to listen to all these songs, I came awayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not saying this from an ego point of viewâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;pretty impressed with the adventurousness and the unusualness of a lot of the material, especially the stuff we resurrected from the vaults that was never released and live tracks that no oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever heard.â&#x20AC;? But through it all, he adds, the basis for everything is their songs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Without the songs, we would be nothing, we would never have had a career,â&#x20AC;? he asserts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For me, the accolades, the No. 1 records, the moneyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;those things are byproducts of the songwriting.â&#x20AC;? And he marks a clear distinction between the song and a recording of it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re two completely different things to me. The song is what happens when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re writing it, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sitting in your room with an instrument, and the record is what happens when you go into the studio and collaboration occurs between an engineer and musicians and producers and technology. A song can be recorded in a million different ways. Look at the Dolly Parton song â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I Will Always Love You.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Listen to her version and listen to Whitney Houstonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s version; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the same song, but theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re two completely different records.â&#x20AC;? Peeling back those studio embellishments was the basic idea underlying Oatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; recent series of solo dates, a show he titled The Stories Behind the Songs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After all these years, so many people know this material and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s become a part of the cultural and generational background, but a lot of people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know where the songs came from. I think it changes peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s perceptions of the songs because everyone, when they hear a song, seems to relate it to their own experience. That song speaks for an emotion or a moment or a feeling,â&#x20AC;? he says intently. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And what I do is say, from our point of view, this is where it really came from.â&#x20AC;? The relaxed schedule that Hall & Oates maintain now also leaves room for some more unlikely individual projects, like Hallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s series of monthly online concerts, Live from Darylâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s House, featuring stars like Smokey Robinson performing in Hallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s living room and, perhaps more notably, the adventures of J-Stache, an online animated action show, in which Oates, lending his own voice, plays straight man to the distinctive mustache he sported throughout the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;70s and â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I shaved my mustache off in 1989, so when I see that guy, it seems like someone else. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an animated version of what I used to be, so I can step away from it,â&#x20AC;? he laughs, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and the mustache can be the really insane character.â&#x20AC;? Daryl Hall and John Oates perform together on Monday, Sept. 7, at Rodney Strong Vineyards. 4pm. $75â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$110. 11455 Old Redwood Hwy., Healdsburg. 707.869.1595.
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Photographer Sko Ogle is among the artists participating in the Napa Valley Open Studios, whose reception is Aug. 28. See adjacent.
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Slaughterhouse Space performance afternoon heals the killing floor ne of the most exciting and innovative art experiences of the summer is happening in a former abattoir. The Slaughterhouse Space, located adjacent to the Duchamp Winery, hosts â&#x20AC;&#x153;Remember Me to Someoneâ&#x20AC;? on Aug. 29, the third in an annual trilogy of performance art pieces hosted by Duchamp owner Pat Lentz and curated by East Bay artist Jordan Essoe. An action-packed afternoon, this one begins with a presentation by a Kirby Vacuum salesperson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It pays homage to the sales pitch as performance,â&#x20AC;? Essoe explains, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re essentially also asking Kirby to show us how to clean the slaughterhouse. The whole thing is a purge and revisiting how to clean this space.â&#x20AC;? Accompanying the salesperson, whom Essoe is truly hoping will move an appliance or two, is Headlands Center for the Arts program coordinator Jessica Brier playing cello, making for a remarkable marriage of sounds. In fact, the entire lineup of participating artists is remarkable. On view at the start of the afternoon are works on paper by â&#x20AC;&#x153;moving painterâ&#x20AC;? Naomi Kremer, a midcareer artist lauded for her kinetic pieces and animation, as well as a one-minute-long piece, My Father Breathing into the Mirror (above) by video artist Neil Goldberg and work by conceptual artist Justin Hoover. Sound artist Laetitia Sonami will provide a solid chunk of sonic speculation to break up the word-heavy afternoon program and Essoeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own mother Kelley Milesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; daughter of Hitchcock fave Vera Milesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;performs a 35minute performance art monologue written by Essoe. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an experimental narrative that deals with the embodiment of relationships,â&#x20AC;? Essoe explains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She plays two different roles of coworkers from one perspective and another. What the co-workers are doing is working on a documentary animated film about a fictional anthropologist who has this broad-reaching theory about human migration.â&#x20AC;? Naturally. He laughs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Naturally,â&#x20AC;? he agrees. The afternoon ends with a reading by the poet and art critic Bill Berkson, who will read from and discuss his newest collection, Portrait and Dream: Selected Poems 1959â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2007. According to Essoe, the afternoon, as disparate as it is, hangs together heavy with metaphor. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Remember Me to Someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is this loose collection of words that I came up with as a reflection of ego, wanting to make a mark, wanting something to be remembered,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something sort of poignant in that. Finality is what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re driving atâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;without putting too fine an emphasis on it.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Remember Me to Someoneâ&#x20AC;? is slated for Saturday, Aug. 29, from 3:30 to 6pm. Slaughterhouse Space, Duchamp Winery, 280 Chiquita Road, Healdsburg. Free. 707.431.1514. Gretchen Giles
Field Trips
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I]gdj\] HZe &(! Ă&#x2020;8]^aYgZc d[ =Vc\o]dj/ 8dccZXi^c\ l^i] 8]^cV!Ă&#x2021; V XadhZ"je ZmeZg^ZcXZ d[ bdYZgc"YVn 8]^cV# Dc\d^c\! ]VcYh"dc Vgi! hX^ZcXZ VcY i]ZViZg XVbeh! Vgi hijY^d! idi hedi VcY add`dji XdkZ VYkZcijgZ VgZV# LZY" I]jgh Vi &% VcY &&! bjh^X l^i] B^hh @^iin# *" +# ;g^ Vi &&! VfjVg^jb [ZZY^c\# 6Yb^hh^dc/ -" &%# 7Vn 6gZV 9^hXdkZgn BjhZjb! ;dgi 7V`Zg! **, BXGZncdaYh GY! HVjhVa^id# )&*#((.#(.%%#
Cdgi]lZhi GZ\^dcVa A^WgVgn
7ZakZYZgZ"I^Wjgdc A^WgVgn
Bdc Vi &%/(%! egZhX]dda hidgni^bZ# Cdgi]lZhi GZ\^dcVa A^WgVgn! &*% 8dYY^c\idlc 8ZciZg! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*)+#''+*#
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BjhZjb BdcYVnh
EZiVajbV A^WgVgn IjZh Vi &%! hidgni^bZ [dg V\Zh i]gZZ id [^kZ# LZY Vi &%! WVWni^bZ0 Vi ,! ZkZc^c\ eV_VbV hidgni^bZ ^c HeVc^h] VcY :c\a^h]# ;g^ Vi &%! hidgni^bZ [dg idYYaZgh# HVi Vi )! eVgZci"X]^aY gZVY^c\ \gdje [dg hZXdcY" VcY i]^gY"\gVYZgh# EZiVajbV A^WgVgn! &%% ;V^g\gdjcYh 9g! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+(#.-%&#
G^cXdc KVaaZn A^WgVgn
9DBC 3D2:H The Bodega Seafood Art and Wine Festival promises a great time and benefits the Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods. See Events, p45.
LZY Vi &%/(%! hidgni^bZ [dg idYYaZgh0 Vi &&/(%! [dg egZhX]ddaZgh# ;gZZ# G^cXdc KVaaZn A^WgVgn! +.*. BdciZX^id 7akY! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*(,#%&+'#
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KVXX^cZh [dg 8]^aYgZc Egd\gVb ;gZZ kVXX^cZh [dg X]^aYgZc VcY ndjc\
7gZV`[Vhi l^i] :cod 7g^c\ XaVee^c\ ]VcYh! h^c\^c\ kd^XZh! YVcX^c\ [ZZi VcY WgZV`[Vhi [dg lZZ`an [Vb^an bjh^X h]dl# Hjc Vi &% VcY &&# B^aa KVaaZn <da[ 8ajW]djhZ! '+, 7jZcV K^hiV! B^aa KVaaZn# )&*#+*'#'),)#
8dgiZ BVYZgV A^WgVgn LZY Vi &% VcY &&! egZhX]dda hidgni^bZ# 8dgiZ BVYZgV A^WgVgn# ,%, BZVYdlhlZZi 9g! 8dgiZ BVYZgV# ,%,#.')#+)))#
;V^g[Vm A^WgVgn IjZh Vi HVi Vi &&! hidgni^bZ [dg V\Zh i]gZZ VcY je# ;V^g[Vm A^WgVgn! '%., H^g ;gVcX^h 9gV`Z 7akY! ;V^g[Vm# )&*#)*(#-%.'#
C6E6 8DJCIN 6bZg^XVc 8Vcndc A^WgVgn EgZhX]dda hidgni^bZ! IjZh Vi &%/(%#
8Va^hid\V A^WgVgn
8Vgdanc EVgg CVijgZ 8ZciZg AZVgc VWdji CVeV 8djcin ]VW^iVih VcY W^gYh d[ egZn i]gdj\] idjgh! Y^dgVbVh! \VbZh! ]VcYh"dc VXi^k^i^Zh VcY Wdd`h# ;gZZ# 8Vgdanc EVgg CVijgZ 8ZciZg BjhZjb! LZhilddY =^aah EVg`! (&%, 7gdlch KVaaZn GY! CVeV# ,%,#'**#+)+*#
CVeV BV^c A^WgVgn Hidgni^bZ [dg Vaa V\Zh l^i] Ă&#x2020;A^WgVgn <gVcYeVgZci!Ă&#x2021; Bdc Vi (! IjZh"LZY Vi &! [^ghi VcY i]^gY HVi Vi '! Hjc Vi '# ;gZZ# CVeV BV^c A^WgVgn! *-% 8ddbWh Hi! CVeV# ,%,#'*(#)%,%#
Hi =ZaZcV A^WgVgn Bdc Vi ,! [gZZ [^ab hZg^Zh# IjZh Vi &%/(%! LZY Vi cddc VcY ;g^ Vi &%! hidgn VcY XgV[i i^bZ# Hi =ZaZcV A^WgVgn! &).' A^WgVgn AVcZ! Hi =ZaZcV# ,%,#.+(#*'))#
Ndjcik^aaZ A^WgVgn Hidgni^bZ l^i] Ă&#x2020;A^WgVgn <gVcYeVgZci!Ă&#x2021; IjZh Vi '/(%# ;gZZ# Ndjcik^aaZ A^WgVgn! +*)- Ndjci Hi! Ndjcik^aaZ# ,%,#.))#&---#
Lectures HDCDB6 8DJCIN <gdl 8a^c^X LZZ`an bZY^X^cVa \VgYZc^c\ Xa^c^X l^i] bVhiZg Xjai^kVidgh ZmeadgZh X]Vc\^c\ VcY hZVhdcVa ide^Xh ZkZgn LZY Vi +# ;gZZ# EZVXZ ^c BZY^X^cZ! +,,& HZWVhideda 6kZ! =ln &'! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'(#)'%+#
BVhiZg <VgYZcZgh Ldg`h]de HiZkZ 6aWZgi egZhZcih aZXijgZ ide^X! Ă&#x2020;I]Z 6jijbc VcY L^ciZg @^iX]Zc <VgYZc#Ă&#x2021; 6j\ '. Vi &%/(%Vb# ;gZZ# EZiVajbV A^WgVgn! &%% ;V^g\gdjcYh 9g! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+(#.-%&! Zmi *#
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HVciV GdhV 8deLViX] ;^ghi VcY i]^gY IjZh Vi ,! Y^hXjhh^dc d[ eda^XZ VXXdjciVW^a^in VcY dWhZgkVi^dc eajh `cdl"ndjg"g^\]ih igV^c^c\# ;gZZ B^cY BZY^V! *)+ EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*,.#&+%*#
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B6G>C 8DJCIN HZciZcX^c\ GZ[dgb ;g^ aZXijgZh egdk^YZ Vc dkZgk^Zl d[ hZciZcX^c\ \j^YZa^cZh VcY eda^i^XVa Xa^bViZ ^c 8Va^[dgc^V# ;gZZ# HVc FjZci^c! HiViZ Eg^hdc! HVc FjZci^c! 8Vaa id ViiZcY# )&*#)**#*%%-#
C6E6 8DJCIN 8VcXZg 8dccZXi^dc ;ZZa lZaa! ZcZg\Zi^X VcY ]ZVai]n Yjg^c\ V XVcXZg _djgcZn ^c lZZ`an Ygde"^c ^c[dgbVi^dcVa hjeedgi egd\gVb ZkZgn LZY Vi cddc# ;gZZ# E]VgbVXV >ciZ\gVi^kZ E]VgbVXn! )%'% 7Za 6^gZ EaVoV! CVeV# ,%,#'*(#%.,%#
Readings HDCDB6 8DJCIN EZiVajbV 8deeZg[^ZaYĂ&#x2030;h 7dd`h 6j\ '. Vi &/(%! Ă&#x2020;I]Z DgVc\Z L^gZ EgdWaZb VcY Di]Zg IVaZh [gdb i]Z 9dXidgĂ&#x2030;h D[[^XZĂ&#x2021; l^i] 9Vk^Y LViih# &)% @ZcijX`n Hi! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+'#%*+(#
EZiVajbV 6gih 8ZciZg 6j\ '. Vi '! Ă&#x2020;I]Z EZiVajbV VcY HVciV GdhV GV^alVnĂ&#x2021; l^i] ?d]c VcY 8]g^hi^cV HX]bVaZ# '(% AV`Zk^aaZ Hi Vi :Vhi LVh]^c\idc! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,++#*'%%#
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B6G>C 8DJCIN 7dd` EVhhV\Z 6j\ '+ Vi ,! Ă&#x2020;Bnhi^X 8ddaĂ&#x2021; l^i] 9dc <dZlZn# 6j\ ', Vi +! Ă&#x2020;I]Z LdgaYĂ&#x2021; l^i] ?Vc Bdgg^h# 6j\ '. Vi &! Ă&#x2020;I]Z 7ZiiZgE]did <j^YZ id :medhjgZĂ&#x2021; l^i] HZVc 6gWVW^0 Vi '! Ă&#x2020;I]Z E]^adhde]^XVa 7VWn/ L]Vi 8]^aYgZcĂ&#x2030;h B^cYh IZaa Jh 6Wdji Igji]! AdkZ! VcY i]Z BZVc^c\ d[ A^[ZĂ&#x2021; l^i] 6a^hdc <dec^`0 Vi ,! Ă&#x2020;LZhi BVg^c GZk^ZlĂ&#x2021; l^i] Xdcig^Wjidgh VcY E]^a^e ;gVY`^c# *& IVbVa K^hiV 7akY! 8dgiZ BVYZgV# )&*#.',#%.+%#
;Va`^g` 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg ;djgi] I]jgh bdci]an! BVg^c EdZign 8ZciZg ]dhih deZc gZVY^c\ VcY ldg`h]deh# ;gZZ# lll#bVg^cedZignXZciZg#dg\# &)%- B^hh^dc 6kZ! HVc GV[VZa#
C6E6 8DJCIN 8Va^hid\V 8deeZg[^ZaYĂ&#x2030;h 7dd`h 6j\ '. Vi &! Ă&#x2020;>Ă&#x2030;aa CZkZg ;dg\Zi NdjĂ&#x2021; l^i] 8]VgaZh Jg^WZ# &((% A^cXdac 6kZ! 8Va^hid\V# ,%,#.)'#&+&+#
Theater HDCDB6 8DJCIN 6alVnh! EVihn 8a^cZ =ZVgi[Zai igjZ hidgn d[ ede"Xdjcign
h^c\ZgĂ&#x2030;h YZZe VcY VW^Y^c\ [g^ZcYh]^e l^i] ]Zg [Vc Adj^hZ HZ\Zg gZijgch id HdcdbV 8djcin# 6j\ '-"(% VcY HZe (! *"+! &%"&( Vi ,/(%0 6j\ (% VcY HZe +! &( Vi '# '-" (*# 8^ccVWVg I]ZViZg! (((( EZiVajbV 7akY C! EZiVajbV# ,%,#,+(#-.'%#
6gi >h BZY^X^cZ 7^a^c\jVa igVkZa^c\ W^XnXaZ h]dl ^cXajYZh Vc VYVeiVi^dc d[ <VgX^V BVgfjZoĂ&#x2030;h Ă&#x2020;6 KZgn DaY BVc l^i] :cdgbdjh L^c\hĂ&#x2021; eZg[dgbZY l^i] idn i]ZViZgh VcY ejeeZih# I]gdj\] 6j\ '.0 ;g^"HVi Vi - VcY Hjc Vi '# -" &*# I]Z >bV\^c^hih I]ZVigZ 8daaZXi^kZ! )+& HZWVhideda 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#*'-#,**)#
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GZbZbWZg BZ Id HdbZdcZ =jbVcZ HaVj\]iZg 6Xih EZg[dgbVcXZ ;Zhi^kVa egZhZcih V ]Va[ YVn d[ ZmeZg^bZciVa a^kZ eZg[dgbVcXZh VcY Vgi Zm]^W^i^dc# 6j\ '.! (/(% id +# ;gZZ# HaVj\]iZg]djhZ HeVXZ! '-% 8]^fj^iV GY! =ZVaYhWjg\# lll#haVj\]iZg]djhZheVXZ#Xdb#
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IVb^c\ d[ i]Z H]gZl 6kVadc EaVnZgh egZhZci XaVhh^X H]V`ZheZVgZVc eaVn l^i]^c V eaVn# I]gdj\] HZe +0 ;g^"HVi Vi ,0 heZX^Va Hjc eZg[dgbVcXZ HZe + Vi ,# &%" '%# <jcYaVX] 7jcYhX]j L^cZgn! '%%% 9ZcbVg` Hi! HdcdbV# lll# hdcdbVh]V`ZheZVgZ#Xdb#
I]gZZ Bjh`ZiZZgh HZWVhideda H]V`ZheZVgZ ;Zhi^kVa Xdci^cjZh l^i] i^bZaZhh hlVh]WjX`a^c\ VYkZcijgZ Wn 6aZmVcYgZ 9jbVh# I]gdj\] 6j\ (%0 I]jgh"Hjc Vi ,0 I]jgh ^h Ă&#x2020;eVn l]Vi ndj XVcĂ&#x2021; c^\]i# &-" '(0 jcYZg &'! [gZZ# >kZh EVg`! L^aadl
HigZZi VcY ?ZlZaa 6kZcjZ! HZWVhideda# ,%,#-'(#%&,,#
IlZa[i] C^\]i CVggdl LVn HiV\Z 8d egZhZci Vc djiYddg eZg[dgbVcXZ d[ L^aa^Vb H]V`ZheZVgZĂ&#x2030;h XaVhh^X XdbZYn d[ b^hiV`Zc ^YZci^i^Zh! WZl^aYZg^c\ YZh^gZh! egVXi^XVa _d`Zh VcY g^WVaY gZkZagn Y^gZXiZY Wn @Zk^c 7dgY^# 6j\ ',"(% Vi -0 I]jgh ^h Ă&#x2020;eVn l]Vi ndj XVcĂ&#x2021; c^\]i# &*" '%# <aVhZg 8ZciZg! *), BZcYdX^cd 6kZ! HVciV GdhV# ,%,#(',#,(%)#
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B6G>C 8DJCIN ?ja^jh 8VZhVg HdbZ d[ VcX^Zci GdbZĂ&#x2030;h \gZViZhi eZghdcVa^i^Zh XdbZ id a^[Z ^c V hidgn d[ adnVain VcY VbW^i^dc! eda^i^Xh VcY eZghdcVa^in# I]gdj\] HZe '+# &*" (%# ;dgZhi BZVYdlh 6be]^i]ZVigZ! 9db^c^XVc Jc^kZgh^in! HVc GV[VZa# )&*#)..#))--#
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I]Z 7D=:B>6CĂ&#x2030;h XVaZcYVg ^h egdYjXZY Vh V hZgk^XZ id i]Z Xdbbjc^in# >[ ndj ]VkZ Vc ^iZb [dg i]Z XVaZcYVg! hZcY ^i Wn Z"bV^a id XVaZcYVg5Wd]Zb^Vc#Xdb! dg bV^a ^i id/ CDGI= 76N 7D=:B>6C! -), ;^[i] Hi! HVciV GdhV 86 .*)%)# EaZVhZ 9D CDI H:C9 Z"bV^a ViiVX]bZcih# I]Z 7D=:B>6C ^h cdi gZhedch^WaZ [dg e]didh# :kZcih Xdhi^c\ bdgZ i]Vc (* bVn WZ l^i]]ZaY# 9ZVYa^cZ ^h ' lZZ`h eg^dg id YZh^gZY ejWa^XVi^dc YViZ#
8/22/09 5:18 PM
DA Bishop Paintings August 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sept. 27, 2009 Artist Reception: Saturday August 22, 4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6pm
5>67403B D=8C4
6671 Front St/Hwy 116 â&#x20AC;˘ Downtown Forestville 707-887-0799 â&#x20AC;˘ 11-6 Thursâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Mon (closed Tues & Weds) quicksilvermineco.com
KFOG faves Luce perform at Napaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Blues, Brews & BBQ event on Aug. 29. See Events, p45. THE BOHEMIAN
C. Donatiello Winery
Live from the Middle Reach 2009 Summer Music Series “SUPERB!” -Gretchen Giles Bohemian.com
Barba shassus
Allison scull & Victor Martin
9-13 Troubaduo
Chris O’Brien
9-20 The Hellhounds 8-30
9-27 Dani Paige Band
with special guests:
Ian Ball of Gomez, and sara Barielles
All Shows Sundays 1-4pm C. Donatiello Winery 4035 Westside Road Healdsburg, CA 707.431.4442 www.cdonatiello.com
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For customer service, email bohemian@ placepersonal.com, or call 1-617-450-8773 LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GO OUT & HAVE FUN! Honest woman, 50s, very caring, compassionate, kind, my interests are long drives, walks, dancing, visiting new places, dinners. Seeking nice SM, 50s-60s, for LTR. 297169
Women Seeking Men
YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE Hard-working woman, 30ish, motivated, bright, caring, enjoys the beach, exercise, walks, outdoor fun, reading. Seeking caring man, 30s, for serious LTR. 297170
MUST BE SINCERE SF, 59, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 115lbs, redhead, Christian, likes dining, good conversation. Seeking SM, 45-60, who is very romantic and ready for a relationship. 297397
SHEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A LADY Attractive SWF, 69, seeks gentleman, 65-75, for friendship and companionship. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s talk and see what develops! 305310
LOCAL GAL WF looking for someone fun, nice, loyal, honest and intelligent who likes good conversation, wine tasting, art, barbecues, camping, hanging out at home and more. 40-55. 306414
ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TIME Spiritual SWF, young 70s, petite, professional, employed, kids grown, ISO a ďŹ ne, grounded gentleman, 65-70, for possible LTR. 240656
LADY PLAYS THE BLUES Slender, feminine, pretty and youthful SWF, 50+, enjoys music, dining out, travel, nature. Would like to meet a genuinely nice, good-looking SM, 45+, N/S, with sense of humor, who is socially and ďŹ nancially secure, for dating, fun, friendship and more. 303711
1949 CLASSIC SWF, tall, slender, active, enjoys swimming, bicycling, mysteries, hiking, cooking, barbecuing, symphony. Seeking well-mannered, caring S/ DWM, 50-60, N/S, N/D, N/Drugs, with similar interests, for friendship and companionship. 415313
LOOKING FOR A FRIEND SAF, 48, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, looking for a friend who will eventually become my partner in life. 318943
A BIG HEART Caring, loving SF, 39, enjoys movies, the outdoors, travel. Looking for SW/ HM, 39-50, for friendship, maybe more. 305007
SOLO IN SANTA ROSA Still looking for lips of wine. SWF, 60, likes working out, open mic night, social life, some sports. Looking for a male friend. 152766
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEET AND TALK SWF, 39, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, loves music, dancing. Looking for a social SWM, mid 40s, for friendship ďŹ rst. 318133
NEW TO THE AREA Beautiful SWF, 40, full-ďŹ gured, would like to meet an intelligent, cosmopolitan gentleman, 50-75, for fun, romance and travel. 286108
ADVENTUROUS WOMAN Attractive, creative, and energetic lady looking for warm-hearted, compatible seeker, 65-70, with good SOH, for dating, possible relationship. 300201
EDUCATED WOMAN SWF, in her 40s, N/S, seeks gentleman, 40-50, for friendship and LTR. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meet and talk! 300135
GOOD VALUES Caring, personable, compassionate, classy, hard-working female, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, reading, museums, dining, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, possibly more. 309780
TRADITIONAL VALUES SAF, 60, petite, very healthy, very active, secured, honest, sincere, hard-working, likes gardening, cooking, reading, home stuff, occasional drives to the countryside. Seeking SWM, 60-75, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clean-cut, N/S, N/D, with similar qualities, for friendship ďŹ rst, possible LTR. 313785
PETITE BLONDE Educated and attractive, down-toearth WF would like to meet someone who shares some of my interests like metal music, concerts, learning and more. If you have an open mind, I deďŹ nitely want to hear from your. 3550. 314433
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEET FOR DINNER SWF, 49, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, H/W proportionate, blondish-brown layered hair, big blue eyes, down-to-earth, mellow, nice, kind, sweet, considerate, laidback, seeks SM, 35-55, who has a good sense of humor. I enjoy cats, beaches, hiking, camping, movies. 310278
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TALK! SF, 50ish, caring, honest, creative, good values, likes music, dancing, walks, the beach, dining out. Seeking nice gentleman, 56-64, for possible LTR. 297154
SWEEP ME OFF MY FEET! SF, 50ish, sincere, kind personality, adaptable, likes music, hiking, outdoors, dancing. Seeking nice gentleman, for friendship ďŹ rst and maybe more. 297158
HEY THERE! Caring woman, 50s, bright, artistic, classy, enjoys music, shopping, traveling, television. ISO nice, similar guy for casual dating, possible LTR. 297160
HELLO THERE! Feminine woman, healthy, compassionate, artistic, likes dancing, walks, reading, traveling. Seeking similar man, 50-69, for LTR. 297161
YOU FOUND ME! SF, 40ish, bright, hard-working, kind, enjoys reading, long drives, coffee shops, traveling. ISO nice gentleman, 30-49, for dating and maybe more. 297165
Call costs $2.19/min. Must be 18+
TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Ambitious woman, 40s, very caring and pleasant personality, likes music, camping, biking, outdoor activities, reading. Seeking similar gentleman, 40s, for friendship and more. 297166
OPTIMISTIC Friendly, ambitious, adaptable, outdoorsy, personable female, 50s, enjoys museums, dining, travel, coffee shops, the beach, taking walks. Seeking SM, 60s, for friendship and casual dating. 299370
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;M THE ONE FOR YOU! Goal-oriented woman, 40s, enjoys exercise, outdoors, traveling, shopping. ISO similar gentleman, 30-49, for dating, friendship and more. 297184
WOMAN WITH GOOD VALUES Friendly, caring, honest, compassionate, classy lady, 20s, wants to meet a man in his 20s for camping, shopping, travel, dining, long drives and walks, and more! Friendship possibly leading to more. 299374
CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! Very kind, feminine lady, 50s, healthy, hard-working, likes dining out, traveling, exercise. Seeking nice gentleman, in his 50s, to share friendship and LTR. 297187
LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MEET FOR DINNER Caring, honest, ďŹ&#x201A;exible, compassionate woman, 60s, loves dancing, travel, reading, dining out. Seeking similar man, 60s, for LTR. 301189
CAPTIVATING Sophisticated, outdoorsy, friendly, mischievous SF, 50s, likes hiking, kayaking, taking walks. In search of SM, 50-70, for LTR. 301203
GOOD VALUES Shy, friendly, caring, compassionate SF, 60s, nurturing, motivated, enjoys walks, the beach, coffee shops, biking, dining, seeks similar man, 60+, for friendship leading to LTR. 301544
PERSONABLE Compassionate, bright, friendly female, 40s, likes music, dancing, dining, biking, coffee shops. Seeking similar male, 50s, for LTR. 302304
SHY AND ARTISTIC Single female in her 50s looking for a male who enjoys music, television. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meet and see if we connect! 308997
CHANCES ARE SF, 50s, RN, healthy, good values, hard-working, likes outdoors, traveling, reading, dining out, biking. Seeking honest gentleman, 55-75, for friendship and more. 297193
LOOKING FOR LTR Friendly, feminine, nurturing, captivating, bright, personable woman in her 50s who enjoys night clubs, television, dining, dancing, surďŹ ng, music, seeks similar male, 40-60, for LTR. 301191
SEARCH NO FURTHER Sweet single lady, 50s, feminine, sophisticated, optimistic, hard-working, enjoys shopping, tv programs, movies, traveling, reading, quiet nights at home. ISO similar man, 50-59, for serious LTR. 297196
OUTDOORSY Bright, compassionate, honest, friendly, adaptable woman, 50s, seeks SM, 40-60, who enjoys dining, dancing, beaches, taking walks, for casual dating or LTR. 301192
FRIENDS OR MORE Nurturing, artistic, bright, hard-working, compassionate, feminine female in her 50s, enjoys music, dancing, travel, the beach, kayaking, dining, taking walks. Seeking male, 50-69, for friendship with the possibility of more. 309768
HONESTY A MUST Hard-working, honest, optimistic, nurturing, ďŹ&#x201A;exible, motivated SF, 50s, likes biking, the beach, travel, dancing, hiking, reading, music, seeks similar man, 50s, who is ready for LTR. 301198
ONE HONEST WOMAN LEFT Bright SF, 60s, with good values, ďŹ&#x201A;exible and honest, likes reading, camping, travel, taking walks. Seeking similar male, 50-69, for friendship, casual relationship, possible LTR. 309769
CARING AND COMPASSIONATE Friendly, adaptable, outdoorsy, caring, healthy SF, 40s, likes dancing, travel, dining, hiking, the beach. Seeking SM, 30-50, for casual dating possibly leading to LTR. 299368
VERY PERSONABLE Motivated, bright, artistic, hardworking, health-conscious female, 50s, personable and ďŹ&#x201A;exible, seeks male, age open, who likes museums, travel, long drives, camping, hiking. 309770
LOOKING FOR LTR Outdoorsy, health-minded, cleancut, honest woman in her 30s, who enjoys biking, dining, shopping, the beach, hiking, taking walks, wants to meet a male in his 30s for LTR. 309772
CAPTIVATING! Adorable, hard-working, classy female, 50s, enjoys museums, shopping, travel, coffee shops, the beach. Seeking SM, 50s, for friendship, casual relationship, or LTR. 309776
A CARING HEART Outdoorsy, ďŹ&#x201A;exible, nurturing, feminine woman, 50s, likes camping, long drives, travel, coffee shops, taking walks. Seeking male, 40-59, for LTR. 309777
WAITING ARMS Caring, educated, honest, optimistic, hard-working SF, 30s, enjoys travel, dining out, long drives, the beach, reading, walks, hiking, music and more. Would like to meet like-minded man, 30-40, for LTR. 313123
TAKE A CHANCE ON ME Motivated, outdoorsy, honest, healthconscious woman, with good values and optimistic attitude, likes most kinds of music, dining out, walks, camping, travel and relaxing time at home. Seeking a nice, honest, active man, 30-40, with similar interests, to spend time with, possible leading to LTR. 313124
MANY FINE QUALITIES Caring, outdoorsy, honest, artistic, hard-working SF, early 50s, optimistic homebody with good values, has many interests including music, dining out, museums, travel, long drives, reading, walks, camping, biking and more. Looking for an honest, downto-earth SM, 50-70, for friendship and dating ďŹ rst, possibly leading to something more serious. 313126
ADORABLE AND BRIGHT Caring, friendly, goal-oriented, feminine, honest, compassionate woman, 60s, likes travel, exercise, music, hiking, long drives, dining out, the beach, reading and more. Seeking a great companion, 50-70, to share these activities and quiet times with. 313128
COMPASSIONATE Friendly, honest, artistic, outdoorsy, caring SF, 30s, likes watching tv, dancing, the beach, travel, walks, music, hiking, museums, dining out, more. Searching for a partner in life, 30-50, for possible LTR. 313131
LIKE GOING OUT? Honest, goal-oriented personable, artistic, sophisticated, hardworking SF would like to meet a SM, 40-60, who enjoys travel, walks, the beach, music, reading, camping, long drives, museums, tv, dining out, dancing and more. Seeking LTR. 313138
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SEEKING LTR Honest, compassionate, artistic, friendly, goal-oriented, caring SF, 50s, health-minded with good values, into music, the beach, dancing, tv, travel, museums, walks, reading and more. Would like to meet SM, around the same age, for companionship. 313139
LIKE PBS? Personable, caring, goal-oriented friendly, artistic, compassionate woman, with good values, likes coffee shops, music, reading, walks, travel, dancing, dining out and more. Looking for honest, respectful man, 50-70, for LTR. 313143
SEEKING AN OPEN MIND SBM, 33, 250lbs, smoker, enjoys cars, long walks, working out. Looking for SF, 20-65, kids ok, for possible relationship. 304990
PACIFIC NORTHWEST Casual guy, enjoys mountain and beach trips, walks, outdoors, moonlit nights, cuddling. Seeking SWF, 40-56, slim/medium build, to come spend quiet times in PaciďŹ c Northwest. 954499
SHARED JOY SWM, 59, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;9â&#x20AC;?, 160lbs, nice-looking, with good SOH, seeking woman to have fun with, race/age unimportant. I like dancing, partying, shows and dining out. Call me! 972627
ONE GOOD MAN LEFT SHM, 32, N/S, likes soccer, running. In search of SA/BF for friendship ďŹ rst possibly leading to more. 319059
SOMEONE LIKE ME SWM, youthful 51, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 200lbs, dark hair, hazel eyes, looking for a lady, 40-59, who likes to party, is outgoing, adventurous. 319319
LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, ďŹ nancially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315052
HOPE TO FIND YOU Sociable, good-hearted, compassionate, healthy gentleman, 63, published writer/poet, D/D-free, non-drinker, enjoys quiet times, home, sports, simple times. Seeking loving, happy, intelligent woman to share life, love, possible LTR. Bay Area preferred. 224839
LOOK NO FURTHER SWM, 30, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, looking for a woman, 30-40, who wants to hang out and get to know each other. 317907
COMPASSIONATE SM, 60s, with good values, likes camping, dancing, dining, reading, hiking, walking, biking. Looking for SF, 50s, for LTR. 318320
Men Seeking Women CALL ME! SM, 40, looking for SF, over 55, for friendship and companionship ďŹ rst. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s talk and get to know each other! 292779
HANDSOME BM... 65, seeks female for fun-loving adventures and relaxation. I love cooking, surprises, and giving gifts. 302811
LONG HAIR A PLUS Good-looking Native American male, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;8â&#x20AC;?, 220lbs, long hair, in search of a Hispanic or Native American woman, 50s, for friendship ďŹ rst and companionship. 304173
COOKING FOR YOU! SWM, 62, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;10â&#x20AC;?, 170lbs, N/S, light drinker, clean shaven, hazel eyes, self-employed, loves cooking, jazz and traveling. Seeking a similar woman, 50-80, race unimportant, for possible LTR. 318883
JUST MOVED HERE SWM, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 190lbs, brown eyes, wants to meet soulmate in similar SF, 30-55. I love swing dancing, travel, gourmet cooking, animals, nature. 305800
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Men Seeking Women HOLLYWOOD STAR! Handsome dude, 57, good SOH, interesting, spontaneous, fun, adventuresome, looking for attractive woman. I enjoy dancing, concerts, dining out, hiking, beach combing and holding hands also loves animals, dogs, cats and horses. Happy trails! 201639
SPECIAL WOMAN SM, 48, black hair, brown eyes, very outgoing, great personality, likes photography, basketball, music, travel. I’m looking for a woman who’s interested in dating and possibly more. 287933
PERSONABLE Shy SM, 50s, with good values, likes long drives, hiking, walking, travel, dining out. Looking for similar female, 40-60, ready for LTR. 301538
LOVES HORSES Healthy senior WM, 165lbs, N/S, loves animals, especially horses, theater, PBS. Seeking slender female for romance. 302170
ARE YOU THE ONE? Bright, artistic, caring, flexible, adorable guy, 50s, likes music, dancing, travel, the beach, dining out. Looking for similar female. 302306
LET’S HAVE FUN! SHM, 34, N/S, no children, looking for a SH/WF, 24-32, for dating, possibly more. 302392
FUN, INTROSPECTIVE SWM, 52, 6’4’’, in good shape, likes classic movies, reading, hiking, classical music, sailing, the outdoors, travel, the symphony. Looking for SF, 22-50, similar interests. 301801
FRIEND LOVER SOULMATE SWPJM, 56, 5’10”, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, kind, passionate, artistic, sincere, committed and fun, enjoys ocean walks, travel, arts, food, wine andnature. Seeking SF, 50-62, kindred spirit, kind, soft, sensuous, for life’s adventures together. 309779
LOOKING FOR A SF WHO... is independent, confident and takes care of herself. I like good movies, dressing up for a nice dinner out, skiing, bike rides, hiking, scuba diving, swing dancing, cooking. I’m an honest person who doesn’t believe in playing games. 301540
GET TO KOW ME SBM, 53, 6’1”, 190lbs, looking for a fun, loving woman, 25-65, with a good personality, who likes having a good time, the beach, horseback riding, movies, walks and more. 314332
READY FOR LTR Shy, friendly, caring, clean-cut, classy SM, 50s, enjoys music, camping, travel, long drives, hiking, beaches, seeks similar woman, 30-50, for LTR. 302300
LET’S SHARE IDEAS Caring gentleman, 60s, intelligent, good morals, clean-cut, likes outdoors, traveling, hiking, reading, ISO nice woman, 50-60, for friendship leading to LTR. 297183
LOOKING FOR LTR Hard-working, healthy, personable, honest, compassionate man, 40s, likes camping, travel, hiking, long drives, beaches. In search of similar female, 30s, for friendship leading to LTR. 302302
THIS ONE’S FOR YOU Single male, in my 40s, honest, goaloriented, caring, outdoorsy, enjoys outdoor walks, long drives, art museums, traveling. ISO similar single female, 18-49, for dating leading to LTR. 297225
THOUGHTFUL, ROMANTIC Warm, sweet, affectionate, handicapped guy, loves humor, cuddling. Sweet-hearted, genuinely nice guy with fun attitude, easy-going, creative, silly, great sense of humor, very goofy at times, animal-lover, loves movies, music, museums and travel. Seeking female to share all my interests with. 315225
LET’S MEET FOR COFFEE SM, 20s, bright, artistic, ambitious, optimistic, personable, likes dining, travel, the beach, walking, exercise. Seeking female, 20s, for possible relationship. 318319
STARTING OVER Separated WM, loves hockey, the outdoors, golf, staying in and watching movies, gardening and more. Would like to meet someone fun who wants to enjoy life. Call me and lift my spirits. 282029
LOOKING FOR LTR SM, 31, outdoorsy, honest, compassionate, seeks SF, 22-35, who enjoys travel, television, camping, taking walks, the beach and more. 301200
GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR SWM, 59, 5’11’’, 180lbs, non-smoker, blue eyes, sandy brown hair, enjoys fishing, beaches, dining out and more. Seeking female, 55-65, for possible relationship. 309857
SOPHISTICATED Caring, compassionate, hard-working, goal-oriented, artistic SM, 40s, likes camping, dancing, travel. Searching for similar male, 30s, for LTR. 301536
SOMETIMES MISCHIEVOUS Optimistic, honest, clean-cut, caring, outdoorsy man, 50s, likes music, walks, long drives, running, watching tv, museums, dining out. Seeking SF, 50s, for companionship. 313135
FRIENDSHIP FIRST Caring, honest, nurturing SM, 60s, enjoys music, watching tv, walks, camping, coffee shops, hiking and museums. Looking for SF, 30-70, for dating possibly leading to LTR. 313144
LTR AND LOVE IN BOOTS Italian Taurus, SM, 45, 6’, 218lbs, N/S, N/Drugs, N/D, long hair, educated, published, financially/emotionally secure, respectful, inspiring, tender, great sense of humor, enjoys alternative music, dancing, movies, animals, cooking, conversation, mountains. Seeking thin, dancing SWF, 18-33, in boots for LTR. 315055
Men Seeking Men LOOKING FOR LOVE Seeking one man to love and care for completely and forever. Me: SBM, 50ish, affectionate, supportive, genuine, lots to offer. You: just be yourself, imperfect, mature older man, 70-90, with some humor, some laughter. Are you the one? 299175
COMPASSIONATE GUY Hard-working, classy, clean-cut, caring, honest male in search of a male, 58-69, who likes night clubs, television, travel, dancing, the beach, taking walks, exercise. 308996
GOOD HEART SEEKS SAME GWPF, young 53, tall, slim build, attractive, great SOH, femme/tom boyish, loves music, animals, outdoors, cooking and laughter. Seeking GPF, 45-65, for dating and more. 296665
SHARE MY WORLD Slender, athletic SF, 67, 5’6’’, registered nurse with a Master’s in Theology, loves hiking, swimming, museums, movies, cooking. Looking for SF, 55-68, for possible relationship. 301780
WHERE ARE YOU? You are 35-45, very feminine, dark, mystical, spiritual, with a sense of humor, know what you like, and want to enjoy life, but not alone. I’m trying to find you, where are you? 310085
NATURE LOVER Health-conscious, honest, wise, spiritual, artistic, friendly female, 50s, enjoys philosophy, psychology, walking, reading, the beach. Searching for similar female, 50s, for long-term relationship. 302296
LOOKING FOR YOU SWF, 41, Santa Rosa area, looking for a SWF, 30-45, to hang out and have fun with. 318644
READY FOR FUN? SWM, 30, feminine bottom, looking for a top WM, 20-60, for good times and fun. Let’s see where it goes! 311892
SHE-MALE SEEKS GOOD TIMES Want to spend time with a man or a woman. I am very affectionate, beautiful, and love to be held. Interested? 279657
KEEP IT DISCREET WF, 30s, dark/dark, light complexion, fun-loving, bi-curious, seeks discreet female, 28-55, to have fun and party with. 314779
WHATEVER YOU DECIDE! SM, 5’11’’, 170lbs, light brown hair, blue eyes, athletic build, shaved, smooth and sexy, well-endowed, into a wide variety of pleasures. Anything goes; role play, fantasy fulfillment, toys, porn, lingerie. Seeking couples and females to party and play. 316161
Alternative Lifestyles STRAIGHTFORWARD FUN SWM, 39, looking for SF, 18-50, who likes to try new things and isn’t afraid of having a little fun! 304707
HOT COUPLES DESIRED Handsome, easygoing, discreet, polite gentleman, 57, enjoys couples. I am a WM, 6’, 190lbs, athletic build, well hung and Bi. I also like dominant women. 232423
SPANK YOU VERY MUCH Woman, thou shalt be spanked. Gentle or hard, clothed or naked, whatever you deserve, by a sexy man who knows how to do it. 288495
GREAT LEGS! Tall, slender cross-dresser, very nice legs, looking for men or a group of men. Give me a call, let’s have some fun! 318996
BD/SM SWM, submissive, wants one or two females or young male for BD/SM, watersports, torture, anal. Never did any of this before, but curious to try now! 319455
COUPLE SEEKS WOMAN Very attractive, middle-aged, married white couple, she’s 5’2”, 125lbs, 34D. He is 5’11”, 172lbs. Both and very sensual and she is multi-orgasmic. We are N/S, light drinkers, heal-conscious, pleasant, non-pushy. Please be N/S, H/W proportionate, white, Hispanic or Asian, under 55. Bi or bi-curious ok. Discretion assured. Let’s have fun. 314002
TURN THE TABLES Handsome, sane, married WM, 57 is looking for a woman, who knows how to use a strap on, for ongoing, mostly daytime play. I will please you in any way that you want and I take directions well. 318288
JULIE IN SAFEWAY Sebastopol 7PM, you had a flower in your hair. We talked about basil and gardens. Meet for coffee or tea? 297217
Get ready to meet someone special.
Missed Connections
CALL ME BiWM, handyman artist in Marin, 52, 5’6”, 180lbs, dirty blond hair, pale blue eyes, seeks couple or singles for fun in Marin or nearby. 293610
LET’S TALK! SWM, mid 30s, looking for discreet guys in the Larkfield area for friendship and fun. Call me! 300359
STRAIGHT/BI GUY Frustrated with different need patterns at home? Understanding older gentleman, experienced, highly discreet, will provide time-tested stress relief for men, 30-50, in good shape; HWP, extremely private setting; no reciprocation expected. Curious? 136702
SEEKING COUPLES Good-looking bi male, 50, would like to meet bi man/woman couples for erotic interlude. 319986
AMAZON KINDLE Hello, I met you Friday June 27 at the Russian River Brewing Company on Fourth St. in Santa Rosa. She may be a computer programmer from St. Helena Hospital and watched on this day 3 movies back to back in the theater on Fourth St. in the town of Santa Rosa The Love Guru by Mike Meyers, Wall-E and another film. And she sipped a little beer and read from her Amazon kindle. I would like to get in touch with this girl and ask her to edit my book. She is a perfect candidate for my book. Hope to hear from you. Phil. 274972
Women Seeking Women
JOIN US White couple looking for a female, 18-25, for fun, discreet times together. Give us a call. 311573
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?</3?22 /?2G@;F D699 .@A?<9<4F For the week of Aug. 26 6g^Zh ($'&Ä)$&. L]Vi > l^h] [dg ndj i]^h lZZ` ^h i]Vi ndj ldcÉi WZ hVi^h[^ZY l^i] bZY^dXgZ igji]h0 i]Vi ndjÉaa WZ V [jhhn eZg[ZXi^dc^hi [dXjhZY dc Xjii^c\ dji lVhiZ! [gVjY VcY YZajh^dc0 i]Vi ndjÉaa WZ ^iX]n id `cdl bdgZ VWdji i]Z jcVX`cdlaZY\ZY \VbZh i]Vi VgZ WZ^c\ eaVnZY# ;gjhigVi^dc! > ]deZ! l^aa WZ ndjg ]dan [jZa# JchlZZiZcZY aZbdcVYZ! > igjhi! l^aa WZ ndjg gZ_jkZcVi^c\ Yg^c`# I]ZhZ VgZ WaZhh^c\h! 6g^Zh! cdi XjghZh > egVn i]Vi ndjÉaa e^X` dcZ d[ ndjg hXVWh jci^a ^i WaZZYh hd i]Z ]ZVa^c\ egdXZhh XVc hiVgi dkZgÅi]Z g^\]i lVn i]^h i^bZ#
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HV\^iiVg^jh &&$''Ä&'$'& >[ Vi hdbZ [jijgZ i^bZ ndj hZaa ndjg a^[Z hidgn id V [^abbV`Zg l]d bV`Zh ^i ^cid V [ZVijgZ [^ab! ^i bVn ]VkZ V adi id Yd l^i] VYkZcijgZh i]Vi `^X` ^cid ]^\] \ZVg ^c i]Z Xdb^c\ lZZ`h# I]Z [jc l^aa hiVgi > ]deZ l]Zc ndj YZX^YZ cdi id bZgZan a^Z WVX` VcY WZ k^Xi^b^oZY Wn ndjg h^\cVijgZ eV^c Vcn adc\Zg# I]^h WgVkZ VXi l^aa gZXVa^WgViZ i]Z Xdhb^X hXVaZh VcY h]^[i i]Z XjggZcih d[ YZhi^cn i]Vi [adl i]gdj\] ndj# Hddc ndj l^aa WZ bV`^c\ egd\gZhh ^c jciVc\a^c\ V bnhiZgn i]Vi ]Vh ZajYZY ndjg ^ch^\]i [dg V adc\ i^bZ# Ndj l^aa WZ VWaZ id jcXdkZg i]Z \jVgYZY hZXgZih d[ V hdjgXZ i]Vi ]Vh [dg hdbZ i^bZ WZZc ilZV`^c\ ndjg eZghdcVa edlZg l^i]dji ndjg [jaa VlVgZcZhh#
Meet Jill • Cat of the Week
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Place your pet related ad here today! Call 707.527.1200
Hi I'm Jill. I've only got 3 and 1/2 legs but that doesn't stop me from getting around just fine - that mostly includes rolling over so my tummy can be rubbed and so you can stroke my lovely, lovely, soft fur! And I'll make you laugh every time you look at me with my silly little Groucho moustache.......I'm a keeper! To learn more about adopting Jill or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 12-6pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org
Meet Shadow • Cat of the Week
Meet Maisy • Dog of the Week
MEET SHADOW a very handsome, almost regal, black and white cat, she greets you right away when you come to visit and is quite chatty. We think she's a Buddha cat with a calm, Zen-like demeanor. Who knows what prior lives she has to tell you about. Very loving and affectionate. To learn more about adopting Shadow or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 126pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org.
HI I'M MAISY and I'm a “daisy” of a gal, a 4-year old Australian Shepard mix. I LOVE to play ball and get along really, really well with older children, just like me and can take me for long walks and runs! I'm very loving and sweet and can't wait to meet you and make my new home with you! To learn more about adopting Maisy or many other homeless animals at the Sonoma Humane Society, please visit us at 5345 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa (@ Llano Rd), open everyday from 126pm, or check us out online at www.SonomaHumane.org
The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org
The Adoption Center is open 7 days a week from 12PM - 6PM and is located at 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa (just 5 miles west of Hwy 101 @ Llano Rd) www.sonomahumane.org
To place your ad call 707.527.1200
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Joe Louvar Productions QUALITY LIVE AUDIO RECORDING 707.479.0050
If you or someone you know is being accused or charged with a crime, please do not wait to retain counsel. Contact Goebel Builders Jay Goebel, General Contractor, Lic. #812957 the Law Office of Evan E. Zelig today!
Green Earth Catering Organic and Earth friendly foods and supplies Scott Goree - Entertainment coordinator and business manager. 707.795.7358 home, 707.479.5481 cell redgore23@aol.com
Photography by Paul Burke 707.664.0178 boomburke@hotmail.com
Euro Business Solutions Exploring The Human Element in Business. Call us for a FREE, expert consultation @ 707.483.5135. Our Team Does it All; from Website to Powerful Staff Motivation. Ask About Our Stimulus Package.
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Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924
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Finding inspiration and connecting with your community
Growing Together Workshop
Ananda Seva Group Meditations: Please join us on Sundays at 6:30pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;7pm for group meditation satsuanga. Newcomers are welcome! Last Sunday of every month Ananda Seva is hosting the meeting of newly formed Sonoma Association of Teachers of Yoga and Meditation (Satyam). The next meeting will be on July 26th, 3pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;5pm. Call us if interested in joining. asm@anandaseva.org, 707.575.0886.
Transformational Meditation Uniting Body, Mind & Spirit through focused body imagery. Intro Thurs. 8/27 - 6:30pm. Classes begin 9/10. Group and private sessions available. 707-836-1046 or Email ulfduarte@yahoo.com
For new and â&#x20AC;&#x153;seasonedâ&#x20AC;? couples. Assess strengths and growth areas in your relationship, work on communication and conflict-resolution skills. Workshop held Oct 16 (7-9p) & Oct 17 (10a-4p). Register by Sep 16. Cost: $185/couple. Journey Center, Santa Rosa, 707-578-2121, More info at www.journeycenter.org
The Journey Center: Christ-centered Spirituality, Healing, & Wholeness Reading room, art gallery, prayer/ meditation gatherings, spiritual journey resources, bodywork, bookstore, free WiFi. 1601 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa. www.journeycenter.org 707.578.2121
Mahakaruna Buddhist Meditation Center
Singles Parties
Offers ongoing introductory and advanced classes. Weds at noon, Tues & Weds evenings 7:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8:45pm Prayers for World Peace, Sun, 10:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11:45am Everyone welcome 304 Petaluma Blvd., North, Petaluma www.meditationinnorcal.org
Share your organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inspiration with over 95,100 Bohemian Readers monthly!
Phone: 707.527.1200 email: sales@bohemian.com
Petaluma River Mixer
Thursday, August 27 Graffiti, 101 Second Street, Petaluma
Lock & Key Dance Saturday, August 29 Four Points by Sheraton 1010 Northgate Dr, San Rafael
Vine Tasting Party
Sunday, September 6 Vine Tastings on Old Downtown Windsor Green 9058 Windsor Rd.
Mill Valley Mixer
Thursday, September 17 7-9pm, Fratoio Ristorante 52 Shoreline Hwy, Mill Valley
CO-SPONSORED by Bohemian Romance and Society of Single Professionals INFO at www. ThePartyHotline.com or 415-507-9962
1901 CLEVELAND AVE SUITE B SANTA ROSA 707.576.0818 www.srtp.net
We provide treatment for: Oxycontin, Vicodin and Heroin utilizing replacement medications. We also treat Methamphetamine and other stimulant dependence. s 3UBUTEX 3UBOXONE AVAILABLE s 0ROVIDING 4REATMENT SINCE s #ONFIDENTIALITY ASSUREd
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Photography by Paul Burke
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Euro Business Solutions
Ananda Seva Yoga Teacher Training
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Green Earth Catering
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Browse, Test Drive,
on not on drugs
Serenity Yoga Teacher Training
We Buy! 208 Davis St., Railroad Square btwn 3rd & 4th, Santa Rosa. Hours Tu-Sat 11-7PM,Su 12-4PM (707) 546-4021.
Deepen your practice & experience yogic life. 200/500 Hrs Cert. YA approved school. www.anandaseva.org or 707-575-0886
SANTA ROSA TREATMENT PROGRAM 1901 Cleveland Ave Suite B, Santa Rosa 707-576-0818 www.srtp.net 20% Off Any Haircut, Perm or Color Services Special Effects for Hair, 1418 4th St., SR 707-528-6271
Medical Marijuana Certifications
s Heroin/Opiate (Vicodin, Oxycontin) detox and maintenance utilizing Methadone s Methamphetamine and other stimulant treatment
Organic and Earth friendly foods and supplies Scott Goree - Entertainment coordinator and business manager. 707.795.7358 home, 707.479.5481 cell, redgore23@aol.com
Golden Star Grafix Need a quality designer? Business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, digital collage, cd covers, photographic restoration, general marketing materials. Mark Schaumann 707.795.0924
Santa Rosa Plumbing Water Conservation Experts. Friendly, Honest Service. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. License #871026
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Joe Louvar Productions
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